#preston greenfield
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Knights of the Kingsguard: (top) the conflicted Ser Arys Oakheart (left) and the brave Ser Balon Swann (right); (bottom) the obedient Ser Mandon Moore (left) and the kinda-just-there Ser Preston Greenfield (right)
Here's my LEGO adaptation of alexandrokayart's Kingsguard fanarts, linked below
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warsofasoiaf · 2 years
Hi there, I have a question regarding a conversion between Ned and Varys in Eddard VII, AGOT:
"The Kingsguard—"
"A paper shield," the eunuch said. "Try not to look so shocked, Lord Stark. Jaime Lannister is himself a Sworn Brother of the White Swords, and we all know what his oath is worth. The days when men like Ryam Redwyne and Prince Aemon the Dragonknight wore the white cloak are gone to dust and song. Of these seven, only Ser Barristan Selmy is made of the true steel, and Selmy is old. Ser Boros and Ser Meryn are the queen's creatures to the bone, and I have deep suspicions of the others.”
What exactly are Varys’ suspicions towards Mandon Moore, Arys Oakheart and Preston Greenfield, respectively?
As we see with Arys's own chapters and Arianne's, Arys Oakheart is easily manipulated.
Mandon Moore attempts to kill Tyrion, and so is likely more of a creature of Littlefinger than someone truly committed to his vows.
As for Preston, he seems to be just kind of a general shitbox.
But remember also that Varys is attempting to isolate Eddard to ensure he has no support to turn to in his own initiatives. Varys doesn't want Eddard cleaning up the court and ferreting out any potential traitors, or potentially being a rallying symbol that Westeros can get behind as a paragon of clean, effective government. He's hardly unbiased.
Thanks for the question, Anon.
SomethingLikeALawyer, Hand of the King
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rewildling · 1 year
LADYHAWKE: The 80s Fantasy Movie that Inspired SanSan?
Could this movie have partially inspired GRRM’s Sansa Stark and Sandor Clegane as a romantic pairing in ASOIAF? And could it contain clues for their TWOW arcs? Let’s investigate.
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Isabeau of Anjou and Etienne of Navarre from Ladyhawke (1985)
Ladyhawke (1985) is apparently one of GRRM’s favorite films. According to him, it’s “romantic fantasy done right,” so it’s definitely possible that it influenced the romantic plot lines in his own fantasy series.
The movie tells the story of cursed lovers Etienne of Navarre and Isabeau of Anjou. They are always together, yet eternally apart. By day, Isabeau takes the form of a bird, turning back into a woman at night.
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“You’re like one of those birds from the Summer Isles, aren’t you? A pretty little talking bird, repeating all the pretty little words they taught you to recite.” Sandor Clegane, Sansa II, AGOT
By night, Navarre takes the form of a large black wolf, turning back into a man during the day.
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The Hound ripped the sword free and threw away the scabbard. The Mad Huntsman gave him his oaken shield, all studded with iron and painted yellow, the three black dogs of Clegane emblazoned upon it. Arya VI, ASOS
Navarre is the former Captain of the Guard of Aquila, a formidable fighter and deadly with a sword.
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The White Book was well behind. The deaths of Ser Mandon Moore and Ser Preston Greenfield needed to be entered, and the brief bloody Kingsguard service of Sandor Clegane as well. Jaime XIII, ASOS
The Hound was deadly with a sword, everyone knew that. Arya VI, ASOS
Like Sandor, Navarre is a generally cynical person and is pessimistic about the possibility of ever breaking the curse. He also rides a temperamental black stallion named Goliath.
