#pre thancred x wol x urianger
friendlyeorzean · 10 months
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some earlier gposes from when I was still figuring shit out :D
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myreia · 6 days
Sketches of Times Lost
Day 18: Hackneyed
thancred attempts to confess his feelings. it does not go as planned. thancred x wol, pre-relationship. asexual wol. set during arr. written for ffxivwrite2024. rated: general 1868 words ao3 link
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There is a plan in mind, he’s not ashamed of that.
He has thought about it for weeks. Months, if he’s honest. Pulling and tugging on the threads of what if and when, imagined scenarios chasing themselves around his mind in varying shades of… well. Romantic, he would call it. He has never fully thought of himself as a romantic in earnest before, though some of his past lovers would have called him such. But there is a certain panache to the word, a sense, an atmosphere, that he finds compelling. Especially where Aureia is concerned.
It still surprises him that he is falling for her, his friend. Perhaps the closest friend he has ever allowed himself to have. She has witnessed him at his worst and at his best—the small triumphs, the overwhelming losses, pain and grief and joy. He has made a complete fool of himself in front of her more than once, sometimes in small trivial ways, other times less so. The time he spouted improvised poetry at a dancer in the Quicksand. How hard he tried to impress Yugiri Mistwalker when the shinobi joined their cause.
His butchering of the situation with Ifrit. His possession by an Ascian. Other moments he would rather not say.
He did not want to admit it at first. It would be easier for both of them if he did not feel the way he did. He knows better than anyone that romantic entanglements are best kept at arm’s length, far away from the goings on of the Scions. They are a weak spot. An exploit. A risk. He kept his distance from her after the Praetorium for this very reason, resisting the ache growing in his heart with every passing day by falling back on hold habits. Drinking more in the hopes of ignoring it. Distracting himself with a rather impressive list of paramours.
He has a sneaking suspicion Urianger has taken note and this will come back to bite him in the arse.
It took Moenbryda walloping him over the head—metaphorically, of course—with a disarming comment to make him realize how foolish he was being.
“You know what your problem is, Thancred? You’re too busy looking ten feet ahead for one problem or another to notice the blessing that is right in front of you.”
He never thanked her for that. It’s too late now.
Perhaps that’s why he has come to his decision. Moenbryda’s death sits heavy in their hearts, forcing them all to stare the fleetingness of life in the face. She seized hers with joy and fearlessness, hanging on to nothing. It’s time he did the same.
And so he has to do it right.
Aureia lets out a whoop as she springs up the rest of the stairs, racing him to the top. She reaches the battlements first, face flushed, hair a mess, ruby eyes sparkling, and spins around to face him as he follows suit. “Look at that,” she says, raising her hands in triumph. “I win.”
He chuckles, panting lightly, and sweeps his hair out of his eyes. “Was it a race?” he replies, leaning casually against the battlements. “I hadn’t noticed.”
She rolls her eyes and continues down the path, trailing her fingers across the coarse stonework. Mor Dhona stretches out before them, bright as the stars above. Lanterns float through the square, warming the aetheryte’s cool brilliance with their golden glow, illuminating the flowing crowds below. Further up the hill, the market bustles with activity, late night vendors selling trinkets and baubles, and people stumbling from Rowena’s café with drinks in hand. Adventurers loiter on the steps to the Seventh Heaven, carousing loudly. A group of dancers giggle with glee, moving merrily in rhythm to a drum as a trio of bards fill the plaza with their music.
All in all, it is a good night for festivities. Bright, clear, and only a hint of gloam.
Aureia hums to herself, folding her arms and leaning out over the parapet. She may be quiet in a crowd and shy away from the centre of attention, but she loves being around people. Immersing herself in the rhythms of a city, captivated by the pulse of life and the vibrancy of it all. It’s one of the things he finds endlessly fascinating about her, this paradox of extroversion and introversion.
“I wonder where Gerolt went,” she says after a moment, squinting as she scans the plaza. Her hair trails in the breeze and falls about her face. She pushes it back idly, twisting it around her finger, and knots it at the top of her head. Shorter pieces fall away, brushing across the nape of her neck. “He all but paled and ran for the hills when he saw Rowena earlier.”
“Perhaps he did run for the literal hills. I wouldn’t blame him if he did.”
She raises an eyebrow. “Oh? And here I thought you had no thoughts on the illustrious lady of the House of Splendours.”
He chokes. “No,” he says, a little strangled. “I don’t. Did you have to put it quite like that?”
“What? House of Splendours or illustrious lady?” She glances at him and grins. “If it’s the former, take it up with Rowena, she’s the one who named it.”
He catches her eye, regarding her in silence. His gaze lingers on her face, her hair, the way the silver studs in her upper ear catch the lanternlight. She hasn’t changed much since he met her. There is perhaps a touch of severity around her jaw and creases in the corners of her eyes, but she is still as vibrant as the spells she once cast. It seems so long ago that she stumbled into his life, and yet he has known many others for longer.
Much can happen over the course of two years.
“What?” Aureia says, eyes wide.
He says nothing, smiling quietly. If he could tell her now that she is beautiful, he would. He can’t remember when he first had that thought. Perhaps he’s always thought it.
Music wafts over them, slow and gentle.
Thancred pushes off the wall and gives her a mock little bow, extending his hand. “Would you have this dance, milady?” he says.
She pauses, a little laugh humming on her lips. “What are you doing?”
“Inviting you to dance.”
“Interesting.” She takes a step towards him, her chin raised archly. “You know I don’t dance.”
He straightens and steps into her. “I think you will tonight.”
“Do you remember what happened the last time you asked me to dance?”
“I’ve never asked you to.” His hand brushes his arm. She doesn’t move away. “I seem to remember that the dance I supposedly asked you to join me in was a sparring match where you routing me so thoroughly I don’t think my ego has recovered.”
She gazes at him, her eyes alight with joy. “Your poor ego.”
“Terribly bruised, you see.”
“If that’s so, why risk it again? I’ll only thrash you a second time.”
He chuckles and leans in, his lips a hair’s breath from her ear. “Because I am not asking you to spar, Aureia darling,” he says. The word slips out unexpectedly. He has never called her darling before. Too soon? Too late? He doesn’t care. Even a small deviation cannot ruin this night. “Dance with me.”
She hesitates, frozen for the briefest of moments. In the space between breaths, he wonders if she will pull away—it’s a delicate thing, this line they walk, and she has as much to lose as he does. But sometimes the risk is worth it. He can only hope she can see it, too.
Aureia slips her hand into his. “Fine,” she says at last. “One dance.”
“Only one?”
“Just one.”
He sweeps her into his arms and they dance.
The music washes over them and they move as one, fumbling their steps and knocking against each other. At last they find a compromise, gently swaying together as they turn on the spot, his hand on her waist, her head against his shoulder. Together they watch the plaza below, sparkling with light and life.
How is it that the simplest things are always the most difficult to say?
“Aur?” he murmurs.
She raises her head. “Yes?”
Her hair has untwisted from its knot, now falling loosely about her shoulders. Twelve above, she is gorgeous. If he is about to admit what he wants to—what he needs to—then there is no better time to do so than now.
Thancred presses a hand to her cheek and leans in close.
She inhales sharply and turns her head.
He pauses. “I…”
Aureia lets go of his hands and pulls away, staring determinedly at the plaza below, her jaw clenched. “I don’t know what you’re doing, Thancred, but I think you have a very, very wrong idea about me,” she says.
