saisons-en-enfer · 6 months
We are craving
For the death of the sky
We are seeping in
The ephemeral light
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synthetic-rust · 7 months
What they don’t tell you about autism is that it feels like you’re simultaneously one step outside of reality yet two steps too far into it at all times
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menlove · 5 months
was anyone going to tell me about I don't know (johnny johnny) or was I just supposed to stumble across that earth shattering recording myself and have to cope w this at 8:30pm on a monday
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swankpalanquin · 4 months
the kendall greg shiv and tom quadrangle of characters was so good in succession
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showyouhowiswing · 4 months
Some chyan headcanons:
most people think they became friends during that summer at Lava Springs, after the baseball game and Ryan became more inmeshed with the general student body
it's true enough, kind of.
they weren't friends during junior year, before all that shit went down with Troy and Gabi and the school musical, but they were something
they hooked up a few times during Darbus's detentions, backstage where no one would ever find them and once in the rafters while they were supposed to be painting the top bit of a set
it didnt mean anything. they didnt talk about it. it just sort of happened numerous times. they were both totally chill about it and Chad definitely didnt spend many nights by himself, thinking about what it would be like to not be so lonely. Ryan didnt either.
the first actual night they spent together was after the infamous baseball game, and at some point lying in the dark, tangled up in each other, Chad admitted he didn't know why they hadnt done this before.
"No beds backstage, and we were on a timecrunch. Besides, you wouldn't have said yes if I invited you over."
once they really became friends, Chad spent most of his friday nights at Ryan's, even after senior year started.
it was only a little bit about sex.
Chad eventually confessed that Ryan was his queer awakening. Ryan refused to believe him because he knew he wasn't the first guy Chad had fooled around with.
it's true though.
sophomore year Ryan became the mascot, and the first time Chad saw him take the head off Ryan was drenched in sweat and his hair was sticking to his forehead. Chad went home that night and dreamt about it.
he did hookup with a guy on the track team, convinced that his fixation on Ryan was a fluke.
it wasn't a fluke.
Ryan knew about track team guy not because Chad told him, but because he also used to hook up with the guy and he saw some rather incriminating texts on his phone.
junior year Chad kissed Ryan first, but only because Ryan egged him on.
"If you dont want to chat, Danforth, maybe you should find something else for us to do."
yes it was because of the texts, no he didnt think Chad would actually do it. he was pleasantly surprised though.
after the game it was also Chad who initiated, although it went a little differently.
"I'll do the show on two conditions, Evans. One, you go out for baseball this year. I don't care what your sister or anyone else has to say about it."
"And the second?"
"Take your pants off."
over the course of senior year, everybody kind of figured there was something going on with them, but it wasn't confirmed until the morning after prom. they all shared a handful of hotel rooms, except Sharpay who fucked off to god knows where, and Ryan who specifically got his own room to get away from the eventual chaos.
and Chad, who was of course the exception to the rule.
Zeke woke them up the next morning for brunch, and Ryan (in an attempt to be helpful) tried to cover and say he slept on the floor, obviously there was nothing indecent going on.
Chad, from under the duvet, announced that Ryan was a terrible liar because not only did they definitely have sex last night, it had been going on awhile, and also Chad was very bisexual and anyway they'd be down for brunch in half an hour.
he made a similar speech at brunch minus the duvet and specifics regarding the sex.
everyone was chill, though money did exchange hands. Kelsi was miffed they didnt wait until after graduation so she could win the pool.
they're happy together.
so incredibly happy.
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woomycritiques543 · 1 year
As a lackadaisy fan who dropped helluva 5 episodes in, I think you’re overestimating the effect of the fandom has on things outside of itself because you are inmeshed in it. You don’t have the outside view. Don’t get me wrong, it sounds like a toxic shit show, but it doesn’t have a ‘monopoly’. If all it took to gain a monopoly in entertainment was to have a horribly rabid fanbase that won’t take the smallest bit of criticism, the history of indie entertainment would be very different.
(TW: LONG POST, mentions of Vivziepop's behavior, also if you're another lackadaisy fan that's curious about what's been happening over at the Hazbin fandom PLEASE DONT SKIP THIS POST!)
"If all it took to gain a monopoly in entertainment was to have a horribly rabid fanbase that won’t take the smallest bit of criticism, the history of indie entertainment would be very different."
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As a Helluva Boss fan who's seen how many views most indie projects have nowdays, plus what Vivziepop did here, especially since this wasnt just about the fanbase to begin with:
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(Psst. Vivienne, these people got bills and families to pay for, so maybe dont try to push them away from other projects just because you like Hazbin Hotel? You can hire other people, you've done it millions of times before- let other projects thrive, and let them have different projects so they can be successful too! Far-Fetched barely has as any workers compared to you, so maybe stop being selfish and share the load so other projects can get all the help they can get? Especially when you rush out 5+ episodes a year and treat your staff like shit? So maybe... I dont know... treat them better so "A BUNCH!" of people from Spindlehorse wont think of even having to do so much extra work, day jobs and all, when there's 40+ million bucks sitting from your shows RIGHT THERE?! There's a reason why "a bunch" of people would be brought to do other projects at the same time. -and it's not because of all the red...)
