#ppl never bring it up unless i explicitly say im not ok can i talk to someone
what i fucking hate about anxiety is that you can just have a random anxiety attack just! whenever!!!!! and then bad timing and BAM UR ENTIRE LIFES RUINED cuz now whenever ur slightly worried when before ppl wouldve been like "bro just chill out" now theyre like genuinely concerned abt u and I HATE IT SO MUCH LIKE I GENUINELY JUST WANNA PUNCH PPL IRL WHEN THEY ACT CONCERNED ABT ME especially when im having NORMAL CONCERNS abt a situation and people treat it like im gonna go off into a panic attack any second. why because ONE TIME i just randomly started like shaking and my chest got all weirdly tight and shit and it wasnt even like i was anxious at that moment and the whole time i was like "guys im chill i think i just have like too much sunburn or smth" and everyone was like "oh no hon ur having a panic attack :(" which yeah but everyone can just shut the fuck up bc i was saying out loud that i was fine and laughing it off and the entire time did not lose my goddamn composure and i think i should have the chance for literally any dignity in that respect like goddammit now i cant be like a normal anxious high school student anymore i have to be a concerning anxious high school student and i hate it so much i just i dont know what to do cuz im leaving all my best friends irl on read and i want to be able to talk to them without them getting irrationally worked up whenever im having my usual typical high schooler energy and i just right now i honestly dont want to talk to any of them ever again and i know i dont really feel that way like obviously i love them all but if they dont stop overreacting were gonna have some serious fucking problems
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