#prayers 4 my three papers due this week though
carkeyarts · 10 months
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good omens
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angelsnuffbox · 3 years
First Lines meme
Tagged by @janara7 (thanks for the tag!!)
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line, then tag 10 of your favorite authors!   
I have a few stories that haven’t been posted on my ao3 yet so I’ll just include them here as a fun little peek :) I’m also stopping at 15 cause this is tiring and I think that’s a pretty good sample size.
1. Dead in the middle of winter, the marble floor is unbearably cold against the soles of Aziraphale's bare feet, sliding over fracture patterns of steely dark grey. -(Unposted) Contribution fic for the Exceptional Service White Suit Crowley Event
2. The rustling sound of stone and dirt as they crumbled under the weight of Aziraphale's feet was all that could be heard on the rolling hills this fine afternoon, where easily they slid down the slope in response to the lightest of pressures, having been left undisturbed for so long. -(Unposted) Pride and Prejudice AU WIP
3. According to the timeworn tongue of esoteric text, there are but three steps to obtain the heart's greatest desire: the words, the markings, and the wish. -A Study in Hazel (Victorian Aziraphale x Modern Day Crowley AU)
4. At the age of nineteen, the Prince of Eden learned how to read. -Enamoured With You (Prince!Azi x Royal Guard!Crowley AU)
5. Aziraphale has never much believed in the saying 'Everything changes.' -Devil May Care (Childhood friends to lovers sugar daddy Crowley AU)
6. His entire life, Aziraphale has always been unbelievably blessed. -And ye shall find
7. Crowley has never been much of a fan of Valentine's Day, and contrary to popular belief, it isn't due to his long-standing state of singlehood that he suffers through it one day a year. -Love, Accidentally
8. Aziraphale prays over his morning coffee. -Thy will be done
9. Aziraphale hasn't brought a lot of men back to his flat, but he also hasn't brought home only a few of them. -Lamp to my feet
10. No one could have been deemed mistaken in declaring the idyllic borough of Tadfield to be among the best and most picturesque in the kingdom. -An Inducement to Marry (bookhunting Regency fic)
11. Despite Aziraphale's best confidences, Anthony hasn't been back at all. -Seek ye first
12. Aziraphale was wearing jeans. -See What You Show (set in Free Trial Boyfriend universe)
13. When Aziraphale Fell had agreed to take up the newly-vacant benefice at a parish in Oxfordshire, he could hardly believe his luck—though he did so with no small amount of scruple. -Common Prayer (Clergyman!Azi Regency fic)
14. The side of Aziraphale's fist has gone red from pounding it against the wall of his flat for what must be close to forty minutes now. -Paper Thin Walls (Neighbours AU)
15. It had been two weeks since Aziraphale and Crowley had gotten together for real. -More of You (set in Free Trial Boyfriend universe)
Patterns: What this showed me is I tend to fall into patterns depending on 1) what tense i’m writing the fic in, and 2) whether the fic is in modern or Regency lit language. When writing present tense, I always seem to write “Character + verb in perfect/past perfect tense” format. When writing modern fics in past tense, I tend to resort to odd and seemingly unrelated short sentences. BUT when writing in Regency language, my intro sentences are sooo long! Dang I never noticed that and it’s probably something that I should change as well. It doesn’t exactly entice people to read haha
Favourite: I think the one for A Study in Hazel is still my favourite intro line merely because it encompasses the theme of the whole fic, and is also brought up several times throughout the fic and until now I’m still unsure as to how my brain came up with that sentence the moment I sat down to write because it usually takes a bit of pounding before my words come out.
I’m a bit new here and don’t really know a lot of writers in the fandom yet T_T (but I’m really trying to get out there and interact with people!) so I can’t tag anyone, but if you see this and would like to do it, by all means please!
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fortheheavenssake · 5 years
💜💜 PG MM Anon 💜💜 Interpretation Collection - 2
Anon said:
You go PG!!! 😊😊😊🌸🌸🌹🐼🐼🐝🐝👍👍👍💖💖💖🌻🌻🌼🌼🌼😊😊😍😍💜💜🌹🌹🌹🌺🌺🌺💙💙💙🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌹🌹🌹❤❤❤👍👍👍👍 Violets 🌼
Anon said:
💗🌲🌞😺 hi Skippy this is for PG and JG 🏡🌲🥰🥰🧚‍♀️👑👑🐱🐰🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🐥🌺🌹🌼🌸💐🐿
MM Anon
MM ANON… Hope SPRINGS eternal. “ you’ve brought SHAM-E upon this house”. SussexRoyal,one potato two potato…… (Amazing grace,how sweet… ). A Fall in the fall ? But…but, I still have friends!! “ grapple them to thy soul with hoops of steel”. The deal was…NO DEAL !!!! “Ladies”do NOT … BBQ. 🎼 ‘Put it in the family …album 🎼
Hope SPRINGS eternal.
Besides the obvious mean of , there is always hope, this has a possible second meaning as SPRINGS is capitalized. Knowing our MM ANON , that was done for meaning. In fact, SPRINGS is a city in S Transvaal, in the E Republic of South Africa, E of Johannesburg. Does this mean South Africa is still a possibility?
You’ve brought SHAM-E to this house.
Sham is something that is not what it is purported to be. Shame is embarrassment, at the least. The House, is the House of Windsor.
Sussex Royal, one potato two potato.
Supposed foundation collecting money for supposed charities. One potato is a children’s counting game. Is the foundation treatment of donors childlike, ie that phrase like taking candy from s baby?
(Amazing grace, how sweet…)
It’s in brackets, the old hymn, a wretched soul saved by God’s love and expressing gratitude for same. Is this our Harry , reaching out??
A Fall in the fall….but l still have friends!!
Things are near bubbling over, might things snap in the fall. Fall is capitalized so it’s important. She is still threatening with having friends!!
“grapple them to thy soul with hoops of steal” as said earlier another Shakespearean reference from our beloved MM ANON . Hold your trusted friends close. Harry still close with friends even though not appearing so publicly? Pure supposition on my part. The phrase holds your friends close and your enemies closer.
The deal was ..NO DEAL,!
She was offered a financial settlement before the wedding, allegedly, first accepted, than changed mind at the last minute and went through with the wedding. Allegedly she was told if she didn’t take the offer THERE WOULD BE NO FURTHER DEALS, Also play of words on her suitcases tv career game show.
Ladies do NOT….BBQ . Reference to her trashy bbq burger tv commercial. Also long list of things allegedly done, that ladies, real ladies ala our Catherine, do NOT DO!!
🎼 put it in the family…album🎼
Is this reference to photos to put in the family photo album? I am not absolutely certain of that due to the musical notes. So it’s musical album, is this used perjoratively? Or do the royals like karaoke? Either way it’s musical related.
That’s my best go at it , not the best day but that’s me.
Great job PG!!!!! I so appreciate you doing this, as I know how difficult it can be for you, so thank you so much!🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
27 notes
Jul 18th, 2019
Blood diamonds and a immaculate conception. The Three wise men- in grey suits. Gold, Frank-incensed and mur-der?… Sussex Royals ‘ boiled or Roasted. A royal tape-worm. Shrouded in mustique …… Sunset bully-vard. “We’re gonna need a bigger wall”. 🎼” ain’t no cure for the summertime blues “ 🎼
Blood diamonds and a (an) immaculate conception.
Blood diamonds are illegally sourced, literally via the blood/back breaking work of locals. Is this to suggest her diamonds are blood /illegally smuggled? Immaculate conception, is she faking yet another pregnancy? Everything is so sleazy, it’s really hard for my head to wrap around it all!
The Three wise men -in grey suits. Gold, Frank-incensed and mur-dear?
Obvious Christmas carols. Men in grey suits LG and his team, incensed at what they have learned , they are still investigating, is there mur-der in the past?? The island is still in play…..LOTS of wicked wicked things to be revealed and big names. We keep hearing warnings from the government legal teams ie SDNY, preparing the public for the horrors.
Sussex royals…boiled or roasted…🤣
Obvious reference to the 🥔 potato. Deeper meaning perhaps boiled/roasted may mean legal troubles.
A royal tape-worm
I hate referencing her as royal but as a tape worms does inside it’s hose, it uses and takes anything and everything the host needs to survive. We have seen that in spades, ESPECIALLY with a Harry, he looks on the edge. I know many disagree but he is our Harry, we have loved him since before he was born.
Shrouded in mustique …..sunset bully-vard
Shrouded in mystery, lots of the past years unknown. Mustique, is also an island in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
Sunset Boulevard is an old movie about a haggard ageing actress trying desperately to make a comeback, the line “ I’m ready for my close-up Mr.DeMille” hilarious was made fun of by Carol Burnett on her tv show. I believe this means she is still trying to bully and get her way, using PR, Harry was missing 48 hours oh me , oh my, AS IF!!!
“We’re gonna need a bigger wall” a twist on the Jaws reference MM ANON made in an earlier riddle. They needing to do more to contain her, maybe also her access to media and PR teams.
🎼ain’t no cure for the summertime blues🎼
Is this meaning things won’t be wrapped up in summer, the above use of two Christmas carols also suggests patience, patience and more patience!
GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦💜💜💜💜💜
Thank you PG! I know how you struggled to do this! Great job!🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
43 notes
Jul 19th, 2019
MM Anon -PG
MM ANON ……… many thanks to PG for her excellent an succinct interpretation of the riddle. Kind regards and gentle prayers 💜💜💜💜💜💜
Thank you…..😁❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
23 notes
Jul 19th, 2019
💜💜💜💜💜 I AM SO HONOURED!!!!💜💜💜💜💜
💜💜💜MY DEAR MM ANON, my deepest and most sincere thank you, for your kind words and wishes. God bless you richly.💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
I think you are quite popular here my friend!😁💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
19 notes
Jul 19th, 2019
MM Anon
MM ANON …… Fab 4 2.0. It’s not rocket science. Northern parlour games will be a welcome distraction. The odds are in his Flavour. She can hide, but she can’t run. “Thank goodness it’s My little helpers. An unwelcome birthday present. (How old!!!!!!!!)………” its Carmen Miranda. “ Tomorrow is another daydream.”
