#ppl who are like. 10 feet tall
wednesdaytoo · 9 months
@coffinbutch tagged me for this! 15 questions + 15 friends! (coffinbutch you are so brave for doing all 15 tags. im gonna take the coward's way and ask any mutual to consider themself tagged if they want to do it!)
long under here
1. Are you named after anyone?
yea! im named after my abuela who died waaay before i was born
2. When was the last time you cried?
3 days ago
3. Do you have kids?
nope! i work with kids (teenaged) and they're fine, i enjoy them, but that's plenty of Kid for me -- i don't need to have my own in my home everyday. id love to be a lesbian uncle tho! which i already kno is Not gonna happen from either of my brothers, so my only chance is my wife's younger sister haha (we were just talking abt this yesterday lol)
4. What sports do you play/have played?
hahha i don't think i've ever played a sport like Officially, like outside of PE classes. i like badminton tho, and B and i are trying to learn how to play pickleball (we suck)
5. Do you use sarcasm?
i suppose on occasion i sarcast
6. What is the first thing you notice about people?
hair & clothes? face? im a simple guy
7. What's your eye color?
the inner part of my irises are yellowish-brown and the outer edges are grey-blue. ppl dont usually notice it unless theyre quite up close tho. from a few feet away i think they look grey and that's what i'll usually mark for eye color, or blue if that's not an option
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
i could go for either, but i think i lean slightly more toward scary movies, especially bc i love vampire movies so much. like when we watch a dracula movie and u have one of those "the monster is defeated! hooray!" endings, does that count as a happy ending movie?? we root for drac tho so it's a let down!
9. Any talents?
idk im pretty good at whistling !
10. Where were you born?
11. What are your hobbies?
movies, video games, insect/arachnid related things (catching, collecting, pinning, reading abt, etc), sewing/embroidery when the mood strikes me, reading (trying to get back into it at least!), listening to music/discovering new bands, sorting/cataloguing things
12. Do you have any pets?
3 cats (hopey, bullets, and cocoa) + a baby tarantula (avocado) <3
13. How tall are you?
5'6.5" or 168 cm!
14. Favorite subject in school?
in high school my favs were probably trigonometry and ceramics
in college i'd say science (esp entomology, ecology, botany, and astronomy) and foreign languages (i took french, japanese, ASL, and spanish)
15. Dream job?
see one of the above hobbies and then pay me $100/hr to do it :-))
no but fr even tho my current job has its annoyances, it's usually so chill. some days i just text B from work like "here's a bracelet i made today" "made u a candle today" "it was slow and i mostly just read in the library" "i drew a cute poster." two weeks ago we came in for a couple hours to decorate little pouches with custom vinyl designs on our new cricut. the next day we went roller skating lmao. even the actual "work" is enjoyable (i help students w/ their schoolwork, mostly math, which is fun to me, or entering info into forms/spreadsheets, also kind of fun to me bc i can listen to music while i do it). buuut i dont make a lot of money. if they paid me $100/hr and gave me some benefits, i'd be set!
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erina-leah · 2 years
Mardi Gras just passed, and my Louisiana ass couldn’t help but make Straw Hat headcanons for the holiday. Please enjoy <3
How the Straw Hats Celebrate Mardi Gras!
First of all, they ofc have their own Krewe. Krewe de Sunny! And their float in the parade is modeled after their loyal ship.
Luffy LOVES the food, dude don’t let this guy get ahold of your crawfish bc he will eat it all. When it comes to the parade, he loves sitting at the front of the float (much like he does his ship) and throwing beads. He will be the one to throw too much and have none left at the end of the parade route, and he will cry about it. But it’s okay! Because he loves seeing the smile on ppl’s face when they manage to catch one that he threw. 10/10 loves this holiday. Also a menace at chase the chicken
Zoro will get fucking plastered. Perhaps will be drink enough to dance around. Won’t do much throwing at the parade, instead he likes to chill on the float with a drink in hand, and if he’s drunk enough he’ll dance around. Will challenge random ppl to drinking contests and they will ALL get lit as fuck because Cajuns can hold their damn liquor. 8/10 hella good beer.
Nami managed to convince the crew to throw a Mardi Gras ball, and she was ofc crowned Queen of the Krewe. She loves being decked out in beads and dressing to the nines. The whole week is a party! She’s absolutely having a blast and loves sitting atop the float in her fancy costume. 10/10 she’s the Queen af
Usopp loves the dancing!!! He can absolutely get down to Zydeco music and would dance until his feet fall off. While on the float, he loves throwing to people and spewing his tall tales of his adventures to anyone who would listen. And yeah, he’s gonna get shitfaced too. The parade is his favorite part, it’s so bright and fun! 10/10 will chase a chicken
Sanji is obviously in change of food for the ball and the whole week leading up to Fat Tuesday. I know this white boy can cook a MEAN gumbo. He loves seeing the ladies in all of their fancy costumes, so the parade is definitely one of his favorite parts. (He heard the rumor that this was a holiday where women would flash ppl and was very disappointed when he realized that it was a great exaggeration. Sorry Buddy, you gotta go to New Orleans for that.) He takes the week to learn how to cook home style Cajun and really enjoys it, especially when Nami and Robin pull up in their Ball fits. 9/10 AWOOGA
Chopper is absolutely that little kid who sits on his dad- I mean Zoro’s shoulders throughout the parade. He loves sitting high up and seeing the parade from above; the other floats, the people lining the streets, the colors and lights, it’s like nothing he’s ever seen. He’s literally in awe of everything, and when he tried King Cake he ascended to heaven. 10/10 so much fun
Robin helped Franky decorate the float, so you know it’s fabulous. She really enjoys the parade and has THE best throws. I’m talking the biggest beads as well as all the cool shit for the kids. Rubber footballs, bracelets, bubbles, plushies, all of it. She mostly throws to the kids and uses her fruit to ensure they catch it. God they’re so cute she can’t help herself. She also really enjoys the music. 10/10 a good time to let loose
Franky, as I mentioned, built the float by hand. It’s definitely the coolest one in the whole parade. It’s got like three decks and the Sunny on the front. It’s fucking sick. Loves the parade so much and can’t help but dance the whole time. I mean, look at this dude. Of course he’s gonna groove. Treats the parade like a big party (I mean, it is) and totally loves showing off his work on the float. 10/10 let’s boogie
Brook. Don’t even get me STARTED. He would LOVE Mardi Gras more than anything. Of course, our man is in charge of the music, and he can throw down some SICK NASTY Zydeco shit. It’s amazing. Also, the dude has an entire Krewe dedicated to him: Krewe de Soul King. He’s got his own float where he blasts music down the whole parade route. People fall ALL OVER this dude. And, of course, my man is King of the Krewe for both the Straw Hats and his own Krewe. He takes this shit to the next level, no one can stop him. 100/10 The King of Mardi Gras
Jinbe is definitely the chill dad. Yeah, maybe he’ll have a drink or two, but he’s here to see the kids have fun. He does enjoy the parade and the ball, he likes the bright colors and noisy fun everyone has. His favorite part is seeing the way the traditions are carried on from generations, but he prefers to kick back and watch as opposed to participating. He won’t really show it at first, but he’s really enjoying himself. 8/10 best dad
I loved doing this, it was really fun! If you wanna, plz drop some other characters so I can slap a Mardi Gras headcanon on them!!!
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kyo-mei · 1 year
15 questions, 15  0 people! [I don’t know any ppl :’)]
tagged by: @knight-arts​
1. are you named after anyone? Idts, but I like to think that I was named after an ice cream flavour ;)
2. when was the last time you cried? No idea. Probably some nights ago while reading some angsty fanfics, who knows
3. do you have kids? Do fictional characters count? Cause I have a couple that I adopted in my heart
4. do you use sarcasm a lot? Wouldn’t you like to know, weather boy (My teacher back in middle school once told my parents in a parent-teacher meeting that I am way too sarcastic and they got mad at me :/)
5. what sports do you play/have you played? Badminton, though I’m very mediocre at it
6. what’s the first thing you notice about people? Bold of you to assume I notice people (but really, I barely remember 1st impressions and what not; probably what they’re doing?)
7. what’s your eye colour? You know those cool characters with eyes the same colour as their hair? Yeah, I’m one of ‘em. Black hair, black eyes, bby >:] (dark brown, if you want to be more accurate ig)
8. scary movies or happy endings? Oh actually, I’ve never really watched  many movies till recently as I am currently surrounded by a lot of movie nerds. I have found that I quite enjoy not very happy endings and scary movies (though I can’t watch them alone, as I am a scaredy cat) but I don’t quite like sad ones either. Perhaps something more of open endings? I’m not too sure how to describe it :/ something that leaves you curious. But happy endings can be quite nice too. I don’t think I have a preference...
9. any special talents? If you count ignoring life and being apathetic a special talent, then yes :D
10. where were you born? I was actually born in a country I’ve been to only once my entire life (excluding the time I popped out of my ma). No idea why my mother was there (work? but she was obviously definitely heavily pregnant, so I have no idea why would she still be working, and how she got on the plane), but yeah. Would love to visit said country again though.
11. what are your hobbies? Reading fanfics, sleeping, drawing, snacking, being a hermit
12. do you have pets? I wish ;-; My life goal for the future is to have cats. How many? As many as I can possibly take care of. Why have kids when you can have cats, amirite? >:)
13. how tall are you? Around 165 cm, I think (no idea what it is in non-metric system, nor will I bother. I refuse to use feets to measure myself thank you very much)
14. favourite subject in school? Physics? Art and music too ig
15. dream job? Anything that’ll allow me to survive + have some extra to buy random things I want, ya kno? And also if I can build a side hussle as an artist who can take commissions, that would be nice. Though I’d have to practice my art more as I am still not quite satisfied with it. And network. ugh. My introverted self who sucks at social media is gonna suffer. Problem for future me though
tagging : again, no one
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darkwingphoenix · 3 days
@loominggaia, wake up, New Saraians Just Dropped
In my AU, a class of highly intelligent (But sub-human intelligence, as in the aren't sapient but still smart), known as Saraians, exist in my AU, forged by my divine OC, Saraia, Divine of Paleontology/The Ancient Bones.
I already have posts about 2 of her monsters, boulderbacks and swamp things.
Recently tho, I made this in my most recent Looming Gaia Meme Post, featuring 2 new tags for myself: #The Ole Looming Gaia Meme Bakery and #The Best Meme Bakery This Side Of Noalen (Dunno if I had the The in the second tag):
Baby King/Kinglet being Presented to the people of Drifter's Hollow/Gathering Saraian Monsters (Rafiki Therizinosaurus is played by Mr. Ocean, Skylie is Mufasa, and Rook is Sarabi Rex)(Saraia actually went into a major Monster Forging Scheme right before attacking Oaken and then dying to gravity)
And now, I'mma list off all of the monsters in order of forging date, as well as some factoids!
KING: THE OG (PPL Rating: 4, Kill on Sight)
King was Saraia's first attempt at monster forging, and she actually made what she wanted!
Fully grown, King is 60 feet long, 14 feet tall, and over 20,000 tons.
