sorrelpaws · 1 year
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proper refs for my new r&m ocs :-) more info BELOW
morty v-37 - basically gets used as a human shield and then promptly left for dead by his previous rick(which is why hes got the scar and prosthetics), y-4441 finds him and fixes him up + erases his memories of the whole nearly dying thing. he’s pretty chillaxed and a bit more cynical than an average morty, more “rickish” i guess idk. tends to be skeptical, likes poking holes in rick’s arguments/inventions etc etc but like in a teasing way
rick y-4441 - very peppy, upbeat and emotional. he kind of reeaalllyyy dislikes the cfc and stays away from it as much as possible, especially after finding and unofficially adopting v-37. he’s not as tech savvy as most rick’s, his abilities are more akin to s1 rick’s skill level? as in, he lives off of scraps of materials and creative solutions, less god-like and more “old man in garage who happens to know physics and chemistry”. loves to ramble about basically anything and happily indulges in morty’s hypotheticals/questions whatever. EXCEPT! for why morty doesnt have his fingers he shuts that topic down immediately just does not want to deal with that can of worms at allll
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pepperpixel · 5 days
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The adventures of goofball mcchucklefuck part 2!!!! Aka more art of myself / evil me!!! This time featuring! More art of me going to bars! Me singing karaoke for the first time! A sketch page from when I started dating somebody off of hinge! (That didn’t end up actually going anywhere… but the arts still cute lol) and at the end me!!! Realizing my ass kicking boots were not made for walking!
Also featuring a spidersona version of myself I designed right after across the spiderverse came out… cuz I was obsessed. W that movie. And also specifically w the spot. And needed to make a version of me to shower him in love n affection lol
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shrimphearted · 9 months
Serirei as Simon and Betty?
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okay had some difficulty with this one cause i find these pairings so fundamentally different LOL but the one sundae scene was pretty good.
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ahalliance · 6 months
peoples brains are genuinely so small when it comes to the concept of gender n sexuality labels, why did i see so many people fail to understand how the doctor could POSSIBLY like both women and men (and also neither and more) yesterday . first off bisexual people exist, but also we’ve JUST come off an episode where the doctor is shown to be genderfluid non-binary, surely we can understand that their attraction is both an all encompassing and fluctuating thing as well
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hidefire · 5 months
I always feel like my blogs end up SO cluttered and I appreciate that you guys are just cool with that
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dykekakashi · 4 months
no social interaction for me today finally. literally just going to clean and write. and i might cut down the amt of social events for tmrw bc i'm realizing that as much as i want to push myself i rly just do not have the battery .... man.
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nuvomica · 1 month
sometimes i look at the whole Thing that western gay culture got goin on and just. man. none of that's for me bro idk
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pcktknife · 1 year
Back on that damn zoroark wiki page
#sigh. anways#h!zoros are said to have come back to life after death from a harsh environment which for some👏🏾reason👏🏾 i didnt register as a#u!zoro dying and coming back different (probably bc time n history why would the ancestor derive from the descendant) but its not an#ancestor its just a zoroark thats fucked up bc the region its in#additionally i didnt understand why it hated people AND pokemon (and still didnt rlly understand the ppl thing fully) but its cause they#were banished to the icelands by ppl and the pokemon there did not make it any easier so they died and came back from being so fucking Mad#and thats fucked up bc they are chill dogs!!!! so i get it id b mad too displaced by ppl u actively try to avoid and then u die in the only#place ur kinda allowed to be Plus the animals there are being jerks also ?? baneful fox is right#i feel like zoros still have a stigma abt them so i bet under the right conditions a modern zoro w the typing and nature of a hisuian one#is possible and i also wonder where the hisuian ones went cause i assume that ghost types dont die 2x and something w so much anger towards#everything its given the title of spiteful and baneful wouldnt just....go away that is a restless spirit lmao i cant imagine theyd just#move on so i like to think they r maybe just fuckin around in the mountains mostly unseen away from everything and maybe they r killin#things as just an unseen force idk i dont live in the sinnohan mountains#exhale Thats All!!!! known/common knowledge and assumed information but idc cause i wanted to talk anyways!!!#kae.txt
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cankersaurus · 7 months
Its,,, interesting when you're attraction to dennis reynolds helps you overlook the fact that him being a sexpest is integral to his character
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toxictranny · 7 days
new obsession : a blog i’ve never interacted with before has me blocked. but idky i’m obsessed because i absolutely should not care. they don’t even go here. i only found one textpost funny enough to rb and they’re not even cute. like a solid 4. plus they’re white
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stardustdiiving · 9 months
From the ship ask! What's a pairing most people seem to like in Genshin that you don't?
