#premiere of the last emperor
captainkirkk · 2 months
All the fics I’ve read and really enjoyed in the past week-ish. Reminder: This list features any and all ratings and themes. Please look at tags and warnings on ao3 before reading.
Held Together by Spiderwebs by TunaFishChris (+ podfic)
Steve is not coping well in the twenty-first century. At all. Three months after the Chitauri invasion, he decides he's had enough.
But just as he's about to end it all, he runs into the new hero in town.
Ted Lasso
Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered by mardia
Ted Lasso: Schrodinger's Witch.
Or, the one where AFC Richmond are leading the Premier League table, and Trent Crimm and the rest of the British press are slowly losing their minds as a result.
what comes in threes by emelinelou
“It’ll take two seconds,” Higgins says. “I like to keep up to date with all the players, you know. I just thought, well, you moved recently. And your emergency contact.”
He pauses here, and Jamie raises an eyebrow. His emergency contact? He’d probably filled out some joke response last time, hadn’t he. Fucking Queen of England, Boris Johnson’s wife, something good.
“Oi, let’s see it then,” and Higgins passes over the paper like it’s a live bomb, and Jamie scans down to where he sees his own handwriting sitting over a few dotted lines, and, well. It sure ain’t the Queen.
or: Jamie goes through a series of unfortunate events, changes his emergency contact a few times, and considers the possibility that maybe, actually, letting other people help isn’t all bad after all.
Clone Wars
Take a Knee by lilbuddyBD (Note: Read the warnings on all the fics in this series before starting it, because holy shit)
Part 1 of Broken Pieces (Shine)
There is a Jedi on Kamino. Jango can't just let him leave, now can he?
The Goblin Emperor
Drinks With Friends by searchingforserendipity
The emperor of the Ethuveraz and his nohecharei walk into a bar -
Well. Beshelar limped, mostly. Cala supported him, an operation made somewhat more difficult with how they insisted in keeping Maia safely between them.
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signor-signor · 3 months
Trending 27th - June 2024
What gives you the motivation for not giving up on Wander Over Yonder?
Well, for starters, when Craig McCracken brought up the uncalled-for cancellation, he also brought up the existence of…
The Plans
Here’s what Craig said in his Tumblr post from March of 2016:
“About a year ago we presented a pitch for a season 3 arc that promised to bring our characters together in new, unexpected, and hilarious ways. And just as S2 evolved from S1, we had a really exciting approach to evolving S3 even further. We had plans for new characters, the return of old characters, and even a bit of backstory! We were all really excited about the new direction and so were our bosses at DisneyXD and TVA.”
“Unfortunately, the higher up bosses of bosses of bosses at Disney decided not to continue with the show. It's not that they didn't like Wander, they just felt that 2 seasons and 80 cartoons was enough and they didn't see the need to produce any more.”
“For the record, this decision had nothing to do with the ratings performance of S2. Truth be told, we were informed that we wouldn't be continuing before S2 even premiered.”
If what he said is to be believed, the mediocre performance of S1 on Disney XD made the “higher up bosses of bosses of bosses” think WOY shouldn’t continue after S2, so they decided to cancel it five months after the pitch, one week before The Greater Hater premiered. Big mistake. After nearly a decade, Craig still keeps the plans for S3 under wraps, but his talk of S3 is enough to pique my curiosity. He piqued it even more when he brought up Star Force Enforcement Force in 2021. Truth be told, he knows way more about that third and final season than he let on.
At first, I thought S2 would wrap up the show nicely. Boy, was I wrong - it wrapped up S2, but not the whole show. Once I checked out The End of the Galaxy, I knew right then and there that one more season was planned, because in the end credits, I saw…
The Cliffhanger
I will admit, I found the last couple of minutes anticlimactic. Dominator spurned Wander’s friendship, Hater is still cuckoo for conquering (much to Peepers’s delight), and the main four are practically back where they began. I reiterate, it wrapped up the season nicely, but not the whole show, because what I’m about to describe is indicative of the show’s unfinished business.
Dominator walks off in angry defeat, trying to peel an orange (or open a jar of jam if you prefer, assuming you looked closely at what she grabbed), and she grumbles, “They’ll get what’s coming to them.” Unbeknownst to her, she passes by a crash-landed space capsule with its door unhinged. Green lightning flashes, ominous Hater-themed music plays, and simian screeching is heard and fades into Hater’s evil laugh.
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How is this anything less than an indicator of unfinished business? If stopping the show here is not a bad move, I don’t know what is. I’m positive English primatologist Jane Goodall would not be pleased with the decision to leave an ape stranded in space with no one around to help him. The question remains: who would find that space ape? Wander and the passengers aboard the Star Nomad or Star Force Enforcement Force? Only Craig and those who worked on the pitch with him would know and so would the bosses of Disney XD and DTVA. There’s also something that was on my mind after I watched the season finale. I shall now tell you about…
The Missing Pieces
I’m, of course, referring to parts that were absent from the episode and left unexplained. We’ve got the other villains, most of whom were last seen in The Bad Neighbors. Emperor Awesome made a silent appearance in The Sick Day, and that was it. As a certain @koskela13 indicated in a post 8 years ago, the villains never mustered up the courage to help the heroes fight against Dominator. There’s also Buster, the planet-sized puppy dog whom the Ballzerians call home. Since Beeza and the Ballzerians were among the refugees, he had to have fled from Dominator’s galactic onslaught. I found long ago that he’s supposed to be all right, but where he is remains to be seen. Same goes for Janet the Planet and her moon, Maurice; however, it was said that they were on their honeymoon, hence their absence in S2. Another thing that I think was left out was Wander getting to sing/play his banjo. Think about it, if the crew had wanted to stop after S2, would they have had Wander perform a glorious reprise of an upbeat song right after Dominator’s downfall? That was never done. It’s pretty obvious.
Moving right along, another thing that keeps me motivated is…
The Fan Content
Over the years, I came across countless fan pieces to make the Internet aware of the show’s existence, such as @wanderin-over-yonder’s calendars. It’s possible to come up with WOY-related activities, original characters, and meta gags.
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Master Yisuko
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Dr. Otmar Vunderbar
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In case you haven’t guessed by now, the possibilities are endless.
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I would expand more on the Star Nomad, but I’m sure you can find the information in my previous posts. As long as we’re talking fan stuff, let me refer to…
The Supporting Characters (and their VAs’ Longevities)
Apart from the five major characters, The End of the Galaxy had at least ten other characters speak solo (King Bingleborp, Destructor, the Cashier, Prince Cashmere, Neckbeard, the Lost and Found Guy, the Black Cube, Mittens, Major Threat, and Michelle). All the others barely had a chance to shine. For that reason, I put my effort into showcasing as many of them as I could in my fan fiction, The Eye on the Galaxy. What’s more, some of those characters are performed by voice actors over the age of 50. Stella Starbella was voiced by June Squibb, who was in her mid-80s while WOY was running. Today, she’s a nonagenarian, and if her performance in Inside Out 2 as Nostalgia is any indication, it’s not too late for her to reprise her role as that character. We might have until 2030 to revive the show, assuming June lives to be 100.
By the way, Major Threat was said to become a recurring character in S3, and we’ve yet to see him actually interact with Wander long after he put his days of villainy behind him.
Now I wish to bring up…
The Luck of the Other Shows
A vague and unconvincing reason for WOY’s cancellation was that two seasons/80 episodes were enough. I mean, really? Disney never felt that way about Fish Hooks, which I believe has three seasons and 110 episodes. Also, they allowed Star vs. the Forces of Evil to run for four seasons, putting it well over 100 episodes. And how about Big City Greens? Although not as frequently brought up as Gravity Falls, Amphibia, or The Owl House, it recently managed to get a whopping five seasons. They’re treating it like it’s the new Phineas and Ferb, although there’s no merchandising or presence in the parks. When I compare WOY to the aforementioned shows, it’s clear to me that it had the worst of luck. Heck, I wasn’t even sure if those other shows had pitches for later seasons. We can’t stand idly by while the plans made for WOY remain shelved. It just wouldn’t be right, y’know what I mean?
One more thing…
The Other Fandoms of Shows With Unfinished Business
I’ve noticed the presence of fans of shows that still have more to tell, including, but not limited to, Sym-Bionic Titan and Glitch Techs. One show that’s being resurrected as we speak is Sonic the Hedgehog (SatAM), which ran in the 1990s for a measly two seasons and, just like WOY, was left on a cliffhanger (in this one, Snively re-emerges in a different outfit and is raring to take his uncle’s place and put a stop to the Freedom Fighters, and behind him stands Naugus, who somehow managed to escape the void). Fortunately, a group called Team Sea3on are working on a S3 premiere titled “Return to Robotropolis.” You can find this group on just about any social media platform - their determination to right the wrong done to the show is truly inspiring.
Did I mention shows like Hey Arnold! and Samurai Jack got closure after years of being neglected and incomplete? The same thing could happen to WOY if we persevere. Invader Zim, which also only got two seasons, got its overdue closure (I think) in the form of a Netflix-exclusive movie. If a season is too much work, fewer episodes or a two-hour TV movie should suffice.
And I think that’s about it for now. I hope all this information was enough to keep you all motivated! Fight on for fairness, my friends, and to those of you who think of The End of the Galaxy only as a SEASON finale, I thank you.
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moonstrider9904 · 5 months
And so, the last Bad Batch Eve falls upon us.
It is surreal to think that a show that has meant so much to me for three years will come to an end. I've talked about how meaningful TBB is to me many times, and I most certainly will in the future, but I didn't want to pass on the opportunity to do it on the last Bad Batch Eve we'll officially have.
