#precious angel 🎵
wispurring-moss · 2 months
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have i ever mentioned that i love him~? 🩷🩷🩷
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chelseahotelntwo · 8 months
I was tagged by the precious @swimmingblues to do a tag game:
using only song titles of one artist/band, cleverly answer the questions and then tag people!
Thank you for tagging me, Daphne!! That was really fun to make 💞🦋💌🛸
I chose my beloved Elliott Smith:
- What's your gender: A Question Mark 🎵
- How do you feel: Bottle Up and Explode 🎵
- If you could go anywhere: Angeles 🎵
- Fave mode of transportation: Alameda 🎵
- Your best friend: Clementine 🎵
- Favourite time of day: Twilight 🎵
- If your life was a TV show: I Didn't Understand 🎵
- Relationship status: Go By 🎵
- Your fears: Single File 🎵
I'm tagging: @angria @bloodiedpunk @lavander-yarn @boydaugther @upsidedownatlantic @hilsoncrater @cybn @aforeffortenjolras @devilskettle @ladyinshiningarmor @pixie-birth
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runariya · 1 month
Drive to Survive (JJK) • Chapter 11 FINAL “Drive to Survive”
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pairing: F1driver!Jungkook x female race engineer!reader genre: colleagues2L, formula1!AU, racing!AU, drama, kind of fantasy/cyborg!AU fic rating: 18+, MDNI warnings: fatal racing accident allusion of 2020 crash of Romain Grosjean (link to crash is at the bottom of the prev ch), angst, panic, fluff, domestication, fluff, allusion to smut, fluff, fluff, fluff, oh and fluff, lmk if I forgot smth word count: ~ 9.270
🎵 Labrinth - Formula 🎵
a/n: Okay, Angels (I’m calling you Angels from now on because you’re all so kind and loving towards each other and me 🥹 I’m so happy to have such wonderful readers! Truly blessed *squeal* 💕), the finale of ‘Drive to Survive’ is here and, man, that was a ride (hehe). It’s a story that’s dearest to my heart, and I’ll always look back on it with love and joy! Thanks for reading and supporting me with each chapter. I've only been able to write this because of every single reader and their interaction—whether it's a like, comment, or reblog—and for that, I'm truly, truly grateful. JK’s POV will be uploaded step by step when I need a break from my other writings. Also—at the end of the chapter is a poll (who would have thought), so please don’t forget to vote 😆 Thanks again for making this fic so special! Enjoy reading and please let me know your thoughts 💕
a/n 2: This work is purely fictional. All characters and events are entirely imaginary and do not reflect reality. Content errors related to the sport of Formula 1 are not excluded. Please do not use this story as your own. No translations are allowed without permission. Thank you for understanding! 💕
01 • 02 • 03 • 04 • 05 • 06 • 07 • 08 • 09 • 10 • series masterlist
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You watch through blurry eyes as thick smoke billows up, enveloping Jungkook’s car in a suffocating black cloud. The fire ignites with a savage fury, its orange and red tongues licking greedily at the metal, consuming everything in its path. You think you scream his name, think you scream in denial, but your voice is lost to the wind, or maybe it’s your ears that have gone deaf, as if the horror of the scene has sucked the very sound from the world. Your diaphragm burns with each laboured breath, a sharp, cruel pain stabbing through your chest with every gasp as if your lungs are collapsing under the weight of the unbearable reality before you.
The sorrow that grips you is more than sorrow; it’s an all-consuming agony, a raw, relentless ache that starts in your chest and radiates outward, sinking into your bones, your blood, your soul. The image of his car, the flames swallowing it whole, is seared into your mind, a nightmarish vision that feels too real, too wrong. How can this be happening? How can the love of your life, the person who has become your everything, be trapped in that inferno?
Memories flood your mind in a desperate cascade while you clutch his necklace until your knuckles turn white, as if your brain is trying to preserve every moment, every precious second spent with him before it’s too late. 
You see the late nights, just the two of you, lingering in the dim glow of your office or simulator after the world had gone to sleep. He would laugh, that bright, infectious laugh that made your heart flutter, while you shared trivialities as the rest of the team drifted away, leaving the night to you both. You see the dinner in his car, the two of you huddled close, the scent of takeout mingling with the faint scent of his cologne. His eyes would sparkle in the dim light of his dashboard, and you’d feel more at home than anywhere else in the world, more at peace than you ever thought possible.
You see the evening at his penthouse, the city lights shimmering outside the windows, casting long shadows on the walls as you sat close to him. There was something magical in that night, a quiet, intimate connection that neither of you had dared to speak of before, but in those moments, it was understood, unspoken but felt in every look, every touch. The way he’d pull you close every time when he had driven you home, his warmth surrounding you like a blanket, made you feel safe, loved, cherished.
And then there was last night, the memory of it so vivid it’s like a fresh wound in your heart, bleeding you out. You remember how he held you, his arms strong and sure around you, as if he’d never let go. The way he looked at you, his eyes filled with a tenderness you’d never seen before, made you realise that yes, you truly and irrevocably had found your home in him. The world outside might have been chaotic, but in his arms, you were grounded, whole, complete. 
The fire continues to rage, and it’s been well over twenty seconds since it started devouring his car. You can’t breathe, can’t think; all you can do is stare helplessly at the screen, your vision blurred by tears that refuse to stop falling. Marshals and doctors swarm the scene, frantically trying to extinguish the flames, but it’s all in vain. The fire is too intense, too powerful, and you can feel the despair settling in your gut like a heavy stone. 
And then, out of nowhere, you hear Toto behind you, his voice cutting through the chaos like a blade, “THERE’S MOVEMENT!” 
For a moment, you don’t believe it. Your mind is numb, dulled by shock and grief, but when you force yourself to focus on the screen, you see it. There, amidst the flames, something is moving. Your heart lurches in your chest, a wild, desperate hope flaring to life. Is it possible? Could he still be alive?
You watch, your breath caught in your throat, as the flames part just enough to reveal a figure emerging from the inferno. It’s him—Jungkook, battered and burned, but alive, miraculously alive. His hands push against the shattered remnants of his car, his body straining against the heat and the pain as he forces himself out of the wreckage. He fights with the flames, barely able to push himself over the demolished Armco until one Marshal and doctor help him finally out of the flames. Jungkook’s suit is charred, the material scorched and smoking, but he’s moving, he’s escaping the fire that should have consumed him.
Your heart is pounding so hard you think it might burst out of your chest. Every second feels like an eternity as you watch him stumble away from the burning car, his steps faltering but determined. More marshals rush immediately to him, spraying him with extinguishers, trying to douse the lingering flames clinging to his suit. You want to scream, to cry, to rush to him, but you’re frozen in place, overwhelmed by the mix of terror, relief, and disbelief.
Jungkook collapses to his knees as the marshals reach him, their hands steadying him, guiding him to safety. His head drops forward, exhaustion and pain evident in every line of his body, but he’s alive. He’s alive. You can hardly process it, the shock of it, the miracle of it. The man you love, the man who was moments away from death, has somehow escaped the jaws of hell.
Tears blur your vision again, and again they fall freely, unchecked. The grief that had threatened to drown you is replaced by a tidal wave of relief so intense it’s almost painful. Your body trembles, your knees threatening to buckle, as the enormity of what just happened hits you like a freight train. He’s alive. The words repeat in your mind, over and over, a desperate mantra you cling to in the aftermath of the terror.
The marshals and doctors move quickly, laying him on a stretcher, his body limp but still breathing. You can see his chest rising and falling, the rhythm shaky but there, and it’s the most beautiful sight you’ve ever seen. They strap him in, securing him for transport, their movements efficient and practiced, but your eyes are locked on his face, helmet pushed off earlier, searching for any sign that he’s aware, that he knows he’s safe.
As they lift him, carrying him towards the waiting ambulance, you feel a hand on your shoulder. It’s Toto, his grip firm, sucking you back to the pit wall. “Go,” he says, his voice low. “Leave the grid. Go to him.”
You don’t need to be told twice. With a last look at the screen, where the fire still rages but feels distant, almost irrelevant now, you turn and run, your feet carrying you towards him, towards the man who just survived the unthinkable. The world blurs around you, everything else fading into the background as you focus on one thing, and one thing only: Jungkook is alive.
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The hospital room is quiet, the sterile smell of antiseptic heavy in the air as you sit beside Jungkook. His partly burned hand is cool in yours, his grip surprisingly strong considering what he’s just been through. Your head rests on your intertwined hands, the coolness of his skin against your cheek contrasting the heat of the day’s events. You’re exhausted, drained in every sense of the word, but the steady rhythm of his breathing is a balm, the only thing keeping you grounded in this moment and not falling back into panic.
Jungkook’s father had driven you here, his calm presence a comfort amidst the chaos. He sits quietly now, watching his son with a mixture of pride and worry etched into the old lines of his face. Jungkook, still clutching your hand, speaks softly into the phone, his mother’s voice faint but comforting on the other end. 
“I’m not stopping, Mom,” Jungkook says, his voice raspy. “This is what I do. Today was… rough, but it doesn’t change anything.”
His mother’s voice, though you can’t make out the words, carries a tone of understanding, perhaps even acceptance. You can tell she’s worried, maybe defeated, her words heavy with concern, but she knows her son. She knows his passion, his drive, and she supports him, even if it terrifies her.
“I’m fine, really,” Jungkook reassures her, his eyes flickering to you for a moment, filled with a tenderness that makes your chest tighten. “The doctors checked everything, just some bruises and burns. I’ll be back in the car before you know it.”
The race had been canceled after the crash, a decision that came swiftly and without question. Mingyu had stepped down from driving, too shaken by what had happened to continue his madness. But even as the world around him falters, Jungkook remains resolute, determined to keep going, to keep racing. You’re too drained to participate in the conversation, too overwhelmed to do more than listen to the rise and fall of his voice, to the steady beat of his heart under your fingertips. Silent tears stain the bedding, unnoticed by anyone but you.
Eventually, Jungkook’s father rises, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder before leaning down to kiss his son’s forehead. “I’ll leave you both for the night,” he says quietly, his voice thick with emotion you never heard in his before. “Get some rest, son. We’ll talk more in the morning.”
Jungkook nods, offering his father a small smile, and then you’re alone with him, not daring to move one bit. 
Jungkook shifts slightly, his fingers brushing against your hair. “Hey, babe,” he murmurs, his voice a soft, soothing lullaby. “I’m alive. Everything’s fine.”
You lift your head just enough to meet his gaze, his eyes tired but full of life, full of love. “I love you,” you whisper brokenly, the words barely audible, but he hears them. He always hears you.
“I love you too, babe,” he replies, his hand moving to caress your hair with a tenderness that undoes you. “Forever and always.”
You lock eyes with him, and in that moment, everything else fades away. The chaos, the fear, the overwhelming terror of nearly losing him, all of it dissolves in the warmth of his gaze. You realise, with a clarity that almost takes your breath away, just how deep your love for him runs. It’s more than just affection, more than just the thrill of being with someone so vibrant and alive. It’s a connection that goes beyond words, beyond reason. You love him for his strength, for his passion, for the way he makes you feel seen and heard, for the way he holds you together when the world seems to be falling apart. You love him because, in a world that can be so cold and indifferent, he is your light, reminding you that there is still beauty, still goodness to be found. And you love him because, despite everything, despite the danger and the fear, he loves you back just as fiercely.
His hand moves to caress your cheek, his touch gentle and reassuring. You lean into it, closing your eyes for a moment, letting the warmth of his skin seep into yours, grounding you in the reality that he is here, that he is alive. 
There’s a knock on the door, and Jungkook reluctantly calls out as good as his voice can, “Come in.”
The door swings open to reveal Taehyung, his wide grin a burst of energy in the otherwise calm room. 
“Yo, Kook!” he exclaims, his voice brimming with excitement as he strides over to the bed. You move away from Jungkook just as Taehyung jumps onto the bed, wrapping his arms around his friend in a bear hug. They both laugh, the sound filling the room, and it’s a sound that makes your heart ache in the best and worst ways. You thought you’d never hear this again, and the relief that washes over you is overwhelming. Silent tears slip down your cheeks again as you watch them, your emotions too raw to hold back.
Taehyung pulls out his phone, his grin widening as he holds it up for Jungkook to see. “Look, man. It looks so dope.”
Jungkook takes the phone, his eyes lighting up as he watches the footage. “Damn,” he mutters, a mix of awe and disbelief in his voice. “That’s insane.”
