#that being said I have a few half finished drafts lying around and since I actually *have* freetime now I could start writing again👀
So Bethy is back with us again now that school is over, and she's going crazy with nothing to do, so she keeps leaving to go on walks or whatever, and she wanted to go to Dollar Tree to get stuff for food for the next few days. We have a whole $30 left in the PayPal and mom gave her a small list that would get us enough food for 3 days if we're careful, and just as she was about to checkout(she had mom on-call) Dave demands ice cream.
And now he's being passive-aggressive acting like he's oppressed or something cuz I called out the fact that we have no money just to waste on ice cream. Cuz 1.) he won't be sharing that with the rest of us, and 2.) he's been lying to the food bank for weeks to get extra snacks that he hoards for himself.
Dave has dozens of bags of chips, choco chip granola bars, mini rice krispy treats, and chocolate donuts he stole from all our food bank bags. He rifles through the bags in the van before he distributes them to everyone. He has several Walmart bags beside the chair he sits in, that are just filled with junk that he then hides under a blanket.
He does not need more junk, nor does he need ice cream. Chips, donuts, and rice krispies ain't enough?
1.) the majority of the PayPal money comes from my Ko-Fi. I have a say in what it is spent on as a result. 2.) he was the one who claimed, "I need $20 for gas to keep it above half!" and then went behind our backs and used $70 instead. The reason we have so little left rn is because of him specifically, especially when he admits that he was going to put in $90 but decided to stick to $70. So, since he decided that he had to fill the tank all the way, he doesn't get ice cream. Too bad. Regular food is more important.
But he's acting like some oppressed maiden now.
EDIT: I made this post on June 11th but left it in my drafts because I wasn't going to post it, however it is now June 12th and I have more to add.
So, Bethy's school has driving instructors and the teens have to take and pass the class or they can't go and get their permits. Her teacher, a dumbass who can't do basic math apparently, mis-scheduled several kids so they all have to come to school, despite school being over now, to take the rest of their classes. And these are one-on-one courses that take hours of driving to locations hours away from the school. The kids aren't getting fed despite how they had to arrive at school time and won't leave until after noon.
Bethy has to do this June 12-14 and then has nowhere to go as she waits around because there is no arranged transportation either.
This morning, Dave was complaining about having to drive her to school personally, which pissed her off since he acts like being a parent is unfair.
Remember I said he was lying to the food bank to get more food? He was saying Bethy was with us this entire time and that's why he needed more, for a growing teen girl. So, she's back with us now... and his ass didn't give her the share meant for her. He didn't just steal all the snacks added to the baggies, he literally kept the extra dinner that was meant for Bethy, for himself. And yeah, it was a small turkey sandwich but it's more than nothing!
So today, as he has to get up early and go to work, he gets up at 5 AM and is gone by 6 AM. He put together a large bag for himself full of leftovers from yesterday(pasta and a sandwich), 3 bags of chips, several granola bars, rice krispy treats, water, slim jims, and some kind of cake thing.
And he couldn't spare one damn thing for his child. To make it worse... he has cash on hand and didn't think to give her any despite knowing she wouldn't be having breakfast or lunch. He woke her up a few minutes before they had to leave, so she did not get to eat or even prepare leftover pasta for herself.
She arrived at school at 6:30 AM and they wouldn't let her in, so she had to sit there until 8 AM. THEN, she had to do the whole driving course thing, which last 3 hours for her, and then wait for her partner who finished. Dave picked her up around 1 PM, and then forced her to sit in his boss' truck for 5 hours and didn't think to get her any food or give her his own food.
So they go to the food bank before coming back, and Bethy is exhausted and hungry and hot, but she wants to go and see if she can apply for a job at a nearby pizza place since she worked at their other location last year. Dave hands her $20 and tells her to go to Dollar Tree and get him Pepsi and ice cream while giving me a nasty look.
...I'm such an unfair person, huh? How dare I think to preserve what little money we have?
Anyway, I've gone around pulling everything we have together and it mostly is canned mixed veggies, off-brand unsweetened apple sauce, and what I have left in terms of granola bars.
But you know, we should be spending money on ice cream and soda instead of meals.
