#pray karma on the director
thoughtsbeewild · 10 months
Total Victory: When your former colleagues are miserable at the job you left. Because they TRUSTED THIS EVIL FEMALE SINGLE MOM DIRECTOR
As I told my coworker at my former job quit, IMMA GOING HAVE A LEGALLY BLONDE MOMENT. Like FUCK ALL YOU ESPECIALLY DIRECTOR, The supervisor and the some of the democrat mom bitches.
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These corrupted Demorat leadership around the USA are trying get rid of PEOPLE WHO WORKED DEVOTED PUT LOYALTY TO ORGANIZATION FOR LONG TIME JUST TO FUCKING REPLACE THEM WITH A DUMB ASS THIRSTY DEMOCRAT MOM WHO DESPERATE FOR A JOB TO GET PAID AT ANY RATE. BUT THEY WERE TRYING TO FIND WAYS SO I CAN TRAIN ALL MY KNOWLEDGE TO THAT BITCH AND AT END GET RID OF ME LIKE I AM NO LONGER USEFUL. seems like todays relationship where the a guy has gotten what he wanted out of you and your not use. Or the thirsty marketing instagram girl got what she needed to include you in her story to obtain followers. So apply that to your career , a director who HAS BEEN IN POWER FOR LESS THAN A YEAR, HAS POWER TO TERMINATE YOUR EMPLOYMENT AND FUCK WITH YOUR LIFE AND FAMILY. think people!
Because I want to know I was a VALUABLE ASSET to the company, that I made a difference, that I was part of the growth of success for that company when good leadership was around. I can tell you real talk HELL TO THE FUCK NO I DID NOT WORK FOR DEMONCRAT LEADERSHIP, fuck no.
Its like growing older, damn I know the fucking difference NOW. its its a game changer.
My former company trust this evil bitch selfie fucking mom so much. She is a hyprocrite online, like a demoncrat.
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but in reality a lot of the current employees I've connected with are SCARED THE FUCK WITH FEAR, you dare to even question this divorced mom bitch its off with your head, she will fucking find ways to fire yo bitch ass, like a checklist.
I can probably see in REAL TIME WHERE DEMONCRATS WOULD USE BLACK PEOPLE TO MAKE THEM FEAR THE POLICE, LAW ENFORCEMENTS. Not sure why they don't see that. Hopully I can change your thinking to be more open and not just one way thinking scared because demoncrats out there
Imagine power, greed, the control and corruption this one director leader has. Making you so fucking miserable, mentally stressed, drained. while this mom bitch is taking BEACH SELFIES WITH HER 2 KIDS on facebook then marketing work online bullshit, but slaving away beside the scenes where you cant talk about it BECAUSE OF NDA NON DISCLOUSURE AGREEMENT.
People who were newly hired, they are scandalous they will do anything to get your job, a promotion
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mrchalamet-mrstyles · 5 months
Oh look, another great director praising and adoring Timmy. Now haters/ex stans tell me again how he ruined his career with Wonka and Kylie. Btw soooooooo glad Kylie skipped the red carpets, now the losers can't even use "Kylie PR for Wonka" as an excuse to deny Kylothee and Wonka's success. The more they wish ill on him, the more the universe kicks them in the teeth by showering him with the opposite of what they hoped for. Also, they should worry about the karma they will bring upon themselves in their rl by constantly praying for someone's misfortune and even wishing death on him. Karma is real and it's coming for you, assholes.
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moral-terpitude · 8 months
Director's cut for the latest part of Misadventures, please? ❤️
Completely out of order as I reread the chapter and think of them!
Quinn waking up while she’s sick to her name being called isn’t her hallucinating or anything to do with her fever. From the line about, “This is where you fuck the bats,” she had turned on the Harley Quinn animated series on HBOMax, and in the one episode (I tried to look back to see when I was watching it; but it’s been a few months) they’re looking for Harley but yelling out Quinn, and I’ve basically had that nugget stored away for use since I watched the series.
I usually challenge myself every chapter to not outrightly use the word tattoo. They’re there, we know there there, there’s better phrases I can use. I tacked on the challenge of not using the word cat for Beelzebub because, yeah, he’s a cat, but he’s also an over protective fur ball. (But then I go cat cat cat all in three sentences later on to make up for it 😂😂😂)
The hope chest of dildos wasn’t absolutely necessary, but I considered it as a good two for two of Tommy getting some instant karma for deciding to be nosy. And I felt that it was some good comic relief for kind of the heaviness of the rest of the chapter.
Tommy staying there instead of just going home: yeah, he’s a little stubborn. Also, doesn’t know where she actually started getting sick, so worst case if he’s already sick, it’s contained in one place. The nugget about choosing to sleep on the floor, actually goes back to something I found while writing a different bit of “canon” (period correct sounds like such a mouthful) something for a request. I was reading articles that talked about how soldiers returning home on leave in World War One actually preferred to “sleep hard” when they got home, because they couldn’t stand the comfort of their beds from adapting to sleeping out. I always liked that nugget, so while not relevant here, I dunno, I try to find canon things and pull them thru. And, I’ve never quite sorted out their living situation before ending up with Polly, down to historically accurate representations of what their lifestyle would have been like around the 1980s, but I imagine it to have been rather cramped if they were traveling, not to say their life wouldn’t have been sustainable in that time; but I’m sure Arthur Sr would have been no better with money in this universe.
Speaking of canon things: “She knew of the blood on his hands and looked past the way it stained him and dirtied him regardless.” Someone shared the “blood on my hands” “oh mine too” gif and sometimes it’s the simplest things that inspire a random line.
Describing Covid was difficult as fuck because I feel like it was different for everyone. I’ve talked about this with some people before, but the first time I had it I actually did cry that I didn’t want to die. I was also very proud of myself for remembering Giles Corey (I don’t think that’s how the last name is spelled but I’m too tired to go look) but I wasn’t sure if anyone would have recognized the tie to The Crucible immediately from just that, so I flipped it and used the name of the play in there instead of the character name.
I totally butchered the whole “egg allergy” thing because the Covid vaccines actually are one of the ones that don’t have eggs, but I have a family friend who didn’t get it for that reason, so 🤷🏼‍♀️ I rolled with it.
I am not sure when I noticed it, but any time Tommy knocks, it’s three knocks. Always three. It’s relevant way way later on but I love to set up for the littlest shit ahead of time.
“Some thin gold chain on she had never noticed him wearing before.” In reference to the necklace Tommy takes off in the last episode before burning the caravan. I personally have a HC that Polly gave them gifts of crosses before the boys went to France, just like she prayed for them every day, and Tommy eventually chucked the cross away somewhere but kept the rest because it was from Polly.