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Arya had tried to steal him once, when Clegane was taking a piss against a tree, thinking she could ride off before he could catch her. Stranger had almost bitten her face off. He was gentle as an old gelding with his master, but otherwise he had a temper as black as he was. She had never known a horse so quick to bite or kick. Arya XI, ASOS
At one point in the film, Navarre asks Matthew Broderick’s character, Phillipe, to tell him everything Isabeau said about him the night before:
“Every moment you spend with her… I envy you. But you can tell me. Tell me everything that she said. And I warn you, I will know if the words are hers. Etienne of Navarre, Ladyhawke
“A dog can smell a lie, you know.” Sandor Clegane, Sansa II, ACOK
Like Sansa, Isabeau is described by others as being exceptionally beautiful, with porcelain skin, blue eyes, and a lovely voice.
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“Men would say she had my look, but she will grow into a woman far more beautiful than I ever was, you can see that.” Catelyn VII, ACOK
She is just as comely as the Tyrell girl. Her hair was a rich autumn auburn, her eyes a deep Tully blue. Tyrion VIII, ASOS
“We were talking about the prince,” Sansa said, her voice soft as a kiss. Arya I, AGOT
Isabeau is also kind, clever, and brave. As the Comte d’Anjou’s daughter, her manners are noticeably refined.
Be brave, she told herself. Be brave, like a lady in a song. Sansa V, ASOS
"Knights they are," said Petyr. "Their gallantry has yet to be demonstrated, but we may hope. Allow me to present Ser Byron, Ser Morgarth, and Ser Shadrich. Sers, the Lady Alayne, my natural and very clever daughter..." Alayne II, AFFC
For this next part, let’s keep in mind the theory that Shadrich, Morgarth, and Byron — the three hedge knights who appear at the Gates of the Moon in Littlefinger’s service in AFFC — are actually Howland Reed, the Elder Brother, and Sandor Clegane in disguise.
Phillipe is known as The Mouse. He’s small and stealthy — the first person ever to escape from Aquila’s prison. He’s also very cheeky. At first, he wants to get as far away from Aquila as possible. After he becomes invested in Navarre and Isabeau’s story, he decides to help them infiltrate Aquila and confront the man who cursed them.
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Ser Shadrich was a wiry, fox-faced man with a sharp nose and a shock of orange hair, mounted on a rangy chestnut courser. Though he could not have been more than five foot two, he had a cocksure manner. ... “Ser Shadrich of the Shady Glen. Some call me the Mad Mouse.” ... “And are you mad?” “Oh, quite. Your common mouse will run from blood and battle. The mad mouse seeks them out.” Brienne I, AFFC
When Isabeau is wounded, Navarre orders Phillipe to bring her to Imperius, a solitary monk and healer, who saves her life and, along with Phillipe, helps the lovers break their curse.
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“The Seven have blessed our Elder Brother with healing hands. He has restored many a man to health that even the maesters could not cure, and many a woman too.” Brother Narbert, Brienne VI, AFFC
The man who cursed them is the Bishop of Aquila, an older man who covets Isabeau and became enraged when she rejected him. The Bishop is portrayed as a greedy, deceitful lord who uses his power to manipulate and exploit people. Imperius describes his desire for Isabeau as “a sort of madness.” Sound like anyone we know?
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“Your mother was my queen of beauty once,” the man said quietly. His breath smelled of mint. “You have her hair.” His fingers brushed against her cheek as he stroked one auburn lock. Quite abruptly he turned and walked away. Sansa II, AGOT
Imperius tells Phillipe that Isabeau sensed the Bishop’s wickedness and “shrank from him.” She fell in love with Navarre, and they married in secret.
When Sansa finally looked up, a man was standing over her, staring. He was short, with a pointed beard and a silver streak in his hair, almost as old as her father. “You must be one of her daughters,” he said to her. He had grey-green eyes that did not smile when his mouth did. “You have the Tully look.” “I’m Sansa Stark,” she said, ill at ease. Sansa II, AGOT
“I despise porridge.” He looked at her with Littlefinger’s eyes. “I’d sooner break my fast with a kiss.” A true daughter would not refuse her sire a kiss, so Alayne went to him and kissed him, a quick dry peck upon the cheek, and just as quickly stepped away. Alayne I, AFFC
The parallels between this film and ASOIAF are pretty obvious. Isabeau is a bird, and Navarre is a black wolf — an obvious connection to House Stark — but he could just have easily been a black dog.