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lieutenantselnia · 2 years
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parked car confessions - a Steve Harrington imagine
summary: another friends to lover imagine, this is similar to my mixed signals imagine that i wrote, and you can read that here! This is a steve x fem!reader using she/her pronouns. Steve misses the usual Friday night movie to go on a date, much to your despair... it’s a bit angsty and fluffy! 
warnings: sweating and mentions of food
word count: exactly 4k 
note: i posted this yesterday but it didn’t show up anywhere??? so i’m trying again, hopefully it works
A snaffle at the popcorn box brings your attention away from the film and you turn towards Dustin who’s grabbing a huge handful of the popcorn out of the bag in your hands. “Woah, easy there.” You whisper, trying not to distract the others from the movie. He just twists his face up in retaliation and sticks a finger to his lips, shoving the entire handful of popcorn into his mouth and over-exaggerating his chews. Painstakingly, you hold in a laugh at his expressions and mannerisms, no matter how crappy you feel you rely on Dustin to make you laugh. It’s Friday night and as usual, you’re all huddled together watching a movie of Mike’s choice tonight as you’re all at the Wheeler’s. Honestly, you haven’t been paying attention as tonight Steve bailed, at the last minute, and you’ve felt uneasy ever since. When the others asked why, he wouldn’t divulge and that’s when you started to suspect he was meeting someone, maybe going on a date.
Simply put, you like him. You know the others know after you accidentally confessed to Robin after you’d had a few drinks, and you know she wouldn’t be able to hold off telling the others. In a way though, you don’t mind. Yours and Steve’s relationship was an odd one that everyone just couldn’t understand. There are obvious feelings, on your part, and sometimes on Steve’s, but then he would adamantly deny there was anything there. There have been nights you’ve cried out of sheer frustration at the fact that you feel you’re getting nowhere with him, and all you want to do is be with him.
So, here you’re sat, half watching the film, half worrying about where he is and what he’s getting up to. The inside of your cheek is toying in between your back teeth as you play over different scenarios in your mind. Annoyance rises within you, suddenly starting to feel slightly enraged that you’ve gone for so long being toyed about. Something deep within you makes you want to confront him and tell him how much he’s hurt you.  
Later, as the film seems to be drawing to a close, there’s a quick two knocks on the front door and then it swooshes open, a sudden draft entering the room. You whip your head around and see Steve turning to close the door, starting to kick his shoes off. Unimpressed, you turn back around and pretend like nothing’s happened.
“Hey guys, sorry I’m late.” He says.
Max’s face screws up, “Late? You’ve missed the whole movie.”
Steve places himself down on the floor, just next to where you’re sat on the couch and Dustin gives him a pat on the shoulder, to which Steve turns around and they do some sort of quick hand gesture with each other. The rest of the guys mumble a quick hello, but their attention is mainly on the film. Your eyes shift back to the screen, and you can feel Steve’s gaze on you, only for a second. He finds it odd how you haven’t really acknowledged him, or even said hi. Everyone settles back down to finish the film and when the film finally finishes, the black background casts the room into a sudden darkness, only illuminated by the white credits rolling on. It doesn’t take two minutes before Robin is questioning Steve on his absence.
“So, you gonna share with us what better things you had to do than be here?” She turns in the armchair to face him, her legs lazily draped over the side. “And don’t say work.” Her eyebrow goes up as she looks at him, “Because I’ll know you’re lying.”
Steve shakes his head and looks back at Robin, smirking slightly, “I’ve just been busy, guys.”
Dustin is quick to retort, “Wearing a pretty snazzy jacket there though Steve… what could require such a fashionable, and impressive, outfit choice?”
Your eyes bore into the television, everyone knows fine well he’s been on a date. Steve lets out a long sigh, puffs his cheeks and shrugs, trying not to laugh at the questions being thrown his way. You glance over at Robin who’s looking back at you with a kind-hearted expression, and you just roll your eyes ever so slightly.
“Come on man, who’s been the lucky person to spend tonight in your presence?” Dustin places his hands on the back of his shoulders and slightly shakes him from side to side.
Steve brushes his hands off and holds his palms up, “Alright, alright.” Your stomach drops, even though you knew, it’s going to be different hearing him say it. “It was Katie, we used to have Math together. She came into the store the other day to rent a movie and we got talking and… figured I’d ask her out.” Wow. Your cheeks flush with warmth and if you were alone now, you’d probably shed a little tear and start to feel sorry for yourself. But tears don’t threaten you right now, sheer anger does. Part of you feels that Steve knows your feelings towards him and just doesn’t mention them, but maybe he is just oblivious. “You okay, (y/n)? You’re pretty quiet.”
