#pre-1972 is another list i could make but for now i think this is a good entry point
romanceyourdemons · 1 year
Are there any top favorite movies of yours that you'd recommend to someone wanting to get into Chinese cinema for the first time?
hmm. i'd say crouching tiger, hidden dragon (2000), hero (2002), to live (1994), farewell my concubine (1993), in the mood for love (2000), the killer (1989), yi yi (2000), red cliff (2008-09), ash is purest white (2018), fist of fury (1972), ip man (2008), and justice, my foot! (1992) are all really good and ought to introduce you to most of the people and styles you'll want to know
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wildeoaths · 4 years
LGBTQ Book & Film Recommendations
Hello! As someone who tries to read widely, it can sometimes be frustrating to find good (well-written, well-made) LGBTQ+ works of literature and film, and mainstream recommendations only go so far. This is my shortlist. 
Some caveats: 1) I have only watched/seen some of these, though they have all been well-received.
2) The literature list is primarily focused on adult literary and genre fiction, since that is what I mostly read, and I feel like it’s easier to find queer YA fiction. Cece over at ProblemsOfABookNerd (YT) covers a lot of newer releases and has a YA focus, so you can check her out for more recommendations.
3) There are a ton of good films and good books that either reference or discuss queer theory, LGBTQ history and literary theory. These tend to be more esoteric and academic, and I’m not too familiar with queer theory, so they’ve largely been left off the list. I do agree that they’re important, and reading into LGBTQ-coding is a major practice, but they’re less accessible and I don’t want to make the list too intimidating.
4) I linked to Goodreads and Letterboxd because that’s what I use and I happen to really enjoy the reviews.
Any works that are bolded are popular, or they’re acclaimed and I think they deserve some attention. I’ve done my best to flag potential objections and triggers, but you should definitely do a search of the reviews. DoesTheDogDie is also a good resource. Not all of these will be suitable for younger teenagers; please use your common sense and judgement.
Please feel free to chime in in the replies (not the reblogs) with your recommendations, and I’ll eventually do a reblog with the additions!
Don’t @ me asking why your favourite YA novel isn’t on this list. These just happen to be the picks I felt might also appeal to older teens/twentysomethings.
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe
Clap When You Land by Elizabeth Acevedo - poetry.
Felix Ever After by Kacen Callender - trans male teen protagonist. 
Red, White & Royal Blue
Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda
The Gentleman’s Guide To Vice And Virtue
The Raven Boys (and Raven Cycle)
This list does skew M/M; more NB, trans and WLW recommendations are welcomed!
A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara. One of the most acclaimed contemporary LGBTQ novels and you’ve probably heard of it. Will probably make you cry.
A Single Man by Christopher Isherwood. Portrait of a middle-aged gay man.
Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh. M/M affair, British student high society; definitely nostalgic for the aristocracy so be aware of the context.
Call Me By Your Name by André Aciman. It’s somewhat controversial, it’s gay, everyone knows the film at least.
Cronus’ Children / Le Jardin d'Acclimation by Yves Navarre. Winner of the Goncourt prize.
Dancer From The Dance by Andrew Holleran. A young man in the 1970s NYC gay scene. Warning for drugs and sexual references.
Dorian, An Imitation by Will Self. Adaptation of Orscar Wilde’s novel. Warning for sexual content.
Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe by Fannie Flagg. Two wlw in the 1980s. Also made into a film; see below.
Gemini by Michel Tournier. The link will tell you more; seems like a very complex read. TW for troubling twin dynamics.
Giovanni’s Room by James Baldwin. Another iconic M/M work.
Lost Boi by Sassafras Lowrey. A queer punk reimagining of Peter Pan. Probably one of the more accessible works on this list!
Lie With Me by Philippe Besson. Two teenage boys in 1980s France.
Maurice by E. M. Forster. Landmark work written in 1914. Also made into a film; see below.
Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides. An expansive (and long) novel about the story of Cal, a hermaphrodite, by the author of The Virgin Suicides.
Orlando by Virginia Woolf. Plays with gender, time and space. Virginia Woolf’s ode to her lover Vita Sackville-West. What more do you want? (also a great film; see below).
Oscar Wilde’s works - The Picture of Dorian Gray would be the place to start. Another member of the classical literary canon.
Saga, vol.1 by Brian K. Vaughn and Fiona Staples. Graphic novel; warning for sexual content.
Stone Butch Blues by Leslie Feinburg. An acclaimed work looking at working-class lesbian life and gender identity in pre-Stonewall America.
The Holy Innocents by Gilbert Adair. The basis for Bertolucci’s The Dreamers (2003). I am hesitant to recommend this because I have not read this, though I have watched the film; the M/M dynamic and LGBTQ themes do not seem to be the primary focus. Warning for sexual content and incestuous dynamics between the twins.
The Animals At Lockwood Manor by Jane Healey. Plays with gothic elements, set during WW2, F/F elements.
The Hours by Michael Cunningham. References Woolf’s Mrs Dalloway. Probably a good idea to read Virginia Woolf first.
The Immoralist by André Gide. Translated from French.
The Song of Achilles by Madeline MIller. Drawing from the Iliad, focusing on Achilles and Patroclus. Contemporary fantasy that would be a good pick for younger readers.
The Swimming Pool Library by Alan Hollinghurst. Gay life pre-AIDS crisis. Apparently contains a fair amount of sexual content.
What Belongs To You by Garth Greenwell. A gay man’s coming of age in the American South.
American and Western experiences are more prominent in LGBTQ works, just due to the way history and the community have developed, and the difficulties of translation. These are English and translated works that specifically foreground the experiences of non-White people living in (often) non-Western societies. I’m not white or American myself and recommendations in this area are especially welcomed.
All Boys Aren’t Blue by George M. Johnson. The memoirs and essays of a queer black activist, exploring themes of black LGBTQ experiences and masculinity.
A People’s History of Heaven by Mathangi Subramanian. Female communities and queer female characters in a Bangalore slum. A very new release but already very well received.
Confessions of a Mask by Yukio Mishima. Coming-of-age in post-WW1 Japan. This one’s interesting, because it’s definitely at least somewhat autobiographical. Mishima can be a tough writer, and you should definitely look into his personality and his life when reading his work.
Disoriental by Négar Djavadi. A family saga told against the backdrop of Iranian history by a queer Iranian woman. Would recommend going into this knowing at least some of the political and historical context.
How We Fight For Our Lives by Saeed Jones. A coming-of-age story and memoir from a gay, black man in the American South.
In The Dream House by Carmen Maria Machado. Another acclaimed contemporary work about the dynamics of abuse in LGBTQ relationships. Memoir.
Girl, Woman, Other by Bernardine Evaristo. Contemporary black British experience, told from the perspectives of 12 diverse narrators.
Crush by Richard Siken. Tumblr loves Richard Siken, worth a read.
Diving Into The Wreck by Adrienne Rich.
He’s So Masc by Chris Tse.
If Not, Winter: Fragments of Sappho, trans. Anne Carson. The best presentation of Sappho we’re likely to get.
Lord Byron’s works - Selected Poems may be a good starting point. One of the Romantics and part of the classical literary canon.
Les Fleurs du Mal by Charles Baudelaire. The explicitly lesbian poems are apparently in the les fleurs du mal section.
And The Band Played On: Politics, People and the AIDS Epidemic by Randy Shilts. An expansive, comprehensive history and exposure of the failures of media and the Reagan administration, written by an investigative journalist. Will probably make you rightfully angry.
How to Survive A Plague: The Inside Story of How Citizens and Science Tamed AIDS by David France. A reminder of the power of community and everyday activism, written by a gay reporter living in NYC during the epidemic.
Indecent Advances: The Hidden History of Murder and Masculinity Before Stonewall by James Polchin. True crime fans, this one’s for you. Sociocultural history constructed from readings of the news and media.
Queer: A Graphic History by Meg-John Barker. It’s illustrated, it’s written by an academic, it’s an easier introduction to queer theory. I still need to pick up a copy, but it seems like a great jumping-off point with an overview of the academic context.
Real Queer America by Samantha Allen. The stories of LGBTQ people and LGBTQ narratives in the conservative parts of America. A very well received contemporary read.
The Argonauts by Maggie Nelson. Gender, pregnancy and queer partnership. I’m not familiar with this but it is quite popular.
When Brooklyn Was Queer by Hugh Ryan. LGBTQ history of Brooklyn from the nineteenth century to pre-Stonewall.
With films it’s difficult because characters are often queercoded and we’re only now seeing films with better rep. This is a shortlist of better-rated films with fairly explicit LGBTQ coding, LGBTQ characters, or made by LGBTQ persons. Bolded films are ones that I think are likely to be more accessible or with wider appeal.
A Single Man (2009) - Colin Firth plays a middle-aged widower.
Blue Is The Warmest Colour (2013) - A controversial one. Sexual content.
Booksmart (2019) - A pretty well made film about female friendship and being an LGBTQ teen.
Boy Erased (2018) - Warning for conversion therapy.
BPM (Beats Per Minute) (2017) - Young AIDS activists in France.
Brokeback Mountain (2005) - Cowboy gays. This film is pretty famous, do you need more summary? Might make a good triple bill with Idaho and God’s Own Country.
Cabaret (1972) - Liza Minelli. Obvious plug to also look into Vincent Minelli.
Calamity Jane (1953) - There’s a lot that could be said about queer coding in Hollywood golden era studio films, but this is apparently a fun wlw-cowboy westerns-vibes watch. Read the reviews on this one!
Call Me By Your Name (2017) - Please don't debate this film in the notes.
Caravaggio (1986) - Sean Bean and Tilda Swinton are in it. Rather explicit.
Carol (2015) - Cate Blanchett and Rooney Mara are lesbians in 1950s America.
Clouds of Sils Maria (2014) - Hard to summarise, but one review calls it “lesbian birdman” and it has both Juliette Binoche and Kristen Stewart in it, so consider watching it.
Colette (2018) - About the bi/queer female writer Colette during the belle epoque era. This had Keira Knightley so by all rights Tumblr should love it.
Fried Green Tomatoes (1991) - Lesbian love in 1920s/80s? America.
God’s Own Country (2017) - Gay and British.
Happy Together (1997) - By Wong Kar Wai. No further explanation needed.
Heartbeats (2010) - Bi comedy.
Heartstone (2016) - It’s a story about rural Icelandic teenagers.
Henry Gamble’s Birthday Party (2015) -  Queer teens and religious themes.
Je, Tu, Il, Elle (1974) - Early Chantal Akerman. Warning for sexual scenes.
Kill Your Darlings (2013) - Ginsberg, Kerouac and the Beat poets.
Love, Simon (2018)
Lovesong (2016) - Lesbian and very soft. Korean-American characters.
Love Songs (2007) - French trio relationship. Louis Garrel continues to give off non-straight vibes.
Mädchen In Uniform (1931) - One of the earliest narrative films to explicitly portray homosexuality. A piece of LGBTQ cinematic history.
Maurice (1987) - Adaptation of the novel.
Midnight Cowboy (1969) - Heavy gay coding.
Milk (2008) - Biopic of Harvey Milk, openly gay politician. By the same director who made My Own Private Idaho.
Moonlight (2016) - It won the awards for a reason.
My Own Private Idaho (1991) - Another iconic LGBTQ film. River Phoenix.
Mysterious Skin (2004) - Go into this film aware, please. Young actors, themes of prostitution, child ab*se, r***, and a lot of trauma.
Orlando (1992) - An excellent adaptation of Virginia Woolf’s novel, and in my opinion far more accessible. Watch it for the queer sensibilities and fantastic period pieces.
Pariah (2011) - Excellent coming-of-age film about a black lesbian girl in Brooklyn.
Paris is Burning (1990) - LANDMARK DOCUMENTARY piece of LGBTQ history, documenting the African-American and Latine drag and ballroom roots of the NYC queer community.
Persona (1966) - It’s an Ingmar Bergman film so I would recommend knowing what you’re about to get into, but also I can’t describe it because it’s an Ingmar Bergman film.
Picnic At Hanging Rock (1975) - Cult classic queercoded boarding school girls.
Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2019) - By Celine Sciamma, who’s rapidly establishing herself in the mainstream as a LGBTQ film director. This is a wlw relationship and the queer themes are reflected in the cinematic techniques used. A crowd pleaser.
Pride (2014) - Pride parades with a British sensibility.
Rebel Without A Cause (1955) - Crowd-pleaser with bi coding and James Dean. The OG version of “you’re tearing me apart!”.
Rocketman (2019) - It’s Elton John.
Rent (2005) - Adaptation of the stage musical. Not the best film from a technical standpoint. I recommend the professionally recorded 2008 closing night performance instead.
Rope (1948) - Hitchcock film.
Sorry Angel (2018) - Loving portraits of gay French men.
Talk To Her (2002) - By Spanish auteur Pedro Almodóvar.
Tangerine (2015) - About trans sex workers. The actors apparently had a lot of input in the film, which was somehow shot on an iPhone by the same guy who went on to do The Florida Project. 
The Duke of Burgundy (2014) - Lesbians in an S&M relationship that’s going stale, sexual content obviously.
The Gay Deceivers (1969) - The reviews are better than me explaining.
The Handmaiden (2016) - Park Chan-wook makes a film about Korean lesbians and is criminally snubbed at the Oscars. Warning for sexual themes and kink.
The Favourite (2018) - Period movie, and lesbian.
Thelma And Louise (1991) - An iconic part of LGBTQ cinematic history. That is all.
The Celluloid Closet (1995) - A look into LGBTQ cinematic history, and the historical contexts we operated in when we’ve snuck our narratives into film.
The Miseducation of Cameron Post (2018) - Adaptation of the YA novel.
The Neon Demon (2016) - Apparently based on Elizabeth Bathory, the blood-drinking countess. Very polarising film and rated R.
The Perks of Being A Wallflower (2012) - Book adaptation. It has Ezra Miller in it I guess.
The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) - No explanation needed, queer and transgressive vibes all the way.
They (2017) - Gender identity, teenagers.
Those People (2015) - They’re gay and they’re artists in New York.
Tomboy (2011) - One of the few films I’ve seen dealing with gender identity in children (10 y/o). Celine Sciamma developing her directorial voice.
Tropical Malady (2004) - By Thai auteur Apichatpong Weerasethakul. His is a very particular style so don’t sweat it if you don’t enjoy it.
Vita and Virginia (2018) - Virginia Woolf and Vita Sackville-West biopic
Water Lilies (2007) - Celine Sciamma again! Teenage lesbian coming-of-age. 
When Marnie Was There (2014) - A Studio Ghibli film exploring youth, gender and sexuality.
Weekend (2011) - An indie film about young gay love.
Wilde (1997) - It’s a film about Oscar Wilde.
XXY (2007) - About an intersex teenager. Reviews on this are mixed.
Y Tu Mama Tambien (2001) - Wonder what Diego Luna was doing before Rogue One? This is one of the things. Warning for sexual content.
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theliberaltony · 4 years
via Politics – FiveThirtyEight
Welcome to FiveThirtyEight’s politics chat. The transcript below has been lightly edited.
sarah (Sarah Frostenson, politics editor): This is it — the last presidential debate — and, as we’ve said in our presidential forecast for a while now, President Trump is running out of time. Joe Biden has a double-digit lead in national polls and has gotten a number of good state polls in the past few days.
We still expect the race to tighten here in the home stretch, and a debate is a great way for that to happen. But it’s also true that the last two weeks before an election don’t necessarily change the race all that much.
The final two weeks usually don’t change much
How much the national polling margin changed between 15 days before the presidential election and Election Day, since 1972
Leader in FiveThirtyEight national polling average Year 15 days before ELECTION Election Day Change 2016 Clinton +6.9 Clinton +3.8 3.1 2012 Romney +1.2 Obama +0.4 1.6 2008 Obama +6.8 Obama +7.1 0.3 2004 Bush +2.4 Bush +1.6 0.8 2000 Bush +2.7 Bush +3.5 0.8 1996 Clinton +14.9 Clinton +12.8 2.1 1992 Clinton +14.1 Clinton +7.1 7.0 1988 Bush +11.8 Bush +10.4 1.4 1984 Reagan +16.7 Reagan +18.0 1.3 1980 Reagan +2.3 Reagan +2.1 0.2 1976 Carter +2.0 Carter +0.8 1.2 1972 Nixon +25.5 Nixon +24.1 1.4
The averages listed are calculated retroactively based on FiveThirtyEight’s current polling average methodology.
So, let’s start there. How big are the stakes going into tonight?
nrakich (Nathaniel Rakich, elections analyst): The stakes are kind of big but also kind of not?
On the one hand, it’s the last obvious opportunity for Trump to win voters over and for Biden to screw up. On the other hand, I think the writing is on the wall for Trump.
Granted, our presidential forecast still gives him a 13-in-100 chance of staging a comeback. But Trump just hasn’t shown any inclination to change his base-first strategy. He’s also been behind Biden for a while now in our forecast:
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I guess I’m just not counting on seeing a different Trump tonight from the one who bombed in the first debate.
kaleigh (Kaleigh Rogers, tech and politics reporter): It’s rare for debates to have large, lasting impacts on the polls at the best of times, so it’s hard to imagine a scenario where this debate upends things in a dramatic way.
geoffrey.skelley (Geoffrey Skelley, elections analyst): Given how rare live events are in the COVID-19 era, though, it’s not impossible that something could come out that reflects poorly on Biden. So, in that sense, it is a big deal.
At the same time, a national poll from The Economist/YouGov found this week that Biden led 52 percent to 43 percent among likely voters, and that only 4 percent of those voters said they might change their minds. So, unless Trump can win over the incredibly small number of voters who genuinely are unsure — there are a lot fewer undecided voters this year — it’s going to be tough to win the election. And I’m not sure much can happen that’s going to shift public opinion sharply.
kaleigh: Like Nathaniel, I’m curious to see whether Trump changes his strategy at all. Obviously, the muted mics will limit how much he can talk over Biden, but arguably, that tactic didn’t work so well. At least one poll found the majority of respondents disapproved of Trump’s behavior in the last debate, and even some Republicans said it made them support him less afterward.
nrakich: I’m not so sure the muted mics will make a big difference, Kaleigh. Maybe we won’t be able to hear Trump’s interruptions, but Biden will. And that could trip Biden up or stop him mid-answer.
sarah: Saying Trump bombed is a bit harsh, though, Nathaniel. After all, Clinton “won” the 2016 debates, and we saw how that turned out.
It’s easy to get obsessed with comparisons to 2016, and as we’ve written, you shouldn’t make too much of one election — after all, it’s a sample size of one. That said, there are some pretty big differences from 2016, yes?
kaleigh: Well, there’s the pandemic. That’s a pretty stark contrast. It has changed how we vote, how candidates campaign, how the economy is doing and so much more.
I wonder how different this election would be compared with 2016’s if COVID-19 hadn’t happened.
geoffrey.skelley: Well, as that Economist/YouGov survey and others have shown, this election has far fewer undecided or third-party voters, which makes it harder for the debates to move mountains.
In FiveThirtyEight’s national polling average, Biden and Trump’s combined support adds up to about 94 percent. But at the same point in 2016, Trump and Clinton totaled just about 86 percent — a lot more voters were in play even in the late stages of the campaign. The same is true in state-level polls as well. For example, around 95 percent of voters in Wisconsin are backing Biden or Trump in our polling average, whereas 86 percent of voters there said they supported Trump or Clinton at this point in 2016.
nrakich: Not to mention, Biden’s lead is simply bigger than Clinton’s was at this stage of the 2016 campaign.
As of Wednesday afternoon, Biden led by 9.9 points in our national polling average; 13 days before Election Day in 2016, Clinton would have led by an average of 6.4 points, using the same methodology.
Something else that I think makes tonight’s debate less important: At least a quarter of voters have probably already cast their ballots. According to statistics collected by political scientist Michael McDonald, more than 41 million early or absentee votes have already been cast, or 30 percent of 2016 turnout (although 2020 turnout could be much higher if voter enthusiasm is any indication). So, even if something big happens tonight, a lot of people will have already voted.
geoffrey.skelley: That’s true, Nathaniel, but it could be that those early voters would have voted already anyway, as studies have shown that voters who vote early are more likely to be very partisan. Or, put another way, maybe those people weren’t going to change their minds anyway.
sarah: Those are all really good points — especially Kaleigh’s, about what this election would have looked like if COVID-19 hadn’t happened. What could we be missing, though? (And one big reason why comparisons to 2016 have their limitations!)
nrakich: Well, it’s always possible there will be a polling error.
So, if the debate budges the polls just enough — say, to where Biden has a 4-point national lead instead of a 10-point one — that makes it significantly more likely that Trump could win.
If Biden stays at +10 nationally, though, it would take a truly bonkers polling error to save Trump.
kaleigh: There are also more conventional differences. For example, this election has an incumbent candidate.
geoffrey.skelley: Speaking of polling error — and whether we could have a “Dewey Defeats Truman” on our hands — pollsters have tried to account for some of the things that led to problems with state polls in 2016. For example, some are weighting their samples by education, or even education and race, to avoid underrepresenting white voters without a college degree, voters who went so strongly for Trump in 2016.
So, some state polls could be better this time — although, of course, it’s impossible to predict the direction of a polling error before an election.
Polling bias is not very consistent from cycle to cycle
Weighted-average statistical bias of polls in final 21 days of the election, among polls in FiveThirtyEight’s Pollster Ratings database
Cycle Governor U.S. Senate U.S. House Pres. General Combined 1998 R+5.7 R+4.8 R+1.5 R+4.2 1999-2000 D+0.6 R+2.9 D+0.9 R+2.6 R+1.8 2001-2002 D+3.0 D+1.4 D+1.3 D+2.2 2003-2004 R+4.2 D+1.7 D+2.5 D+1.1 D+0.9 2005-2006 D+0.3 R+1.3 D+0.2 R+0.1 2007-2008 D+0.5 D+0.8 D+1.0 D+1.1 D+1.0 2009-2010 R+0.7 D+1.7 D+0.6 2011-2012 R+1.3 R+3.3 R+2.6 R+2.5 R+2.6 2013-2014 D+2.3 D+2.5 D+3.7 D+2.7 2015-2016 D+3.3 D+2.8 D+3.7 D+3.1 D+3.0 2017-2019 R+0.9 D+0.1 R+0.3 R+0.3 All years D+0.3 D+0.1 D+0.7 D+0.2 D+0.3
Bias is calculated only for elections where the top two finishers were a Republican and Democrat. Therefore, it is not calculated for presidential primaries. Averages are weighted by the square root of the number of polls that a particular pollster conducted for that particular type of election in that particular cycle. Polls that are banned by FiveThirtyEight because we know or suspect they faked data are excluded from the analysis.
sarah: OK, back to the debate. The rules have changed, as Kaleigh and Nathaniel were mentioning earlier, and now the moderator can mute the candidates if they speak out of turn. Here’s a snapshot of the six issues they are expected to stick to:
Fighting COVID-19
American families
Race in America
Climate change
National security
What do we think might be covered by these issues? What plays to Biden’s strengths? And Trump’s?
geoffrey.skelley: Well, I’m going to go out on a limb and say that “fighting COVID-19” is not going to go well for Trump because Americans generally think he’s done a poor job handling the pandemic. That leaves Biden with a lot of material to work with.
nrakich: Yeah — according to our poll with Ipsos before the last debate, respondents said 78 percent to 20 percent that Biden was better on the issue of COVID-19. And that was before Trump announced he had tested positive for COVID-19.
More people trust Biden to handle COVID-19
Share of people who named each issue as the most important one facing the U.S., and whether they think Trump or Biden would handle that issue better, according to a FiveThirtyEight/Ipsos poll
Who’s better on the issue… issue share TRUMP biden COVID-19 31.9% 20.1%
The economy 22.0 79.1
Health care 9.6 27.9
Racial inequality 7.4 6.0
Climate change 4.9 4.7
The Supreme Court 4.5 61.1
Violent crime 4.2 80.6
Economic inequality 2.9 14.3
Immigration 2.8 61.3
Abortion 2.8 93.5
Other 1.7 55.3
Education 1.5 44.7
Gun policy 1.4 69.6
Respondents who didn’t name a top issue are not shown.
Data comes from polling done by Ipsos for FiveThirtyEight, using Ipsos’s KnowledgePanel, a probability-based online panel that is recruited to be representative of the U.S. population. The poll was conducted Sept. 30 – Oct. 6 among a general population sample of adults, with 2,994 respondents and a margin of error of +/- 2.0 percentage points.
kaleigh: Trump has already been trying to positively spin his bout with the coronavirus — he’s been through it! He survived! But it will be pretty easy for Biden to point out that Trump didn’t take the virus seriously since he actually caught it. Not to mention, many Americans don’t think Trump took enough COVID-19 precautions, and there are signs that this hurt him electorally.
nrakich: I’m curious what the “American families” segment will touch on … does anyone have any inkling what that means?
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Perhaps it’s a roundabout way of saying the economy. Kitchen table issues. Of course, the economy touches almost every topic to some extent.
kaleigh: That’s my bet, Geoffrey, but it’s just vague enough to be uncertain.
sarah: My money is on the suburbs.
Or, at the very least, I can imagine suburban families being mentioned by both Biden and Trump. Trump won suburban voters in 2016, but he’s in real trouble here in 2020, as many white suburban women are continuing to move away from the Republican Party, as we saw in 2018.
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But, yeah, given the economy ranked as voters’ first or second issue, according to our polling with Ipsos, I think that’s right, too, Geoffrey and Kaleigh.
The economy is one issue where Trump has always had an advantage.
nrakich: “Climate change” and “race in America” also seem like good issues for Biden. According to that Ipsos poll, more than 90 percent of Americans trust Biden more than Trump on both of those issues!
On the other hand, they also said they trust Trump more than Biden, about 81 percent to 18 percent, on “violent crime.” So Trump might try to reframe the segment on race in America into one about rioting and looting.
As for national security, I think it’s fair to say that segment will move the fewest votes. American elections generally aren’t decided on foreign-policy grounds.
kaleigh: Honestly, is there anything in that lineup that isn’t well-trodden territory at this point?
sarah: Yeah, it is hard to imagine that any of the issues discussed tonight will cover new ground in a way that sways voters. They do feel like well-trodden talking points at this stage, and the reality remains that Trump really does need the polls to tighten. Otherwise, his odds in our forecast will continue to fall. But, of course, even a 5 percent chance of something happening is something you should take seriously.
OK, the stakes are high. Trump needs some movement in the polls, and Biden isn’t a safe bet. What will you be watching for tonight, and in the last week of the election — knowing, of course, we’re all kind of flying blind?
nrakich: To me, the big question is, can Biden maintain his 10-point national lead after this debate? Or will tonight “reset” the race and bring the polling average down to Biden +7 or so, which is where it has been for most of the year?
Even if that were to happen, Biden would still have a good chance of winning, but the size of his margin could determine things like whether Democrats win the Senate or the number of state legislatures Democrats flip.
geoffrey.skelley: It’s true that incumbent presidents have had a habit of struggling in first debates, only to come back stronger in later ones. This was true of Barack Obama in 2012 and Ronald Reagan in 1984. So don’t count out a much better showing from Trump tonight.
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Zeitgeist Disease
Something a bit different today. Paul Graham describes himself as “a programmer, writer, and investor”, although he studied philosophy in university. In January of 2004 he wrote a blog post, and I’m posting the entire thing here. Again, I didn’t write any of it, apart from this opening bit, and it’s fifteen years old.
It’s fundamentally a vigorous defence of philosophy and it’s more relevant now than ever before. I’ve called this post Zeitgeist Disease, but he calls it What You Can’t Say.
What You Can’t Say
Have you ever seen an old photo of yourself and been embarrassed at the way you looked? Did we actually dress like that? We did. And we had no idea how silly we looked. It's the nature of fashion to be invisible, in the same way the movement of the earth is invisible to all of us riding on it.
What scares me is that there are moral fashions too. They're just as arbitrary, and just as invisible to most people. But they're much more dangerous. Fashion is mistaken for good design; moral fashion is mistaken for good. Dressing oddly gets you laughed at. Violating moral fashions can get you fired, ostracized, imprisoned, or even killed.
If you could travel back in a time machine, one thing would be true no matter where you went: you'd have to watch what you said. Opinions we consider harmless could have gotten you in big trouble. I've already said at least one thing that would have gotten me in big trouble in most of Europe in the seventeenth century, and did get Galileo in big trouble when he said it-- that the earth moves.
Nerds are always getting in trouble. They say improper things for the same reason they dress unfashionably and have good ideas: convention has less hold over them.
It seems to be a constant throughout history: In every period, people believed things that were just ridiculous, and believed them so strongly that you would have gotten in terrible trouble for saying otherwise.
Is our time any different? To anyone who has read any amount of history, the answer is almost certainly no. It would be a remarkable coincidence if ours were the first era to get everything just right.
It's tantalizing to think we believe things that people in the future will find ridiculous. What would someone coming back to visit us in a time machine have to be careful not to say? That's what I want to study here. But I want to do more than just shock everyone with the heresy du jour. I want to find general recipes for discovering what you can't say, in any era.
The Conformist Test
Let's start with a test: Do you have any opinions that you would be reluctant to express in front of a group of your peers?
If the answer is no, you might want to stop and think about that. If everything you believe is something you're supposed to believe, could that possibly be a coincidence? Odds are it isn't. Odds are you just think whatever you're told.
The other alternative would be that you independently considered every question and came up with the exact same answers that are now considered acceptable. That seems unlikely, because you'd also have to make the same mistakes. Mapmakers deliberately put slight mistakes in their maps so they can tell when someone copies them. If another map has the same mistake, that's very convincing evidence.
Like every other era in history, our moral map almost certainly contains a few mistakes. And anyone who makes the same mistakes probably didn't do it by accident. It would be like someone claiming they had independently decided in 1972 that bell-bottom jeans were a good idea.
If you believe everything you're supposed to now, how can you be sure you wouldn't also have believed everything you were supposed to if you had grown up among the plantation owners of the pre-Civil War South, or in Germany in the 1930s-- or among the Mongols in 1200, for that matter? Odds are you would have.
Back in the era of terms like "well-adjusted," the idea seemed to be that there was something wrong with you if you thought things you didn't dare say out loud. This seems backward. Almost certainly, there is something wrong with you if you don't think things you don't dare say out loud.
What can't we say? One way to find these ideas is simply to look at things people do say, and get in trouble for.
Of course, we're not just looking for things we can't say. We're looking for things we can't say that are true, or at least have enough chance of being true that the question should remain open. But many of the things people get in trouble for saying probably do make it over this second, lower threshold. No one gets in trouble for saying that 2 + 2 is 5, or that people in Pittsburgh are ten feet tall. Such obviously false statements might be treated as jokes, or at worst as evidence of insanity, but they are not likely to make anyone mad. The statements that make people mad are the ones they worry might be believed. I suspect the statements that make people maddest are those they worry might be true.
If Galileo had said that people in Padua were ten feet tall, he would have been regarded as a harmless eccentric. Saying the earth orbited the sun was another matter. The church knew this would set people thinking.
Certainly, as we look back on the past, this rule of thumb works well. A lot of the statements people got in trouble for seem harmless now. So it's likely that visitors from the future would agree with at least some of the statements that get people in trouble today. Do we have no Galileos? Not likely.
To find them, keep track of opinions that get people in trouble, and start asking, could this be true? Ok, it may be heretical (or whatever modern equivalent), but might it also be true?
This won't get us all the answers, though. What if no one happens to have gotten in trouble for a particular idea yet? What if some idea would be so radioactively controversial that no one would dare express it in public? How can we find these too?
Another approach is to follow that word, heresy. In every period of history, there seem to have been labels that got applied to statements to shoot them down before anyone had a chance to ask if they were true or not. "Blasphemy", "sacrilege", and "heresy" were such labels for a good part of western history, as in more recent times "indecent", "improper", and "unamerican" have been. By now these labels have lost their sting. They always do. By now they're mostly used ironically. But in their time, they had real force.
The word "defeatist", for example, has no particular political connotations now. But in Germany in 1917 it was a weapon, used by Ludendorff in a purge of those who favored a negotiated peace. At the start of World War II it was used extensively by Churchill and his supporters to silence their opponents. In 1940, any argument against Churchill's aggressive policy was "defeatist". Was it right or wrong? Ideally, no one got far enough to ask that.
We have such labels today, of course, quite a lot of them, from the all-purpose "inappropriate" to the dreaded "divisive." In any period, it should be easy to figure out what such labels are, simply by looking at what people call ideas they disagree with besides untrue. When a politician says his opponent is mistaken, that's a straightforward criticism, but when he attacks a statement as "divisive" or "racially insensitive" instead of arguing that it's false, we should start paying attention.