(ship asks prompt)
MAN OKAY I honestly could answer this with a good third of popular Genshin ships…but none of these are really solid dislikes, it’s just me feeling specific about how I like to see it executed & finding the way the fandom handles it is either unsatisfying, or generates an environment that kinda stresses me out NJDNCNC
To narrow it down to one I feel matches the question best I think I’m gonna go with Kokomi/Sara. It’s not really an active dislike or anything I promise I’m genuinely chilling. *insane person voice* but see I am just very stressed out with the in universe geo-politics happening in the background of this Genshin impact ship
I MEAN THAT IN A VERY SILLY WAY. but also I do have a genuine elaboration on what i mean which is like…how do I say this.
I really like Watasumi Island and find their existence + circumstances as a nation really interesting, especially regarding their dynamic with the Shogunate—it’s like the one part of inazuman politics that really catches my interest. But see the way I took the way the Shogunate + Watasumi dynamic was being written was specifically that Watasumi is/was suffering from colonization/imperialism at the hands of the Shogunate. I don’t see them as equal enemies on opposing sides of a conflict I’m just kind of like. Oh my god the Shogunate tries to control their primary food sources + military and after the war u see like, Gorou helping smuggle medicine and food supplies to treat their wounded war veterans bc the Shogunate is imposing high taxes on them they can’t afford to pay. The Raiden Shogun slaughtered their deity who was kind of backed into a corner on trying to secure vital resources for his people and to this day his corpse is just sitting on her territory getting ravaged and mined for weapons !! That’s crazy! I like thinking Abt that!
While I think Inazuma suffered from the writers dropping the ball with a lot of things I am generally happy this dynamic is explored/acknowledged repeatedly and Watasumi at least to me doesn’t feel like it’s constantly written in a really meanspirited and shitty way you know. Like, in the medicine supply smuggling thing i mentioned — that’s a route in Heizhou’s hangout that ends in a conclusion that something may have severely hurt the vitality of Watasumi’s land and it’s ability to provide, but that doesn’t mean they won’t survive or all hope is lost, because theres people within Watasumi who care and embody that hope and vitality within themselves and are working hard to build stability and provide for everyone. Like idk that’s really cool and I genuinely found it a really nice narrative that really makes me root for Watasumi
But then we get to Sara & Kokomi and ppl just do not talk about this dynamic between both nations at all from what I see, despite it being really relevant to the characters and in theory the appeal of the ship? And I jusurjfucn I guess it confuses me a lot bc I remember, most recently for example on the TCG event, I was so confused seeing everyone post about their interactions for days about how it was cute they were engaging in card matches together and Sara wanted to be friends…and then I played the event myself and we get this scene where Kokomi is standing off starring out at sea alone, and she talks about how she doesn’t like how she can’t see Watasumi from here, and how that was especially agonizing to experience during the war, and then gets caught up in her memories of the war and talks about how a lot of her people are still recovering from the trauma of it, and how she’s participating in this event bc she’s anxious about wanting to build good relations between the Shogunate and Watasumi so her nation doesn’t suffer more in the future AND IM JUST…MAN
Like I do think I can see Sara & Kokomi being friends, Sara’s character feels like it’s the concept of “individual with genuinely good morals working in an oppressive system doesnt stop the damage the system causes” kind of deal BUT IDK…I get fandom experiences can very anecdotal and I’m sure there are shippers who handle this aspect of the ship but when at large it just feels like it’s filed down to a vague enemies to lovers + contrasting aesthetic girlfriends ship I guess it def leans more towards being one I’m not really into. I think it doesn’t help it strikes the specific fandom pet peeve I have where I sometimes feel ppl water down a lot of wlw ships down to just being surface level cute and I am a lesbian who likes very nuanced and complicated character dynamic exploration so I’m personally just like. Yeah idk I guess this seems rlly widely accepted fanon wise but I don’t rlly click with it at all djjcnfj while I could be interested in this dynamic being explored, just if I were doing my own take on it ik adding romantic tones wouldnt feel super necessary to make it feel more interesting to me personally yk x__x
I just feel very excitable about a lot of genshin things and Watasumi vs Shogunate related things hits that mark of interest for me…definitely not implying the shippers r doing something wrong by making silly lighthearted posts and being less interested in types of analysis I enjoy but I guess that’s the most popular ship I feel the least interested in I can think of?
