#prapaisky fanfic
windowlessatmosphere · 6 months
Reach Out and Touch
Summary: Despite asking him a million times, Prapai will never actually admit that he wishes Sky were more affectionate in public. Until he gets drunk one night and accidentally lets it slip. It’s fine, though. Sky has a plan.
“P’Payu,” Rain whined, disproportionately distraught at the fact that Payu’s gaze had left him for nearly a minute.
“Sorry, sorry,” Payu apologized, pecking him on the cheek in apology. He turned back around, scanning for their waiter in the crowded bar. Rain went back to pouting, and Sky rolled his eyes. Rain leaned into Payu’s side, brightening immediately when Payu put an arm around his shoulders.
The waiter appeared with Payu’s drink, apologizing for the delay and enduring Rain’s mistrustful gaze from over Payu’s shoulder. A moment later, Rain was practically climbing into Payu’s lap, his face buried in Payu’s neck.
Sky snorted, unable to help himself, and heard Prapai do the same. Rain always seemed to get like this when he was drunk, needy and whining if Payu diverted even a speck of his attention elsewhere.
“You never do this with me,” Prapai said in a low, teasing voice, leaning in close enough that Rain wouldn’t overhear. Sky rolled his eyes, aiming a light kick at Pai under the table and giving him a withering look. Prapai just beamed at him, swooping in to plant a kiss on Sky’s cheek and ignoring his offended squawk.
“P’Payu,” Rain whined, tilting his chin up for a kiss. Payu obliged him easily, and Sky wished, not for the first time, that he hadn’t volunteered to be the designated driver. Rain and Payu were really much more bearable when he was drunk.
“Skyyyy,” Prapai said in a perfect imitation of Rain, leaning into Sky’s space with a pout. Sky snorted at that, flicking Pai’s nose but pressing their legs together under the table anyway.
They ordered a few more drinks, Sky continuing to opt for water while wondering why he had agreed to do so. Prapai began scooting closer to him at some point, clearly aiming for subtlety and missing the mark spectacularly. Lucky for him, Sky could only find it endearing. When he had finally closed the distance between them, he snuck an arm around Sky’s waist, pulling it back hesitantly when Sky automatically tensed up.
It wasn’t intentional, just a leftover reflex from being with Gun, when getting pulled in by the waist had never meant anything good. Even so, it was obvious that Prapai was feeling wounded, his emotions all the more obvious given how much he’d had to drink. Sky felt a little stab of guilt and leaned into Prapai’s side, hoping he wasn’t feeling unwanted.
Of course, this meant that Pai took it as an invitation and immediately went in for a kiss. Sky turned his face instinctively, leaving Pai’s lips to land on his cheek instead. Prapai drew back, looking uncertain and hurt, and shifted in his seat.
Sky did his best to keep his expression neutral, noting sardonically that Rain and Payu had been far too wrapped up in each other to even notice. They were definitely going to have to talk about this when they got home.
He’d brought it up before, curious due to how affectionate Prapai was in private. Pai knew how Sky felt about PDA, and he usually didn’t push. Sure, he’d sneak in a peck or grab Sky’s hand every so often, but it had never become an issue. It still left him feeling uneasy, a prickling feeling in the back of his mind that Prapai wanted things to be different. That he wanted a boyfriend he could kiss anywhere.
He’d asked, of course, but that had gone nowhere.
“I love you just the way you are,” was the usual response, followed by a forehead kiss and a loving smile.
Sky didn’t doubt that, but he was also very much aware that Prapai was dodging the question.
So. They needed to talk.
“We need to talk,” Sky told Prapai, about twelve seconds after they entered Sky’s apartment.
Prapai’s expression instantly shifted from bleary-eyed and out of it to utter panic.
“Not like that,” Sky clarified immediately, and Pai relaxed.
“Okay,” he agreed, flopping down on the couch and making grabby hands at Sky. He followed Pai over to the couch, letting himself be pulled down and cuddled.
“I feel like I upset you earlier,” Sky began, choosing his words carefully. Prapai’s hands, which had been carding through his hair, froze for a moment before resuming their movement.
“Earlier?” Pai asked, trying and failing for an even tone. He wasn’t the best actor on a good day, let alone after a few drinks.
“You know what I mean,” Sky pressed, turning in Pai’s hold so they were facing each other. “I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings,” he added quietly.
Prapai’s expression shifted before he answered. “I know,” he reassured Sky, rubbing a soothing hand up and down his back. “It’s not a big deal.”
There was a moment of silence, and Sky wondered if he should leave it at that.
“Does it bother you?” he eventually asked, prepping himself for Prapai to dodge the question, as per usual.
“You never bother me,” Prapai informed him sternly before giving him a kiss on the cheek.
Sky signed.
“You wouldn’t want that?” Sky questioned, holding Pai’s gaze. “For us to be affectionate around other people?”
“Of course I would.” Prapai shrugged, half-mumbling. Sky’s heart sank a little. “Who wouldn’t want that with you?” he added, his eyes closed at this point.
“Okay.” Sky let out a long breath. He glanced down at Pai, who looked to be minutes away from dropping off, and shook him by the shoulder. “Bed,” he instructed, trying to sound stern. It must have at least partially worked, as he managed to rouse Prapai from the couch and get him through most of his nighttime routine before they crawled into bed.
It took about thirty seconds before Prapai was breathing evenly, totally dead to the world around him. Sky wasn’t able to drift off so easily. He couldn’t stop thinking about Gun, as much as he wished otherwise. Memories kept coming back up, every time Gun had used him as a display, without caring at all about Sky’s comfort. Every time he had grabbed Sky in public, or let his friends do the same.
Early on, he’d had to remind himself constantly that Prapai wasn’t Gun. That he wasn’t anything like Gun. Those days were long gone, with Prapai’s presence and touch bringing nothing but comfort. Except when they were in public, apparently.
He rolled to one side, staring at Prapai’s sleeping face and making a deal with himself. He was going to try. Whatever that meant. Were they going to turn into Rain and Payu? Hopefully not. But he could at least see, at least find out if there was a way for him to stop flinching every time Pai touched him in public. He definitely deserved that much. And, fuck, Sky deserved it too, he decided.
He leaned over and pressed a kiss to Pai’s cheek before rolling over to go to sleep, a warm feeling in his chest from his decision.
The next morning, he woke up knowing it was a bad idea. Not in general, of course, but all he could do was imagine himself failing. Telling Prapai that he would be better, getting his hopes up, and then having them come crashing down again.
“So don't tell him,” Rain suggested, through a mouthful of eggs.
Sky blinked at him. “Don’t tell him?”
“Duh.” Rain rolled his eyes. “Just do it. If you succeed, he’ll be thrilled. If you fail, he won’t even know, and you can try again in a few months.”
Sky blinked at him again.
“What?” Rain asked, when it became clear that he wasn’t going to say anything.
“Is that…allowed?” Sky said, unable to come up with a better word.
Rain blinked at him.
“Allowed?” he finally asked, sounding incredulous.
“I mean, I can’t just be grabbing him in public unannounced,” Sky hissed, his cheeks flushing red at the thought.
“I’m pretty sure he would be cool with that,” Rain countered, snorting into his coffee.
Sky kicked him under the table and considered it. It would keep Pai from getting his hopes up. Plus, it had been clear from his demeanor that morning that he hadn’t remembered telling Sky anything. He didn’t really want to see Pai’s face when he realized he had insinuated that Sky should change something about himself. He was never particularly pleased whenever anyone else did so.
“Fine,” he decided. “I’ll try.”
“You could fuck him at his office again,” Rain suggested.
Sky kicked him under the table.
“Hey!” Pai called, half-running over before pulling him into a tight hug.
“Hey,” he echoed, his voice muffled from where his face was pressed into Pai’s neck. He pulled back an inch, meeting Prapai’s eyes for a split second before pecking him on the cheek. Pai looked pleasantly surprised, pulling him in even closer. Sky did his best not to blush, feeling a strange mix of uncertainty and pride.
For a moment, anyway. A second later, he glanced over at Payu, who had lifted Rain bodily off the ground and was kissing him soundly. Definitely not something he was comfortable with in front of other people, but especially at the race track.
He looked back at Prapai, giving him a distracted smile and straightening his jacket. He spared another glance at Rain and Payu, who looked like they were about two seconds away from absorbing into one another.
Whatever. Next time.
Prapai was waving enthusiastically, as though Sky wouldn’t have noticed him otherwise. He was on his bike, waiting to drive Sky home after his classes.