He is strong enough to take on siege dragons, and win
He has no genitalia and doesn't poop: Instead, anything he consumes turns into fuel for his fire breath, and he reproduces via an egg where his heart should be
This egg can only be removed post mortem, as the surgery kills King. The egg takes anywhere from 20 hours to over a year to mature and hatch
King's flesh is highly inedible, having the texture and smell of wet clay mixed with chalk and the taste of both. It also rapidly decays after he dies, turning his body into a bag of terrible smelling black ooze only days after death
The egg, once hatched, is a genetically identical offspring of King with his memories carried over. This is a feature so that he never dies.
The egg itself is highly indestructible, taking any damage it receives without any danger to the embryo.
King's body forms the egg he'll hatch from while inside the egg, so should he die while immature, he'll still be able to reproduce.
It takes 10 years for King to mature from hatchling to large enough for Saraia to ride effectively and tear down walls, and it takes 10 more for him to regain his full strength.
When a hatchling, Saraia dubs King as Kinglet.
King, as of 6015, is currently living with Skylie after hatching in 1 week. He is a highly rambunctious youngster, and is the 20th to
(PPL Rating: 4, Kill on Sight)
Boulderbacks were Sarai's second monster species, after King.
Boulderbacks revealed a major bug in their forging process: They attack anything blue, including the sky. After several generations, however, this instinct to attack the sky has vanished, but the hyperaggression to the color blue survives.
Saraia actually used this bug in all of her future saraians, but edited it to avoid the sky thing
Baby boulderbacks are named pebblings, and are the size of baby elephants
Boulderbacks are notoriously difficult to main and kill, having rock hard hide, osteoderms like metal, a nigh immunity to harmful magic, massive tusks, horns, body spikes and a massive tail club with thagomizers. Most people fighting them use siege weapons or explosives to deal any damage
Only a pyrophasma or skaadia titan nymph can take the down, and all other titan nymphs fail completely to really do much to them
They often knock down trees (And hamadryads) to eat their foliage
Boulderbacks grow unique species of lichen and moss on their backs. Those who tame these beasts often eat the moss and lichen, which grows rapidly: It's reported to taste like salted lettuce, and is quite nutritional, heavy in vitamins and minerals
(PPL Rating: 4, Kill on Sight)
Swamp things are extremely smelly, although this is mostly a product of most living in rank swamps: Bunyips, or hatchling swamp things, notably smell like chocolate! Until they start wallowing in a swamp, that is
They usually eat fish, particularly larger species, although they gladly attack aggressive undine
Many troll villages in Noalen, unperturbed by the swamp things' rank stank, have succeeded in taming them to help them fish and defend their villages. Many swamp things now instinctively seek out troll communities nearby when injured
A population of swamp things escaped Mogdiri and Zareenite captivity and eventually migrated just north of Laraine, where they would migrate south seasonally to raise their young. This phenomenon gave rise to the Laraine Dragon Festival, when the people of Laraine, grateful for the swamp things protecting their village from undines making their daughters mermaids, give the swamp things food, particularly bunyips, who are actually raised by them until they reach a length of 15 feet, the swamp thing population having become normalized to the tradition
Swamp things near rivers will build dams on the river similar to beavers, and they live peacefully with beavers as well, often protecting the beavers from predators while the beavers maintain much better dams than what the monsters can in a symbiotic relationship
(PPL Rating: 4, Kill on Sight)
Cockatrices live in large packs of up to 60, which care for young, or tooks communally.
Cockatrices are a terror in large groups, being able to tear down an ogre with only 10 adults, although casualties are very likely
They love all kinds of lemon-based foods, and should one not wear blue whilst feeding them, cockatrices can quickly become loyal, even while wearing blue. Many report lemon bars are their favorite of all. It's unknown why this is, and Saraia herself has admitted she never placed any food preferences into her monsters
They are insanely loyal to their pack (And providers of lemon flavors), and will kill for them. They really said Dominic Toretto is a good role model
They have an alpha-based pack system, with the strongest male and female (Maintaining this by intimidation for to-the-death 2v2 battles) being the leaders, although all pack members breed and also vote on their daily travel direction by standing in their preferred direction. Lemon providers are capable to breaking this order via lemon distribution, although this simply makes the alphas the lemon vendor's right hands.
If a lemon provider no longer provides, the pack will investigate the reason. Should they see the provider alive, they abandon their loyalties but don't immediately attack, even if the person is wearing blue. They simply steal lemons and leave, not even resisting attacks while fleeing with lemons
They are venomous, enough so they can kill any species of people in less than a minute. This trait is shared by perytons
(PPL Rating: 4, Kill on Sight)
Young perytons are called puffles, sometimes confused for poffles
Only male perytons have the species' iconic antlers.
The females have an odd behavior while feeding on corpses in that they tend to rip out the heart and eat it, especially before breeding. It is believed the animals need the heart's nutrients to breed.
Puffles are able to breathe fire from birth, although it gets stronger as they mature
Only the size of hawks, these animals tend to swarm in huge numbers and destroy towns with their fire breath
(PPL Rating: 1, Imprison if Necessary, Do Not Kill)
World turtles were the first of many new species of saraian made by Saraia in the early 6th age.
Turtwigs, or young, are about the size of small dogs, but become over 16 square miles on their shell, 8 miles long, 300 feet tall, and over 3 million tons
As adults world turtles have no predators, and similar to globeholders have a specialized dome that keeps things inside in a stable condition
This globe has fertile soil and water formed inside the world turtle's body, and is accessed by a pair of tunnels in the monster's shell, large enough for an elephant to travel through. These are often equipped with elevators in inhabited turtles to aid getting things up.
The animals are truly peaceful, and never harm anything unless they are retaliating.
The PPL has announced to not imprison world turtles, mostly out of practicality
(PPL Rating: 4, Kill on Sight)
Leviathan young, named whelps, are the size of small crocodiles. As adults they are 400 feet long and 20 feet tall.
They can absorb pollution through their skin and use it to digest anything they consume
Their adult diet consists strongly of sea megafauna... And Zareenite and Damijani ships.
Saraia created a spell designed to repel leviathans, which is being taught to Aquarian communities the world over, for the beasts regularly attack inhabited globeholders and floeback whales
Outside of collateral damage when hunting globeholders, leviathans live peacefully with Aquarian peoples, often being followed by merrow or koholasaurs, who feast on scraps and escapees from their hunts
(PPL Rating: 3, Imprison when Possible, Kill if Necessary)
Trumpetars have a wide variety of crests, with 6 known major variants: Curvehorn, Halberdier, Roundaxe, Sweptbrush, Spatular, and Airsac
Trumplets, young, are extremely sweet to all peoples and will often become pets, singing to their owners
Once they reach adulthood, they often remain with their owners, although their trumpeting, now amplified to lethal levels by their crest and natural echomancy, is now used to defend their owners
Trumpetars become more and more quadrupedal as they age, until they only run or stand on two legs, dropping to all fours once they don't need to run or access high up food
Their trumpeting, even when not amplified magically, is extremely loud, and they often keep local villages awake for weeks until they move on with their calls
(PPL Rating: 4, Kill on Sight)
Coatls are massive snakelike saraians with two pairs of massive wings, over 40 feet long each. These wings can be used to walk as well, giving them a draconic profile. Their rear wings position themselves like a massive tail, flapping together like a sirene's tail.
Lucoa, young coatls, are the size of eagles, and are usually born on cliffs, where they are protected from virtually everything
They are capable to swallowing a human whole, which they often do, and eagerly if they are wearing anything but red, with blue a priority
They often seem to enjoy bullying ogres out of meals. They have been observed to fight ogres or other heavyweights away from kills, only to eat a few bites before leaving, and then attacking anew when the peoples return
They are capable of breathing fire, and use it to flush out prey from forests or tall grass, snapping up anything they can swallow whole
(PPL Rating: 0, Record Location and Monitor)
Gremlins are Saraia's first truly safe monster: World turtles, leviathans, and trumpetars can deal massive harm but generally don't, cockatrices have a purely transactional peace, but gremlins are very easy to care for and peaceful
They readily accept treats, and love berries of any kind. Many an owner use blueberries, a well-recorded favorite, as treats for good behavior or training.
They are eager to please, and intelligent enough to come halfway when given an ambiguous order
Wild, they often steal food from storehouses or larders, fleeing if spotted. They're strong enough to challenge cats as well
Gremlings, young gremlins, are bred for by gremlin fans
Catasaur: Mammalian Dinosaur
(PPL Rating: 0, Record Location and Monitor)
Catasaurs are similar to gremlins in being purely pet material
Similarly to gremlins, gatas, or young catasaurs, are bred by people who love caring for catasaurs
Catasaurs look very similar to cats with very long necks (Which barely impact their otherwise catlike behaviors) with large dorsal spikes, purely for show, as well as similarly long tails
Their necks can retract to make them look like normal cats with abnormally long tails, which is used by catasaurs when hunting prey.
Many catasaurs have large tail clubs, thagomizers, or both. This trait, somewhat favorable for its appearance, only appears after puberty, although it can be made more likely in gatas by breeding catasaurs with those features
(PPL Rating: 4, Kill on Sight)
Rook was gifted to Saraia's protege, and is otherwise a smaller, weaker, yet faster and flight capable version of King, complete with asexual reproduction via egg
Rook is deathlessly loyal to her mistress, although she willingly follows King or Saraia's orders when her mistress, who only goes by Teyvat or the Unknown Divine, is killed, until she resurrects
(PPL Rating: 4, Kill on Sight)
Bishop was forged by Saraia to serve the largest outpost of the Knights of Favonius, a cult dedicated to the Unknown God
Bishop is far different from King or Rook, being mostly quadrupedal, and having horns, a frill, and massive tail blades on his tail.
He belongs to the Knights' Grandmaster de jure, and when a Grandmaster is replaced, he switches loyalty to the new Grandmaster
He still resurrects by an egg
Along with King, Rook, Knight, Queen and the Pawns, Bishop forms a subgroup of saraians known as the Chess Eggs
(PPL Rating: 4, Kill on Sight)
Queen is a flying equivalent to King, being lighter and weaker but capable of flight even at a massive size
She is capable of fighting a siege dragon, although she struggles with it due to her lower strength
Her forearms are replaced by great wings over 80 feet wide
She can breath fire, and often makes streaking attacks while flying over enemy armies
(PPL Rating: 4, Kill on Sight)
Knight is a saraian given to the High Ruler of Ascendance, serving as bodyguard, mount, and badge of office
Knight is able to control other saraians, a trait unique to her
When a High Ruler abdicates, Knight no longer serves them, and will kill the former Ruler if they force her with them
(PPL Rating: 4, Kill on Sight)
Pawns are a unique Chess Egg species, loyal to only one rider until that rider dies
They are used by Ascendance cavalry for their fire breath, strength and durability
Their size depends on their rider. It is Ascendance tradition for a rider receiving a former rider's Pawn to kill it and then raise it for their entire 6 year training as an Ascendance cavalry, and it grows to the size perfect for them to ride.