He frowns, too taken aback to feel the hurt he knows will come later. “I—Aureia. Are you… upset?”
“Hells, yes!” She rounds on him, red eyes blazing. “I am mad at you. I am so very, very mad at you—”
“I thought—”
“You thought what? You’ve barely spoken to me since Moenbryda’s death. I thought this was going to be a time for us to talk, not…” She makes a face. “You are trying to seduce me, aren’t you.”
He sighs, passing a hand across his face. “Assuredly not, no.”
“Then what is this? Bringing me up here on a pretty night, asking me to dance, staging this scene like some hackneyed plot you pulled out of a bard’s—ugh.” She rolls her eyes and storms across the battlements. “I’m not interested in all this. I thought you would have at least caught on to that by now.”
He follows her, keeping a careful distance as they tromp down the stairs. “On to what? My apologies, but I do not follow—”
“You’re going to make me come out and say it, aren’t you?” She hits the bottom landing and turns around, arms folded protectively across her chest. “I don’t… want that. Any of that. I never have. I never will.”
“Any of what?” To his surprise, the sting of rejection has not come yet. Perhaps because he doesn’t quite understand what she is rejecting him from. “Aureia, if I have done something so terribly offensive to you, please tell me. I will listen.”
“You’re not the first to have told me that, and yet I’ve yet to meet someone who understands.” She gives him a flat look, her mouth twisting as if she is trying to hold back tears. He has never seen her quite so furious yet vulnerable. “Tell me honestly, would you be happy being with me if I said I never wanted to sleep with you?”
He blinks. Of all the questions she could have asked, this is one he has never thought of.
She spreads her hands and drops them to her sides, as if his silence has proved a point he didn’t know he was making. “And there’s your answer,” she says and vanishes into the night.
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karygurl · 1 year
touchstarved (ffxiv)
Pre-relationship Thancred x WoL Cassandra Tygrova. Takes place in Shadowbringers, after returning to the Crystarium from Malikah's Well. Cassandra has always craved physical touch from those she's closest with. Being separated across time and space leads to some adjustments.
Cassandra wasn’t sure what it was, perhaps her lack of memories? But something in her craved physical connection with others, and while she was always hesitant to inconvenience anyone else with her needs, over time it’d come to light in starts and stops and all of the Scions had embraced it. Alphinaud always grasped her arms when he pleaded with her, Thancred ran a thumb over the back of her hand to reassure her, and Y’shtola and Alisaie often linked arms with her when headed in the same direction. Arm wrestling Yda. Adjusting the grip on her magic focus with Papalymo’s hands guiding her. Falling asleep in their midst, near their arms or on their shoulders. Urianger struggled with the contact and Cassandra never pushed him, understanding that his needs were different, but he was a looming, comforting presence when he sat next to her and allowed her to lean on him.
When she met them again one at a time in the First, though it hadn’t been long for her, she knew it had been incomprehensibly longer for them, and though the unspoken consent had never been revoked, she knew that she would need to find ways to ask again.
With Alphinaud and Alisaie, it had thankfully been easy. Alphinaud had hugged her straight away, and Alisaie had barreled into her during a sin eater attack and shared a brief cheeky grin with her as they lay tangled on the ground for that moment. 
If anything, Urianger’s time in the First had helped him to come out of his shell, if only a little. Not only was he skilled at navigating pixie pranks, he seemed more comfortable in his own skin. Though he still often remained cloistered away with his readings and research, he chimed in more, and even reached out to Cassandra on several occasions to pat her on the shoulder or reach across her to point out his findings in a particular book she was reading. 
For Thancred, it seemed to be the opposite, unfortunately. He seemed both physically and emotionally closed off, though not for lack of desire for closeness. She wasn’t sure how to describe it: almost as if he wanted affection for himself more than anything, but did not know how to ask, or worse, thought he didn’t deserve it. 
Minfilia’s presence complicated things. He seemed determined to hold himself away from her, despite spending three years in her company, the buffleheaded buffoon. 
It took time, but Cassandra was able to slowly figure out what he needed. It wasn’t until he’d sent Minfilia outside when they’d first arrived at the Bookman’s Shelves that he acquiesced to Cassandra asking if a hug would be okay, but once she was in his arms, the sheer joy and relief and loneliness she felt emanating from him spoke volumes. (Urianger, of course, also received a hug, as did Minfilia when Cassandra was able to properly ask the girl for permission.) 
Thancred needed assurance, but also seemed to feel embarrassed that it was something he craved. He wanted so badly to do the right thing, to the point of depriving both himself and Minfilia of much that they both needed. Thankfully, Cassandra arrived and did her best to bridge the gap as best she could. 
When Thancred had sent her and Minfilia ahead while he faced Ran’jit alone in Amh Araeng, she's been terrified that it hadn't been enough. There hadn’t been enough time, she hadn’t managed to get them talking openly with each other yet, they still had so much to say and share and she had to tell him that she--
And he’d gone and nearly died on them. She’d been shaking with terror and anger at him once she'd spotted his body on the sands and the clinical chill of triaging his dying form had subsided. She’d coaxed his heart back to beating, his lungs to breathing, his aether to flowing, his eyes to open. And after all of that, the fury in her veins melted away in an instant when his eyes trained on hers and his trembling hand rose to her cheek, his features melting into such a blissful state of relief that she couldn’t stay mad. Not at him, not when he’d risked himself within an inch of his life to keep her and Minfilia safe. Just like his fool arse always did.
Soon after that, Minfilia became Ryne, her own person, and their relationship changed-- for the better, thankfully. In Thancred’s eyes, the decision was made and he no longer had to remain a bystander. Though he didn’t say as much, it seemed as though he felt more comfortable being involved then, injecting himself into conversations and joking around with Ryne. Not only did his words reveal the sheer pride he held for her, he seemed more comfortable reaching out too, patting her on the head and putting his hand on her back as they walked along. Small gestures, but so telling. 
And then there were his interactions with Cassandra. When they’d finished at Malikah’s Well, they’d headed directly back to the Crystarium on amaro, not even stopping at Mord Souq. The rush to return had made Cassandra nervous, moreso when Y’shtola had cornered her with Ryne and interrogated her on how she was feeling. The three of them had gone to Spagyrics just to assuage their fears, but none of the healers there made note of her glaringly bright aether beyond a passing glance. Then again, they might have been too scared to say anything; a preponderance of light within anyone was cause for concern. 
By the time Cassandra was released from their ministrations, she headed back in the direction of her room in the Pendants but caught a glimpse of a familiar head of silvery hair at the Wandering Stairs. Altering her course, she climbed the steps up to the seating area and joined Thancred as he stared down into the mug of whatever he’d been served. After ordering some water for herself, she smiled and scooted closer to him, almost conspiratorially. “Tell me about Minfilia, your Minfilia,” she asked, her voice near a whisper. “All the stories you wish everyone knew about her.”
That request had his lip quirking up. Perhaps a bit of the bard he used to be still lived within him. He regaled her with tales of the girl he'd watched grow up, and all of the ways he'd been privileged to know her. When he slouched, she pressed up against him to keep him upright. She understood that it wasn’t the drink causing it, but the great heft of the memories that weighed on him. 