“See you later,” Ple told him, nodding in Pai’s direction.
“Bye!” Sig called as Sky left, waving over his shoulder.
“Hey,” Sky greeted his boyfriend, snorting when Pai pulled him in by his hand. He went easily, hesitating for a moment before he leaned in for a quick kiss. Pai looked surprised when he pulled back, and Sky hid a smile, ignoring his friends whistling at them in the background.
“Are we going?” he asked, climbing on the back of Pai’s motorcycle. “P’Pai?” he asked, after a moment of silence.
“Yep, we're going. We’re going!”
Holding hands was not stressful, Sky observed. Shocking.
No one had seemed to notice, either, which made him feel slightly odd for having been so trepidatious about going for it. Prapai hadn’t even reacted much, just taking his hand easily and running his thumb over the back of Sky's hand, the way he always did.
“What a cute couple!” the stall vendor, an older lady, gushed at them, a wide smile on her face.
“Thank you,” Prapai returned easily, beaming at Sky. “He’s the cute one,” he whispered conspiratorially, leaning in slightly. Sky did his best not to flush at that, and the woman laughed brightly.
Look at that. No big deal.
Some things were still a big deal, Sky realized a few days later. They were at a picnic with most of their classmates, Prapai and Payu having tagged along as usual. Rain was laying down with his head in Payu’s lap, eyes closed blissfully as Payu played with his hair. Sky, on the other hand, was leaning against Pai, his back pressed up against Pai’s chest, and doing his best to deal with it.
It would have been fine just the two of them, he thought, desperately trying to relax into the hold. Even if it had just been Rain and Payu, he might’ve been okay. He glanced over to see that Rain was now in Payu’s lap, their noses pressed up against each other. They barely counted as an audience, he decided, given how infrequently their attention was on anyone but each other.
He pushed back into Prapai’s arms, taking a deep breath and ordering himself to relax. Always an effective tactic. Pai leaned forward a little, pressing a soft kiss to his neck, and he did his best to ignore a shiver. That, along with the fact that he could practically feel everyone’s eyes on him had him pulling away. He grabbed a piece of fruit for plausible deniability, offering one to Pai as well. He took it happily, seemingly unaware of the miniature crisis Sky was having. That he’d been having for a couple weeks now.
It was fine, Sky reminded himself.
He was making progress.
He had made absolutely no progress.
That was all that was going through his mind as he watched Payu press Rain up against the bar, essentially devouring his face. Sky let out a small sigh, grabbing their drinks from the bartender and weaving his way back to their booth.
“Hey,” he said to Pai, trying to keep his tone bright as he slid him his drink.
“Hey,” Pai returned, pulling him into the booth by his waist. Sky pecked him on the cheek before taking a sip of his drink. He glanced back over at the bar to see that Rain and Payu showed absolutely no signs of moving anytime soon.
“You okay?” Pai asked, pulling him in closer so that Sky’s head was leaning on his shoulder. Sky just hummed an affirmative, closing his eyes and nuzzling further into Pai’s shoulder.
“I’m fine,” he added, when Pai didn’t say anything. He pulled back an inch, seeing the look of worry on Pai’s face and shook his head, laughing under his breath. “I’m fine,” he reiterated, more firmly this time, pressing a thumb to Prapai’s forehead to smooth out his worry lines.
“I’m allowed to ask,” Pai defended himself gamely, stealing a sip of Sky’s drink. Sky just rolled his eyes, actually relaxing into the moment and taking a swig of Pai’s drink.
Rain and Payu tumbled back over ten minutes later, popping Sky’s temporary bubble of optimism. He didn’t usually mind their PDA so much, but it was different when he was actively trying to be more affectionate with Prapai.
He probably hadn’t even noticed anything different, Sky thought glumly, watching Rain bully his way into Payu’s lap.
“Something’s different,” Prapai informed him. Sky blinked. “Is everything okay?” Prapai continued, when he didn’t get a response. “You seemed kinda upset at the bar.”
Sky opened his mouth, completely ready to respond that he was fine, before he closed it again.
“I’m…” he trailed off. Was he fine? Mostly.
“Sky?” Pai prompted, raising an eyebrow.
“I was a little upset earlier,” Sky allowed. Prapai waited for him to finish, and he went on, “I was trying to…you remember last time we were there?”
“Sure,” Prapai agreed, brow furrowing in slight confusion.
“We talked after,” Sky said. “You were drunk.”
A look of panic appeared on Pai’s face, and Sky hurried to explain. “Not like that! You just…said something.”
The look of panic reappeared.
“Not like that,” Sky insisted, pulling Prapai down onto the couch with him. The look of panic was gone, but it had been replaced by a look of worry, which wasn’t much better. “I’m not great with PDA,” he said bluntly. “You know that. And…you just said you wished things were different.”
“What?” Prapai asked, looking crestfallen.
“You just said…it wasn’t…” Sky sighed in frustration. “I asked,” he told Prapai sternly, “if you would want us to be affectionate around other people. And you said ‘who wouldn’t want that?’, that’s all,” he explained.
“I don’t want anything about you to be different,” Prapai doubled down, looking vaguely pissed at his past, drunken self.
“I want it too,” Sky said quietly. Prapai’s expression changed instantly, cycling through a few different emotions before ending on chagrined.
“And you should have everything you want,” Pai agreed, quickly changing direction. Sky let out a snort, leaning against Pai’s side.
“Well, I tried,” Sky said bitterly, thinking back on his somewhat pathetic efforts.
“And you succeeded,” Prapai pointed out, eyes narrowing at Sky’s tone of voice.
“I did not,” Sky argued, shaking his head with a half-laugh. “Did you see Rain and Payu tonight?”
“Do you want to be Rain and Payu?” Prapai returned immediately, raising an eyebrow.
“...okay, no,” Sky admitted. “But I still—”
“Still what?” Pai interrupted. “Still made an effort? Still made a lot of progress? Still were the best boyfriend in existence?”
Sky swatted him on the arm, appreciating the sentiment despite himself.
“I’m happy with anything,” Pai told him. “I’m happy with you, even if it means we can only hold hands in secret.”
“I held hands with you at a farmers’ market!” Sky defended himself. “And I am making progress.”
“And you’re doing a great job,” Prapai reassured him, kissing him quickly.
“Thank you,” Sky said.
“I could probably help out more,” Prapai pointed out.
“What do you mean?” Sky asked.
“I’m just saying,” Pai shrugged. “If you need me to grab your ass in public, I can. For you. If you think it would help.”
Sky threw a pillow at him and went to bed.
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firstkanaphans · 2 years
For anyone that’s interested, my PrapaiSky smut fics are apparently super canon-compliant. So, if you want more PrapaiSky office sex in your life, click here. And if you want more power bottom!Sky punishing Prapai by not letting him touch, click here. You’re welcome.
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surrealsunday · 1 year
Invisible Ladders
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Sky lives by one rule: Alphas are assholes. It’s that simple. And Sky isn’t ever going to be the demure, subservient omega he’s expected to be… never again. That worldview is turned upside down when Prapai steps into the picture – or more accurately, saves Sky’s ass. He’s everything Sky expects – pushy, cocky, arrogant – and everything he doesn’t – genuine, forthright, kind. Sky doesn’t know what to make of him and can’t seem to escape him. And then there’s that small matter of biology…
Fic is fully written, just being edited/ getting social media completed. New chapter posted weekly. Fic is ~205k words
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narakasfuck · 1 year
sunday morning, rain is falling
read it on AO3
Pairing: PrapaiSky
Word Count: 1.3k words
Rating: General Audiences
Additional Tags: Domestic Fluff, Morning Cuddles, Cuddling in Bed, Sleepy PrapaiSky
Prapai wakes up before Sky does on one rainy Sunday morning.
Prapai wakes up with an annoyed groan at the sound of his morning alarm going off. The sound blares across the room a little too loud and too early in the morning for his liking. He immediately reaches an arm out for the said device and swipes a thumb across the screen to turn the alarm off, glancing briefly at the sleeping beauty beside him to make sure the noise earlier does not wake the said beauty up.
It’s a Sunday morning and usually the both of them would opt to sleep in longer since neither Prapai nor Sky has work or class to attend to. But Prapai must have forgotten to turn off the daily alarm on his phone before he fell asleep last night.