Trying to google how boys think about sex is really a difficult thing to find, so, I feel like I hmm kind of oversimplified some descriptions but I feel like it totally worked out fine. I don’t really believe in sticking with one point of view through a whole scene either, apparently. 😂😂😂
The diner they go to is Midnight Express on 2nd Avenue. I felt like the food they order and how they order is a good contrast of their personalities here, not that they’re like polar opposites or anything but, Quinn is going to have what she wants because she wants it and will figure it out later (most likely in the form of a to go box) and Tommy ordering something “boring” was just fun contrast. (I love corned beef hash actually so maybe I’m a bit boring too)
After Tommy’s phone conversation with Ada about the donation for the orchestra, Quinn just makes the inference that he might know something about scholarships. It’s something that she’s thought of before but never really knew who to talk it over with without sounding like a pompous asshole. She also like operating under the stipulation that no one but her and her dad (maybe Dalton, but maybe not) know about the money she has from the Bitcoin so she doesn’t really have anyone to talk financials with.
I have bought the New York Times twice in my life and once was to write this.
I imagine that, I dunno why I’m thinking of this right now, but, Tommy doesn’t pay too much mind to Quinn’s age, because, unfortunately, her trauma had matured her some, and she is actually smart. They are both smart about different things, but she does try to understand his business a bit (asking about the 941 forms, which are actually the tax withholding payment forms for the taxes taken from employees checks I think) while still feeling a tad like they’re out of each others bounds sometimes, even though to Tommy, it’s just routine that the bookkeeper takes care of something like that. His only comparison for women around that age are Ada, who is also smart, and Anna and Gina, which Ive messed with the ages so much to make them closer I have to see where they fall at in my big ol document sometime 😂😂😂
(I think this kind of a thing is actually supposed to be what this kind of question was asking, so, RIP, but you’re still getting it all sorry) I originally wanted to have them walk home from the diner and end up holding hands but I felt like there wasn’t a good way to rope that in so I cut it.
Spent way too long on google looking at Aston Villa shirts just to find something that I could make a joke out of. I absolutely love that the first time Ada sees Quinn it’s actually in a fairly normal state for her: no pants, comfy shirt, injuring herself and swearing. I couldn’t wait to get to this chapter just for that part because I’ve known for awhile that’s how they would meet.
This got so long! I absolutely am sure there are more thing, but, I’m dead tired and can’t think of them right now!
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wanderinglotus7 · 2 years
Cycle of Change
It’s weird how everything in my life was coming together; I was living life on the highest then life threw me a curveball. Actually, life threw me several curveballs all around the same time. Complete panic mode! June was supposed to be ,y time for relaxation, not a time for unexpectedness and uncertainty. Good news, I finished grad school with a 3.6 GPA and graduated with my Master of Social Work on May 23rd. It was so nice having my family make the trip to Boston in celebrating this amazing accomplishment. I played tour guide the entire weekend. I’ve seen more of Boston in those four days than the almost two years I lived here lol. I wish my Grandma Shirley and my granddaddy could’ve been present. However. I know that they are smiling upon me from Heaven.
In a surprising turn of events, my boyfriend (at the time) and his family came to Boston as well. It was also nice of them to make the trip for this celebration. Yet, it was somewhat awkward for me. I’ve been contemplating this decision for several months, and the weeks leading up to this event gave me confirmation that I was making the right decision though it pained me to do so. Around Memorial day, I decided to end my relationship with my now ex-boyfriend. I realized that it was best for us to go our separate ways. Our paths were diverging, us in different stages in our lives. I wish him and his family the best. For my first relationship, I learned much about myself and how strong of a person I really am. Reading my “Open Letter (2019)’ helped me reconceptualize what I want and value in a relationship and in a partner.
On top of that I almost screwed myself over. I found myself in a sticky situation where I had to make a serious career decision: DOVE or Adelante. On graduation day, I received a phone call from the executive director of DOVE presenting me with an official offer to be their new employee and I had until that upcoming Friday to give them my finally answer. Yet, I was still waiting to hear from Beth Israel regarding my employment offer. Friday arrived, and I gave myself a slight panic attack because I still haven’t heard from BI. I called a few people expressing my doubts and worries. I needed to remain calm. I cleaned and prayed about the situation. I proclaimed it in my journals. I proclaimed it into the universe. I proclaimed it in my prayers. I trusted my instinct. I called DOVE and told them “Thank you”, but I declined their offer not knowing if I actually had a job or not. Luckily, about 5 to 10 minutes later, I received a phone call from BI with my official job offer with Adelante (CVPR). Staring June 20th, I will be starting my position as a social work advocate!
Exciting! Then I got punched in the gut...my housing situation fell apart leaving me dumb founded. Three days before I was supposed to move to Brighton, I received news that I could no longer move into that apartment, but did not receive a clear-cut response to why I couldn’t. I had no were to go because I was moving out that Friday from my prior place of residence. Where could I go in such a short notice? I seriously considered sleeping in my car or staying in a temporary shelter until I could figure out this horrible. I wish that landlord could’ve shared that news with me earlier in the month instead of last minute. I was so pissed! I swallowed my pride and asked for help. Thankfully, a couple from NewCity Church offered to house me until I housing. I am totally grateful for their generosity. So, I am technically homeless even though I have a roof over my head. I never saw myself in this position. I kept telling myself “Why me?”. I so don’t need this negative karma in my life right now. Yet, on the other side of things, this was a blessing in disguise. Maybe that prior apartment wasn’t meant for me. I was meant to be somewhere else. My housing search continues and that has been a hit or miss because of timing. Most places I cannot move-in till September 1st which I’m trying not to do that because I don’t want to over-stay my welcome at this couple’s home. Though they are not in a rush for me to leave right away which again I am grateful, but I am not trying to be here for another 2 to 3 months with my whole life remaining in packed boxes and suitcases.
I’m trying to find somewhere to go by the end of this month especially since I start my job on the 20th which transportation to work is another beast within itself. Increase in rent and the fact that my car isn’t registered in the state (MA), provides me with other obstacles I’m facing while looking for housing. Either way it looks like I will be spending around $1,000 to $1,200 in rent for any apartment I apply to [good thing for BI & Chipotle]. I did had to change my mindset in searching for housing. I don’t plan on moving every year...NO SIR! So, why am I settling or searching for places like I am in survival mood. If I am going to be paying around $1,000; I deserve a nice place to live even if it is with roommates. If I can’t have a nice condo or apartment to myself, I am going to pay the money to live in the biggest nicest room if possible. I’m still on a time crunch, but I’m being a little picky. So far, Brighton, Allston, and Brookline (possibly Jamaica Plain) are on my radar. I know God is going to provide.
Me, Alex, and Daniela are still figuring out our flights for Costa Rica. July will be here sooner than we realize and I am not trying to pay more money on flights than on the overall trip. I want to purchase tickets next week before they go way beyond my budget. We might have to settle with flying into SJO airport and take that 4 hour bus/shuttle ride to Puerto Veijo if we cannot solve how to fly from SJO to Limon International which would definitely cut down the travel to this Caribbean beach town. Other than that I haven’t been doing too much lately. I attended a few different social justice rallies in Boston. I’ve been trying to read more and haven’t really written anything. I’m trying to be more physically active since the weather has become warmer. I’m getting closer and closer in putting in my two week notice at Chipotle (food service isn’t for everyone long-term). I guess, I’m taking time to adjusting to all this new stuff occurring in my life. No longer a student, but becoming a professional. Here comes the real adult life lol!