I think it's pretty safe to say that theres an obvious monopoly going on. Why else would these episodes be getting 20+ million at a time, for years, while other just as good projects get next to none in comparison. Honestly, look at how much views, how many trends the shows follow, how much mainstream appeal, how much merchandising fills the "shelves" of Sharkrobot, how many episodes were shilled out in 2021 alone, how much it dominates the indie industry, and try to tell me that Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel are " not a monopoly!" Shilling out multiple Helluva Boss episodes full of softcore porn and bright colors a year to keep Spindlehorse's shows on top of the trending tag on Youtube EVERY YEAR SINCE 2019! -and end being what millions end up being reccomended. Though many people dont know that HB exists, many others do, and it's almost constantly being mentioned with indie animation while equally beautiful looking, or much better written projects get only 50,000+ views. Even in spite of Exxes and Oohs situation:
Season Two's premiere got 4+ million views in 15 hours.
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While when I was watching the premiere of Exxes and Oohs with my freinds a couple of weeks ago after it premiered:
I noticed that it only had 1 million views in 5 hours, and then pretty much stayed that way throughout the entire week with only about 3 million for several days after Ep 1 had 4+ mil in only 15 hours.
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While the premeire of Season Two passed 4+ million in LESS THEN TWENTY FOUR HOURS! -and the last episode is barely over it's despite being over 5 months apart. It's been a whole month, yet Seeing Star's views are still similar to when it was released and Exxes and Oohs is barely surpassing Seeing Stars despite a whole month having passed, while for Season One, in 5 months there would be 20+ million views and at times... more!
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-and just to make this worse...
Hazbin Hotel.. a show with a pilot with over 70+ million views:
It's anniversary/sneak peak into the official show got only-
Get this...
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-when FIVE WHOLE MONTHS have already passed and the fandom's still popular! While most of the previews for the pilot got OVER 3.5 million and the most popular being 20+ mil!
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So it's really just people not caring to see the literal anniversary of the show since most were turned off by Helluva Boss or moved on because they grew out of all the stereotypes. It's got only about 0.8% of the views Hazbin's pilot has gotten despite the fact that people have been waiting for this show for THREE YEARS now and the fandom is bigger than ever. So even for that monopoly, it's slowly falling, and people barely cared about Hazbin's anniversary and release date reveal despite having waited for 3+ years.
So "Seeing Stars's" views has barely budged since release, Season Two's premiere has 20+ mil, but has also been that way since over three months ago, Exxes and Oohs only had 1 mil after even 5+ hours and onward, and Hazbin Hotel, a show with billions of fans, it's anniversary got only 3 mil- while the past season made OVER A YEAR AGO continues to receive views regularly. Meanwhile, Lackadaisy, had 6+ million in only TWO WEEKS while Exxes and Oohs barely got passed that in that time period (I remember it having maybe 5+ mil in about two weeks last time I checked, or even less that that.) and has been stagnant in views for 3+ weeks while Lackadaisy got over half of that in only 2+ weeks.
Which now makes it Helluva Boss's very first competitor.
While Murder Drones has Seeing Star's level of views after an ENTIRE YEAR so this is really saying something about the quality of Helluva Boss's latest episodes as Season One still skyrockets, the latest episodes stay stagnant even after 3+ weeks, and Helluva Boss now has a direct competitior due to this lowering in quality and just how many reviews are now criticizing it while Lackadaisy's reviews are majority positive with little to no hiccups in between.
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Not joking, the first thing you get when you search "Seeing Stars Review" is thousands of negative reviews because of Vivienne, Adam, and Brandon Rodger's refusing to improve in their WRITING- you know... WHAT THEY WROTE ON A DOCUMENT?! The thing people have been CRITIQUEING?! Not "a personal, useless preference" but ACTUAL CRITICISM that they keep ignoring to look "near perfect" and to keep the monopoly going while other indie shows continue to get mediocure level views in comparison to Helluva Boss.
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The views have been stagnant since near release. I remember seeing 17 million 3 weeks after it came out- and now it wont budge!
Yeah, im sure those statistics and thousands of people getting upset for actual reasons are "bad faith!" too. Adam- FUCK OFF! People aren't "bad faith" for telling you that using anti-black and fatphobic stereotypes in your show is awful! Also- you're show is now getting genuine competition so I suggest not being an egotistical jerk to your own fans and to actually listen to them for once before shit hits the fan and you have to further get hit by your own karma!
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While look at all of the positive reviews Lackadaisy's getting!
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Lackadaisy has almost all positive reviews, is catching up with Helluva Boss's latest episodes, all the other episodes in Season Two are also still static in views and Season One continues to get thousands on a daily basis, and yet is still- and I mean- still, Barely scratching Daisy's success! In comparison to how you'd think these "still being rewatched a lot" last episodes would be doing since this is HB, the monopoly of indie animation, that we're talking about!