A relieved sigh emitted from Prapai's lips as his lover lying next to his side only snuggles further into the thick blanket in his sleep. Looks like his Sky is having one of the best sleeps in his life, that even the blaring alarm just now doesn’t seem to bother him at all.
Prapai shifts his gaze across the room towards the window with an unattractive yawn and his hand moves up to ruffle his messy bed hair. It looks dark outside, and he can hear the faint pitter patter sound of raindrops hitting his window lightly. Ahh – he thinks – this is nice weather to sleep in.
He stretches his stiff legs and rubs the grogginess off of his eyes before laying back down next to the sleeping beauty, body tilted to his side so he can face the said boy. His Sky has apparently turned to lay on his tummy with both of his hands curled into tiny little fists tucked underneath his pillow. His mouth slightly ajar as his face is squished onto the pillow. Prapai, very gently so as to not wake him up, brushes the strand of hair that’s covering the boy’s sleeping face and flashes a fond smile at the sight of his lover. His Sky.
Prapai is not much of a morning person, if he is to be frank. And his record of being tardy to the office more often than his secretary, Namtarn, would like can be the proof of it. It’s fairly rare for him to wake up before Sky does in the morning. But when he does, he basks in the sight of Sky being deep asleep, glowing beautifully like a literal angel even in his sleeping state. Sky had brushed it off as “nonsense” when Prapai had voiced this thought out loud to Sky a few months ago, but there was a hint of redness on the boy’s cheeks that made Prapai laugh in amusement before pressing a soft kiss onto each of them. Prapai finds it very endearing how easily flustered Sky is. His cheeks would instantly burn into various shades of red at the slightest compliment.
Today too, Sky’s cheeks are painted in soft pink. Prapai thinks it reminds him of peaches. But Prapai is pretty sure that this time, it is the cold weather that is causing the pinkness of the younger boy’s cheeks.
He rubs the pad of his thumb gently in circular motions against Sky’s freezing cheek, receiving a small contented mewl from Sky that is barely audible as it gets muffled against the pillow. How cute. Prapai chuckles to himself as he carefully scoots closer to Sky, watching the sleeping beauty with the fondest gaze.
Months ago, a peaceful sleep like this is not something that would come to Sky easily – Prapai muses internally to himself. Memories of a certain someone from his past would always come to pay him an uninvited visit, wandering around in his still vulnerable mind and haunting him even in his slumber. The clicking sound of the damn brass lighter echoes in the background as every painful scene that he inflicted upon Sky replays over and over again in his dreams. Prapai would wake up to the most heart-wrenching screams and cries he has ever heard. He can feel his heart practically shatter into pieces at the sight of Sky tossing and thrashing violently in his sleep. The back of his shirt is drenched in cold sweat and his pillow damped with tears as he pitifully pleads and begs for the devil in his dream to stop.
Prapai would jump into action in an instant. Urgently shaking his angel awake to pull him out of his night terror, and then pulling him firmly to his chest like an achor to reality. Reassuring Sky that he is safe now. Reminding Sky over and over again that he will not be able to hurt Sky. Never again in Prapai's watch.
These days, the nightmares have seemed to reduce significantly, much to Prapai's relief. It takes a while for Prapai to convince Sky to seek professional help initially, but once he does agree, things seem to work out smoothly at the end and Prapai is very proud of every promising progress that Sky has been showing after all the sessions.
Prapai is snapped out of his thoughts at the sound of Sky yawning. He watches with a wide grin plastered on his face as Sky slowly blinks his eyes open, squinting them a little to get his groggy eyes to properly focus on Prapai’s face.
“Good morning, my angel.” Prapai whispers softly and leans over to press a kiss onto the tip of Sky’s nose.
“Phi Pai, y'woke up early t’day.'' Sky mumbles out, voice still thick with drowsiness that makes his words come out slurry. But Prapai knows Sky well, he's so used to his baby already that he can make out each and every word Sky slurred out easily by now.
Prapai hums softly with a little nod of his head as an answer. “Forgot to set the alarm off last night.” Prapai says, earning him a small chuckle from Sky in return. The sound is so infectious that Prapai can’t help but to laugh along with him.
Sky glances at Prapai for a brief second and Prapai parts his arms open out of instinct, in which Sky is more than happy to oblige so he slots himself into Prapai's arms. As the latter snakes his arms around Sky's smaller form, his heart bursts with giddiness at how perfectly Sky fits in his arms. We're really made for each other – Prapai thinks. You belong in my arms.
The pretty boy has his face buried snugly against Prapai’s firm chest by now, and he inhales Prapai's scent deeply with a contented sigh – a habit of Sky that Prapai will always find endearing. He vividly remembers a sheepish Sky stuttering his way into reasoning that Prapai's scent brings him comfort.
“Comfy.” Sky sighs out, making his older lover chuckle fondly. Prapai combs his lean fingers through Sky’s soft locks and proceeds to massage his scalp, making the younger boy yawn against Prapai’s chest.
They stay like that for some more extended minutes, revelling in the warmth radiating off of each other’s body that’s contrasting to the cold temperature of the room. Sky finds comfort in the sound of Prapai’s steady heartbeat against his ear. He remembers Prapai tells him that his heart beats for Sky. And it makes Sky’s own heart skip a beat. Prapai really has that effect on Sky.
The room eventually turns silent. They are still cuddled up in Prapai's luxurious king size bed, the only sounds audible are their calm steady breaths, and also the pitter-patter of raindrops slamming against the window that seems to be louder now, signaling that the rain is getting heavier.
We don’t need words, Prapai thinks to himself, as long as we’re together in each other’s arms.
Soon enough, soft snores can be heard filling up the room as they both finally drifted back to sleep, bodies pressed up against each other underneath the thick cover seeking for warmth while it is raining cats and dogs outside.
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xie-lians-cooking · 3 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: บรรยากาศรัก เดอะซีรีส์ | Love in the Air (TV 2022) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Prapai/Sky (Love in the Air TV 2022) Characters: Sky (Love in the Air TV 2022), Prapai (Love in the Air TV 2022) Additional Tags: Motorcycle Sex, Anal Sex, Sex, Motorcycles, Prapai is So Whipped (Love in the Air TV 2022), Gay Sex Summary:
Sky and Pai end up locked in the garage while Phayu and Rain are out of town. They are both horny and well, Phayu's bike is right there...
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halliescomut · 1 year
First Lines Game!
rules: post the first lines of your last 10 fics posted to ao3. (sort by date posted.) if you have less than 10 fics posted, post what you have!
Okay, so I was tagged by @just-slightly-chayotic , I also don't have many fics, but here you go.
(I decided to go oldest to newest, so...)
One Full Moon in December 1979
Lily lay snuggled cozily in bed.
Kim put his car in gear, pulling away from the gate in front of Chay’s house.
You Have Only Yourself to Blame
“I'm gonna quit!"
Stronger Than He Looks
Sky looked around curiously at the crowds of people milling about Prapai’s family home.
He Hugs Me When He Thinks I'm Sleeping
Sky rolled over again, pulling the blankets higher as he looked at the clock on his nightstand.
IDK who to tag...if you see this and you do it because you saw me do it, tag me please!!! (But also a lot of the the other fic writers I know on here have A LOT more fics than me...and this takes some time, esp. if you want to add links and all...)
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coffeebookslovegt · 1 month
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¿Me abrazarás?
P'Pai, ¿puedes hacer algo por mí?
No sueltes mi mano.
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little-miss-life · 1 year
Quiet therapy
The reason I love LITA so much is because I'm envious of their relationships and love. I'm such a deeply lonely person that smallest show of care, love, affection or attention can make me cry because I'd be so happy and grateful.
But then there's Phayu loving Rain completely no matter how ditzy, spaced out, or silly he is. Rain always has Phayu's attention and love. Everything Phayu does for Rain is simply because he loves him and needs him to be at his best.
And Prapai proving to Sky time and time again that he would always be there and he would fight for him regardless. He would never leave and always trust, understand, support, and cherish him as a person. Letting him know he's more than just sex. Showing him how he deserves to be loved.
Made me realise how badly I want to be cared for and how annoying it is that I've been taught that my emotions aren't as important as long as I'm useful and giving good results. I don't have my person or just someone to tell how I feel truly without it feeling like they'd like to stop hearing about me and talk about themselves. The older I get and the more I process my life and feelings, the more I realise how lonely and starved for affection that I really am.