“I know, right?” Taehyung replies, his excitement palpable. “You were like the freaking Top G, Kook! Emerging from those flames like that? That was some straight-up movie shit.”
Jungkook chuckles, shaking his head. “Yeah, fuck, that’s all over the media? Wait, let me watch it again. Man… I still can’t believe I got out of that.”
Taehyung leans in closer, his eyes wide with admiration. “Dude, you’re a legend. I’ve never seen anything like it. The way you just walked out of there, like the flames didn’t even faze you… That was epic.”
Jungkook grins, a hint of pride in his expression. “I was just trying to survive, man. But yeah, it’s pretty wild to see it from this angle. I’m just glad I made it out.”
“Made it out?” Taehyung repeats, scoffing. “You didn’t just make it out—you freaking owned it! The whole world is talking about you right now. You’re trending everywhere. The footage is going viral. Everyone’s saying you’re the real deal, the toughest driver on the grid.”
Jungkook laughs, a soft, almost disbelieving sound. “I don’t know about all that, but it’s definitely something I won’t forget.”
Taehyung smirks, leaning back on the bed as he taps away on his phone. “You should be proud, man. Not everyone could walk away from something like that. Hell, most people wouldn’t even survive it. But you did, and you made it look badass.”
Jungkook’s smile falters for a moment as he glances at you, noticing the quiet tears still slipping down your cheeks. “Babe, noooo, don’t cry,” he says softly, his tone and eyes filled with concern.
Taehyung immediately sits up and slides off the bed while his expression is shifting to one of apology. “Shit, sorry. I didn’t mean to make things worse.”
You shake your head, wiping at your tired eyes, but the tears keep coming. It’s not that Taehyung’s words have made it worse—if anything, they’ve just reminded you of how close you came to losing Jungkook, how close the world came to losing someone so irreplaceable. But even as you cry, you know these tears are also for the relief, for the sheer joy of knowing he’s still here, that you still have him.
Jungkook opens his arms to you, a silent invitation you can’t refuse. You get up from your chair, your legs shaky but steady enough, and crawl onto the bed beside him. He wraps you in his embrace, engulfs you in his scent, your head resting on his chest, right above his steady, reassuring heartbeat. The sound of it, the feel of it, is everything you need right now, and you let out a shuddering breath, your body finally beginning to relax.
Taehyung watches the two of you, his expression softening. “I’ll call tomorrow,” he says quietly, reaching out to dab Jungkook’s fist. “You guys need some time alone.”
He steps closer to you, his hand brushing once down your back in a comforting gesture. “He’s fine,” Taehyung says softly, his voice full of certainty. “He’ll never go down easily.”
With that, he leaves, the door clicking shut softly behind him, leaving you alone with Jungkook the second time this evening, your heart finally beginning to calm as you listen to the steady rhythm of his.
The room falls into a peaceful silence after Taehyung leaves, the dim lights casting soft shadows on the walls, hung with abstract paintings, as you and Jungkook hold each other close. You feel the weight of the day slowly beginning to lift, when there’s another knock at the door. You groan as Jungkook chuckles, the sound loud in your ear, while the second hesitant, almost reluctant knock causes your heart to sink slightly, interrupting the brief respite. Jungkook’s arms loosen around you as he gently nudges you to sit up, his gaze shifting to the door.
“Come in,” he again calls. 
The door creaks open, and Mingyu steps inside. He looks nothing like the confident driver who had been so eager to prove himself on the track. Instead, he’s pale, his usually bright eyes hollow and rimmed with dark circles. His steps are slow, hesitant, as if he’s unsure whether he should be here at all. Regret is etched into every muscle of his, his posture slumped with the weight of guilt. The shock of the day seems to have drained him of all energy too, leaving him a shadow of the person he was just hours ago.
Jungkook is the first to speak, his tone gentle, almost comforting. “Hey man, what’s up?”
Mingyu looks up, his gaze flickering between you and Jungkook before settling on the floor. You push yourself off the bed, standing to the side, your hands gripping each other tightly as you watch him. The tension in the room is thick with unspoken emotions from all sides. You’re wary, unsure of what Mingyu is here to say, but you can see the turmoil in his eyes, the way his shoulders tremble slightly as he takes a deep breath.
“I…” he starts, his voice shaky, barely more than a whisper. He clears his throat, trying again. “I’m so sorry, Jungkook. I’m so, so sorry.”
The words spill out of him, his eyes finally meeting Jungkook’s, desperate for understanding, for forgiveness. “I never wanted this to happen,” he continues, his voice breaking slightly. “I never wanted to cause your crash, to put you through this… I didn’t think—no, I didn’t care enough to think, and I hate myself for it.”
Jungkook’s expression remains calm, his eyes soft with empathy as he listens. “Mingyu,” he says quietly, “it’s okay. I’m fine. This is racing—things happen. You can’t blame yourself for things you didn’t do.”
But Mingyu shakes his head, his hands trembling as he grips the back of the chair beside him, needing something to hold onto. “No, Jungkook, it’s not okay. I let my ego get in the way, and it blinded me. I wanted to beat you—my idol, the driver I’ve looked up to for years. But I lost myself in that obsession, and I wasn’t careful. I wasn’t thinking about the consequences, and because of that, I nearly killed you.”
The raw pain in his voice makes your heart ache, but it’s his phrasing that’s like a dagger to your heart. Because it’s true. It nearly killed Jungkook. Mingyu turns to you, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. “I can’t imagine what I’ve put you through,” he says, his voice trembling. “I’m sorry for the pain I’ve caused you, for making you watch that… I wish I could take it all back. And everything else I’ve done to you. I’m so, so sorry, ___.”
You nod slowly, the scene feeling almost surreal, like you’re watching it unfold from a distance with someone else but you in the room. The day has been too much, your emotions frayed to the point where it’s hard to process anything clearly. Mingyu’s words echo in your mind, but they don’t quite reach you. You’re too drained, too overwhelmed to do anything but nod.
Jungkook notices the way you’re gripping your fingers, the strain in your posture, and his eyes darken slightly as he shifts his focus back to Mingyu. “Look, Mingyu,” he says, his tone still kind but carrying an edge of seriousness, “I understand what you’re feeling, and I forgive you. And it’s the second time I’m telling you this. But listen to me very, very carefully—if you ever do anything to hurt her again, you’ll wish you were trapped in those flames. Understand?”
Mingyu flinches at the coldness in Jungkook’s words, but he nods fervently, swallowing hard as if he knew how it feels to receive Jungkook’s wrath. “I understand. I promise, Jungkook. I’m so, so sorry. I never meant for any of this to happen. I was an idiot, and I’ve realised that this isn’t the sport for me. I was driven by the wrong reasons, and I let that cloud my judgment. I’m stepping away from racing—I need to find myself again, away from this, away from the pressure and the need to prove something.”
Jungkook studies him for a moment, then nods slowly. “It takes a lot of courage to admit that,” he says. “I wish you the best, Mingyu. And thank you for coming to see me. It means a lot.”
Mingyu’s eyes well up again, but he blinks rapidly, forcing back the tears. He looks at you one last time, a sad, regretful smile on his lips. “You’re lucky to have someone like her,” he says softly, addressing Jungkook. “Take care of each other.”
With that, he turns and walks out of the room, his steps heavy, like the weight of the world is on his shoulders. The door clicks shut behind him, leaving you and Jungkook in the now quiet room. For a moment, neither of you speak, the tension slowly dissipating as the reality of what just happened sinks more or less in.
You finally meet Jungkook’s eyes, and an incredulous laugh bubbles up from your chest, surprising you both. “That was unreal,” you say, shaking your head as you try to make sense of everything.
Jungkook chuckles, the sound warm and comforting, easing the last of the tension from the room. “Yeah, it was,” he agrees, leaning back against the white pillows, a soft smile on his lips. “But I’m glad he came. I think he needed to say all that, for his own peace of mind as much as ours.”
You nod, still slightly stunned by the encounter. 
“Tomorrow,” Jungkook says after a moment, his voice gentle and soft, “we’ll fly home. I need to get out of here, and I think you do too.”
You look at him, feeling the weariness of the day catch up with you, but also a sense of relief that it’s almost over, that you’ll both be leaving this behind soon. “Yeah,” you murmur, your voice soft. “I think we both need that.”
Jungkook reaches out, taking your hand in his, his thumb brushing over your knuckles in a soothing rhythm. “Babe? There’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you,” he says, his tone suddenly serious but with a hint of nervousness.
You tilt your head, curious. “What is it?”
He hesitates for a moment, his eyes searching yours as if looking for something. “I want you to move in with me,” he finally says, his voice quiet but filled with intent. “I can’t let you stay at hotels and also I don’t want to waste any more time. Today… it made me realise how precious life is, how quickly everything can change. I love you, and I want to spend every moment I can with you.”
His words take your breath away, your heart swelling with love and emotion. You squeeze his hand, feeling a smile spread across your face despite the exhaustion weighing you down. “I’d love that,” you whisper, your voice thick with emotion. “I want to be with you, Kook. Wherever you are, that’s where I want to be.”
He smiles, his eyes lighting up with a joy that makes your heart skip a beat. “Good,” he says, pulling you closer until you’re nestled against his side, his arm wrapping around you protectively even though he’s the patient. “Because I’m never letting you go.”
The warmth and scent of his embrace, the steady beat of his heart under your ear, soothes you in a way nothing else can. You feel the last of the tension finally melt away, replaced by a deep, bone-deep exhaustion. But it’s a good kind of tired, the kind that comes after surviving something unimaginable, after finding your way back to the person you love.
As you lie there, wrapped in each other’s arms, you feel your eyelids grow heavy, your body sinking into the comfort of the bed and the safety of Jungkook’s presence. He presses a soft kiss to the top of your head, his fingers gently stroking your hair and back as you drift off to sleep, his voice the last thing you hear before sleep claims you.
“I love you,” he whispers, his breath warm against your skin. “Forever and always.”
With those words, you finally let go, surrendering to the darkness, knowing that when you wake, he’ll be right there beside you, just as he always will be.
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The late morning light filters through the large windows of Jungkook’s penthouse. The city hums below, but up here, in this space that feels both familiar and intimate, there’s a sense of quiet anticipation. You stand in the doorway, your heart beating a little faster as you take in the sight before you—this place that will now be home.
Jungkook is by your side, his presence a necessity for your heartbeat, as you both carry in the last of your luggage. It’s not much—just a few bags and a couple of boxes filled with your essentials that you picked up immediately after landing in England—but somehow, it feels like you’re bringing more than just your belongings into this space. You’re bringing a piece of yourself, of your life, into his world, and that thought makes you pause for a moment.
You remember the last time you were here, not so long ago, when the idea of living with Jungkook was just a distant fantasy you had tried to push away as far as possible. It was a night filled with laughter, the two of you sitting on his couch, sharing stories and dreams. You had looked around then, imagining what it might be like to wake up in this space, to make coffee in that sleek kitchen, to fall asleep in that massive bed with Jungkook by your side. And now, that fantasy is becoming a reality.
It’s a little surreal like everything that happened this weekend, this feeling of settling into his home—your home now too. There’s a flutter of nervousness in your chest, but it’s overshadowed by a deeper, more profound sense of rightness. This is where you’re meant to be, with him, in this place that holds so much of who he is.
Jungkook is already moving around, his energy infectious as he starts to make room for you. He leads you into the bedroom, his hand now warm against yours after a good nights sleep, as he gestures to the large, king-sized bed that dominates the space.
“So, which side do you want?” he asks, a playful smile tugging at the corners of his lips. There’s a softness in his eyes, a tenderness that makes your heart swell.
You glance at the bed, considering. “I’m usually a left-side sleeper,” you admit, your voice light with the excitement of this new beginning.
Jungkook grins, nodding as if it’s the most important decision in the world. “Perfect. I’ll take the right then.” He tosses a few pillows to the side, clearing your space, making it yours. The bed feels even more inviting now, the thought of sharing it every night with him filling you with a warmth that spreads from your chest to your fingertips.
He moves to the walk-in closet next, throwing open the doors with a dramatic flourish that makes you laugh in glee. The space is huge, with racks and shelves meticulously organised—clothes sorted by colour and style, shoes lined up in perfect rows. It’s a little intimidating, the way everything is so perfectly in place even after weeks when you last saw it, but Jungkook doesn’t hesitate. He starts pulling things off hangers, shifting them to one side.