The night before Aftermath premiered, I'd struggled with some pretty bad anxiety. In the weeks following after that and throughout the first season, I dealt with depression and anxiety being diagnosed as well as an ear infection the doctor attributed to said mental illnesses. I went through a pretty bad breakup. The lockdowns were at their peak where I was. But despite that being a rough time, I also vividly remember being in my room at home, my favorite place in the world, eating my favorite food and drinking my favorite relaxing tea, hearing it rain outside, wearing my favorite hoodie and my PJs, watching/rewatching those season 1 episodes. Seeing Crosshair deal with the inhibitor chip seemed to echo some of what I was going through, i.e. having something in your head you couldn't really control. I wondered how afraid he must have felt, and I sympathized with him.
During S2, as Crosshair was off with the Empire, I was off living in my hometown the first time, away from my true home and my family, and I have to admit I was very lost during that time. I did make mistakes. I did return home, and I left it again, albeit now more ready, more prepared, more stable. But it was still a second time leaving home.
S3 Crosshair has all but solidified my intent in going back home and not freaking leaving and I really hope the day in which I can return home to my family the way he did is sooner rather than later. Seeing him grow, own up to his mistakes, forgive and be forgiven, learn to control what's in his head, and heal, feels like a very fitting peak to a journey, a journey that had and still has its ups and downs.
And let's not forget the writing and the fandom. I have written things I didn't think I'd write, things I've loved so much that part of me wants to go back in time and rewrite to experience the joy of doing it all over again (looking at Moonlight here lol). I have also made gifs, which I didn't ever imagine doing! I edited music videos and crack meme compilations, which I had wanted to do for years. Fear not, I'll keep doing all of that - slowly, yes, but not with any less love. Y'all are stuck with me. 😁🩷
And as if all I've mentioned wasn't already very valuable, I cannot forget all the beautiful, wonderful, amazing people I've met because of this show. People who I've learned from, laughed with, cried with, fangirled with, gamed with... every single one of you has been the icing on the cake, the lattice on the pie, the parmesan on the pasta. You have all truly made this worth it and make me love being in the fandom. You give what I do a greater purpose, and you have become people I am happy to call moots and friends. I am over the moon that this show allowed me to cross paths with you. @photogirl894 @rebekadjarin @darthzero22 @arctrooper69 @jedi-hawkins @stardustbee @s-pirth-lemonade @eloquentmoon @sageislostinspring @nahoney22 @freesia-writes @kimageddon @emperor-palpaminty @rainydaydream-gal18 @imabeautifulbutterfly @paperback-rascal @pankeki-25 @dragonrebelrose @dragonrider9905 @questforgalas @lightwise @zoruui @nunanuggets @misogirl828 and everyone else 🩵
I love The Bad Batch and what it's done for my life in so many aspects. I love these characters for their growth and because they were there for me when nobody was, and because they brought me to so many amazing people. I am grateful that this show exists and I cannot wait to keep creating all the stuff I have planned, writing or otherwise.
Thank you, Clone Force 99, and thank you everyone for being a part of this journey!
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nascenta · 4 months
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Caligula is a play written by Albert Camus, begun in 1938 (the date of the first manuscript is 1939) and published for the first time in May 1944. It premiered on 26 September 1945 at the Théâtre Hébertot in Paris.
It is part of what Camus called the "Cycle of the Absurd", together with the novel The Stranger (1942) and the essay The Myth of Sisyphus (1942). A number of critics have reported the piece to be existentialist, though Camus always denied belonging to this philosophy. Its plot revolves around the historical figure of Caligula, a Roman Emperor famed for his cruelty and seemingly insane behavior.
Albert Camus wrote of his piece, "Caligula, a seemingly kind prince, realizes upon the death of Drusilla (his sister and his mistress) that men die and they are not happy. Obsessed by the quest for the Absolute and poisoned by contempt and horror, he tries to exercise through murder and systematic perversion of all values, a freedom, which he discovers in the end is not truly freedom. He rejects friendship and love, simple human solidarity, good and evil. He takes the word of those around him, he forces them to logic, he levels all around him by force of his refusal and by the rage of destruction which drives his passion for life."
He continues, "But if his truth is to rebel against fate, his faculty is to oppose, and deny other men. One cannot destroy, without destroying oneself. This is why Caligula depopulates the world around him and, true to his logic, makes arrangements to arm those who will eventually kill him. Caligula is the story of a superior suicide. It is the story of the most human and the most tragic of errors. Unfaithful to man, loyal to himself, Caligula consents to die for having understood that no one can save himself all alone and that one cannot be free in opposition to other men."
“It makes me laugh, Cæsonia, when I think how for years and years all Rome carefully avoided uttering Drusilla’s name. Well, all Rome was mistaken. Love isn’t enough for me; I realized it then. And I realize it again today, when I look at you. To love someone means that one’s willing to grow old beside that person. That sort of love is right outside my range. Drusilla old would have been far worse than Drusilla dead. Most people imagine that a man suffers because out of the blue death snatches away the woman he loves. But his real suffering is less futile; it comes from the discovery that grief, too, cannot last. Even grief is vanity.”
-- Caligula, Albert Camus
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alicent-vi-britannia · 7 months
Lelouch vi Britannia, the Prometheus of Japanese animation
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Today I want to upload an analysis about Lelouch that I had saved for a long time. This analysis is very special to me because it was a university essay (I wrote it in 2021 and it was a way to reconnect with this series since I didn't want to know anything about it after I was destroyed by the canon ending, I was disappointed by the alternative universe and the fandom disgusted me). I got a good grade, but it wasn't the best and it made me very sad because I worked hard and wrote that essay with a lot of love.
Anyway, the professor was terrible and I hated with every cell of my being every one of her classes and her way of teaching (some people shouldn't be teachers), so I don't care that I gave her a spoiler for one of the best endings from the television (maybe some of you will say that she didn't give me a higher grade because of the prejudice against Japanese animation and that could be, although it would be ironic because she said that it was allowed to choose anime characters as long as we explained to her everything with luxury detail and that's what I did.)
The essay exercise consisted of choosing a fictional character and explaining what archetype it was based on. What is an archetype? They are expressions of the collective unconscious or psychic elaborations that are part of the universal common language and that help in the composition of stories. In Jungian terms, Lelouch is a "Trickster" that mythologist Campbell defines as characters who violate the principles of the natural order, destroy life as we know it and restore it as a new dynamic. Lelouch also fits the Shadow archetype with respect to Suzaku, who is the Hero archetype, since Lelouch, in a way, represents everything that he represses about himself. I decided to analyze Lelouch starting from the figure of Prometheus because I felt that I was going to do a more complete analysis within the limit of extension that I had. If you notice that I'm being a little too explanatory in some parts or I don't stop to delve into others, keep in mind that it is because the essay was directed to someone who has never seen Code Geass in her life. With that said, here we go.
"It was 2006 when one of the most important Japanese animated series in the world premiered: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion. The story is about Lelouch vi Britannia, the seventeenth prince of the Holy Empire of Britannia, who at his young age was sent to Japan as a political hostage with his sister after rebuking his father, the Emperor, for failing to protect his family during an attack that left his mother dead and his sister paralyzed and blind. The series begins ten years after the tragedy when Britannia has already colonized three quarters of the world, including Japan, which is renamed Area 11. It's then that Lelouch obtains Geass, a mystical power that will allow him to dominate the will of the others, and with it he will adopt the alter ego of Zero, a masked vigilante, and will lead a rebellion in order to find answers for the murder of his mother and to give a kind world to his sister - and, in the process, destroy the empire who repudiated him. Stories about rebellions have been told many times. In his book The Rebel Man, Albert Camus observed that man rises up against the order that oppresses him when the situation has lasted so long that it is unsustainable. But the feeling of insurrection, although it is an awareness, arises from the archetypes that serve as a guide in times of crisis for societies and establish patterns for the characters in the stories we like. That being so, what archetype do we identify in Lelouch? The one from Prometheus. In this work, we will unravel Lelouch through this archetype.
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The myth of Prometheus is of vast symbolic richness. Hence it lends itself to inexhaustible reinterpretations and is one of the most reworked myths. In Prometheus: myth and tragedy, Carlos García Gual traces the different materializations of Prometheus throughout the ages and declares: "all these Prometheans (...) are united by the same resistance, the same insurrection, the same voluntary suffering" (p .194). So Prometheus transcends as a benevolent rogue who disobeys the commands of Zeus in favor of humanity, emphasizing values of rebellion and progress. However, this is far from Lelouch because, while it is true that Area 11 is under the yoke of Britannia, it is not driven by a genuine desire to free the Elevens (the colonists of Area 11), but by revenge and resentment, and it disguises its selfish reasons with intentions altruistic. He does, at least initially, as, at a turning point in the second season, Lelouch realizes that his struggle extends beyond him and his sister. He also fights for the people he loves and the humanity. In this sense, we can say that Lelouch embodies the negative expression of the archetype and this, in turn, makes him similar to another mythical figure: Lucifer. Like Lelouch, Lucifer questions the supreme power of God and incites the angels to oppose him by masking his personal motivations. When the rebellion fails, he hatches a plan to corrupt man in order to get revenge on God. And the similarities don't end there. Lelouch and Lucifer were exiled and as a result they harbor a deep hatred against their creators - in God, in the Emperor of Britannia and even in Zeus we can identify the archetype of the Father. Lelouch and Satan, additionally, are manipulators and liars. Both resort to rhetoric to get what they want from others and, like evil itself, they are seductive and charismatic. We see how Lucifer deceived Eve and how Lelouch pretends to love Rolo as his brother when he is really using him. To make it more evident, in the final stretch of the series, the other characters distinguish Lelouch as "Demon Emperor" in allusion to his evil. It may seem like we are getting off topic; however, the opposite is true. Prometheus and Lucifer are more similar than it seems at first glance. In fact, Milton's Satan drinks from Prometheus and, apart from that, emerged in the Baroque, a movement that preceded Romanticism, which had an intense affinity with Prometheus. Thus, Satan, Lelouch and Prometheus have their origin in the fact that they were part of the order that they challenge and stand out for their powerful nature. Lucifer was an angel at the service of God; Prometheus was a titan with the prophetic gift who helped Zeus during the titanomachy and Lelouch was the son of the Emperor (plus he possesses mystical power and genius intellect). And, above all, all three are essentially characterized by their cunning.