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ricardotomasz · 1 year
Such is life! Behold, a new Post published on Greater And Grander about TokyoPop Founder & Producer, Stuart J. Levy; S2 E20
See into my soul, as a new Post has been published on http://greaterandgrander.com/tokyopop-founder-producer-stuart-j-levy-s2-e20
TokyoPop Founder & Producer, Stuart J. Levy; S2 E20
Stu Levy is an international entrepreneur, producer, director and writer across mediums including graphic novels, film, television and new media. Founder of the pioneering media company TOKYOPOP, Stu is known for establishing the manga market in North America.    As a producer, Stu has a number of live-action and animated feature films and television shows in various stages of development, including adaptations of Alex Unlimited and Mail Order Ninja. He produced English adaptations of television and home video anime series including the hits Initial D, GTO, and Rave Master. His first major studio feature film as Executive Producer was Priest, released theatrically worldwide in 2011 through Sony Pictures.    Stu has directed two feature films (his feature documentary Pray for Japan and his award-winning feature debut Van Von Hunter), the 8-episode docu-reality series America's Greatest Otaku, and several music videos. Stu wrote the Princess Ai and Juror 13 graphic novels, as well as Karma Club and Sailor Moon novels.   Fluent in Japanese and a licensed California attorney, Stu serves as chair of the Producers Guild of America's International Committee, its Online Video Committee, and the PGA Producers Showcase (ProShow). He was previously a Board Member of its New Media Council. He actively oversees two YouTube Channels, one for TOKYOPOP and one for the PGA. His philanthropic activities over the years have included Japan's Tohoku tsunami recovery, projects with Make-a-Wish Foundation, and literacy advocacy. Besides speaking at numerous industry events and guest lecturing to students, Stu's an avid endurance athlete who compares himself to the Energizer bunny sans ears, a very amateur composer, and an iPhone-photo-trigger-happy foodie.
Check him out at:  www.stulevy.com
Credits Include...
Priest starring Paul Bettany and Lily Collins
Riding Shotgun starring Jessy Schram
Pray for Japan starring Kyôka Suzuki
Street Fury starring Elisabeth Hoekstra
Please like and subscribe, it helps us out a lot.
Music is Shalom And Salaam by Mark Saltman
Episode still image is by provided by Xing.com.
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pinertour · 2 years
Katy perry tumblr gif live
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Pressure, and the likelihood of premature death. Time out to pray/meditate, is most beneficial and reduces stress, blood Modern medicinal practices have confirmed that doing this, taking Intending to do that, as you sit to temporarily still your minds, brings you Your minds, take your attention away from the almost constant flow of thoughtsĪrising there, and relax into the underlying stillness that is All. It is indeed an enormous paradox for you, and as you live in what appears to beĪn either/or world, enormous doubts arise in your minds. Inseparable from Source, and yet what you are seemingly experiencing is separation! Illusion, the nightmare of separation, it is almost impossible for you toĬonceive of it in any meaningful way. Joy is your nature, and nothing can disturb or change it because Love, which isĮternally unchanging, is, by Its very nature, Joy.Īs humans in form, experiencing the dream, the Offered to and accepted by Source, Mother/Father/God, One, Love, Wisdom – You! With the All, in a glorious symphony of praise that is continuously being You constantly co-create in concert with and utterly harmoniously with the One, You are One with Source in every moment as Source, that is You! You have never left Home because there is nowhere else, Seem that you were never asleep, as the joy of this eternal Now momentĬontinues to embrace you and enfold you in the field of divine Love that is So, you will awaken Now, and when you do it will Reality is where you are in every moment. Source: katheryn elizabeth hudson katheryn-elizabeth-hudson katherynhudson katy perry sexy katy hudson katy perry katy+perry+sexy katy katycats katyperrysexy katyperry katyperrycollections perry kati perri sexi sexi kat parti sexy sexĭIVINE MASCULINE PERSPECTIVE (During Twin Flame Separation) You may as well stay asleep and vote for Republicrats, before someone like the Medium Channel take over the global IT sector replacing it with telepathy. The Truth About the Law of Attraction | Psychology Today Karma does not exist and the Law of Attraction fails to release its secret as the new 1% rulers on New Earth see rationality ruling as all their core beliefs of Astrology, Numerology, Oneness, Universal consciousness and Christs Consciousness all scientifically debunked: New age ideology stipulates that the spiritually enlightened individual need not engage in any form of worldly or physically based activism for a global paradigm shift to New Earth, a modern Utopia based on New Age beliefs and desires and attempted manifestations via the Law of Attraction even in the wake of societal chaos, governmental conspiracy, ecological decimation, political duplicity, cultural enslavement and global hegemony, our New Agers use the absurd premise based upon the presumption that personal spiritual transformation and increased vibrational resonance will by itself generate the alteration of collective change, when all we had was totalitarian government by a ruling elite of the 1%, now the New Agers think they can convert the 100% just by the different minority rule of approx 1% again as New Age is big business but is it bad business? Meanwhile over at New Age HQ in Sedona, Arizona they worship the love n light of the ET saviours from the Galactic Feds, although the messages are not emanating from ET’s but Californian Snake Oil salesmen living high vibes on the youtube advert money. Tom Hiddleston, Jessica Chastain and Colin Firth are my main fav actors and my fav director is Christopher Nolan, I never have one fav thing as you can tell, not even movies, my fav movies are Interstellar, The Avengers adn Kingsman The Secret Service, oh yeah my fav colors are red and violet.Katy Perry - Roar (Live at BBC Glasgow 2014) I absolutely love making parallel gifsets, which is great bc I’m always making parallels in my head with everything lol. i love making gifs of my fav artists and movies, i only read books (apparently) related to my fav artists bc i need “visual support” (if there’s such thing), i love listening to music scores (mostly hans zimmer, ramin djawadi) and some of my fav music score’s while doing anything, as well as halsey, katy perry, rihanna, avril lavigne and jobros. i have been using tumblr since 2011, i have filthyfirth since december 2018, nakedhiddles since july 2015 and before that i had others for jonas brothers. Hi i’m brazilian and live in rio de janeiro, i study graphic design.
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ecoparyavaran · 2 years
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Celebrating Lord Vishwakarma Jayanti at Eco Paryavaran Engineers & Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Mohali
(September 17): As the Karma yogis of our country celebrated the pious occasion of Vishwakarma Day yesterday, we at Eco Paryavaran, got together at our manufacturing wing with all our fellow colleagues to pray to the Almighty. The event was graced by the presence of our Hon'ble Managing Director, Dr. Sandeep Garg, and key members of the Eco family this morning. It is worth noting here that such events are not just religious ceremonies at Eco; of course, it's an important part of our tradition. But above all, our Human Resource team understands the social responsibility of upholding everyone's professional values in the highest regard.
