#prapai's puppy eyes
bird-inacage · 2 years
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Sky’s Doe Eyes VS Prapai’s Puppy Eyes
(PART 1) / (PART 2)
Yes, I had to make another gifset for this too. Because look at them. LOOK AT THEM. You can literally see Sky’s doe eyes become gradually less vulnerable and sad as time goes on. And I can’t get over how pretty Prapai looks in gif 3.
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theyellowhue · 2 years
and you wont?
personally, I think that's a solid plan 
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who is Sky kidding??? All Prapai has to do is throw Sky his puppy eyes and the man will melt. Dont even deny that fact. 
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luvlyspringday · 2 years
leon from don't say no and prapai from love in the air have the same energy i will not explain this any further
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wuxian-vs-wangji · 2 days
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Half the time, I read that look from Sky as big, pouting puppy eyes, quietly asking forgiveness for blocking Prapai and feeling guilty for thinking Prapai took such good care of him when he was sick, guided by dick alone.
The other half, I see how miserable Sky is, because frankly he would rather sleep with Prapai 100 times with Prapai treating him like a toy than let himself fall in love again and open himself to that kind of horror.
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chocolatecakeandbl · 1 year
Prapai’s Past - Character Study with Headcanons
Out of the blue, we had a very interesting convo yesterday at the server. It started with ‘Prapai’s happiness’ and turned into ‘What might have happened in Prapai’s past?’ 
A lot of headcanons came up, halfway turned into a deep character study we want to share with everyone. 
Buckle yourself in, get a drink. This will take some time :3 
A short Prapai Character Study
We often joke about Prapai being empty-headed about anything that is not Sky and Sky's body, but we never think of him as just a dopey guy. He has to be brilliant at his job. His father wouldn't have made him CEO if he were an idiot. He has brilliant emotional intelligence. He just plays the smiley fuckboi, because that's what people expect him to be.
Prapai the CEO. 
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The amount of burden he has to carry on his shoulders must be beyond imagination. 
The pressure? The expectations? 
Prapai’s family seems to be supportive, but they still loaded expectations upon expectations on him.  
Prapai the family anchor.
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The boy raised his siblings, said so himself. How fast has he had to grow up? How old was he when he lost his childhood?
Where was Pai's mother in this? Why did the responsibility for his siblings fall on Pai? Why not someone else? They are rich. They could have had help. Nannys? Other family members? Literally anyone but Pai? So why Pai?
A possible headcanon:
Pai's mom was there when Phan and Plerng were still small, but when they got older, it fell on Pai. Largely because Pai was always present and wanted to take care of them, loved them more than himself - that's how this boy is, really. In the end, Pai was too protective to let someone else care for them?
In a way, if looked for deep enough, it becomes tragic. Why? Because he had the money for a place to live, all the food and stuff he might have wanted. But he was too young to carry the responsibility of a family, and it led him to make hard choices.
Prapai, the man behind the mask.
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Prapai is incredibly intense in whatever he does.
He was given a lot of responsibility since a young age, not only from his parents because his dad most likely already had the intention for him to become CEO the moment he was born, but also because he cared for his siblings the way he did. It might have ended up coming naturally to him, not only because he IS loving like that, but because he's been slowly put into a position of "taking care of things", whatever those may be. Started off as helping out his brother with a bruise, ended up in making deals and ensuring the status of the company.
On the other side, we see what happens IF Pai stops wearing that mask of smiles, and his charming sunny boy self. It's been a thing when Sky cut him off. But what really got us was the way he looked when he got up to repay Gun’s efforts.  
There wasn’t a trace of a smile. Prapai’s eyes were intense, focused. His stance was tall, grand, room filling. Someone hurt the man who is his heart? His life? 
This is the moment the mask falls completely. What we find is an intense Prapai. A protective Prapai. A Prapai who doesn’t fear to keep those safe he wants to have safe no matter what it costs.
This Pai is the real Pai. 
Why the smiles?
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If you have no idea why he keeps smiling and being the sunny boy, it's easy to say that he just is like that because he never had to worry about anything. He's from a rich family. He had his future set out. He's pretty. 
But what does it need to be a young CEO? 
That is what many underestimate. How there's ALWAYS people telling you how you are too young for the job, that there's no way the company survives under your hands. That you only got the position bc of X instead of your own hard work. If you leash out, it's all over. Everyone goes "Told you. He's not made for the position." So what is left? Smile. Be charming. Maybe add a bit of puppy eyes and acting innocent because it always helps. We all see it at Pai. We hc he not only got hurt relationship wise, but also has to take slights on an everyday base. He has a way to cope with it, but it's a thing many people choose to not see.
Inevitable questions we never got answers to:
Why was Prapai ‘raised’ by his uncle?
Why did he end up having to raise his siblings?
Where had his parents been? 
Why had he had to take over the company at such a young age? 
Prapai as a teenager
Prapai wearing his heart on his sleeve is so true and we can only imagine a much younger Prapai, being his lovely golden retriever self trying to give someone his heart, only for it to be stomped on. How long he might’ve been a ‘kicked puppy’, who decided that all smiles, swaggering fuckboi was the mask he needed to wear from then on?
What if this is what happened? Teenage Prapai who lost his heart to someone only to have it crashed...
What made him into the 'fuckboi' we got to know? Did he sit down, over his broken heart, seeing the sadness in his eyes in the mirror, and go "No one will ever get to know about it?" only to adapt a "Single life is best." attitude we saw he had (and conveyed to his siblings)?