Fab 4 2.0 It’s not rocket science.
Perhaps Catherine may be pregnant, two things give me pause though, with all her pregnancies she has suffered very severe hyperemesis gravidarum, so perhaps the fourth times the charm? Second is the trip to Asia, Afghanistan they are taking, high risk stressful trip. However, Catherine is not one to let much stop her. It’s not rocket science may be reference to the ‘ normal’ way to get pregnant and appear while pregnant versus the 10 month long tummy clutching horror show we all endured for a non pregnant pregnancy. Pardon my grammar.
Northern parlour games will be a welcome distraction.the odds are in his Flavour.
Reference to Balmoral, time spent there to relax and be together as a family. We know the Royals like goofy silly games, Christmas gifts etc, so do we all😁. Parlour makes me think of ice cream and odds being in his, l take to be Harry, Flavours, things will be in his favour in the media as more comes out.
She can hide, but she can’t run.
She likely has no passport in her possession, she may try and hide but she is under 24/7/365 supervision by LG and the men in grey suits, she is running nowhere, except a treadmill, not to be mean, but l doubt that too.
Thank goodness it’s my little helpers.
I want to go nice here, if indeed Catherine is pregnant l often hear expecting or new mums say that to the other children to include them and feel special.
An unwelcome birthday present…..
Her real age will be revealed with the avalanche of media….it’s going to get real for her. Or she will stay forever in her own narcissistic world.
It’s Carmen Miranda..l loved her in the old musicals..there are a couple of ways this fits, her fruit hat ie banana reference for the instagram pic mm posted of the two bananas and her writings to sex workers on bananas, she was thinking how nice it would have been to get one sent to her in her yachting days. The other way is the age…..l am not convinced l am correct on either.
Tomorrow is another daydream.
She will continue in her narcissistic way of thinking and behaving, tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow creeps in this petty pace. A man struts and frets his hour upon the stage…sorry, l digressed to Shakespeare, l know MM ANON loves Shakespeare!
THANK YOU everyone for all my mentions and suggestions, love you for it. I just a few weeks ago got fibre optic tv, l get so many channels now, and finally can watch the shopping channel!! I love my new Korres wrinkle creams and oils!! No joke. Also has a PVR, on demand, hbo, crave, music stations etc etc.
Thank you to all who post animals, historical items and anything Royal especially the royal jewelry. GOD BLESS YOU ALL!
Thank you so much! Lovely post! God Bless you dear PG!🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
19 notes
Jul 21st, 2019
MM Anon
MM ANON … sympathy for a milked visit to Di for. … A troop amend awaits … they txt each other …… PR or BS,go figure ……… A “tell ALL” in the PIPE’ Oh No!!!…… “this conversation will be taped for TRAINing purposes “ …… LIE- DOWN and take a nest………The Mouse-TRAP will run and RUN. ……How many sugars to screw in a LIGHTbulb.
THANK YOU MM ANON, I hope you’re well😊🙏🏻💜
Sympathy milked visit to Di for
Lovely photos of Prince Harry today visiting hospital patients, so like his mother, just naturally loving
A troop amend awaits,
Is something in the work for Harry going to Lion King instead of attend the memorial of the 30th anniversary of the IRA attack, perhaps another memorial, late but will he be forgiven?
They text each other…
Is this Harry and Chelsea, mm and ma ???
PR or BS..go figure
All the stuff in the papers, her PR is going fast and furious and yes all BS! Figure, is this the rumour about her working a deal with weight watchers? I could be way off!
A TELL all in the PIPE..oh No!!!
Rumours of a tell all book, and also the book that is readying for release in the U.S. we have seen articles here about that..PIPE, crack pipe????
Conversation taped for TRAINing purposes…
First out was the totally unusual overnight on the train with the Queen..was she recorded on the phone?? Ooo HM and LG BRILLIANT!!
LIE-DOWN and take a rest…
Continued lies, PR LIES, we all need a break from it
The mouse TRAP will run and RUN
she is caught in the trap, is she going to try and do a runner? impossible l doubt she has a passport but she is resourceful if nothing else! Constantly seeking PR and attention, running the hamster wheel every day
How many sugars to screw in a LIGHT bulb?
We have seen sugars realizing the lies , panicking. What will they do today with the paper saying Archie born in March….sugars are abandoning ship, but hard core remain……
That’s my best
GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦💜💜💜🙏🏻💜
Prayers for you dearest MM ANON
Thank you so much PG! Excellent!😁💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
36 notes
Jul 25th, 2019
MM Anon
MM ANON,… HOW OLD !!! … Forty something?Bal-moral birthday. …… 38,a-Gain … Broadsheet birthday?Sunday subversion. … who will blink?… Ageing elbows! Photos please …TPTB pouring concrete down the rabbit hole …online blogs followed with fervour … Lamestream media GAG on evidence. …Eps-And sulks won’t get parole. …🎼 “in a rich mans world “🎼
HOW OLD!!! Forty something/ Balmoral birthday….38 a-again
Whew have talked about, what is her real age? Sounds like she will be at Balmoral for 38 th birthday all over again, like Groundhog Day !
Broadsheet birthday?Sunday subversion…who will blink
Will the Sunday papers reveal her real age or articles about that. Who is gonna pull the pin and throw the grenade, metaphorically and public the real truths they have been sitting on FOREVER,?Subversion (Latin subvertere: overthrow) refers to a process by which the values and principles of a system in place are contradicted or reversed, in an attempt to transform the established social order and its structures of power, authority, hierarchy, and social norms. We have seen any sense of Royal protocols norms, even social functioning at a decent persons level non-existent, narcissism extraordinaire! Me Me Me-gain.
Ageing elbows, photos please, we all saw and read and some commented, especially photos from behind at Wimbledon how old her elbows looked😮😲
TPTB pouring concrete down a rabbit hole..why, what are they burying or further covering permanently….curiouser and curiouser🤔
What are they blocking, covering up?? This is curious, protecting someone . PA??
Online blogs followed with fervour..
Mm following blogs with fervour, might this be the KP team also doing so?
Lame stream media GAG on evidence..
Lame versus main, lame as in not being able to do their job because they’re lame, or lame as in a joke being lame, l think it’s the first. GAG is obvious something oral, and the media gags watching it as perhaps the person in photos or video is gagging 🤮🤢
EPS-n-sulks won’t get parole…
JE will not get parole, is she sulks? Because she does sulk! A LOT!
Song lyrics, rich mans world
Hip hop star Immortal Technique, l encourage you all to google and read the lyrics, they are bang on how the upper crust gets away with everything, look up the lyrics!!!
THANK YOU MM ANON💜💜🙏🏻💜💜👋💜💜😊💜💜🇨🇦💜💜
Thank you PG! Looks good!😁💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
20 notes
Jul 26th, 2019
I think what happened is outrageous, Cawdor or any family place of that historically significance should remain with blood family.
My take on why MM ANON uses Shakespeare, 1), she obviously loves it, l remain firm she is a professor of literature or English studies, that’s just my supposition, based on her submissions and vast knowledge. 2) There are no dramas or tragedies like Shakespeare, also involving royalty. Revenge, adultery, murder, ghosts, wars, etc it’s all a version of what we have seen unfold before our eyes in the last few years, since the day of mourners when she who shall not be named wore a white dress.
Shakespeare just lends itself to tragedy. There are so many quotes etc that fit in so well.
Interesting ….makes sense to me…thank you😁💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
9 notes
Jul 26th, 2019
MM ANON, … delusional acceptance of a VB co-edit.… “I’m worried about spiralling “… “ she needs help grandma”… not very straight’ that jacket … but, there’s no more rope left. … “good morning LG, we need to talk “… the hidden pre-nup.… “Down and out in Scotland and L.A. “. “Don’t argue darling , just shoot the messenger “ … Very interesting intelligence’ thank you M.
Delusional acceptance of the September Vogue Book, as it’s their largest issue. Somehow she got her way again, absolutely delusional thinking, she is editing co-, this issue. She is now the official dictator to the fashion ‘bible’ , no blasphemy intended.
Spiralling, needs help, no more ropes…
Her mental state is drastically spiralling downward, due to substance use, illness or both, she does need help legal and medical. The BRF have watched her cause damage to herself. She has defied kicking and screaming, disrupting from seas to sea.
Good morning LG, we need to talk,
I suspect HM is done and dusted with her, enough is enough! And called LG to say it’s time to pull the plug on this horror show.
Hidden pre-nup 😮very interesting,
First l have heard of that, maybe that’s what they were signing after that ceremony when Harry held the book so camera couldn’t see it. Hooray for hidden pre-nup!
Down and out in Scotland and L.A.
She has absolutely no where to go, no one to turn to……it’s finished
Don’t argue darling, just shoot the messenger.
I know what shoot the messenger, blame the bringer of bad for the bad news itself. No arguments now, but not sure who darling is, perhaps PP to HM?
Very interesting intelligence, thank you M,
LG thanking HM for making the final decision and he will carry out her orders. Yippitty doooo bring it on,
I think you hit it spot on….MM Anon…what do you think? Thank you PG!😁💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
53 notes
Jul 30th, 2019
PG Anon you have mail!😁💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
MM ANON … nice one PG. 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
12 notes
Jul 30th, 2019
Thank you for all the loving comments directed my way, it’s so very much appreciated!👋😊
I try and live my Christian Faith without being pushy, if l ever am, please tell me. I think God and Jesus’ words in Scripture are guidelines, encouragements, love, hope as well as reminding us we live in a spiritual realm, and evil is insidious and the vile pedophelia, sorry my spelling, that word is not on auto correct! Anyhow, l do feel Scripture, reading it and memorizing it helps me a great deal AND arms us against evil. I have had many medical tests etc, MRI’S are not fun, Psalm 121 got me through that, l don’t know how many of them l have had but, Scripture helps me. When l read that you were benefiting from it, my heart just sings😊. Due to being home bound, my opportunities to share faith are not what they used to be. God has continually amazed me. GOD BLESS EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU💜🙏🏻😊👋💜🐼💜🐼💜💜🐼💜💜🐼
Lots of love and prayers for our Royal family and especially HMTQ.