All three character’s proposed as the true identities of the three hedge knights in Shadrich, Morgarth, and Byron have parallels in this film. Phillipe the Mouse, Imperius the monk, and Navarre the wolf infiltrate Aquila to confront the Bishop and free Isabeau the bird from his curse. If the theory proves true, Shadrich the Mad Mouse (Howland Reed), Morgarth (the Elder Brother), and Byron (Sandor Clegane/the Hound) are working together to infiltrate the Gates of the Moon and help free Sansa (the little bird) from Littlefinger’s clutches. The broad strokes of the characters and their potential future storylines in TWOW are all present.
Ladyhawke is decently acted, and the story itself is beautiful and interesting. But GRRM is right, the score is terrible.
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asoiafreadthru · 1 year
KING ROBERT BARATHEON, the First of His Name,
His wife, QUEEN CERSEI, of House Lannister,
Their children:
PRINCE JOFFREY, heir to the Iron Throne, twelve,
PRINCESS MYRCELLA, a girl of eight,
PRINCE TOMMEN, a boy of seven,
His brothers:
STANNIS BARATHEON, Lord of Dragonstone,
His wife, LADY SELYSE of House Florent,
Their daughter, SHIREEN, a girl of nine,
RENLY BARATHEON, Lord of Storm’s End,
His small council:
LORD PETYR BAELISH, called LITTLEFINGER, master of coin,
LORD STANNIS BARATHEON, master of ships,
LORD RENLY BARATHEON, master of laws,
SER BARRISTAN SELMY, Lord Commander of the Kingsguard,
VARYS, a eunuch called the Spider, master of whisperers,
His court and retainers:
SER ILYN PAYNE, the King’s Justice, a headsman,
SANDOR CLEGANE, called the Hound, sworn shield to Prince Joffrey,
JANOS SLYNT, a commoner, commander of the City Watch of King’s Landing,
JALABHAR XHO, an exile prince from the Summer Isles,
MOON BOY, a jester and fool,
LANCEL and TYREK LANNISTER, squires to the king, the queen’s cousins,
SER ARON SANTAGAR, master-at-arms,
His Kingsguard:
SER JAIME LANNISTER, called the Kingslayer,
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mybworlds · 1 year
Chapter 2: King’s Landing attack
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Hello, well thank you to my few readers.
Pairing: The Hound x Sansa Stark
Chapter summary: Sansa is still a prisoner in King’s Landing, until Stannis Baratheon attacks King’s Landing and...
Chapter warnings: violence, blood. Some lines from George R. R. Martin "A clash of kings" book.
Thanks @vase-of-lilies for the banner
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“You mew like a suckling babe,” his brother hissed at him. “Princes aren’t supposed to cry.”
“Prince Aemon the Dragonknight cried the day Princess Naerys wed his brother Aegon,” Sansa Stark said, “and the twins Ser Arryk and Ser Erryk died with tears on their cheeks after each had given the other a mortal wound.”
“Be quiet, or I’ll have Ser Meryn give you a mortal wound,” Joffrey told his betrothed.
Sansa remained silent as she had been ordered to, fearing for her life every day. Every day, she received a punishment for a wrong word, for a glance, or whether it was her brother Robb doing something. She always paid for her own or others' faults, whether they were minor or serious.
The narrow streets were lined by men of the City Watch, holding back the crowd with the shafts of their spears. Ser Jacelyn Bywater went in front, heading a wedge of mounted lancers in black ringmail and golden cloaks. Behind him came Ser Aron Santagar and Ser Balon Swann, bearing the king’s banners, the lion of Lannister and crowned stag of Baratheon.
So, it followed King Joffrey, with Sansa trailing just behind him, her thick auburn hair flowing to her shoulders beneath a net of moonstones. Two of the Kingsguard flanked the couple, the Hound on the king’s right hand and Ser Mandon Moore to the left of the Stark girl.