“This half is yours,” he says, his tone matter-of-fact as if it’s the most natural thing in the world to rearrange his life to make room for you. “We’ll get some more hangers if you need them, and there’s plenty of drawer space for whatever else. And if you need more space, I’ll just squish my clothes together so you have more.”
You watch him, your heart swelling with gratitude and love. It’s such a simple gesture, but it speaks volumes about who he is—about how much he cares for you, how much he’s willing to share his life with you.
“Thank you,” you say softly, stepping up beside him. “I know this is a big step, and I appreciate you making space for me.”
Jungkook pauses, turning to face you. There’s a softness in his eyes, a warmth that makes your breath catch. “It’s not just making space,” he replies, his voice gentle. “It’s about building something together. This place… it’s ours now, not just mine.”
The words hang between you, heavy with meaning, and you nod, feeling a lump in your throat. This is real, more real than anything you’ve ever experienced, and it fills you with a sense of belonging that you didn’t realise you were missing until now. There’s nothing, absolutely nothing, that compares to being loved by Jungkook.
As you settle into the bedroom, unpacking your things and finding places for them, there’s a quiet rhythm to the process. Jungkook helps, occasionally making small jokes about your choice of clothing and dresses or the way you organise your things, and it’s all so easy, so natural. It’s like you’ve been doing this for years, like you were always meant to find your way to this moment.
Right after you finish hanging the last of your dresses on the sleek racks, something small and crumpled catches your eye. It’s a piece of paper, half-hidden behind the foot of one of the racks. Curiosity piqued, you walk over and bend down to pick it up, the paper feeling slightly worn between your fingers.
“Kook, there’s a piece of paper…” you call out, your voice trailing off as you start to unfold it. 
Jungkook, who’s been busy reorganising his side of the closet after agreeing your system is better than his, suddenly turns around. His wide eyes are frantic, filled with a panic you’ve never seen in him before. He lunges toward you, his hand reaching out in a desperate attempt to snatch the paper from your grasp, but it’s too late. The paper is already open, and your eyes have skimmed over the first few words.
You dart away and begin to read aloud, the words pulling a giggle from deep within you, unstoppable as it bubbles to the surface. 
“Masterplan. Step one: Win ___ over. Why are there so many check marks crossed out?” You laugh through your heavy breathing. “Step two: Tell ___ you love her. Step three: Kiss ___. Step four: Marry ___ and make a lot of babies.” 
Your voice trails off, and your feet come to a halt as the weight of the words on the tiny post-it note begins to sink in. The giggles that had bubbled up just moments before fade into silence as you stare at the crumpled paper in your hand. The deeper meaning behind it, the care and dedication in every word Jungkook has written, strikes you with a force you hadn’t anticipated before.
It’s as though the world narrows to his handwriting, to this small scrap of paper that holds so much more than just words. You’re suddenly, overwhelmingly aware of the depth of his feelings for you—of the way he’s been carrying these emotions quietly, with a love so strong it fills every line on this note.
The realisation hits you all at once, leaving you stunned, breathless, and utterly speechless.
Jungkook finally stops chasing after you, frozen on the other side of the futon, his pout deepening and dark eyes pleading with you to stop. His expression is so earnest, so childlike in its vulnerability, that your heart melts on the spot.
“Oh, Kook,” you say, your voice softened by the overwhelming affection surging through you. “You’re the most adorable and lovable boyfriend of all time.”
His pout wavers as he hesitates, unsure whether to continue his protests or surrender to the situation. You stretch your arm out to him, offering the hand not holding the note, and he takes it without a moment’s hesitation. His steps are sluggish, his pout still in place, but the love in his eyes is unmistakable.
Gently, you guide him to sit on the futon, still clutching the crumpled note in your hand. He sits down, and you follow suit, sliding onto his lap. Jungkook’s arms wrap around your middle instinctively, pulling you close as his chin comes to rest on your shoulder while he inhales you deeply. You can feel the warmth of his breath against your neck as he exhales, and it makes you smile even wider as you hold the note in front of both of you, reading it again and again.  
“It’s dumb,” he mutters, his voice carrying a childlike grumble that only makes your smile grow.
“Noooo! I love it!” you insist, leaning back slightly to look at him. “When did you write this?”
He huffs, clearly reluctant to admit it. “After our first race weekend.”
“What?!” you exclaim, turning to face him more fully, your surprise evident in your voice. “Jungkook, that’s been ages ago!”
“I know,” he mumbles, the corners of his mouth tugging downward in a way that makes him look even younger, more vulnerable. “You don’t want to marry me and…” His voice trails off as you glance back down at the note, reading the words again.
“…make a lot of babies?” you finish for him, trying—and failing—to suppress the giggle that escapes your lips. “I didn’t say that even once, Kook! Do you not anymore?” 
“Yes, I do, but you’re mean,” he retorts, his pout deepening as he buries his face in your shoulder.
“I’m not mean,” you protest, still grinning from ear to ear, shrugging his face off you to look him into his eyes. “It just caught me by surprise.”
He reaches for the note again, his hand inching toward it as if he can’t bear to let you hold onto it any longer. “I’ll throw it away.”
“No!” you exclaim, clutching the paper to your chest and bending down protectively. The motion makes you both tip sideways, and before you know it, Jungkook’s fingers are dancing along your sides, tickling you in a way that sends peals of laughter spilling from your lips.
“Stop! Stop!” you gasp between laughs, squirming in his grasp. But he’s relentless, his own laughter mingling with yours as he continues his playful assault.
Finally, you manage to pull away, breathless and still giggling, the note clutched tightly in your hand. “Please let me keep it,” you plead, your voice softening as you give him your best puppy eyes, complete with a pout that mirrors his own from earlier.
He lets out a long, defeated sigh, his hands still resting on your waist. “Okay,” he relents, the word drawn out as if he’s conceding the greatest battle of his life.
You beam at him, leaning in to plant a tender kiss on his lips. He kisses you back, his pout finally dissolving into a smile as his arms tighten around you. The note, crumpled and worn, remains safe in your hand, a small but priceless piece of his love that you’ll take to your grave.
You look around, surveying the room and peeking through the door into the bedroom. It still feels like his space, but there are little touches of you now—your clothes hanging beside his, your books on the nightstand, your toiletries in the bathroom. It’s a blend of both your lives, and the thought of adding more, of truly making this a shared space, makes you smile.
But as you glance at the clock, you realise that it’s past lunchtime, and neither of you has eaten since the early morning while on the plane. Your stomach growls in protest, reminding you of the long day ahead. Jungkook’s laugh breaks the silence, and he rubs the back of your back lovingly.
“I just realised,” he says, “I don’t have much food here. I’ve been so busy with the races that I haven’t stocked up on groceries.”
You chuckle, shaking your head but not meaning it one bit. “That’s okay. Let me see what you do have, and I’ll make something.”
He follows you into the kitchen, leaning against the counter as you start opening cabinets. True to his word, they’re almost empty—just a few packets of instant ramen, some canned goods, and a lonely bottle of soy sauce. It’s not much, but it’s enough.
“Ramen it is,” you declare with a grin, pulling out a couple of packets. “You can never go wrong with ramen.”
Jungkook laughs, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he watches you move around the kitchen. “I love it,” he says, his voice still a little bit raspy from the smoke. “I can’t wait to get used to this—having you here, cooking together, just… being together.”
You smile, feeling a flutter of happiness in your chest as you set a pot of water on the stove to boil. “Me too,” you admit, glancing over at him. It’s easy speaking the truth to him, not shying away from every emotion and thought coursing inside you. “I always imagined what it would be like to live with you, but this… this feels even better than I thought it would.”
Jungkook’s smile softens, and he steps closer, wrapping his arms around you from behind as you wait for the water to boil. His chin rests again on your shoulder as his tall build swallows you, his muscular arms and pecks pushing into your tiny body. “I’m glad you’re here,” he murmurs, his voice a low rumble that sends shivers down your spine as his nose brushes your ear. “This feels right.”
You lean back into him, closing your eyes for a moment, savouring the feeling of being held by him, being kissed by him, of being in this space together. It’s a quiet, intimate moment, the kind that you know will become more and more frequent as you build your life together.
The water starts to bubble, and you reluctantly pull away from him to add the ramen noodles to the pot. As they cook, Jungkook stays close, watching you with a small smile on his lips. He’s relaxed, content, and the sight of him like this, so at ease, makes your heart swell with love.
In a matter of minutes, the ramen is ready, and you both settle at the small dining table to eat. It’s simple, nothing fancy, but there’s something special about it—about sharing a meal in this new space, about the quiet joy of just being together.
Jungkook takes a bite, letting out a satisfied hum. “Perfect,” he says with a grin. “You really do know how to make the best of what you have.”
You laugh, shaking your head. “It’s just ramen, Kook.” 
He reaches across the table, taking your hand in his. “It’s not just the food,” he says, his eyes shining brighter than any spotlight you’ve ever seen. “It’s the fact that you’re here, that we’re doing this together. That’s what makes it special.”
Your heart skips a beat, and you squeeze his hand, feeling the truth in his words. This moment, as simple as it is, feels monumental in its own way. It’s the beginning of something new, something beautiful, and you can’t wait to see where it leads.
The rest of the afternoon passes in a comfortable haze as you both settle into the penthouse. There’s an ease to it, a natural rhythm that you fall into as you put things away, as you make small adjustments to the space to make it feel more like home. Jungkook insists on helping, and his playful commentary keeps you laughing as you work.
“Maybe we should get some more plants,” he suggests at one point, holding up a small succulent that you brought with you. “You know, add some more life to the place.”
You smile, nodding in agreement even though you don’t really care about more plants. “That sounds like a good idea. We could pick some up this weekend, make a day of it.”
He grins, clearly liking the idea.
As the sun begins to set, casting long shadows across the penthouse, you both start to wind down. There’s a sense of satisfaction in the air, a feeling of having accomplished something important, even if it was just unpacking and settling in. The space feels different now—more lived-in, more yours.
But there’s still work to be done, and as the evening approaches, you know that the time to relax is coming to an end. The next race is near, and preparations are in full swing, especially after Jungkook’s crash. There’s a lot to be done, and the team is counting on both of you to be ready.
Jungkook’s and your phones buzz at the same time with a notification, and he glances at his first, his expression shifting from relaxed to focused in an instant. “Looks like we need to head to the headquarters,” he says. “They’re working on the new car, and they want us to come in and check on the progress.”
You nod, understanding. “Of course. Let’s get ready.”
There’s a switch to sufficiency as you both prepare to leave, changing into more practical clothes, gathering what you need. Jungkook moves around you with ease, his mind already shifting into his working mode, and you follow suit, slipping into the familiar routine of supporting him.
As you’re about to leave, Jungkook pauses by the door, turning to look at you. There’s a softness in his eyes, a lingering warmth from the day spent together. “You ready?” he asks, his voice gentle but with a hint of excitement.
You nod, feeling a surge of happiness. “Always,” you reply, stepping up beside him. “Let’s do this.”
He smiles, a look of pride and love in his eyes as he bents down, pecking your lips once. He opens the door for you, and together, you step out into the evening. The day may be ending, but this is just the beginning for you both, and the thought fills you with gratitude. Gratitude that Jungkook’s still alive, gratitude for being with him, and gratitude that it’s not the end but start of something beautiful. 
As you walk side by side to his car, holding hands and heading toward the headquarters, you know that no matter what happens, you’ll face it together. This is your life now—shared, intertwined, and full of promise and blessing. And you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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The two weeks leading up to the race weekend in Abu Dhabi seem to pass in a blur. Living with Jungkook has been nothing short of a revelation—seamless, effortless, as though you’ve both been waiting for this moment your entire lives. Every day is filled with small, comforting routines that make your bond stronger, more intimate. 
Mornings are spent in quiet companionship, Jungkook’s warm laughter filling the penthouse as he teases you over breakfast, insisting that his coffee-making skills are superior to yours. You banter back and forth, trying to outdo each other in brewing the perfect cup, only to end up with your hands wrapped around each other’s mugs, sharing the moment. 
Evenings are often spent curled up on the sofa, the soft glow of the city lights outside reflecting in Jungkook’s eyes like stars as he leans into you, talking about the day’s events, about strategy, about the way he felt in the car. You’ve found yourself cooking together more often than not—simple dishes, mostly. You laugh when you realise you’ve had ramen three times in one week because the cabinets are still sparsely stocked. But it doesn’t matter, because you’re alive and together, and that’s enough.