Outside of his love for the human race, Prometheus is still a scoundrel who used tricks to get his way. Hesiod presents him as a challenger to the omnipotence and omnipresence of Zeus in the Theogony, highlighting his negative traits (because his attitude is contrary to the purposes of Zeus, who wants everything good). The myth of Mecona demonstrates this since Prometheus mocked the father of the gods with malicious art with the distribution of the parts of the sacrificed bull, knowing that he would choose the most appetizing one. Here Prometheus is transgressing the sacrifice between men and gods [here I open a parenthesis to tell my readers who aren't familiar with Greek mythology nor are they mythologists that the myth of Macona is the explanation and meaning that the Greeks gave to their sacrificial rituals and if we analyze it carefully, you will see that the Prometheus' trick benefited humanity since it was established that humans could eat the meat and that the burned bones would be the sacrifice for the gods; if it had been the other way around, human would have chewed the bones as if they were dogs and the gods would have eaten the meat because that was what Zeus, who "knows what is good for man", wanted (f*ck you Zeus).] Lelouch does something similar in the eighth episode of the second season. The vicereine of Area 11 decides to restore the Administrative Zone of Japan, which is a conceptual State created with the aim of returning the rights and privileges to the Elevens that were previously denied to them as colonial powers, and establishes a dialogue with Zero (Lelouch). He accepts, on behalf of the Elevens, on the condition that "Zero" be exiled and, in this way, they close the agreement. On the day of the inauguration, Lelouch, his army and the Elevens attend the ceremony dressed as Zero, forcing Britannia to let all the Zeros go and, in turn, preventing the reduction of support for his rebel group and the Elevens are subordinated to a puppet State. This situation is one of many in which Lelouch uses his cunning to benefit the people (and his own plans).
Prometheus' other trick is the theft of fire. Against the will of Zeus, Prometheus steals the fire from the gods and gives it to men. The myth of the creation of humanity tells that Prometheus decided to give man fire to elevate him to a higher category than the animal and guarantee his survival; but what does fire symbolize in this context? David Fontana answers, in The Secret Language of Symbols, that it is "a symbol of the wisdom that differentiates men from gods" (p.111). Fire is the light that allows us to see through the shadows. It's the knowledge that constitutes the central axis in the progress of civilizations. And isn't knowledge what Lucifer offers to man in Genesis? Just in case you have any doubts, the etymology reveals it: Lucifer comes from Latin and is made up of lux (light) and ferre (carry). Therefore, Lucifer means "bringer of light." Several literary critics will compare Lucifer to Prometheus, among other aspects, for this. Paolo Astorgo, in his essay "The myth of Prometheus and human knowledge", points out in relation to this: "[Prometheus] favors humanity by providing it with certain means by which it not only systematizes its activities more quickly (... ), but it creates the first ideas about technology” (para. 5). With fire, man can create weapons and instruments. For this reason, Astorgo talks about technological advancement and this brings us back to Code Geass. In the preamble to the first episode they explain to us that Britannia conquered Japan (and many other nations) because they had "Knightmares" at their disposal, which are large armed robots. No matter how hard the Japanese tried to get their land back, they were always outmatched. It's Lelouch who obtains several Knightmares and bestows them on the rebels. Thanks to its resources and tricks, the group establishes itself as a kind of organization that soon gains the sympathy of the people and the patronage of the Japanese plutocrats. Under Lelouch's leadership, the organization grows exponentially, becoming an army that rivals that of Britannia and, consequently, is capable of fighting for the freedom of Japan. Astorgo shows that men find themselves in the need to depend on the divinities because they have fire that they also use to subdue them. By giving them fire, Prometheus not only makes man rebel against the oppressive divinities, he also provides him with tools to free himself from them. Likewise, Lelouch provides the Elevens with the same power with which Britannia bends them to become independent. And, to this, Astorgo adds: "This almost dialectical relationship God-Humanity, revolves in the myth as a constant closely linked to the fact of necessity and rebellion, which is what regularizes all the acts of “deception” that Prometheus uses before Zeus. , to steal power, with the sole objective of providing freedom to humanity" (para. 13). Here one of the values that Prometheus represents comes into play: freedom.
Satan, Prometheus and Lelouch affirm themselves as rebels against the tyranny of the powerful, but humanity suffers the consequences. Adam and Eve are expelled from Paradise; Zeus takes fire from man and grants him a new evil, and in his obsession with revenge, Lelouch unintentionally drags down innocent lives and his loved ones. But while Lucifer is apathetic; Lelouch and Prometheus suffer. In his work "Prometheus: Human Existence in Greek Interpretation", Karl Kerényi says that the nature of this archetype pushes the Prometheans to think deviously, which brings misfortune for humanity and for themselves. He alleges: “in their devious (ankyios) way of thinking (…) they are caught in their own web (ankyie): (…). And all kinds of devious paths correspond to it, from lies and deceptions to the most ingenious inventions, whose precondition, however, is always representative of a lack in the way of existing of the clever" (p.45). This is the imperfection that Kerényi reiterates throughout the text. Even though they are "titanic", Lelouch and Prometheus are imperfect because they suffer and that pain humanizes them. From there, Kerényi stipulates that suffering is part of the human condition. Lelouch, in particular, is aware of the damage that his actions have on those close to him and the innocent and lives with remorse. An example is episode thirteen of the first season: the father of one of his love interests dies due to a landslide that he causes in a confrontation with Britannia. Lelouch never forgave himself. Of course, if there was an event whose guilt always tormented him, it was the massacre of the Administrative Zone of Japan, of which he was the indirect author. The sum of the tragedies in his life leads Lelouch towards the positive side of him as an archetype and, eventually, makes him make the decision to pay for his sins, but not before leaving behind him a kind world as he had proposed.
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Both Prometheus and Lelouch end up succumbing to divine justice for their misdeeds. Prometheus is tied with strong chains to a rock where an eagle devours his liver and remains there for a long time until Heracles appears and shoots the animal. Lelouch's punishment, on the other hand, takes the form of the Zero Requiem; which is a plan that he develops with Suzaku, his best friend, with the aim of ending all wars and ushering in an era of peace and, in unison, answering for their crimes. After killing the Emperor and usurping the throne, Lelouch quells the insurrections against him, imposes a cruel dictatorship and establishes himself as the enemy of the world by kidnapping the leaders of the United Nations Federation (a coalition of states equivalent to the ONU), which forces the world to confront him, giving way to a war that culminates in Lelouch's victory. During the public execution of the fallen, Suzaku, dressed as Zero, appears and kills Lelouch. With his death, Lelouch accepts his punishment and takes all the hatred with him, leaving a peaceful world. Kerényi stops to analyze the tetralogy of tragedies dedicated to Prometheus by Aeschylus and observes that the cunning titan's hardships will not cease until a divinity takes charge, since Prometheus' suffering is inherent to existence. In such circumstances one could speak of a "redemption." Who replaces Prometheus is Chiron, since longed to die after being wounded by a poisoned arrow. In Lelouch's case it is Suzaku. Suzaku is a knight in the service of Britannia. Like Lelouch, he aspires to a better world, only he doesn't believe a rebellion is the key. In him we recognize, as in Heracles, the archetype of the hero. And he, like Chiron, wanted to die. However, in the end, Lelouch, who longed to live with his sister, is the one who dies and he, who wanted to die in order to purge his guilt, is the one who lives at the cost of giving up his own happiness for the good of humanity by existing. just like Zero. Thus, the two friends atone for his sins and Lelouch, who proclaimed himself as the Messiah, achieves his redemption by becoming what he preached so much (although a few know that). There is no doubt that this sacrifice for love of humanity makes us think of Jesus Christ.
Literary critics also often compare him to Prometheus and, by extension, we could compare him to Lelouch. The three are united by their closeness to men, for whom they endure a via crucis and the three are saviors of humanity. And this brings us back to Joseph Campbell's words about the definition of "hero." In simple terms, a hero is one who gives his life for something greater than himself or different from him. It is likely that there will be those who resist considering Christ as a hero. Lelouch, for his part, certainly falls within the category of tragic hero. Regarding Prometheus, García Gual attributes his heroic character to Aeschylus stating that it was his work that immortalized in tragedy for posterity the myth of an old trickster.
Either way, Lelouch is an excellent example that archetypes are rooted in the collective imagination and are binary, universal, and ahistorical in nature. Despite the enormous time gap and the difference between cultures, the archetypes represent the same values that they once had and are still capable of continuing to captivate us with wonderful narratives that have a lot to teach us."
And, well, that's how I concluded my essay. The truth is, I think I could have gone deeper since the approach has enough potential to develop a thesis, but I couldn't go on for five pages and the proffesor complained that some of my classmates decided to ignore the rule and, therefore, exceed the limit. It seems that she is one of those proffesors who doesn't want to read shit (did I mention that I despise her?). So I apologize for so little and I will allow you to hate me for this horrible English (I didn't put the quotes in their original language and then translate them, I know, I deserve you to hate me for that too).
But, if you don't hate me and you liked my work, I invite you to give me a like. If you've never thought about what archetype Lelouch is based on, give me a like. If you found the association between Jesus Christ, Satan, Prometheus and Lelouch fascinating, give me a like. If my essay made you think, give me a like. If you want to make me happy or would like my humble essay to be more widely disseminated, share it. This way I will take into account that you like me to analyze Code Geass characters through archetypes and I can bring more similar content. I would like to talk soon about a part of Joseph Campbell's hero's journey in particular that is very easy to identify in Lelouch's journey (how the hell can Lelouch be an antihero, if he has the word HERO tattooed all over his forehead?). Well, there are a lot of things I want to discuss! It's just that my life and time are not enough for me to do everything I want. Anyway, have a nice night and don't forget to eat meat to piss off Zeus.
