#sansan summer
rewildling · 1 year
Unraveling the Symbolism of Cloaks in Sansa’s Arc
I know this has been discussed to death but I have thoughts
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Boreas by John William Waterhouse
Cloaks are devices of protection. In a literal sense, a cloak protects the wearer from the elements and can be used to conceal (protect) their identity. But cloaks in ASOIAF are also symbolic.
In the series, cloaks are often used to signify the allegiance of the wearer. The Lannister guards wear red cloaks, the City Watch wear gold cloaks, the guardsmen at the Eyrie wear sky-blue cloaks, and the knights of the Kingsguard wear white cloaks. But these cloaks don’t just represent fealty: the Lannister guards, the City Watch, the Eyrie guards, and the Kingsguard all serve primarily protective functions.
Cloaks also feature prominently in the wedding ceremonies of the Faith of the Seven, the old gods, and the Lord of Light. In all three cases, the maiden’s cloak represents the protection of the bride’s father, while the bride’s cloak represents the protection of her new husband. Cloaks in ASOIAF tend to symbolize protection. Not always, but often.
One of the first noteworthy cloaks in Sansa’s arc is the Kingsguard cloak that Sandor gives her to cover herself with when Joffrey has Ser Boros beat and strip her in front of the court.
As he laid the flat of the blade across her thighs, she thought her legs might break from the force of the blow. Sansa screamed. Tears welled in her eyes. It will be over soon. She soon lost count of the blows. “Enough,” she heard the Hound rasp. “No it isn’t,” the king replied. “Boros, make her naked.” ... “Someone give the girl something to cover herself with,” the Imp said. Sandor Clegane unfastened his cloak and tossed it at her. Sansa clutched it against her chest, fists bunched hard in the white wool. The coarse weave was scratchy against her skin, but no velvet had ever felt so fine. Sansa III, ACOK
Being one of the Kingsguard and in service to the Lannisters, Sandor can’t really defy Joffrey the way Tyrion can. Regardless, he clearly doesn’t like seeing her hurt or humiliated, and he takes the first opportunity to give Sansa his cloak so that she can cover herself. The imagery of the last line is also revealing. Like his cloak, Sandor is often coarse and unpleasant, but Sansa is grateful for his protection. Still, he could have done more to stop the abuse, which we later learn is something he’s ashamed of:
He made a queer sound, and it took her a moment to realize he was sobbing. “And the little bird, your pretty sister, I stood there in my white cloak and let them beat her.” Arya XIII, ASOS
Despite Sandor’s disillusionment with knights and knighthood, he still associates the white cloak of the Kingsguard with the chivalric principles that “true knights” are expected to uphold: courage, honor, loyalty, justice, courtesy, and protection. And he knows that by standing by and doing nothing while an innocent young woman is assaulted, he has disgraced those principles.
So the white cloak represents the ideals of knighthood to Sandor. Now let’s talk about the Blackwater. The second cloak that features prominently in Sansa’s arc is the same as the first, Sandor’s Kingsguard cloak:
“Little bird,” he said once more, his voice raw and harsh as steel on stone. Then he rose from the bed. Sansa heard cloth ripping, followed by the softer sound of retreating footsteps. When she crawled out of bed, long moments later, she was alone. She found his cloak on the floor, twisted up tight, the white wool stained by blood and fire. The sky outside was darker by then, with only a few pale green ghosts dancing against the stars. A chill wind was blowing, banging the shutters. Sansa was cold. She shook out the torn cloak and huddled beneath it on the floor, shivering. Sansa VII, ACOK
Sandor leaves behind his cloak, and not simply because he’s deserting. Consider Sandor’s response earlier in the scene when Sansa tells him that he won’t be able to get out of the city because the gates are shut:
“Not to me. I have the white cloak. And I have this.” He patted the pommel of his sword. Sansa VII, ACOK
Having the authority of his Kingsguard cloak would’ve made it easier for Sandor to escape from King’s Landing, so why doesn’t he take it? Because he sees it as symbolic of chivalric principles. By leaving it with Sansa, he’s acknowledging that he has failed to protect her and has dishonored himself by threatening her.
In both instances, Sandor does not directly put the cloak on Sansa. He tosses it to her or leaves it for her and she chooses to wear it. The first time, she doesn’t have anything else to cover herself with. The second time, she could have sought warmth in a blanket, her own clothing, or literally anything else. But she chooses to wear Sandor’s cloak, even though it’s torn and stained with “blood and fire.” The cloak is not merely functional — it’s symbolic. Sansa is seeking comfort and safety in what the cloak represents to her: Sandor’s protection.
The cloak Sandor leaves behind during the Blackwater also represents him. He’s cynical and disillusioned with the institution of knighthood, but as he’s gotten to know her, Sansa has renewed his desire to be a true knight. Like the cloak, Sandor is burned and covered in the blood of the people he killed in the battle. He’s corrupted and damaged and has done terrible things — but he never truly lost his chivalric values. His cognitive dissonance reaches a breaking point, and he leaves.
The Blackwater scene is not the last we hear of Sandor’s Kingsguard cloak. Sansa also mentions it in ASOS:
She had his stained white cloak hidden in a cedar chest beneath her summer silks. She could not say why she’d kept it. Sansa I, ASOS
Sansa keeps the Kingsguard cloak in a chest beneath her summer silks, which represent her hopes and dreams for better days after the winter and the war are over. And Sandor is with them.
But let’s focus on the cedar chest because it’s potentially even more significant:
A hope chest, also called dowry chest, cedar chest, trousseau chest, or glory box is a piece of furniture traditionally used by unmarried young women to collect items, such as clothing and household linen, in anticipation of married life.… As the contents of such a chest would primarily be linens, construction in moth-repellent cedar, or at least a cedar lining, was popular, leading to the name “cedar chest.” Hope Chest
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Girl Inspecting Her Hope Chest by Poul Friis Nybo
Maybe this is just a coincidence. Does GRRM even know what a hope chest is?
Yes, he absolutely does:
The cedar chest at the foot of the bed. Her mother always used to call it a hope chest. Did little girls still keep hope chests? She didn’t think so, at least not around here. Maybe there were still places where hope didn’t seem so terribly unrealistic, but this city wasn’t one of them… Hope chests were where you kept your future, all the little things that were part of the dreams that taught you to dream when you were a child. The Skin Trade by GRRM
Sansa keeps Sandor’s Kingsguard cloak in what is essentially a hope chest or dowry chest. A chest meant to collect clothing for future married life.
Sansa refers to the cloak again in AFFC:
He took a song and a kiss, and left me nothing but a bloody cloak. It made no matter. That day was done, and so was Sansa. Alayne II, AFFC
The somewhat resentful tone of the phrase “left me nothing but a bloody cloak” implies that Sansa wishes he’d left her more than that. Or that he hadn’t left her at all. The last line is rather telling as well because Sansa obviously isn’t done, as Littlefinger explains in the very same chapter. He intends to reveal her true identity and claim Winterfell as her birthright:
“Jon Arryn’s bannermen will never love me, nor our silly, shaking Robert, but they will love their Young Falcon… and when they come together for his wedding, and you come out with your long auburn hair, clad in a maiden’s cloak of white and grey with a direwolf emblazoned on the back… why, every knight in the Vale will pledge his sword to win you back your birthright. So those are your gifts from me, my sweet Sansa… Harry, the Eyrie, and Winterfell. That’s worth another kiss now, don’t you think?” Petyr Baelish, Alayne II, AFFC
He even calls her Sansa in this passage, not Alayne. If Sansa isn’t done, then the day Sandor left her his cloak isn’t done either.
So, Sansa wears Sandor’s cloak on at least two occasions and keeps it in a hope chest. Let’s look at the other significant cloaks that appear in Sansa’s storyline. First is the maiden’s cloak she’s forced to wear for her wedding to Tyrion:
“The cloak,” she commanded, and the women brought it out: a long cloak of white velvet heavy with pearls. A fierce direwolf was embroidered upon it in silver thread. Sansa looked at it with sudden dread. “Your father’s colors,” said Cersei, as they fastened it about her neck with a slender silver chain. A maiden’s cloak. Sansa’s hand went to her throat. She would have torn the thing away if she had dared. Sansa III, ASOS
The imagery of the chain around Sansa’s neck is quite clear: she’s a prisoner. She’s being coerced into this marriage against her will. This cloak is supposed to represent her father’s protection, but it’s being forced on her by the very people who murdered him. Joffrey plays the role of Sansa’s father during the ceremony, especially cruel considering that he was the one to order Ned Stark’s execution. After Joffrey removes her maiden’s cloak, Tyrion has difficulty with the bride’s cloak:
His uncle’s part went less well. The bride’s cloak he held was huge and heavy, crimson velvet richly worked with lions and bordered with gold satin and rubies. No one had thought to bring a stool, however, and Tyrion stood a foot and a half shorter than his bride. As he moved behind her, Sansa felt a sharp tug on her skirt. He wants me to kneel, she realized, blushing. She was mortified. It was not supposed to be this way. She had dreamed of her wedding a thousand times, and always she had pictured how her betrothed would stand behind her tall and strong, sweep the cloak of his protection over her shoulders, and tenderly kiss her cheek as he leaned forward to fasten the clasp. Sansa III, ASOS
Like her bride’s cloak, Sansa’s marriage to Tyrion is oppressive. Rather than making her feel safe, the weight of it is burdensome. And the fact that Tyrion struggles to cloak her implies something else — he isn’t right for her. The bride’s cloak is supposed to represent the protection of her new husband, but Tyrion can’t protect Sansa:
It was not enough, though. He had wrapped his cloak around her shoulders and sworn to protect her, but that was as cruel a jape as the crown the Freys had placed atop the head of Robb Stark's direwolf after they'd sewn it onto his headless corpse. Sansa knew that as well. Tyrion VII, ASOS
So what would she prefer? A cloak of protection from someone tall and strong. Do we know anyone who is tall and strong and protective of Sansa? Maybe someone whose cloak she has voluntarily worn before? Just in case there’s still any doubt, let’s look at the fabric of the maiden’s cloak and bride’s cloak Sansa wears during her wedding to Tyrion — velvet. When has Sansa mentioned velvet before, specifically in relation to cloaks?
Sandor Clegane unfastened his cloak and tossed it at her. Sansa clutched it against her chest, fists bunched hard in the white wool. The coarse weave was scratchy against her skin, but no velvet had ever felt so fine. Sansa III, ACOK
There is one other mention of a cloak in Sansa’s POV chapters that stands out:
Sansa was trembling. "She's cold," she heard someone say. He took off his cloak and put it around her shoulders. "There, is that better, my lady? Rest easy, the worst is past and done." She knew the voice. But he's in the Vale, she thought. ... The cabin was low and cramped, but a featherbed had been laid upon the narrow sleeping shelf to make it more comfortable, and thick furs piled atop it. “It will be snug, I know, but you shouldn’t be too uncomfortable.” Littlefinger pointed out a cedar chest under the porthole. “You’ll find fresh garb within. Dresses, smallclothes, warm stockings, a cloak. Wool and linen only, I fear. Unworthy of a maid so beautiful, but they’ll serve to keep you dry and clean until we can find you something finer.” Sansa V, ASOS
The first thing Littlefinger does after “rescuing” Sansa from King’s Landing is cloak her without her express consent. This is also the only other mention of a cedar chest in any of Sansa’s POV chapters. He’s giving Sansa a hope chest. But it’s not full of her hopes for the future, it’s full of his. Cloaking Sansa and giving her a hope chest reveals that his plans for her definitely involve marriage — but to who? As far as she knows, he’s arranged for her to wed Harry the Heir (yet another betrothal she doesn’t want). But we know he’s been plotting to keep her for himself since the moment he first saw her at the Hand’s tourney. And his attention makes her feel stifled and uncomfortable:
“I told you that nothing could please me more than to help you with your castle. I fear that was a lie as well. Something else would please me more.” He stepped closer. “This.” Sansa tried to step back, but he pulled her into his arms and suddenly he was kissing her. Feebly, she tried to squirm, but only succeeded in pressing herself more tightly against him. His mouth was on hers, swallowing her words. He tasted of mint. For half a heartbeat she yielded to his kiss… before she turned her face away and wrenched free. Sansa VII, ASOS
In this scene, Littlefinger is helping Sansa build a miniature Winterfell out of snow, alluding to how he supposedly wants to help her reclaim her birthright. But he has an ulterior motive in both cases: he wants her. And unlike Sandor and Tyrion, he doesn’t care that she doesn’t want him. When she protests, he swallows her words, stifling her. This is pretty clear evidence of his intentions for her. But how will Sansa react to his plans? The last line is a good clue — she yields at first (as she has so far in ASOS and AFFC) but then wrenches free of him.
Let’s reiterate this point because it’s important: of the cloaks mentioned here, Sandor’s is the only one that Sansa makes an active choice to wear (and keep) when she has the power to do so. But there is one thing these cloaks have in common — they are all either explicitly or implicitly associated with marriage. When Sansa finally has the agency and opportunity to choose her own husband, who will it be?
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firstsummersnows · 3 months
The entire time I was watching the new Contrapoints video I was just thinking about how it compares to SanSan tbh
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springfrancium · 5 months
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🏖SanSan modern AU🏖
A little summer mood: a trip to the sea, a rest in the forest and a horse ride
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"I'm having a lazy and boring day today, and i also don't have any lip balm left so my lips are dry like a desert now."
"Afternoon sunbeams are the best ones."
"Dyed my hair pink. Not sure how long i'll keep it."
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⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ღ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
"I dyed my hair with SanSan! Is it pretty?"
"Shhhh! I'm hunting!"
"Went out today, i dyed my hair as well and i had a lot of fun. I wanna go out as soon as possible again!"
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⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ღ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
"The warm late evenings are my favorite. Summer is almost here, which means i'll be able to enjoy these walks even more times now!"
"I want to go out too, but i'm not sure where i should go. Does anyone have a tip i could go to?"
"I already miss spring and it didn't even left yet...I also took a walk in the forest and though it was a little warm it was still pleasant and nice."
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sansanwritersguild · 1 year
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Five Word Prompt Exchange prompts are here!
Thank you to all who signed up! Can't wait to read the prompt fills!
Your prompt fill should be at least 500 words. Your fill can be a drabble, text message fic, one-shot, multi-chapter, whatever you choose.
Please tag "SanSan Five Word Prompt Exchange 2023" on AO3 and/or tumblr so we can track all the wonderful fics.
Post by 22 July. For multi-chapter fics, you'll only need to have posted the first chapter by 22 July. You can post sooner than this. If real life crops up and your fill will be delayed, just post as soon as you can. If you're unable to fill your prompt, please reach out to @sansanwritersguild and we can have someone else fill your prompt.
Prompt assignments are below the cut:
To: Cranberry_Wine/Sourpuss From: ReadyReaderOne (AO3)
Experiment gone wrong…but alright? (Smut is fine.)
2. To: ReadyReaderOne From: @starbird1 (AO3: Starbird1)
Fragility, Submission, Forgiveness, Acceptance, Balance (Smut is fine. No rape-y Sandor.)
3. To: @mtorolite From: @orangetabbywrites (AO3: OrangeTabby)
Forested, Turgid, Winsome, Infinitesimal, Pungent (Smut is fine.)
4. To: @fanofbooks49 From: Rayne11 (AO3)
Lonely, Caring, Jealous,  Auxesis, Untainted (No smut. No cheating or sexual assault.)
5. To: @liljenrocks From: mtorolite (AO3)
Anticipation, Torchlight, Shadows, Gothic romance (Smut is fine. No cheating, torture, or eye gore.)
6. To: @glamgrowl From: @TheImmaculateBastard (AO3: The_Immaculate_Bastard)
Summer, Heat, Sweat, Sticky, Want. (Smut is fine. No underage. Anything over age or 20 is fine. I prefer Sansa to be characterized as mature rather than youthful.)
7. To: @TheImmaculateBastard From: @littlewolfbird (AO3: LittleWolfBird)
Fight, Fleet, Fußball, Final, Fate (Smut is fine. No bdsm, underage, rape, dub-con.)
8. To: @littlewolfbird From: @corinalannister (AO3: Corina Lannister)
Kidnap, Sacrifice, Vampire, Virgin, Bite (Smut is fine. No male pregnancy, non-con but dubcon is fine.)
9. To: SaccharineCoffee From: @lil_jen_rocks (AO3: liljenrocks)
Small things with great love. (Smut is fine.)
10. To: Rayne11 From: @fanofbooks49 (No AO3)
Hope, Rebel, War, Anger, Joy (No smut. No references to rape.)
11. To: @corinalannister From: SaccharineCoffee (AO3)
My sun, moon, and stars. (Smut is fine. No love triangles, incest, abuse of power.)
12. To: @orangetabbywrites From: @glamgrowl (AO3: Glamgrowl)
Rescue, Moss, Fidget, Snatch, Beg. (Smut is fine.)
13. To: @starbird1 From: Cranberry_Wine (AO3)
Illuminate, Bestow, Caricature, Philistine, Ambergris. (Smut is fine. No fat shaming.)
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"Bronze Yohn knows me," she reminded him. "He was a guest at Winterfell when his son rode north to take the black." She had fallen wildly in love with Ser Waymar, she remembered dimly, but that was a lifetime ago, when she was a stupid little girl. (Alayne I, AFfC)
This quote serves two purposes: to serve as a fact that she had "loved" people based on their appearance (as Waymar had been described as a handsome young youth, and she had "loved" Joffrey and Ser Loras for the same reason) and that she will likely move on from this shallow behaviour.
There *is* one person that she thinks of rather fondly...and that is Sandor. And Sandor is plain-faced, rendered far less attractive through his grotesque scars.
I wish the Hound were here. The night of the battle, Sandor Clegane had come to her chambers to take her from the city, but Sansa had refused. Sometimes she lay awake at night, wondering if she'd been wise. She had his stained white cloak hidden in a cedar chest beneath her summer silks. She could not say why she'd kept it. The Hound had turned craven, she heard it said; at the height of the battle, he got so drunk the Imp had to take his men. But Sansa understood. She knew the secret of his burned face. It was only the fire he feared. That night, the wildfire had set the river itself ablaze, and filled the very air with green flame. (Sansa I, ASoS)
(and she fantasises of a kiss that didn't actually happen)
As the boy's lips touched her own she found herself thinking of another kiss. She could still remember how it felt, when his cruel mouth pressed down on her own. He had come to Sansa in the darkness as green fire filled the sky. He took a song and a kiss, and left me nothing but a bloody cloak. (Alayne II, AFfC)
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Not only that, but she uses his cloak as a sense of security and comfort, and saw Sandor at his most vulnerable.
