#pretty much all of them are rather dark and/or contain ships that I'm not really into; I'd probably just get sad reading them
creature-wizard · 1 year
People can, of course, go from Wicca to some form of Satanic spirituality, but William "Bill" Schnoebelen claimed that Wicca was actually created to recruit naive spiritual seekers and gradually indoctrinate them into the beliefs of a worldwide Satanic conspiracy.
In Wicca: Satan's Little White Lie, he tries to present himself as an innocent man seduced into dark powers, but the way he actually talks about himself, it sounds more like he just wanted power and would go along with pretty much anything so long as it seemed to offer more power.
So now he's claiming that Wiccans who desired "more wisdom" would be taught that the Horned God was actually Lucifer, and from there be led into LaVeyan Satanism, and from there, be led into "hardcore" satanism; IE, conspiracy theory satanism.
He claims that:
The man who was my immediate superior was a strange, but powerful satanist from Chicago with all sorts of connections in politics and industry. I was amazed at the people of power I would meet at the sabbats.
I figured I had it made and my ship was finally coming in. I signed a pact in my own blood with Satan. He received complete control of my body and soul. In return, I got seven years of whatever I desired: money, sex, drugs or power! It could all be mine!
Familiar fairy tale trope is familiar, lol
Then, Schnoebelen claims that he'd sent a check in to the Church of Satan, and it came back with the words "I'll be praying for you in Jesus's name" written on it. And apparently he knows it's a woman's handwriting because it was "delicate and feminine."
And then he claims:
Within days, things began to happen. I lost my job, my wife got sick, I got sick, and my satanic mentor, so powerful and self-assured, got in a serious truck accident and ended up in the hospital with grievous abdominal injuries. His previously limitless supply of money from California dried up, and I was effectively cut off from all my powerful new contacts.
I'm sorry... what? That's... that's awfully vicious behavior for the deity who's supposed to have the moral high ground, my dude. Are you saying that all this lady did was pray for you, and God just chose violence?
Later, Schnoebelen claims:
Much of my personal story as contained in chapter one is radically different from the current public relations image being promoted in the media by witches and Neo-Pagans.
Like the PR material for any deceptive religious cult, they wish to present as positive an image as possible. They deal in non-issues rather than the central points which really matter in an eternal perspective.
Goddamnit, this is another one of those things where the Christians act offended because the people who aren't Christian don't subscribe to the whole "you need a savior to save you from your sins" thing, isn't it?
Anyway, Schnoebelen quotes Laurie Cabot's list of Witches' Do's and Don'ts, and proceeds to gripe and complain that witches aren't actually morally pure as all that.
Again, we're dealing with a relatively new spiritual movement where people are bound to make idealistic statements that won't hold up upon meeting the complexity of the real world, or that people just won't always live up to because people aren't perfect. And quite frankly, Christianity is no different; y'all have your high-minded ideals, but in the day-to-day you make a lot of concessions and compromises. And you have to, because your survival depends on it. You can't always give your boss your "honest opinion," and it's not prudent to give away everything you own.
What about magic? As I mentioned in my own story, the ethics get a bit nebulous when you decide if you’re going to heal someone without their permission, or do a love spell on a person without their knowledge. You see, this is all so vague it is meaningless. Suppose you have a relative with Alzheimer’s disease. Would it be alright to put a spell on him to kill him and “put him out of his misery?”
Some witches would say yes, others would say no. To whom do we turn to settle these things? In some older witch traditions, being a homosexual was a “no-no,” yet other newer witch groups celebrate “gayness.” Did they get a direct line from the “Universal Law” to change the rules? Is it alright to cheat on your “lady?” If she doesn’t know, she isn’t harmed, is she? You see how misguided and useless this kind of ethical system is? It allows for all manner of exploitation and evil, and believe me - I knew some awfully selfish and exploitative “Wiccans” in my day. One of them stole my high priestess’ wedding and engagement rings!
Man, if only there were people who ask these hard questions and search for ways to deal with these issues without appealing to a higher authority... if only people had been interested in wrangling such things since ancient times... if only there were such things as philosophers and ethicists... if only...
By the way, Bill, if Christians are supposed to be all loving and harmless, is it correct to pray for someone knowing that your god might likely inflict violence on them? Is that really any better or different than straight-up siccing a violent demon on them?
And then Bill claims this about the Threefold Law:
For example, if you perceive that someone has injured you in some fashion, either magically or physically, you have the “right” by Witch Law to hurt him three times worse. What often happens is that witches are injured in some real or imagined way and believe they have the right to hex the offending person three times worse!
This is literally not what the Threefold Law is about. The Threefold Law is one of those kinda culturally Christian "what goes around, comes around" kind of deals. Retaliation isn't supposed to be necessary because the universe will supposedly hurt the original dickbag three times worse.
He claims that a young woman stole the HP's jewelry, and the HP "invoked the law of three" and supposedly, the young woman fell down a stairs and was paralyzed from the neck down:
We did not curse her and say, “Goddess, make her fall down a flight of stairs and be paralyzed.” We just invoked this “Law” upon her. To end up a paralytic for life for ripping off jewelry is a bit severe. This was done when I believed I was a “white” witch and would never have considered cursing someone or seeking power from the devil.
Dude... may I remind you of what you claimed happened when Bank Lady prayed to Jesus? Literally how are Christians any better, in your reckoning?
Schnoebelen claims that magical fights will inevitably escalate and may I remind you, Schnoebelen, that Evangelical Christians see themselves as being in the middle of a spiritual war, waged against everyone who isn't like them. You, Schnoebelen, apparently believe it's justified for Christians to pray to Jesus to inflict violence on anyone who isn't a Christian. The crowd you're appealing to prays for horrible things to happen to everyone they've made their enemies every day. The crowd you're appealing to thought AIDS was God's punishment on the gays.
You don't have the moral ground you want everyone to think you have.
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lieutenantselnia · 2 years
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Cold Eyes (Dark Rey x Reader) [Part 12]
Summary: After Rey opened up with you she is still conflicted with your words and you discover an even softer yet passionate side of her.
Words: 3, 250
Warning: slight smut, not descriptive. And not really good to be honest. awful to be honest
A/N: why did this take me so long? And why is it easier to write smut without fearing screwing the plot? Idk but enjoy. Please pretend you didn't know this was coming.
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No nightmares. For the first time in a very long time there were no terrifying images hunting you in your sleep, no painful screams rumbling in your ears, no the dreadful pain that came after. The nightmares were gone, all thanked to the woman who originally caused and starred them. Instead of hurt you like it always happened in your dreams she held your body in a delicate and protective way that allowed you to have some rest, real rest in months.
But now her warmth was gone, leaving you alone under the cold sheets. Half asleep you searched for her on the other side of the bed finding only the memories of the previous night. It was still hard to believe she was there talking with you just like the old times and it made a warm sensation filled your body.
“I see you’re already awake.” you heard Rey said while you were finishing getting ready for a new day in Mustafar. She was on the doorway with a soft smile on her lips.