Team Eco Wishes all the creative folk and the makers of tomorrow through this post and we appreciate every individual effort made by our people to build a stronger foundation for a greener tomorrow. May all the Navnirman and Nav creation that our fellow countrymen undertake for the common good of society bear the best of fruits!
Photo Courtesy: Eco Media Team
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the-himawari · 2 years
A3! Mikage Hisoka - Translation [SSR] MANKAI Memory (3/3)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
*flashback starts*
Hisoka: …I’m starving… (...I can hear the lively Christmas music and the townspeople’s voices all the way from here.)
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Cat: Meow.
Hisoka: ? …A rosary fell.
Cat: Meooow.
Hisoka: (I wonder if I can get money if I sell this rosary… Maybe I can buy something to eat.) (I don’t want to get bad karma though…) (I’d like to return it… but I doubt I’ll find its owner, or they might mistake me for stealing it.) …What should I do?
Cat: Meow~.
Hisoka: ? (It kind of feels like he’s telling me to follow him. …I’ll go with him.)
Hisoka: …It’s a church.
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*door opens*
Priest: Ahh, where in the world did you—. —! That rosary…!
Hisoka: …It fell so I’m here to return it. I didn’t steal it or anything.
Priest: Of course, I understand. Thank you. I was just about to go looking for it.
Cat: Meow.
Priest: Ahh. You’re the one who brought him over, hm?
Cat: Meooow.
Priest: Are you hungry? I’ll treat you to a meal as a thank you. Come in.
Hisoka: …
Hisoka: …Thank you for the meal. That sandwich was yummy. Alright, now I’ll—.
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*door opens*
Child: Hello, Father!
Priest: Hello there.
Hisoka: (…They look like a happy family.) …
Priest: …Do you believe in fate?
Hisoka: Fate?
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Priest: Indeed. I dropped my rosary, you happened to pick it up, and that black cat brought you over. And like this, we’ve met. Don’t you think… God’s guidance is destiny?
Hisoka: …I’m not sure.
Priest: Well, I am certain that many fated encounters are awaiting you. Perhaps someone who will eagerly await Christmas or celebrate your birthday with you.
Hisoka: …I wonder if we’ll ever meet.
Priest: You will. Please, take this rosary in your hand and pray. You’ve done a good deed. I am sure God is watching over you.
Hisoka: (Pray…) …
*flashback ends*
Hisoka: (That was way before I met August and Chikage. To think I recalled something that far back.) Fated encounters, huh…
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*door opens*
Furuta: I’m back. Thanks for watching the store!
Hisoka: Welcome back.
Nosta: Meow~.
Hisoka: Hey… can I buy this with my earnings from today?
Homare: Happy birthday, Hisoka-kun!
Tsumugi: Happy birthday, Hisoka-kun.
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Izumi: Happy birthday!
Hisoka: Thanks.
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Tasuku: I’ve brought the cake over.
Hisoka: It’s a caramel ginger marshmallow cake.
Azuma: You can tell even though you haven’t eaten it yet, hm?
Izumi: Fufu. It looked like you liked them, so I made this together with Omi-kun.
Hisoka: I’m happy… itadakimasu. *Nom, nom*… it tastes great…
Izumi: Fufu, I’m glad.
Guy: By the way, Mikage’s birthday bromide is finished as well.
Azuma: The bromide was very Hisoka.
Izumi: Hisoka’s bromide was…
Option 1: “There were a lot of marshmallows in the frame.”
Izumi: There were a lot of marshmallows in the frame along with the accessories.
Hisoka: Marshmallows are crucial after all. I have so many memories of what kind of marshmallows I’ve found, how I got them from everyone, and how I shared and ate them together with Director. From now on, I want to keep searching for delicious marshmallows, eat them with Director, and make lots of different memories.
Izumi: Yeah! Sounds great.
Option 2: “Penpen was with him too.”
Izumi: Penpen was with him too.
Hisoka: That’s because he’s my favourite. Thanks to Penpen, I’ve also come to like real penguins even more. I’d love to go play at the aquarium again.
Tasuku: So the memento Mikage chose for his birthday bromide was a rosary?
Tsumugi: It’s a wonderful rosary.
Azuma: Did you buy it at your part-time job?
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Hisoka: Yeah. …When I was young, there was a time I picked up and returned a rosary to a priest. The priest and I talked about fated encounters… I couldn’t really comprehend it back then though. But when I found this rosary... and reflected on the encounters I’ve experienced before I came here—. I thought that maybe that's how I met Director and everyone in Winter troupe.
Tsumugi: Right.
Azuma: That’s true.
Homare: There’s no mistaking it. It was destiny that brought all of us together.
Tasuku: You can say that.
Guy: Yes, I think so as well.
Izumi: That’s right.
Hisoka: Yeah. (And not to mention… meeting both of those guys too.)
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talkingharrystyles · 2 years
To me, the most annoying part of O’s past behaviour, is that she’s done it to make herself the ‘cool girl’, if you get me. She hangs around with Red Hot Chilli Peppers, because she’s a cool girl who hangs out with rapists *cough* rockstars. She uses the word ‘tranny’ as an insult in a magazine to look funny and cool (I wish the journalist had called her out on this in the article). She hangs out with Harvey Weinstein publicly to look important and cool. She said most idiotic, racist shit to look like a cool girl who doesn’t give a fuck. She breaks off her engagement to the father of her two children to enter a fake relationship with her super famous employee 10 years her senior to look like a cool girl.
In reality, none of this has made her a cool girl. She’s just as desperate today as she was then. And it hasn’t come back to properly bite her in the ass yet, but she’ll get her karma one day, I’m sure. (Praying it’s DWD flopping and her being blacklisted as a director)
This!!!! Her and her friends are all trying to look cool
I remember seeing a photo of her and her two friends out in a club trying to look ‘cool’ but they look horrendous and just scream that they are the type of people to be nice to you but a bitch behind your back
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thoughtsbeewild · 8 months
When is the company going fire the supervisor now that evil selfie mom director has been fired?
Your not going get away with it! this is director second in command ruthless piece of shit human being. Never encountered in my life a gay woman supervisor who was jealous that people around the organization would look up to me not her or that former fired director. Yet I remember how she would preach morale to our team meetings. PRETEND THAT SHE WAS YOUR SUPPORTER, YOUR FRIEND, YOUR SHOULDER TO TALK TO YOUR CONFIDER, THE LEADER YOU COULD TRUST, BUT IT WAS ALL BULLSHIT. HER INTENTIONS WERE TO GET YOU FIRED, TERMINATED. BUT SINCE SHE HAD NOTHING ON ME, I DID A FUCKING GREAT MOTHER FUCKING JOB AND I FOLLOW THE RULES THE LAW TO THE T, INTERGRITY IS A BIG THING. BUT IN THIS CASE, SUPERVISOR AND DIRECTOR DOES NOT HAVE INTERGERITY. THEY LIE, THEY TWIST WORDS TO MAKE IT APPEAR YOUR THE BAD GUY, WHEN BETTER WAY TO DO THAT IS DOCUMENTING IT. AN EXAMPLE
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probably-writing-x · 4 years
Knocked off guard.