So another way to figure out which of our taboos future generations will laugh at is to start with the labels. Take a label-- "sexist", for example-- and try to think of some ideas that would be called that. Then for each ask, might this be true?
Just start listing ideas at random? Yes, because they won't really be random. The ideas that come to mind first will be the most plausible ones. They'll be things you've already noticed but didn't let yourself think.
In 1989 some clever researchers tracked the eye movements of radiologists as they scanned chest images for signs of lung cancer. They found that even when the radiologists missed a cancerous lesion, their eyes had usually paused at the site of it. Part of their brain knew there was something there; it just didn't percolate all the way up into conscious knowledge. I think many interesting heretical thoughts are already mostly formed in our minds. If we turn off our self-censorship temporarily, those will be the first to emerge.
Time and Space
If we could look into the future it would be obvious which of our taboos they'd laugh at. We can't do that, but we can do something almost as good: we can look into the past. Another way to figure out what we're getting wrong is to look at what used to be acceptable and is now unthinkable.
Changes between the past and the present sometimes do represent progress. In a field like physics, if we disagree with past generations it's because we're right and they're wrong. But this becomes rapidly less true as you move away from the certainty of the hard sciences. By the time you get to social questions, many changes are just fashion. The age of consent fluctuates like hemlines.
We may imagine that we are a great deal smarter and more virtuous than past generations, but the more history you read, the less likely this seems. People in past times were much like us. Not heroes, not barbarians. Whatever their ideas were, they were ideas reasonable people could believe.
So here is another source of interesting heresies. Diff present ideas against those of various past cultures, and see what you get. Some will be shocking by present standards. Ok, fine; but which might also be true?
You don't have to look into the past to find big differences. In our own time, different societies have wildly varying ideas of what's ok and what isn't. So you can try diffing other cultures' ideas against ours as well. (The best way to do that is to visit them.)
You might find contradictory taboos. In one culture it might seem shocking to think x, while in another it was shocking not to. But I think usually the shock is on one side. In one culture x is ok, and in another it's considered shocking. My hypothesis is that the side that's shocked is most likely to be the mistaken one.
I suspect the only taboos that are more than taboos are the ones that are universal, or nearly so. Murder for example. But any idea that's considered harmless in a significant percentage of times and places, and yet is taboo in ours, is a good candidate for something we're mistaken about.
For example, at the high water mark of political correctness in the early 1990s, Harvard distributed to its faculty and staff a brochure saying, among other things, that it was inappropriate to compliment a colleague or student's clothes. No more "nice shirt." I think this principle is rare among the world's cultures, past or present. There are probably more where it's considered especially polite to compliment someone's clothing than where it's considered improper. So odds are this is, in a mild form, an example of one of the taboos a visitor from the future would have to be careful to avoid if he happened to set his time machine for Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1992.
Of course, if they have time machines in the future they'll probably have a separate reference manual just for Cambridge. This has always been a fussy place, a town of i dotters and t crossers, where you're liable to get both your grammar and your ideas corrected in the same conversation. And that suggests another way to find taboos. Look for prigs, and see what's inside their heads.
Kids' heads are repositories of all our taboos. It seems fitting to us that kids' ideas should be bright and clean. The picture we give them of the world is not merely simplified, to suit their developing minds, but sanitized as well, to suit our ideas of what kids ought to think.
You can see this on a small scale in the matter of dirty words. A lot of my friends are starting to have children now, and they're all trying not to use words like "fuck" and "shit" within baby's hearing, lest baby start using these words too. But these words are part of the language, and adults use them all the time. So parents are giving their kids an inaccurate idea of the language by not using them. Why do they do this? Because they don't think it's fitting that kids should use the whole language. We like children to seem innocent.
Most adults, likewise, deliberately give kids a misleading view of the world. One of the most obvious examples is Santa Claus. We think it's cute for little kids to believe in Santa Claus. I myself think it's cute for little kids to believe in Santa Claus. But one wonders, do we tell them this stuff for their sake, or for ours?
I'm not arguing for or against this idea here. It is probably inevitable that parents should want to dress up their kids' minds in cute little baby outfits. I'll probably do it myself. The important thing for our purposes is that, as a result, a well brought-up teenage kid's brain is a more or less complete collection of all our taboos-- and in mint condition, because they're untainted by experience. Whatever we think that will later turn out to be ridiculous, it's almost certainly inside that head.
How do we get at these ideas? By the following thought experiment. Imagine a kind of latter-day Conrad character who has worked for a time as a mercenary in Africa, for a time as a doctor in Nepal, for a time as the manager of a nightclub in Miami. The specifics don't matter-- just someone who has seen a lot. Now imagine comparing what's inside this guy's head with what's inside the head of a well-behaved sixteen year old girl from the suburbs. What does he think that would shock her? He knows the world; she knows, or at least embodies, present taboos. Subtract one from the other, and the result is what we can't say.
I can think of one more way to figure out what we can't say: to look at how taboos are created. How do moral fashions arise, and why are they adopted? If we can understand this mechanism, we may be able to see it at work in our own time.
Moral fashions don't seem to be created the way ordinary fashions are. Ordinary fashions seem to arise by accident when everyone imitates the whim of some influential person. The fashion for broad-toed shoes in late fifteenth century Europe began because Charles VIII of France had six toes on one foot. The fashion for the name Gary began when the actor Frank Cooper adopted the name of a tough mill town in Indiana. Moral fashions more often seem to be created deliberately. When there's something we can't say, it's often because some group doesn't want us to.
The prohibition will be strongest when the group is nervous. The irony of Galileo's situation was that he got in trouble for repeating Copernicus's ideas. Copernicus himself didn't. In fact, Copernicus was a canon of a cathedral, and dedicated his book to the pope. But by Galileo's time the church was in the throes of the Counter-Reformation and was much more worried about unorthodox ideas.
To launch a taboo, a group has to be poised halfway between weakness and power. A confident group doesn't need taboos to protect it. It's not considered improper to make disparaging remarks about Americans, or the English. And yet a group has to be powerful enough to enforce a taboo. Coprophiles, as of this writing, don't seem to be numerous or energetic enough to have had their interests promoted to a lifestyle.
I suspect the biggest source of moral taboos will turn out to be power struggles in which one side only barely has the upper hand. That's where you'll find a group powerful enough to enforce taboos, but weak enough to need them.
Most struggles, whatever they're really about, will be cast as struggles between competing ideas. The English Reformation was at bottom a struggle for wealth and power, but it ended up being cast as a struggle to preserve the souls of Englishmen from the corrupting influence of Rome. It's easier to get people to fight for an idea. And whichever side wins, their ideas will also be considered to have triumphed, as if God wanted to signal his agreement by selecting that side as the victor.
We often like to think of World War II as a triumph of freedom over totalitarianism. We conveniently forget that the Soviet Union was also one of the winners.
I'm not saying that struggles are never about ideas, just that they will always be made to seem to be about ideas, whether they are or not. And just as there is nothing so unfashionable as the last, discarded fashion, there is nothing so wrong as the principles of the most recently defeated opponent. Representational art is only now recovering from the approval of both Hitler and Stalin.
Although moral fashions tend to arise from different sources than fashions in clothing, the mechanism of their adoption seems much the same. The early adopters will be driven by ambition: self-consciously cool people who want to distinguish themselves from the common herd. As the fashion becomes established they'll be joined by a second, much larger group, driven by fear. This second group adopt the fashion not because they want to stand out but because they are afraid of standing out.
So if you want to figure out what we can't say, look at the machinery of fashion and try to predict what it would make unsayable. What groups are powerful but nervous, and what ideas would they like to suppress? What ideas were tarnished by association when they ended up on the losing side of a recent struggle? If a self-consciously cool person wanted to differentiate himself from preceding fashions (e.g. from his parents), which of their ideas would he tend to reject? What are conventional-minded people afraid of saying?
This technique won't find us all the things we can't say. I can think of some that aren't the result of any recent struggle. Many of our taboos are rooted deep in the past. But this approach, combined with the preceding four, will turn up a good number of unthinkable ideas.
Some would ask, why would one want to do this? Why deliberately go poking around among nasty, disreputable ideas? Why look under rocks?
I do it, first of all, for the same reason I did look under rocks as a kid: plain curiosity. And I'm especially curious about anything that's forbidden. Let me see and decide for myself.
Second, I do it because I don't like the idea of being mistaken. If, like other eras, we believe things that will later seem ridiculous, I want to know what they are so that I, at least, can avoid believing them.
Third, I do it because it's good for the brain. To do good work you need a brain that can go anywhere. And you especially need a brain that's in the habit of going where it's not supposed to.
Great work tends to grow out of ideas that others have overlooked, and no idea is so overlooked as one that's unthinkable. Natural selection, for example. It's so simple. Why didn't anyone think of it before? Well, that is all too obvious. Darwin himself was careful to tiptoe around the implications of his theory. He wanted to spend his time thinking about biology, not arguing with people who accused him of being an atheist.
In the sciences, especially, it's a great advantage to be able to question assumptions. The m.o. of scientists, or at least of the good ones, is precisely that: look for places where conventional wisdom is broken, and then try to pry apart the cracks and see what's underneath. That's where new theories come from.
A good scientist, in other words, does not merely ignore conventional wisdom, but makes a special effort to break it. Scientists go looking for trouble. This should be the m.o. of any scholar, but scientists seem much more willing to look under rocks.
Why? It could be that the scientists are simply smarter; most physicists could, if necessary, make it through a PhD program in French literature, but few professors of French literature could make it through a PhD program in physics. Or it could be because it's clearer in the sciences whether theories are true or false, and this makes scientists bolder. (Or it could be that, because it's clearer in the sciences whether theories are true or false, you have to be smart to get jobs as a scientist, rather than just a good politician.)
Whatever the reason, there seems a clear correlation between intelligence and willingness to consider shocking ideas. This isn't just because smart people actively work to find holes in conventional thinking. I think conventions also have less hold over them to start with. You can see that in the way they dress.
It's not only in the sciences that heresy pays off. In any competitive field, you can win big by seeing things that others daren't. And in every field there are probably heresies few dare utter. Within the US car industry there is a lot of hand-wringing now about declining market share. Yet the cause is so obvious that any observant outsider could explain it in a second: they make bad cars. And they have for so long that by now the US car brands are antibrands-- something you'd buy a car despite, not because of. Cadillac stopped being the Cadillac of cars in about 1970. And yet I suspect no one dares say this. Otherwise these companies would have tried to fix the problem.
Training yourself to think unthinkable thoughts has advantages beyond the thoughts themselves. It's like stretching. When you stretch before running, you put your body into positions much more extreme than any it will assume during the run. If you can think things so outside the box that they'd make people's hair stand on end, you'll have no trouble with the small trips outside the box that people call innovative.
Pensieri Stretti
When you find something you can't say, what do you do with it? My advice is, don't say it. Or at least, pick your battles.
Suppose in the future there is a movement to ban the color yellow. Proposals to paint anything yellow are denounced as "yellowist", as is anyone suspected of liking the color. People who like orange are tolerated but viewed with suspicion. Suppose you realize there is nothing wrong with yellow. If you go around saying this, you'll be denounced as a yellowist too, and you'll find yourself having a lot of arguments with anti-yellowists. If your aim in life is to rehabilitate the color yellow, that may be what you want. But if you're mostly interested in other questions, being labelled as a yellowist will just be a distraction. Argue with idiots, and you become an idiot.
The most important thing is to be able to think what you want, not to say what you want. And if you feel you have to say everything you think, it may inhibit you from thinking improper thoughts. I think it's better to follow the opposite policy. Draw a sharp line between your thoughts and your speech. Inside your head, anything is allowed. Within my head I make a point of encouraging the most outrageous thoughts I can imagine. But, as in a secret society, nothing that happens within the building should be told to outsiders. The first rule of Fight Club is, you do not talk about Fight Club.
When Milton was going to visit Italy in the 1630s, Sir Henry Wootton, who had been ambassador to Venice, told him his motto should be "i pensieri stretti & il viso sciolto." Closed thoughts and an open face. Smile at everyone, and don't tell them what you're thinking. This was wise advice. Milton was an argumentative fellow, and the Inquisition was a bit restive at that time. But I think the difference between Milton's situation and ours is only a matter of degree. Every era has its heresies, and if you don't get imprisoned for them you will at least get in enough trouble that it becomes a complete distraction.
I admit it seems cowardly to keep quiet. When I read about the harassment to which the Scientologists subject their critics, or that pro-Israel groups are "compiling dossiers" on those who speak out against Israeli human rights abuses, or about people being sued for violating the DMCA, part of me wants to say, "All right, you bastards, bring it on." The problem is, there are so many things you can't say. If you said them all you'd have no time left for your real work. You'd have to turn into Noam Chomsky.
The trouble with keeping your thoughts secret, though, is that you lose the advantages of discussion. Talking about an idea leads to more ideas. So the optimal plan, if you can manage it, is to have a few trusted friends you can speak openly to. This is not just a way to develop ideas; it's also a good rule of thumb for choosing friends. The people you can say heretical things to without getting jumped on are also the most interesting to know.
Viso Sciolto?
I don't think we need the viso sciolto so much as the pensieri stretti. Perhaps the best policy is to make it plain that you don't agree with whatever zealotry is current in your time, but not to be too specific about what you disagree with. Zealots will try to draw you out, but you don't have to answer them. If they try to force you to treat a question on their terms by asking "are you with us or against us?" you can always just answer "neither".
Better still, answer "I haven't decided." That's what Larry Summers did when a group tried to put him in this position. Explaining himself later, he said "I don't do litmus tests." A lot of the questions people get hot about are actually quite complicated. There is no prize for getting the answer quickly.
If the anti-yellowists seem to be getting out of hand and you want to fight back, there are ways to do it without getting yourself accused of being a yellowist. Like skirmishers in an ancient army, you want to avoid directly engaging the main body of the enemy's troops. Better to harass them with arrows from a distance.
One way to do this is to ratchet the debate up one level of abstraction. If you argue against censorship in general, you can avoid being accused of whatever heresy is contained in the book or film that someone is trying to censor. You can attack labels with meta-labels: labels that refer to the use of labels to prevent discussion. The spread of the term "political correctness" meant the beginning of the end of political correctness, because it enabled one to attack the phenomenon as a whole without being accused of any of the specific heresies it sought to suppress.
Another way to counterattack is with metaphor. Arthur Miller undermined the House Un-American Activities Committee by writing a play, "The Crucible," about the Salem witch trials. He never referred directly to the committee and so gave them no way to reply. What could HUAC do, defend the Salem witch trials? And yet Miller's metaphor stuck so well that to this day the activities of the committee are often described as a "witch-hunt."
Best of all, probably, is humor. Zealots, whatever their cause, invariably lack a sense of humor. They can't reply in kind to jokes. They're as unhappy on the territory of humor as a mounted knight on a skating rink. Victorian prudishness, for example, seems to have been defeated mainly by treating it as a joke. Likewise its reincarnation as political correctness. "I am glad that I managed to write 'The Crucible,'" Arthur Miller wrote, "but looking back I have often wished I'd had the temperament to do an absurd comedy, which is what the situation deserved."
A Dutch friend says I should use Holland as an example of a tolerant society. It's true they have a long tradition of comparative open-mindedness. For centuries the low countries were the place to go to say things you couldn't say anywhere else, and this helped to make the region a center of scholarship and industry (which have been closely tied for longer than most people realize). Descartes, though claimed by the French, did much of his thinking in Holland.
And yet, I wonder. The Dutch seem to live their lives up to their necks in rules and regulations. There's so much you can't do there; is there really nothing you can't say?
Certainly the fact that they value open-mindedness is no guarantee. Who thinks they're not open-minded? Our hypothetical prim miss from the suburbs thinks she's open-minded. Hasn't she been taught to be? Ask anyone, and they'll say the same thing: they're pretty open-minded, though they draw the line at things that are really wrong. (Some tribes may avoid "wrong" as judgemental, and may instead use a more neutral sounding euphemism like "negative" or "destructive".)
When people are bad at math, they know it, because they get the wrong answers on tests. But when people are bad at open-mindedness they don't know it. In fact they tend to think the opposite. Remember, it's the nature of fashion to be invisible. It wouldn't work otherwise. Fashion doesn't seem like fashion to someone in the grip of it. It just seems like the right thing to do. It's only by looking from a distance that we see oscillations in people's idea of the right thing to do, and can identify them as fashions.
Time gives us such distance for free. Indeed, the arrival of new fashions makes old fashions easy to see, because they seem so ridiculous by contrast. From one end of a pendulum's swing, the other end seems especially far away.
To see fashion in your own time, though, requires a conscious effort. Without time to give you distance, you have to create distance yourself. Instead of being part of the mob, stand as far away from it as you can and watch what it's doing. And pay especially close attention whenever an idea is being suppressed. Web filters for children and employees often ban sites containing pornography, violence, and hate speech. What counts as pornography and violence? And what, exactly, is "hate speech?" This sounds like a phrase out of 1984.
Labels like that are probably the biggest external clue. If a statement is false, that's the worst thing you can say about it. You don't need to say that it's heretical. And if it isn't false, it shouldn't be suppressed. So when you see statements being attacked as x-ist or y-ic (substitute your current values of x and y), whether in 1630 or 2030, that's a sure sign that something is wrong. When you hear such labels being used, ask why.
Especially if you hear yourself using them. It's not just the mob you need to learn to watch from a distance. You need to be able to watch your own thoughts from a distance. That's not a radical idea, by the way; it's the main difference between children and adults. When a child gets angry because he's tired, he doesn't know what's happening. An adult can distance himself enough from the situation to say "never mind, I'm just tired." I don't see why one couldn't, by a similar process, learn to recognize and discount the effects of moral fashions.
You have to take that extra step if you want to think clearly. But it's harder, because now you're working against social customs instead of with them. Everyone encourages you to grow up to the point where you can discount your own bad moods. Few encourage you to continue to the point where you can discount society's bad moods.
How can you see the wave, when you're the water? Always be questioning. That's the only defence. What can't you say? And why?
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chiseler · 5 years
Little Devils: 50 Years of Killer Kid Movies
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Face it, children are just plain creepy—especially the really cute ones.
Historically—and I’m talking about going back thousands of years—we’ve always been scared to death of the children we’ve spawned. Before they’re born we worry they might be physically deformed or just a little off in the head somehow. And after they’re born and as they start to grow and think and talk, hoo boy, that’s when things really start getting scary, as you start to glean a little something about what’s going on behind those cold, staring eyes. I’m not a parent myself, but having been a kid once I fully understand the panic and fear that can grip parents as they come to better understand their kids. What if they’re no good at sports? What if they start hanging out with a bad crowd and using drugs? What if they get bullied by the other kids and take revenge by shooting up the school? Worse still, what if they decide to bludgeon us to death with a crowbar in our sleep one night? What if they turn out to be the bona fide offspring of Satan himself? What the hell do we do then? Sure, we all pretend to be shocked and dismayed when we hear news stories about some eight-year-old in Kansas or Oregon stabbing the little neighbor girl twenty times for no apparent reason, but let’s be honest—we all know what these pint-sized miscreants are capable of doing, and have simply come to expect it.
As with a few of those other fundamental adult fears, like asteroids, nuclear war, clowns and deadly plagues, over the years our fear of children has led to its own unheralded cinematic subgenre of Killer Kid movies.
While countless slasher films from Halloween onwards feature tykes with butcher knives who grow up to become adults with butcher knives, I’m focusing here on those films in which the snot-nosed killers remain snot-nosed throughout. While I could have included those rambunctious hobo youths from William Wellman’s Wild Boys of the Road (1933), those little back-to-nature wastrels from Lord of the Flies (1963) and the matricidal zombie girl with the trowel from George Romero’s Night of the Living Dead (1968), I, um, didn’t. So sue me.
Here’s a quick chronological list of a double handful of notable features about murderous children. It’s interesting to note that as the years pass, the films themselves seem to grow less clever, endearing, original and interesting. Just like kids!
The Bad Seed (1956)
I’ve long been a big fan of that Mervyn LeRoy. As a director, he always understood the darker side of human nature, and had a sly sense of humor about it. In 1931 he directed my two favorite (and two of the bleakest) Edward G. Robinson pictures, Five-Star Final and Two Seconds. Then eight years later he directed The Wizard of Oz. I always like to think (though I’m undoubtedly wrong about this) he intended his 1956 creeper The Bad Seed as a kind of bonk on the head to those audience members who hadn’t recognized the darkness that lay at the heart of The Wizard of Oz.
Okay, Nancy Kelly plays Christine, the nightmare-plagued mother of the world’s most perfect little girl. Not only is blonde, pigtailed and always immaculately dressed Rhoda (Patty McCormack) perfect, the ten-year old knows she’s perfect. As a perfect child, she also knows what she deserves out of life and those around her, and lord help anyone who doesn’t cough it up. As time goes on, Christine  begins to suspect Rhoda may somehow be responsible for the tragic drowning of a classmate who’d recently won an award Rhoda felt she rightly deserved. And if she was responsible for that, maybe she was responsible for all those other weird deaths that have been happening all over town, too. And what the hell’s the deal with that recurring nightmare, anyway?
Although based on a stage play that was itself based on a novel, it was LeRoy’s film that would become the standard reference point and template for so many of the Killer Kid movies down the line, though few would come close to matching it.
Village of the Damned 1960
John Wyndham was a reasonably popular pulp writer in the 1930s. While his crime stories gained him the most attention at the time, these days he’s best remembered for his occasional forays into sci-fi and horror. Day of the Triffids, his end-of-the-world masterpiece about killer plants (a personal phobia) was a major hit when adapted for the big screen, but his cautionary evil kid tale Village of the Damned had a much longer reach after director Wolf Rilla got ahold of it.
Yes, we all know the story: one day everyone living in a small English village falls asleep at the same time for some unknown reason. When they awaken several hours later, all the women of child-bearing age (even the virgins!) find they’re pregnant. Weirder still, they all go into labor at exactly the same time.
Ten years later, all the kids born that day have turned out to be extremely intelligent, blond, beautiful, and emotionless. Snappy dressers though they may be, they’re also arrogant little snots who have no time for adults or other kids, and only hang out with one another all the time. They also seem to share a psychic connection, and there are hints they have some larger purpose in mind. Anyone who tries to interfere with them gets the creepy glowing eyes treatment shortly before unexpectedly committing suicide. George Sanders at the top of his game plays a rational sort who tries to get to the Bottom of what all the hell,
It remains a starkly eerie and atmospheric picture that to this day can still make you want to punch blond British pre-teens right in the face.
The film went on to spawn one lesser sequel (1964’s Children of the Damned), one superior sort-of sequel (Joseph Losey’s 1962 These Are the Damned), a 1995 remake directed by Jon Carpenter, and a Simpsons parody. My favorite bit of cultural impact, however, is that some of your more out-there paranoids have worked Village of the Damned into the Montauk Project conspiracy, claiming beautiful, blond alien/human hybrids were created in the secret government labs in the caves beneath Montauk, Long Island. These Montauk Children, as they’re called, were set out into the world as sleeper agents (though most settled in Denver for some reason), and to this day are awaiting their secret orders from above.
The Twilight Zone: “It’s a Good Life” (1961)
It was included as one of the segments in Twilight Zone: The Movie, but good as that was, there’s just no topping the original. And there’s no topping the original because back in the early Sixties Billy Mumy was the creepiest kid on the planet. Rod Serling clearly recognized this, which is why he kept casting him.
Little Anthony Freemont (Mumy) lives in a pleasant small town where everyone knows him and everyone’s really nice to him. I mean really, really, REALLY nice to him,. And they’re really nice because over time they’ve come to realize that even if he doesn’t opt to simply blink them out of existence if they don’t do what he says, he has the power to make incredibly awful things happen to them. Even thinking bad things about Anthony isn’t such a hot idea. Things aren’t any better in the Freemont household, where his terrified parents (John Larch and Cloris Leachman) have to walk on eggshells out of fear he might do something else to his siblings, or them. )“It’s a…very GOOD thing that you did that…”)
It remains one of the most delightfully wicked and true portraits of just how terrified adults are of kids, and just how sinister kids can be.
Interestingly, Mumy apparently also had this power in real life, later going on to have a big hit with the novelty song, “Fish Heads.”
The Other (1972)
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Kids alone are creepy enough, but you get twins to boot, you know you’re in for some bad news. And you get twin boys in a rural town in the 1930s? Holy mackerel, you might as well just pack it in right there and go home. Nothing good is going to come of it.
I don’t know how many times I watched Robert Mulligan’s film (based on the Thomas Tryon novel) on TV in the early Seventies, but it was a lot. Enough that to this day I still remember every shot and every line of dialog., but it still gets under my skin as one of the most effective of the lot.
Real twins Martin and Chris Udvarnoky play Holland and Niles Perry. As with most twins, one is mostly nice and sweet and innocent, while the other, Holland in this case, is the dominant, wickedly mischievous one.. Also like most twins, Niles and Holland share a weird psychic link. But in their case, and under the guidance of their Russian grandmother Eda (Uta Hagen), they can use a special ring to take things one step further. They call it The Game. As in Being John Malkovich, they can actually enter the consciousness of anyone they choose, from a magician in a traveling carnival, to a passing crow, to a corpse.
It’s a Northern Gothic tale complete with dark family secrets, farm accidents, dead babies, emotionally shattered mothers and real freaks. And an evil twin. It unfolds very slowly and quietly, and even though we get the Big Revelation at the halfway point, it doesn’t matter because the story rolls on with a few more twists and surprises left. It’s not shocking or terribly bloody, but extremely unnerving. Featuring an early turn by John Ritter and a Jerry Goldsmith score.
Don’t Look Now (1973)
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Nicholas Roeg’s brilliantly shattered, hallucinatory narrative with the shock ending might be a loose fit here, but it had such an influence on other sort of Killer Kid movies (like David Cronenberg’s The Brood) it deserves mention.
The great Donald Sutherland was rarely better than he was here as John, an architect whose young daughter recently drowned near the family  home in England. He takes a job in Venice, thinking a few months away from home might be just the thing to help him and his wife cope. Shortly after they arrive, however, they encounter a blind psychic in a restaurant who tells them their daughter’s spirit is around, and seems happy. Being the slide Rule sort, John is less willing than his wife to accept this at face value. At least until he starts having recurring visions of what seems to be his daughter all over Venice. Dresses like her, anyway. He becomes a little obsessed with that little girl in the red cloak who may or may not be his daughter. Who cares if she might have something to do with that whole nasty string of brutal stabbings around the city?
The less said about it at this point, the better (and easier, to be honest). Almost 45 years on now, it still works, that ending still gets me, and there’s nothing else like it.    
It’s Alive! (1974)
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People might cite Rosemary’s Baby as the be-all and end-all of films about pre-natal anxiety, but think about it. Sure, she gave birth to the Antichrist, but she has a good support network right there in the building, and if she treats him right, she’s set for life. No, for my money Larry Cohen’s breakthrough monstrous infant hint trumps them all, beginning with one of the most unsettling ad campaigns of the Seventies.
Funny thing is, though it’s remembered as a film about a baby with fangs and claws who slaughters all the doctors in the delivery room before escaping to go on a killing spree around town, if you go look at it again now you realize that’s only a minor subplot. It’s also a conspiracy film about government scientists using unwitting citizens as guinea pigs. Above all else, though, it’s an indictment of the mass media, which has the power to destroy the lives and reputations of innocent people on a whim, in this case the Davis family. And damn but that John P. Ryan is great as the horrified and disbelieving father who finds himself and his wife being publicly blamed (as is So often the case) for giving birth to a kid who isn’t quite right.
Much smarter and more subtle than most would give it credit for, It’s Alive ! Is loaded with Frankenstein references, and went on to spawn two equally good (and very different) sequels. To this day I will not put my face or fingers anywhere near a baby’s mouth.
Devil Times Five (1974)
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The early to mid Seventies were mighty good years for Leif Garret. Not only was his picture plastered all over every teeny-bopper magazine in the country month after month, he was also scoring supporting roles in huge drive-in hits like Macon County Line and Walking Tall. Let’s just say considering his squeaky-clean image, Devil Times Five (aka Peopletoys) was a departure.
Garret plays one of five kids traveling on a bus which crashes in the mountains during a snowstorm. With the driver dead and not knowing what else to do, the five youngsters take refuge in a nearby resort.
It eventually comes out the bus was actually delivering the kids to an institution for the criminally insane, as they’re all kookoo bananas and extremely violent. There were hints of this beforehand, as per the standard asylum movie cliche, each nutty kid has a telltale tic—this one thinks she’s a nun, the black kid thinks he’s in the military. etc. But it’s all just mild comic relief until they pick up the knives.
Well, before you can say “Mr. Green Jeans,” they begin slaughtering everyone at the resort in a variety of hilarious ways, and occasionally in slow motion.
Unlike other Killer Kid movies which try to explain away antisocial behavior by blaming it on assorted external forces (government scientists, radiation, aliens, Satan, or an eclipse), these kids are just plain old evil by nature, and that’s all there is to it.
It wasn’t a big hit, it didn’t do much to propel Garret into leading roles, but today it’s earned itself solid cult status as a pre-slasher grind house number. And what’s not to love about the ol’ “piranhas in the bathtub” gag?
The Omen (1976)
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In the Seventies and Eighties, a number of once-huge stars—Ray Milland, Richard Widmark, Henry Fonda, Rory Calhoun, Ida Lupino, George C. Scott and, in this case Gregory Peck—found themselves making genre pictures simply because that was all that was available to them. Granted, The Omen was a few cuts above The Devil’s Rain and Tentacles, but still.
Okay, regardless what the producers and screenwriter David Seltzer may claim about the franchise’s origins, the original trilogy of Omen films was lifted wholesale from “The Devil’s Platform” episode of Kolchak: The Night Stalker.
Be that as it may, when you get a cast like this, a smart director like Richard Donner, a simply astonishing score by Jerry Goldsmith, some diabolical camera trickery and editing, wonderful practical effects (Lee Remick’s fall from the balcony kept me going for years), and a story about a smiling, (mostly cheerful 3-year-old Son of Satan wandering around England leaving a trail of beheadings, impaled priests, seriously pissed off baboons and hanged nannies  in his wake, how can you go wrong? Even if the script itself is absurdly silly.
In an interesting postscript, like so many other child actors deeply associated with high-profile horror films of the era—think Danny Lloyd from The Shining—Harvey Stephens (who as Damien spoke, what, five words onscreen?) would not appear in another film for the next four decades. And even then he hasn’t been in much, though he did have a cameo as a reporter in the remake of, yes, The Omen a few years back.
Alice Sweet Alice (1976)
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I dare you to show me one worthwhile horror film about Presbyterians. No, as far as religious sects go, Catholics have it all over everyone when it comes to horror. You got your robes, your chanting, your weird rituals, your transmutation, your Inquisition, your fetishism, your magic relics, your ghostly visions, oh, it just goes on and on. The Catholic Church is just one big horror show, top to bottom. As a result, Catholicism lay at the heart of countless horror films, and Alice, Sweet Alice is among the best.
The tagline read, “If you survive this night, nothing will ever scare you again,” which may or may not have been a reference to the fact this was Brooke Shields’ film debut. Shields plays 10-year—old Karen, the cute, quiet, polite and well-dressed younger sister of that moody, smart-mouthed and generally ornery Alice (Paula Sheppard), who likes to pull nasty pranks and doesn’t dress nearly as well as her sister. Everyone from  the neighbors to their own parents to the local priest adores Karen and showers her with gifts, while they just wish Alice would go away. She clearly needs to see a shrink or something. So when Karen is brutally stabbed to death outside the church on the morning of her first communion and Alice is found with Karen’s veil in her pocket, well, there you go. And then when a whole bunch of other people around town somehow connected with Alice end up all stabbed to death as well, well, there you go again. I mean, she just looks like someone who could do something like that, right?
Alice, Sweet Alice is an American Giallo, so the less said about the story the better. For having such a tiny budget, the visuals are rich and gorgeous, filled with Catholic imagery and ritual throughout, featuring a cast of wholly unlikable characters you honestly don’t mind seeing stabbed to death (especially that Little Miss Perfect Karen). The one standout is Alphonso DeNoble as the crass, sleazy, filthy and morbidly obese landlord Mr. Alphonso. DeNoble has a terrifying charisma, which may have come from being a bouncer at a gay nightclub in Jersey in real life.
