#precious yellow sapphire gemstone
jeevanratna · 2 years
Australian Opal Gemstone...
We are dealing in precious and Semi-precious gemstones, Now Available on Etsy...
Visit our Etsy Store through the link (https://www.etsy.com/in-en/shop/Jeevanratnajaipur?ref=seller-platform-mcnav)
Now You can shop directly through our website i.e (https://www.jeevanratna.com/)
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Mankind Trading supplier is a leading exporter and supplier of precious gemstone like blue sapphire gemstone, green emerald gemstone, cat eye gemstone, yellow sapphire, Ruby, Opal, Red Coral and much more at low price.
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uniquejewel · 4 months
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The Right Fingers To Wear Your Astrological Gemstone
Have you ever admired the beauty of a gemstone ring and wondered about its deeper significance. Beyond mere decoration, each finger on our hand holds symbolic weight in ancient vedic science, representing the fundamental elements of nature.
Source Link:- https://www.uniquejewellersjaipur.com/blog/right-fingers-to-wear-your-astrological-gemstone
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drishtigems · 2 years
Wonder to know which stone manifests your marital harmony? A Natural Yellow Sapphire does that perfectly! At Drishti Gems, we provide a 100% Natural, Authentic and Lab-certified collection of yellow sapphires directly provided by Mines. To learn more, send us a  WhatsApp message at +917725077250.
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occasional-drabbles · 1 month
Glittering Gold
A little thing inspired by a random bout of hyperfixating on jewelry, so... tada!
Faith does her best not to be too nosy when it comes to the brothers. She respects their privacy, they respect hers. At least, that’s the goal.  
Though there are still times that she can’t help but be curious, especially when it’s due to something that feels rather uncharacteristic. Such as Asmo in the common room, concentrating very hard on a small sketch pad in front of him with his D.D.D. beside it. It’s not that she didn’t take Asmo as the artsy type, but he didn’t strike her as the sketchy type.  
So she approached the couch, careful to avoid somehow spooking him despite his heightened senses.  
“What’re you working on?” 
Asmo glanced up at her, letting out a small huff of frustration as he settled his cheek into his hand. “I’m working on a collab with one of the jewelry manufacturers, and they’ve sent me their drafts, but something just doesn’t seem right.”  
Faith hummed and leaned against the back of the couch casually to look over his shoulder at the designs. They were pretty, if a bit... much. Though, that’s as Asmo as it gets. Attention grabbing and over the top. There were a few listed gemstones in the design notes next to colored samples, and after a few minutes of looking, her nose scrunched up. “Oh, that explains it.”  
Asmo hummed curiously, looking up at her. Honestly, he was expecting her to simply shrug it off like his brothers might have and leave him to his conundrum. “Pardon?” 
“These suggested stones are all too pale for rose gold,” Faith explained casually. “Rose gold needs a color that pops, that’s highly saturated. If this were digital I’d demonstrate with like, a sapphire or a garnet. An onyx would make a really interesting contrast, but might be too dark for the vibe you’re going for. Plus the prongs on the ring are a sharp contrast to the otherwise fluid design, and would probably be better as a cabochon.”  
Asmo blinked in surprise as he looked at her relaxed expression, then down at the design that she was pointing at, sitting up a little straighter. As he thought about it, he found that he agreed. That would explain it! As partial as he is to the more pastel look, it explains why it seemed like it was missing something. Though at this point, he’s just curious what kind of suggestions she’d make. “What would you recommend for something not quite so dark?”  
Faith gave a small hum as she considered. “Any particular color in mind?”  
Asmo shook his head, biting his tongue to contain the excited grin trying to make itself known. He doesn’t want to scare her off! But oh how he wants to get Mammon down here to hear this. A human after their own hearts! 
“A darker citrine might be interesting, as a reversal of the typical yellow gold and... any other gemstone.” Faith tilted her head as she considered, her eyebrows furrowing slightly. “Any color topaz would probably work too, or diamond if you want to keep it light without it blending together too bad.”  
Faith was startled out of running through her mental list of gemstones when Asmo reached one arm up to essentially hug her head, gently pressing it against his own with an excited hum. “Oh hun, I never realized that you were so brilliant with jewelry~!” He cooed, ever careful not to risk hurting her in his excitement.  
Her cheeks flushed pink in embarrassment, not resisting the affection but still bracing herself against the back of the couch so that she doesn’t accidentally get tugged on top of him on the couch. “I wouldn’t really call it brilliant... I just like shinies...” She mumbled.  
“What about shinies?” Came Mammon’s voice from the hallway, sticking his head into the living area.  
Asmo beamed as he finally released Faith, turning his head towards Mammon. “Perfect timing~! It turns out that our precious Faith here has a knack for jewelry designing!”  
Mammon didn’t take but a moment to join the group, standing casually beside the couch on Asmo’s other side to take a look at the designs, seeing the notes that Asmo had managed to take about Faith’s suggestions. “Huh! I never woulda’ taken you for the type,” he commented, looking towards Faith. “You don’t tend to wear much in the way of jewelry, let alone proper bling.”  
“Because fine jewelry is expensive.” Faith countered, sticking her tongue out at Mammon. “Plus I tend to prefer wearing a few pieces of jewelry for a long stretch of time. I don’t swap my jewelry around near as often as you two.”  
Asmo pouted at the answer, settling his notes down since he’s much more interested in Faith right now. “Well that’s a shame, since you have wonderful taste! Honestly, I think it would be fun to do a collaboration with you as the primary designer, and I could model it for you~!” He mused, cupping his cheek again happily as he thought about it.  
“Hey, I’d want to model some Faith designs too!” Mammon insisted, crossing his arms.  
Faith snorted, shaking her head. “I think you overestimate my ability to design stuff... I just like colors. Plus this was just minor tweaks, it’s not like I’m starting from the ground up or anything.”  