What if he tried again, got shot down again, then realized people only wanted him for one thing. 
OR.... Maybe he overheard someone talking about him. Young Pai, pondering on whatever he's pondering on, maybe he's in school or college, he overhears a conversation about him, and as he's about to walk in and say hi, he hears himself described in ways that break his heart.
It's hard to believe he just chose “Single life is the best!” out of the blue and that he always wanted the "single heartthrob" vibe for himself. Prapai is TOO lovely to simply be a player. 
He didn’t go through a trauma like Sky went through, but he might have gone through a period of time with someone whom he cared for a lot but who didn't treat him the way he deserved. "Why should I even give my heart to anyone if people just use it however they'd like?"
Considering he was raised to care for everything, he wouldn't just go around "fucking and finding out".
What if we go deeper into this headcanon? 
What if he tried relationships? 
He freaking tried but got so badly hurt he decided he’s either not worth it or everyone is the same so there’s no point in trying. In high school, or while in UK. Being cheated on, being used for money, being a game in someone’s bet (I dare you to get into Pai’s pants and make him head over heels for you kind of bet). A different hurt from Sky’s, but still one creating a huge scar in his heart. 
So many people just go for looks.
And Pai fits in that part. Not only does he come from a monetary background, and social status, but he has the looks as well. 
He is a charming boy, it's hard to not want him. 
Maybe he's how he is because he got hurt. He got used. And to avoid it happening again, he opened a playground where he could live out the frustration his life inevitably brings, while at the same time getting that tad bit of intimacy (aka bedroom activities) keeping him sated enough to go through daily life. 
We think Pai is someone, who IF he had a relationship before, got cut off because he is very caring. And so many out there just aren't able to cope with it. Too many feelings. Too much care. Too much focus. 
It’s easily overwhelming for too many. 
Prapai’s Happiness
We often talk about how Pai made Sky happy, made him feel safe, but we talk way too little about how Sky taught Pai to be happy and showed him that happiness in a relationship is a thing too. Before Sky, Prapai had no idea how real relationships work. He didn’t know the joy that came from it, nor that slightly different feeling of support and feeling home. 
Now, Sky showed him what real, genuine romantic love is, what does it mean to hold someone in your arms feeling content simply because that person is next to you and you can hug them. 
That your love’s happiness is often your happiness. 
Sky showed him that fuzzy warm feeling. He rid him of loneliness and gave Pai stability. The way that boy smiles in EP11 after the NC, when he holds Sky in his arms, and in EP13 when he peppers him with all the kisses?
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It’s a totally different smile from all the smiles he showed us before. His eyes sparkle with unconfined joy. 
We think Pai never experienced something like this before. 
It’s proven by how often Prapai says something along the lines of "I've never done this before, you know?" And how it's a sign of the journey of discovery he's in. 
He's finding out all of these new things in his first ever relationship. 
He wants to share them with Sky. And since he's an eager puppy, he’s all happily going "Look! I did this for the first time!" 
In turn for Sky, who has been in a relationship before, but was not cared for during it, all of Prapai's discoveries are discoveries for himself too. He's finding out what real love is like. 
Prapai: You know, I've never cleaned up someone before. 
Sky: You know, no one has ever done this for me before.
They discover and learn together. 
Sky teaches Prapai how a true relationship should look like - the boy isn’t even aware he does, he’s just being himself, but with his feelings for Prapai it’s inevitable. The love he offers Prapai is the guide. 
Prapai teaches Sky how to be happy again, how to love again, how to not be afraid again. 
But who said Prapai isn’t scared himself? The man has all the love to give, he’s a natural caretaker. He’s been born to give. 
But with it comes the inevitable danger of being used. Sky doesn’t use Pai. And maybe, this is the whole point.  
Prapai and Sky
It says a lot that Prapai waited for 3 months before actively going to PhayuRain's place one day to get a hold of Sky’s number. We see he tried before, but got interrupted. But if we go deeper, if Pai would have REALLY wanted Sky's number, he could have gotten it before. He waited 3 months to get it. And we think that's the cue. He'd been debating with himself for weeks, because he couldn't get Sky out of his mind. He couldn't sleep with others anymore because it just didn't bring any joy anymore. It felt wrong. It's safe to say the three times he slept with someone might have happened within a week after he met Sky (because let’s be honest, Pai is on the active side when it's about sex. He doesn't need to wait) It took him approx, a week to realise he wants Sky, and no one else when it's about sexual pleasure. It took him 3 months (!!) to really make up his mind and for SURE get Sky's number. We think this is what says it all. 
If he hadn't been burned before, he wouldn't have waited that long. He could have gotten Sky's number before through Phayu or Rain. He could have tried to get another night with Sky. Just sex. GREAT sex, but after all, only sex. But no. He decided to ponder over Sky, kept replaying their time. A clear sign he's debating with himself. Should he? Should he not? Pai is a smart boy. Yet, he went to Saifah, “Hey, what's the meaning if I can't stop thinking about him?" A question he could easily answer himself. He got the validation he searched for through Saifah, and promptly went ahead with a plan he surely had in mind for a while.
All the scenes we didn't see, but would have been highly interesting, would have clued us in. 
Aka the drive from the university to Sky's apartment, when Pai "picked up" Sky the first time.What did they do during the drive? Did they talk? Did Pai steal glances?
