#ppp mansion
cultofthepigeon · 11 months
the thing is even 13 ghosts would not be able to scare me out of owning a house
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honeysmokedham · 6 months
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[ Dropped off and carefully wrapped for Nora are some glasses! There is also an assortment of candy! There is also a card! ]
Happy Birthday! I hope we can know each other more soon. You are really cool. Can we break into a mansion together again sometime soon, please? Or anything! I hope you have a nice day! You’re great! 
- Aria
PS: Sorry if this was awkward.
PPS: We don’t even have to break into a mansion! We can do whatever!
PPPS: There’s also some candy!!! I didn’t have time to buy ham, I am sorry.
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kayssweetdreams · 2 years
Prim and Proper Problems Ch 24
Later that night, Most of the block that the Brunos lived on had been turned into one big block party. Various banners were hung above the streets that had the words "WE'VE WON!!" And "MADAME PRIM IS GONE!!" As the many students from Timeville Public and the Barnum Naka School of Performing Arts and even the freed girls of Prim, Proper, Perfection were partying through the streets.
Thea and Stefan watched as some of the Performing Arts students had written a rather humorous ballad of "The Revolution of PPP" as the children called it, while some of the former "perfect" students were whacking a piñata that resembled Madame Prim. Haoyu and Worville were triumphantly soaring above the Bruno Mansion, while Marey and the Hydrac launched multiple firecrackers into the air.
Yuri grabbed a honey flavored cake that Catilin had made and gave it to Wormsworth, who happily ate it, before she noticed Kaylo walking up the stairs of the Bruno manison away from the ground level. Growing curious, she followed her up there to see the Pink Haired girl lounging on the roof. Her appearance up on the roof was also noticed by the Wonder Stars, who made their way to the roof as well.
"Hey Kaylo." Yuri said, catching her attention. "Hey guys! What's up?" Kaylo asked, her head turning towards them. "What are you doing up here? The party is downstairs." Trisha Jane pointed out "Yeah...But I just like coming up here. It's a good view." She stated, pointing up at the star filled sky that twinkled above them. The kids eyes sparkled as they saw the star studded sky "Whoa...it is a good view." Leo said.
"Yeah. And besides...I've been thinking about a few things." She said. "Like what?" Emma asked "Well...It's just that. What would have happened if Madame Prim won? Would we have just been brainwashed perfection zombies forever?" She questioned. "That's a scary thought." Leo said bluntly, prompting Yuri to elbow him. "Well...It could have been worse. Madame Prim really would have gone along with her "expansion plan" that we found" Rebecca told her, joining her on the roof.
"But what if someone tries to continue what she started? The same person who built that horrible "Purifier". You've seen Madame Prim, she couldn't have built the machines if she was paid to do it." Kaylo pointed out. "We've been thinking about that too. There wasn't a name on the blueprints. And the note we found in Prim's office didn't have a sender. Who could have made the machines for her?" Trisha Jane asked.
"I don't know, But I'm worried...someone might try and finish what Prim had started...and they might make a more permanent brainwash. I could forget my family. I could forget you guys...I don't want to forget you." Kaylo said sadly, a small tear leaking from her eyes. Yuri sat next to Kaylo and patted her back "That's not gonna happen. PPP is gone, Madame Prim is locked away, the blueprints are destroyed, and the sole descendant of her is with her nature loving father. The possibility of that isn't gonna be for a long time." She said
"And besides. If something does happen,We'll all be ready to face it. Together." Mei said. The kids nodded as a smile returned to Kaylo's face. "Yes...You're right! Nothing is impossible against the Wonder Stars!" She said cheerfully, prompting a chuckle from the others as fireworks burst into the air.
Meanwhile, Back at PPP...
A mysterious figure walks over to the ruined remains of what was left of Prim, Proper, Perfection. They walked over to what was Madame Prim's office, and threw a large portrait of her away, revealing a small safe. They had a small sticky note with a small combination
"45-32-02-63-18..."they muttered before the safe popped open, and a small capsule with duplicate blueprints inside. The figure smiled "Sorry that your school was compromised Prim...but no matter. I'll pick off where you left out." They said as they looked over the prints for another machine that read 'MACHINE X'. They then looked out to the fire craters and melting ice that was still there from the earlier revolution.