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gent-ly · 24 days
i am finishing up the first chapter of a little prapaisky fic i’ve been working on and i am really enjoying writing it so far! it follows canon up until the end, at which point i twist it into a revenge fic gone wrong? and by gone wrong i mean the mafia presence in this one is strong. you can’t make deals with the devil without sacrificing something.
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wedielike · 7 months
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Rated M | prapaisky | 27k words
Read on AO3
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windowlessatmosphere · 9 months
The Boy Is Mine
Summary: Prapai gets hit on sometimes, but he always shuts it down quickly. A few comments about his boyfriend are usually all that’s required. In this case, however, nothing seems to be working. And Sky hasn’t even noticed. Allegedly.
Prapai swung a leg over his bike, handing off his helmet to one of the guys working the race. He looked around expectantly, not yet seeing Sky. Just a moment later, there was a tap on the back of his shoulder, and he turned around with a wide grin.
“Hey…” he said, trailing off when he realized it wasn’t Sky.
“Hey,” the guy said back, giving him a soft smile. 
He racked his brain, trying to put a name to the face that was, admittedly, vaguely familiar. Prapai was pretty sure he was dating one of the racers.
“You were great,” the guy said, stepping closer and looking up at him through his lashes.
“Thank you,” he said, somewhat awkwardly, shuffling back slightly. He studied the face a little longer, eventually just giving up altogether. “I’m sorry,” he said, “what’s your name again?”
There was a beat of silence before he got an answer. “Mint,” he said, leaning back slightly.
Good, then. Maybe that would be that.
“I guess we need to get to know each other better,” Mint suggested, raising an eyebrow and giving him a onceover.
Okay, so maybe that wouldn’t be that.
“Oh, that’s—Sky!” He cut himself off as soon as he caught sight of Sky, who was hovering by the gate, looking uncertain. Prapai waved him over enthusiastically, his face stretching into a wide grin when Sky obliged.
“How’d I do?” he asked as soon as Sky was in earshot, holding his arms out and waggling his eyebrows a little. Sky allowed him to wrap his arms around him, blushing slightly as he did so.
“You were great,” Sky said, his tone proud and genuine, contrasting how Mint had said it.
Pai caught a glimpse of Mint’s expression, which had soured somewhat.
“Oh, sorry,” he apologized. “Mint, this is my boyfriend, Sky. Sky, this is Mint.”
“Nice to meet you,” Sky said with a smile. 
“You, too,” Mint replied, seemingly-fake brightness in his tone. “I have to get going. I’ll see you at the next race,” he said. The words were directed at both of them, but he only eyed Prapai before he walked off.
“I was great?” Prapai checked, pulling Sky in closer and nuzzling the side of his face.
“You were,” Sky confirmed, squirming in his hold until Pai let him go. “C’mon, let’s go find Rain and Payu.”
Prapai groaned dramatically, following him anyway, and Sky laughed at him, clearly remorseless. A moment later, he caught up to Sky, who let him hold his hand, and he forgot all about Mint.
He had forgotten all about Mint.
They’d spoken briefly at the races a few times, but it had been a month since that first exchange.
“P’Pai!” Mint greeted him excitedly, sliding into the seat directly next to him on the couch.
“Hey!” Prapai replied with equal enthusiasm, a little looser than usual with a few drinks in him. Sky was no better, currently off with Rain taking far too many tequila shots.
“No boyfriend tonight?” Mint asked, scooting a little closer to him.
Drunk as he was, Prapai was still aware enough to recognize an obvious move. He sat up, putting a little more distance between them.
“He’s just getting a drink,” Pai explained, hoping to give the impression that he’d be back any minute.
“I can keep you company while you wait,” Mint offered, leaning in further.
‘No, thanks,’ was on the tip of his tongue, but what actually came out was a very awkward, “Oh, you don't have to do that.”
“I don’t mind,” Mint responded, cocking an eyebrow with a slight smile. “It’s my pleasure.”
“Thanks,” Prapai said shortly. He started scanning through a list of possible excuses, eventually settling on faking a phone call. If Mint asked, he could just say it was Payu, who wasn’t here to betray the illusion. “I think I’m—”
“P’Pai!” Sky cut him off, appearing out of nowhere and falling half on top of him as he landed on the couch.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he said fondly, smoothly grabbing the drink out of Sky’s hand and setting it on the table before it inevitably ended up all over both of them. A thought occurred to him. “Where’s Rain?” he asked. Payu would not be happy if they left a drunk Rain unattended and surrounded by a bunch of racers.
“He got an Uber,” Sky explained, his eyes slightly unfocused. He was clinging on to Prapai by now, far looser and more comfortable with public affection when drunk than any other time. 
Pai attempted to suppress a smile, pulling him in closer and wrapping an arm around his shoulders. Sky went easily, resting his head in the crook of Prapai’s neck.
“Hey,” he said, a moment later. “You’re Mint, right?”
“Right,” Mint confirmed with a tight smile. He took a sip of his drink, his eyes staying fixed on Sky. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and glanced at it. “I should probably get going,” he said apologetically, shifting his gaze to Prapai.
“Okay.” He shrugged. “See you later.”
“That sounds nice,” Mint replied smoothly, his gaze turning a little more heated before he stood up to leave.
Prapai shifted uncomfortably, his eyes flicking to Sky to see how he was reacting.
He appeared to be sound asleep.
Prapai sighed, putting his other arm around Sky as well to support him more fully, and began contemplating the logistics of getting Sky to the car without waking him up. He formed a game plan, moving slowly so as not to disturb Sky, carefully pulling them both to standing without jolting him.
He let out a breath once they were both standing, mentally congratulating himself on not waking Sky up.
“P’Pai?” Sky mumbled, his face buried in Prapai’s neck.
“I was thinking about learning to ride,” Mint informed him, leaning over the bike between them.
“That’s nice.”
“Maybe you could give me a private lesson?” he asked, looking up at Prapai with wide eyes.
“You should get someone else,” Pai suggested. “I tried teaching Sky once, but it didn’t go that well.”
“Maybe you had the wrong student,” Mint shot back.
Prapai took a deep breath and reminded himself that violence was not acceptable in this scenario.
“I don’t think so.”
“I think there’s something wrong with my car.”
“That sucks.”
“Isn’t your friend a mechanic?” Mint asked innocently. “P’Payu?”
“Yep,” Prapai said shortly. For a moment, he entertained the idea that Mint had moved on to Payu, and he contemplated exactly how that would go. Payu would probably just be confused, and Rain would probably break his nose.
“Can you send me his information?” Mint asked, in what seemed to confirm the theory.
“Sure.” Pai shrugged, already picturing Payu’s face. A thought occurred to him. “I don’t have your number, though.”
“Let me fix that,” Mint returned easily, giving him a smile.
Okay. So that wasn’t what was happening. Damn.
“The food’s supposed to be great,” Mint explained, chattering on. “And it’s right downtown, and I heard the atmosphere’s amazing.”
Huh. That did sound great.
“What’s it called?” he asked, mentally going through his calendar for the week. Tuesday would work.
“House of Thyme,” Mint replied eagerly, straightening up a little.
“Awesome, thanks,” he said with a grin, pulling his phone out of his pocket. “I have to take Sky there.”
Mint deflated.
“P’Pai!” Mint called. “C’mere,” he requested, waving him over.
Prapai hesitated. Normally, he would have made an excuse and kept walking, but there was a larger guy standing next to Mint and scowling, and there was a note of fear in his tone. Prapai walked over.
“Hey,” he greeted them both cautiously. Up close, he could see that the other guy was one of the racers. Bank, who wasn’t exactly known for his friendly demeanor.
“Prapai,” Bank replied coolly, giving him a smile that had absolutely no warmth in it. It probably didn’t help that Pai had obliterated him in their race the week prior.
“I needed to talk to you,” Mint interrupted their staring contest, giving Prapai a meaningful look.
“Right.” Prapai gave a quick nod, adopting what was hopefully a convincing expression.
“No Sky today?” Bank asked, taking a step closer to Prapai. His tone was casual, but his face was clearly asking a different question.
“He had an assignment to finish up. He’s coming by later,” Prapai explained. “He doesn’t like to miss a race,” Prapai added, irked at Bank’s implication.
“We should talk,” Mint reminded him, nudging him slightly. 
Prapai nodded at Bank before turning and walking away with Mint, heading over to where Payu was looking over the bikes.
“That guy is such a dick,” he groused.
“Tell me about it,” Mint commiserated, glancing quickly back over at Bank. “Thank you,” he added, looking up at Prapai. “If there’s anything I can do for you…” he offered, trailing off.