You lower your gaze to where he’s sat in front of you and feel yourself softening towards him, his eyes are so kind and he really hasn’t got a bad bone in his body, so you feel guilty almost for feeling so angry with him. “Totally.” You reply, “Glad you had a good time.” You offer a smile to him, however you felt you did not want everyone suspecting you were pissed off. That wasn’t the reply Steve was expecting, however. Like a thick blanket, an awkward silence sits atop of everyone, almost feeling like it’s smothering. It becomes uncomfortable and Max soon realises, “I think we should probably get going…” she looks around at everyone else, urging with wide eyes for someone to agree.
You take the hint, “Yeah, it’s getting pretty late.” Pushing the thin blanket from your legs, you stand up and stretch slightly, heading for the door with the others to put your shoes on.
“Thanks for having us!” Lucas calls back to Mike and Nancy who are still sat around the sofas with Robin, El and Steve. The group call out goodbyes and you all head out the door. The kids have their bikes, but you chose to walk tonight, you enjoy the walk as it’s a nice, scenic part of town. The others will find it odd that you didn’t stay, as you usually stay up late into the night with them once the kids have gone, but tonight you couldn’t find it in you to want to make pleasantries with Steve.
Steve sits with a bewildered look on his face after you leave, and he looks around at the others. “Am I missing something? What the hell was up with (y/n)?” Nancy and Robin share a glance and Steve catches onto it, sighing heavily. “Oh, so that’s how it’s gonna be? Are you sworn to secrecy or some shit? You guys stuck in the sixth grade?”
“Hey, woah.” Robin starts, “Don’t be like that with us, Harrington.” The pair stare at each other a minute. Albeit they work together nearly all the time and spend time outside of work together, the pair very rarely have an argument. The tone in their voices has an edge to it which is very rare to appear in conversations. “Don’t you ever think for a second how you’re making her feel?”
“Making who feel?!”
“Don’t give us that shit, Steve.” Nancy quickly snaps back at him, getting up to start to tidy away the living room. Mike silently slipped away when he realised the conversation was starting to turn sour. Steve places his forehead in his palm and rubs back and forth, as if he’s getting a headache. “Did not expect my night to end like this.” He sighs.
Robin tuts “Oh boohoo.” She stands up, giving Nancy a hand collecting in random bits of popcorn from the carpet. She looks up at him, enjoying the fact her and Nancy are ripping into him a little. “Did you even have a good time with Katie?” She asks, already knowing the answer.
Steve plays the night over in his head. It had been a pleasant time, they’d gone to the movies, he drove her home, nothing significant happened but he just didn’t feel anything for her. He does, however, feel something for you, which he’s been repressing for so long. He just never knew how to approach the situation. “Not particularly.” He shakes his head, starting to feel annoyed at the situation.
Robin sits back down on the sofa, finishing off some rogue bits of popcorn left in the boxes, and she shakes them to release the hardened corn from the sides. “Think you should just go talk to her, to be honest.”
“She’s gone home! It’s too late now.”
Robin shakes her head and tosses a piece of popcorn up and into her mouth, “No, she’s walking dumbass. Go find her, be the Knight in shining armour you so desire to be.”
Something stirs in Steve, a protective urge flares within him, the thought of you walking alone doesn’t sit well with him. He stands and makes his way towards the door, quickly slipping into his trainers. He looks back at Nancy and Robin, both staring back at him with a slightly smug look on their faces.  
The night is a lot colder than you anticipated and your jumper isn’t doing a particularly good job of keeping the cold from seeping in and settling a chill in your bones. You cross your arms across your chest as you become aware of your teeth starting to chatter, you just want to be home. You quicken your pace slightly to try and get home quicker, attempting to put tonight to the back of your mind, but you know that won’t happen. As you turn the corner, headlights illuminate the road in front of you and you can hear the sound of an engine rolling towards you, going too slow to pass you. Your eyes widen and you quicken your pace again, unaware of whose car it is and why they would be travelling so slowly behind you. Different thoughts start racing around your mind before you hear a quick acceleration and before you know it the car is beside you, but you keep your eyes fixed forward. “Hey, do you want a ride home?” Steve. Your pace relaxes now that you know it’s him, but you continue to walk, so he continues to roll steadily alongside you, his eyes darting from you to the road. “Come on, please don’t ignore me.”
“No, I don’t want a ride home.” You reply, an edge to your voice he hasn’t heard before.
The car continues beside you, and you look over to him leaning across so he can shout out the open passenger window to you. “(y/n), please get in so we can talk.”
Your brows furrow, oh so now he wants to talk. “I live around the corner; we won’t have much of a talk by the time you drop me home.”