Another key scene for us is when Sky falls into the memory right in front of Pai before they got breakfast. 
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Cards on the table.. 
Who would be able to make sense of the retreat from Sky, who hadn't been hurt before?  
Pai sees the hurt. And for someone to be able to see the hurt, the one must have experienced hurt before. 
He reacts perfectly that moment. He draws Sky out of the building to get food (bc we all know food can help immensely in such a situation bc it changes the body reaction) I don't think anyone would do it/see it, who doesn't have any experience with it.
Again, in summary, and I can’t stress enough about it: Who’d do that if they didn’t know what being hurt feels like?
What does it NEED for someone to see it in someone else? And how much MORE does it need for someone to go "How can I help you?" after recognizing the hurt in the other?
Prapai was genuinely concerned. He dropped all his smiles and playboy-ish ways immediately. All masks fell. 
Another instance is the boardroom scene. 
Excuse me if we go a bit off course for a moment, but there is literally no other way to word it:
The boardroom behind the scenes was very telling.
How Fort and Peat remain in their position on top of the table, not just because they're doing a scene, but we think deep down Fort is caging Peat with his body, he can easily just wrap himself on top of him to protect him if needed. And we think it's something he shows in Prapai too.
When did Pai fall for Sky?
Hard to say. We can’t possibly know. But what we know is:
When Sky kept pushing Prapai away and not falling for his charms/money/sex, Prapai might have hoped that maybe this time risking his heart to love again would not be a bad idea. And maybe this time this "cold" person might be exactly who he's been looking for all this time.
Prapai saw in Sky his own façade. To be a playboy, you also need to play a role. Sky was the ice prince, Prapai was all smiles and charm, but in some of his interactions he's also straight up sassy and cold. We think he definitely did his fair share of "this means nothing, it's sex, just take what you want and leave me be" like Sky did to him. 
It is an instant connection?
This study is a collab of @fortpeat (who also did ALL the work with the screencaps *smooches*) and @moriano and @akitbeast and @bird-inacage and @mb-praiskyfortpeat and ofc me :3
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LITA Ep. 5 Rewatch Thoughts Part 2
Phayu is looking WAY too happy to be called a bastard
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Idk this shot is just funny
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AHHHH It's our other resident cutie!! I missed you Prapai <3 Also yay for P' Aon and P' Saifah my beloveds
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The exchange between Prapai and P' Saifah is so funny and I wish we'd gotten to explore the twins' and Prapai trio more in the show. That would've been so fun! As it stands take a P' Saifah side-eyeing self-proclaimed VIP Prapai
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Ah so P' Saifah did hear things last night (poor him). Also I'mma need everyone to stop calling Phayu names when all he does is be a SIMP
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If the beast was actually a puppy, sure. I'm not sure these boys know how metaphors work.
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Poor Sky's world is about to get a lot windier with turbulence. It's not time for us to talk about that yet though. Also peep the manga collection, I stan
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P' Phayu you're hilarious - wdym germ-spreader as if you don't literally stick your tongue down his throat in circa 5 minutes
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Man is really gunning to impress the in-laws - do you see this smirk?? He knows he's won their favor (at least Mama Rain's so far). Poor Rain can feel himself being replaced as the favorite son >.<
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I just know Phayu's inner-self is SCREAMING rn at seeing his triangle being so treasured by Rain. This is probably what prompted that very "you are my fate and the heavens themselves brought us together and ilysm" musical number coming up later on. Also for the millionth time, Boss has v nice hands heh
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I love how utterly hypnotized Rain looks every time Phayu gets close to him. obsessed with this set of expressions, actually!
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Why is Rain saying 'mia' with that look on his face so powerful?? Phayu sir how did you hold back from immediately smothering his face with kisses bc I certainly couldn't be that strong
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Phayu I'm going to slap you bc what is this behavior?
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Rain is understandably not ok. Noeul did a spectacular job here of giving us subdued shock and realistic tearing up. Generally speaking, he's a good crier (even in ep 3 I think he portrayed it well without overdoing it).
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I love how they gave us dramatic thunder in the background to really impart the gravity of the situation. Foley artist I continue to love u <3
They also really went hard with the triangle imagery in this episode, or maybe that's just me seeing things. I do love how Rain's first instinct to get out of any Situation is to grab Phayu's arm.
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"It's time to stop studying each other." Yeah ok say it without looking at Rain's lips like 50 times first, coward
You can see the tear track and Noeul does this little nose twitch here that's giving me poor meow meow. Even Phayu couldn't resist touching
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Rain: is this clown serious rn?? we're talking about the WEATHER???
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The audacity?!
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Rain looks so distressed here, my poor son :(
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He finally breaks and we get to see that oh-so-adorable-only-for-Rain nose crinkle. Phayu is lucky he's so cute or Rain would've pouted for a lot longer
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Rain just went at him with the softest pillow in his arsenal. He's too nice.
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I know every single one of you went back to the shot earlier of his clearly unmarked back when you first watched this. I should know. I squinted for like 5 full minutes. Phayu you're a liar :(
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Rain hits him some more, and Phayu says he's already won. I really think this man looks wayyyy too smug, someone (Rain) should do something about it.
