#premium rare
prismstonearchives · 6 months
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おえかきペイントパレットコーデ - Drawing Paint Palette Coord
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softhairedhotch · 1 month
i hate grammarly's clarity/premium feature so much. like please stop. i don't fuckin want these "you should change your wording!" popups every single time i write a sentence. it's not supposed to be professional writing, it's a fanfic. i'm wording it a specific way. please for the love of god stop trying to correct me every time i so much as breathe.
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aikatsuswings · 1 year
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Crystal Jellyfish
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precure-stuff · 8 months
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Beware the girls at the Gothic Gate...
Thought I'd draw some Aikatsu goths for the spooky season
(Click for higher quality)
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red-dragon-archfiend · 9 months
I think next time I buy Yugioh cards I'm gonna get gold rares from a variety of sets so I can compare them
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tomwambsmilk · 1 year
This is such a long post that nobody asked for but I've been seeing Discourse again...
I feel like something that’s missing in most of the discussions I’ve seen on Tumblr about how streaming companies like Netflix have changed TV production for the worse is the profit motive. Or at least, it’s misunderstood. For example, I see a lot of people complaining about how Netflix only considers a show worthwhile if a bunch of people binge it as soon as it comes in, which is true - but I don’t know that everyone understands why, and it's lead to a skewed perception of what's actually going on, and why various studios and platforms make the decisions that they do.
The thing about Netflix is that it’s a public company that's currently unprofitable - so, every single thing it does is oriented toward "growth" (gaining new subscribers). Every show they decide to invest in, they do so because they think it’ll make people who don’t have Netflix want to get Netflix. And if they launch a show, and a whole bunch of new people join the platform, AND their viewer data shows that this show received disproportionate viewership in the same month all those people joined the platform - then it was a good investment. The further out you go from the release, the less correlation there is between the viewership of a show and new subscribers, so the less those viewer numbers matter to them.
Additionally, people talking about the show is more valuable to them than people actually watching it, because people talking about the show gives them free word-of-mouth marketing. Once your friend has bought a Netflix subscription, Netflix doesn't care what they watch, or at what pace. So obviously, if you can make everyone feel like they need to watch the entire show RIGHT NOW because everyone is talking about it and they can't avoid spoilers, that's a much stronger marketing strategy than letting people watch at their own pace.
And that’s why seasons are so short - a longer season costs more money and won’t bring in any extra subscribers, so it's a bad investment. It’s also why Netflix shows tend to be cancelled after only a couple of seasons - if a show hasn’t brought in many new subscribers after the first two seasons, it’s not likely to do so in the future, and so it becomes a poor investment, regardless of how many people already on the platform love it. And even beloved shows like Stranger Things eventually reach a point where everyone who loves it is already on the platform, and even though it's still massively popular it's no longer profitable on the same scale.
All of this is to contrast with network TV, where the revenue comes from advertisers. The more eyeballs are on a show, the more money a network can charge for ad space during that show. So the more beloved a TV show is, the more episodes you want in a season; even if the quality of some of those episodes is poor because the creative team is overworked and underpaid (ie exploited), people will still tune in and you’ll still make money. And that’s also how you end up with shows of 10-15 seasons, even if the show starts to suck around season 8 or 10; as long as enough devoted fans are still watching the show, they can still charge mega ad dollars and make a lot of money. A long-running show with name recognition will make more money, even when it sucks, than an excellent brand-new show with no name recognition. It also means that shows that are self-contained “plot of the week” type shows do a LOT better than stories with season-long arcs, because those shows are more likely to attract casual viewers in addition to regular ones, and people are less likely to abandon the whole show if they miss an episode or two. Plus, if you don't need to worry about the order a season airs in, you can make a lot more money off of rerun adspace outside of the regular season.