“Then we can just sit on your drive for a bit.” You shake your head, steadily continuing with your walk. You hear an exasperated sigh float from the car, “I don’t wanna go home knowing we’re not on good terms. Please, come talk to me.” Finally, you stop. Steve silently thanks you and now just hopes you’re going to get in the car. You toy with the idea in your mind, he doesn’t want to go home knowing we’re not on good terms… oh fuck it. You reach over and open the passenger door, closing it with a bit more force than anticipated it makes Steve jump slightly.
“Sorry.” You mumble, knowing he’s precious about his car. “Let’s go then.” You gesture with your hand for him to start driving and he does, the car smoothly starting to roll away.
You ride in silence to your house, which only has the porch house illumined and the rest of your house sits in darkness. He knocks the engine off then turns to face you; your eyes had not moved from the road in front since you got in the car.
He clears his throat, trying to also clear the awkward tension in the car. “Please tell me what’s bothering you.”
Ask and you shall receive. “Why didn’t you just come straight out tonight and say that you’d been on a date?” Your heart starts hammering against your ribcage, “People had to coax it out of you, and you went along with it. You just didn’t need to beat around the bush with saying where you’d been, it was weird.”
“Yes! Weird. What was the reason you didn’t wanna admit to being on a date? Even though, it was pretty fucking obvious.”
He pauses for a few seconds, “I don’t know, I guess I just didn’t want to hurt your feelings.”
You scoff, “Oh, how considerate. Thank you.” Your hands are becoming more expressive with the more annoyed you get.
He places a hand on the steering wheel and furrows his brows, “Well, yeah, I was trying to be considerate. I didn’t want you to get upset.” You shake your head and twist your face, but then your stomach drops, the only reason he wouldn’t want you to get upset is that he knows how you feel. You soften into the seat a little and let out a big breath, your teeth find the soft flesh of the inside of your cheek again and you begin to chew on it, ever so slightly. “I don’t know why, I guess I was bored and-”
“Please don’t just make up excuses, Steve.” You turn to face him as you cut him off, his face looks tired and stressed, “This is not how I pictured this, at all, but I really like you.” Your voice sounds tired and you pause a second to take in his facial expression which has softened. “I have for such a long time and I’m pretty sure the guys all know, Robin definitely does, but that’s beside the point. We’ve been friends for so long and if that’s all you see us as then that’s fine but, I just get frustrated sometimes.” You pause for a second, letting it sit between the two of you, but Steve says nothing, almost just wanting you to continue talking. He's given you his full attention the whole time, holding onto every word you’ve said. “It seems to me sometimes; you feel the same. But then, you deny it and go on dates with other people. There’s a part of me that always holds a little hope that maybe, for some reason, you’re just holding out at accepting how you really feel.”
Bingo. How are you so good at this?
“Am I wrong, Steve?” You look back at him now, almost in anticipation. He can’t seem to muster up the right thing to say, so just slowly shakes his head. A silence falls over the pair of you and he just lets it stay for a few minutes before speaking again.
“How come you’ve waited all this time to say something?” He asks.
Your eyes search his, “Well, when you deny liking me and then date other people it doesn’t exactly encourage me to share my feelings. I’m just sick of feeling like one day you like me and the next you’re uninterested. I wish you’d just be honest with me.” You pause a second, a thought suddenly making its way into your consciousness. “Wait, how long have you known?”
He thinks for a second, giving it some real consideration. “Um, like three weeks maybe. Robin slipped it into conversation at work.”
“And I’ve wanted to talk to you about it but then I guess I got a bit annoyed; I don’t know. I asked Katie out to sort of test it and see if how I felt was real. And it was.”
“Hold on, you needed to date someone else, to test yourself?” You sit back against the door holding your hands closed in your lap.
“You’re missing my point! I went on the date, and I didn’t like it, I didn’t enjoy myself. I was thinking of you the whole time, God dammit (y/n). How do you just expect me to know how you feel if you don’t even communicate with me?! I can’t read your mind. I hate that Robin had to tell me how you felt. I wanted to hear it from you.” His hands point in your direction, to accentuate his argument. He has a point, you’d never spoken about it with Steve, you’ve been close to, but then froze and decided against it. The air in the car suddenly feels uncomfortably warm and you crack the door open a little, Steve’s face turning alarmed when he thinks you’re opening it to leave. When he sees you’re staying, he settles. Awkwardly, you look down at your fingers and tug at a tiny piece of hangnail. You’d never really considered how Steve might have felt, and you felt awful for it. Steve’s hand reaches over and gently takes your fingers away from pulling at your skin, he holds your hand there for a few seconds.