“Nah, I’ve seen some of the stuff you’ve drawn, I think it’d be neat to see it actually be made.” Mammon chimed casually. 
“Wait,” Faith paused, her eyebrows furrowing “I don’t remember having shown you any of my jewelry sketches?” 
Mammon’s cheeks flushed in embarrassment at being caught, rubbing the back of his neck. “Uhhhh ya totally did! You just forgot! Heh heh…” 
Asmo pouted, turning his attention between Mammon and Faith both. “No fair, I want to see your designs too! Especially if it’s got Mammon’s seal of approval!” 
Faith flushed before groaning, figuring the damage has been done. “Mamms, you’d be faster. Do you mind-”
Before she could even finish her sentence, Mammon was gone, already racing upstairs to her room to find her sketchbook. So she just sighed, blobbing against the back of the couch dramatically. “I just planned to grab a snack…” She whined to herself, reaching up to bat Asmo’s hand away from her hair tie. She is not fighting with her hair on top of dealing with the brothers hounding her about jewelry. 
Asmo just snickered to himself, Mammon all but skidding to a stop when he returned, plopping down beside Asmo so now Faith was technically between them, flipping through pages and pages of doodles. All sorts of things, from attempts at demons, to TSL characters, and finally came the designs. Trial and error of figuring out outfits, especially demon outfits, and some jewelry designs. 
“This is my favorite set.” Mammon admitted, finding a few pages of doodles just based off of the brothers’ horns. A necklace that seemed like coral draped around the neck - inspired by Levi’s horns, gauge earrings inspired by Satan’s, a ring with the same pattern as Asmo’s, a bracelet that looked like Mammon’s horn wrapped around the wrist, and a multitude of other designs. 
Asmo found himself cooing in awe over the designs, absolutely giddy. “Oh these are brilliant~! This would be such a fun series too!” Then he gasped excitedly, looking towards the other two. “What if we could even each model our own inspired pieces? The people would just eat that up! And for it to be designed by our precious human~?” 
Faith went back to blobbing on the back of the couch, burying her face in a pillow in a half-hearted attempt to smother herself and escape the attention… even if it did honestly make her happy to know they liked the designs. 
“Honestly we could probably manage to get most of them!” Mammon grinned, cupping his chin as he considered. “I know Beel wouldn’t be hard to convince, especially if it’s to show off something Faith made~.” He teased, laughing when Faith reached out to try and push his head. “Levi might be kind of camera shy, but maybe if we promise not to show his face…?” 
“Lucifer and Satan might be the hardest to convince…” Asmo agreed, his eyebrows furrowing as he considered. “Lucifer might, since it’s showing off something that is inspired by him?” 
Faith mumbled something into the pillow, but it was just muffled enough that neither brother could make it out. 
“What was that, darling?” Asmo encouraged sweetly. 
Faith sighed dramatically and tilted her head slightly to speak more clearly, her glasses off kilter. “Lucifer probably wouldn’t be too hard to convince, and Satan might be willing to if it’s a separate shoot from whenever Lucifer would do it… And honestly I have some more ideas that I can include gemstones in, maybe for private sets…” 
Asmo and Mammon both beamed, Asmo pulling Faith’s head close again to give her a dramatic kiss on the head. “You are such a genius, hun~! I can even get this company in on it whenever you’re satisfied with your designs~!” 
“What stones are ya thinkin’ about?” Mammon asked, because of course that is where his brain got stuck. 
Faith hummed, her eyes still shut. “I’m thinking either a sapphire or a garnet for Lucifer, citrine for you,” she said, pointing towards Mammon, “though an argument could be made for gold sandstone… Topaz for Levi…” She paused, her face scrunching up some in thought. “Helenite maybe for Satan, maybe peridot if it’s the right shade… Asmo would get pink spinel without a doubt. Beel… ruby, maybe? Amethyst or blue sandstone for Belphie.” 
Mammon’s eyes were honestly sparkling as she went on with her list, beaming as he pinched her cheek playfully, not the slightest bit deterred when she tried to swat his hand away. “Now y’er speakin’ my language, Faith~!” he teased playfully, even if he is genuinely glad that now they have one more thing to talk about. 
“What about you though, dear?” Asmo asked, tilting his head as he looked back down at the sketchbook, absently flipping through some of the designs. “I don’t see anything here for yourself. And you didn’t name a stone for yourself either.” 
Faith shrugged casually. “I don’t really have anything iconic about myself to use as inspiration? And I like pretty much every gemstone, so…” She shrugged again. 
Neither of the brothers seemed satisfied with that answer, sharing a look. 
“Well, what would you choose if you had to?” Mammon tried to encourage, even crossing his arms. 
“I dunno… I like opals and moonstone, but they both tend to be rather fragile… Alexandrite is a gorgeous stone, but expensive as hell…” Faith mused, shifting to prop her chin up in her hand, fixing her glasses. “Aquamarine maybe, for something simple?” 
Mammon found himself nodding along eagerly to each of her suggestions, unable to help admiring her taste. She’s smart about it too! He knew he liked her for a reason! 
“Anyways,” Faith started, standing up properly again and stretching with a small grunt, “I’m gonna go grab a snack and go back to studying. I want my sketchbook back before dinner, and I don’t wanna find any pages missing. And because I know you two, don’t go trying to plot some shit with all of this.” 