And finally, growth looks different for a network. On Netflix, a single person can only provide a single unit of growth, because you're only going to purchase one subscription, so there's very little incentive for Netflix to cater to existing subscribers so long as the platform is 'good enough' for them to avoid cancelling. On the other hand, network growth is calculated based on viewership. So, let's say I watch "The Office" on NBC every week, and nothing else. And then one day, a friend tells me how much they love this other NBC show, "30 Rock", that's halfway through its second season, so I start watching that. That's growth for NBC! They can now charge a little bit more for ad space on 30 Rock than they could before - and it's happened without a whole new person needing to be introduced to their network. So there's a strong incentive to pay attention to what existing viewers want, rather than just focusing on what brings in new viewers. After all, not watching one specific show is a much easier decision than cancelling an entire platform subscription. (The downside of this is that network TV creators are far more beholden to the demands of the audience than a show on a platform like Netflix or HBO, and that can lead to sacrificing some creative integrity).
Overall my point is that the entire structure and shape of TV shows has ALWAYS been motivated by profit. That doesn’t mean the complaints about Netflix are invalid - they are VERY valid and I agree with most of them - but I think it’s important to diagnose the problem correctly: the people with the money to make a tv show are also usually the people who would like to make as much money as possible off your tv show, and will manipulate it accordingly. What’s the solution? I’m not sure, but pretending that these studios are making decisions based on “bad data” or “not understanding what people want” or just pure caprice is simply naive. Its not that they don't know what you want - they just don't care.
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katlimeart · 1 year
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Made in 2018 + 2019
If you’ve seen this anywhere else, I posted it back on my deviantArt when it was made.
Peach cosplaying in Cute Premium Rare Coords from Aikatsu – requested by jlj16
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prismstonearchives · 4 months
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ピュアプレミアムウエディング - Pure Premium Wedding
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robotwrangler · 2 years
Tbh playing Warframe is worth it just for Ordis. Like don’t get me wrong, loads of other stuff about it is wonderful too, but he is genuinely such a highlight of the game to me & I never once in my life thought I’d say that about an npc in an MMO of all things
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electrovaultgaming · 2 years
Catwoman Michelle Pfeiffer Premium Rare Statue
Buy now Catwoman Michelle Pfeiffer Premium Rare Statue at an affordable price. Dressed in black and ready to stalk through the night, Gotham’s most notorious prowler, Catwoman, joins Sideshow’s Premium Format™ collection. 
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chocochipbiscuit · 2 years
Black Emporium Recs!
Black Emporium 2022 was amazing this year! It always is, but I was extra excited because this was my first time doing exchanges for a few years!
In the spirit of the anons period, posting without creator names!
Wine Stains - Josephine/Tentacles - Josephine relaxes after a long day at work, with help from a friend! I love how full-bodied and luscious Josephine is in this art! Every curve and freckle is pure indulgence. And I was lucky enough to have this gifted to me!
kraken’s garden - Isabela/Tentacles - Isabela has fun with a friendly sea creature! It’s sweet and playful in every detail, and I adore her little lip-bite and the little suckers on the tentacles. I was fortunate enough to have this gifted to me!
heartsease - Cassandra/Leliana - Soft and gorgeous art of them spooning in a meadow! Just lovely, and it makes my heart at ease. <3
another turn about the room? - Josephine/Leliana - Regency AU hand-kissing!!!! It’s beautiful and warm and makes my heart sing!!!
Looking Up to Her - Cassandra/Josephine - Josephine’s astride Cass (and Cass’ strap), while Cassandra is looking up very respectfully!!! Tender and hot and just!!! Lovely!!!!
Four Seasons - Cassandra/Josephine - A lovely series showing them growing closer over the course of the year. <3
What We Can Do Together - Briala/Shianni - The elf political duo that I crave!!! Briala and Shianni are friends and allies, and this fic begins with Briala sending an invitation out of Denerim. There’s so much implied history and growth nibbling around the edges of this fic, I’m just glad to get this glimpse of their future. And I was lucky enough to be gifted this!
Pleasure Cruise - Isabela/Merrill/Tentacles, Isabela/Merrill/Aveline - Isabela invites Merrill and Aveline to look for treasure! Isabela and Merrill tell Aveline about a very interesting dream that they have. ;) It’s light and playful smut, and it was written for me!
Abernache over Under - Abernache/Movran the Under - Puntastic title for the ambassadors who might not be recalled! It’s bite-sized PWP, perfect for making you smile!