Some instinct made her lift her hand and cup his cheek with her fingers. The room was too dark for her to see him, but she could feel the stickiness of the blood, and a wetness that was not blood. "Little bird," he said once more, his voice raw and harsh as steel on stone. Then he rose from the bed. Sansa heard cloth ripping, followed by the softer sound of retreating footsteps.
When she crawled out of bed, long moments later, she was alone. She found his cloak on the floor, twisted up tight, the white wool stained by blood and fire. The sky outside was darker by then, with only a few pale green ghosts dancing against the stars. A chill wind was blowing, banging the shutters. Sansa was cold. She shook out the torn cloak and huddled beneath it on the floor, shivering. (Sansa VII, ACoK)
George had said before that he was playing around with Sansan, and that there was something there.
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summeisles · 1 year
Hey! I just posted the first chapter of my newest Sansan Fic, called 'The Song of a Summer Bird'
It's a slow burn, but I'm continuously working and would love to hear feedback!
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supernovadragoncat · 1 year
Hey :) i just read your 2022 Review and what you plan for 2023! Please keep us updated on your progress with self publishing! I would love to read your book as soon as it is published :)
And I'm so glad you plan on finishing some of your sansan wips. Are you planning on finishing Spellbound? :) I really really love this story!
Thank you for your response ❤️
Hello dear!
I definitely will keep you all updated on the publishing front. My next step is to set up my author website with a newsletter and other social media that'll be exclusive to the work. When I publish, I'll also blast it on my SDC tumblr too, so everyone will get word! Thank you for the encouragement. 🥲
I do plan on continuing to work on "Spellbound" this year. I've re-plotted the fic because the remaining plot was sort of "meh" before. The story has shaped up to be a good cozy mystery romance with some Yankee magical realism, as Liz Gilbert and Alice Hoffman would say, going. All that to say, there's more work to be done on it.
My goal, though, is to clear out my other WIPs so that I can focus on "Spellbound". My Buffy AU slayer!Sansa/watcher!Sandor, "Origins," is finished and I'll start posting it this week. Then I'll work on "Moonchild" hopefully to finish this summer and then I'll finish "The Naughty List" in time for the holidays. I also have the last two "Thunderstruck" outtakes that are mostly drafted. I just need to sit down with them and polish them off.
So, lots of SanSan from me this year, I hope.
Thank you so much for your support! It means a lot to me 🥹 🥰
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kateofthecanals · 1 year
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It's my 9 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
Which means sometime in late-summer will be the 9-year anniversary of my GoT/ASOIAF/SanSan stannery!!! 😱
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vladiator · 11 months
Dragonstone Candle Company
A Jorleesi romcom fanfic that you can also read on AO3
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Fandoms: Game of Thrones (TV), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms Relationships: Jorah Mormont/Daenerys Targaryen, Missandei / Grey Worm (background) Characters: Jorah Mormont, Daenerys Targaryen, Missandei (A Song of Ice and Fire), Sansa Stark, Lyanna Mormont, The dragons except they're not dragons Additional Tags: Fluff, Older Man/Younger Woman, Pining, Crushes, Mutual Crushes, Unrequited Love, Casterly Rock is a beach town, Missandei tells it like it is, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, meet cute, Modern AU, romcom Length: 16,720 words
Daenerys and her best friend own a candle store, which has been struggling in the summer months. Dany comes up with an event that will revitalize business -- and maybe score herself a boyfriend. Little does she know, one of her favorite customers has been pining over her for months.
(Exists within the universe of my Sansan fic 'Birdwatching for Dummies')
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Chapter 1: That One Guy
Dany absent-mindedly drummed her fingernails on the sales counter. Summer was a tough time for a candle store, especially in a coastal city like Casterly Rock. It was hot outside and everybody was at the beach, tanning in the sun and playing in the sand.
We sell other things, too! Dany wanted to scream at the world. Soaps! Perfumes! Fucking car air fresheners!
But her thoughts, no matter how aggressive, did not seem to reach anyone, and Dany was left alone behind the front desk of her store, wondering if this really was her dream, after all. I should have moved to Winterfell or somewhere cold, she thought. I bet they love a good candle there. Sansa sure does.
Sansa was the shop's newest repeat customer, and both Dany and her best-friend-slash-business-partner Missandei had taken a liking to her immediately. Sansa was a little bit younger than them, but incredibly sweet, and Missi had been tempted to ask Sansa to hang out with them sometime. Dany also liked this idea, but her reservations and anxieties got in the way of the possibility of friendship. "What if we all hang out and she decides she doesn't like us and she never comes back to our store and we go out of business?" she had asked her friend on one occasion. 
"We won't go out of business," Missandei had assured her. "There's always that one guy."
That one guy was named Jorah Mormont, which Dany only knew because he'd worn a name tag to her store a few times. He worked at a nearby apartment complex and popped into Dragonstone Candle Company at least once a week to buy a candle or some soap. Dany wouldn't ever ask, but he'd often provide an excuse for why he was there. Sometimes he'd claim he was buying a gift for his teenage cousin, and sometimes he'd claim he needed a new candle for his office. But Dany didn't care why he was buying things from her, she just cared that he did. 
Although Dany didn't want to admit it, Missandei was right: no matter how tough times were, Jorah would probably be the one to keep the business afloat. When the two women moved to Casterly Rock the previous November, business boomed immediately and kept up all throughout winter and spring. But when the weather warmed up, business dried up. Nearly all of the regular customers they'd been seeing for months gradually disappeared, except for Jorah. He was always there, week after week. Dany had grown to appreciate him, not just for his patronage but how polite and well-spoken he was. He also had an oddly calming presence, and so she was always happy to see him. 
Dany was broken from her thoughts by her cat, Rhaegal, jumping up onto the counter. Her three cats, all Sphynxes, were fairly well-behaved, and so Dany took them to work with her when Missandei had the day off. Like seemingly everyone else in Casterly Rock, Missi was at the beach, lounging around and being all cutesy with her new boyfriend Grey. Dany liked Grey well enough, he was nice, but she couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy whenever she saw Missi and Grey together. The two women, high school besties, had moved to this city in hopes of a fresh start for the both of them, but so far it seemed that luck was only shining on Missandei. Dany was happy for her friend, but also couldn't help but wonder when it would be her turn to find love. Part of her wanted to pack her shit up and move somewhere else for an even fresher fresh start, but she knew she couldn't do that to Missi. Besides, her cats probably wouldn't be able to handle another move, and then who would provide her second-favorite regular customer Jorah with the best candles and soaps his money could buy?
The bell on the front door jingled as the door opened, making Dany perk her head up. It was Sansa, and she was looking bright-eyed and bushy-tailed as ever. Dany couldn't resist the urge to call out, "Where've you been, girl? These candles aren't going to buy themselves!" 
Sansa laughed and walked over to the counter. As she walked, Dany noticed a slight limp in her step. "I've been stuck at home with a broken ankle," said Sansa. "I only just got the boot off my foot yesterday."
"Ouch. What happened?"
"Fell off my balcony, like an idiot." 
"That must have been terrifying."
"It was, but luckily there was someone there to take me to the emergency room, and now I have a boyfriend!"
Literally everybody but me, huh? thought Dany. But she was excited for Sansa, who she knew had been terribly homesick and lonely. "Congratulations! Maybe I should try falling off my balcony." 
Sansa smiled. "I definitely would not recommend it. But that's kind of what I'm here for, I want to buy Sandor some soap. Not that he stinks, or anything. I just think he deserves better than a store-brand bar of soap that has no particular scent." 
"I get that. What kind of scents do you think he's into? Or you could get him lemon soap to match you, or something complementary?"
"That should be your sales campaign thing next Valentine's Day, his and hers soaps with complementing scents. Like, forest for the man and vanilla for the woman." 
"That's a good idea. So maybe peppermint for your man? Or cedarwood?"
"Let's go with cedarwood. I can already imagine him saying that he doesn't want to smell like Christmas."
Dany laughed. "So he's a big burly manly man, isn't he?"
"You bet," said Sansa. "I never thought I'd go for that kind of guy, but here we are!" 
Dany walked around the counter and picked out a bar of soap that was designed to smell like a cedar forest. "Here we go. I can ring you up at the counter, or is there anything else you'd like?" 
"I think that's it for now."
Dany went to the register and began ringing Sansa up. "You know, business has been slow, maybe I need a sales campaign like the one you came up with. But candles and soap are hard to sell in a newspaper or whatever, because people need to actually smell it to know if they like it."
"Maybe you can have an event here," suggested Sansa. "Sticking with the romance theme, you could do a singles night where there's romantic music playing and rose candles burning and all that."
"That's a good idea, but what if the event is too successful and I have people boinking in my dumpster out back?" She handed the soap to Sansa. 
Sansa shrugged playfully. "That might just be a risk you have to take. Thanks, Daenerys." She then turned and left the shop. 
Once the door was closed, Daenerys let out a long sigh. That might be what I need, she thought as she sat on the stool behind the counter. A pathetic little singles night. But who even goes to those anymore?
Jorah sat in his car, his fingers idly drumming against the steering wheel. He'd been parked on the edge of the parking lot for about ten minutes now, trying to gather the strength to go into the candle store. Despite the summer heat, he wore a blue scarf around his neck, because when he'd been wearing it the first time he went to Dragonstone Candle Co., and Daenerys had complimented him on it, saying that it made his eyes "pop". He assumed that was a compliment, at least. The way she'd said it, with a smile that crinkled her eyes, certainly made it seem like a good thing. 
He stared in the rear view mirror and gave himself an internal pep talk. You've got this. Just go in there and buy a candle. No big deal.
But it was, in fact, a big deal. He had been enamored with Miss Targaryen since that very first day, since the moment he laid eyes on her at the grand opening of her shop. He'd never really given a damn about candles before, but he'd went to the opening just to support a new local business, and found himself lost in those violet eyes and the most genuine grin he'd ever seen. Since then, he'd been finding any excuse to buy something from her. New tenant at the apartment? Soap. Teenage cousin visiting? Candle. Friend got a new car? Air freshener. And he'd always find a way to work into conversations with her that these were gifts, as if that would make her think he was the kindest sweetest man ever and fall directly into his arms. But in reality, she probably didn't care. Jorah wasn't ever entirely sure if she was actually listening or just being polite. 
What's the point? he thought as he ripped the blue scarf off of himself. He took his jacket off as well and tossed it onto the passenger side seat in his car. She probably thinks you're creepy, always buying candles even though it's fucking summer. Who the hell buys candles in the summer?
Daenerys had always been so sweet to him, making casual conversation as he shopped. It was even better when her business partner wasn't around and it was just the two of them, chatting about life and work and everything in between. These conversations were often short but meant a lot to Jorah. He knew there was no chance of the young and stunning Daenerys reciprocating his pitiful little crush on her, as he was old enough to be her father, but he still enjoyed her presence. 
Jorah got out of his car and headed for the front door of the shop, internally hyping himself up on the way. When he opened the glass door, he saw Daenerys engaged in conversation with two of her three Sphynx cats. He couldn't remember all the names, but the one had a green collar and one had a gold collar. He knew that in the back of the store a grumpy black Sphynx in a red color was probably asleep on Dany's jacket, which she'd mentioned he liked to do.
The ringing of the door's bell alerted Dany to Jorah's presence, and she looked up at him and smiled. That smile is going to be the death of me, he thought. 
"Hey," said Daenerys, her voice as beautiful as a windchime.
"Hello," replied Jorah. 
"How are you today?"
"I'm good, how are you?"
"Good. Missandei is at the beach today, so it's just me and the boys." Daenerys gestured to the two cats on the floor. 
It took Jorah a second to remember who Missandei was, because Daenerys's beauty blocked out everything and everyone in the room, casting it all in a dull shadow. When she was there, he found it hard to take his eyes off her. He also found it incredibly hard to think of what to say to her. I adore you? I'm obsessed with you? I want you to have my children? That last thought had kind of run away from him, so he tried extra hard to focus on his surroundings, lest he pop a semi in a candle shop.
I've been spending too much time with Clegane, he thought. And Tyrion, for that matter. Same bullshit, different size. I need better friends.
"Lyanna's visiting again," Jorah said. "I need something to keep the teenage stink at bay." 
Daenerys giggled and shook her head. "You're so mean. What did she ever do to you?"
"Leave a trail of nachos all the way from the living room to her bedroom," said Jorah. He lived on the east side of the apartment complex, in Building 7, which had three bedrooms, one of which he used as a home office, and another that was reserved for Lyanna. Her mother, Jorah's aunt Maege, had five daughters, four of which were now grown. Lyanna was the youngest and was, as her mother said, too smart for her own good, so she was shipped off to visit Jorah each summer.
"That is pretty rough," admitted Daenerys. "You know, studies show that the scent of lemons makes people want to clean."
"Is that so?"
"Maybe. I read it in a magazine once."
Jorah grabbed a lemon candle off the shelf. "Lemon it is." 
Daenerys smiled. "Perfect. Anything else I can help you with?" 
"Nope," said Jorah as he walked over to the register. He normally only bought one thing at a time, so that it didn't seem too weird when he came back a week later. 
He handed the candle and his credit card over to Daenerys, and as she scanned the barcode she casually asked, "By the way, are you single?"
It seemed, if only for a moment, that the world had stopped spinning, and everything else in the universe faded into black, leaving just Jorah and Daenerys. His heart skipped a beat as her words fell on him, a million questions and possibilities racing through his mind. He had never been so surprised, and his hopes had never been higher. After what felt like an eternity but was probably only a few seconds, Jorah managed to answer with a weak, "Yes."
"Oh, good!" said Daenerys. "Well, not good, necessarily, but I've been wondering since I've never seen a ring on your finger."
"Yeah," replied Jorah, his voice nearly shaking. Could it be that all this time the feeling had been mutual? "Why do you ask?"
"I was thinking of hosting a singles event here, as a way to boost sales during the summer months. Do you think that's something people would be interested in?" 
"Oh." All of Jorah's hopes and dreams came crashing down in an instant, and he desperately hoped it wasn't evident on his face. "People would probably like that. If you make flyers for it, I can put them in all the mailboxes at the complex." 
Daenerys's face lit up. "That would be amazing! I'll have to make the flyers tonight. It's already August so I should probably do the event within the next two weeks. Do you think you could come by tomorrow to pick them up?"
"Of course." Jorah smiled at Daenerys, but knew there was some pain in his grin that he couldn't hide. 
"Perfect!" Daenerys handed the candle and card back. 
"I'll see you tomorrow, then," said Jorah as he turned for the door. 
"See you then!"
As soon as the front door was closed behind him, Jorah let out a long sigh. This crush he'd had on her for over half a year now was getting to be troublesome.
He had never in a million years thought she would feel the same way, so even though he couldn't resist visiting her shop every week, he kept his feelings to himself, in fear that he would creep her out. She would have every right to be creeped out, considering he was at least twice her age. If she found out how he felt about her, how he daydreamed of her, she would probably think him a pervert and ban him from her shop.
Jorah walked back to his car, candle in hand. 
"So, this is like a Lonely Hearts Club, but for people who like candles?" asked Missandei.
"It's not just for people who like candles," said Dany as she stared at her tablet screen. She and Missi were sitting on opposite ends of the couch in their shared apartment, and Dany was trying to create a poster for the singles event. "I mean, ideally we would attract people who don't like candles, but then they'd come to our store and realize what they've been missing out on." 
"We just have to wait another month or two and then business will pick up again. Once the weather gets colder, people will come buy candles."
"I don't want to wait another month or two, I want business now. It's so boring in there without you or customers."
Missi huffed playfully. "You act like I'm never there anymore. I'm still earning my keep," she joked. 
Dany knew logically that she and Missi weren't spending too much time apart, but she still felt her friend's absence. Once upon a time, when they'd first moved to Casterly Rock and didn't know anyone else, they had spent nearly every waking moment together. Now, Dany felt like an outsider in her own ten-year friendship.
Dany pinched the bridge of her nose, hoping that would somehow spawn ideas in her mind. Then, a metaphorical light bulb popped up over her head. "We could call it Matchmaking. Get it, matches? Because candles?"
"It's cute, but it would make people think we're providing a matchmaking service."
"That's true. We'll workshop it." Daenerys went back to pinching her nose. "Maybe, I don't know, Scents of Romance. Ugh, that's stupid. I'm stupid."
"That's not terrible, actually. It's kind of self-explanatory. There's scents, there's romance. Well, it's a bring-your-own-romance kind of thing, but still."
Daenerys typed the phrase Scents of Romance onto her tablet's poster-designing app. "Let's roll with it."
"How are we even going to distribute these flyers?" 
"Jorah said he'd help."
Missandei raised an eyebrow. "Jorah? Who's that?"
Daenerys shook her head at her friend. "You know, Jorah at the shop. With the blue eyes." 
"Oh, that one guy," said Missandei, nodding her head in realization. "I guess he does have blue eyes. I never really noticed."
"How could you not notice? He has really nice eyes, bluer than the ocean."
Missandei laughed. "Are you writing a poem about him or something?" 
"No," said Dany, feeling her cheeks turning hot. "Back to business. Scents of Romance, two weeks from Friday. No, one week from Friday. If it's too far out people will forget about it and not show up."
"Sure," said Missi, only half-interested. She was lost in her phone, probably texting Grey.
"I'll put some pictures of our sexiest candle on here. What's our sexiest candle?"
"I don't know, roses or something?"
"There's a plant that supposedly can make a woman orgasm instantly," said Dany, waving her hand in the air. "We should track it down and make a candle out of it."
"That seems dangerous. I also don't want to clean lady juice off the floor of our store." 
"That's fair. Maybe I can put a picture of that little penis orchid." 
Missi's eyes widened. "No no no, the clit flower! We need to make clit flower candles!"