Both brothers gave playfully offended gasps at her ‘warning’ not for them to go plotting, even if they both know it’s already too late and they have ideas. They didn’t say anything about it though, letting her go be ~responsible~. They have some work of their own to take care of, now… 
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2uuno · 4 months
can you guys chill lmao. just trying to help
Sapphire is a precious gemstone, a variety of the mineral corundum, consisting of aluminium oxide (α-Al2O3) with trace amounts of elements such as iron, titanium, cobalt, lead, chromium, vanadium, magnesium, boron, and silicon. The name sapphire is derived from the Latin word sapphirus, itself from the Greek word sappheiros (σάπφειρος), which referred to lapis lazuli. It is typically blue, but natural "fancy" sapphires also occur in yellow, purple, orange, and green colors; "parti sapphires" show two or more colors. Red corundum stones also occur, but are called rubies rather than sapphires. Pink-colored corundum may be classified either as ruby or sapphire depending on locale. Commonly, natural sapphires are cut and polished into gemstones and worn in jewelry. They also may be created synthetically in laboratories for industrial or decorative purposes in large crystal boules. Because of the remarkable hardness of sapphires – 9 on the Mohs scale (the third hardest mineral, after diamond at 10 and moissanite at 9.5) – sapphires are also used in some non-ornamental applications, such as infrared optical components, high-durability windows, wristwatch crystals and movement bearings, and very thin electronic wafers, which are used as the insulating substrates of special-purpose solid-state electronics such as integrated circuits and GaN-based blue LEDs. Sapphire is the birthstone for September and the gem of the 45th anniversary. A sapphire jubilee occurs after 65 years.
Sapphire is one of the two gem-varieties of corundum, the other being ruby (defined as corundum in a shade of red). Although blue is the best-known sapphire color, they occur in other colors, including gray and black, and also can be colorless. A pinkish orange variety of sapphire is called padparadscha.
Significant sapphire deposits are found in Australia, Afghanistan, Cambodia, Cameroon, China (Shandong), Colombia, Ethiopia, India Jammu and Kashmir (Padder, Kishtwar), Kenya, Laos, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Myanmar (Burma), Nigeria, Rwanda, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Thailand, United States (Montana) and Vietnam. Sapphire and rubies are often found in the same geographical settings, but they generally have different geological formations. For example, both ruby and sapphire are found in Myanmar's Mogok Stone Tract, but the rubies form in marble, while the sapphire forms in granitic pegmatites or corundum syenites.
Every sapphire mine produces a wide range of quality, and origin is not a guarantee of quality. For sapphire, Jammu and Kashmir receives the highest premium, although Burma, Sri Lanka, and Madagascar also produce large quantities of fine quality gems.
The cost of natural sapphires varies depending on their color, clarity, size, cut, and overall quality. Sapphires that are completely untreated are worth far more than those that have been treated. Geographical origin also has a major impact on price. For most gems of one carat or more, an independent report from a respected laboratory such as GIA, Lotus Gemology, or SSEF, is often required by buyers before they will make a purchase.
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sunsolii · 8 months
Napoleon's Marshals and their Birthstones FINAL part
This is the third and final part of the birthstone saga where I'll cover the remaining four birthstones and their marshals (plus two other non-marshals but I wanted to include anyway). I can't believe I spent half of my winter break researching shiny rocks XD
Part 1 and Part 2 are avaliable here
*Mineraloid: A mineral-like object that does NOT contain a crystalline structure.
Sapphire (September)
Marshals- N/A (Honorable mentions: Eugène de Beauharnais & Jean-Andoche Junot)
Type: Mineral
Group: Oxide (Al₂O₃)
Color: Blue, yellow, green, purple
Cleavage: Poor
Fracture: Conchoidal to splintery
Mohs Scale: 9
Luster: Vitreous
Streak: Colorless
Fun Facts: Sapphire is a variety of the mineral corundum and usually comes in the color blue, but it can also come in colors such as yellow, green, and even purple. Its blue hue is due to traces of iron and titanium in its crystal structure. Sapphires, along with the other cardinal gemstones, have a rich history and cultural significance. In ancient Persia and Greece, it was believed that sapphires possessed divine powers and were used in crowns and jewelry of kings and queens. In today’s age, sapphires are used in different objects such as luxury watches, LED lights, and infrared sensor windows used in military aircraft because of their durability (having a hardness of 9, making it the second hardest mineral other than a diamond) and a high melting point of about 3704°F or 2040 °C.
Opal (October)
Marshals- Augereau, Lefebvre, and Grouchy
Type: Mineraloid*
Group: (Hydrated) Silica (SiO₂·nH₂O)
Color: Colorless, white, yellow, blue, green, black, brow, pink
Cleavage: None
Fracture: Conchoidal to uneven
Mohs Scale: 5.5-6
Luster: Waxy
Streak: White
Fun Fact: Opals are formed when water carries pieces of silica inside an open rock or sediment, often found near volcanoes or groundwater. As time passes, the water inside the rock will evaporate, leaving the silica to solidify inside the host rock, which, under specific temperatures and pressure, will begin to form the opal. There are four types of opals: precious, common, matrix, and synthetic opals. Precious opals exhibit what is known as “opalescence,” which happens due to the arrangement of silica inside the opal, creating an array of colorful hues when put under light. Common opals do not possess opalescence; they are either opaque or translucent with one main color present. Matrix opals are opals embedded in their host rock during their formation, and synthetic opals are lab-grown opals that imitate the colorful look of natural opals.
Topaz (November)
Marshals- Berthier and Macdonald
Type: Mineral
Group: Silicate (Al₂SiO₄(F,OH)₂)
Color: Colorless, blue, brown, yellow if impurities are present
Cleavage: Basal (perfect)
Fracture: Subconchoidal to uneven
Mohs Scale: 8
Luster: Vitreous or adamantine
Streak: White
Fun Fact: Topaz gets its name from the Greek word topazion, which refers to the Zabargad Island near the Red Sea, where peridot is also found. Topaz comes in different colors, but the most popular color is blue, the most common color found in jewelry stores [1]. Natural blue topaz is very rare, so to get the color blue, a colorless or pale yellow topaz is heated or irradiated using gamma radiation. Subatomic particles are shot through the topaz at high speeds, which knocks some of the electrons out of orbit, causing the light that travels through the crystal to change and the amount of light absorbed. Due to the color wavelength changing, the human eye perceived the topaz as blue [2]. 