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And we're back to the neck cradling. I continue to admire how quickly Rain just loses himself (as shown by his suddenly very focused on Phayu's face gaze)
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To the next part we go!! Lots of sweetness ahead :)
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snickerdoodlles · 1 year
so. i have beef with thai university bl's engineering and architect bias. not even about them getting the majors terribly wrong, like whatever movies and shows never get them right anyways, but university majors can tell us so much about a character. is the major something they've always wanted to do, was it picked on a whim, was it picked for their parents, is it a good fit, is it a bad fit, etc etc etc. it can be big insight into the facets of their character (ala the boys from not me) or the things they like and connect over (Kim and Chay from kinnporsche) and more. and while college majors don't have to be like, a big thing or relevant to all characters, if you're in the university genre, you really ought to be thinking about this sort of thing.
which brings me to love in the air: where, ironically, mr. background character Sig gets this development and none of the actual fucking mains do. (lita, i love you, but your writers certainly made choices.) but i'm not here to talk about my beloved Sig, i'm here to talk about my darling Sky.
given that Sky's dorm is absolutely covered in art and he has art reference shirts, i headcanon that Sky actually wanted to be an art major. he loves painting cityscapes and anything with brilliant colors. half his shirts were picked up from museums and event gallerias. but, after Gun and pulling himself back together, the guidance counselor asked one "you want to be an art major? but that's so...risky" and all of Sky's fresh wounds and insecurities slammed into him like a truck and he asked what would be a smarter choice then. the guidance counselor rattled off a list of ""practical"" art-inclined majors and Sky, perhaps drawn to the idea of building something new and lasting, chose architecture.
which! is a pretty good fit for him! he's good at it, he likes his classes, he likes twisting the assignments to fit his own visions. but that's all it is: a good fit he can settle for.
so, the fic proper:
it's third year. Sky's stressed over deadlines and midterms. and Prapai's watching him from the couch, concerned, because he's used to Sky's frantic energy this time of the semester, but this feels...different. but Sky rarely thinks to say things out loud when he's trapped in a storm of negativity, so it's up to Prapai to gently put his hand on Sky's shoulder and ask him what's wrong.
midterms, projects, club paperwork, next weeks' internship interview, Sky thinks. "this isn't FUN anymore," bursts out Sky, then immediately snaps his mouth shut because he did not mean to say that.
and Prapai doesn't let it go. Sky has a model due at 8am tomorrow that's only half-finished, but Prapai pulls him into the other room and gets him a glass of water and they talk. at first, Sky deflects, saying it's just stress, but Prapai hits him with the soulfully worried puppy eyes and next thing Sky knows, he's talking about how he's always loved art and had wanted to be an art major originally, but that's just not the smart thing to do and how architecture is a good place for him, really, he just also sometimes gets caught up in what ifs but really, he's fine. they've been talking for an hour and Sky's model is due in a few hours, but somehow Sky's not even thinking about that as he curls up into Prapai's shoulder and just breathes, feeling lighter than he has in weeks after getting that off his chest.
"so why don't you switch majors?" Prapai asks.
"don't be stupid, i can't do that," Sky retorts automatically.
"why not?" Prapai insists.
"i... but i... you can't... what."
Sky tries to say it'd be smarter if he just finished his current architect degree. Prapai asks why he should force himself through at least another 2.5 years of architecture if he doesn't even want to do it afterwards. Sky blurts out he never said that, then immediately changes the subject to what if he isn't good enough for art. Prapai counters he believes in him and that Sky will grow as he learns more. Sky insists it will take him even longer to graduate and find a job. Prapai says the time will pass anyways.
it's overwhelming. Sky drops the subject and returns to his model, which he only half focuses on. Prapai pulls an all-nighter with him, taking over the actual cutting since Sky's spacing, and encourages Sky to finish his other work. Sky goes to his desk and mostly stares at his assignment. the model gets done but the report doesn't, and when the professor yells at him the next day and asks why he wants to be an architect, Sky just stares at him for a good twenty seconds before going, "i don't." then bows to the professor and walks out.
the transition to an art major isn't fully smooth. Prapai jokes that he'll bribe the entire administration department if he has to to get Sky what he wants and Sky hits him for that, even as he's smiling. the actual switch turns out to be less painful that Sky anticipated (which is a low bar, the switch was growing into a full apocalypse in that boy's head). even his time in university isn't expected to be much longer than he'd originally planned for. it still doesn't take away how nerve-wracking the whole thing is for him because he's very much relying on Prapai to help smooth out any potential bumps. it's all worth it after he takes his first color theory class and feels like he's truly settled in.
sometime later, Prapai's parents have a soiree or dinner party or whatever it is rich people do, which Sky and Prapai also attend (and Sky zones out through the business chatter but delights in being Prapai's arm candy to the jealous), and eventually they wander over to where a small group of people are admiring and praising one of the artworks hanging on the wall. Sky's thinking "ooo art talk instead of business talk," then does a complete double take because that's his art. nearly yanks Prapai's hand off his wrist because what the fuck that's his art people are talking about his art, WHY ARE PEOPLE TALKING ABOUT HIS ART.
"...do you not like it?" Prapai asks, concerned, "i told you that my mom would like it, when i asked if i could give it to her..."
Sky makes a noise not unlike a deflated balloon. "but you! she! you were just being nice!!!!"
Prapai blinks. "my mom's on the board of three art museums, she doesn't bullshit when she says she likes your art."
Sky makes another deflated balloon sound. Prapai gently spirits him away to a private room and Sky Stares at him, confused.
"but i'm... i don't... i haven't grown that much, i'm still learning, i'm not that good..." Sky squeezes his hands, and asks in a very small voice, "they like it?"