The new car was finished within the first week, a marvel of engineering that had everyone talking. The team worked tirelessly, and the result was nothing short of extraordinary. The test drives were phenomenal, with Jungkook pushing the car to its limits and returning each time with a smile that spoke volumes about his confidence and excitement. His recovery after the crash was nothing short of miraculous, as though the flames had only ignited his determination to be better, faster, stronger.
One memory, in particular, stands out—late one evening in the simulator room. The rest of the team had long since gone home, leaving just the two of you in the quiet, dimly lit space. You watched him as he worked through lap after lap, his focus absolute, his movements fluid and precise. He was in his element, completely at one with the car, even if it was just a simulation. The sight filled you with a deep sense of pride, knowing that he was ready—more than ready—to take on whatever challenge lay ahead.
At one point, he stepped out of the simulator, stretching his arms above his head as he looked over at you with that familiar, boyish grin. “How’d I do?” he asked, as though you hadn’t been watching him dominate every lap for hours. 
You smiled back, shaking your head slightly. “You’re unstoppable,” you replied, and the words hung in the air between you, filled with all the unspoken support and admiration you felt for him. It didn’t took him long to take you over the control panel, channeling his drive with an unstoppable stamina into you. 
Another moment that stays with you is from a late night in the office. The building was nearly empty, the only sound the occasional click of your keys or the soft rustle of papers. You sat at your desk, immersed in data analysis, when you felt his presence quietly enter your office, rounding the table to stand behind you without a word. Jungkook’s hands slid gently onto your shoulders, massaging the tension from them as he leaned down to press a kiss to your temple.
“You should take a break,” he murmured, his breath warm against your skin. 
You sighed, leaning back into him, allowing yourself a moment of rest. “Just a bit more,” you said, your voice soft. “I want everything to be perfect for you.”
He chuckled, a low, soothing sound. “It already is,” he whispered, and the reassurance in his voice was enough to give into him, showing him how perfect you could be perfect for him and take him with every moan. 
By the time the Abu Dhabi race weekend arrives, everything feels like it’s falling into place. Jungkook qualifies for P1 on Saturday, a brilliant lap that cements his status as the driver to beat. You can see the determination in his eyes as he steps out of the car, his focus laser-sharp. There’s no room for error now—not when he’s so close to achieving everything he’s worked for.
Race day evening arrives, and the atmosphere is electric. The lights of the Yas Marina Circuit glisten against the darkening sky, and the anticipation in the air is on its highest level. You stand beside Jungkook, both of you moments away from the race starting, when the media swarm in, eager for their final pre-race interviews.
Jungkook is all professionalism as the questions start coming. “Jungkook, the crash in Spa was devastating for your fans. How did you cope with the aftermath, especially knowing how close it came to ending in tragedy?”
Jungkook’s eyes flicker with a brief shadow of the memory, but his voice is steady as he responds. “It was difficult, no doubt. There were moments where the fear and the what-ifs crept in, but I had a lot of support. My team, my family, and of course, my girlfriend—they were all there for me. The crash was a wake-up call, but it also reminded me why I love this sport so much. It’s dangerous, yes, but it’s also about pushing limits, about passion and dedication. I had to get back in the car, not just for myself, but for everyone who believes in me.”
Another reporter steps forward, microphone in hand. “And how did you and your girlfriend handle the emotional toll of that crash? It must have been terrifying for her as well.”
You share a quick glance with Jungkook, and he nods at you to answer. You clear your throat, trying to maintain your composure. “It was terrifying, yes,” you admit, knowing fully well that there are a merit of edits of your breakdown by the pit wall. “Watching him go through that was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. But Jungkook is resilient, and he’s got this inner strength that’s just… undeniable. We leaned on each other a lot. We talked, we cried, and we pushed through it together. Seeing him come out the other side stronger only reaffirmed what I’ve always known—that he was born to do this.”
There’s a brief pause before another journalist asks the question you were both expecting. “What about Mingyu? There was a lot of speculation after the crash that there was tension between the two of you. Has that been resolved?”
Jungkook’s expression softens, and you can see the thoughtfulness in his eyes as he considers his answer. “Mingyu and I… it was a tough situation. But we’ve talked, and I’ve come to realise that racing can bring out the best and the worst in us. We were both under a lot of pressure, and things got heated. But in the end, we’re both here because we love this sport. We’ve found common ground, and I’m happy to say we’re becoming friends. I think we’ve both grown a lot from this experience.”
As he speaks, your mind drifts to the way things unfolded. Despite everything that went down after the crash, you knew Jungkook couldn’t stand the idea of ending things on a sour note with Mingyu. It wasn’t in his nature to hold grudges, especially not when there was a chance to build something positive out of the wreckage. So, he reached out, tentatively at first, but with genuine intent. To your surprise—and perhaps to his—Mingyu responded in kind. They began talking, discovering that they had more in common than they’d initially thought. The competitiveness that had once driven a wedge between them started to forge a bond instead, and now, you’re glad to see them developing a friendship. It’s not something you mind at all; in fact, it’s a relief to see them both find some peace.
The interviews wrap up, and soon enough, the race begins. You take your place on the pit wall, the familiar buz around you calming you, as the race engineers communicate with the drivers, analysing every detail, every second. Your headset crackles to life, and you hear Jungkook’s steady breathing on the other end, a sound that’s like symphonies written by angels.
“Focus on the track,” you tell him, your voice calm and controlled. “You’ve got this, Kook. Just like we practised.”
“Copy that,” he replies, his voice filled with determination.
The lights go out, and the race is on. The roar of the engines fills the air, and the cars shoot forward with immense speed and precision. Jungkook maintains his lead off the line, expertly navigating the turns, his driving flawless. Lap after lap, he holds onto his position, never faltering, never allowing anyone to get close enough to challenge him.
You keep your eyes glued to the screens, monitoring his every move, your heart pounding in sync with the rhythm of the race, chasing the memories of Spa away. The team works like a well-oiled machine, executing pit stops with perfect timing, communicating seamlessly. Every now and then, you offer Jungkook words of encouragement, reminding him to stay focused, to trust in his abilities.
As the race progresses, the tension builds. You know how much is riding on this—how much he wants this victory, not just for himself, but for everyone who’s supported him, who’s believed in him. You watch as he pushes the car to its limits, navigating the circuit with a combination of raw talent and calculated precision.
And then, finally, the chequered flag waves. Jungkook crosses the finish line in first place, securing not just the race win, but the season’s championship. The pit wall erupts in cheers, the team celebrating the culmination of all their hard work, their dedication.
“Jungkook, you did it!” you shout into the headset, your voice breaking with emotion. “You’re the champion!”
“WE did it,” he replies, his voice filled with joy, gratitude, and pride. “Thank you. I couldn’t have done this without you, babe.”
You think you hear tears in his voice, equal to the ones lining your lash line. The celebration lap is full of emotion, the team’s cheers echoing in your ears as they hoist Jungkook onto their shoulders after he stops in the pit , their smiles wide, their joy uncontained. You stand back, watching the scene unfold, your heart swelling with pride. This moment, this victory, is everything you’d hoped for and more.
As Jungkook’s feet touch the ground again, his eyes scan the crowd, searching. You know exactly who he’s looking for, and when his gaze finally locks onto yours, there’s a moment of pure connection that sends a shiver down your spine. It’s as if time slows, the noise around you fading into the background, leaving just the two of you in this shared, triumphant moment.
You start to make your way towards him, and the team members part to let you through, their smiles encouraging, understanding. You reach him, and for a brief second, everything else fades away—the lights, the crowd, the noise. It’s just you and him, standing in the aftermath of his greatest victory.
Jungkook is still in his race suit, sweat clinging to his skin, his hair tousled from the helmet. He looks at you with a mix of exhaustion and elation, his eyes shining with unshed tears. And then, without a word, he pulls you into his arms, pressing his lips to yours in a kiss that’s full of everything—relief, joy, love, triumph.
When he finally pulls back, his forehead resting against yours, he whispers, “I love you. This… all of this… I’d nothing without you.”
You smile, tears slipping down your cheeks as you reply, “I love you too, Kook. Forever.”
And in that moment, as the world celebrates around you, you know that everything you’ve been through together—the struggles, the fears, the victories—has led to this. This moment, this love, is your home.
The team is still cheering, the lights of Yas Marina Circuit glowing around you, and as you stand there, wrapped in Jungkook’s arms, you can’t help but think of that one edit of his last season’s win you’d watched, wishing you could be part of that moment. Now, that wish has come true, in ways you’d never imagined.
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interiorcanvasindia · 8 months
100+ Short Quotes About Dogs Loyalty And Love
Hello, guys! Are you looking for Short quotes about dogs loyalty and Love? So you are on the right website. Today I will share a list of the Best Short quotes about dogs’ loyalty. These Famous dog quotes will not only make you smile, but they will also remind you of dogs’ special friendship and loyalty.
I think that everyone in this world, whether he loves dogs or not, knows that the most loyal living being in this world is a dog If loyalty had a face, then it might be the face of a dog.
That’s why today we are introducing you to some quotes on dog loyalty We believe you will love these quotes about dog loyalty. You can use these quotes on any social media platform like Instagram, Facebook, etc. Without any fear of copywriting.
1 line Famous Quotes About Dogs Loyalty
Here is a list of 100 Famous Quotes About Dogs Loyalty and Love.
“A dog’s loyalty 🐾 is the purest form of love.”
“Fur-ever friends 🐶❤️.”
“In a world full of changes, a dog’s loyalty remains constant 🌍🐾.”
Also, Read- 123+ Street Dog Quotes
“A wagging tail is a sign of unwavering loyalty 🐾👍.”
“Loyalty is spelled D-O-G 🐕💖.”
“Dogs: where loyalty meets wagging tails 🐶💞.”
“Through thick and thin, a dog’s loyalty never wavers 💪🐾.”
“Loyal hearts, wagging tails 🐾❤️.”
“A dog’s loyalty is a bond that lasts a lifetime 🐾💕.”
“Loyalty is their superpower 🦸‍♂️🐶.”
“With a dog by your side, you’re never alone 🐕🌟.”
“Unconditional love wrapped in a furry coat 🐶💝.”
“A loyal dog is a guardian angel with fur 🐕👼.”
“Loyalty: the paw-some trait of dogs 🐾🎉.”
“Loyalty is the heartbeat of a dog’s love 🐾💓.”
“A dog’s loyalty is a treasure beyond measure 💎🐶.”
“Paws-itively devoted 🐾❤️.”
“A dog’s loyalty is a language of its own 🐕🗣️.”
“Loyalty shines brightest through a dog’s eyes 🐶👀.”
“A dog’s loyalty is the glue that holds friendships together 🐕🤝.”
“No judgments, just loyalty 🐾😇.”
“A dog’s loyalty is written in the stars 🌟🐶.”
“Dogs teach us the true meaning of loyalty 📖🐾.”
“Loyalty is a dog’s legacy 🐶🏆.”
“With dogs, loyalty is an everyday celebration 🎊🐾.”
Also, Read- 125+ 🐕Dog Love Shayari In Hindi
“A dog’s loyalty is an anchor in life’s storms ⚓🐶.”
“A dog’s loyalty is love in action 💕🐾.”
“Loyalty: the key to a dog’s heart 🔑🐶.”
“In the world of wagging tails, loyalty reigns 🌍🐾.”
“Dogs: masters of loyalty and companionship 🐕🤝.”
“A dog’s loyalty is a precious gift 🎁🐶.”
“Loyalty is a dog’s love language 🐾💬.”
“With dogs, loyalty is second nature 🐶🌿.”
“A dog’s loyalty warms the soul 🐕🔥.”
“Loyalty is a language that transcends species 🐾💞.”
“Dogs prove that loyalty is a virtue 🐶✨.”
“In a world of fleeting bonds, a dog’s loyalty stands strong 🌎🐕.”
“A dog’s loyalty is a heart-to-heart connection 💗🐾.”
“Loyalty makes a dog’s love boundless 🐾💝.”
“A dog’s loyalty is an ever-present gift 🐶🎁.”
“Dogs redefine the meaning of loyalty 🐕🔍.”
“A dog’s loyalty knows no bounds 🌌🐾.”
“With dogs, loyalty speaks louder than words 🐶💬.”
“Loyalty is the melody that plays in a dog’s heart 🎶🐾.”
“A dog’s loyalty is the foundation of trust 🐕🤝.”
Also, Read- 97+ Dog Pick Up Lines to Woo Your Crush
“Loyal companions are the best adventure partners 🐾🌟.”