Turquoise (December)
Marshals- Perrin and Sérurier
Type: Mineral
Group: Phospate (CuAl₆(PO₄)₄(OH)₈·4H₂O)
Color: Turquoise, blue, blue-green
Cleavage: Perfect but rarely seen
Fracture: Conchoidal
Mohs Scale: 5-6
Luster: Waxy or dull
Streak: Blue or white
Fun Fact: Turquoise is another mineral that contains water in its structure; this comes in the form of a hydrated phosphate of either copper or aluminum. Turquoise was one of the first gemstones to be mined, with some jewelry dating back to around 5000 BCE. Even though it has been used in jewelry for thousands of years, its value has decreased due to the treatments and synthetic turquoise appearing more often in the market. Even though they are minerals, well-formed crystals are rarely found on their own, with most turquoise growing closely packed around another mineral, causing it to have a higher durability [3]. Due to its lower hardness level, caring for any turquoise jewelry is important, and it is recommended not to use it while doing any sort of manual labor as the gemstone can be easily damaged. Jewelry designers place a durable bezel around the gem to prevent scratches and protect it. However, the bezel can only protect the gemstone to a limited degree since it is still exposed to open air. It is also recommended not to get the gemstone wet as it can absorb liquids due to its low porosity, which can alter its color [4].
Sapphire: MAT, M. (2023, April 24). Sapphire: Properties, formation, occurrence " Geology science. Geology Science. https://geologyscience.com/gemstone/sapphire/?amp
Opal: MAT, M. (2023, September 29). Opal : Properties, formation, uses and deposits " geology science. Geology Science. https://geologyscience.com/gemstone/opal/?amp
Topaz: [1] King, H. M. (n.d.). Blue topaz. Geology. https://geology.com/gemstones/blue-topaz/#treatment
[2] MAT, M. (2023, August 26). Topaz : Gemstone: Properties, formation, occurrence, uses. Geology Science. https://geologyscience.com/minerals/topaz/?amp
Turquoise: [3] MAT, M. (2023, April 23). Turquoise: Mineral properties, uses and occurrence. Geology Science. https://geologyscience.com/gemstone/turquoise/?amp
[4] King, H. M. (n.d.-b). Turquoise. geology. https://geology.com/minerals/turquoise.shtml
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saintsmith · 7 months
The saintsmith listened carefully to the bound spirit within the gemstone, her brow-plates focusing in. It whispered of roses and lilies, of tea and white-gold. She sighed. This one had nothing interesting to contribute. Like so many others. Angrily she tossed it aside, onto a pile of discarded sapphires, rubies, diamonds, emeralds, opals. 
She turned towards the great crystal chrysalis, wide enough for even a Greshtal to gestate in. A delicate hand she placed upon it; the conceptual churning within seemed to react in some way to the touch, almost like a hand placed on the other side of the semi-opaque crystal. She could almost feel a scarce warmth transfer through the shell. Like a bird, trying to be born from its egg.
The saintsmith returned to her small library of thoughtstones. She scanned the shelves, searching for the right combination of ideas…ah. She carefully plucked an opal from its place nested between two large diamonds. It had been misplaced, miscategorized. If this was the thoughtstone she thought it was…
She tuned in to its spirit. It was faint, at first, murmuring of gentle breezes stirring the waves. Then it grew more confident, noticing that the saintsmith was listening. It spoke of gales sailing ships across the seas, it boomed of hurricanes shaking the skies. Now here was a bird, the saintsmith thought, that needs to be born.
She gently set the thoughtstone on her desk and began to reach for her conceptual-compounds. These faintly-glowing vials contained precious drops of pure idea. She sorted them by color, as the concepts of similar natures also shared similar hues. She picked some out: a few pale blues and yellows, and a single bright white.
Carefully she extracted the compounds from their vials, and, introducing them to each other slowly, she combined the ideas into a single unified theory of being within the chrysalis. The darkness within became bright, a miniature sun. 
It yet required a form. The saintsmith was tired of sculpting faces and physiques. So she gave it her own pattern. Through a particularly clear facet of the chrysalis she caught a glimpse of her own face, silver and round with high brow-plates. The plates slowly rolled around in their sockets, their owner still sleeping.
It was time for the egg to hatch, and the bird to be born. The saintsmith dimmed the lights and closed her eyes. She channeled her Raam-borrowed essence into the chrysalis, giving it just enough energy to birth itself. She found herself giving more to it than she expected; was it because they shared a pattern?
Finally, hiding in the shadows, the saintsmith watched as the chrysalis dissolved, and the newly-wrought saint landed on her feet, opening her eyes. She gasped her first breath, and took her first step forward into the unknown. Her brow-plates contorted wildly, sensitive to the bound spirits in the thoughtstones.
“Welcome,” said the saintsmith with a wry smile, “to the world of Aurena.”
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ffxivtribehydrae · 10 months
The Brothers as Deities
ASSOCIATED WITH: Passages of life
7th - Dusk - Youth or children
Everyone have once been young. Dusk is a protector of children, curiosity and innocence who bring creativity and joy. He watches over the young and makes sure they are never alone nor suffering. His blessing is not limited to children however, he can also be a protective force and bringer of joy for those awaiting a child, wishing for one or seek to protect one.
6th - Auro’usk - Growth or maturity
Just as all are young, all grow up. Auro’usk is a source of direction and aid in self discovery. He brings confidence to the ones who feel insecure and lost about what life brings them but also has a support for those seeking love. His blessing is courage, aiding to find one’s independence and discovering personal strengths.
5th - Tagadus - Death
Eventually all meet an end, though sometimes it is too soon. Tagadus is in no form a protector, but a guiding force to always live to the fullest and take away any fears or anxieties about unexpected ends. His blessing is fearlessness so one may live unhindered, but overusing his blessing might lead to a loss of reason and thus, a too soon end.