Gods, he was warm. Coming back from the pressing heat of Amh Araeng, she thought she’d be grateful for the comparative chill of the Crystarium, but she’d found herself fighting off goosebumps, especially the longer she sat. It nearly felt as if sitting still was draining her of warmth, not to mention pulling at her consciousness. She pinched her leg, trying to stay awake as Thancred finished his stories and was content to drink with her in silence, but the stillness settled over her in a wash and she felt herself nearly become rigid. The thought would have shocked her had she been more awake; she was used to slumping over when she felt asleep, not locking up, but her awareness was fading quickly and the thought popped like a soap bubble before her mind drifted away altogether.
Her next conscious thought was of falling, and then floating. 
“Usually you’d rest on my shoulder when you’d fall asleep,” she heard Thancred murmur to himself, the rumble in his chest carrying through her cheek resting against it. “Am I such bad company anymore? Ah, but perhaps today I truly was.”
She pushed herself to emit a small groan, adamant in refusing his supposition. 
His chuckle reverberated just as much as his words had. “I see, pray excuse me then. You’re obviously correct.”
“‘m sorry,” Cassandra muttered softly in return, wanting to say more but pulling words from her lips felt like so much effort. Though she struggled to hear his response, she drifted again, only wakening once more when she was gently laid out onto a surface that softly gave way beneath her. A bed? Was it hers?
She had more to say to him, she didn’t want him to leave yet, so she sat up (they were, in fact, in her room in the Pendants she noted) but the motion sent waves of sparkling white across her vision, her chest contracting into what felt like an inanimate monument of stone as she struggled to breathe. She’d inadvertently pitched forward as she sat up and reached for him, her hand catching at the sleeve of his shirt as she toppled. She’d only managed to keep from crashing to the ground thanks to Thancred’s fast reflexes, his hands grasping under her elbows and his knees dropping to the ground in order to catch her. 
Her head landed against his shoulder awkwardly, and the alarming crackling noises that emanated from her open mouth had him pushing her back to cast his eyes over her face. He called her name, but she wasn’t able to respond for several more seconds, until she was able to ease the seized contraction in her chest enough to force herself to breathe. 
“‘m fine,” she croaked out from a paralyzed throat, the words making a mockery of themselves with their delivery. “Just… needed a minute.” 
Despite her shaky reassurances, he didn’t let her go, but slowly rose and helped her sit back onto her mattress. 
“Did Y’shtola and Ryne have anything to offer you, beyond the generally accepted wisdom of rest?” he asked quietly, his eyes taking in every detail of her form. Though he had no talent for seeing or sensing aether, he knew that whatever was ailing her was no normal malady. The shuttering into stillness worried him, almost as if she were turning to stone… or light.
Cassandra shook her head, dashing his hopes for some kind of temporary remedy. Her head was downcast, ashamed, and it pricked at him to see it, as if her having to absorb the aether of the lightwardens was somehow her fault. Her eyes turned forlornly to the closed window, and she shuddered. 
“Worried about being alone?” he asked quietly, and she nodded. “Would you like me to stay?”
Her eyes met his then, hope warring with something else in them. 
“It’s no imposition,” he tried to reassure her. 
“But what would…” she trailed off, then hung her head. Was she thinking of their friends, or the other residents? She’d sacrifice sleep and comfort for the sake of some measly gossip?
“What will they think of you, or me?” he wondered aloud, lips curving wickedly. “I expect something unseemly, but I’ve heard stranger rumors circling about the Exarch and they still love him all the same, don’t they? Now, move over, there’s plenty of space on that bed, unless you’d rather I drag over one of those uncomfortable looking stools.”
She blinked owlishly at him, but immediately moved to scoot over in the bed before he surmised she’d even fully comprehended what he’d said. How like her, to acquiesce to a request from someone else without taking the time to consider if it was an imposition to herself first. He preferred not to weaponize her kindness, but in this case, it was for her sake after all.
He shrugged off his coat, leaned his gunblade against the bed and removed his boots with practiced ease before sliding onto the covers, moving to sit against the headboard near the edge so that she had nearly the entire space to herself. Despite that, she chose to curl up next to him, hands tucked against her chest and head bowed near his thigh. Surprising no one, she fell asleep nearly instantly. 
Thancred supposed this was good for him, as well: he still wasn’t fully recovered from the dire tricks he’d used to fight off Ran’jit’s onslaught. Despite Cassandra’s and the other Scions’ efforts, he needed rest himself, and this was a good opportunity as any. A quiet room, relaxing company, and nothing to do but get the rest he was prescribed. No distractions. 
Except, of course, for the rather large distraction in the form of the woman curled up next to him. He wasn’t surprised that after a bit of time, she’d scooted closer to him in her sleep, and finally giving in to both her and the pesky rest he knew he needed, he slipped down into the bed and allowed himself to press his shoulder downward so she could rest against it, as he knew she would unconsciously seek it out eventually. The woman was a cuddler. 
He should have expected that during the night she’d managed to worm her way under his arm and press her cheek to his chest. He’d nearly shot up at the feeling of her nuzzling; he didn’t take well to being surprised as he slept, but thankfully, he’d managed to stay calm and allow her to get comfortable before he did the same. He’d slept near others often enough, but never with someone like this. It was new, certainly alarming, but not disagreeable. In fact… Feeling her close, warm, safe, settled him in an unfamiliar but welcome way. He could get used to this.
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therisingphoenixden · 2 years
Prompt #17: Of Things New And Old
Prompt: Novel
Characters: Thancred Waters, Urianger Augurelt, Berude Eijinn (with subtle hints of Thancred/Berude/Urianger)
Content Warnings: Aside from the obvious ShB spoilers, small mentions of past alcohol abuse.
Author’s Notes: Well, this one got away from me! I didn’t intend for it to wind its way into polyship territory, but here we are! Also, not-angry Thancred was ridiculously fun to write.
There was a spark in the Crystarium that hadn’t existed before the Warrior of Darkness came and brought back the night sky; first to Lakeland, then Il Mheg, and eventually all of Norvrant basked in the cycles that the natives of the Source had taken for granted all their lives. 
After five years - nearly six now, by his admittedly poor tracking of time - of ever-constant unnatural daylight, Thancred Waters could easily see the novelty of night. The unending days had always seemed to blur together. Especially while on the run with his young charge. 
He frowned into his nearly empty tankard. The choice Minfilia - no - Ryne had made truly had been the only choice at the time to find the Lightwarden hidden in Ahm Araeng. He had still been terrified, although he wasn’t sure whose loss he would have mourned more. The old Minfilia he had once loved or the young girl he had come to care for like a daughter.
Once he pulled his head out of his arse long enough to realize that, yes, he did care for this girl he had been so terrified to allow close.
In the end, the young girl’s spirit won out and the loss of the Minfilia he loved hadn’t hurt nearly as much as he feared. Deep down, he knew he had come to terms with her loss and  that, truthfully, she was already lost after Hydaelyn claimed her. Sure, he felt the old wounds from Urianger’s betrayal flare to life, but it was quickly smothered by the joy he felt when Ryne declared herself her own person, eyes bright with determination and pride in herself.
He found another tankard of ale being pressed into his hand as he watched the celebrations in the Musica Universalis. The drahn bartender - tall with tanned skin, long dark hair, and ivory scales similar to Ru’s with horns that curved forward - winked at him. “For one of the heroes who brought back the night!”
Thancred raised his tankard in thanks and slowly sipped his ale. This would be the one thing he would miss once the Exarch figured out the logistics of sending them home. Not just the drinks, the camaraderie born from the necessity of survival.
Gods, he was getting soft in his old age. Or maybe it was the sudden fatherhood?