"I don't know what happened here...But this wasn't a Normal occurrence. And I want that kind of power." They said in a sinister voice, however they were cut off by the ringing of a phone. "Hello? Yes boss. Yes, I've found my old blueprints and the blueprints for Project X. Yes I know that Madame Prim technically is the owner since I stashed them in her school, but the place looks like a wreck now. And besides, I made those blueprints first. They're mine. Yes Boss. I'll get back to you soon." They said as they finished the call.
The figure sighed before they spotted what appeared to be large crater, with a strange looking swirling mark inside. "What on earth?..." they muttered before getting a closer look. "Whatever you had ticked off Prim...I hope it comes back. After all...It could be very useful for our cause." They said.
As their red and golden eyes held what appeared to be the same symbols.
Mei belongs to @sundove88
Rebecca belongs to @thehypercutstudios/@thehyperrequiem
Trisha Jane belongs to @lovelyteng
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longwindedbore · 2 years
Today’s reminder that to qualify for forgiveness for the RICH for using their PPP loans for stock buy-backs [*B] or yachts [*C] - the RICH have merely to
1) advertise for job openings for which they don’t intend to hire [*A]
2) conduct sham interviews which result in no hires;
3) turn in the paperwork to the Federal government while
4) loudly declaring “Nobody wants to work anymore!” DESPITE attaching a bazillion qualified applications.
🎶SCAM-merica, Land of the Fleeced and Home of the Knave…play ball!”🎶
[*A] https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uW1JHNG1jw0
[*B] STOCK BUY BACK https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/09/24/dividends-buybacks-ppp-loans/
[*C] YACHTS, MANSIONS https://www.12news.com/article/money/yachts-homes-money-covid-ppp-fraud/75-e4acf8b2-e4cf-4c87-9cfd-ade24c20db98
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shadowqueen402 · 2 years
Bringing Up The Past
A fic for @kayssweetdreams . This fic also takes place in the events of Part 15 of her Prim and Proper Problems fic. Enjoy!
The drive to Aria's parents' house was rather quiet aside from the soft rock music that played on Aria's radio in her car. Leo sat in the passenger seat while Emma sat in the back.
"I'm a little nervous on meeting your parents, Aria," Emma said, breaking the silence. "Are they nice people?"
"Yes, they are," Aria replied, keeping her eyes on the road. "They'll like both you and Leo. Especially considering that you two are my friends."
Fortunately for Leo and Emma, unlike the drive to PPP, this ride actually didn't take long, only about 15 minutes. The two teens looked out the window of Aria's car and saw that they were now in a rather nice and quiet suburban neighborhood. Aria drove into a parking space and pulled the key out of the ignition.
"Okay, here we are." Aria unbuckled and got out of her car. Leo and Emma did the same. The three walked up to the blue Victorian-styled house and knocked on the fuschia door.
The door opened to reveal a tall man of a large figure with brown hair, a moustache, soft green eyes, and glasses with red frames. "Aria! It's so great to see you, Brèagha," He said, wrapping his arms around her in a tight but comforting hug. Leo took notice of the heavy Scottish accent Aria's father had.
"Nice to see you too, Father." Aria hugged Roy Montgomery back. "Oh, I brought two friends over. This is Leo and Emma." She nodded to the two teens that stood at the doorway. "They were actually wondering if they could talk to you and Mother."
"Oh! Nice to meet you two!" Roy said to them. "Do come on in, you three." He motioned for Aria, Leo, and Emma to enter the house. "I'll go get Esme."
Leo and Emma sat down on the couch as they looked around the house. It was a combination of both elegant and laid-back, so Leo was able to somewhat tolerate it. Aria sat in a chair that was between both the couch and loveseat.
Roy came into the living room with a woman that Emma knew was Aria's mother. Esme was a beautiful woman with Aria's honey brown hair and teal eyes. "Oh, I see our daughter brought over some company. You two must be Leo and Emma, yes?" Like Roy and Aria, Esme had a Scottish accent too.