4th - Zo’ogai - Conflict
All encounter conflicts, be it deciding between two things one love to putting lives on the line. Zo’ogai’s blessing bring clarity to reasoning and strength to believe that whatever the conflict, one can make it through. He doesn’t prevent the worst possible outcome however, but only aids in one’s mental strength to strive until the best end is met.
3rd - Childé - Peace or belief
Some wish for a simple life. Childé represents traditions and tranquility for those who are content with the life they currently have or wish to gain. He also stand for devotion and praying for his blessing along with any other of the seven deities may strengthen their blessings in order to maintain the peace one seek to have in their life.
2nd - Khu - Change or knowledge
On the contrary, some welcome change. Khu is the most harsh deity of the seven, preaching that change isn’t always an easy path. He inspire motivation to learn and improve through creative ways. Praying for his blessing along any of the other seven deities may give opposite effect to what their blessing include, but in turn grant one greater knowledge, experience and wisdom.
1st - Dubus - Past
From day one, all have a past. Dubus is remembrance and a representation of all that once was, be it happy or sad. His blessing is maintaining one’s precious memory or rid terrible ones. He is also the most unforgiving deity of the seven as overusing his blessing may result in a loss of looking back to all that was good or reliving all that was bad through nightmares.
7th - Dusk - Forget-me-not or small/budding flowers
6th - Auro’usk - Oak or beech trees
5th - Tagadus - Berry or fruit plants
4th - Zo’ogai - Snowdrop or early spring flowers
3rd - Childé - Ivy or leafy evergreen plants
2nd - Khu - Redwood or pine evergreen trees
1st - Dubus - Chrysanthemums or autumn flowers
7th - Dusk - Quartz of various kind
6th - Auro’usk - Common gemstones: moonstone, amethyst, opal, etc
5th - Tagadus - Geodes, unopened or halves
4th - Zo’ogai - Metals: iron, steel, gold, etc
3rd - Childé - Diamonds
2nd - Khu - Precious crystals: emerald, sapphire, ruby, etc
1st - Dubus - Fossiled stone or amber
7th - Dusk - Any young or baby animals
6th - Auro’usk - Butterflies and metamorphing insects
5th - Tagadus - Dogs and canines
4th - Zo’ogai - Koi fish and dragons
3rd - Childé - Moose and deer animals
2nd - Khu - Squids and octopuses
1st - Dubus - Migratory birds
7th - Dusk - Pastel shades
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6th - Auro’usk - Green shades
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5th - Tagadus - Yellow and bright shades
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4th - Zo’ogai - White
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3rd - Childé - Blue
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2nd - Khu - Black
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1st - Dubus - Red
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7th - Dusk - Fruits and berries
6th - Auro’usk - Vegetables and herbs
5th - Tagadus - Candies and sweet food
4th - Zo’ogai - Spicy hot food
3rd - Childé - Traditional dishes of the devote
2nd - Khu - Dishes of the sea, crustaceans 
1st - Dubus - Bittersweet food, like dark chocolate
7th - Dusk - Lavender and flowers
6th - Auro’usk - Sandalwood
5th - Tagadus - Fresh rain
4th - Zo’ogai - Fire smoke
3rd - Childé - Food cooking
2nd - Khu - Artificial scents
1st - Dubus - Salty breeze
7th - Dusk - Offering toys or a moments silent prayer at any location.
6th - Auro’usk - Offering a spoken prayer at any location.
5th - Tagadus - Carrying a talisman or totem related to him when seeking blessing.
4th - Zo’ogai - Carrying tokens and breaking them upon seeking blessing.
3rd - Childé - Offering money or other thing the devoted worked for and regular prayers by an altar.
2nd - Khu - Carrying a talisman and tokens to be broken upon seeking blessing.
1st - Dubus - Offering a precious item from the devoted. The higher sentimental value, the stronger potency of his blessing.
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cornus27florida · 1 year
Gemstones in CPC (other than becoming the CPC universe's currency 'money')
..is to becoming engagement ring.. Yup wanna talk about it!
(Also my coping mechanisms as how things happened to these 5 ships so far in the CPC story), as after this I make a long post about Plaid Royals men hahaha :")
Before going deeper, take precaution!
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BTW if one's forget, I feel the 'money currency' in CPC
world / universe is 'gems' which kinda inconvenient and too varies but well we get what we could, how to pay like this :
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^ unless the economy expert, Prez, decline this motion then I guess the 'money currency' in CPC world is 'gems' and unknown what exactly the stone is but colored as light blue
Nell's engagement ring from Jolie
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Which have close up of the ring, from the colour it could also be light blue diamond or sapphire or aquamarine but I take Sapphire for the chance as it's precious stone that could take color of anything - including the light blue
Sapphire is said to be the wisdom stone, stimulating concentration, enhancing creativity and promoting purity and depth of thought. It is believed to focus and calm the mind as well as remove unwanted thoughts, depression and mental tension. It is known as the stone of new love and commitment and is claimed to be useful in encouraging faithfulness and loyalty. Sapphire is thought to bring peace of mind, serenity and prosperity.
Maria's engagement ring from Blaine
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Aquamarine (don't confuse it with Aquamarine Hoshino btw)
Maria ring stone likely a Aquamarine, March’s birthstone, have reputation for protecting one’s well-being. The aquamarine birthstone evokes the colors of the sea. From deep green-blue to light, slightly greenish blue hues, faceted aquamarines are often free from inclusions and as clear as water, symbolizing purity of spirit and soul.
Aquamarine is often used as a "good luck" stone, thought to bring feelings of peace, love, joy and happiness to those who wear it. There is an energizing quality to aquamarine that provides harmony and balance. If you dream of aquamarine, it is said that you will make new friends, and wearing earrings of aquamarine are thought to bring love and affection into your life.