Prapai gently squeezes back. "Sky... the person who said your art isn't good"--(they both scowl here, they don't need to say his name out loud to know who Prapai's referring to)--"maybe they said your art was bad not because it was true, but just because it would hurt."
(Sky's face scrunches at that. Prapai holds him as he turns those words over in his mind.)
"do you want to tell them that you're the artist? we don't have to if you don't want to, we can keep it anonymous if you'd prefer."
if takes Sky a minute before he nods and says he wants to tell people it's his work. then Prapai takes him back out and after a few moments of shyness, Sky comes out of his shell and Prapai delights in being his arm candy for the rest of the night.
[[ ask me about fic im not writing ]]
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sunshinechay · 9 months
10 BL boys that I want carnally
I was tagged by @prapaiwife. Thank you for the tag!
Hmm let’s see if I can figure this out. In no particular order
1. Chen Yi and Ai Di (Kiseki: Dear to Me)
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Did I cheat on the very first one by picking both off them?…maybe so.
Tall and broody gets me every time, which means Chen Yi is just my type and Ai Di’s specific brand of chaotic short king just works for me
2. Alan (Pit Babe the series)
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The dad energy that radiates off this man is incredible and I am down for it…speaking of dad energy
3. Gumpa (Not Me the series)
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Gumpa willingly adopted 5 20-something boys and fostered their love for anarchy and hatred for capitalism and I (and my ovaries) am in love with him for that.
4. Phayu (Love in the Air)
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At the risk of telling you guys about 1000% too much information about myself…I wish I were Rain because this man is everything I want (and this is coming from someone who likes prapaisky better as a pairing)
5. Nail (For Him the series)
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Gif by @pharawee
This man is a bitch, this man knows what he wants, this man has a way better fashion sense then. I want him and I want his fashion and his honesty.
6. First (Twins the series)
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This man and his lost puppy eyes and his grumpiness and his jealously. I want him
7. Kim (KinnPorsche the series)
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Can I make this list without including Kim…possibly, but I’m not gonna XD
8. Prapai (Love in the Air)
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Are you surprised? You shouldn’t be.
9. Tan (Manner of Death)
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Or maybe just Max in general but can you really blame me?
10. Choco (Choco Milk Shake)
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Is this man actually a dog? I mean technically but if Jung Woo is allowed to end up with him then why can’t I? Also muscles that they do not show off nearly as much as they should
I’m honestly not sure who hasn’t done this yet so I’m not sure who to tag so if you haven’t done it yet, feel free to consider this me tagging you!
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nuwildcat · 9 months
10 QL people I want carnally aesthetically
Sooooo as your local ace, I couldn't complete the lovely tag from @sunshinesanctuary with carnally, cause....I don't think that way. BUT with a little chit chat in DMs with @luckydragon10 I was able to cobble together a list of aesthetically pleasing people from Queer Love series.
Cool I'm going to start with the two who lured me into Thai BL cause why not.
**note the following gifs will not be the most flattering, but instead the most hilarious ones I find on tumblr's atrocious gif search.
10. Tan (Max Nattapol) - Manner of Death
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What can I say, I like a good cheeky monkey who has no idea what to do with the pretty man that has just kissed him. He has his little shit face on here, and that's about all it takes to lure in my ace heart.
9. Bunn (Tul Pakorn) - Manner of Death
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What an orange cat of a man. Like, what were you thinking was going to happen (spoiler he was checking for a gun I think? sus little bean) but that is a horrible way to go about that. Charmed the shit out of me from the get go, he absolutely deserves to be on this list. Also that shirt is doin' werk.
8. Phupha (Earth Pirapat) - A Tale of a Thousand Stars
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Right, so, as far as aesthetics go, this man is already pretty, but then they stuck him in a uniform, and I've always been a sucker for a uniform. He gives gremlin vibes this entire show, despite the serious face that is just stuck like that. (I am starting to sense a pattern...).
7. Prapai (Fort Thitipong) - Love in the Air
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What does this man do? Seemingly, nothing. He has way too much time on his hands and a clearly overworked secretary, but I will say the lack of brain cells and puppy dog eyes kinda worked for me. (not enough to finish the series, but I was digging him).
6. Jang Jae Young (Park Seo Ham) - Semantic Error
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I love how freakishly tall this man is. Once again I have found an absolute terror of a man (this one totally has a golden heart) and latched onto him instantly. The fact that he came with a built in size difference is just the icing on the cake.
5. Choi Yu Na (Song Ji Oh) - Semantic Error
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Ummm. Yeah Imma just let that gif speak for itself. Immaculate babe, just keep doing what you're doing.
OKAY from here on it's just KP I don't know what y'all were expecting otherwise.
4. Tay (Us Nititorn) - KinnPorsche the Series
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My love affair with Tay is long standing and undying. This is the best I could do to find a silly gif of him. Honestly I think that speaks to why he is so high on the aesthetic list. Poor man lost in a google coin toss to Big 😭
3. Big (Nodt Nutthasid) - KinnPorsche the Series
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That right there ladies and gentlemen, is peak bodyguard performance, losing your shit over the new kid. All jokes aside there's something about this man's face that makes me wanna stare at it from like every angle. Give this man another role so I can stare at him more, please.