Aquarians who raise pawns have a subspecies of Pawn that is semiaquatic and fast enough to be a useful underwater mount while remaining just as fast on land as other Pawns
They are the only Chess Egg saraian that can die of old age, dying after 200 years of age, although dying and becoming an egg delays this by the amount of time it takes for them to hatch and then be raised back to adulthood, whereupon their 200 year lifespan restarts
They are also the only Chess Egg species able to breed, laying 2 eggs every 8 years
If they have riders who stay within the same species for 200 years (Including a rider who serves as a cavalry member for 200 years), a Pawn will die of old age, and their egg will fail to hatch, being a mere rock. These eggs are carved with the Pawn's every rider and placed in a mausoleum dedicated to them
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echobx · 2 months
I decided to take the questions from this ask game to introduce myself a little more.
❤️ how tall are you?
5'4 / 163cm
🧡 what is your sexuality?
I'm queer all over, but ig the closest when it comes to a specific label would be pan
💛 what is your favorite feature on yourself?
my hair (unless they betray me) and my eyes (and lips...)
💚 where are you from?
🩵 do you have any pets?
yes. I have two cats, Prince (11 years old) and Maggi (3 years old). our dogs Luigi (6 years old) and Liv (2 years old) are more family dogs. and my sister has two more cats, Sunny (6 years old) and Lila (5 years old)
💙 do you have any siblings?
yes. I have four half siblings, two on my mom's and two on my dad's side. but I only really talk to my sister that still lives with me and my parents.
💜 describe yourself in five words or less!
loyal, smart, funny, neurodivergent™ (and forgetful bc idk what else I am)
🩷 dream job?
full time writer
🖤 favorite hobbies outside of your blog
I collect vinyl, love to read and swim but mostly I watch shows and get deep into the lore of them and I love to talk about them with like minded people
🎂 when is your birthday?
November 27th
🌙 your zodiac (Sun, Moon, Rising)
Sun & Moon Sagittarius, Leo Rising
💉do you have tattoos and/or piercings
I only have a single set of lobe piercings for earrings, but I dream of having at least two sets, and a helix one for my right ear
🚗 can you drive?
yes. I learnt to drive manual (stick) and I only had to drive automatic once and hated that specific loss of control
✈️ favorite place you’ve traveled
Munich. I haven't been that many places, and I've never flown.
🎤 have you been to a concert
no. but that will hopefully change soon.
🎵 favorite artists
Taylor Swift, Lizzy McAlpine, Conan Gray, Billie Eilish, Cro, Finneas
🎧 last song you listened too
All Too Well (10 Minute Version) (Taylor's Version)
📺 last show you watched
Game of Thrones (rewatch)
📝 last thing you wrote
“Love you too, J,” I whispered while drifting off and hoping that he hadn't actually heard me.
🔐 something no one would guess about you
I've only ever had one person tell me that they love me and it was the most awkward moment of my life bc the guy was someone I considered to possibly become my friend and not to be interested romatically in me. and ig I broke his heart and I didn't feel any bad about it, but all of my "friends" told me I was cruel and I should give him a chance bc "at least he's interested in you" in retrospect I should definitely have cut ties with my friends that second and it just shows how little these ppl thought of me. just bc I'm a bigger girl doesn't mean I have to settle for the first guy who shows interest, and even worse bc he later turned out to be one of the most toxic ppl I was ever friends with
🧟‍♀️ scariest thing that’s happened to you
I got really drunk, like blackout drunk, bc I drank a whole bottle of vodka and had nothing to eat all day (2.3‰ by the end as it turned out) and the ambulance that was to take me to the ER took a detour and idk what happened in those missing 20 minutes... so ig that
🔥 craziest thing that’s ever happened to you
on the one school ski trip (the only time I ever went skiing in my life) on the last day I literally went head over heals when going down the mountain and my ski flew a few feet away from me and my teachers all thought I just killed myself or broke something to the very least, but I just got up and kept going. but maybe this accident is the reason for my chronic back pain that no one ever checked up on. (srsly fuck those old white men doctors)
🍓 favorite food
🍅 least favorite food
olives and mushrooms
🍊 favorite season?
🍋 favorite genre to read / watch / write
read: fantasy
watch: fantasy
write: romance
🍐 if you could make one character real, who would it be
def JJ for very selfish reasons 👀
🫐 some place you’d love to visit
San Francisco
🍇 a word your friends would use to describe you
feisty (@notdxbya said so)
🍒 what is your earliest memory
we were at the Playmobil Park and I was milking a plastic cow
🍌 what is one talent you wish you had
I wish I could study and instantly know it all, like I read it not more than twice and know it.
💌 why did you start this blog?
bc I felt the need to share my writing
✏️ when did you start writing fanfic
actually genuinely, in March 2023 bc the third season of OBX fucked me up big time and I needed to fix it (I'm still working on that one)
but my first fanfic, that I never finished, was in 2014 I believe and it was Hunger Games fic that I wrote in german on Instagram
🖇️ what are your favorite asks to answer
meta. like, anything that let's me dive into meta and characterisation especially. specifically JJ (and Kiara and Rafe bc I pay attention to those three the most when I watch OBX)
📚 how do you come up with the fics you write
a lot of times I get inspired by songs or something I read sparks an idea. other times I just get a scene stuck in my head. or (which happens rarely) I dream something vaguely specific and then I try and put the characters in that scenario or something, that one gave me way to write one of my most favorite chapters I've ever written for my Lovebirds fic, which will be posted this year, I hope...
📌 what is the fic you’re know for
idk 😶 literally no clue, I'd have to ask my moots or followers. ig if my stuff got more popular then maybe.
🔍 what character do you enjoy writing for the most
JJ definitely bc I'm just so much easier in that mindset and it doesn't feel like I'm an imposter.
🖊️ what character do you not enjoy writing for
I think I would have the worst time writing John B or Topper bc I just don't vibe with them 😭
💔 is there a fic you wish you didn’t write
yeah, the Ghostface one 💀
❤️‍🔥 what character do you simp for most often
JJ Maybank, he's my girlfriend, duh
🧚‍♀️ favorite characters of all time
JJ Maybank, Percy Jackson (pjo), Leo Valdez (pjo), Katniss Everdeen (thg), Jacaerys Verlaryon/Targaryen (hotd), Yelena Belova (mcu)
🪐 favorite shows / series of all time
New Girl (if you haven't watched it, shame on you! go watch it now!)
🌝 a show you would recommend to anyone
New Girl lol
but also Game of Thrones (but only s1-6 max. maybe even stop after 4 bc it starts to get bad after 4) and
House of the Dragon (we'll see how the following seasons will go)
for something else lighter, maybe Bob's Burgers it's incredibly funny and well written
🌚 a show you’d tell people to stay away from
OBX 💀 like I love it but it's my guilty pleasure, but it's badly written and has plot holes in abundance and waaay too much fan service
🌹 favorite kinks to write for
cockwarming, that's probably it bc other than that I don't really have a preference
🥀 kinks you would never write for
I wouldn't say never, but uf I try it I'll do it on my own account and not bc someone asks for it.
that said, I doubt I'll ever write anything that concerns anal bc I have trauma there and if I would I'd first have to work myself through that part of my life and right now I don't have time for that
🌊 a kink you would like to write but you think you’d be judged
stepcest 💀 I'm not doing it for reasons that only make sense to me and not for the obvious ones
❄️ full fics, imagines or head canons
full fics. bc I hardly ever not dive too deep. I have a hard time writing short stuff, literally 2k words is short for me 😭 so don't expect me to write something short ever, unless my brain won't let a fic happen
☂️ your favorite fanfic from another writer
for JJ it's Safety Net by @mvybanks
for Rafe it's Watch and Learn by @nadvs
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h1ghtechl0wlife · 3 years
-playing veinless property- its fine bc it's a short game. i will not get scared
5 mins later shouting at max: tall guy!!!!! theres a tall guy!!! hes tall!!!!!!!!! he had to crouch to look at me!!!!!!
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yardsards · 2 years
why is making a nest of pillows and blankets on the floor such a top tier way of sleeping??? gorilla instincts???
#eliot posts#i miss having a full sized bed. back then i could be in nest AND in bed at the same time#tho the ideal location for nest is in corner. bonus points if there's furniture on one side so ur enclosed on 3 sides#ideal bed position is touching minimal walls#this is an anti corner bed account#unless it's to save space then it's okay#i might have my bed touching zero walls if it didn't look AWFUL from an interior design perspective#a nest being in a corner is like 10% about cozy and 90% about keeping your nesting materials Contained#but yeah ideal bed vs nest location cone into conflict#nests and couches both are nice to sleep on instead of beds sometimes because like#sometimes the prospect of making myself sleep a full night is DAUNTING and that ironically keeps me up#but when falling asleep in a nest or on the couch or somewhere like that#i can convince myself like okay this might just be a little catnap but that's okay. any sleep is good sleep.#most couches are uncomfortably thin#(cept the one in my 1st apartment that thing was as wide as a twin bed great for naps awkward for sitting at least when ur short like me)#((that whole apartment felt like it was made for tall people. one i'm in now feels made for short ppl. one im movin to feels average))#((rip to the next tenant who signed a lease here he's like 6 feet tall. i WARNED HIM when he toured but he ignored it))#((my tall friend once whacked his head on the ceiling light in the kitchen bc it's even lower in there than in the rest of the unit))#ANYWAY yeah. couches ALSO have the drawback of enclosing you on one side bc back of couch#but nest can be as wide as you want it to be and you can also just sprawl partially onto the floor itself
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[id: four images with silhouettes in different colors representing the companions of each game against a height scale. the character’s name and height in centimeters is labelled over each silhouette. names and heights are in the captions. /end id]
Companion Heights
decided to put my headcanons for companion heights all in one place. i used this post as a basis for average heights, and i used this site for the height comparison examples. while the images have the heights in centimeters, i’ll be listing them in inches and feet. i’ll also include some thoughts as to my reasoning, although the answer usually comes down to “vibes”.
obligatory disclaimer that this is just how i personally see the characters, and you’re free to disagree. don’t try to bring up “canon”, i don’t care about canon.  and please don’t try to argue with me as if i’ve caused some great offense to your own vision of a character, just go make your own post.