🐼, lots of 💜🙏🏻👋😊💜 for all you do for us. I am so very blessed to have found this wonderful place.
Sweet dreams everyone 💤😴. Till the ‘morrow.💜💜💜💜💜
Thank you so much! You are our treasure! God Bless, and happy dreams🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
15 notes
Jul 31st, 2019
MM ANON …Negative In Positano !!…TWO ? OUCH!! a sanctimonious prick!!… defending the indefensible… racist!! Sorry’ I was unconscious … the conscious distain of a nation… useless damage control ……… try backpedaling uphill … I’m on planet privilege’ you’re not… middle England turns on a minor irritation. …Granny is VERY upset. … exiles in there own lunchtime … “Cha’Cha’Cha’Changes”… “Graves at my command have waked their sleepers
Negative in Positano…
Catherine and William were NOT at the celeb ‘woke’ environment saving, jet flying celeb meetings in Italy as has been rumoured by hmmmm whose PR?
TWO? Ouch a sanctimonious prick
Harry in his interview with Dr. Jane Goodall, in the Vogue edited, well, co-edited by mm, says no more than TWO children is responsible thing to do for the world and environment, slamming his brothers family and he comes off as a sanctimonious p****.
Defending the indefensible, racist…..
Huge backlash to this interview, did he really say the things about racism being unconscious😮, oops subconscious or was he edited? Either way, gasoline thrown on a fire, raging out of control now..
Conscious distain of a nation, backpedaling uphill, useless damage control, l’m on planet privilege you’re not
The unmitigated nerve, do as l say, not as l do, l am woke, you’re all ‘subconsciously’ racist…..there is no recovery from this, Harry, dear Harry if you actually said these things, l don’t see a way back to being beloved as you were, killing me to say this, but is she edited it, either way, there is no unringing this bell and the damage it’s doing and how angry people are!
Middle England turns,
As above, oh the people are just a minor irritation, we are on planet privilege, we CAN DO ANYTHING WE WANT,,
Granny is VERY upset, exiles in their own lunchtime, cha cha changes,
HMTQ is VERY upset. They have been exiled to meals alone, if at Balmoral. Changes, big changes are forthcoming. The purse strings may be cut off now that separated from CH. That might happen quicker than first thought. We know she lives, eats breaths $$$$$££££££€€€€€€€ and PR , PR COSTS A LOT OF MONEY!
Graves at my command have wakened their sleepers.
HM has given the official go ahead for all the silence to be broken, all the truths that had been buried and laid silent are going to explode in the media, Hang on, it’s going to be a very bumpy ride!
Excellent! Thank you so much PG!😁💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
87 notes
Jul 31st, 2019
PG you have mail from MM Anon
MM ANON…… 💜💜💜💜 WOW , PG You’re quickly becoming the new emsi247. Thank you for your de-coding …… Bletchley Park awaits 😉😉😉 ‘ quick break out the wrinkle cream. 🤣🤣🤣
32 notes
Jul 31st, 2019
It has been awhile since my critical thinking and knowledge have been put to the test, given my health issues. It is so nice to use that part of my brain! No joking! I am honoured to even be mentioned in the likes of emsi. Thank you.💜🙏🏻😊👋💜 GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦
Wonderful PG!😁💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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Sun Myung Moon: “Our sister is a glorious martyr in God’s providence”
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Christiane Coste was raped, stabbed repeatedly, mostly to the face and neck, and strangled in New York on February 24, 1978 while delivering The News World to her area in Harlem.
“I remember well her situation because at the time my delivery area in Harlem (122th street) was next to hers and I took the subway with her quite often for the deliveries. Also, when she joined in France, I taught her the introduction and some of the Divine Principle.
“She worked at the time with the PR department… As far as I remember she was raped and murdered by one of her customers, a former US Marine she was delivering to. But the rape was not talked about at the time in the Church, only the murder. I remembered the Sunday service in Barrytown. 
“I took over part of her customers after her departure [murder]. It comes back to me now how sad some of those black ladies of her area were at the news of the crime.”
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extracts from New York Times
By Peter Kihss    Feb. 27, 1978
The 29-year-old woman gave up prospective medical career in France to become a missionary for the Rev. Sun Myung Moon. ...
Christiane Coste delivered her last paper on an upper floor at 123 East 102d Street sometime before 8 A.M. Friday. Her body was found at 4 P.M. Saturday on the frozen, grimy snow in the backyard of 126 East 103d Street, and investigators thought it might have been thrown from a roof or window of either building.
An autopsy by Dr. John Pearl, associate medical examiner, had shown death due to multiple stab wounds mostly to the face and neck, and strangulation. It was “the kind of excessive violence often seen in a rage type of reaction,” he said. …
In Beziers in southern France, her older sister, Berta Coste, who lives there with their parents, said in an interview that Miss Coste had been a student of biology and science at the University of Montpellier and had become an assistant in medicine at the University of Bordeaux in 1972.
Then, the sister said, Miss Coste met [the church of] Mr. Moon in Bordeaux. Formerly Roman Catholic, she became a follower of Mr. Moon in 1972, abandoned her studies and prospective medical career and went to the United States in January 1973.
“She was a fanatic, she didn't listen to what we told her, she had been indoctrinated by the Reverend Moon,” the sister said in a telephone interview in French.
The family, the sister said, had been disappointed and frustrated. “She was serious and calm girl who worked hard and well,” the sister said, and began crying. She said that Miss Coste had never come back, but that only last week a letter from her expressed the hope to visit them this year.
Miss Coste had a routine to travel by subway to pick up copies of The News World left in the hallway of 126 East 103d Street, accompanied by Robert Rattley, another Moon supporter. Then each went off on a separate route to serve subscribers.
Miss Coste’s route had five stops… She had 15 subscribers, but she would write “Free Copy” on some newspapers, attach a subscription form and knock on doors either to leave the copy with someone or to tuck it behind a doorknob.
She was faithful to a routine, Detective Sgrizzi said, normally finishing the distribution at 7:45 A.M., taking the subway back to her apartment and then changing to better clothes to go to work at the United Nations.
At the world organization headquarters, she worked as an interpreter-translator for the Central African Empire’s mission, reportedly for the last two years.
But when she failed to return Friday, her Unification Church friends reported their concern to the police. It was an anonymous telephone call Saturday that summoned uniformed police to find her body.
She was lying on her left side, her face half in the snow. She was wearing a brown half‐coat, a red quilted jacket and blue jeans. Her shoes were a short distance away; so were her large horn-rimmed glasses.
About 19 months ago, a Moon follower was stabbed to death in Brooklyn while distributing pamphlets. Susan Reinbold, church spokesman, said a suspect had been arrested in that case.
Sun Myung Moon: “Our sister is a glorious martyr in God’s providence”
February 26, 1978  Belvedere
“Last night I heard the sad news that one of our members was beaten to death. I regard her as a martyr. I immediately saw two things first that God and the Unification Church will not be hurt by it, and furthermore, that the very person who became a martyr for her faith and was sacrificed while doing her duty will not be harmed either. … If events like this accumulate, God has more power and reason to bring down chastisement against the satanic world. … We have no fear. Be bold and strong and go forward without hesitating.
When our sister was ruthlessly attacked, she was praying at the moment of her death, “God, I cannot fulfill everything here, but I know You will take over and that the Unification Church will go beyond me to be successful and win the victory.” Instead of discouraging you, her death should spur you on to heightened determination and commitment. We have a power that other people do not; we have an inner fire that people do not even realize exists. I feel happy that I can cry out for such a martyr, no matter whether she was white, black or yellow. … She is our martyr and is the Unification Church’s unique pride and inspiration. In order to pay indemnity as a Church, sacrifices have to be made; it is necessary to the process of growth.
(Following the sermon, Col. Pak spoke briefly)
In his sermon Father mentioned the heroic death of our sister, Christiane Coste, two days ago. She was from France and was in our movement for six years. She worked at many, many tasks in our Church, most recently with the public relations team, and she demonstrated beautiful faith and determination to serve our True Parents.
I knew her personally. She was slim and wore glasses and spoke very charmingly. … She worked hard in many missions recently, including newspaper-selling. Every morning she had a rule to sell the paper first, deliver her subscriptions, then go to work and return to the center in the evening. Two days ago she went out as usual to deliver the paper. Her area was Harlem but she always went there without fear. When she didn’t return two mornings ago, her brothers and sisters from her center became worried and went to Harlem to find her. They discovered that she had been to three apartments, but the people in the fourth had not seen her that day.
When a neighbor called our brothers and sisters later that day and they found her body behind an apartment building, she had been badly beaten and a police autopsy is being conducted today. The most striking fact was the peaceful smile on her face, even though, there were many cuts and bruises on her face. …
Last night when Father heard about her death the first thing he said was that she was our glorious martyr. We must honor her in that way. …
That is the reason Father spoke about indemnity this morning. It is a most fitting, beautiful eulogy to Christiane. He gave this sermon not only to you, but to this wonderful sister who is now in heaven. …
We will go out and wage the same battle and win the same victory, and if necessary we will become the next martyrs without fear. That should be our way of thinking.
On the way out I want you each to say a word of prayer. This morning is like a memorial service because Father has honored her death and showed her spirit to be like a spiritual atomic bomb. She would want to be used like that so that each one of us will be inspired an explode like another atomic bomb in the city of New York and all over the country. Let that young lady truly be our heroine and let all of us truly be inspired by her so we can fulfill Father’s goal. I want you to deeply share this inspiration and fire yourselves like a bullet out to the world. Christiane heard Father’s sermon about indemnity, and she does not regret her death. She gave her life in a heroic and magnificent manner, and we should also be able to do that. …
A mother dropped her children off at Jacob House, N.Y., and went to fundraise – as directed by Moon. She was killed…
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▲ Michiko Koide and Eric Mahnken both died while fundraising. Michiko was the mother of two children.