"We are, Mrs. Montgomery," Emma said. "It's so nice to meet you and Mr. Montgomery. You have a lovely house."
"You can just call me and my husband by our first names." Esme and Roy both sat down on the loveseat. "So, my husband says that you three needed to talk to us about something. What is it?"
Leo took a deep breath. "Emma and I need to know: does the name Madame Prim ring a bell to you two?" He asked. "I only ask because, well, that woman did something to two of our friends. And now, they're not who they used to be."
Roy and Esme's smiles faltered. Looks of horror and shock spread across their faces. Roy turned to Esme and muttered, "Let me do the talking." After turning back to the three, he cleared his throat. "It does ring a bell, Leo. I'll tell you three everything. First off, Madame Prim's real name is Primrose Gaillot. She was originally from Paris, France and grew up in a powerful and wealthy family."
"Have you met Primrose's family?" Emma asked.
"Only one time and it was when she dragged me to her mansion just so she could brag to them about how she 'found the most perfect boyfriend'," Roy hummed in thought. "As for what they were like? They had…really high expectations on everything, including how Primrose should behave. But they always gave her lots of priviledges when she succeeded in behaving well in school. So it was safe to say that for most of her life, she grew up spoiled rotten."
"There's another thing you should know," Emma said. "We found out that Madame Prim has a secret ally. We have this letter that was sent to her to prove it." She handed Roy the letter for him to read.
As soon as he finished reading it, a flash of anger, shock, and horror appeared. "A Thighearna!" He exclaimed. "Brainwashing!? It's a good thing we didn't send our Aria to that terrible school, Esme!"
Esme had a look of horror and worry in her eyes. "That has to explain what happened to your friends, Leo and Emma," She said. "That horrible woman brainwashed them into the people you know they're not."
"We want to know if you two saw Madame Prim talk to anyone suspicious back when you were both in high school," Leo said. "Chances are, this person must have been the secret ally Madame Prim was working with."
"Now that you mentioned it, I did see someone," Roy said. "I was walking home from school when I noticed Primrose talking to a cloaked figure. I never got a good look on their face but I saw they had red and gold eyes. I hid and eavesdropped on their conversation. Apparently, they were both working on a secret project together. One that not even her parents were aware of. This project, according to the cloaked figure, was supposed to make ill-behaved children into properly behaved beings."
"How did Madame Prim meet this person?" Emma asked.
"Three days prior to me seeing that person, Primrose gushed about meeting someone online." Roy crossed his arms and frowned. "Said that she had a plan for her future and this person was going to help her out. I automatically knew that something was up when she said that."
"When you'd eavesdropped on the conversation, what else did you hear?" Leo asked.
"I heard the figure tell Primrose that they would gladly work with her and that their boss would accept her, but under two conditions: one, she agreed to only use the project for actual delinquents and two, any debts that she had must be paid with actual money."
"Speaking of money, our friend Mei found a suitcase of fake cash." Emma said, crossing her arms. "It was called Perfection Cash. I think she was planning on giving it to the person."
"That's not good…" Roy said. "Especially since the person ended the conversation, warning Primrose that if she didn't abide by any of those conditions, they and their boss will go after her…" He closed his eyes. "What else did you two discover?"
"We found a document that had a list of families that filed for restraining orders against Madame Prim," Leo said. "And get this, the majority of them aren't even from Timeville! Madame Prim must have been travelling around the world in search of imperfect children that she could take."
"This is bad, real bad," Esme said. "You must save your two brainwashed friends. Thank you for telling us all what you've discovered. And be very, very careful out there."
"We will, Mother," Aria said, standing up to leave. "I'll see you real soon." Emma and Leo followed her out the door.
They now had more answers. But now, it was time to save Kaylo and Yuri.
Kaylo belongs to @kayssweetdreams
Mei belongs to @sundove88
Aria and her family belong to me.