“Sorry, I know we had training this morning” you told her “Won’t happen again.”
“No, it’s fine. Don’t worry” she said “I had some… work to do anyways.” she said as her eyes darted at her hands, you didn't need to ask what she was talking about you knew what she did. “I have a tactical meeting, can you come with me?” she asked.
“I’m not sure your generals want me there.” you said to her “Specially Hux.”
“I don’t care if they don’t want you, I want you. And you’re my apprentice, therefore they should respect you as much as me.” she told you and you smiled for a moment “I’m going to make sure they understand that. Now, come on.” she told you offering you a hand and after a brief moment you took it.
"Okay" you murmured.
How strange was it to hold her hand as you walked through the dark hallways of the fortress. It seemed so childish in this time of war, and yet it was a really simple action that denoted such affection, you liked it.
Eventually you made it to the meeting room where at least a dozen of generals and commanders waited patiently for their leader, some of them shivered in fear when they saw her stepping into the room. She let go of you to take her place in the head of the table but pointed one of the chairs for you to use.
“Shall we begin?” she said rather serious, a woman stood on her feet and activated the hologram table that revealed a system, some planets had the First Order’s on them, their conquest probably.
Across the table you felt an intense glance laying on you. General Hux stayed focused on you, watching your every move, his green stare letting you know how much he distrusted you. When he noticed your the killer stare you gave him back he grinned at you before he turned his attention back to the matters the meeting was discussing.
It was already night when you headed to your room, hoping to have a rest after the long and tedious day, already wondering if Rey would come this time just like she did the day before but probably not, you haven’t seen her after the meeting, she was out on a mission or so she told you moments before you saw her disappearing into a dark ship.
As you approached to your room you noticed a couple of stormtroopers waiting for you outside the door. They rose their weapons as a greeting, the same way they greet a general or even the Supreme Leader herself when they saw you. One of them spoke before you could asked them something.
“Supreme Leader asked us to take you to your new quarters, Miss.” the female voice under the helmet. It was still very strange for you to be treated as a superior, specially by the troopers that you used to fight.
“Why’s that?” you asked perplexed.
“We don’t know, Miss. Just following orders.” the other trooper, a voice that sound rather like a teenage boy told you.
“Lead the way.” you said to him and both of them started to march guiding you to your new room, why? You expected a cell, you’ve been in one before and you stayed there for a quite amount of time but there was a reason way. Now, now was different, you didn't know why would she wanted to change your room or where. This was nothing compared with what you expected as the troopers stopped in front of Rey’s personal chambers.
The soldiers gave you a small bow with their heads before leaving you in front of the big heavy metal hatch that opened slowly before you.
“Y/N” you heard Rey inside the room “Come in, please.” she said and you stepped inside. The room was incredibly big and yet so empty, a big bed was pretty much what was there. Rey was watching outside a big window that revealed the dangerous landscape of the planet.
“You’re back.” you said.
“Easy target,“ she told you “didn’t like the planet, a desert.” you nodded understanding why she came back so soon but didn’t realized how much of an effect it had on her until now. She was quiet, distant, lost on her thoughts as she kept staring at the big window. Rey looked at your for a moment, you were still standing close to the door that closed immediately after you were inside.
“Your room was so small” she told you changing the subject, answering a question that never left your lips. “I thought you’d be better here, with me.” she said returning her sight to the window, she looked beyond affected by this mission.
“Thanks” you said and she nodded slowly, her eyes never meeting yours, you felt the need to make sure everything was right with her even if she was the big bad woman you still hated to see her upset. “Something’s bothering you, Rey. What is it?” you asked softly. You noticed her jaw clenching as she swallowed uneasily.
"I've been thinking" she said looking at the vast darkness in front of her, the red of the lava seemed to trace deadly figures on the ground. "in what you said. I can't stop thinking about those questions, I don't know why, they just keep repeating I'm my head" she told you.
"What do you mean?" You asked confused, many things had happened recently and so quickly.
"A few days ago, you asked me if I regret my actions. Never really answered you."
You remembered the fight that day after the training, you asked her if she felt any remorse of what she had done, that time seemed to be a very long time ago in way different circumstances.
"I do" she continued "I regret a lot of it, but there was not other way."
"There's always another way, Rey" you murmured glancing at her.
She gave you a humorless laugh and then she looked outside the big window again. "You know what's funny? I never considered Jakku my home, it was just sand everywhere and bad people doing whatever it took to survive another day… and maybe it's what I regret the most."
You observed her, the way she was struggling with her words and she kept admiring the dark sky full of stars.
"It was a horrible place, but it was the only home I ever knew" she said, you caught a single tear running down her face that she rushed to clean away. "Sometimes I watch at the sky and imagine it's still there but I know it's not" she gulped trying to contain the lump in her throat "I destroyed it" she looked at you then as a new tear watered her cheek "and I destroyed yours too, Y/N"
Quietly you moved next to her, you felt her eyes laying on you as you were standing next to her. You glanced outside for a moment, to the sky and the void where you supposed your home planet used to be and sighed.
“Feels so strange to watch at the stars knowing it’s no longer there.” you told her as you keep staring at the emptiness of the space.
“Did you had family there?” she asked doubting a bit though she already knew the answer. You gave her a tiny nod and swallowed hard before you rose your voice again.
“My father was a mechanic, he taught me everything I know” you spoke as slowly and calm as your body allowed you. “And mom was a pilot, one of the best I’ve ever know” you told her trying to remember their faces, but you had left them a very long time ago and the memories were blurred.
“And I killed them.” Rey said as she silently cried, her voice was serious and yet there was pain in her too as if every one of your words felt like a dagger on her chest. You had the only thing she ever wished for and she took it away from you. A family. “You have all the rights to hate me after everything I’ve taken from you, I understand it now, Y/N” she told you.
“I don’t hate you” you told her, Rey turned her head in surprise but it was you who was more surprised by your own words. She gave you a bittersweet look.
“I’m in a war with your friends, who used to be mine too.” she added “I held you as a prisoner and I killed not only your family but the whole planet” she said as the tears pooled on her eyes “Why wouldn’t you hate me?”
That was a big question, one you haven’t really ask yourself until this moment. You didn’t need her to remind you the terrible things she had done, you’d probably never forget them and still you didn’t hate her, you couldn’t, not even after all you’ve been through, you were still seeing her as the girl who stole your heart a long time ago in a planet very different from this.
You couldn’t deny the dreadful things her actions caused, not even tried to justify them or thought on forget them, you knew sometimes she looked like a whole different person rather like a monster but deep down she was the same scared girl from Jakku and right now she was next to you sobbing slightly.
“I thought it was clear.” you looked back at this journey and it wasn’t nor an easy one nor short either, felt like years had passed and not even that could erase the feelings for her that were buried deep inside you, covered by the fear and the pain. “You mean so much to me, Rey.” you confessed “I’m in love with you, since the first day you came into my life.” the words left your mouth with honesty and yet your were surprised to admitted it, the first time you confessed your feeling for her was in this same fortress a long time ago.