Mayumi Komatsu was raped and brutally murdered while fundraising for the UC in California in 1985
Rape and trafficking in Bolivia. Eight church members involved.
All these UC members were killed while fundraising for Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han
Montreal girl (probably Ruthie) dies fundraising for the Unification Church
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mostlydeadlanguages · 7 years
“I will slay my brother’s slayer.” (KTU 1.19 iv.28-49)
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This is a short excerpt from Aqhat, one of the three surviving Ugaritic epics.  The tale centers on Danel the Harnamite, a wise and pious judge who prays for a son and is granted Aqhat … only to watch him make sexist remarks to the war-goddess Anat and get killed for his arrogance.  Danel was probably a mythic sage, since he also appears in the Bible (e.g. Ezekiel 28:3) and may have inspired the Biblical book of Daniel [1].
Pugat, Danel’s daughter, is a fascinating character.  We’ve lost her first appearance (the text is broken in several places), but she appears to possess both martial strength and prophetic wisdom.  While her father merely mourns Aqhat and curses everyone who watched him die, Pugat prepares to take vengeance on the human mercenary Yatipan, who killed Aqhat at the urging of Anat.In the passage below, Pugat seeks her father’s blessing for her plan.  She then puts on warriors’ gear, hiding it under women’s clothes, and plans to approach Yatipan in disguise.  An unclear term later has led to two divergent readings of her costume: depending on its translator, she is either dressing as a hired serving-girl (a sex worker?) or as the goddess Anat incarnate.  Unfortunately, the text breaks off before we can see the outcome of her planned revenge.
Pugat, She-Who-Shoulders-Waters, said: [2] Father has offered a sacrificial feast to the gods;         he has sent up his incense to the Heavenly Ones,         the Harnamite’s incense for the Astral Ones. Bless me truly, and I will be blessed;         empower me, and I will be empowered. I will slay my brother’s slayer.         I will kill the killer of my mothers’ child. [3]
Then Danel, Man of Rapha, said:
By my breath, may Pugat flourish:         She-Who-Shoulders-Waters,         she who distills dew from fleece, [4]         she who knows the paths of the stars. [5] By my breath and body, [6]         may you slay your brother’s slayer;         may you kill the killer of your mother’s child.
[Pugat wen]t and dove into the sea;         she washed herself […] [Her face] and shoulders, she reddened with the seashell         which takes a thousand fields to harvest from the sea. [7]
Beneath, she wore a warrior’s garb:         she put a d[agger] in her holster;         a sword, she put into her bag. But above, she wore a woman’s garb.
[… At] the setting of the sun, the lamp of the gods,         Pugat arr[ived] at the encampment on the fields. At the departure of the sun, the lamp of the gods,         Pugat appea[red] at the tents...
[1] Fun fact: I gave a paper, a couple years ago, about how the book of Daniel could be a fanfic AU of Danel, preserving a popular character while transplanting him into a colorful new setting.        
[2] “She-Who-Shoulders-Waters” is an epithet used of Pugat throughout the story.  Its basic meaning is mostly clear, but its implications are still debated.  The shoulders are (in ANE literature) the load-bearing part of the body, just as with modern backpacks, and some have seen this as a description of menial labor: Pugat is a water-carrier, like many women in arid parts of the world.  But as the daughter of a king, Pugat would not have been a menial laborer — certainly not as her primary occupation.  I personally lean toward one of three more religious implications.  Water in the ancient Near East was the substance within which the world floated, surrounding it above and below; in Mesopotamian tradition, the god of wisdom dwelled in those waters.  The spelling of “waters” here is unusual (mym instead of mm) and may point to those plural waters.  So her title may suggest either that Pugat is someone who bears divine knowledge (see below for more of this!), or it may parallel her father’s title by indicating her religious allegiance.  Finally, “she-who-shoulders” is the Ugaritic ṯkmt.  The word’s masculine form, ṯkmn, is the name of a minor Ugaritic deity — and I believe that due to linguistic processes, ṯkmt is the exact consonantal spelling of the Egyptian goddess Sekhmet.  Note that Sekhmet was, like Pugat, a goddess of wisdom and warfare, and that she specifically dressed in red.  I have not seen this latter theory proposed anywhere, and I admit a lack of expertise in Egyptian, so right now this is just speculation.  But as a port city, Ugarit had plenty of interaction with other Mediterranean cultures, so an Egyptian connection is far from unlikely.
[3] “My mothers’ child”: both words in this phrase are debated.  “Child” (or “young offspring”) is fairly clear, but the word that follows it usually gets translated as “mother’s” or “clan’s.”  However, reading it as “mother’s” would mean a very nonstandard spelling.  It appears to be a plural term, whether a general family group (kin/clan) or specifically women (mothers).  Since the term is poetically parallel to “brother,” I assume the latter meaning: Pugat and Aqhat share the same mothers.  But what does that mean, in a largely patrilineal society?  I am hesitant to venture a guess.  Perhaps it just implies that Aqhat is her full brother (i.e not Danel’s son by a different mother).  Perhaps it connects to a broader theme of women in the story.  Not only is Aqhat killed by a goddess, he was first welcomed into the world by a group of goddesses (“the Daughters of Ellil, the Bright Ones”) who presided over conception and birth and were fed by Danel for a week with freshly slaughtered oxen.  (More on them here, if you’re curious.)  Could “my mothers’ child” refer to the Daughters of Ellil as Pugat’s mothers?
[4] “She who distills dew from fleece”: if Pugat’s first epithet comes from the manual practice of gathering water, then this may simply describe a real technique to gather drinking water during times of drought.  Particularly in parallel with the following line, I find a prophetic/magical meaning far more plausible.  An intriguing parallel is the biblical story of Gideon, who uses a dew-gathering fleece to as a divinatory sign. 
[5] “She who knows the paths of the stars”: this does not simply imply that Pugat has a hobby of astronomy.  All three words of this phrase are heavy with ANE parallels to supernatural knowledge.  Only one other person uses the verb “to know” in Aqhat: El, the wise father-god.  As for “paths,” the term referred to astronomical movements, which were used as a source of divinatory knowledge, as in modern astrology.  (Cf. this essay for a discussion of a parallel Akkadian term for an oracular decision, which may have entered Hebrew as the Jewish term halakha.)  Finally, the stars were not mere physical phenomena: they were gods in themselves, and other prayers address them directly.  In conclusion, this line clearly states that Pugat had the ability to interpret oracular predictions.
[6] “By my breath and body”: translations of this phrase vary, and this translation is very tentative.  If correct, the words more literally mean “[by] my breath/life, i.e. my marrow.”  Alternately, “marrow” could be a metaphor for some sort of vitality or success (marrow is one of the most high-nutrient parts of the body), in which case the translation might be, “by my breath, may she be vigorous” or “may the breath in her be vigorous.”  A different reading of the first word (which is not clear in the original text) leads to the reading, “May she travel smoothly/vigorously.”
[7] These lines overlap notably with two other scenes: the description of Anat’s beautification in the Baal cycle, and the description of Keret’s ritual preparations for sacrifice in the Epic of Keret.  In Keret, the eponymous king washes and “reddens” himself; in Baal, Anat beautifies herself with murex dye, “which takes a thousand fields to harvest from the sea.”  Both scenes precede significant events (battle and sacrifice, respectively), so Wright has argued that the washing and coloring connects to ritual purification.  While I agree with that observation, I also wonder if this scene is *deliberately evoking the combination of the other two, paralleling Pugat’s layered-gender clothing.  The verb “redden,” which appears only in Keret and Aqhat, is an exact homonym for the word “man,” and I wonder if this is a deliberate wordplay: a goddess can color herself purple with spectacularly expensive pigment, while the two humans, royalty though they are, paint themselves human/red.  Incidentally, the text’s word order leaves it ambiguous whether Pugat’s arms and (face? hands?) are being washed or reddened.
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adventurousaries · 8 years
My tale of School days, A Flashback
Yes, Its about a girl who stumbled with her studies and her gang of friends who tolerated her like no one in the universe can do.
