#prag 83
saisons-en-enfer · 6 months
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felbelfittich · 2 years
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monstersinthecosmos · 21 days
Vamptember Day 2 - Sick
{prag 83 - the devil's heart}
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The blood is bad.
Tastes different, and Daniel is nauseous when he pulls away. Not like how he can still feel anxious, the way he can still worry himself sick. Nothing digests in his body anymore, not like it’s supposed to. He’d almost forgotten how it felt, and for a moment he’s back in his old life, pressing his forehead to the cool side of the toilet, eyes watering as he pukes his guts out. 
Marius is at his side in an instant, with a reassuring hand in the small of his back, silently asking if he’s all right.
“The blood was bad,” Daniel says. He wipes his hands on his thighs and looks around the club for the exits. The heat of all the grubby human life around them makes him want to gag, and he wants to leave.
Marius studies him for a moment, then his eyes drift towards the man Daniel had tasted. He’s so graceful as he follows suit—Daniel barely sees it happen, even looking for it—and Marius dabs politely at the corner of his mouth.
“There’s nothing wrong with the blood,” he says gently. 
The music throbs inside Daniel’s head, and he knows he’s sweating. The back of his throat clenches.
Marius shrugs. His face is so serene. Nothing wrong with the blood, but he doesn’t say it to be petty. Daniel feels defensive, anyway, wants to shout at him. I’m not crazy, he wants to argue. Fuck you, Marius. 
Maybe the music is too loud. Maybe it’s the nausea. But he just nods. Rubs his eyes. Marius gestures towards the back of the club and takes Daniel’s lead.
In a weird way, it reminds Daniel of Armand. Fucking dweeb. That way they can both just… fucking stare and share all their stupid mundane commentary. 
Fucking vampires. 
With Armand it used to send him into fits. It was such an easy opening to pick a fight.
Cold air blasts his face as he pushes through the back exit, into the service alley. He glances at Marius, right behind him, ears ringing as the door slams shut. The quiet is an instant balm, only hearing the thud of the bass through the brick walls. There’s traffic up ahead, and their footsteps crunch on the salt and ice, and his head feel clearer.
Part of him imagines more of Marius’s level-headed observations. I’m not picking a fight, Daniel. I’m only trying to help. You will be fine, there was nothing wrong with the blood.
If Marius is listening in to his thoughts, he doesn’t react. Daniel breathes the cold winter air and tries to mask them.
But the blood still tastes bad.
The next night, and the night after.
Daniel goes out alone, tries again. The sickness hits him before he even takes a taste, the way a pre-ritual used to do to him when he was alive. And he feels stupid, for a moment, as he sits down at the far end of the bar and leans his forehead into his hands. Silly that he’s been feeling so much better, that Marius trusts him enough to go out alone, and he’s here wishing for another confirmation that nothing is wrong. 
Feels stupid, like he needs his dad or something.
He’s sweating again, and his mouth is watering. He wonders what the bartender would do if he vomited blood all over their tip jar. 
Like, maybe it is stupid, like he needs his dad. But it is what it is. He needs his dad, huh?
“Hey, are you home?” he asks into his flip phone, a few minutes later, out on the sidewalk. He looks up the street, towards the mountain. Their house is up there, in the dark. He can see it some nights, but it’s too cloudy tonight. 
“Yes,” Marius says. “Is everything all right?”
Daniel debates running home. All the way up, like an animal. It feels good sometimes, but he thinks he doesn’t feel well enough right now. He wonders if he could get a taxi. Steal a car. Can’t remember how he got here, actually, and he panics for a moment. Slipping back into his old ways. 
“I’m fine, I just…” he glances up and down the street, for cameras, for witnesses, before pressing the palm of his hand to a car window. And how honest does he want to be? He tucks the hard plastic phone between his ear and his shoulder as he pushes the window down, forcing it open.  “I wanted to see you, I guess.”
Was that weird to say? He tries not to agonize over it, distracts himself by unlocking the car, letting himself inside. He’s seen Marius start these fucking things with his mind, but Daniel isn’t quite there yet. 
Marius’s voice is quiet as Daniel tears out the panel for the steering column, tossing it to the passenger seat as all the guts and wires dangle out. 
“Are you feeling all right?” he’s asking. 
“No,” he mumbles, as he peels the wires with his hard fingernails. “I mean. Yeah. I don’t know.  I’m fine. I’ll be home in a few.”
He clicks the phone closed. Gets the wires to spark, feels the car rumble to life. 
Armand used to comment on everything, just say shit, and Daniel always felt like he was being a smug little shit trying to pick a fight. 
But Marius just seems… 
“Do you think vampires can get a flu?” he asks, later on, back home. He’s sprawled across Marius’s king sized bed like a starfish, while Marius plunks awkwardly at his heavy laptop from the chaise by the window. He raises an eyebrow, and Daniel continues before a lecture can find its way out. “I mean, like. Evolutionarily. It would make sense, right? How long would vampires have to be around for something to evolve to affect us? Wouldn’t nature want to thin us out?”
Marius’s head tilts. He shuts his laptop and folds his hands on the lid. 
“You think you’re patient zero for this flu?”
“Don’t be a dick.”
Marius chuckles. He sets his laptop aside and rises, his movements fluid, too smooth as he approaches the bed and kneels at the corner. Crawls on hands and knees towards the center, to reach for Daniel’s forehead.
“What do we do for a vampire flu?” he asks, and he says the word vampire so sarcastically. The back of his hand presses gently to Daniel’s forehead, and his eyes glimmer in amusement. “You don’t have a fever.”
Daniel tries not to laugh. Presses his mouth into a line and tries to look past Marius, towards the window, the ceiling. Tries to focus. Nauseated again, and he’s not sure if the presence of this creature in his bed is making it better or worse.
Or, to be fair. He’s in the creature’s bed, isn’t he? Typical, Molloy.
“You’re old as fuck, you don’t have any ideas?”
“Oh, but you young ones are so much more hip to those things, aren’t you?”
Daniel rolls his eyes. Marius drops his hand, and settles beside him, lying side to side so their shoulders touch. 
“I’m serious, though.” Daniel says, after a silence. “I don’t… feel good. I think something is wrong. The blood tastes bad.”
“Well, it’s not impossible,” Marius says. “Sometimes I think that things won’t change, but wouldn’t it be difficult to endure if there were no surprises left?”
“Yeah… I guess so.”
“You know…” he starts. He rubs at his face as he pauses, as if lost for words. The simple show of hesitance is as human as the smile lines that show in his face from time to time. “I don’t think this is so unusual.”
He turns to check on Daniel, just a glance, before looking back up at the ceiling. “A lot of blood drinkers don’t adjust well. I suppose you’ve learned that by now. Many don’t survive their first century.”
“Yeah. I heard.”
“I wonder sometimes. If the Blood just didn’t sit well with those ones. If they’re not suited for it. And who knows how they feel, before they give up. You might know better than I do.”
“Do you think I’m suited for it?”
“Oh, I don’t know,” Marius says. He shrugs. Keeps staring at the ceiling. Daniel sends out the faintest touch of mind gift, wondering if he can read for unspoken context, but Marius is closed tight. “I don’t think that’s for me to say, Daniel. Perhaps it’s not so rigid. You sound a bit like your maker when you ask like that.”
Daniel rubs his eyes. Clenches his jaw to keep his teeth from chattering.
“I’m not saying you’re doomed,” Marius continues. “And I believe you, that you don’t feel well.”
“You think it’s in my head?”
“It could be. But we keep quite a bit in our heads, don’t we? I’m sure that doesn’t make it less real.”
Marius rolls onto his side, so they face each other. Daniel used to hate making eye contact with him. Gave him the fucking creeps. It’s easier now, though. His tiny smile is so simple and kind.
“Do you want to make it past your first century, Daniel?”