“The Rey you fell in love is gone, Y/N.” she told you. Carefully you cupped the side of her face, softly cleaning the tears off her face with your thumb.
“No, she is still here and I’m looking at her right now.” you murmured as her hazel eyes admired you for a moment, filled with a mix of emotions that made your heartbeat race a little. Hesitating you leaned closer to her, lips closer to hers for a few seconds before capturing her lips carefully, you kissed her sweetly almost shyly for a moment.
Then you broke away just enough to see her reaction, she kept her eyes closed enjoying the ghost of your lips on hers. When she opened them again you saw astonishment over them as well as tenderness and even for a moment you thought it was love what made her eyes shimmer softly.
She couldn't find proper words to express how much your action meant to her, what it made her feel. She didn't know who to trust in a world of liars and yet your kiss felt real, authentic.
She leaned to brush your lips again, long and delicately while her arms slowly wrapped around your waist pulling you close to her body making you smile between kisses, you enjoyed her closeness, her warmth against your body. A warm shiver ran down your spine when her lips traveled to your jaw and then to you neck, leaving subtle kisses there as well that made you softly gasp.
“Rey” you softly whimpered as she found that sweet spot in the side of her neck and you could feel her smirking against your skin, delighted with the way her name sounded in your lips. But still she stopped her work on you for a moment, a bit of shyness in her voice.
"Sorry" she said "we can just leave this here, if you want"
"No" you mumbled with a smile "I want this." You assured her and gently guided her lips back to your own kissing them passionately as every cell of your body started to urge to meet more of this woman.
You felt your body warming up with every move of her lips on your skin, feeling the need in you growing with each passing moment that seemed like a dream for you.
Kisses became deeper, faster, filled with desire. The gently touches became more intense, eagerly pulling each other’s bodies close until you couldn’t resist more the growing need inside you and the heat between your thighs, a longing to meet her skin, never really realize how touch starved you both were until this moment. You wanted her and you wanted her now. You guided her towards the big bed on the other side of the room, and she seemed so surprised with the unspoken invitation you gave her.
“Are you sure?” she murmured inches away from your lips.
“More than sure.” you told her and a big lustful grin curved her lips and suddenly she didn't seemed shy anymore but way more passionate.
"As you wish, then" she said, a big smirk on her face as her hands roamed gently over your body, tracing figures as they traveled down your back fastly working on your clothes and moments later they laid messily across the floor.
You wanted to help her out, take her out of the long dress she that covered her body, clumsy hands wandered over her back searching for a way to free her body. Rey gave you a small laugh, you were sure she enjoyed the way you were looking so desperately for her.
The moment later the black dress fell to the ground gracefully pooling around her feet leaving her vulnerable and defenseless in front of you, you admired her slim figure covered only by a few pieces of cloth that you were already yearning to take off too.
She crawled on top of your and she gave you a glance full of love before her eyes scanned your exposed body her features filled with desire as she that only made your cheeks flushed red
“You're beautiful, Y/N” she murmured staring down at you before she captured your lips once again hungrily making small whimpers leave your lips.
“And so you are.” you mumbled between kissed,
“But I’m going to make you feel way more beautiful” she told you with a smirk darkened with lust she started to make her way down you body taking her time to leave little pink marks all over your body, from your neck to your breast where she sucked gently and careful on them making you gasp and moan before she keep her way to the middle of your body.
Her hot breath in the lower of your abs made you shiver as her hand went teasingly over your heated core massaging in circles carefully torturing. She stared at you as with such intensity that ignited every hidden passion in you as your chest rose and fell each time faster.
“Rey!” you breathed out as your hips bucked up urging for her touch.
Skilled fingers moved gently in you already heated core as she traced delicate figures in an intoxicating rhythm that poisoned your body with a new wave of pleasure with each stroke and every caress and eventually turned you into a whining mess. She kept you steady into the mattress, hearts thundering, breathe quickening a your combined moans and groans filled the big room completely with the sounds of the lover’s ballad.
A few weeks, even a few days ago the simple idea of this would have seen rather crazy for you, blinded for your pain and fear you wanted to be as far from this woman as possible but now you yearned to feel her closer. Now things had changed, after she opened up with you you couldn’t see her as an enemy but as the woman you once fell in love with. This girl who were taking you closer and closer to your high. Having her between your thighs was the most beautiful image you’ve ever seen and it pleased your senses more than you've ever felt before.
Your high took the breath from your lungs, you could hear yourself calling out her name as your fingers grasp into her hair as the waves of pleasures spreaded all over your body in an euphoric moment.
Slowly she kissed her way up your still shaking body taking care of the sensitive spots on your thighs, your belly and your neck until she finally met your lips again and let you taste yourself before she smiled down at you, with her messy hair and panting on top of you as she admired you with such tenderness in her eyes that made you fall once again for her.
Calmed down and with your heartbeat and breath finally coming back down to normal, you laid just a little later huddled up to Rey’s side beneath the dark blankets, you looked at her with a content smile as you softly ran your hand through her soft hair.
"Y/N" she muttered.
"Mm?" You hummed.
"I know this isn't enough and it may mean nothing but… I'm sorry, really" she said looking uneasily at you.
"Everything" she cut you off "all the terrible things I've done to you, I'm sorry." She murmured.
She was right, apologizing wouldn't solve anything, nor bring back all those people back to life. The things she did you knew you could never forget or at least it would take time. But it was a start.
You gave her a tiny nod accepting her words.
"The other day in the battlefield I made you a promise, Y/N" she muttered laying a hand on your cheek.
"Yeah, I remember" you told her and you did remember the day she saved you from those troopers.
"I mean it" she said caressing your face "I won't let anyone hurt you again." She told you sincerely. For a moment you just stared at her as a warm sensation grew in your chest. You closed the distance between you to pull her into a sweet delicate kiss before you shifted a little closer to her feeling how your tired body started to melt in her arms and soon you were asleep.
Tagging: @cpt-bolter , @elvencantation , @jay-birf03 , @x-a-gay-disaster-x , @redleysjazz , @hstoria , @iamafangirl-fightme , @leilei-draws , @hayley-the-comet , @snoot-snoot-toot , @1-800-depressedlesbian , @empresspalpatinee , @xgaygremlinx
(In case you want to be tagged for specific things or everything I write, just let me know)
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wrongwiredmind · 4 years
Before I start saying anything I'd like to warn that the content of this post is both gore and contains suicidal thoughts, if any of that triggers you, please do not read, I care about whoever is reading but I can't hold any responsibility for anything that might follow, stay safe, and remember that no matter what, what comes next in your life will be better, one way or another.
This post is rather long, but that's kinda the point of this page, here we go, then.
So, I had almost my weirdest dream to date, right now, and then I thought, to heck with it!! Let's share something!