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meandmybigmouth · 2 years
They bought Lamborghinis, Ferraris and Bentleys. And Teslas, of course. Lots of Teslas. Many who participated in what prosecutors are calling the largest fraud in U.S. history — the theft of hundreds of billions of dollars in taxpayer money intended to help those harmed by the coronavirus pandemic — couldn’t resist purchasing luxury automobiles. Also mansions, private jet flights and swanky vacations. They came into their riches by participating in what experts say is the theft of as much as $80 billion — or about 10 percent — of the $800 billion handed out in a Covid relief plan known as the Paycheck Protection Program, or PPP. That’s on top of the $90 billion to $400 billion believed to have been stolen from the $900 billion Covid unemployment relief program — at least half taken by international fraudsters — as NBC News reported last year. And another $80 billion potentially pilfered from a separate Covid disaster relief program. The prevalence of Covid relief fraud has been known for some time, but the enormous scope and its disturbing implications are only now becoming clear. ANOTHER SUBJECT THAT WON’T MAKE THE GOP’S LIST OF INQUSITIONS COMING IN 2023!
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theyoungturks · 2 years
A Florida pastor used Covid relief PPP loan money to buy a luxury mansion at Disney World. Ana Kasparian, Cenk Uygur, and Rayy Vana discuss on The Young Turks. Watch TYT LIVE on weekdays 6-8 pm ET. http://youtube.com/theyoungturks/live Read more HERE: https://www.insider.com/florida-pastor-son-covid-19-loan-fraud-money-disney-mansion-2022-12 "A father and son scammed the federal government out of millions and tried to use the money to buy a Disney World mansion, federal prosecutors allege. The pair — Evan Edwards, and his son, Joshua Edwards — were arrested in connection with the alleged scheme and charged with bank fraud and visa fraud. In April of 2020, Evan Edwards submitted a PPP application to First Home Bank on behalf of his company, Aslan International Ministry, Inc., which, according to court documents, is a foreign, not-for-profit organization that provides religious services and was operating in Florida at the time. *** The largest online progressive news show in the world. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE weekdays 6-8 pm ET. Help support our mission and get perks. Membership protects TYT's independence from corporate ownership and allows us to provide free live shows that speak truth to power for people around the world. See Perks: ▶ https://www.youtube.com/TheYoungTurks/join SUBSCRIBE on YOUTUBE: ☞ http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=theyoungturks FACEBOOK: ☞ http://www.facebook.com/TheYoungTurks TWITTER: ☞ http://www.twitter.com/TheYoungTurks INSTAGRAM: ☞ http://www.instagram.com/TheYoungTurks TWITCH: ☞ http://www.twitch.com/tyt 👕 Merch: http://shoptyt.com ❤ Donate: http://www.tyt.com/go 🔗 Website: https://www.tyt.com 📱App: http://www.tyt.com/app 📬 Newsletters: https://www.tyt.com/newsletters/ If you want to watch more videos from TYT, consider subscribing to other channels in our network: The Watchlist https://www.youtube.com/watchlisttyt Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey https://www.youtube.com/indisputabletyt Unbossed with Nina Turner https://www.youtube.com/unbossedtyt The Damage Report ▶ https://www.youtube.com/thedamagereport TYT Sports ▶ https://www.youtube.com/tytsports The Conversation ▶ https://www.youtube.com/tytconversation Rebel HQ ▶ https://www.youtube.com/rebelhq TYT Investigates ▶ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwNJt9PYyN1uyw2XhNIQMMA #TYT #TheYoungTurks #BreakingNews 221216__BE01FLPastorVsCOVIDMoneyBP by The Young Turks
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andronetalks · 9 months
Barbra Streisand’s film company pocketed $200K in small business pandemic cash — and paid gardener at her $20M mansion
New York Post By Isabel VincentPublished Jan. 12, 2024, 10:34 a.m. ET Barbra Streisand’s film company, which pays the groundskeeper at her $20 million mansion, got $200,000 in PPP money intended to help small businesses make payroll written off, The Post has learned. The multimillionaire star’s Barwood Films Ltd. received loans from the Paycheck Protection Program in 2020 and 2021 — then had them…
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rebeleden · 1 year
See the Living Conditions Kanye West's Ex-Staffer Says He Was Forced to Endure at Malibu Mansion
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coollyinterferes · 6 years
//guess who finally got Jonathan in ppp...?