“Room for two more?” A soft, lightly accented voice purred, breaking his train of thought. He turned to see the true hero of the hour, the Warrior of Darkness herself, and Urianger. Her ever-present shadow. He should have known something had been going on between them after the journey to Il Mheg. 
But he knew Urianger had been recruited and trained by Louisoix for more than just his mind. How else would he have pulled off the plan that had cost them…
No! He wasn’t going down that path again. He would acknowledge the fact that Urianger had one-upped and outplayed him in the arena of covert operations.
Dual wielding daggers alone did not make a spy, after all.
“Thancred?” Berude regarded him with concern. Had he forgotten to respond to her question?
“Right! Yes, always. The more the merrier!” His delivery was abrupt, stilted, and he saw the concern in his friends’ eyes.
“How much hast thou drunk, friend?” He felt Urianger’s hand on his shoulder and his cheeks immediately heated.
He could feel the concern rolling off of Urianger at this point, yet he couldn’t find offense in either of them for worrying. He hadn’t exactly been at his best after it was revealed to him that Minfilia had become the Word of the Mother, then had departed for the First shortly after. “This one’s only my second, and I’ve not yet touched it.” He set the tankard down and truly looked at his friends for the first time since their arrival.
He could barely restrain himself. ‘Seven hells!’ When had Berude talked Urianger into donning trousers? The whole outfit wasn’t dissimilar to his robes, but the way the front of his sleeveless top draped into a deep v-cut that exposed far more chest than he was used to seeing from the prim astrologian…
Gods, this was an all-new line of thought! But he also hadn’t seen this much of Urianger before.
With Berude, he was so used to her monk raiment of a simple red breast band and loose white trousers. Except that was all she wore, paired with simple sandals, and he noticed the trousers had cutouts at the sides, displaying a hint of skin and the white scales at her hips. Her hair hung in loose curls instead of tied back into a simple bun.
By the Twelve, he was not prepared for this rush of new feelings regarding his friends!
Berude leaped back as Thancred blacked out, only for Urianger to catch him in his arms. “We should take him to my quarters, ensure he’s comfortable.”
Awareness slowly crept back to Thancred as the sun woke him. He was warm, the bed was soft, he was being held from both sides…
His eyes snapped open and he looked down. He saw two arms, one slender and pale with stripes of ivory scales, the other tanned and surprisingly well-muscled for who it belonged to. A tail had also wrapped itself around his hips. All three of them were still clothed, albeit for sleeping, so he could rest easily there. He hadn’t gotten blackout drunk again and tried to talk his way into bedding his friends.
Hadn’t he? He usually had a code regarding that. Even when he turned to drink to numb the pain from Minfilia’s loss, he hadn’t given in to flirtations from Hoary Boulder.
No. The last thing he remembered was being overwhelmed and passing out from a combination of conflicting feelings, exhaustion from traveling nearly the entire breadth of Norvrant from the Tempest after a grueling battle, and drinking ale on an empty stomach. The spacious room had to be Berude’s private suite in the Pendants. That his friends cared so much about him, despite him being an aurochs’ arse  during most of their time on the First, touched him.
Perhaps more than friends, if the way Berude and Urianger were nuzzling him as they, too, woke to greet the day was any indication of their intentions last night. Of all the revelations from the First, this was the most surprising.
If they were open to adding a new dynamic to their relationship, he was more than happy to explore it with them.
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allycryz · 3 years
FFXIV Write 2021 Master Post
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Bit of housekeeping, don't mind me
9/1: Foster Aymeric x Thancred, Shadowbringers Patches, Rated G
9/2: Aberrant Thancred x Voidsent AU, Stormblood, Rated M
9/3: Scale Estinien x WoL, Patch 5.55, Rated M
9/4: Baleful X'rhun x Sidurgu, Post-Stormblood, Rated G
9/6: Avatar Ysayle, Fray, Heavensward Patches, Rated G
9/8: Adroit Thancred x OC, Post ShB, Rated T
9-9: Friable Estinien x Haurchefant, HW Patches, Rated G
9-10: Heady Haurchefant x Urianger, pre-ShB, Rated E, literal sex pollen
9-7/9-12: Speculate Hades!Emet x WoL x Fatebreaker!Thancred, Rated E, Monsterfucking, mind the tags
9-13-21: Oneirophrenia Nero x Cid, post-SB patches, rated M
9/15: Thunderous Hades x Azem x Hythlodaeus, 5.3 Spoilers, Rated T
9/16: Crane Various pairings, Post 5.0 but spoilers are mostly 3.0, Rated M
9/17: Destruct Hades x Azem x Hythlodaeus, 5.3 Spoilers, Rated T
9/20: Petrichor Ysayle DRK story, Post 3.0, Rated T
9/21: Feckless Zenos x Emmanellain AU, Early 3.0, Rated T
9/22: Fluster Aymeric x Thancred, 5.55 Spoilers, Rated G
9/23: Soul Demon!Aymeric x Vigilante!Estinien, Modern times, Rated E, mind the tags
9/24: Illustrious Post 5.0, Thancred x WoL, Thancred x OC, Rated Gish
9/27: Benthos 5.0 Canon Divergence, Emet x WoL, Rated T
9/28: Bow DRK Ysayle, Hilda, Rated G-T
9/29: Debonair Post 5.55, Thancred x Estinien, Rated T
9/30: Abstracted Post 5.3, Thancred x Y'shtola, Thancred x Y'shtola x Many, Rated E, *orgy
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faelune-home · 4 years
LadyFufu’s FFXIV Write 2020 Master Post
I was gonna not do a Master Post for these since they’ll all be under the tag on my blog and I was planning to post them to Ao3 once the month was done buuuut maybe having them in an easy to collect place is good for now. :’D
I list which WoL is the focus of each piece next to the entries, if they are, plus quick notes about story details (spoilers points or what its about at a glance)
I haven’t written for every entry so far just cos there was no idea sparked. :’D Even if the point of FFXIV Write is to write something and post it anyway regardless of mistakes and trying not to be perfect, if I can’t even think of something to write then I’m not gonna force it. 