Alistair, 6′0″ - the bigger he is, the better he is at hugging
Leliana, 5′9″ - on the taller side of average, i just think it fits her
Morrigan, 5′10″ - mostly i just don’t see her being shorter than Leli, probably got her height from Flemeth
Oghren, 4′9″ - i think an average height fits him
Shale, 7′5″ - is a golem, so
Sten, 6′11″ - a matter-of-fact man with an average matter-of-fact height
Wynne, 5′8″ - for her perfectly pleasant non-threatening grandma facade
Zevran, 5′6″ - short king 👑
Loghain, 5′9″ - i like the idea of him being physically average but having an intimidating aura that makes ppl think he’s bigger than he is
Anders, 6′1″ - he is a beanpole and nothing will convince me otherwise
Justice, 5′11″ - generically tall warrior
Nathaniel, 6′0″ - while i see him as a beanpole independently, i cannot pass up the beauty of having Anders be just one inch taller than him
Oghren, 4′9″ - as previously stated
Sigrun, 4′7″ - on the shorter side but that just means ppl don’t see her coming
Velanna, 5′9″ - tall for an elf, i think this fits with her personality and her history of ostracism during adolescence
Anders, 6′4″ - growth spurt courtesy of this headcanon
Aveline, 6′0″ - is built like a brick shithouse and you know it
Bethany, 5′9″ - both glad to be unassuming and also bitter that Carver is so much taller than her
Carver, 6′3″ - an early growth spurt to accentuate his teenage awkwardness, again there is the beauty of Anders being one inch taller
Fenris, 5′9″ - i just like him being tall for an elf
Isabela, 5′5″ - short queen 👑
Merrill, 5′7″ - not average but not quite as tall as Fenris
Sebastian, 5′10″ - attractively tall without it being overwhelming
Varric, 4′10″ - on the taller side of average, i think it fits him
Tallis, 5′6″ - average for an elf, perfect for a spy
Blackwall, 5′6″ - short king 👑
Cassandra, 6′2″ - the only man legally allowed to be taller than Cassandra is the Iron Bull
Cole, 6′0″ - growth spurt that human cole didn’t have the chance to grow into, just love him being absurdly tall compared to his adopted dads
Dorian, 5′9″ - average in height but nothing else ;3
Iron Bull, 7′3″ - i like the idea of him being tall even for a qunari
Sera, 5′3″ - look, we don’t listen to game models, this girl is a tiny tornado of whoop-ass and i stand by that
Solas, 5′7″ - his whole deal is being unassuming, he is average
Varric, 4′10″ - as previously stated
Vivienne, 6′1″ - look me in the eye and tell me Viv isn’t the kind of woman to wear six inch heels when she’s already over six foot
Cullen, 5′10″ - slightly taller than average, just think it fits
Josephine, 5′5″ - the delicate young lady who is much more frightening and much less delicate than you think
Leliana, 5′9″ - as previously stated
Morrigan, 5′10″ - as previously stated
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carolmaximoffs · 4 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAIT OMFG i can’t believe so many of the coolest ppl in my life that i know are aquas. ily you’re NINETEEN that’s wild!! you know i love a good roommates or friends w benefits fic gimme gimme gimme 😗💜
a/n: THIS IS SO LATE AGH...here is your long overdue wanda x reader roommates fic, my love! so sorry for the wait, but thank you for your sweet words and your patience <3 @subtlebucky
pairing: wanda maximoff x reader
warnings: none really? maybe a curse. references to drinking, partying. jealous! reader. apologies to anyone named jillian, beck, or yasmine. sharing a bed, but not in THAT way. 
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WHEN YOU WAKE UP, you smell coffee already brewing. You stretch leisurely as you pad into the main part of your shared apartment, faux-flirtatious smile already gracing your lips.
“Smells good, baby!” You call. The laughter dissipates from your body as you pause in the kitchen doorway. Wanda is indeed sipping coffee in the kitchen, but is also standing between the legs of a tall, rather buff girl you’ve never seen before who’s perched comfortably on your island. “Oh.”
"Jill, this is my roommate, Y/N," Wanda says, perfectly at ease. You wonder if your eye really does twitch at the sight of Wanda's hand on Jill's thigh, but you pray it's just your imagination.
“Hi, uh, I didn’t - we’re not - hi.” Your face burns as you duck past them, reaching up into the cabinet for your mug before realizing it’s missing. You whirl around, about to ask Wanda, when you see it. And Wanda must realize it the same time you do, because she gives you this tight smile and wide eyes. Jill sips idly from your favorite cup, the one with the funny handle and your initial in rainbow gradient. Pietro, Wanda’s brother, had gifted it to you a few Christmas’s back - you know he’d have stopped Jillian from using it. Instead, you fill the most boring mug you and Wanda own - black, with a white outline of Sokovia in a red heart - and send your roommate a sour look. “I’ll just...”
You jerk your head towards the bedrooms, and stalk off. Maybe out of embarrassment, but mostly out of stubbornness, you pretend not to hear Wanda apologizing and making excuses on your behalf as you leave.
Two weeks later, just when things are returning to normal, it happens again.
Well, more or less. It’s significantly darker out now, and this time you’re putting leftover Chinese food in the fridge when the door bursts open. Wanda all but falls into your apartment, a sharp-nosed girl with a deep violet buzzcut hot on her heels. Space Army Cadet and your best friend are hand in hand, the latter barely tossing you a glance as she drags her guest down the hall. And yeah, you’ve seen Wanda bring people home before - even brought a handful of people home yourself. Hell, one of you two’s closest friends was an ex of hers; oddball physics major, Vis, had been Wanda’s lover for the notable first three years of college.
 Lately, though, you’d noticed this...pit in your stomach, carved a little deeper with each new bedmate. Every time you shook it off - it wasn’t any of your business what Wanda did in her free time. Was it because they were women? You catch yourself wondering, but no - you’d never had an issue with that, why would you start now? Shutting the fridge, you shuffle back to your room, turning your TV up to drown out anything from Wanda’s room next door.
The next morning, the eccentric friend is nowhere to be found, but you did find there was a severe lack of alcohol in your coffee as Wanda cheerily filled you in. Buzzcut’s name was Yasmine, she was in Wanda’s European lit. course, and they’d gone out for drinks to celebrate Yasmine nearing the acquirement of her masters. You stare into your cup and hum at all the appropriate points, choosing not to point out that it was only November and nowhere near graduating season. Maybe Yasmine was on the fast track - Wanda always did like the smart ones. 
You become so absorbed in thought you don’t notice at first that your housemate has stopped chittering away. When you look up, it’s to a pouty frown. You shift in your seat, suddenly uncomfortable. “What?”
“Are you...okay?” Wanda’s frown deepens, brows furrowed as she brushes a stray lock of auburn from her face and folds her arms over her chest. “We...You’ve been a little distant lately, I guess.” 
“I’m fine,” You say breezily, rising to your feet to dump the dregs of your coffee in the sink. Some irritating heartstring twangs at your tone - you hate brushing Wanda off, but what are you supposed to say? Hey, can you stop bringing girls home? I think I’ve caught homophobia. You repress a shudder at the mere thought as you move to sweep past her and get ready for your first class, but a small hand curls around your bicep.
“Just...don’t be a stranger, okay, kedvesem?” Darling. Swallowing the lump in your throat, feeling curiously parched, you can only nod. Wanda lets go, but you can feel her fingerprints burning like a brand even when you’re lying in bed that night.
The holidays go off more or less without a hitch; there’s a very scary hiccup shortly before Christmas when you come home to find Wanda curled into Vision’s side on the couch, the pair of them sharing a blanket. But Wanda looks...as if she’s been crying? Love Actually is playing, Wanda’s go to Christmas comfort movie, and Vision is texting someone called ‘Peter M.’ with an alarming number of heart emojis, so you continue onward. 
Your subconscious must be looking out for you otherwise, because it’s not until New Year’s that you see Wanda with a mystery lover. Actually, you don’t see much of Wanda at all outside of Christmas, and even when you do, it’s always just the two of you at home. Of course, because of this, she insists on dragging you out for a New Year’s party. When her twin, Pietro, gangs up on you via Facetime, you give up arguing and steal a shimmery black slip from Wanda’s closet before flipping them the bird. 
Pietro arrives around 10 to pick the pair of you up, obnoxiously laying on the horn outside of your apartment building. Wanda trips several times as she tries to shove on her other heel and put lipstick on at the same time. Making it out the door is a whole other ordeal - after a short spat about Wanda needing a jacket, an awkward moment when the elevator doors open on some neighbors practicing for midnight, and finding Pietro just about to buzz in to get you, you and Wanda are sliding into the backseat of Pietro’s obnoxiously cramped sports car.
“Ladies, your prince, or princess, awaits!” Pietro announces grandly as you pull up to a shabby loft just a few blocks away. You can hear the music from the street, sighing inwardly as you force yourself to get out of the car. Wanda smooths out her flowy black pants - you keep your eyes trained politely above her shoulders to ignore the fitted, maroon sequined top with the plunging V-neck she’s paired with them. 
“I’m actually meeting someone here,” She says casually to her brother as the three of you make your way in. Pietro waves her off with well-wishes, but throws you a questioning glance. All he gets however is a shrug in reply, this is certainly news to you. He accompanies you to the makeshift bar where you fill a cup with copious amounts of liquor. It usually wasn’t your vice, but the strobe lights alone could be cause to drink. You made a mental note to ask whose idea this party even was in the first place. when you turn around, though, Pietro, too, has slipped off into the crowd.
So you do what one is supposed to do at sweaty, too-loud functions such as this one - push yourself from your comfort zone, get comfortably tipsy while you wedge yourself into the mass of bodies and move with strangers. As mentioned, liquor and strangers have never been favorite pastimes of yours, so once you finish off your second drink (maybe third - you deserved it), you set out searching for Wanda. Her glittery form is tucked into a corner with a small group you don’t recognize, but you definitely note that she’s in the lap of a tall, dark, and handsome type. She spots you before you can get to her, making excited grabby hands as you get closer. 
“Y/N!” The bubbly young woman squeals over the music. She leans forward to be heard better, and you gulp. “This is Beck! And Jade, and Marcie, and you remember Yasmine!” 
You offer only a wave and tight smiles as you, too, lean in further. “I’m gonna get an Uber!”
“What?” Wanda pouts dramatically, Beck snaking an arm around her waist to steady her as she jolts back in disappointment. “It’s not even midnight yet!”
“No, I know, I’m just not really feeling it, I guess!” Yasmine leads over to whisper something to Jade; it’s the furthest thing from your mind as Wanda reaches out to squeeze your hands understandingly. 
“I’ll see you later! Kisses!” You repeat the word weakly before shoving once more through the mass. The sidewalk and cool bite of the outdoors is a welcome respite - your driver doesn’t speak all the way to your apartment, and you give them 5 stars for it. After a cold, quick shower, you curl up in your fuzziest bathrobe with a cup of coffee and flick through Netflix. You know when midnight rolls around when the neighbors upstairs, hosting a party of their own, cheer and shout to each other. It can’t be 20 minutes later that your door is met with a tentative knock.
On the other side is Vision in the most disarray you’ve seen him in - he’s in pajamas, for Pete’s sake, hair and glasses askew over a chunky knit sweater. He’s supporting an equally-bleary but much more drunk Wanda, and passes her to you with a wrinkled nose.
“Y/N!” She crows, dissolving into giggles as you shushed her. “I wondered where you went.” 
“I told you I was coming home, bubs,” You mutter, hugging her back briefly before you notice Vision is still standing in your entryway. “Hey, how about you go get changed, and then I’ll make you some eggs?”
Wanda agrees, talking animatedly even as she walks away. You look back at Vision, smiling wearily. “Thanks for bringing her home safe, Vis. Did you want a cup of coffee, or...?”
“No, thank you,” Vision quips, polite as ever as he tugs his sweater down over his hands. He jerks his dimpled chin the direction Wanda had disappeared in. “Take care of her, please.”
“Of course,” You reply, instantly, brows furrowing. He nods briskly before turning to leave. “Thank you again.”
“Of course. Goodnight.” He’s almost to the elevators when you call a ‘Happy New Year’ after him, and that earns you a smile. “Happy New Year to you as well, Y/N.”