Arón Piper x Reader
Request by @isthatmaryanna : the other one is with aron where he is like super stressed on the filming of season 4 and he ends up bumping the female reader on the set, she apologizes and he got very mad and stuff like that just because he is stressed, and then he finds out she’s new to the cast and is chris new love interest and he starts to get a crush of her and gets jealous when she’s filming scenes with christian till one day he kisses her when they are recording (Wrote this with Samuel instead of Christian so that it matches season 4🤍)
Gif is not my own
Requests are closed🤍
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You’d never known nerves like this until today, they’d been basically eating away at you since you’d first woken up and they hadn’t ceased yet. You were terrified of the impression you’d make on your first proper day of filming for Élite and even more terrified of all of the things that could go wrong. You’d made sure to wake up early enough and try to get onto set within enough time but already found yourself rushing to catch up with the hectic schedule.
“Shit,” You mutter to yourself as you try to find your way back to where they’d told you to meet for your first call to makeup and hair.
You’re so busy trying to make sense of the timetable they’d given you that you don’t notice anybody else around you. Only stopping when you knock into one of them abruptly.
“Fuck!” They exclaim as the drink in their hand spills all down their outfit.
You recognised the clothes instantly as the Las Encinas uniform and realise painfully that you’d just made a first impression on one of your cast mates by knocking into them.
“I’m so so sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going-“
“Clearly!” The boy scoffs, trying to pat down the wet patch now covering the front of his crisp white shirt.
“I’m so sorry, I’m-“ You stop as you glance up and recognise him as Arón, who played Ander in the show.
“I’m going to be late,” He rolls his eyes, “Just please try and keep your eyes ahead of you next time.”
With that, he takes off in the opposite direction as you try to regain composure and continue in the direction you’d been previously heading towards.
You reach hair and makeup and it relaxes you when the team are genuinely nice to you for the whole time. They ask you about your new role as Samuels love interest and you chat to them about everything they felt you should know about working on the show.
“No I don’t think we need to-“ A new voice speaks as the door opens and two guys walk in to have their hair and makeup done, “Hey! I don’t think we’ve met before.”
You stand up and recognise the boy as Omar, who played his same name character on the show, “Yeah, no, I don’t think we have. I’m (Y/n), I’m playing Savannah.”
“Yes! I completely forgot you were starting today!” Omar exclaims, “Well, I’m Omar, and this is Arón.”
You glance to the boy that had entered with him and notice him instantly as the boy you’d knocked into earlier. His eyes fall to his feet to avoid eye contact as he instead turns to sit down in one of the chairs to get his hair done.
“Dont worry about him,” Omar rolls his eyes, squeezing the boy’s shoulder, “Someone’s being a little grumpy today. Anyway, tell me about yourself. Have you done much acting before?”
Just like that, the impression you’d made on the cast so far seems to clearly improve. You chat to Omar and get up to the stage where it feels as though you’ve known each other for a lot longer than a matter of minutes.
“When are your first scenes?” Omar asks you, “I’ll walk you down to set if you like.”
“I think I have to be there in ten minutes, that would be great thank you!”
He agrees and the two of you head out to start walking towards where you’d first be filming for the day.
- - - - - -
You’re introduced to Itzan who was going to be your main love interest in the show. It’s a relief when he’s genuinely lovely to you and makes it easy to feel natural around him.
“I wouldn’t worry, this place is full of second chances,” Itzan shakes his head as he speaks Samuels line, “All of us here, we’re on at least our fifth chance.”
“Maybe I won’t do so bad then,” You smile, “Thank you, by the way.”
He readjusts his grip on his bag strap and nods bashfully to you, “It was nice to meet you, (Y/n).”
The director yells cut and somehow you find yourself finishing your first full scene of the day. It had gone a lot more smoothly than you’d expected. Especially having started the day by spilling hot coffee over one of your cast mates.
“Omar and Miguel to set for next scene,” One of the crew calls, you think they introduced themselves earlier but it was already becoming overwhelming to remember all of these new people.
You take your seat on one of the black canvas chairs and prepare to watch the scene unfold in which Guzmán and Omar share a heart to heart about Nadia, where Guzmán confesses everything he regrets about what happened between them and what he would’ve done if he’d have had another chance with her before she left. You’re soon joined by someone beside you in the next seat and glance over to recognise Arón on your right hand side.
“So, you’re the new cast member,” He comments, twisting open his water bottle, “You didn’t introduce yourself earlier.”
“I didn’t really have the chance,” You return, shifting a little in the chair beneath you.
He scoffs, “I was too busy being late and covered in coffee.”
“I did apologise,” You defend, still slightly nervous despite your hope of appearing somewhat confident.
“And I was stressed.”
The conversation falls flat and you let the silence remain as you watch the scene unfold.
- - - - - -
Over the next couple of days, you’re starting to get settled into the motions of things. You’re starting to remember everyone’s names and the crew have been complimenting you on some of your scenes. Itzan was a good screen partner to have, always making you laugh and giving you tips whenever he felt like you were uncertain.
You’re walking through the different sets when you stumble upon Arón in one of the rooms. Nobody was filming at the moment so you found yourself slightly bemused as you watch him flop face down onto the bed beneath him that was normally used as a bedroom in the show.
“You know the cameras aren’t rolling?” You comment, unsure as to why you bother speaking anyway, “Or did you just need to practise that scene?”
He turns his head and looks in your direction. The two of you had spoken very minimally over the past days as he’d clearly continued that stressed attitude ever since you first met. You’d gotten to the point where you simply treated it as him being completely rude. Even if you didn’t want to accept that.
“I just needed some peace,” He mumbles, shuffling on the duvet of the bed as his arms fall at either of his sides.
“Sorry, I’ll leave you,” You comment bashfully, going to walk away.
“How have you been finding it so far?”
It surprises you. Of course it does. Up until now you’d assumed that he simply just didn’t like you. Perhaps not.
“It’s been good, everyone’s been really friendly,” You smile, “And I think my scenes have been going well.”
“Yeah, they won’t stop telling us how great you are,” He scoffs, “Seems like you’ve made a good first impression.”
“Well, on most people.”
He’s silent this time.
“I should go,” You say, not wanting to say anything more that might ruin the nicest moment you’ve shared with him.
“I’m sorry I’ve been so rude to you. I’ve just been a little stressed,” Arón admits, “I’m not really sure how to approach my storylines this season and I guess I’m just letting it get to me too much.”
“What do you mean?” You walk into the room and take a seat on the bed beside him as he shifts to sit up.
“I’ve always had such intense storylines, theres always something bad going on. But, this time, Anders actually happy - him and Omar are doing well for the first time in forever. I’m not really used to it,” He shakes his head, “Sorry, you don’t need to hear my acting problems.”
“Well, I guess I’m not the best person to give advice,” You start cautiously yet again, “But I would say that you should use exactly that. Anders not going to be used to it either, he’s never had that time where he’s simply been happy so he’d probably feel exactly the way that you do about having to act that story. Use that.”
He stays silent and you’re certain you’ve said the wrong thing.