So first of all, I need to set some points straight before writing so it might explain a few things, hopefully, without giving a lot away about my personality:
(I have no idea how to put them on order, so they're pretty much a mumbo jumbo. Ah~ My favourite type of writing~. Kidding, of course, I actually prefer reading well written stories and articles)
Anyhow:. 1- I have a really deep unexplainable fear of the vast beast called an ocean (or a sea, or really anytype of deep water), I still go to the beach and pools and whatever, but there's always some sort of an icy grip tightening around my non-existent heart.
2- I love IronMan! So so much, and I kinda adopted Tony Stark!! (no one tell him, please!).
3- my adoration of a certain supernatural series made me love batman! (well, not entirely true, I always loved him, but kinda from afar, you get me?)
4- want me to get hooked on something? Give me a fanfic of it!! (of course like a series or a book, not a substance, you bad bad people!!), that's how I loved Bilbo!! (imagine me saying it in my adorable voice, the one I use when I try to sound cute 😉)
5- I binge read a certain fanfic about those two amazing superheroes saving the world, and themselves!! (I refuse to give up the name since if you think this is me oversharing? You've got another thing coming, honey!) that had a cruise and another prototype of the IronMan suit (don't ask which mark it is but it's so fast it broke the sound barrier!!)
6- I'm a little bit under the weather, (not corona, folks!) and my throat is kinda itchy, to the point that I lost all my vocal prowess for a little more than 24 hours a few days ago, still kinda annoying, and my stomach rebelled so much yesterday (before and during sleeping) that I thought she should take the rebellion symbol from Mr. Che Jivara!! (with all due respect to him, I'm only joking, so please no one takes it seriously).
7- I'm a little bit of a spacetoon (and all that's good and beautiful in our childhood) encyclopedia, want a name of a cartoon or a song you can't remember? I'm usually your best bet, after the second mother, google, of course!!
8- this week is so dead that if you want to see zombies come to our lectures any time in it, seriously we're so under a lot of exams, thank God and the doctors for postponing our tasks and assignments' due-date.
9- if I was a little more of an extrovert I might not have had to write most of these strange snippets about me in a freaking post!!!
And finally, on with the dream! (another thing you probably know by now, that I kinda take you around and under and left and right before I say what I want to say).
So, it was an assignment to some sort of subject (don't ask me which, since as far as I know, not a single thing in our curriculum will make me do what I'm about to do here, or at least, I hope so!!!), we made some type of fall-body suit that needed analysing (who am I kidding, it was the IronMan suit!!), and guess who was picked as a pilot? That's right! Yours truly!!
Anyway, good thing to bad, we had to make the prototype test in the middle of the (as I said above) the vast beast! Mr. Oceanus (I know that that is a Mr. Titan, but who am I, the lowly mortal, to deny his decision to appear in my paragraphs? And no, he didn't show up in the dream, thank God! [ours, not any of the others]),
So, I was put in the cruise, in the middle of the ocean, with the IronMan suit, and a seriously sick stomach, can you guess where we're going with this? (I'm actually kinda enjoying writing this since it reminds me of a certain mad superhero/not superhero who finally joined the XMen!, of course he joined a few years ago but I only watch the second movie circa a month ago) no? let me tell you, a bit of dizziness, seasickness, and an already rebellious stomach? Not a good combination, and remember that I really, really fear the ocean (just remembering the dream and the images in my head is traumatising, let alone living it vividly for a few hours), so, I fell, and strangely enough, I was a good swimmer (ah~ I really count my blessings here since no matter who or when someone taught me to swim, I still can't manage), I was able to stay close to the ship, but couldn't really pull myself up, so all I could do was keep a good hold on a rope tied around the ship and keep my legs in a calculated, slow what feels like a walking-in-place exercise,, (I can still feel the water around me, and the gentle waves of the ocean, it was both a calming feeling and a horrible one) and then...
Something touched the soles of my feet, and it kinda hurt, and it continued to move under me till something hit my toes, it was a shark fin, that's right, a shark choose me as his next meal, how honoured I was!!! Kidding i was kinda terrified, but all that YouTube survival videos came to mind, I left the rope of the ship and kinda dipped under water (triple scare, here, yikes!) and I... pushed.. his muzzle?
Yeah, so not really what they taught you in the videos, my polite nature rears its ugly head again (politeness is not as good as it seems, people! actually once a stray dog entered our home and jumped on the couch, and I was asking nicely and politely if "Mr. Dog would pretty please leave us be", and no, I wasn't scared but mom told me not to touch it, and it kinda was a cute, if a mangy mutt)
I didn't really want to punch the shark, even if my life kinda depended on it here, for a few reasons and actually at least one of them was pretty reasonable, which is, my punch is pretty weak, guys!!
Anyway, of course since its skin kinda scratched my feet there was blood, so it didn't leave me alone, two things I concluded here, first, Mr. Shark was either a lazy guy since he was coming to me slowly as if he either was a giant cat coming for pets no matter how many times you push her, or he was playing with his food, aka, me.
The second thing I discovered was that I was really sick in real life since my imagination couldn't conjure another family member of my guest here (again with the small mercies, can you imagine being alone around all these carnivores? And I bet not all of them will be moving so leisurely!!)
So, I finally decided to be the champ of my cruise and punch the thing in the face, so I pulled up all the power I can in my fist and punched him in his snout!!!
And let me tell you, it's not as easy is they make it sound, first, his nose is actually pretty hard, not the sensitive area they led us to believe, second, my hand really hurt and his skin scratched my knuckles, and I believe it kinda broke a bone in my hand, third, and worse, it actually enraged the mister so much that it left me, J-squared again and this time, flew! in my direction and I swear I still feel his teeth sinking in the shin of my right leg, but before he tore it apart, I actually did the right thing to defend myself, I (and I apologise, Mr. Dream shark, but you really hurt both my leg and my feelings!!) poked his eyes, which made for a very awkward stretch to my body, but finally, I was left alone!! With a mangled leg, of course, but hey!! It's not real life, so let's be glad.
The saltwater stinging my feet, still sick, and more dizzy from blood loss, you have no idea how glad was I that I was still near the ship, a little bit more than a meter but still floating, and then, the bad became worse, I actually goT SWALLOWED WHOLE BY A WHALE!!!!!!!!, YUP!! THE WHALE IN THE PICTURE!!!
And then god with his mercies again, it swallowed the ship but opened his mouth for me to leave, neat, ain't it?
But let me tell you what happened in a little more details, I felt a ripple in the water beneath and around me, and the ship started to sway, and a faint sound of something between a roar and strange song-like-sound, feeling the rumble under me was what made me look, and lo and behold!! The mighty animal wanted the meal that the shark didn't get, bye bye world!! Bye bye the suit that I still didn't to get to wear! And bye bye the report I needed to write for this freaking assignment that because of it I might fail and my friends will rail me when they see me!!