Prapai waved him off instinctively, before reconsidering.
“Actually,” he hedged, debating briefly with himself over whether it was appropriate. Mint brightened, giving him an expectant look. “Where did you get your bag?” he asked, deciding it was fine.
“My bag?” Mint echoed, clearly confused. Prapai nodded, gesturing to his shoulder bag.
“It’s cute.” Prapai shrugged. “I think Sky would like it.”
Mint sighed.
“Maybe you should just tell him you’re not interested,” Sky suggested mildly, popping a chip into his mouth.
“I have,” Prapai insisted. “Multiple times!”
“You tend to beat around the bush,” Sky pushed back, “and you never want to hurt anyone's feelings.”
“I’ve been very clear,” Prapai doubled down. “Every time he flirts with me, I just start talking about you.”
Sky snorted. “You do that anyway,” he pointed out, half-laughing.
Prapai pouted at that until Sky leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.
“He hasn’t actually done anything,” Pai said, thinking it over. Sky raised an eyebrow, and he continued, “I mean, he’s been flirting, but nothing so direct that I could call him out on it.”
“You call that indirect?” Sky grumbled, eating another chip. 
Prapai perked up at that, instantly pulling Sky in closer with a wide grin. “Are you jealous?” he asked, his tone hopeful rather than judgemental.
“No,” Sky told him.
“Are you?”
“But are you?”
“Why is he always here?” Sky hissed, glaring in Mint’s direction.
Prapai shrugged, too preoccupied with watching Sky finish his drink. He was well on his way to being drunk himself, easily content with sitting next to Sky and occasionally pouting his way into holding hands.
Sky turned further to look at Mint, and Prapai whined, no longer able to see his face. Sky turned back to him with an exasperated look on his face, letting a small smile bleed through when Pai scooted closer and put his head on Sky’s shoulder.
“You’re a koala,” Sky informed him.
“I’m your koala,” Prapai said, his words coming out slightly muffled.
Sky snorted at that and put a hand in Pai’s hair, playing with the strands.
They stayed like that for a while, and thankfully, Mint didn’t come over. It was probably just a coincidence, Prapai decided. Besides, he couldn’t really be bothered to think much about it, especially when Sky was being halfway cuddly in public.
Rain and Payu came and went, returning whenever Rain wanted a drink and leaving whenever he wanted to dance. Payu didn’t seem to mind either way, perfectly content to be dragged to and from their booth at Rain’s insistence.
“I love this song!” Rain exclaimed, scooting closer to Sky and tugging on his arm. “Come dance with me.”
Prapai grunted his displeasure, making Sky laugh and Rain huff.
“Where’s Payu?” Sky wanted to know, eyes scanning the dance floor.
“He had to take a call.” Rain pouted, eyes wide as he waited for Sky to respond.
He let out a long sigh. “Fine. One song.”
“Yay!” Rain was instantly chipper, springing up and pulling at Sky’s arm.
Prapai pouted, giving Sky his own wide-eyed look and hoping it could compete with Rain.
“One song,” Sky repeated. “You can come too,” he said.
Prapai considered standing up, but quickly came to the conclusion that it didn’t seem that worthwhile after all.
“It’s fine,” he insisted, waving them off. “I’ll be here.”
He quickly contented himself with watching Sky, unable to help a smile at how carefree he looked, spinning around with Rain on the dance floor.
“All by yourself?” Mint’s voice came from behind him, and he tensed up. He turned to make eye contact, giving a casual shrug in response to the question. “Need some company?”
“Sky’ll be back in a minute,” Pai answered shortly.
Mint threw a quick glance to the dance floor, raising an eyebrow. “Looks like he’s…preoccupied,” Mint said, arching an eyebrow.
Prapai couldn’t help but snort at that. Sure, he could be a little bit jealous sometimes, but over Rain? Yeah, that wasn’t happening.
“He seems pretty busy,” Mint repeated, frowning slightly as he watched Prapai’s expression.
“He’ll be back in a minute,” Prapai repeated, gritting his teeth.
“You don’t have to be here when he gets back.” Mint took a step forward, tilting his head flirtatiously.
“I’m not—” Mint held a finger up to his lips, cutting him off. He leaned forward further, brushing a strand of hair out of Prapai’s face. “Interested,” he finished. “I’m not interested.”
“Could’ve fooled me,” Mint murmured, letting a hand fall to Prapai’s chest.
“He said he wasn’t interested.” Prapai turned, relieved to see Sky standing behind him, arms crossed with a furious expression on his face. Mint pulled his hand away, taking an automatic step back.
“I was just—” he started, before Sky cut him off.
“Hitting on him?” Sky asked. “Again? Even though he keeps telling you he has a boyfriend?”
“Seriously?” Mint scoffed. “You don’t even act like a couple. You don’t even kiss him when he wins a race.”
“Hey—” Prapai started, furious on Sky’s behalf. Public displays of affection were not Sky’s thing, especially so at the racetrack, where there were a million people around, some of whom reminded Sky of his past with racing. There was absolutely no reason for anyone to judge him for that, when he was only—
Sky was kissing him.
That was the only thought in his head for the next few moments. Or at least, until Sky stopped kissing him.
“He told you he wasn’t interested,” Sky was saying. “Leave him alone.”
Mint left in a huff. Presumably. Prapai was a bit distracted.
“What an asshole,” Sky fumed, turning to face Prapai again. He glanced at Prapai and frowned. “Why are you smiling?”
“You kissed me,” Prapai answered automatically. He thought for a second. “And you were jealous. So…”
“I was not,” Sky insisted, folding his arms. “He just wouldn’t take a hint.”
“You so were,” Rain chimed in. Prapai blinked. He honestly hadn’t realized Rain was there. “Right, P’Payu?” Prapai blinked again. Payu was also there.
“Sorry, Sky,” Payu shrugged, clearly in agreement with Rain.
Sky huffed at them both, and Prapai pulled him in tightly, nuzzling Sky’s cheek with his nose.
“It was sweet,” Pai reassured him.
Sky was silent for a beat.
“Thank you,” he said eventually.
“No problem,” Pai responded. “You’re cute when you’re jealous.”
“I am not!”
“Which?” Prapai questioned. “Cute, or jealous?”
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firstkanaphans · 2 years
11. a kiss that says ''we're late for work, but let's be later'', if that prompt wasnt written for prapaisky i dont know what is
You’re right and you should say it!
#11: a kiss that says “we’re late for work, but let’s be later”
Sky had been awoken that morning with soft, lazy kisses, and within minutes, his boyfriend was inside him. He’d had his first orgasm before six and by all accounts, that should have been enough to tide him over until evening, but now he was lying naked on their bed, watching Prapai shrug into his perfectly tailored suit, and he felt insatiable.
“Okay, I’ve got to go or Namtan is going to kill me,” Prapai said, walking back into the room. He took one look at Sky and froze. “What? Why are you looking at me like that?”
Sky didn’t say anything, just used one finger to gesture him forward.
“Sky, baby, no,” Prapai whined, but he went nevertheless. “I just got dressed.”
Sky sat up, letting the sheet fall off of him, and Prapai gulped audibly as his gaze trailed downwards—just as Sky knew it would. “I can help you get undressed,” he offered, hooking his fingers into the collar of Prapai’s suit jacket and sliding it off his shoulders.
Prapai groaned, but he didn’t argue. He never did. He always gave Sky exactly what he wanted.
“Come here,” Sky said and then grabbed him by the tie and kissed him, pulling him down onto the bed.
By the time they were done, Prapai was very late for work. “You’re a menace,” he said, stumbling towards the door with his jacket only half on and his tie askew.
Once he was gone, Sky called Namtan and told her to forgive Prapai for his tardiness—he had been helping Sky with a flat tire. And of course she believed him. Why wouldn’t she? Everyone knew that between the two of them, Prapai was the bad influence. Sky was just along for the ride.