“I mean. Yeah, I think. I guess.”
“Drink from me,” he suggests. “We’ll get you there.”
Hunger squeezes in around him. He hadn’t drank tonight, in the end, he realizes. Yet the hunger hurts everywhere in his body, like his veins are running dry, not the way he used to get a stomach ache. It paints over the nausea, somehow, once he thinks of it, too urgent to notice that he doesn’t feel well.
His arm curls loosely over Marius’s waist as he comes in closer. Presses his lips to the thick artery in his throat, feeling the pulse for a moment before he bites down.
All those years he’d begged Armand for the Blood and he’d never thought he’d feel like this again, not once they were equals. He thought he’d never feel that danger again. 
Marius pets the back of Daniel’s head as the blood gushes into his mouth. And if all the hardness wasn’t enough, or the eerie way he moves, the uncanny vibe of something ancient, the taste of the blood brings the reverence home. He can’t explain it—maybe none of them can—but as he swallows, his body can sense the age.
That’s how you level up. Not enough that you’re a soft little human courting death—Daniel’s in the club now. Just had to go for someone older. 
He bunches Marius’s sweater in his fist and pulls himself closer.
“Amadeo used to get sick sometimes,” Marius says. Maybe he just thinks it, Daniel isn’t sure. But he sees the images, flowing from the wound. “My Blood would make him feel better. He was so… funny.”
Daniel sees it. He pulls in tighter, tangling their legs together as he chases it.
Armand, in the master’s bed. Shiny pale, sweaty strings of hair sticking to the side of his face as he rubs his cheek into the pillows. He shivers, but keeps kicking the blanket away, keeps saying the fire is too big. 
“Take me outside,” he says. “Master, please. Thank god you’ve come. Please, I left it in the forest. It’s too hot in here, Master.”
Marius sits at the edge of the bed, touches Armand’s forehead. Armand moans at the cold, and moves like he’s drunk as he clambers into Marius’s lap. Presses his face to the icy dead throat.
“Take me to the caves,” he whines, too out of it to notice he’s using his mother tongue. 
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hiljaisuudesta · 5 years
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troubled-guest · 2 years
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flammentanz · 4 years
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“Wer das Weinen verlernt hat, der lernt es wieder beim Untergang Dresdens. Dieser heitere Morgenstern der Jugend hat bisher der Welt geleuchtet.  Ich weiß, dass in England und Amerika gute Geister genug vorhanden sind, denen das göttliche Licht der Sixtinischen Madonna nicht fremd war und die von dem Erlöschen dieses Sternes allertiefst getroffen weinen. Und ich habe den Untergang Dresdens unter den Sodom- und Gomorrha-Höllen der englischen und amerikanischen Flugzeuge persönlich erlebt. Wenn ich das Wort “erlebt” einfüge, so ist mir das noch wie ein Wunder. Ich nehme mich nicht wichtig genug, um zu glauben, das Fatum habe mir dieses Entsetzen gerade an dieser Stelle in dem fast liebsten Teil meiner Welt ausdrücklich vorbehalten. Ich stehe an Ausgangstor meines Lebens und beneide alle meine toten Geistes-kameraden,  denen dieses Erlebnis erspart geblieben ist. Ich weine. Man stoße sich nicht an das Wort “Weinen”: die größten Helden des Altertums, darunter Perikles und andere haben sich seiner nicht geschämt. Von Dresden aus, von seiner köstlich-gleichmäßigen Kunstpflege sind herrliche Ströme durch die Welt geflossen, und auch England und Amerika haben durstig davon getrunken. Haben Sie das vergessen? Ich bin nahezu dreiundachtzig Jahre alt und stehe mit meinem Vermächtnis vor Gott, das leider machtlos ist und nur aus dem Herzen kommt: es ist die Bitte, Gott möge die Menschen mehr lieben, läutern und klären zu ihrem Heil als bisher.” (Gerhart Hauptmann)
Dresden 13./15. Februar 1945
“Elbflorenz” wird die sächsische Stadt wegen ihrer barocken Prachtbauten genannt: der Zwinger, die Frauenkirche, die Brühlsche Terrasse, die Gemäldegalerien, das Grüne Gewölbe und die Semperoper sind nur einige ihrer weltberühmten Wahrzeichen. Dresden gilt als eine der schönsten Städte Europas. Bisher war Dresden von Bombenangriffen verschont geblieben. Tausende Flüchtlinge hatten in der Stadt Zuflucht gesucht, weil sie glaubten, in dieser Kunst- und Kulturstadt vom Krieg verschont zu bleiben.
Am Faschingsdienstag, 13. Februar 1945 um 21:45 Uhr, wurde in Dresden der 175. Fliegeralarm ausgelöst. Die Menschen begaben sich in die Keller ihrer Häuser oder Wohnblocks und die wenigen vorhandenen Luftschutzbunker.
Die Angriffe begannen bei aufgeklartem wolkenlosem Nachthimmel. Um 22:03 Uhr wurde die Innenstadt von Lancaster-Bombern des No. 83 Squadron, einer „Pfadfinder“-Einheit, mit Magnesium-Lichtkaskaden („Christbäumen“) ausgeleuchtet, zwei Minuten darauf warfen neun britische Mosquitos rote Zielmarkierungen auf das gut sichtbare Stadion am Ostragehege nordwestlich des Stadtkerns. Von 22:13 bis 22:28 Uhr fielen die ersten Bomben. 244 britische Lancaster-Bomber der No. 5 Bomber Group zerstörten die Gebäude mit 529 Luftminen und 1800 Spreng- und Brandbomben mit insgesamt 900 Tonnen Gewicht. Sie gingen südwestlich des Zielpunktes in einem 45-Grad-Fächer zwischen der großen Elbschleife im Westen der Stadt, dem industriell bebauten „Ostragehege“ (heute Messegelände) und dem etwa 2,5 km Luftlinie entfernten Hauptbahnhof nieder. In diesen 15 Minuten wurden drei Viertel der Dresdner Altstadt in Brand gesetzt. Gezielte Treffer einzelner Gebäude waren bei diesen Nachtangriffen der RAF weder beabsichtigt noch möglich. Vielmehr sollte ein Bombenteppich die gesamte Innenstadt großflächig zerstören. Die Flammen der brennenden Innenstadt nach der ersten Angriffswelle waren im weiten Umkreis am Himmel zu sehen. Manche Brände loderten noch vier Tage lang. Um 1:23 Uhr begann die zweite Angriffswelle mit 529 britischen Lancaster-Bombern der No.1, No. 3 und No. 8 Groups der Royal Air Force sowie der No. 6 Group der kanadischen Luftwaffe. Sie warfen bis 1:54 Uhr insgesamt 650.000 Stabbrandbomben – 1500 Tonnen – über einem Gebiet von Löbtau bis Blasewitz und von der Neustadt bis Zschertnitz ab. Die von der ersten Angriffswelle verursachten Brände dienten nach Augenzeugenberichten britischer Fliegerbesatzungen zur Orientierung für die nachfolgenden Bomber. Ihre Bomben trafen auch die Elbwiesen und den Großen Garten, wohin viele Dresdner nach der ersten Welle geflüchtet waren. Die Frauenklinik Pfotenhauerstraße des Stadtkrankenhauses Dresden-Johannstadt und die Diakonissenanstalt in der Neustadt wurden schwer beschädigt. Beide Bombardements betrafen ein Stadtgebiet von etwa 15 Quadratkilometern. Die zweite Angriffswelle zerstörte die Technik der ausgerückten Feuerschutzpolizei und verhinderte weitere Löschaktionen, sodass sich die zahlreichen Einzelfeuer rasch zu einem orkanartigen Feuersturm vereinten. Dieser zerstörte ganze Straßenzüge. In der extremen Hitze schmolzen Glas und Metall. Der starke Luftsog wirbelte größere Gegenstände und Menschen umher oder zog sie ins Feuer hinein. Sie verbrannten, starben durch Hitzeschock und Luftdruck oder erstickten in den Luftschutzkellern an Brandgasen. Wer sich ins Freie retten konnte, war auch dort dem Feuersturm und detonierenden Bomben ausgesetzt. Den Nachtangriffen folgte am 14. Februar von 12:17 bis 12:31 Uhr ein Tagesangriff von 311 bis 316 B-17-Bombern der USAAF und zwischen 100 und 200 Begleitjägern. Sie warfen bei wolkenbedecktem Himmel über Dresden nach Zielradar 1.800 Sprengbomben (474,5 t) und 136.800 Stabbrandbomben (296,5 t) ab. Ihre Angriffsziele waren einige Rüstungsbetriebe und erneut der Bahnhof und das Reichsbahnausbesserungswerk Dresden in Friedrichstadt. Getroffen wurden auch das dortige Krankenhaus und umliegende Stadtteile. Wegen einer Wetterfront wichen zwei Bombergruppen etwa 100 km südwestlich vom Kurs ab und bombardierten nach Ausfall des Anflugradars einen Ortsteil von Prag im Glauben, es sei Dresden. Im etwa 35 km entfernten Neustadt ging am 14. Februar von den Nachtangriffen verursachter Ascheregen nieder. Am 15. Februar etwa um 10:15 Uhr stürzte die ausgebrannte Frauenkirche- das Wahrzeichen und die Seele von Dresden- ein.
