mccek · 1 year
Best Pranks Ep:10 (3)
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slasheru · 2 months
What if the MC and the dateable are dating, but then one day the MC had an accident and got amnesia? The MC couldn't remember anyone, including the dateable. When the dateable heard the news, they were worried and hurried to visit the MC in the hospital. But when they met the MC for the first time after the accident, the MC was like, "Hi cute stranger, wanna date? I can't remember my own name, but I want to remember your phone number. (wink)" And in the next two hours, the MC tries to rizz up the dateable, not knowing they are already dating.
I feel like each dateable's reaction totally depends on who it is, lmao. Sawyer would be 100% Ethics Mode and be like "I can't accept your flirtations until you're totally cognizant again!!", whereas Hex would be like "ok let's jog your memory. Remember this?? :) :) :)" and start showing the Player assorted random items from DIK, like, an old potato or Horsemike's bong
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lelianasbong · 11 months
I looove the Leliana's Song dlc so much. Sometimes I play it just so I can coo over baby bard Leliana 🥹🥰🥰 Also I love seeing her at her prankiest, trolling people because she's young and it's fun and she doesn't yet have the weight of the world on her shoulders, just her own ghosts and Marjolaine whispering sweet nothings in her ear (emphasis on the nothing).
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It’s time for kaede (yes I like to reuse the same chars) to finnaly do what Was needed to do~! She will now compare Once and for all the two biggest femboys in the class! To see who’s the ultimate "ultra feminine hottie daddy!" Shuichi and kokichi, The meak and so cute he can create explosive nosebleeds from being adorably shy emo VS the nastiest prankiest and way too feisty, chaotic and energetic for everyone’s gremlin! Their butt size, their cocks, their kissing prowless, their cum shots (on Kaede’s face and boobs of course) their cuteness, their body, how much they can mindbreak, it will all be compared up until a victor is crowned~!
Warning: lewd content below
“Hello there! I am Kaede Akamatsu, and welcome to the first annual femboy games! The only competition that truly matters in the modern day. Which femboy will cum out on top? Let's find out!”
Round 1: Ass Size
“Kokichi leads strongly in the first round. His ass is not only bigger than most bimbos I know, but firm enough where you can really feel the fuckmeat between my fingers! This ass can take a good spank to twelve, and a very solid round overall.”
“But in the end, there's just no way to outperform Shuichi. Not only is his ass bigger, but it's much more bouncy too, making that phat butt jiggle with each thrust. You just can't beat the soft feeling of fucking those perfectly round cheeks. Point to Shuichi!
Round 2: Dick Size
“This one was a real nail biter, folks. Their shafts were both bigger than average while still soft, and the size only grew exponentially as they started to get hard. I felt almost bad for the girls not able to get fucked by those massive godly co- I m-mean I feel bad for other guys who don't have there size! Haha.”
“Anyways, it was a close race, but using my body as a rule, we could see that if inserted Kokichi's cock would be further inside of me than Shuichi’s. Point to Kokichi!
Round 3: Kissing
“Kokichi, as always, started off aggressive and strong. I could barely even process I was being kissed before his tongue was already down my throat. I melted like butter. It was just a kiss but even that managed to soak my panties! What a bitch breaking stud!”
“However, what ended up deciding the match was Shuichi's versatility. Sure, his aggressiveness wasn't as intense as Kokichi, but it’s still certainly nothing to sneeze at. Combined with his ability to allow me to be dominant and explore his mouth in a way I just couldn't with Kokichi, Shuichi wins a decisive win. Point to Da- I mean Shuichi!”
Round 4: Cum shots
“This round was a lot more fun than I thought! While on my knees, I noticed Kokichi's huge dick size doing him a massive favor, as I felt even hornier waiting for his load while he was towering over me. And man that femboy can cum! I've never gotten a facial so thick and messy before! Shuichi's cum tasted much better but, if I'm looking for a load that I need to beg you to not send to my friends, Kokichi can produce much better money shots. Point to…uhm…what was the name of big dick again?