From the a hundred different kisses prompt list
128 notes · View notes
surrealsunday · 1 year
Invisible Ladders
Tumblr media
Sky lives by one rule: Alphas are assholes. It’s that simple. And Sky isn’t ever going to be the demure, subservient omega he’s expected to be… never again. That worldview is turned upside down when Prapai steps into the picture – or more accurately, saves Sky’s ass. He’s everything Sky expects – pushy, cocky, arrogant – and everything he doesn’t – genuine, forthright, kind. Sky doesn’t know what to make of him and can’t seem to escape him. And then there’s that small matter of biology…
Fic is fully written, just being edited/ getting social media completed. New chapter posted weekly. Fic is ~205k words
46 notes · View notes
narakasfuck · 2 years
let me tire you out (take me now)
read it on AO3
Pairing: PrapaiSky
Word count: 4.9k
Rating: Explicit
Additional tag: Smut, Kitchen Sex, Fluff Smut, Overuse of pet names and endearments, Light Dom/Sub, Bare-backing, Daddy Kink
Prapai slowly blinked his eyes open in confusion when he had turned in his sleep and reached his arm out for his lover who was supposedly sleeping beside him, only for his limb to fall onto the empty cold mattress.
“Sky?” His voice was still thick with sleep when he called out for the younger boy, hands rubbing the grogginess off of his face before he scanned around the room for the said boy. It almost sent him into a sheer panic when he still couldn’t find him anywhere in the room, but he soon heaved out a sigh of relief as he caught some hushed voice coming from outside the bedroom, possibly the kitchen - he noted. And so he trudged out of the room to follow the source of the noise.
Prapai leaned his body against the kitchen’s door frame with his arms crossed over his bare chest as he peeped at his boyfriend. There Sky was, perched on the countertop with a bowl of cereal sitting in between his thighs, his phone in the grip of his right hand and a spoon in his left hand. At 3:45 in the morning, mind Prapai added. The volume of the phone had been turned down to low but Prapai could still make out some Japanese words coming from it, so Prapai concluded it was most probably one of those animated shows that Sky had enjoyed so much.
Sky had roped him into watching a few episodes of One Piece together months ago, in which Prapai was more than willing to indulge because he was unapologetically a simp for the younger boy. But every single time Sky would end up whining because Prapai was just staring at his face throughout the entire episode instead of actually watching it. In Prapai’s defense, Sky made the prettiest smiley faces ever whenever he got excited, especially if it’s about something he’s very passionate about. His face would practically lit up in pure delight that it would even rival the sunrays. So really, how could Prapai not stare at that. He would have even tattooed that image on his body if he could.
Sky was so engrossed in the anime on his phone that he was completely oblivious of Prapai’s presence nearby, just watching him with utter adoration. When a few minutes went by and Sky still hadn’t noticed Prapai there, Prapai finally decided to make his presence known.
“My love.” Sky jumped in his seat and nearly dropped the spoon he was holding, startled at the sudden voice coming from behind him. Usually Sky wasn’t a scaredy-cat per se, but this time Prapai had really caught him off guard, coming out of nowhere.
He had managed to keep the spoon in his hand however the milk and cereal in it spilled all over his thigh, soiling his sleep cotton shorts.
“Phi Pai!” He gasped out at the older man who had rushed into the kitchen to grab some paper towels and was now striding over to him with a sheepish smile. “I swear to god, Phi Pai, my heart almost fell out of my ass!”
Sky had put his phone away and his lips pursed into a sulky pout when Prapai reached to him, but he still allowed it when Prapai carefully pried his legs open and slotted himself in between them. The bowl was immediately removed from between his now milk-soaked thighs too - to avoid any additional accidents - as Prapai started wiping the wet, sticky spot on his thighs and shorts courtesy of the older man himself.
“I’m sorry, baby.” He offered apologetically as his gentle hands moved in auto-pilot to clean up the mess, tossing the used towels to the side once he was done. And who was Sky to stay upset with the man when he tended to Sky with the utmost care and affection like this.
To everyone else this might have been a small, insignificant gesture. But for someone like Sky, who had been so accustomed to rough treatment and abuse instead, Prapai’s tender touch felt like a whole fairytale dream. A fairytale that Sky often daydreamed about back when he was younger and very much naive when it came to love. A fairytale that was later covered in pitch black clouds when cruel fate led him to his ex-boyfriend. He managed to escape from Gun - or more like Gun had abandoned him and didn’t even give a fuck that he had left the house for good - but the physical and emotional wound Gun inflicted on him had run so deep. For the longest time, Sky had considered himself as broken beyond repair. He was convinced that his fairytale dream would’ve never seen the light ever again. Until Prapai came barging into his life with no warnings or whatsoever. Unironically considering his name, Prapai had come in like a strong wind, blowing the black clouds away from Sky’s fairytale dream so easily that it had caused Sky to spiral into some episodes of crippling anxiety at first. It took a while for Sky to open up. But he did eventually realize that when it came to him, Prapai had been nothing but a gentle breeze. Never in Sky’s right mind would he ever imagine finding someone who loved him as genuinely as Prapai did.
The pout on Sky’s face was replaced with a soft smile in no time. And Prapai returned it with one of his own, mirroring Sky’s smile.
“What’s my baby doing here at almost 4 in the morning, hm?” Thick, muscular arms made their way up to wrap around Sky’s small waist, thumbs stroking Sky’s hips over his sleep shirt. The small action earned a pleased sigh out of Sky.
“I fell asleep too early, and now I'm wide awake.” He chewed on his bottom lip, not liking the way he sounded so whiny to his own ears.
“Do you wanna do your homework, baby? I can accompany you.”
Prapai had the audacity to laugh when Sky elicited a long extended whine with a shake of his head, looking evidently tormented at the mere mention of his homework.
“I’m just bummed that I fell asleep before you arrived.” He huffed out, slightly frustrated at himself.
This week had been a little too chaotic for Sky. He was drowned in countless assignments, presentations and group projects that his conversations and time spent with Prapai was cut too short for his liking. So when he finally settled everything (for the most part) yesterday and got nothing else due this week, the first thing he did was texting Prapai to inform him of the good news and asking him to come over to his dorm. To say that Sky was excited to see Prapai again would be an understatement. He almost rejected Rain and Sig when they offered him to eat together before they all went their separate ways. Fortunately his stomach had growled so loud and begged to be fed that Sky had begrudgingly followed his two friends.
After that he was practically bouncing on his heels as he walked into his dorm room, and he was even singing in the shower just now while he thought of things he could do with Prapai. But apparently Sky had underestimated just how drained he had been this week. The second he settled himself onto the couch to wait for Prapai, it didn’t take long for his body to finally succumb to the fatigue and drift into a deep sleep.
When Prapai walked into Sky’s dorm later that evening, he found Sky still completely knocked out in the living room. Sky didn’t even stir as Prapai gathered him into his arms and carried him to the bedroom so he could sleep more comfortably.
“I…,” He trailed off a little as he lifted his gaze up to meet Prapai’s own attentive eyes, beautiful lean fingers awkwardly fiddling with the drawstrings of Prapai’s pajama shorts.
It had been months since they got together but Sky still found himself having a hard time voicing out his thoughts and feelings. Partly because he didn’t know how to formulate it into proper words, but also because Sky was… simply too embarrassed to say it out loud. Sky had been trying though. Because he knew that words of affirmation were Prapai’s love language. He had seen the way Prapai lit up like a whole christmas tree every time Sky opened up to him.
“You what, sweetheart?” Prapai nodded his head a little, encouraging the younger boy to continue.
“I… miss you.” Cheeks burning up into a few shades of darker red, Sky immediately averted his gaze, opting to stare at his fingers instead. This was the moment Sky wished humans could just read minds instead, so he didn’t have to say things out loud. It’s embarrassing.
“I miss you. I want to talk to you and spend more time with you. But I end up falling asleep.”
Prapai couldn’t help but to coo at that. His boyfriend was being so fucking cute right now he swore his heart almost burst out from the excessive amount of love and adoration he had restored for him in it.
“Aww that’s okay, baby doll. I know how hectic this week has been for you. You needed the rest.” He coiled a finger under Sky’s chin and gently tilted his head up to face him again.
“We can watch a movie now if you want? You don’t have morning class tomorrow anyway.”
“Of course you would remember my class schedules.” Sky mused out loud with an amused chuckle. “But it’s okay, Phi Pai. You should go back to sleep now.”
Prapai’s lips parted to say something in dispute but Sky immediately pressed a finger onto his lips.
“I don’t have to wake up early, but you do. You still have work, Phi Pai.” Sky argued, trying to sound as stern as possible. Not that it was working though, because Prapai was Prapai. That man was so endeared by Sky that nothing Sky did would look intimidating to him.
“I’m not gonna go to bed without you, little one.” He tightened his hold around Sky’s waist and drew him flushed against his chest. Sky’s hands flew to rest on Prapai’s bare shoulders out of instinct, but not before giving his boyfriend a light punch on his upper arm.