"Butterfly pea flower," said Dany. "I think people use those to make tea."
"And that's what we'll serve at the event."
"I was thinking wine."
"Wine's expensive."
"Wine's available. Where am I going to find clit flower tea by next Friday?" 
Missandei threw one of her hands in the air in defeat. "Good point."
"I'll just put a picture of a rose or something," said Dany as she swiped and typed away on her tablet. "Not sure how we're going to attract men to come, though."
"Mention the alcohol. Cheap alcohol. We can use our sales counter as a bar." 
"Mm-hmm. And we can light incense and play sultry saxophone music or whatever."
"Sounds good." 
Dany finished the flyer and put her tablet on the coffee table. As she leaned back on the couch, she said, "I'll print it tomorrow at the shop and Jorah will put it in the mailboxes of all his tenants and we'll have business in no time."
"Jorah works at that apartment complex near our store. The expensive one that Sansa lives in. Actually, I think he owns it."
Missandei finally looked up from her phone. "Oh, so he's rich? Maybe you should scrap the singles night idea and try to make him your sugar daddy." 
"And risk losing him as a customer? No way," Dany said with a laugh. Besides, he's quite a bit older than me, she thought. Even though he's good company and he does have cheekbones sharp enough to cut diamonds. I really don't understand how he's single. 
"You're too business-minded, Dany."
"I'm a business owner, I have to be business-minded."
"But you never take any time for yourself."
Dany sighed. "Honestly, that's partly why I want to do a singles night. Maybe I'll meet somebody new and we'll fall in love or something."
"Let's hope so. I'd love to do a double date."
Dany nodded. It would make for a perfect meet-cute, meeting someone in a candle shop, she thought. Leagues better than finding someone online. But, unfortunately, a hell of a lot slower.
Jorah flipped the wafflemaker over and then continued stirring the eggs he was scrambling. The toaster went off with a ding! and he reached over to unplug it, before gently pulling the two slices of toast out and onto a plate. 
"Wow, you'd make a great housewife," said a voice from the living room.
Jorah looked up and saw Lyanna there, already in her jeans and sneakers, with a band T-shirt to complete the look. "How long have you been standing there?" 
"A few minutes."
"And you didn't come and help with breakfast?"
"You seem like you've got it all under control."
Jorah shook his head. "This is my third set of toast. I've burnt four slices so far." 
"Maybe toast just isn't your specialty."
"But you like toast. And I'm making this for you," said Jorah. "Blueberry waffle, scrambled eggs, buttered toast. Your favorites."
"I'll eat later. I'm going skateboarding." Lyanna picked up her board, which had been leaning against the wall near the front door.
Jorah pushed the scrambled eggs onto a plate and turned the stovetop off. "I guessed that much. When the hell did you become such an early bird? I was hoping to surprise you with breakfast. Last summer you never woke up before 10."
"That was before I discovered boarding," said Lyanna. "The food smells great, though. You really need to get yourself a wife."
"I know." In fact, Jorah knew it now more than ever before. He was the kind of man who dedicated his entire being to something. In his younger years, it was the military, and he served with pride until the day he retired. Then he moved to Casterly Rock and bought his apartment complex from the people who built it, and he dedicated himself to fixing it up and making it brand new. Now the complex was decently luxurious, and actually worth the rent the original owners had been charging. But even then, the thought of settling down had only briefly crossed his mind. He'd had a few girlfriends over the years, sure, but they never lasted long, always telling him he worked too much. However, none of that had mattered to Jorah until last November, when he had met Daenerys. He had been instantly attracted to her, and instantly felt guilty about it. His crush on her only worsened over time and as he got to know her. 
Visiting her shop was the highlight of his week, even if he only had a brief conversation with her. She was sweet, but also passionate about many things, and the fire in her lilac eyes was hypnotic. Jorah had never seen purple eyes before, but once he saw them he never wanted to look away. 
"You can save breakfast for me, if you want. Or eat it yourself. Or throw it away. I'm heading out." Lyanna's words had no harshness or cruelty to them, they were a mere statement of fact. She had always been a headstrong girl who didn't give a damn what anyone thought of her. Jorah responded by nodding his approval, which Lyanna didn't need anyway. She exited the apartment with a quick, "See you later."
Jorah hadn't felt lonely in a very long time, and he didn't even truly feel it now. He was lonely for one person in particular: Daenerys. 
Daenerys was fairly certain her printer was about to die on her. She hadn't asked Jorah how many tenants he had, so she decided to print 300 flyers, just in case. If it's too many I'll just take them to the boardwalk at the beach and let the wind take them where they need to go, she thought as the printer whirred and hummed.
"We're gonna need more ink after this," said Missandei. Both women were in the back room of their store, watching the printer shoot out pages with no particular rhythm. "Or a whole new printer." 
"Shouldn't you be watching the shop?" joked Dany. 
"It's only 10, nobody's here yet. And that's what we have that doorbell thing for."
Just as the words left Missi's mouth, the aforementioned doorbell thing rang. Dany wiggled her eyebrows at her friend and said, "Looks like we have our first customer. I'll greet them if you watch the printer."
"Got it."
Dany went into the main area of the store and found Jorah waiting, which caused an odd flutter in her heart. His eyes lit up when he saw her, and a small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. "Good morning. I hope I'm not too early."
"I'm printing the flyers now," said Dany with a grin. "But I've probably printed too many." 
"It's okay, I'll find a place for them. I was thinking of going around and taping them to each apartment door, instead of putting them in the mailboxes. I don't think people check their mail as often as they should."
"You're probably right. I don't even know where the key for my apartment mailbox is. But I wouldn't want to trouble you any further, you're already being really helpful."
"It's no problem at all. I've got nothing better to do, really."
"I owe you one, Jorah, I really do."
Emotion flashed across Jorah's face, but which emotion Dany couldn't tell. It was only then that she realized she'd never actually addressed him by his name, even though she'd always known it. She had never been sure if she should call him by his first name or by Mr. Mormont, even though in her mind she referred to him as Jorah. It was a good name, a strong name, and it suited him. 
The moment of semi-awkwardness passed by quickly and ended when Jorah said with a smile, "I'm happy to help."
"You deserve a free candle or something. Seriously, take your pick."
Just then, Missandei came out from the back room and handed Dany a large stack of flyers. "Here we go, 299 posters. Our printer gave up on the last one, and I think it's fully broken now." 
Dany scrunched up her face in annoyance. "I only bought that printer last month, and we haven't even used it that much." 
"I could give you my old printer," said Jorah. In her annoyance about the printer, Dany had nearly forgotten he was standing there. "I bought a new one last year, but I didn't throw the old one out. The old one doesn't have a scanner, but it should still work."
"Oh, no, we couldn't ask you for that!" exclaimed Dany. "You've been too kind to us already."
"You don't have to ask, I'm offering it." 
Dany looked to Missandei, who shrugged slightly. "We'll take it, but you must let us repay you somehow."
Jorah shook his head. "That won't be necessary." 
"Three free candles and soap and whatever you want. Hell, just take whatever you can carry, it's yours."
"I'm just happy to be of service to you. To both of you."
He's kind enough to give us a printer, yet Missandei didn't even know his name, thought Dany. "Thank you, truly." 
"I'll take the papers and give them out today, and this afternoon I will check the printer and make sure it's still in good condition. I can drop it off tomorrow, if that's all right?"
"Yes!" Dany handed Jorah the papers. "You're the best, Jorah." 
"See you tomorrow, then." Jorah gave a smile and a quick wave and then left. 
Once the door was closed, Dany turned to Missandei and said, "He's so unbelievably nice."
"I guess so," joked Missi. "He barely acknowledged my presence."
Dany hadn't really noticed, but Missi was right. "He just doesn't know you as well, since you're never here anymore," she teased.
Missi shook her head playfully. "He probably has a thing for you."
"Don't be ridiculous."
"Why else would he be helping so much?"
"He's giving out some flyers and donating a printer, it's not like he's trying to conquer the world for us."
"I bet he would, for you."
Dany only laughed. "He's just a nice guy. I hope we can find someone for him at the singles night."
Jorah spent the majority of the morning taping flyers to apartment doors. He knew the majority of his residents well enough to know which were single and which weren't, but he put a flyer on every door anyway. He wanted to make sure that Daenerys's event was everything she'd dreamed of. 
Once he was done, Jorah headed to his office in the main building to check if his old printer still worked. Luckily, it did, so he packed it in a duffel bag and put it in his car, before working on paperwork for the rest of the day. 
At the end of the day, Jorah walked to his apartment and went inside, only to find Lyanna lounging on the couch, staring at her phone. "Good afternoon," he said.
Lyanna glanced at her watch and said, "It's a little past afternoon."
"In that case, good evening."
"What were you doing today? I saw you going around with a stack of papers." 
"I was putting up flyers for an event at Dragonstone Candle Company."
"That's where the girl you like works, right?"
"The girl I– who told you that?"
Lyanna laughed. "You just did. Why would you go around to every single apartment if there wasn't a girl involved?" 
Wiseass, thought Jorah. But he couldn't help but feel a small tinge of pride; he prided himself on his observation skills and ability to keep up with almost all the goings-on in his complex, and it seemed that Lyanna had the same gift. Maybe I should offer her a managerial job when she's old enough. "I could just be a nice person who wants to help out a local business."
"Tell me about the candle shop girl."
"I will not." Jorah didn't even know where to start: She's gorgeous, she's curvy, she's got the most adorable laugh, she's closer to your age than mine...
"I bet you tell Clegane about her."
Jorah ignored her comment. "What do you want for dinner?"
Lyanna furrowed her eyebrows in thought. "Mashed potatoes?"
"I'm on it." Bangers and mash was by no means a Mormont family original, but they all had it rather often, and it reminded Jorah of home. He went to the kitchen and set to work. 
The next morning, as Missandei straightened the shelves in preparation for the day, Dany watched the front door of their shop, practically buzzing with excitement. She expected Jorah at any minute, and she couldn't wait to tell him about her newest idea. She'd bounced ideas off of him before, like back in March when she came up with a sale promotion where soaps were buy-two-get-one-free. Jorah thought of calling the promotion Spring Cleaning, and it was a huge success. Also, although it was technically Sansa who'd come up with the singles night idea, Dany wouldn't have done it if Jorah hadn't told her people would like it. She trusted his knowledge of the city and its residents, and it didn't escape her notice how nothing escaped his. He was observant, and he actually listened to her, even when she was rambling on about something she was passionate about. 
Dany wore her long hair in a braid that was swept over her shoulder, and a pale blue open-back sundress with spaghetti straps. She normally handled heat fairly well, but every time the front door opened a blast of summer air would rush in, leaving her and Missi sweating for a few minutes afterward. I need to plan an outfit for the singles night, she thought. It'll be in the evening so it'll be cooler, but I still need to be dressed for heat.
Missi turned and looked through the front windows. "Your boyfriend's here," she said.
"My boyfriend?" laughed Dany.
"The guy bringing the printer. It looks like he's got it in a duffel bag."
"Oh!" Dany had nearly forgotten about that. "Let's help him in."
Missi had barely moved a muscle by the time Dany had dashed over to the door, holding it open so Jorah could walk straight inside. When he saw her, he grinned widely. Once inside the shop, Jorah set the bag on the counter and unzipped it. 
"You're quickly becoming my favorite customer," teased Dany as Jorah set the bag on the counter. 
"I'd hope so, because you're my favorite candle shop," he replied. "Where do you want this hooked up?" 
"In the back room, but I can do that later."
Jorah waved her off. "Nonsense. Show me where you want it and I'll set it up for you."
 Dany beamed. "Follow me." 
Jorah picked up the bag again and she led him to the back room, where he set it on the table next to the old printer. As he unzipped the bag, Dany's eyes wandered across his broad shoulders and his back. She knew a printer and its cords wasn't the heaviest thing on the planet, but she couldn't help but be impressed by the way he'd lifted the whole bag so effortlessly, like it weighed nothing. Jorah had previously mentioned that before he'd hired a handyman for his apartment complex, he did all of the work himself, and had fixed up the entire complex when he'd first bought it with only a few friends helping him out. The modest and professional clothes he wore weren't designed to show off any muscles that hid beneath them, but Dany could tell he was strong. A quick image of him carrying her bridal-style flashed across her mind, but she pushed the thought away.
"No cats today?" asked Jorah as he gestured to the empty cat bed in the corner of the room. 
"No cats," Dany confirmed with a small smile. "I wish I could bring them every day, but they can get a bit rambunctious." 
"I bet. There's a fat tabby cat named Rosie Mae who lives at the apartments, and she likes to lay in the grass outside her unit. You need a lazy cat like her." 
"She sounds adorable." 
"You'd love her. She's so fat she's practically spherical." Jorah untangled some cords and hooked them into various spots on the printer, before kneeling down to plug the entire thing into the wall. Although she'd resisted him at first, Dany was thankful he'd offered to set up the printer, because she would have had no idea where to start. "Maybe if you ever come by the complex, I can show you where she likes to hang out."
"I'd love that," replied Dany. "By the way, I had an idea."
"What's your idea?"
"I was thinking Missi and I could type up a little personality quiz and hand it out at the singles night, and people could take it and we could match them up with other people!"
"Matchmaking at a candle store. I like it."
"Yes!" cheered Dany. "You get it. I originally thought about calling the whole event Matchmaking, but we didn't want people thinking that's all it is. There's gonna be wine and mingling and sensual saxophone music or whatever."
"I'll be there for the wine, but I'm not so good at mingling."
"What about the sensual saxophone music?"
Jorah chuckled. "I'm more of a violin person myself." 
"I'll add some to the playlist," Dany said with a smirk. "I've always preferred string instruments as well, but every time I Google romantic music it just shows me saxophones."
"Sounds like a good conspiracy theory, Big Saxophone paying Google to promote the music." Jorah pressed a few buttons on the printer, and it came to life. He stood next to Dany and said, "I think you're all set."
"Jorah, you really are the best. I owe you one. I owe you multiple ones. I'm going to print out more flyers and have Missi distribute them at the beach this weekend." 
"I'm happy to help," said Jorah, as he patted her on the back casually. Dany knew that this action was meant in a friendly, if not fatherly, way, but she still felt a rush of excitement shoot through her body when he touched her, sending a shiver up her spine. Her heart fluttered, and she desperately hoped that Jorah wouldn't notice the goosebumps appearing on her skin, which she had zero explanation for. It was like he had sent a jolt of electricity through her when his hand connected with her uncovered back, and the sensation was strange, but not entirely unwelcome. 
Jorah rapidly pulled his hand from behind her and awkwardly straightened his posture, clearly worrying he'd made her uncomfortable. But he hadn't; if he had, he wouldn't have had the time to worry about it before Dany made sure he knew. She was tougher than she looked, and knew how to take care of herself, but she did appreciate how gentlemanly Jorah was. If anyone else had dared touch her without her consent, she would have kicked up a fuss. But with Jorah, Dany had to fight the urge to wrap herself up in his strong arms. 
"I should head back to my office, I've got a lot of paperwork to do," said Jorah as he turned around and left the back room. "But feel free to call the apartments if you need anything."
"Of course. I can't thank you enough." Dany followed him through the shop. Right as he reached the front door, she had another idea. "Hey, Jorah, I have a question for you."
He turned around and looked at her. Dany felt like she was nearly drowning in the blue of his eyes. "Yes?"
"What do you think is the best scent in the world?"
He smiled sadly. "Home."
I'm not sure I can put 'home' into a candle, thought Dany, but before she could say anything, Jorah had left the shop. 
"What happened there?" asked Missi.
Dany watched through the window as Jorah got in his car and sped off. "What do you mean?" 
"He looked kind of flustered. Is everything okay?" 
"Yeah," said Dany. "I just... I just don't understand how he's single."
Out of the corner of her eye, Dany saw Missi's eyebrows shoot up. "Sounds like you're developing a bit of a crush."
Dany shook her head quickly. "No way. He's old enough to be my dad." 
Missi only laughed and went back to organizing the store, while humming the song 'I Won't Say I'm in Love' from the movie Hercules. Dany narrowed her eyebrows in thought. How do I make a candle that smells like home?
Jorah did not go back to his office that day, nor did he do any paperwork. Instead he went home and collapsed on his couch and thought about how badly he'd fucked up. I touched her. I shouldn't have touched her, he thought. I essentially made her skin crawl. 
Jorah let out a deep sigh. He liked to think of himself as a strong man who didn't worry much, and for the most part that was true. But Daenerys, the "candle shop girl" as Lyanna had called her, made him feel weak. The way she said his name, the way her bare skin felt under his rough hand... it was all too much for him. Every time they made eye contact, his stomach flipped and his heart skipped a beat, and it was becoming increasingly obvious. He worried that he was one tiny facial expression away from revealing his feelings for her, and she would certainly feel disgusted. 
Jorah picked up his phone to shoot the complex's maintenance man a text. Sandor Clegane was an asshole, but on occasion, the two old friends would share a few beers in the afternoon and complain about life. Jorah simply sent, "Clegane?"
Within a minute, Jorah's phone lit up with a text that said, "Mormont?"
The two men had known each other for many years at this point, and that was how they almost always greeted each other. Jorah sent, "I've got whiskey in my apartment if you want to swing by."
Clegane's reply came quickly. "And I've got pussy in mine. What do you need?"
Jorah had recently been made aware of Clegane's developing relationship with Miss Stark from apartment 620, and it gave him terribly conflicting feelings. On one hand, he worried that Clegane was somehow taking advantage of Miss Stark, considering how young she was. Then again, Jorah had been daydreaming of a younger woman for quite a while now, so he had little room to judge. Also, their relationship gave him some hope, because if ugly scoundrel Sandor fucking Clegane could find someone, surely Jorah could too. Also, Clegane was significantly less grouchy now, which was a massive benefit. 
Jorah texted back, "Just wanted to complain about my love life."
After a few minutes, Clegane replied with: "Talk to Lyanna. She's a girl. Girls know things."