Round 5: Cuteness
“As if you expect anyone to win besides him! I don’t even need to say it. Shy personality and soft facial features, plus that adorable expression? No contest, Daddy wins!”
Round 6: Body
“Fuck…how could you make me pick? N-not fair. Have you seen them? Those eyes, those bodies, those cocks. F-fuck. Uhm, i-if I pick Master then it’s a tie score right? Then they have to go again right? Master wins!
Round 7: Mindbreak
“Sorry, but I don’t really think anyone wins this category. These boys are too cute to break anything! Especially me. So I suppose it’s a tie this year.” As Kaede said as she removed her (soaked) panties to mount Shuichi’s hard cock. As she did so, Kokichi approached her from behind to give her plump ass a hard spank. She moaned as it jiggled, giving permission for Kokichi to spread her cheeks. After a few cheeky fingers teased her hole, Kokichi finally decided to reward her with the dp of a lifetime.
“Oh, wait you’re actually still here? Well can you fuck off? They need to train for next year.”
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making-dough · 2 years
There’s a blue pouch sitting on her desk, drawn closed with a yellow cord. It likely contained around thirty to forty coins, at a glance. Attached to it was a note:
Half of these are real gold- you’re welcome. The other half are chocolate. Both look identical to each other. The chocolate coins are enchanted to even sound metallic against other objects, but they are edible. Enjoy these however you please, once you’re able to sort out which is which.
♠ - The trick to telling the difference was, as always, in the tasting. If you could actually bite into it, it was probably chocolate. And not having any particular desire to waste good gold (or chocolate, for that matter), Farina had very little choice aside from biting and testing every last one. Which was a process more annoying than fun.
That begged the question. Who in the world could take two fun things - gold and chocolate - and make them not-fun? Maybe Ken... Nah, he helped set up the whole thing. That stickler for the rules wouldn't break them for anything. Can't be him. Still, she was probably on the right track. While her love of gold was no secret, she cannot, for the love of her, recall if she'd actually mentioned that on that little question sheet they had them fill out. So it was likely someone who already knew. Which definitely narrows it down. And, out of them, who would be the most prankiest? Oh, because this definitely felt like a huge prank someone was springing on her, she decided, producing another coin from the pouch to test. It was probably Hector, Farina declared, biting down. This had a Hector prank written all over it.
Her teeth met metal. It was hard. She spat it back out. "Gold.", Farina declared, tucking the coin away. Hey, waste not, want not and she always wanted gold. Still, though, there's definitely ways of getting gold that wasn't quite so...tedious or tooth-hurt-y. Rubbing her jaw gingerly, Farina glared down at the pouch full of coins and decided whoever sent this, she'll get them back one way or another.
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wheat-singularity · 1 year
Greetings to my 5 followers!
I have a question for y'all on this prankiest of days, while I'm in a car going to spend a few days with my grandparents:
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There are as many forms of love as there are moments in time 🪷- Character pairing, tell me somethings about yourself and pick a fandom and gender preference and I’ll ship you with someone <3
Male preference and marauders or stranger things please!
I'm fairly introverted and it takes me a while to warm up to people. I love reading, my room is filled with stacks of books. I especially enjoy true crime, poetry and Russian literature! I adore adventures, witty and playful banter, pulling harmless pranks, joking around and having indepth discussions on anything and everything. I love helping out and people come to me to vent or for advice and comfort. I'd consider myself really smart and I'm very ambitious; I love being the best at everything I do. I daydream a lot and I'm a hopeless romantic! I enjoy all forms of art and I have quite a few creative hobbies! My love languages are acts of service and quality time. I'm 5'9 and I have long and curly dark brown hair and brown eyes. I dress mostly in relaxed suits, blazers and coats and I love the occasional dress or sweaters layered over a white button down! I'm an infp, taurus sun, gemini moon and scorpio rising!
Congrats on 100 followers!! I love your celebration theme so much, Jane austen is the best <3 <3
Up until 5'9 I was like, Is this a prank, why are you describing me??? I love russian classics, so so much, wait what's your favorite? Mine's Anna Karenina and also once I almost cried because I couldn't find a good translation of Doctor Zhivago (I have a lot of feelings).