Back inside, you find Wanda spread eagle on her bed in mismatched socks, an old college hoodie, and the same underwear you’re pretty sure she wore to go out tonight. You poke her heel and she makes a frankly unhuman gurgle into the duvet. “How much did you have?”
“Nah a lah,” Is her muffled reply. “We’on dwink anymo’.” 
You realize she’s right, though you figured she was at least taking some of those dates to bars. Maybe not, though - Wanda was always a romantic. You push the mere though away and tug at the arm closest to you. “Yeah, I know. You’ll feel better if you eat something, though.” 
Her protesting grunts are less effective than when she kicks out blindly, narrowly avoiding your hip, and you huff. “Fine, I’ll bring the food to you.”  You make to leave, but she’s captured your wrist now. Wanda turns her head to make powerful puppy eyes at you. “Stay. Sleepy.” 
“I...yeah. Okay.” You were still a little tipsy in your own right - neither of you were college kids anymore, after all. Wanda’s smile was blinding as the pair of you made your way under her numerous layers of blankets. When she turned the lamp off, you wondered if she could hear your heart thundering in the dark.
“Y/N?” She whispers, just when you think she’s fallen asleep. 
“Yes, Wanda?” 
“I love you.”
You hum in acknowledgment, brushing it off as dreaming.
Midday, you’re roused by someone laying across your stomach and shaking you awake. It’s Wanda, long lashes fluttering prettily as she rests her chin on folded elbows. You scrub sleep from your eyes as you croak, “Morning, sunshine.”
“Morning, Y/N.” She says your name with purpose - sort of always has, you realize. You’re running over last night in your head, and like a mind reader, Wanda answers your every question. “Hey.”
“Still love you.” Wanda murmurs. You meet her gaze - completely clear, if not a little glazed over with absolute adoration. She pushes up a little, lips hovering over yours. They brush just barely when you speak, sparking like live wires. 
“I love you, too,” You breathe, and finally, finally, she kisses you. 
Things make so, so much more sense then.
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zombinary · 3 years
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Alright here’s Mickey! More info under the cut~!
Michael "Mickey" James Starr -24, bday October 13th. Technically it’s October 12th, but he doesn’t celebrate it until the 13th. Reason why is his twin was born at 1:59, he was at 12:01. He’s weird about it. -He/it -Trans man, bi
-Family wise...He doesn't care for his dad and the likewise for him. He sorta left after his parents got divorced when he was like 12. He never really bothered to get to know his kids, which kinda started the whole deal with Mickey. -His mom, he loves her but she's more like Mitch but ten fold. She's super hyper and overbearing and tried WAAAY too hard so now he hates noseyness and opening up and REALLY values his privacy. -Has a twin sister named Mitchell, who he doesn't really talk to much. They're pretty different and just can't agree to disagree on small things. -THAT gave him his motto of "You don't bug me, I don't bug you!" when it comes to strangers! He's not easy to get to know, oops.
-Hobbies include watching horror flicks, perusing auction sites, drawing horror, reading comic books, and writing dnd campaigns. -First pet was a rock he fed with stickers. -Horror fanatic, has tons of props around his place that he takes GREAT care of. Some are even legitimate props from auctions! Yes he spends too much money on them. -Runs a blog that's him reviewing modern horror flicks or series. It's not that popular but he doesn't really give a shit, it's more for him to yell into the void. -His favorite horror is alien scifi. Thus, his favorite movie is Aliens 1985. He's got a crush on the Xenomorph
-Personality wise he's stone faced and quiet. Blunt and doesn't like to beat around the bush. He's honest to a fault, though. Just don't expect him to slam you with a bunch of ice breakers right off the bat. -He REALLY perks up when he's talking about horror n scary n gross things, he has this thing where he'll run on and on with just one breath. He'll get more excited with each word. He's a passionate dude. Kinda rare to happen though since he's so mellow, and doesn't outwardly show his excitement much. -Under all that stoic grumpness he's a huge cornball that reads romance novels and kicks his feet when the two people kiss after 10 chapters. He's also kept all of the crafts Mitch has made him, like the holiday cards or whatnot. He gets p upset if they get creased.
-Works at a comic book store in this megamall. He'll spend his breaks reading the most interesting looking ones! Shockingly hasn't been fired yet for his lack of retail smile n attitude. -Fashion sense is a lot of t shirts and dress shirts over those t shirts. Usually it's some kinda graphic shirt but he does have a spot for the goofy ones. Lotta boots and sneakers and converses. He doesn't really try to look his best, more so wants to be comfy and casual. Though, he does like matching colors a lot. -His types are mean stoic girls, desperate cocky men, and ppl who are generally tall. If someone he thinks is cute is nearby he'll just fucking. Leave as soon as possible HNHYTPJTYPYTKP -He hates being tall bc he wants to be unnoticeable as possible
-When he came out and started to transition, Mick didn't talk too much about his feelings. At least at first, but he did go out with his mom and lead her around to what clothes he wanted. More so a silent vulnerability for him, an action rather than talking. -He already had a wardrobe that fit him because yanno over time his style shifted. But he still wanted to do it with his mom. He was willing to share this thing with her, after all. -They helped choose his new name! His mom immediately started calling him "Mickey" because he's her lil mousey baby uguuguuuuu [she dressed them up as mice for their first halloween and ever since she's called them her Minnies] -ONLY Mitch and his mom and CLOSE FRIENDS can call him Mickey or Mick. He acts nonchalant about it but he likes his nickname.
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genesisrose74 · 4 years
could I request headcannons for noya,kuroo and bokuto where they have an s/o who’s very short (around 5’1) but they really don’t mind being short and actually prefer it? ahh i see so many ppl here who don’t really like being short but i just,,, i just vibe with it LOL thanks in advance ! 💕
Short S/O Headcanons - Nishinoya, Kuroo, and Bokuto
A/n: You can absolutely request that! I am so very glad y’all are looking for some Noya content because I love that boy with every fiber of my being wanted to write something for him since he’s such a great character :p - hope you like it!
Let’s be honest: Nishinoya doesn’t give a shit how tall or short you may be
He is the living embodiment of “All women are queens” and will live by that code for the rest of his days
But with you happening to be just his size - and actually a bit shorter! - it makes him incredibly happy
The fact that you’re totally chill with being (definitely) on the shorter side makes him all the more glad because he loves that you see your worth based on something more than pure height
Adores picking you up and spinning you around because your feet won’t awkwardly scrape against the ground lmao
You’re both insanely good at playing hide and seek because you can fit into smaller spaces with relative ease
Don’t ask how this situation arose; the Karasuno boys got a bit competitive and wanted to see who was the most stealthy of the club
It took half an hour for them to find you and Noya
Suga got very worried that someone had kidnapped y’all for goodness sake
Poor thing almost had a heart attack when they finally found you both vibing in two lockers right next to each other I kid you not
Expert climber as you’ve learned to improvise, adapt, and overcome the more vertically challenged parts of your daily life
You and Noya have games to see who can reach the top of a shelf the fastest
Winner gets kissies 🥰
Little spoon all day every day; Noya enjoys being the one who gives all the nice big cuddles so it’s not even a question
BLANKETS. BRO. I don’t even know what to say except that being shorter allows you more ability to achieve ultimate blanket coziness
Cause taller people sometimes have trouble with needing to find a certain position to make sure their feet and limbs are all underneath the warmth of that damn thing which can be annoying
On the other hand, you and Nishi deadass roll up into a blanket burrito and sit on the couch together, watching movies and living life ya know
Couple naps everywhere. No joke. On a chair, a couch, beanbag, just...anywhere you can fit comfortably (damn I wish I could do that)
God Noya just loves you holy wow congrats on winning the short king
After years of getting his kneecaps obliterated by Yaku for height comments, Kuroo has been disciplined into not making references to shortness
The fact that you don’t mind it at all though makes him a bit relieved, after having to deal with the libero’s unrelenting aggression for so long
He’s comfortable enough now to use a couple nicknames relating to your height without immediately fearing for his life
Loves loves loves that you’re shorter than him, without a doubt
One of his favorite things is sitting you in his lap and then resting his chin on the top of your head
Most comfortable position for watching television together not gonna lie
You’re basically drowning in how large the captain’s team jacket is on your figure, but it’s perfectly okay because holy wow it’s so freaking warm
Forehead kisses have easily become Kuroo’s specialty. He’s super sweet and gentle as he leans down to quickly press his lips against the crown of your head before heading to practice — absolute perfection
Speaking of routines before practice, he always comes to your classroom prior to the start of warm ups
You’re usually perched on top of your desk, swinging your legs carelessly while you talk to classmates after school, and in comes the Nekoma third year himself
The height difference is a bit less drastic when you’re sitting on top of your desk, which not only makes you look super cute with your feet not touching the ground but allows for optimal kiss height
“Hello, kitten. Fun size. Light of my life,” he greets you, planting numerous kisses on your face between each nickname.
“Hi rooster head, beanstalk-looking ass. How’ve ya been on this fine afternoon?”
God y’all joke and roast each other a LOT, so after a while the height thing definitely comes into play more often than not
Prides on making you feel protected and can very often be found engulfing you in the biggest hugs you could ever imagine
And you’ve basically just disappeared from view in that position
wHaT? WHeRe DiD yOu GO? God I’m sorry I felt the need to-
Where do I even start oh my goodness
He is absolutely enamored with how small you are compared to him
Piggy back rides all the time. On dates, on the way home, in the school halls, you name it
As much as you’re chill with being short, getting the birdseye view on his shoulders is so fun
It’s so cute to him how your eyes light up getting to see everything from up top
Speaking of piggy backs, Bo similarly LOVES throwing you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes
Just runs off with you literally hanging upside down and laughing your ass off
10/10 adorable
Like Kuroo, sweatshirt sharing is a very common occurrence
He thinks sweater paws are the most adorable thing; his heart goes all mushy and he needs to be snapped back into reality
Tell me right now that this man would not go out of his way to buy you a massive animal plushie that’s practically larger than you
“Koutarou, where am I going to put this?”
“In your room, duh”
“It won’t even fit through my front door”
Now it sits in his house to be used at your convenience whenever you’re visiting
The plushie’s name is Captain Cuddles 🥰
Don’t give Capt. too much attention though or else Bo will get depresso 😔
Falling asleep on him is hands down one of the best occurrences for you both
His shoulders are just so broad dude there’s so much space for maximum comfy
Could sleep there for mf hours
And you just look so cute all snuggled up on him that it’s easily become Bokuto’s favorite sight in the world
Resting his cheek on the top of your head whenever he gets bored at school
Koala bear style hugs are just *chefs kiss* perfection with you two
Ultimate pairing at Fukurodani; the good vibes your relationship radiates is unmatched
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muwur · 4 years
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haikyuu x otome: masterlist | rules
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» synopsis:   a haikyuu x reader au where you, the player, are bound for university in a metropolis several hours away from home. hope and excitement are replaced with dread as you come to realize that juggling life as a student and a part-time employee takes a toll. from demanding classes to a ruthless manager, life just can’t seem to give you a break. that is, until you meet a certain someone who reminds you how to live and follow your dreams. somehow, when you’re with them, time stands still. maybe things are finally starting to look up. if only you could stay in those moments for just a little longer.