2. Porsche (Apo Nattawin) - KinnPorsche the Series
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Ahhh Apo and his amazing faces. There is a unique ability to demonstrate just how little is going on in a character's head, and Apo has it DOWN. Porsche my darling, aesthetically your a freaking masterpiece, but baby if you think too hard you might hurt yourself. (Yes I am aware the theme is getting worse). THAT BEING SAID. Holy shit when you clean this boy up he is a force to recon with. That green suit??? it haunts me. Aesthetics on point with this brat.
Kinn (Mile Phakphum) - KinnPorsche
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Right so this last one was actually hard to pick between Porsche and Kinn, buuuuut if I'm going form a character aesthetic approach I have to give the #1 spot to Kinn. My man slays through the majority of this show with suits on point, and cocky faces galore. I kinda hate him a little bit for how long I had to scroll to find an unflattering gif. EVEN HERE HE LOOKS GOOD he just got his dick sucked too hard in a helicopter to pull off suave. *throws hands up in the air* I just wanna put him in my pocket and take him out and shake him every once and a while.
I am very late to this game but I am going to inflict this on a couple people I think who haven't been tagged and whose answers I would find amusing. @lady-guts @fairhairedkings @medievalraven @stoeptepel @dr-lemurr
Please feel no obligation to participate I just think y'all would have good hot-takes.
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windowlessatmosphere · 6 months
Green-Eyed Monster
Summary: Sky’s pretty used to Prapai getting jealous, even when it’s over nothing. When an old friend comes back into town, though, the tables have turned. The worst part is, Sky’s not even sure if Pai’s noticed.
“I can’t wait for you to meet him,” Prapai said excitedly, looking around like an overeager puppy.
Sky suppressed a laugh, finding it endearing despite himself.
“P’Force!” Pai called, clearly spotting his former mentor before pulling Sky along. It was sweet, really.
“Pai!” Force replied cheerfully, clapping him on the back and pulling him into a tight hug. And…okay. Force wasn’t exactly how Sky might have pictured him. He was tall and muscular, with a wide grin and a leather jacket. The hug was going on for a while, Sky noticed, only a moment before they pulled apart.
“This is Sky,” Prapai introduced him, practically dragging him forward.
“Nice to meet you, P’Force,” he managed to get out before he was enveloped in a tight squeeze. He blinked for a moment before returning it awkwardly, hoping Force didn’t notice his hesitation.
“It’s great to meet you, too,” Force said, once they’d separated, smiling widely. “Pai talks about you a lot. A lot.”
“A normal amount!” Pai defended himself, the tips of his ears turning red.
“A lot,” Force insisted.
“A lot is a normal amount when it comes to Sky,” Pai asserted, pulling Sky in by the waist. Sky stifled a laugh, but Force burst out laughing, shaking his head.
“I’ve never seen you like this,” he said. “It’s a good look on you.”
Sky raised an eyebrow at that, but Pai didn’t seem to notice, just taking it in stride.
C’mon,” Force said, shaking Pai’s shoulder. “Let’s see if you’ve improved any.”
Pai swore at him in response, and they headed over to the racetrack, Pai pulling Sky along by the arm.
“Wish me luck,” he requested once he was seated on his bike, looking up at Sky.
“Good luck,” Sky obliged, giving him a soft smile.
“Skyyyy,” Pai whined, tilting his chin up for a kiss. “Don’t you want me to win?” he added, batting his eyelashes unfairly.
Sky took a quick glance at Force, who seemed entirely preoccupied with his own motorcycle, before he leaned in to give Pai a kiss. He jerked away when he heard a loud whistle, turning to see Force grinning widely at them.
Pai flipped him off with a fond eye roll, and a nagging feeling crept into the back of Sky’s mind. He wasn’t used to seeing Pai so comfortable around anyone else. Payu, sure, but they had been close forever and nothing had ever happened between them. Force, though…Sky recalled when Pai had first started talking about him. He’d mentioned that they used to go out, and despite a plethora of follow-up questions, Sky could not, for the life of him, figure out what that meant. Had they dated? Had it been serious? Or had they just gone out to bars together?
“He just meant they were friends,” Rain had told him, rolling his eyes. “P’Pai wouldn’t introduce you to his ex.”
“He might,” Sky had said glumly. “If they were still friends.”
“Don’t be stupid,” Rain had dismissed him.
That had been the end of that. They were just friends, Rain had said so. And called him stupid, which was a worrying sign.
Now, however, watching how comfortable they seemed with each other, he couldn’t help but spiral a bit. After all, Prapai had never mentioned him before, not until he’d come back into town. By this point, Sky was acquainted with the vast majority of Pai’s friends, even if only through stories. Force had never been mentioned.
The roar of Pai’s motorcycle shook him out of his daze, and he took a few steps back to watch the race. They were fairly evenly matched at first, which Sky wasn’t actually sure if he’d seen before. In the end, though, Pai managed to overtake him, finishing with a solid lead. He hopped off his bike, pulling his helmet off before kissing Sky on the cheek.
Force pulled up a moment later, half-laughing as he removed his helmet.
“You’ve gotten better,” he said approvingly.
“Or you’ve gotten worse,” Pai joked, turning to look at Force. Sky stayed silent, feeling slightly forgotten in their back-and-forth. Stupid, he told himself, considering Pai still had an arm around his waist, holding him in close.
Force’s phone went off, and he answered it, taking a few steps away.
“Isn’t he great?” Pai half-whispered into Sky’s ear, grinning widely. Sky hummed a hopefully positive-sounding acknowledgement in return, but Pai didn’t seem to notice any uncertainty.