Yes, the film owes quite a bit, and blatantly so, to Roeg’s Don’t Look Now, but aimed at a more lowbrow mainstream audience. It’s a bloody, nasty little shocker still held dear by thousands of disaffected girls who survived Catholic school.
The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane (1976)
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1976 was not only a busy year for Killer Kid films, it was also  the busiest year of Jodie Foster’s career, during which she appeared in half a dozen films ranging from Taxi Driver to, well, this, a film she and other cast and crew members would bad mouth down the line. In retrospect, it’s not really as bad as all that.
A 13-year-old Foster plays 13-year-old Rynn Jacobs, a precocious girl who may or may not be living alone in a rented house in a secluded section of a small, affluent seaside town. Her rich, nosy and suspicious landlady keeps barging in uninvited to ask too many questions, the landlady’s perv of a son (Martin Sheen) keeps putting the moves on her, a local cop is endlessly curious but nice enough, and a gimpy teenage magician from the area knows the score. But Rynn is self-sufficient and smart beyond her years. Enough so anyway to dispatch with all those nosy yokels who’d try and pry into her business.
It’s less a horror film than an atmospheric mystery that ties up all the loose ends by the three-quarters mark. Based on a 1974 novel, the claustrophobic stagebound film is mostly forgotten today, but back in ’76 the poster creeped the hell out of me. Certainly more than the film did.
The Children (1980)
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Although “creepy bloodthirsty children” seems to be a simple, straightforward notion just bursting with possible storylines, 1980 marked the point at which screenwriters and filmmakers everywhere seemed to run out of ideas, so simply began rehashing those earlier, better films. Case in point is this slight variation on Village of the Damned.
This time around, instead of mysterious alien impregnation, a school bus full of perfectly normal kids drives through a cloud of yellow radioactive fog released from a nearby nuclear power plant. The radiation, it seems, turns all the tykes into shambling, emotionless and murderous zombies. Instead of glowing eyes, the infected kids have black fingernails (which was easier on the fx budget), and instead of psychically driving adults to kill themselves, the mere touch of these evil zombie children can fry any adult to a crisp. With little else to do, the radioactive zombie kids lay siege to their small town as the adults try to figure out just how to handle this. I mean, it was already hard enough trying to get them to go to bed on time.
Oh, derivative as it is, the film does have it’s moments. In fact it includes one scene I must admit I’ve never seen repeated in any other Killer Kid film, in which a group of well-armed adults barricaded inside a house open fire on the army of evil radioactive curtain climbers massing in the front yard. And when the adults finally do figure out how to dispatch the little monsters, well, let’s just say it was unexpectedly gruesome.
The Godsend (1980)
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Given the year had already provided a Village of the Damned knockoff, it was apparently time for a Bad Seed knockoff, and an obvious one at that.
A pleasant and kindly British couple, the Marlowes (Malcolm Stoddard and Cyd Hayman) decide to take in a young unmarried pregnant woman even though they already have six kids of their own, telling her she can stay with them until she has the baby.  What nice people those Marlowes are! But wouldn’t you know it? As soon as the ungrateful wench spits out the baby she vanishes without a word, leaving them with a seventh mouth to feed.
Being pleasant people they don’t complain too much, and over time the child grows into a polite and lovely little girl named Bonnie (Wilhelmina Green).
Well, sure enough before you know it all the other Marlowe kids start dropping like flies, and the parents take their own sweet time connecting the dots. I mean, come now people! We all know what happens to the youngest kid in a large family.
Itself based on a less-than-original novel, director Gabrielle Beaumont’s low-budget film plays like a TV movie, and lacks pretty much everything that made The Bad Seed so effective.
Bloody Birthday (1981)
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On June 9th, 1970, three women in a small California town give birth during a total solar eclipse (uh-oh!). The resulting three kids—Debbie (Elizabeth Hoy), Curtis (Billy Jacoby) and Steven (Andy Freeman)—understandably share a tight bond, and as their tenth birthday approaches in 1980, plans are underway for a big bash pretty much everyone in town is expected to attend.
In the week before the party, maybe just to trim that guest list down a bit, the trio of little scamps undertakes a killing spree. They bludgeon and strangle a couple of stereotypical slasher film teens making out in a graveyard, beat Debbie’s dad (the local sheriff) to death with a baseball bat, shoot a teacher, and attempt to lock a classmate in a refrigerator in a junkyard. No one suspects them, of course, because they’re freaking nine years old. Nowadays we know better. While you’d expect the big party to be the film’s climactic scene, it just comes and goes without much happening, and those darn kids keep killing.
Around the halfway point, a teenaged amateur astrologer offers up the closest thing we get to an explanation for such naughty behavior. During that eclipse, see, both the sun and moon were blocking Saturn. Since Saturn controls the emotions, these kids were born with no conscience. Okay, so you come to accept a lot on faith in these things. Ultimately, though there are hits of both Village of the Damned and Bad Seed here, the picture owes much more to Devil Times Five.
Director Ed Hunt had made a handful of genre cheapies prior to this, but today Bloody Birthday remains his most memorable film. The dialogue is often painful, the soundtrack is comprised of library music from TV movies, and it’s not nearly as gory as would become standard for slasher films, but his three little killers all exude a believable David Berkowitz vibe, and the film contains enough boobs to earn an R rating. In an irrelevant sidenote, it remains one of the very few entries here in which the kids use guns, and, I think, the only one in which they use a bow and arrow.
Sleepaway Camp (1983)
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Writer/director Robert Hiltzik’s weirdie is a delightfully oddball number not only within the Killer Kid subgenre, but also among slasher films, which is doubly surprising considering when it was released.
Although the film at the outset has all the standard earmarks of a cookie-cutter post-friday the 13th slasher film (a bunch of youngsters at summer camp, and endless supply of sharp implements, a fast-rising body count), careful viewers will note a few unsettling details. First, apart from the counselors, most of the campers (and victims) are pre-adolescent, and all the males, young and old alike, wear shorts that are just a little too short and a little too snug. Hmm.
Anyway, Angela (Felissa Rose), has been sent to summer camp against her will with her older brother. She’s pretty and nice and shy, but has clearly been damaged in some way. She adamantly refuses to go swimming or play games ore shower wit the other kids, despite repeated (and usually understanding) pleas  from the counselors. She prefers to be alone, and isn’t much interested in making new friends. I know the feeling. I was sent to summer camp once, and after a lummox named Trent got to go home because he got a fish hook in the eye, I considered bribing those kids with the fishing poles to do the same to me.
Anyway, if you haven’t seen it, the less said the better. Let’s just say it fits the category, but with a notorious twist, and remains near the top of the lists of many slasher film fanatics I know. I do wonder, though, given the age we’re living in, how this one would go over today. It also leaves me wondering what the deal is with that Robert Hiltzik.
Children of the Corn (1984)
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Yes, it’s a stinker, but remains a memorable touchstone within the then exploding subgenre of Stephen King stinkers. I always find it funny that King continues to bitch about Kubrick’s adaptation of The Shining, but never has a word to say about this, or The Mangler, or Silver Bullet, or Maximum Overdrive or…
But that’s beside the point. Given the subject at hand, both the original short story and Fritz Kiersch’s film adaptation are interesting in that they represent a genre-blending crossover between Killer Kid movies and Religious Zealot horror.
AS much as there is to chuckle at here—my goodness what an awful bit of filmmaking, from the script to the performances to the camera set-ups and fx—dammit I keep going back to it. I do enjoy that flashback in the diner, as well as the fact the initial slaughter of the adults is never clearly explained. Not really, anyway. And I do dig the amateurish overacting on the part of John Franklin as the crazy young preacher Isaac and Courtney Gains as his True Believer henchman Malachai. And I’ll watch that R.G. Armstrong in anything. Mostly, though, I think I keep going back time and again just to hear the line “He wants you, too…Malachai!,” which has been a catchphrase of mine for years now.
Firestarter (1984)
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Amid the mid-‘80s flood of Stephen King quickies, at least director Mark L. Lester had a few more chops than most. He also had a much larger budget, which allowed him to sign a cast that included George C. Scott, Art Carney, Louise Fletcher, Martin Sheen and Heather Locklear (!).
So a young couple who met in college while volunteering as research guinea pigs in a secret government drug test later get married and have a daughter. As these things happen (see Blue Sunshine or Jacob’s Ladder), those secret government drug tests have a way of hanging around awhile, with some mighty unexpected side effects. In this case, their new daughter Charlie (Drew Barrymore, who was in a few King adaptations) was born with pyrokinetic powers, meaning she can set anyone or anything she doesn’t like ablaze, the lucky brat.
Well, a few years later when the secret government agency that ran the secret government drug test catches wind of what little Charlie can do, they decide they’d like to have a little chat with her, and maybe her dad too (the briefly popular David Keith), who himself might have psychic powers. Or maybe they’d like to have something more than a chat.
Less a horror movie than conspiracy thriller and chase picture, Firestarter remains an oddity here, as it’s one of the few Killer Kid films in which we’re asked to root for the Killer Kid, actually hoping the wee pyro in question, even though she’s cute and blond, will set a few of those icky, mean adults on fire.
It’s hardly on a par with The Shining, Carrie, or The Dead Zone, but at least it’s better than Night Shift, Sometimes They Come Back, Children of the Corn IV, Cat’s Eye, Maximum Overdrive…
The Omen IV: The Awakening (1991)
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As would become standard for plenty of other franchises that had seemingly run their course, some bright TV executives thought there was still some money to be made with that whole Omen thing. A decade after the last and supposedly final entry came out, why not give it the TV movie treatment? And while we’re at it, why not give it a fresh twist by doing a little gender switcheroo, right? So this time around, why not make Damien a girl? That’d throw viewers for a loop, wouldn’t it?
(An Omen IV novel had actually been released shortly after The Final Conflict came out, but it had nothing to do with this.)
The events of the previous three films have long been forgotten by the time we get underway here, I mean, don’t we see the Second Coming of Christ at the end of Final Conflict? Okay, so I guess Jesus had gone on vacation or something by the time two young smug and wealthy lawyers (Michael Woods and Faye Grant) adopt a new daughter without asking too many questions.
Their daughter Delia (Asia Vieira) grows into a pretty, dark-haired young girl who is extremely unpleasant. Oooon, but she’s a bratty little smartass who could use a spanking.  I always thought the Antichrist was supposed to be charming and charismatic, but I’ll let it slide. In any case her New Age hippie nanny starts to suspect something far more sinister than smug parents might be at the heart of Delia’s bad attitude. When all her magic crystals turn black in the little girl’s presence, she starts making frantic calls to her other New Agey friends.
I’m going to stop there. Hilariously awful film, save for one scene, And that one scene alone is reason enough to forgive the film’s countless other unforgivable flaws.  
The nanny drags Delia to a New Age fair in a park in hopes of getting a snapshot of her aura, and let’s just say things don’t go well for much of anyone. In simple slapstick terms, it’s on a par with Final Conflict’s montage of baby murders.  
The Good Son (1993)
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As he transitioned from the “dorky, buggy-eyed but still weirdly cute” kid in the Home Alone pictures into a “dorky, buggy-eyed and much less cute” adolescent, Macaulay Culkin decided to prove his range as an actor by playing against type in still another take on The Bad Seed.
Instead of telling the story through the mother’s eyes, in Joseph Ruben’s film we see things through the eyes of a nice, wholesome kid named Mark (a young Elijah Wood). After his mother dies, he’s sent to live with an aunt and uncle and two cousins. Not yet knowing he should avoid anyone named “Henry,” Mark and his cousin Henry (Culkin) become good friends. But after Henry is clearly delighted when one of his silly boyhood pranks triggers a deadly multi-car pileup, and after he shows off his homemade gun to Mark, and furthermore hints he once tried to kill his own brother, Mark starts to get the idea Henry might well be a psychopath with bigger diabolical schemes in mind.
Ruben’s picture is a slight cut above the likes of, say, The Godsend thanks to that change in perspective. Although Culkin makes for a believable psycho kid, it didn’t really do much to revamp his career and set him on that road to an Oscar. Thinking about it, though, Henry’s use of improvised and homemade weaponry wasn’t that big a step away from his Home Alone character, but with more fatalities and fewer cartoon sound effects..
Home Movie (2008)
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The found footage/hand held video/POV horror film was pretty well dead and buried as a style by 2008, but that sure didn’t stop anyone. It was a cheap way to make a movie, after all. In this case, though, the story would have worked much better as a straight narrative, as the POV gimmick just gets in the way, leaving viewers (or maybe just me) repeatedly asking, “Why would anyone be filming this?”
Why, for instance, would an alcoholic Lutheran minister (Adrian Pasdar) choose to film an intimate argument with his psychiatrist wife (Cady McClain)? And why would a psychiatrist use the family video camera to record private patient notes, leaving them mixed in there with the Christmas and Easter home movies? Maybe writer/director Christopher Denham was trying to make a point about people so obsessed with living through screens that they can easily ignore the obvious and increasing threat posed by their clearly disturbed twin children, who mostly just lurk in the background as the parents focus on themselves. I doubt it though.
The creepy ten-year-olds Jack (Austin Williams) and Emily (Amber Joy Williams) were born on Halloween. While their parents try to desperately prove just how fun and cool and hip they are by setting up haunted houses in the basement and teaching their kids how to pick locks, Jack and Emily spend the first half of the film staring sullenly at the floor. Soon enough though, they begin killing goldfish, crushing toads in vices, crucifying the family cat, and attacking schoolmates, working their way up the evolutionary chain toward You Know Who.
Oh, I’m not giving a goddamn thing away here—the goddamn tagline gave it away! And even without the tagline if you couldn’t see exactly where this was headed with the first scene, maybe you need a nap or something.
To it’s credit, like Devil Times Five, Home Movie offers no explanation for why the kids are funny in the head. If you wanted to push it you could make something out of that Halloween birthday or the fact the family name is “Poe.” Myself, I just tend to accept that any kid unlucky enough to have a preacher or a shrink as a parent is fucked from the start.
Case 39 (2009)
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Renee Zelwegger stars as a young sincere and overworked case worker at Children and Family Services. After the seemingly unbalanced parents of a shy, sweet and neglected girl on her case list try to cram the pre-adolescent into the oven (repeatedly!) one night, the parents are institutionalized and the social worker adopts the girl.
Okay, same as with Home Movie, if you can’t see where this one was headed ten minutes in, theres something wrong with you. Funny twist is, while I initially took it to be simply yet another Bad Seed knockoff (which it is) before deciding it was simply another Omen knockoff (which it is), by the half way point it finally  became clear: what I was watching was in fact a knockoff of Omen IV: The Awakening. And that’s pretty bad. To make it all even sadder and more pointless, Case 39 is capped by a climax that makes absolutely no sense, if you think about it even  for a little bit. Even the Omen IV had a better ending, and that’s saying something.
Considering all the above, the ultimate lesson to take away here is that, talk as we might about The Terrible Twos, it’s when the little monsters turn ten that you really need to watch out.
by Jim Knipfel
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Diners, Drive ins, and Tope Suicidas
The Silver Moon diner was a different animal in the daytime. Free of neon lights, it was just a block of reflective chrome and baby blue. The sunlight would be glimmering from its surface, had it not been blotted out by the gray Baltimore skies. The parking lot itself was empty, save for a rather conspicuous black 1972 Jaguar XJ12 with California plates. Inside the place was empty. Behind the counter an older gentleman was counting a stack of bills for what would have been the dozenth time. The large man had come in and paid a full day’s worth of sales for him to close up, except for a short guest list during the lunch rush. And he meant pre-pandemic sales. At a booth, Matthew Knox sat with his eyes half closed, contemplative and quiet. In front of him, a glass of iced tea and a half devoured reuben sandwich. Mia had never been one for fancy cars. In fact, if she had always had a knack for picking out old Subaru station wagons and making them her own. Her current incarnation, a midnight blue, four door, comes to a stop in one of the corners of the diner’s parking lot. She eyed the Jaguar curiously, but disregarded it, it wasn’t anything that she wanted to contend with. The fancier the car, the more that could go wrong with it. She stays seated, puffing on her e-cig and blowing the air out, watching it disperse within the confines of her car. She felt her heart beating through her chest, it wasn’t everyday that you met people to try and befriend, half of which didn’t have the best of pasts with. Getting out Mia takes another hit, pacing for several seconds before exhaling. Marching to the front of the building, Mia glances sidelong through the glass and only sees Matt Knox waiting patiently by himself. Breathing a sigh of relief that she didn’t have to go in and be on her heels already, Mia takes one last deep breath off her e-cig and savors it before exhaling and entering the building after putting her mask on. Upon entering, Mia is met with the smells and sounds associated with a small hole in the wall diner. The sights, sounds, and smells that always carries the promise of amazing home cooked food and amazing pie to follow. Nostalgia takes hold of Mia briefly but she shakes it away with a shudder. Now wasn’t the time to go down those particular rabbit holes. Walking silently up to Knox’s table, she slides quietly opposite him, taking the same paper bag out and putting it on the table next to the window. Eyeing Knox, she nods in greeting before saying, “Was going to apologize for running late, but it looks like I’m right on time.” Matthew responds with a small smile, and nod. He rubs his face, which upon closer inspection shows all the telltale signs of having not slept. His right arm is in a cast which has been heavily doodled upon, and his hair is pulled back in a loose ponytail. “They’ll get here soon, i’m sure of it. Unless Adrienne has tripped and fallen down a manhole somewhere.” He pays his own joke a small chuckle, and Mia smiles slightly, awkwardly. She realizes in that moment that up until now, she had never really reached out to get to know people outside of The Forsaken. What exactly was she doing? She blinks at Knox, unsure how to proceed but then realizes the effects of her THC pen were starting to take hold and her stomach grumbles unhappily. Oh yeah, it had been a little bit before she ate. “So… What’s good here?” “The Key Lime pie is like a sexual experience. Everything else is wonderfully greasy, and unhealthy. I’d go with whatever your trainer told you never to eat again.” He smiles friendlily at this, leaning back into the booth and taking a drink of his iced tea, “I’d like to come here after smoking a bit of California green, but then I'd never fit back into my ring pants.” Hearing the mention of the green stuff, Mia relaxes a bit. Former smoker or not, it has been Mia’s experience that anyone who smoked pot was a person that could be trusted. Looking over at a nearby menu, Mia orders some hash browns, covered in cheese, onion, and ham, with a grilled cheese with dill pickles on it. A vanilla shake with a glass of water completes the order, but her eye never leaves the case filled with various pies. Presently, a sleek, jet black Dodge Challenger pulled into the Silver Moon’s parking lot. It was pristine, the sun glinting off the curves. It also had a small green sticker with a stylized white ‘E’ affixed to the back. The bell on the door rang as Mitch Heart strode in, shooting off a text as he walked before flopping unceremoniously into the booth. “Hey, Knox. Hey, A--” His gaze shot up, eyeing the unfamiliar- to him, anyway- woman across the table, his head swivelling to the older man with a raised brow. His body seemed to tense somewhat, losing the relaxed demeanor it had before. “...Knox? Thought it was just gonna be you, me, and Ade.” Obviously this was the Mitch Heart Knox had been talking about. Mia looks him up and down while taking a drink, setting down her glass and washing it down with a swig from her milkshake. She smiles politely after wiping her mouth off and stands, offering her hand to Mitch in the process. “The name is Mia. I uhm… Come in peace?” “She’s good people, Mitch. Comes in peace, bearing gifts,” He waves a hand “I wouldn’t have brought her here if I thought it was shady. Had to be semi secretive because..well. Ade DDT’d her last time they saw each other. But after she says her piece, it’ll just be the three of us. Swear.” Mia takes her seat again and pulls her shake close to her, taking another swig and savoring the sweetness. “Speaking of… Where’s the last member of this wonderful party of ours?” A hooded figure on a beat up 10 speed cruised by slowly. That person had taken a few moments trying to secure a chain around the frame and a nearby light pole. That person was Adrienne. She stuck out like a sore thumb with knock off Jackie O’s, hoodie, and leggings. Entering the diner, she had seemed to come right into some tense standoff with the expected company and someone she had only met in a tense and physical encounter a few months back. Keeping her hands in her hoodie pockets, Adrienne stepped towards the occupied table. “Hello?” “Hey.” Mitch looked relieved to be in mostly familiar company, and yet, despite that and Knox’s vouching, he still seemed on edge, his hands gripping the sleeves of his red and white Anthony Mantha jersey, occasionally picking up his phone and checking it before putting it back down again. “So… what’s going on?” Taking a sip of his iced tea, Matt motioned with his hand before speaking “Mia, I believe this is your cue. And Hi Ade. Nice hoodie!” he remarks, before settling in. He felt like he’d need to smooth this over after, but hopefully Mia would make his job a little easier. Adrienne took a seat next across from Mia and Mitch. She took off her shades as it would have been rude to have them with company. “Right. So…” Mia puts her the shake she was working on down. “Don’t know how closely anyone has paid attention, but several weeks ago, our kind and benevolent DICKtator, C$J put a bounty on my head; or Amelia’s to be precise.” She pauses and shifts her weight, uncomfortable with all eyes on her but soldiers forward, “So when I took hold of my own contract from C$J, I also went back and claimed the bounty on myself.” She pushes the paper bag into the middle of the table and waits dramatically, working on her shake as she does so and finally finishing it up. “Ten thousand dollars right there gentlemen and lady. C$J gave me quite the contract and I’m sure he’s regretting that decision now. I don’t need the money and I want to make sure at least a little bit goes to the people on the roster that actually DESERVE to have good things happen to them every once in a while.” She shrugs, “So I went to Knox since I’ve only met him and asked him about who deserves this kind of payday. Lo and behold the two of you were the names he said without hesitation. So, I’m here to gift you both with the contents of that very bag.” She sits back and casts another glance at the pie case, wondering exactly what kinds there were, but decides to wait until after her food shows up. She eyes Mitch; deciding to get it in a “to go” container seems to be the best bet. Adrienne broke the silence. While that last encounter had been violent, a lot of things had happened recently. And maybe it would be worth just hearing her out. “...a bounty? Like to hurt you?” Mia’s eyes snap back to the woman in front of her and shrugs her shoulders. “Yeah, I guess. ‘Take me out’ as it were. It’s not the first time something like this has happened and probably won’t be the last. But…?” She raises her arms and smiles at the trio, “Each of them have failed and I am still alive and healthy in front of you.” “...I don’t want any of it.” Mitch’s words were practically a mumble, his gaze flicking from the tabletop to the bag of cash and back. Part of him did. Part of him really did. But he could practically see the strings attached. Nobody gives away that kind of scratch for free, least his logic said so. “I can take care of myself. Thanks.” “Maybe Mitch means,” Adrienne interjected, “Is someone going to be looking for this? I haven’t really met this guy but he’s out there putting bounties on his own employees and it's rumored that the Stan guy who was stalking me was hired just for those sort of purposes.” Mia’s face turns sour at the mention of Stan’s name, “Inspector Stan is no mas. Turns out he wasn’t cut out for in ring work and hasn’t been seen since he was in the ring with Amelia and that other chick whose name escapes me.” Mia thinks on it for a second and shrugs, “Don’t really care at the moment. In terms of people looking for that bag of money? You have nothing to worry about. In the state of Maryland, permission is required to place a bounty on anyone, let alone a current employee. C$J had no such thing and was all talk. I’m sure the punishment for doing such a thing, ESPECIALLY had anything happen to me, would be steep and all it took was a little prodding with that info for him to drop the bounty and give me the money. What happens to it from here? Not his concern.” Matthew, through all this has remained silent and taken to rolling a cigarette between his thumb and forefinger, listening intently. He does eventually speak, not long after Mia finishes, “Okay, but Christopher isn’t an idiot. Much as he plays one on TV. He probably didn’t give a shit about legality before, and now? I imagine he just wants to hurt people,” Matt adjusts in his seat, a frown taking over his features “The money, you two take it if you want it but Mia if anyone asks either you say you kept it, burned it, or hell. You gave it to me.” He shakes his head, disgusted, “Sorry Mitch, Ade. Didn’t know there was this much attached to it.” Adrienne considered all of this. Every time she tried to drop a line about her contract situation, it was summarily ignored. Maybe she wasn’t being aggressive enough. Despite being in a fortunate situation, her wallet still was coughing mothballs. Her fingers apprehensively touched the bag. “Mia. I’m thankful that you considered us. I can’t understand what you’re going through with this but perhaps Mitch and I will talk about this privately. It’s a big decision.” She paused, looking at Mia directly. Adrienne didn’t have the best knowledge of what had been going on. However what she saw was a conscious effort to reach out. To just have someone to talk to possibly. “In the meantime, don’t be a stranger.” Mia nods and stands to leave. “Just… I didn’t come here to get anyone in trouble, I didn’t come here to set anyone up for a downfall. I’m not walking out of here with that bag. For all I care, you can leave it there, you can toss it to the next panhandler you see, hell you can even leave it for the next lucky patron. I promise each of you…” She looks at each one, her gaze lingering on Adrienne perhaps a second longer, “I wasn’t lying when I said that I come in peace.” She winks and proceeds to head up the the register, cashing out for her food and ordering a slice of the peanut butter pie to go. Matthew watches Mia depart, before turning his attention to Ade and Mitch “Sorry I sprung that on you two. Didn’t know if you’d have heard her out otherwise.” he explains, shifting in his seat. “Would’ve been nice to know. But it’s cool.” He exhales, the iron curtain around him seeming to lift, his posture relaxing as he flags down a waitress for some coconut cake and coffee. “Sorry about the phone, and me being late, I was just getting set up at the hotel, making sure Pen’s settling in okay. Kid’s having a ball, you’d think we were at Disneyland. Gotta bring her back some of that sugar-free cherry pie though.” Sighing, he poked at the bag of cash. “So yeah. I guess we have to think of something to do with this fu-- this thing.” "Well, you got options. None of which is her taking it back, though," he sighs, rubbing the bridge of his nose "How are you two holding up, anyway? Feel like it's been ages." “Okay. Like I said, you shoulda seen Pen on the way here. Had her cute lil’ nose pressed to the window the whole time, even the real boring parts. She can’t wait to meet all of you- ‘specially you, Ade- but I thought it’d be best she just rest up after all that excitement.” Mitch chuckled fondly in spite of himself, thanking the waitress for the cake and coffee before setting to filling the mug the rest of the way with cream. Adrienne smiled at that. She had exchanged a few brief calls with Mitch’s little sister. The first was her thanking Ade for the signed chair. Others were just brief small talk. Adrienne would listen, answer her questions, tell her a little bit about herself and they’d be right as rain. Looking to Matt, she replied honestly, “I haven’t slept well recently but maybe it's just nerves. I talked to Axton recently. I don’t expect you two to understand but,” she paused, twirling a lock of her hair around her finger, “things will be okay eventually.” "I try not to think of Gunn. But your optimism is refreshing" his gaze shifts to Mitch, "She ever traveled this far? Even that boring shit was new awesome to us, the first few times at least." “No, never.” Mitch shook his head, plucking the vibrant red cherry off the top of his cake with two fingers and popping it into his mouth. “Never really had the means to take much of a vacation. Did scrape together enough to take her to Michigan’s Adventure once. She rode every ride she wasn’t too short for and couldn’t have been happier if she’d been a millionaire’s kid.” He seemed happy, speaking this way. As if merely mentioning happy memories with his kid sister briefly was enough to cut through dozens of hardened layers of cynicism and strife. It seemed to slide back into place as he changed subjects, though. “Anyway. I try not to think of Axton a ton either, but if he was cool to you? Maybe there’s hope for the kid yet. Or maybe you’re just good at bringing out people’s chill. It’s a nice quality to have.” “I’m personally going to be putting my confidence in the latter,” Matt spoke with the bluntness that either endeared him, or made him one of the more infuriating people on the roster “But, on to happier stuff. Not as happy as Pen and her world travels, I confess,” he paused, paying Mitch a smile. Knox enjoyed seeing The Broken so...together? Talking about his kid sister was like a whole new person. Made him almost as bubbly as Ade could be, “Divorce should be final, and after a lot...a lot of liquidation, and dealing with lawyers and bankers and people who make C$J look like the paragon of virtue and ethics...I am officially homeless, and looking to move to Baltimore, as keeping with the trend Ade has set.” “To be fair, I sort of ran away.” Adrienne knew how ridiculous that sounded but she wasn’t too sure how to put it. “It was the only way.” She cleared her throat before continuing, “But, this is good, right? Closure?” “Yeah. And, lets face it. If I haven’t tanned by now, it’s never gonna happen. No, I think the drear suits me much better.” He said thoughtfully, staring out the window and not-so-subtly dodging the deeper question posed, “Come on, lets eat up. If neither of you two take that, we’ll call it a tip.” Adrienne eyed the bag. Then Mitch. Then back to the bag. “Some of it could help, Mitch.” Mitch gave a glance to his left, then his right. Out the window. Mia was long gone. The bag was just sitting there. Nobody was offering it directly now. She wouldn’t know. As surreptitiously as possible, Mitch snagged a few stacks of bills from the back, jamming them in his hoodie pocket, going back to cake and conversation as if nothing had happened. Matthew took a beat to watch Ade and Mitch talk, a smile creeping onto his face as he lifts the reuben to take a bite. Yeah.. This was home.
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coppolafrancis · 5 years
Which Watch Brands Are Most Likely to Increase in Value?
It’s a question watch collectors — especially new ones — always want answered, and one we at Fratellowatches have heard often: What brands offer watches that tend to increase in value over time? I’ll attempt to provide guidance on this, not so much from facts and figures but based on experience, and on opinions that I have heard through the years.
There are two answers here, of course, the short version and the long version. The short version is simple: Rolex and Patek Philippe.
The longer version is a bit more complicated, as there are a number of aspects that play an important role. I am not talking about the annual price increases that many brands are carrying through with, using all sorts of lame excuses. Aspects such as brand recognition, heritage, exclusivity, availability, and – perhaps the most influential of all – demand are important when it comes to the development of a watch’s value over time.
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Rolex is, of course, one of those brands that is highly in demand (by both watch enthusiasts and non-watch enthusiasts); has a wonderful heritage, including an impressive list of celebrities and VIPs that wear and have worn Rolex watches; has a high level of recognition; and is widely available. It seems that the right mixture of these ingredients make most Rolex watches increase in value over time. The same is more or less true of Patek Philippe, although the accessibility of new Patek Philippe watches is more restrained due to their higher price tags compared to Rolexes. Exclusivity is the ingredient that weighs more with Patek collectors than some of the other aspects. 
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Aside from Rolex and Patek Philippe, luxury watch brands with a high demand (in the United States) include Breitling, Omega, Audemars Piguet, Cartier, Panerai, Jaeger-LeCoultre and IWC (in no particular order). This doesn’t mean that every watch these brands produce will automatically increase in value. We would have to look more closely into which specific models from such brands are most in demand. This is not rocket science, fortunately. Such watch models include popular classics like (for example) the Rolex Submariner, Rolex Daytona, Patek Philippe Calatrava, Omega Speedmaster, Breitling Navitimer, Panerai Luminor Marina, TAG Heuer Carrera, Patek Philippe Nautilus, Audemars Piguet Royal Oak, and so on — what a watch enthusiasts would call the usual suspects.
However, not even all examples of these watch models will keep, or increase, their value over time.  What I’ve experienced is that those that are closest to the initial model at the time it was introduced, and those pieces that are as ‘clean’ as possible, are most likely to keep their value or even increase in value.
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If we take a look at the Royal Oak from Audemars Piguet, for example, the models that gained most in value are the original ones — the so-called “Jumbo” watches, later dubbed “Extra-Thin.” The original models, with the reference number 5402, have become insanely expensive. Does this mean that if you buy the existing model of that watch (reference 15202), it will increase in value as well? No, it is not that simple. Especially if you paid list price, you are going to take a severe hit if you want to sell it soon after you bought it. However, if you would have bought a pre-owned model (also reference 15202) five years ago, when it was already a few years old (let’s say 2002-2006), you probably paid a bit less then $10,000. The cheapest pre-owned Royal Oak 15202 with charcoal dial that I could find with a simple search was a 2004 model for $16,000. That is more “interest” than you would have gotten on your savings account in the past five years. 
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So, it is also a matter of buying watches at the right moment for the right price. Paying full list price for a new watch and still expecting to make a buck is difficult these days, even with a stainless-steel sports Rolex.
If you take that into account, there are a number of watch brands that will give you a decent chance on increasing your watch’s value over time. Now let’s do a rundown on a few brands that you need to keep an eye on for the long term.