» gn reader
» ngl came out longer than i expected but thats ok LMAO,, them otome intros be unnecessarily long too mb; 3.1k words
» note: if u rllyy want u can kinda skip or just skim this, the gist is that you move in n meet like 3 ppl LOL
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The train hummed as it zoomed through the landscape, leaving behind the familiar people, sights, sounds, and smells. Yawning, you rubbed your nap away from weary eyes and peered out the window. Just hours ago you had waved a bittersweet farewell to your town, friends, and family, who woke at the crack of dawn to send you off with tight hugs and teary-eyed wishes of good luck. 
Your heart lurched at the memory. You’d miss them. In an effort to part happily, you promised to come back for the holidays, call often, and hook your friends up with any cute people you just knew would match them. Glancing down at your phone, you smiled at the excited text messages from your friends. Your fingers tapped away at the keyboard in response.
‘Just woke up from my nap. I think I’m here!’
Outside, buildings scraped the clouds and their windows shined in the light of the afternoon sun. Cars honked, bikes swerved, crowds bustled. On one end of the block, a man on a ladder was painting a sign for his store, while on the other end , a street performer danced energetically in her black shoes. Smoke emitted from a food vendor’s stand, where a man skillfully flipped some meat and vegetables on a stove, even throwing his spatula into the air to entertain his customers. The city was alive. 
Stepping off the train, you clutched your belongings and felt a sudden rush of exhilaration. You were finally here. You intended to take a deep breath, in order to take in your first taste of this city’s air, only to stop halfway in a short hacking fit to expel train exhaust from your lungs. 
‘That was pleasant,’ you grumbled to yourself, still coughing as you made your way off the platform towards the street. Luckily, Lyft existed. And it was cheaper here! Within minutes of your order, a black Toyota pulled up in front of you. The driver smiled and stepped out of the car, their wavy brown hair bouncing against their shoulders. “Let me help you with those,” they smiled as they offered to take your bags and put them in the trunk. 
“Oh, thank you so much!” What a kind person, you thought as you opened the backseat of the car. Ooh.
On second thought, maybe you were too optimistic. Who knew a 10 minute ride could feel so long? It seemed at least twice that much when you were squished in the backseat with some handsy couple. Just your luck, someone was already occupying the passenger seat. Oh well, a minor inconvenience in the name of saving money. All you could do was shift closer to the door, fix your gaze outside the window, and try to ignore the strange purrs coming from your seatmates. A familiar building caught your eye and you let out a sigh of relief when the car came to a stop. You thanked your driver as you stepped out and pulled your bags out of the trunk. Looking back and forth from your phone to the townhouse before you, you had to admit the real thing looked a little more worn down than how it was advertised, but you couldn’t blame them. I mean, your pictures on instagram aren’t exactly the everyday representation of yourself, either.
Aged wood creaked as you hoisted your bags up the front steps. You tapped  your knuckles three times against the brown door and rang the buzzer to the landlord’s office. 
“Hello? Miss Q?” you asked, hoping the landlord you’ve been contacting for the last two months would answer. “It’s me, y/n, I let you know I’d be coming in today.”
No answer. 15 minutes, a few text messages, and a phone call later, still no response. You groaned. Were you at the right place? Looking back at the address of the building and your location, you were sure this was it. Did Miss Q happen to be out? Or was she napping and just happened to be a heavy sleeper? Maybe her phone died. Whatever the reason, you were stuck out here for the meantime. Shrugging it off, you took a seat on a dusty patio chair and started to scroll mindlessly through your phone to pass the time. Hopefully she’d reply soon. 
The screech of a vehicle coming to a stop caught your ear. You looked up to see that the mover’s van you ordered pulled up across the street. Well, at least your things arrived. You stood up and waved to the man driving the vehicle. Making your way to greet and thank him, you helped him unload your things and set them down on the free space in front of the complex, making sure to keep the pathways clear. Placing down the last of the things onto the ground, you wiped the sweat off your brow, tipped the man, and watched him leave.
20 minutes of that and still you remained stuck outside. The late summer sun was beginning to get unbearably warm. Sitting amongst your pile of things, you couldn’t help but groan inwardly at the thought of all the unpacking you had to do. On top of that, classes begin in a week, and you needed to search for a job as soon as possible to help pay the bills. 
“Erm, hello? Are you y/n l/n, by any chance?” a gentle voice asked.
Lost in your thoughts, you failed to notice anyone had approached you. He was a fairly tall boy with dark hair half pulled back into a messy bun. Freckles adorned his face, complemented by his soft brown eyes and warm smile. He wore a pair of white shoes, slightly distressed lightwash jeans that were rolled up at the bottom, and a loose fitting, olive button up half tucked into his jeans. In his arms was a brown paper bag with a loaf of bread peeking out. 
“Yeah, I am! Do you live here?” you responded eagerly, getting up to your feet.
He nodded with a smile. “I do! Apparently Miss Q’s sick and staying at her daughter’s place for now, so her daughter messaged me to help you get settled in. Let me put these groceries away and get your key.”
He disappeared into the townhouse, then returned a few moments later with a key dangling between his fingers. “Miss Q needs a better hiding spot for her spare office key. The plant pot is way too obvious. Anyways, I can show you to your room, now. I’ll help you carry your things up,” he offered.
“That would be great! Thanks again for all your help, otherwise I’d probably have been stuck out here all night,” you said, gently handing him a box to carry.
“Y-Yeah, no problem! Though, Tsukki might’ve let you in if he saw you out here, too. Oh, and my name’s Tadashi Yamaguchi, by the way. Some people call me Yams. It’s nice to meet you.” 
“It’s nice to meet you, too, Yams,” you huffed in amusement at his cute nickname. “Call me y/n.” Carrying some boxes, you followed Yamaguchi into the building. Luckily you were on the first floor, second door on the lefthand side. He fumbled with the key, searching for the keyhole before turning the unlocked knob and opening the door. 
Much like the outside, the interior of the place was also outdated. You both stood in front of the quaint living area connected to the kitchen. In the back, you could see the hallway leading to the bathroom and your single bedroom. The plain, white walls of the room were illuminated by daylight coming in from the windows on the rightmost wall. You could overlook the worn couch and scuffed dining table, though, considering the place was fully furnished and leased at a great price. Miss Q had even told you both the kitchen and bathroom had actually been remodeled recently. 
Going back and forth to take your belongings inside, you thought to get to know your new neighbor. “So, how long have you lived here?”
He pursed his lips in thought and stacked the box he was carrying on top of another one. “Mm, only since the start of summer, actually. My friend and I came here to start university, and one of his favorite museums also happens to be in this city. We come from about 2 hours north of here, though. What about you?”
You set down a particularly heavy bag onto the floor with a grunt. “I’m from a place several hours west of here. I came here for school, too! Are you going to Central University, by any chance?”
“Yeah, I am!” he responded with pleasant surprise and wide eyes. “I guess we’ll be seeing each other on campus, too. Remind me to show you the closest bus stop you can take to get there.” A soft smile formed on his lips.
After finally taking in all your belongings, you collapsed onto the couch in exhaustion. Your eyes flickered over to the brunette, whose chuckle you could hear from across the room. “Long day?” he asked, settling into a spot next to you. 
Groaning, you replied, “I’ve been up since 5 am to do some last minute packing and catch my train.”
“Yikes. Sounds early.”
“Tell me about it.”
A comfortable silence hung in the air for a few seconds. Curious, he piped up with another question. “So, what made you decide to move all the way out here?”
“Hmm,” you began. “Well, I wanted to settle into a new, unknown place, y’know? Explore the world a little more and see what it’s like out here. Be on my own for the first time.”
Yamaguchi nodded thoughtfully in understanding. “I get you. My best friend and I kinda came here for the same reasons. We wanted to expand our worlds a bit. I’ve only been here a few months, and already so much has happened. You’ll definitely get to explore and experience a lot in this city. Things are always busy around here...” he trailed off, checking a notification on his phone that just dinged with a new message. His brown gaze flickered back to you. “Ooh, would you like to have a drink with my friend and I at my place? I live in the room right across from here. You seem like you need a break.”
You could feel your lips curve upwards. “I’d really enjoy that, actually.”
Thus you found yourself in your new friend’s apartment, sinking comfortably into his black beanbag chair, a bottle of cold lemonade in your hand. Taking another refreshing swig, your eyes traveled over to the blonde seated next to Yams on their tan sofa. You could hardly feel welcome when the first words that came out of his mouth after seeing you was a disgruntled “you brought someone here?”, which made Yamaguchi smack the back of his friend’s head.
“They’re our new neighbor, Tsukki! Be more welcoming,” he chided with a roll of his eyes. “Y/n, this is Kei Tsukishima. Tsukki, this is y/n.”
He rubbed the back of his head and glared at Yamaguchi. The blonde sighed, extending a hand out towards you. “Tsukishima. Nice to meet you, I guess.”
“Erm,” you tried to smile, “nice to meet you, too, Tsukishima. Just call me y/n.”
‘How is someone as sweet as Yams best friends with this dude?’
He couldn’t be all bad, you reasoned. Maybe he was just having a bad day,,, or always having a bad day. Regardless, even if your first impression was kinda substandard and underwhelming, you hoped you’d get along. He seemed like the type to need to get to know someone before warming up to them. 
You set the empty bottle atop their maple coffee table. Two hours had creeped by, consisting mostly of lighthearted exchanges between you and Yamaguchi, with a brief, occasional response from Tsukishima. He spent most of the time flipping through the pages of a novel and lightly tapping its hardcover to the beat of whatever he was listening to on his headphones. Yamaguchi suggested getting delivery from a Thai place he liked a few blocks away, and even insisted on covering the cost for you. 
“No, you really don’t have to..! I appreciate the offer, though,” you pleaded.
He shook his head, smiling as he tapped away at postmates on his phone. “Don’t worry about it.” He logged in both your orders and nudged Tsukishima with his elbow. “What do you want?”
Pushing up his glasses, Tsukishima leaned over to look at his friend’s phone screen. A few moments passed before he pulled away and said, “Pad Kee Mao sounds good.”
30 minutes later and there was a ring at the front door. A voice on the buzzer sounded. “I have a delivery for, uh.. Tadashi!” 
“Looks like they’re here,” Yamaguchi said as he stood up. You followed him out to the main entrance. Behind the door was a boy with tousled orange hair and bright brown eyes, carrying a plastic bag filled with takeout boxes. “Here you go!” he exclaimed as he handed you the order. He peered at the brunette beside you, his face scrunching in thought before lightening up with clarity. “Hey, you were with the guy I crashed into the other day! I-Is he okay by the way? Sorry, I was in a really big rush...!”
Eyebrows shooting up in surprise and eyes widening with familiarity, Yamaguchi nodded, “Oh yeah, I remember that! Don’t worry, he’s alright, just bitter and annoyed. I’m glad you seem to be okay, as well.” 
The redhead scratched the back of his neck sheepishly and looked down at his scuffed shoes. “Ah, thanks! Um, is he around? I’d like to apologize for yesterday...”
Yamaguchi smiled. “I’ll go grab him,” he said briefly before heading back to his apartment. 