“Loyalty is a dog’s superpower 💪🐕.”
“With dogs, loyalty is the heartbeat of friendship 💓🐾.”
“A dog’s loyalty is an unbreakable bond 🐶🔗.”
“Loyalty is the crown a dog wears with pride 👑🐕.”
“With a dog’s loyalty, love conquers all 💖🐶.”
“Dogs paint the world with loyalty’s colors 🎨🐾.”
“Loyalty is a dog’s trademark 🏷️🐶.”
“A dog’s loyalty is a timeless treasure 🕰️🐾.”
“With dogs, loyalty is the true north 🧭🐕.”
“Loyalty is the sun in a dog’s universe 🌞🐾.”
“A dog’s loyalty is a symphony of devotion 🎵🐶.”
“Dogs prove that loyalty is the strongest bond 🐾💪.”
“With dogs, loyalty is the foundation of unbreakable bonds 🏛️🐾.”
“With dogs, loyalty is a legacy passed down 🏛️🐕.”
“With dogs, loyalty is the thread that weaves love together 🧵🐾.”
“Loyalty blooms in the garden of a dog’s heart 🌼🐾.”
“A dog’s loyalty is a lighthouse in the storm 🚢🐶.”
“With dogs, loyalty is the compass that guides us 🧭🐾.”
“Loyalty is the wings that lift a dog’s love to new heights 🕊️🐕.”
“With dogs, loyalty is the heartbeat of friendship 🐶💓.”
“Loyalty is the compass that guides a dog’s heart 🧭🐾.”
“Dogs prove that loyalty is the ultimate superpower 🐕💪.”
“Loyalty is the anthem that sings in a dog’s heart 🎶🐾.”
“With dogs, loyalty is the thread that weaves love together 🧵🐾.”
“Dogs prove that loyalty is the strongest bond 🐾💪.”
“Loyalty blooms in the garden of a dog’s heart 🌼🐾.”
“With dogs, loyalty is the compass that guides us 🧭🐾.”
“Loyalty is the wings that lift a dog’s love to new heights 🕊️🐕.”
Best Quotes About Dogs Loyalty And Love
Also, Read- 101+ Dog Birthday Captions"Loyalty Is The Heartbeat Of A Dog's Love 🐾💓.""A Dog's Loyalty Is A Roadmap To Happiness 🗺️🐶.""Dogs Teach Us The Art Of Staying True 🎨🐕.""With Dogs, Loyalty Is The Heartbeat Of Friendship 🐶💓.""Loyalty Is The Compass That Guides A Dog's Heart 🧭🐾.""Dogs Prove That Loyalty Is The Ultimate Superpower 🐕💪.""Loyalty Is The Anthem That Sings In A Dog's Heart 🎶🐾.""A Dog's Loyalty Is A Timeless Treasure 🐶💎.""A Dog's Loyalty Is The North Star Of Devotion 🌟🐶.""Dogs Define Loyalty In Every Wag Of Their Tails 🐾💕.""Loyalty Is The Heartbeat Of Canine Camaraderie 🐾💓.""With Dogs, Loyalty Is A Lifelong Commitment 🤝🐶.""A Dog's Loyalty Is A Compass Of Unwavering Love 🧭💕.""Dogs Paint Our Lives With Vibrant Colors Of Loyalty 🎨🐾.""Loyalty Is A Canine Legacy That Lives On 🐶🏆."
Thank you. We believe that you may like these quotes, which are based on dog loyalty and love. If you find any kind of mistake on these lines, then please inform us, so we can improve our mistakes and also improve our User experience.
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This post was originally published on : https://buyadogonline.com/blog/short-quotes-about-dogs-loyalty-and-love/
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makhonkit · 10 months
From Cubicles to Coconut Trees : A Retiree's Journey from the USA to Malaysia
A little over a year ago, one of my good friends, Jean Hew, told me that she have been watching this very interesting expat who's posting about his life on YouTube and he happens to be showcasing some houses around my area. Which means, he lives just nearby!
I checked out his videos and his voice is angelic, it's super calming like Frederic Chopin's Andante Cantabile. I emailed him, and introduced myself, the formal and traditional way, as he's not very active on Instagram back then and we quickly became good friends, and neighbors since he just lives across the street.
In this episode of In The Spotlight, I'm truly honored to be featuring my very good friend Andrew Taylor (  @andrewtaylor4558  ) to share with us his story and experiences of navigating and living in Malaysia as an American Expat, and how social media, particularly YouTube, have changed his life for the better. Do check out his YouTube Channel too. It's super interesting. I bet you'll be hooked!
Be sure to like, comment, and most importantly share if you find this podcast useful. Thank you very much and advance and Enjoy the Show!
00:00 Intro 00:47 About  @andrewtaylor4558   01:25 Anchor Point 02:05 Angelic Voice 02:34 How Did You Get Started? 04:20 What Inspired You? 05:28 How Did Andrew Taylor and Ray Mak became Friends? 08:55 VESPA and How Do You Get Around? 11:10 Is This Something That You've Always Been Passionate About? 13:24 Recording and Video Editing Process 14:32 Challenges of Being A Content Creator 19:12 Turning Point, Viral Moment 23:44 Income and Sponsorships 26:38 Burnouts and Stresses 28:14 Words Of Wisdom
About In The Spotlight
I have been a content creator for almost two decades now as I've had the privilege to have started when all these platforms started. Over the years, I've made many great friends and have also enjoyed the many blessings from the Internet.
In The Spotlight is a Platform where my amazing content creators friends share their precious experiences so we can all learn together as well. I really hope you like it too.
Last but not least, special thanks to my good friend  @KevinChanBazi  ( http://www.youtube.com/kevinchanbazi ) for being the catalyst, push, idea and brains behind In The Spotlight.
PS : Special thanks to Jean Hew for showing me Andrew Taylor's videos.
This podcast was recorded with the amazing new BOYALINK - All-In-One Design Wireless Microphone System from  @BOYA-mic  . They are so sleek and easy to use!
#inthespotlight #creator #contentcreator
Follow  @andrewtaylor4558   YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/@andrewtaylor4558
Talk to me : 🎵 Instagram ▸ http://instagram.com/makhonkit 🎵 Facebook ▸ http://facebook.com/raymakpiano 🎵 Twitter ▸ http://twitter.com/makhonkit
0 notes
singthesongsofsin · 1 year
🎵 for Astaroth!
A New Hope by Broken Iris
Always, always just out of reach from my Over-frustrated, shameful hands And I never, never expected that I Would ever, no never, take for granted our precious time
To your grave, I spoke Holding a red, red rose Gusts of freezing cold air Whispers to me you're gone
Spent a lifetime of holding on just to let go I guess I'll spend another lifetime Searching for a new hope
When Tara was born, she didn't know what death was, none of them did. What did an end mean to a creature that knew only creation? Light and life and the green things of the world. Forever doesn’t mean as much when you honestly think that’s what you have.
And then comes the Rebellion, and the Fall. Some pretend that the ones still alive were the only ones that Fell-- they say that the sins can’t die. Tara knows better now. Not everyone survived and they all left people behind: father, sister, brother, lover. They did it, mostly, because they believed in what Lucifer was saying, some did it because they didn’t want the alternative.
And yes, most of the them survived the Fall, but nothing comes without a cost. So she holds onto Belphegor, and she goes out drinking with Mephistopheles because not everyone did, and she doesn’t want to wake up one day to find out that the Angels have decided to purge the rest of Hell alongside Pride. The sinners were meant to be God's children too.
Tara doesn't like the thought that the people she loved once could kill them without flinching, but she’s also not certain they wouldn't anymore either. There is a difference between death in war and slaughter.
She also knows that if that day ever comes, if anything ever happens to either Belphegor or Mephistopheles, that she’ll take up arms again, this time against Lucifer. She marched away from her father and the only life she’d ever known once, and if it ever comes to it, she’ll splinter the family even further apart.
0 notes
kpophubb · 2 years
Good morning sunshine🧡💛💛💛
How did you sleep?
2:26 📨
Utube dilemma 👹
Lifestyle insp
Memories 🔐
Me if I were
US 🎵
lixie is sending u new pics ~~ 🫧 ; for good mood uuuu 🤘🏻🫵🏻💋 ;
volunteers to take care of you when I'm gone;;; I wanted to attach my piccc but I'm not pretty😭 I know you will argue, because of your angelic nature,
Wishing you as always I lovely day can a way to hear from you ~,hope to talk to you soon ❤️Wait for me❤️
* 🐁 🌙 * hope all the links are workin 🙈
ꕺ♡ 💌 : ….𝕿𝖔 𝙼𝚈 нуυηวιη … ꕺ♡
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♡..hi my darling!! First to tell you that all the links are working🥺 and I viewed everything and I’m so 💖💖 the felix smiling pics, voice message on bubbles, gyu kisses and gyu volunteer 🥹 how on earth are you soooo cute?? You always know how to make me smile <3
♡..I know many people find felix’s voice super sexy ( and I do too sometimes) but most times, it’s just so soothing and relaxing for me tbh. He’s my comfort person. I see him more as my ball of sunshine and my sweet dose of serotonin so hearing his voice always calms me down and relaxes me. Especially the good night messages and words of consolation. 🥺🤍
♡.. I liked our playlist, my love. I’ll be hearing all the songs soon (even tho some of them I already heard). I am so in love with the emojis you added as titles aww.
♡…my week has been so so¿ I mean at the beginning it was super fun bc I felt so active and healthy, my best friend came over at my place and we spent the whole day together 😍 and then the day after, it was my niece’s 6 months. So we had a home party w some guests and I dressed up and had a lot of fun with her! But then..I fell super sick and now my health and mood is all SO BAD I have been snapping at everything bc I feel like crap 💔
♡..your memories board is so cute..😭🤍 it’s melting my heart. I am so flattered and ngl my eyes feel watery at the amount of love you’re showing me. It feels so heart warming to see you have captured every detail of our conversation and I’m just🥹🥹 and Awwh! Yes 100% I’m real. If you ever wanna see me or hear my voice to confirm, let me know okay?? I don’t mind declaring to you confidently that you’re super precious to me and I’m and will always be here.
♡…I also take inspiration from YouTube videos..tiktok videos and mostly Pinterest! They all inspire me and motivate me for my dream self lol. I have 2 acc on Pinterest , one for kpop+ anime & the other one is my personal acc. It’s here if you’re interested to know more about me personally haha.
♡…I’m very happy to be here for you. I feel so glad I can make you feel safe and accepted cause that’s all I ever wanted to make you feel. 💛 I’m still glad I could be there during your bad times those months, and I could see you getting up. I can’t wait to be here for you through the rest of your growth.
♡..and oh my god anonie!! That’s scam!! Pls go reclaim your money baby. I can understand your feelings lmao, I’m always changing my looks or style bc it feels renewing kinda?! I’m sure you’d look great with perm! <3 I’d love for you to show me too. I’m someone who speaks up if someone infront of me is wronged but weirdly enough..when I’m wronged, I stay quiet? Idk I just let it go when it comes to me. But I’m so glad you have ambitions to portray Justice and stand up for people.
♡….it’s okay if every year you take resolutions or plan something and can’t make it sweetie. It happens. I’ve been trying to be where I am since 2020, but finally at the end of 2022 I achieved my goals. Life has its own pace. I’m sure you can be the boss lady you want. 🫶🏻 and pls don’t feel like you haven’t done enough in life or life is passing away without you having done anything remarkable. Im sure even if your past has been filled w traumas and bad memories and no real progress, in the future great opportunities and memories await you. I believe it, truly. 💗 people are truly truly bad and the world is so warped and cruel I agree, 100% and life isn’t sunshine and roses. But at the end, we just have to see the good in every situation (even tho there’s not always good everywhere) and find joy in the small things no matter how trivial and hard it might seem. Baby steps to get there, remember love? I pray you’re always surrounded by nice people from now on who truly make you believe in the magic that you are. 💙
♡… noo, your thoughts aren’t a mess. I love hearing your mind, it’s fascinating how you have a lot of thoughts about things around you. It’s admirable. It never creeps me out or bothers me, so please rest assured and keep telling me everything you feel like. I’d love to be your human diary! <3
♡…no you aren’t childish!! Using emojis are cute and I feel like they help you understand your emotions better behind the message and words. Or else it’d be easy to misinterpret your words. Like if you say “it’s okay” after someone apologises to you it might seem like they’re still mad at you and upset but if you say “it’s okay☺️💗” the other person might be relieved and believe that you guys are truly on good terms now.