Von 11:51 bis 12:01 Uhr folgte ein weiterer Tagesangriff von 211 amerikanischen Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress. Bei schlechter Sicht warfen sie 460 Tonnen Bomben, verstreut auf das gesamte Gebiet zwischen Meißen und Pirna. Abgesehen dass von den architektonischen Kunstschätzen Dresdens kaum etwas übrig blieb, wird über die Opferzahlen heftig debattiert. Historiker gehen von etwa 25.000 Toten aus, während Augenzeugen und Überlebende von Hundertausenden ausgehen, zumal sich in Dresden damals Tausende von polizeilich nicht erfassten Flüchtlingen aufhielten und zahlreiche Opfer durch die immense Hitze der abgeworfenen Bomben verbrannten, ohne Spuren zu hinterlassen.
Dresden 13./15. February 1945
Dresden is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. For its unique architectural beauty it is called “Elbflorenz” (“Florence of the Elbe”). Zwinger Palace, Frauenkirche (Church of Our Lady), Brühl’s Terrace, the Picture Galleries, the Green Vault and the Semper Opera House are just some of its world-famous landmarks.
So far, Dresden had been spared from air raids. Thousands of refugees had sought shelter in the city because they believed they were spared from the war in this city of art and culture.
On  Shrove Tuesday, February 13 1945 at 9:45 pm, sirens sounded the 175th air raid warning in Dresden. The people went to the cellars of their houses or apartment blocks and to the few existing air-raid shelters.
The attacks began on a clear, cloudless evening sky. At 22:03 Lancaster bombers of the No. 83 Squadron, a “scout” unit, lit the inner city with magnesium light cascades (“Christbäume”), two minutes later nine British Mosquitos threw red target marks on the well-visible stadium at the Ostragehege northwest of the city center. From 22:13 to 22:28 the first bombs fell. 244 British Lancaster bombers of the No. 5 Bomber Group destroyed the buildings with 529 airmines and 1800 explosive and fire bombs with a total weight of 900 tons. They descended to the south-west of the destination in a 45-degree fan between the large Elbe loop in the west of the city, the industrially built “Ostragehege” (today exhibition grounds) and the main railway station, which is about 2.5 km away.
In these 15 minutes, three quarters of Dresden’s historic distric were set on fire. Targeted hits of individual buildings were neither intended nor possible during these RAF night attacks. Rather, a bomb carpet should destroy the entire inner city on a large scale. The flames of the burning city center after the first wave of attack were visible in the sky within of many hundreds of miles. Some fires continued for four days.
At 1:23 the second attack wave began with 529 British Lancaster bombers of No.1, no. 3 and no. 8 groups of the Royal Air Force and the No. 6 Group of the Canadian Air Force. They threw a total of 650,000 bomb bombs - 1500 tons - over an area from Löbtau to Blasewitz and from Neustadt to Zschertnitz until 1:54 am. The fires caused by the first attack wave were used by the British aviation authorities to provide guidance for the subsequent bombers. Their bombs also hit the meadows of the river Elbe and the Great Garden, where many Dresdeners had seeked shelter after the first air raid. The gynaecological clinic Pfotenhauerstraße of the city hospital Dresden-Johannstadt and the hospital “Diakonissenanstalt” in the Neustadt were severely damaged. Both bombardments concerned a city area of ​​about 15 square kilometers.
The second attack wave destroyed the technology of the fire-fighting police, and prevented fire-fighting duties, so that the numerous individual fires quickly combined into a hurricane-like firestorm. This destroyed whole streets. In the extreme heat glass and metal melted. The strong air suction swirled larger objects and people around or pulled them into the fire. They burnt, died of heat shock and air pressure or suffocated from the fire gases in the few air-raid shelters. Anyone who could save himself in the open air was also exposed to the firestorm and detonating bombs.
On 14 February from 12:17 to 12:31 a day attack followed from 311 to 316 B-17 bombers of the USAAF and between 100 and 200 accompanying hunters. They threw 1,800 explosive bombs (474.5 tons) and 136,800 bombs (296.5 tons) over Dresden in the cloudy sky. Their attack targets were some armaments companies and again the station although virtually everything of it already was in ruins. The hospital and surrounding districts were also affected. Because of a weather front two bomber groups deviated about 100 km southwest of the course and bombed a district of Prague in the belief that it was Dresden after the failure of the approach radar. In the Neustadt (new town), which was about 35 km away, a ash fall was caused by the night attacks on 14 February.
On February 15, at about 10:15 the burned-out Frauenkirche - the symbol of the heart of Dresden - collapsed.
From 11:51 to 12:01 followed another day attack of 211 American Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress. In poor visibility they threw 460 tons of bombs, scattered over the entire area between Meißen and Pirna.
Surviving eyewitnesses testify that some allied bomber pilots chased people in low-level flight like rabbits to kill them. The use of phosphor by the Allies is denied by historians but surviving eywitnesses state that a building like the Dresden train station that was build of massive steel melted like wax and that even paving stones were in flames. This could only be caused by the use of phosphor.
Apart from the of complete destruction of all of Dresden’s numorous architectural treasures, the number of victims is heavily debated. Historians go on about 25,000 deaths, while witnesses and survivors are speaking of hundreds of thousands because in Dresden thousands of unaccounted refugees were present at the time of the bombings, and numerous victims were burned to ashes immediately by the immense heat during the air raids.