So i'd say that Helluva Boss Season Two has been getting it really rough for the past 8 months in comparison to the success Season One still has, and even then, the first episode still has 54+ mil and yet most of the episodes continued to decrease by the millions each release. So even in Season One, the signs that people were losing interest were already there. -and Ozzies and Truth Seekers have just now caught up with Season Two's first episode (You know... the one people got hyped as all hell by but then lost interest once the episode started getting slammed for how terrible it was?) despite being the ones that are praised often, while Season Two's premiere has barely budged for the past year- making this a receipe for MILLIONS of lost views in total, and this is a fandom that constantly says "I binge watch the episodes a ton!" and yet Season One has barely budged in one and a half years. Its been in 30+ mil I think since last year... it's April now. -and they're now all catching up to each other and are about the same views, which would mean that they're barely going up by the thousands for ENTIRE MONTHS and Season Two, is getting even less because of the negative reviews from not a "useless personal opinion" but OBJECTIVELY BAD WRITING!
Season Two stays stagnant in views even after 5+ weeks and onward since the difference in views is that small.
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THEY NOW HAVE A COMPETITOR! So Vivienne really needs to start giving a shit or WOOAH boy things are going to get intense!
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So though Helluva Boss is still on top, it's falling over, and now has competition to worry about after only two weeks.
-and even then, it's still on top, because of Vivienne manipulating both her audience and staff into meeting constant demands and giving it constant praise regardless of quality under the threat of being seen as a "bad person" for not doing so.
Helluva Boss having almost billions of dollars in merch, 40+ million views with many of their episodes, a majority celebrity cast with little to no indie actors, Vivziepop having basically tried to put down Far Fetch from having any actual success by trying to not get her team with a show of BILLIONS of views to not work on it just because Hazbin is her "favorite project!" when these people have BILLS TO PAY and a FAMILY that can't be held up just by one project- which is why people like Erin had to work extra jobs, overnight, despite this show getting millions of dollars each day, in the first place! Yet to Vivienne, what mattered the most was her project, and not their lives. Which is the reason why she overworks her staff, and according to people who worked there, aren't even actually allowed to work on other projects, including Far-Fetched, either. While Far Fetched has not nearly as many people working on it and everything we see there has with has 100,000+ or less while Helluva Boss continues to monopolize the industry. (in case you're asking: Yes, it was also her supervisor's fault, but she's a million dollar creator, can't she just hire someone else instead of getting in the way of other people's lives other a cartoon show? Most freelancers do multiple projects, how else are they going to pay the bills?)
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Yeah, Erin was lifted from a few things- but did they still have to work an extra job just to support themselves despite working for a 40+ million dollar show, did most people in Spindlehorse end up having to suffer even worse to meet those kinds of demands?
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So does that make all the "Erin's not a real victim" or "Erin Frost's mistakes, as a human being, makes everything people say about Vivienne's behavior "not true" just because we beleive people who bootlick Vivienne but not people that she's hurt despite both people "only" using word of mouth. Except no, because no the ex-staff have evidence and yet the current staff who threatened to punch the people who spoke out about Vivziepop's behavior have nothing but word of mouth but we'll still beleive them just because they give us softcore porn! :D" comments now complete bullshit?
-and with Ashley Nichols in particular:
You'd think that Vivziepop would try to help Ashley... A LOT!
-since Ashley gave her projects millions of views in publicity and support with Hunicast and having actually worked on Hazbin!
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But instead, Viv prioritized herself in the situation, fired all of her indie voice actors and replaced most of them with celebrities when she could have easily found other indie vcs but choose to use her status to get an actor from Grey's Anatomy and NORMAN REEDUS- and most likely will get more celeberties for Hazbin just because "famous = don't accociate with indie actors." appparently despite her main thing being "Support indie creators guys! :("
Vivziepop, again, pulling herself up while she's already been the top of the indie industry for the past 4+ years, while other projects continue to be pushed into the mud of a "cult classic" grave.
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So in reality- Helluva Boss isnt "helping" the indie industry grow stronger, it's causing a monopoly which gets in the way of people's shows, their careers, their jobs, and even their mental health.
-and many people having little to no mentions of other projects outside of "Look at this pretty cool project I found- Ok, BACK TO HELLUVA BOSS AND HAZBIN HOTEL WOOOOAH LOOK THIS IS THE BEST INDIE SHOW EVAR!1!" is a literal monopoly in it's most capitalistic, trend serving, overproduced form.
Ashley even saw Vivienne trying to blacklist yet another staff member just because that staff member was upset about how much they were being rushed and overworked in order to meet even near the same demands, even with a few things being lifted since they have ADHD, they were still overworked, and for the rest of the staff it was even worse since they were overworked and bullied in order to meet the demands of said monopoly and stay in Spindlehorse.