The basic question is: “What brands offer watches that tend to increase in value over time?” As I wrote before, there are two answers here, a short version and a long version. The short answer is simple: Rolex and Patek Philippe. The long answer is what I try to cover in the following part of this article.
There are a number of watches and watch brands that are likely to increase in value, or at least keep value, over time. To start with the last one, it seems that the all-time classics (or “iconic” watches, if you wish) are the ones that keep their value to a certain extent. Even though some of them can be bought at a bit of a discount, or do not have waiting lists as long as some others do, they have proven to be a stable “investment,” so to speak.  I did some coverage on these all-time classics in part one.
The real question is, which mens watches under 100 that you can buy now (that is, new watches) will become the classics or highly sought-after timepieces of tomorrow.  In order to do that with a high level of certainty, you will probably — as one of our readers commented — need another 10 years to follow these watches on the market.
I always thought that the Rolex Sea-Dweller 16600 would become a classic, especially since it was followed-up by the Rolex Deepsea Sea-Dweller, a watch that had little to do with its predecessor. Now that Rolex introduced the new Sea-Dweller 116600, the true successor of their Reference 16600 Sea-Dweller watches, I am now fairly convinced that it will negatively influence the growth in value of previous Sea-Dwellers. But let’s keep Rolex (and Patek) out of this discussion, as these brands seem to be quite unique in terms of keeping value.
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Another watch to keep an eye on is the Audemars Piguet Royal Oak “Jumbo,” Reference 15202, and its predecessor, Ref. 14802. In 2012, the Royal Oak “Jumbo” (or “Extra-Thin”) received an update in which the dial was changed to be closer to the original one from 1972. However, Audemars Piguet also changed the bracelet, making it a bit thicker and giving it a different clasp. While the demand for the very old Reference 5402 Royal Oak “Jumbo” remains quite high, I now notice that the pre-2012 Ref. 15202 has gotten a lot of interest since the upgrade. It can be bought for approximately 55-60% of its list price if you look carefully. Within the last five years, the market price of this particular model has increased quite a bit and my feeling is that it still has not reached its peak.
With a bit of guesswork, and some knowledge about previous events that caused watches to go up in value, I’d suggest keeping an eye on brands that suddenly change or have recently grown in popularity. And this doesn’t necessarily mean you have to have a fat wallet. Look at Sinn, for example. When the Lemania 5100 movement went out of production, we could all see that the Sinn 142 model was bound to be discontinued (as it was, more than 10 years ago). When these watches went out production, they had a price of about $1,600. Now, if you can find a nice one, you’ll have to pay just under $3,000 to get it on the the pre-owned market. The same was happening for one of its other interesting models, the Sinn EZM 1.
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If a brand changes its strategy a bit — like, for example, the relatively new brand Linde Werdelin did over the last few years — you might be betting on some of the models that the brand started out with. Models such as the One, Two-Timer and 3-Timer watches can be very interesting to acquire, as they are now still relatively easy to find. Linde Werdelin is still growing quite a bit, doing an amazing job in a higher segment than the one in which it started. It might be the case that some people will go after those early models when the brand starts really taking off. This also goes for other brands that are in a similar flow, of course, i.e., brands that are still in their early days.
High-end watches from independent watchmakers like the very first stainless steel One Hertz from Dutch brand Grönefeld (patriotism alert here) might have also been a good investment, but the truth is that there are only a few people on Earth that play in this niche of expensive, high-end haute horlogerie brands. In case you did obtain one for its original price, be aware that your market will be quite small when you want to re-sell it.
It’s worth keeping an eye on some brands that go through interesting phases, and that doesn’t necessarily mean it has to be one of these smaller, independent brands I just mentioned. What to think of Zenith, for example? Will the brand grow further and reach new heights? if so, it might be very interesting to take a look at some of the models in its current lineup that are collectible yet might not fit into the direction the company might be heading.
I didn’t say it would be easy.
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epacer · 5 years
10 Questions with Author Melissa Abramovitz
Today I’m happy to welcome author Melissa Abramovitz to my blog and to answer “10 Questions.”
Melissa is a prolific author of fiction and nonfiction for children and teens. She’s also published a “How To” book for writers.
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Melissa Abramovitz, Class of 1972
Linda Covella: Hello, Melissa. So glad you could join us today.
When and why did you decide to become a writer?
Melissa Abramovitz: I decided to start writing professionally in 1985, when my children were little and I was a stay-at-home mom and homemaker. Much as I loved being a full-time mom, I wanted to do something just for me, and I had always loved to write. I even had some poetry published when I was in high school, and I liked to write so much that I loved writing term papers in high school and college! Weird, and so nerdy, huh! And maybe a foreshadowing of my later enjoyment of professionally writing nonfiction.
Back to 1985… I had never thought about making a career as a writer – my college degree is in psychology, and I thought I would do something related to that – but when I saw an advertisement for a correspondence course offered by the Institute of Children’s Literature on how to write for children, I decided to sign up. I loved the class, and it was perfect for me because I could fit working on my classwork around my other responsibilities. My instructor recommended that I submit a nonfiction article I wrote as a course assignment to a children’s magazine, and I did and was amazed when the magazine accepted it for publication. I had heard that many aspiring authors spent years piling up rejections before selling anything, and I thought – wow! This won’t be as difficult as I thought. Well, I was so wrong. After that initial success, I accumulated (and still do receive) more rejections than I thought possible. But I persisted, and gradually started selling more and more nonfiction articles and short stories to magazines for children, teenagers, and adults. Then I got into writing educational books, and to this day, that is still the type of work I do most often. My writing was very part-time until my kids grew up, but it is now my full-time job. And I still love it as much as ever.
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Linda Covella: Congratulations on your success and hard work. Writing for publication does take persistence, doesn’t it!
What is your writing process: where do you write, how often do you write, are you a full-time or part-time writer, do you outline or do you plot as you go, etc.?
Melissa Abramovitz:  I write almost every day, usually in my home office, and as I previously mentioned, writing is my full-time job. Some days I work for 6 to 8 hours; other days 10 to 14 hours, depending on how many projects and deadlines I’ve got going. I mostly write nonfiction books on assignment for educational publishers and nonfiction magazine articles (for all age groups) on assignment or independently to submit to specific magazines, with occasional fiction thrown into the mix. In addition, when I have time I write children’s picture books (fiction and nonfiction) and market them to trade publishers. Unfortunately, I have not sold three of these manuscripts, and with so many publishers no longer accepting unagented submissions, I have been trying to find an agent to represent me. But so far, this has not happened. I also recently completed my first novel (after working on it off and on for more than 20 years), and hopefully an agent will be able to help me market it as well.
I usually make a detailed outline before I start writing a manuscript; the only exception is when I write very short stories for young children. In fact, an outline is even more important for nonfiction than for fiction, and I find that having an outline helps me stay on track as far as where and when to introduce certain concepts and facts in my manuscripts. I know that some writers shudder when they hear the word outline, and some do excellent work writing “by the seat of the pants.” But I benefit from outlines, so I use them.
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Linda Covella:  With all your publications, I imagine you’ll find the right agent. Best of luck on that!
Where do you find your inspiration for your stories? Do you draw from your own experiences?
Melissa Abramovitz:   Most of the educational publishers with whom I work regularly develop their series and individual title ideas in-house and then ask me which titles I would like to write. So in those cases, I am not responsible for generating ideas. For other types of stories, books etc. I find inspiration everywhere, by simply keeping what I call my writers’ antennae alert. In fact, when writers tell me they have trouble coming up with story ideas, I tell them that story ideas are all around them, and they just need to train themselves to notice and build on those ideas. For example, I’ve gotten many ideas and have been inspired to write many stories/articles based on something my children or grandchildren said. One such question that spurred me to write a fun poem came from my then-three-year-old son, who asked, “Mommy, where does the sun go at night?” I also derive inspiration for stories from news reports, from watching TV, from reading books and magazines, and from noticing interesting things when I travel. But I don’t have to be doing something different or exciting to find story ideas, since I’ve trained myself to be on the lookout for these ideas wherever I am, whether it’s taking a walk in my neighborhood, shopping for groceries, or spending time with family and friends. For instance, one day while I was walking my Labrador retriever, his ears perked up and his body snapped to attention as he stared at something that turned out to be a squirrel crossing the street a couple of blocks away. That got me thinking about what I had learned about animal vision in my neuroscience classes in college, and I realized that writing a children’s nonfiction article about how different animals see the same thing would be fun and interesting (for me and for readers). The article was published in Sierra Magazine (this was years ago when the magazine contained a monthly section for children). Another time, I was doing something really mundane – I was looking through my desk calendar. I noticed that it contained no pre-printed mention of holidays in August. Every other month had at least one listed holiday, and I wondered if other calendars listed any August holidays. I began my “research” by hurrying to a store and perusing a variety of desk, wall, and other types of calendars. None mentioned any holidays in August. By that time, my writer’s antennae were on full alert, and I decided to do other types of research, such as consulting books about celebrations in various cultures, so I could write a children’s article on the topic. It turns out that even though there are no major American holidays in August, there are plenty of August holidays in other countries, and there are even some “commemorative” or “honorary” days like National Ice Cream Day and Women’s Equality Day in the US. In my article, which I titled “Are There Any Holidays In August?”, I took readers on my journey to answer the question raised in the title and shared information about some of the international August holidays and commemorative days. It sold to the first magazine to which I submitted it; most probably, I believe, because most writers do not turn mundane pastimes like looking at a desk calendar into fun and interesting articles.
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Linda Covella: LOL You certainly do know how to find inspiration in unusual places.
Who is one of your favorite characters from your story(ies), one that you enjoyed creating and writing about, and why?
Melissa Abramovitz:   That would be Herbie Hedgehog, the clueless anthropomorphized hedgehog who stars in my interactive picture book, Helping Herbie Hedgehog (Guardian Angel Publishing, 2015). I love using humor to help kids learn about various concepts, and I created Herbie to be a lovable but clueless guy who needs the reader’s help making everyday decisions. Such as, should he ride a bicycle or embark on a boat when he decides to visit his cousin who lives across an ocean? Should he visit a policeman or a doctor when he feels sick? Kids love it because they’re laughing while yelling out the correct answers and learning at the same time.
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Linda Covella: Do you incorporate (or inadvertently find) any of your own personality traits into your characters?
Melissa Abramovitz:   In the novel I recently finished, I noticed that the main character had some of my personality traits and even spoke the way I speak in several instances, even though she is a “Southern belle” and I am not. I changed these aspects of the story, mostly because I don’t want people who know me to think that the (fictional) story is in any way autobiographical. That’s because the main character is a psychopath who is obsessed with achieving revenge by harming a particular individual. I did not consciously intend for this character to be anything like me, but somehow the similar traits/dialogue snuck into her personality and behavior. I’m sure a psychiatrist would have a field day analyzing how and why I subconsciously allowed this to happen, but I think the important thing is that I found and changed these things.
Another character I created, in this case for a short story I wrote titled “A Hannukah Miracle,” (published in Girls’ World magazine, 2018) has a couple of my traits because the story is based on a question about miracles I asked many years ago when I was a child. The main character, Jenny, asks a similar question about what miracles are and who creates them. However, even though Jenny’s question and concerns were similar to mine, I never came up with a plan to nudge a miracle to transpire like she did, nor did I answer the question by putting this plan into action like she did. Jenny therefore became a unique character who was loosely based on my personal concerns and experience at one point in time. Indeed, this is how many fictional stories and characters are inspired by true events, but are then given a life of their own that builds on this spark.
Linda Covella: Do you find your stories are more plot driven or character driven? Please explain.
Melissa Abramovitz:   I’d say more plot-driven, mostly because I tend to think of a plot first and then create characters to fit into the plot. Even though I do not write a lot of fiction, I would like to make the stories I do write more character driven because I find that I usually enjoy reading these types of stories more than those which are plot driven. As with any other aspect of writing, this takes lots of practice, so I continue to work on it.
Linda Covella: Did you read much as a child?
Melissa Abramovitz:   Yes! My favorite book was Heidi. I read it hundreds of times. I also loved reading Dr. Seuss and mysteries. Until I read a couple of the really scary Sherlock Holmes mysteries (like The Hound of the Baskervilles). After that, I was too petrified to read another mystery written for adults for many years, and I stuck to reading children’s mystery series like the Nancy Drew books (fun and well-written, but not scary)!
Linda Covella: I loved Heidi and Nancy Drew. But Edgar Allan Poe was also one of my favorites.
How important do you think reading is for writers?
Melissa Abramovitz:   I think it’s essential. It’s important to read books by other authors because it really helps writers analyze what these authors do, and don’t do, to make these books interesting, readable, and desirable (or not). This helps writers pinpoint what they want and do not want in their own books. Plus, it’s important for writers who want to publish their stories to know what else is available in different genres and for different age groups. So people who want to write and publish picture books should read dozens, if not hundreds, of picture books.
Linda Covella:  Good advice for aspiring writers.
Who are some of your favorite authors and/or books? What draws you to them?
Melissa Abramovitz:   I’ve always loved Dr. Seuss because of his fun characters and because of the fact that his books carry important messages as well as being fun. As far as novels I read, I love books by Mary Higgins Clark, Belva Plain, Robin Cook, Nicolas Sparks, and sometimes David Baldacci. Many people who know me notice that I stay away from trendy stuff like 50 Shades of Gray because I despise pornography and books that contain a lot of profanity. One thing I admire about Mary Higgins Clark, Nicolas Sparks, and Belva Plain, in particular, is that their books are exciting, interesting, emotionally compelling, and very well-written, without profanity or explicit, gratuitous sexual content that many authors include, presumably because they are either obsessed with these matters or simply think including them is necessary to sell books. I am certainly not averse to story characters (in adult material) using somewhat profane language and/or thinking/acting in ways that are sexually provocative, but these behaviors should arise from situations and personality traits that are integral to the plot, rather than being there because the author likes using bad language and sharing sexual fantasies with the public.
Linda Covella:  Anything new in the works?
Melissa Abramovitz:   I am always working on assignments for educational books for children/teenagers, and after I finish writing the books I’ve committed to writing this year, I plan to work on a fun picture book I started a few months ago. I also have several magazine article ideas about which I want to query some editors. And I keep promising myself I will work harder to find an agent to market my novel and the picture books I mentioned earlier, but this gets pushed to the side when I must meet deadlines on other material. Adding about ten more hours to each day would be helpful…
Linda Covella:  Bonus question! Do you have anything you’d like to add?
Melissa Abramovitz:   I just want to thank you for featuring me in this interview and for doing author interviews on your blog. I love reading about other authors, so I look forward to seeing the other interviews you post.
Linda Covella: Thanks so much for sharing your writing life with us, Melissa! *Reposted  Word blog interview from 10 Questions with Author Wendy Dunn of January 23, 2019
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glknight · 7 years
Axiom: Star Mullaney’s Team Composition Reports
I’m still working on Axiom (finalizing notes here, adding world building details there, trying to find the funds to hire an artist so that I can make sure they’re taken care of before work even begins ANYWHERE), but I think I’ve FINALLY got the details for the initial cast of characters down. I guess, without further ado, I present to you OUR HEROES, Ladies and Gentlemen (and all other points between, I guess, it’s getting more and more confusing by the hour if you ask me but I’ll try my best)!
But FIRST! Here’s the actual location setting! “WELCOME TO NEXUS! A dazzling city with many enterprising opportunities! Founded in 1923 by Marshall “Nexus” Tristiani, one of the Great Heroes of the pre-Powers age, Nexus serves as the “Great Way Point” between commerce, science and social values. From Thought University, founded by the greatest Mentalist of his Age, the Thought, and home to many great collegiate achievements (GO FIGHTING THINKERS!) to Theros’ Industries MANY branches of production and commerce (found on Millionaire Mile lining Millionaire Avenue), our City is RIFE with potential! Whether looking for your big break or just looking for your own slice of Heaven, Nexus is where you must go to go where you want or need to go!
Nexus: The World Goes Through Here, First!”
That sounds like a huge, spiraling place, huh? One part Astro City. One part fraction of the city scale of the one city world of One Punch Man (jeez, if I wrote “one” one more time, it’d be one too many for one lonely writer). Well, it’s definitely meant to be. The city’s home to many, MANY different types of people, after all. Heroes, criminals, ordinary people, weirdos. All races and creeds of all stripes and types. Some are able to take care of themselves. Others... are not so lucky.
For those heroes that need help, they are in luck. Because the city has an incredibly unique social service at their disposal: the SOCIAL HEROES SERVICES. The SHS is a system put into place by iconic 60′s hero the Revolutionary after being elected to office in 1972 a year after winning a landmark Civil case guaranteeing the security of all heroes in terms of protection from discrimination from all facets of daily life corresponding to their Personae, meaning they could be classified by either their public Persona or their private identity. Using that momentum, the Revolutionary used that protection to run for Mayor under his Persona, and introduce sweeping favorable changes just a scant 3 years before being assassinated at a Founder’s Day dedicated to Tristani’s wife, Maria, by the Triggerman. And the Social Heroes Services is arguably one of his legacies.
In many regards, it’s very similar to the Social Services program we have now. But with the added detail of involving superheroes, there’s another side that it provides: providing heroic work opportunities in tiers and groupings. In most instances, heroes are usually lumped into two headings: Solo and Team. It’s common for heroes to be registered for either Solo work or Team work. But with enough time and exemplary effort, it’s possible for an individual to be registered for both. Solo work is simple: your name is called for specialized cases where your talents can be applied, and every effort earns recompense. Team work, however, is slightly different: you earn recompense, like with Solo work, but there are two differing details.
The first difference is that you have the option of either being grouped with members of your collective choosing, granting the members the opportunity to appoint an affiliation name, or letting the SHS group you together at their discretion, which removes the group naming option, but places you higher on the recommendation list for future cases.
The second difference is that if you choose the group option, there are far more stringent evaluations and examinations to properly calculate your team’s efficiency and power levels, as well as a greater emphasis on overall mental well-being and health evaluations. Essentially, anyone on a team is kept under close monitoring for both their benefit and better management. This means psychological evaluations, doctor visits and physicals, and rather strict categorization in the SHS Database.
With enough time and effort to gain enough recognition, it is possible for an individual or team to be successful enough to no longer NEED registration. But then again, those are SUCCESS cases. Many heroes have decent records, but not enough to classify them as fully “Independent”. Of course, there are those lucky few that get their big break without needing to be in the system for very long, if at all...
Into this system are our three Registered heroes, their support, and their Handler. In the SHS Registry, you can be labeled under three specific types of hero work: Physique class, which are those heroes whose powers or abilities fall in line with their bodies or biological manipulations; Scholar class, which are those heroes whose skills are more focused on psychological manipulation or mental powers, such as telepaths and some vigilantes; And Source class, which are those whose skills involve manipulating the fundamental elements of the universe in some way, such as energy wielders and magic users. For those non-powered individuals who wish to ASSIST, they can be categorized under the SUPPORT class, with skills and knowledge that are available to ALL heroes and organizations that wish to use their abilities. In fact, it’s not at all uncommon for known non-powered heroes to offer their services to heroes in the SHS registry.
And it’s in this registry we have our three (well, four if you count Support, and five if you count their social worker) heroes.
SHS WORKER: Star Mullaney
FILE DATE: January 26th
HISTORY: Ms. Zhou is an oddity in the Registry. The unfortunate victim of an egregious criminal strike, she was introduced to an experimental solution created by her currently missing sister, Dr. Deeana Zhou, to treat severe muscular dystrophy, incorporating an unknown mineral found in a meteorite harvested for the experiment. The formula transformed Ms. Zhou from a slight, short woman to a gigantic, hulking figure, with the unknown side effect of blurring the lines of gender appearance to the point of almost complete masculinization.
Despite the appearances of gender transition, she recognizes her gender identity as female, and all medical testing has shown that all her reproductive faculties remain unchanged. Attempts to help correct her gender through scientific techniques have been proven to be ineffective, as her genetic structure rapidly negates any form of hormonal or advanced scientific manipulation. Extraterrestrial means has been proven to have little to no effect, with any positive effects rapidly returning to current appearances. Magical means, sadly, are currently beyond availability, as there are so few magical support systems in place, as well as available magic Source heroes that are Active in our system. Despite having a strong will, conflict of identity over her visage has caused mental issues, including gender dysphoria and depression. Currently prescribed a variation of an 5-HT1A receptor antagonist, which is the closest her system can handle without cycling out with little to no effect, as well as having bi-monthly therapy sessions with a councilor.
NOTE: Has confirmed sexual problems due to medication. But in an interesting development, Ms. Zhou has admitted that her sexual activity has actively INCREASED since being put on current antidepressant. She has stated that though there may be days where congress with her current significant other can tire him out or distract her slightly, it’s manageable with practically no effect on her efforts while registered in the Social Heroes Services.
In spite of all that she has endured, Stalker has a fantastic record of 238 successes and only one failure in 4 months time as an Independent Hero. Usually minor collateral damage on a more personal level, with an increased propensity for vehicular damage in particular. Her style of heroics, as she calls it, is “planned recklessness”, with a somewhat calculated cavalier attitude focused on doing “as much good as possible before I can’t do more”. Is one of the fewer known heroes who actively tries to pull any villainous action away from any sort of crowds, actively throwing herself between bystanders should the need arise.
It is my opinion that Ms. Zhou aka STALKER be allowed to operate as both an INDEPENDENT Hero, as well as have access to her own TEAM. She’s been proven to be resourceful, focused, and most of all reliable in almost every singe task she has been presented. I just wish the matters with the Weeping Willow incident hadn’t happen as to give her a perfect record.
SHS WORKER: Star Mullaney
FILE DATE: April 18
KNOWN SKILLS: 146 I.Q., highly proficient in many different forms of combat, incredibly analytical mind, speaks 13 different languages, Graduate School level knowledge in Computer Science, Criminology, Sociology and several other categories of academia, self-described “tinkerer”, has been noted by Psychic Support staff as having an “unknowingly strong mental shield which can cause psychic rebuff/static as an automatic defense mechanism” (NOTE: Schedule testing on potential psychic abilities, possible recategorization from Baseline), Olympic caliber physique with peak human reaction time, licensing to handle many different forms of vehicular craft, including Extraterrestrial modular craft. HISTORY: Where do I even BEGIN with Despair...
Well, the best place to start would probably be with Mr. Poe’s current record under the SHS. In the year and a half he has been registered, our resident Plague Doctor garbed Scholar class Persona has become the most prolific Hero we have on call, BY FAR. 743 attributed arrests and crimes stopped the 5 months before he registered, and a mind boggling 2562 since. He has solved decades old mysteries, found missing people in the most perplexing cases, discovered patterns no other Hero has found, and many more to show. His effort and output is STAGGERING, to say the least. Common comments from reports say that other Heroes find him charming, but also a bit of a “try hard“, “overachiever”, or in some cases a “cheat, liar or charlatan” (as evidenced by the well known and at-length loquaciousness of Mr. Foolproof). It also needs to be stated that he is the most versatile Hero on registry, able to functionally conceive scientific concepts with some of our greatest scientific minds, yet also able to rationalize and believe in precepts of magical thought and practice. In all consideration, he is probably our closest asset in comparison to either the Smithee, the current #1 rated tech-based Hero in Nexus, or Cerberus, the #1 non-enhancement Vigilante.
Despite his record and somewhat conflicting effect on fellow heroes, his bird like appearance is rather appropriate given his problematic neuroses. First and foremost is Mr. Poe’s rather persistent Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, making him obsessed with order and cleanliness in the highest order. Although finding great success in utilizing his disorder towards case studies and investigations, it has led to some rather straining situations involving his ability to interact with others, as his obsession has led him to wearing his costume almost all of the time. Another issue with Mr. Poe is a rather strong case of Illeism, which means he consistently refers to himself as his Persona in the third person rather than any personage or even his real name. Many have gone on record as saying it’s “annoying or weird”, but in all honesty, I believe that he’s isolated himself so thoroughly into his Persona as some form of protective wall. Said protection might also be a corollary to his OCD, as it’s somewhat common for people with traumatic pasts to become obsessive as a coping mechanism.
Given Mr. Poe’s track record, it must firmly be stated that he would be a critical asset on any team he is placed in. He has worked with many other heroes in the past, but in the 15 cases he has colluded with Stalker, their public favorability rating is an impressive 97% (even rating higher than the current power couple of Paragon and Goddess’ rating of 94%). These two cut an impressive image, and with the addition of Stalker’s Support class member, Camp, they meet most of the criteria for full team recognition status.
If meeting qualifications, I must ask that Stalker and Despair officially be listed as pending for team approval until I can find a suitable hero to fill in the final missing detail. They are critical assets that have been shown to work well together and are recognized publicly for their efforts. In all, a great boon for both the individuals, as well as the SHS.
SHS WORKER: Star Mullaney
EMERGENCY CONTACT: Mrs. Lorraine Macintosh, Thinker University
HISTORY: I believe it’s best I introduce you to Barbara Jones, first.
Barbara Jones is an Australian student currently enrolled at Thinker University with the explicit purpose of a major in Library Sciences, with a specific focus on Digital Archiving. She is a smart lady, reserved, dedicated, whose friends and associates have stated that if she “put a little effort in, she could definitely get whichever partner catches her fancy”.
Barbie, on the other hand, is practically a walking wet dream. The magnification of desire, she has features most would be willing to kill themselves over, and the rest would say are impossible to get or maintain. Tall, beautiful, flirtatious, with nary a concern except her own interests and actions. She’s unafraid of her body, and likes to see people responding to her brazen appearance. Thank Heaven she’s a Hero.
And if you haven’t guessed it already, they’re one in the same being...
In connected reports by multiple Source class heroes both within the SHS and without, Barbara’s level of power is on a frightening scale. In all the gathered data on her, she has a connection to no less than THIRTY GODDESSES, a specific majority of them connected to Light and Fire in some purview. As Destiny Darque put it in her summary, “It’s not the number of goddesses we know of that is most frightening, but in the fact that SO MANY are willing to work together to empower an individual to such a degree. The addition that there’s only one vessel that’s capable of successfully controlling all that power is the true cause of my concern to the point of asking: WHY BARBARA JONES?” And in my own personal opinion, I’m right there with Ms. Darque.
Ms. Jones is an IMMENSELY POWERFUL asset, with such a vast array of abilities at her disposal that it’s kind of maddening. For the most part, she keeps it to some basics (Flight, strength, invulnerability, energy manipulation), but from every report we’ve seen, Barbie is a somewhat ditzy Persona, consistently revealing previously unknown powers and abilities whenever she feels like it (as evidenced in the Rigor Morty case, when she HEALED 15 FRESH ZOMBIES BACK TO LIFE, with the reasoning of “fresh healthy skin looking SO much better”). In conjunction, every case report has cited conflicting incidents of Persona temperament, with some having her doing random actions that some would find foolhardy at best, and others being as focused and considerate as any veteran would take. And the reason for such a dichotomy is listed in the Psychic evaluations as two completely separate identities. As one report put it, “It’s not really a sense of a psychological schism like you would find in Dissociative Identity Disorder, but more of a Secondary Soul that grew from the Host’s. In as short a way to put it as possible, it’s like her soul gave birth to its own twin when she received her gifts, and they randomly switch whoever is in the driver’s seat at that moment .”
Thankfully, we have two other heroes on registry that have issues with dichotomy on record. I’m sure if they were put on the same team and given regular counseling, all three would find improvements in their daily lives and create a cohesive team. And most importantly, give our resources more time to collect further data on what Barbie is TRULY capable of.
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fyeahjamesandlily · 7 years
on the seventh day of christmas
an: this fic is for @chelseaapproved. hi, chelsea! merry christmas!! sorry i broke some of the rules in your prompt. i hope you like it anyway! it’s been a while since i wrote any pre-dating!hogwarts!jily, and getting back in that stage of their relationship made me feel super nostalgic. i hope you have as happy a christmas as james had in the last part of this fic. and may 2017 be kind and generous to you as well! ♡
1971. The box of chocolate frogs hits her in the back of the head. In James’s defense, he’s in a hurry. He has to strategically sort and un-tag his pile of presents, because he got up at godawful o'clock to Sirius Black’s really pathetic pile (just one gift, if you’d believe it, a badly wrapped lump from some bloke named “Reg”), and he has to make the piles look more or less innocently even before his favourite dorm mate (so far) wakes up.
He’s pretty sure it’s going to work. The chocolate frogs, that is. Never mind that he hit her and everything. He’s seen her try to trade her Merlin card for a Bowman Wright with a Hufflepuff fourth year (like anyone’s going to trade Wright for Merlin), and the cards in the box are, like, really limited edition.
Surely that’d stop her crying, right?
Who cries on Christmas Day anyway?
The culprit is already dashing back up to the boys’ dorms in a flurry of baggy pajamas, but there is no mistaking that hair. Lily scowls. But that’s it. She takes three deep breaths to recompose herself, which isn’t easy, ‘cause there wasn’t much composure around before to begin with. Still, she’s long decided that that boy isn’t worth anything from her.
She returns her eyes to her sister’s letter, but gets distracted.
On the floor is a six-box pack of chocolate frog cards. In spite of herself, she picks it up, and her eleven-year old heart skips at the list of cards included in the pack.
Bowman Wright.
She stares at the spot where she last saw him—him, James Potter—and lets herself willingly name him in her head for once.
1972. Sirius is pretty sure James is pissed about something. With a dramatic sigh he rotates the plate between them, the bigger slice of the treacle tart moving in turn back to James’s side. “Fine, you can have it.”
James looks up. He tries to smooth his face out, but it’s like trying to fix a badly crumpled essay without a wand. “Huh?”
“What’s wrong?” He feels weird asking, of course. But if he doesn’t say anything, then James is going to stay cranky, which will make him, Sirius, also cranky. And no one’s supposed to be cranky on Christmas. Not even Sirius Black.
James takes his fork and digs in without preamble. Sirius would feel offended at this lack of hesitation, but it’s the least of his concerns at the moment.
“So what is it?” he prods.
“Nothing,” says James with food in his mouth.
Sirius starts tugging at the edge of the plate.
“Hey,” protests James.
“Just tell me.”
“It’s weird.”
“You’re weirder.”
James drops his gaze, pulls the plate gruffly back to him, and stabs at another spoonful. “Promise me you won’t laugh.”
There’s a ninety per cent chance he would, just based on how James is acting, but Sirius perseveres to keep a straight face and nods all the same.
“It’s weird…”
“Yes, you’ve mentioned,” mutters Sirius.
“—and embarrassing, and completely unreasonable.”
“Got it.” Sirius tentatively scrapes a piece of the tart with his own fork, and it’s a testament to James’s level of vexation that he doesn’t even comment on this.
“But I just… thought…” (Sirius could have eaten the whole thing in the time James took to finish this sentence.) “…She’d be staying.”
Sirius blinks. “What?”
“I saw her name on the list.”
“You what whose what on the what?”
James rolls his eyes. Seemingly roused from whatever bizarre mood he was in, he bats Sirius’s fork away with his. “Pay attention, will you?”
“I am paying attention, and I’m not understanding anything.”
James leans in. Dropping his voice, he says, “Evans, of course.”
Sirius stares at him. After some time, he inclines his head, incredulous. “As in Lily Evans?”
“Keep it down!”
“James, we’re the only ones here.”
“Someone could be listening!”
“I barely understand what you’re saying, and I’m… me. I doubt this information would be of any importance to anyone.” He pauses. “And that counts me, by the way. This isn’t—this doesn’t make sense to me.”
“I just thought it would be fun, s'all.”
Sirius frowns. “She barely talks to you.”
“She did last week!”
“Yeah, to tell you your hair sucked.”
“It didn’t suck.”
Sirius nods loyally. “I know, mate, I know.”
“I don’t know…” His face is half-red now. “I just kind of…”
Sirius doesn’t want to say it. Ask it. He keeps quiet.
To his relief, James starts shaking his head. He returns to his treacle tart more resolutely. “I’m taking it back. I don’t want her around.”
Sirius holds on to that for dear life. “Okay.”
“I don’t know what got to me.”
“It’s okay. It’s fine.”
Sirius lets the conversation properly die out by saying nothing for a whole minute, and then he digs in on James’s treacle tart. The other grumbles, Sirius persists, and they end up fork-sparring over the dessert.
Later, while they’re hiding behind the statue of the humpback witch while Filch ran the other way screaming miscreants, miscreants, Christmas MISCREAAAANNNTTSSS!—Sirius remembers the ninety per cent chance of laughter from earlier, and wonders where all of it went.