Next came Tommen, snuffling, with Ser Preston Greenfield in his white armor and cloak, and then Cersei, accompanied by Ser Lancel and protected by Meryn Trant and Boros Blount. Tyrion fell in with his sister. After them followed the High Septon in his litter, and a long tail 314 of other courtiers—Ser Horas Redwyne, Lady Tanda and her daughter, Jalabhar Xho, Lord Gyles Rosby, and the rest. A double column of guardsmen brought up the rear. The unshaven and the unwashed stared at the riders with dull resentment from behind the line of spears. I like this not one speck, Tyrion thought. Bronn had a score of sellswords scattered through the crowd with orders to stop any trouble before it started. Perhaps Cersei had similarly disposed her Kettleblacks. Somehow Tyrion did not think it would help much. If the fire was too hot, you could hardly keep the pudding from scorching by tossing a handful of raisins in the pot. They crossed Fishmonger’s Square and rode along Muddy Way before turning onto the narrow, curving Hook to begin their climb up Aegon’s High Hill. A few voices raised a cry of “Joffrey! All hail, all hail!” as the young king rode by, but for every man who picked up the shout, a hundred kept their silence. The Lannisters moved through a sea of ragged men and hungry women, breasting a tide of sullen eyes.
Sansa observed, fearful, all the misery surrounding them, but most of all, she watched the faces of the starving and angry common folk. In just a few moments, the situation took a turn for the worse: to their left, three gold cloaks went down under the surge, and then the crowd was rushing forward, trampling the fallen men. The Hound had vanished behind, though his riderless horse galloped beside them. Tyrion saw Aron Santagar pulled from the saddle, the gold-and-black Baratheon stag torn from his grasp. Ser Balon Swann dropped the Lannister lion to draw his longsword. He slashed right and left as the fallen banner was ripped apart, the thousand ragged pieces swirling away like crimson leaves in a stormwind. In an instant they were gone. Someone staggered in front of Joffrey’s horse and shrieked as the king rode him down. Whether it had been man, woman, or child Tyrion could not have said. Joffrey was galloping at his side, whey-faced, with Ser Mandon Moore a white shadow on his left.
Sansa tried to break free, to escape from the enraged crowd. She lost the royal procession and, for a brief moment, thought she could return to the Red Keep on her own, believing no one would pay attention to her. But that wasn't the case, three men surrounded her. It was then that she understood something terrible was about to happen to her. She ran as fast as she could, but with little success. She found herself on the ground and dragged away by the men who pursued her.
Sansa screamed in fear, realizing their intentions. She screamed loudly, but none of those three seemed to hear her. Indeed, it seemed to excite them. In no time, their laughter turned into cries of pain: Sandor Clegane arrived to rescue her, eviscerating and slaying her attackers.
“It’s all right, little bird. You’re safe now!” he reassured her, pulling her to her feet and carrying her on his shoulders, he carried her back to the Red Keep. The young Stark feared she would vomit or faint during that journey, she saw severed arms and heads, blood along the streets of King's Landing, disembowelled bodies, scattered entrails.
The Hound finally took her inside the fortified walls and handmaidens surrounded her, the first to ask her how she was was Tyrion "Are you hurt, my lady?"
Sansa couldn't speak, too shaken by that horrible sight, it was Clegane who spoke.
“The little bird is bleeding,” he said. “Someone take her back to her cage and take care of her.”
Her handmaidens rushed to obey, leading Sansa away.
Sansa ate almost nothing that day or the following days, the experience she lived, had a profound impact on her. Master Frenken visits her every day, even Tyrion Lannister - the uncle of her future husband - often visited her, he was kind, it almost seemed like she could trust him, but then Sansa remembered that he was still a Lannister just as she remembered the words of the Hound "Look around and smell carefully: they're all liars here..." the Stark girl turned over in her bed, no, she couldn't trust Tyrion either.