It’s my first time trying something like this anyway so I’m taking it easy (Like this - daily writing challenges)
#2 - Sway (miqo!Fufu, backstory/childhood) #3 - Muster (miqo!Fufu, early ARR, pre-Ifrit, looking for scholarly help to increase her vocab knowledge) #4 - Clinch (miqo!Fufu, early ShB with early spoilers, proper reunion with the twins) #7 - Nonagenarian (miqo!Fufu, mid ShB, Il Mheg, no spoilers, dissing Urianger’s fashion sense) #8 - Clamour (Yuri, ARR start, arrival in Limsa Lominsa) #9 - Lush (no WoL, NPC focused, post-StB with some HW spoilers, Lyse having a moment in the Shroud) #10 - Avail (miqo!Fufu, early HW, post Halatali rescue, some musing over Ilberd’s words) #11 - Ultracrepidarian (miqo!Fufu, mid StB, Azim Steppe pre-Naadam, discussing personal beliefs in gods and mourning the dead - no direct spoilers) #12 - Tooth and Nail (miqo!Fufu, late ShB, Mt Gulg, a moment’s respite on the mountain ends up with a heart-to-heart moment) #14 - Part (miqo!Fufu, general overview of the story, a look at goodbyes. References to spoiler moments, the only direct spoiler is to the end of ShB) #15 - Ache (miqo!Fufu, timeline placement ambiguous, HW 3.3/3.4 spoilers, girls night catch up in the Stones after a dinner with Aymeric, and the author has anchored her WoLships) #16 - Lucubration (Yuri, backstory then transition to early ARR pre-Titan, the driving motivation that made her want to go to Eorzea and her preparations after) #17 - Fade (miqo!Fufu, early shb, post holminster, Fufu and Ardbert have a chat in the inn room) #18 - Panglossian (miqo!Fufu, late ShB, Amaurot, a moment with Fufu and Ryne) #19 - Where the Heart is (miqo!Fufu, ShB 5.3 finale, no direct spoilers) #21 - Foibles (NPC focused, background miqo!Fufu, early Stormblood during Kugane boat trip, pre-Sirensong Sea, Lyse tells the Scions about Yda) #22 - Argy-bargy (miqo!Fufu, ShB 5.1-.2 downtime, scholars discussing Carbuncles, to everyone else’s confusion) #23 - Shuffle (miqo!Fufu, mid-HW, pre-Aery, no direct spoilers, an overview of my WoL’s dabbling in other jobs from Alphinaud’s perspective) #24 - Beam (miqo!Fufu, general overview of Light as an idea, sorta beginning ShB, hinted at spoilers for HW) #25 - Wish (miqo!Fufu, early ARR, post-Ifrit, late night chat with Minfilia, a brief look at WoL backstory) #26 - When Pigs Fly (miqo!Fufu, silly and short w/ Thancred and a porxie) #28 - Irenic (NPC focused, post-Heavensward, Aymeric musing about repairing Ishgardian/Dravanian relations) #29 - Paternal (NPC Focused, brief miqo!Fu appearance, post-5.3, the twins receive a letter) #30 - Splinter (miqo!Fufu, shb finale musings and maybe hinted ardbert x wol feelings)
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autumnslance · 5 years
Tumblr Writing Prompts
A Master post for my writing that starts here on Tumblr. The FFXIV Writes have their own Master posts (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021), and my lore/speculation posts have their own page, so this is for blurbs, scenes, microfics, and the occasional proper story about my characters and various NPCs.
Most of these are also on my Ao3, but for Tumblr, this is a little more organized than tag diving, and rebloggable. This post is also linked in the fic writing page and my pinned post.
In roughly chronological order, with listings for what patch/expac it’s set in for spoilers if necessary. Divided by NPCs, Unnamed WoL, fics with 2 or more of my OCs, individual OC stories, ship fics, AUs, and the rare adult-only stories at the bottom. Below the cut:
Chin Up - Thancred and Yda chat in the Sharlayan Colony. Pre-game.
Not a Hero - A young girl encounters Ardbert. Heavensward 3.x
Never Gets Easier - Count Edmont takes a walk. Post-HW 3.3.
Sigurista - Urianger and a letter from the Arcanists. HW 3.4
Meraki - About Dragons and Dragoons; HW 3.5-ish.
Punctual - Conjurer Crew, post-Stormblood 4.0.
Random Headcanons - Scion HCs through StB 4.5.
Cid Headcanon - Led to my “After Omega” story. Post-ARR 2.0 (for this post).
Warning - Urianger’s trustworthiness is questioned. Pre-Shadowbringers 5.0.
Harsh Whisper - Estinien infiltrating the Empire with allies, ShB 5.0
Not a Savior - The Shadowkeeper. Role Quests capstone, ShB 5.0
Getting Used To - The Oracle and her Guardian, post ShB 5.2
Unnamed WoL:
Rules - For a Warrior of Light.
Fireworks - Thoughts about fireworks. WoL’s got issues.
Dust Motes - Rest after the Praetorium. Post-ARR 2.0.
Tomorrow - NOAH’s attempts to open the Crystal Tower. Post-ARR 2.5.
Shimmer - Thoughts on Revenant’s Toll. Post-ARR 2.5.
Silence - Nighttime thoughts in the Falling Snows. Post-ARR 2.5.
In Dreams -The only place to meet someone. Post-HW 3.0.
Savior - Immediate aftermath of the Final Steps of Faith. HW 3.3.
Left Behind - Partings throughout Heavensward. Through 3.5.
Trusted - Betrayal. ARR 2.5, Heavensward 3.5.
Jealousy - In the sense of guarding something. Post-HW.
Diary - Dark Knight journal entries. StB 4.0.
Crave - Why does the WoL hang with Hildibrand? StB 4.2-ish.
What Happens on the Steppe... - Telling Lyse about ‘Little Sun.’ StB 4.4.
Stars - Red Mage apprentices take a break. StB 4.4-ish.
Dusk Motes - Dustiness on the First. ShB early 5.0.
Heartbeats - Ancient memories, Shadowbringers 5.0 finale.
Seductive Kiss - Not naming names. Just a couple being a couple.
Similarities (Dark/Aeryn) - OOC Rumination on my mains.
Backstory (Dark/C’oretta) - Short blurbs on backstory moments.
Childhood Memory (Dark/C’oretta) - More backstory moments.
Gold Saucer - Blurb on the ladies’ Manderville Saucer preferences.
Family - Memories of family members.
Meeting - Dark and Aeryn meet at the Lancer’s Guild. Early ARR.
Calamity Plans - Dark/C’oretta/Aeryn discuss if another Calamity is imminent.
Sunbathing - The chocobos of Gage Acquisitions wait in the sun.
Gifts - Starlight gift reactions, nebulous Shadowbringers timeframe.
Reactions - Multi-prompts for Multiple alts.
3 AM - C’oretta calls on Dark for help.
Fashion Issues - Aeryn & Iyna have different ideas.
Year of the What? - Iyna & Aeryn, Heavensturn 2020. StB 4.5 mentions.
Escape Plan - C’oretta’s going to turn Iyna and Dark grey before their time.
Unsupervised - Aeryn regrets asking C’oretta’s help on behalf of a friend.
Convalescence - Iyna takes care of an injured-and bored-C’oretta.
C’oretta Khell:
A Long Way To Go - some backstory, from Hamon Holyfist’s PoV.
NPC: Hamon - Blurb about Hamon’s place in C’oretta’s life.
A Boy I Knew - Blurb about one of C’oretta’s casual youthful affairs.
Filthy - Violet the “piggy” is a troublemaker.
Crave - Beating bad guys is appetite-inducing. HW/StB MNK spoilers.
Walking on Ice - Literally. As a desert girl. She’s not a happy cat.
On Purpose - C’oretta is good at what she does.
Dear Future Me - Starlight silliness.
Iyna Cauld:
Simo and Tyrsis - Blurb on Iyna’s past Garlean interactions.
NPC: Fran - Blurb on Fran’s place in Iyna’s life.
Soft Prompts - General get to know responses
Nostalgia - Missing things you never want back.
Dark Autumn:
It Runs In the Family - A family legend on a lack of magic.
NPC: Cold Autumn - Blurb about Dark’s oldest brother.
Rampage - The Seventh Umbral Calamity.
Post-Traveling - Sensory prompt of returning home.
Chocobo - Bandit is also a troublemaker.
Morning - Dark is a morning person.
Formal - Certain preparations made before formal Twin Adder events.
Protector - Dark doesn’t like bullies.
Notebook - Journaling while there’s a lull in fighting, end of StB.
Rumors (Last Dragoon AU) - In a friend’s Eighth Umbral Era AU.
Shy Kiss - Starlight Celebration 2019 RP Prompt.
Long Lost - Finding an old, lost item.
Aeryn Striker:
The Other Warrior of Light - Meta inspo for Aeryn’s appearance & story.