♡..and no I don’t mind you being older !! Omg pls don’t feel uncomfortable and think I’ll ever shut you out. Age is just a number, love. And just bc you’re older doesn’t mean you have to feel pressurised to take care of me or anyone younger than you or be more reserved and act mature. To hell with all those stupid rules and obligations made by society. Who cares? Just be you. I love taking care of people, no matter if they’re older than me. I’ll accept you just the way you are so you don’t have to filter yourself for me. I know it’s easier to open up if you’re keeping some things about you to yourself and being anonymous cause you can’t be judged at all, so you can keep doing that. No pressure hun. Take as much time as you need. I’m not running away and never will.
♡… there was a time I believed in astrology but growing up, I stopped? I don’t know it feels very unreal to me. Do humans really have the ability to deduce the events of the future? Idk I’m quite skeptical. But it’s cool to check horoscopes and be interested in it. The quotes are by ours truly, felix. So here’s one for today. 💛
ꕺ♡ ….💌 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 ƒєℓιχ 🌤️ ꕺ♥︎
[☁️….𝗹𝗼𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗱𝗮𝗶𝗹𝘆 𝗾𝘂𝗼𝘁𝗲] ⇘ ♡♡♡
1 note · View note
jimilter · 3 years
what it’s like | pjm. (m)
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You’ve always heard great tales about how good the infamous fuckboy on campus, Park Jimin, is in bed, and wondered if there could be any truth behind these claims when the guy looks like an angel with his cheruby cheeks and precious smiles. So when a new gossip starts to circulate about how ‘hard he hits’, you have had enough of the suspense and decide to finally sample him yourself.
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pairing: jimin x reader rating: m (18+) genre: smut | humor | pwp | rivals to lovers!au | college!au | fuckboy!jimin | fuckgirl!reader warnings: swearing + alcohol consumption + christian chimchim’s duality + explicit sexual content (dom!jimin, switch!reader, spanking, pain kink, edging, size kink, oral (f), fingering, dirty talk) word count: 5.6 k note: so this is basically the result of all my sleepless nights bec jimin went practically shirtless in red mesh and then decided to slap air like nobody’s business. we are NOT doing okay and therapy is expensive, so this was the only alternative ✋😔 @cherishedjimin​ also to be blamed for putting jimin’s “don't you know how hard i hit” on a loop in my head 😐 it was supposed to be a pwp but i added useless plot as i always do. no one question what anything means and why it is a certain way, okay? idfk.
hope y’all enjoy this horny brain fart ugh~ 😩💜
— masterlist
— feedback is always appreciated!
— support me!
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🎵 need to know by doja cat mad love by mabel
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An hour of sipping at spiked punch that burns like pure vodka, and you are done. You didn’t come here to torture your tastebuds – you came here to satisfy them. And a couple other parts of your anatomy.
So you stalk up to the male specimen you have been eyeing like a hawk for sixty-five minutes now, toss him the sauciest smirk your agitated and sexually frustrated self can muster, and grabbing the guy by his wrist, make a beeline for the staircase that leads to the bedrooms on the floor above this. He stumbles after you without a single word of protest, and your belief that he isn’t what he is known to be solidifies more.
To be very honest, you were a little thrown when you took in his provocative choice of clothing that comprised a bright red, mesh shirt that covered his entire torso and came up to his throat, a pair of low white, low waist jeans and a similar white bomber thrown over his shoulders. Even his grown out hair looked redder than usual, giving off a burgundy undertone. He also wore a chunky, silver necklace around the high neckline of his shirt, the whole ensemble making him look good enough to eat. 
But then you connected your gaze with him and he immediately looked away with a wide-eyed flush – sending you back to your firm belief that all the rumors about him are false and need to be put out.
He probably dressed up like this because of a lost bet or something, not because he came to look for a hook-up. Unlike you.
Your own attire consists of a tank top and a mini-skirt, simple and convenient in case you couldn’t score a room with a bed and had to bend over a table. You wear short, platform heels to ensure good balance for the aforementioned reason. Your hair is left open but you wear a tie on your wrist if needed for gripping purposes. There’s not a single thing about your appearance that doesn’t scream you came prepared to get laid tonight. 
Yes, to test out if Park Jimin is all that he is said to be, sure, but primarily to get laid. Which means that you are mentally prepared to change courses and look for an alternative if this guy flunks out on you.
You really hope he doesn’t, though. Because even though you have despised him for being so famous for his fuckboy ways but never actually looking the part, the rumors you have heard about Park Jimin date back to the first month of your freshman year. And you have, tragically, basked in all the stories; fantasized about what all his muscled, athletic but elastic body and plump lips can be capable of, all this time. So now, three years later, you really want him to pin you against the nearest surface and go as wild as people have talked about him going.
Reaching the top landing, you look at the guy over your shoulder to find his gaze stuck on your… ass? You blink and tilt your head, surprised and impressed, until—you pause.
Wait. No. He isn’t looking at your ass.
Expressions falling flat, you huff out a wry chuckle when you follow his line of sight more properly. 
The idiot is looking at his wrist you are holding.
“Park,” you call out to him, causing his eyes to snap up to yours. For a second, you feel like you catch a glimpse of a heat simmering in their dark depths. But then he blinks and they are doe-like again. You sigh in disappointment. “Are you okay with this?”
You can’t help following the bob of his throat as he swallows in response. With nerves or arousal, you have no way of knowing. “This?”
Is he trying to play dumb or is he really that naïve? You give him a sure shot answer, anyway – without a word, pushing him against the wall next to you. 
The hand you had around his wrist now sifts through his hair and the other one reaches up to cup his jaw. His plump lips part in surprise at your action, inviting you to have a taste. God, you fully intend to. Pressing up fully against him, you near his mouth, gasping when a sudden spark of pleasure runs up your body. One of his legs has fitted between yours and a zipper on his cargo pants nudges against your clit with just the right amount of pressure. Needier than you were before, you tilt your head and attach your mouth to his.
So fucking soft and juicy, fuck. His lips are like clouds that you massage with utmost delicacy. This tender kiss is really far from what you envisioned kissing Jimin would be like, but you can't help it when he feels as pliant as he does.
But then you jolt, staggering on your feet when Jimin's arms suddenly jump up to cradle you to his body, one holding you across your shoulders and the other hand winding up in your own hair. You are left to brokenly follow his lead as he guides your lips over his, letting your tongue in when you lick into his warm mouth that tastes a hell lot better than the punch you had been drinking. Then his own tongue comes out to entangle with yours, massaging it just as his fingers massage your scalp. It’s so fucking sensual, your hips start to undulate against his leg, involuntarily. He lets you have it, running his beefy arm down the back of your body to curl tighter around your waist, tugging you further into him – so hard that your feet almost lift off the ground.
With a couple more fiery licks into your mouth, he overtakes all your senses. Your mind turns into fuzz, filled with nothing but the taste of his mouth and the deliciously strong grip he has on you. His citrusy perfume slowly surrounds you as you inhale, and the overwhelming essence of him has you suddenly breathless and dizzy. 
You pull away with a gasp. 
When your hazy eyes finally focus on his face again, your pussy gives a desperate clench. God, he looks so fucking delectable with his tousled hair, rosy cheeks and reddened mouth. His eyes are another story, hooded and dilated, reflecting the lust you feel thrumming under your skin. Small, huffing pants leave him, and you have to try very, very hard to not go back to his lips when they puff up with every breath he takes.
“This,” you whisper, instead, pressing down on his leg for emphasis, moaning at the friction the rough material provides you with. His teeth bite into his bottom lip when you rotate your hips and you stifle another moan. “Are you okay with… this?”
Jimin leans back on the wall, sliding his hands away from your body to hook his thumbs through the loops of his pants. He then proceeds to casually shrug his jacket off his shoulders, letting the garment hang down to his elbows, and finally tilts his chin up to look at you down the length of his nose. His slightly overgrown hair swishes around his forehead but doesn't cover it, his strong eyebrows standing out. One of which curves a bit after a moment.
Your wide eyes take in the sight, breathing faltered and heart racing with excitement and shock. He is so fucking sexy like this, you're about to risk public indecency. Not that any public at this party would be sober enough to care or remember if two people fuck in the hallway, anyway. But you freeze when his lips twitch.
Those round, soft but firm buds curl in a grin that stuns you – all cheeky and boyish and contradictory to the expression he wore earlier. And as if wanting you to you drop dead on the spot, his face darkens to a knowing look.
“What do you think?” he murmurs, eyes turning wide and imploring, in contrast with the husky quality to his words and his seductive stance. 
To confuse your already muddled mind further, he folds a leg up to rest his foot flat on the surface of the wall behind him. Sweat breaks out on your forehead at the dominance he eludes like this. Nearly dropping to your knees to serve the deity he seems to be an embodiment of, you remember yourself at the last minute and realize he asked you a question.
Clearing your throat, you tell him honestly, “I’ve heard a lot of things about you. And I don’t believe some of them…”
"Hm. A lot of them are right. But yes, people do have mixed opinions of me. Some think I'm a freaky bitch," he mumbles with his lips rounded and you cough in surprise at the sudden r-rated shit coming out of his pg-rated pout. His eyes widen further and pout deepens, lips now fully puckered. "And some think I'm a good, church going boy. It's offensive and a little insulting, really… I wish they wouldn't assume and just talk about what they actually experience."
You clear your throat again, gaze jumping between Jimin's broad body that is poised so invitingly, and the guileless, ingenuous expression he wears on his face. 
Why does he look at you with the naivete of a five-year old when the rest of him looks like a five-course meal served on a platter?
More liquid pools between your legs at the way all his buff muscles seem ready to push through the fabric of his mesh shirt. The filled out planes of his chest and the dips in his abdomen aren’t very visible right now because of the dim lighting of the hallway, but you can very clearly recall the toned, smooth, golden skin peeking through the red mesh when Jimin was standing beneath light strobes downstairs. 
God. He looks like the culmination of every wet dream you have ever had.
Too bad he doesn't sound like it, though.
Because his confession of people having mixed opinions paints him in a vulnerable picture, and you wonder if you were right. That he really is what you thought he’d be and not what he is said to be. 
You sigh. Maybe you shouldn’t waste time trying to talk him into just fucking and not sharing a heart to heart, and just leave like you planned to if Jimin flunked on you. You'd rather go find a willing dick to hop on instead of soothing this falsely renowned fuckboy's insecurities. It's not that you're a heartless or apathetic person on the normal, but just – you came to this stupid party with a purpose. 
And to your utter chagrin, Park Jimin isn't looking up for nailing you into the nearest surface, despite the incinerating kiss you just shared.
You hum in response to his sulky admission, already taking a subtle step away from him, looking back towards the staircase you had climbed up. 
"Let me guess… you're somewhere in between?" you aimlessly toss your suspicion, going for the most generic continuation you expect out of his uninvited monologue.
But to your surprise, Jimin shakes his head. "No. I'm the freakiest bitch you'll ever meet. I've been looking at your ass the entire night and kinda wanna spank it until you beg me to stop," he says, with a fucking pout, and you have to do a double take to confirm that the words came through those duck lips.
They did. 
What the fuck?
You freeze in your place. He stands a foot away from you, emanating such a duality, you cannot decide whether to pull his cheeks or rip his shirt up with your teeth. And on top of that, he apparently also has this confusing freaking talent of saying the dirtiest shit with the roundest, brightest, bambi eyes.
"J–Jimin, you can't say those things with a fucking pout, dude," you shakily chide him, sliding back to put some more distance between you both.
You aren't prepared for the sudden steps he takes towards you, crowding you against the opposite wall in the narrow passage. Eyes trained on his face, you watch as his lips slowly straighten and eyes slowly start to narrow from their earlier rounded appearance. You watch as a smirk starts to tick up his cheek, and the glint in his gaze switches from being sparkly to deathly.
Moments away from shivering at the shock and arousal that floods you at the shift in his demeanor, all you can do is breathlessly swallow and sway back to take support from the wall.
"No? Then how do I," he whispers just as his arms reach forth to wrap around your waist, making your heart thunder in your ears and pussy give a spasm of complaint at still being left empty, "say those things?" he finishes with a breath over your ear. His lips brushing its shell and fingers sliding past the hem of your top to massage the skin of your back, he audibly inhales, then breathes out in the lowest tenor you've heard him use, "Like this?"