“I’ve got to go,” Force said apologetically, coming back over a moment later. Sky tried not to perk up. Prapai wilted beside him, and he did his best not to take it personally. “We should get dinner,” Force suggested, tilting his head in a question.
Sky’s eyebrows jumped up, and he had to force them back down. Was Force seriously asking Pai out right in front of him? Fine, so dinner didn’t necessarily mean a date, but it was the principle of the thing.
“We’d love to!” Pai immediately responded.
Oh. Right. Definitely not a date, then.
“See you tonight,” Force said, clapping Pai on the shoulder and winking before heading out.
The winking was a bit much.
It was fine. Everything was fine. Dinner would be fine.
Dinner was not fine.
Dinner involved a lot of inside jokes going over Sky’s head, a lot of half-told stories that he hadn’t been there for, and a lot of touching.
A lot of touching.
Seriously, was there a need for this much touching?
It didn’t seem necessary to grab Pai by the shoulder every time he was telling Sky some old story. Or to steal food off his plate. Or to ruffle his hair so frequently. In Sky’s opinion, anyway. Force clearly begged to differ.
“We were at this party,” Force started, shaking his head with a slight laugh. “And there was this girl—”
“Nope,” Pai interrupted, after nearly choking on his food. “Next.”
“You can’t veto all my stories,” Force complained, pouting at Pai.
“So tell different stories!” Prapai responded, taking another bite. “Ones that Sky wants to hear.”
Force snorted at that. “I don’t think I have any of those,” he admitted. “You weren’t exactly restrained,” he pointed out. “But I’m pretty sure Sky already knows what I mean.” He winked in Sky’s direction, and he did his best not to grimace.
Okay, so. Confirmation. Wonderful.
It was no big deal, really. Sky was well aware of how many people Pai had slept with, he had been very forthcoming about his past. Sitting at a dinner table with one of them, though, was another thing. Especially given that Pai hadn’t even warned him. 
Hadn’t he, though?
He thought back to that conversation with Rain and cursed himself for actually listening. Clearly, he had been right the first time.
He would get through this dinner, maybe the next few days or so while Force was in town, and that would be that. He wouldn’t have to bring it up, wouldn't have to be the unreasonable boyfriend, wouldn't have to tell Pai how jealous he was.
It would be fine. Pai wouldn’t even have to know that he was upset.
“It seems like you’re upset.”
Sky froze, caught between the urge to lie and the urge to definitely not lie to his boyfriend. Who he loved. Despite recent events.
“I mean, you’re not saying anything, so…” Pai trailed off, giving him an expectant look.
He let out a long sigh before resigning himself to the conversation. Be reasonable, he told himself. Be calm, be rational.
“Why didn’t you tell me I was meeting your ex?” he burst out, unable to control himself.
Pai blinked at him.
“My…ex?” he asked.
“P’Force!” Sky hissed at him. “You could have said something.”
“P’Force?” Prapai asked, his brow furrowed.
“Yes!” Sky cried, throwing a hand up in frustration.
Prapai stared at him for a long moment, a look of understanding slowly creeping across his face.
“Are you…jealous?” he eventually asked.
“No,” Sky responded immediately, scowling even harder.
“You are!” Pai said, obvious glee in his tone. Sky shot him a warning look and he sobered a bit. “It’s fine,” he insisted, sinking into a kitchen chair. “That’s just usually my thing,” he pointed out.
“I’m not jealous,” Sky gritted out. “I just would have appreciated some warning, that’s all.”
“Interesting,” Pai pondered, a thoughtful look on his face. Sky wanted to kick him. “Considering…”
“Considering?” Sky asked, his tone scathing.
“Considering he’s not my ex,” Pai explained, unable to hold back a smirk as he watched understanding dawn on Sky.
“I’m going to kill you,” Sky informed him.
“You can’t! You love me,” Pai insisted, standing up and wrapping him in a hug.
Pai picked him up, squeezing him even tighter for a moment before setting him back down.
“You thought he was my ex?” he laughed, shaking his head.
“He was acting like it!” Sky defended himself. “So were you!”
“I was not,” Pai said incredulously. 
“And you never even mentioned him!” Sky added.
“Well…” Prapai hesitated, and Sky raised an eyebrow. “Nope,” Pai said, cutting off his train of thought before it could leave the station. “We just used to wingman for each other. A lot. Not exactly the stories I like to tell you,” he pointed out.
Sky rolled his eyes, extremely used to Prapai acting like he couldn’t handle hearing about his past. Well. Maybe he wasn’t as above it as he thought.
“Plus he kept touching you,” Sky added.
“And you!” Prapai said, letting out a half-laugh. “That’s just how he is.”
Sky glowered at him for a moment longer before giving up and hiding his face in Pai’s neck.
“I can’t believe you didn’t date,” he groaned. “I can’t believe Rain was right.”
“Rain was right?” Pai asked, a note of surprise in his tone.
“Yes,” Sky emphasized, finally coming up for air. “I’m an idiot,” he groused. “And I’m sorry,” he added, doing his best to convey his emotions through his words.
“Don’t be.” Prapai gave him a cheeky smile. “I’m not totally against it. It’s kinda hot.”
Sky rolled his eyes, swatting him lightly on the shoulder. “C’mon,” he said. “Let’s go to bed.”
“One second,” Pai said, pulling out his phone.
“What are you doing?” Sky asked.
“I need to call one of my exes.”