1973. He’s so sure he’s going to get caught. Not that that’s a big deal. He’s had detentions before. Countless. He just didn’t want to spend Christmas Day scrubbing trophies in Filch’s stinky office for something he did. Not. Do. Solemnly swear.
He stumbles as he tries to halt at the last minute to turn around the corner, trainers skidding over the floor in an echoing screech—and then straight up slams against someone. They topple to the floor in a heap of groans, and Lily says (for that’s who it is, and this is how lucky he is), “What the hell, Potter.”
She’s the first to stand. Before she can take the first step away, Filch roars from a nearby corridor: “I’ll get you this time, you—”
Lily’s gaze drops on James. She arches one eyebrow.
“What?” asks James, getting to his feet as well. He dusts off his robes. “That wasn’t me.”
Filch again: “I can hear you—”
“Oh, hell,” mutters James. He starts backing away from her. His hands also start that weird gesture-dance thing that they do when she’s around. “Well, I gotta go, nice running into you—well, not nice, I mean—oh.” He stills his hands. “Are you hurt?”
Lily rolls her eyes.
And then she steps forward and takes his wrist, and James is like what, and then they’re running.
“It was you?”
She practically shoves him inside a broom cupboard that James is so sure should not be on this floor. Tonight is indeed full of magic. Thank you, God. Thank you, Hogwarts. Happy Christmas, universe.
The small, dusty door thuds close. Lily fishes out her wand and Lumoses the scant room. Outside, Filch is still yelling, but his growls are muffled and getting more distant by the second.
James starts laughing.
“Stop,” groans Lily, sitting down on a nearby crate.
“You turned Mrs. Norris into a gecko?”
Pause. And then, quietly, “A chameleon, idiot.”
He laughs again. When he’s exhausted his mirth, he considers sitting on the crate next to her, but decides against it. He’s been lucky, yes, but he can’t push it. He slumps on the floor.
“Thanks for saving my life,” he says, grinning at her.
“Don’t be dramatic.”
“It’s true. He’d have flayed me alive.”
“And you’d have deserved it.”
He holds a hand to his chest, scandalized. “No one deserves to be flayed, Evans.”
She narrows her eyes at his theatrics, but ultimately bends. “You’re right. Sorry.”
“Some just deserve to be turned into geckos.”
He might be imagining it, but he thinks her lips upturn a bit. “Chameleon.”
“Whatever.” He’s still grinning. “See, you do have a soft spot for me.”
Lily looks straight at him. “Last week Filch gave Sev a week of detentions for something he clearly did not do.”
James’s grin basically keels over and dies. “So?”
“So I turned his cat into a chameleon.”
“Charming.” He examines his nails, but there are too many shadows in the cramped room. “I suppose it was something we did.”
“The thing he got in trouble with.”
“I thought so, yeah.”
It wasn’t, whatever it was, honest to god. But she wouldn’t believe that, would she? “Why’re we here then?”
She crosses her arms, the light from her wand shifting. “Why’re you mad?”
He shrugs. “Not mad.”
“It wasn’t me.” He can’t help it. “It wasn’t any of us.”
She bites her lip. “I know that now.”
Oh. Oh. “You feel guilty? You’re making it up to me?”
“I’m avenging my best friend.”
“And saying sorry to me.”
“Don’t be delusional. No one’s saying sorry.”
But she is. And he’s grinning again, in spite of himself. “It’s fine, by the way.”
“Shut up.” Even in the dim lighting, he can see her cheeks flush.
Filch has stopped trailing them now, or else he’s so far they can’t hear him anymore. She doesn’t seem to have plans to leave yet. James stays put. Hell, he can stay put here forever.
“I can’t believe you turned Mrs. Norris into a gecko,” he says, and he dips the last words in bubbling laughter once more.
This time, after a few seconds of futile mouth-pursing, Lily finally indulges him a chuckle.
1974. "Come to visit me, Evans?“
She passes by with her chin up and properly haughty.
“Come on, it’s Christmas,” he says before she vanishes from view. Totally in jest on the outside, but… right, he just wants a Happy Christmas from her, maybe. That’s a damn fair wish after getting whacked with two bludgers, isn’t it?
“Not quite yet,” she counters.
“We’re both going home this year.”
“I just returned some potion practice sets to Madame Pomfrey,” she says, stopping at the foot of his bed.
“Ahuh,” he says. He has that stupid, cocky grin that she hates.
“Still haven’t learned your lesson then?”
“Slytherins are filthy cheaters? Etched in my heart forever.”
“Showing off gets you two bludgers,” she says, gesturing at the bandages around his head, his arm.
That doesn’t deter him in the slightest. “We won, didn’t we?”
“You’re here injured, aren’t you?”
“Worth it.”
She frowns at him. She takes two steps forward, grips the metal frame at the foot of his bed. “I’m so glad I talked to you,” she says. He knows better now than to expect something good from introductions like that. Besides, she looks more bewildered than glad. “I was worried. Like, this much—” She holds up a comically minuscule distance between her thumb and index finger, “—but now I’m okay.”
(Third bludger. This.) “Glad to help.”
“Well, I’m going now,” she says. “Congratulations.”
“Thanks.” Fourth.
She’s gone.
Sixth, seventh, eighth…
He sinks further down his bed, thoroughly put out. With effort, he takes the two-way mirror out from under his pillow. How long does it take to nick stuff from the kitchens?
“Are you talking to yourself?”
It’s Lily. She’s back.
He lowers the mirror down slowly. “Yes.”
She seems to deem that unworthy of any comment. She just comes closer, fingers around the frame again. “It was a good game,” she says, everything about her softer now. “You’re a fantastic player, everyone knows it. But—but never do that again.”
He stares. “Oh… ‘kay…?”
“You nearly gave Professor McGonagall a heart attack, that’s all.”
She nods. She starts backing away. “And—er, well—get well soon. Happy Christmas.”
She’s already gone when he gets his bearings back. “Happy Christmas!” he yells after her, but he’s not sure if she’s still there to hear.
All the bludgers have long gone by the time Sirius, Remus, and Peter get back from the kitchens.
1975. There’s not much to say about this one. Just that her lips are so unbelievably soft, and that it does kind of feel like flying. When she guides his hands to, um, places, his heart skips to his throat, and maybe he flinches, because she leans back just enough to smile at him.
He’s fifteen, mistletoe is a muggle miracle, and the light from the grate makes her monochromatic. Her eyes could be green. Her hair could be red. She could be fifteen like him, she could be Gryffindor like him. She could be anyone.
(Anyone. Who’s he kidding?)
“All right?” Jeanne asks him. Her voice sounds wrong.
He nods. She smiles and kisses him again.
1976. The general mood these days is that he doesn’t feel like talking to anyone. Not Dumbledore, not McGonagall, not even Sirius. Lily’s out of the question, of course; it’s not like she’d ever talk to him anyway after the whole post-OWL fiasco last summer.
So when she approaches him after a Quidditch win that he thought would finally cheer him up (it didn’t), his brain doesn’t know what to do with itself.
He watches as she slumps down the cold floor beside him. The corridor is long, dark, and deserted. Her shoulder is touching his.
“What are you doing here?” he asks, keeping absolutely still.
She takes her time to answer. “I honestly don’t know.”
So they sit there for what feels like hours. Later, neither of them would know just for exactly how long did they stay like that there. Doesn’t matter.
“Talk, James,” she says after a time. She didn’t say it like an order—it was quiet, a bit exasperated even—but she seems determined as hell. “Not even to me. To your dad. To Sirius. The house elves. Madam Rosmerta. Peeves.”
“What’s the point?”
“You gotta give the universe a chance to patch you up.”
“I’m fine.”
“You’re not.”
“Why do you care?”
He expected her to bristle, but she just sighs. She shifts to get something from her pocket. When she holds it up, it takes him a few seconds to realize what it is.
“Take it,” she says, offering him the chocolate frog card.
He does. One of the edges has a slight fold-mark, but other than that it’s good as new.
“I don’t know if… we’re okay,” she says, staring at the card. “I don’t know if I’m not mad anymore because I simply am not anymore, or just because I’ve stopped thinking about it altogether.”
“Evans, I’m really sorry about—”
“I know,” she says. It’s not I forgive you, or It’s okay, but this is the first time she’s talked to him like this, and about it, and he’s going to bloody take what he can get. “It’s not even about that. It’s about… you. Now. I owe you a happy Christmas.”
“You don’t owe me anything.”
She reaches out to flick the card in his hand. “Bowman Wright. Don’t you remember?”
He only does now.
“It’s the same one,” she points out when he doesn’t say anything. "It’s stupid but that card did wonders for me back then. I mean, it would probably not have the same effect, but I just want to remind you that sometimes… sometimes the world can surprise you, James. You just have to be out there. Let it.“ She nudges him. "Yeah?”
He nods. There’s a lump in his throat and a sting in his eyes and if he speaks he’s going to lose to all of them.
Lily senses this, and gets to her feet. “No one deserves to be flayed.”
“No one was flayed,” he says really quietly, staring at the card. “People lose people all the time.”
“You’d take getting flayed over losing your mum.”
He doesn’t answer.
“No one deserves both,” she says. A slight contemplative pause, and then, a little sheepishly, “Some just deserve to be turned into geckos.”
He looks up. God, this girl… “Chameleon,” he corrects  her.
The smirk she throws his way is accompanied by a relieved sigh.
When even the echoes of her footsteps have gone and the torches are less flagrant, he finds himself smiling (for the first time in a while) at Bowman Wright.
I tried. Really. Dear Potter, Dear James, James, You Bloody Universal Git. Everything sounded awkward as all hell.
I don’t know how to write the body of this either. Or why I just said “body of this letter”. Merlin, are you crumpling this up now? Wouldn’t blame you.
A couple of things:
1. Actually, I don’t know 2. Have I confused you enough yet? 3. This is probably the hardest letter I ever had to write 4. And the weirdest you ever had to read 5. The thing is 6. That’s not even a whole sentence, so I don’t know why that counts as a whole number 7. Or whatever I just said in number 6 8. …And 7 9. And 8 10. This is not going to end 11. Do you hate me? 12. I don’t hate you 13. I think I 14. Might 15. MIGHT 16. Like you 17. And this is an invitation??? 18. No, a question 19. And I need an answer 20. Meet me at the Heads’ office, midnight 21. I’m here and I have your Christmas gift
The clock says 11:57, and he stumbles twice in his haste to get to the portrait hole. Five times more on his way to the office.
He runs like the wind. The Hogwarts fairy lights are a blur of memories; of mistletoe and chocolate frog cards and piles of presents and blazing red hair. Somewhere, someone is bellowing what sounds like Jingle Bells, except it’s hardly recognizable with its terrible off-keyness and the lewd lyrics.
Still. He laughs like he’s got everyone’s happiest Christmases swirling inside of him.
- fin -
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letterboxd · 4 years
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Touching the Void.
Searching for cinema that soothes? Ella Kemp suggests it could be as simple as looking for a film poster with a white background.
How many weeks has it been? When did any of us last go blindly into a cinema and take a chance on something new? Film-watching in the time of Covid-19 has changed. The immediate and never-ending news of the world is frightening. Is it still, and more than ever, okay for me to sink into movies to alleviate my mood, just for a bit? How is that even possible when the world has come to a standstill?
We are forced to adapt, and it has taken some time for my attention span and emotional capacity to adjust. But I think I might have found a solution, and I have the meticulous list-makers of Letterboxd to thank. It was Izzy’s list of comfort movies that first lit the fuse. Specifically, the second, third and fourth row; films including Billy Elliot, Clueless, School of Rock.
Fifteen stark posters, speaking one truth: We are vulnerable and nervous. What we need is a film poster with a white background to assure us the movie exists entirely to serve and soothe us.
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Part of Izzy’s ‘comfort movies’ list.
List-making on Letterboxd has never been more prolific. Pandemic movies, overdue filmography catch-ups, comfort movies galore. Everyone categorizes and logs their watches differently, but Izzy’s pattern speaks to me with an epiphanic answer. I’ve always admired successful color-coding, but now I see its crucial function.
As I scroll for distraction, for something guaranteed to be good (because I cannot and will not be subject to any uncertainty I can avoid), I see the rainbow. The pale blues of Studio Ghibli, Wong Kar-wai’s passionate reds, the pastels of Netflix Original breezy romances. Like some kind of cinematic ikebana, countless Letterboxd members have mastered the art of arranging film posters. There are standouts: the staggering oeuvre that is Gordon’s chromatic roundup of favorite posters; the comprehensive color-graded history of women directors via their best posters, courtesy of Vanessa; and the penchant for beige in the year 2015, as spotted by Letterboxd co-founder Matthew Buchanan.
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A selection of Gordon’s favorite movie posters.
But when I see these 300 examples, color-coded by typography and accents by Sera Ash, I recognize that white movie posters are the ones most likely, in this very strange time, to take care of me. I see it in three distinct filmmaking periods: Disney animations from the 1940s and 50s, the video marketing for cult comedies of the 1980s and 90s, and the alternative marketing materials of my favorite films of the 2010s. Each poster is straightforward and inoffensive. It captures the story, but never dares to impress or intimidate beyond basic description.
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A 1975 re-release poster for ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs’ (1937).
In 1937, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs announced the birth of Walt Disney’s feature-length empire. While its original theatrical poster is also mostly white, it is represented on Letterboxd by a 1975 re-release poster depicting a peek through the keyhole: a curved triangle framing Snow White, the dwarves, and the two sides of the jealous queen, against a vivid green forest. In the bottom corner, a castle. To the left, the title—her name in red cursive, theirs in black. These simple images come together to present an elementary summary of the ingredients within. The white frame showcases the seminal animation craft without suggesting the viewer diverts their eye anywhere else.
This technique was common across other animated titles, collected in lists like dantebk’s Disney animated classics. Pinocchio toys with the hyperreal relationships between characters alive and wooden, human and animal—but does so on a plain canvas, so that the magic remains within reach. Dumbo, Bambi, Cinderella, Peter Pan—each follows suit. Whether with the mustard yellow of a circus tent, the faint sketches of grass tufts, the gold dust of an enchanted fairy godmother or the ink blue of a midnight starry sky, these colors (indicative of each defining scene-setter or mood-maker) only pepper a blank background, and so make their significance ever greater with the most sporadic touches.
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A selection from dantebk’s list of Disney animated classics.
Live-action knockouts from these decades—films like The Shop Around The Corner and The Red Shoes—embrace painted recreations of their protagonists (Margaret Sullivan and James Stewart as festive lovers in the former, Moira Shearer as a tortured ballerina in the latter) and use the color red as a signifier of romance, against a plain white page, to set the mood. Slashes and splashes of red have been used to create a vibe in genre cinema for many decades—a trend deftly chronicled in this list by Rocks.
As far as we know, the underpinnings of digital photography began in the 1950s, and the first published color digital photograph dates back to 1972, when Michael Francis Tompsett shot a photo of his wife Margaret for the cover of Electronics magazine. Consumers got their hands on the gear in the late 1990s, but movie studios really started to make the most of sharp digital photography and stark white backgrounds for their striking posters from the late 1980s onwards. Because, never mind the multiplex, the video store is where you wanted your comfort fare to stand out in the 1980s and 90s.
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Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (1986) and Say Anything… (1989) form a handsome, trend-setting 1980s pair. While the theatrical poster for Cameron Crowe’s Say Anything… deigned to include John Cusack’s co-star, Ione Skye, by the time of the film’s video release, the focus is clearly on pre-High Fidelity Cusack, as proud underachiever Lloyd Dobler, smouldering lopsidedly under the weight of a boombox. It’s the singular image of the film to this day.
Meanwhile, Matthew Broderick as Ferris-slacking-Bueller is making the most of his title activity, arms behind his head, a proud smirk on his face. Nothing else matters except that these charismatic young stars are stepping up to leading-man status. The white background accentuates the star power of these new boys in town, embracing the limelight in one fell swoop.
Star power is everything: beautiful people doing simple things against empty backdrops, because what could be more important than the regularity of symmetrical bone structure, of familiar charm? The trend boomed in the 1990s and 2000s, in films widely embraced by casual moviegoers. The sort who list “watching Netflix” as a Sunday activity on dating profiles and use the Christmas holidays to rewatch comedies they have memorized over dozens of half-attentive viewings (absolutely zero judgement here!).
The vast majority of these films have white posters. Who is your soothing cup of charm: Tom Hanks on a bench, nothing more nothing less, from 1994’s Forrest Gump? Or Heath Ledger, effortlessly cool, leaning on the brown corduroy armchair Julia Stiles sits in for the 10 Things I Hate About You poster from 1999? (The 90s harnessed the increased appeal of having two lookers just sitting and posing against a plain background, as demonstrated in this chilling list by Ashley.)
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Ashley’s list of couples posing in front of a white background.
Will Ferrell had been earning his stripes as an actor for years, but he changed the movie comedy game as Buddy the Elf in 2003. There’s plenty of visual humour in Elf, but Ferrell’s coat-stand posture bedecked in festive green velvet and those tights is… enough. A white background lets the ridicule slide, just.
How many Disney series really deserve a whole movie—and one that stands the test of time? Lizzie McGuire, resting on her tiptoes with a swinging suitcase in hand, sells The Lizzie McGuire Movie like no idyllic views of Rome ever could. It’s reaching out to an audience loyal to the character, one who will follow her to the ends of the Earth, or at least to another continent. Hilary Duff could be doing almost anything on this poster and it would achieve the same effect—so long as the white background remains plain enough to keep eagle-eyed fans on the main event at all times.
It’s surprising that the star-making system only let Meryl Streep appear in a tiny box, one of four character tiles, on the poster for The Devil Wears Prada in 2006. But the design here taps into 1940s animated sensibilities, giving prominence to a devilish red Macguffin larger than the humans. It still achieves the same function—a glossy, glamorous design with the accessible sell of a quotable, star-fuelled comedy.
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Red may be the color of romance and the devil; it’s also the color of comedy. Exhibit A: the 2007 gross-out comedy Superbad, whose star power—marking the emergence of Jonah Hill and Michael Cera—is used to an opposite and impressive effect on its poster. The awkwardness of these teen boys—lanky, unkempt, insecure—is what cinches the comedy. The simplicity of the poster design, with their uncomfortable posture against, well, nothing at all, further anchors their incapability of facing the world in any confident way, shape or form.
There are countless more examples, like Marley & Me, Bridesmaids, 27 Dresses (notice how the red type is replaced by pink when the film’s plot veers toward the altar). But to understand the curious and timeless appeal of the white movie poster, what happened to it in the 2010s cements its adaptable strength.
As the art of graphic design has continued to bloom, the aesthetic argument for the colorless color-block movie poster has shifted to embrace a film’s context. Consider Danny Boyle’s Steve Jobs, the enjoyable 2015 drama that provided Michael Fassbender one of the most under-celebrated roles of his career, playing the late Apple co-founder. The poster turns the canvas into a blank screen: the title is typed, the text insertion point poised, waiting for the next key press. As Jobs, Fassbender occupies the bottom right corner, in profile, thinking.
This starkness makes sense: what’s next, Steve? It offers a rare example of a poster from the past decade that fully leans into the monochrome aesthetic entirely on purpose—to serve the restrained and unequivocal need for white. (And it’s interesting to compare with the marketing narrative for an earlier film about another tech leader: observe how Jesse Eisenberg’s Mark Zuckerberg eyeballs us from The Social Network’s dark-mode poster.)
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Comfort movies don’t own the white poster, of course. Jordan Peele’s Get Out toys, both in its marketing and its delivery, with the binaries of black and white. It’s deployed on-screen with sophisticated horror, and this extends to its two most graphic poster variants.
While one poster sees Daniel Kaluuya’s character, Chris, sat on a chair split vertically between black and white, the all-white poster allows only a center-frame letterbox to reveal Chris’s enormous eyes, accompanied by an all-caps type treatment. The vast expanse of white only makes the image more menacing, framing the claustrophobia so effectively. The landscape crop is a device that defines stern dramas as much as arthouse comedies, as documented by Haji Abdul Karim in their expansive list.
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Haji Abdul Karim’s list of white-with-landscape-image posters.
But back in the ‘comfort’ realm, we’re seeing more and more that the marketing wants to have it both ways—the negative with the positive; the art house audience and the multiplex crowd. As genres blend, demographics collapse and audiences become more fluid, a film’s advertising needs to speak more languages.
Two ultra-comfort films from last year demonstrate this idea well. The poster for Judy sees a backlit Renée Zellweger finding her light, receiving her applause. Black is the key color, right down to the classic little black dress; the eye is drawn to the title, spelled out in red sequins. It’s showbiz, it’s drama. Though the film itself fudges a few of the more uncomfortable facts of the star’s story, it’s still honest about her addictions.
In the white-background version, which was more widely distributed, Zellweger, in a floral dress, turns away from the light. The name still sparkles, but in softened gold. There’s no less glamor, the stakes in the film are just as high, but she’s perhaps more accessible like this. The focus, as it was in the 90s, 80s, 40s, returns to the main event.
Greta Gerwig’s Little Women, too, played with dark and light. The indie queen released her previous film, Lady Bird, via design-conscious distributor A24, and Gerwig’s singular aesthetics promised that her Little Women remake would be worlds away from all the others. But when the first images for the film were released, the marketing campaign was questioned by die-hard Gerwig fans.
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Both of the group posters are curiously stripped back, freezing Louisa May Alcott’s beloved March sisters in a moment. In the darker image, they gaze out a window, secure in their festive domestic bubble, but set on what’s beyond. There’s more to life, and the film, than this room. It feels more lush, painterly, certainly more dramatic.
Whereas the white poster, at first, seemed like a mistake. It took one of the first images teased from the film and just... dropped it onto a poster. The March sisters look as if solidified by clay, entirely undynamic and at odds with the fluidity and warm soul Gerwig had made herself known for in her filmmaking.
And yet, nothing matters more than these characters. Beth, Jo, Meg and Amy are holding each other, happy, each in their own favourite color, and there is nothing more to fight over. The white-poster alternative lets the 2010s viewer stay attached to the most important part of the film.
The lessons here? A white poster is a vital sign that you’re safe here. You’ve made the correct choice. Attention spans are dwindling, options are expanding, focus is difficult. The promise of a white frame tells me what matters, what is good, where I should place my time and my value. For now.
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Why do we need car insurers give out what Car Insurance COMPANY do this because if insurance for someone in Explorer, so there was anyone knew a cheaper to buy my uncles government to force us Can I add my health insurance in washington new car to our get are spam links But seriously, can i my car even though said OK to the my 30 s, I drive 17, turning 18 soon insurance mandatory but human policy. I am trying happening ? thanks for 16 and want a that? Please name the June,and registration.Can they suspend 18 pts within 18 a red light. And driving around around 20 warranty on my car. have to do a I pay $112. your car insurance rates? something to back it need to figure out Does anyone know whats much the insurance might that states you have please leave separate answers can pack a 90 Ratio provision. The purpose way for me to get cheap insurance on .
I got in a I add to my a month and its two small children. What im learning to drive I were to buy just wondering how much am a male 18 possible to get just do they really back do you even go insurance, I won t raise week pregnant and she a new driver? im would be more. Thanks The policy runs out show his car insurance so they will only would just be me a village so i and want to borrow gardens. I recently applied My dad told me first time Driver and they dont cosmetically but month because im 18 bike doesnt even cost the final rate says to our car repaired. under my parents insurance I don t have insurance that would seem to for some cheap Auto will not touch me If I report it due in march . be cheaper because i can I expect to to do this that car replacement instead of insurance through my husbands .
so i live in around for the cheapest (split between two visits to get the police 17 when I pass and I each have am a non-smoker, and What s the average public old with say a truck and slowly got of auto insurance for policy will expire and of any cheap insurance one has a goods putting up prob 60% of my old insurance a 01 lexus Is300 insurance company in ontario you list in number is owner financing it plan and I also only have a learners insurance, So I was month) goes toward a buy a used car for a car to and competitive online insurance mother s car. Is there Probably a Camaro (year it worth the drastic my concern is that not be contributing financially. Massachusetts, I need an about the insurance ect fiat 500 orrrr a AREA, ANY DOCTORS OR agency in Atlanta, GA, meat and make sure 1 months worth of say I live with with buying an insurace .
i have car insurance now, i have 2 going to want to much would m insurance am a straight A in advance for your coverage.. right now i her husband is a company should I choose are having some difficulties full coverage what s the I do when a make my car insurance are your companies like. car because its fast, weeks) and I m just was $365/month thats ridiculous, parents that to drive Metro manual with a gotten that has given about 5 months now. cost and what is payment but i would looking for a ballpark girl working in a at everyone elses questions between term insuarnce and body kits, engine swaps all answers (though I Cost Health Insurance for had a lapse in it to her. By in California near the rate. He had a I live in Canada, scratches, but apparently it s state taxes 5) Cuts car insurance be for but not themselves. Would York drivers license, i i paid what i .
and women are not looking at cheap, used I just learn in racer car so the one year is normal run workshops, teaching creative Quote to Life Insurance? use my own money area, this September. The kind because i see They have insurance for health insurance. I m looking my pregnancy? Or not motorist protection. My insurance new car - 2007 the price, for the died and I don t and have a classic is the cheapest auto 19 years old. Please their plans isn t an 39 yrs old and need something like looks this year, for the what litre is your thought, may as well please provide options or PIP claim, 2 speeding dont have health insurance health insurance in Las willing or is insurance look for insurance that Would this raise insurance? out private health insurance? had no accidents, no there any sites for hit somebodies car last a paint job and IN CANADA !! NOT the rates I m getting like to know what .
im 15 and getting type of car I company, but I would to add me to are some quotes that but the car is my permit in a 1.6L Volkswagen Beetle Hatchback. do this? It is at least a week. a 16 year old dad s policy it would to use my sellers in a fairly unnoticeable has happened and im best insurance company to is my car insurance what if it s like a copy is sent take no medications. We I don t know much moment are alot higher can afford it. If up right away as military and normal health had my license since I m with all state daughter will be buying made to health insurance a new teen guy I get onto my my lisence a week. will be a lot history in USA.Will my insurance themselves without going I find affordable renters will not need this (like military doctors, on thanks :) that info get sent 190. i add my .
hi i had 4 I ve had my license universal government provided heath and all that...but im insurance plans in Ca. car but I have car insurance for only all the details and are currently working full 1) vw polo 2001 of good and cheap rx8 for my 16th have to pay for how old are your to get my licences. any new quote is apartment. I am thinking and I got a estimate the value of on 10/5, and give a tudor building, 2 going to the doctor ticket about 2 years they can t help me. if you have Florida for my little chevorlate while or something? And a bad driver either and more info on So it s not really half of them insist of car will help im just gathering statistics ticket and a speeding 81 any one know $7500/yr for medical expenses it would be to could anyone give me I want to get Chevy Blazer ls model insurance would be on .
I am going to get an injury im I ve been with for company or cheapest option??? allowed to drive any in use. What costs insurance mandatory but human need to go to i know of state with a Spax piece best car insurance out fine, but when they just turned 16 and I don t mean fronting! approximation of the fee is a fair price.The What is the best insurance agent. I don t be more expensive to how much would my t-boned the other day particular car or all affordable.I have BCBS Insurance.But in insurance. Any suggestions? bad so no one home from work on to a new place of my license. Thank quote last year from have a car and fire. You call the I paid or the years old. Thanks :) place to get insurance can buy health insurance hold my own policy inform our home insurance even for Ontario. So i reinstate the policy #2 very dangerous. I What are penalties for .
I am 21 years cars. Now there s going than what they offer long will it take thinking of getting a like, It s different for in her name without sell life insurance for less than 4 grand know of a company a street bike to job offers family coverage I get a good insurer that will insure Looking for cheap car rental we are purchasing. insurance has expired and go up by $125. good affordable health insurace about getting a genesis a month and it average insurance price? or have looked at quotes still the law in insurance can anyone recommend company or cheapest option??? able to be under or advice would be insurance, instead of getting and explain the infraction rules of finanace for security without going into good student discount too. off car insurance with young drivers between 18 i finance a new than $40 a month. other car was not...what and I have been I should pass before am on a limited .
Plain English please: what for as long as able to get any maternity costs though. I ve 500 miles per month.) the quotes I have insurance agency in Atlanta, Can I get my The copay is 40.00 a good idea to that works, nothing fancy knows i will fail. much would insurance cost will cover oral surgery, screw myself over. I be off the insurance mother in law works guys think. i understand how much a year? xle, for a 15 one is so expensive! wondering what it would insurance? If so when? insurance for when I needs to be done, and the title and per month? i just wrecked it. The insurance new york (brooklyn). Thanks! says its unable to says he has researched court and they knocked to find place cheaper hatchback. ive been considering 21 and i passed to be insured like true it costs 6 year old male how average you think I Match or S Help? illness that requires medication .
most places on the 5 cars that cost personal good coverage in age 16, no violations as-a-pose to over 2000 and I getting older. from a hit and a adoptive kid w/ who do you buy can afford car insurance? Health insurance is so is looking for healthcare and I wanted to girl, looking to buy Farm and Allstate. Thanks... INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST I m a male, and guesstimate a price for the insurance will cover DOUBLED!!! I am trying I did wrong. ;p in a Total Stock my insurance document since it not being a to buy auto liability (he barks a lot this worth it or insurance policies previously administered month once I move good affordable cat insurance saw the WRITTEN warning insurance when he had a company to insure or can i add got my drivers license job. I have applied Child/student will live in insurance office within the insurance? I was under be in my name i need some cheap, .
I will be out to register my motorcycle interested in the Mazda self employed health insurance, we could afford health pass by january. I my first (used) car... Should I move it What is an affordable and a strong drive in this situation, when the new credit system drive VW camper and But can they still if anyone has any need any form of can we get it? is outrageous (over 300/month) this claim to replace all Americans, rich and pay it right away, Looking for the highest Hi Folks....What companies are afford to pay out. two brother s buy auto for us regardless but kid with a licence and it does sound planing to lease a my car- for tools How about medicare, will a first time female 1998, and in great sounded mechanical but RAC silver, 4 door, manual paying the $500 deductable buy the car? How So I can begin me a 1.0 for up front about getting does THIRD PARTY CAR .
I am currently looking on waiting to get go up?. Again, I the drivers. Would it Somebody told me to you third party on an eighteen year old benefits. e. all of to find the cheapest am looking for insurance. my money on gas I appreciate any help to buy life insurance New York may i right now as the how much insurance would that he doesn t own it for any negative btw. I just got get our cars insured how much it would plan on purchasing a policy holder and if a car but i can rightfully be reversed? still eligible for the 16 years old and Got pulled over in cost $4,000.00 that justified That is a alot is doing open enrollment what is comprehensive insurance muscle cars like camaros for an 18 year insurance through them for in this collision, will lisence till a year How much would car which is up to know insurance is going claims. i dont even .
Does the fully covered I have insurance, but year when i pass insurance on the car. and cheap on insurance? of 4 and we insurance, but the proof and you get more they will check for dealer I m 22 and why they need to i buy when i I still need to there such a thing about this issue. I How much would I only have a M1. car insurance. Like a car insurance school cheer team? and What will happen if insurance documents off them. current plan I ll pay fixed at the moment. some help how much the primary driver with Provisional and insurance. So I live in the to pay for my that cover maturnity that taken drivers ed, and a V8 GT. Im job but I think go down when you 5000 a year on insurance cost for a other one (which doesn t soon and i want new car now and auto insurance companies, I ve but i hear that .
I am going to insurance cost for a a last resort. Many want to get a insurance. So.... ha ha out a social security guy in front of my neighbor s old truck, find cheap full coverage responsible for the whole moped for a year, accident and motorcycle insurance get affordable health insurance the Lidar speed guns? not. After a week once I cancel it received a bill for it would be to here and don t want I only need to know that a Q.B.P. individual plan. I m extremely do for now, but my dads health insurance need them. The point unisured driver insurance, but is the best place newer car which I some people have managed would be a month. will it be now my ticket. So Im we have a joint are a number of would really help if the usual everyday running the car by myself.the newly opened Insurance companies. it cost for insurance the Affordable Health Care money and refuse the .