“I’m sorry, I know that’s probably useless bu-“
“No, no, that makes sense,” He interjects, “Thank you.”
“Well, I should go, I asked Itzan if he’d run lines with me,” You explain, “See you later.”
“Yeah, bye (Y/n).”
- - - - - -
The next day, you’re filming your first kiss with Samuel. It sounded silly but you’d never been so nervous to film a scene - it would be the first time where you had to show that sort of affection on camera and it felt intimidating to say the least.
You’d been nervous all morning, for something so annoyingly simple.
You’re hurrying down towards your trailer when you knock into someone on the way.
“Fuck!” You exclaim as your water pours down you.
As irony would have it, it’s Arón stood in front of you.
“Looks like karma circled back round,” He smirks at the sight.
“Not now Arón,” You mutter, dashing off before he can say anything more.
It was harsh, you knew it was deep down. But you were so caught up in your own stress that you couldn’t really think of anything beyond that. You carried on towards your trailer and prayed they’d left you a spare uniform to change into if need be.
It’s ten minutes later when there’s a knock at your door and Arón is stood on the other side.
“Hey! Sorry about that, I should’ve been looking where I was going,” He comments, you’re too pressured to notice how he seemed slightly nervous.
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it,” You rush to say as you search for the right script amongst your stuff.
“Are you okay?” He frowns, “You seem a little-“
“Stressed?” You finish for him as you turn around, his appearance relaxing you a little, “I’m sorry, I’ve just got my first kiss scene with Itzan today and I’m really nervous about it.”
He laughs gently, “Why? Do you like him or something?”
“What?” You scoff, “Of course I don’t. I just don’t want to fuck it up.”
“Okay...” Arón starts, “Well, wouldnt your character be nervous too? Maybe you should take your own advice and use that.”
You smirk at his attempts at helping, “Well, this is a real role reversal!”
He steps inside from where he’d been waiting in the doorway and smirks, “Or... you could just practise.”
“Practise?” You cock a brow, “What? Ask Itzan to kiss me before the cameras roll?”
Without any further introduction, Arón takes a stride forward until he’s close enough for you to understand his real intention. He leans in only ninety percent of the way, waiting for your approval to seal the last ten percent. When you do, his eyes flutter shut and his lips curl into a smile against yours.
“Was that your plan all along?” You mumble against his lips as he pulls away.
“We all need ways of coping with stress,” He smirks a little, “Is that so bad?”
You laugh and try to fight against the bold blush on your cheeks.
“And you have nothing to worry about. You’re a much better kisser than Omar.”
“Well, I was coming to get (Y/n) to set but looks like I’ve seen and heard much more than I needed to,” Omar raises his brows from where he stood at your door, “I’ll tell them you’ll be a little late. Close your fucking door next time!” He laughs and walks off.
“Any less stressed?” Arón cocks a brow at you.
“Maybe let’s try that again.”
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hibenjibye · 3 years
Apocalypse Dog
The first red flag in my relationship with God came in 2000 when Sega released Poo-Chi, a robotic toy dog.
I was 11 and had recently become obsessed with a kid's magazine called K-Zine or Kid-Zone or K-Hole or something, which was comprised of ads for toys and clearly fake interviews with teen idols.
K-Hole: You did a great job in Titanic! Thanks got sitting down with us, Leo! What's your favourite colour?
Leo: Definitely brown! I asked the director of Titanic to give my character lots of brown clothes! I think that's a cool colour!
To this day my compulsive cover-to-cover digestion of this magazine, full of people and things I cared nothing about, remains a mystery that gives me a sense of curious unease whenever I consider it. Probably because it serves as a reminder of the ultimately transient nature of personality and the fundamental unknowability of the self. When I, a phlegmatic child who enjoyed novels about family sagas and drinking coffee with the emotionally incestuous adults in my life, pinned a free poster of Nikki Webster wearing a bubblegum pink tube top and body glitter on my bedroom wall, who was I in that moment? What invisible audience was I performing for? Who did I believe I might become via this strange action?
It is for a similar reason, I suppose, that 20 years later I still think about a competition the magazine ran which offered readers the chance to win a Poo-Chi.
I had no idea what this dog did, other than represent the spirit of the new millennium with its sleek metallic body and tense stance. As the child of Jehovah's Witnesses I entered this century with the suspicion that a long-predicted apocalypse might be fulfilled at midnight, January 1st 2000, and with every day that fiery hail did not fall from the sky that year I developed an exhilarating sense that I was living in an unpromised and unpredictable cyber-future too advanced and impressive for God himself to interrupt. Maybe this was what I saw in Poo-Chi's dead red LED eyes: a sleek defiance of our Lord's bipolar love and threats.
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Either way, I knew when I saw the ad for the competition that I must win the dog. I had never wanted anything so singularly in my life, suddenly. This is odd because I had never wanted a toy from any ad before -- The closest I came was shaking my mother awake one morning a year earlier when I uncharacteristically woke up at dawn and discovered a TV show where a woman was showcasing gorgeous pieces of statement jewellery that were marked down and disappearing fast. The woman rued the fact that there weren't enough topaz necklaces for her to buy one herself and I cried into my cereal when my desperation to procure one of these treasures, which I would have kept in my bottom bureau drawer and looked at every day, was unfairly dismissed.
A similar chasm opened up in me as I wrote my submission to the magazine explaining why I deserved the dog most. I tried to funnel my absolute need for it into my words, which did not seem to convey the urgency of the situation. I had a vague sense that if I received the Poo-Chi, which surely I would, it would be my best friend and possibly learn to perform tricks that a lesser child would not know to teach it. It seemed like the kind of magic robot whose arrival might catalyse the beginning of a child's adventure in a movie, and I had been waiting my whole life for my movie to begin. I'm not sure I managed to articulate any of this in the letter.
This memory becomes its strangest when, on a grey Sunday morning, I interrupt my mother’s vacuuming to ask if Jehovah would be insulted if I were to ask for his assistance in winning the dog. I've always prayed, at this point, and never asked for any selfish favours so it feels very likely that my good karma is ready to be cashed in. But first I want to make sure that God won't be offended and potentially even stop me from winning the dog to teach me some sort of rude lesson. I feel so close to winning by now and I don't want to let anything fuck up my plan.
My mother says there's no harm in asking but I should make it clear in my prayer that I know I don't necessarily deserve the robot dog, I'm just asking in case God is open to making my dreams come true and was waiting for the right opportunity. She reminds me of children suffering and dying in the world and I feel a stab of compulsive grief for them but I also feel that our situations are apples and oranges.
I pay an awkward amount of attention to my posture when I pray that night, not wanting to look like an entitled slob as I kneel over my bed asking for a handout. I keep my back straight and my fingers lightly laced. I confirm that I'm just asking, no worries if not, but this wish does represent everything I've ever wanted and I will be sad for a long time if I don't get it.