“Phi Pai–”
“What if I tire you out so you can go to bed with me, hm?”
A surprised gasp emitted from Sky’s lips as Prapai suddenly sneaked one of his hands underneath Sky’s shirt, grazing his blunt nails on the small of Sky’s back before traveling them around and moving past his lover’s soft stomach in favor of heading straight to his chest. He rubbed the pad of his calloused thumb around Sky’s nipple, grinning mischievously when his boyfriend’s breath hitched at it. If Prapai had a list of things that he loved about Sky, his sensitivity to Prapai’s touch would definitely be at the top of the list.
Sky bit his lip as he stared at his boyfriend for a few seconds, still unconvinced at the proposition. And then Prapai pinched his nipple in between his fingers none too gently, making his body jolt at the sting and a sudden rush of arousal coursing through his vein, moving straight down south to his groin. All his rationale from earlier was instantly getting flushed down the drain when he could feel his cock slowly fattening in his thin shorts. Judging from the way Prapai was smirking at him, he’s pretty sure Prapai had noticed it too.
Curse Prapai for knowing his body so well at this point, and curse his body for being so responsive to Prapai’s touch, no matter how small it was. There was no way he could back out now, not that he really wanted to in the first place anyway. He was just trying to be a thoughtful boyfriend. But he forgot his boyfriend was Prapai. Horny was probably the man’s middle name.
Sky circled his arms loosely around Prapai’s neck, eyes stealing a glance at the older’s full plump lips that he wanted to kiss so badly now before looking back up to meet his eyes. His own lips tugged up into a smirk as he leaned his face closer to Prapai, so close that their lips almost touched when Sky had whispered out, “Deal. Take me now, Phi Pai.”
Prapai wasted no time to capture Sky’s lips with his own, nibbling lightly at his bottom lip before licking the sting away. His tongue slid into Sky’s wet cavern as soon as he was allowed entrance, licking the insides and lapping his wet muscle against Sky’s. Prapai had tilted his head to deepen the kiss, pulling Sky into a deep and sloppy kiss. Sky mewled as he reciprocated the kiss.
They only pulled away from the kiss when their chests were starting to burn from the lack of oxygen, begging desperately for air. Prapai almost whined at the loss of Sky’s lips, wanting to devour those delicious lips some more. But when he saw Sky panting heavily to regain his breath, he chuckled and opted to have some mercy on the younger boy instead. Couldn’t have him pass out this early yet.
Prapai lifted Sky’s arms up instead and ordered him to keep them up, in which Sky obliged before he swiftly pulled Sky’s shirt over and off his body. The shirt was then mindlessly tossed aside onto the kitchen floor.
It was Sky’s favorite pajama shirt - one that he wore a lot because he liked how the soft fabric felt on his skin, to the point that the neckline was starting to wear out - and he opened his mouth to complain but Prapai was faster.
He caught one of Sky’s nipples between his lips and started to suck eagerly; it made Sky’s mind short circuit in an instant. Any complaints he had earlier went vanished as all he could think of right now was how fucking good Prapai’s mouth felt on his bud. The way he swirled his hot tongue around it in a teasing manner before returning to sucking on it again got Sky head lolled back in pleasure, back instinctively arched beautifully as if offering Prapai more access to his body. Prapai took that as an encouragement, so he kept toying with Sky’s nipple some more until it was thoroughly sucked, so raw and red by the time he pulled away.
“Lube is in the room.” Prapai said as he untied the drawstring of Sky’s shorts. He playfully cupped Sky’s crotch over the layer of clothing and rubbed his palm up and down slowly, making Sky grind up into his hand.
“I’m gonna go get it. Condom or no condom, hm?”
Sky chewed on his bottom lip, contemplating just for a brief second. Then he looked up at Prapai with beautiful hazy eyes and replied, “No, please. Wanna feel you in me, and want your cum in me.”
Prapai almost growled at that.
When Prapai returned with a half used bottle of lube in hand, Sky had already moved himself into position; flat on his stomach, bent prettily over the countertop with his perky naked ass on full display, obediently presenting himself to Prapai and earning himself an aroused growl from the man.
Prapai swore Sky had the most breedable back ever.
Prapai could feel his own cock throbbed in need underneath the strain of his shorts. It’s almost painful even, with how hard he was getting now, but he ignored it in favor of attending to his lover first. To Prapai, it’s always about Sky’s pleasure first and foremost.
Prapai spurted a generous amount of lube into his palm while he sauntered over to Sky and settled himself to stand behind him. He grabbed a hold of Sky’s buttcheek in his free hand, groping it none too gently. The action caused Sky to let out a needy moan, albeit a little muffled against his arm which he had tucked under his face to pillow his head from the hard surface.
“Phi Pai…” He turned his face to the side so he could peer at Prapai over his shoulder. A pair of beautiful, lust filled eyes looking up at Prapai, evidently already impatient. Probably only one second away from whining if Prapai didn’t give his body the attention that he badly needed already.
“Shh, I'm here. I got you.” He cooed soothingly at the boy as he leaned down to press soft kisses on the small of Sky’s back, peppering them along Sky’s spine up to his nape before he pulled away.
Sky had mewled and shivered at the ministrations, the press of Prapai’s warm lips on his bare skin sent goosebumps all over him that he whined when Prapai pulled away. But it was soon replaced with a surprised gasp, followed by a string of pleased noises and the curl of his toes as Prapai carefully pushed a slicked finger into his awaiting hole, slowly sliding it up until it was fully buried into him.
The initial intrusion had sting a bit despite the lubrication, but it was nothing Sky wasn’t familiar with. It didn’t last long, anyway. Especially when Prapai’s skilled finger had moved in and out of him at the right pace, making sure he was well adjusted before he added more and more digits into him.
Next thing Sky knew, he was already reduced to a moaning mess with three of Prapai’s fingers shoved easily inside him, opening him wide and loose for Prapai. Sky mewled keenly when Prapai had crooked his fingers just at the right angle, and thrusted them in just at the right depth to press against Sky’s prostate over and over again, stimulating him even more.
“Phi Pai… Phi Pai that’s- that’s enough-” Sky managed to choke out in between hitched breaths, his free hand reaching behind him to catch Prapai’s wrist, though it wasn’t able to stop Prapai from continuing his ministrations.
Sky’s hard little cock that’s squeezed between his legs and the furniture was already oozing with pre-cum. He doubted he could last any longer if Prapai kept going, and he really wanted to come to Prapai’s dick fucking him instead.
And Prapai always said he needed to use his words to get what he wanted…
“Want you… inside… Phi Pai.” Sky looked up at Prapai pleadingly, tears already pooling at the corner of his eyes from how painfully hard his cock was, begging for a release.
Prapai did halt his movement, but kept his fingers inside still as he gazed down at Sky expectantly. Sky bit his bottom lip, averting his gaze and instead burying his face into his arm so Prapai couldn’t see his burning cheeks when he pleaded, with soft voice, “Please, daddy?”
“What did I say before, hm?” Strong fingers threaded into Sky’s soft hair, gripping a fistful of it lightly. Prapai hovered over Sky once again and leaned his face close to Sky’s ear, whispering deeply, “Look at daddy when you’re talking to him, pretty little doll.”
Sky whimpered at the mere use of the nickname. That’s one of the many things Prapai did that easily affected Sky, one that Sky himself couldn’t figure out why. It just happened that Prapai had a knack of using a variety of nicknames on Sky.
Depending on the name, most of the time it made Sky’s heart flutter and his tummy filled with dozens of butterflies. But other times, like right now, especially when Prapai had said it in that deep and domineering tone of  his, it made Sky’s knees turn weak and his head felt so light like he’s floating on cotton clouds.
Not to mention his greedy hole pulsated from the pure arousal.
It didn’t take even a second for Sky to concede, much to Prapai’s satisfaction. Looking all docile as he lifted his pretty face from the crook of his arm, peering over his shoulder again to meet Prapai’s gaze. “W-want your cock inside me. Please, daddy?”
“Good boy.” Prapai rewarded the younger boy with a kiss on his earlobe, knowing very well it was one of his baby’s sensitive spots. Then he gently pulled out his fingers from Sky’s puffy hole, grunting out under his breath when it fluttered, clenching around nothing.