With no idea of which school I am gonna get in after my 8th Std, my mom chose the best one for me as she always do. Next comes a very dangerous part “The entrance Exam”. “Oh man, how can you just be so dumb Sneha” my mom blasted after realizing that in the battle between me and math, I won. Yes, I was very poor in math as well as Hindi. But somehow I cleared my entrance. With my newly stitched uniform and with so much of anxiety to meet new people I stepped into my school. I asked the way to my classroom to a tall gigantic dumb guy who ran away without any response. With all mixed emotions somehow I reached my classroom, found a place that suits my height and got settled. All were starring at the new joiners as if we were from some mafia group. There comes an announcement from our teacher with a very firm voice “Get ready for the assembly students”. Standing in a height order myself at the last as always, we headed towards our ground. There I slowly started to talk with my girl classmate who was also a new joiner and who was also as dumb as me. Our craziness and mischievousness comes out only when you are in a right company and I found the one right on the first day in the assembly. We ragged a guy who was standing next to us saying there is something on his head. But there was no reaction at all. Then we asked another girl who was not a new joiner that what’s wrong with all these psychic guys in this school, and her reply made our eyeballs bulge out. “We are not allowed to talk to boys” that was the line kept on echoing throughout the day. Days passed by and I became friends with everyone. But, the girl’s mindset is that even if she gets millions of friends there will be only somebody with whom she gets heart level attachment. As said, we were a gang of three. We were like very thick friends that alI other girls were jealous on us. We used to roam every single street in our area. Since we were very beautiful too we had many fan followings. Haha, I still remember a postman following us for months and he ran away when we threw stones and slippers. If two girls are besties then they will gossip about the entire world, but if that’s a gang of three, then the two will gossip only about the third one. Likely, we had a one who just irritate us with her endless dramas. But we loved her so much that only because of that crazy idiotic buffoon we both had become close. The most wanted girls were both of us that every teacher wanted to change our seating. She went to the third bench and mine at the last. Words cannot explain seeing our friend getting close with her neighbour girl in class. That too I was literally planning to create some mess between both that she comes back to me. But myself being a chatter box got close with my benchmates too. We were excel in all activities except studies, that we used to roam all the streets after school hours, get an old tape recorder, find a friend’s house whose parents can tolerate us, dance like a mentally retarded goose for mass hit Tamil kuthu songs. Our craziness over dance and acting skills made us to dance for a famous dance company for a mass number song. A lady from the audience was cheering us too hard and she completely enjoyed our group dance. She personally called me and appreciated for my makeover ,costume and dancing style. That was the first appreciation I had got and that made me completely fall for her and admire her that what even a small appreciation can make someone’s day. My school always had stringent rules which not only students should adhere to but parents should also follow. If a parent could not attend a so called PTA meeting then the student will not be able to attend the next day class. As a punishment, parent should take their children with them to the school with an apology letter and need to wait for the principal for accepting the apology for the whole day. If they attend the meeting also, they will not be allowed to get outside in the middle. But, my gang was the only gang who completely enjoyed, never bothered about the rules, happily enjoying the punishments, thoroughly enjoying when our bestie gets caught because of us, standup on the bench moments, fighting for one tiffin box, happiness in untieing our friends hair ribbon, roaming each and every street in our half broken cycle after school , that running moment when our teacher finds us roaming after school hours, cutting cream buns for birthdays due to budget problems, soups and chats during night class, getting caught and having extreme fun while principal starts scolding us, chemistry and physics teacher’s atrocities, doing every wrong things correctly and not having any regrets about it. The most precious thing that a school can gift its students is arranging for a tour outside that too for a gang like us. With a luggage full of snacks, sweaters and music systems we headed towards kodaikanal. More than the place we are going, the company with whom we are going really matters and because of not having such good company many did not make it for the tour. It started off with a huge scream of heyyyy the moment our bus stepped out of school. Immediately turned on the audio system in the bus, danced as if that is going to be our last day on the earth. It was like a minute we started to dance but we reached the railway station so soon. Those times we spent by doing non-stop gossip about every girl and boy in our school, imitating our friend’s mannerisms, taking crazy pictures which is even more crazy when we watch those pictures now. After reaching madurai, we were literally praying god that our gang must get a separate room and not even a single teacher should share our room, and luckily god heard our prayers and we got a very big luxurious room unlike others who need to stay with teachers that too only 4 can stay in a room. We ten crazy cartoon characters started off the nightstay like, 2 were busy in choosing what night dress to wear, 4 were fighting for one chips packet, 3 fighting for one remote controller and one crazy dumb jumping and bumping on all of us. After finishing off our dinner,with lights off, TV been switched off, all together on the bed, one’s leg on other one’s shoulder,one’s head on another other one’s thighs, we started off with all the ghost stories we knew. All at the peak of scariness we heard someone’s sound inside the room and we are all holding everyone very tightly and didn’t even move a inch, after sometime only we noticed that it was a heavy snoring sound of a mentally retarded species in our gang. We broke into laughter and continued to talk and talk and talk that it became 5 am in the morning suddenly when the same mentally retarded species phone alarmed not more louder than her snoring sound, but nothing made her to move even a little bit from her posture. The completely irritated us, kept on the mobile phone inside her ears immediately when she kicked me like an ass that I started to roll on the bed, suddenly my gigantic well built friend lying on the other side of the bed stopped me from falling down. Everyone were laughing like a hell that even our intestines would have come out if it had continued for some more minutes. Those fights on who has to take bath firstly so that others can sleep for sometime, again fighting for the remote,fight for hairclips, combs and kajals, where some silently went to the terrace and finished off their breakfast and started bullying others. We started off to a temple in madurai and by afternoon we headed towards kodaikanal, where none of us had a drop of energy to even speak because of the last night tragedy. All of us had a very tight sleep during the journey, and suddenly the temperature became so cold, which we were not able to withstand. Slowly we started off our mischievousness by kicking everybody hardly as we were not able to withstand the cold temperature. We had a very good sightseeing at kodaikanal and returned chennai completely drained off. The first week in school after tour, we spoke about the fun and comedy scenes that happened in our tour. Slowly days passed and we were sitting on the last day of our board exams. So much of prayers, so much of sadness on everyone’s heart completely filled with silence, tears rolling down when we hardly tried to study, all those memories flashing like a dream and it finally broke down when one started to cry out. Everyone were trying to console each other, wiping out their own tears. So many hugs and kisses, those pinky promises we made that we will be together forever, exchanging cards, gifts, letters and scrapbooks. We completed our exams, and with a very heavy heart we bid last good byes to some of our class mates, teachers, the last time view of our school, we left home without able to control our tears. Though we met during our annual holidays, those times in the school cannot be replaced at all. Those times when our friend calls us to accompany her to the loo, that moment when our friend sings like a crap with us during boring lectures, the way we play hand cricket wrongly every time, the way we used to eat all the time during night class, those times we wantedly delay inside the loo knowing that our friend is waiting outside for her turn, that moment when our friend asks for an extra paper during exam where we wouldn’t have completed the main sheet itself, that moment when we will be caught because of some idiotic fellow, those days when our bestie consoles us with a hug and a letter after a fight, those prank calls we make to irritate our friend, the hard times that would easily fly when we lye on our friend’s lap, the happiness we get when our friend shares her shoulders which even a million dollar salary can’t bring, the peace in our inner heart when we feel their presence, cannot be expressed out in words. Six years passed, we are still the same, and we all love each other for no reason and we are still ready to do anything for the other. Though we are all far apart just in distance, half of my heart always beats with you all and this distance taught me how much we are ready to do anything for the other.
This is my first blog in tumblr, and kind apologies if I had bored you all with my storyline.
-Sneha VJ 16/01/17
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vsplusonline · 5 years
Bethlehem's storied Nativity Church closes amid virus fears
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/bethlehems-storied-nativity-church-closes-amid-virus-fears/
Bethlehem's storied Nativity Church closes amid virus fears
Palestinian officials on Thursday closed the storied Church of the Nativity in the biblical city of Bethlehem indefinitely over fears of the new coronavirus, weeks ahead of the busy Easter holiday season.
The announcement by the Palestinian tourism ministry threatened to devastate the vital tourism industry in the town where Jesus is believed to have been born. The spread of the virus across the Middle East has already disrupted worship at other major holy sites.
Iran, the epicenter of the virus in the region, meanwhile said it would set up checkpoints to limit travel between major cities and urged citizens to reduce their use of paper money to help slow the outbreak, which has killed at least 107 people in the country.
The Church of the Nativity was closed after suspicions that four Palestinians had caught the virus, prompting a flurry of measures that included banning all tourists from the Israeli-occupied West Bank for an unspecified amount of time and shutting down other places of worship in Bethlehem for two weeks.
The Palestinian health ministry later said a total of seven Palestinians from Bethlehem have tested positive for the virus, the first cases reported in the Palestinian territories. It said the seven worked at the same hotel.
Built on the site where Christians believe Jesus was born in a manger, the Church of the Nativity is one of several prominent tourist and holy sites to shut their doors over concerns about the virus, which has infected tens of thousands of people and killed more than 3,000 globally.
Just before 4 p.m., a bearded clergyman walked outside and locked the church’s wooden door with a large key. Just a few foreign tourists milled about outside.
Artur Joba, a Polish tourist visiting with his girlfriend, said he had decided to cut his stay in Bethlehem short and would head to nearby Jerusalem on Friday.
We decided to leave,” he said. I’m going back to my hotel now to look for a hotel elsewhere.
Later, a team of workers dressed in white overalls arrived with jugs of cleaning materials and walked through a side entrance to disinfect the building. Tariq al-Ali, one of the workers, said it was the second time his team disinfected the church.
We have disinfected many institutions in the past week. We are under pressure, he said.
Saif Saboh, a Palestinian tour guide, said a number of groups had canceled visits in recent days. He said he has stopped shaking hands or getting too close to tourists and bathes each evening. I’m terrified,” he said. It is serious and any tourist could be infected.
The virus has disrupted Muslim worship across the Middle East. Saudi Arabia banned pilgrimages to the holy city of Mecca, while Iran has canceled Friday’s Islamic prayers in major cities. Iraq canceled Friday prayers in the Shiite holy city of Karbala, where a weekly sermon is delivered on behalf of the country’s top Shiite cleric.
The Church of the Nativity receives some 10,000 tourists a day, according to Palestinian officials, and is expected to welcome tens of thousands of visitors during the Easter season.
Elias al-Arja, the head of the Bethlehem hotel owners union, angrily accused authorities of caving in to panic. This will cause huge damage to the economy. We have 3,000 workers in the tourist sector and they will all go home. Who is going to feed their families? he said.
Anton Suleiman, the mayor of Bethlehem, acknowledged the difficult situation. Even if this causes huge damage to the economy, public safety is the most important thing to us, he said.
In Iran, Health Minister Saeed Namaki announced his country’s new restrictions at a televised press conference. He added that schools and universities will remain closed through Nowruz, the Persian New Year, on March 20.
We will strictly control comings and goings, he said.
Ali Darvishpour, deputy governor of Alborz province, said except for medical centers all government offices, banks and institutions will be closed Saturday, the first day of Iran’s work week, according to the semi-official ISNA news agency. He urged people to stay home.
The U.S. official focused on Iran, Brian Hook, said Thursday the U.S. offered humanitarian assistance to Iran to help them deal with the outbreak, but “the regime rejected the offer.”