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Far Fetched got announced years ago- yet Vivziepop hasnt even mentioned it once as far as ive seen, she fired Ashley's partner and seeing how HB is, is likely going to replace him with an non-indie voice actor when apparently she could have easily kept them if she just paid a fee, when she has MILLIONS of dollars in support for her show now, lives in LA, and could easily use her platform to support THOUSANDS of indie projects. But as usual, she pulls herself up, bullies her own fandom by saying that they're "NOT A WRITER!" and "CANT UNDERSTAND WRITING!" for giving her any feedback and has basically manipulated her audience into seeing her and her shows as "NEAR PERFECT!" to continue said monopoly with HB's continous trending and high reviews regardless of quality. While other projects are only "secondairy". -and despite having worked on Hazbin Hotel, Far Fetched has gotten the average amount of acknowledgement for indie animation- Which, isnt much... at all.
Compared to that of mainstream shows, and especially Hazbin Hotel!
Yet as usual, Vivziepop manipulates her followers into contuining to put her on top regardless of her channel's ever reducing quality, and even views since it's lost millions since debut. With people constantly making excuses such as "ITS JUST BEEN UP LONGER!" and "ITS NOT LOSING VIEWS THE PANDEMIC HAS JUST ENDED AND PEOPLE ARE OFFLINE MORE NOW!"
Say that to how Lackadaisy has 6+ million in only two weeks despite being another show altogether, despite the show also having been produced in the pandemic since 2019.
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It's been only two weeks yet it already has almost just as many views, and if this keeps up, will likely even have more than HB's latest episode while "EXXES AND OOHS!" has been only at 13+ since it was released. It barely has moved on inch in a entire month while Lackadaisy keeps going... and going... and going...
While Helluva Boss's latest episode has barely scratched the surface despite being just as new with only a month difference.
It's honestly messed up how Ashley was shafted after supporting Vivziepop and working for her after all this time. Same for all the other artists who worked for her. -and as Erin said:
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-and seeing how Far Fetched is doing right now, this couldnt be any more evident of just how much of a capitalistic, worker mistreating, monopoly that Vivziepop's channel has become to the point where people who worked with her FOR YEARS still end up getting the short end of the stick or even outright harassed by her and her fandom, and she doesnt even defend them, she just... let's the bullying happen, let's her ex staff get slandered, let's her staff threaten to HIT THEM while only caring about shippings involving literal FICTIONAL CHARACTERS! -and last time I checked... going to the levels of not just trying to manipulate people into thinking that Vivienne is a "perfect little lamb" to gaslight people into not looking into how she treats her staff- but also THREATENING VIOLENCE over the fact that someone was actually honest about what was happening in Spindlehorse- Isnt exactly what i'd like to call "good treatment" of your staff since Vivienne let you do this to people. Hell- is- IS THIS EVEN ALLOWED ON TWITTER?! Is it even allowed for people on the platform to threaten to hurt someone on Twitter in their guidelines, hell, is it even legal to threaten to hurt someone like this at all?! Especially if it's being used to threaten people into not speaking out about actual workplace mistreatment?!
HOLY SHIT! Just let these people tell you that you need to do better, and going to the levels of threatening to hit someone for critiqueing Vivienne for her behavior even once and then going out of your way to call them "GLASS JAWED MOTHER FUCKERS!" is genuine hostility and honestly, I dont even think it's even legal to verbally harass and threaten people to this extent. WHAT THE FUCK?!
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I looked into this and... yeah! What Monica did was against Twitter guidelines by threatening to hit people who were in the studio that said anything about how Viv was actually acting.
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I also checked to make sure, but.... yeah, she actually wanted to hit people for saying that Vivienne was overworking her own staff by rushing and also having to work full day jobs despite Helluva Boss continuisly ranking in millions of dollars. Which means that they were getting a small percentage of pay compared to what ends up being used for Vivziepop's "spectacle!" animation. So this isn't just acephobia, but also threatening genuine violence towards people for saying that they don't deserve to be mistreated. This is vile.
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Hell, even without those guidelines- it's disgusting that Vivienne let her staff talk to people this way and then also mistreated Spindlehose for all these years too. NO ONE deserves to be treat this way for speaking out, especially if all they're doing is saying what happened to them in a studio that they worked in, and the fact that everyone demonizes Erin Frost for a few mistakes but then lets Vivziepop's "favorites" threaten to HIT SOMEONE is actually horrifying.
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Helluva Boss isnt even "INDIE" anymore, it just fills up space in the indie community while clearly being a million dollar, mainstream show that has Norman Reedus and other celebrities in it to give the "We're indie so we can do what we want just because we're smaller than Disney!" excuse to be assholes to other people for even saying something as simple as "tone down the saturation a bit."
It's a monopoly. A monopoly built on years of breaking trust, threats, more bullying, betrayal, prioritizing in fame over indie creators, worker mistreatment, rushed projects, fanbase manipulation, and it's why I have so much faith in Lackadaisy. It gives me hope, it gives me hope that one day Vivienne will finally get told to "WAKE UP!" through all that's been happening. That the monopoly will end, that the indie industry will become more balanced again, that freelance artists will be treated better and receive more respect for their craft instead of just being used to meet corperate demands. That hope... is why, that though I like Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss, that I also wish for other creators to get the spotlight and that one day... maybe... just maybe... that a new franchise will take Helluva Boss's place.