The ship and I couldn't help but enter the mouth of the humongous fish, the sounds of the wood, metal, glass and whatever is the cruise was made of was deafening, so loud and cruel, and I got a more than a few bruises and abrasions, and the feel of his teeth behind my back, sharp and huge and bigger than my own size, was something I don't know how to describe, and suddenly between all the breaking and suffocating water and absolute darkness, something caught my eyes, the slits in the helmet of the suit were lit, I'm sure it was a malfunction because of all the destruction on Mark, but it took all my fear, as if sucking it from my own eyes, and as sudden as it glowed, it vanished, but the calm remained, I closed my eyes, since it didn't matter, and just stopped everything, even trying to hold my breath, but not breathing as well, as if all body functions just... Stopped.
And then my eyes flew open again, not because I woke up, but because of an almost crushing change in the water pressure, it just pushed me forward more inside the huge mouth, and when I thought that this is it, I found the whale mouth moving further away from me, taking the ship and Mark with it, and leaving me alone, in the middle of the ocean that I wanted to say "c'mon!! If you ate me it'll be a win-win situation!!!!" but the second I opened my mouth water rushed inside that I tried swimming up to breath (even though not knowing which way is up was problematic, since something similar happened in real life before I wasn't worried, but that's a story for another time), breaking the surface was a godsend, I tell you! But my misery wasn't in any way over, I was so thirsty I actually wanted to drink salt water a again (and then death, oh wow, how smart?), and once the adrenaline deserted me, my leg returned to trying to kill me, and I don't know if it was a real thing if it happened in real life but it actually stopped bleeding, which was both fantastic, since it means that I won't die of bloodloss, and horrifying since I'm not going to die because of bloodloss, at least then I would have been able to calculate an approximate time for my death, but no, I have to wait and see what kills me next, I almost wished that I just had my previous stomachache and be done with.
Anyway, moving was not really an option, and staying was not either, and the breeze was making me so cold my teeth almost broke from all the shattering they were doing, I wasn't really sure when the others might decide to check on me, and I'm not really sure if I was still in the place they left me at, and I really didn't know what to do, I was so helpless, and cold, and thirsty, in so much pain and so so tired.
I cursed the whale again for not ending my misery, and cursed the shark for being a coward and not finishing what he started and cursing the assignment for being so impossible yet important, and most of all cursing myself, though I don't know why, but my self-loathing decided that now is the time to remember how horrible I am.
As physics does, the water raised me till I was floating on my back, which made me feel even more cold but I didn't have any energy to do anything about it, and strangely, I fell into some sort of doze, not asleep yet not really awake and aware, my whole body half above half into the water, though my right, injured leg, was bend in the knee into the water, which made my pained scream when something took hold of it in its mouth the more agonizing since it made my upper body enter the water, and the thing holding my leg left it alone, and I was able to right myself and look around me for the next threat, the fear was immense that I thought I might get a heartattack, which, admittedly would be better than the pain going to be inflicted upon me any second now, looking around finally led me to what attacked me, and for a moment, with my blurry, and fear filled eyes looked like Mr. Shark has indeed returned to finish what he started, he even returned to his play-with-my-food attitude, but when my eyes finally focused they detected differences, from the lighter shade of colors, to the more smooth curves of the fin and snout, and the gentle, warm (even if it looked sleepy) strange brown tone of the mammels eyes,
The dolphin was about two meters away, and looking at me with intense, twinkling eyes (if they were blue and he wore glasses, or at least marking that looks like it, I would have thought that the dolphin was Dumbledore' animagus and I really wouldn't have hesitated this time to punch his already crocked nose.. err.. snout [which it isn't, the dolphin's snout was perfect] with my broken hand!!) and moved slowly towards me, he pushed me gently with his nose in my abdomen, swam back a few inches, then entered the water and moved towards my leg, not touching it, but he was close enough to feel with my already almost destroyed sensitive nerves, he did all of that while I'm standing/floating, stupefied, hardly even breathing, and then he left, and pushed me again with his snout on my back, this time with more pressure that my body couldn't help but move to the dolphin's right side to let him pass, with my hand just above his back, when my hand touched his prominent back fin, he pushed my hip gently, as if telling me something, and pushed his fin into my hand again, it felt like rubber, and I couldn't help but ask "you want me to hold you?" he made a strange clicking noise then kinda slapped the water with his side fin in the other side of me, and bizarrely, his actions made me feel as if he was saying "are you stupid? Why else would I offer you my magnificent dorsal?!!" I stared, flummoxed, at the creature and couldn't help but throw my head back and laugh, I'm certain that it was the tension, fear and hysteria that made me do it, but for me, the whole situation was so hilarious that it seemed like it made Mr. Dolphin look at me and think "alright, the pathetic, hurt, star-shaped blemish is, indeed, stupid and needs help from my majesty" and then, using his right fin, slapped me non-too-gently on the side of my left hip, squeaking something as well and pushed his dorsal in my left hand again, but when he noticed my wince, he actually kinda rubbed his slippery appendage on my thigh while honest-to-god cooed at me that I couldn't help but smile at him, "it's okay, big guy, and thanks; you know, you kinda remind me of flipper!" and then I petted him a couple of times (which he purred at, I think I need a cat! 🤔🤔) then grabbed his fin in a tight but non constricting grip, my right hand was swollen by now so my only hope was to keep holding using my left hand, after shaking his body a little as if to check my hold, he dove with me into the water!! I almost screamed in fright but then he broke the surface and jumped about three meters high into the air!!!
Hello, there, adrenaline, didn't see you since a few!!
He dove again into the water and this time gradually moved towards the surface, with the water flowing into my hair and pushing me from my saviour, my left leg moved on its own violation and moved around the body as if I was riding a horse,
"WOOHOO!!", I shouted once we were in the air again, it was exhilarating; cold, but thrilling, though the warm body beneath me was perfect, he took me in a straight if slightly curvy line, and when I noticed that, I also noticed that his right fin was not moving as his left, I even thought he was injured for a second, but then a sharp sting in my leg and a slight jerk from him made me understand, my injured leg was beneath his wing-like appendage, and he was being considerate, as a solution, I flattened myself on his back, kept my left leg dangling as if in the horse saddle, my right one, as gently as possible, bend on the knee above the dolphin's back, my left hand gripping the top fin with it touching my shoulder, and my broken right hand above Mr. Flipper's cousin head, and then I came into a a sudden realization!! "does that mean I'm Lopaka????" I asked Flipper the second, and he made a sound suspiciously almost like a snort, but my change of position made him move in a much more pronounced straight line; the speed decreased as I started to doze again, as if he was worried about dislodging me, though the annoying feeling of the salt crusting on my skin woke me up, no idea how much time had past, except that the sun was on either the verge of descending or rising, and finally, finally, I saw land and buildings and what not from afar, and I certainly moved to another continent all together, let alone another country, after reaching the area where I could stand comfortably on the ground beneath the water, people started to come to see what was happening, I ignored them for the sake of my silent companion, suddenly he actually stood on his tail fin, and kinda sort of awkwardly leaned on me without trying to put too much pressure, I didn't understand what was happening though it seemed sorta like a hug?
Anyway, I pat his back again, (and again with the weird purring noise), when he released me I felt buzzing in the back pocket of my jeans, I actually still have my phone!!!