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fortpeat · 9 months
10 BL BOYS THAT I WANT "Carnally"
I was tagged by @prapaiwife so thank you Hun 😘. I don't have 10 unfortunately 😂🤭 I can be very picky like that 🫣 but here we go ..
1. Prapai - Love in the Air
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I mean is it any surprise that he is at the top of the list I MEAN COME ON LOOK AT HIM. This man fundamentally changed my brain chemistry. When someone asks me what is your ideal dream man I wish just show him. That's it. ✨
2. Mhok - Last Twilight
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Gif credit @jimmysea
Mhok is so cute and every time he's on screen I blush like a school girl having her first big crush. The way he takes care of Day will make me go through a box of tissues 😭
3. Porsche - Kinnporsche
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Gif credit @nattawins
NOW HIM. OMGGG *deep breaths* it was kinnporsche that brought me back to the world of Asian BL and the rest is history.
4. Ray - Only Friends
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Gif credit @lastwlght
Those puppy eyes is just enough to make me do anything and I mean ANYTHING. PLEASEEE he will have me completely wrapped around his fingers in just one second.
5. Sand - Only friends
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Gif credit @sunsetandthemoon
Put a beautiful man with adorable smile in a leather jacket and I am done for. Thank you very much.
(Now this list is incomplete but you bet I am definitely adding Tongrak and Mahasamut in here. I don't know what they are like but they are definitely on this list 😂😂)
I don't have anyone specific to tag coz I have seen a lot of you guys have already done it but I am definitely tagging my baby @mbjw (but love, if you have already done it sowiee) 🫣🫣
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bird-inacage · 2 years
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Sky’s Doe Eyes VS Prapai’s Puppy Eyes
(PART 1) / (PART 2)
Sky’s doe eyes tend to make an appearance in an adorable, i-need-some-love, vulnerable sort of way. Prapai’s puppy eyes tend to make an appearance in a pouty, sulky, please-look-at-me kind of way.
They’re equally as dangerous. Which is your favourite?
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theyellowhue · 2 years
hello, im here to bring you a thought
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because honestly, i have none. no thoughts, head empty, just men with puppy eyes cajoling their sassy beau to bed them
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moriano · 1 year
prompted on PaiSky discord server by @prapaiskymissinghours. the prompt was:
after all this time?
it’s a very short drabble, around 300 words :)
after all this time?
Sky observed Prapai who observed him with that goofy smile on his face.
They lay in their bed, waited, a mess of limbs tangled together. Their breathing was slowly calming down after a crazily passionate good morning they’d just had, their hands tracing invisible patterns on each other’s bodies. Rising sun peeking through curtains, placing gentle kisses on Sky’s back, creating a soft halo around him.
Looking at Sky, his skin glowing, hair tousled, Prapai was awestruck, just like he was yesterday and the day before, and all other days for the last twenty years; the only difference was that he felt it stronger than before. Each day it hit him harder: how beautiful Sky was, how ethereally happy their life was, how fulfilled Prapai felt. Simply being able to wake up to his husband next to him and go to sleep cradling him in his arms, eating breakfast with him and their three kids—it was more than enough. It was more than he’d ever wished for.
His small perfect world, with his perfect Sky smiling gently at him. “You look like a love struck teen,” Sky teased with a laugh.
“Maybe I am.”
“You’re too old to be a teen, dummy. And so in love.” Sky rolled his eyes and placed a kiss on Prapai’s lips.
“Being nearly fifty isn’t too old! I’m in my prime!” Prapai pouted. It made him look a couple of years younger. “And I’m still so in love.” He looked at Sky like a hurt puppy. How could his husband even doubt it?
“Are you?”
“Of course!”
“After all this time?”
“Always.” Prapai pulled him closer and bit his neck playfully. “Forever,” he whispered and peppered Sky with thousands of kisses, relishing in his husband’s happy, blissful laughter.
Always, forever, and beyond.
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tellywoodtrash · 9 months
Hey there! Now that you've told us your favorite characters, and villains I would like to ask about your favorite ships!
Already done, but here you go, ✨✨✨NOW WITH GIFS!!!!!!✨✨✨
Jake/Amy (Brooklyn 99): Ultimate Rivals to Lovers pipeline
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Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens): 6000 years slow burn between an angel who's a bit of a bastard, and a demon who's too soft-hearted
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Vincenzo/Cha Young (Vincenzo) - Scary Mafia Man turns out to be Enthusiastic Wife Guy
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Sae Beom/Yi Hyun (Happiness): Ride-or-die besties engage in fake marriage to score a nice apartment; have to deal with the zombie apocalypse (and terrible neighbours. As expected, the neighbours are worse than the zombies.)
This is SUCH a severely underrated couple istg i will never stop screaming about them 😭😭😭
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Kinn/Porsche (Kinnporsche): Stressed Mafia Himbo meets Cheeky Broke Dumbass; (Violent, Hilarious, Horny, Soft and Healing) Shenanigans ensue
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Prapai/Sky (Love In The Air): Playboy is magically reformed by the best ONS of his life, sets out to win the heart of emotionally traumatized love interest with persistence, patience, and puppy eyes
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Pat/Pran (Bad Buddy): Romeo and Juliet but NOT filled with questionable heterosexual decisions; instead led by two of the most love-filled squishy boys to ever exist
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luvlyspringday · 2 years
one of the best things that came from love in the air was fort's puppy dog eyes as prapai
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