So to answer your question:
Yes. By defintion Helluva Boss has become a monopoly. It's taking a large chunk of the indie animation industry, and the creators overworked their staff to meet high demands for it to get trending almost every year through high amounts of demand and episodes in 2021 alone. It's taken a large amount of control over the industry and it's come to a point where creators have to rely on supporting Vivziepop to even get a piece of what HB has. Honestly, how is that fair? How is it "fair" to overwork her staff and appeal to even the bottom of the barrels of trends to keep her show trending while most of the other indie shows on Youtube suffer for it?!
It's making the indie animation community almost as corperate as the very companies that caused these people to steer towards indie animation in the first place. Which is such a shame, because there's so many good projects out there- yet to be discovered by most people. -and yet HB gets the trending almost every time because it appeals to as many mainstream trends and porn accounts as possible through all it's fetish and ship bait content and mass amounts of merchandising, and from mass amounts I mean HUNDREDS OF PIECES OF MERCHANDISING every year, even after the show already has 40+ million dollars in it's budget so it's just capitalism and mainstream pandering at this point. The indie community went from going against corperations and capitalism to BECOMING corperate and capitalistic.
It makes me miss back when all we had mostly were just fun short films and play dough animations. It's like people in the indie community have forgotten why we even make all these animations in the first place.. Not just for money and sucess....
But for fun, to animate away from corperations... for fun.
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aidsyouinthinking · 3 months
I'm a wirlhwind of antics, empathy, and laughs,
Most think I was given happiness on Silver plater,
But no, that unbridled joy comes from a fight:
A battle of attrition with the outside and in.
The world is ubhorent sickinging hopeless,
Twisting snapping breaking it is relentless,
And my mind is just as bad if not worse:
The blinding light and fridged dark in one verse.
Stale wretched air permeates all,
And such I dance to each pocket fresh:
Mind scrapes all to self appal,
Perspectives mesh to self inmesh.
I am swimming,
Yet I'm thrashing?
Will I ever evolve to float,
Or shall I forever drown?
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saisons-en-enfer · 16 days
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tasmiq · 10 months
Jumu'ah Sohbet: 1 December 2023
With eternal Divine gratitude (Shukran Ya Allah) that we have just passed your Abbu's birthday, two days after your Abbu and Ammu's wedding anniversary. The greatest gift that we all have been blessed with is your Abbu's graduation as a Rehber (Guide) to a Wakil (wise representative of our Tariqa) - Subhana'Allah! All the while inmeshed in continued learning and war mayhem, which is gratefully opening the minds and hearts of people like never before.
#1. Shaykh Nishaat began on a tongue-in-cheek note, where he ironically pointed to a truth where bad people in media and history always seem to get the limelight. It, after all, coined the expression, "History is written by the victors!" However, in reality, that has not always been the case, so we have to fight Shaytaan's infiltration of impatience, ingratitude, and negativity into our psyche.
While we we wait for Divine justice, we must keep observing Allah. Allah shows Himself through His signs. Allah tells us that He is in us and in everything around us. It's a lesson for us not to get lost in the signs. We must remind ourselves that there is a Creator of it! At our micro-scale, when we see or like something, it is from Allah. We must always fall in love with the Creator of it. We should worship and submit to the Creator and not get lost in the signs.
It's like a sign on the road. We use it for direction to the goal of Allah. When we lose sight of it, like the world right now. What are we fighting for, and what are we learning? We see all the signs, but we are clearly not after the truth - we choose nafs (our lower-selves / egos) and all the evil and darkness that comes with it instead of Al-Haq (the source of Truth).
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#2. Our first action should be our intention (niyaat) to see the truth. When Allah shows the truth to us, we have to accept and act with it. Allah will not hide the truth and share it with us. As human beings, we have been given free will, and how we use free will is - against or with - our nafs. In fact, if we had no nafs, there would be no need for free will. We have to choose Allah and the truth. That is our path as human beings. In the world, falsehood is sold as truth. We see the short-term as a drive-through, where everything is about instant gratification as quickly acquired as possible, but nobody questions if it's good or right for them. We submit to our social and familial accretions over Allah!
The truth is when we enact Allah's rules and we can't make up our own truths! We should be asking Allah if this is what He wants ...? We have to look for the signs (ayats) in our lives, as trials so that we may know Allah. As Sufis, Allah shows us through our own experiences so that we may see and learn! Everything that we go through in life is one breath or moment that we can draw closer to Allah. Allah is closer to us than our jugular vein! Are we as close or closer to our nafs? That is the choice that we have to make with every breath and every moment.
Even though we oppose the nafs, by knowing it, we can get closer to Allah. That is why he Prophet SAW said, "If you know yourself, then you will know your Lord!" Meaning that every time that we go against our nafs, we'll learn more about Allah. We must look at ourselves, do we want the truth? Allah says that He created everything with truth (haq). If we choose it, then we will create a balance in this material world.