Pulling it out and snorting that after everything that happened my phone was still working!! all I could say is "well, it seems like the time of a picture, Mr. Flipper, sir!" and after an awkward kneeling so I could put my injured arm around him and trying to stretch my bloody leg (both meanings are accurate here, tbh) so it wouldn't interfere with the selfie, I positioned my left hand.
And the last thing I remember is the picture of my (Lopaka the second 😂) wide mouth grin and an equally wonderful grin from Mr. Flipper the second!!!
The End.
It really was a dream I had, with all these details, the only thing that's not entirely true about this post, is saying that this is the weirdest dream I had.
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agl03 · 6 years
I wonder if this whole Graviton thing is a fake out, like the Earth's destruction is going to come out of left field somewhere, from something we never expected. Feels like the writers do that a lot. Do you think everything we've been speculating about are just a few huge red herrings? Have you gotten any leads on the connection between Coulson's death and the loop breaking? (also thank you for all the Fitzsimmons gifs, I'm super emotional about them haha *crying*)
Hi Anon,
I can’t take credit for the lovely gifs, I merely reblog others amazing work.  
This season has been full of red herrings, every time I think I have a pretty good handle on where things are going they take a quick left turn.  Some I’ve caught at the last minute and others not.  Tablot going Graviton wasn’t even on my radar until not long before it happened.  
One of the things that has given me the most fits theory wise is just how saving Coulson ends the world.  Because so far Robin has given no indication of how this happens.  May and Daisy believe her visions are saying just the opposite, that he’s the one who will save it.   Coulson’s fate, when/how he fell, was never revealed via flashbacks or drawings.  Loop Elena never said when he actually died or how….we don’t know if she was actually with the team/Coulson when it happened.  Is she assuming it was this decision or was she actually there. 
Now we can argue that its already began/happened, I’ve been chatting with @fitzsimmonsavengers about this the last few days.  There have been definite times where the decision to pursue saving Coulson’s life took them closer to the earth’s destruction.
In 15/16 When Daisy chose to go get him from Hale.  This brought the Trojan Horse that was Talbot into the base and set in motion the series of events leading him to be Graviton.  It also allowed for another of the red herrings to hit in Ruby making it to and eventually getting into the Machine.   Had Daisy listened to Fitzsimmons and at least sent a team to get the machine they could have been there and gone with it well before Ivanov and later Ruby showed up.
In 19 when Daisy was off the base, dark, and getting the Centipede components/digging up her mother.  As Elena said had Daisy been at the base she could have made a massive difference in the siege and perhaps Talbot wouldn’t have had to go into the Machine in order save everyone.  Him becoming Graviton setting off the next series of events.   
In 20 when they team docked at the Alien ship to rescue Coulson it was one of the final straws for the paranoid Talbot who felt Coulson was going to betray him and sealed Shield being a threat to him.
Graviton listened more to Papa Kasius than he did Coulson and is now what looks like on course for what could be a world ending event…getting himself MORE Gravitonium.  That or the process could easily be what ends the world and thus saving Coulson led to the world ending. 
Daisy and May’s quest to save Coulson has also been a huge factor in the rift within the team which is also a contributing factor of what is to come.
But it could be yet to set in motion.  Looking at the pieces here is what I have on my radar as how saving Coulson could lead to the Worlds End.   
The Centipede plan backfires.  Either Graviton or another baddie uses it and sets off some sort of massive explosion or Coulson’s system can’t handle it and the Extremis goes off with him by Talbot.
In saving him it takes people away from where the need to be to stop the loop.  Daisy is a big one here, that rather that going where she is needed she goes to save Coulson.  
Centipede is the key but previous loops were missing a vital piece, the Odium perhaps.  
One of the original theories I’d had came after Ruby died and we saw that when she died the Gravitonium more or less harmless after the pulse and the pulse didn’t do that much damage, certainly less than the world ending.   And I’d theorized that somehow Coulson would take on the Gravitonium and that him dying was the only way to take the Gravitonium out of commission for good.  
Given the unstable nature of Graviton and his powers this one is still on the table I just don’t know how that would happen.
Coulson dying somehow snaps Talbot out of it or distracts him long enough that the team can contain him or his powers.  
Coulson is being held hostage and used to keep the team at bay while the baddie destroys the world.  
Coulson has somehow placed himself between the catalyst, IE that trope of someone triggering a trap, where if they move too much it sets it off.  So however they extract Coulson from what he is stopping will make or break it.  
ALL those beach pictures that Robin has drawn and we haven’t seen so much of a grain of sand come into play yet.   This could speak to something about Tahiti.  
And yes, Graviton could be the next in a line of red herrings because he very clearly has the power and was the one who went through the Destroyer of Worlds Machine.   I could absolutely see this all being some sort of long game by lets say Papa Kasius.  Kasius said that Shield stopped his father in the past, so he’s most definitely up to something.  He’s tricked Talbot into thinking he needs more Graviton and I’m guessing that is for his own gain.    
IE he destroys the earth to dwindle down Humanity where they are helpless and easy to ‘harvest’ for the Inhumans from the Lighthouse.  
Even more its Papa Kasius that sets Daisy and Shield up to take the fall for the destruction so that Shield can’t rally and to help convince the Humans to give up the Inhumans as part of their bargain.  
Crazy I haven’t had enough sleep thought/theory and it would be quite the plot twist.   Papa Kasius’s earth project goes WAY BACK….Tahiti (tie back to the beach pics) was part of that….set in motion in order to kickstart the Inhumans again for him to harvest.
“The End” – Coulson’s life or death is the challenge the team finds themselves in, as the wrong decision will cause the destruction of Earth, in the spectacular season finale
Based on the synopsis its going to come down to the wire in how the team proceeds with their decision on Coulson will make or break the loop.   They have to make the decision they haven’t made before.  I feel like they are really going to fake us out with Coulson’s death too.  I’m very prepared for it to look like the Centipede didn’t work/was too late.  Or that Coulson dying somehow saves himself and the world and there is a good minute where they let us think he’s really dead.
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freedom-of-fanfic · 7 years
I'm pretty sure most "anti-anti" discourse will ultimately just be used as a tool to deflect any and all criticism, or to accuse critics of being terrible people themselves. Especially with you all patting yourselves on the back about how morally superior you are.
deflect criticism of what? fanworks?
Hm. I can see how it might be easy to conclude that, depending on your previous fandom experiences, but I have to disagree on the whole.
To be perfectly honest, my gut reaction to this ask was ‘this sounds like projection’ because this ask is a list of things anti-shippers do.  Anti-shippers regularly deflect any and all criticism of their behavior and harassing tactics by exercising logical debate fallacies, accuse critics of being terrible people by accusing them of supporting or participating in rape/pedophilia/incest/abuse irl, and pat each other on the back for how morally superior they are to those nasty [insert nasty name-of-the-week for bad shippers here].  And maybe you’re referring to ‘anti-antis’ who go after antis with the same intimidation and harassment tactics that anti-shippers use, purposely retaliating with similar behavior. (I don’t condone that shit, or people who send nasty anons to antis (suicide bait tw), or anything else that involves abusing another person.)