I do not mention the fact that the last time I requested something via prayer it was for a drunken brawl between my parents to come to a quick end but it indeed lasted all night, rattling my heart through the wall as I lay in bed. It seemed tacky to bring up this overlooked request however I felt hopeful that God would remember it and feel guilty, and this would compound my chances of getting my wish.
I forgot all about the competition but received a velcro wallet in the mail months later, one of three runner-up prizes. I was elated to have won something and showed it to everyone, even though it was ugly as shit with a picture of the weird dog and his robot cat friend on the front. I used it for years.
There was no doubt in my mind that the wallet was a message from God. It was both an acknowledgement of my prayer and a rebuke of my hubris in making such a lofty request. The wallet was a spiky little joke, meant to comfort and humble me. It was haloed in an odd dissonance which felt connected to my broader feelings about the unpredictable man in the sky.
In my teens when I began to pick apart all my ties to religion and to my family's unique version of reality, I didn't consider the awkward prayer about Poo-Chi to share any throughline with the uncanny path of spiritual emancipation and disconnection I ended up on. But in retrospect all of those strange feelings swam in the same pond. The wide-eyed waiting for a punctuating sound through the wall or from the sky. The rickety hope of walking out into a still-standing world every day, with its dubious promises and nonsensical lessons.
I continue to look for easy adventures and strange friendship through electronic devices. I am still mesmerised by statement jewellery and emotionally derailed by other people's conflicts.
If this story had an ending, which it doesn't because it isn't really a story, I would imagine it to be the above two sentences appearing during end credits over a freeze frame of me smiling and giving a goofy thumbs-up.
There would be a tricky post-credit scene as everyone stepped out of the theatre, of a Poo-Chi standing on a cloud in Heaven. A sandalled God walks over and leans down to pet the little friend, whose LED eyes light up red and beam out zooming rays. God shouts once as he takes the death ray right in his solar plexus and explodes into a dozen pieces. His still-sandalled foot is dragged to a quiet corner of the clouds to be chewed. The volume of a pop-rock song playing in the background returns in full. The end.
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geekkatsblog · 4 years
Wow, is the first thing that comes to mind with that episode, it's the first one I enjoyed so much in years. It wasn't like the old Grey's good, but I certainly enjoyed it. Now with that being said, onto the reviews.
The craziest ones first.
Oh boy, where do I start?........ Deluca ran out in a blizzard to have collect a liver WITHOUT GLOVES and ended up with frostbite. He is currently clearly having some mental issues and I hope that they're able to treat that soon before he's fired. Sure, he saved a kid's life and before that he saved Suzanne's life but what happens when his luck runs out? His hands are going to be out of commission for a while and I hope that he gets some help by then because something is definitely up with him and the way he's acting with the people around him is becoming harsh, which means the problem is getting worse.
Meredith/Dr Haynes
Lumping them into one section seeing that were together for most of the night. Haynes is definitely enjoying having conversations with Meredith. In a way if they were to get together this would be the best way to do it. Too many relationships in Grey's start with sex first talk later and it worked for Meredith with Derek but it didn't for pretty much everyone else in the show, not everything is like the Mc Dreamy situation.
Must admit I enjoy the interactions but, I'm still not at shipper level yet. The bonding over their past spouses and raising kids ......☺☺☺. He had me going at first when he said Christina never mentioned Meredith, but turns out she just calls her the twisted sister, fair enough, I wouldn't be surprised if Christina had planned to set him up with Mer since the first time they spoke. On another note his passion for his patients is very admirable, hes not Alex Karev level yet. But I like him.
Meredith is trying with Deluca more than she did for Maggie when she was in her slump🤔🤨. She really has no plot right now, the show at this point might as well be called anatomy. She's trying to help Deluca, but only gets abuse in return, I really am praying that he is sick if not........😡🤬.
Then theres her and Haynes budding friendship. But that's pretty much all for Meredith.
Jo and Alex
WTF, Alex better be dead or I'm going to be disappointed, he never even went to his mother's house and has been ghosting everyone......... excuse me what? I'm not seeing any proper valid excuse for the nonsense that is this plot. Why are they doing this? All of his progress is regressing. Next week is his final episode and it better have a valid explanation.
Jo is understandably a reck, I kind of enjoyed her sass though. I'm honestly confused. (Did he go after Izzie cause that would really be insane.) I understand they wanted to make it as painless as possible for Jo, but how is this better? She's heartbroken, they would have been better off if he'd died instead. I'm curious to know where the hell he is though.
But at least we got to see her have some support even if Link is a wreck as well.
This story line definitely was the biggest WTF moment I was not expecting that from Teddy and more importantly the stupid Owen, Teddy, Koracick triangle starts again, but this time with a side of Amelia like OMG please stop🙄. Props to Teddy for being able to add up dates or having intuition or whatever her reason was for knowing. Although she could have discussed first instead of having pent up feelings that have now been released in the form of a huge mistake.
Poor Koracick at the end of the day Teddy and Owen will probably patch up the relationship and he'll be left once again heartbroken. I wish he had, had the strength to reject her. He's always the scape goat when her and Owen are having issues.
Owen, actually was being a good spouse and got cheated on but I guess Karma comes back around. He, just saved a baby and mom and asked Teddy If she wanted to ski for this episode. But I'm sure he's going to have a major storyline soon along with the others in this mess.
This love triangle just got even more complicated, especially if Amelia and Owen starts to catch feelings again.
I'm actually perturbed by him tonight. Is he retiring? Better not be if he wants to stop preforming surgery, fair enough but he needs to be the intern director or something I can't have him leaving too after Karev, he can't give up too.
He found inspiration from a new intern. I thought she was going to be the new Dr Bailey for him. But nope she's not even a doctor. Her story was touching, but was she really going to cut into a patient with only barely having been in med school. How did she think that was going to work out? And poor Richard he was finally starting to get that teaching spark in his eyes again, only to find out she wasn't even a registered doctor. At the end he talked to her about never giving up, gives her his sethescop and says he no longer need it, like I said before they better not get rid of Richard as well, and where is Catherine? For someone who fought hard enough to buy a whole hospital for him to have to be around her, she sure is absent.
Miranda Bailey
She spent the whole time helping Joey study for his GED and then took him on a tour of the hospital to see job options and it was just adorable, their banter is hilarious and is it me or is he going to be a surgeon. He was so interested in them saving the baby and the mom.
And as expected she has decided to adopt Joey however it happened like I didn't want it to..... really fast. So fast that she didn't even bother to inform her husband and I know Joey and Tuck were playing video games and getting along but does he understand that he's about to have a new brother?
I knew a Ben and Bailey fight was coming and I guess now it has (they've been too happy and no couple in Grey's stays happy for long. Luckily it seems like an easy fix.)
Link is ultimately depressed and it's sad because that means that he really did truly love Amelia,he should have taken some personal days as well because being depressed at work is never a good idea. I really hope that they aren't trying to set him up to be with Jo, I like their brother sister support system.
Nico and Levi
Now I love my boy Levi, but sometimes I feel like being a surgeon is not for him. He fainted in the OR twice, cried when he had to give the patient bad news and then lost a patient, I hope he gets it together soon before he kills someone.