---------------------------------------------------------------Lorena's engagement ring from Lance
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Light purple Amethyst
-> The light purple birthstone is often associated with qualities such as peace, tranquility, and balance. It is believed to have a calming effect (could reduce stress level) on the mind and is often used to aid in meditation and spiritual practices. Amethyst is also associated with intuition and spiritual awareness, making it a popular stone for those seeking to connect with their higher selves.
Gwendolyn's engagement ring from Frederick
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Peridot is a variety of olivine. It is part of the orthorhombic crystal system and has a vitreous luster. Peridot is rich in magnesium and has an iron content that gives the gem its green coloring. The shades of Peridot range from yellow-green to olive green and dark green. The meaning of Peridot is purpose and focus
-> Peridot is a prized gemstone known for its summer spirit, its good-luck vibes, and its uncanny ability to keep you calm and feeling safe no matter what is going on around you.
This gift from the heart of Mother Nature comes with a ton of healing properties. Deep-set calm, good health, restful slumbering, and restoring balance and harmony to the body, mind and soul are just a handful of things you can expect when you say yes to Peridot.
+ possible engagement ring for Jamie from Leopold
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Many people search for the beauty of Pink Diamonds. It's an incredibly rare diamond mostly found in the Argyle Mine of Australia. -> Interesting to know that Argyle irl is a site in Australia that have the diamond in Jamie's color: pink. That ring honestly so pretty, but just let know that diamond is a diamond - a gem based solely on carbon but got prssures to becomed hardened. Diamond is the strongest gem in Moch scale (value=10) and even making an idiom of "diamond cuts diamond" to refers only the strongest that able to fights the fellow strongest.
-> Diamonds are associated with strength, love and health. As we have uncovered, throughout history, diamonds have been worn by leaders or power figures to symbolise strength and invincibility. Diamonds have also been associated with good health and represent long life and good heart health.
Conclusion: So those 5 engagement rings, all speculatives regarding the kind of them gemstones - while 4 indeed real rings in the CPC story while another 1 is speculative based on 'meme' - 1 still canon (NelLie), 1 is uncertain with so many complications (GwenDerick/FredDolyn, 1 is growing (LeoMie) but 2 are ykwim (Blaine/Maria + Lance/Lorena)
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uniquejewel · 8 months
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Buy Beautiful Yellow Sapphire Smooth Roundel Beads from Unique Jewellers
Buy Yellow Sapphire Gemstone Beads now at the best price. This beautiful gemstone beads is made by the finest raw gemstone. Explore more of our precious gemstone collections.
Size: 2.5 To 3.7 MM Grade: AAA+ Shape: Smooth Roundelle Origin: Tanzania Length: 16 Inches(Approx)
Order Online: https://www.uniquejewellersjaipur.com/detail/yellow-sapphire-smooth-roundelle-beads-spph249
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drishtigems · 2 years
Do you want to get a stone that enhances sleep quality and brings fortune to life? Yellow sapphire gemstone is that stone. Drishti gems is the one-stop destination for buying premium gems in their natural forms, trusted over decades. To learn more about the yellow sapphire gemstone, send us a Message on WhatsApp at +91-7725077250.
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myratnaudaipur · 6 months
Yellow Topaz
MyRatna a world of Gemstone
Yellow Topaz, birthstone for November babies, is a semi-precious stone, which belongs to the mineral family of silicates. Yellow Topaz varies in color from pale yellow to deep golden hues. Yellow Topaz is a substitute of Yellow Sapphire.
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mannazandwyrd · 2 years
A modern pagan prayer bracelet or meditation aid, suitable for broom-closeted devotional polytheists:
Start with your base bracelet. This can be a leather or slicone strap or a silver charm bracelet - whatever you already have or suits your budget.
Choose European-style big-hole slider beads for your bracelet (or a smaller hole if your base bracelet will allow), in colours that you associate with your deity/deities, in a number that’s sacred in your tradition.
Beard/hair beads and artisan lampwork made for SCA / historical reconstruction purposes work nicely. Support the artisans doing that work, and check out Etsy’s vintage section and your local vintage stores and antique malls (I like smoke-cleansing and repurposing vintage finds because it has a smaller environmental footprint than buying new). The silver charms from the 50s-80s may need an adapter bead to dangle from a newer bracelet, and major manufacturers (Trollbeads, Pandora, every chain jewelry store) have made and are making sterling beads in every theme imaginable. Semi-precious gemstone beads are also available.
Then write (or adapt) a meditative chant to go with the beads. A list of your deities’ aspects/names/heiti can be a good place to start. Different chants for different purposes are worth exploring, and you don’t need to do them out loud. Put the chant(s) and the cleansed bracelet on your altar and ask your deities to consecrate them.
I’m hanging with the Norse, so I snagged a vintage foxtail-chain bracelet (Trollbeads), and went through my Viking-and-earlier-replica bead stash looking for ones with 4mm holes. I chose nine lamp-worked glass beads and a few sterling ones; it’s a work in progress. I’m going to keep my eye on Trollbeads, too, because as a Danish company they have a number of beads directly inspired by Norse mythology (and even a Mjolnir bead).
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In the photo: Lampwork mostly by Grimfrost, LykosLeather, and VikingsHagedisen - my fancy replica beads from other vendors have a smaller hole (through my own lack of foresight) so will stay on my necklace-slash-brooch-chain. Sterling is all vintage, and the beads with a gold stripe in them are vintage Trollbeads but still mostly available on their website. Some of these will become Yule gifts.
In my UPG, Loki is using my energy centres (chakras in reiki and yoga) as part of teaching me energy and trancework, so my nine glass beads currently are: black, red, orange, yellow, green, sky blue, sapphire blue, purple, white. Kurt Hoogstraat’s “On Contemporary Seiðr” talks about this syncretic practice a bit; I am including the ‘earth root’ and ‘soul star’ centres in my version, and thinking of it as my Bifröst bracelet. It doesn’t hurt that at a glance people think it’s a gay pride thing (everyone I know knows I’m momma bear to a trans teen).