The famous German poet Gerhart Hauptmann wrote:
“Whoever has forgotten how to weep, he learns it again at the downfall of Dresden. This cheerful morning star of youth has so far shone to the world. I know that there are good spirits in England and America, to whom the divine light of the Sistine Madonna was not alien, and which are deeply moved by the extinction of this star. And I personally experienced the downfall of Dresden under the Sodom and Gomorrah hells of English and American airplanes. When I insert the word “experienced”, it is still a miracle to me. I do not take myself to be so important to believe that the Fatum has reserved this horror just at this point in the almost dearest part of my world. I stand at the end of my life and envy all my dead fellow writers, who have been spared this experience. I weep. One does not irk touch the word “weeping”: the greatest heroes of antiquity, including Pericles and others, have not been ashamed of it. From Dresden, from its deliciously artistry, splendid streams have flowed through the world, and England and America have also drank of thirsty. Did they forget that? I am almost eighty-three years old, and stand with my legacy before God, which is unfortunately powerless and comes only from the heart: it is the request that God should love men more, purify and clarify their salvation than before. “
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reynauldapologist · 4 years
in the vein of my last personal post, do any of y’all listen to neofolk? if so, i’d love some recs for groups/artists that aren’t affiliated with hate movements. it’s unfortunately something that’s very common in the genre :(
here’s some neofolk i already listen to/enjoy: prag 83, blood and sun, :of the wand and the moon:, while angels watch, sonne hagal, oak pantheon’s sol EP, birch book, and fire + ice
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m3t4ln3rd · 7 years
Video stream: Prag 83 - "The Silent Earth"
Band: Prag 83 Song: “The Silent Earth” Album: Fragments Of Silence Release Date: March 9th, 2018 Label: Nordvis Produktion Pre-order: Bandcamp Fragments of Silence track listing: 1. “Animae” 2. “Passers-by” 3. “The Silent Earth” 4. “Animae II” 5. “A Dream” 6. “Roads” 7. “The Silent Earth II” 8. “Animae III” Fragments of Silence by Prag 83 [via Invisible Oranges]
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verschneidert · 5 years
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Warschau, Polen:
Von dieser Sicht wurde ich nach achtstündiger Zugfahrt in Warschau begrüsst. Ziemlich beeindruckend ;)
Doch der nächste morgen war ziemlich ernüchternd: wenig geschlafen und ein einziges Hundewetter. Es hat den ganzen Tag geregnet und gestürmt, sodass es kein Spass war die Stadt anzuschauen. Doch, da ich noch Lebensmittel und Zugreservierungen benötigte, kam ich nicht darum herum ins kalte Nass zu gehen. Am Billetteschalter dann die nächste böse Überraschung: Als ich die Dame auf Englisch anspreche gibt sie mir auf Polnisch zu verstehen, dass sie kein Wort Englisch kann und sie mir auch nicht weiterhelfen will. Nach erneutem anstehen verwies mich eine weit freundlichere Dame - auf Polnisch - an den internationalen Schalter. Könnte man auch mal besser ausschildern. Dort klappt dann alles problemlos. Vom Regen durchnässt und recht müde habe ich den Rest des Tages im Hostel verbracht und bin sehr früh ins Bett. Das einzige, was mich aufzumuntern vermochte, war die coole Deckenbeleuchtung über meinem Bett. 😄
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Neuer Tag, neues Glück. Und tatsächlich bestätigte ein kurzer Blick durch das Fenster, dass das Wetter vielversprechend ist. Das blieb es dann auch den ganzen Tag. Da ich meine Nachbarschaft (Stadtzentrum) am Tag zuvor gesehen hatte und sie aus Ostblockbauten und Wolkenkratzer bestand - was man schnell mal gesehen hat - ging ich ins ehemalige Warschauer Ghetto. Ein Stadtviertel, das von den Nazis eingemauert und als grösstes Gefängnis aller Zeiten (zu höchstzeiten 400’000 Bewohner) benutzt wurde für die jüdische Bevölkerung. So sah die Mauer damals aus.
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Doch die Nazis und danach die Soviets hatten deutlich ihre Spuren hinterlassen. Im ganzen Viertel (und abgesehen von der Altstadt gefühlt in der ganzen Stadt) gibt es kein Gebäude mehr von vor dem Krieg (mittlerweile rausgefunden, dass 83% der Stadt zerstört waren 1945). Bis vor zwei Jahren gab es noch eines, an dessen Fassade man sogar Einschusslöcher sah, doch anscheinend sehen die Warschauer nicht so viel Wert in Zeitzeugen und so wird es hinter einem Gerüst versteckt komplett neu gebaut. Anders als in Westeuropa, wo nach dem Krieg vieles relativ schnell identisch wieder aufgebaut wurde, hatten die neuen Sovietischen Besatzer in Polen kein grosses Interesse daran. Auch nach der polnischen Unabhängigkeit 1990 scheinen die Polen Schwierigkeiten damit gehabt zu haben, zumindest einige historisch wichtige Bauten wieder zu erschaffen. So steht an der Stelle der ehemals grössten und wichtigsten Synagoge der Stadt jetzt ein Wolkenkratzer. Erstaunlich, denn ansonsten geniessen die Juden viel Respekt in Warschau - auch historisch gesehen. Unter anderem war die ponische Exilregierung die einzige der deutschen Besatzungszone, die sich im Widerstand in grösserem Umfang für die jüdischen Landsleute einsetzte. Man findet auch überall in der Stadt Mahnmäler mit dem Symbol des Widerstandes der Juden damals. Wirklich viele Mahnmäler, ich habe noch nie so viele in einer Stadt gesehen. Das Symbol des Widerstands prägt sogar die polnische Flagge vor der Nationalbank. Leider sind die meisten Mahnmäler nicht sehr schön anzusehen. Das vor dem Museum der polnischen Juden hat es aber in sich. Speziell daran ist u.a., dass das für das Fundament verwendete Gestein ursprünglich Hitler anfertigen liess für sein Triumphmal nach dem Krieg. Irgendwie sind die Künstler da dran gekommen - ziemlich gelungen. Am Nachmittag hab ich dann auch noch die Seiten der Stadt gesehen, die nichts mit dem Krieg zu tun haben.
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Nach einem Spaziergang entlang der wunderschön modern errichteten Promenade entlang der Weichsel kam ich in die Altstadt, die zwar klein, aber durchaus schön anzusehen ist. Und siehe da, da waren dann auch noch andere Touristen anzutreffen. Am Ende der Altstadt befindet sich ein Platz für Militärparaden, auf dem sich wieder mehrere Mahnmäler befinden. Eines davon wird durchgehend von zwei Soldaten (wohl für den Show-Effekt) bewacht.
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Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass Warschau vom allgemeinen Stadtbild her das Gegenteil von Prag ist.
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danielkamarainen · 4 years
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Karins tid är nu!
När nya äventyr lockar runt hörnet och yrkeslivet inte har något bäst före-datum, då är det inget som stoppar en – inte ens en pandemi. 83-åriga skådespelerskan Karin Bertling från Mellbystrand är under vintern 2020 aktuell med inte mindre än fyra projekt.
Med tanke på att detta varit ett minst sagt prövande år för många kan jag inte hålla mig från att öppna med att fråga denna väldigt aktiva 83-åring hur året har varit.
– Oförskämt bra, säger hon med seriös min. Efter inspelning av serien “Kärlek och anarki” skulle jag egentligen till Stockholm för eftersynk i april. Men det löstes bra genom att jag kunde spela in det i en studio i Laholm istället. Hela året har jag haft att göra, och det har bara fortsatt. När kalendern blev tom för några veckor sedan gjorde jag och fotografen David Guvå en kortfilm på teckningsmuséet i Laholm. Jag är så tacksam för att kunna vara kreativ hela tiden. Ja kreativiteten är det då inget fel på. Under vintern 2020 är Karin aktuell med en roll i internationella serien “A Discovery of Witches” på HBO. Hon spelar även med i svenska serien “Kärlek och anarki” av Lisa Langseth som har premiär på Netflix den 4 november. Hon planerar lansering av egna kortfilmen “Thank you bye bye”. Och som om inte det var nog har hon precis släppt singeln “Vill inte höst nu” på Spotify, vilket är en fortsättning på samarbetet med Lars-Åke “Snus” Svensson. –Jag har alltid varit väldigt aktiv, berättar hon. Det var någon som sa till mig att skillnaden mellan mig och andra är att när jag får en utmaning då bara packar jag min väska och åker, det är inte så mycket snack om saken.