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#3. Shaykh Anjum then mystified us by deepening our love of Prophet Muhammad SAW. In Shaykh Taner's words in "The Sun Will Rise in the West". In the Qur'anic words that says "Wama Arsalnaka Illa Rehmatalil Alameen" as Allah sent our Prophet Muhammad SAW as a mercy to all the worlds. Shaykh Taner said that when the heart is clean, the inner spiritual senses come alive through the balance of the inner and outer senses. The mature Sufi identifies with the heart of Prophet Muhammad SAW, which is in constant rapport with the essence of Allah through Rabita (heartfelt connection).
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Above: "Wama Arsalnaka Illa Rehmatalil Alameen" as Allah sent our Prophet Muhammad SAW as a mercy to all the worlds.
It is aligned with the entire universe, which is important because it has become Fana Fillah (the dissolution of the self in Allah). Through such a heart, Allah sends mercy to His creation where that mature Sufi becomes a mercy to the creation. The Sufi functions as a servant of Allah in this material world in an active and beneficial way and as a conduit of Allah's mercy! In this way, we follow the footsteps of Prophet Muhammad SAW. So the question is, can we become a complete Sufi without him SAW? We can't! The Prophet SAW becomes the foundation of which everything in the universes stands up. The beginning of creation was created with the Light (Nur) of Prophet Muhammad SAW. So all our understanding and gathering is because of him (SAW).
#4. Shaykh Anjum reminded us that when making Rabita (heartfelt connection), we begin with Destur Ya Allah and then what? Destur Ya Rasullulah because without Prophet Muhammad SAW, there is nothing! He then appealed to Allah to increase our understanding because without it, we are not moving! A Sufi can not be the same every two days because we have to keep on growing. It is growth in getting closer to Allah!
In the one end, information flows to us like we have a boat but which we have to row! Knowledge increases the consciousness, where we responsibly utilise our time. When we talk about the intention, the connection, the dosage, and the timing, which fits very well with the healing aspects. He then focused on direction. Where does it come from and from whom should you take it from? How, when, why, and where matters!
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There is no point in rowing in the wrong direction because we won't reach the destination! It is very important for the spiritual teachers to be accountable that their followers follow the given direction to end up in the appropriate destination. The followers should be aware and conscious that the direction is to the Prophet SAW and to Allah, which we constantly mull over in Shaykh Taner's front and backpack during life's journey.
#5. Like every Monday was our Qur'an with Contemplation and Action session with Khalifa Rubina. She is a wise, humble, and comprehensive facilitator without any air. I hold your Abbu's facilitation expertise high up, and I think Khalifa Rubina is his female equivalent! We had an in-depth discussion about Surah Al-'Araf of only verses 19-25 where Hazrat Adam AS and Bibi Hawa AS were lured by Shaytaan as a sincere adviser to eat from the forbidden tree.
At the onset, when a participant innocently queried what intention she could make for the session as asked for... Khalifa Rubina's response simply blew me away!:
"it's a personal intention, we ask Allah SWT to guide and show us the message. For us to be able to acknowledge, understand, practice, and share it in a way that Allah is pleased with. If there is any issues that you have in your life, whether emotional, financial or relationship wise, ask Allah to ease that for you and allow this session to be one of healing because Allah tells us that the Qur'an was sent as healing and mercy for humanity ...."
She naturally inspires poetry in us where a fellow participant could reflect:
"Instead of being a human who always wants “something”, we should rather move to become “nothing”. Humility, love, mercy, tolerance, and compassion are the qualities and adhab (etiquette) of Insaane kamil (the perfected human being) who aspires to get closer to Allah SWT!"
In conclusion, our spiritual school is immersed in a deep ocean of learning. Shukran Ya Allah (Divine gratitude), that we can surrender to our spiritual growth, especially when materially less-able!