“I’m sorry I never spoke to you about how I felt or anything, I just really didn’t know how to put it or whether I’d just get rejected then it would make everything awkward.” You shrug nonchalantly. It feels nice having his hand in yours and you give it a small squeeze.
“I felt like such a dick, coming in late to Mike’s then seeing you sitting there alone.” He shakes his head slightly, almost as if he’s in an argument with himself. “Well, you weren’t ‘alone’, but you know what I mean.” You scrunch your lips up and nod, letting him continue. “I don’t know why the hell I ever asked her.”
“Don’t beat yourself up about it Steve, it’s done now it’s happened. I’m just sorry for not talking to you about it.” Your thumbs are gliding over each other, it seems cliché, but you almost can’t believe you finally have his hand in yours.
“Well, now that it’s all out there and we’ve established that… how about we go to that little place you like? The one with the tables outside and the good pizza. Tomorrow?”
Your face screws up and you place the palm of your hand on your forehead, “Shit… I have a date tomorrow. I can’t.” He can tell by your face you’re obviously joking, he raises his eyebrows, narrowing his eyes playfully.
“Oh really? Who’s the lucky guy?” His tongue pokes out slightly as it curls up into his upper lip, eyebrows still raised.
You brush him off with a swish of your hand, “You won’t know him.”
“I bet he’s awfully handsome.” He says, in his best attempt at a posh accent which makes you laugh with him.
You still have his hand in yours and you slowly peel your hand away from his, “It’s getting late I should head in.” You state.
He nods understandingly and rubs his hands over his jeans, “Sure.” He looks towards the porch where the light is still on, wondering if your mom has been watching this whole time, she tended to be nosy.
You follow his gaze and are quick to pick up on what he’s thinking, “They’re out.” You simply state.
He doesn’t really acknowledge this but instead poses a follow up to his previous question, “So, I’ll pick you up tomorrow? Around 6?”
Your head bounces in a wave of nods enthusiastically, a smile painting your face. “Absolutely, that’d be great.” For months now, you’d found yourself daydreaming of him, of this. If your mind was unoccupied for a few moments, you found it automatically filling with ideas of you and him, doing the most mundane of things but somehow the thought brought you such warmth and comfort. Often, you pictured the two of you sharing a kiss. The thoughts bounce around in your mind as you sit across from him now, trailing your eyes from his, down to his lips, then back to his eyes. Your heart accelerates at a steady pace, but enough so that you can feel it quickening. Your throat seems to tighten, and your mouth goes dry with anticipation. Steve looks back at you, he enjoys looking at you and taking in your features. He appreciates your beauty and finds you utterly charming, even when you’re going off on him. He notices your eyes move down to his lips, where he carefully takes his bottom one in between his teeth for a fraction of a second, but enough so that you noticed it.
As soon as Steve did this, it’s as if someone lets a cage of butterflies in your stomach free and they erupt into a turmoil of busy wings and flutters. Your heart continues to pound in your chest at the realisation of what’s building.
“C’mere.” He whispers the word and cups the side of your neck with his hand, resting his thumb gently on your cheek as he pulls you in towards him. The car feels so silent as you allow yourself to gravitate towards him, both closing your eyes as your lips finally meet. You’re pleasantly surprised at how well your lips move at ease with his. He kisses you slowly, drawing them out before kissing you again, tenderly parting your lips by placing his thumb just below your bottom lip, firming his hold on you. Heat rises within you and your hand lays gingerly on his leg, your other hand holding his arm. You really don’t want to, but you pull away to catch your breath. His hand remains on your cheek as you slow your breathing down, not wanting him to see you got overly excited. He pulls you close again to give you a small peck on the lips before removing his hand and sitting back in his seat. Your cheeks feel incredibly flushed, and you know they’re a deep crimson, letting Steve see exactly how you felt about your kiss.
“Was that…” he starts, starting to put his keys back in the ignition, “was that your first kiss?” he asks with interest, he’s hoping it was, that way to him it’s more special.
Just as the crimson was starting to dissipate, it reappears. You know Steve has had multiple kisses, so you feel silly that you have only ever had one, that has only just occurred now. Or maybe he asked because the kiss was so bad, and he could tell you’re a rookie? Oh god…
“Oh, shit was it that bad!?” You ask, covering your mouth with your fingers suddenly feeling awkward.
His eyes widen and he shakes his hands, “No no no, no definitely not. Are you kidding me (y/n), talk about a tease.” His voice lowers, with a subtle tone of seduction, “Best kiss I’ve ever had.”