And you are left to dumbly nod, breath hitching when his solid chest brushes against your boobs, causing your nipples to pebble. "Y–yeah… exactly like this…"
Jimin is nodding before you are even done speaking, free hand reaching behind you to unlock a door you hadn’t noticed was there and pushing you in. You walk in on jittery steps, looking for a light source, brain running a mile a minute.
This night might actually go the way you wanted and hoped but didn’t expect it to.
His lips on yours felt amazing. More amazing than they look, more amazing than you thought they’d feel, and you can’t wait to feel them in more places on your body. Not to mention the strength in his arms. If they could lift you off the ground with a mere tight hold, you wonder what all he can accomplish with them if he puts in actual effort. Damn, he could probably hold you against a wall and fuck you with just the strength in his biceps, alone.
Shit, just the thought of it makes your thighs slicken with more release. 
With every intention of pressing Jimin against the very door you can hear him locking, you twist on your heels – only to find him toe-to-toe with yourself. 
His eyes are narrowed, tongue resting at the edge of his parted mouth, glistening just as his juicy lips are. He pulls you into a kiss before you can even formulate a thought, let alone voice it, walking you backwards to the bed but gripping your waist when your legs meets the fabric of the mattress, to prevent you from falling back on it. His other hand is daring in its exploration, gripping at your thigh to lift your leg up and hook your knee over his forearm.
Your moan is instantaneous at being held open like this, vibrating against his tongue and invoking a responding groan from him. His motions are rough, hard and, to your disbelieving delight, in complete alignment with his reputation. Teeth biting into your bottom lip and hips pressing up into your heated core, Jimin commands you and your body to follow his lead yet again, and you comply without a breath of protest.
He has an aftertaste of chocolate lingering in his mouth, which drives you crazier than it should. You cling onto it, onto him, sucking on his soft tongue. A grunt is breathed into your mouth when your teeth scrape against it and Jimin’s hold gets rougher. You don’t wanna separate from him even as your need to breathe gets acute, chasing his lips when pulls away. You can’t do much because he immediately dips his head to your throat.
“Fuck,” escapes you in a gasp at the feel of his tongue meeting your skin. “J–Jimin…”
“Hm?” he murmurs, running his hot mouth over the sensitive skin of your nape, nudging at the strap of your tank top, then dragging his teeth up the length of your neck.
But you cannot get another word out when he starts to suck on your flesh, reducing you to just high pitched whines. Your hands grasp onto his arms to find him in just the netted excuse of a shirt, without the jacket. You dig your nails through the fragile mesh and tug.
With an echoing rip, the shirt gives. 
He pauses, staying absolutely still while you pull harder and separate the damn garment from his back, letting it hang open as two separate pieces. That is when he very slowly pulls back from you, pupils blown and eyebrows raised in humor. 
“You said you wanted to spank my ass… I wanted to rip your shirt,” you tell him cheekily, greedily running your palms over his solid back. “Hope you don’t mind.”
He huffs out a small chuckle, licking his lips and holding your waist tighter. “I won’t if you don’t. Although… from what I hear, you might actually be looking forward to it…”
At first, you don’t get what he means, frowning in confusion. But then his eyebrows arch pointedly, a sinful smirk splitting his lips. 
Your eyes jump wide. “Oh!”
You gulp, unable to hold back a full body shudder at the thought of his strong palms marking the flesh of your ass. He definitely knows what you’re thinking about, because he digs his fingers into your flesh right that moment, teasing you with what is to come.
“You look surprised,” he observes with narrowed eyes.
Well you are. 
“Why? Think I’m the only one with the rumors?” he teases, looking up at you past his brows, his head lowered and lips quirked to a side. “Your reputation precedes you too, sweetheart. The heartbreaker. Never sleeps with the same guy twice. Doesn’t accept gifts from men because she doesn’t wanna owe them a thing? Sound familiar?”
Cheeks heating up with a blush at the accuracy of his words, you purse your lips at him. “Where did you hear—you know me?”
“Who doesn’t?” He pulls you closer, eliminating every little bit of space between your bodies, torn scrapes of red mesh tangled between you two. “D’you know what else I know? You hate the way everyone praises Park Jimin’s abilities in bed… You don’t believe he can back up the claims… You hate him but you still want him because you’re curious.”
Jaw dropped and eyes wide, you can only stare at him while Jimin tells you what you already know – but what you thought only you knew. With a cherry on top sexy freaking smirk that should feel out of place on his face but somehow suits him perfectly.
“Got nothing to say, baby?” he coos, bringing his palms up to cup your cheeks, squishing them together to make your lips pucker up. Swooping down to steal a kiss, he licks his lips after and smiles at you. “Relax, I don’t read minds. But I do read people. Your occasionally derisive and hopeless eyes in the middle of the eye-fucking me all this time gave you away.”
You should feel humiliated but you don’t. There’s a sense of pride that swims through you, instead, at the fact that he knows you. Which – is a little messed up, because why does it matter to you? Not to forget the way you feel a bit impressed by how well he read you in just an hour. 
What the fuck is this guy? What is he doing to you?
“So you don’t mind if I mark that gorgeous ass up, do you?”
Broken out of your shock at his lewd question, you gulp and hurriedly nod. What’s the point of playing hard to get when you know he already has you in the palm of his hand? “Yeah. Yes. Absolutely. I don’t mind…”
"Good," he whispers, giving you no time to think, the way he hasn’t at any given moment tonight, before he spins you around and shoves your front down on the foot of the bed in a single motion. "Then, let's lift that skirt and get to work, yeah?"
He does it for you, delicately raising the hem of your mini skirt to wrap it over your hips. The position renders you completely powerless and vulnerable, and yet wetness drips down your thighs. You clutch at the covers beneath your hands, whimpering when you feel the cool trail run down the warm skin of your thigh. Your embarrassment and desire are so well intertwined, you don’t know what you’re feeling anymore. Thrills of warm anticipation run across your body and heat your skin up before Jimin has even touched it.
A hum of satisfaction echoes from behind you, followed by a hiss of delight.
“That thong is stuck to your pussy, baby,” he informs you with a groan, and you push your heated face into the mattress. “Want me that bad?”
Oh, you do. God you do.
“Don’t worry, so do I. The way you looked at me like I was a piece of meat you were considering biting into for so fucking long,” he mumbles his complain, slowly tracing his fingers over the globes of your ass. “You have had me rock hard for an hour, you know?”
You didn’t, but now you do and cannot stop thinking about his dick. He reads your mind again, stepping close to you and pressing his thick erection between your ass cheeks.
“Fuck…” Eyes shut and teeth clenched, you groan at the feel of his girthy, huge length which feels humongous even through the thick fabric of his pants. “Jimin… fuck me…”
“Not so soon, sweetheart.” 
He pulls his body away from you, hands gripping onto your ass cheeks to position you better. And then he leaves one of them, only to bring his hand back down on it with a smack.
You yelp, thrown forward on the bed – Jimin hums at that and repeats his action. This time you respond with a shriek, and he hums again before switching sides, spanking the other cheek with an even stronger force.
The rumors were right – he does hit really fucking hard. 
Reduced to a sobbing, wet mess within minutes of his rigorous slapping, the flesh of your butt is sore and aching. But the throbbing between your legs has only gotten louder with each smack, the thin trails of your wetness now turned into thick rivulets that flow down your legs.
Jimin seems to be lost in the act too, releasing short grunts at intervals, and whispering praises of how good you look in between.
“Fuck, baby, I wanna take a bite out of this,” he suddenly breathes, digging his fingers into the stinging, warmed flesh of an asscheek. “Looking so fucking pretty like this…”
Your legs are shaking with the effort of having kept steady for so long, so the moment Jimin snakes an arm around your waist, you collapse on the bed. He chuckles and flips you over, resting your stinging butt over the cold sheets of the bed.
“Done? Already?” comes his taunting query, delirious looking face hovering over yours and hair brushing your forehead. “I thought you wanted to know how good I was? We’re just getting started, sweetheart, keep up…”
Your grunted curse is barely audible but he understands it all the same, winking at you before he climbs down the length of your body. He gets on his knees between your legs, tugging your thong to the side.
“So fucking wet,” comes his groan, muffling out soon after when he pushes his face into your soaked cunt.
His touch registers when he has already wrapped his lips around your clit.
“Jimin! Shit!” you scream out, back arching off the bed.
The only response you get is a harsher suckle and his arms locking over your thighs more firmly. He pushes your pussy into his mouth, tongue driven past your entrance. 
Licking fat strips in and around your slit, he rounds his lips up to your clit to suck on it again. But just as your cries gain intensity and pitch, he lets go of it – dragging you near the edge but not letting you cross it. And he has his fun with this, sighing every time you yell out a garbled curse.
“I will fucking – ah! I will kill you, Park! Fuck! Let me come!” you warn him with a sobbing cry – but it might not have been a smart thing to do, because he pulls away completely at your words.
You lean up on your elbows in a rage, glaring at the cheekily grinning bastard between your legs in disbelief. 
“What the fuck?”
Making an elaborate show of licking his lips which are coated with your juices, Jimin tilts his head to one side. “What? You want me to make you come? Why?”
What the—
What does that even mean?
“What the hell do you mean why?”
Naked, broad, muscled shoulders rolling up and down in a shrug, his lips form a pout again. But now you won’t be fooled – now you know his pouts don’t represent cuteness, but instead dickhead behavior because he knows the exact effect he has on people but acts coy like the absolute menace that he is.
“I was only trying to help you, sweetheart,” he tells you with wide eyes. “Because if I make you come,” he pauses, a flare of dangerous glint shining in his brown irises through the mask of innocence he has adorned, “you’ll have to admit to my skills in bed. Are you ready to do that?”
Well. Moments ago, when he had your clit between his lips, you would have done anything to get him to make you come. But now he has given you enough time to think and for your ego to rear its unnecessary, useless head. So you grind your teeth and do not respond.
“I see,” he sighs as if regretfully, shaking his head.
But just as he moves to get up, you panic. You have to come; have to! You are sensitive enough to orgasm if he looks at you long enough. He can’t abandon you like this.
Kicking your ego in the face hard enough to knock it out, you clench your eyes shut and call out, “Yes! Yes, I’m ready to do that. Your mouth is heavenly! Just – make me come! I – I agree with the rumors…”
“You do?” he sounds so fucking cheerful, you almost wanna knee him in the nose.
“Yes,” you grit out.
“Well, that was easy. Lemme give you a reward, baby…”
And he launches back into your cunt, nosing your clit before he takes it between his teeth to massage it with a pressure that makes you scream. Your arms twist up in the sheets beneath you, chest heaving and legs quivering at the jolts of fiery pleasure Jimin’s ministrations send through your body. His tongue slides across the inner lips of your pussy, fluttering over them softly, before he takes it up to your bundle of nerves to draw circles around it with the tip.
You groan, eyes rolled to the back of your head. “Shit, like that…”
He hums into your soft, heated flesh, redirecting his thick lips to surround your clit. And then, taking you wholly by surprise, he glides two thick, ringed fingers through your slick channel, curling them up in just the right way to rub against your sensitive spot. Your body arches off the bed at the sudden burst of heat in the bottom of your stomach.
“Fuck, fuck – Jimin—!”
Mouth loosened in a silent scream, you're toppled over the edge and into oblivion, mind blanking out as your entire body lights up on fire. Your hips grind on his hand, stuttering and shaking with effort as your walls convulse around his fingers that still slowly work in you, helping you ride your orgasm out.
“Look at that… Perfect. You’re so sexy, baby,” Jimin praises you in a rasp, smacking an open mouthed kiss against your pussy lips. 
He chuckles when you jump in oversensitivity, pulling away to run his wet lips up the length of your thigh, to rest his chin on your knee. 
“You dirtied my bedsheets and I didn’t even fuck you…”
You open your eyes at that, only to roll them at the cocky undertone to his voice. Peering down at his grinning profile, you’re just about to give him a snarky retort when his words register with you. 
“Wait… your sheets?”
Bouncing up into a sitting position, you quickly look around the room. And right on the nightstand, to your horrified realization, you spot a younger version of Park Jimin and another guy grinning at you through a photo frame.
“This is your room?”
Jimin crawls over you, laughing, and straddles your thighs with a grin. He cups your chin with one hand and pushes your hair behind your ear with the other, looking at you with what looks like a cross between fascination and affection in his eyes. But it cannot be, right? Fascination, sure. Even you will admit this sexy beast in a fluffy shell fascinates you a hell lot. But what room does affection have in here?
No, you must be mistaken.