Her betrothed never visited her, only her mother the Queen Regent, Cersei, had come once, told her to get well soon and then with a smirk she added she would blossom soon and not too soon after that moment, her son and Sansa could have married and then give birth future princes and princesses. If Sansa had heard these words months ago, she’d filled with pride and enthusiasm, but now? The idea troubled her deeply.
She no longer wanted to marry the Queen's son, her heart no longer beat for him, not after the horrors he subjected her to, not after he had her beaten, not after he continually threatened her with death. No, Sansa, he couldn't anymore.
He wanted to escape, but… how? When?
The Guards were everywhere, every corridor was always filled with one or more Guards, often the Hound or Ser Meryn roamed the corridors, no, Sansa just couldn't do it, not alone.
The moment came on a night without stars, on a night where the sky was a riot of colors that went from green to orange, from red to yellow with shades of emerald and jade, the air smelled of burning, Sansa had taking refuge in her rooms completely shrouded in darkness, only by opening the curtains she could observe all the colors reflected in the sky.
Sansa started to step back, she was scared, she intended to take advantage of that situation, but she had no idea exactly how to do it... someone coughed behind her and Sansa jumped and turned around. She saw him for a moment, all black and green, the blood on his face dark as tar, his eyes glowing like a dog’s in the sudden glare.
“What are you doing in my rooms?” she asked to the Hound.
“I’m going.”
“The little bird repeats whatever she hears. Going, yes.”
“Where will you go?”
“Away from here. Away from the fires. Go out the Iron Gate, I suppose. North somewhere, anywhere.”
“You won’t get out,” Sansa said. “The queen’s closed up Maegor’s, and the city gates are shut as well.”
“Not to me. I have the white cloak. And I have this.” He patted the pommel of his sword. “The man who tries to stop me is a dead man. Unless he’s on fire.” He laughed bitterly.
“You’d come with me.” he said, “I could keep you safe,” he rasped. “They’re all afraid of me. No one would hurt you again, or I’d kill them.”
“With you?” Sansa asked again.
“The little birds just can't keep from repeating everything… what do you want to become one of those birds with colorful feathers?” he teased her.
“I'm not going with you.” Sansa said with a courage she didn't think she possessed "You are always so... harsh, mean... I don't..." the young woman stopped.
“Am I too cruel for Your Grace's delicacy?” Sandor asked, looking her straight in the eyes “I'm honest. It's the world that's cruel." he informed her roughly “The world is not made for pretty ones like you, the world is a cruel place, if you can’t protect yourself, then you die and someone else lives.”
The Hound suddenly grabbed Sansa by the wrist and Sansa groaned in fear, she feared he would kill her but instead the man just got close to her face and said "Come with me." it wasn't a question, it was just a statement, a statement said in a tone that Sansa had never heard before, or at least the Hound never used that tone of voice.
“I – I need to change.” Sansa only said.
"There's no time." saying these words, the man dragged her away with him.
The Hound moved with incredible speed and grace for a large man like he was, Sansa struggled to keep up with him, she almost had to run. When he opened the door that would allow them to reach the stables, the earth shook and everything around them began to catch fire, the men screamed. Sandor Clegane staggered for an instant in the face of those flames, then abruptly woke up and started running again. They bumped into fleeing men, screaming women, Sansa couldn't even understand who they were hitting just to reach their goal, suddenly something hit her head and Sansa lost consciousness...
Closing remarks... that's how things really went. Sansa should have runaway with the Hound even in the books and in the tv series. Agree or disagree?
Please let me know what you think. If you'd like, if you had questions or comments you could send either in the comments section or my inbox. If you don't like my story don't read, so please no rude comments towards the story, the people who like this story, or me.
Next chapter asap.
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inlovewithquotes · 1 year
Ser Alliser Thorne was not so easily dismissed. He was waiting at the foot of the Iron Throne when Tyrion descended. "Do you think I sailed all the way from Eastwatch-by-the-Sea to be mocked by the likes of you?" he fumed, blocking the way. "This is no jape. I saw it with my own eyes. I tell you, the dead walk."