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kydv404 · 2 years
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Okay, I deleted the other roundup since I did not anticipate Tumblr to update and just let us upload 30 pics in one post now, rendering it pointless to break these up lol.
Back to Ninjago now, damn. I remember being how important it was to me to see the s2 finale premiere way back when. Now here we are, at the end again. (I drafted this last night but posting right after seeing the finale- it got me misty eyed tbh. It wasn't perfect, but it gave me the right vibes.) Glad to be back in the fandom at this moment. Something something ninja never quit. This is my love letter to the franchise. I'll still probably do more, maybe try to get a new pic like this out once a month, but yup. Been a blast, can't wait for what's next from the franchise. Now from me, who do you all want to see next? Lesser villains, like generals and such? Side characters like Dareth and Skylor? Other Lego properties?
Redbubble Shop |Speedpaint | Concept art 1 and 2| Ninja comp
Individual posts for each pic: Garmadon | Pythor | Chen | Morro |  Nadakhan | Time Twins |  Harumi |  Iron Baron |  Omega |  Aspheera |  Ice Emperor  |  Unagami | Skull Sorcerer | Kalmaar | Overlord
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twinsunstars · 7 months
Thoughts on The Bad Batch Episode 3 - Shadows of Tantiss- A Discussion Post
This episode was full of action, worry, and hope, and Omega and Crosshair really nailed it. Let's look back on the last episode of the premiere!
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Right at the beginning of the episode when Crosshair is led out with the other clones as part of his daily routine, we see a mysterious masked soldier standing in the back, the same one from the trailer. We all think it's Tech, and I feel like it is likely him. The masked soldier enters a room and is not seen again for the whole episode. I was hoping to see him appear in the same episode again, but I wonder when he will in the later episodes.
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Omega's blood sample is retrieved again, and Emerie is told to go test the blood samples instead of Nala Se. With Nala Se not being able to destroy Omega's sample, she tells Omega to escape and how. Omega has finally found her source of hope.
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The Emperor arrives, as he comes to check the progress of Project Necromancer. It was nice to hear Ian McDiarmid reprise his role again. This name was mentioned in The Mandalorian, and likely in this series, we can figure out more about this project.
I also keep thinking about Mark Omega, that one project Jyn had mentioned in Rogue One. Is is related to Omega in any way?
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Omega pushing the mouse droid away was so funny.
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Omega takes the datapad and immediately heads to Crosshair, telling him about her escape plan she's figuring out as she goes. Crosshair is still done with life, but he's down for escaping. He gets the guards' attention, going full Wrecker on them after Omega opens his cell door. Crosshair hands Omega a blaster, the two set to escape.
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Omega leads Crosshair to the room with the lucra hounds, planning to use Batcher's former cell to escape, opening the door that leads to outside. Emerie finds Omega and Crosshair here after finding Omega missing in her cell before anyone else did, trying to get Omega to reason with her and stay. Crosshair stuns Emerie again, the two running out.
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Hemlock eventually finds out Omega and Crosshair have escaped after Palpatine leaves, immediately wanting to find them. Meanwhile, the clock ticks as Omega's blood sample rotates around, as it is a matter of time before her sample gets tested.
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Omega and Crosshair run through the jungle, encountering danger at every move. They eventually find the crashed shuttle, getting it to operate.
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Being met by soldiers, Crosshair isn't ready to give up. His hand keeps on shaking, but that doesn't stop him. Omega had said earlier, "Your hand's getting worse, isn't it?" Does she know what's wrong with his hand?
He asks Omega if she knows what Plan 72 is, as she tells Crosshair that Tech had her memorize all of their plans. He replies with a smirk, "Of course he did." He does know Tech is gone right? Omega told him right?
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I loved when Omega just said "Hello" when a soldier caught her, and Batcher came to her rescue. She eventually takes Batcher onto the ship, taking her with them.
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Omega was ultimate girlboss in this episode, her shooting and fighting skills were amazing. She's getting so big 😭
(I bet Crosshair was proud of her inside)
Omega had whistled to get Batcher's attention and get her on the ship before they escape the planet, and it reminded me of how Hunter whistled to get his brothers' attention in season 1. I bet she learned that from him.
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Omega's blood sample is tested, and Emerie discovers it is a positive result. She takes the results to Hemlock, who calls off the pursuit to get Crosshair and Omega, allowing them to jump into hyperspace. They need Omega alive for the project, and they're going to get her back.
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I wonder what Emerie's thinking here, and I wonder if the masked soldier we saw at the beginning will be tasked to help find Omega and Crosshair. Considering Cad Bane and Fennec Shand are featured in the trailer, I wonder if they are hired by the Empire again to find Omega. I hope Fennec helps protect her though like she was in season 1 when hired by Nala Se. Where will Crosshair and Omega go? Hopefully they find contact with Hunter and Wrecker soon. Episode 4 could not come any sooner.
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sloanerisette · 2 months
Fic For Odaiba Day 2024: In Regula Angeli
Hi everyone! Happy Odaiba Day... 2! Now that it's the actual Odaiba Day here, I'm here to post my SECOND fic I'm premiering this year!
As always, I'm happy to write for the Digimon fandom and I'm happy to have become part of it here on tumblr, even just in a small way! So here we are with the second fic: a 02 AU where Kari acts as a Digimon Emperor alongside Ken!
Title: In Regula Angeli Summary: Order must be brought to the Digital World. The partnership between human and Digimon will inevitably be too dangerous to remain unchecked. As a tyrant from the human world yearns to assume complete control, Homeostasis comes up with a plan to protect the order it serves, and it has the perfect subject in mind to enact it.
Big thanks as always to Camp Digimonth for the support for all my writing and the help everyone is always happy to offer, as well as to SluggyBasson107 for reading the first chapter here and for a lot of help with bouncing thoughts off of and some extra special stuff later on~! Thanks y'all, much love and appreciation <3
I'll post a blurb under the read more, but you can find the whole fic on AO3 HERE!
The Digidestined were a necessity to fix the problems with the Digital World two and a half years ago. Devimon, the Dark Network, Myotismon, the Dark Masters, Apocalymon, they would’ve all destroyed the very fabric of their world. But no, the Digidestined had helped avert that with the help of their Digimon. The world had been corrected, and the humans had been sent off to their home.
The worlds weren’t meant to touch ever again.
Then, a newcomer arrived. One who found his own Digimon partner. That wasn’t supposed to happen. Of all the knowledge it had of the Digital World, near limitless information feeding in from every inch of the world, this wasn’t accounted for. The Digital World was safe now, there was no need for another human. Even if this human and his Digimon partner helped keep the world safe, that didn’t change the fact that humans and Digimon needed to be separated. Permanently.
With the human now gone, peace had settled again, and Digimon were able to live as they were meant to. But unfortunately, it wasn’t the last time.
But then that human came back. Much, much worse than before. He called himself the Digimon Emperor, used strange technology to subjugate Digimon, and erected disgusting monoliths to stake claim to the world.
Its world.
This could not continue. At the rate this false ruler of the Digital World was working, the entire Digital World would fall under his rule in no time. This proved to it one thing: Digimon and humans could not continue to interact. Their bonds were too dangerous. The Digidestined were a fluke, a gambit designed solely to stop greater foes. Humans could not be trusted enough to maintain these partnerships. No, they had to be driven from the Digital World entirely. This world was meant only for the Digimon.
But that left the question: how.
Without a physical form, it couldn’t even attempt to put up a fight against this emperor, let alone stop him completely. There had to be some solution. A way to rally against the Digimon Emperor and break the slowly growing stranglehold he was rapidly achieving.
That was it.
One option. No, one solution.
Now it was just a matter of setting the gears in motion.
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brw · 9 months
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Alright, because Tumblr hates me answering asks now, I'm writing a Simon rec list for someone who requested one here! I've written this as a basic "getting to know Simon" list, with a mix of the most important parts in his history, and issues I consider core characterisation that paint a picture of who Wonder Man is. This means I have left out things that are dynamic specific but don't say too much on Simon specifically, for example his Ms Marvel appearances or later WCA issues with Eric. If you are interested in something like this, please let me know and I'll happily make a further reading kind of list! Additionally, as we get into 2000s I have just given basically every major thing he was ever in, as opposed to 70s through 90s, where I was more discerning. This is because in recent comics, Simon hasn't really been a major player and his opportunities for important roles have become few and far between. This means the characterisation and quality isn't quite there, but it is important bringing you up to speed for modern Simon so they have been included.
Avengers V1 #9, Avengers #151-#153, Avengers V1 Annual 6 — Simon's origin, death, and subsequent revival.
Avengers V1 #160 — Eric Williams, Simon's brother who previously antagonised the Avengers in #52, #78-#79, #102, #106-#108, comes to ask questions about Vision and Simon.
Avengers V1 #164-#166, #181, #197-#198, #203, #211 are all different arcs and issues Simon plays a prominent role in.
Marvel Premiere #55 is Simon's first solo issue.
The Vision and the Scarlet Witch V1 #3 — Simon comes to help an injured Vision. More clearly outlines the dynamic between these two and remains the gold standard for their relationship.
Wonder Man V1 #1 — Simon's first solo series. This one is weird, but is only the second time we see Simon properly alone without the Avengers to help.
West Coast Avengers V1 #1-#4 is Simon joining the WCA, where he would remain for the remainder of the 80s.
The Vision and the Scarlet Witch V2 #1, West Coast Avengers V2 #1, WCA V1 #2 V&SW V2 #2 is an arc dedicated to wrapping up Vision and Simon's relationship. Looks into Simon and Eric's history, establishes their past and Simon's fear of failure. Simon stays a part of West Coast Avengers, so you can read this for as long as you want, although I find the quality slowly goes down the longer it runs but that's just me. Simon does slowly morph into more of an asshole as this series continues, which comes to a head during the White Vision arc by Byrne.