Jorah sighed. He was absolutely not about to whine to a teenager about his feelings for a woman he barely knew. That was the sort of thing he could only share with Clegane, who did not give even a fraction of a shit and barely listened anyway. The only other person he could talk to was his friend Tyrion Lannister, who had introduced him to Clegane years earlier. But Jorah knew Tyrion well enough to know that he'd probably advise him to ask Daenerys out, which was absolutely not an option. He'd already creeped the poor girl out enough by patting her on her back. And I said I'd show her where Rosie Mae hangs out, if she ever came by the apartments, thought Jorah, his own words from earlier echoing in his head. She's never coming around the apartments, you old fool. She's probably terrified of you.
When Jorah's hand touched Daenerys's back, it seemed to send a shockwave through the both of them. Jorah had noticed how her breath hitched slightly and goosebumps grew across her arms. Although he felt like Daenerys was the kind of person to stick up for herself when she felt uncomfortable, perhaps she thought she couldn't respond how she wanted to when he had just brought her a printer. On the other hand, Jorah's body had reacted in the opposite way; when he touched her soft skin, he immediately needed more. He wanted to pull her close and feel every part of her, run his hands across her shoulders and down her back, across her backside, undo her braid and run his fingers through her beautiful silver-blonde hair, and kiss her – God, he wanted to kiss her. He'd wanted it for so long and when he touched her this morning he felt like he was going to explode with longing. He was fully wrapped around Daenerys's finger and she didn't even want him to be. 
Maybe I need to stop visiting the store every week, he thought. Or, if I stop all together, my crush on her will eventually fade away.
Even the term crush felt idiotic and inaccurate. He wasn't a schoolboy who liked a girl in his class, he was a 50-year-old man who was obsessed with a 20-something-year-old woman. But she did make him feel young again, the way his heart raced when her violet eyes were on him. She made him giddy like a little kid, and he would always leave her store wanting more. He felt that if he hadn't already fucked up enough to make her hate him, it wouldn't be long before he slipped up and said the wrong thing, something that would reveal his true feelings. 
I need to avoid her for a while, he decided in his mind, At least until the singles event. I can't get out of that one. 
But the truth was, he didn't want to get out of that one. He wanted to spend every waking moment staring at Daenerys, but he knew that it was for the best if he tried to pretend she didn't exist.
Dany spent the rest of the week scheming and researching and planning. She knew that Jorah was from Bear Island, way up north near where Sansa was from, but Dany hadn't ever been there herself so she had no idea what it was like. A quick Google search showed her some beautiful scenery, tall trees and a hell of a lot of bears. 
Sitting at her dining table in her apartment with her laptop, she read what felt like a million articles about the island, learning about what sorts of trees and flowers grew there. A distinct scent began to form in her mind, one of oak and pine and streams and ice. 
Then, she finally had it: a recipe for a candle that smelled like home, Jorah's home. Dany smiled as she jotted down her ideas on her notepad, while Missi and Grey tried to whip up dinner in the kitchen. She planned to spend that weekend making the candle, which she would present to him as soon as he came by for his regular visit the next week. She couldn't wait to see him.
 Chapter 2: A Bear in a Candle Shop
Monday rolled around, then Tuesday, then Wednesday. Each day Daenerys waited, excited to give Jorah the candle she'd specially made for him. But each day only brought disappointment, as Jorah didn't come by the store like he normally did. He usually visited early in the week, often on Tuesday, but he never showed. The Bear Island candle sat on the counter, ready for its rightful owner to come and get it. 
Dany was concerned – she knew Jorah to be as reliable as the rising of the sun, and she couldn't help but be worried about him not visiting. She felt tempted to call the apartments and give some fake excuse for him to come to the shop, such as the printer malfunctioning, but she decided that was a bit too much. Besides, he was probably just spending time with his cousin who was visiting, right?
Missi was at the beach with Grey again, leaving Dany alone in the shop with nothing but her thoughts. But Missi's words, teasing Dany about developing a crush on Jorah, echoed in Dany's mind. She didn't have a crush on him, that would be ridiculous and unprofessional. She just appreciated his help and enjoyed his company and longed for his smile. Since she'd moved to Casterly Rock in November, Dany had grown fond of Jorah, but she'd never thought she'd miss him as much as she did. 
What is wrong with me? she thought. I don't see a guy for a week and I go insane with worry. He's probably fine.
But as much as she tried to wish her feelings away, Dany couldn't ignore the ache that was growing within her. With one simple touch, Jorah had ignited something in her, and now it felt like they were two magnets being forcibly pulled apart. Well, it felt that way to Dany, at least. She was sure that Jorah viewed her as a daughter, since he had no children of his own and he knew that her father was long since dead. That was all this was, surely: a found-family type of situation. 
But Dany would be lying if she said she hadn't thought about running her fingers through his ginger-blond hair. She'd be lying if she said she hadn't been thinking about his strong shoulders nearly non-stop since the last time she'd seen him. She'd be lying if she said she hadn't pictured, just once, his lips upon hers. But that didn’t mean she had a crush on him, and she was able to push all of those thoughts out of her head. 
He was a handsome man, objectively. Well, Missandei didn’t seem to agree, but that was beside the point. He was much older than Daenerys so even if she did have a crush on him, which she didn’t, she wouldn’t be able to do anything about it. It would probably upset him to find out that this young woman he’d been probably thinking of as a daughter had feelings for him. 
Without Jorah or Missandei, the candle store was painfully empty. I should have brought the boys, thought Dany, thinking of her cats. Their mischief always helped her get through the long and boring summer days. So far that week, the shop had had zero customers, which made Jorah’s absence even harder to bear. Things will change on Friday, Dany told herself. We will have the singles event and we’ll get dozens of new customers. This shop will never be empty again. 
But her hope for the future didn't change her current situation. The shop was still empty, and an empty shop is a shop in danger. If the Scents of Romance event didn’t go well, if nobody showed up, that could possibly spell the end of Dragonstone Candle Company. 
Ten years before Daenerys moved to Casterly Rock, Jorah injured his knee after falling off a ladder while fixing a window at the apartments. His doctor had prescribed him outpatient physical therapy, and it was there he learned a valuable life lesson: sometimes the process of getting better hurts like hell.
That was what Jorah told himself the week he didn't visit Dragonstone Candle Company. He hated himself for being so attracted to and basically obsessed with a woman so much younger than him, a woman who clearly viewed all of their interactions as friendly and innocent. The only way for him to rid himself of this crush was by avoiding Daenerys, even though it hurt. It hurt every time he drove past the store and every time he used one of the bars of soap Daenerys had made; but all of the soap he owned was from her shop. Jorah was starting to regret choosing this, of course. But he didn't give into his urge to go visit her, just to see how she was doing, just to see her gorgeous smile.
As he lay in his bed Friday morning, he wondered if he should go to the singles night. He didn't want to make Daenerys any more uncomfortable than he already had. He'd spent the last week replaying the events of his last visit to the candle store, thinking about the goosebumps on her shoulders, the way she practically froze under his touch. She had tried to be friendly afterward, asking him about his favorite scent, but he could tell he made her skin crawl. Guilt had been tearing him apart ever since then. But he had said he'd go to the singles night, and he didn't want to break his word.
I'm just making up any excuse to see her, he thought. I'm pathetic. 
But what if no one else went? He'd taped a flyer to every single apartment door, but that didn't mean anyone was interested. Would she and Missandei be alone there for hours, waiting for someone to show up? The event started at 6 in the afternoon, so they would be by themselves at night, the store door unlocked. As tough as Daenerys seemed, that wasn't safe for two young women, at least not in this city. 
On the other hand, what would Daenerys say when she saw him? Would she be glad to see him again, or would she kick him out?
I guess I'll find out tonight, thought Jorah as he rolled out of bed. If I go. 
Over the past week, Dany had been carefully curating the sexiest instrumental playlist of all time. Now, it was time to play it. 
Missandei went around the shop lighting rose-scented candles as Dany hooked her phone up to the speaker. The lights in the shop were dimmed, making the burning candles and incense the main source of light, as well as some dull Christmas lights that hung from the ceiling.
Dany pressed the play button on her phone, but instead of hearing sultry strings and sax, the shop was instead filled with the sound of an advertisement.
Missi laughed. "I told you you need to get Spotify Premium."
"What's the point? I mainly listen to CDs anyway."
"God, Daenerys, you're such a relic."
"I spent all of my teen years collecting CDs, why would I throw them away for some app I have to pay for? It doesn't make any financial sense."
"Turn the business brain off," joked Missandei. "It's 6. People should be arriving any minute. Are the free sample bags ready?"
"Yep." The girls had prepared 10 free sample bags for the first 10 visitors. If they got any visitors. 
"When I handed out flyers on the boardwalk, a lot of people said they'd come. I hope they weren't just being nice."
Dany nodded. She'd spent a lot of time and effort on this event, from creating the flyers to buying the wine to making the playlist. If nobody showed up, it would break her heart. 
But there was one person Dany was really hoping would show up, and he was the soon-to-be owner of a Bear Island candle, which still sat on the counter, a blue ribbon wrapped around it. She stared at the door longingly, hoping for some sort of a sign. 
Dany was pulled from her thoughts by Missandei gently asking, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah. What – why?"
"You've been staring blankly at the door for a while now."
"'I'm just waiting for customers. I'm manifesting them."
 Missi laughed. "I don't think it's working. Pour me some punch, will you?"
 Daenerys nodded and turned around. On the sales counter she'd prepared a nice variety of drinks for people to choose from, including 3 bottles of wine, some punch, and some plain ol' bottles of plain ol' water. There was also a good selection of snacks, including chocolate covered pretzels and heart-shaped cookies, which she had baked herself. Her back to the door, Daenerys cracked open the large bottle of punch and grabbed a plastic cup to pour it in. As she poured the red liquid, she realized that buying this particular drink was a bad idea, because it would stain the mouth of whoever drank it, and having a stained mouth was hardly conducive for romance.
The bell on the door beeped, but Dany didn't turn around immediately, focusing entirely on trying not to spill the punch. Then she heard a unique and almost gravelly voice from behind her say, "Hello, Daenerys."
Dany put the cup and the punch down and spun around excitedly. "You came!"
Jorah smiled, and Dany could feel her heart skip a beat. "Wouldn't miss it for the world."
"I've missed you this week. We've missed you," said Daenerys. "This shop has been really empty without you. And in general."
"I'm sorry I couldn't come, I was…" he trailed off for a moment, seemingly thinking of the right word. There was a look of guilt on his face. "Busy."
"It's okay. I have something for you." Danys cheeks were already hurting from smiling. She picked up the candle she'd made for him and held it out. A small gasp of surprise escaped his lips when he saw it. "I made this for you. It's supposed to smell like Bear Island."
Jorah walked over and took the candle from her, their fingers gently brushing against each other for a split second. He held the candle to his nose and smelled it, before grinning. His smile looked like an odd mix of relief and joy. "You did well. It smells just like home."
"That's my way of thanking you for all the help. You do so much for us."
"And I'd do much more," said Jorah. "Daenerys, I–"
Jorah was cut off by the sound of the door opening. In walked a dark-haired teenager, who surveyed the scene before her and tried to hold in a scowl. She walked up next to Jorah and asked, "So, do I finally get to try some wine?"
Daenerys couldn't stop herself from laughing gently. "You must be Lyanna. I've heard a lot about you."
Lyanna smirked and nodded. "I wish I could say the same, but Jorah refuses to tell me anything about you." 
Jorah shot Lyanna a stern yet still kind shut-the-fuck-up glare, but Dany only laughed. He'd make such a great dad, she thought. "I should have made you a Casterly Rock candle, Lyanna, for whenever you go back home and start to miss this crazy city." 
Lyanna then seemed to notice the Bear Island candle for the first time, and she took it from Jorah and gave it a sniff. "This is pretty accurate," she said. "But it needs some moose shit. Everywhere you go in Bear Island, there's always the smell of moose shit somewhere in the distance."
"Lyanna," scolded Jorah. 
"I'll keep that in mind," joked Dany. To her surprise and delight, she saw people outside, heading for the door. "But for now, help yourself to some of the snacks. There are some cookies you might enjoy."
Jorah nodded. 
"Oh, and the matchmaking quiz is on that table over there, if you want to fill it out. You don't have to, it's just for fun." 
Before Jorah could respond, Dany dashed over to the door to greet the new visitors, only to see that Missandei was already on it. Through the glass door, Dany could see the parking lot slowly filling up, as more and more people came to visit her store. She hadn't felt this proud since Dragonstone Candle Company had first opened, and her spirits were only lifted higher by the fact that Jorah loved the candle she'd made him. Even if the night had failed entirely, Jorah was happy, and that was enough.
"God, Jorah, relax. Nobody's gonna take that candle from you," said Lyanna. As soon as she'd handed the Bear Island candle back to him so she could attack the snack bar, Jorah had held it close to him, clutching it in his hands like it was the most precious thing in the universe, because it was. 
All of my worrying was for nothing, he thought. Daenerys doesn't hate me. She made a candle just for me. 
"It's fragile," Jorah said to his cousin. "And you practically threw it at me."
"Yet it's still in one piece!" laughed Lyanna. "But now I understand why you come here all the time. Daenerys is really pretty, but she also looks like she's not afraid to cut someone who crosses her. Want me to pour you some wine?"
"No, I do not. I drove us here, remember?"
"It's fine, I have my driver's license. You need to loosen up a little."
"Having me drunkenly stumble around her store isn't going to make Daenerys like me," insisted Jorah. "I'll be like a bull in a China shop."
Lyanna snickered. "A bear in a candle shop."
"Even worse." Jorah looked over at Daenerys, who was happily greeting new visitors and handing each one a matchmaking quiz. She was clearly in her element, chatting about her candles and soaps to everyone who walked through the door. Jorah recognized the majority of these people as residents of his apartment complex, and he was glad to see that his rather aggressive ad campaign had paid off. He also couldn't help but notice the violin music floating through the air, meaning she had listened to his suggestion. 
Jorah turned the candle over in his hands a few times. It was perfect, and it was just for him. As far as he knew, she'd never made anyone else a bespoke candle. The honor of being the first to receive such a gift made him want to cry, but he held it in. Maybe I was wrong about how she feels, he thought. He looked over to Dany, who was still talking with guests. 
As always, seeing Daenerys smile was the highlight of his week. She looked absolutely stunning, with a black ankle-length sundress and her hair pulled up. He daydreamed of kissing her on her bare shoulder, then kissing his way down her arm until he reached her hand, then pulling her hand to his lips for a soft and courteous smooch. But he knew not to expect too much. He knew that no matter how kind she was to him, Daenerys would never see him that way, and he knew he had to learn to just love her from afar.
Dany couldn't have wished for a better evening. The shop was full and people were mingling. Occasionally someone would pull her or Missandei aside to ask some questions about the store, and both of them were happy to help. Only an hour into the event, they'd sold a good amount of candles and soaps, much more than they'd sold in the last month. We might just have to have events here more often, Dany thought as she rang up a customer with her tablet.
But, of course, drumming up business was only part of its purpose. So far she hadn't found anyone she thought she'd be interested in dating. Typical, she thought. This shop is finally full of handsome single men, and I'm not into any of them. The customer she'd just rang up went back to mingling, candle in hand, and Dany scanned the room. There were tall men, short men, buff men, and skinny men, but none of them grabbed her attention.
Then, Missi elbowed Dany in her side and whispered, "Look at the door. Someone's coming in." 
Dany looked up and saw who Missi was talking about. He was tall, dark, and handsome, and pretty much every lady in the room immediately started staring at him longingly. He locked eyes with Dany and smirked, and she could have sworn she heard a woman in the crowd sigh dreamily. Dany smiled at him, and he began to walk toward her with a confident stride, which made him even more attractive. Although this mystery man's gaze was unwavering, Dany couldn't help but look away from him for a split second and sneaked a glance at Jorah, who was already looking at her, a forlorn expression on his face. Luckily for him and unluckily for Daenerys, her enchantment with the new man was broken the moment he opened his mouth. 
"Hello," said the man. Dany couldn't believe her ears – did this brawny man have a squeaky voice? "The name's Daario." 
 Dany wanted to scream. Either this man was incredibly unfortunate, or his muscles were the result of steroids. "I'm Daenerys."
"You are such a gorgeous little thing," said Daario. His voice was tinny, like he was speaking through a metal can. Dany was holding her tablet in one hand, and he reached to grab her other hand before bringing it to his lips for a kiss. Such an act should have been romantic, but all her attraction to him vanished when she heard that voice. She turned to look for Missandei, but her friend was gone, probably having run for the hills as soon as she heard Daario speak. Dany also didn't take kindly to being referred to as a 'little thing,' even though she was rather short. Starting off by referring to a woman in such a casually demeaning way did not win him any favors. 
"Um, yes. Thanks. You too." Am I being shallow? she worried. He's objectively hot. But he seems like such a douche, and that voice is a no-go. I like a low voice, low like Jorah's. 
"Oh, trust me, baby, I am in no way little." 
Dany's eyebrows shot up. She couldn't take this man seriously at all. She quickly glanced around the room until her eyes found Jorah again. He was still watching her, his face somewhere between sadness and rage, and she tried to flash him a help me type of look. She didn't truly expect him to realize what she was trying to silently say, but he did, giving her a nod of understanding before walking over to her and Daario.
"Excuse me, Daenerys, there's something you need to deal with in the back room," said Jorah. Now that the two men were next to each other, Dany could see that Daario was just about as tall as Jorah, but Jorah's presence was much more imposing. He looked like a man who was worthy of respect, but still wanted to earn it. 
Like a petulant child, Daario replied, "I'm sure it can wait a moment."
"I wasn't talking to you," said Jorah, his blue eyes full of an intensity Dany had never seen before. 
"Lead the way," said Dany. Without thinking, she linked her arm with Jorah's, and together they turned and went into the back office. Once there, Dany let out a deep sigh.
"Thank you, Jorah," she said. "I was not feeling that guy, but he didn't seem like the type to take no for an answer."
"For a moment, you looked like you were feeling him," replied Jorah, trying to force a jokey tone. He looked upset, but clearly wanted to hide it. 
"I was, until he opened his mouth. Did you hear his voice? God, it was annoying. But I guess not all men can have a voice like yours."
A small smirk crept across Jorah's mouth, and Dany realized what she'd said. She hadn't meant for that last part to be out loud. 
"You like my voice?" asked Jorah.
"I mean, of course. You have a good, strong voice. If we ever make a commercial for this store, I'd probably want you to do the voiceover." I'd also want you to moan my name… woah, where did that come from?