The photo also includes some other options I’m playing with based on what I currently have at hand. I also have repurposed my childhood sterling charm bracelet, reusing the chain for beads (it needs a new clasp) and the charms for sortilege divination purposes, with the help of some sterling split-rings and skinny Thai hill-tribe silver spacers.
What I like about this idea is that it’s so versatile: it can read as whatever gender feels best for you, it can be simple or maximalist, casual or dressy, work-appropriate or wildly artsy, and as subtle and stealth as you need it to be. Because charm bracelets of various kinds have been around for decades, you can do it on whatever budget you have, or ask to be gifted one from that place in the mall. Childrens’ plastic letter-block beads and pony beads can be used, if it suits you and your deity (a certain trickster I know would be delighted with that). You can swap out the beads as you go.
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binenbaumaj · 9 months
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Diamond Sapphire 9k Silver Row Ring 15570-8585
Step back in time with our Victorian-Design Row Ring. Featuring five sapphires totaling approximately 1.70ct, accented with delicate rose-cut diamonds. The unique combination of yellow 9k gold back and silver front adds a touch of historical elegance to this exquisite piece. 💍💙
Details: 5 totaling ±1.70ct Sapphires, Rose-cut diamonds, 9k, Silver Ring. Design Era: New Victorian. Size: 17.73 NL / 55.7 FR / 7½ US / O½ UK, sizeable (Within reason. Contact seller for information). Weight in grams: 2.7. Condition: New.
Shipping and Pickup: This fine quality piece ships from our store located in the center of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. We offer both registered shipping and local pickup at our store. In the case of local pickup, any applicable shipping costs will be refunded.
About Us: Add some sparkle to your style with Binenbaum.com. We offer a stunning selection of antique and vintage jewelry that you won't find anywhere else. From timeless rings and dazzling necklaces to unique brooches, we have something for every taste and occasion. Visit our website today and treat yourself to a piece of history.
Design Era : Victorian. Design & Historical Context : The Victorian Era spanned Queen Victoria's rule of England from 1837 until 1901. During this time, a middle class began to emerge, sparking a demand for jewelry in the mass market, jewelry trends often reflected the tone of current events. The era is usually divided into several subsections: the Romantic Period from 1837 to 1861, the Grand Period from 1861 to 1880, and the Aesthetic Period from 1880 to 1901. During the Romantic Period jewelry also featured nature-inspired designs, similar to jewelry of the Georgian era. Frequently, these designs were delicately and intricately etched into gold. Lockets and brooches were popular in daytime jewelry during the early Victorian era, whereas colored gemstones and diamonds were worn during the evening. During the Grand Period jewelry , because the Grand or Mid-Victorian era corresponded with the death of Queen Victoria's husband, many jewelry pieces have solemn, somber designs. Known as mourning jewelry, the pieces feature heavy, dark stones. Jet, onyx, amethyst, and garnet are frequently found in jewelry from this period. Compared to previous periods, Mid-Victorian-era jewelry features highly creative, colorful designs using shells, mosaics and gemstones. During the Aesthetic period, jewelers used diamonds and feminine, bright gemstones such as sapphire, peridot, and spinel. Star and crescent designs as well as elaborate hat pins were also popular. Some scholars believe the aesthetic era began sooner, in 1875, and ended as early as 1890.. Key Materials : Diamond, Sapphire. Materials & Craftsmanship : Sapphire Sapphire is a mineral made from aluminum oxide that is known for its beautiful colors, including blue, pink, yellow, green, purple, and orange. The most popular variety of sapphire is blue sapphire, which has a medium to deep blue color and strong saturation. Blue sapphire is typically the most popular and most affordable of the three major precious gemstones (emerald, ruby, and sapphire) and is often used in a variety of different types of jewelry, including rings, earrings, pendants, and bracelets. Fancy sapphires, which are available in a variety of different colors, are often more rare and expensive than blue sapphires and are prized for their unique and beautiful colors. Sapphire is a very hard and durable gemstone, with a Mohs hardness of 9 out of 10, which makes it resistant to scratches and other types of damage. It is also believed to have various healing properties and is sometimes used in traditional medicine and meditation practices. Rose-cut diamond The rose cut is a type of diamond cut that was popular in the 1500s and remained common during the Georgian and Victorian eras. It is characterized by a flat bottom with a dome-shaped crown that rises to a single apex, giving the diamond a shape that resembles a rose bud. Rose cut diamonds can have anywhere from 3 to 24 facets, which are small, flat surfaces that are cut into the diamond to create a specific shape and enhance its sparkle and brilliance. Unlike modern diamond cuts, such as the round brilliant or princess cut, the rose cut has a lower crown and a less brilliant appearance. It is a more primitive diamond cut that was used before the development of more advanced cutting techniques. However, it is still a popular choice for collectors of antique jewelry and for those who appreciate the timeless beauty of vintage cuts. Rose cut diamonds are typically less expensive than diamonds with more modern cuts because they require less labor and material to produce. They are often used as accent stones in jewelry designs or as the main gemstone in vintage-style pieces. Despite their lower price, rose cut diamonds can still be beautiful and valuable, and they are a popular choice for those who appreciate the unique charm and character of antique jewelry. 9k 9 karat gold is an alloy made up of 37.5% pure gold and 62.5% other metals, such as copper, silver, or zinc. The addition of other metals allows for the creation of gold in various colors, including yellow, white, and rose. 9 karat gold is a common choice for jewelry as it is less expensive than higher karat gold, due to the lower percentage of pure gold in the alloy. 9 karat gold is also slightly harder and more durable than pure gold, making it more resistant to scratches and dents. Silver Silver is a white metallic element that is known for its excellent conductivity of heat and electricity. It is represented on the periodic table of elements by the symbol Ag, and it is a member of the noble metals, which are known for their excellent resistance to oxidation. Silver is a relatively soft metal, with a hardness that is intermediate between gold and copper. It is more malleable and ductile than gold, which means that it can be easily shaped and molded into various forms. However, it is not as hard as copper, which means that it is more prone to scratches and other types of damage. Because of its softness, silver is usually alloyed with another metal to harden it enough to maintain the desired shape and details when it is used in jewelry and other decorative objects. This helps to give it the necessary strength and durability for use in these types of applications. Throughout history, silver has played a prominent role in the production of jewelry and objets d'art. It is prized for its beauty and versatility, and it is often used in a wide variety of different types of jewelry, including rings, earrings, pendants, and bracelets. It is also used in decorative objects, such as candlesticks, vases, and other decorative items.. Size : 17.73 NL / 55.7 FR / 7½ US / O½ UK. Gender : female. Weight (in grams) : 2.7. Condition : New. Offers : no.