Danmark och Mellbystrand
Det är inte bara i yrkeslivet som väskan har packats. Som tonåring var det enda hon tänkte på var att gå på teaterskola. Nyutexaminerad därifrån träffade hon den danske arkitekten Poul Arnt Thomsen och flyttade direkt till Danmark. Där bestod yrkeslivet av teater och egna shower som sångerska. Men när äktenskapet tog slut efter 25 år och hon ville tillbaka till Sverige, så blev Mellbystrand den nya hemvisten. Där väntade föräldrarnas gamla sommarhus på henne. – När jag flyttade till Mellbystrand så sa jag till mig själv: inga djur, inga krukväxter. Det går tillbaka till den där tanken att kunna sticka iväg när som. Om de ringer och frågar om jag kan vara i Prag imorgon, så säger jag bara – javisst. Jag påpekar att det låter som att hon valt bort vissa saker för att kunna fokusera helt på det här yrkeslivet. – Inte medvetet. Det har varit mer en känsla av att jag inte förstår allt det där andra i livet. När jag var liten var det så mycket jag ville uppleva så jag gjorde det ensam. Jag gick på kurser, föreställningar och konserter helt själv och kände aldrig att det var något konstigt med det. Jag kan ibland undra nu varför jag var ensam så mycket då, samtidigt har jag insett att jag klarar mig bäst så här, när jag inte är beroende av någon eller något.
Och så var det det där drivet, som hon säger alltid har funnits med henne. – När jag precis hade flyttat till Mellbystrand gick jag på a-kassa, och då var det så att man kunde få sin jobbresa betald om man hittade jobb någon annanstans. Så jag letade upp vartenda teatergig jag kunde hitta uppe i Stockholm. Det slutade med att arbetsförmedlaren sa “Karin du ruinerar oss – det finns ingen annan kulturarbetare här som rövar oss på så mycket pengar som du”. Men det var ju enda chansen för mig och det ledde också till att jag fick stora roller på teatrarna där uppe. 
Har varit mycket naiv
För Karin verkar det inte finnas några hinder alls i vägen för skaparlusten och behovet att få ut sin konst. Det får en att undra om hon hittat en helt egen våglängd i livet eller om det ligger någon annan hemlighet bakom. – Jag har varit jättebarnslig, säger hon med ett skratt. Det har aldrig slagit mig att något skulle vara svårt eller problematiskt. Jag har kört mitt race och det tror jag varit en fördel för mig. Hon ser mig allvarligt rakt i ögonen. – Jag har varit mycket naiv. Jag har verkligen gått på smällar. Folk har lurat mig på pengar och allt möjligt men jag har bara traskat på. Det här är nog de mest blå ögon som finns, säger hon, pekar på sig själv och skrattar. Men jag tror också att den där naiviteten är en stor del i att jag fått så mycket gjort.
Tillvaron hon har skapat sig i Mellbystrand har onekligen gett utrymme för all den här kreativiteten. Förutom skådespeleri, musik och manusskrivande, målar hon också. – Ja, det har jag gjort länge och har massor med bilder liggande i huset. En idé jag har istället för att ställa ut på galleri, är att köpa ett partytält och sätta upp det ute på garageplatsen. Så får folk komma hit och titta och lägga en slant om de vill köpa något – no ambitions liksom. Du gör väldigt många olika kreativa saker. Vad är roligast? – När skådespeleriet lyckas då är det magiskt. Men den bästa stunden i allt är under arbetets gång, vad man än gör. När jag är klar med en roll i en film så slänger jag mitt manus och oftast ser jag inte heller filmerna eller läser intervjuerna. Det är gjort för andra, inte för mig. Men att jobba det är roligt.
En dröm kvar
Trots hundratals roller bakom sig erkänner hon att det finns en stor yrkesmässig dröm kvar. – Det jag allra helst skulle göra är en roll med djup förankring i en äldre kvinnas liv. Något att riktigt bita tag i. Jag har gjort så mycket biroller – inget ont om dem, det är vad hela min karriär bygger på. Men en lite större roll vore ändå väldigt roligt.
2017 fick hon prova på just detta, när hon vid 79 års ålder fick huvudrollen i brittiska filmen “Let Me Go”. – Man spelar som bäst när man är en underdog, säger hon. Det blev min lycka där borta, att ingen förväntade sig något av mig. Jag spelade mot Juliet Stevenson som är en ”Shakespeare skådespelerska” som hade en image att upprätthålla och något att bevisa. Då kunde jag istället bara vara i min bubbla och helt gå upp i min roll. Trots mer än 60 år av erfarenhet är det fortfarande inget som kommer gratis och hon återkommer igen till vikten av att vara så driven. – Konsekvensen för mig idag är att det inte händer någonting om inte jag tar tag i det själv. Det är ingen som gör något som hjälper mitt projekt utan att jag också har något att erbjuda. Hon berättar om en idé som tyvärr blivit till något av en börda med tiden. En sagoberättelse för barn som hon vill göra i form av en kortfilm. Men som tyvärr haft svårt att väcka intresse hos filmkonsulenterna. – De förstår inte hur genialt det är, skrattar hon. Så blir hon snabbt allvarlig igen. – Samtidigt kan det komma något bra ur att ett projekt blir liggande ett tag. Ett nej kan göra att man kommer på en ny vinkel och det kan bli bättre i nästa version. Nu när vi pratar om det känner jag att känslorna kommer tillbaka – jag ska nog ta tag i det igen, säger hon och man riktigt ser hur ny energi föds i de där blå, naiva ögonen.
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haydiavrupaya · 4 years
Kuzey Avrupa Turu yapmak isteyenlerin hayalini hem en uygun fiyata hem de en geniş kapsamlı şeklinde gerçekleştirmek için Haydi Avrupaya’nın deneyimli ekibi Kuzey Avrupa - İskandinav, Baltık ve Orta Avrupa’yı kapsayacak şekilde programına aldı.
Oslo – Stockholm - Helsinki – Trolltunga - Flam - Bergen – Göteborg – Kopenhag – Amsterdam – Tallin – Vilnius – Riga – Varşova – Krakow – Hamburg – Berlin – Prag – Budapeşte – Belgrad - Sofya
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felbelfittich · 2 years
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novellakitabevi · 4 years
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Franz Kafka - Ottla'ya ve Ailesine Mektuplar Qiymət: 3.7 azn QEYD: Bu paylaşımdakı kitablar qazanc əldə edilmədən satılır. Mağazadan gəlib alarkən və POÇT sifarişləri zamanı bu qiymətə ala bilərsiniz. 1909-1924 yılları arasında Kafka tarafından kaleme alınan bu mektuplar, Kafka ailesinin yaşamına, Prag Yahudi cemaatiyle olan ilişkilerine ve Franz Kafka'nın ailesiyle kardeşlerine dair düşüncelerine tanıklık etmek için eşsiz bir kaynak. Oldukça zarif, utangaç, yaşadığı topluma karşı sessiz bir isyankar olan Ottla, Kafka'nın kendisini en yakın hissettiği kardeşidir. Ottla'nın sadeliği, dürüstlüğü, yürekten dinleme kabiliyeti ve abisiyle gurur duyuyor olması, Kafka'nın kardeşine özel bir yakınlık duymasını sağlar. II. Dünya Savaşı sırasında Ottla, Nazilerin Theresienstadt toplama kampına sürgün edilir ve 1943'te çocukların Auschwitz'e yolculuğunda onlara eşlik etmeye gönüllü olur. Savaştan sağ çıkamaz, ama kocasıyla kızları kurtulur ve abisinin ona yazdığı mektupları ve gönderdiği kartları muhafaza ederler. Ottla'ya ve Ailesine Mektuplar, Kafka'nın aile bireyleriyle mektuplaşmalarından bir kesit sunmakla kalmıyor, özellikle sevgili kız kardeşi Ottla'yla aralarındaki açık yürekli bağı ve anne babalarından gizledikleri bazı sırları da ortaya seriyor. Kitapta mektupların yanı sıra gönderilen kartpostallar, Kafka'nın el yazısı örnekleri ve kardeşiyle fotoğrafları da sizi bekliyor. İyi okumalar... Əlaqə vasitələri 📲070-200-71-33 (zəng və whatsapp) ☎ (012)-465-07-81 Ünvan: Gənclik metrosu, Caspian shopping və Elatus moda evinin yanı. Fətəli xan Xoyski 83 Səhifəni izləməyi unutmayın @novella.kitabevi #novellakitabevi #kitab #kitablar #romanlar #dedektiv #kitabevi #kitab_evi #novellakitabevi #kitabsatisi #kitabkirayesi #kirayekitablar #icarəkitablar #kitabci #telebe #kirayekitab #bestseller #povest #roman #klassikedebiyyat #klassikler #turkcekitablar #sexsiinkisaf #psixolojikitablar #marketinqkitablari #detektiv #motivasiyakitablari #OttlayaveAilesineMektuplar (at Novella kitab evi) https://www.instagram.com/p/CD88jxKnYHD/?igshid=1iwbkz19vjcfi
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hiljaisuudesta · 5 years
This song just really mirrors my mood lately.