His pajama shorts were shrugged off his legs in record time, allowing his thick cock to finally sprung out from its confinement. Sky’s gaze turned into one of hunger almost in an instant at the sight of his daddy’s cock. Laying heavily in Prapai’s fist as the man coated it with lube and gave it a few experimental strokes. Once he deemed ready, he slotted his rock hard dick in between Sky’s cheeks and pressed them close together as he rocked his hips back and forth. The delicious frictions from where Prapai’s cock is sliding against Sky’s sensitive part got him to shudder visibly. His eyes gradually turned hazy as he purred at the pleasure.
And then Prapai decided to be a menace.
He’s being a mean daddy - Sky whined in his head.
The tip of his cock would graze against Sky’s puckered entrance every time he slid up, but he would purposely move past it and avoid it to edge the boy further. Simply because he liked teasing Sky and watching how the boy would react to his teasings. Like right now, Sky was bucking his ass up in his attempt to chase Prapai’s dick, only for him to give up and emit a pitiful frustrated cry soon after. “Don’t be mean.” He huffed out, complete with the disapproving frown and an adorable pout. It’s so fucking cute and it turned Prapai on even more.
“Okay sorry, my little pup. I won’t be mean anymore.”
Sky swore he felt like the air was knocked out of him when Prapai prodded his cockhead at his hole, and then finally pushed in, breaching past Sky’s ring of muscle. Prapai had been considerate enough of Sky to press in slowly, halting his movement every time Sky had displayed any form of discomfort. No amount of prep would ever be enough to prepare anyone to take in someone of Prapai’s size, if Sky was to be honest.  
Sky knew it probably took Prapai a lot of his will to suppress the urge to slam his cock home into Sky, but Prapai managed to do it anyway; letting Sky get properly adjusted to his size until he was able to slide all the way in and was fully sheathed in Sky’s warmth.
A string of moans mixed with some curses escaped from Prapai’s lips. Sky felt so warm, tight and snug around his cock, squeezing him at all the right places as if his walls were especially molded for Prapai’s cock. And he was met with barely any resistance when he started to move. His hands found purchase on the dip of Sky’s hips with a bruising grip as he slowly pulled his cock out, leaving just the tip in, only for him to slam back inside in one swift, practiced movement.
“Oh, fuck-” Sky could only moan helplessly as Prapai continued to thrust in and out of him; going slow at first then gradually picking up his pace, and fucking into Sky rather gently at first and then his movement becoming more and more rough.
Sky’s hand scrambled around to grab onto something, anything. But there’s nothing available around him and the surface of the countertop was too slippery for him to grip. Noticing his struggle, Prapai caught the hand by the wrist and folded it behind him, holding it firmly there to restrain him from using the hand anymore.
“You have no idea how fucking pretty you look right now, baby.” He breathed out as he pounded roughly into Sky that the boy jolted from the impact. It kinda hurt the way the edge of the counter digged at his skin, but the way Prapai was fucking into him had felt so overwhelmingly good that he couldn’t be bothered about anything else.
Just Prapai’s thick hot dick inside him, rearranging his guts, and his balls slapping against his own, adding to the stimulation.
Prapai’s tongue darted out to lick his own lip as he watched the way his entire length easily disappeared into Sky’s hole, reemerging soon after with a lewd squelch that echoed throughout the kitchen alongside the skin-slapping noises and their heavy breathings. The sight made his blood rush down south to his groin, throbbing and leaking inside Sky.
“Taking in daddy’s cock so well.” Thrust.
Sky’s lips parted in silent moans - with drool leaking out from the corner of his lips too - and his thighs shook when the tip of Prapai’s cock hit dead on against his prostate every single time he thrusted in. At this point Prapai was really so well versed with Sky's body that he could easily find Sky’s spot even with closed eyes.
“All dumb and drooly because of daddy’s cock.” Thrust.
“Like you were born exactly for this.” Thrust.
That was one hard thrust, making Sky’s eyes roll back from pure bliss. Maybe Sky was indeed made to take Prapai’s cock. Whenever and wherever the man wanted to.
Prapai lifted one of Sky’s thighs, hooking an arm under the knee to keep the leg up to spread Sky open even more. This new position allowed him to drive his rock hard dick even deeper into Sky.
Sky clenched hard around Prapai’s cock, his spent and used body squirming from the intense pleasure. But it still wasn’t enough. His neglected cock was hard and twitching between his legs, begging for some attention. He’s so so so close but he needed to be touched there. Thus he untucked the hand from underneath his head and reached down for it but Prapai immediately swatted his hand.
“Daddy… please…”
“Are you close, my pup?” Prapai asked, sounding a little breathless himself, and Sky nodded his head eagerly.
“Me too, baby.” Without breaking their contact, Prapai snuck an arm around Sky’s middle and pulled the boy up into standing position with his back pressed flat against his chest. He kept the arm secured there to hold Sky up, knowing for sure his legs were already too wobbly to stand on his own.
“You can cum now. Be a good boy and cum for daddy.” Thick warm fingers coiled around Sky’s dick and started pumping it up and down in time with Prapai’s relentless thrusts. The double stimulation was starting to overwhelm Sky, making him loll his head back on Prapai’s shoulder and his hands grip on Prapai’s muscular arms for purchase.
Prapai rubbed the pad of his thumb on Sky’s tip and it didn’t take long before Sky finally reached his orgasm with a drawl out moan. His body stiffened in Prapai’s hold and his legs shook uncontrollably when he spurted his cum against the furniture and all over Prapai’s fist that was still moving to stroke his cock, but at a slow pace now to help milking out every drop of Sky’s cum.
Prapai’s own release came soon after. A groan emitted from under his breath as he pulled Sky close against him, his face buried into the crook of Sky’s exposed neck as he shot his warm seeds deep into him, painting his insides white and stuffing him so full. Sky mewled in pure bliss and shuddered visibly when Prapai continued to thrust lightly into him for a few more moments to ride out his own orgasm.
Their chests heaved up and down as they pant lightly, trying to catch their breaths. Sky could faintly hear Prapai whispering sweet praises into his ears, but he was too fucked out to listen properly, so he just hummed softly in content, eyes becoming heavy from exhaustion.
“Let’s clean up a little, yeah?” Sky whined while shaking his head, still not ready to move. Prapai just chuckled at that and pressed a chaste kiss onto Sky’s shoulder before carefully detaching himself from him. He pulled out of Sky’s hole with a lewd pop sound, thick white liquid leaking out of the boy and dripping down his thigh.
Prapai used his foot to grab one of the clothes that he had tossed aside earlier so he could use it to wipe Sky’s thigh. Too worn out to do anything, Sky just let Prapai maneuver him around as he slowly dozed off to sleep.
When he sleepily blinked his eyes open again, Prapai was gently placing him down onto the bed. Apparently while he had nodded off Prapai had managed to wipe his body clean and put a fresh new shirt on him. He had even asked Sky to take a few sips from the drink he brought, wanting to keep Sky hydrated.
Sky’s heart fluttered at that. Prapai was such a good caretaker. He’s everything that Sky had prayed for and more.
Sky settled himself under the blanket, rolling over to Prapai’s side and snuggling against the man’s broad chest with a sated sigh. The warmth radiating from the man’s bare skin brought comfort to him, and the sound of his heart beat against his ear felt like a soothing lullaby, making him yawn and flutter his eyes closed. Prapai draped an arm loosely around his waist as the other hand caressed Sky’s hair comfortingly.
“Phi Pai…” Sky mumbled quietly, already struggling to stay awake, but he’s determined to say this.
“Yes, my beautiful angel Sky.”
Sky felt soft lips on his forehead.
“T’morrow… let’s go out ‘n eat t’gether… a date…” Sky slurred out groggily, voice so small it was barely audible, though luckily Prapai was still able to decipher it. Prapai smiled, endeared.
Sky had already drifted off to sleep, but Prapai replied anyway.
“Mhm, let’s do that. I love you, my Sky.”
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xie-lians-cooking · 7 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: บรรยากาศรัก เดอะซีรีส์ | Love in the Air (TV 2022) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Prapai/Sky (Love in the Air TV 2022) Characters: Prapai (Love in the Air TV 2022), Sky (Love in the Air TV 2022) Additional Tags: Phone Sex, Masturbation, Anal Fingering, Prapai is So Whipped (Love in the Air TV 2022), First Time, Kinktober, Kinktober 2023 Series: Part 30 of Kinktober 2023 Summary:
Kinktober Day 29: Calling
Sky misses his husband who's away on a business trip, REALLY misses him. Thankfully Pai has a solution.
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imogenegomi · 2 months
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Chapter seven is now up! 😊
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