Hook, speaking at a news conference in Paris, also said the U.S. has asked Iran to release American detainees “on medical furlough” over fears the coronavirus may be infesting the country’s prisons. He said Washington was working through Switzerland and could not provide details. The U.S. and Iran have no diplomatic relations.
A news website affiliated with state TV said Mohammad Sadr, a member of Iran’s expediency Council, who is also senior adviser to the country’s foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, has been infected with the new coronavirus.
Earlier this week, Mohammad Mirmohammadi, a member of Iran’s Expediency Council, an administrative assembly appointed by the Supreme Leader, died after falling ill with the new virus.
More than 3,740 cases have been confirmed across the Middle East. Iran and Italy have the world’s highest death tolls outside of China.
Israeli officials said they were working closely with their Palestinian counterparts to contain the virus. COGAT, the Israeli defense body responsible for Palestinian civilian matters, said it had delivered 250 test kits to the Palestinians and was coordinating joint training sessions for Israeli and Palestinian medical workers.
For the time being, other major places of worship in the Holy Land remained open. Israeli officials said there were no special precautions at the Western Wall, the holiest site where Jews can pray, though hand sanitizing stations were placed at the site.
Western Wall Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz encouraged more visits. In this time of distress, there is nothing more appropriate than coming to pray at the Western Wall,” he said.
The nearby Al Aqsa mosque compound was expected to welcome 50,000 worshipers for Friday prayers. The Islamic Waqf, which administers the site, encouraged the faithful to ensure good personal hygiene.
Israel, which has 16 confirmed virus cases, has taken strict measures in a bid to stave off an outbreak, including banning the entry of visitors from some 10 countries.
On Thursday, German airline Lufthansa said it and its Austrian and Swiss subsidiaries were canceling flights to and from Israel for three weeks starting Sunday because of Israeli restrictions on incoming tourists. With many tourists to the West Bank flying in through Israel’s international airport, the Palestinians will also be affected.
The virus has started to shake Israel’s tourism industry as well. Israeli airline El Al, which has canceled dozens of flights to countries with outbreaks, announced Wednesday that it was laying off 1,000 employees.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu chaired a meeting on the economic impact of the virus. He said the government will set up an emergency cash flow assistance fund for businesses deemed essential for the functioning of the economy. He said similar measures may be taken for other businesses as the situation develops.
Earlier on Thursday, the United Arab Emirates warned citizens and foreign residents not to travel abroad amid the ongoing outbreak, a stark warning for a country home to two major long-haul airlines. Both airlines, Emirates and Etihad, have encouraged staff to take time off as international travel has dropped due to the virus.
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curiouslich · 5 years
Numbers and space where two things that have always made me happy. They say that math is the language of God. I have never been a religious man, at least not since I grew up. As a boy I was raised in churches, weekly returns to the house of prayer. Hours in reverence to what we called a purpose. The acceptance of youth gave way to the curiosity of adolescence. What was my purpose, why was I here, why are we here? What was God?
I found no answers in the tomes written by my ancestors. In the voices of my peers. I heard only silence to my pleas. 
Nothing brought me any peace or purpose. Until I found myself staring up into the night sky. Looking through a cold lense in a frozen field I found what we all look for. God is not a being, but an idea, a truth. For me God is a question. “What is out there?”
It was to that degree that I devoted myself, to discover what would forever be beyond the reach of my hands. But what I could hold with my mind. Is this not the idea of faith? Not the foundation of church and praise.
In the vein of my new religion I have spent hours, days, weeks studying the cosmos. Youtube, podcasts, books, movies. I consumed everything I could get near. Dr Steven Hawkins said that there was a singularity in which nothing, not even light could escape. For knowledge sake, that is what I became. There was never enough to sate my need to know.
Big Bang, Heat death, Apollo, Challenger, Sputnik, Acreation, Killanova, Quasar, Red shifting….
Einstein's most famous theory is that time and space are the same force. People remember this as relativity, but it's so much more than that. Everything that has ever been, and will ever be occurs on a variety of dimensions.
We draw a dot and begin the first.
Slides lines on the paper to form a square to box in the second.
Add 4 more lines on each angle of the square and we are in the third.
People have been doing this for centuries. We draw shapes in the sky from the dots that God has given us. We can even take higher outlines to these patterns, the people of Egypt built the Great Pyramids of Giza in line with the belt of Orion. A very recognizable line of three stars. 
But these dots have nothing in common other than where their light comes from. Rigel, Saiph, Betelgeuse. All there stars we cannot fathom, their size, and their distance from us. A light year is the amount of distance a particle of light travels in a calendar year. This distance is almost 6 trillion miles. It takes light 8 minutes to get from our Sun to our eyes. 
The light we see when we look at Betelgues in the shoulder of Orion left its star around the time Dante finished writing his divine comedy and the Knights Templar were executed for witchcraft. The light that traveled from Rigel comes from even further. When that light left the Knights were just being formed. 
A 200 year time span summed up in the glance between two orbs of light in a black sky. Just from looking from the shoulder to the foot of the Great Hunter.
That is the notion of space and time and light. With enough of all of it though we can peer back. And with Humble and other telescopes I have sought to go back further. To gaze even further in time. I mean don’t we all crave to know what there is? Is there really a bigger question?
Icarius is the furthest single star we can identify in the sky. 5 billion light years away, visible only due to the might of gravity lensing. Our Star hadn’t even ignited when its light was sent our way. To imagine that scope is nigh impossible given our limited understanding. Beyond that point though, there is more,  we can only manage to discern entire galaxies, but we can still see further back.
I mentioned earlier in this rant that math is the very language of God. It's through Math that we have discerned the start of our very universe. Based on the Lambda-CDM concordance model and the observation of the Hubble Constant background radiation we have determined that the universe is 14 billion years old. 
Which is why we arrive at the central point of my thesis tonight. What I have been studying lately has been in observation a group of galaxies that exist at this threshold. The light that is coming from these thousands upon thousands of stars represent the first at the edge of the big bang itself. When the universe cooled down enough to change from the blood hued radiation staring down back at us into the very concept of existence. From the very start of time itself the structure labeled MAZAT074 - HP has been reaching out through the eons to get to us. Its faint stars painting a message inscribed in the cosmos for our eyes to read.
“I am awake.”
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reckless---love · 7 years
Hell Week (pt. 1)
Hello friends! I’m writing early this week because, as you can tell from my title, this week isn’t going to be very fun. Since it’s the week before Thanksgiving Break, naturally my professors decided to give me more work to do and to prep for after I return from break. I have something going on practically every day, and I’m not too excited about it. More than anything, though, I think it makes me that much more excited about going home and having a week to rest (aka do my homework/papers that are due the following week). 
Through it all, I’m trying to remain calm and not get too stressed out. I’ve done a fairly good job so far, but I think there’s just something about the end of the semester that creates more stress than normal. I’m constantly reminding myself that God is in control, and He will guide me through this week. No matter the outcome, He is still good and has my best in mind. 
As I’m sure you saw, this is Hell Week pt. 1. I say it’s part one because after break I have two weeks left before finals and during that time I have at least ten major assignments due. Unfortunately, that number does not include finals. The good thing about finals, though, is that I have 4/5 and one or two of them should be fairly easy. Also, I only have one a day so my stress levels won’t be as high as they could be. 
All of this to say, I’m heading into the last three weeks of classes, it’s going to absolutely insane, and I know I’m going to find myself more stressed than I have been all semester. Luckily, I know I have Jesus on my side and he will not leave me. I would very much appreciate prayers, as these last three weeks are going to be absolutely insane and I know I need to be performing at my absolute best for all of my classes.
Thanks, pals. I’ll report back during Thanksgiving Break, if not sooner. 
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myloneandotis · 7 years
Week Three: Jeez.
My dude, this is gonna be a lot of work.
HUM 111: I’ve come to the conclusion that the best use of my time in this class is doing other things. So I legitimately have been sitting on my computer doing nothing but other classwork in HUM 111 for the whole week and I will likely continue to do the same thing, maybe for the rest of the semester… probably for the rest of the semester. And I love history, so I think that says a lot about this class. It’s kind of a waste to write about this, so I’m gonna go ahead and stop noting it, unless something vital happens.
GREAT BOOKS: This class is finally starting to warm up. It takes about 20 minutes for the class to warm up, and it’s kind of hard to tell where the discussions are actually going and Dr Clegg just threw the paper limitations at us: 5-6 pages. Whoop, this’ll be fun. I think I may write about sex or something. Not sure, keep you posted. The act of finding quotes is going to suck.
PSYCHOLOGY: I really like psychology. I slacked off on the paper though, I’m planning on writing it between the time psychology gets over and 4 hours later when it is due. But hey, it’s just the reading that stinks, the paper itself is going to be easy. Not really worried. Dr Folkerts is pretty cool, I like the fact that he starts each class with a prayer and he’s kind of nerdy and cool. It’s easy to listen to him, and he’s kind of unapologetic in his teaching but in a good way. It’s the kind of interesting teaching that I like.
THEORY: THEORY HAS SO MUCH HOMEWORK. I’m actually terrified for my first theory test. But I did, miraculously pass my flashcard quiz… That was intense. I like professor Peeples, he’s kind of quirky and awkward, but he seems like a very kind man. And he seems like he is fiercely intelligent. Keep you posted on this one.
MUSIC: Goodness, I love being a music major. Concert and Chamber Choir are arguably my favorite times of the week. We’re singing a ton of music Sansa vibrato and it’s hard, but it feels cool to make those kinds of sounds with people who I barely know. Music at 3 was not the best that it has been, but the heidelberg people were absolute amazing, which is just a constant thing, now, I guess. Gosh, I want to go to Hiedelberg, My lesson with Dr E went well, I think. I really like the ways she talks about the voice and tells me to stop being such a scaredy-cat about my voice. Not sure how to do that, yet, especially because I’m such a paranoid person, but we’ll see.