Home Is A Fire - F!Adaar/Josephine - Adaar’s a little nervous about Josephine meeting the Valo-Kas, but it goes well. :’) I really love the cheerful avalanche of the kith!
Divine Victoria’s Nug Rescue - F!Surana/Leliana - Delightful Oghren POV as he visits Val Royeaux to see…well, the titular Divine Victoria’s Nug Rescue. Short, sweet, and fun!
Flowers for the Ambassador - The Iron Bull/Josephine - Someone has been secretly sending Josephine flowers! But who is it? This was fun and sweet, especially with Bull giving Josephine helpful hints to solve the ~mystery~!
Barefoot in Skyhold’s Morning Dew - Merrill/The Iron Bull - Merrill visits Skyhold, and is very interested in Bull. The feeling is mutual! Merrill’s POV is absolutely wonderful here, and there’s this gorgeous tenderness about the shared connection with both of them as outsiders to their own people, but also extremely hot enthusiastic rough sex and I’m still just like HNGGGHHH I enjoyed it so much!
By the Spymaster’s Stolen Drawers - Josephine/Leliana - Such a fun outsider POV fic! We’re following one of Leliana’s agents as he follows an unknown person who’s snuck into Leliana’s room, as well as getting his memories of watching Josephine and Leliana fall in love!
those flowering summer nights - Cassandra/Vivienne - A series of moments where Cassandra and Vivienne are forced to spend time together, and the feelings that bloom! This is just so beautifully written, both Cassandra’s POV and Vivienne, and it’s beautiful and tender and yearning and there are so many moments of shared vulnerability, including missteps and argument, it’s gorgeous and complex and I cannot do it justice with my clumsy words!
I get it bad and it gets better every day - Anora/F!Cousland - A lifetime of conversations, starting from when they were young, and their evolving relationship. Anora is wonderfully voiced and I love the complexity as they grow older and reach a different understanding of who they are to each other. It’s sweet and a little achey and tender and just! So good.
the treasure of a gentle soul - Josephine/Delrin Barris - Adorable bite-sized fluff of their first meeting!!!
What Harding Left Behind - Bram Kenric/Lace Harding - Absent-minded academic’s quest to return one of Lace Harding’s lost possessions! He braves suspicious gate guards and his own embarrassed fumbling! Utterly sweet and precious, 1000% recommended!
Still Alive - F!Hawke/Vivienne - Hysterically funny Hawke voice and some very real Vivienne thirst before ricocheting and walloping me in the feels with complicated grief and mourning and sometimes just burying yourself in someone’s arms as an interlude against the pain!
a star to steer her by - Bethany/Nathaniel - Bethany, in the Wardens and now on Isabela’s boat with Nathaniel. This is gorgeous and lovely and absolutely sold me on a ship I had never considered before!
away from the party - Leliana/Morrigan - This is such a short fic to pack in so much about the weight of their history and relationship and the way that Morrigan’s leaving again and Leliana’s objections…I just am swoony because I love this ship and this hits my buttons for them. <3
There are many other fine works in the collection, this was only a sampling of what I was able to read and consume during the anon period. <3
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aikatsuswings · 1 year
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Smart Kyūbi
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babylonbirdmeat · 2 years
How I'll feel about ads in mobile games is funny because like if there's a bunch of ads it's like fuck you and usually games with constant ads have aggressive pushes for microtransactions but then every once in a while a game will have completely ignorable microtransactions and very fair fun gameplay and the only ads are like "hello you can watch an ad for a bonus" and I'm just like "Okay I'll watch your ads we can both have a little treat here"
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rarebreedcoffee · 1 month
Unlike coffee snobs, we’re coffee lovers who believe in making specialty coffee approachable and fun without compromising quality. Join us in rebelling against boring coffee!
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nice-betta-thailand · 3 months
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Betta fish Rare Vampire Shadow Black Samurai Butterfly OHM
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katlimeart · 1 year
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Made in 2018, 2019 + 2020
If you’ve seen this anywhere else, I posted it back on my deviantArt when it was made.
Mario girls cosplaying in Premium Rare Coords from Aikatsu – requested by jlj16
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