I'm gonna saaayyyyy Sirius Black
I know Remus is usually the one for the reading but everything else screams Sirius, so the books are no red herring. I think he's a casual reader, not quite a bookworm like you but still enjoys it when he has the time. I've said it before and I'm gonna say it to every bookworm that comes into my inbox, BOOK STORE DATES!!! He's estranged, sure, but he's still a rich boy and what better finger to give his parents than spending their money on the love of his life. You know what he'd do? He would find you that limited edition Doctor Zhivago or that extremely limited collection of poetry you looked at a little too long when you passed the shop's window. Whatever you wanted, you don't even have to ask, he is not helping the overexpansion of your to-be-read list. And if you're a stickler for the translations and original prose like I am, then he'd absolutely figure out a spell for you to be able to read it with its original integrity.
From what I've seen, and what I feel in my heart of hearts, he's an ENFP, soooo you're similar in all the ways that count but he helps bring you out of your shell sometimes and also he waited for you to open up to him. Once you got closer, he started flirting with you, sort of subtly, then just out right. He asked you out by planning a prank on you with the other boys, they're your biggest fangirls and had been rooting for you to get together for ages, not their prankiest prank by far but they decided that Sirius would distract you by discussing the moral implications of non-verbal spells in magical dueling, which somehow, fittingly, made its way to the morality of love spells and right as Remus and James are about to pull it, he says something along the lines of "With you I'd never need one." And just as you're about to ask whatever that means, Remus and James drop a bag of flour over your head, by way of magic. So you turn around to yell at them BUT then while you're doing that, they tell you to spin around because you haven't noticed that the flour has turned into actual flowers, because Sirius used a spell (that he'd been practicing for weeks with McGonagall, because she was also rooting for you two. Making sure they didn't turn into roses was a bear but he didn't want any thorns to get you). THEN, you turn around and there he is, with your favorite flower in hand, and he finally finally asks you to go out with him.
He love love loves when he gets drawings and paintings from you, whatever your latest creative endeavor is, he's all for it.
And if you do end up daydreaming in class, he takes extra detailed notes for you, since he knows how much you value doing well.
He absolutely lets you steal his sweaters, everytime he sees you in a white button down he conveniently leaves one out for you. And he's enamoured with your style but on the occasion that you do wear a dress or something different, he gets so excited because *Aahhh something new!!!!!*
I feel like I should add something else but I don't know what to say
I hope you liked it <3<3<3
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The Schlocktoberfest - Day 9: April Fool's Day
The Schlocktoberfest – Day 9: April Fool’s Day
  April Fool’s Day (2008) Read my review of the original here. Trailer (this is the best quality video I could find, so you know what we’re in for):  *Spoilers Throughout* What’s This About: It’s the prankiest night of the year! June 23rd (statistically)! Here are some of my observations as I watched the film: April 1, 2007. I remember it well: it was April Fool’s Day, 2007.  Holy shit I…
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Happy April 4th
That's what my autocorrect wanted me to say. My phone has pranked me.
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mccek · 1 year
Best Pranks Ep:5
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whimsisadie · 3 years
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play the prankiest pranky prank that anyone has ever pranky pranked
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vintagereigns · 4 years
Heya! I have a tmnt request? I was wondering how do you think the bayverse boys act around a crush? Maybe the crush is their best friend and they realized that theres more than friendship than they thought? I'm a sucker for friends to lover trope and I just saw those raph headcanons you made! Have a nice day!
Hello! I hope that this is what you wanted, please let me know if I did a good job lol. I’m not used to doing all of the boys, so this is new for me. But here you go!
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I feel like Leo would be pretty cool and collected around his crush
Yet he has a soft spot for them
Is totally the jealous type but never expresses it
You want to watch a movie? Makes Mikey hand over the remote
If you tried to help them with a mission as April does, expect him to watch over you like a hawk, which sorta throws him off his game 
Is awkward as fuck, almost as awkward as Raph 
“Hey Leo!” you greet with a smile as you walk into the lair. “Oh, yeah- uh, hello.” 