You roll your eyes and push his leg with your hand, “Shut up, Harrington.” You turn and open the door fully now and step out into the darkness of the evening, thankful that he probably won’t be able to see your flushing cheeks. “Tomorrow at 6, don’t be late.”
“I wouldn’t dare.” He turns the engine on now as you close his door, softly this time, and make your way down to your front door where you fish your keys from your bag. Quickly, you unlock your door and turn around to wave Steve off. Once he sees you in safely, he reverses off your drive and you close your door as you see his taillights trail off in the distance.
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arwenadreamer · 2 years
Arwena's JiB 12 experiences
The Jensen-Misha panel
Warning: This post is going to be both Misha critical and Misha positive, but most of all written by a J2 fan, so if you don’t want to read either, don’t read this post.
I was debating with myself whether to post this at all. I had it sitting in my drafts for a week now. While this is Misha positive, it is also biased, I know that. There is criticism on his past behavoiur. And I don't want to stir up any hate. Yet it is a part of my JiB experience, and I wanted to post all of those. So here it goes:
To be honest, I wasn’t exactly looking forward to that panel. The last Jensen-Misha panel we got at JiB 2019 was downright painful to watch. I did, though. I watched the whole panel, because there were so much heated arguments about this panel going around, and I wanted to built my own informed opinion, rather than getting it second hand from out of context posts. (Reminder: it was the panel where Jensen lost it and shouted “Destiel is real? Where? Where is it real?” and Misha at some point sat on Jensen who was lying on the floor and tried to “kiss” him. The one where Jared came in way early to Jensen’s rescue, and there was also this very sweet moment, half hidden behind a giant unicorn, where Jared was tucked under Jensen’s arm and looked up at him.)
Then there was one short incident on Saturday morning at JiB 12 that also didn’t seem promising for the panel. It was a very short moment, and I have not seen any videos of it so far, so maybe no one even filmed it. It was the end of Jensen’s panel, and Misha was on right after. I was sitting with a good view to the left hand steps up to the stage, the steps Misha had to take. Jensen was saying his goodbyes on stage and was walking towards the steps, but facing the audience. Misha was getting up the steps, aiming for Jensen, who, still not seeing Misha, still facing the audience, changed his path a little towards the front of the stage. Misha corrected his course, but was now really awkwardly not getting straight onto the stage but was almost out of room to get to Jensen to intercept him. Jensen still didn’t see him coming, so Misha turned him around with both hands and pulled him into a hug. It was just a short hug, but it was so awkward, because it was so unnatural. Not two people who see each other and sort of both signal to hug each other. (You know, like you do, how social interactions work.) It was so intentional from Misha’s side, not a spur of the moment at all, which was quite apparent. And it took Jensen completely by surprise. 
So for obvious reasons I was prepared for the worst regarding the Jensen and Misha panel. I think I would have left the panel room if it had escalated like this, because I did not want my so far amazing JiB experience to end on a bad note. Especially since there would be no Jared to come in for the rescue and the panel would be slightly longer. (For those not familiar with JiB scedule: On sunday evening there is a Jensen-Misha panel that Jared is supposed to join after 30 minutes for a 15 Minute J2M panel that then is joined by the rest of the guests for the closing of JiB.)
But let me tell you: the panel was a pleasant surprise from start to finish! I genuinely enjoyed it!
If Misha acted like this all the time, I would be a much bigger fan of him!
The panel started with Jensen and Misha sitting with, if I remember correctly, a chair between them. It didn’t seem awkward, it just felt natural.
Both of them started talking and joking. I can’t remember in detail what was being said, but I had fun listening to them. There were a lot of “that’s what she said” jokes. And Jensen told a few dad jokes. (“Did you hear? They are not making 12 inch rulers any longer.”) They kept talking and joking, spinning the wheel. At some point Misha threw some rings (one of these childrens games where you have to throw the ring on a small pole) and Jensen assisted him by throwing the rings to Misha. Misha managed two hits in a row, then asked Jensen to do it too. Jensen declined and Misha didn’t push. 
All this went on and on while people were standing in line to ask questions. Finally Jensen asked “Should we take questions?”, and they joked about that, but still didn’t take any questions. Neither of them. For another few minutes. By that time I had a feeling as if they were avoiding questions. But that is merely my feeling, not fact! Fact is though, that they took the first question after around 15 minutes into the panel!
The fan asked: “Misha, you wrote a poetry book. And Jensen you are being creative with your music. Do you two ever talk about your artistic projects with each other? Like your writing and your lyrics.” Something along those lines.