What is ‘anti-anti discourse’ in this instance? I’m going to guess you mean ‘telling people it’s okay to ship what they like, write what they like, and do fandom how they like, even if others find their ships and fanworks to be uncomfortable’.  In other words, advocating for fandom to stop weighing content on its moral value or kid-friendliness.
If you come from the school of thought that fandom must be made across-the-board ‘safe’* by no longer allowing fans to create or share headcanons, theories, or fanworks that contain amoral, dark, or nsfw content, I can see why the ‘ship what you like/your kink is not my kink and that’s okay/just tag your shit and do whatever’ attitude towards fandom feels like it’s setting up for all criticism to be ignored.  If your frame of reference for fandom is evaluating everything on how safe and moral it is, saying ‘actually, everything is permissible in fiction’ means there’s nothing you can possibly criticize. 
But fandom didn’t wait for morality and social justice to become the centerpiece to criticize fanworks and fan spaces; we used the original canon and liberal values as our ammunition instead of purity points.  We wrote long meta about why slashfic was bad, then about why slashfic was good, then about why mlm fic was so much more popular and common than wlw fic, then about how to write mlm fic in realistic/respectful ways. We’ve debated repeatedly on what’s appropriate to write about and what isn’t, and if we need to cross decency lines, how do we protect people who don’t want to see it?  We’ve had massive ship wars over which ship was more canon (instead of which ship was more moral, and thus most deserves to be canon).  Nor did we wait for current minors to complain about adults to figure out ways to make fandom spaces safer for people to navigate. We created tagging systems to help people avoid content that disgusted or harmed them.  We then criticized each other’s tag usage and demanded more and more specific tags to help us weed out fics that would squick us (or find fics that hit the right kinks).  We created 18+ only spaces on our geocities websites and mailing lists, and locked 18+ content on our Livejournals so that underage people who wanted to get access had to lie about their ages, knowing that what they were about to encounter was not intended for them.  (figuring out how to make this work on web 2.0, designed to bring us all the content no matter what, has been very difficult.)
But mainly, we just assumed everybody was on the same page about real world morals: incest irl was bad, dating a minor irl if you were an adult was bad, abuse of any kind irl was bad. We might debate about how to respect the online spaces of others, but we didn’t doubt that everyone knew these things were shitty.**
You’ll notice some of these debate points aren’t that different from what antis and shippers ‘debate’ today. But when we debated these things without assuming that the morals of people with opposing views were fundamentally fucked up, it allowed a much more open, nuanced dialogue because people weren’t on their guard, waiting to be personally attacked. When we stopped treating ships and kinks as personal preferences but rather as personal value statements, we lost the ability to have nuanced conversations about the underlying reasons these ship types and kink types were so prevalent.
I can never reply without writing a novel, can I? But my point is this: ‘Anti-anti discourse’ doesn’t stop people from critiquing fanworks, or figuring out ways to make fandom safer for both teens and adults, or talking about the potential harm that dark content can cause. By asserting that deeply personal things like what kind of romantic dynamic pings you or what sexual kinks you have are personal, and you are free to indulge that (and others are free to avoid/ignore it), it actually makes fandom criticism less loaded, more nuanced, and more enriching, letting everyone think for themselves instead of being scared into silence.
PS - I’m so curious why you say anti-antis are ‘patting each other on the back for moral superiority’. Do you think I feel morally superior because I don’t direct personal attacks at anti-shippers? Is ‘patting each other on the back’ the act of reblogging from others because you agree with them? Or is it something else?
Cause I’ll tell you what: I don’t really care about the moral superiority of anybody.   All I care about is people taking the time to be just and kind to one another. And I’m trying to do that myself (though who knows how much I succeed).
*’safe’ in scare quotes here because I so entirely disagree with the concept of a heavily censored space being ‘safe’ that I have to point out this is really, really not safe by using scare quotes.
**And maybe that assumption was a bit of a blind spot - a generation gap between fans who grew up without the internet and fans who grew up with it.
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peerless-soshi · 7 years
for the salty ask meme: 1, 2, 4, 9, 13, 16, 20, and 27, all for Danganronpa. I'm really sorry it's so many, I'm just really curious and like hearing people's salt.
Never apologize for sending me many questions. I am a talkative person, I love those rare occasions when I can let the words flow. I put it under read more because it’s long and, you know, contains unpopular opinions. Let the hater killing game begin. 
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?*
I was thinking about it and Komaeda/Mikan is probably my most “what?” pair on this list. It doesn’t mean that I completely don’t understand it, I can imagine why some people like them together: he is sick and dying, she is a nurse who loves people depending on her, she was taking care of him and Souda was even ashamed when he realized that Mikan had to undress Komaeda to put him in his hospital gown. Ok, I get it. And cracks are pretty normal for any fandom. But honestly? The disproportion between time they spent together and how popular this ship became turns out to be really huge. Another pair that comes to my mind is Komaeda/Nanami. The reasons are pretty much the same as above. I noticed that DR fandom likes shipping together victims and murders but aside of their final trail, Komaeda and Nanami have no scenes. They hardly ever interact and again, I know that some people simply like cracks, and it is fine. I’m just surprised that both pairings are much more popular than I could expect. 
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?*
Komaru/Fukawa. I don’t have any problem with them as a pair but I don’t ship them romantically. Romances are cool and shipping is fun, yet sometimes I get sad when I see how people ignore friendships. I believe in power of platonic love and hardly ever touch two characters who state many times that they are friends. Even Kodaka wrote that he wished to show growing friendship between two girls. For Fukawa this relationship is extremely important because she was in love before but she had never a friend. I feel that romance takes something away from them?On the side note, I’m kinda angry at how fans keep calling them lesbians. Seriously, you can ship them and say that Fukawa is bi. It doesn’t kill anybody.  
4.Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?*
Do I have a real, hated and cursed NOTP? I don’t think so. Sure, there are some pairs I dislike but I don’t hate anything with burning passion. Besides, my nope-ships aren’t particularly popular. Like, I hardly ever see romantic Junko/Mukuro or stuff like that so I have no reasons to be salty. I’m too good for this meme.  