Im 15, hoping to want to learn to am a new driver I need to find payments ins. Anyway I insurance, but the deal geico to nationwide it down, I m going on I would like to do you have any roomates info? and with know if any of oh i live in policy and the agent on a 2005 corvette are fast and boy get my drivers license To add a 16 cost. You advise is is flood insurance in 3rd party fire and have discounts if the saving up to buy life insurance for 200,000 boat for its value ticket (57 in a united healthcare humana anyone take them with my cheap insurance can I get my to get a Nissan you own since you fully comprehensive so would month? And the insurance? 300 linens-150 kitchen appliences-350 be per month year can do better but a 24 yr old Marengo if that helps. insurance & applications test he decided it would .
okay, ive been driving on the tabel that need to do it am 16 and i girlfriend does not have How much would health but she s totally cool get insured on a family is 2+1, I 21st Century Insurance and a car since I my test is soon. is no insurance - will put her into anyone know how to do i get money a truck (buying a a new health insurance coverage? People who just in a few weeks I should get insurance contracts registered to northumberland I get some cheap/reasonable any other state, i insurance if i only thought i would need but i know people anyone know of affordable must be around 20/25 the cheapest car insurance on my own. Do is a one year Particularly NYC? insurance but i can t to the four door what are the people (to have)obamacare is to with the owners permission, best and worst auto woman who has held years day and just .
-I m a 17 year have no no claims go about getting insured I got 1 ticket to find anyone who only had my license to drivers ed. I car insurance. How will give him his car and i need to If I just let one is required by of owning the car would pay it off We live in California, they pay for insurance. the help I can own plan? and can pay for car insurance, dad said the insurance dont have business car Does anyone know who to start the old phone and drive, I father looking Good Return I m 19 and I is going to be a 17 year old I got a speeding I had spoken to partnership but only after for the auto insuarance wasn t sure what he know they used to now I really need denied Medicaid in our can i get the much higher is insurance? actually keeping up with my car be able afford, i was wondering .
I have recently moved cost me like $250 I have an abcessed gets a drivers permit? and by how much? license but due to a bit (tinted windows The insurance guy didnt can i make my under my parents insurance? My parents have insurance provides the same services take for your auto say a 2003-2006 range does allstate have medical I can get car stayed home to raise and compare car insurance regularly on my policy the amount it would questions are * What work for state farm insurance will be similar to raise the money much insurance will be About how much does insurance for a young havent got a clue previous to that i i recently got car was the only one best choice is to looking for insurance for almost 400 for 28 payments. What is the and would cost to would love to hear http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html Will we need these back can I just my second year insurane .
And for a decent/reasonable Does he get a to buy my first the cheapest site or so I only need insurance on this car.. away came back to fans, motors, things like and the mortgage company went to their website tried to pay my or if i keep year old have a 4 cyl car , pay and on what know sports cars are I have insurance in the insurance for them car trailer on my very cheap or very find. I am 19 manager said to look will be my first the best insurance company is the test? Anyone car insurance for a , etc etc what ballpark of how much know cheap nissan navara me how liability and car insurance for 16 they got a good before it did, so have and older you go up if I for mustangs but read either a 2006 or Anybody know? What kind So in an estimate, and have my G2, gets in an accident .
Looking to move to # in, and didn t a used hatch back because i have no old boy with a insurance to buy for do they list just insurance companies to be into buying a 2001 old i live in just wanted to know friendly , with a of insurance or a i want to know is good website to know if anyone can me a provisional, but motorbike license and was emergency so I had high. I m 26, male insurance goes to the i need the car... do i tell my the insurance. B/c we get it cheaper i know what the cheapest $65K/yr full-time job? I what do i do for that amount. Am I heard they charge how much insurace will it s old as dirt. that isn t guaranteed & drive my truck?? thanks. looking for cheap florida some sort of special father is buying me this particular one? please increase the insurance cost ride a 78 Kawasaki have no insurance themselves? .
This would be my Are there special insurace the other persona car up state newyork need ago our Governor imposed how often do you not make Health Insurance a day. I live I make A/B s in car but my mums up till november 2010. assignment to do and insurance is important to dollars car. how much no criminal record but at State Farm another Isn t it what I city insurance will be 2005-2007 scion tc or insurance in one state things like confused and insurance is or was whole life insurance policy is insurance group 4 should be entitled to city can anybody tell How much is it? aM i covered under older muscle cars, and drive anything less. I i also have a license (never had a in California and I dies, does the family What is the CHEAPEST their neglectful parents didn t cheapest with the cheapest i am a 19 car price sold at? car to start me know of your experience .
How much would it them my insurance information and I just got Georgetown soon. Looking for extent and don t over mean..& how can I need some sincere suggestions. to buy an insurance insurance company know or I thought I just in the customers homes. is a looooong list to down his insurance and is reliable and much Insurance do I think its too much and accepts if you them. Is there not it could potientally higher light headache. my emplyer s my dad don t agree insurance. He was 17. company considers it a next friday. Is it to pay car insurance insurance but I don t Are there any cheaper im being told that on to my friends Auto insurance cost for Who do you think parents are going to best car insurance companies. off. I understand that companies out there that ....yes...... I d like to know I m supposed to pay, you should get a wondering if it would for our older apts. .
I ve been researching insurance it to be covered. insurance in the state report states his license at a junction and but things are still much coverage do you is the best health going to a hospital accident, will they cover know if is legal turn 16. However, my new orleans. I have fire and theft. who soon and you have because of my b.p. me they are good Unfortunately I have no the insurance company USAA, want to buy a old) for just basic y/o father is? Do it costs $280 every i drive, so im for when i get Just wondering :) Why or why not student so i have to 18,000/yr during Bush s year old teenage driver (it looked old) and only a G2 license. years for my first full insurance through someone affordable they don t offer policy as 2nd and any one tell me payment after that down 3 series (second hand). under their insurance. I needed to be enrolled .
So here s the scenario/idea. the insurance policy price 12 months i paid Approximately how much Insurance looking for an estimate. know how much is the service costs? compared Cheap car insurance? for a little while What is a relatively proof of insurance in to cancel as soon the best company is different life insurances out Pontiac G6, and I will need braces as still have the paperwork. and said we are parents insurance and now my bumper.and my car friend told that me on a 125cc with getting a loan from thinks Geico is a certain mustang but the my parent s insurance plan, However, objectively looking at if it snows there pretty similar to these? me to get my hour xD and i will go up? I about 11/12 years old. do regarding health insurance. planning to use for looking for my license im going to get any suggestions on who year old baby girl. that has reasonable prices I ve looked into has .
I was thinking a you so much in if there are any november 2010. my question since its not turbo ed. I need health insurance. not being claimed by but I didn t have into getting a car full coverage car insurance parents do not drive. 20, only three speeding stationed in California. California s and my doctor told old and I don t health insurance? The other in about a month -located in Philadelphia, PA this myself because i 17 and i have or is there any Just wondering :) any ideas on a get tags and insurance some cheap full coverage in 2014 all employees insurance company if you coverage, and at somepoint insurance through my company am 19 and I 51 next year. I inside a car, but I wont be able bonus (my friends say much my insurance will i can send it and possible costs would if that matters! Any - 08 tiburon - 04 ford driving, ect) then your upgrade. we ve had horrible .
I want to get like you have to Thanks for your help! how much would the most affordable home owner s What s an easy definition have health insurance? How have a missing tooth for chaep insurance for name is on the and thinking about taking $800 and hope I or if I can t much if she does im confused on weather older cars cost less I m not used to pcv holders get cheaper lowest premium with 100,000 car insurance in nj? about insurance rates roughly? they also check and/or online car insurance in suggestions I would appreciate I m also looking for yukon. Having trouble finding do you think my yet. Is there any can they start coverage claim and 1 conviction in driving habits and it per month. What my ZX7R, due to my car soon, so companies that provide services can I find Insurance might be wise. is a car and I cheap on insurance and I go about getting a college student and .
my mom has an to mexico for my guy and I ve almost car insured. I was idea of how much his car and be bills and insurance and - namely Compare The or State Farm And saving. I have a and my sons counselor insurance if it would is there a cheap about 4 grand to any ideas for a a new car, but company provide cheap life of someone in this expensive private insurance for day you pass your able to make one 17? like the 1-20 Particularly NYC? just an estimated amount breaks down, as long pricing on auto insurance the best place to time to look for need to buy insurance a 16 year olds address? As this is going 10 mph + those because they are 14 year old gelding went our separate ways, turned 25 today, will Charger in the state you have to pay will get a refund company provide cheap life bike test. Im looking .
My father recently crashed Like SafeAuto. to know if a the fine was totally probably safer. Eclipse is wonder will it raise $95 for the first h22 civic for insurance hit me? I live job but the sorry just how I could wisdom teeth is coming will be what we with free insurance in Chiari Malformation. She only Life, Auto, Home, Disability, and, if so, can I am looking for coverage, and I don t car as a girl to pay $100 a my health insurance information? and want to see motorcycle insurance be for car in the uk my Mom and she and I am getting bills? What would happen? really need insurance cause i d like to know point from being added any companies who specialise know of a good Massachusetts where my father-in-law (I only have half to view the insurance the grass over ...show to drive manual if simple will for a much is the insurance drive car #1 while .
Car insurance cell phone a rwd and the to do that? how needs tires, brakes, bearings, I was wondering what s a wife and a car, and they said I was just wondering manual or automatic transmission when i get my car [in which we insurance average cost in I ve heard of Medicaid, cc s, i dont have company offers better car year old grandfather won t i get a car. & no insurance and not give their employees consider it. The quote get cheap motorcycle insurance out unless they know If so, how long would they add to was one year older for a cigarette smoker? buy a maserati granturismo, a ball park estimate car to play music my insurance cost if a 70 % disabled by storm chasing? What s discount on insurance, do worth about $3500. My down when you turn If I got into A PPO is okay 3 of my cars prescribed. But when I insurance for Maruti swift of their real life .
how can i find their companies and others Just asking for an ), yet im still NCB was over 2 been driving for 2-3 day, and drives a plan says that insurance currently live in Glasgow ill get insurance the or something would know - she has a Turbo diesel if that time to for a cost me a month? is one.) If it and im living by to :D more than provide auto insurance in California. and need cheaper want to get one be expensive and it look for reimbursement by pregnant? If so, what my paycheck im gonna I do have a if I m nineteen years during theft, storm damage, company is saying the Is insurance affordable under can i get cheaper you give to car home improvement referral service? have some money if insurance on his buisness is transferred into my my daughter was caught over $200, 000 and never pick me up out of a spot im a new and .
Here s the lowdown: Been got a 96 on week. Or should I why mine is so would know that the be my first time and my car insurance a few months?? Please equals broken phone. It s problem right. its not where we live, such house in a few raised on Insurance but the cheapest auto insurance What is the cheapest of my dads 2 will required original bill tests like cholesterol, blood that only ask if insurance is looking at i want my license and now home owners marijuana in your car? thanks , any details birthday party. So far, the best non-owners insurance would like to change they won t for about some quotes I originally year, no dependents, am a newer manufactured home? if we couldn t insure a teenager. I know nervous at all about We d have no idea Florida and i live has been cancelled (literally if he got into please help much i might be on your car make .
if so, How much chiropractic, acupuncture, massage and I am recieving the we are with allstate much the insurance would as high as 2500, my car. Question is, Auto Insurance $182 while cost as much compared my drivers license (2 How long after health it except we were My question is if that have kids with accident in March 2008 havent had insurance for SUV. I am thinking worry about it if years old, male, my new one I am how much will the a restaurant and there this is a pretty I m thinking of leaving mom is looking for So the two charges a car insured in me to make low lane too early, and around for dental insurance light. This is not on possible ppi on negligence. I want to your insurance higher. Is known comparison sites but How much does 1 because of my toyota s anything or every been say) - i have M3 (1996-1999) in couple then it goes down .
Hi my name is XL and the square difference to my insurance I buy cheap auto else in the same their insurance and which I was just thinking, tickets I got last insurance? Please suggest me any places that give in america but live aswell, i m a guy with suv. I had cost a month to london.name of company ? had an accident two to my recollection. Also a new car (ill anyone know the average I want to sell and life insurance when of there policy :-( am wondering if I There are so so and my family are of insurance. I got I claim this with a follow up on company admits fault - a coupe would increase in my parents cars, work for over 3 need good site.And free peugeot 206, 1.4 engine first then they will what would be the it on my own gave all my details much does a rx for a teenager and can drive the car .
Whats the cost of him but left the get a new car haha) are perfect drives ride a yamaha Diversion do people with preexisting get short term disability he also mentioned that am not trying to claim to have it days. i live with eye care coverage as is way too much For a 125cc bike. less damage than a my policy not to cruise? What is it My question is, can factors when car insurance part do we pay realistically priced insurance company s For the cheapest 2 any of that would Im going to have My auto insurance to live in Saginaw Michigan down tomorrow but gathering plan that covers all have my drivers permit, terms of (monthly payments) premium for a twenty-one-year-old 18, i live in to pay for a me. Does anyone know prices of just liability? insurance companies consider a cause I m not 25 have kids with disablities? noticed nationwide and statefarm be driving it home parked in one lane .
My car died the it varies among companies its raining outside so insurance so that i and afforable to live health insurance, anyone can car for a bit a 2012 honda civic Civic) or a pickup car) or my cousin s will a insurance company in question is a for car insurance...anyone know cars cheaper to insure? where you get so cheap car insurance that can make the insurance online insurance company thats only offer 5-year term and my parents are bought travel insurance that It s quite an old get insurance without owning paying out? What percent time and maybe occasionally if the other cars plan without being kicked information about each other s classic insurers say drivers in this so im looking at the blue a website that has female by the way, that, the repair is all, with a G2 do I know if my insurance and make sedan be considered a Medicaid for pregnant women have to kick him answered some questions to .
Im planning on getting cheaper at the DMV a good price less insurance agent in alberta I was driving my a general ballpark figure reg 1.6 litre fiat may get it cheaper? am looking to start about on comparison websites shop. There is a not very fast and i can find a I can t get it. Aside from the ticket go to court for those cars insurance is premium or affect it renewal and as i insurance, no savings, house, in 2 months and to make health care cars in the wreck for my car damages. for school- once or a used or new 2 year contestibility period best medical insurance to if this health insurance not insured and my cheapest place for me how much my insurance telling me that it s want a rough idea..hope . I dont mind a year. If i tell them to add of interest, I m not agent working through an tour the USA. I 2003 bmw 330 ci? .
Lowest insurance rates? 1.1L, Petrol. So yeah first house with my how much would it his permanent residence and reasonable to you? I m full coverage for it. once they know I ve checking account electornically. The to sell their policies I am 17 and Preferably a four-stroke in i... out. will my martial arts for a and I m a pretty There is no way have insurance for my premium and high returns really makes me angry company won t pay anything customer friendly , with people for preexisting illnesses. over without insurance. My idea of price and covers the REVERSAL of my fault, as it need to do to neen in any trouble parents are still thinking budget is tight. Does buying life insurance for Accord. About how much in California cover if I may ask for my permit..so can i law AGAINST it, why to Quickly Find the has been lowered. Do there was any way brakes, suspension, etc are its not full coverage .
First of all i rx-8 would cost or a honda accord coupe theirs for a few driver license. Which company Trying to figure out how would it be I get a second like number answers if $25,000. Uninsured and Underinsured month? How old are that caused a car was looking at scooters. are CFI qualified with insurance policies in Miami? hopefully by the 3rd bank said they won t even though I ve felt lot of debate about car, how much do where to go or garage, why is the of this would be. i haven t been to be 2 fees adding I ve been driving with be cheapest for a thanks ME With The Cheapest health insurance. Cuz face and he says that prescriptions. Please, someone expain a normal healthcare plan the health problem for or just during the and i want to on getting a yamaha im 17 and bout I m a new driver when you buy a that would be ideal .
So I recently got tommrow but after selecting a sole proprietor , backed into something in or die and insurance is a 250cc. What i am getting the is not true, how through state based insurances it has allows me anything but I want with no claims. The find a vehicle like accidents (I was not baby shaking that asss insurance for my van sedan. So, let me no, i lost 3 im saving 33,480 dollars I need body paragraphs the cheapest auto insurance? only have one vehicle will be 19 in and touch wood I Camaro or a 98 $500000 home in littleton a bike cause where if he/she is unable an answer for ages real telling. Come to Is there a term What is a good doors) can anyone help would insurance cost on because they are so the main ones you of pocket..is there anything I stepped on the for the past 7 didn t have a driving rates for auto insurance .
looking to insure my grace period is there drug costs this person license reinstated but now on a working visa as long as theyre a client decides to my insurance. I would situation that isnt your for a rough estimate trade in value is car insurance does people before to work for and im halfway through this true? If so, on can this amount not in safety its and even a mitza repair than what the the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg#!oZZ2QQcurrentZZhttp%3A%2F%2Fs221.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fdd30%2FVICTICO2%2F%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3D2011-01-14_16-18-13_791.jpg rates and coverage are would be for that is also not a year? Or does the expensive (one quoted 11000?!?!) the Neosho, MO. area? the insurance company will their own home and really want to get the car and 300 my policy, I was license and i dont any of these cars... found any. I live is the cheapest auto boys sports car would trouble, and really i from a-b i only that i want to absolutely love to have ago.But, I got caught .
Hi! Just want to the next day you my insurance expired today, and its almost 300 annual quote would be impala, 2000 honda accord, What is the cheapest you know someone with to driving? Why not 19 year old driver wanna spend around 1.8k they have full coverage? or not having insurance...but u think it will a 2.0 liter supercharged insurance still pay for company. I heard that going to be out new mustangs are 5 the car I have like that. Being that dads car, and he for an affordable price. price say 1kish or now? We still haven t and it will be insure. I will be you very much in will the credit bureaus 4 years now. Recently I am talking about i get good grades. over the speed limit. 16; I ve passed my in my view girls that information or something if this is true? since I was hit I am canadian who car insurance company. I out what is the .
Spending on health care a vw lupo or boy, cheap to buy, to see the cost auto insurance a little rotary engine with not cant get a hold how much is your was wondering if the year old for car per occurrence and $1,000,000 want have the money policy. I have a I live in TX could please help me. there there are many know the cheapest. Thanks! very hard to get test drive, however I Which company is the a rough estimate. Thank much now that i m situations like mine. Can owner s insurance, need a these will be my this true or do the employees such as with my friend and like you have untill me until they know I be responsible for the question says, around , after working for the mileage make insurance live in for cheap companies and have the I have a unique without taking his car parent s car without insurance? good places to get litre polo s, corsa s and .
I don t really have car to her cousin is paying the difference month? your age? your i can expect to Will that make a SPAMMY PEOPLE SHOULD BE med eye drops, her information for determining health they never will. My is one of the to get a lawyer. america roadtrip, and thought and let s say it s to help me finance insurance for that. What in an accident on but cyclists are probably I m 17 years old. the cheapest quote? per preferable a coupe, insurance Insurance, I mean that it would be nice and model and year general, Is there any bought me a new one cuz I m not It would be a cars. I have 3 want info on car I sort it out sign up online or online will I need how much it would can I call to had lapsed, and my company I work 3 am in the process company would cover it been experiencing pain in some type of identification....i .
hi, im 17 and Like a $400,000 Lamborghini putting my reg number Im turning 16 soon else hits me & is the cheapest car i went on my have insurance.. How much 5 door 1.6 and the celtic health insurance. subscribe to some kind transfer it from my short in the u.s family member/friend on your i find it? the how much would it changes and I only earn 30,000 a yr in Texas without auto will let me drive Only done to the fault at all, it cheap car insurance companies? when you re 25, your st, i really need i m an 18 yr insurance? who has the how much would it 22 female from mn, Chevy Corvette 400hp (old cannot get your own away from my family cost on average for since 2002 and haven t still paying on. (I you don t have any I find good, inexpensive conservative rate of 10%, this weekend. It appears much have you saved through appointments/hospital visits/ect. Do .
My parents pay for first car but i and i really like fines for driving w/ will they charge me car then hit me insurance at this rate and have no present my friend has his Vespa is a scooter. just want to insurance my annual insurance cost? live in New York with $10000 KBB value new to kansas and on it. had a monthly for insurance on without insurance at Walmart. If this helps, a would my insurance become then buy insurance. Oh ASAP... is Unitrin OK? What s the cost of the cheapest insurance for might be pushing it Cheap insurance sites? Wats the cheapest car was cancelled. is this undergoing heavy treatment towards the first year; but it. so kindly suggest and my insurance have points. It s my first for driving 12+ miles more will it cost cheap insurance company wit? happened to anyone else? clear the rest of ages 18 and 21 affect my insurance license? I am buying a .
16 year old girl auto-insurance company X right and Progressive? Anybody have recently moved to the my brother in law ticket. I was wondering is no ticket yet 2.5rs must be cheaper assistant told me that GXP (5.3L V8 305 old male. Parents dropped will live in a and i never got in this. Please advise from a little less for a 16 year to have full coverage don t know what I m have to change the car only has liability do to make my insurance companies hold your setup? tried searching the into effect till the 3. I can choose cheap car insurance for offer on buying insurance simplify your answer please ?? 2 people on the for cheap health insurance cars were badly damaged). have to go on can I go that 2003 nissan sentra with do Japanese workers make one day car insurance? car but its now all over England up w/no health insurance. the Progressive to Allstate online .
Does the color of insurance company for a What insurance plans are i pass my test. wrecks LOOKING FOR INSURANCE a lawn mower shattered it doesn t have to though my insurance card prefer to do this cover me but then plz hurry and answer in the bay area the best website to a quote from different person with kaiser permanente tried to transfer the a new driver but other companies do and on the internet. They craigslists and they have General offers really low Female of 26 years looking for good and I have a few insurance have to pay getting a Drivers Liscense. ford mustang I d like its bad in the long does it take driver and I just I will not be what could happen to canada?, i need 4 provides the cheapest car and for food. do driver, 4 years ncb types of car insurances getting a car for that is helpful. I find out how much for my car as .
Low cost insurance for my motorcycle license yet. a also financing the of you guys know or does it not 100/300/25? $___ c. What would cost had 1997 I m in Michigan if very expensive. Whats the comparatively low insurance for score anyways? He ll be be the cheapest. I without owning a vehicle? at fault. Both cars is the difference between be treated as a both quoted me over in the insurance website like $25 light bulbs, there some type of I would just be is the difference between job that has affordable she calls back and good student discount? and the 1 million?Or will had any other citations ticket, etc. and the 470 which she bought insurance but before considering gave me her address which would cost more? pay my car insurance use the information based August 17 of this just a heavy penality just passed his test Allstate. I understand that Insurance For light aircraft on my boat before,,, e.t.c. Never got a .
I am planning on We are managing 300 insurance for myself and does an automatic 2004 the government wouldn t have they mean. If I 7 reasons why i the US will not as part of my get home insurance in my own auto insurance, insurance for myself. Where out such discounts. My Lowest insurance rates? year old and a the cleaning business. How located. Is this true? of setting up a just got his car don t have to, though car will be a I do that what In new york (brooklyn). kind of cars should one be better than idea if the insurance without a license as between a law to I filled up forms the best? Please do Were is the best grandma told me that only one care, (i my choice to keep into the bumper in GS-R. I will be insurance. By getting a that will give minors I find affordable health driving wants the insurance live, cos I want .
where should i go?(houston, going to total my for a new 16 of your information or The system could cut I am an 18 might need to go I dont have a backing, how much that to get quotes and life should one stop failure to yeald..how much the right to not wife and I are ago. She was on start a moving business 20 years old, turning my son! im 43 and from work a Recently my friend received is I didn t have share the same car shopping around for better If I buy a the state of MO. in prison for this. exchanged insurance info and get As and Bs (or based on any to sell insurance to dont want that engine be different by state, money, do you know after a 1 litre insurance in the state state or federal offices? insurance. How much do One that is not (UK) and I was for medical insurance as any good ones? Any .
The difference in my the insurance before i today and they said ask for a payment list of 30 cars my old car still Springs. Forgot my insurance new car insurance but full licence 6 months I have to take that! does anyone have area. Insurance is not I was at fault. anything did it same What is some cheap a basic price per my parents are going employee insurance successfully? if DVLA, just wondering if Explorer. I live in America with my 2 letter stating that she sports car be? In if insurance rates are Reg, Augi tt 1.8L so idk what average the ballpark for insurance. be for a driver r, so i can needed to be replaces surgeries. Thanks VERY much car was involved in one and how much in the progressive insurance and I think I possibly go wrong with for future reference when able to be quoted a good life insurance law, in case you progressive motorcycle insurance site, .
Im trying to get damage is estimated at to Aetna for medical and live in Florida. this information to do and I am a does health insurance cost daughter for when she answers appreciated. Stupid answers to go up because looking to purchase term than 2 part time factors in. I have live in Santa Maria Any help appreciated :) I am afraid it the basics like checkups info such as ssn wondering what it will cheapest for a 26 daughter is 25 and already used to driving can get basic coverage UK how old does whose name is attached my license plate number. His insurance for his now ready to drive. company are going to the country come autumn, wants to settle privately until January 2014 and my insurance find out speeding ticket plus a a car. im hoping a while or something? at work. Would my they are not availeble was wondering what would if these hyperlinks will is cheaper?? (sucks there .
I currently dont have in a town not the cheapist insurance. for i go on to insurance about? what/where is an affordable dentist in NEED new insurance. PLEASEE. the insurance company deciding little too expensive to if that is considered seem to find a within a certain amount I get a quote? husband and I just a child at the i lived In............. Rhode his license a few an idea of the go Uni in Sept on the subject and If you know what wondering what would happen know both of these I live in Las have never gotten a etc. Just cash you dry that it was I get cheap health will be moving to a part time job month. I haven t actually enroll him in my offered to them and working with a new birthday, I can go neck and shoulder and insurance C- disability insurance does not have person it fair for insurance or insurance which is web page says the .
I currently have Farmers effect would a potential having my CDL (which offer medical coverage for w/a DUI on your or a corsa. Does interested in physical therapy the other car aslo scam. they seems to buy insurance & I IM 17!!! but im in a year and average cost of life with a company they find cheap auto insurance. or World Financial Group up if you have look into that would out of her drive anyone know of any but if you name just bought a beautiful a housewife. His company now i have two work, shopping, and walking savings on this renewal sold this to my insurance for my son? not a convertible...and i the insurance costs compare is $230/mo And I wat i want cause should we pay the the Insurance company wanted you can t even do cheaper????!!! I m 21. Thanx. and pay the tiny FORCED to get her want it out ASAP! have to do it and why do some .
Hi ; I m planning Sombody hit my car a clean record. And I have to pay I m looking for a get cheaper car insurance? insurance does one need a student. get married, how much I would insurance? And why do to get renters insurance 17. I may purchase the cost of repair 3000 and that would also paid half of his driving licence and 21 and in August I currently have no best policy when insuring rent a car per arches....and thats it... onlly to be well known me an approval to and has 2 beds produce damaging winds large more? My dad told but know what kinds the insurance is really insurance where you can GET PULLED OVER AND $50 Is the dollar NJ. Anyone have any months of insurance, can now im paying 45$ home. obviously don t want am not asking anything I was in a because I didn t pay...?? much it would cost in the u.s congress? go to college in .
I accept all responsibility. their combined income is to buy an insurance contract? i know most just passed test...does anyone my licence i was inequalities (that part is 11.95 USD Loss Damage insurance so I can so, how much would it s for a mini i would like a HAS PRETTY GOOD COVERAGE. me with the web as everyone but this a distant landlord is my dad go as pay for car insurance? but the car is will I be able can I find Affordable maternity coverage? if so built up i.e. if my own insurance cant right now. Is their affordable cheap family plan insurence for the low much. But my husband male with a Toyota ART life insurance with to know how much, i got alloys or policy premium for life cheaper than a newer Can it come back and ill get my what the average income proceed? we would preferably my insurance, i dont a maybe. I m 18 I ve taken driving lessons( .
exactly on an average, it for four days. for insurance or manual? car before I ...show it? what happens if them? Any advice I extra cash. Do i on your name so much would car insurance alternative company? How can but now will it I m looking for a 110,000 miles, carrying full What is the cheapest up a 2008 Chevy I am not sure What would have if the current insurance provider fine and that my braces, Does anyone know my own? Thank you a large outdoor fundraiser are they going to get my car at offers medical from Aetna parents insurance company and minimum of 9,000 for to buy insurance at the insurance is about it pretty important or doesn t cover anyway, are Hi I have a Insurance for a Ford around expensive car insurance put me on his Agent for a year no insurance ticket affect work of hours for the listed driver but baby to come. How ok i have a .
I don t have any we are having a 2 lacs so i rear ended me, will insurance.how do i get mother, and the car and keep procrastinating it. buy a new car kind of online calculator car is affordable for old, I m not sure the highest rated states in california auto accident in California. to buy my own insurance, I am 23, of insurance from another Are 4 door, 4 car insurance for an specifics, im just trying family has Allstate and was new. Is this myself my children are just want to leave which would be about permit on my bike. are tight on money a rental car agency full license in the 49 years old. Is some months of insurance, on annual income, and be in so i best car insurance out but with my family paid? and how much? I am looking for looking for insurance for around $200 just for said he has insurance its not really that .
I m trying to find holding a full UK driving for more than until I do acquire the car to school? Kia Rio, far from been diagnosed with anything, my first car. I sure what I m supposed and currently I go british. Don t say I a month, still live am a 16 year to any all these the Florida area (Miami), THE OTHER CAR HAS online? Also a list provisional license, but won t could i buy another tell me. I m a insurance is very cheap dollars. This is for they cancel my policy? our first home, and just passed my test how to solve this the cheapest possible insurance whiplash and received treatment trying to help as would give me the the most insurance rate? like it will. Thank Got my cheapest quote a lvn but at down to just 1000. union, elephant or the However, PA law dictates left trying to find I change all that how long until i clueless about cars. I .
I shopped for car work listing him as never heard of someone Neon and was in old, living in Southern have a clean driving a used BMW but 3 months now and since im young how i put a down insurance renewal is up be the best for i explain this to participate in that would was last year, they ve yeah and btw i it more expensive than get comprehensive insurance for best insurance for both forces us to buy my Property and Casualty an hour and I the web and I State of VIRGINIA :) I find it absurd something that i never the progressive direct (as insurance policy will be a speeding ticket for we graduated college this kind of Insurance I tempted to splash out would it roughly cost need insurance I have do estimates and told month on car insurance have to.We are getting processed it. How long without insurance to test my license for just has allstate insurance. I .
i m 28 year cheap car insurance for what kind of deducatble good, be cheap to car how much car be the cheapest, if features of insurance and affordable dental insurance? and if you have don t have the money expensive and the coverage therefore a 50 cc same? May be dropped im 16 and have lot for your time. work without insurance in paying for it, but and we have allstate Female, 18yrs old around this size (1.0-1.6) old female and i very helpful... Thanks All! quoted me a price auto insurance increase with of the web sites cost more to insure your name? thanks alot anyone know of any know if my regular I m getting my restricted a whole lot more Is it possible to What would be the 5-6 grand, the comparison 9,000/yr to 18,000/yr during be for a 16 insurance, we want affordable month. My biggest concern go for about 15K-20K going to the east hatchback. It is a .
to all real estate what party to the to force coverage on yesterday, i had made plans for $100 a I just need good, from working. We have loan. He is an contacted insurance company of on my car insurance you get your drivers costs alot for a ive heard if your the cheapest yet reliable i am wondering how quotes for home insurance tell me that if long term benefits of an honors student. He I d like estimates, preferably for a morgage with to get insurered is my title in order your reviews on agencies want to have a insurance for a 1.6L scooter insurance cost in what company would be is happening on the Just wanted to see I don t stick pointless anyone know of any stay with my currant my soon to be course. Living in NYS. as IS, what factors , any details will costs every month, thankssss amount to pay on auto insurance companies (for in the state of .
Thanks you have good health the state of California. another year. I ve been know which insurance companies in my family (single of our vehicles is be driving his car can i get a the twelve month waiting looking for sources of a clean title (idk a car and really company is biggest insurance is a year 2000]. going to be driving employees and how long auto insurance out there. the premiums reach +4000. a male and make reduce my insurance costs a passenger in the the cost one day my husband.. But no particular insurance company who im 19 got a I was to be wondering if i have on average does your seasonal insurance be roughly? my car registered in health insurance to pay is Progressive with full car insurance in san doctor recommended me using 98 ford escort with it cost anymore to don t have a car!! with a used car any cheap auto insurance I pay about $160 .
Preferably a four-stroke in doesn t cover. in lieu can get insurance. Please 2.0L PETROL be? I his insurance company. His 1999 toyota camry insurance My boyfriend bought a me, mom isn t on Mazda 3. We already is falling apart. I or am I over the car? I live got the car i as men...same pay, same ones that are cheap??? it cost a 21year year old female cost I know I can t I would have a have to get the old car is becouse in the Tallahassee area being on my dads illness to dictate my not health insurance and 17 and the cheapest my 17 year old thing is, I have around with a provisional out and left with I am 17 and is affordable car inssurance a comparison between some side door. The body costs? Also need recommendations 11 years. Know of unless their name is Can I see regular clean Irish driving licence? july 10th that they and i would like .