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issoimporta · 3 months
Características do ProdutoMais praticidade e mais qualidade para conexões Wi-Fi. Projetado especialmente para planos de internet até 500 Mega, possui capacidade de conexão simultânea de até 60 dispositivos via Wi-Fi. Com uma porta de entrada Ethernet WAN e três portas LAN de saída, você pode conectar computadores e videogames via cabo com mais qualidade e velocidades de até 1 Giga. O roteador W5-2100G conta com uma área de cobertura Wi-Fi de 180 m². Porém, ela pode ser ampliada conectando dois ou mais roteadores da linha Wi-Force na rede inMesh.O roteador W5-2100G conta com uma área de cobertura Wi-Fi de 180 m². Porém, ela pode ser ampliada conectando dois ou mais roteadores da linha Wi-Force na rede inMesh. Com a tecnologia inMesh, você poderá conectar dois ou mais W5-2100G e se beneficiar da tecnologia MU-MIMO 4x4 para alcançar velocidades superiores nos pontos adicionais da sua rede Wi-Fi.Você contará com 2 antenas para rede 2,4 GHz e 4 antenas para frequência de 5 GHz. O par extra de antenas no 5 GHz adiciona uma banda de elevada frequência, capaz de suportar mais dispositivos conectados com maior velocidade. Gerencie facilmente sua rede de qualquer lugar. Você vai saber quem está conectado e quanto de internet está em uso. Também poderá criar filtros de acesso e muito mais.Especificações Hardware6 antenas externas fixas de 5 dBi4 portas Gigabit Ethernet – 1 WAN e 3 LAN – 10/100/1000 MbpsLEDs: Internet, LAN e Wi-FiChipset Realtek® RTL8197FH + RTL8814BR + RTL8367RBProcessador (CPU): 1 GHzMemória Flash 16 MBMemória RAM 128 MBBotão RESET/WPSSO Linux + Bifrost IntelbrasCompatibilidadePlataforma RemotizeTecnologia inMesh (Protocolo EasyMesh)Aplicativo Meu Wi-Fi IntelbrasIPv6 autoconfigurávelTR-069Parâmetros WirelessPadrões: IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac; IEEE 802.11k/v (Roaming)Modo do rádio: MU-MIMO, Beamforming, Band SteeringModo de operação: Roteador Mesh, Repetidor, Cliente Wireless, Ponto de AcessoFrequência de operação: 2,4 GHz; 5 GHzLargura de banda: 2,4 GHz: 20, 40 MHz (com coexistência habilitada por padrão); 5 GHz: 20, 20/40, 20/40/80 MHz (com coexistência habilitada por padrão)Taxa de transmissão: 2,4 GHz: até 300 Mbps; 5 GHz: até 1733 MbpsCanais de operação: 2,4 GHz: 1-13 (Brasil); 5 GHz: 36, 40, 44, 48, 149, 153, 157, 161Potência máxima (E.I.R.P.): 2,4 GHz (n40 MCS7): 251 mW (24 dBm); 5 GHz (ac80 MCS9): 398 mW (26 dBm)Sensibilidade de recepção em 2,4 GHz: -69 [email protected]; [email protected] 20MHz MCS0; -64 [email protected] 40 MHz MCS7Sensibilidade de recepção em 5 GHz: 69 [email protected]; [email protected] 20MHz MCS7; 64 [email protected] 40MHz MCS7; 54 [email protected] 80MHz MCS9Segurança: WPA, WPA2 e WPA3 com criptografia AES; WPA2/WPA3; Aberta (habilitada por padrão)EnergiaEntrada: 100-240 V a 50/60 HzSaída: 12V DC / 1,5APotência de consumo máxima: 12 WArmazenamento e OperaçãoTemperatura de operação: 0°C a 40°CUmidade de operação: 10% a 90%, sem condensaçãoTemperatura de armazenamento: -40°C a 70°CUmidade de armazenamento: 5% a 95%, sem condensaçãoDimensões e Peso>Altura 210 mmLargura 295 mmProfundidade 169 mmPeso líquido 0,397 kgGarantia60 Meses
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parachutingkitten · 3 years
Just waiting for the day when Pix is undeniably a main character of the show.
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mykingdommusic · 3 years
>>> CLUB INFERNO Ent. news
AND HARMONY DIES present "Ballast" official video.
Here is the first song from the album "Ballast" ready to be released on January 31st. The song features Inmesher from Rope Sect. The video is available at https://youtu.be/CsfFsSG_Q-w
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maximuswolf · 4 years
How is my LST going? First time trying, hope I'm doing it somewhere near the right way. via /r/microgrowery
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How is my LST going? First time trying, hope I'm doing it somewhere near the right way. https://ift.tt/3jwaRPx Submitted August 30, 2020 at 06:18AM by inmeshed via reddit https://ift.tt/34KUCK8
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saisons-en-enfer · 4 months
Our reign immortalised In the grace of your death Final repose devoid of rebirth Shrouded in worn out rage The underground paradise Admonisher of the dead All laments portending the end Were right about everything
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tasmiq · 1 year
Jumu'ah Khuthbah: 8 September 2023
As saddened and depleted as we became after the dramatic parting with our Shaykh Taner ... The sense of shock was converted to resilient surrender as it infused renewed purpose in us as a Tariqa (spiritual school following a specific path). He would have turned 82 within weeks of when he passed on. In this Khuthbah, I will reflect on key learnings that Shaykh Taner has seared into my consciousness and that subsequently reshaped my world for the better!
#1. We are still collectively crafting our immanent 82nd birthday sentiments for Anne (our spiritual mother). This was my somewhat embarrassing reflection, based on my personal journey into Sufism and what Anne shared with us.
Happy 82nd, 88th, and 105th birthday to your aspirational soul... Your unforgettable spirit has even prevented us from deep mourning of your worldly absence.
In our shared past; when I sorrowfully approached you in Durban, to apologise for taking extra-long to understand you fully - both pre- and post-accident. You replied that it didn't matter and what mattered was that I was (finally) there!
You guided and loved us like we were your own children. Insha'Allah, we can't wait to timelessly reunite with you in Jannat (Paradise)! Till then, we honour you in the now.