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reyansh727 · 10 months
Gemstones for Prosperity, Success, and Wealth in Your Life
Gemstones are often regarded as powerful tools to counteract the negative, unfavorable planetary alignments in an individual's horoscope. In contemporary times, they are increasingly employed as astrological remedies to complement efforts aimed at enhancing health, accumulating wealth, and achieving success.
Each planet is associated with a specific precious gemstone, forming the Navratnas, or the nine gemstones for the nine planets. Wearing the gemstone linked to a particular planet is believed to amplify its positive impact or alleviate its negative effects on an individual's horoscope.
The efficacy of gemstones is attributed to a set of prescribed practices in Vedic astrology, including purification processes, mantras, auspicious timings, days, metals, and specific fingers and hands for wearing the gemstones. The weight of the gemstone varies for each person based on the desired outcome. Additionally, Vedic astrology recommends energizing and cleansing processes, along with daily recitation of mantras to enhance the gemstone's effects.
Navigating the Cosmic Landscape
The Radiant Sun and Ruby Step into the realm of fame, fortune, and authority with the radiant Ruby, a beacon for the Sun's energy. Worn on the right-hand ring finger in gold or copper, the Ruby holds the promise of amplified positive impact. The ritual purification process involves a soak in a concoction of milk, honey, and Ganga Jal, followed by the empowering mantra, "Om Suryaya Namah."
Moon's Tranquil Embrace with Pearl Embrace the calming influence of the Moon with the luminous Pearl, a gemstone renowned for balancing emotions and relationships. Worn on the little finger in silver, the Pearl undergoes a purifying soak in Ganga Jal and cow milk. Recite the mantra "Om Chandraya Namah" for daily empowerment.
Mars' Fierce Energy in Red Coral Harness the dynamic energy of Mars with the fiery Red Coral, symbolizing strength and courage. Worn on the ring finger in gold or copper, this gemstone alleviates the Manglik dosha. Immerse the Red Coral in a blend of Ganga Jal and raw milk for purification, and chant the mantra "Aum Bhaum Bhaumaye Namah" to awaken its power.
Mercury's Intellectual Spark in Emerald Embark on a journey of wisdom and intellect with the enchanting Emerald, Mercury's gemstone. Worn on the little finger in gold, this gem enhances communication skills and earning capabilities. Purify the Emerald in a mix of raw milk and Ganga Jal and infuse it with energy using the mantra "Om Budh Budhaya Namah."
Venus' Allure in the Diamond Experience the epitome of love and beauty with the majestic Diamond, representing Venus. Worn on the middle finger in gold, the Diamond enhances wealth and improves marital relations. Purify this gem in a blend of Ganga Jal, raw milk, and honey, and recite the mantra "Om Shukra Devaya Namah" for daily empowerment.
Jupiter's Abundance with Yellow Sapphire Jupiter, the harbinger of good fortune, is embodied in the Yellow Sapphire. Worn on the index finger in gold, this gemstone attracts recognition, fame, and vitality. Purify the Yellow Sapphire in a mix of honey, raw milk, and Ganga Jal, and recite the mantra "Om Brim Brihaspataaye Namah" for continuous empowerment.
Saturn's Command with Purple Sapphire Bow to the taskmaster, Saturn, with the regal Purple Sapphire. Worn on the middle finger in silver, this gemstone enhances positive results and brings wealth. Purify the Purple Sapphire in a blend of raw milk and Ganga Jal and chant the mantra "Om Sham Shanicharaya Namah" daily for empowerment.
Rahu's Enigma in Hessonite Navigate the mysterious Rahu with the protective Hessonite. Worn on the middle finger in silver, this gemstone guards against malefic influences. Purify the Hessonite in a mix of honey, raw milk, and Ganga Jal, and recite the mantra "Om Ram Rahave Namah" daily for energizing vibes.
Ketu's Shield in Cats Eye Stone Embrace the enigmatic Ketu with the protective Cats Eye Stone. Worn on the right-hand middle finger in a silver ring, this gemstone safeguards against loss and ill tidings. Purify the Cats Eye Stone in a blend of honey, raw milk, and Ganga Jal, and recite the mantra "Om Kem Ketave Namah" daily for purification and empowerment.
Conclusion: Nurturing Your Gemstone Allies
Remember, the key to unlocking the full potential of these gemstones lies not only in their mystical properties but in your commitment to personal growth. Get gemstone recommendations based on your kundli for improved luck and success. While gemstones pave the way for luck, success, and wealth, your efforts and initiatives play an integral role. Consult with an astrologer to embark on a personalized journey, unveiling the gemstone that aligns perfectly with your cosmic blueprint. As you wear these gems, cleanse and purify them weekly to ensure they radiate positive energy, guiding and supporting you on your path to prosperity.
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