And Misha just said: “No!”
Silence. Jensen and Misha both sitting on their chairs, neither saying anything more. By this time Jensen has his head lowered, facing his lap, and obviously starts laughing, while Misha says to the fan “thank you for being so patient”, turns to the other side and says “next”. Jensen is almost cry laughing, then he lifts his microphone to his mouth, still laughing, and says:
“It’s funny because it’s true.”
He goes on: “This is such a simplistic answer! We have never collaborated, nor do we wish to.”
But then they do get into the question a bit more describing this hypothetical scenario:
Misha: “I imagine me showing up at your trailer, being like ‘Jensen I want to show you this’”, and then miming Jensen shutting the door into his face.
Jensen is laughing more and more and stands up to mime while he’s talking: “The trailer has steps, so Misha would be essentially standing at foot level, and he’d be ‘hey Jensen, I’m having a hard time with this line…” and then he mimes kicking him off the trailer with his foot. 
Misha turns back to the fan: “That’s how it would go. So we don’t collaborate.”
Note: both were having fun answering that, and both sounded honest. Obviously, Jensen would not kick Misha. But they had fun painting this hypothetical picture.
The next fan asks something about Jensen going viral on tiktok with the Soldier Boy Blondie video. Misha has to ask what that is. He says he isn’t caught up yet on the boys. The fan explains that it is extra content for The Boy’s that actually isn’t aired in the show. Jensen says they did a lot of these and then adds: “I just did another one.” Smirkety smirk. (Jensen was smirking. I was cheering with joy.)
They then somehow go on talking about Kansas and Carry On My Wayward Son, and Jensen is like: “Yes, and I got to direct a Kansas concert!” Misha is like: “Really?” He genuinely didn’t know about Kansas being in a Walker episode singing Carry on. So Jensen tells that story in detail. He talks about how he tried to insert himself in a shot without the actors knowing beforehand. The cameras were on Jared and Odette Annable, and when the shot was done, he signaled the camera operator to keep rolling. He stepped into the frame and looked a Jared who knew immediately what Jensen was up to. He looks at Jensen like ‘What? Who’s this?’.
Jensen mimes all this, but Misha isn’t getting where he wants to go with this. He says in Jared’s voice: “You’re not in my show!” As if Jared’s face was confused for Jensen being in front of the camera.
Jensen corrects him. “No! And this is… see this is how good… like Jared just immediately knew that there was a pit going on.” (Whether he meant “...how good Jared and I work together” or “...how good Jared is”, or whatever, it’s so sweet!) Jensen then acts out his part. Like ‘Do I know this guy?’ But Odette, who was in the shot too, didn’t get the memo and was like ‘Oh, hi Jensen’. If that weren’t the case, there would be a nice little Winchester easter egg in that episode. Let’s just hope it will be in the gag reel! 
Instead of taking another question now, they spin the wheel and drink something. Jensen tells another joke. “Of all the inventions of the past 200 years, I think the dry erase board is the most remarkable.”
Misha jokes about Jensen's jokes being embarrassing.
Jensen: “Listen! Jared wrote those jokes! He sent them to me!” He then smiles softly and says “When in doubt, blame Jared”. Lol. (I’m writing this here, because I have seen this statement taken out of context. Both to hate on Jensen and on Jared. In fact, it was a very sweet friendship moment. Jared sending Jensen jokes. Jensen, who usually isn’t telling jokes like these (that’s more Jareds resort), still telling them all in Jared’s absence. And the “when in doubt blame Jared” really was just loving, joking banter.)
After almost 30 minutes they finally take a third question. I didn’t completely understand it, but the gist of it is: “Did you talk about your new roles with each other?”
Misha: “No!”
Silence. People laughing. Seriously, it’s basically the same as the first question. Do you talk about your work? No.
Jensen: “There is very little creative collaboration outside of when it has to be necessary.” (Sounded serious, sorry, IMO it wasn’t even said in a joking tone.)
Misha: (joking) “We avoid it at all costs.”
Jensen: (now jokingly too) “All costs!”
That’s when Misha started putting his hand on Jensen’s shoulder, while Jensen kept answering. They go on joking about not taking creative ideas for The Winchesters from any cast member, and how they where making fun of that in the green room. 
Jensen: “I kid. I don’t know -” Misha puts his hand on Jensen’s shoulder again and Jensen asks, looking shortly down at the hand (in a jokingly angry tone?) “WHAT?”