Marvel Graphic Novel - Emperor Doom — Simon finds himself alone after Doom takes over the entire world using mind control and leads the team against him.
Marvel Comics Presents #38-#45. Simon is sexually assaulted by Enchantress in this one, so it's somewhat uncomfortable to read but shows Simon's new 80s asshole personality and contextualises it.
Wonder Man V2 — Simon's only ongoing series to date. Written by Gerard Jones, so it is understandable if you don't want to read this. Builds up a large, dynamic supporting cast for Simon and more thoroughly establishes his relationship to Hollywood and life as an actor. Lasts for 28 issues and two annuals from 1991 to 1993.
Force Works V1 #1 — Honestly you don't actually have to read this, all you have to know is Simon dies and remains dead until...
Avengers V3 #3, #11, #14, #20-#23, #51— Simon's return from the dead. You can pretty much read this series consistently from #11 because he's in it more often than not but those are the issues I'd recommend reading of that series for Simon specifically. He and Wanda break up in #51.
Simon doesn't really do an awful lot aside from Wonder Man V3 by Peter David, which is bad and I genuinely don't recommend reading it because it's events mean very little and Simon's characteristion is... not it. The next thing he's in that's major is the Revengers arc, but before we get there I'm going to give a short overview. Despite being close with Wanda, Simon wasn't really involved with the Decimation. He was there, but not a major player. Simon also wasn't majorly involved with Civil War, aside from a short mini in the C story section of Civil War: Front Line #4-#7. He also ended up joining sides with his brother as a villain in Dark Reign: Lethal Legion, which is a very edgy book but is interesting to read if you're looking for his dynamic with Eric. Despite this overall inactivity, Simon was heavily affected by these situations and the build-up radicalised him, helped along by his ionic form starting to break up and become unstable.
The Revenger arc carries from Avengers V4 #1-#2, #7, New Avengers V2 Annual 1, Avengers V4 Annual 1, and Avengers V4 #31-#34 where he sort of backtracks on everything he did up to that point. There's some cute moments with Janet though.
A+X #12 is a cute team-up between Simon and Hank.
Simon's next big role is in Uncanny Avengers V1. These issues are #7, #9-#12, #21 & #23. Read these if you want, but Remender's characterisation for both Simon and Wanda is... not my preferred, and he gets them back together, so you have to see a lot of them. The main thing you have to know is that Rogue absorbs Simon in #21, and he remains bouncing around in her brain until Uncanny Avengers V3 #22-#23. This is also where Simon's pacifism is established, but to Remender that means just quoting Ghandi with very little introspection of who Simon is as a person.
Uncanny Avengers V3 #28, and the War of the Realms: Journey Into Mystery tie-in are his major appearances after this period, aside from a brief cameo in Empyre.
X-Force V6 #49–#50 is the resurrection of 70s Hank McCoy, and Simon plays a prominent role in this conclusion to the series.
Avengers Assemble V3 by Steve Orlando is Simon's first time being on the Avengers proper since, really, Uncanny Avengers V3 in 2017.
So there you are anon! This is essentially all of Simon's major appearances with some fun comics that tell you more about him thrown in. As I said, some stuff has been omitted because unless you're interested in specific dynamics, it doesn't really say an awful lot, but I hope this helps and I really hope you enjoy reading!
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datrb · 9 months
2023 art review!
Even if this year wasn't the biggest on art, due to my physical condition (especially in last couple of months), it would still be nice to look back on what i did as an artist throughout it!
This is gonna be a fun ride...
So, let's dive straight into it, shall we?
Continuation under the cut
2023 started on a high note, with me just having finished the King piece, and moving on to the next big thing, being an AvA3/5 double piece.
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Sadly, during the process i messed up big time which led to me being unable to finish the piece the way i wanted to, rendering this project an eternal WIP. However, i still cherish the idea and do wish to either redraw, or complete it.
Doing 2 big projects one after another did end up affecting my overall drive, so i spent majority of that month just making sketches.
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First one is a little redraw/redesign of my old character - Derek, whom i used for a roleplay with my friends like 3 or 4 years ago, and second one is Deach, a character from my fantasy setting.
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Also, back then i joined a new fandom, people in which have reminded me of my admiration for SCP, after which me and my friends proceeded to make OCs for it. Was a fun time! (Also this access card was sold by me as a YCH, sadly i couldn't really find buyers, so yikes)
By march is slowly started recovering from january's disappointement and was a bit more productive already. One of my friends really helped with it too.
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A musician friend of mine reached out to me, asking to develop a design for a villain character in the plot he was working on. After listening to the theme song i couldn't resist. This ended up being one of my favorite designs so far, and i adore its look in neon.
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In the meantime, i kept working on my fantasy setting, refining more minor details of designs and stories, yet having to reserve only to making sketches as i was too busy with college and other projects. Characters you see on screen are Ian and Lanfor respectfully. One is a strong yet troubled mage and other is a great Emperor, and even better person.
I'd say april was one of the most productive months of this year, mostly because i managed to snatch some time for myself and my setting, which allowed me to complete two full pieces and achieve some extreme progress with my story.
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This piece is an illustration to a scene i wrote for two of the characters, Lanfor and Emile, called "Night Visitor". This was a scene of a reunion of two old friends. A bittersweet, yet a lovely work. Love both the written one as well as the illustration.
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This one was more of a... Proof of concept. Needed to test out the expresiveness of the design for one or a relatively new characters - Covlar. Was originally a simple sketch on paper, but i couldn't resist the urge of making it into a complete illustration. I then proceeded to make a few notes for this scene. Both want to write it properly and avoid it at all cost... Best to avoid it, for my own sanity.
May was a bit of trainwreck, because i got a brand new laptop, which took me quite some time to get used to and even more time to reassure myself that it is in fact alright for me to draw on this suspicioiusly thin piece of tech.
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Ironically enough, the only vomplete piece i drew that month was drawn on my old laptop. This screenshot redraw was to made to honour the premiere of AvA6 ep.1. Sadly, i did it a bit late because fo technical issues, but i still had a ton of fun doing it.
June was... Chaotic, to say the least. Mostly because i finally got comfortable with the new laptop and could now draw a lot more freely due to it being a lot more compact than the original one, which worked almost like a PC. Besides, i got a ton more free time because semester finals ended up being a breeze.
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Ended up making a ton sketches and doodles, that i didn't actually plan to finish, but still enjoyed a ton. Here are some of them
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Then, ofc, the memes and the gand redesign, because AvA6 just had to break all of my portrayals. But, i mean, after AvM s3 my original designs did become a bit dated.
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The biggest pride and saddest of failures was this picnic piece, however. I still plan on finishing it, but it is hard doing so, when i have changed quite a bit of my artstyle by now.
July was quite lazy. Semester ended and i spent that entire month out of the city. It was a great time, very peaceul indeed.
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And again, that musician friend from before came into clutch, asking me to develop another design for his other project. And again a villain. He said he really liked how i draw bastard type of characters.
Well this is where fun began. End of summer break means i have just this much time to actually draw something i would never have time to draw normally.
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For me to draw something to commemorate a new episode is almost like a tradition at this point. And, given how long it's been since i made anything that would require effort, no wonder i have chosen arguably the most complex piece to pull off energy-wise. Yet i did and now i simply adore this piece, even if it did render me disabled. (I crunched through all of this piece, pulling off 40+ hours of work in just 4 days, so naturaly it ended up worsening my condition by a lot)
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Then i also proceeded to do all of these tiny side projects, like Victim ask, which i couldn't last long at due to my condition, and working on a design for my favourite streamer. (Which i cannot show as the work is not complete an it's best if i avoid spoilers)
September and October
These two months i spent being unable to draw at all via a doctor's advice. Arguably, these two were the hardest months for me to handle.
I assume you can imagine how hard it is to suddenly stop being able to do what you love, regardless of how much you wish to do it.
*Nervous laughter* I... actually still wasn't allowed to use my hand, but that didn't stop me and i ended up making an entire series of sketches to celebrate AvA6 ep2.
"Small in big quantity will sure be less exhausting than a single big thing" - (C) Me, proably
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I will admit, i still adore all of these sketches and each of them deserves to become a fully fledged piece in it's own right, but i really better keep them as they are. For my own safety.
As you way have expected, this month will stay without a single thing from me. It's not because i don't want to, but because i can't. And, given the circumstance, it better stay that way.
I finally got my diagnosis and soon enough i will start active treatment for my condition. It would be a shame to make this worse than it already is with impulses like those that happened in november, so i am making this post as a way to draw a line for myself.
It is still kinda crazy to realize that there are quite a few people interested in what i make, so i will make sure to take my recovery as responcible as possible, and then come back to you with even more art in the upcoming year! Let's be positive about it.
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josephscurl · 1 year
poll results!
drumroll please 🥁
7) Something else - 0%
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6) Slicked back (CTG premiere) - 1.6%
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5) & 4) Tie! Shorter but pushed back and shorter but bangs down - 6.3%
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3) Longer pushed down bangs (emperor look) 9.5%
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2) Love it any and every way! - 33.3%
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and number 1, which doesn’t surprise me at all:
Longish, floofy curls (Wonderland) - 42.9%
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This was fun, we’ll have to do more hair polls! 😁
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empiredesimparte · 1 year
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Henri: Louis! What's happened to you? You've been transformed. Napoléon V: The joys of marriage and vacations. Henri: Did you have a good time?
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Charlotte: Louis and I had a wonderful time. Napoléon V: Absolutely, a last breath of fresh air before returning to Paris for several months.
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Henri: Everything went well in your absence. Napoléon V (laughs): It makes you wonder if Francesim needs its Emperor! Henri: Believe me, Francesim does.
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Henri: The Duke of Rothsey went to the Tuileries Palace to speak with your mother. Napoléon V: Really? About Hortense?