The delivery boy sighed with relief. “Man, I felt really bad about that yesterday...” he muttered. He looked back up, his eyes brightening when they met yours. “My name’s Shoyo Hinata! People usually call me Hinata.”
“I’m y/n, it’s nice to meet you,” you smiled, offering your hand. He shook hands with you a bit too vigorously, and you nearly dropped the food held in your other arm. “Are you new around here?” he asked.
“Hah, is it that obvious?” you joked.
“Nahh, just a wild guess. You’re just really refreshing, is all! Most of the people I meet seem burnt out, but I don’t blame them. We’ve all got busy lives. Talking to you is nice, though! I haven’t learned any customer’s names, well, since I started working! Then again, it’s only been two months... Anyways, where you from? I was born and raised here.”
If anything, you thought Hinata was the refreshing one. A tad talkative, but refreshing nonetheless. He effused a radiance that matched his vivid hair. “I’m from *insert place here*, a few hours west of here. I just arrived today!”
Before he could give you a response, however, you both heard footsteps approaching. You could recognize Tsukishima’s voice muttering a low “let’s get this over with” from behind you. Now standing at the doorframe, the blonde towered over Hinata. His countenance displayed obvious annoyance. However, he maintained his composure, pressed his finger against the bridge of his nose, and sighed out, “What do you want?”
Hinata bowed. “I’m sorry I crashed into you with my bike the other day! I was rushing to volleyball practice and I wasn’t looking. It was my fault.”
Eyes narrowing, Tsukishima allowed several moments of silence to achingly pass before letting out a small huff. “Fine. Apology accepted.” Shoving his hands in his pockets, he turned around to return to his room. “Watch where you’re going next time, idiot. You’d better hope you don’t run into me again.” A door shut.
‘That was quick.’
Hinata looked up to watch him leave and straightened his form again. Lips pursed and eyebrows furrowed, he crossed his arms across his chest. “Geez, what’s his deal?” Yamaguchi cast him an apologetic look. “Ah, he’s just like that. He appreciates the gesture, though.” 
A high-pitched ding caught your attention. “Ah, I gotta go make another delivery! It was nice to meet you all!” 
Quickly grabbing a bill out of your pocket, you stopped Hinata mid-step. “Wait! Here, please take this. Thanks for the food!”
He accepted the tip from your hands, looking back and forth between you and the money. “Wow, thank you so much! I really hope to see you around. Have a great night!” With a final smile and wave, he bounded off the porch steps towards his bike, hopped on, then disappeared down the street. 
After having dinner and exchanging contact information with Yamaguchi and Tsukishima, you thanked them for having you over and retired back to your room. Drained, you only had enough energy to make up your bed and unpack your bathroom essentials. You trudged into the bathroom. Looking into the mirror, weariness was evident in your dull gaze. ‘Ugh, I can’t wait to sleep,’ you thought as you turned the sink on. The cool water felt refreshing against your skin and livened your senses. You brushed your teeth before retreating to your bedroom and changing into a comfier pair of clothes. 
You checked the time on your phone. How was it only 11 PM? The darkness, coupled with your exhaustion, made it seem at least three hours ahead. You plugged the phone in to charge and set it down on the bedside table. ‘No need to set an alarm,’ you thought, ‘I just wanna sleep.’ 
You took a few minutes to stare at the dark ceiling overhead, thinking about all the new changes coming your way.  New faces, cool food, and exciting places. Hopefully you had some time these first few weeks to explore and familiarize yourself with the city. Excitement mixed with a prick of anxiety as you thought about how you could manage on your own. However, you had faith in your independence. You would be okay. Besides, there were friendly people out here like Yamaguchi, Hinata, and maybe Tsukishima who you could trust if you ever needed help.
It didn’t take long for you to drift off into a deep slumber. You lazily woke up the following morning, yawning with outstretched arms. ‘That was the best sleep I’ve had in ages,’ you thought as you sat up. It was half an hour before noon. The sun shone brightly through your windows, whose curtains were left undrawn. ‘Surprised that the light didn’t wake me up sooner.’ A loud honk made you jump in your seat. ‘Or the noise.’
You drew your legs over the side of the bed and took in the state of your room. Surrounded by stacked boxes and luggage, you were reminded what you came here for. Anticipation collected in your chest. This was the start of the life you’ve been waiting for the past few years. 
‘We’re gonna make the best of this, y/n.’
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Date of origin: 9/10/21
PART 1/2
I was at sea. It was the safest place, after the apocalypse. Yet ashore i came, and found a coyoteperson family cowering from an incoming cloud of toxic gas. Pretty sure the cloud used to be their dad, but that mattered less than that it was dangerous and chasing them. I picked up the 3 kids, set them on their feet, and got them to run with the help of their mom. Two of the kids were girls, ones gender switch around. The gas cloud wasnt very fast but we didnt go very far before stopping again- we climbed into a motel room through a window and shut it behind us, which bought a little time. The family looked too much like coyote people to travel through a populated area, so we stayed here for a minute to clean up and put on clothes. This is where i somehow encountered Steve. My childhood friend Steve, who i've not seen irl for like 20 years or something, but in my dream he was fully grown and looked healthy. He helped, but the gas was creaping inside and one girl (lauren, maybe?) still needed to get dressed. He said to go on, he'll find us later. Coyote mom was worried leaving her kid, I told her to trust steve. In the motel hallway the motel was retconned into a nicer hotel, and we were now on the 10th floor or so. We went to the first floor via elevator, where a huge con (staffed by target employees) was taking place. We wandered in and out, reconvening in a mostly-empty flea market (or perhaps antique sale) outside. Steve did not join us quickly, so i went back in to find him. He was not in the room (good) but i didn't find him at the con, but its a big place so i asked a manager (mike from target) and he was alarmed at "lost child" but i explained the rest. He told ppl over the walkie to find steve, who worked there. I went to the electronics closet- which was similar to the one irl but so tall there were ladders to access all the shelves of radios and handhelds. I listened to the different channels from there, and a couple minutes later someone radioed that steve was found, he had a child with him, but when they told him that someone was looking for him he assumed it was a work thing and said to them "i resign", ignoring the summons. I did eventually find him though, and after laughing a little at the miscommunication, we went outside to join the family. We had put some distance between them and the gas cloud so i wasn't too concerned for them. They'd be safe. We found a wood paneled minivan and they set out. 
(part 2)
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catboyminato · 4 years
fuck u werewolf Minato headcannons ❤️
best friend is koromaru they have a pact
understands what koro is saying
“bark” “yeah i agree.”
can morph on command (pack it up the Order 🙄)
stronger on full moons
imagine ure a shadow and suddenly SEES let’s loose this massive fucking growling canine like good luck 😭
sharp canines. pointy boi
absolutely feral if he needs to be
growls at ppl he doesn’t like 💀
lowkey got a bad vibe from Ikutsuki and probably snarled at him a few times 😃
a literal drama queen
u eat his snacks?? will not talk to u for the entire day
can’t go longer than that bc he needs affection
if he is not given affection will literally die 😽
if u catch him sleeping anywhere mind ure damn buisness
if u cross his friends will literally eat u ❤️
or at least terrify u what do u think happened to Mitsuru’s fiancée
imagine ure just a man in like ure limousine and all of a sudden some big ass wolf lands on top of ure car and snarls at u i would simply pass away
has mastered the puppy dog eyes ❤️
how do u think he gets away with chasing squirrels and being hella hyper
SEES grew accustomed that sometimes he just morphs. he just does
if u see a big blue wolf walking around the dorm mind ure damn buisness he ain’t hurting anyone
the best hugs
hella good at reading body language so can always tell when anyone is upset
im NOT saying he morphs to give SEE better hugs when their down,,,,,I’m just saying he morphs to give them better hugs when their down
ceo of forehead touching, nose touching, hugs
The “normalize kissing ure best friend” person
Minato “I can tear you apart. touch my pack and u die. I am satans wrath upon this earth—yukari!!! ure back :))” Arisato
his ideal date is anything outdoors related
park?? hiking?? walks?? yessir 😌
when Ikutsuki betrays them he beats himself up about it bc he always got a bad vibe with him but he never told anyone.
SEES is his pack 🥺🥺
lowkey hella fast and strong even in human form so akihiko gets a field day with that 💀
Minato loves spending time with his team bc they r basically his family 🥺
does Aki want to train? ok !!
yukari wants to go shopping? but clothes are clothes !! ok I’ll go :)
ken needs help studying? what on earth made u think i am the best person for this!! ill do it ❤️
mitsuru wants to go get fast food?? wonderful!! bonding time!!
Fuuka is saying sumn about tech and coding?? doesn’t know wtf she’s talking about but he’ll go along with it !!
junpei wants to go on a walk with korumaru? incredible 10/10 would die for them!!
not the best at cooking but will do his best to help shinji!!
shinjiro “no you can’t eat the meat rAW THATS DINNER-” Aragaki
aigis and minato have wtf are humans superiority
a master tracker
could literally find any of SEES in minutes
wolves are social creatures so he’s rlly popular
a bit odd but he’s nice!!
SEES goes thru so many sticky rollers bc of him it’s comical
the strongest jaw you’ve ever seen
can tear apart raw meat in minutes
and shadows 😽
SEES will just simply kill u if u make him sad that’s just how it is I don’t make the rules ❤️
sad minato is not a good minato
it just brings the entire dorm down with his somber attitude and they simply don’t fw that 😁
def were not very protective of aki or Mitsuru when Shinji and eyepatch dad died 😳
he just wants to make sure they were ok shut up 😫
Probably does have a persona but going ham as a wolf is just simply more fun 🤩
imagine ure strega doing ure shit and all of a sudden a 5 foot wolf is barreling at u asgdhkfhdj
Mitsuru “oh so he’s a werewolf. ok. i hate it here.” Kirijo
Yukari “why is he FIVE FEET TALL WHAT THE FUCK-” Takeba
minato whose in wolf form: 😜
akihiko “can i fight him?” sanada
science?? the science behind it?? who knows 😃
oh god imagine him dating mitsuru 💀💀
mitsuru “let’s keep this under wraps” Kirijo and Minato “i will literally die if u don’t give me affection” Arisato
oops ❤️
just a girl and her 5 foot fucking wolf 🤩
not saying after a long Tartarus run he’s SEES personal pillow but I am saying exactly that
probably has a praise kink 😽
in short: yeah ❤️
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foxghost · 4 years
This/last week’s read: Po Yun, Breaking Through the Clouds 1 & 2
All 1.6 million words. Po Yun (Breaking Through the Clouds) and Po Yun 2 (Swallowing the sea), by Huai Shang (817k) On jjwxc. I started reading them because I missed SCI, but Po Yun is a much more serious book with serious plot twists and no hypnosis/split personalities/genetic modification magic. Oh, and more whump. I mean these characters are basically hurt all the time. Constantly. A bonus: all your main characters are in their 30’s.
There’s a summary on novelupdates, but I’m going to give you an alternative summary:
International drug-trafficker King of Spades and the Gongzhou Police Organised Crime/drug trafficking division chief Jiang Ting were once childhood friends and are now caught in a game of cops and robbers cat and mouse and their love story ends in inevitable BE …
Okay, it’s not that, go get the actual summary from NU that ends in a nobody (bad) dies HE ending between Jiang Ting and Yan Xie.