CARMEN: Marco broke up with Carmen at the start of this week, and it broke my heart to see her so broken up about it. She just - like literally at this moment - spilled her tea in the middle of psychology. She’s had a rough week. But it’s going to be okay, because we are planning on doing some things to keep her mind off of it. Like starting Rick and Morty and Chef’s Table. We’ll find her a new and better man if it kills us.
TATUM: Tatum made me go to the well this week, and I’m glad that she did that. I think one’s relationship with god is a philosophical and intellectual experience as much as it is a spiritual one and I hope Tatum continues to push me in that way, it’s not my comfort zone. She also is the best gym person in the world. I hope she makes me super fit and skinny. Tatum is the bomb, I’m so lucky to have her as my roommate. Tatum is currently on a date. I’m hoping it goes well for her!
HONORABLE MENTIONS: Andy is so stinking sweet. Jolie is a fashion Icon and showed me Yuri On Ice and I am eternally grateful for that. Liam is very kind. David is still an amazing pianist. Joe is now my dance partner. Kaytlin is a freaking GODDESS with her voice. Kaui is so chill. Ella is an edge lord. I love a lot of people!
BIG FISH: Rehearsals are long and grueling and I sweat a lot during the dance rehearsals where we bat-butt around, but that’s okay. I’m looking to get fit anyways.
FAMILY: I miss my family. Marlo is talking to Wyatt Quest now? Which weirds me out. My mom hasn’t been calling me as much, I’m not really sure why. It makes me wonder if I’m doing something wrong or if they’re upset at me. I miss my dad an awful lot, he tries his best to respond to my texts, which I appreciate. Aunt Josephine is coming out here, which I think/hope will be fun. I’m kind of stressed for my family to come out here… Not sure why, I’ll figure out how to articulate that.
... And then there’s the fact that I feel really good about myself. Like I’m finally doing everything I’ve said I would do, I’m being relatively successful, I’m putting myself out there, I’m making friends. I know that regardless of what I do, I’m going to be successful and find a way to make my life and - to be candid - I’m ready to start preparing for that life and I want to know if Jack wants to be a part of that life. In my perfect world, he would be. And I would push him and help him to be successful in his own right. That’s what I want to do. But if that’s not going to happen, I want to know sooner rather than later. Because otherwise this past year and a half almost will have felt like a waste. Even if I’ve learned a lot about relationships and about myself… I don’t want to be with another person. So, in the interest of sounding like a ridiculous teenager: I don’t know. I don’t know, and that’s what’s the most frustrating to me.
OVERALL EMOTIONAL WELL BEING: I am stressed beyond believe, trying to find a spiritual life, and working to feel okay about being a part of a show where I do not feel welcome. It’ll get better, I have no doubt. I’m just waiting for that to actually start.
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fundedjustice · 7 years
K & K's Legal Fees Fund
My child and I are survivors of abuse and now need help to make sure we are not forced to go back to that nightmare. For roughly 4 ½ years we lived under a controlling psychopath’s roof. He was extremely neglectful, in addition to being psychological and physically abusive to me, our son, my other child and his other children, and the animals that lived in the home. It was a very toxic environment. Every time I tried to reach out for help, he would find a way to cut that tie, so we could not leave. He threatened consistently that if I ever found a way to leave, he would take our son from me and raise him in a way that I would not like. He would disable the air conditioning in the summer, disable the heat in the winter, turn off the hot water water to our bathroom, sometimes turn off the power to the room we stayed in, leave for days and leave us with no food or bathroom supplies, repeatedly belittled or gas lighted us with verbal threats and putdowns, damaged my vehicle, rationed my gas, poisoned us with bleach and other chemicals, exposed himself to the daughter’s friend, would drink so much he would pass out in front of kids, murdered my dog, and so much more.
I refused to give up to finding a way out though and finally in September 2015, the universe answered my prayers and showed us a safe way out. We were told that a battered women's shelter in the state I was born in, had an available room for us and I took the opportunity in a heartbeat, because they were willing to accept us immediately, the timing was right (our monster was out of town) and at the time, an angel offered us an unexpected blessing that would help us escape.
We slowly and successfully began building a new life, but not without a fight (that is still continuing). Three months after leaving our nightmare I was ready to work again and we were ready to get our own place. As per recommended by shelter staff though, before we moved out of our safehouse I filed for a protective order. Shockingly the monster showed up to the hearing, but surprisingly not to dispute the PO, but instead his only intention was only to serve me with custody papers. In fact he actually told the judge to go ahead and put the PO on him, which earned a gasp from the bystanders. Thankfully the judge saw the danger and did not hesitate in granting the protective order. However the downfall was that the judge chose not address the issue of temporary custody, because of the monster saying he already filed a custody case in the state we had left. This caused a huge conflicting issue later on, that is still occurring today.
Fast forward 3 months, to the first hearing...it was practically a massacre. I hired an attorney and the monster was suppose to be pro se, but apparently at the last minute he hired a father's right attorney that ended up ripping my attorney to shreds. It was very scary. I was told I would still have legal and primary custody while the child was in school, but that after the school year was over, we would have to move back to our old state. In the meantime the monster was awarded unsupervised visitation two weekends a month, two hours per day, at my expense. I was completely against that, knowing my son has been identified as having special needs and was in great danger psychologically and physically if he was left alone with the monster. With the support of my attorney I refused to comply with the visitation for one month and during that time filed for an emergency hearing to try to make sure the visits were going to be supervised (because not only is the monster mentally unstable, but for approximately for 15 years he has been a serious alcoholic and has a DUI record to prove it, plus a domestic violence battery record, an additional restraining order record, and his oldest son passed away in his care). Sadly though my attorney at that time eventually disclosed to me that he feared the worst for us and soon after I filed the emergency motion, he asked to be released from the case, because he thought I needed someone more aggressive. I agreed and began looking for another lawyer.
With some recommendations, I eventually found and hired another attorney and about a month later the second hearing was deemed an improvement. The monster was ordered to take an alcohol/addiction evaluation and an a stress management/violence test and his score came back 4 points less than 100 percent (which was labeled severe to high risk). The judge decided I had valid reason to withhold visitation during the prior month and denied the other party’s request to put me in contempt. He then approved that we could continue to stay in our new home after the child was out of school, ordered child support to be paid to me, an anger management screening for the monster and visitation to be supervised, yet another problem surfaced when the judge upped the visitation schedule from two weekends, to three weekends a month.
I did my best to comply with the orders, but not once, in three months, could I do all three weekends every month due to two medical issues happening during that time and two weekends I could not take off work. Not only that, the child had a VERY difficult time with the visits. Always threw fits or moaned and whined how he didn't want to go or did not want to see the monster. Questioning a lot of whys and being very stubborn, yet I could not blame him. His feelings were extremely valid. Sadly I ended up having to buy him toys to pursue him to go though. However that tactic wore out faster than I expected, and in July, my child had a MAJOR anxiety attack before we reached the facility and then when we arrived, flat out refused to participate in visitation.  As a result the surpervisor at the facility told me it would be better if he skipped that day and that he would put down in the notes that I cooperated, but the child refused. The next day the same thing happened and on our long eight hour drive home, I learned from my child that the reason he refused was because the monster had been making verbal threats to him and also making him feel uncomfortable by asking him information he is not suppose to have as per the protective order.
I reported this to the facility and also spoke to my child’s therapist about the issue, in hopes she could teach my child better coping mechanisms for the visit process and the facility would report the threats to the judge. Fast forward to the next visit and the child ended up refusing again. He told me he did not want to see the monster and was still scared to see him. I did my best to comfort and talk him in to it (with a staff member there), but the child held his ground, so they let us leave peacefully, reporting again that the child refused. The week after that, there was a check up hearing and because my lawyer raised her prices once a trial date was set,  I no longer had an attorney. She simply turned out to be more expensive than I could afford. As a result, the monster’s attorney took advantage of me being out in the open by myself and attacked me through another motion, claiming his client had not got to see his son at all since we left the state. The judge commenting that the other party DID get to see his son for at least three weekends, but then the monster’s attorney when on and on, badgering the judge saying that simply isn’t enough time and the child misses the father and should be returned to the monsters home immediately, as well as he should receive custody and I should be the one forced to visit. The judge listened and then stated he was not going to make any orders that day, because I had no representation. That the only thing he was going to do was move the trial date back by 90 days, so I could have some time to find another attorney.The monster’s side went crazy and began asking to have the child for at least two weeks in August. The judge said no because he would be starting school. The relentless attorney kept pushing and eventually the judge said “If anyone wants changes to happen, you have to file a motion.” “For now the orders are the same” and then he gave me a warning to do better with the visitations or else he would give the other party custody and he gave the other party a warning to think more of the child’s best interest.
The next visitation I cooperatively took my child, just like the other times. When we got there though, he refused both days and as a result the facility explained to me that they were going to close the case for now, because this plan just wasn’t working anymore. They also gave me a few other visitation suggestions to ask the judge about, which they thought might alleviate the refusal problem and help rehabilitate the sons and father’s relationship. I thanked the observer for the advice, I was wished good luck and then we left. Intending to file a motion by the end of that week for the ideas suggested and to also write a letter to the father offering the face time until the problem of visitation was solved. This was in August 2016.
A few days passed though and when I got home from work I found our local sheriff, had served me court papers from the monster, that motioned for an order to show cause; to find me in contempt and to have the child immediately returned to our old state; the monster be awarded sole custody; termination of child support; and termination of the monster’s participation in AA meetings.  It was scheduled to be heard at the end of September 2016. To make it worse there were more papers in the back that stated the day after this was filed, an ex parte order shortening time was filed and signed by the judge, which moved the date to the upcoming week.
I was in troubed with anxiety, but with my last available funds, I scrambled to find an unbundled attorney to help me out. However it turned out her services and the hearing turned out to be a complete waste. She fought for me, but the judge never actualy heard her out; Kept shutting her down to allow the other side to talk. It was discouraging to say the least. The good news was at the end of that chaos the judge did not find me in contempt and ordered the father to do counseling, as per requested by my attorney. The bad news was my lawyer immediately gave her resignation to me later that day, saying she was filing a complaint with the bar and the court for the conduct that was given during the hearing, and she did not feel like she was the right one for this case. Once again I was without council.