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iceicewifey · 3 years
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everyone on the dash is talking about ppp which reminded me that these have been in my drafts forever and honestly i nearly forgot i did them so uh here,, have some mini mansion dwellers sans nukesaku and the bird
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mrsgiovanna · 3 years
Bri in Giorno's ppp mansion... I... 😭🤲😍❤️
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I've been staring at this for hours now 😭😍🤲🐞🌟 thank you so much for surprising me with this🥺 @thequeenofthenightgentlyweeps ahhhhh I love this so much I can't even explain!!!
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kayssweetdreams · 2 years
Prim and Proper Problems Ch 9
When the Maestros couldn't get the two girls to talk again, they went to help the humans try and find this "Misère Au Bonheur". However, like the school, she also had little to none information, however, Cal and Fortie managed to find not only her, but her house and address. "We'll go and talk to her, if she really does know the location of the school, we can go there." Mei said. "Alright, We'll try and get the girls back to normal." Sana said.
The kids nodded before they headed out to find the address but not before giving Wormsworth a sympathetic pat on her sickle hand "Don't worry Wormy, we'll find a way to fix them." Emma said. The bug like Negaboss gave a saddened chirp like growl as they went out of the theater. When they found the matching address, They found that it was a large, not well taken care of manison on the outskirts of town. The kids almost mistook it for a haunted house because of how it looked.
"Um...Are you sure this is the right address?" Cass asked. Leo put on a brave face "Only one way to find out..." He said, before slowly making his way to the door, and giving it a loud knock. "Hello? Is anyone there? We're looking for someone named Misère Au Bonheur." He said. A old, but paranoid female voice spoke from the other side "GO AWAY!! NOBODY IS HOME!!" The voice said.
"But you are Misère Au Bonheur aren't you?" Haoyu asked "Why? Did PRIM send you? She can't take me back now! Not now! I'm as old as her now!" The voice said. "Um No. See our friends went to that school, and now they despise the stuff they love, and we need to change them back, but we can't find the school, or at least a way to fix them." Mei explained. There was a long silence, as if no one knew what to say next, until from the other side, a sigh was heard "C'mon, Get in here and I'll tell you all that I know. But ONE mention of how I'm improper, and I'm chasing you out with an ax!" She said.
The sounds of locks unlocking and chains being undone was heard, until the door slowly creaked open, and a old woman, that had a paranoid look was seen in the doorway, stepping aside to let them in. The inside of the Mansion was...not entirely what they expected. There were many papers taped to the walls, and connected with string. Most of them say things like "What is she hiding?" and "Is it drugs? Brainwashing? A cult?"
The old woman brought them to a small table laid out with information "Alright. What do you want to know?" She asked "We need to know the location of the school. Or at least how to undo what happened to our friends." Trisha Jane said. Misère sighed "The second request I can't help you with...As it almost happened to me." She said. The kids looked curious "WHAT happened?" Cass asked.
Misère got up from her seat and looked out a nearby window "It was a long time ago...I was only 8 when it happened..."
"My parents had sent me to PPP in a effort to make me a respectable child for society. But I never passed one class."
A young girl was seen struggling against two older woman, tears leaking from her eyes "You failed every class I put you in. You resist being the picture of elegance. You bring shame upon your entire family. Is there ANYTHING that you can do RIGHT?!" A younger Madame Prim scolded.
She took a deep breath however, seemingly calming down "No matter. Soon you'll be a perfect child, and every flaw in you will disappear in an instant." She said with a sinister smile. The young girl looked terrified as she was carried down a long hallway, a ominous glow seen from the end of it "P-Please! Let me go!" She whimpered, tears leaking from her eyes.
"Whatever Prim was doing, she was about to do it to me...and after seeing the girls in the gilded prison. I had to get out of there."
The little girl snapped out of it before she had an idea. In a blur, she bit down on one of the women's hands, causing her to shriek out in pain and let her go. The little girl stomped down on Madame Prim's foot, making her scream out in pain. She then ran back through the hall, not stopping or looking back "DON'T JUST STAND THERE!! STOP HER!!" She heard Prim shriek.
