#president t’rina
aurlworthfightingfor · 5 months
“It is unclear to me what would have given you the impression that I am in need of a caretaker.” - President T’Rina
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bobertbilliams · 4 months
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Instagram au anyone?
tararosling: President T’Rina resumes her interstellar journey. 🖖❤️ 🚀
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t-rina · 4 months
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torn between “she looks so proud bc she’s finally married to saru” and “she looks so proud bc she fan finally call michael an official part of her family”
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thefrakkintrinity15 · 5 months
Season 5 writers have erased a bunch of great characters such as Saru, Admiral Vance, President T’Rina and President Rillak, from the main plot… Not to mention the lack of Reno in many episodes as well. WHY??
I’m so disappointed ☹️
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myopicfascination · 1 year
Ok but Captain Saru and President T’Rina of Ni’var are so cute though. 😭 I hope it remains that way.
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defconprime · 2 years
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President T’Rina from Star Trek Timelines, 2022
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paulgadzikowski · 7 months
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[Image description: Preview panel for the comic strip at the link below. Dr. Hirai, Mr. Saru, President T’Rina, Captain Burnham, and President Rillak of Star Trek Discovery are on the bridge listening to the message from Engineer Reno at the end of the episode Species 10-C. Reno is saying, “Captain, it’s Reno. Tarka’s got me and Book locked up, and if he takes out the DMA the way he wants to, it’ll destroy the hyperfield, the Ten-C, probably Discovery, too. It’ll also leave a toxic waste dump heading straight for Earth. You have to stop us, whatever it takes.” Unfortunately there are not image descriptions at the main Hero Of Three Faces site. End description.] 
The Hero of Three Faces is fanfiction crossovers, but it’s comic strips with stick figures, but they’re triangles. Preview panel only. Click here for full cartoon. Or see the on-site navigation tutorial. Or see this blog’s FAQ, or my archive tumblog’s FAQ. Cartoons may contain unmarked spoilers. Cartoons linked from Tumblr 10:00 (Central US time) daily are the previous day’s new update and the posts are pinned to the top of this blog. Cartoons linked from Tumblr 22:00 daily are from the archive and the posts are pinned only during annual summer hiatus of new updates.
Thanks for reading.
EDIT This is an archive cartoon link but was accidentally scheduled for 10:00 today instead of for 22:00. It is now scheduled to be reblogged at 22:00 when it belonged.
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emptymanuscript · 2 months
Voyager's Doctor Returns In Star Trek: Starfleet Academy
I think I am pleased with essentially EVERYTHING in this video.
I do hope Tilly is the main character or at least very high level. I am definitely walking away from Discovery with her as my favorite character. 
I like the others. I would totally watch a spin-off with President T’Rina and Ambassador Saru going off political intrigue adventures as politician spies in space because that would be awesome. And, let’s face it, you could probably just plant me in front of Tig Notaro on the tv and assume I am supervised because I probably just wouldn’t move. And the EMH pretty much was my favorite character in Voyager, I think all my other faves were sort of arranged in relationship to him. XD.
But, I just constantly feel like Tilly is a perfect cypher for what I want out of Star Trek. That she’s kind of dorky, very kind, and definitely gets the heart of the Starfleet ethos while also still being the sort of person who smacks into the problems that brings up. 
I am leery of an academy setting. School just generally doesn’t excite me as a narrative device unless there’s something unschoolish going on. And I really don’t like the Star Trek post-burn setting, I feel like the tech is at the point where it is Superman’s power-set. I just can’t worry too much.
BUT: Tilly. 
Especially if she is the main character, I am all in.
Now, if we could just get that Section 31 project moving so we can have some more Philippa Georgiou. Because she’s another one that just, whatever problems I may have, more of her character and more Michelle Yeoh, please.
Ack... I’m just constantly craving more Star Trek. It’s the problem. I am a Trekkie, not a Trekker, I’m not going anywhere and I am an addict. Pump it into my eyes. Gimme. Gimme. Gimme.
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tailsrevane · 2 years
[tv review] discovery 3x07 “unification, part 3” (2020)
this is a silly complaint but i kinda wish this had gotten a “previously on…” sequence at the beginning featuring scenes from the tng two-parter like “if memory serves” got of “the cage.”
i love not only that we picked this story thread back up, but that spock was successful in reuniting the romulans and vulcans. in a way i’m a little sad to lose the romulans as antagonists because they were just so dang good at it, but the 32nd century seems long past time to move on to new things, so i’ll more than happily allow it. and michael being so, so proud of her brother for achieving this seemingly impossible goal was incredibly moving, i felt so good for both of them in that little moment.
the science fight that makes up the bulk of this episode’s runtime might seem silly conceptually, but they did a great job with it and used it to do a bunch of stuff at once. character work for michael, filling in the gaps of what happened with the burn and the federation and ni’var, and to top it all off the beginnings of reconciliation between the federation and ni’var.
that’s… a lot to get through in a show trial/debate club meet, but the way it gets there makes it feel totally earned? i loved michael’s mother as a qowat milat, and the ways she challenges michael get her to open up in a way that services all the aforementioned plot and character points.
also also, the character work for michael is tied into her central conflict this season (questioning her place aboard discovery and in the federation writ large), and this season has been really great about having her actually incrementally make progress on that problem and not just leave it sitting on the back burner until she dramatically resolves it in the last episode or something?
this is functionally similar to michael serving as defender of the faith for the federation over and over in season 1, but it feels so much more honest and earned, and it doesn’t leave everyone else looking like an absolute stooge.
i get why the people of ni’var are reluctant to trust the federation, and seeing them begin to overcome that is so much more rewarding when you really do empathize with them. i get why michael is so determined to fix everything herself, and seeing her accept that that’s what she’s doing and let it go is so much more rewarding when you really do empathize with her.
although this rightly takes up the majority of the episode’s runtime, believe it or not there is other stuff going on? saru builds a rapport with president t’rina of ni’var quite organically, and with t’rina encouraged by the examples of saru and burnham, they part on hopeful terms.
furthermore, ensign tilly has been unexpectedly offered the position of acting first officer, and most of the crew gets together to tell her to say yes, and i’m not crying you’re crying, and burnham gets there late and breaks the tension by saying “oh shoot, did i miss the cool ‘say yes’ part?” and i am just super, super okay with this show establishing a tradition of having the entire crew assemble to tell one of them that they’re awesome and they love them and making me cry, that’s a good tradition let’s keep doing that one.
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dreamy-willow · 2 years
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Star Trek: Discovery 💫
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disco-headcanons · 3 years
“I do not know how to walk into danger with someone I have such personal fondness for. Perhaps that is one of the reasons why I typically avoid closeness with others”
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bobertbilliams · 4 months
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President T'Rina of Ni'Var taking lead on negotiations with the Breen.
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Round Two
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t-rina · 2 months
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President T’Rina’s too cool for you to handle
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jonny-r217 · 3 years
Not at all what I expected for the mid-season cliffhanger, but damn Discovery is really firing on all cylinders this season and I love it.
(That said I’m really happy the Grey & Adira are off the table for a little bit and holy hell I’m shopping Saru / T’Rina so hard.)
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defconprime · 10 months
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President T’Rina
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