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mazdak31 · 7 years
Shared route From Amsterdam to Brussels via A1 and A27. 1 d 1 hr (2333 km) 1 d 2 hr in current traffic 1. Head west on Sint Agnietenstraat towards Oudezijds Voorburgwal 2. Turn right onto Oudezijds Voorburgwal 3. Turn right onto Bet van Beerenbrug/Korte Niezel 4. Turn left onto Geldersekade 5. Turn right onto De Ruijterkade/s100 6. Use the left 2 lanes to turn left onto s114 7. Use the right 2 lanes to take the A10 slip road to Ring/s113/Amersfoort/Utrecht 8. Merge onto A10 9. At the Watergraafsmeer junction, Use the right 2 lanes to follow signs for A1/E231 towards Almere/Amersfoort 10. Keep left to continue on A1 11. Take the A1/E231 exit towards Hengelo/Zwolle/Amersfoort 12. Keep left to continue towards A1/E231 13. At the Hilversum-Knooppunt Eemnes junction, Use the right lane to follow signs for A27 towards Hilversum/Utrecht 14. Keep left, follow signs for Hilversum/A27/Utrecht 15. Keep right at the fork, follow signs for A27/Hilversum/Utrecht 16. Take exit 30 towards Centrum/De Bilt 17. Use the right 2 lanes to turn right onto Biltse Rading (signs for Centrum/Veemarkt) 18. At the roundabout, take the 3rd exit onto Sartreweg 19. Exit the roundabout onto Sartreweg 20. At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit 21. Exit the roundabout 22. At the roundabout, take the 3rd exit onto Maliebaan 23. Turn left onto Herenbrug 24. Sharp right onto Hieronymusplantsoen 25. Turn right onto Kromme Nieuwegracht 26. Turn left onto Korte Jansstraat 27. Arrive at location: Utrecht 28. Head north on Domstraat towards Oudkerkhof 29. Turn left onto Maliebaan 30. At the roundabout, take the 1st exit onto Museumlaan 31. At the roundabout, take the 1st exit onto Waterlinieweg 32. Turn left onto A28 33. Take the E30 exit towards A27/Ring Utrecht (zuid)/Arnhem/Den Haag/Breda 34. At the Knooppunt Lunetten junction, Use the 2nd from the right lane to follow signs for E35/A12 35. Keep left at the fork, follow signs for Arnhem/A12/E35 36. Keep right at the fork, follow signs for E35/Arnhem/A12 37. Keep left at the fork to continue on A12 38. Continue onto A3 39. Take the A2 exit towards A3/Hannover/Dortmund/Köln/Düsseldorf/Duisburg 40. At the 16-Kreuz Breitscheid junction, Use the right lane to follow signs for A52 towards Düsseldorf 41. Keep right at the fork, follow signs for Düsseldorf/A52 42. Keep left at the fork, follow signs for A52/Düsseldorf 43. Take the exit towards D'dorf/Flughafen 44. Keep right at the fork, follow signs for A44/Mönchengladbach/Flughafen Düsseldorf 45. Keep right at the fork, follow signs for A44/Mönchengladbach/Flughafen Düsseldorf 46. Take exit 30-Düsseldorf-Stockum towards Düsseldorf/D-Zentrum/D-Kaiserswerth/Duisburg/B8/D-Stockum 47. Use the 2nd from the left lane to turn left towards Danziger Str./B8 48. Use the right 2 lanes to take the slip road to D-Zentrum 49. Merge onto Danziger Str./B8 50. Keep left to continue on Danziger Str./Kennedydamm 51. Use the left 2 lanes to turn left onto Fritz-Roeber-Straße 52. Turn right onto Ratinger Str. 53. Arrive at location: Düsseldorf 54. Head south on Liefergasse towards Josef-Wimmer-Gasse 55. Turn left onto Mühlenstraße 56. Turn left onto Heinrich-Heine-Allee 57. Slight right onto Oederallee 58. Turn right onto Joseph-Beuys-Ufer/B1 59. Use the right 2 lanes to turn slightly right onto Cecilienallee/Homberger Str./B1 60. Keep left to continue on Kennedydamm 61. Merge onto Danziger Str./B8 62. At the 9-Kreuz Duisburg junction, Use the right lane to follow signs for A40 towards Essen 63. Keep right at the fork, follow signs for A40/Essen 64. At the 14-Kreuz Kaiserberg junction, Use the 2nd from the right lane to follow signs for A3 towards Hannover/Arnheim 65. Keep left at the fork, follow signs for A3/Arnheim/Hannover 66. Keep left to continue on A2 67. Take exit 5-Essen/Gladbeck for B224 towards Gladbeck/Marl 68. Keep left, follow signs for B224/Gladbeck/Marl 69. Keep right, follow signs for B224/Marl/Gladbeck 70. Keep left to continue on A52, follow signs for Gelsenkirchen-Scholven/B224/Marl Dorsten 71. Take the A43 exit towards Münster 72. Keep left at the fork, follow signs for A43/Münster 73. At the 2-Kreuz Münster-Süd junction, Use the right 2 lanes to follow signs for A1 towards Bremen/Münster-Nord/Flughafen Münster/Osnabrück 74. Keep left at the fork, follow signs for A1/Bremen/Münster-Nord/Flughafen Münster/Osnabrück 75. Keep left to stay on A1 76. Keep left at the fork to continue on A255, follow signs for HH-Centrum/HH-Veddel/HH-Georgswerder 77. Continue onto Veddeler Brückenstraße/B4/B75 78. Slight left onto B4 79. Slight right onto Amsinckstraße 80. Use any lane to turn right onto Klosterwall 81. Slight left onto Klosterwall/Ring 1 82. Turn left onto Ballindamm 83. Turn left to stay on Ballindamm 84. Turn right onto Hermannstraße 85. Turn right onto Rathausmarkt 86. Arrive at location: Hamburg 87. Head north-east on Plan towards Bergstraße 88. Turn right onto Bergstraße 89. Turn left onto Willy-Brandt-Straße/B4 90. Use the 2nd from the left lane to stay on Willy-Brandt-Straße/B4 91. Keep right to continue on Nordkanalbrücke 92. Use the left 2 lanes to turn left onto Anckelmannspl./B75 93. Turn right onto Bürgerweide (signs for Horn) 94. At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit onto A24 heading to Berlin/Schwerin/Lübeck/Bremen 95. Exit the roundabout onto A24 heading to Berlin/Schwerin/Lübeck/Bremen 96. Keep right to stay on A24 97. At the 20-Dreieck Wittstock/Dosse junction, Use the right 2 lanes to follow signs for A24 towards Berlin/Potsdam 98. Keep left to continue on E26 99. At the 35-Dreieck Pankow junction, Use the right lane to follow signs for A114 towards Berlin-Zentrum/Berlin-Pankow 100. Continue onto B109 101. Arrive at location: Berlin 102. Head north on Spandauer Str. towards Spandauer Str. 103. Make a U-turn at Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Straße 104. Turn right onto Molkenmarkt/Mühlendamm/B1 105. Continue straight onto Spittelmarkt/B1 106. Use the left 2 lanes to turn left onto Axel-Springer-Straße 107. Turn right onto Blücherstraße 108. Turn left onto Mehringdamm/B96 109. Use the left 2 lanes to turn left onto the A100 slip road to Dresden/Neukölln/Flughafen Schönefeld 110. Merge onto A 100 111. Keep left to continue on A113 112. At the 10-Dreieck Spreewald junction, Use the right 2 lanes to follow signs for A13 towards Chemnitz/Dresden 113. Keep right to stay on A13 114. Merge onto A4 115. Take exit 81a-Dresden-Hellerau for B170 towards Dresden-Hellerau/Dresden-Zentrum 116. Use the right 2 lanes to turn right onto Radeburger Str./B170 117. Use any lane to turn left onto Große Meißner Str./B170 118. Turn right onto Carolapl./B170 119. Turn right onto Wilsdruffer Str. 120. Arrive at location: Dresden 121. Head west on Wilsdruffer Str. towards Postpl. 