Blaring alarms and red light flooded her senses, but she couldn't stop now. The sounds of pounding boots followed her as she looked for any means of escape. Her eyes finally saw a thinly cracked window at the end of the hall. Picking up a rock like scone that she had, she threw it at the window, shattering it to bits. She jumped out the window and fled into the garden, hiding in a willow tree. "Search the Perimeter! She couldn't have gotten far!" She heard a guard say.
"The guards never managed to find me, and I made my way out of the school. My parents never found me, and I found this old mansion and lived in it ever since."
The little girl walked through a long road, until she eventually reached Timeville, and the large manison that had seen better days. Seeing a broken window, she carefully climbed in and made herself at home.
"Even if Prim's guards kept coming and going. They never looked in here. And they never found me...But I knew that Prim was DOING something to the girls, but I never knew what..."
The kids looked shocked at what Misère had to go through. This didn't give them the answer of what happened to the girls, but it did give them a clue to what Madame Prim was hiding. "And is she still looking for you?" Rebecca asked. Misère's eyes narrowed. "Yes. She NEVER stopped looking. She saw my escape as her greatest failure...and she intends to undo that failure by any means necessary." She spat.
The Children looked worried "But...times have changed. Why would anyone need to send their kids to a place that destroys anything unique?" Emma asked. The older woman's eyes grew hard "Yes. Times HAVE changed. Nobody cares about that kind of stuff anymore. So Prim decides to MAKE kids look bad in order to get them sent to the school." She said. "Like what happened with Yuri and Kaylo! I knew they didn't steal anything!" Leo said.
Misère grew curious "Kaylo? As in Kaylo Bruno? The Bruno with a Golden Voice?" She asked. The kids were confused, how did she know about Kaylo? "Um...yes?" They said unsure. "Her mom helped me. She led the guards away from the mansion when one spotted me in a window." She said "She also Brought me food, and a few blankets from time go time. I can't believe that Prim changed her." She grumbled, her voice getting angry.
She however calmed down, before giving the kids what looked like a map "Take this. It's a map to the school." She said "Um...thanks Miss Misère...but, aren't you going with us?" Haoyu asked. The woman shook her head "I go there I might as well become a senile old maid. However, maybe you can finish what I started. You can succeed where I failed. Find what Prim does to the girls. And Bring that PRISON to the ground." She said.
The kids nodded before gazing at the map. They thanked Misère before they left the house to tell the others the good news...but they never noticed someone spying on them. They spoke into a walkie talkie "Madame? It's me. After all these years, I found the imperfect."
"Very Good. I'll send backup. Bring that ungrateful brat back so we can perfect them..."
Mei belongs to @sundove88
Rebecca belongs to @thehypercutstudios/@thehyperrequiem
Trisha Jane belongs to @lovelyteng
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Previously on Jojo Pita Mansion:
( This has become a series, hasn't it? 😅😅😅 )
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So, last time, there's a custody battle for Giorno going on between Bruno and Jonathan. Giorno's confused, Bruno is not having any of Jonathan's excuses, and Jonathan personally visited Giorno to prove his worth! Even bringing along Speedwagon as his support.
The next day:
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Oh, no! It seems as though Bruno Bucciarati is losing this battle! 😭😭😭
But, wait! It's too early to announce Jonathan as the victor!
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Right after that, Bruno visited Giorno! 😲😲😲
Who will win this battle? Let's find out soon!
( That is, if the custody battle doesn't wage on till Jojo PPP's shut down! 🤣🤣🤣🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤣🤣🤣 )
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◉ - Any other question of your choosing. How did John react when he realized that Ranbutler was gone, and how/when did the two of them reunite afterwards?
John John was working at the bar at the time of the fire, and when he found out he was TERRIFIED. He abandoned his bar for days and just sifted through the ashes, trying to find any remnant of the child that disappeared. Someone with a cloak and big hair always came along at night to help him look, and they found the burned remains of their few belongings. John cried in the stranger's arms that night, thinking his brother was dead.