As soon as my attorney put in her withdrawal notice to the court, the other party filed another ex parte motion stating I was not cooperating with the new order and was interfering with visitation and not allowing the father time with the child. (Mind you the new order had not even been written up yet). This claim was extremely far from the truth and I knew it. For visitation had been running more smoothly now and I could prove them wrong when the supervised facility, that held the visits, turned in their documentation to the judge. That would show I had been following all orders and that not one visit had been missed since July. I went to gather this data from the supervised facility, but was told I could not get a copy of the report; That only an attorney could look it over and that the only person who got a confidential copy would be the judge. I explained I was pro se and did not have council, so how was that fair. The same information was repeated to me, noting I could possibly call the judges clerk and ask if they would let me look it over.  I did just that, but was denied access to see the report. So I began reaching out to random local lawyers asking for their help. I eventually got another women attorney to say that she would represent me for the upcoming hearing, but in return she wanted to be hired for the trial. I had no other choice and agreed to her arrangement, not having a clue how I would be able to pay her to fight for us in trial. I filled her in on how the other parties’ motion had no evidence and that to win this round she needed to get or look over the report from the supervised place.  A couple days later she told me that the other parties’ attorney and her are past friends, and that she was fairly confident she could talk him into a deal. I was not sure how to feel about that news, but gave her my trust to get make the wrong, right again.
The next time I heard from her, was the day of the hearing, and it was a complete shocker for me, in a very bad way.The judge immediately started the hearing going off on me saying he had giving me numerous times to comply with visitation and he was going to give custody to the monster. I could barely get the words out, “No please, your honor, I have followed your orders, if you saw the report…” My attorney jumped in at that point, but NOT ONCE did she bring up the visitation report. At the end of that hearing the judge ordered a pick up for my son and said he must stay in the monsters city, until the trial. I was in tears, knowing this was going to traumatized the child, as he has special needs and being ripped away from his home, everything he loves, is comfortable with, et. was not needed, nor fair, or in his best interest. I demanded that my attorney fix the problem within a day, commenting and asking over and over “Where was the report?”  She never did answer me, but did set up a phone conference with the judge to occur two weeks later. Discouraging, that turned out horrible, as well too, as the judge refused to change his mind and also changed visitation to being unsupervised.
My attorney withdrew after that, which was good, because she had made me upset and failed miserably at correcting the issue.  I then took it upon myself to track down that report myself.  In the meantime, the abuser kidnapped my son after he was given to him for a weekend visitation.  For 20 something days I did not get to see him, but I did finally get to see the report, and filed for my own ex-parte motion pro-se the following day to have my boy returned to me immediately and to allow us to go back home, resuming with the supervised visitation schedule that had been given until the trial.
I was granted the hearing, but the monster decided he was going to file a separate motion asking for sole custody again and allowing me supervised visits, et. So I got a call from the judges clerk saying both of our motions would be on the same day. This was more than upsetting! How in the world could they allow him to piggy back on my emergency ex-parte? Especially after the trauma my boy was being put through. I had a law advocate help me get another one-time deal attorney and felt confident things were going to turn around, because I had actual evidence to back my motion up. That hearing was also a hot mess though. The end result made no sense. Even though the judge acknowledged the visitation report out loud and said that no visits had been missed, he said he was granting the monster primary custody, so that I would not kidnap the child and then changed legal custody to joint, so the father could enroll the child into a new school, which he had already done behind my back. Then the judge granted me visitation Monday through Friday, and stated I was in charge of getting the child to and from school, but that the father got the child Friday evenings to Monday mornings. I kept telling my lawyer to do something, that we needed to go back home or else I would lose my job and our place of residence and be homeless, but he told me aggressively to “shut up” twice and remarked I should be happy that I’ll get to have my child in my care for the majority of the week. To just concentrate on the trial that was happening in a month. I was dumbfounded.
So I went home the next weekend and packed up our place the best I could with such short time, informed my employer and all of my child’s therapists what was happening, walked away from our home and cried a whole lot. December was supposed to be a joyful, spirited loving month and it was far from that. Everything we had worked so hard to have for ourselves was disappearing or being taken from us. All because our abuser could not control us under his roof anymore, so he was now using the court to control us. I wished at that point for Armageddon to happen.
I kept pressing on though, asking for God's protection and help, and in January a prayer of mine was answered and I got notice that we had been assigned a new judge. The only drawback to that, I was told, was that our trial date was again going to be pushed back. This time five months later. I was deeply worried. How are we going to survive? I kept thinking. This is not our home. We have no support here. I applied for several jobs and got two offers, but the times that both establishments wanting me to work, clashed with the days and times I had to take my child to therapy (as per the court order), so I continued to live off of community help, some assistance from friends and what little child support I was getting.  In those passing months I also rigorously began seeking advisement as to how to prepare for the trial and essential was trying to become a self-taught lawyer. I filed with Legal Aid for a pro bono attorney, but was denied, because “they have too many cases and not enough available resources.” Or so the declined letter states.  I met with a lot of different attorneys and court expertise for consultations, asking for help. Inquired about the filing process and what documents would I need or be allowed to use?  Moreover I asked around about our new judges background and her ratings, and took a class from an ex-judge on how to prepare witness logs, evidence, pre trial memos, etc . I tried to do whatever I could do to help me learn more about the family court judicial system, because it looked like I was going to have to do this on my own and  I had no clue how to approach it all, for it all was extremely overwhelming to me. In fact it is safe to say, that though it did not pay or provide me with what we needed to survive, court stuff became my job. There was always a ton of focus and labor needing to get done, for the important elements in our case and when I wasn’t doing court stuff, I was enthralled with my other full time job, which was taking care of my child and getting him the necessary help to try to cope with the frustrations and difficult emotions he was having with the forced changes and this case being prolonged. I was burning my wick at both ends, scared, needing money for small things, yet struggling to stay confident that God was going to make sure we would get through this very difficult time in our lives and give us a victorious outcome.
A few months after receiving news about a new judge being assigned to our case, another prayer of mine was answered. With the help of a good hearted friend and her parents, I was put in touch with an Earth angel, who aligned with my circumstance and kindly wanted to do something to help me.  She gave me the name of a lawyer who she thought was going to be a guaranteed 1st place winner.  A legal professional that would be willing to help speak out against our abuse, my motherhood being taken from me, my youngest's childhood being ripped away from him, and fight for our liberties and our freedom.  I happily took her recommendation and reached out to this lady numerous times, but sadly never got a response back. After awhile I decided to take a hint and just refocused on me being our representative in court. I began trying to think of ways I could get support for our case and looking into options where I might possibly be able to raise money for all the filing fees, a nice suit and the gas money I was spending driving around town for meetings. Thinking perhaps if it went really well, I could raise enough to hire one of the other lawyers I had met with in the weeks before. 
In the midst of this brainstorming exploration, the universe was not going to give up on us though. By the act of genuine care and concern from the lovely family that had reached out to me before, about a month later I got back in touch with the Earth angel and she told me how disappointed she was in her first recommendation. She decided to give me another name and told me, that she believed this was my last hope and she would keep me in her prayers. Not expecting much, because I had been turned down so much before, I looked up the name she gave me.  When I found a number connected to the name I was given, I called and spoke to one of the nicest receptionists/paralegals I have ever spoken to, since this mess began. From just her dialect and demeanor with me, I felt this was something different.  Soon after I met with the attorney and he listened intently about the case for almost two hours.
I had to leave at that time to go get my boy, but before I walked out he called his paralegal in to his office and said to both of us “I will take the case.” I asked him what his prices were and he commented, “They are pricey, but don’t worry about that today.” “For now I will take your case and just keep records of what it would cost you, and at the end, I will pass that to you and if you would do me a favor and please find a way to pay me back on a basis that you can afford, when you get your life back together, then that would be fine.” I was overjoyed and agreed. That is exactly what I needed. Someone who would see the urgency of this case, yet would work with me on the service fees afterwards.
That happened a little over a month now and although I was no longer pressured about how to make myself a lawyer for the trial, it still was stressful in getting the attorney everything that I have, because there was just so much documentation to pass on. Some easily accessible, some not.  I do not think my attorney truly understood how much I had either, because when he met with me a few weeks ago, he expressed concern over being abe to get everything in time. In his words “There is just so much relevance, and so little time left.” I asked how I could help, and he answered that if I could take two extra hours every night to get some more stuff to him, that might work. Adding that if I had any money to give towards the case right now, that would also help, because he could really use more paper and ink for his printer, filing fees are getting up there and he and his paralegal are using some of their free time, outside of work, to get this done. I felt bad, apologized, and told him I would see what I could do, but that at this point, I am eating saltines for dinner 4 out of 7 nights. He seemed to understand, yet I felt like a terrible person, because I had no financal assistance to give him.
Well the trial happen at the beginning of this week of June 2017, but we are still waiting on a verdict from the judge. However I think my attorney did a good job, considering how late he took the case. As a result I really want to provide him with an immediate payment, to show my gratitude and thanks, for accepting our case, not walking away when it got tough and putting his all into trying to make what is wrong,…right again.
Therefore until we receive a verdict, I know where we are approved to live, the court stops being a catalyst to the monsters control and we are free to choose our own schedules again, I am urgently attempting to raise some funds to help pay for the legal fees my attorney deserves, by humbly setting up this page and asking for some assistance with this important action. I feel his dedication and time, needs to be respectfully and morally honored and I also want to be prepared for the costs that may mount after this event is over, for a possible appeal. Any donation amount will be accepted for this campaign, but heartfelt prayers for the truth to be seen, justice to be served, our independence recovered, and provisions to be restored to help us being further subjected to abuse and/or harmful, controlling decisions, are also greatly appreciated.  Thank you all and God bless.
Funded Justice
from Blogger http://ift.tt/2u6tMtg
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