122. Turn right onto Hertha-Lindner-Straße 123. Turn left onto Schweriner Str. 124. Use the right 2 lanes to merge onto Hamburger Str./B6 125. Use the left 2 lanes to turn left 126. Use any lane to take the A4 slip road to Chemnitz/Leipzig 127. Keep right at the fork, follow signs for A4/Chemnitz/Leipzig/Prag/Praha 128. Merge onto A4 129. Keep left at the fork to stay on A4 130. Keep left to stay on A4 131. Use the left 2 lanes to take the A7 exit 132. Keep left to stay on E40, follow signs for A7/Frankfurt/Fulda/Gießen/Würzburg 133. Merge onto A7/E40 134. Keep left at the fork to continue on A5, follow signs for Basel/Frankfurt/Wiesbaden/Gießen 135. Keep left at the fork to stay on A5 136. At the 17-Bad Homburger Kreuz junction, Use the 2nd from the right lane to follow signs for A661 towards Offenbach 137. Keep left at the fork, follow signs for A661/Offenbach 138. Keep right at the fork, follow signs for A661/Offenbach 139. Keep left at the fork, follow signs for A661/Würzburg/Offenbach/Frankfurt-Ost/F-Nieder-Eschbach 140. Use the right lane to take exit 9-Frankfurt-Friedberger Landstraße for B3/B521 towards Frankfurt/Frankfurt-Bergen-Enkheim/Frankfurt-Seckbach/Stadtmitte 141. Keep right at the fork to continue towards Friedberger Landstraße/B3/B521 142. Merge onto Friedberger Landstraße/B3/B521 143. Continue straight to stay on Friedberger Landstraße/B3 144. Turn right onto Battonnstraße 145. Turn left onto Domstraße 146. Turn right onto Braubachstraße 147. Arrive at location: Frankfurt 148. Head west on Braubachstraße towards Römerberg 149. Turn right onto Kornmarkt 150. Turn left towards Berliner Str./Theatertunnel 151. Slight left onto Berliner Str./Theatertunnel 152. Continue straight to stay on Gutleutstraße 153. Use the left 2 lanes to turn left onto Baseler Str./B44 154. Turn right onto Theodor-Stern-Kai 155. Use the left 2 lanes to turn slightly left towards A5 156. Use any lane to take the A5 slip road to Frankf. Kreuz/Basel/Flughafen 157. Merge onto A5 158. Keep left to continue on A67, follow signs for Stuttgart/Mannheim/Saarbrücken 159. Merge onto A6 160. Keep left to stay on A6 161. At the 31-Kreuz Walldorf junction, Use the right lane to follow signs for A5 towards Basel/Karlsruhe 162. Keep right at the fork, follow signs for A5/Basel/Karlsruhe 163. At the 46-Dreieck Karlsruhe junction, Use the right 2 lanes to follow signs for A8 towards München/Stuttgart/Pforzheim 164. At the 49-Dreieck Leonberg junction, Use the right 2 lanes to follow signs for A81 towards Würzburg/Heilbronn/S-Feuerbach/Leonberg-Ost 165. Keep left at the fork, follow signs for Leonberg-Ost 166. Use the right lane to keep right at the fork and follow signs for Leonberg 167. Keep right to continue on Exits 50-Leonberg-Ost 168. Turn right onto L1187 169. At the roundabout, take the 1st exit onto Magstadter Str. 170. At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit onto B14 heading to S-Zentrum 171. Exit the roundabout onto B14 heading to S-Zentrum 172. Continue straight onto Hauptstätter Str./B14 173. Keep left to stay on B14 174. Arrive at location: Stuttgart 175. Head north-east on Charlottenpl./B14 towards Konrad-Adenauer-Straße 176. Continue straight onto Konrad-Adenauer-Straße/B14 177. Use the 2nd from the right lane to turn slightly right onto Konrad-Adenauer-Straße 178. Make a U-turn 179. Keep left to continue on Charlottenpl./B14 180. Keep left to continue on B14 181. Keep right to stay on B14 182. At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit onto Magstadter Str. 183. Exit the roundabout onto Magstadter Str. 184. At the roundabout, continue straight onto Mahdentalstraße 185. Turn left onto the A8 ramp to Karlsruhe 186. Keep right at the fork, follow signs for A8/Basel/Karlsruhe/Leonberg-West 187. At the 41-Dreieck junction, Use the right 2 lanes to follow signs for A5 towards Frankfurt/Mannheim/Landau (Pfalz)/Karlsruhe 188. Take exit 45-Karlsruhe-Mitte towards Landau (Pfalz)/Karlsruhe 189. Keep left, follow signs for KA-Mitte/Karlsruhe/Landau (Pfalz) 190. Take exit 15-Landau-Nord for B10 towards Landau-Nord/Pirmasens/Annweiler 191. Take the A62 exit towards Trier/Kaiserslautern/Landstuhl/A6 192. Merge onto A1/E422 193. At the 130-Dreieck Moseltal junction, Use the right lane to follow signs for A602 towards Luxembourg/Trier 194. Keep left, follow signs for A602/Luxembourg/Trier 195. Continue onto B49 196. Use the left 2 lanes to turn left onto Südallee 197. Turn left to stay on Südallee 198. Arrive at location: Trier 199. Head north on Südallee towards Kaiserstraße 200. Turn left onto Kaiserstraße 201. Turn right onto St.-Barbara-Ufer/B49 202. Turn left onto Kaiser-Wilhelm-Brücke 203. Turn right onto Bitburger Str./B51 204. Take the A60 exit towards Prüm/Lüttich/Liège/Aachen/Köln 205. Keep left at the fork, follow signs for A60/Lüttich/Liège/Aachen/Prüm/Köln 206. Merge onto A60 207. Continue onto E42 208. Use the left 2 lanes to take the E40 exit towards Bruxelles/Maastricht/Liège 209. Keep right at the fork to continue on E40, follow signs for Bruxelles/Louvain 210. Keep left at the fork to continue on A3/E40 211. Keep left to continue on E40 212. Use the right 2 lanes to take the exit towards Centrum/Centre 213. Keep left at the fork, follow signs for Centre-Centrum/Meiser 214. Continue onto N23 215. At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit onto Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat/N23/N3a 216. Exit the roundabout onto Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat/N23/N3a 217. Turn right onto Rue de la Chancellerie/Kanselarijstraat 218. Turn left onto Place Sainte-Gudule/Sinter-Goedeleplein 219. Turn left onto Collegialestraat/Rue de la Collégiale 220. Turn left onto Rue du Fossé aux Loups/Wolvengracht 221. Turn left onto Rue de Laeken/Lakensestraat 222. Turn left onto Bisschopsstraat/Rue de l'Evêque 223. Arrive at location: Brussels For the best route in current traffic visit
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mehmetkali · 5 years
SunExpress’ten rekor gelir https://ift.tt/2SQ2QsU
SunExpress, art arda üçüncü kez tarihinin en yüksek gelirini yakalayarak, 2019’u rekorla kapattı
2020 yazında Avrupa’dan Türkiye’ye 7 milyon koltuk arzı
Bu yaz Avrupa’da 14 yeni rota
2020 de Türk turizmi için rekorlar yılı olacak
Bu yıl havacılık ve turizmde 30. yılını kutlayan Türk Hava Yolları ile Lufthansa’nın ortak kuruluşu SunExpress, 2019 yılında tarihinin en yüksek gelirine ulaşarak rekor kırdığını açıkladı. SunExpress, 2019 yılında bir önceki yıla göre %10 büyüyerek 1.4 Milyar Avro’nun üzerinde gelir elde etti. 2019 yılında taşınan yolcu sayısı 10 milyonu aşarken, doluluk oranı ise %83 olarak gerçekleşti.