Aeryn’s Magic - Meta on why/how magic was difficult & what changed.
seaswolchallenge May 2020 - 30 prompts, all over the timeline.
Febhyurary 2021 - 28 screenshots & blurbs, all thru the timeline.
About Kai - Blurb about one of Aeryn’s stepsiblings.
Sick - Backstory about a difficult time.
Unwell - How does Aeryn handle being sick herself?
Preparation - Backstory, about leaving home.
Dragoon’s Memory - Ser Alberic comments on knowing Aeryn
Hard Lesson - Blurb on learning/changing over time.
Wanting - Dark Knight questions. End of ARR/Early HW.
Cuddling Type - Tataru teases Aeryn about a knight. End of ARR/Early HW.
Clouds - Odd weather makes a mage uneasy.
Feather - Chocobo hunting for charity.
Garden - Just a breather.
Red - The color she wears most often.
Sanctum - Taking in the ambiance at the Sanctum of the Twelve.
Love - Contemplating religion.
Fast Learner - Lessons learned from Ilberd Feare. Through end of HW 3.5.
Blood - Thoughts during the assault on the Reach. Early StB 4.0
Gritty Eyes - Memories of a campfire shared with Gosetsu. StB 4.0.
5 Intimate Moments - Platonic times with friends, through Stormblood.
Blush - It’s easy to make Aeryn blush. Post-StB/Pre-ShB.
Heart - Talking to a departed friend. Post-ARR 2.5, thru StB.
Sanity - Shigure and Aeryn discuss Hildibrand. StB patches.
Friends - Offered support. Red Mage spoilers, StB 4.5.
Loyal and Stubborn - The scene before facing the Ascian. StB 4.55
Safe - Estinien getting Aeryn off the battlefield. StB 4.55
Notebook - Waiting for word of the Beacon. Post-StB 4.5/Pre-ShB 5.0.
Connected - A gift from Lyse to keep Aeryn’s BFF close. StB 4.5/ShB 5.0.
Comfort Food - Aeryn and Alisaie discuss food. ShB 5.0
Memory - Another’s memory is her nightmare. Ardbert listens. ShB 5.0.
Seven Devils - A brief alternate take on the battle for Eulmore. ShB 5.0
Waiting - Aeryn maintains an old tradition through the night. ShB 5.0 end.
Omelets - Aeryn vs F’lhaminn and late night snacks. Sometime in ShB.
Common Arguments - Prompt; Aeryn vs her fellow Scions. Through ShB.
Dear Future Me - Post 5.1 Journal Entry.
Shippy Nonsense - Aeryn/Thancred clean relationship fics:
Romance Rambles - Blurb on Aeryn’s relationship with Haurchefant. HW.
Literary Interests - Blurb on how Thancred & Aeryn connect & spend time.
Flirtatious - A response to being flirted at. Early ARR 2.0 timeframe.
Humidity - A dance in Revenant’s Toll. ARR patches.
Sparring - Tensions run high ‘twixt Aeryn and Thancred. HW 3.2.
Flowers - A gift left in a locked room. Sometime during HW patches.
Make it Better - Important talk night before Ala Mhigo. End of StB 4.0
Betting Pool - Everyone has noticed. StB 4.4.
Description - Young Minfilia asks Thancred about Aeryn. Pre/Early ShB 5.0
Market Conversation - Thancred and Emet-Selch have a chat. ShB 5.0
When the Time Comes - Aeryn asks a favor of Thancred. ShB 5.0
No Defense - Forgetful Aeryn influenced by C’oretta. Sometime in ShB.
2 AM - Trouble sleeping before calling the final element with Eden. ShB 5.2
What If? - AU Scenarios:
Bad End Iyna | Bad End Dark | Bad End Aeryn | Bad End C’oretta |
NOT SFW Lemons:
Plans - Iyna backstory; an affair that wasn’t all it seemed.
Afterimages - Thancred the morning after “Sparring”. HW 3.2.
Please - Aeryn & Thancred post-Throne Room Summoning. StB 4.1.
Rak’tika Rendezvous - Aeryn & Thancred post-Qitana Ravel. ShB 5.0.
Night In - Aeryn & Thancred, followup of another prompt. Sometime in ShB 5.x.
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karygurl · 2 years
a feeling called... (ffxiv)
Pre-relationship Thancred x WoL Cassandra Tygrova (oh lord, they're pining). Takes place in Shadowbringers after the Dohn Mheg dungeon. Letting his comrades rest gives Thancred too much time to think.
The group trudged their way back to the Bookman’s Shelves, eyeing the water’s edge warily as they walked through the deceptively bright land of Il Mheg. The fuaths' games, subsequent abduction of Cassandra and the frantic search to find her had them all on edge and exhausted. Cassandra’s hair was drying into long, limp tendrils, as she’d taken it out of its normal ponytail and braid to let it hang freely down her back. Despite keeping a wary eye out for mischievous fae, Thancred had a hard time pulling his gaze away from the thin strands as they brushed against her shoulderblades. He’d rarely seen her with her hair down in all the time they’d known each other. Which, come to think of it, was longer for him than for her now, considering his five years now in the First… How long had it been on the Source?
When Cassandra shivered, his first instinct was to snap his gaze to the water’s edge to ensure that no fuath had spooked her and come to poke at them. When he spied no threat, he shrugged off his coat and settled it on her small shoulders. Though the hem dragged on the ground, stirring up flower petals as she walked, her fingers clutched the edges of the lapel tight to herself and her eyes crinkled as she gave him a grateful smile. 
He pointedly ignored the curious look from Minfilia, and the smug smile from Alisaie. He’d do the same were they cold and shivering, of course, though his overcoat would be even more comically oversized on either of them. 
When they’d made their way to the Bookman’s Shelves, they’d decided to take the time to rest and recuperate before continuing their quest to collect the relics and visit the Nu Mou. Urianger set about making everyone comfortable, moving books to uncover furniture that could be used to take a brief respite. 
It was an unspoken agreement between them all that Cassandra should be the first to get some rest. She caught on and seemed uncomfortable with the attention but settled in all the same, dropping off to sleep rather quickly while still wrapped up in the overcoat. Once she’d drifted off, the rest found corners or horizontal surfaces as best they could to get some rest themselves.
Thancred crossed his arms as he settled into a chair in the main room, listening to the soft rustle of sleeping bodies shifting at odd moments to find their equilibrium. Though Urianger had insisted that the home was safe from fae meddling, he wasn’t about to trust in their benevolence and leave his companions unguarded. 
It wasn’t an imposition. He’d endured harder and longer vigils many times before, after all. 
The silence did leave his mind to create its own musings, however. In the past, when he’d fought alongside Cassandra, he’d been in the shadows or the background, and her power had bolstered him but he’d not often been the focus of her attention. Now that he'd dedicated himself to the front line, standing at the fore and calling the attention of any enemies in their path to keep his companions safe, he bore the brunt of her attentions and the feeling was… different. Her aether washed over him in waves, shielding him as he protected her, staunched wounds and stunned the enemies surrounding him so that he could more easily cut them down. It was a delicate dance, keeping herself just far enough out of harm’s way but close enough to weave her aether to help him. Each person’s aether had its own character, if one was around it long enough to suss out its intricacies, and Cassandra’s washing over him made him feel… complicated. Homesick, if he were to be honest with himself, but also home in and of itself. It had become such a familiar feeling before he’d even noticed that it had happened and now it eased part of his wary mind, if only for a moment. 