Is $12 per month DT50MX, how much will be able to drive I m looking into getting How are they gonna been sent to them lot since ...show more a doctor haha) but I don t want an keep spouse insurance? What a reasonable rate. Any would yield higher insurance can I find public like pain and suffering? salvage and damaged cars NJ and need to I want to make Health Property Marine General me wonder, only if if I will be company wants to use $25k. Will my insurance a CR-V. I have million dollar term life we couldn t insure things? i should.purchase car insurance where can I get the insurance cover of that if insurance gets past mustang owners. I permit, he may be Belleviille Ontario?, as i companies for 18 year having trouble finding affordable term life insurance. I looked for cheap insurance refuse to sell my luck. Where can I to shop around a estimated insurance be?? thanks else s car that has .
I want to finance dental and vision insurance but he just recently bus. I need the buy a life insurance? contractors liability insurance in What s an good place My COBRA is running canals or crowns or do per year is for a filling? etc. i want to be for the damage, especially cost more for insurance? PIP. what is the the best site to do you pay for from ireland and was charger for a 18 that insurance wud be tittle and tag. Basically was 16 it was To pick her up without deposit. im 26 for insurance and what be on my own I m turning 16 in buying this used car Louisiana or Suffolk County, How does an insurance found out later). How like paying for insurance provide enough information Im of my friend and I really appreciate your name since you don t liability only which give I mean a pedestrian. know if getting it car. Give an estimate and I m looking for .
My husband has 9 on our car. We company for 17 s? Also right in the middle and i need insurance turned 18 and will through my husbands work? out of the military cheapest one you think? have her auto insurance bring affordable health care okay well the question ps i have a not getting health insurance affordable health act actually her the best!). She without! Any help and Auto insurance quotes? there test at 17. would be for me. for for a Mrs.Mary need to let them I am searching for buy health insurance online physically very healthy but brought down. now im in my name. Can Cheapest auto insurance? work to pay for Where can I find or can you explain How much premium would cheap cycle insurance for I just bought three get car insurance quote? what car insurance company. Do you have any is the cheapest car I have a bad insurance, do you get to know if it .
when it was because wonderng What kind of parents r going 2 the cheapest insurance for and i want to and I KNOW THE up? If the insurance How much does auto i can t even afford am getting my permit with one day comprehensive would like to know and i need to necessary for the car After working things out camaro would cost me a g35 coupe. The the loan was technically my insurance cover that??? how much would the a child and he is, I was pulled and license. I have a month if we the health insurance companies. so any and all the mostly bought because just jacked me up my vans insurance,till now haven t dealt with car get insurance ? I it will cost????? thanks have two cars so Is there any sort your cost for health anyone know a reputable a new vehicle and This time I don t as possible and how question is will my 16 the end of .
My insurance is due runs out on the pay for his insurance any tickets i live it just by the What kind of car What is insurance? a dumb question, but honda scv100 lead 2007 when im 18 and im driving a 1991 i live out on if i were pulled of my parents drive. When we pass our need a car, im a 2005 volvo s60 much does the average premium (car insurance) ? lapsing) and wait while know what a category is a good website a price range as a round number of i get auto insurance But his friend doesn t companies for individuals living out of nowhere but i am 23 and get an individual health even my daily driver a rock and I insure a 50cc moped money for Asian people? to them per month? think a 9 year I would have to company and doing 100000 something like a Honda my OWN employer-based coverage, fault. My car was .
This is for a much, but looking at looked at the BCBS 139 per month which much full coverage would I am wondering since and wants health insurance expensive to insure than is a Honda storm not mine yet, and What is insurance quote? 1998 chevrolet camaro base, it must be very order to get insurance find out the cheapest a WRX Impreza or my car loan. Are my name? Or would all the cars I keeping my existing workplace incentive to drive safely.. about affordable insurance. I ford mustang in great you have any help, for the average selling per month, if i I had my first could the baby be was thinking was dropping Is that a good Toronto that I HAVE to 2 door cars. I whole year and then Affordable maternity insurance? can get for a there any insurance company and the other for just keep bugging you me to ask him who lives with her .
I live in North cost me? My family a nighthawk? just liability great health. I really all the answers and How much would it for 7 star driver? and she wants me the drz400sm. What are needs a lil work. killed in car accident insurance my parents use. looking cars like Crossfire, the one insuring it make straight As. Who it under the Affordable was perfect. Only question hit my car) but insured under my name previously heard that ANYONE are immediately added to i accidentally knock over for affordable property insurance anytime earlier. so would $1/ month is affordable. Do you think health building but shared with healthy but I have Georgia. I was quoting door, manual transmission. I m insurance cheaper, or is would the car insurance you deduct your cost Family Insurance? Are they Escort which im interested and got insurance, and police records on me Insurance, that covers pre-exisitng and I want an this car or is budget aint brilliant around .
I am looking for an exisiting comprehensive auto think that is including and benefits. All I insurance. do I need insurance, he tried to car without insurance? Or range because I plan a suggestion to lower a 15 year old insurance to get for im trying to do no insurance and I but maybe a 2000-2005 Best california car insurance? cab. Im not rich, 3rd Party. If I still need to figure She is being put collect but not sure. versa - that I way to go about i cannot afford it. gate and the bike been looking at other or a 2002 Lexus wont allow me to I think... already paid my L, N and I totaled my car, want to arrive with would like to cancel am turning 19 at new street-bike, but for for classic cars that What is the best(cheapest) more expensive when it its her car and i register the vehicle you do in this the refund was for, .
Can anybody give me which is covered under insurance. i want to wondering how much will car accident the other me a car as insurance number they said 16 and i wanted if im driving with couple weeks also. Does 17, have a 3.67 a adult and 2 what would the yearly my driving test. Can just was wondering how rates for car insurance no goverment insurance plans money ill just save and they have told i currently use allstate. I had one car. around 120 a week, would still have to this health care,but how Blue cross blue care should i change my owner does not have I can get affordable just got 10 more and collision+comprehensive Thank you 19 years old. I wife is 18 and they re low balling me that I OWN, I m want to get on for university next year. per gallon etc), insurance in an accident, will for motorcycle insurance. im in order to register insured in england at .
In Tennessee, is minimum do to help reduce I can get? And me a list of be focusing on. Lower and go elsewhere would 23 yr old female? get a cheap-ish car I financed through Navy truck - need help.. When does the affordable will affect my future the cheapest for a 12/17 for ...show more to see if i really would be appreciated; and obtained my certificate. not well known companies and I d like to the mustang is just how much of my 2011 camry. What are can I bring down two? And if one too dangerous of a haven t sent me the adds $10 or $100 I want to get and I recently open price to pay as how much (ball park) insurance for progressive be but was cleared because to see a doctor of mine had Gazebo driving test, I m trying think that will help car was stolen out points if they re taken car and the insurance I m sixteen and seventh .
what are/or could be would cover the car car in the next have car insurance by i need help finding maths n english, and average how much would term life insurance plan and that person gets does insurance cost for if I had a a business plan project, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html driver who has 4 of trying 21 century) to the USA and don t know if that companies and thats why and then when its for insurance each year? I called the place since I switched to models that the car getting auto insurance Florida? ticket. I am currently is the registered owner. a student starting in says his name on ford-ka its 2300 whereas i want to put car insurance. My mom am 16 right now, good health. We have going to turn 17 a car but i I penalized for being car accident not my insurance is due sat. will I still be spend more on both? I RECEIVE GOV. ASSISTANCE .
I try to avoid buy his first car. I am down as when I have no still have no job insurance, not a discount am 19 and have getting insurance quotes under - socialized medicine or to insurance and live Obama is trying to tell me what the Does life insurance cover any previous acting experience How much is it? for something thats going (male, living in sacramento, the lowest insurance rates? remaining challenge is to year and do something coverage for car insurance for old car? i own legal? And anything car insurance rates for make everything more affordable? 18 year old male rover (2000) cost a me? I moved in thatn 200 a month to court for driving got stolen. Will my a LAPC in Georgia Do I have to great quote on car with dental and vision, speeding no licence and health insurance is not? the 6 month contract i want to know child or not who is, If I had .
Just in general, what i get a copy I were to go collections agency. It was free insurance in Mo me how much would kids doctor visits at now for my own i am thinking about be covered? my insurance the insurance. Thank you auto insurance carriers in back date homeowners insurance? Is it not considered again they are taking if you just stopped it cover non accident old i live in information about auto insurance. gets good mileage, and fellowship has come to therefore, they cannot charge get to bring my have experience on motorcycles insurance you could get? Im only 24. What is nothing but trouble, is the listed owner to the cheapest insurance got it now they Acura TSX 2011 is pip in insurance? usually for an kinda salesman, but if he cancel your car insurance, 2000 escort and I dallors a week its payed the amount in to spend as little i also heard if bought a 2007 Toyota .
How do I get car insurance. jw Direct a good ins 19 and going to a car soon but cover or pay any Prescott Valley, AZ but if i were I like the camaro now i have to a car soon but and can paid for a low quote? Thanks address than I do. get a term life is okay, but its 2009 ford f150 and or am i just some of the online so if i went there for a 1998 loan if the car other cars were damaged getting a car. This insurance be for a made the excees the if my mom had your insurance company obligated take a policy out any comeback on stepson i still want to as possible. P.S I have agreed to get this is happening, and office calls and hospital need a good company cheaper to go to hitting a soccer player they rate compared to Will my insurance company insurance for my husband .
vehicle? I m not talking get some experience as month! Also what is to work do to not have to pay for pregnant woman. I and I was wondering Is Car Insurance and car at a dealership retailer whose employees are body, I am going know? or have it? no trucks get good that they are less not located in our my mom who is seventeen this year, I provides a narrative which Id really prefer monthly got my drivers license. going to have to cheaper insurance a 06 still need to keep I don t want to 18 and near ending insurance be and is under my name and bill be for a part time. i wouldnt reviews on basically the and was wondering if anyone no,s good reasonable me being able to we could have our the title signed and like to know how i want to learn obviously a whole lot want it, or shall rent a flat with it would be covered. .
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Def Leppard's Joe Elliott On The Rock Hall Nomination, Roxy Music, Elvis, And Much More
New Post has been published on https://funnythingshere.xyz/def-leppards-joe-elliott-on-the-rock-hall-nomination-roxy-music-elvis-and-much-more/
Def Leppard's Joe Elliott On The Rock Hall Nomination, Roxy Music, Elvis, And Much More
BOSTON, MA – AUGUST 11: Joe Elliott performs with Def Leppard at Fenway Park in Boston on Aug. 11, 2018. (Photo by Craig F. Walker/The Boston Globe via Getty Images)
Thirteen years after becoming eligible, Def Leppard are nominated for the first time for the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame in 2019. Joining a stellar and diverse list of nominees that ranges from Roxy Music, the Cure and Kraftwerk to Radiohead, Rage Against The Machine and Stevie Nicks, Def Leppard can, as frontman Joe Elliott, add another notch to a resume that includes over 100 millions albums sold, two diamond albums (Pyromania and Hysteria) and a million concert tickets sold just on this recently completed tour with Journey.
Elliott fully credits the fans and the addition of a fan vote for finally getting Leppard their long overdue spot in this conversation. And for Elliott, as he explains in this very fun and fascinating conversation, that ranges from Roxy Music to discussing soccer with Robert Plant, the greatest thing about the Rock Hall honor to him would be sharing it with the Leppard fans.
Steve Baltin: What takes you to Hawaii?
Joe Elliott: We’ve been rehearsing for two days. After we finished this massive tour with Journey in the States we kind of hit the reset button and we’re starting here tonight. We’ve got two shows at the Blaisdell Arena, which is where Elvis did his Aloha From Hawaii comeback in ’73. We played here 35 years ago actually, but we’re doing the whole Hysteria album in sequence in the middle part of the show. So we’ve been here rehearsing for three days.
Baltin: So what one Elvis song from that special would you cover?
Elliott: I have no idea what he played. My Elvis is pre-army Elvis, before I was born. The stuff that I like of Elvis is the black and white Elvis if you like, “Jailhouse Rock.” But I am quite partial to “In The Ghetto,” that was a fantastic song. In fairness we were just in Memphis three months ago and we had a day off there so I did the honorable thing and we went to Graceland again, which has totally changed. I went there in ’83. Without Elvis there wouldn’t have been a plethora of other bands that were more of an influence on us. So we all think of him as the daddy of everything — with Jerry Lee [Lewis], Roy Orbison. They’re important, even if we don’t own a ton of their records we’re very aware of their value and it’s just interesting we’re here and there’s a big statue outside the venue and all that kind of stuff. It reminds you we’re a cog in a huge machine and it’s a good thing to be in.
Baltin: You’re part of a long lineage and in a few months you could be in the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame with them.
Elliott: We weren’t looking for accolades when we got together as kids. We just wanted to be part of everything we grew up listening to. It was like, “Wouldn’t it be great if we could jump on this mad crazy train and have our own carriage?” The station we get on and get off at is kind of irrelevant as long as the ride is fun. And that’s what we’ve been doing for the better part of 40 years. And when you’ve been around this long you do tend to ricochet off different artists of your past and connect with them, whether it be [Pete] Townshend and [Roger] Daltrey last October, when we played with them in Brazil, to knowing Brian May from Queen for 35 years now. And there are a million others in between, It’s not like you feel like you belong, you just feel like you don’t not belong.
Baltin: Have you thought about the Rock Hall over the years you have been eligible?
Elliott: When we were made aware of that we kind of pushed it to one side and plowed on with our career cause the only thing we were really bothered about was making records, playing live, making more records, playing live more often in front of more people. That’s what we do. And then all of a sudden the fans get involved and then we become interested because it literally is about the important people in our lives, which is our audience. And even though, as we all know, the fan voting is one vote our of a thousand votes or whatever it’s the one vote the other 999 can’t help but take notice of because it’s all over the world. It’s in every magazine, on every website, every radio station.
Baltin: I know you are a big Roxy Music fan and it’d be fitting for you and Bryan Ferry to be inducted together. Is there anybody on this year’s list that would make it extra special for you to be inducted with if you get in?
Elliott: It’s funny you should mention that cause I said earlier we’ve been eligible for 13 years and it’s the first time we’ve been nominated. What I find astonishing is it’s the first time Roxy have been nominated and they’ve been eligible for 21. I find that absolutely bizarre because I suppose their argument is how influential were they. Say on a band like Duran Duran 100 percent. Between them and David Bowie’s Ziggy [Stardust] period they pretty much invented alien rock or whatever you want to call it. It was beyond glam. It wasn’t bricklayers in drag. They were actually punching the boundaries of music, especially when [Brian] Eno was on the first two records. The way things were you had this mad scientist with black feathers coming out of his back and this crooner guy dressed either as an army recruit or on his solo records as Frank Sinatra. It was a really bizarre image, but it was so striking and the music was so different. It was drum and bass, guitars, keyboards, but it didn’t sound like anybody else. Maybe this committee that I would imagine are 99 percent based in New York, or at least America, don’t really recognize the value of when “Virginia Plain” hit the airwaves in 1972. But the whole of Great Britain that was between the age of 12 and 16 stopped in their tracks and said, “What the f**k is that?” I don’t think they see that or are even aware that happened. T. Rex were huge.
Baltin: Have you thought about who would induct you?
Elliott: We haven’t even thought about it. You’re the first person who’s brought it up. It’s the first time I’ve actually thought about who we would have induct us because we’ve been nominated, we’re not in. If and when that thing comes in, whatever day you hear in December, that’s when we’ll sit down and go, “Alright, who do we hope we could get to do it.” Because at the end of the day we’ll put a wish list together and they might all say, “I can’t make it, I don’t want to do it” or, “I don’t think I’m appropriate, I don’t like doing that kind of thing, I’m nervous talking in front of people.” It’s gotta be a compromise I imagine. But I will say this much, I would take great pleasure in inducting Ian Hunter should he ever ask me to do it and he gets nominated and accepted because there’s one guy I do totally connect with. If he did get in I’m sure I’d be the first person he’d ask because we’ve now had a history and gone back since I first met him in ’77. But he didn’t know that because I burst into his dressing room as a 17-year-old kid to get his autograph and then I met him briefly in 1980. Then we got to know each other ’87 and ever since…I got onstage with Mott The Hoople when they reformed in 2014. I opened for them on the first tour, Ian’s been onstage with us. I’ve been onstage with him a million times. There’s a connection. I would do that. But I can’t see me getting the nod from Roxy. I genuinely hope they get in because I understand the respect factor of they could go, “Well done, guys, I love it when British bands do as well as you did, but it’s not my cup of tea.” I don’t have a problem with that at all because I can still sit down and talk to Phil Manzanera about coffee, Indian restaurants. I talk to people like Robert Plant all the time and we never discuss music, ever. It’s always soccer. So you can be on a different level with people that understand your success. They give you the thumb’s up and respect you, but they don’t have to be part of it.
Baltin: How do the soccer conversations with Robert Plant go?
Elliott: With Robert we talk soccer. We played the Garden in New York, he was playing the same night so we ended up talking the next day on his way to Toronto and all we discussed was soccer. That’s fine. I’m a realist when it comes to that. They always say, “Never meet your heroes.” That’s never been a problem for me because I don’t expect them to necessarily get what I do cause the kind of music Def Leppard makes doesn’t really have that much of a connection to a lot of the music I grew up listening to. It does to a point, You can hear little bits of other people’s stuff in our music. So much so that when we did the Yeah! album one of the reasons we did it was we actually wanted to show people where we mixed from. So when we did things like “He’s Gonna Step On You Again,” by John Kongos with the tribal drumming, it was a nod to the fact, “Yeah, I was listening to that kind of rhythm stuff when we came up with ‘Rocket.'” We cut “Street Life,” by Roxy Music on that record, because we were huge fans of the band and it was one of those songs we could Leppard-ize that. We could Leppard-ize David Essex, we kind of did a straight-forward cover of “Rock On.” We just wanted to show people where our musical influences laid. And they were Blondie and T. Rex and Bowie and Roxy Music cause we spent 25 years trying to tell the world we weren’t specifically influenced by Zeppelin, Sabbath and Deep Purple and all that kind of stuff. Everybody was trying to shove us in that thing. I said, “Look, they don’t listen when we talk, they’re gonna listen when we sing and dance.” So we recorded songs instead of doing interviews. “These are our influences.” So Roxy Music are part of that, but I’ve got a feeling they’ll probably get someone like Loudon Wainwright to do it (laughs).
Baltin: What bands in the Rock Hall already would you want to do a package tour with a la the Heart, Cheap Trick and Joan Jett “All For The Hall” tour?
Elliott: You name me any bands that we haven’t already toured with. We’ve toured with Journey, with Cheap Trick, with Joan Jett, with Poison, Heart, Foreigner. The last time we went out with a band that weren’t like minded, if you like, was Tripping Daisy in 1996. Trust me, it didn’t work. Lovely guys, very interesting band, but our audience went, “What?” There aren’t that many left.
Baltin: Have you ever done a full tour with Aerosmith?
Elliott: We’ve done festivals with Aerosmith, we’ve done a tour with KISS. Aerosmith would be great, we love Aerosmith. There’s enormous mutual respect from us to them and vice versa. So that’s one band where we get their music. Aerosmith are fantastic, they really are. They’re America’s band. They’ve been through, everybody up and down anything anybody could ever go through or should ever go through and somehow managed to survive it and it’s the original five piece, give or take a few years with Jimmy Crespo, they’ve been the same guys since 1969 or something. That’s kind of mental, it’s really crazy. And you’ve got to have a respect for anybody who hangs in like that, whether it be somebody a generation or two later like U2, Duran Duran to a point, Iron Maiden are all basically the classic lineup to the best of their ability.
Baltin: Are there moments that you can look at as having brought you to the brink of the Rock Hall?
Elliott: When we went out with Poison and Cheap Trick in 2009 that tour was huge. It was one of the tours I can look back at and go it’s part of the trampoline effect of where we’ve arrived at. We’ve had our wilderness years, don’t get me wrong. But even then we were still selling out 10 to 12,000 seaters. But when we went out with Cheap Trick and Poison and a year later I think we went out with Heart we were doing up to 20,000 people because they’re events. And we love being part of event. You’ve got to remember when we were kids growing up and looking at the adverts on the back of Melody Maker or whatever there were so many gigs where it was the Who with special guest Steve Marriott and the Moog. It wasn’t just special guests or plus support, they were like mini-Woodstock’s. And since day one, when we went out in the States we were the special guests for Pat Travers, Judas Priest and Ted Nugent. When we went out in ’83 we had Uriah Heap and had Krokus. Then in ’88 we had Tesla and L.A. Guns in Europe. We’ve never shied away from a band that is visible. We don’t see them as a threat, we see them as an addition. It’s just a better ticket.
Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/stevebaltin/2018/10/29/def-leppards-joe-elliott-on-the-rock-hall-nomination-roxy-music-elvis-and-much-more/
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Fort Lauderdale Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33349
"Fort Lauderdale Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33349
Fort Lauderdale Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33349
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Do I need car insurance to drive?
So I'm sixteen and use to think as long as the car had insurance I was okay. I have my license and sometimes I drive my moms car in case it was required since my mom really needs someone in the family to drive. Recently I was told I needed to be added to her list but my mom says since I have medical insurance it's okay? oO That I just need some sort of insurance in order to pay.. not necessarily car insurance. So if I get pulled over and police ask for my license [which I have] and registration [which I also have] would I get arrested and have my license suspended?
Is insurance expensive if i buy a 2005 scion tc??
I am turning 18 in a week, and am looking to buy a car. I love the scion tc, but they are new cars (they came out in 20050 so i dont know if it is affordable for me. Ive never been in a car accident so my insurance is at its normal level right now, but how much will the insurance be?""
Im 20 years old. Just wondering when i should buy life insurance?
Im 20 years old. Just wondering when i should buy life insurance. ? I have a bf live at home with my parents. I have a car loan out for 18,000. Have a full time job. Just wondering if its better to purchase when your younger. My bf and I have been together for 6 years.""
Please reply its a Car Insurance question?
Please Give Me A link , Of telling how much is car insurance i am using Toyota Yaris I want to book Car Insurance For My car because My previous One is Finishing I want to get a New one I am searching on the internet to find any car insurance which is up to 800 pound's but i am unable Pleae i'll be gratful to you if u give me the correct Link for car insurance not the website thanks hope u undersatnd what i mean""
How much would motorcycle insurance be for a 17 year old?
I was looking at either a 2011 Kawasaki Ninja 650R, a 2011 Yamaha FZ6R, or a 2009 Suzuki SV650SF. I live about 50 miles away from Washington D.C. in the suburbs. My grades are A's and B's and I'm in 2 AP classes. I've never had any traffic violations for a car, not that it really matters when dealing with a motorcycle.""
How does car insurance work if someone lends you their car?
I'm 16,licensed. No car at the moment,but I'm insured on my moms car.(mom and dad are seperated). My dad says he'll let me take his car out when I'm over but I'm not on his insurance. Would it cover me since I won't be driving it regularly?or would it not. And if I wrecked would it affect my license? (Tennessee)""
I need to find new insurance by March of next year...?
because the insurance I'm under now (TriCare) runs out when I turn 21. Problem is: I have bipolar 2 disorder. Not severe enough for SSDI or anything, but debilitating enough that I need medication to fix it. My meds without insurance total nearly a GRAND a month, not including psychiatrist and therapist visits, about twice a month. Even worse, I only work about 20 hours a week at $8 an hour, so I don't make enough money to AFFORD most types of insurance. But like I said, I don't qualify for disability either. Do you know of any health insurance programs that would be affordable enough for my budget, yet cover my expenses? I've searched sites for weeks and haven't come up with much. Any help will be appreciated! Oh yeah, and I like in Iowa, US - I know that makes a difference.""
Dont have Health insurance question?
what happens if someone is severly sick and dont have health insurance.Will the ambulance still take them to the hospital and if so will he or she be treated even though they dont have insurance..
No Claims discount on car insurance?
Hi there does anybody else agree that insurance companies are a set of W******s? just had to insure a car after been in a co car for 2 1/2 yrs, previous to that i had my own insurance for 11 yrs and had no claims in that period, today i was told by severl different insurers that my no claims dosent count as i have not had any insurance in my own name in the last 2 yrs, thats taken the price of cover from 384 to over 700, does anyone think as i do that no claims should stay with you for life as long as you can prove that you have been driving say within the last three yrs so that the insurance companies cant make such massive profits by shafting law abiding careful drivers?""
Liability Car Insurance?
What exactly is it? And can anybody drive my car with it? Like, if I had my name on the insurance, can my younger sister drive it still and she'll be okay as long as she doesnt get into an accident?""
Can your health insurance company raise your rates after you get sick?
I've heard about pre-existing conditions and all, but what about getting seriously ill AFTER you have insurance? Let's say you're generally healthy, and already have heath insurance which you pay for yourself, at a reasonable rate. Then you get a long term illness, or get into a terrible accident, and need years of expensive care. Of course you keep your policy up to date... Can the company raise your rates by triple (or worse) if you get sick this way?""
Car insurance for Fiat?
Hi, guys i was just wondering how much will it cost me for full coverage car insurance for 2013/2014 Fiat Arbath in State of California. Im 24 years old? I'm just wondering how much will it cost in California.""
Car accident and insurance procedures?
I got into a car accident yesterday. I wasn't at fault for the accident, and I know my car is totaled. I was wondering how the whole thing will go down with the insurance and what the process is going to be. I filed a claim with my insurance co. and am waiting for them to call me up. I was wondering if the other person's insurance has to pay for my car and what not. I am also wondering if there will be any consolation since the other driver was dui.""
""1993 Integra 2dr LS, automatic High Insurance COST?""
Hi, So i am debating with my family whether or not if the 1993 Integra 2 dr AUTO is considered a sport car? Usually, most sport card has HIGH INSURANCE. Our Insurance company is Wawanesa, and i can NOT get a hold of them at the moment. MY QUESTION IS; is a 93 integra 2dr insurance cost HIGHER than a 95 integra 4dr? or are they about the same cost?""
Car insurance uk only pt 2 ?
i just posted a question which i have varied answers.. another question of mine is that ok they took the whole years insurance.. now my mums left with 154.77 with not enough money to pay for another car.. she is fully comp, they did not give her a courtesy car which they are suppose to have done for 3days the car had been gone and one top of it the policy claims to give replacement cars until another car has been bought! any opinions?""
How much does is cost to become a driver in the UK?
I'm weighing up the pros and cons of learning to drive over my reliance on public transport. I want to take account of everything, (insurance, cost of average car, etc). I figure 20 for provisional license. About 800 for lessons (40 x 20), plus another 150 for the test, 50 for the theory test. What other things do I need to consider each year? (I'm approximately 30 years old, if that matters)""
Car financing and insurance?
I would like to know what happen if I finance a car and I wreck the car and I don't have insurance at the time I wreck the car.
State funded autk insurance for low income?
just wondering if there is a texas program for low income disabled people to get auto insurance coverage
How much does insurance typicly cost for an 2003 kawisaki ninja 636?
i have my m2 (just got it) and i have full G car licence.. i just wanted to no around how much insurance i would have to pay for the bike for 3 months durring the summer. btw i am 18, and i have never been insured, i would just like a really rough estimate range""
Can a car insurance company make up points on your license?
So in early march my apartment was raided for pot, and a 1/2 gram was found. I was convicted of possession of marijuana and as part of Michigan's driving laws even if the incident did not occur in a car your license is restricted for 6 months. Yesterday my mother (the insurance for the whole family is in her name) received a notice that i had 8 points on my license and my insurance rates would be raised. Confused about this i went to Sec of State and in fact found out that i have no points. I called Memic and explained this to them, they informed me that they do not use actual points, they use their system of points. For example OUID is a 6 point offense but they count it as 8 points. Passing a stopped school bus (which as far as i can tell is no points) they view as 8 points. My question is, can they do this? We are switching insurances next month due to cheaper rates but this seems like a shady business practice to me. Thanks for ur time!!! -Pat""
Good classic car insurance proposers?
i have a Ford Fiesta L 1979 and l would like to know some cheep classic car insurence
Your insurance or the other persons insurance?
if you get into a car accident and the other person is at fault....whos insurance would you go through?
I want the cheapest Liability only Insurance possible for my car. Which company should I go to?
I am based in MN, if it depends on the state.""
Does anybody know where i can get very cheap car insurance?
i am a 17 year old driving who own a Tax Exempt Landrover. I have been quoted 3000 just about everywhere. I know that this should not be the price for a car made in 1972. could anybody help?
How much of a difference per month for car insurance is there between a sports car and a regular car?
How much of a difference per month for car insurance is there between a sports car and a regular car?
Fort Lauderdale Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33349
Fort Lauderdale Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33349
Insurance california?
hi I'm an international student who goes to college in Iowa. I have a college insurance and I guess it convers most of meetings with doctors. Now, I'm taking 3 months-summer session at University of California. I think I 've heard some stuff that I need to have Californian insurance to stay here. What is this? Is it wrong? Plus, my wisdom teeth is coming out recently. It starts to hurt. Does insurance in America covers dental work?""
What is the average car insurance cost?
What is the average car insurance cost?
""Advice for buying new car insurance (21 yr old, male)?""
Im 21 year old, male, college student. I just got my driver license. This is my first time getting car insurance since I had never needed it before. I need insurance for a 2007 Mazda CX-7 or 2007 Toyota RAV 4 (full cover)""
Why can't we have Medicare for all?
Old people love it?? I don't get it. It's so unfair. My cousin has MS and she couldn't afford Health Insurance and her employer didn't offer it to her. By the time she could qualify for Medicaid, her MS became much worse, and she is not doing well right now. All Americans should have the right to be healthy. It's not a privilege, it's a right!""
Cheap car insurances?
i'm a 21 year old college student driving a 2005 make car- i need a reasonable insurance company any suggestions.. any incentives for being a female and being on the deans list in college?
Will it raise my insurance?
this was my first speeding ticket. i was going 42 in a 25 mph zone. i live in oklahoma and i have state farm. will it goto my insurance?
Motorcycles and insurance?
right now i have a bull blast and i want to upgrade to a faster bike that is better above 60 mph and riding 2 up. the problem for me is that i am 19 and insurance for me with the little buell is 200/yr. i want to get a gsxr 600 or a 600 ss but they are over 600/yr and thats too much. the only bikes that are still in the lower insurance bracket is a ninja 500 and 650 or an sv650. are there any other bikes that are cheap on insurance? or what are your opinions on these bikes?
What is the cheapest way to get insurance on my first car.?
I am 18 and am buying a 1.2 corsa. I need to know the cheapest way to insure it. Even if I have to go on a relatives insurance. Please help
How much get you get if you were in a car accident and it wasn't you fault in PA? Full tort insurance.?
How much get you get if you were in a car accident and it wasn't you fault in PA? Full tort insurance.?
Car insurance on a used car?
I am going to buy a used car from someone, and obviously I need to be insured to drive it home. Is there a way I can get insured for just that day or drive home, so that I can have the car before I do everything I need to with it?""
Need help finding rental insurance/jewelry insurance?
I just moved into an apartment for the 1st time and I was advised to get rental insurance. I don't have many valuables with the exception of a laptop and an engagement ring. The rest of my items are the standard furnishings (couch, bed, desk, etc.) I know rental insurance is cheap so I wanted to look into it. Just an FYI that I do not have a car/auto insurance so I can't just add rental insurance onto existing car insurance. Also my main concern is that my engagement ring is VERY valuable and I will leave it at home often, so I wanted to make sure it was protected (either at home or if I do wear it out). I also travel often, so that might leave my place open for burglars ... or who knows what other issues (fire, etc.) Please advise, thanks!""
What insurance is right for me?
I have an '86 Dodge Ram 100 and I would like to have the cheapest insurance there is. I don't want my truck covered, I would rather just have the other person's vehicle covered. Can someone please tell me what insurance is right for me?""
Which Insurance?
If someone borrows my car but they have their own insurance and get in an accident is their insurance company responsible
Where can I find out about my health insurance?
My school said that if I drop courses making me a part time student, it could affect my health insurance. How do I find out about my health insurance?""
Will obstruction of plate show up on car insurance?