"I don't think I have the voice for a candle store," Jorah said with a slight chuckle. "But I'll take the compliment."
"Has no one ever told you that before?"
"I'm afraid not. The last compliment I received was when someone told me my blue scarf made my eyes pop."
Dany immediately blushed. She recognized her own words, and was surprised to hear that Jorah remembered them. "I'm sure I've complimented you since then."
"One nice word from you is enough to last me a lifetime. I usually don't worry too much about what people think of me."
"But you care what I think?" 
"Of course. More than anything."
"Now, that's a compliment," said Dany. "I really missed you this past week. Next time you're going to disappear on me, I'll need a doctor's note and an apology letter."
Jorah laughed. "I think that can be arranged."
"I really didn't think you'd come tonight." 
"I almost didn't," admitted Jorah, a look of shame on his face. 
"Why not?"
"I was worried that I'd upset you." 
"I think you know me well enough to know that if you'd upset me, I'd make sure you were aware. I'm not afraid to stick up for myself." 
"You didn't stick up for yourself with that asshole out there."
"Because I didn't have to, because I knew you'd be there for me," explained Dany. "And because things are different when it's you."
"How so?"
"Because I like you." Those last three words were friendly enough, but Dany knew that there was a deeper meaning to them, one she hadn't wanted to admit to herself. Jorah seemed to notice the deeper meaning as well, because she could hear his breath hitch, his mouth open slightly as he searched for the right words to say.
"I… I like you too, Daenerys."
"You can call me Dany." Dany felt ridiculous for not correcting him sooner, but it didn't really matter. 
"I like you, Dany." Jorah took a deep breath. "I know I risk ruining our friendship by saying this, but I didn't visit this week because I was worried you'd realize exactly how much I like you." 
“What– What do you mean?”
“You mean the world to me. I’ve never cared about anything as much as I care about you. You’re my light, and… there are times when I look at you and I still can't believe you're real.”
Dany could nearly feel tears well up in her eyes. “That’s the most ridiculously romantic thing anyone has ever said to me.”
"I’m sorry. I should probably go.”
“No, you shouldn’t. And you shouldn't apologize.”
“I've made you uncomfortable.”
“I think you really should know by now that you shouldn't assume that about me,” said Dany. “You've never made me uncomfortable. In fact, it’s the opposite. I feel like I can breathe easier around you, because no matter my problem, you’ll be there with a solution. Jorah, I told you that I like you and I meant it.”
Not only was Dany confessing this to Jorah but to herself as well. She'd chosen to host a singles event in hopes she would find love, but now she realized that she'd had it all along. Jorah was thoughtful and sweet, handsome and strong. He was everything she didn't know she needed. Many times she'd found herself getting lost in his ocean-blue eyes, the same eyes that had drawn her to him in the first place. She felt stupid for not realizing sooner that her feelings for him weren't just a friendly appreciation of everything he did for her, but appreciation of him as a person. When she looked at him, she felt safe, and she knew she would feel at home in his arms. 
Jorah had a surprised look on his face. "Dany, I–"
"Are you free tomorrow night?"
"Not anymore," said Dany. She wasn't normally this bold, but she realized Jorah was too polite to do anything. "I'm taking you out." 
Jorah chuckled. "I think I'm supposed to take you out."
"Either way. Time and place and I'll be there."
"Or," said Jorah, a wave of confidence seemingly overtaking him as he took Dany's hand and brought it to his lips to place a gentle kiss on her knuckles. "I could pick you up at your place and take you somewhere for dinner."
Dany's heart felt like it was going to beat out of her chest, and she almost wished that that asshole Daario could have seen this, so he'd know how it was done. "Sounds perfect."
"You should probably get back to your party," said Jorah. 
Dany nodded. "Let me give you my number real quick." She grabbed a sticky note pad and a pen from the table the printer was on, and she jotted down her number and address. "I can't wait until tomorrow."
Jorah smiled. "Me neither." 
"Where are you taking me?" 
"It's a surprise." 
 Dany grinned from ear to ear and handed over the sticky note. 
Jorah easily found Lyanna in the crowd, talking to some ladies who were all dressed to the nines. He couldn't hear what she was saying over all the chatter in the room, but she was clearly telling a story, waving her arms in the air as her enraptured audience watched on. Jorah couldn't deny that she reminded him of himself when he was younger, fiery and intelligent. He walked up to her just as she was finishing her tale, and all he could hear was, "Anywho, that's how I nearly got adopted by a bear as a baby."
One of the women noticed Jorah and smiled at him before saying to Lyanna, "This must be your father."
Jorah replied, "Actually, I–"
Another woman said, "It must be hard, being a single father to a teen daughter. But I'm glad you brought her here, she's told us a lot about you."
Father? "You must excuse us for a moment," he said as he pulled Lyanna out of the group. Once they were on the other side of the room, he asked her, "What the hell?"
Lyanna shrugged. "I was trying to get you some. The ladies loved the single father shtick. If anyone asks, your wife – my mom – was a brunette bombshell who died in a tragic hay bale accident." 
"I don't need your help in 'getting some,' thank you very much. I've actually got a date tomorrow." He waved the pink sticky note in the air. 
"Oooh! Guess I didn't need to tell them that you used to be a bodybuilder after all."
Jorah sighed. "Do I look like a bodybuilder?"
"You could look like a former bodybuilder. But that's beside the point, who is the date with?"
"The woman we came here for in the first place," said Jorah, a smirk forming on his lips. 
"Candle shop girl?"
"Her name is Daenerys," he said, before correcting himself. "Dany." 
 "When's the date?"
"I haven't decided yet, but I'm sure I'll find a place. I need something romantic yet unique."
"If you cook her dinner, she'll be sure to fall for you immediately."
Jorah chuckled. "That might not be a bad idea. But I feel like inviting her over to the apartments is a bit… meh. It needs to be obvious that I put thought into it."
Lyanna narrowed her eyes in thought. "I think I've got an idea." 
 Chapter 3: Property of Daenerys Tarygaryen 
Trekking through the woods that surrounded the apartment complex wasn't exactly Jorah's idea of a good Saturday morning activity, but there he was, pushing brambles and branches aside as he followed his young cousin. 
"There's this little clearing somewhere up here," said Lyanna. "Up that hill." 
The previous owners had named the complex Coastal Rock for a reason; it was built on a rocky cliff, overlooking a lot of the city, including the beach. The woods surrounding it were quite hilly, making the Mormonts' hike through them fairly difficult. Surprisingly enough, Jorah had never actually walked through these trees, and thought that he should do it more often; the woods were peaceful, and almost silent except for birdsong.
"Here we are," said Lyanna. "I found this spot last week, it's a good place to sit and think. If you put a picnic blanket on the ground, it'd be a perfect first date." 
"I have to admit, it's a good idea," replied Jorah.
"Plus, it's secluded and private, in case you two want to get jiggy with it.”
"We will not be 'getting jiggy with it' in the woods." 
Lyanna shrugged. "Just saying. You know, I feel bad for Building 6, because if somebody stood on a chair or a step ladder or something they probably could see right into those windows." She pointed through the trees at the closest apartment building. 
"Let's hope nobody else knows about this little spot," said Jorah. "So I need to get a picnic blanket and a recipe that Dany will love."
"All right. Let's hit the store. Picnic blanket, picnic basket, a boombox…"
"A boombox?"
"So that I can play 'Kiss the Girl' from the trees."
Jorah had told Dany via text that he’d pick her up at 6:30. So, naturally, she was ready by 5. 
She paced around the living room of her apartment. She’d picked out one of her favorite dresses to wear, a flowy sky blue one she paired with golden sandals and a golden ribbon tied around her waist as a belt. She’d done her hair in a braid, as she often did, and she felt beautiful, but still incredibly anxious.
“Chill out, will you?” said Missandei, who was lounging on the couch, doomscrolling through social media. “Your pacing is making me nervous. It’s just Jorah.”
“Just Jorah?” replied Dany. “Missi, you’re the one who was teasing me about having a crush on him and making him my sugar daddy.”
“I didn’t think you’d actually do it!”
“He’s not my sugar daddy, this is just a date.” 
“Exactly. So chill out, it’s not like your life's on the line.”
But it certainly feels like my life is on the line. "He's so sweet, and so strong, and so smart. God, I don't want to fuck this up."
"You won't fuck this up, you're Daenerys fucking Targaryen. You've got your shit together, and one dude isn't going to ruin everything," insisted Missi. "Besides, we'll definitely have some new repeat customers after last night, so if we lose him then no big deal." 
"He's not just a dude. He's Jorah."
Missi laughed. "You've got it bad, don't you? Where the hell did all this come from?"
"Well, I didn't see him for a week, and as they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder."
"Maybe you two are a perfect match, because that sounds like something he'd say."
Dany chuckled. "It does, doesn't it?"
Then came a knock at the door, which nearly made Dany jump out of her skin in surprise. She took a deep breath and smoothed out her dress, while Missi joked, "Coming to your third-floor apartment for a first date, what a gentleman."
 Dany quieted her friend with an insistent "Shh!" and opened the door, her best customer service smile on her face. Once she saw Jorah, she didn't have to fake the grin anymore. 
Jorah was dressed in a nice suit jacket and held a bouquet of white roses. Once their eyes met a smile grew across his face, the most genuine smile Dany had ever seen. That was something she loved about him: the way his smiles always reached his eyes, at least when he was looking at her. 
"You look so beautiful," said Jorah, his voice barely above a whisper. 
"Thank you," said Dany. "You're not too bad yourself." Dammit, Dany, just tell him he's handsome! 
Her awkward compliment seemed to land well enough, with Jorah chuckling softly and lifting up the roses. "These are for you."
"Oh, Jorah, you shouldn't have," Dany said sweetly. Although she was touched by the gesture and her heart had never felt so full, he really shouldn't have; she'd never been given flowers before and she had no idea what to do with them. Do I leave them here? Do I take them with me? 
"I thought they might look good in a vase on your table, or something," said Jorah. 
"That's a wonderful idea!" Dany took the roses from them and brought them into her apartment, giving them a quick sniff before placing them on the table. Her cat Viserion immediately jumped up to investigate them, only to be gently shooed away. When Dany turned back to the door, she saw that Drogon, the largest of her Sphynxes, was in Jorah's arms. 
Dany smirked and gently scolded, "Drogon, that's not how we behave around guests. We can't just jump into anybody's arms." 
"It's fine by me," replied Jorah. 
"It's fine until you stop petting him, then he gets snippy." Dany reached out to pet the cat. "Come on, you raw chicken, come back inside."
Drogon jumped from Jorah's arms and went to curl up on the couch next to Missandei. Dany laughed and apologized, saying, "I'm sorry about him, he's probably the most spoiled out of all of them. And the heaviest."
"I've definitely met worse animals," Jorah replied with a wave of his hand. "Are you ready, my dear?" He extended his arm and Dany gladly took it.
"Where are we off to?"
"It's a surprise." Jorah smirked, and the two began to walk down the stairs.
Dany laughed. "Still?" 
"Yes. And I probably should have scheduled our date for a little bit later in the evening, because my plan won't be perfect with this much daylight, but it'll be fine."
"Plan?" asked Dany. They reached the ground floor and walked over to Jorah's car. "Daylight?"
 Jorah smirked as he opened the passenger side door for Dany. "I've said too much already."
As Jorah's car pulled out of the parking lot, Dany’s mind was racing. She just knew that this was going to be something truly special, because of who her date was. Jorah was not the kind of man to skimp out on things that were important to him, and he had shown on multiple occasions that Dany was important. She couldn't help but feel a bit stupid for not noticing sooner that Jorah adored her, but perhaps she would have just chalked it up to wishful thinking, even before she realized that she felt the same way. She also felt a bit stupid for not noticing that love and happiness was right under her nose the entire time she'd been living in Casterly Rock. But holding his arm as they walked, sitting beside him as he drove, felt so natural, so perfect, and Dany was surprised that she'd had no idea what she was missing.
The car drove past the candle store and up a hill, eventually turning into the entrance of the apartment complex Jorah owned. Jorah parked in front of the main building and went to open Dany's door. She asked "So, it's dinner at your place?" 
"Sort of." That same smirk from before crossed Jorah's face again as he took Dany's hand. "Follow me." 
 Dany felt practically starstruck. Jorah, who had previously been too nervous to pat her on the back, was now holding her hand and leading her down the sidewalk. His touch was comforting and his confidence was enchanting. Clearly he knew that Dany would love the surprise date that awaited her, and she was nearly bursting at the seams with excitement. 
 Jorah led Dany towards the trees that surrounded the apartment complex, and they pushed their way into the woods. With any other man, Dany would have been nervous about this, and she likely would have refused to go any further. But she trusted Jorah completely. Besides, if he was secretly a murderer, he was a sloppy one, because Missandei knew who Dany was with.
Through the woods they went, with low branches snagging Dany’s dress. By the time we get where we're going, she thought, I'll have a ton of twigs in my hair. Eventually she could see twinkling lights up ahead. On a small hill there was a clearing where no trees grew, and she could tell that this was the surprise. A picnic blanket lay on the grass, and had a picnic basket and a bottle of wine sat on top. Multiple fake candles surrounded the blanket. The scene was so romantic and sweet that Dany thought her heart was going to burst. 
"I wanted to use real candles," said Jorah as he sat on the ground next to the basket. "But I was scared I'd burn the whole forest down. So, battery-operated candles it is. Not that it matters, really, because you can barely see them in the daylight."
"It's perfect," Dany exclaimed. 
Jorah motioned for Dany to sit on the picnic blanket, which she did. He opened the basket and pulled out a large ceramic food container, two plates, and some utensils. When he opened the container, a tantalizing smell hit Dany's nose, making her mouth water. Jorah used a large spoon to scoop food onto the plates, and now Dany could see that her dinner was to be meatballs coated in some sort of sauce, along with rice. 
"I must admit, I stole this recipe from a mutual friend of ours, Miss Stark," said Jorah as he handed Dany a plate. "But I made it extra spicy, since I know you like spice."
"Yes, I do," replied Dany. The food was warm and looked delicious.
"Careful, it might be hot."
Dany only replied, "Fire cannot kill a dragon," before digging right in. The meatballs and rice were just as good as they looked, and she forgot all decorum as she shoveled food into her mouth. 
Jorah laughed. "A dragon?"
"Yeah," said Dany, as she felt a blush creep onto her cheeks. "When I was a kid, my brother and I would pretend to be dragons. It's kind of embarrassing, now that I think of it." 
"No, it's adorable." Jorah had a wide grin on his face as he watched Dany eat. "How do you like your food?"
"Oh my god, it's so fucking fantastic! I knew you'd be an amazing cook, I just knew it."
"I definitely could be better, but thank you." 
"No, Jorah, this is truly wonderful stuff."
"It's not my recipe. You have Miss Stark's grandmother to thank for that."
"To hell with Sansa’s grandma," said Dany, before awkwardly correcting herself. "I mean, not that I want anything to happen to this lady, whoever she is, but she's not important. You made this food and you did great." 
"You'll have to let me make bangers n' mash for you sometime."
Dany smiled. "I'd love that." 
"Good. Now, tell me more about when you used to pretend to be a dragon…" 
The two spent a while eating and chatting and laughing, discussing everything from their childhoods to their goals for the future. Dany learned that Jorah had been in the military, which was unsurprising. What was surprising was that Jorah liked to occasionally swim laps in his apartment complex's pool at night, when nobody was around. She also learned that despite living in Casterly Rock for many years, he'd never actually been to the beach there.
"Whaaaaat?" asked Dany. "All this time, not once? That was pretty much the first thing Missandei and I did when we moved here." 
Jorah shrugged playfully. "I've always been too busy. Besides, I didn't want to be the one guy by himself at the beach."
"Next Saturday morning, I'm taking you to the beach. Or you're taking me. It doesn't matter."
"Who will run your shop?"
"I think Missi can handle it. She's always ditching the store to go to the beach with her man, so I think it's about time I ditch her to go to the beach with mine."
Jorah smirked. "So I'm your man?"
Dany hadn't realized the implications of her words. "Shit, I mean, I didn't mean to say it like that, but, um…"
"It's okay," said Jorah. "I just wanted to tease you."
"If you want to call yourself my man, I'm not opposed. I don't want you to feel like I'm rushing you into anything or–"
"I'll be anything you want me to be. I'm yours."
Dany's heart was beating faster than it ever had in her life. Jorah's words were spoken with adoration, with softness, as if what he truly meant to say was 'I'd follow you to the end of the earth, I'm yours until the end of time.'
"Jorah, I…" Dany trailed off, not knowing what to say. It seemed like for the last nine months they had been speaking a secret silent language, and they'd only realized it the night before. "I'm glad I moved here. Out of all the cities I could have opened my store in, I'm glad I picked this one." 
"I'm glad too," said Jorah. The two looked at each other for a moment, and Dany desperately wished he would just take the leap and close the gap between them and finally, finally kiss her. Instead, he asked, "Are you ready for dessert?"
"Dessert?" asked Dany with a laugh. "Is that a picnic basket or Mary Poppins's bag?"
"It is surprisingly roomy." Jorah reached into the basket and pulled out another food container. When he pulled off the lid, Dany immediately smelled brownies. "I didn't originally plan on dessert, but Lyanna insisted. She said that the easiest way to a woman's heart is via chocolate, and so we made brownie bites." 
Dany giggled. "She's absolutely right." 
"She has to head back to Bear Island next week. I think I might miss her." Jorah handed a brownie to Dany. 
"I guess I need to get started on my Casterly Rock candle. What do you think this city smells like? I'm thinking beach vibes."
"All I ever really smell is seagull shit," joked Jorah. 
"Well, she did say that the Bear Island candle needed some moose shit. I just don't know how to put 'essence of seagull' into a candle."
"If you make a candle and leave it outdoors long enough, I'm sure a seagull will drop a little scent onto it," said Jorah, before his face and tone both turned more serious. "But… the Bear Island candle is the best gift I've ever received. I can't thank you enough."
"You earned it, through months of kindness."
"Still, to be the owner of your first bespoke candle is an honor."