He hums with interest, squinting at you with a self-assured smile. “Again with the shock. Am I that full of surprises, sweetheart?”
Yes, he is and all pleasant ones, but you can’t tell him that because his head is super huge enough without any ego boost. 
“I won’t fuck you in someone else’s room, I’m not a cheapskate, baby.”
You really don’t get how fucking in someone else’s room is anything but normal, horny college kids behavior, but don’t comment on it. Mostly because you’re otherwise occupied. Park Jimin is inches away from your face without his shirt, chiseled body on display, and your entire brain is concentrating on holding yourself back from leaning forward and licking him.
He notices your hungry stare, because of course he does, and runs a thumb over your parted lips. “Like what you see?”
“Love it,” you admit without a second’s hesitation, gaze still taking in the way his heavy, silver chain rests tantalizingly over his collarbones. “So much.”
Jimin gives a surprised scoff, resting down on his haunches so he’s face to face with you instead of face to chest. It was very distracting, he might’ve realized that. Your gaze swims up to meet his – and then freezes there, along with the rest of your body.
Because you could have been mistaking the look on his face before but you cannot possibly mistake it now. He is looking at you with literal hearts in his eyes, there is no other way to put it.
Terrified of the implications, you push at his chest. “Stop staring, you creep. T–take off your pants, let me suck you.”
But Jimin doesn’t move, capturing both your wrists in his hands and bringing them to his chest. Your cheeks heat up like a furnace, eyes refusing to meet his even as he dips his head and chases your gaze to lock it with his.
“Sweetheart, I’m not gonna fuck you.”
That snaps your eyes straight to his. “Wha—why?”
He shrugs – fucking shrugs, and you can’t even appreciate the mouth-watering rippling of his shoulders and pecs because your brain is short circuiting at his claim.
“I need a reason to see you again. You’ll drop me if I fuck you because you don’t fuck a guy twice,” he tells you in absolute seriousness.
It takes you a while to catch up. “You… you wanna see me again?”
“Yes, I do,” he easily admits and your breath hitches.
You don’t wanna tell him that he’d have a greater chance at that if he does fuck you, because the thickness you felt through his pants can have you chasing after him if he tries hard enough. But then – you know you always get extremely uncomfortable when faced with a guy you’ve already fucked for a second time. Which is why you don’t do it twice.
What to do?
Swallowing roughly, you watch as his gaze implores yours and teeth nibble on his bottom lip. 
“I don’t know, Jimin…” 
“No, listen – let’s meet up again and try other things. We don’t have to fuck until you are done with me.” His eyes shine with urgency and a hint of… hope.
Done with him? You are astounded at how confident he is that you will be the one that feels done and not the other way round. God. He doesn’t have feelings for you, does he?
Strangely enough, the thought doesn’t scare or disgust you as much as you thought it would. Or… at all.
For now, maybe you should explore more and see where this leads?
You clear your throat and flex your fists that rest against his chest over his wildly running heart. Shit, yours is probably racing at the same pace. 
Then you lick your lips and give him a nod. “Let’s meet again, then.”
He gives a dramatic exhale, shutting his eyes and then pulls you in a heated kiss.
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You meet up a week after that, in his dorms. And though you plan to just have him fuck your throat, his dick somehow reroutes to your pussy and he ends up bending you over his table.
And you think that is how it ends.
But then he shows up at your dorm the next week, eyes hooded and hair messy, and it…
Well. It doesn’t really end, more like… begins.
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© jimilter | 2022
taglist: @shrimpmsg​ @codeinebelle​ @afangirllikeme-blog​ @duchesskaren​ @opaljm​ @ressjeon​ @knjsnoona​ @lovelynamj​ @kookiya17​ @jub-jub​ @realisticnotes​ @chami
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lindseynicole1999 · 3 years
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7:After big Mac told his gang to partner up two, Big Mac partnered up with Warrior & finds Johnny Cuba….
???:*thoughts**Tee hee hee those f**king losers, what are they going find me!?HA!. I will get that your precious top’at of yours tee hee hee hee*
At Lillies Lighthouse, Tophat is still waiting for Warrior for his safe return…Tophat singing to his unborn baby a lullaby
Tophat:🎶La La Lu, La La Lu, Oh My Little Star Sweeper, I’ll Sweep the Stardust for You, La La La, La La Lu, Little Soft Fluffy Sleeper, Here Comes a Pink Cloud for you, La La Lu, La La Lu, Little Wandering Angel, Folding up your Wings, Close Your Eyes, La La Lu, La La Lu, And May Love be your Keeper, La La Lu, La La Lu, La La Lu~🎵…
And He Felt some couple of kicks..
Tophat:*giggles*I’m glad you liked my beautiful song, my little darling~*giggles**blows*sobs*thoughts*oh my Darling Warrior, my love please back to me safely my love, please, I swear on my life**Sobs**sobs*
And Tophat’s Daughter Wendy enters the room….
Wendy: Daddy….*sobs*
Tophat: Oh, hello Darling Wendy, is everything alright my dear, not in the mood playing with your friends?
Wendy: N-no, I’m worried about, you & the…baby brother or a baby sister too….*sobs*Papa too….*Sobs*….
Tophat: Aww Darling come here~[he picks up his daughter Wendy on the bed & she puts her hand on dad's belly]...Wendy, it’s going to be alright now, after your papa and your uncle Big Mac find evil Johnny Cuba, they will find him & he will go to jail & where he belongs...[and he felt a couple of sharp rough kicks]..a-aah*huffs**huffs**huffs**blows*
Wendy: Daddy?…*sobs*..is the baby?
Tophat: I’m alright, Wendy my dearest, it’s just a couple of kicks.[Wendy lay her head & started to rub her hands on her dad's belly & kiss her dads belly]…Aw sweet of you Darling, that feels good & the baby loves the kisses darling~…
Wendy: Daddy…Can I ask you a question?…
Tophat: Yes, what is it, Darling?
Wendy: Do you have a…name for a baby brother or a baby sister?
Tophat: Oh Um,*thoughts*hmmm if it’s a girl, I’ll call her Thalia or Willa or it’s a boy I’ll call him Warrior Junior or tophat Junior um but not tophat junior…..how about……*I know, I’ll call him mini tophat…*thoughts**oh, oh my goodness, mini tophat, how adorable & Very cute too*giggles*…
Wendy heads up & heard the baby’s name.
Wendy: mini top’at…..I love it, Daddy!!!
Tophat:*giggles*I’m glad you like it too Wendy & I’m glad your papa likes it too [tophat felt some sharp pain in his belly]. Wendy Darling, I…want you…to get….Lillie….fast..*huffs**huffs**huffs**huffs**huffs*
Wendy: Daddy!!!..*Sobs*
Tophat: daddy, is going be alright my dearest, go get Lillie!*huffs**huffs**blows**huffs**blows**huffs*blows*
Wendy:[trying act brave]R-Right!!!
And she ran off to get Lillie for help…& tophat collapsed off the bed in a very sharp pain…..
Tophat:aahh..*huffs**huffs**huffs*w-warrior….my love…..w-where…are….y-you…p-please*huff*huff*..come back to me….I-it hurts….*huffs**huffs**huffs*…m-my l-love…
Lillie just came to the room & realize what is happening…
Lillie: this is not good, tophat is getting into labor very soon….sunshine!
Sunshine: yes, Lillie...
Lillie: can you get Lina, Wendy, Zena, and H.J upstairs & I need some towels & more blankets, please…
Sunshine: Yes, ma’am!*thoughts**come on Warrior, he needs you*
Lillie: breathe sweetie, breathe…
Lillie: there now sweetie...
Tophat:*huff**blows**huff*blows*aah...Warrior..m-my love..p-please…..*sobs*
Lillie: it’s going to be okay, tophat sweetie, Warrior will be back soon…
Tophat:*Huff**Huff*W-Warrior…p-please……*sobs**sobs*COME BACK TO ME!!!!!!![water nymph transformation] *sobs**sobs*….*huffs**blows**huffs**blows**huffs**blows**huffs*AAAAHHHH
Lillie:*thoughts**oh no this is not good!!!*
???:*sniff**sniff*Jackpot, I smell a water creature, hee hee….
Song:La La Lu from Disney Lady and the Tramp
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mrsgiovanna · 3 years
Giorno: *nestled on the couch in his pajamas* *eyes starting to close* *watching the TV but not paying attention*
- Inside Giorno's mind -
Devil Giorno: *tucking in Haruno* *yawning* I'm gonna hit the hay too. You coming or whatever?
Angel Giorno: *yawning* Yes. Just let me put an extremely sweet dream in before we fall asleep.
All three: *sighs as they drift to sleep*
- Giorno's dream -
Bri: *in a cute pop star outfit and her wings like an angel* *winks at Giorno* 🎵 We can fly away to Wonderland! There's nothing that we can't do 🎵 Oh we can fly together hand in hand. Make a dream come true! 🎵
- Outside -
Giorno: *eyes drift close* *his curls are undone* *smiles sweetly* Bri... *cuddles the soft blanket* *falls asleep*
??: *pats Giorno on the head, tucks him in with another warm blanket and fluffs the pillow*
Giorno: *smiles widely* Home... home...
??: Yeah... you're home, Giorno...
?: Aww! That's sweet!
Aaaaaaa that's so precious I just want to brush his hair 🤲😭🥺 and idol Bri🤲🕊😭
Trish: *smiles* at least he won't get cold now
Mista: *looks at the tv* what was he even watching *some documentary about squeaking angry desert frogs* *laughs*
Trish: shhhh you'll wake him *looks at the tv* okay that is cute though...
Mista: This reminds me of Bri when she's mad *laughs* small, noisy thing with no bite
Trish: *eyes widen* Mista...
Bri: ゴゴゴゴゴゴゴゴゴゴゴゴ small noisy thing with no bite hey?
Mista: ... I meant it in a nice way?
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Awwww I hope you have a beautiful Sunday my sweet, and that you're doing well. As always tysmmm for blessing me these, I appreciate you so much. Stay safe my lovely ⭐ 💖 💝 🌟 💗 💐 ⭐ 💖 💝 🌟 💗 💐 🐞❤🕊
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maccamaniac1 · 5 years
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Happy birthday to our sweet knight who has been filling this world with delight with his perfect smile, his precious eyes, his angelic voice, and his kind heart for 77 years! I wish you many more years to come, Paul!!😊😍🥰💖💕🎶🎵🎁🎈🎉🎂
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andy-clutterbuck · 3 years
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This Life | 2x01
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mrsgiovanna · 3 years
- Inside Giorno's mind -
Angel Giorno: Work is done, everybody else is busy with something else, and we have rest of the afternoon to ourselves!
Devil Giorno: Great! Now we can put on some of our favorite Bri daydreams! But there's so much to choose from here!
Haruno: *peeks at the Bri daydream box* Hmm, how about this one? *gently takes out one fluffy daydream which is light pink* This one is cute!
Angel Giorno: Sure, Haruno!
Devil Giorno: Here. Give me.
- Giorno's daydream -
Bri and Giorno: *dancing around underneath a beautiful moonlit sky with the warmth of a tiny bonfire nearby* *the tune of Alyson Stoner's Dancing in the Moonlight plays in background*
- Outside -
Giorno: *lying on the couch, relaxing and having a warm sweet smile on his face* 🎵 Dancing in the moonlight 🎵
Awwwwww 😭 that's so precious though, and that's such a beautiful song, I hadn't heard that cover until you suggested it. It's like they're recreating prom because, well they didn't finish school in the conventional way *cries* I'm so soft
Giorno: *happily humming the tune, eyes closed, relaxing*
-inside Giorno's mind-
All 3 happily watching the dream on the screen
Angel Giorno: they look so happy
Devil Giorno: who wouldn't be... perhaps its something we do for real sometime.
Angel Giorno: well, we're renowned for realizing dreams.
Devil Giorno: really?
Angel Giorno: what? I'm in a good mood *smiles*
Giorno: *still softly singing*
Bri: *walks in* *eyes soften* ... you have a really nice voice y'know
Giorno: Bri! *blushing* when did you get here
Bri: oh don't stop on my account! And only a few moments ago... please continue, I'll go...
Giorno: no no, please stay, the company would be nice...
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Awwwww I ran with that one 🏃‍♀️🥲🤲🥺 i hope you're still okay and that your still having a great day. As always, tysmmmmm for blessing me with these, I appreciate it so much. Stay safe my lovely ⭐💝🌟💖⭐🐞❤🕊
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