If you are his best friend, he doesn’t want to ruin anything, therefore, he will keep his mouth shut and his feelings to himself
Playful fights while he helps you train, which ends in the both of you looking at each other funny while your laughter calms down- which is super awkward
Gets flustered quite easily
You think nothing of it and sit on Leo’s lap as the group settles in for a movie night, but Leo is weird and ends up taking a sharp breath in which leads to him coughing up a lung 
Leo is a gentleman to everyone, but it’s somehow amplified when it comes to you
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The most awkward out of all of the boys 
Tries to impress you with his muscles and his strength 
If you are best friends, I’d imagine that you’d always be invited to his and Mykie’s hotboxing sessions
Listening to music with him on his bed
The two of you have playful competitive arm wrestling competitions, to which Raph always lets you win
Very overprotective of you
Becomes very jealous whenever another guy comes around you, like Vern (who almost got his ass kicked once for asking you out)
He won’t express his jealousy, but you can definitely tell if something is up
“Friendly” cuddle sessions
Like Leo, Raph gets flustered very easily 
If y’all are best friends, expect Raph to slowly express his feelings to you
Dramatic as hell, so he’ll probably wait until y’all are in a life-or-death situation to tell you how he feels
Like Leo, Raph will give you anything that you want despite how everyone else feels about it, but he blows it off with a shrug and says it’s nothing before going back to teasing you
Long conversations at three am 
Falling asleep while on Facetime with him
Working out together, which only fuels his desire for you
Teasing each other constantly, but nothing too serious
He is your go-to for anything and everything, well, except for what you need Donnie for
Swears he loves you when you say his full name
Nicknames you something like Bambi or some shit
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I see Donnie as someone who hides his feelings very well. 
Similar to Leo, Donatello is very quiet and composed
He will leave his work just to help you with homework
I believe that he would create or build things for you, such as a calculator that gives you the answers to all of your math questions (what a fucking dream that would be)
Loves it when you hang out in his lab, just chilling, maybe listening to some music
Introducing him to new music 
Late night sessions with him doing his work and you completing missing assignments or studying
Let’s you use his bo-staff (I’m not sure I spelled that correctly)
Isn’t too keen on you helping them and April with missions but keeps his mouth shut and lets you tag along
However, he will tell you he told you so if you get hurt, but only after he has a heart attack and makes sure that you’re okay
Like all of the boys, Donnie loves seeing you in his special color 
Instead of doing rounds of vodka shots like Raph would, you and Donnie do expresso shots because the both of you are coffee addicts 
Will spit-ball anyone who tries to interrupt your time together, except for Splinter
Both of you will crash in his lab, only for Leo to wake your asses up for training or for a mission
When Donnie confesses his feelings, it’s in a more realist way, such as “Look, [Y/n], I think I’m falling in love with you, however, I’m not sure how all of this will play out in the end. I’m stuck on what to do, but I want to know if you feel the same first.” 
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Literally, and I mean literally, is perfectly fine with you knowing that he likes you
Will be your best friend anyway, even if you reject him (you better not, Mikey is a soft soul)
He will definitely flirt with you, especially if it’s in a way to make you laugh
You guys bond over video games and play together frequently, even if you’re at your own house
Jamming out to music together 
Making music together, the boy is a monster at the drums
The prankiest of all the turtles and will definitely make you a target, but will never go overboard like he does with his brothers
Play fighting around the lair
Mikey will draw things for you, and he’s very good at it
Hell, I canon that Mikey is the one who did all of their tattoos, so he’ll even give you a tattoo 
Something cute like a turtle with a yellow heart on it’s shell or something 
Like Raph, you and Mikey have “friendly” cuddle sessions
Will pour his heart out to you a million times
The best person to go to whenever you need to be cheered up
Mikey is the epitome of sunshine and happiness despite his situation
Also like Raph, you and Mikey will fall asleep on Facetime together 
Staying up all during sleepovers just so you two can watch memes and old vine videos 
Even though his voice isn’t the best, Mikey loves to sing for you
Has a whole playlist of love songs that make him think of you
Loves it when you come along on missions because, hey, you’re his best friend and if he’s dying, then you’re dying with him (and vice-versa) 
Nicknames you peaches or something cute like such
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travelers-rest-fr · 5 years
WW - Interview 01 - Aquamarine
(Host) Hello everyone, happy Trickmurk, and welcome to the Whispers of the Wasteland’s new programmation ! Today’s our first interview. I am Pozia, and will host all of the future interviews.