"You're the only one worthy of that honor." Dany meant every word she said, and so much more. She worried they were skirting around what was important again, just barely saying the words they wanted to. He was clearly still too nervous to truly admit how he felt for her, and it seemed he was waiting on her to make the first move, in fear that he would make her uncomfortable. Dany knew he didn't think he was deserving of her attention and affection, but he was. He was deserving of everything she had to offer. When she looked at him, she felt safe, but also excited; his blue eyes stared right into her soul, and his button-up shirt had the top button open, putting his neck and a small amount of golden-red chest hair on display. He was absolutely gorgeous, but didn't realize it. Dany wanted to grab him by the collar and pull him on top of her. She didn't want to be too forward, but she desperately hoped he would kiss her before the night was over. 
"I try to be.”
"Jorah." Dany leaned forward, reaching out to put her hand on Jorah's, which was propping him up as they sat on the ground. "I really, really like you. You're so amazing and you make it seem effortless. You're everything I never knew I needed.”
 Jorah looked away for a moment, perhaps out of shyness. When he looked back to Dany, a smile grew across his lips as he said, “You’ve got crumbs on your face." 
“Do I?”
Jorah reached up, taking Dany’s chin in his free hand. His thumb swiped gently across her chin and lips. Then he said, with a hint of hesitation in his voice, “You’re beautiful even when you’re messy.”
 Finally, as if he received the silent messages Dany had been sending all night, Jorah slowly leaned in, his lips meeting hers delicately, as if he was afraid she would shatter into a million pieces at his touch. Dany deepened the kiss, but only slightly, and let out a sigh of contentment, taking joy in the fact that her heart had found a home. She raised one hand to the back of his head, tangling her fingers in his curls, while her other hand rubbed one of his biceps, eventually resting on his shoulder. Although she’d likely never admit it, she’d wanted to touch his arms since she’d first met him, and feel those muscles that hid under his professional button-up shirts. And his shoulders - sturdy and strong. The idea of her legs resting on those shoulders as he licked at her floated through her mind, and she couldn’t hold in a slight shudder.
 Worrying something was wrong, Jorah pulled away entirely. Breathlessly, he said, “I apologize, I should have asked before kissing you. That wasn’t proper of me.”
“Fuck proper,” teased Dany. “Kiss me all you want. You probably should have kissed me sooner.”
Jorah smirked. “I wouldn't want to upset you.”
“I don't think you can. I'm yours.”
 The weight of those last two words, the same he had said to her earlier, were not lost on Jorah. “Daenerys–” he said, before correcting himself, “Dany… I’ve loved you since the moment I saw you, back in November. But I never thought you’d feel the same way. I keep wondering if this is a dream, and if I’m going to wake up in my bed alone with an empty heart.”
“You never have to have an empty heart again,” she said, “On one condition, of course.”
“Kiss me again.” 
Jorah leaned in again and kissed her, cupping the side of her face with his hand. Dany smiled into the kiss, enjoying the slight taste of the spicy and tangy meatball sauce from his mouth. The moment was perfect, Jorah was perfect, and she pulled him close, her arms wrapping around his shoulders like they belonged there. His arms wrapped around her as well, and Dany felt at home with him, like she knew that as long as she had Jorah by her side, nothing could go wrong. 
It was finally starting to get dark, but the hauntingly romantic atmosphere created by the candles was completely missed by Dany, who felt as if her entire world was now Jorah. His being enveloped her, and she could smell on him the scent of sandalwood from a bar of soap from her shop. Dany would have stayed in that moment forever, but it was interrupted by a sharp pain on her arm.
Dany pulled away from Jorah with a muttered "Ow!" and looked at her arm. Just above her elbow was a bright red spot.
Jorah delicately held Dany's arm and examined it. "It looks like a mosquito bite. I've got some cream in my office." 
"I'll be fine, it's just itchy." That was a hell of an understatement. In reality, it felt like Dany's arm was on fire. She reached up with her other hand to scratch it.
"Don't scratch at it," insisted Jorah. The commanding yet caring tone of his voice made Dany drop her hand immediately. "Let's get you something for it."
 Dany nodded. Jorah stood, and helped her stand up as well, before gently swatting at her hand which instinctively went to scratch her itchy mosquito bite. "You're such a dad, Jorah."
"Lyanna gives me a lot of practice."
"I can tell!"
Jorah and Dany began their walk back to the main building. They walked mostly in silence, focusing on the branches ahead of them. When they reached the parking lot once again, there was a surprise waiting for them in the form of a round tabby cat, sitting in the center of a parking space as if she was a car.
"Rosie Mae!" cheered Dany. She immediately went over to pet the cat. "Jorah, you were right. She is spherical!"
"I'm surprised you remember me telling you about her."
 Dany stopped petting Rosie Mae and looked at Jorah. Did he still think so lowly of himself? "I remember everything you say."
"I hope not everything," said Jorah. "I'm sure I've said a lot of embarrassing things, including tonight." 
 Dany knew exactly what he was talking about, but it didn't truly register in her mind until now. I’ve loved you since the moment I saw you, back in November. His accidental proclamation of love now rang in her ears like a bell, replaying over and over again. She dashed over to him, throwing her arms around his neck and pulling him in for a deep kiss. His arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her even closer.
When she finally broke from him, Dany looked up into his ocean blue eyes and said, "You have nothing to be embarrassed about. Ever. I'm yours. And you're mine." 
Jorah grinned. "Maybe you should go into the shirt making business and make me one that says Property of Daenerys Targaryen." 
"Don't tempt me," teased Dany. Then she tried to scratch her itchy elbow, but was stopped yet again by Jorah, who grabbed her hands. 
"Let's get you some itch cream," he said. 
"Good idea."
Jorah unlocked the door to the main building and they both walked in. A few steps from that door was the door to his office, which he opened to find Lyanna sitting in his chair, her feet on his desk.
"Lyanna," scolded Jorah. "What are you doing here? You're supposed to be in the apartment."
"I didn't want to interrupt if you guys wanted to go in there in order to get jiggy with it," said the teen. "Hey, Daenerys."
"Hi," replied Dany. 
"For the last time, we will not be 'getting jiggy with it' on our first date," Jorah said to his cousin. "I'll never understand your generation."
Lyanna laughed. "You do realize Daenerys is closer to my age than yours, right?"
"We're just here for some itch cream," said Dany, while trying to hold in a laugh. "I got bit by a mosquito."
"Tsk, tsk, tsk," replied Lyanna as she opened up a drawer in a cabinet behind a desk. "Jorah, you should know better. You should have brought bugspray. And sunscreen too, can't have your woman getting burnt out there." She handed a small tube of anti-itch cream to Dany, which Dany promptly put on and handed back. 
"Bugspray might have been helpful," joked Dany. "But sunscreen? Not so much. We were in the woods, there wasn't enough sun to do any damage." 
"That's how the sun gets you," said Lyanna, as if there was some sun conspiracy Dany was supposed to know about. Then she turned to Jorah and said, "By the way, when I went to set up the picnic shit I found some binoculars in the grass."
Jorah's eyes went wide. "Please tell me you're joking." 
"Nope. I took the liberty of throwing them in the dumpster."
"Fine by me."
Dany smiled and let out a long breath. "Jorah, I've had the best night of my life. It’s getting late, I should probably get home to my cats."
"I understand. Thank you for allowing me to take you out on a date."
"And thank you for making this the most amazing, romantic, memorable date I've ever been on."
 Jorah smiled. "It's been an honor." 
 Lyanna snorted. "You guys are so cute I'm gonna vomit.”
 Jorah ignored his cousin and asked Dany, “Beach day next weekend?”
“Oh, yes!” exclaimed Dany. “I can’t wait!”
With that, Jorah took her hand, and led her back to his car. When he opened the door for her, Dany thought to herself, God, he's perfect. It’s like he was made for me. The car ride back to her apartment was all too short, and she secretly wished that the night would never end. But she also felt that it had to; she worried that she couldn’t have such an amazing thing for long before something went terribly wrong. The way Jorah stole glances at her as they went down the road, the way he drove with one hand while the other hand held hers, the way the dwindling evening light made his eyes look even more gorgeously blue – it was too perfect. 
Jorah walked Dany up the stairs to her apartment, and when they reached her door she let out a sigh. “You know, when I first moved here, I was terrified. I worried our store would fail, I worried everybody would be rude, and I worried I’d be sad and alone. But then I met you, and all my worries melted away,” Dany admitted. “I feel like I have a lot to thank you for, but I can't even find the words.”
“You don't need words. I know a way you can thank me.”
“Give me a kiss goodnight.”
Dany grinned from ear to ear, then lifted herself up on her tiptoes to reach his lips for a soft kiss. “I don't know what I did to deserve you.”
“I don't know what I did to deserve you.”
“I should probably go inside now, before I drown in your eyes.” 
“And I thought I was cheesy.”
Dany laughed. “I’ll see you next week.”
“Yes, you will.” As reliable as the rising of the sun. "Goodnight.”
“Goodnight, Jorah.”
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rewildling · 1 year
LADYHAWKE: The 80s Fantasy Movie that Inspired SanSan?
Could this movie have partially inspired GRRM’s Sansa Stark and Sandor Clegane as a romantic pairing in ASOIAF? And could it contain clues for their TWOW arcs? Let’s investigate.
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Isabeau of Anjou and Etienne of Navarre from Ladyhawke (1985)
Ladyhawke (1985) is apparently one of GRRM’s favorite films. According to him, it’s “romantic fantasy done right,” so it’s definitely possible that it influenced the romantic plot lines in his own fantasy series.
The movie tells the story of cursed lovers Etienne of Navarre and Isabeau of Anjou. They are always together, yet eternally apart. By day, Isabeau takes the form of a bird, turning back into a woman at night.
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“You’re like one of those birds from the Summer Isles, aren’t you? A pretty little talking bird, repeating all the pretty little words they taught you to recite.” Sandor Clegane, Sansa II, AGOT
By night, Navarre takes the form of a large black wolf, turning back into a man during the day.
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The Hound ripped the sword free and threw away the scabbard. The Mad Huntsman gave him his oaken shield, all studded with iron and painted yellow, the three black dogs of Clegane emblazoned upon it. Arya VI, ASOS
Navarre is the former Captain of the Guard of Aquila, a formidable fighter and deadly with a sword.
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The White Book was well behind. The deaths of Ser Mandon Moore and Ser Preston Greenfield needed to be entered, and the brief bloody Kingsguard service of Sandor Clegane as well. Jaime XIII, ASOS
The Hound was deadly with a sword, everyone knew that. Arya VI, ASOS
Like Sandor, Navarre is a generally cynical person and is pessimistic about the possibility of ever breaking the curse. He also rides a temperamental black stallion named Goliath.
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Arya had tried to steal him once, when Clegane was taking a piss against a tree, thinking she could ride off before he could catch her. Stranger had almost bitten her face off. He was gentle as an old gelding with his master, but otherwise he had a temper as black as he was. She had never known a horse so quick to bite or kick. Arya XI, ASOS
At one point in the film, Navarre asks Matthew Broderick’s character, Phillipe, to tell him everything Isabeau said about him the night before:
“Every moment you spend with her… I envy you. But you can tell me. Tell me everything that she said. And I warn you, I will know if the words are hers. Etienne of Navarre, Ladyhawke
“A dog can smell a lie, you know.” Sandor Clegane, Sansa II, ACOK
Like Sansa, Isabeau is described by others as being exceptionally beautiful, with porcelain skin, blue eyes, and a lovely voice.
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“Men would say she had my look, but she will grow into a woman far more beautiful than I ever was, you can see that.” Catelyn VII, ACOK
She is just as comely as the Tyrell girl. Her hair was a rich autumn auburn, her eyes a deep Tully blue. Tyrion VIII, ASOS
“We were talking about the prince,” Sansa said, her voice soft as a kiss. Arya I, AGOT
Isabeau is also kind, clever, and brave. As the Comte d’Anjou’s daughter, her manners are noticeably refined.
Be brave, she told herself. Be brave, like a lady in a song. Sansa V, ASOS
"Knights they are," said Petyr. "Their gallantry has yet to be demonstrated, but we may hope. Allow me to present Ser Byron, Ser Morgarth, and Ser Shadrich. Sers, the Lady Alayne, my natural and very clever daughter..." Alayne II, AFFC
For this next part, let’s keep in mind the theory that Shadrich, Morgarth, and Byron — the three hedge knights who appear at the Gates of the Moon in Littlefinger’s service in AFFC — are actually Howland Reed, the Elder Brother, and Sandor Clegane in disguise.
Phillipe is known as The Mouse. He’s small and stealthy — the first person ever to escape from Aquila’s prison. He’s also very cheeky. At first, he wants to get as far away from Aquila as possible. After he becomes invested in Navarre and Isabeau’s story, he decides to help them infiltrate Aquila and confront the man who cursed them.
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Ser Shadrich was a wiry, fox-faced man with a sharp nose and a shock of orange hair, mounted on a rangy chestnut courser. Though he could not have been more than five foot two, he had a cocksure manner. ... “Ser Shadrich of the Shady Glen. Some call me the Mad Mouse.” ... “And are you mad?” “Oh, quite. Your common mouse will run from blood and battle. The mad mouse seeks them out.” Brienne I, AFFC
When Isabeau is wounded, Navarre orders Phillipe to bring her to Imperius, a solitary monk and healer, who saves her life and, along with Phillipe, helps the lovers break their curse.
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“The Seven have blessed our Elder Brother with healing hands. He has restored many a man to health that even the maesters could not cure, and many a woman too.” Brother Narbert, Brienne VI, AFFC
The man who cursed them is the Bishop of Aquila, an older man who covets Isabeau and became enraged when she rejected him. The Bishop is portrayed as a greedy, deceitful lord who uses his power to manipulate and exploit people. Imperius describes his desire for Isabeau as “a sort of madness.” Sound like anyone we know?
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“Your mother was my queen of beauty once,” the man said quietly. His breath smelled of mint. “You have her hair.” His fingers brushed against her cheek as he stroked one auburn lock. Quite abruptly he turned and walked away. Sansa II, AGOT
Imperius tells Phillipe that Isabeau sensed the Bishop’s wickedness and “shrank from him.” She fell in love with Navarre, and they married in secret.
When Sansa finally looked up, a man was standing over her, staring. He was short, with a pointed beard and a silver streak in his hair, almost as old as her father. “You must be one of her daughters,” he said to her. He had grey-green eyes that did not smile when his mouth did. “You have the Tully look.” “I’m Sansa Stark,” she said, ill at ease. Sansa II, AGOT
“I despise porridge.” He looked at her with Littlefinger’s eyes. “I’d sooner break my fast with a kiss.” A true daughter would not refuse her sire a kiss, so Alayne went to him and kissed him, a quick dry peck upon the cheek, and just as quickly stepped away. Alayne I, AFFC
The parallels between this film and ASOIAF are pretty obvious. Isabeau is a bird, and Navarre is a black wolf — an obvious connection to House Stark — but he could just have easily been a black dog.
All three character’s proposed as the true identities of the three hedge knights in Shadrich, Morgarth, and Byron have parallels in this film. Phillipe the Mouse, Imperius the monk, and Navarre the wolf infiltrate Aquila to confront the Bishop and free Isabeau the bird from his curse. If the theory proves true, Shadrich the Mad Mouse (Howland Reed), Morgarth (the Elder Brother), and Byron (Sandor Clegane/the Hound) are working together to infiltrate the Gates of the Moon and help free Sansa (the little bird) from Littlefinger’s clutches. The broad strokes of the characters and their potential future storylines in TWOW are all present.
Ladyhawke is decently acted, and the story itself is beautiful and interesting. But GRRM is right, the score is terrible.
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westerosoliviapope · 2 years
Found this Sandor POV outtake from an old draft of Free Bird. Figured I'd share for the SanSan crowd. This takes place before Sarella's team + Sandor go on their mission to rescue Sansa from the penthouse where Joffrey's guards hold her hostage.
Propped on a stool in the corner of a Flea Bottom warehouse, Sandor Clegane assesses his surroundings. 
This was the extraction crew. A bunch of fucking women.
He recognized the scowling Dornishwoman’s voice from their earlier phone conversation, even before she introduced herself as “Obara.” She’s the most useful of the bunch: former Dornish Special Forces with experience in high-risk extraction missions. He recognizes the shadows behind her beady black eyes; she’s seen and done some dark shit. 
Good. She’d eat those Lannister stooges for breakfast. 
The others are another matter. 
If the brawny blonde bitch can carry her weight she might be worth a shit, but the eyes give her away. Too innocent. He doesn’t trust her to pull a trigger if it comes down to it. 
And Little Miss Corporate, the bossy Summer Islander. She’s obviously the ring leader but what the fuck’s she gonna do in her designer pumps and corporate attire but get them all killed? 
The other man in the group, a cocky twat with sandy hair, looks more at home on the cover of a fashion magazine than in the field. It turns out he’s responsible for the impressive array of weaponry laid out on the table in the middle of the warehouse. When he throws one of the long-range assault rifles over his shoulder, revealing what looks like military ink on one of his tanned forearms, Sandor realizes he’s the trigger man. 
He’d feel better about Pretty Boy if the asshole wasn’t so completely distracted by Little Miss Corporate.
Sandor knows that kind of distraction all too well. 
He didn’t even like Sansa Stark when she first started dating Joffrey. Couldn’t stand her. Their entire “courtship” was a step above a medieval-era arranged marriage, the way Sansa’s mother pushed her toward Joff as soon the two of them graduated from University. 
Dim-Witted Society Twat meets Entitled Cokehead Society Cunt, smiling for the cameras while living miserably ever after. A Westeros love story. 
Sansa just had to be more than meets the eye. A Society Twat who gave a shit about the wounded vets charity she worked with instead of using them to boost her image. A Society Twat who busted her ass as a journalist to prove that she was more than the lucky beneficiary of Westerosi nepotism. 
A Society Twat who had the fucking nerve to look like an angel on her wedding day. 
He was assigned to drive Sansa to the Sept of Baelor and when she walked out of that fucking house, white lace clinging to every curve of her Pilates-sculpted body, her gorgeous face surrounded by a mass of auburn ringlets that nearly blazed red in the King’s Landing sunshine, every part of his body seized; his head, his heart, his cock. She was so much more than Joffrey Baratheon deserved, more than the little prick could even handle if she ever stopped catering to his ego long enough to be her full self. 