"You should try to kill them more thoroughly." Tyrion pushed past. Ser Alliser made to grab his sleeve, but Preston Greenfield thrust him back. "No closer, ser."
Thorne knew better than to challenge a knight of the Kingsguard. "You are a fool, Imp," he shouted at Tyrion's back.
The dwarf turned to face him. "Me? Truly? Then why were they laughing at you, I wonder?" He smiled wanly. "You came for men, did you not?"
"The cold winds are rising. The Wall must be held."
"And to hold it you need men, which I've given you.....as You might have noted, if your ears heard anything but insults. Take them, thank me, and begone before I'm forces to take a crab fork to you again. Give my warm regards to Lord Mormont......and to Jon Snow as well." Bronn seized Ser Alliser by the elbow and marched him forcefully from the hall.
-A Clash Of Kings
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beyondmistland · 2 years
Hi there, I have a question regarding a conversion between Ned and Varys in Eddard VII, AGOT:
"The Kingsguard—"
"A paper shield," the eunuch said. "Try not to look so shocked, Lord Stark. Jaime Lannister is himself a Sworn Brother of the White Swords, and we all know what his oath is worth. The days when men like Ryam Redwyne and Prince Aemon the Dragonknight wore the white cloak are gone to dust and song. Of these seven, only Ser Barristan Selmy is made of the true steel, and Selmy is old. Ser Boros and Ser Meryn are the queen's creatures to the bone, and I have deep suspicions of the others.”
What exactly are Varys’ suspicions towards Mandon Moore, Arys Oakheart and Preston Greenfield, respectively?
Preston is from the Westerlands, Arys weak-willed, and Mandon possibly bought depending on who you believe ordered him to assassinate Tyrion during the Battle of the Blackwater.
That being said, keep in mind Varys' goal here, which is to isolate Ned politically. (We know very little about Mandon and even less about Preston just as an example.)
Thanks for the question, anon
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missgallavjch · 1 year
He dreamt an old dream, of three knights in white cloaks, and a tower long fallen, and Lyanna in her bed of blood.
Eddard X, AGOT
Ser Boros Blount guarded the far end of the bridge, white steel armor ghostly in the moonlight. Within, Ned passed two other knights of the Kingsguard; Ser Preston Greenfield stood at the bottom of the steps, and Ser Barristan Selmy waited at the door of the king’s bedchamber. Three men in white cloaks, he thought, remembering, and a strange chill went through him.
Promise me, she had cried, in a room that smelled of blood and roses. Promise me, Ned.
Eddard I, AGOT
“Serve the boar at my funeral feast,” Robert rasped. “Apple in its mouth, skin seared crisp. Eat the bastard. Don’t care if you choke on him. Promise me, Ned.” 
“I promise.” Promise me, Ned, Lyanna’s voice echoed.