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Henri: Yes, they discussed the engagement. I think Marie-Joséphine… Well. Their discussions were fruitful, which promises good diplomatic relations for the Francesim. Napoléon V: Yes, it wouldn't have hurt the feelings of Pierreland's allies any more than it already had.
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Henri: Prime Minister and the Minister of the Interior have announced the latest policing measures requested by your father, which apply as of today. In the light of events, the French seem to be in favor of tighter security. Napoléon V: The Chief of the Defence Staff thinks it's still too weak.
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Half an hour later, the imperial couple are on their way back to the palace...
Charlotte: Are you going to have an interview with the Chief of Staff? Napoléon V: We'll have to. But we disagree Charlotte: Why? Napoléon V: We haven't respected the protective measures associated with the state of emergency, nor declared the execution of the Emperor's exceptional powers. These are procedures that should have been followed since my father's death.
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Charlotte: Perhaps you should listen to the Chief of Staff's advice, as many French people are concerned about our family's safety. Napoléon V: I didn't want to take power as a dictator. If I had listened to him, we wouldn't have been able to celebrate our wedding or go on our honeymoon. Charlotte: Darling, the French wouldn't have seen you as a dictator. Napoléon V: Don't worry, I don't intend to ignore this country's highest military officer any longer.
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⚜ Le Cabinet Noir | Paris, 16 Messidor An 230
Beginning ▬ Previous ▬ Next
Louis and Charlotte are back on French soil. His uncle and heir, Imperial Prince Henri, welcomed them. Louis acknowledges that he has overstepped the constitutional laws and that he will have to answer to several authorities, including the army chief of staff.
⚜ Traduction française
Louis et Charlotte sont de retour sur le sol français. Son oncle et héritier, le prince impérial Henri, les accueille. Louis reconnaît qu'il a outre-passé les lois constitutionnelles et qu'il va devoir y répondre devant plusieurs instances, dont le chef d'état major des armées.
Henri : Alors Louis ! Que t'est-il arrivé ? Tu es transformé Napoléon V : Les joies du mariage et des vacances Henri : Avez-vous passé un bon moment ?
Charlotte : Louis et moi nous nous sommes régalés Napoléon V : Absolument, un dernier grand bol d'air avant de revivre à Paris pour plusieurs mois
Henri : Tout s'est bien passé en votre absence Napoléon V (rigole) : C'est à se demander si la France a besoin de son Empereur ! Henri : Crois moi, elle en a besoin
Henri : Le duc de Rothsey s'est rendu au palais des Tuileries pour s'entretenir avec ta mère Napoléon V : Vraiment ? Charlotte : Je suppose que c'est à propos d'Hortense
Henri : Oui, ils ont discuté des fiançailles. Je pense que Marie-Joséphine ... Enfin. Leurs discussions ont été fructueuses, ce qui promet de bonnes relations diplomatiques pour la Francesim Napoléon V : Oui, il n'aurait pas fallu froisser davantage des alliés de Pierreland
Henri : Le premier ministre et le ministre de l'intérieur ont annoncé les dernières mesures de police souhaitées par ton père, qui s'appliquent dès aujourd'hui. Au regard des événements, les Français semblent favorables au renforcement de la sécurité Napoléon V : Le chef d'état major trouve cela encore trop faible
Une demi-heure plus tard, le couple impérial rejoint le palais.
Charlotte : Tu vas avoir une entrevue avec le chef d'état-major ? Napoléon V : Il le faudra. Mais nous sommes en désaccord Charlotte : Pourquoi ? Napoléon V : Nous n'avons pas respecté les mesures de protection liées à l'état d'urgence, ni déclaré l'exécution des pouvoirs exceptionnels de l'Empereur. Ce sont des procédures qu'il aurait fallu suivre depuis la mort de mon père
Charlotte : Peut-être devrais-tu écouter l'avis du chef d'état major, beaucoup de Français se soucient de la sécurité de notre famille Napoléon V : Je ne souhaitais pas prendre le pouvoir en dictateur. Si je l'avais écouté, nous n'aurions pas pu célébrer nos noces ou aller en lune de miel Charlotte : Chéri, les Français ne t'auraient pas vu comme un dictateur, voyons Napoléon V : Ne t'en fais pas, je ne compte pas ignorer le plus haut gradé militaire de ce pays plus longtemps
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signor-signor · 1 year
June 27, 2023 - 7 Years Later
And now a TED Talk-type presentation (a DET Discussion) by Lord Hater.
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Attention, fans of Wander Over Yonder (and Lord Hater, #1 superstar), I'm reaching out to you today to give you the current status of our show and explain why you need to pull yourselves together and pull your own weight in acknowledging the show's need for one more season! For those who are completely clueless, Wander Over Yonder is a sci-fi comedy cartoon show created by veteran cartoonist Craig McCracken, and it debuted in 2013 on Disney Channel before being moved to Disney XD. It ran for two seasons, but one more season was planned and probably primed for production.
Seven years ago, the second season showcasing our lives came to an end, in which I single-handedly stopped Lord Dominator, who, by the way, nearly destroyed the entire galaxy and spurned my affections for her. HOWEVER, because of the uncalled-for cancellation that was decided by the "higher up bosses of bosses of bosses," the majority of the world keeps calling this event the... ssseries... finale... oh, it's painful to call it that... and frankly, I'm really, really sick of it. So let me tell you this...
Our show is NOT dead! It's just left in limbo! Two seasons were NOT enough! The End of the Galaxy is NOT the true series finale and I have the information to prove it!
As you can plainly see, the people who worked on our show NEVER planned on stopping after two seasons. The show itself even has some details pertaining to the plans for our third season, which was pitched back in early 2015.
For instance, in The Waste of Time, there were two images that briefly appeared during the final time travel sequence: one of an orbble-powered ship called the Star Nomad, where, according to Craig McCracken, I'd have to bunk with Wander (shudder), another is one of what fans are speculating to be me in a past life as a space ape. I can see the resemblance, but the facts remain to be known and proven true. Nevertheless, neither of them appeared anywhere else in the first season or the second.
Another telltale sign of our show's unfinished business is the absence of the other villains, including Emperor Awesome. Last time I saw them on the show, they were still on Suburbon V; oddly, they never reappeared when Dominator seemingly destroyed every planet except the one Wander and Sylvia found. As a result, after I defeated Dominator, I was unable to brag about it to the villains!
(EMPEROR AWESOME (off stage): Dude, just because I wasn't in that episode doesn't mean I don't know what happened!)
Anyway, another reason our show is not finished is this: In Craig's Tumblr post announcing that gropforsaken cancellation and concession, he told the readers, and I quote, "We had plans for new characters, the return of old characters, and even a bit of backstory!" Back in 2015 at Comic-Con, just a couple of weeks before our second season premiered, he confirmed he had an origin story planned out for me; the second season only revealed that Major Threat's evil deeds inspired me to take up villainy, but no origin story explaining how I, Lord Hater, came to be!
(MAJOR THREAT (off stage): I'd sure love to hear all about it, man, but for reasons beyond my understanding, we have to keep it in the vault until the big cheese himself gives Craig the okay.)
Yes, Jeff, I get it. Just so you know, you were planned to be a recurring character. Now, in the case of the new characters, I heard they would include a team of space cops called Star Forcement Forcen Force.
(COMMANDER PEEPERS (off stage): It's Star Force Enforcement Force, sir.)
Whatever. Apparently, these new characters were set to be introduced in the third season we were denied years ago, and because we don't have that third season, they have to hide themselves under question marked sheets and we're not able to say their names, like [NAME REDACTED], [NAME REDACTED], or [NAME REDACTED]. AAHH! It's so annoying!
And don't get me started on how Craig ended his post with some of the words from a song Wander sang to cheer me up, or rather, reignite my ire. Believe me when I say his post will ignite your ire when you read all the way to the end, unless, of course, you're a hardcore fan of some overrated show that gets so much attention. I'm talkin' to you, blue cat boy.
Moving right along, in the finale of one of Disney's underappreciated shows, Future-Worm, the titular invertibrate and his companion Danny warped to various universes, including the alternate version of the one in which our show takes place. And guess what they saw when they arrived in it... Wander and Sylvia aboard the Star Nomad! Remember when I said I'd have to share a room with Wander on the ship? This is the very ship, the same one you saw in The Waste of Time, and if there's something I know about it, it's that it started out as a regular airship seen in The Secret Planet, and Wander and Sylvia would use it as their new mode of transportation to bring any refugees remaining on the planet I saved back to their home planets. You know, the planets I wanted to conquer as soon as I saved the galaxy. The point is, this ship was planned to play a BIG role in Season 3, and while I'm thankful for not bunking with Wander at this time, I'm still determined to know more about it.
(WANDER (off stage): Hey, Hater, if you wanna know more about the Star Nomad, you can join me at Underappreciated Cartoons Anonymous and Fyootch and I will be more than happy to tell you all about it.)
No thank you, and I'm still not your buddy. Oh, that's another reason our show's not finished: Wander has not yet befriended me. Even if he did, I'd still keep my distance from him, but I digress.
Now, what else is there? Waste of Time images... absence of other villains... origin story... new characters... Future-Worm cameo... Oh yes.
Fans, I have saved the most obvious reason for the show's total lack of closure for last... A DOWNED SPACE CAPSULE WITH GREEN LIGHTNING AND MONKEY-LIKE SCREECHING FADING INTO MY EVIL LAUGHTER! Words alone cannot describe how serious this is for a show that got canceled prematurely. If you look up "cliffhanger" in the dictionary, there would be a picture of that space capsule. To add insult to injury, Disney kept shunning us and continued to show more love for that strange Oregon town show, which the Internet never seems to stop talking about even though it already ended perfectly, and that anime-influenced show about a naïve princess with a powerful, cutesy-wutesy wand that got not three seasons, but FOUR seasons! Honest to Grop, I'm really fed up with their popularity. They ALWAYS outrank us!
