ckret2 · 9 months
What is the equivalent of the phrase "Oh my God" that Bill uses? Is he mentioning some god figure from his home dimension or is he using “Oh my me” or “Oh my Axolotl”?
He doesn't use anything.
Have you ever heard an atheist say "oh my big bang" instead of "oh my god"? In common usage, the word "god" in "oh my god" is merely part of a stock phrase and not a declaration of belief. In fact, changing "god" to another term would instantly make it more religious, since if you just say "oh my god" it's like "well maybe they believe in a god or maybe they're just using the phrase," but if you say "oh my [something else]" it's like "they DEFINITELY believe in [something else] so passionately that they changed the phrase just to emphasize how much they believe in it."
If Bill ever used the phrase, he would use it like a foreign word pronounced omaigohd that's just an exclamation that communicates a specific emotional meaning to English-speakers (anger, shock, excitement)—and he's not going to get all cutesy while speaking a foreign language to draw attention to something irrelevant. This exclamation isn't an avenue to announce his religious beliefs.
There ARE issues he feels passionately enough about that he'd break away from common English. Unless he's in "pretending to be human" mode, at any place where a human would naturally refer to themself as "a person," "a woman/man," "female/male," "she/he," Bill will refer to himself as "a shape," "a triangle," "triangular," "it," even in contexts where that sounds weird to the humans. His gender is triangle and that matters to him. Religion does not.
At any rate, there's no [something else] he could fill into the phrase. He knows for a fact that there are figures powerful enough to alter reality—he is one. He suspects on good evidence that there are even more powerful figures that can conjure an entire universe from nothing—he is not one. He considers "power" and "divinity" to be separate things, he doesn't think powerful figures are divine, and he doesn't think the divine is real. He thinks "god" is an artificial social label, like "king," that only exists when enough people concur that it's real and stops existing when enough people stop respecting it. He thinks "god" is what the weak call the powerful when they've been fooled into thinking the powerful deserve worship. He thinks he's one of the powerful that fools the weak. He doesn't think he's a god—except when he's lying to himself very well—but he loves how it feels when other people call him a god, so he encourages it. He doesn't consider anybody god, he doesn't obey or respect any authority, and generally the more powerful a being is, the more he dislikes them on principle. One trillion years ago, the beliefs he was raised with were the sort a white American boomer experiencing a religious crisis would insist are "spiritual but not religious." He briefly thought gods might be real in his youth, but never worshiped any.
But all that aside—his vocabulary simply doesn't include the phrase "oh my god." He doesn't want to imply he even might worship something—he's too proud and that pride is too fragile. If he has to make an exclamation, it'll be something entirely different—"Oh boy." "Oh, come on!" "You're kidding me." "Seriously?" "Whoa!" "Wow!" "No way," maybe hysterical laughter—whatever's fitting in a given situation. Several times in the fic I've had to go find a different phrase where if he was another character I could've just put "omigosh".
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bookishjules · 10 months
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do you think they're swapping cheese for roast beef(?) so that grover can eat his sandwich? (if not, i'm going to pretend that's what's happening, anyway)
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eusarca · 7 months
It was an almost unreasonably warm day for February, but spring was right around the corner. Taking advantage of the weather, they called Raven out to the Netwalk and waited for them on a bench. "It's a nice day out, and I'd like to show you something neat!" had been their hook.
In one hand, they held a small basket. With the other, they waved to the arriving invitee. They didn't appear to have anything else out of the ordinary.
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"Don't you think it's a nice day, too?"
★ @echoesofcoral
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irradiatedsnakes · 1 year
ooo what kind of soup is that??
going to be tonkotsu broth!! :] using this resippy
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meatsex · 2 months
the new features in the doom ports are very welcomed, although i did open doom 1 just to test out some stuff and the sensitivity level actually made me sick, i dont know why its so different from the original by default but im gonna check later the better way to make it resemble the original
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jonathanrook · 2 months
oh my god this new sims pack looks so good i'm screaming
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penofdamocles · 6 months
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Of course! I'll send a bottle your way.
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pastel-pinku · 6 months
I made myself fruit chaat without the masala
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foreignobjecticus · 2 years
I agree that we use too much plastic, and I've spent my whole life trying to cut down. But you can't make me feel that bad when you're the ones manufacturing unnecessarily large plastic containers and filling them with cotton wool to pad them out, when your 120 pill option could fit into your 60 pill bottle absolutely perfectly.
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Don't even talk to me about marketing or standard sizes or whatever. Change the standards. That's what the entire eco movement has been about because the standards are contributing to killing us. Don't sell me a half-empty pill bottle; sell me a pill bottle made to fit your product without excess packaging to prevent breakage from spare space you've created to give the illusion of value for money.
This isn't on the consumer-it's on manufacturers.
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jedi-bird · 6 months
Ordered groceries to be delivered from my least favorite service, but it's the only one guaranteed to be delivered this morning. We've pretty much burned through most of what I picked up the other day and I hate the market closest to us so I refuse to go unless I have no other choice. I tried to stock up on easy to make things because partner is still sick and I'm not feeling great again. It's supposed to rain a lot this weekend so I don't plan on leaving the house for a while.
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Okay so a bunch of you are definitely familiar with fun little FT in TWST AU stuff, and with all the enabling, I feel like it's something of a group effort at this point.
So riddle me this
I've figured out the other dorms, but Savanaclaw was giving me a pause, because it's the dorm for repression, so I got options. (Though my first instinct was to give Loke the whole housewarden treatment, lol. He's definitely a contender.)
Though I also haven't fully developed everyone's in-story backstories yet so how emotionally messed up they are is up in the air. So I have some biases but without divulging any of my thoughts just yet, I want to know who y'all think is the most likely to snap.
What is an overblot?
(For those are watching me spin in my chair and are here for the FT portion.) Long story short it is characterized by:
—having a large supply of magic and being a good mage —having years worth of emotional stress and/or trauma, built up and ready to burst —a suitable impetus that forces all that emotional stress out in the open, usually in a dramatic way, and usually while using way too much magic —and then it is a matter of getting overrun by the icky stuff and gaining a super-powered evil form and then almost dying in the most dramatic way possible, usually while inflicting unspeakable AoE violence
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daisybeewrites · 11 months
me having a break down because the grocery store didn’t have my silly little apple juice with carbon dioxide
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leafatlaw · 2 years
ooh rand was fine with staying and thought rolan was too, and thats why it hurt so much. Because rolan wanted to leave, he wanted something more than gallaway. But the proabblem was rand was galloway, born and raised, so by leaving rolan was not just leaving rand, he was saying rand wasnt good enough. Rolan was saying he need no wanted something(someone) more than rand. And it hurt because rand was galloway and he could never be worth staying for.
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awkwardinot · 2 years
merry shitscram
now waiting for: говно с дымом
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sharkie-stay · 2 years
I keep thinking about the spider in the sandwich
And I cried because of it again
Truly the greatest fear
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caracello · 2 years
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icant stop thinking about his terrible little corner. tthe storage container as a bedside table. the single bottle of whiskey. his little bag of clothes. the dumbbell?!?@?!!
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