Now as for his love life Idk what the hell happened. Nico took a 360 turn. Maybe he's bipolar as well, because I am lost. He's being such a douche, sure Levi's almost child like innocence and need to over share can be annoying at times but he deserves an explanation, he ditched his family for you because he pretended to be a fully open gay. The least he could do is give an explanation. Can't believe the way they're relationship is turning. I think this may be the beginning of the end for them. I hope not, they were good together.
Barely raised his head up from carrying on the work of Mark Sloan to fight with his new girlfriend Vic. Which I'm sure is not over they apologized but, that 2nd fight is coming soon.
No plot really besides being salty about no longer being chief, saving 2 lives, then confirming to Teddy that she's not crazy for thinking that Amelia's baby is Owen's and apparently giving her the courage she needed to cheat on Owen with Tom.
Ending notes/ questions
• What's going to happen with the hot mess that is Teddy/Owen/Koracick/Amelia/Link.
• Is Deluca really mentally unstable and becoming like his dad? And is he going to be Ok?
• Is Richard retiring? (He better not be if his hand is shaking then fine stop surgery and teach instead, but you do not get to leave too Richard)
• Will Ben and Bailey come to agreement with adopting Joey? And will they agree to just him or adopt the others as well? (It seems strange that after the whole thing about having to keep them together they would just split them up and leave it like that.)
• What's going to happen with Meredith and her love triangle/not love triangle.
• Will they finally give Maggie's character something to do besides supporting people. She had like one or two 5 minute plot for like the past few seasons.
• What is wrong with Nico, he suddenly changed for the worst in 2.5 seconds and Idk where they're taking his character.
• Is Jo going to fall into the slump again like she did when she met her mother? I hope not. It's her time to shine now.
Excited for next week's episode it's looking like Drama and emotions the whole episode. My favorite types.
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tamasous · 6 years
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YOTSUBA TAMAKI [NEW YEAR 2016] Rabbit Chat Part 2: New Year Memories 
Part 1|Part 2|Part 3|Part 4|Part 5
Tamaki: Manager, did they have the mochi Ousama Purin?
Tsumugi: Thank you for your hard work Tamaki-san! Please wait a little! I was at the food toy corner earlier, so I’m going from there now!
Tamaki: New Years special Roppu-chan?
Tsumugi: Yes! You figured it out!
Tamaki: Nn-- Because Iorin started praying in front of me again
Tsumugi: I-I see…! Lol
Tsumugi: Ah! I found it! Exactly 10 pieces!
Tamaki: YES----------------
Tamaki: (jumping Ousama Purin emoji)
Tsumugi: We did it! Now we can definitely eat with everyone!
Tamaki: I told Sou-chan just now that there were exactly 10, and he said it’s because of my daily good deeds. Is it thanks to me? (1)
Tsumugi: I’m sure it is…! I’ll bring them after I finish work!
Tsumugi: If there’s anything else, I’d like for you to tell me…
1. Is there anything you’d like to do? Tamaki: Kite-flying. The kids at the facility said they wanted to do it, so I want to practice.
2. Is there anything else you’d like to eat? Tamaki: Hot pot? I’ve never done it before.
3. If there’s anything that has left an impression on you on New Years, please tell me! Tamaki: When I was at the facility I ate the facility director’s homemade zouni. That’s about it. (1)
Tamaki: Is there a kite at the office?
Tsumugi: I asked Banri-san and he said there is!! He thought everyone would play with it together, so he left it on top of the desk.
Tamaki: Really? Thanks Ban-chan--
Tsumugi: Will you use it soon?
Tamaki: Yeah. When I told Sou-chan that I’m gonna teach the facility kids how to fly a kite, he said he’d do it with me
Tamaki: When I looked it up on my phone, it said it’s better to do it with 2 people.
Tsumugi: That sounds fun! When you return please show me!
Tamaki: Leave it to me.
Tamaki: (fire punching Ousama Purin emoji)
T/N: (1) I believe Sougo is referring to good karma. Tamaki has been a good boy... ;-; (2) Zouni-- mochi soup which is eaten on New Years. 
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ashton-slashton · 6 years
Okay look listen I really love The Craft (1996), it helped me in my self discovery as a witch and gave me the confidence to be open about my religion and practice in a highly conservative area. But I am desperately pleading for all witches, ESPECIALLY young witches, to be very critical of the film as a whole. Because it definitely has some problematic and, frankly, toxic notions that perpetuate the bad association with witches. Here are just a few:
The notion that you should create a love spell SPECIFICALLY for making someone fall in love with you. That is a HUGE no-no. This concept should apply to any spell involving another person that ISN'T a curse/hex, but spells that you are performing, prayers that you are praying that involve another person??? Should ALWAYS be done with their consent. It's not right for you to ask the gods or spirits you worship to influence another person's life without said person's knowledge.
And speaking of curses/hexes, let's talk about how this movie portrays them. Read: let's talk about how this movie further pushes the stigma that witches who perform curses or hexes are bad and evil. Frankly, I find the notion that "witches who pray for bad things to happen to their abusers are evil and they should just let the universe handle it on its own" INCREDIBLY toxic. Those girls performed those spells with the full intention of getting back at really really horrible people. Namely racists and sexual abusers. To paint these girls as bad and evil for wishing these things on their abusers, and that they'll pay for it in the end, is wrongful. They were fighting back in the only way they knew how to.
No seriously, all these girls did was give karma an extra little boost. The racist girl's precious golden locks fell out (which honestly could have been because she constantly bleached it), the stepfather of one witch who was shown sexually harassing his underage stepdaughter and physically abusing his wife had a heart attack (which could also have been because he clearly drank like a fish and smoked like a chimney), and the third girl who wasn't our main protag? All she did was pray for the Spirit to take her scars. And just.... idk it's fucked up to think that these things would inherently make a witch evil.
BIG TIME RAPE APOLOGISTS BULLSHIT. Like.... the idea of "oh it's not his fault, he had a love spell put on him and he went crazy and the witch who cast it had it coming because threefold rule or whatever" is SUCH UTTER HORSE SHIT!!! Like I'm sorry but? Damn he deserved what came to him, he was the one who would ruin girls lives to fuel his ego.
Not a massive fan of a man directing a movie that on many occasions sexualizes teen girls.... idk that seems a little :/ ........ like look, I'm well aware that teens can (and DO) have safe consensual sex WITH EACH OTHER, but for an adult male film director to film sexual situations with teens and make it purposeful titillating? Naw man. Naw.
And I am HUGELY not a fan of movies that pit girls against each other. It's toxic and normalizes it.
The time that it was filmed in should NOT be an excuse. There's 50s movies more progressive than that.
Anyways, those are my thoughts on the matter. It can be fun to watch from maybe an aesthetic standpoint, and it certainly gave me a big confidence boost (not just for being a witch but for also being open about my sexuality and gender, the confidence for one boosted the confidence for the others) and it prompted me to dig deeper into my religion. But I implore witches to be more critical of the movie. It doesn't take a lot for one to see it in a new light.
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