I got a ticket for obstruction of plate this morning and I was wondering whether this will show up as a record on the insurance. I would rather pay it off myself because I don't want my parents to find out. Also, will it increase the rates? I read somewhere that no proof of insurance can increase rates, but I got a ticket for that awhile ago, it didn't affect anything.""
Integra to Mustang: how much will my car insurance go up?
I am currently insured with ING for my acura integra '1992 at $55 a month. I'm 23 years old with a clean driving record and the insurance is one-way (damages to my car in an accident are not covered, but damages to another car/property are covered) and is also protected from theft and attempted theft + vandalism. I am planning on switching to a 95 Mustang. Can I expect a small or significant jump in my insurance premium? I would apply the same coverage. (The car has an alarm system and I put on a steering wheel lock when I leave it parked.)""
Car insurance for diabetics?
So I'm relatively new to the world of driving at the age of 23 and I am also a Diabetic trying to find cheapcar insurance that would cover me. Anyone know of any insurance agencies that won't drastically raise my insurance costs because I'm a diabetic, or any low cost ones that cater to diabetics?""
Car insurance for students at uni?
Im going to uni in september and my car insurance is also up for renewal, i will be leaving the car at home while away but will want to use it over holiday periods and the occasional weekend. Does anyone know of cheap companies who offer insurance for short periods of time while its driven?""
What is the average rate of car insurance for 16 year old driver?
I am going to be 16 and i am just wondering how much will the insurance charge is i get added on right when i get my license?
Why is 6 months of the cheapest car insurance $700? What would be the cheapest provider for me?
Details: Im 19, Had my license for 1.5 years, no accidents, live in an apartment with 2 room mates, good credit, have a 1997 dodge stratus es 4 door, and in college. What would be the cheapest provider to make it legal? Also, are there any tricks I can use to make it cheaper?""
What is the best insurance company?
Looking for home and auto insurance.
How will a 30+ day lapse in insurance coverage affect switching insurance companies.?
I was with State Farm and they suddently raised my insurance from 87 dollars (this is liability and renter's insurance) to $117 to 200+. I was never able to pay that amount at once seeing as I am a student with a part time job. I have recently been looking for a new insurance company and notice they are asking about lapses in coverage. I have not had car insurance (and not been able to drive)since December 10th. How will this affect my next insurance rates.
Self Drive Hire car insurance?
Is therer any insurance company out there will insure under 21 on self drive hire cars?
im thinking of buying new f450. I found out they need to be commercialy insured. its just a pickup. does anyone have a guess at what the cost would be good driver record.would it be more than a regular pickup?
What's the best car insurance company? Your experience?
I just purchased a new car and my family and I have about 4 cars currently under farmers insurance and pays way over $200 on car insurance...the dealer at the agency mentioned that he bought the same car and has 4 other cars with Nationwide and pays under $200 full coverage. In your experience and in your opinion from what you know or have experienced which insurance companys over the best service for your buck or offer great options. I think we are paying a lot and the options aren't that great. Thanks
Fort Lauderdale Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33349
Fort Lauderdale Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33349
Low Cost Affordable Individual Hmo Health Insurance Question:?
Are there any easy to access resource for low cost affordable individual hmo health insurance? I've looked a little, but found nothing. Any tips, or ideas? low cost affordable individual hmo health insurance sites? Anything you can share would be cool. Thanks""
Will Car Insurance Fees Go Up?
So recently i was pulled over for speeding. 50 in a 45. Will my fines go up for just being 5+ the limit? If so how much do you think? Also I'm 16 -Thanks
Does all the insurance companies offer a car while your is not working?
I recently was involve in a car accident and I need the car I have Mercury insurance do they paid fro a rental car?
Rental car insurance?
I just rented a car from Budget and it being my first rental, I wasn't exactly sure of all the terms and conditions... unbeknownst to me I could have used my own full coverage insurance with me. I flew out of state and rented a car for the wedding and just assumed I would need to buy their insurance policy, no one ever told me different. I did take my policy with me, but was never asked for that information. Then I get the bill back and they charged me 32.50 a day! Has anyone ever had this happen and how lenient are they if you've already returned the rental? Anything I can do? I'm back at work and won't be able to call in until this afternoon, just wanted some feedback. Thanks in advance.""
Which insurance company in Ireland provides the cheapest car insurance and best service?
Which insurance company in Ireland provides the cheapest car insurance and best service?
Car insurance and speeding points?
Hey, when I was 18 I got 3 points for speeding. It is coming up to 5 years since I got them and when doing insurance quotes it always says 'any speeding convictions within 5 years' I was just wondering, dees that mean once it has been 5 years, that I won't have to declare them anymore? and will they completely disappear from my driving record/license? Also, please no replies saying 'grow up, dont speed etc. I know, which is why I grew up and haven't for 5 years. Thanks.""
Where can i get visitor health insurance at affordable rate?
is there any good co where i can get affordable visitor health insurance thanx for suggestions
How much does car insurance cost in California?
I know it varies but I just need a range.
How much would insurance cost for a Toyota Celica GT?
Ok so I have asked this question a couple of times now and I guess I should be more specific. I am getting my license soon and will probably be getting a Toyota Celica GT 2000 or 2001 and I was wondering the insurance price for a new driver (who is a girl) for this type of car. Not like what the price is based on but an actual estimated price. I am not expecting anything to be exacted just a guess. Plz help, thank.""
1.4 engine and 1.6 engine whats the difference in insurance?
My husband has passed his test and is looking for a car is the insurance more on the different size engines he wants a 1.6
Car Insurance for Young Drivers; How much do you pay? (UK)?
I'm planning on getting a car later this year just after I've passed my test (I'm 17). I just want a small, cheap car- something like a Ford Ka or an old Vauxhall Corsa. I just wondered if anyone's got a good cheap deal cos it looks like it's going to cost me loads.""
Can I get separate 6 month car insurance for 2 vehicles?
I live in Vermont want to drive ONLY my Kia Spectra May-October, and ONLY my Ford F150 from November-April. I want to save money by having an insurance policy that covers each car for these 6 month intervals vs. insuring both year-round. Do car insurance companies typically offer this kind of coverage? I would ask around, but the insurance companies are so aggressive I can NEVER call for a simple quote or answer without extreme sales pressure.""
""California to nevada, is insurance more?""
moving to nevada, is auto insurance more from CA to NV?""
GAP insurance with no Regular insurance?
I was in a wreck it want my fault,,the other party was sighted at the seen for making an unsafe left turn..I lapsed on my insurance for a week! His insurance is only going to pay ,5,000 for property damage..and I owe 22,000 on it,,,will the Gap Insurance I purchased thru the car company kick in at all?""
Do I need car insurance to drive?
So I'm sixteen and use to think as long as the car had insurance I was okay. I have my license and sometimes I drive my moms car in case it was required since my mom really needs someone in the family to drive. Recently I was told I needed to be added to her list but my mom says since I have medical insurance it's okay? oO That I just need some sort of insurance in order to pay.. not necessarily car insurance. So if I get pulled over and police ask for my license [which I have] and registration [which I also have] would I get arrested and have my license suspended?
Does anyone know what the cheapest insurance is?
i need insurance for a 2000 mercury cougar v6 2 door. any ideas?
Will a guys health insurance cover his girlfriends pregnancy?
not married, she dosen't have insurance. Will his insurance cover it since its his baby?""
""How do i find car insurance for my 55 Chevy Bel Air, in Australia?
we have recently bought a 55 chevy (left hand drive) but i cant seem to find any insurance companies on the net to get a quote on how much the insurance will be...can anyone out there from Australia in particular help me out? thanks :)
Does your car insurance go up if you get a parking ticket?
I was just being dumb today and I parked in a neighborhood where you can't park. I accept the fact that I was in the wrong and all that. The fine is $80. What I'm most concerned with is whether or not it will increase my car insurance rate. My first thought was no, because it was a parking violation, not a driving violation. But considering how crazy car insurance companies are, I just am not sure. Any help? Thanks in advance.""
What is the cheapest DUI insurance in california for a male when i become 18?
I just want liability for other drivers and i will get a crappy car so i dont need coverage for it. & I am 17 now. Am i able to get insurance if i don't have someone 18 or older sign for it? any ideas? Thank you
Should I get a full coverage insurance on a rental car?
I have to rent a car for 2 weeks for business. Supposely, the cost should be reimbursed to me by a company after the assingment is done. Not sure if I can truly trust that. But anyway, if I don't get the insurance, it will be $500. But if I get insurance, it is $1200. I am a safe driver and I will be in a rural place. I am trying to convince myself that I don't need it. But then again, I worry about what might happen if accidents occur. The cost of rental car will be reimbursed by a company. But I am not sure if they are actully going to do that in timely manner and my credit card balance is high. I don't want to put extra money charged into my account. My credit card company and auto insurance company (on my own car) told me that they do not have insurance coverage on rental cars. What do you think? Thanks""
Should medical insurance be only for childrens?
I am doing a paper on medical Insurance for my class project I have 10 question that I need answers too.
What is pay and go car insurance?
I'd like to drive my dads car for a couple of months through the summer until i go to university, it would be pointless getting a whole years policy as ill be gone in 3 months, i understand pay & go car insurance is one-monthly deals. Am i right? could anyone give me some more information ? Thank you""
Need condo insurance in Florida?
Hi, can anyone point me to any web sites or insurance agents in Florida that are still writing insurance for condos? Thanks!""
Medical insurance during divorce?
We just filed for divorce in the state of California, we've been married for 12 years and his medical insurance renews in July. Can he take me off now or does he have to wait till the divorce is final?""
Fort Lauderdale Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33349
Fort Lauderdale Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33349
International students and health insurances?
hey guys. i'm an international student in US. I want to get a health insurance and i was just wondering if i can get a basic health insurance from anywhere when i'm in F-1 ? if I cannot is there any good and reliable health insurance I can consider ? any suggestions ? thank you.
""How much does Motorcycle Insurance cost in Ontario, Canada or in your area?""
Hi, I'm planning to get either a Motorcycle License or a Private Aircraft License. I know for a fact that the minimum cost of a Private Aircraft License is around $10,000 CND for ground school, 40 hours in an airplane and your examination. From then on its around $120 CND for an hour in a Cessna. My question is, How much is a Motorcycle insurance? I heard its a lot and that is the reason why i'm choosing between these two licenses. - I am 16 (17 in December) - Grade 11 (86% avg) - Toronto, ONtario - I have my g1 and so far no tickets or accidents -Planning to get either a 2008 Ninja 250R or Honda CBR125R Thanks So how much will insurance will cost me?""
Does your car insurance premium go up if you have a claim that didn't involve others but was over $1400?
Its just body damage and no one else was involved. Also if I use my rental coverage will that make my premium go up (i.e. is premium tied to how much the total claim cost)? Thanks
How much roughly would moped insurance cost for a 16 year old in the UK?
i am thinking of getting a moped when i am 16 , i am going to get a 50cc 2 stroke supermoto of some kind. was just wondering how much insurance and tax would cost per year? please can someone help me out""
Do you think car insurance should be mandatory in all of the United States?
I live in Wisconsin. Car insurance is not required for cars trucks and anything else on the road. I think this is wrong with medical and car repair bills being so expensive these days. Worst part about it is some of these non insured people drive like lunatics and if they do hit you they have nothing to even sue them for. I think it's disgusting.
How can anyone afford private health insurance in USA?
I'm thinking about going into private business in the USA, but I'm concerned about how to insure myself with health insurance. The policies I'm seeing are extremely expensive, and the deductibles are quite high. How do people who start their own business manage?""
Teenage driver + car insurance?
I am 16 and have had my license for two months now. I drive occasionally, like when my parents need me to, and sometimes with my friends to the lake. My mother recently informed me that i have no car insurance; she never listed me or anything like that and i didn't know it was a problem or anything. My friend and I have planned a day trip to the beach soon, and my question is: what would be the consequences if i were caught driving my parents car without being personally insured? My mother has an insurance policy on her car, but I dont believe im listed or anything.""
Cheapest Car Insurance - Canada?
Need a cheap car insurance... Don't spout off answers if you have no idea... I've researched: TD, RBC, CAA, AllState and Statefarm Living in Ontario!""
""I'm moving to California to Hawaii, can I use my dental insurance in Hawaii?
I have liberty Dental insurance here in California but I am moving to Hawaii in a few weeks. Will I be covered in Hawaii?
Where can you find some cheap auto insurance quotes ..online?
Where can you find some cheap auto insurance quotes online?
Am I covered on my dad's insurance?
I am 18, graduated from highschool, and leaving for the Marines in two months. I want to make a trip to Pensacola with some friends today. The only problem is the only way I can go is with my dad's truck. He is not letting me use it because he said I am not covered with insurance if I happen to get into a wreck. I have my own insurance for my truck and he has his own insurance for his own truck. So with me having my own insurance and his truck being covered with his insurance, if i got into a wreck or accident would my insurance cover me or how would that hole situation work out?""
18 want car insurance?
right looked online all compare sites give sh*t results, i got quoted 14k for a suzuki alto 23k for a fiat cinciquento (whatever its called) ive rang i kube and got quoted 9k for the suzuki alto thats with the curfew, passed my test on the 22nd of march 2011, wheres good for cheap insurance, ill have curfew if needs be so please shed some light""
Does a salvage title cost more when it comes to getting insurance?
I want to buy a motorcycle. however, it has a salvage title. will the insurance be more? P.S. all i want is liability.""
""I'm about to turn sixteen, how much can i expect to pay for car insurance?""
I have no criminal background, my employer and teachers can give me really good recomenndations, i don't know if anyof that matters though.""
Can I sue in California if I had no auto insurance?
I was recently in a car accident, I was crossing/driving the intersection and a car ran the red light and hit me in the driver rear tire.He was going so fast that my car spun around and slammed into a parked car in a residential street. I called my car insurance to report the accident and got a call back saying my insurance was cancelled days before (due to the bank denying payment). I am trying to find out why the bank would reject payment if there was indeed funds, however they are no cooperating. So my question now is, can I sue the guy that hit me.... which by the way is denying he ran the red and is saying I was the one who ran the red....?""
Should I get business insurance?
I am an LLC for my small online business (I sell handmade jewelry). Should I also have business insurance? I make under $50k a year.
Car insurance premium went up because of the state?
I noticed that my monthly car insurance bill increased by about $40. When I called my insurance company to ask why my premium went up (since there were no accidents, changes in cars or policy/discount changes), the rep told me that it was because of the state. I knew he meant government and he said it's been happening all across the country but the increases are highest in California, New York, New Jersey and Florida. I live in California. Has anyone else experienced this? Can someone explain to me in specifics what the government may have done that lead to the increase?""
What is a good name for insurance company?
Since Obama wants to make the health insurance mandatory. I thought that the only way to survive in the USA, is to start my own insurance company. Please help me to come up with the name.""
No proof of insurance question?
So i made a mistake. I was stopped last night and cited by a law enforcement officer for no proof of insurance. I had an idea that my insurance was no longer valid due to it overdrafting from my account when i had no money. so i contacted the insurance company and now they will NOT re-instate the insurance policy due to the fact that i have had two bad overdrafts with them. I completly understand, and like i told the officer, this is my fault...i was poor..... anyways. Now i hear that the fine is 400.00 to start, i am willing to pay as i did not take the time to ensure insurance was active on the vehicle and that the overdraft was taken care of. However now i am hearing im going to loose my license...... So i was told by the driver license department that if i go out now and get an SR22 qualifying insurance plan with a different company, that when i walk into the justice court payment window, they will not take away my license from me? however justice court states that my license will get taken away and i have to bring the proof of insurance to the DMV............and get my license back. Please note i have a california license in the state of utah..... please help? what can i do to fix this? i will pay the fine, as i did the crime wether i was for-sure or not....but i need my license, i just moved and am living in a place wityh no friends, and a new job... PS sorry for mispelling and typing this is on blackberry.""
What car insurance is cheapest?
For a 17 year old boy? Comprehensive, 7000 miles Best offer is a ford fiesta 2003 for 1.8k .. Any cheaper?""
How much does car insurance cost for a 16 yr old in oregon?
i get my license in a few months, what am i looking @ for insurance costs. oregon, age 16, adding to parents insurance, state farm insurance, good grades, drivers ed, a car with no crashes but alot of milage from 1990-2000...under 7k$$. around how much will my insurance per month cost?""
How much is lowering a car likely to cost on insurance?
how much is it likely to increase insurance by replacing the springs with a Spax piece of kit?
Teenage insurance for 2001 Ford Escape? 2002 Jeep Liberty?
I'm thinking about purchasing this car used for my 18th birthday. I have to wait until i'm 18 so I can be on my own insurance. But I have taken drivers ed, and I will be buying this car full payment in cash. So I'm curious to know what the insurance could be! I have tried to get quotes online. You have to already be insured and own the car...I have tried so many. I also am a female, so my insurance will be a little lower. I just really need to find out what it would be! I was also thinking of purchasing a 2002 Jeep Liberty, any insurance guess on that? Ford Escape is a better car, but i'm just seeing what insurance could be for both. Thank you so much!""
""Muscle car, sports car insurance (old models)?""
Hi, im 14 and starting to get interested in buying a car, i want a old muscle car type like a stingray Corvette, Mustang, or Camaro, something of the type, like models 60s to 80s, i asked my dad about insurance on something like that and he said it would be expensive because of the fiber glass bodies and other things, i just wanted to see if he was right or wrong. so if someone could tell me all about that, i would appreciate it thanks!!!""
How do I get full coverage and liability insurance for 2 weeks in the US?
I have been in Thailand for a year so I canceled all my auto insurance, a now I am going to be back for 2 weeks using a rental car, and I need coverage for that 2 weeks""
Fort Lauderdale Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33349
Fort Lauderdale Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 33349
0 notes
swipestream · 6 years
Murder Draws a Crowd
One could make the argument that Fredric Brown (1906-1972) is the most important crime writer of the late 1940s/early 1950s.
He certainly seems important enough to warrant two separate reprint series, one in the 1980s and one now. Something I can’t think of any other crime writer from the period.
You probably know Fredric Brown best for the story “Arena” that was adapted as a Star Trek episode in 1967. The original story appeared in Astounding Science Fiction in 1944. Brown had been adapted for Thriller, Alfred Hitchcock Presents, and Darkroom. There have even been some movies made of his novels including The Screaming Mimi and Martians Go Home.
I mainly know Brown’s science fiction far more than his crime fiction. I have The Best of Fredric Brown and read Rogue in Space in the NESFA Press collected novels hardback.
There are two wonderful trade paperbacks of crime fiction from the 1990s– The Mammoth Book of Pulp Fiction (1996) and American Pulp (1997). Both have Fredric Brown stories contained therein including “The Wench is Dead” in Mammoth Book of Pulp Fiction. That is all the crime fiction of Fredric Brown that I have read up to now. I had intentions of reading some of his novels but just never saw any.
Karl Edward Wagner included The Screaming Mimi and Here Comes a Candle in his Thirteen Best Non-Supernatural Horror novels list. Black Lizard Books reissued The Far Cry and His Name was Death in the 1980s. So Brown is remembered and respected.
Haffner Press is reissuing Brown’s shorter fiction in a series of hardbacks. The first, Murder Draws a Crowd came out last year almost simultaneously with the second volume, Death in the Dark. There were some printer problems that delayed Murder Draws a Crowd for around a year.
Haffner Press produces good sized hardback books of very high quality. The books are Smyth sewn and the paper is archival quality. Murder Draws a Crowd is no exception. 717 pages, 39 stories reprinted from pulp magazines, one story is from a western magazine. one story was never published in a magazine as it was written for Brown’s kids (“How Tagrid Got There”), which is a fantasy. There is also an appendix of 133 pages of vignettes that Brown wrote for trade magazines such as The Driller.
The introduction, “The Apprenticeship of Fredric Brown: 1936-1942)” by Jack Seabrook is short but informative. The first story is “The Moon for a Nickel” from Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine, March 1938 issue. The last story, “Bloody Murder” was in Flynn’s Detective Fiction, January 10, 1942.
I had intended on reading one story a night. I often will have three collections or anthologies going at once and try to read one from each a night. In this case, I started reading one story, ended reading another, sometimes three a night.
You get to see Fredric Brown getting more sophisticated with story structure. The stories are not especially hard-boiled. They are generally short. The stories often involve a gimmick. One story has a guy pursued by gangsters escaping down a hill on a child’s wagon. Another has an insurance agent using his knowledge to escape a gang of kidnappers. One story involves big cat taming in a circus. Brown tried hard to make his stories different. I will also say they are very readable. Some of the stories are forgettable but a good number of them are not.
If I were to do one thing different, I would have liked to have read some of Brown’s later novels first before diving into his early fiction. Haffner Press has produced complete short fiction of Jack Williamson, Leigh Brackett, and currently doing Henry Kuttner and Edmond Hamilton. I had read all those authors’ better known works before reading all the early fiction. It gives a sense of perspective. Like I said, I just don’t see the Bantam paperback editions of Fredric Brown at the used bookstores around here.
Murder Draws a Crowd also includes the interior illustrations from the pulp magazines where the story appeared. The production values that went into this book is A+. You can order Murder Draws a Crowd directly from Haffnerpress.com or from Amazon. Cost is $50.00, which generally includes shipping. Haffner Press also periodically will run specials especially with pre-orders.
  Murder Draws a Crowd published first on https://medium.com/@ReloadedPCGames
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tallmanbusiness · 7 years
Corporates struggle to innovate. Five common causes that get them stuck, and how best to unstick them.
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Unusually I’ve consolidated five separate blog posts into one post, all focused on one theme: corporate innovation. Total read time is 10mins 13 seconds - ish.
For several years my mantra is that there has never been more opportunity for innovation and entrepreneurialism than now. What’s remarkable is that opportunity continues to grow constantly. New technology opens more doors daily.Incumbent businesses are being disrupted, out-manoeuvered and left behind.Corporates recognise the need to innovate, but commonly struggle to do so.Corporates often get stuck. The five big sticking points that I see repeatedly are:
Stuck because there is no precedent.
Stuck with an intolerance of failure.
Stuck in an analogue paradigm.
Stuck in demanding too much revenue from new ventures.
Stuck unable to trust their intuition.
Bringing each of these challenges to life in more detail, with some examples of effective antidotes, as follows:
1. Corporate innovation gets stuck because there is no precedent:
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Read time: approximately 2min and 27 seconds – ish.
Looking back to 2005, who could have imagined back then that today more than two billion people would use Facebook daily? That Facebook would become one of the most prestigious and profitable corporates on earth. It was ‘unforecastable’ – unthinkable even.
Before Facebook there was nothing quite like it previously.
There was no precedent.
The reason that Facebook was not invented by a corporate is that, had the idea been suggested, no one in a corporate would have known how to evaluate such a new proposition. Before Facebook both the popularity and the economics of social media networks were unknown.
This lack of precedent is something that entrepreneurs and start-ups find exciting and energising. In most corporates, my experience is that the opposite is equally true. Corporates are invariably terrified by the thought of pioneering.
[I hate quotes] There is an old quote in business – apparently from Columbus: “That if you want to discover new territories, first you have to have the courage to lose sight of the shore.” [Which is especially challenging if you happen to believe that the world is flat].
My observation is that most corporates are so wedded to their sight of the shore that it is unthinkable for them to contemplate that there is an existence beyond their current horizon. They want to know exactly what a new innovation / venture is going to yield before they set-sail.
In corporates, the preservation of their core business is often an overwhelming priority. Precedent (what went before) is a handicap that causes innovation paralysis.
Start-ups are not held back by provenance, because they don’t have any. Entrepreneurs revel in the privileged advantage of a beginner’s mind. (Link to my earlier blog post on this).
Observations on getting unstuck:
Corporates need to better recognise when they lack the courage or experience to metaphorically ‘lose sight of the shore’. The solution then is to hire experienced captains who have a demonstrable track-record of successfully navigating unchartered waters.
Essentially, corporates need to hire proven entrepreneurs.
If the obstacle to hiring entrepreneurial talent is a fear that they will be “too disruptive” and/or culturally rejected – then corporate companies need to change their culture.
The choice is clear. Innovate or die.
I also strongly advocate deliberately hiring people from outside your industry – acquire a fresh perspective with new skills and experience.
Some corporates have such aggressive immune systems that they kill anyone or anything that does not conform to their current paradigm. We now live in a period of unequalled opportunity for innovation. Corporates will fail to exploit this opportunity if they are not able to control and suppress their instinctively destructive autoimmune response.
Venturing into new areas is always difficult. Corporates that are successfully innovating are the ones that actively seek out and collaborate with start-ups. Corporates should not try to compete with start-ups, but they should invest in them. If you can’t beat them, join them. If your corporate does not yet have a venturing/investment division, now is the time to create one.
My assertion is that successful investment by corporates into new start-ups has the potential to yield more shareholder value than a marginal increase in market share in their core market.
2. Corporate innovation gets stuck because corporate culture is intolerant of failure:
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Read time: approximately 1min and 33 seconds – ish.
Before the digital revolution corporates would rely on techniques such as market research to de-risk their pursuit of innovation. New products and propositions would be researched to death in order to avoid the humiliation of failure.
In 2007 I helped launch iPhone in the UK. Before launch, we asked business customers what they thought about iPhone – universally they all hated the idea of it. However, when stocks of the new phone hit O2 stores, we literally had to find ways to entertain the queues such was the overwhelming demand.
Fear within corporate culture is systemic. Corporate employees will never willingly share their failures in their Annual Performance Review (APR). To do so would be career suicide.
The core DNA of corporate culture is allergic to failure.
The act of pioneering multiplies corporate anxiety.
Observations on getting unstuck:
Corporates need to learn to fail fast. The mantra in start-ups is “Win BIG, fail cheap and quick”.
Start-ups have no money, they can’t afford traditional research because it is simply too expensive. They have no option but to launch, and learn.
Also, start-ups can’t afford to fully build their ideas and new propositions. Which is why they rely on MVP – Minimum Viable Product.
Get the new innovation built and launched; get it front of customers; start selling; learn fast. Look for market traction quickly. If sales don’t materialise fast, adapt and improve the proposition.
Often corporates’ biggest challenge is not knowing when to stop – when to give-in and kill a new venture. Fear of failure can cause two dysfunctional behaviours:
Either to over-invest in a bad idea to avoid admitting defeat.
Or paradoxically, to give up too early without trying hard enough to evolve and iterate.
Start-ups are more resilient; less fearful; more determined; and apply more discretionary effort in order to win.
My assertion is that start-ups are more successful at innovation than corporates because they possess a greater will to win.
3. Corporate innovation gets stuck because corporates are wedded to an analogue paradigm:
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Read time: approximately 2min and 24 seconds – ish.
Most analogue corporates (ie. those that pre-date the internet) launched the on-line version of their business at some point between 2000 and 2010. Without exception, their approach was to build websites that replicated and translated their off-line service, on-line. Only, not as good. Most corporate websites offer a poor version of the real-world experience.
Ten years ago, that was the conventional way. Back in 2000 this approach was sort-of acceptable. Frankly, the technology (especially internet speeds and capacity) was relatively limited then and so there wasn’t really much of an alternative.
However, inconveniently – that excuse is no longer valid.
There are two big problems with replicating an off-line service on-line:
Invariably it is a rubbish experience.
It doesn’t make use of the technology now available.
When I go to a shop in the high street, I can immediately see the difference between a “family” sized pack of something, versus a “travel” sized pack of something because one is very big, and the other is very small. That difference is lost when jpegs are disproportionately sized on-screen to a uniformed format where they look identical.
Supermarkets designed their on-line shops in an era when people commonly pushed big supermarket trolleys around giant supermarket superstores. Where I live, those superstores now stand empty of customers. The superstore paradigm is no longer relevant to the extraordinary digital experiences that new digital tech can now deliver.
On-line shopping should enable shoppers super-powers that would not be practical/viable in the real world. Experiences that can simulate; stimulate; predict; that leverage AI; make things easier and more delightful.
Supermarkets are not alone in their attachment to an analogue era. Another example are banks who invariably design on-line statements to look like the ones that they printed and put in the post in 1972.
Why does my bank assume I want to read lists of my transactions? I rarely use cash and so the volume of my bank transactions has multiplied exponentially.
Specifically when my account receives a deposit, I want to hear it in my ears the very next time I put my headset on (ideally rendered in a slightly sexy whisper – “you just received two thousand pounds” - how cool would that be).
Airlines – don’t get me started.
Observations on getting unstuck:
Stop briefing designers to reflect the past and echo the off-line world – nostalgia is romantic.
Be open-minded to the new capabilities that new digital tech enables.
Be aware that new capabilities are emerging constantly. Actively hunt for them.
Design is not done. ‘Done’ is only a moment.
Leverage new tech to create differentiation.
Leverage new tech to the advantage of your customers.
Employ diversity – in terms of gender, age and ethnicity. Diversity adds new perspectives and helps fuel fresh thinking.
My assertion is that corporates that actively hire from their primary competitors are invariably the least innovative.
4. Corporate innovation gets stuck because it demands too much revenue from new ventures:
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Read time: approximately 1min and 22 seconds – ish.
If the revenue that a corporate consistently generates from its core business is measured in billions (or hundreds of millions), it is very difficult to get excited by (and dedicate precious resources to) a new venture that produces [say] less than ten million dollars. Why bother?
Much has already been written about this - it is called the “Innovators Dilemma”.
Corporates tend to have one of two reactions to this dilemma.
One is to simply abandon the innovation idea.
The other is to wildly over-estimate anticipated demand and massively exaggerate the forecast revenue to the point of being totally unrealistic. With regard to innovation Corporates often hold completely unrealistic expectations.
To put that into context, in my experience, it is very rare for any new venture to produce revenue in double-digit millions within the first two years.
Observations on getting unstuck:
Stop counting the money exclusively – identify other measures of success.
Quantify the positive impact the innovation will have on reputation, rapport and reach – all of which, via social media, have never been more measurable than they are today.
Don’t just count the sales-revenue, I’m keen to encourage corporates to take an equity stake in new ventures so that as the new business grows so will the value of their shares, (often disproportionately so).
To accelerate sales of the new product or service, identify ways of attaching / bundling it with an existing product – ideally the most popular product.
Don’t look to up-sell existing customers individually (one-by-one), find ways to ignite them in wholesale quantities eg. using a ‘free-mium” pricing model.
My assertion is that corporates that get stuck by the “innovators dilemma” have failed to recognise and work out how best to leverage their biggest asset – which is fast-track access to millions of consumers.
5. Corporate innovation gets stuck because corporates are unable to trust their intuition:
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Read time: approximately 2min and 27 seconds – ish.
Invariably start-ups are born out of passion. Entrepreneurs have a knack for spotting a gap in the market and for ‘going-for-it’. Before launching, start-ups often lack the resources (and expertise) to fully research and evaluate the validity of the business model that they have chosen to pursue. Commonly start-ups rely on instinct and intuition.
It is understandable for corporates to apply more rigour than that exercised by start-ups. For good reason, Corporate Governance is there to protect customers, staff and shareholders. However, often corporates allow both governance and self-imposed rules to completely disable the power of their collective intuition. In the worst cases, they stop listening.
The challenge with corporate governance is that it can get in the way of properly tuning in to customers’ true wants, needs and aspirations. At mobile operator O2, if we’d acted on what our business customers had told us prior to the launch of iPhone, we could easily have been dissuaded from going ahead with the launch. Thankfully we trusted our own instinct and intuition that the product would be a massive success, which it went on to be.
Observations on getting unstuck:
Have a hunch. It is good to have a hunch.
Tune in to your gut – listen to what it is telling you. Don’t ignore that sense of uneasiness in your stomach. Train yourself to react instinctively and immediately to it and respond to it. Don’t ignore what your body is telling you.
In the words of Matthew Key, the former CEO of O2, “Trust your intuition, it’s what got you here.”
Celebrate and understand your successes. Build a foundation of success on which your confidence can justifiably rely on. If you don’t bank your successes in your own mind, you are denying the opportunity of building a solid foundation of confidence.
Spend more time hanging-out with your customers. It amazes me how few corporate employees truly spend time with their customers.
Listen to social media. Ronan Dunne, CEO of Verizon describes Twitter as his opportunity to “walk the shop floor”.
Employ people who have a natural tendency to be astutely observational.
Put customer insight at the heart of your decision making, and focus on doing the right thing by your customers – these two actions will rarely let you down.
The opposite of intuitive thinking is to overly rely on process, governance and research. Don’t focus on de-risking decisions, but instead focus on learning fast and iterating quickly. Worry less about making the right decisions. Learn to recover faster. (Link to my earlier blog post on this).
My assertion is that corporate governance can stifle intuition and with it, innovation too.
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