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grrm stop triggering ned's traumas challenge
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novumtimes · 1 month
Severe thunderstorm warnings and watches issued across parts of southern Ontario
Environment and Climate Change Canada forecasters have issued several severe thunderstorm warnings and watches across parts of southern Ontario while authorities near Kitchener-Waterloo respond to reports of damage potentially caused by a tornado. Meteorologists issued a tornado warning for Cambridge, Roseville, Breslau, Preston, Hespeler, West Guelph, Aberfoyle and Morriston just after 11 a.m. At the time, they said they were tracking a severe thunderstorm that could produce a tornado. “Damaging winds, large hail and locally intense rainfall are also possible,” the warning said, noting there were wind gusts of 90 km/h. “A severe thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado is located near Roseville, moving northeast at 40 km/h.” However, by 11:30 a.m., that warning was dropped in favour of a severe thunderstorm warning. Waterloo Regional Police officers said in a post on X that moments after the tornado warning was dropped they received calls from residents advising a tornado touched down in Ayr, which is roughly 17 kilometres west of downtown Cambridge. Officers said part of Greenfield Drive in Ayr was closed after trees and hydro poles were knocked down. They also said a roof at the local Home Hardware was damaged and North Dumfries Fire Department crews were responding to the building to deal with reports natural gas was detected. A post on the Township of North Dumfries X account shared a photo from Jake Nagle, which appeared to show a tornado. There were no immediate reports of injuries. Forecasters said the storm is moving east at around 30 km/h and can produce strong wind, nickel-sized hail and heavy rain. “Heavy downpours can cause flash floods and water pooling on roads. Large hail can damage property and cause injury. Strong wind gusts can toss loose objects, damage weak buildings, break branches off trees and overturn large vehicles,” they said. “Remember, severe thunderstorms can produce tornadoes.” Meanwhile, a severe thunderstorm watch issued for most of the Greater Toronto Area said conditions were “favourable for the development of severe thunderstorms that may be capable of producing strong wind gusts, large hail and heavy rain.” The watch said thunderstorms could bring rainfall rates of 40 millimetres. It’s expected the weather will clear Saturday evening. Click here to access the latest weather warnings and watches from Environment and Climate Change Canada. This is a developing story that will be updated. A possible tornado has touched down in the Greenfield Road/Northumberland Road area of Ayr. Please note that the NDCC and Cowan Park are CLOSED. We ask that people stay away from the area of Greenfield/Northumberland as emergency crews are on site. (photo from Jake Nagle) pic.twitter.com/wr6g46ZhsJ — Township of North Dumfries (@northdumfries) August 17, 2024 STORM UPDATE: – There are reports of a tornado touching down in Ayr. – Damages to the roof of the Home Hardware. The business has been evacuated, and no physical injuries were reported. North Dumfries Fire is attending due to smell of natural gas at this location. – ROAD… pic.twitter.com/qQlDsMAYaq — Waterloo Regional Police (@WRPSToday) August 17, 2024 Source link via The Novum Times
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deliciouscupcakeyouth · 3 months
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yandexblogger · 3 months
Best Stone Cladding Service Sydney
Transform Your Space with Premium Stone Cladding in Sydney
Looking to elevate your property’s aesthetics? Stone cladding is the perfect solution. At Lord of Stone, we offer top-notch stone cladding services throughout Sydney, bringing a touch of natural elegance to your home or business.
Our Stone Cladding Services
Our expertise spans a variety of stone cladding options. Whether you're interested in sandstone retaining walls sydney or stone wall cladding sydney, we have the perfect solution for you. Our services also include specialized stone cladding for pillars, creating stunning focal points in your landscape, and fireplace stone cladding, adding warmth and character to your interiors.
Why Choose Stone Cladding?
Stone capping Sydney is not only aesthetically pleasing but also incredibly durable. It can transform ordinary walls into stunning features, adding value to your property. Whether it's for external walls, internal feature walls, or garden pillars, our feature walls sydney cater to all your needs.
Servicing Sydney and Beyond
We proudly serve a wide range of areas in Sydney, ensuring that quality stone paving Sydney is accessible to more people. Our services extend to:
Bella Vista
Castle Hill
Chester Hill
Greenfield Park
Green Valley
Macquarie Park
Seven Hills
Surry Hills
Wetherill Park
Baulkham Hills
Find Stone Cladding Near You
Searching for “stone benchtops sydney” in Sydney? Look no further than Lord of Stone. Our team is committed to delivering exceptional results, ensuring your stone cladding project enhances the beauty and value of your property.
Contact Us
Ready to transform your space with stone cladding in Sydney? Contact Lord of Stone today for a consultation and let us bring your vision to life. Visit our website or call us to learn more about our services and to get a quote.
Experience the best in stone columns Sydney with Lord of Stone. Your dream property is just a call away!