(Clears throat) Thankfully, the SaveWOY campaign was flourishing since the day Craig made that dreadful announcement, but as the years went by, most supporters simply gave up and moved on, almost as if they were telling us that we can't reason with those "higher up bosses of bosses of bosses." It’s pathetic. You know what I say to that? Giving up is quitting, and quitters never win! Don't make those bosses think they were in the right when they canceled the show. Not doing anything gives them the impression that you're giving in to their demands. If a show has more to tell, THEY should be giving in to YOUR demands. And if you dare to discourage the curious fans from fighting for a proper conclusion, consider yourself likely to be struck by lightning.
Don't forget, our show is currently accessible on Hulu and Disney+, but with Disney being focused on the present, the future, and the shows that are hard to surpass in popularity, like that one about the school girls and cold-blooded critters and that one show about a Hispanic girl in a fantasy world, saving the show has become more impossible than difficult. Seriously, what has an entertainment conglomerate got against shows with guys as main protagonists? What does it have against a show that doesn’t feature Earth? And for that matter, why is it still not swayed by the SaveWOY campaign? How are they not comprehending what the fans have been trying to communicate on social media? We’re in the 21st century, for crying out loud!
After seven grueling years, the SaveWOY campaign's efforts to save the show have been absolutely futile, leaving the public perpetually in the dark about the plans for Season 3. That's why I, Lord Hater, propose we start up an entirely new campaign where fans old and new come together to meet a common goal: FinishWOY! Instead of begging Disney to bring back the show, we can make it our mission to collect the missing details, put the pieces together, and create that third season in the cheapest format possible! In doing so, we can spare Disney the trouble of getting the crew back together and spending tons of money to make it. At this time, Craig is back at his alma mater working on that Powerpuffed Girls revival and the Foster’s preschool retooling for Imaginated Friends, and he said that "movement, music, and McBrayer” would do our show’s third season justice. However, in these difficult economic times when he can't be bothered to spill the beans, the crew is already scattered, most of the world fails to acknowledge our existence, and the bosses don't give a zbornak’s pajamas about the show's unfinished business, it's probably best if we make it ourselves, and if it has to be relegated to web comic form, I'm willing to take it as it is!
In conclusion, if a show is suggested to be incomplete, it would be totally foolish to say it ended and even more foolish to leave it ignored. If you do that, you push it further into obscurity and let it bite the dust. If that third season bites the dust, everything planned for it bites the dust as well... my origin story... that orbble ship... Star Forks and Forks Galore... and most important... MY CHANCE TO CONQUER THE REBORN GALAXY! Yes, we may be lucky enough to have two seasons and that instance where I defeated Dominator and won, but it’s hard to be happy about it when there is CLEARLY a space primate in peril! There are people who know all that was planned for Season 3, but they pledged to never share everything they know about it to anyone in any instance for any reason, whether that’d be their children, their neighbors, or at a convention center. Now, if you want to see me back in action, stop lamenting on "what could have been" and start ruminating on "what there could be." Why wait for Disney to make Season 3 a reality when you fans can simply do it yourselves? You don’t need their permission. Nothing's gonna stop you. You've probably watched Seasons 1 and 2 multiple times, and we have just enough information to get an idea of what might happen, so make that third season and the show will be revived, at least in your imagination. Or if the bosses finally decide to revive the show themselves for one more season, that would be a miracle. Either way, this wrong is still waiting to be righted, and I’m not gonna wait another seven years for that to happen. Tag and support "Finish Wander Over Yonder" and I shall resume upholding my reputation as THE GREATEST IN ALL THE GALAXY! Hater out!
That’s right, FinishWOY is a brand new campaign where we fans get the facts we have about Season 3 (SFEF, “Monkeyboy,” the Star Nomad, etcetera) and figure out the overall plot. It’s just like Team Sea3on, who are responsible for giving Sonic the Hedgehog (SatAM) the third season it was never given back in the ‘90s, but the animation is totally optional.
Mind you, this is entirely a suggestion. If you endorse the idea, though, then welcome to the club!
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foodandfolklore · 7 months
The Story of Valentine's Day
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So what's up with Valentine's Day? Is it just a holiday made up to sell flowers, chocolate, and jewelry? Well...no. Though it is the main reason why it's still exists today. So much so that Valentine's Day is banned in some countries that frown on western customs. Other Countries adopted their own customs inspired by Valentines Day, like in Japan. Women are the ones to give men they like chocolate on February 14. Then, in March, these men are expected to gift them white chocolate in return.
I think many of us who grew up in the west are aware that Valentine's Day is named after the Catholic Saint Valentine. An older name is 'The feast of St Valentine' since before chocolate and flowers, people had a feast to celebrate. But who was this person?
The story goes that Valentine (Could of been a man or woman, we're not sure. There were a lot of Valentines) was spreading the word of the Christian God and Jesus as a Priest. They went against the Emperor's decree, and married soldiers to their loved ones. I'm not entirely clear why the Emperor had an issue with soldiers getting married, but I'm guessing the lead in the pipes were getting to them.
Valentine was found out and arrested, and was sentenced to death. While they awaited their sentencing, they helped take care of the other prisoners. The jailer's daughter, who was blind, was also there (for some reason) and they helped to look after her. They did such a good job, they cured her blindness and fell in love with her. Before being put to death, they gave her a letter simply signed "From your Valentine" thus being the official first Valentine.
The Church later named Valentine a Saint, and degreed a celebration to happen every year on February 14. Which is apparently when they were executed. However, there was also an old Roman celebration that the Church was trying to get rid of called "Lupercalia". Lupercalia was a purifying, fertility celebration to Juno that lasted from February 13 to February 15. Animal sacrifices, naked racing, and a massive feast was held. The church didn't like 2 of these 3 main events, so their new holiday just had a feast.
We get the Romance later when a 14th century poet, Geoffrey Chaucer, writes his poem "Parlement of Foules". It draws a conection between Valentines Day and the start of Bird Mating season, sparking the romantic interest. Many couples followed for years after, sending poems to one another to express affection. Later, during the 1800s, when the printing press became a thing, pre made and pre written poems/rhymes were mass produced as cards. And people bought them.
So, in summery, Valentines Day seems to of been created by the Church to erase a Pagan Celebration. Then, Society decided to associate it with love. Which is kinda Sweet. But now we're in the age of consumerism, and it's another excuse to sell us stuff.
At the end of the day; If you don't want to celebrate Valentines Day, than don't. I've personally never gotten into it, even with Partners. Some people feel like it's a downer cause they're single. Others feel like there's too much pressure to be perfect. And some just can't justify the expense.
That said, if you WANT to celebrate modern Valentines Day, all the power to you! Some people love it, with or without a partner. So if that's your jam, and you can afford to go all out, do it! It makes you happy to get chocolate and flowers, or dress up and go out to eat. For some it's like a hobby. Someone once made the comparison to me like the super bowl. You look forward to it all year, buy a bunch of junk, and then enjoy with people who are also into it. Now, I'm not into sports either, but I understand the mindset. It's like Conventions or dressing up to go see the premier of a movie. Other people may not see the point, but you enjoy it so who cares?
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haztobegood · 11 months
✨ Twenty Questions for Fic Writers ✨
Thank you @reminiscingintherain for tagging me!
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
67, soon to be 68 with the Trick or Treat Fest ficlet I've written!
2. What's your total ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
One Direction. I've written some 1d rare pairs which adds BBC Radio 1, Music, Fashion Model, and Actor RPF to my fandoms list in ao3.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Nailed By Louis, Not Another Lonely Christmas, All That You Need, The Prince and The YouTuber, Take on Me
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Not right away but I do respond. I read them as soon as I see the email notification, but I wait to respond until I need a boost. It's so nice to reread every comment in my inbox as I respond.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Surprisingly not the one that ends with MCD! My angstiest ending is a 500 word girl direction ficlet The Phantom Heart.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I love happy endings so it's tough to pick! I'm going to go with We're Getting Better With Time because it's about second chances, so the ending feels like a new beginning for their love.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
The closest thing I've gotten to hate was a tweet about Premier Fantasies where someone was appalled by the Harry Styles/Ted Lasso pairing. It wasn't aimed at my writing, just the choice in pairing, so I took it as a compliment that I could write something that shocked people.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do write it, but not as much as I used to. When I started writing I felt so much pressure to add smut into every fic because it gets better engagement, more hits, etc. But the more I've written, the less I care about the numbers.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I've written a couple of crossovers! Premier Fantasies is Harry Styles in the Ted Lasso universe, which was crazy just because of the pairing. I had a lot of fun writing dialogue for Ted in this one. The craziest plot-wise is Love and Other Antidotes, which is a One Direction take on Emperor's New Groove, and features Kronk, Disney style hijinks, and Harry as a little cow!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of. I think short fics and rare pairs tend to be stolen less often, so so far I've been safe.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't allow translations, but someone did post a translation of one without asking. I have mixed feelings about translations.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have not. I feel like as a capricorn I would want to have too much control over the story for it to be a good idea.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
I read and write Larry fics the most, but I also love Niall/Greg James as a pairing and think their dynamic is so underrated.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
My very first fic. It's a werewolf pack fic I started plotting in 2017. I didn't get very far before hitting some major plot holes that I was too inexperienced as a writer to be able to fill. I have grown so much as a writer since then that it wouldn't be the same fic with the same purpose as when I started writing it.
16. What are your writing strengths?
My biggest strength is that I write for myself. I love writing short oneshots even though long fics are get more kudos. I adore the humor of crack fics, even though angsty fics get more hits. I will tackle any new rare pair I want, even if I'm the only person that will read it.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I am a creature of habit and my habits have been disturbed. I'd worked hard to develop a habit of writing a couple of times a week, and it was going so well. But after moving and other life changes in the last year, it's been difficult to find the time or energy to write. I wish I could flip on the motivation like a switch.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
There are a couple of books I remember because of the author's use of code switching throughout the dialogue, and I think it can be really powerful for some stories. But since English is my native language, I would only use it for my own writing if it added to the story, and if had the time to properly research and get it reviewed.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The phandom in 2016 but I didn't post it back then. One Direction was the first fandom where I shared my fic.