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why? // 13. Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
I decided to answer both questions together because my opinion about a disliked character is also rather unpopular. Imagine me cleaning my throat, hahaha - Tsumiki Mikan. I’ve never hid that I’m not her biggest fan and I have a bunch of problems with her. Maybe I wouldn’t be so strict and call Mikan my most hated character - Hanamura and Hiyoko’s free time events were testing my patience too - but my other disliked characters are less popular and Mikan usually takes high spots in popularity polls so choosing her seems to be the most controversial for salty asks  Whenever I see Mikan I also see wasted opportunities. I didn’t like her attitude; Mikan had an annoying seiyuu, high-pitched and crying voice (you can laugh but after the third trail I had a headache because I was so done with her screaming. I’m not lying. This is something I’ll never forget), I also disliked her tendency to panicking and crying. Later we learn that her behavior comes from difficult past and this is really interesting, and I like it. But I also think that Mikan is an extremely passive character. When I first started Danganronpa, I disliked Fukawa, I was annoyed by Kuzuryuu. And now they both are among my most loved characters. I like them because they have changed a lot and I was missing it with Mikan. It’s a shame since I enjoyed watching her during investigations, when Mikan was more confident and helpful. I hoped to see her like that in the main gameplay. However, at the beginning of new chapters she was a crybaby again. As if writers didn’t want her to be more comfortable around people. My other problem with Mikan is how she became so oversexualized. I admit, it happened especially in anime but the game also used her as a fanservice character and this was something I hated. I know that many people didn’t mind it as much but showing a character who was most likely a victim of sexual violence as a fanservice character was a little off for me. And I was so disappointed by her murder case… Tsumiki would make a perfect killer - she was shy and looked innocent yet her fascination with injuries and free time events were giving that dark vibe. Her motives could be great. And, for me, they weren’t. Now again, I know that many people enjoyed her trail and didn’t mind the fever but personally I found it to be lazy. Why couldn’t she have as complicated and interesting reasoning as Peko, or Tanaka, or Komaeda? Why couldn’t she make decision on her own, have doubts, whatever? It was some deus ex machina, Mikan magically became crazy for the plot twist. It’s a little long but I’m generally salty about Mikan because she could be one of my favourite characters yet there are too many points in her writing that disappointed me.
16. If you could change anything in the show, what would you change?
I would delete the second season. The end. And more seriously, the thing I disliked the most was probably the whole brainwashing part. If I could change it, I would show Junko being that charismatic mastermind that she was supposed to be and manipulating the students, using their love and insecurities, waking up something dark in them. 
Another thing I would love to the see is DR2 cast being main antagonists of the Future Arc. Instead of Naegi fighting in a totally pointless battle, I would change that part with Despair coming to the Future Foundation on their own and made Naegi search for them.(I actually still want to write it as a fanfic ;) )
20. What is the purest ship in the fandom?
Hinata/Nanami. I… just love their free time events. I love watching them together and being awkward, playing game, supporting each other. Hinata and Nanami were so innocent, sweet and good that I will never stop mourning this pair. 
27. Least shippable character?
Hifumi and Hanamura. But to be fair, it was probably the writers’ intention; they are blunt, keep saying inappropriate comments about girls, have dirty minds and as if to mark that they’re supposed to be gross, are also designed as less attractive than the rest. Honorable mention goes to Togami because seriously? Togami? In love? Taking someone as his equal? Promising love? It’s too hard to imagine, hahaha 
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scripttorture · 7 years
In a fanfiction I'm writing, a character is locked inside a trunk in the fetal position, and left there for six months. He survives 'cos he's a robot. The trunk is thrown at the bottom of a well, which may or may not freeze. After being rescued, he finds out that many of the people he loved (including his creator/mother figure) are dead, and he's pretty much on his own. I ask 1. What effects does this treatment have and 2. How can he recover in a way that's balanced and dignified.
Ummmm OKI think you’ve reach a point sci-fi wise where I won’t be much help.
 Becausethe answer to question 1 is death. Unequivocally and definitely death. I’m not sure a human couldsurvive 24 hours in those conditions. And I can only base my answers on thereal world and human beings.
 Even if Iassume he’s only in there for a period of time a human could survive for andunder conditions a human would survive……robots don’t generally have organic muscles.The pain and some of the more severe negative effects from positional torturesare due to muscle damage. Things like fluid accumulation, protein build up inthe blood- the character just doesn’t have those parts.
 So I feellike the only bit I can help you with is part 2.
 You mightwant to check out my Masterposton common effects of torture. How he responds is partly down to you. Mostpeople are not going to show all the possible symptoms and he might showdifferent symptoms at different times during his recovery.
 At themoment there is no one accepted way totreat torture survivors.
 Theaverage victim first sees a specialist ten years after they were tortured. Alot of the literature is devoted to trialling different treatments but at themoment there’s no one sure-fire method that increases recovery.
 There aresome important factors though.
 The first is support from the people he’s close to. He’s lost most of his family andfriends so that is going to have a hugeeffect on his recovery. It’s another terrible blow when he’s already suffered alot.
 I canmake a couple of suggestions that might help but it’s important to be awarethese can’t replace the support of the people he’s lost.
 I suggestthat anyone he has left should makean effort to spend time with him and support him. I also think he might stillbe able to get some support from the people he’s lost. Make sure that he knowsthey didn’t forget him, that they kept looking, that they remembered.
 Perhapshis mother recorded messages for him, hoping he’d be found some day. Perhaps anothermember of his family kept looking even when everyone else had given up. Thesethings wouldn’t replace their loss, but it might help him deal with his traumato be reminded that they didn’t stop looking and that they loved him.
 The second important factor is being believed. He should be surrounded by people who not only believe this sort ofconfinement was torture but understand in some sense just how bad it was. Heshould at no point be dismissed for being a robot or made to feel that historture ‘wasn’t that bad’ or that he’s responding to it incorrectly.
 The third is treatment. I know I said that there’s noconsensus on how to treat torture victims, but having medical and psychologicalhelp would really benefit him. Mybest suggestion for figuring out what that could look like is consulting ScriptShrink’sposts on PTSD and anything Shrinky might have on surviving trauma.
He’sgoing to need a lot of support from his community. He should not be allowed towithdraw from society but he also shouldn’t be pressured into workingespecially if he was previously in a high-stress role.
 I don’tthink it would be unusual if he came out of this afraid of the dark, orconfined spaces or cold. In a futuristic setting I imagine that avoiding thedark and cold would be easy but if he’s in a space ship then confined spacesmight be everywhere.
 It’sworth remembering that both torture and solitary confinement in particular canleave the victim socially isolated. It can make it more difficult for them torelate to other people, even when they need it to recover.
 Recurrent,intrusive memories of torture are a pretty common symptom. Depending on howrobots work in this world he might have an advantage over a human there. Computer‘memories’ don’t work the way ours do.
 I don’tthink it would be helpful to him to erase his memories of torture but theremight be ways that he could control their….significance if you will, that ahuman wouldn’t be capable of. He might be able to stop them from becomingintrusive and prevent himself from being triggered, deleting associations Isuppose.
 Thiswould be balanced by the fact that any drugs to help depression, anxiety,suicidal ideation etc wouldn’t work.
 You mightwant to consider getting a copy of ‘TheWretched of the Earth’ by Frantz Fanon. It’s mostly focused on politics andcolonialism but it also contains some rather interesting accounts of bothtorture victims and torturers from the Algerian war. Fanon treated a lot ofthese people and his writings about them might therefore be helpful.
 In theend I think the main things to remember when writing recovery are that it takestime and it looks different for everyone.
 I hopethat helps. :)
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