There's a reason they always met on Wednesdays, and that's because it's when they found each other again. Butler ran from the mansion for a day after Billiam hurt him and hid out in the wilderness. John John was mourning and decided to take a walk, and accidentally wandered far enough beyond town to find somewhere new, and someone old. There were a lot of hugs and tears that day(mostly on John's part), and they made that their official meeting spot. Bu had to go back to the mansion after dark, though, because it was either that, return to a town of people that hate him(now being homeless as well), or stay in the wilderness with no supplies with a bunch of mobs who would kill him the moment they looked at him. The choice was kinda obvious :::::PPP
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I Just Can’t Choose
This fic was requested and I honestly I’m loving this scenario. I made it a little gay cuz why tf not.
Asher x Reader x Jordan
I’ve always had a crush on Jordan and Asher even when we were kids. I never knew how to go about it. I’m currently stressing to Olivia, Layla,Patience and JJ because they both asked me too the dance. “I just can’t fucking choose I like them both I always have and I’m sick and tired of them fighting!”I yell out of frustation. “Girl if you don’t flip a gotdamn coin and call it a day.” Patience said in between laughs. “What I think you should do is just tell them how you feel and go from there.”Layla said giving somewhat good advice. “I think you should put they ass to sleep and get the pin code and leave,”JJ said dead ass serious. “What Cardi B did it and see wear that got her.” JJ said seriously. “Y/N,I think Layla’s advice is the best.” Olivia said in between giggles.
“Yeah your right thanks guys.”I said getting up and leaving the Cafe. “Hey,what’s up girl it seems like you’ve been avoiding me,so can I ask what’s up?”Spencer said stopping me as I walked out. “Look,Spencer your a super nice guy but I have my eyes on two of your teammates.” I said sincerely. “May ask which ones?” Spencer said with curiosity laced threw his voice. “Jordan and Asher I’ve had a crush on them since were kids and I was actually on my way to tell them both.”I said with heart eyes. “Well now you don’t.” Spencer said motioning behind me. “Oh shit.” I said blushing. “Ima let y’all figure this shit out.” Spencer said motioning between all three of them. “Yeah,you do that.” Asher declares. “Since we were kids huh?” I hear Jordan says with confidence. “I-“ I was interrupted by Asher’s lips. “Dude you couldn’t at least let her finish just thirsty for no damn reason!” Jordan says annoyed. “What, you can’t deny that she’s cute when she’s flustered.” Asher says rolling his eyes. “Yeah I definitely can’t deny that but her ass is better.” Jordan says spinning me around. “Yeah definitely I bet her pussy’s better.” Asher says putting his hand up my skirt. “G-g-g guys were in ppp public !” I whisper yelled at them. “Yeah your right nobodies at my place.” Jordan says with a smirk. “Princess,you wanna go to Jay’s?” Asher and Jordan look at me ready to drop all of this if I said no. “I- yes I wanna go.” I said nervously. “Well let’s go.” Asher and Jordan say at the same time.
Meanwhile in the cafe.
“How much y’all wanna beat she ain’t gon’ be able to dance at the dance?” Spencer said watching as they finally walk to Jordan’s car and pull off. “20 bucks everyone in?” JJ asks. “Yeah.” Everyone says at the same time.
Meanwhile at The Baker Mansion.
“Ohh fuck!” I scream as I came for the second time in an hour. “Fuck!Fuck!” Asher says as I came one his dick. “Just like that,Princess.” Jordan says fucking my hips down on Asher’s dick. Asher and Jordan kiss. I came for the third time that night. “Fuck,I forgot about the dance!” Asher exclaims. We all got up at the same time. I threw on one of Olivia’s dress and realized I was wobbling like a penguin. “You ready princess?” Jordan asks as he realizes the state of my legs. “Yeah,let’s go!” I said excited and ignoring the pain in my legs.
At the dance.
“Fuck you,guys I can’t even dance.” I said rolling my eyes. “We’re sorry princess I mean you weren’t complaining when we both ate you out but we’re sorry.” Jordan says with a smirk. “Pay up,bitches!” Spencer says with a smirk.
The end
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