(Rambling that is as spoiler-free as possible after cut, but to summarise, I’d give Po Yun 1 a 7/10 and Po Yun 2 a 10/10 recommended with some caveats for plot holes and warning for graphic descriptions of violence and gore)
Po Yun1: If this book was actually about the first story, 10/10, a very well-told tragedy that ends in a near perfect circle. As is, I’m not sure how to feel because it just felt so much like it should end in 雙愛雙殺 / “mutual love, mutual killing”, that even though it has told me it’s HE since the beginning it doesn’t feel right. Despite Jiang Ting’s insistence that he never loved SpadesK, he did … in the before times, and considering how much he hated him afterwards, he loved him a lot. I think most what made this book less enjoyable for me though is Yan Xie, who is basically your definition of male chauvinist (his nickname in the book is literally “straight man cancer”), and he touched the one squick I have … terrible personal hygiene.
Point form entirely unorganised thoughts (吐槽) :V below, mostly of my very twisted opinion, you’ve been warned
Every time I heard about Yan Xie’s “male hormones” smell I gagged a little because I’m pretty sure he stinks
No, wait, I don’t have to be pretty sure. The first time he lent his jacket to Jiang Ting he had to cover his nose and ask “when was the last time you did the laundry”
also, “wash your feet first thing when you get home or I really will avoid you” omg
Yan Xie: do I look like i have time to change my clothes <- in 3 days
why do you even like him the only thing good about him is that he loves you a lot
most of the words that come out of his mouth (especially towards women) are toxic and just THE WORST
Literally no woman in the novel is surprised that he’s tall, handsome, rich, and is single in his 30’s
his mother: now that he’s this age all I ask is that he chooses someone younger than me
anyway that’s enough about Yan Xie I just had to tell someone after Jiang Ting (whom I love) chose to end up with makes face and points THAT
Meanwhile, the King of Spades is basically a more twisted Asami Ryuichi and how can I not love that fictionally
the king of spades gets a theme song (Young and Beautiful) and childhood episode with MC
Excuse me I have feels about the villain and the MC/villain ship way more than the canon ship orz
Half the plot is about antag trying to turn back time emotionally to see if things between Jiang Ting and himself could have turned out in any way differently
“all i wanted in his life was for you to kill me and then we die together” trope
He is well-dressed, cultured, polite, and utterly off his rocker, kills without blinking, but you know something
He leaves the torturing to Jiang Ting because he’s … probably better at it
Jiang Ting will pull off your fingernails and give you the death of 3000 cuts without batting an eyelash
I love Jiang Ting a regular amount
as mentions of Yan Xie’s lack of hygiene grew less frequent I admit he grew on me (and I guess I want a happy ending for Jiang Ting since he’s suffered enough) but only right up until Yan Xie SPEAKS AGAIN
on the mystery/drama/cases front, it’s good …
too much of the plotting of how convoluted the crimes are hinged on “antag is crazy you can’t explain the motivation of the crazy”
There are plenty of surprises, lots of side characters to get attached to, and come to think of it it’s the kind of happy ending that’s really 地道, nobody (on the good guy side) dies.
Onto Po Yun 2:
MC (Wu Yu) is a contradiction of a killer cinnamon bun (do we still say that? why don’t we still say that?) anyway he can go from polite and sweet and courteous and shy about speaking in public to killer hawk jumping out of the 8th floor window using obstacles to slow his descent to stab target in the throat in 5 seconds flat
Code name “The Painter”, as in “Painted Skin”, cross-border master undercover cop, but he’s pretty to the point of standing out (this is used as a plot point later)
ML (Bu Chonghua, everytime I see his name 蔥花 “chopped green onions” floats across my brain) seems pretty normal at first glance, but he’s “living for vengeance”
MC and ML have childhood background story while MC and villain does not (thank you)
the cases are all related, and they make sense for the most part
MC’s backstory and the final reveal is a bit of a stretch and the writer knows it (and apologises)
But overall, very well plotted cases that takes its time unwinding and doesn’t get explained all at once.
however, some tropes recycled wholesale from book 1 meant that they did not fool me for a single second.
WHUMP and lots of hurt, not so much comfort. These people are wounded so often they really shouldn’t be walking around
I literally can’t tell you anything without giving half the story away, so I won’t — I’m just going to say “read it you won’t regret it”
2 is a better book than 1. Both use the same kind of ship dynamic — MC is evasive and hiding something, ML is full of love but know not to trust entirely because MC is evasive, eventually MC come to realise that “even if I’m evil this man will love me anyway” and then happily ever after. Whether the resulting relationship is healthy is … up for debate, but I’m here for all the car chases / explosions / jumping off buildings / dealing with life and death situations / nearly dying every chapter or two. Come for excitement, nobody dies, and happy wedding endings … ignore the plot holes and inconsistencies.
If Huai Shnag writes a third installment — likely, some ppl are left alive for reasons — I will drop all the points on them. This was totally worth my time. If you buy the jjwxc version, go hunt down the uncensored chapters, there is one smut scene each that got cut.
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aj521z · 4 years
1. What is you middle name? - Crackhead
2. How old are you? - apprx 8
3. When is your birthday? - April 7 
4. What is your zodiac sign? - Dumb bitchasaurus 
5. What is your favorite color? - Blue. Like turquoise/aqua 
6. What’s your lucky number? - I have no luck Im gay
7. Do you have any pets? - 2 beautiful fucking dogs that the loml and I die for them immediately and kill everyone to defend them. Also a cat who is a wack boy 
8. Where are you from? - SoCal 
9. How tall are you? - 5′7 
10. What shoe size are you? - 10-11 (lol big feets)
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? - probably like 10 and they’re all converse 
12. What was your last dream about? - sleep paralysis shadow demon(:
13. What talents do you have? - falling for girls who leave me 
14. Are you psychic in any way? - No im an oblivious fucking fool
15. Favorite song? - I have 69420 (two that have a VERY special place in my heart though in memory of my little brother are “Comfortably Numb” by Pink Floyd (his fave song) and “Since I’ve Been Loving You” Led Zeppelin <3 
16. Favorite movie? - oooooofff The Lion King is fave disney. Star wars and LOTR are some of my faves
17. Who would be your ideal partner? - Christen Press (only requirement must love dogs)
18. Do you want children? - Pending, but yes dog children
19. Do you want a church wedding? - LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
20. Are you religious? - yes @tobinheats-me-up​ and I have our own religion, bless JVN
21. Have you ever been to the hospital? - YES YIKE im an injury mess
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? - I got chased by the popo but escaped HAHAHAHHA
23. Have you ever met any celebrities? - Lindsey Horan and CP hello ma’ams
24. Baths or showers? - Showers I dont have time move im gay
25. What color socks are you wearing? - none hahaha
26. Have you ever been famous? - Im famous for being a stupid ass clown
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? - fuck no ( @frankarnstein said “no not even a smol” and im dead)
28. What type of music do you like? - mmmm mostly everything but especially rock (indie, classic, industrial, punk, grunge, folk, all of it)
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? - yes 💀
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? - one to two
31. What position do you usually sleep in? - back or side I toss and turn bc I have anxiety lol
32. How big is your house? - I live here so infinite abyss
33. What do you typically have for breakfast? - usually fruit and eggs
34. Have you ever fired a gun? - yes once at a shooting range
35. Have you ever tried archery? - yes! my aunt actually competes and she taught me hahahha 
36. Favorite clean word? - gay and yikes
37. Favorite swear word? - fuck
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? - 78 hours i hallucinated 
39. Do you have any scars? - too many hahaha physically and emotionally 
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? - soranon (only OGs will remember hahahaha)
41. Are you a good liar? - Depends, but usually no hahahah
42. Are you a good judge of character? - I thought I was but I dont know anymore tbh. Ppl are unpredictable
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? - Yes ask @hvafaenerdette​ I love accents ahahahah
44. Do you have a strong accent? - I’ve been told by internationals that i have a strong american accent but idk ahahaha
45. What is your favorite accent? - Tobin Heath skater girl
46. What is your personality type? - Dumb bitch 
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? - idk like shoes?
48. Can you curl your tongue? - 😏 please
49. Are you an innie or an outie? - why is this a question wtf ahahhaha  
50. Left or right handed? - Right hand, Left foot
51. Are you scared of spiders? - No. Unless they fly down from my fan while I’m trying to play guitar and I’m very drunk and feel attacked
52. Favorite food? - All of it
53. Favorite foreign food? - Everything 
54. Are you a clean or messy person? - depends on my mental state((((((((:
55. Most used phrased? - for fucks sake and dumb bitch probably 
56. Most used word? - clown
57. How long does it take for you to get ready? - 5-10 minutes 
58. Do you have much of an ego? - No, I’m a clown I know my place 
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? - suck I aint tryin to break my teeth lol
60. Do you talk to yourself? - bitch pls ahahahah ofc 
61. Do you sing to yourself? - Yes hahahha
62. Are you a good singer? - Maybe? hahaha
63. Biggest Fear? - Jill Ellis 
64. Are you a gossip? - Nope. I am bearer of all secrets hahahah
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen? - Tournament of Nations 2017 USA vs. Brazil
66. Do you like long or short hair? - long on me but I dont care on other people
67. Can you name all 50 states of America? - I cant geography, but think I could get most ahahaha
68. Favorite school subject? - bio
69. Extrovert or Introvert? - Depends who I’m with, but usually introvert unless I fuck w you ahhahaha
70. Have you ever been scuba diving? - Snorkling yes, but not scuba diving
71. What makes you nervous? - WHAT DOESNT LOL
72. Are you scared of the dark? - No 
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? - only if it’s serious 
74. Are you ticklish? - Not really hahaha
75. Have you ever started a rumor? - No 
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? - Yesssss
77. Have you ever drank underage? - Lol do you know me
78. Have you ever done drugs? - 🥦 💨 @tobinheats-me-up
79. Who was your first real crush? - Gwen Stefani I think? ahhahah I love No Doubt
80. How many piercings do you have? - 0
81. Can you roll your Rs? - yes ma’am
82. How fast can you type? - very fast 
83. How fast can you run? - I cant, but I can walk very fast, move bitch im gay
84. What color is your hair? - light brown
85. What color is your eyes? - depends on lighting either blue or green
86. What are you allergic to? - homophobia 
87. Do you keep a journal? - I write songs instead hahaha
88. What do your parents do? - judge my “lifestyle” 
89. Do you like your age? - yes hahahah
90. What makes you angry? - men
91. Do you like your own name? - yes it’s v gay
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? - Christen and Tobin 
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child? - ive been laughing at this for a minute a “a boy a girl” 
94. What are you strengths? - being gay
95. What are your weaknesses? - girls
96. How did you get your name? - my parents gave it to me? hahahaha
97. Were your ancestors royalty? - cereally 
98. Do you have any scars? - This hasnt changed but again yes both physically and emotionally (:
99. Color of your bedspread? - blue with anchors bc it’s 
100. Color of your room? - tan and one dark blue wall
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