“You’re a fucking idiot if you do this,” he grumbled once she was situated in the limo. “That little shit doesn’t give a fuck about anything but himself. He’ll make you fucking miserable.” 
And Sansa knew it. 
He saw it in her eyes through the rearview mirror. Ocean blue orbs clouded over with acknowledgment of the truth before she blinked it away. “Women marry difficult men every day. We love each other. We’ll figure it out like every couple does.” 
He called her a silly bird and told himself she deserved whatever she got. 
That didn’t stop him from worrying about her after that cunt Joffrey fired him. And when he got the call from Sphinx Consultants this morning, his worst suspicions about Joff’s cravenness and cruelty were confirmed.
The son of a bitch hurt her. 
The thought of Sansa trapped in that penthouse with those Lannister cunts—Trant and Blount, probably—makes his fists twitch as he tucks two Beretta M9s into his shoulder holster.
“Explain to me . . . ” Pretty Boy says as he watches Little Miss Corporate, who’s traded her office attire for one of the gray jumpsuits they’re all wearing.  “ . . . why aren't you waiting in the van?” 
The chill in the woman’s voice belies the fire in her eyes as she replies “Imagine thinking I have to explain anything to you.”
Those two need to find a corner and fuck it out. 
“Daemon, you’ll take the elevator and keep the hallway clear. I’ll lead Sarella into the unit to retrieve Sansa,” Obara says. “Clegane and Brienne can hash out where they’re going—”
“I’m going in,” Sandor insists before she can finish. 
Sarella nods. “Good idea. She trusts you. Seeing you will make her feel safe.” 
Not to mention Sandor’s not sure he’ll be able to breathe until he lays eyes on Sansa and sees that she’s okay. 
And if she isn’t? 
He’ll go to seven hells and take every Lannister lackey in the building with him.
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pennywaltzy · 1 year
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My Top Posts in 2022:
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From New York to London ~ A HooperStrange Fanmix (requested for @fandomtrumpshate)
Shirō Sagisu - Soundscape to Ardor | New York Jazz Lounge - All Of Me | INXS - What You Need | Marina and the Diamonds - Lonely Hearts Club | All Saints - Pure Shores | Madilyn Bailey - Something Just Like This | Eddi Reader - Nobody Lives Without Love | Kiris Houston - How Deep Is Your Love | Aphrodite - Be With Me [feat. Miss Bunty] | Lindsey Stirling & Tyler Ward - Some Kind Of Beautiful | Billie Eilish - Billie Bossa Nova | Cher - The Shoop Shoop Song (It’s In His Kiss) | Billy Joel - She’s Got A Way | Bleachers - Alfie’s Song (Not So Typical Love Song) | Linkin Park - In Between | Lorde - The Lourve | Prince with Sheena Easton - The Arms of Orion | Summer Walker - I’m Gonna Love You Just A Little More Baby | Bif Naked - Lucky (Guitar Mix)
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13 notes - Posted April 12, 2022
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Fic cover for “The Loskr” by @pkrosche.
Star Trek AOS; Kirk x Spock; rated Teen.
14 notes - Posted September 16, 2022
What Child Is This? -- SanSan
I’m stretching my fandom fingers into a new ship for a fandom I don’t really write much. @lareinadehades, you’ll have to tell me if this is any good. But I hope it is!
Their Christmas Miracle - Sandor Clegane II was born December 25th at 12:35 AM to Sandor Clegane and Sansa Stark, their very own Christmas miracle.
Sansa yawned and woke up, not quite comfortable in her hospital bed. She much preferred the bed she shared with her husband Sandor, but she had an excellent reason to be dozing in a hospital bed. She had been through eighteen hours of delivery to give birth to her son Sandor Clegane II at 12:35 on Christmas Day. He was the first child born in the hospital on Christmas, and so they had gotten quite a few gifts from the hospital staff, including things they needed and things they hadn’t thought of. Arya and Gendry had already taken the things they already had to an organization that could put them to good use.
Her family had crowded in the hospital waiting room and they had ooohed and ahhhed over Sandor II for hours before leaving her to get some well-deserved rest. Her husband had been allowed to stay in the room with her and the baby, and it was because of that that she woke up to Sandor softly singing “What Child Is This?” to their son. A smile crept on her face but she stayed quiet, taking in the sight.
When he was done singing, he noticed Sansa was awake and brought the baby to her. “Our Christmas miracle was a little fussy,” he said.
“You’re going to refer to him like that for the rest of your life, aren’t you?” she asked.
“Well, I was told as a lad I would never have children. He is a miracle.”
“Are you sure he’s not someone else’s?” she teased. He had never suspected her of cheating, even when she had shown him the pregnancy test. And she never had; she loved this mountain of a man far too much to go looking elsewhere for anything she might be missing.
“Sansa, I had low sperm count, not a vasectomy. It was always possible. We just had to try often enough.”
“And when I’m discharged and feeling better, we can try and give him a little sister.”
“I think I would enjoy that very much, Little Bird.” He leaned over and kissed her forehead before she got one of the prepared bottles to supplement with breastmilk to feed her son. Sandor sat on the edge of the bed and looked down, brushing back his son’s dark hair. She rather had hoped it would be red, but the nearly black hair suited a child who already looked so much like his father.
Sandor began humming the song he had just finished while she fed Sandor II, and she leaned back into the bed, comfortable and happy and knowing Christmas would be just a bit more special every year from now on.
16 notes - Posted July 7, 2022
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Teach me how to love ~ A The Hunger Games Fanfic Inspired Fanmix
Alan Walker - Faded | Billie Eilish - everything i wanted | Camila Cabello - Crying in the Club | Tal Bachman - She's so High | Ava Max - Take You To Hell | Coldplay - Hymn For The Weekend | Prince - Lemon Crush | The Glitch Mob - Between Two Points (feat. Swan) | Alessia Cara - Scars To Your Beautiful | John Legend - All of Me | Hannah V and Joe Rodwell - Diamonds | Tyler Ward & Lindsey Stirling - Some Kind of Beautiful
Download | 8tracks (TBA) | AO3
16 notes - Posted August 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
15. “My horoscope told me I would meet the love of my life next year.” “Then let’s meet up again after midnight.” -- Darcy/Loki
And a longer fic for my "Just Pieces On The Board" series, set more towards the beginning but after Darcy and Loki meet in the series.
Reunited (And It Feels So Good) - After nearly six months from their introduction, Loki returns to Darcy's life at Tony's New Year's Eve party.
Read @ AO3 | Buy Me A Coffee?
Darcy had to admit, even though it was just for the Avengers and the rest of those who lived in the tower, Tony Stark spared no expense for a party. She just wished things had been looking up for her and she wasn’t set to have a miserable year being alone. There had been a...thing with Loki in London, when the Avengers had chaperoned the politicians on the trip to Asgard. It was damn good sex, she’d freely admit it, but it was almost six months later and...nothing. Not that he had left her in bed alone, but he had left a few days later, ostensibly to go back to Asgard to take care of things with Thor.
Thor made trips back to see her and Jane. Loki didn’t. That was the difference.
What was it about him that drove her nuts, anyway? She couldn’t stop thinking about that week no matter how hard she tried. It was like he haunted her dreams or something.
She knocked back her glass of champagne and turned to get another one when she saw him and he saw her. It was like a homing missile; he made a beeline for her. “Loki…” she said.
He took her in his arms and kissed her as she’d never been kissed before: desperately, like she was nectar from the gods and he needed to taste her now. And she kissed him back...what else could she do? The kiss made her weak in the knees.
Finally, when she was almost on the brink of running out of breath, he pulled away, “I am sorry, Darcy. For everything.”
“That doesn’t sound good,” she said, wrinkling her brow.
“No, everything I did. Leaving without seeking you out again. Disappearing. But I can explain.”
“And you should. But you think you can let me stand up straight for a minute so I can get my bearings?”
He looked sheepish but he helped right her and then let go. His touch had been like fire, even though she knew he was part Frost Giant; the week they spent together just hadn’t been about great sex. It had been talking, too, and secret sharing, and maybe that was why it had hurt so much that he’d left her alone for so long.
“My apologies,” he said.
“It’s okay,” she replied. “Are you planning on staying for more than tonight?”
“Yes. Thor has arranged for us to stay here while Mother leads the Asgardians from Norway. Thor was taking care of most of the political discussions with her, while I was otherwise occupied.” He looked down. “I was traveling the realms, readying them for the disappearance of Asgard once the move to Earth has been completed, and with Sif’s help, making sure Earth remains neutral in dealing with those realms. The politician Mother has taken a shining to was traveling with us.”
“That’s news to me,” Darcy said.
“He’s...interesting, I suppose. Mother still mourns Odin Allfather, but I believe she may make the politician her consort in the future.”
“Which politician was it?”
“Mycroft Holmes,” Loki said. A waiter came by with a tray of champagne and Loki took two flutes, handing one to Darcy. “Yes, I realize that will make me related to an Earth family if it happens, but he is not the worst person. His brother came with us, as did the S.H.I.E.L.D. member of the family. It was an interesting time.”
“Well, that explains why Coulson was here so much,” she said, taking a sip of her champagne. “I just figured he missed Thor’s witty repartee.”
“No, we were traveling in less civilized realms, and also less technologically advanced ones. Passing details to Thor and Mother took time and effort. But the business is finished, and I can start my life here on Earth and in New York City soon. My apartment here should be ready tomorrow, Stark said.”
“Wait. You’re staying here here? In Avengers Tower?” He nodded and she grinned. “I’ll have to bake you a welcome home gift.”
“You could just stay in bed with me for another week,” he said. “Unless my absence quelled those flames?”
She set her glass down and pulled at Loki’s tie. “I haven’t really stopped seeing you in my dreams. I just thought it meant less to you.”
“Darcy, it meant more to me than you could have realized,” he said, sliding his hands to her waist as the host of the party said it was five minutes to midnight. “You haven’t been far from my thoughts as well.”
“I really should slap you for going so long without contacting me, but my horoscope told me I would meet the love of my life next year.”
“Then let’s meet up again after midnight,” he said.
“Or we could just leave the party and bring in the new year in the privacy of my apartment,” she murmured.
See the full post
18 notes - Posted January 28, 2022
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hollowwhisperings · 3 years
ASOIAF ships & canonical ages + context (edited with corrections): Starks & Friends Edition.
NedCat wed in 282 AC, aged 19 & 18. They were nearing their 17th wedding anniversary prior to Lannister Intervention. Catelyn had never seen Ned prior to their wedding (though the same is not said of him).
NedBert: Ned & Robert fostered together in the Vale, at ages 8 & 9 respectively. Ned lived in the Vale until he was 16, thereafter splitting his time between it & Winterfell. Funnily enough, both are of age with brothers of the other: Robert & Brandon both born in 282 AC, Ned & Stannis the year after (though Stannis is dated as being born in 284, not 283).
Cat/Uncle Brandon: Catelyn was betrothed at 12 to Brandon Stark (14~16). They met several times, including in 282 AC when she was 18 & he 20.
At the Tourney of Harrenhal in 281 AC, Brandon Stark was 19, Ned was 18, Lyanna 15, & Benjen 14.
Howland Reed was 21~24 at the Harrenhal Tourney in 281 AC & Ashara Dayne was 21 or in her late teens¹.
Robb/Jeyne Westerling: King Robb wed his one-night stand in 299AC, both of them 16-ish.
Roslin Frey was 16/17 when betrothed first to King Robb & then to his uncle Edmure. Edmure Tully was 24~35 at the Red Wedding.
Robb/Margaery Tyrell: Queen Marge is almost 17 & (had he lived) Robb would be too.
Robb/Dany: the 16-year old Queen-by-Conquest was born scantly a year later than the Young Wolf.
Robb/Arianne Martell: Princess Arianne is 7 years Robb's senior, currently 23/24.
Throbb: Theon was 10 when Lord Stark brought his War home with him (again). Robb & Jon were about 6, Sansa 2, & Arya newly born.
Robb/Dacey Mormont: Dacey was Lady Mormont's eldest daughter, her age estimated as being [22~48] when killed in 299 AC alongside her 16-year old King.
Robb/Myrcella: Princess Myrcella was 6~8 years old when she met the Starklings at Winterfell. She was soon smitten with Robb, then-14 & probably oblivious.
Sansa/Joffrey: Joffrey and Sansa were of an age with each other, being 12 & 11 respectively when first betrothed. Sansa was soon besotted [with the idea of Joffrey], despite earlier being smitten that same year with the youngest son of Lord Yohn Royce (Waymar, on his way to join the Night's Watch & Killed By Prologue).
Sansa/Willas Tyrell: when Margaery spoke of betrothing Sansa to her eldest brother, Sansa was 12 & Willas 21~25. Ser Loras Tyrell, whom Sansa had a crush on, was closer in age at 16 or so.
Sansa/Margaery Tyrell: they met when Sansa was 12, Margaery 15/16.
Sansa & Tyrion Lannister: the two were forcibly wed, she was 12 & he was 25. Tyrion was first wed at 13, eloping with the equally 13 & besotted "Tysha" & living with her for two weeks. There are Differences between these two marriages that should be Obvious.
Sansa & Robert Arryn: the cousins were betrothed by Lady Lysa but Lord Baelish swiftly prevented such a match² by claiming Sansa as "his bastard daughter". Despite this, 8-year old Robert has both proposed to & kissed "Alayne" (who is 13, not 14).
Sansa/Harrold Hardyng: "Alayne" & Harry the Heir have been betrothed in TWoW, aged "14" & ~19 respectively³.
Sansa/"Aegon Targaryen": Sansa is currently 13 & the son of Princess Elia by Rhaegar Targaryen would be 18 in 300 AC.
JonSa: 17 & 13. Jon has technically "known" Sansa since Lady Catelyn was pregnant with her, the two "meeting" soon after Sansa's birth. They grew up together but at a greater distance than the other Starklings, Sansa following her Lady Mother's example with Jon & Theon both.
"Lemoncakes": Dany is currently 16 & Sansa is 13.
Sansa/Margaery: they became friends at ages 12 & ~16. They will be 14 & 17 by the end of 300 AC.
SanSan: Sandor Clegans met Sansa when she was 11, during his time as Prince Joffrey's "dog". Sandor was 27/28 at the time. In her time as a Lannister hostage, Sandor (& the absent Ser Jaime) was the only Kingsguard who never beat her and he protected her when he could. Sandor, when drunk or strongly emotional, found himself [enamoured] with Sansa (or, at least, what she Represented) but never acted on this as Literally Everyone Else did & continue to do. Sandor called Sansa "Little Bird" and so reminded himself that, Maiden Fair she may be, she was but a child⁴.
Petyr Baelish is currently 31/32. He has been obsessed with Lady Catelyn Tully since their shared childhood, where Catelyn was the most senior in their playgroup (4-5 years his elder). In 12-year old Sansa, Petyr deluded himself in thinking he could have both the woman who [rejected him] & "their" child together. He actively attempts to court his step-niece & parent her, sometimes at the same time.
Theon/Sansa: Theon was 10 when he first met Sansa, aged 2. He is now 22 & she 13. In his early years as Ned Stark's "ward", Theon dreamed that he would be adopted into the Stark family by marrying Sansa.
Sansa/Podrick Payne: both will turn 14 in 300 AC (assuming Podrick survived his encounter with Sansa's Mother). They have never met.
Sansa & Jeyne Poole have been close friends throughout their shared childhood at Winterfell. They are only a year apart, being 13 & 14 respectively. Sansa is unaware of the role Lord Baelish had in Jeyne (& their younger friend Beth Cassel)'s "Disappearing".
Mya Stone is King Robert Baratheon's eldest known bastard at 19. Lady Myranda Royce is ? They both believe Alayne Stone is 14.
Gendrya: Gendry met the boy he soon guessed was a girl when he was ~14 & she 9/10. Gendry's "abandonment" of Arya (to be a knight in the Brotherhood Without Banners) was the last loss that prompted Arya's flight from Westeros. Gendry is the (oblivious) eldest son of King Robert who yet lives. He will soon be 16 & has somehow remained ignorant of his heritage despite meeting his father at least twice, being separately inspected by two Lord Hands, being idly propositioned by his half-sister Bella Rivers (fortunately rejected) as she explained her name & parentage, and being mistaken as Renly Baratheon (Robert's very visually similar younger brother) by Brienne of Tarth. In Gendry's defense, Arya seemed oblivious too & had more "clues" available to her.
Arya/"Hot Pie": Hot Pie was the only other friend of Arya who, along with she & Gendry, survived their entire escape from King's Landing (Weasel's Fate is Unknown). Hot Pie "abandoned" Arya before Gendry, staying on at a crossroads inn as a baker. His age (& actual name) are unknown: it can possibly be assumed that he is closer to Arya in age than Gendry, perhaps 9~13.
Arya/Edric Storm: currently 11 & 13, respectively. They have never actually met.
Arya/Ned Dayne: they met when Ned was 12 & Arya 10. Little Ned Dayne was last seen squiring with a recently rekilled Ser Beric Dondarrion. Arya's mislike of Ned Dayne's beliefs on his namesake, Arya's Father, having loved a woman other than Arya's Mother inspired Arya to mimic the same prejudices against Dornishmen held by many of her most hated enemies (Tywin & Cersei Lannister, to name 2).
Arya/Dany: Arya is now 11 & Queen Daenerys 16.
BranJen: when Jojen first met the "winged wolf" of his Dreams, said Wolf was about 8 years old. Jojen was 12/13.
Bran/Meera Reed: 9-year old Bran currently believes himself in love with the 17-year old Meera Reed, the only human female in shared geography. Meera is more concerned with her little brother's declining mental health.
Bran/Shireen Baratheon: Shireen is of age with Arya, making her some 2 years senior to Bran.
Rickon/Shireen: Rickon is 4, Shireen is 11.
Jon Snow/Ygritte: their torrid affair began when Jon was 16 & Ygritte 18-ish.
Jonerys: Jon died aged 17. Dany is currently 16.
Jon/Tormund: Tormund's age is unspecified but, given that he has at least 4 fighting-aged sons & at least 1 contentedly married daughter... even assuming his sons were born to different mothers, Tormund could be no younger than his mid-30's & is more probably in his 40's.