From, with, and to Allah's love,
Tasmi (Who you eternally-gratefully, succeeded in pleading to Allah to take out of a 2-month coma)
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#2. My predominant attraction to Sufism was its refreshing emphasis on Allah as Al-Wadūd (the Source of love). It was unlike how I was raised, to instead be compliant with the fear of disappointing my Creator. Growing up as a product of collapsing and rising developing country's dynamics in several contexts, further complicated things ...
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The emphasis on the love and mercy of Allah just intrinsically made sense. Even post-accident when Shaykh Taner proclaimed that I must stop thinking that I am special where Allah will not forgive me for my blunders in life 🥹 Seeing straight into my self-deprecating nature, Subhana'Allah! He was even able to locate it within Sufi Psychology as Nafs al-Lawwama.
My notion of our Tariqa as a hippy system was challenged time and time again by just how studied and deep it really is. Refreshingly, without any airs where I often have to justify the haq (truth) behind the jovial natures of Shaykh Taner and Shaykh Nishaat. How I will miss Shaykh Taner's proclamation of "I love you, man!" Irrespective of the gender being addressed!
#3. Another fascinating attraction was Sufism's emphasis on the present moment or now as a medium of transformation. Thereby moving beyond being arrested by the fear of the past and the fear of the future.
However, recently, with his allopathic medical side effect, Shaykh Taner reflected on the merits of enacting in the now and thereby forging a future habitat.
#4. The layers of emphasis on nafs (lower-self) as the ego was another wake-up call, post-accident. I could see its various dimensions better when unable to be distracted as a jet-setting researcher in my former life.
Ya Shakur (Divine gratitude) for misfortune because before, I couldn't understand the dogged focus on the subject matter in Sufism 😅 Such was the inmeshed and blinding nature of my nafs!
#5. The last sources of inspiration, realised fully, later in my journey of Sufism; that Shaykh Taner unearthed for us, was an alternative form of meaningful worship. Busy days of deliberate Zikr / Dhikr (Divine remembrance) unlike before. Where our Creator became inmeshed in each living moment over fixed hours of devotion and as a mode of understood reality.
Topped with the trasformational and potent Positivity Prayers:
Wird (a regular litany of invocations from the Qur'an and our specific order):
... And even more sweetly topped by the emphasis on the Qur'an as daily reading for a truly understood medium, borne out of 10 years of Shaykh Taner, Anne and multinational team's devotion:
Anne only revealed for me what Shaykh Taner and her were truly pursuing, which was a calling where they were spiritually inspired to compile 40 publications. I actually wonder where they are on the count of their noble mission...? Ya Shakur for the continued spiritual purpose in our existence!
In conclusion, I am honoured to be alive at a time when we have a woman leader, with her husband in the next life. Subhana'Allah, at a time that the future leadership was questioned by our outer social circle in light of the pervasive patriarchal ways that predominates our faith.
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem (In the name of Allah, who acts with mercy and as the source of mercy)
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sighingmagnolia · 5 years
Drawn to this sweet blank landscape, free with possibility. 
I struggle with myself. To evolve out of the turbulent patterns that hold allure. To not become overly inmeshed or bonded, with someone I know nothing about.
There is an intensity. An intensity to touching that I can’t fully grasp. Sexual scenarios call me from lecture and bring rise to my body temperature. A illogical lust bent on skin to skin contact. When this began, I told myself I’d date many men..in search of the best man. While recognizing that I was not yet emotionally ready for any man. I could play with the concept while I intermittently mourned the sadness of losing Chase.
I’ve been on let’s see...Brian...then...Isaiah...then...Adam...then Will...more than 4 dates in the last 5 weeks. I’ve courted the idea of meeting up, with over 10 men. Men that meet a standard criteria-interested in a relationship, had a job, liberal, agnostic, athletic, tall, even wanted kids. Well, all except for Matt-whom I had the one meeting with that ended in making out in the parking lot and his hand down my pants.
Because I know I shouldn’t waste time with people who don’t meet standard criteria anymore. The idea of relationship scares me though, makes me feel uncomfortable and castrophobic. But I’m already losing motivation to roll the dice on meet and greets. Even after I told Adam last week that I wanted to date around and be able to have sexual experiences with many. 
Then we had sex. And talked through the night. Then I liked him. Enough to lose motivation for searching for new candidates. But in that same breath, I see how unhealthy it is to become prematurely bonded with someone I don’t know. Just because they have qualities I like. Just because that when we had sex last night there was a palatable intensity. Vulnerability. Risk. Rejection. 
Rejection. More, fucking rejection. Maybe that is what I need, to slow my roll and make me take a long breath. To lose my breath and force me to sit down.
Is this all healthy or not?
Are words I can’t help but ask. Can I not sit alone with myself? Or do I feel that I can’t because of my age and desires?
More the second. Just pressure I put on myself. I couldn’t stomach being in a relationship now-but here I am..losing motivation..thinking about taking off the condom. After date 4.
Fuck me, the fuckin’ oxytocin insanity.
Damn, I still love you Raquel. 
Tone detection thinks I’m being disapproving...is this my guilt playing out? For feeling a strong connection again? And believing it must be another foolish game?
Perhaps, perhaps.
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