Today, we are meeting our local Shadow dragon, just in time for the festival. I present to you Aquamarine, our prankiest Mirror. Aquamarine, hi. Easy question for starters : how are you today ?
(Aquamarine) Very good ! It’s another day of celebrating, I’m very fond of these. One of the only times I can go around and get on the nerves of more people than usual, you know ?
(Pozia) I see, I see. When you say “getting on the nerves of people”, you do mean your pranks, don’t you ? You know, we’ve heard people saying you were able to do them in several places at once. What do you have to say about these claims ?
(Aquamarine) Hmm... I’m not revealing my secrets in front of an audience. Just know that sometimes, they’re true. Other times... hehe. It’s just hilarious the number of rumours there are about me. At some point, I’m pretty sure Healer was absolutely convinced I could shapeshift. Oh, hey, I know you’re the interviewer, Po, but can I ask questions too ? Doesn’t really sound like a conversation right now.
(Pozia) ...Yes, sure, go ahead.
(Aquamarine) What would you think of a Trickmurk gift ?
(Pozia) That’s going to be a prank, won’t it ?
(Aquamarine) Noooo. We’re best friends, how could you distrust me like that ?
(Pozia) *sighing* I’ll bite. A trickmurk gift would be nice, if there are such things as those.
*some shifting can be heard, and the “plop” of something being put on a table. After a few seconds of Pozia most likely figuring out how to open the thing, you hear a BOOM, then the distinct sound of a smoke machine, and a maniacal laugh as well as the sound of a dragon running.*
(Pozia) ...And she’s *cough* gone *cough*. I guess that concludes our interview for today. *cough cough* I hope you liked this. Stay tuned for more from us ! I hope the next interview won’t be as... blasting.
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kcystotheheart · 5 years
@everlastingscul said this on your post: A Wild Soft Snek has Appeared!
Startle from the long lost west wielder, Aloxiara sends her prankiest regards.
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⚖︎Thanks to Luxu, she’s more prepared this time. Not even flinching this time as she stands still. Turning her head, she looks towards the other.
“Are you quite done now?”
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youcouldmakealife · 6 years
so i was going through your character tags after finishing "vinny gets a life" + "follow the north stars" and something i found really funny is the difference between how people treat Liam and Vinny? they're both described as sunshine several times but one of them is more like that annoying beam of light that's in your eyes while the other is just, like, a really nice and pretty day?
That is the perfect description of Liam. Like, that one shaft of light that crawls in the window and you’re just trying to SLEEP and now you can’t AND BIRDS ARE CHIRPING, AND FUCK, GO AWAY, LIAM.
And Vinny’s like gentle light streaming in from behind fluttery curtains easing you awake. (And, occasionally, in his prankiest moments, totally that beam in your eyes, smuggling candy into your locker even though you’re terrified of small children so that Fourns daughters will mob you for it, you know, not naming names, but Anton DOES NOT APPRECIATE THAT, TOMMY.)
(Anton would like me to clarify he is not terrified of small children, only wary, and that the Fournier children are evil, and so he is RIGHTFULLY wary, but I would like to counter that Anton is a liar, and is absolutely terrified of small children.)
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pentacass · 8 years
Okay but Ana is the biggest prankster ever but the one and only time she pranked Kamilah she ended up already knowing and turned the prank on Ana. Ana still hasn't recovered to this day and will never try to prank her again
Ok but what kind of prank would embarrass Ana, Goddess of Pranks, Stirrer of Shitstorms, to the point she would never ever try anything on Her Wife Almighty again?
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