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cosmobrain00 · 8 months
alrght wish me luck after almost a week im finally kicking my own ass back into action n attempting the impossible: finishing my bylerween fic w still almost half of the fic unfinished lets go ‼️‼️
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77ngiez · 3 months
stalker sanya is canon btw bcs i said so
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lepusrufus · 11 months
thoughts on junkrat (was a junkrat main 1000 years ago) (i played for 2 months on someone else's computer) (that is all my ow knowledge)
Annoying to play but tbh I'm two steps away from being a one-trick bc deep down I'm like a cranky cat who doesn't like change lmao
More annoying to have on my team, somehow always out of my line of sight as if that bomb rat man is the sneakiest mf in the game who thinks surviving any encounter is optional and somehow most of the few toxic ppl i ran into were Junkrats rip
And damn near insufferable to go against but oh so satisfying when one tries to flank and I can go "no :)" and suck their soul out
Mostly joking tho i do have a few friends that play him and we always have a blast being gremlins and there's this one junkrat that i end up on games together enough for us to recognize each other's names and always say hi which is hella wholesome xD
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cinna-bunnie · 11 months
me: weird, I’m not able to reblog anymore? If I click reblog nothing pops up. I notice ublock origin’s counter keeps going up, what gives?
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why the fuck is a wordpress pixel preventing me from reblogging you loser ass website. I’m not on wordpress, this breakage shouldn’t be happening.
Tbf, if I open a new tab or refresh the page I’m able to reblog again - but if I’m deep in the dash that’s obviously not the ideal move to make. I’m assuming this has something to do with the new UI Tumblr’s using because this hasn’t happened before.
Also, having refreshed the page and basically JUST making this post - can you fucking not??
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Maybe it’s because I have the logger open so it’s not refreshing things but uhhh yeah this is dumb, whatever’s happening here.
On top of my heart kinda racing (bad) by just using the new UI because it feels like I’m on twitter again I’m just so annoyed with everything @staff​ is doing >.> STOP IT god dammit
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munamania · 4 months
um yall… sam’s roommate pulled up to coffee like. um. dressed like this. btw. and their hair is just like. a better fluffier mullet. is this surprising
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#just wanna express what i’m dealing with btw because the hair thing sort of hit me like a truck earlier and then i was like#well girl wait… literally… come on lmao… also we both wore sweatervests hashtag twinem#it’s so chill though coffee was really fun#we ended up hanging for like two hours and then i was like fuckkkkk g2g to class and they walked w me partway there#and then almost dapped me up gave me a hug at the worst possible intersection there were so many people walking fuck the construction fr#but like. yeah it was chill im glad i reached out even tho like idk things r... ok.. w sam but we’re certainly not like 🤞#and i think they just had a semi recent breakup and drama and im like. um. largely unwell#and need 2 just get through this semester so i rlly forced myself to chill and go in with no expectations and it was just :-)#i was charmed by how passionate he was talking abt the weather and stuff like within minutes of meeting#i was listening to a very excited spiel about el nino and the tornadoes in wisconsin and etc oh and they came up w an ocean fact for me#and also ugh they played piano for so long growing up and can still like. do it. fucckcjkkk. and demonstrated#this rlly odd chord. um. like stretching and flexing their hand. srrryy lol i’m just giggling#lol and i mentioned my hair journey at one point and they were like ‘yeah? tell me about it’ shut UP… oh and also#knew exactly the stairwell i was talking abt when i described my favorite and we managed to chat abt that ugh it was so dorky#like. aw wow this person is just really cool#i also think they’re stupid hot but like idk since we actually um communicated and etc it's taken out a lot of the#tendency i had/have to be like 'sigh what if -' and er mythologize ppl. i suppose could be said. like aw we're just yapping and we're loyal#story likers now and if they ever want to just like make out sometime that’s so chill but regardless like we ball 💪#yayyyyyayyyyy me when i can be normal about things!!!!! 🫶🙈#abby talks
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