williamrikers · 1 year
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prasath being cunty af part 4 for @burnsuncomet 😍
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heretherebedork · 1 year
I absolutely love Nai's protectiveness over Pennhung and his willingness to fight for him and to keep him safe. He always checks on him when he's with the bigger group, glancing back and giving him little nods and a little reach of his hand without touching him to offer the safety net of his presence. He is always willing to punch anyone for the threat of harming Pennhung and the only things that stops him is a literal gun to his head.
And then insisting that he's the one to pick the serum to save Pennhung? And running ahead of everyone else?
I love Nai and his love for Pennhung. He doesn't even turn around when White is hurt. He has his own goals and that goal is Pennhung.
And Tibet gives him CPR because, frankly, Nai is too busy panicking as hard as Pheng at the thought of losing him.
Nai cares about Pennhung so much and he shows it by being safe for him and being a safe person that won't overwhelm his boundaries but will always invite him to be there with them how he's comfortable.
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firstkanaphans · 1 year
I find it such an odd narrative choice to make the climax of this series the children having to save their abusive parents from imminent death when I would much prefer they simply murder them. Violently.
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bringonthehayl · 1 year
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hyp-no-tic · 1 year
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scrumptiousstuffs · 1 year
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“One of you will have to inject the poison in your body” Master Prasath
“Pennhung will do it” Pennhung
“No, we will pay a game. If it’s A, Pennhung will get injected, if it’s B, Pheng will get injected” Master Prasath
“Why are you doing this?” Pennhung
“Something I do, I don’t have a reason.” Master Prasath
Master Prasath is a coward, bully psychopath who picked Pennhung and Pheng cause he perceives these 2 as the weakest link among the children..never have the word croissant 🥐 devastated me so much 😭😭😭😭
Home School, episode 15
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neonsbian · 1 year
im kinda whatever over this show now
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aprilblossomgirl · 1 year
Home School is truly an acting battle ground between the veterans and the youngsters. But the one I need to see so badly playing another main role(s) in another drama(s) is Chalad Na Songkhla. Master Prasath is one hell of a character to portray, and he did it so so well.
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vegaseatsass · 1 year
Home School 14 spoilers
So I just caught up on Home School and ahhhh, they did the one thing I was most fearing. The Sky Castle thing, where you have an untenable and fucked up system that uncannily if exaggeratedly resembles the untenable and fucked up systems of our real world, and then one character is actually to blame for all of it, doing things for cartoonish, individual-backstory-having reasons, and all the other enforcers of the system escape culpability by comparison.
Like, I don't think the other masters completely escape culpability, not when the good OTP Dilak/Praeporn seem to be the only ones actively resisting what's been happening, but it's still an ughhh way of making their behavior seem less terrible without actual change or growth. Plus, I try to stay in my lane and not comment on colorism, so apologies if this is overstepping, but everything about Prasath's portrayal already felt pretty uncomfortable, and it just got so much worse.
I'll wait to see where the last four episodes go, but if I'm actually supposed to believe Amin started this school for good reasons and it was a good and loving place that helped orphans by hypnotizing them into normativity so their rich parents wanted them again I'm gonna... /shakes fist! And tbf his whole plan was never actually that, it was always using that (still probably fucked curriculum!!) as a cover for his revenge on society, but using desperate kids as his child soldiers was deeply fucked even before it became a violent revenge!!
But I'll see where it goes. In the clips the students watched of Run & Putha, Run seemed like an active and informed participant in the hypnotherapy. I still 100% do not think any of this is okay when done to desperate kids you're telling you will love in their shitty parents' stead, particularly if any of the curriculum was compliance-based beforehand, but it's significantly less evil to teach the kids what for example Headmaster Yani was doing with the girls, that society sucks and you deserve better, and enforce their confidence w/ hypnotherapy in ways they know about going in and are on board with, than to brainwash them while they're out into becoming your sleeper disruptors.
I just hate in stories like this when the drama and suspense and twists and turns are privileged over the potentially juicy and salient social commentary; it's a much more impactful story imo if Amin started something with good intentions that was terrible from the beginning. If, just as Bodin passed down his father's abuse, Amin passed down Bodin's power and control over him onto the children he now had power over.
That said, I still love all the kids, look forward to Maki and Run's reunion, and find Amin/Bodin very very juicy. Imo:
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williamrikers · 1 year
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prasath being cunty af part 3 for @burnsuncomet 💕
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heretherebedork · 1 year
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Okay, so, RunZero enemies to lovers plot for Home School Season 2 when?
"I won't let you become another Master Prasath." "It's too late for that, isn't it?" "It's never too late for love to take hold." "It's too late for me." "Not even for you."
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Personally I would have nothing against Tibet if he shot Prasath
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hughungrybear · 1 year
Master Phoban: You can choose which Master you want to learn from.
Me: ***I know which class I DEFINITELY NOT TAKING.*** I admire Hugo and Mek (or is it Mork?) for choosing Prasath though 😅😅😅😅
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hoppipolla · 1 year
I’ve finally watched the last eps of Home School. Ngl I fast forwarded some moments but that confrontation between Tibet and Prasath in ep 17… brilliant performances on both parts!
Home School exceeded my expectations and I don’t regret watching it. I don’t think it needed 18 episodes to tell its story — some eps were repetitive thus slightly undermining the messages the series was trying to convey — but, overall, it’s one of the most well-written shows (if not the most well-written) that I’ve watched from GMMTV.
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hyp-no-tic · 1 year
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I mean... as much as I hate Master Prasath, he ain't lying 😅
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aprilblossomgirl · 1 year
Home School is that one rare (master)piece of both directing and writing works. I think I said it once that it is such an ambitious project: presenting the dark and disturbing side of society from the perspective of (emotionally) abandoned children in the setting of a push-and-pull between the meaning of home and school and how, at the end, it was about parents/guardians having their own issues (and very unwilling to resolve those themselves) which results in throwing off their responsibility to supposedly take care (and educate) their children to others, in this case, Home School, which turns out to be a nightmare on its own. I guess there are so many lenses already from where you could choose to view this show, canonically, and they could be all just as valid. At this point, I myself cannot unsee, or specifically, cannot unfeel, a metaphor this show has possibly been trying to portray, as one of the casts once said, more or less, that Home School is a representation of a part of the society. And, well, a representation of a part of the society it is. The sick part of it. My rage towards Master Prasath felt so real it’s rather scary. Anything disturbing in this show felt so intentional. 
Is the show a perfect blend of everything they aim to tell? Two more episodes before I could give my final yes. Or no. We shall see. However, regardless how this one ended, I don’t think I could forget the emotional roller coaster it already gave me for a solid, SOLID, 16 episodes. If it ended well, it would definitely join my top three Thai dramas along with A Tale of Thousand Stars and 55:15 Never Too Late. But again, we shall see first. If not, it would still be a rare thrilling experience to go on my watched list. And obviously, no need to wait until next week for me to say, the acting is top notch!
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