Jon/Val "the Wildling Princess": Val could be anywhere between her late teens to her early 30's. She is, at least, closer in age to Jon than Melissandre.
JonSatin: just two teens, scandalizing what little polite society exists at The Wall by being Lord Commander & the Steward-and-Squire thereof. Satin describes himself as "18": Jon describes Satin as "pretty [like a girl]".
Jon/Samwell Tarly: these best-friends are of age with each other, both born in 283 AC.
Sam/Gilly: 17 & 16-18, as of 300 AC.
Thramsay: Theon is 22 & Ramsay is at least 18.
Theon/Jeyne Poole: they are 22 & 14, as of TWoW.
Walder of Winterfell/Meera Reed: "Hodor" is no younger than 17, being Meera's own age or older.
Ser Jaime Lannister met Ned Stark when they were 17 & 19, respectively. Ned entered the Red Keep's great hall and found Ser Jaime sat upon the Iron Throne, Aerys II's corpse between them. It was the "Honourable" Ned Stark's disapproval of him that wounded Jaime "first" & most bitterly upon his becoming "the Kingslayer" [of a Mad King].
Brienne was 18 when she swore her sword to the widowed Lady Catelyn (~35).
Braime: Jaime was ~32 & Brienne 18 when they first met. She will be turning 20 in 300 AC & he 34.
Jaime/Lysa Tully: the two were nearly betrothed in their early teens (they were born in the same year or Lysa within the 2 years after). When Jaime was sent from his squiring at Crake Hall to "deliver an important message" to Riverrun, however, he had greater interest in Lysa's Great-Uncle Brynden than in Lysa herself.
Ser Brynden "the Blackfish" Tully would have been in his 20's when a 12~14 year old Jaime met him & thought him a Hero. The Blackfish is estimated to now be 44~47 & he alone escaped Ser Jaime's breaking the Siege of Riverrun.
Jaime & Lyanna Stark were another hypothetical match, in their youth, also being of age with each other. The only opportunity either Lannister twin had to meet Lyanna was when all three were 15 & at Harrenhal. Both Lannisters were sent away prior to the Tourney proper, however, to separate destinations though [Lyanna] was mistaken for Jaime during [her] stint as "Knight of the Laughing Tree"... prompting Prince Rhaegar's Search for the Mystery Knight at his Father's Paranoid Demands & his instead finding Lyanna.
Ser Arthur Dayne knighted Jaime when the latter was 15. Arthur was no younger than 21 at the time, his exact age is unspecified.
Prince Rhaegar was ~23 when he left a 17-year old Jaime as the sole protector of his wife & small children: they & Jaime were all hostages, afterall (though Rhaegar only admitted to Jaime's being one).
Princess Elia would have been 24~26 (& pregnant) when she met Ser Jaime as a newly appointed Kingsguard. They had met years earlier, when Jaime was 7 or so, when the Ruling Princess of Dorne took her teenaged daughter & son to Casterly Rock.
Prince Oberyn joined his mother & sister in their Tour of Westeros, likely expecting to be betrothed to the late Joanna Lannister's only daughter. They met again, both of them grown men (Oberyn ~41 & Jaime ~32), upon Brienne's returning Ser Jaime to King's Landing.
Jaime/Addam Marbrand: Addam is possibly Jaime's best friend, having first befriended each other as children while Addam was a page at Casterly Rock. They are likely of age with each other, give or take a few years, putting Addam in his early 30's.
Jaime/Ser Ilyn Payne: Ilyn has become Jaime's preferred "confidant", after his estrangement with his siblings & his sending Brienne on [their] quest. This is due to Ser Ilyn's inability to break Jaime's confidence, being both illiterate & without his tongue. Thusly is Ilyn able to safekeep Jaime's new clumsiness with a sword & his Relations with his sister (willingly or otherwise). Ser Ilyn is in his late 30's, at minimum⁵, more probably in his 40's & possibly even his mid-50's.
¹Ashara being any younger than 16 in 281 AC makes it ??? that anyone could believe her the mother of "Ned's Bastard": it would also make it really, really weird that a then-45 year old Barristan Selmy would think himself in love with her. Assuming her death was faked, Ashara would be 35~40 as of 300 AC.
²Lysa suggested the betrothal but Petyr prevented it by claiming Sansa as "his bastard daughter" (& thus "unsuited" for Lord Arryn). Petyr's "protecting" Sansa "incidentally" prevented Sansa from gaining genuine allies as her cousin's betrothed or in her own right as "Ned Stark & Catelyn Tully's daughter".
Lady Catelyn was, of course, kin to Lady Lysa: she was also the niece of the Blackfish & had been the Lady of Winterfell, a trusted ally from a neighbouring kingdom, for nearing 2 decades.
Ned Stark, meanwhile, would be well-remembered by the Vale not only as Warden of the North but for his fostering in the Vale from age 8 to 16 (oft visiting it thereafter): many of the Lords in the Vale saw Ned grow up as their Lord's surrogate son, others growing up alongside him.
When Ned called for aid, his House thrice-betrayed by its King & with yet more being demanded from him, as King Aerys II demanded the heads of his foster-father & brother too? The Vale followed their Lord & Ned Stark to war gladly, certain of the justice in his cause.
Lady Lysa's keeping the Vale from aiding Ned's son against the Crown, in circumstances all too similar to his Lord Father's before him (both his sisters "taken", his brother [nearly] murdered, his father wrongfully executed: his remaining family at threat)? The Vale Lords were displeased, Lady Lysa's decision controversial to her vassals. Lysa's own Uncle, the Vale's Knight of the Bloody Gate, resigned his post in protest of this order (though not for any love of Ned, whom he misliked for the existence of Jon Snow): the Tully Words name "Family" before all else.
It should additionally be noted that Houses Waynwood, Corbray & Templeton may all boast a Stark ancestress: Ned's Great-Aunt Jocelyn wed a Ser Royce, their three daughters marrying into those three Vale Houses. The current heads of these Houses all signed on as Lords Declarant, protesting the Regency assumed by Petyr Baelish.
Lord Yohn Royce, leader of these Lords Declarant, was friendly with Ned & likely fought alongside him in war: he had sparred with Lord Stark in his visit to Winterfell, not too long prior to AGOT, as he took his youngest son to serve at The Wall.
If the Vale Lords had known Sansa's true identity, she would have easily found support: she may well have "gained" loyalty simply for her Name & Circumstances, no betrothal to her young cousin required.
For Petyr's "hiding" of Sansa, the Knights of the Vale did not aid Riverrun as it was besieged nor when its Tully Lord was taken captive to Casterly Rock. For Petyr's "stalling" in revealing Sansa's identity, an 11-year old Arya Stark believed herself entirely alone in Westeros and so abandoned it. For Petyr's Lies, Sansa's entire family was separated from AGOT & into TWoW: Sansa's greatest danger in the Vale has ever been Petyr Baelish, as much as he claims otherwise.
³This post was revised in August '23 due to Errors regarding Sansa & Harrold Hardyng: I had mistaken the age of "Alayne" as being true of Sansa too. Littlefinger aged Sansa up for his own purposes. The accidental aging up of Harrold Hardyng by a decade was, however, mine own fault. Sorry, Harry!
⁴Sansa misremembers her last meeting with Sandor Clegane as ending with a kiss: in troth, Sandor bade her to sing him a song at knifepoint & she held his wounded cheek (seemingly prompted by seeing him cry). There were several instances where Sandor threatened or otherwise implied Sansa with Harm but, given her treatment by most everyone else, Sandor's never acting on such words or thoughts made him a hero to Sansa ever after (mostly After).
⁵Tyrion notes being "too young" to remember a Ser Ilyn who could Speak. Cersei, Renly & Joffrey date Ser Ilyn's Silencing as taking place "14 years" ago. Ser Ilyn Payne was an active knight in service to Aerys II, his tongue cut during the reign of Tywin Lannister as Lord Hand. That makes Ser Ilyn at least 18-or-so in 2
#ASOIAF shipping#valyrianscrolls#Fandom Resources#House Stark#Fandom Math#revised August '23#accidentally went on a Rant about why baelish is squick#accidentally became less squicked by sansan#rare pairs#it is unsurprisingly difficult to keep track of ages & passed time in a series of multiple POV books thick enough to wield meanacingly#it does not help that the setting's only real calendar system is “x years since aegon the conquerer happened” or “y years of summer”#dennoting years by how long a season is is unhelpful when seasons are nonconsistent in length#i blame the maesters#starklings#i tried to give only context without judgement but sometimes a character is literally 4 right now#& at other times ASOIAF is grim enough for weird options to be the least horrible#rhaegar-critical#anti-baelish#i forget whether i tag the oathkeepers as braime or wenchslayer#the joke is that oaths being impossible to keep is a Theme & Plot Point#this features some of my crackships but is mostly just common ships or politically relevant ones#i consider jaime & brienne to be honorary starks for their foreshadowed wielding of ice in service to the stark sisters#atm jaime is still terrible with one-handed swordwork & widow's wail is probs hanging on the wall of tommen's nursery#sometimes you can really tell that a timeskip was supposed to have happened & that its not happening has created unintented awkwardness#i am not actually a shipper of sansa & sweetrobin i'm just annoyed at how politically useful betrothing them could have been#politics in asoiaf#cw childbrides
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maroucia · 3 years
Sansan Russian Roulette, summer 2021: the fills!
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Here’s all the fills with links for the SanSan Russian Roulette 2021. Thanks everyone for your participation! 😄
Links under the cut!
1. Meet Me In The Moonlight Author: Fleurdeplume: “Dusk. Secret meetings. Stolen kiss. Sansa looks like a little bird but deep down, she's a wolf.” (Prompt from Lysae).
2. Broken Like Me Author: TheImmaculateBastard: “Inspired by a tweet, "I don't know what just happened, but I was at an animal shelter before work and a toddler walked in, pointed to me, and said “I want that one”. His mother looked at me and said “you can’t have that, that’s a grown man”” (Prompt from Lorel).
3. The Eyes Have It Author: Jadedelcinismo: “Sansa is in love with Sandor and is jealous of someone in his life. Canon/AU, your choice.” (Prompt from Missy-1978).
4. A Long Time Coming Author: Vermilion_Sunrise: “Sandor tucks Sansa in bed after her first day as Queen in the North.” (Prompt from Prettybadmagic).
5. Russian Roulette Author: Meganfence: “Fight, argument or other disagreement. Open to interpretation, minor or major.” (Prompt from Redbirdblackdog).
6. One Picture Author: Sharkaria: “Sandor discovers he's got a good eye for photography. He fills his time taking pictures of his urban landscape, until he spies a Little Bird Muse...” (Prompt from Glamgrowl).
7. The Season Author: Missy-1978: “Kinda stole this from the Discord, but I love a forced marriage trope! Maybe Sansa got left at the altar and Sandor steps in last minute. Or a role reversal where she has to marry him to save his honor. Something fun and unexpected, can be modern or set in GOT world.” (Prompt from Atomic-bomb-shell).
8. 𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓐𝓻𝓮 𝓒𝓸𝓻𝓭𝓲𝓪𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝓘𝓷𝓿𝓲𝓽𝓮𝓭... Author: TailBobSquid: “Jumanji AU - either a game that they are playing comes to life or they get sucked into a game that they are playing.” (Prompt from ReadyReaderOne).
9. Magic Act! Author: Prettybadmagic: “Sandor is going to do it. He's going to do the kiss your best friend challenge. The friend he just happens to have been in love with since day one.” (Prompt from Islandida).
10. You should meet my Sister Author: Glamgrowl: “Feel good and funny modern au where all Starks are alive and well. Sansa makes the first move on Sandor even though she's not sure she's his type as he is much older and works a blue collar job. (Please no Joffrey bashing) Cameos from other Starks would be awesome but not necessary.” (Prompt from Rayne).
11. better days (just around the corner) Author: Glitterswitch: “Bakery/coffee shop AU Stranger is Sandor’s service animal.” (Prompt from OrangeTabby).
12. A Thin Line Author: LittleWolfBird: “Sandor joins the Stark family traveling circus when he sees a casting call for "freaks." Bonus points for Sansa on trapeze or tightrope.” (Prompt from GlitterGoth114).
13. Feels Like Spring Author: Diverse.lorde: “Sansa playing her high harp (or other instrument) and singing a song that she wrote about/for Sandor.” (Prompt from Neleam).
14. Going Viral Author: Lysae: “Sandor finds out Sansa made him TikTok famous after a video of him goes viral: Sansa: hey can I have x/can we go to y? Sandor: no. Sansa, in a sweet voice: pretty please? Sandor, huffing: fine (Daddy on the end of pretty please would be lovely, but if Daddy Sandor isn’t your thing, no problem).” (Prompt from TailBobSquid).
15. The Package Author: OrangeTabby: “Mafia AU, fancy party. Dominant Sandor, thirsty Sansa Sandor in a suit, hand tattoos, creeping neck tattoo, whiskey - Sansa thirsting.” (Prompt from Meganfence).
16. I Wonder That Too, Ser Chirrup Author: Neleam: “Sanson Stark has always been the dutiful yet idealist second son of House Stark. Sandra Clegane is a Silent sister who has been disappointed by the very songs she once admired. A knight of the Seven and a handmaiden of the Stranger unexpectedly find comfort in each other.” (Prompt from Jadedelcinismo).
17. Good Girl Author: Redbirdblackdog: “Sansa gets her first tattoo by none other than the famous tattoo artist "The Hound". When she's in pain, she exhales slowly and Sandor says, "Good girl". Sexual tension ensues. (This prompt was inspired by a meme.)” (Prompt from Thequeen--in--thenorth).
18. Ever the Same Author: Thequeen--in--thenorth: “Following a tumultuous few years, Sansa has spent every penny she's ever earned on a quiet cottage, surrounded by forest and wildlife. Not long after moving, a strange man appears in the pond near her home, half-alive and unable to remember anything about himself except his name: Sandor.” (Prompt from Suzi).
19. Closure's Overrated Author: Atomic-bomb-shell: “Crust punk modern AU. Sandor is a crustie squatting in the backyard of an abandoned house. Sansa is a friendly neighbor who offers him a warm meal and access to her laundry room.” (Prompt from Diverse.lorde).
20. All Because of a Little Bird Author: Lorel: “Sansa manages a gallery in King’s Landing. After storming out of a fight with her boyfriend, she drives off into the countryside. That’s when she sees the most amazing art behind some dusty glass in a car repair shop. Now all she has to do is convince the artist, Sandor, to do a show at her gallery.” (Prompt from Vermilion_Sunrise).
21. Caught Author: GlitterGoth114: “Walked in on. Caught in the act. "Can opened, worms everywhere." (Prompt from TheImmaculateBastard).
22. Unanswered Author: Islandida: “Robb comes home from war with a big loyal man behind him. Sansa never thought she'd see her brother again let alone *him*. Modern au or canon.’’ (Prompt from LittleWolfBird).
23. Hajime (To Begin) Author: Rayne: “Modern AU: After finally getting out of an unhappy/controlling relationship with Joffrey that desecrated her self-worth, Sansa enrolls for self-defence classes with martial arts Master Clegane, who proceeds to build up her self esteem and fighting skills while the two fight their mutual attraction.” (Prompt from Fleurdeplume).
24. Thig crìoch air an t-saoghal, ach mairidh gaol Author: Suzi: “Prompt submission -- passionate time travel.” (Prompt from Sharkaria).
25. His flame Author: ReadyReaderOne: “Sansa leaves with the Hound that night. Their journey thru Westeros is loosely similar - Arya, Twins, etc. They find Elder Brother to help Sandor. After healing, all 3 head for Braavos, and the Dragon Queen. Lots of friendship/bonding b/t all 3; both defend Sandor from Dany. Devoted sansan, HEA!’’ (Prompt from Glitterswitch).
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stonehelm asked:
Hi Butterfly! What are some of your favorite scenes of Sandor and Sansa, either together or separately? Hope you’re well! -Stonehelm
Oooh, does all of ACOK count? LOL, sorry, but you’ve hit the unfortunate “never ask me favorites, I can never decide” question. Um. Let me think…
Together… I really love the roof of Maegor’s Holdfast scene. Maybe it’s because, unlike the Blackwater scene (which I also deeply love), there’s less talking around and more talking to. It’s so… raw, and honest? Sansa drops the armor of her courtesies and the fearful pretenses of a hostage (mostly) and they have an actual conversation? And, like, Sansa actually asks this man, an adult warrior and nominal enemy, if he’s not afraid of death or going to hell??? She says he’s awful to his face. And he threatens her and acts like an asshole as usual, but she’s not afraid (she’s experienced Joffrey, she’s experienced the other KG, she’s experienced the mob), and comes away from it wishing Dontos could be as ferocious? Days later she’s praying for Sandor and thinking he’d never let any harm come to her? It’s just fascinating, truly. Not to mention how it begins, with him making sure she’s not going to jump, again checking her mental health like in the Serpentine scene. Plus the way she refuses to back down from her belief in true knights despite his “honest” words? augh, just. augh.
But I also love the Serpentine scene (with Sandor drunk and honest, too honest, telling the story of the three dogs that died in the yellow of autumn grass, and Florian and Jonquil, and songs, and “taller too, almost” and everything). And of course the Battle of the Blackwater. And of course the Hand’s Tourney scene. And the wallwalk scene. And the mob scene. And everything, truly.
Separately… for Sansa, my number one favorite would have to be the snowcastle scene (oh jeez I have 11 pages of tagged posts now lol), but also especially the ice bridge from the Eyrie scene. And the scenes at LF’s keep. And so much of her second chapter of AFFC ( “would I had wings as well” and figuring out LF’s plots and the Harrenhal discussion and everything). And the parts of the Blackwater that don’t involve Sandor. So, so much.
For Sandor… under a tree by the banks of the Trident (7 pages there!), naturally. But also especially the Brotherhood trial and the flaming sword fight with Beric. And the RW scenes and the ferry scene before that. And everything involving these scenes. And also especially (though Sandor isn’t actively in this scene), the Elder Brother’s eulogy, and the tiny little scenes with the gravedigger. And, and… well, I warned you about me and favorites, didn’t I. ;)
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