İstanbul’da düzenlenen basın toplantısında açıklamalarda bulunan SunExpress CEO’su Jens Bischof, SunExpress’in güçlü finansal yapısıyla istikrarlı büyümesini son 3 yıldır üst üste rekorlarla sürdürdüğünü belirtti: “2019’da 1.4 Milyar Avro ile tarihimizin en yüksek cirosunu elde ederek, bir önceki yıla göre yüzde 10’luk bir büyüme gerçekleştirdik. 2019 yılında toplamda 10 milyonun üzerinde yolcu ağırladık. Güçlü finansal yapımız ve turizmdeki uzmanlığımız ile 2020 yılında da Türk turizm taşımacılığının bel kemiği olmaya devam edeceğiz” dedi.
Avrupa ile Türkiye arasında 7 milyon koltuk arzı
Türkiye ile Avrupa arasında hava köprüsü oluşturan SunExpress, 2020 yılında Türkiye dış hat uçuşlarında rekor bir kapasite ile toplamda 7 milyon koltuk sunuyor. Bischof, “Direkt ve tarifeli seferlerle Akdeniz ve Ege bölgelerine en fazla turist taşıyan havayolu şirketiyiz. Bunun yanı sıra rekor sayıda Anadolu kentini Avrupa’ya direkt olarak bağlıyoruz. Bu yaz, Türkiye’de 17 noktadan Avrupa’da 39 destinasyona tarifeli direkt seferler düzenleyeceğiz” dedi.
Antalya’ya rekor koltuk arzı ve 2 yeni rota
Antalya’yı hem iç hem dış hatlarda direkt ve tarifeli seferlerle en fazla noktaya bağlayan hava yolu SunExpress, 2020 yazında Türkiye’nin turizm başkenti ve SunExpress’in merkezi olan Antalya’ya dış ve iç hatlarda toplam 4.5 milyon koltuk ile tarihinin en yüksek arzını gerçekleştiriyor.
Bu yaz Antalya’dan Almanya’nın Bremen ve Fransa’nın Marsilya şehrine ilk kez uçmaya başlayacak olan SunExpress, Antalya – Avrupa uçuş ağındaki birçok destinasyonda frekans artışı sunuyor. Havayolu, Antalya kalkışlı Budapeşte uçuşlarını haftada 6’ya, Viyana uçuşlarını haftada 5’e, Brüksel uçuşlarını haftada 4’e, Prag ve Paris uçuşlarını haftada 3’e, Lyon uçuşlarını ise haftada 2’ye çıkarıyor. SunExpress, 2020 yazında Antalya’yı iç hatlarda 8, dış hatlarda ise 43 destinasyona bağlayacak.
Merkezi Antalya’ya hangar yatırımı yapacaklarını belirten Bischof, “Antalya’nın en büyük ve en fazla istihdam sağlayan şirketlerinden biri olarak, 2021 sonuna kadar hizmete açmayı öngördüğümüz bakım-onarım merkezimiz için ciddi miktarda yatırım yaptık. Bu proje Antalya’da bir ilk olacak ve ilk etapta SunExpress uçaklarına, daha sonra da diğer firmalara hizmet verecek” dedi.
İzmir’e 3.1 milyon koltuk arzı ve 5 yeni rota
SunExpress, 2012 yılında aktarma merkezi ilan ettiği İzmir’e bu yaz toplamda 3.1 milyon koltuk arz ederek İzmir’deki konumunu güçlendirmeye devam ediyor.
İzmir’i dış hatlarda tarifeli ve direkt seferlerle en fazla noktaya bağlayan havayolu SunExpress, 2020 yaz sezonunda uçuş ağına Milano, Ercan (Kıbrıs), Budapeşte, Prag ve Üsküp olmak üzere 5 yeni destinasyon ekliyor. Bu yaz İzmir’den Almanya’nın Frankfurt, Düsseldorf ve Münih şehirlerine günde 3 sefer düzenleyen hava yolu, Paris uçuşlarını haftada 5’e, Londra uçuşlarını haftada 3’e, Dublin uçuşlarını ise haftada 2’ye çıkarıyor. SunExpress, bu yıl İzmir’i iç hatlarda 13 kente, dış hatlarda ise 38 noktaya bağlayacak.
13 Anadolu kentinden Avrupa’nın 17 şehrine
Avrupa’da yaşayan Türklerin karşılıklı aile ziyaretlerini kolaylaştırmak adına 2010 yılından bu yana Anadolu’ya gerçekleştirilen direkt tarifeli uçuşlar, SunExpress’in en hızlı büyüyen pazarı haline geldi. Bischof: “2020 yazında 1 milyona yakın koltuk arzı ile 13 Anadolu kentinden Avrupa’nın 17 şehrine direkt tarifeli seferler sunuyoruz” dedi. SunExpress, bu yazla beraber Adana’dan Hamburg, Viyana ve Brüksel’e, Balıkesir (Edremit) ve Eskişehir’den Düsseldorf’a, Malatya’dan Frankfurt’a ve Konya’dan da Helsinki’ye uçmaya başlayacak.
2020 de Türk turizmi için rekorlar yılı olacak
“Başta Antalya ve İzmir olmak üzere Türkiye ve Avrupa arasındaki uçuşlarımızla Türk turizminin ayrılmaz bir parçası olduğumuzu bir kez daha ortaya koyduk” diyen Bischof, “2019 yılının Türk turizmi için rekor bir yıl olacağını daha önce belirtmiştik. İlk veriler ışığında 2019, Türk turizmi için gerçekten rekorlarla dolu bir yıl oldu. Dünyanın en iyi 5., Türkiye’nin ise en iyi tatil havayolu olan SunExpress’in 2020 için sunduğu bu rekor kapasite artışı, Türk turizminde yeni bir rekor beklentisinin önemli bir göstergesidir” dedi.
1 Mart itibarıyla Eurowings’in yeni CEO’su olarak göreve başlayacağını belirten SunExpress CEO’su Jens Bischof, toplantının sonunda 15 Nisan itibarıyla görevi devralacak olan SunExpress’in yeni CEO’su Dr. Max Kownatzki’yi de tanıttı.
SunExpress Genel Müdür Yardımcısı Ahmet Çalışkan ve SunExpress Almanya Genel Müdür Yardımcısı Alper Özen de Bischof’a teşekkür plaketi takdim etti.
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