Thancred had no aetheric capabilities anymore, but even before the trip through the Lifesteam had torn them from him, he’d had no talent in healing, no useful knowledge to pass onto this Minfilia. Thankfully the girl had a talent all her own for it, but perhaps Cassandra could assist her in learning more. 
He idly wondered if Cassandra would be willing to enchant his ammunition as well. He wouldn’t take that task away from Minfilia, he knew that the girl felt useful when she was able to help him in that way, but he couldn’t help but wonder what expending the cartridges would feel like with her powerful aether behind them.
Not that her aether was the only thing she had to offer. Her presence in and of itself was so familiar despite the five years since he’d seen her. Gods, it felt like he’d been another man then, and even who he’d been when he’d “departed” her side in the Source was so different than who he’d been when he’d first met her under the Sultantree. He felt as if he’d changed a dozen times over… and she was still Cassandra. Perhaps a little less idealistic, but still kind, still genuine, still a steady foundation that anyone could lean on. Still taken advantage of for her prowess and abilities. Still fighting a fight she had no stake in, for the sake of others. Still in danger at every turn. 
Cassandra would insist that she didn’t need protecting, but he would protect her all the same, to his dying breath if need be. She’d earned his loyalty many times over, and owed his life to her more than once as well. 
There was no time now, with the Eulmoran army at their backs and a lightwarden to eliminate, but when they had a moment to breathe, hopefully safe and sound back at the Crystarium if they managed to make it back in one piece, he hoped he’d have a chance to speak with her about the trivial things. Or more important things, he wasn’t particularly choosy. He had his own burdens he had yet to fully conquer, but he would know more of hers, of the Source and what had happened since he’d left. The Garlean Empire seemed so distant to him now, but for her it likely still felt like a present threat. He mused that he was losing touch after all this time, not with his skills in espionage (keeping Minfilia safe and out of harm’s way certainly kept him on his toes) but in the usefulness of the information he’d collected and the network he’d developed over the years. He hoped Riol and Tataru were managing in his absence.
Beyond the usual catastrophic updates, moreso he wanted to hear about her. Her troubles, her worries, how she was adapting to the First and being dragged into yet another fight. Twelve knew he didn’t have his own feelings sorted out entirely but that was irrelevant, he was concerned for her. Everything always fell on her shoulders, didn’t it? He hoped he could take up some of the burden. It was the least he could do for her. 
Taking care of her wasn’t often a conscious decision for him, truth be told. She was simply a comrade that he respected, even from the beginning. Having looked after Minfilia as she grew into her powers, he’d known the signs of the Echo more readily than most other Scions and was able to step in and watch over Cassandra when she inadvertently peered into the past, and help guide her if she was in a dangerous place. After he’d regained control of himself after Lahabrea and she’d gone out of her way to help him come to terms with what had happened, not only had he been more adamant than ever that he needed to step up in order to make up for what had happened under his unknowing hand, but he felt the need to repay her for her efforts in helping him stay afloat. He’d eagerly given his life for her and Minfilia after the betrayal at the bloody banquet… though it turned out that Hydaelyn wasn’t quite finished with him yet. His crash course in wilderness survival had not been one of the greatest highlights of his life, but if anything he’d learned some new skills and managed to rescue Cassandra at a crucial moment. Who could have guessed that one day he’d visit and attempt to save the same world as the Warrior of Darkness he’d crossed swords with that day?
And when he’d looked upon the Source’s Minfilia one last time, or so he’d thought… He had thought he’d come to terms with never seeing her again, because there had been no options, no hope in changing her fate. Having that possible chance of her return now felt almost cruel, dredging up pain and loss that he thought he’d conquered. 
But back then, the rapid changes of his circumstances brought other situations up in a different light. The way Cassandra was used, by everyone. The Ishgardians, not content with her nearly single handedly winning a thousand year long war for them, had pulled her into their Grand Melee to bolster morale which to him was as close to cheating as he could imagine. She became a fixture at nearly every peace meeting, every discussion between heads of state. They called her a representative of the Scions, a neutral party, but he knew it was often a front for seeing how her strength could be used to solve their problems. 
On one hand, having access to a powerful tool and not using it was folly. On the other, she was no tool, she was a person. One who had too good of a heart, who would never deign to refuse even if offered the choice. Though she was kind, she wasn’t naïve; she knew she was being used, but she allowed it anyway because it could help someone. It infuriated him for reasons he couldn’t express; perhaps it had something to do with watching Minfilia grow into the figurehead for the Scions of the Seventh Dawn? Though they’d operated in secret for so long, that didn’t truly compare. 
He never could put his finger on why it bothered him so much. She acted as if it didn’t hurt her, but he could feel her grim acceptance when she was pushed to her limit. He couldn’t think of a single time she’d refused for her own sake, and she wouldn’t, if her sacrifice bolstered another. 
She was good, in ways that many in the world were not. To have that used against her made him want to fight back and protect that kind heart, because in this one way she couldn’t protect herself. He would gladly do it for her, in her stead.
Thancred pulled his watchful gaze away from the door to glance at her, curled up on the hastily assembled crates and sacks that had become her makeshift bed. She was still dwarfed by his coat, and the image stirred something in him. Concern? She looked small like that, hair loose with fine tendrils fanning out around her. Was she warm enough? Thankfully she was no longer shivering. He wished he could ensure a restful sleep for her, wished she’d fallen asleep on his shoulder as she’d done in the past so that he could keep a closer eye on her. Not that it mattered, as long as he was awake he was watching out for her, but still. Something in him wanted her closer, nearer to him. Wanted to know how the fine silk of her unbound hair felt as it sifted through his fingers. 
A bard of all people could put a name to this feeling, the tight grip she had over him without lifting a single finger. The thought of it circled his mind before he forcibly shut it out. He could name it, but he wouldn’t. No use in naming something he would never be worthy of.
He sharply turned his gaze back to the door. No use in entertaining idle daydreams. But even after he’d turned away, he could feel her in his peripheral vision, just as he used to back on the Source. The steady foundation beneath his feet.  
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allycryz · 3 years
2021 Writer Round Up
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We'll also call this a blanket response for any writer and round-up memes y'all tagged me in!
You've probably heard me say this before but....there was a large gap of 7 or so years where writing was a struggle.
The Galaxy series hung over my head...for many reasons. Some back and forth on the kink meme that birthed it made me change how I wrote the sequel in a way I regret. I worried that it being present tense and flowing so easily meant I would never be able to write in past tense again and every time I tried, I got tangled up. I worried that it flowing so easily meant I could only write canon retellings and nothing else.
There were private successes. I did technically finish two long-form original stories but could not shape them into workable things from the rough drafts. The rest were mostly unfinished tales or worldbuilding for a novel I couldn't get to work. And as I did more and more copywriting at work, I felt like I was losing what little ability I had to be descriptive.
I think part of it was...I had to grow. Look, I am proud of a lot of the things I wrote in my early twenties, even some of the things I wrote as a teen or pre-teen. But there is a wide gap of understanding between Old Me and Current Me, just as in ten years I will look back at 2022 Ally and think "oh wow, Ally, oh wow." There were ways I had to change to actually write the stories I wanted to write. I didn't have the tools or experiences before.
In 2020, I was playing the (award-winning) Heavensward expansion and was struck by an idea for a fic about Haurchefant and Nerys. I'd never written a specific player character before, always making sure to call them Tabris or Shepard or Hawke. But it seemed to be a thing in the fandom and also I figured I wouldn't finish it, as I hadn't finished anything.