Useful Links:
Guttering Melbourne
Renovation Builders Gold Coast
Perth Vacate Cleaning Services
Bond Cleaning Melbourne
High Pressure Cleaning Services
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warsofasoiaf · 1 year
Eh, your assessment of Arys Oakheart’s situation at court is a bit generous: realistically, Joff would have Arys executed on the spot, and he’d be lucky if it was quick. Besides Tyrion, I doubt any who might object (Cersei, Pycelle) would have any more success at curtailing Joffrey’s decisions than they had already.
Tortured to death, probably not. Arys is a knight and entitled to the headsman's axe, and is due a trial by combat. While Arys Oakheart is no Barristan Selmy, he is definitely more capable than Boros Blount, and might even be able to take Preston Greenfield in a fight.
More to the point though, Joffrey is a coward. He gets his jollies having his knights beat Sansa, but when it comes to getting confronted, he runs. He might order an execution, but somehow, he just doesn't strike me as the guy willing to push that hard when the easier route is to have Preston and Meryn Trant beat Sansa even harder, to make up for their sworn brothers' lack.
Thanks for the contribution, Anon.
SomethingLikeALawyer, Hand of hte King
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rubbishrusblog · 3 months
Best Stone Cladding Service Sydney
Transform Your Space with Premium Stone Cladding in Sydney
Looking to elevate your property’s aesthetics? Stone cladding is the perfect solution. At Lord of Stone, we offer top-notch stone cladding services throughout Sydney, bringing a touch of natural elegance to your home or business.
Our Stone Cladding Services
Our expertise spans a variety of stone cladding options. Whether you're interested in sandstone retaining walls sydney or stone wall cladding sydney, we have the perfect solution for you. Our services also include specialized stone cladding for pillars, creating stunning focal points in your landscape, and fireplace stone cladding, adding warmth and character to your interiors.
Why Choose Stone Cladding?
Stone capping Sydney is not only aesthetically pleasing but also incredibly durable. It can transform ordinary walls into stunning features, adding value to your property. Whether it's for external walls, internal feature walls, or garden pillars, our feature walls sydney cater to all your needs.
Servicing Sydney and Beyond
We proudly serve a wide range of areas in Sydney, ensuring that quality stone paving Sydney is accessible to more people. Our services extend to:
Bella Vista
Castle Hill
Chester Hill
Greenfield Park
Green Valley
Macquarie Park
Seven Hills
Surry Hills
Wetherill Park
Baulkham Hills
Find Stone Cladding Near You
Searching for “stone benchtops sydney” in Sydney? Look no further than Lord of Stone. Our team is committed to delivering exceptional results, ensuring your stone cladding project enhances the beauty and value of your property.
Contact Us
Ready to transform your space with stone cladding in Sydney? Contact Lord of Stone today for a consultation and let us bring your vision to life. Visit our website or call us to learn more about our services and to get a quote.
Experience the best in stone columns Sydney with Lord of Stone. Your dream property is just a call away!
Useful Links:
Guttering Melbourne
Renovation Builders Gold Coast
Perth Vacate Cleaning Services
Bond Cleaning Melbourne
High Pressure Cleaning Services
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leanstooneside · 5 months
The meek shall inherit the earth
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afactaday · 1 year
#653: there is a street called Poultry in central london. along with milk street and bread street, it was named after what they sold on it at market. but the latter two had the benefit of a distinction between the place and the product, making for an amusing street name in the case of Poultry. there is a street called Cheapside, where the market used to be, which comes from old english Ceapan, to buy. the word cheap itself comes from "good ceap" - good buy!
there is also a cheapside in (deep breath)
Ambleside, Ascot, Barnsley, Birmingham, Blackpool, Bradford, Brighton, Bristol, Derby, Halifax, Hanley, Knaresborough, Lancaster, Leicester, Liverpool, Luton, Manchester, Nottingham, Preston, Reading, Wakefield, Wolverhampton (all in england) and in Bridgetown, Barbados; Lexington, Kentucky; Greenfield, Massachusetts; Saint Helier, Jersey; and London, Ontario.
does YOUR city have a cheapside?
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