20. Favourite fic you've written?
I'm going to do this by category because I can't choose only one:
Larry fic: We're Getting Better With Time Girl Direction fic: Close Our Eyes (Pretend We're Miles Away) Rare Pair fic: Now All The Clouds Been Lifted Ficlet: Through the Static
Tagging: @allwaswell16 @hazzabeeforlou @beelou @evilovesyou @uhoh-but-yeah-alright @kingsofeverything @banaanipoika9 @justanothershadeofblue @disgruntledkittenface @zanniscaramouche
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HC+NV catch up
DISCLAIMER: If you will send me an Anon, I will answer in the same tone as your ask, opinion is written.
All information and statements made in this reading or any other post of mine are all alleged until proven to be fact and for entertainment purposes & usage only. All information stated is based on my intuition and my tarot cards. Opinion only. The readings have no intention to cause any harm to the individuals, people featured in it.
I pulled the cards on 05/26, Monday evening. 8 pm London time 
In general, this was a chaotic reading, it was so chaotic I literally asked the tarot why this reading is like this. I will talk about this later.
The structure of this reading is a little different from my usual style but I felt this is the way I had to do it. I did a 3x3 tableau with a few additional cards, so I will talk about the rows, the columns, the whole etc, which is not my usual method. 
My question was What are the big changes and new chapters HC mentioned in his IG post? What changes are coming? 
The first card (Justice) comes out immediately, and the next two (The Emperor, 4 of Wands) come out very easily as well. 
Justice obviously can relate to legal matters but on a different level, it shows you are at a point where you deserve to be because of your past actions. This could be a good place but this can be a bad place. With the next 2 cards, I think HC is very determined for the next chapter, being a husband, a father, having a domestic life etc. He worked for this, he wanted to have all of this. As I remember the Emperor and the 4 of W appeared in their latest reading too, so this aspect hasn’t changed. Justice also means contract, law etc, and a marriage is a legal contract basically. This could very well mean a prenup and with the Emperor that this relationship or marriage’s legal “force” is on HC’s side. He is the one who rules this aspect. He is the one who has the last word. 4 of W also means celebration, fame, VIP/celebrity status, and family gatherings, so their shared appearance will be more and more common on the red carpet. I stopped following them closely but as I know NV hasn’t had a red carpet with his family there too, which is interesting, so maybe, that is on the table too, for the Witcher premiere for example. ( EDIT:  I started to type the reading the day before The Witcher premiere and I was right about this.)
The Emperor is a father figure and if this doesn’t represent HC and who he wants to be, this very well could be his father. Some legal, contractual business with him in order to secure a nice home and domestic life (4ofW)
The next row has the 8 of Pentacles, 7 of Pentacles rx and The Wheel rx
This is where the shuffling started to be chaotic, cards flew, and I even damaged one of my cards, I started to feel some resilience. 
The 8 of P is hard work, being busy, financial security etc, and since Justice is above it I think he wants to protect all of those things with the help of the law. Especially since 8 of P is not the risk-taking card. So he wants to secure his finances. He wants to have good money and a really good life but with the 7 of P rx he cannot wait. He is rushing into investments, he wants to have a lot of money fast. And not because he is willing to take risks ( like risks on a stock market) but because he is impatient and not willing to wait. It’s like when you want to eat your favourite fruit so you cannot wait for it to be ripe, you just harvest it half-ripe. And you’ll get sick. And with the Wheel rx this is where everything is starting to turn sour. The start was so great with the first 4 cards, but because of his impatience and anxiety, the Wheel is turning and again, for the worse. ( Just like in my reading where I said he will lose his most important roles) It’s almost like he isn’t willing to start from the bottom, to take every step on the ladder, he wants to start on the top. 
For me, this shows he will make bad investments. Maybe the house is too much but I more likely feel this has something to do with movie projects. Maybe they will properly start a company together, buying rights of stuff to adapt etc, and they will spend too much too soon with no success in the end. Especially because 8 of P also means learning new skills, new career paths or working towards something better but 7 of P rx undermines this. He thinks he has the formula for how to make movies, be a producer, maybe even a writer who adapts, but all of those creative things don’t work like that. And I think this will cause a lot of anxiety, that things won’t work in the way he expected and imagined.
The third row was the most chaotic to pull and I think this is the most distant future. This is the chain of events that definitely can be changed and if this were a real, face-to-face reading I would say to him be careful, not to behave like just what I explained above, you have to turn the Wheel again to avoid this. However, if he is too stubborn to make changes this can happen. 
We have the Knight of Wands rx, 3 of Swords, 9 of Cups rx and we have a card very aggressively shot out, this is the 4 of Swords and this landed on the knight and the 3 of S. 
So… because of the 4 of swords, I definitely think this outcome is on a pause and can be avoided. This is the future that hasn’t manifested yet, the one that hasn’t awakened yet ( on the card we have a sleeping, resting figure)
The rx KofW is the one whose fire is out. He is not fast-moving anymore, he is still, stuck etc. He is settled down, but with this, he lost his personality. He lost his passion and creativity. 3 of Sw is a heartbreak obviously (one of the most obvious cards in tarot). 9 of C rx is truth and errors. If it’s upright this is the wish cards, if it’s rx this is the be careful what you wish for. I think he will get his wish (family life, business, a certain image he always wanted) but he won’t be happy about it. The unpleasant truth will be revealed. For example, having a wife and a family don’t mean automatical happiness or having a flourishing movie business requires great effort and being an actor for X years doesn’t mean he will be a great producer. Or working with his partner or family members is a potential source of fights and disagreements. He will realise his errors by the time he reaches this card, but maybe this will be too late. He will be stuck and unhappy. But as I said I feel this is the most distant future, the one he can change the easiest. 
Check the columns quickly:
4 of W, The Wheel rx, 9 of C rx 
Family life and marriage, the new house will be a letdown to him. First, it will be happiness and celebration about it, but as time passes this alone won’t bring happiness. And this emotional state is kinda devastating when you got the very things you wanted but they don’t bring happiness. This could lead to serious self-esteem problems, a relationship whose only glue is sex and maybe the shared “possessions” ( house, money, kids etc)
The Emperor, 7 of P rx, 3 of Sw
I think he at the moment feels good himself, the Emperor sitting on a throne, he feels he controls things in his life, and everything seems good until it’s not. Because he is impatient and this will lead to heartbreak. For me, this is more about his potential business or image. How he wanted to be seen. He will be hard to deal with as a boss, but this wouldn’t be a problem if he were willing to work. This is where his businesses will have shaky ground. I am not saying his work ethic is not there, he obviously can push his own body limits, but he is a “my way or the highway” type of person and unless you are some Stanley Kubrick level of talent, this is not how you operate creative businesses.  This also can be that at the end he will be too authorative, conrolling in a relationship. loosing temper and that will lead a heartbreak. When money is not enough to keep someone or keep the image. 
Justice, 8 of P, KnofW rx
He will be simply burned out and stucked. Especially if he will be some kind of a boss, he cannot walk away like he did with The Witcher or his other business partnerships. If he wants to be a producer, he has to make that work and if he leaves because of disagreements, he won't have a career in that field. So this is a real danger for him, not handling the situations properly and don’t know how demanding this task is. 
Under the deck: 4 of Pentacles
I don’t know why but I heard tax reasons… Have no idea why, but this reading is very work and pentacles-heavy. 
This card again is money, saving, investments, greed etc.
I don’t get this couple… Again, no love cards at all. 4of Wands can be marriage, but “simple” celebrations too. This relationship’s foundation is so money heavy… I swear I am trying to be positive and give them the benefit of the doubt but based on ALL of my readings on them ( and that is a lot) never ever got card combinations which suggest true love. This still doesn’t mean they won’t get married etc, because Hollywood is weird and we have a bunch of Hillsong-like arranged couples. But I am just confused. 
So… on the card a man holds his pentacles like his dear life depends on it. He obsessed with them, with money, and possessions. He won’t ever think this amount of money I have is finally enough. What is his is his, he doesn’t share. ( this is like Joey Tribbiani and his food situation) He is very rigid with money, especially since we have The Emperor as well. With the rx KnoW this is also jealousy. New career prospects, jobs, new companies etc. I can go on, but I think you got the idea behind of this card. 
During this explanation, I mentioned only him. Because I feel in this matter, whatever it’s coming NV doesn’t really have a word. Except for the Justice card, we don’t have a single female card. On every card we have males. This is a money and male-heavy reading. On the 4 of W we have a couple, but they are distant. I won’t count that as a woman. 
We have a prominent presence of number 4. The Emperor, 4 of Wands, 4 of Swords, 4 of Pentacles and even the 8 of Pentacles ( 8= 2x4) And all of them are upright.
4 is stability, and this should be a moment of stillness. Not the time to radically new things, more like secure what you already have. This should be the time when you can have a break after a period of work or planning. And this is where I think he could fail. Not to give time to things to flourish naturally. 
I feel this reading has very stable energy, in a way that I am sure most things will definitely happen. I felt the same when I did his career reading. That was stable too and 1,5 years later it become true that they scrued him over and lost Supes and Geralt. 
I mentioned how chaotic the reading was, I had to pull cards because of this. Asking why this reading is like this. 2 cards felt off, the Knight of Swords and ( I kid you not) The Tower, this card is chaos itself. I think it is very possible that they had a nasty fight at the moment when I did the reading because this combination suggests me emotional abuse. Both cards are quick and sudden, so maybe this argument comes out of nowhere or broke out because of a minor thing or some secret was revealed. It’s a rattling experience, testing how strong the foundations are. 
I could go on but is already SUPER long, I am sorry. 
I hope you enjoyed it.
Stay safe. 
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