But I did. And I had other ideas.
And I kept finishing them.
And here we are in 2021, my Haurchefant/Nerys fic having sprung a whole series of (ongoing) one-shots, leading me to other one-shots and AUs, doing writing challenges, and able to tell myself "you wrote a sentence today and that is more than you had before."
So here it is, my 2021 in review:
Tumblr Prompts/Asks
I did a lot of these this year! They should all be in the tag #ally writes on my tumblr, here are some of my favorites
Did We Break the Bed?: OT6 Shenanigans, FFXIV, Lemon
You're Exhausted: Haurche x Emet, FFXIV
Caught in the Rain: Thancred x Nerys, FFXIV, Lemon
Open Your Eyes: Emet x Y'shtola, FFXIV
All You Are to Me: Nerys x Estinien x Aymeric, FFXIV
WoL Challenge: I used some of the prompts from the January WoL challenge but didn't strictly follow it. Some of these I have already used in larger story drafts, others will be, some may remain as little shorts
[Full List Here]
FFXIV Write 2021: "I might do one or two of these" I said to myself before doing most of them. My goal going in was celebrating Thancred in all his polyamorous bisexual glory and I am pretty happy with how that turned out. Also was able to work on some scenes for upcoming stories and play with different AUs
[Full List Here]
Rare Pair Month: Someone on Discord mentioned that Zenos and Emmanellain were the same age, which spun out into a conversation about how they might meet...which led to this AU where they met at school and ran off together and now I ship this wholeheartedly.
Read as steel bends to flesh
Daughter of Gelmorra
My on-going FFXIV series of one-shots about Nerys Eluned, her life and her loves. The bulk of these were posted in 2021...but also many of these were written in 2020; then left to marinate in the drafts
[Read the Series Here]
Other 2021 Works:
Revise, Revise Again: Modern Eorzea AU, Thancred/Nerys/Urianger, Rated E
Storybook Lovers Surround: Canon Divergence/Arranged Marriage AU, Thancred/Nerys/Emet, Rated E
FFXIV One-Shots (These are Nerys canon but not officially in the series)
heavy is the collar: Aymeric/Nerys/Estinien & Urianger, Rated E, Kinktober prompts: Kinktober Prompts: Voyeurism | Breeding | Roleplay | An Important Meeting
Eld/Dread: Fatebreaker!Thancred/Nerys/Hades!Emet, Rated E, Monsterfucking
Gift Exchange Fics:
lapsus memoriae: Cid x Lucia, post HW, Rated T
we rode into the sunset (and back again): Tali x Liam Shepard x Miranda, Rated T
Prompt Lists
Back in December 2020, I wanted to make prompts for the month that were not holiday focused. And I realised...I really enjoy making prompt lists for peeps
Spicy March Prompts
Saucy Summer Prompts for August
Kinktober 2021
If you've ever commented or liked or reblogged or sent me an ask...
...truly, deeply, thank you. I literally could not have done this without y'all.
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allycryz · 3 years
FFXIV Write: Week 2 Round Up
9/8: Adroit Thancred x OC, Post ShB, Rated T
9-9: Friable Estinien x Haurchefant, HW Patches, Rated G
9-10: Heady Haurchefant x Urianger, pre-ShB, Rated E, literal sex pollen
9-7/9-12: Speculate Hades!Emet x WoL x Fatebreaker!Thancred, Rated E, Monsterfucking, mind the tags
9-13-21: Oneirophrenia Nero x Cid, post-SB patches, rated M
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allycryz · 4 years
Nerys Eluned Master Post
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Nerys Eluned
Titles: Warrior of Light, Warrior of Darkness, Azure Dragoon, The Blood Dragoon
Race: Duskwight Elezen
Main stories available on Ao3 HERE; bio, ships, and additional stories under the cut
Spoilers abound
Age: 29 (Start of ARR), 31-32 currently (ShB)
Eye Color: Gold
Hair Color: Primarily dark purple with white streaks, will shift between pink, lilac, and red for highlights as the mood suits her
Hair Style: Typically as pictured above–long and curly. Braided or in ponytail for hot climates. Cut short for ShB as pictured below
Tumblr media
Canon Jobs: Dragoon, Botanist, Culinarian, Weaver, Leatherworker
Dipped her hand into all Land and Hand guilds, brief stints with the Conjurers and Archers
Expanded on HERE
Affiliations: Scions of the Seventh Dawn, Order of the Twin Adder
Pre-ARR: Born and raised in South Shroud with a community of Duskwight in a place called The Cavern. Moved to Central Shroud around 11-12, lived there and East Shroud until becoming an adventurer
ARR: Renting room in the Goblet, later gets quarters in Rising Stones
Current (ShB): Considers Ishgard her home, has a room in House Fortemps as well as the one in the Rising Stones
Likes: Fairy tales and folklore, maple sugar, hard cider, all manner of crafting and foraging
Dislikes: Being lied to, seeing pain and distress, centipedes/millipedes, mushy vegetables
Sexuality: Bi, Non-monogamous/Poly
Gender: Cis Female
Pronouns: She/her
Nerys practices ethical non-monogamy/polyamory.
Primary Ships
Thancred x Nerys x Haurchefant (starts as two separate, open relationships and becomes a triad)
Nerys x Y’shtola
Nerys x Emet-Selch (Later known as Hades)
Nerys x Urianger
Other Ships
Nerys x Estinien x Aymeric
Nerys x Hien
Nerys x Ysayle x Hilda
The OT6:
Eventually they become an OT6 hexagon: Nerys, Thancred, Haurchefant, Y’shtola, Emet-Selch, and Urianger, all involved with each other in some way. So I ship all configurations of that, currently with emphasis on
Haurchefant x Urianger
Thancred x Emet-Selch x Y’shtola
Thancred x Urianger x Y’shtola
Also Also:
Estinien x Aymeric (long-term couple since pre-ARR, have an open arrangement)
Estinien x Haurchefant x Aymeric (they were all friends when they were younger, soon after Estinien takes The Eye from Ishgard he has a night with Haurchefant, Haurche has always fancied the two of them)
Ysayle x Hilda (Ysayle is alive, she and Hilda become a couple when she returns to Ishgard)
Who Lives
Haurchefant is saved in The Vault
Ysayle is thought dead but she survives and appears later to join Estinien when he goes to Garlemald
Yotsuyu lives, is currently on a pilgrimage with Gosetsu
Emet-Selch is brought back (TBD how)
On Ao3
The Series:
Daughter of Gelmorra [Ao3 Link]
Ratings: M/E
The “official” canon, ongoing, descriptions tell you which work as stand-alones and which do not
Incandesce [Ao3 Link]
Rating: E
Sexy December prompt fill with Thancred x Nerys x Emet-Selch
First half canon, second half not yet canon
Only on Tumblr
Apodyopis - Thancred x Nerys / Mature / The spring festival in Revenant’s Toll, Astral Era ARR [Link]
Duende - Urianger x Haurchefant / PG / Urianger and Haurchefant in Vesper Bay during Stormblood. Urianger thinks his lordship is extremely attractive. [Link]
“They’re Wrong About You” - Nerys x Ysayle / G / The first night in Tailfeather, Ysayle finds Nerys breaking the rules [Link]
“As Long As You’re Happy” - Nerys x Thancred / G / Post 5.3, Nerys comforts a grieving Thancred [Link]
WOL Challenge Fills - Various pairings and ratings, all labelled accordingly [Link]
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