That was a short moment when I thought “uh oh”. But they took the turn and went on just as cool and relaxed as before, no one crossing any lines. Misha talks about how he called Jensen about his role in Gotham Knights, and asking for his advice on whether he should take it. Jensen then explains that the relationship that Misha or any of the other cast and he have is not necessarily about creativity, because everyone has their own talent and …. That’s when he is interrupted by Carry On playing and the rest of the cast coming up on stage. Which leads to Jensen speaking the words of Carry On while Rob is singing the parts. An amazing performance, completely spontaneous.
I feel like Misha got a very serious talk after the last panel and acted accordingly. Friendly, funny, not crossing any lines. If every Misha panel where like that,I would watch them all. (I also had a positive autograph experience whith him, but that will be a seperate post.)
Also, one thing they made crystal clear in that panel was: they do talk, but not all that often. And they don’t follow each other's lives all that closely. I mean, Misha didn’t even know about Jensen directing Kansas in a Walker episode. So Misha has neither watched Walker, nor has he followed Jensen’s IG, because I’m pretty sure he posted about that, nor any news regarding that on Twitter. Which is not a bad thing, just a fact. Their relationship is the same as with any other cast member. Friendly, friends, loose contact. Except for Jared. Jared sends Jensen dad jokes. And Jensen passes them on. That could be called creative input. :-)
For those interested, here’s the link to the panel part one. I can recommend the watch. 
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linorachas · 3 years
for the weekend. | bang chan
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⁍ pairing — bang chan x reader ⁍ genre — fluff & smut  ⁍ word count — 4.8k words ⁍ details — established relationship, producer!chan, choreographer!reader, lots of cuddles and kissing, oral (m. receiving), dirty talk, d/s undertones, mention of the word “cockslut”, chan worship, you’re both really in love ⁍ a/n — hello! i’m a new writing blog for skz. :D this is my first work here, so i’d love to hear your thoughts. i accept criticism, but please be nice i am trying my best ㅠㅠ part 2 is here! thank you to everyone who let me know that they wanted a part 2! ♥️ ⁍ summary — After a long week of hard work, you finally spend a weekend with Chan.
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Friday - 2:03 am
 Your footsteps are light and quick as you rush down the hall, duffel bag bumping against your back as it bounces from your movements. 
You were sweaty, sticky, and overall about to pass out, but there was a wide grin on your face once you stopped in front of a very familiar studio door.
You had just finished helping create a choreography for an idol group, a whole day of repeating dance moves and drawing positions on papers. 
Your out was supposed to be at 7, but you had done overtime with the intent to clear your schedule tomorrow. You would have to do overtime on Monday again, but that didn’t matter right now.
All that matters was the boy behind this door who was working just as hard as you are.
Inside, Chan was hunched over his desk, headphones in, hand cramping as he furiously jots down some notes. 
He wasn’t required to stay in, no, he could’ve left hours ago and be asleep right now. But going home without you always bothered him, so he had decided to stay until his girlfriend was finished. 
He knew you felt the same, though. You once told him that you would just be tossing and turning in bed if you went home without him. When the tables are turned and he was the one doing the overtime, you would doze on a chair beside him while he worked, or spend some time at the studio yourself.
Chan had checked the time just a few minutes ago, and he knew that you were already on your way here. Unfortunately, he had made the mistake of starting on a new project while waiting, so it would bother him if he left this unfinished while he rested at home. 
So now he was cramming, rushing to finish at least a draft. 
 You, on the other side of the door, didn’t bother with knocking, and just pushed the door open slowly. 
 Your eyes immediately find your boyfriend’s busy form; Chan’s hair was covered by a reversed snapback, basketball short clad legs tucked Indian style on top of his chair. 
 You feel a tug on your heartstrings as you watch Chan work hard for the sake of a free day tomorrow, a free day for you two.
 You smile at the way Chan taps the pen on the desk to an unfamiliar beat or taps it to the snapback on his head, before going back to writing again. 
 Chan also does these annoyed puffs of breath every few seconds, something you found to be very endearing ever since the first day you met. 
 When Chan groans in frustration, you finally walk inside and shut the door behind you, dropping your duffel bag on the floor.
 Chan freezes and stops writing when he feels arms wrapping around his neck, but the feeling is immediately gone when his brain registers that it’s his baby. 
 You press small close mouthed kisses on Chan’s cheek before you nuzzle your head against the crook between Chan’s neck and shoulder, and a smile blooms on Chan’s face.
 “Sorry,” Chan mutters, yanking his earphones down when you stop kissing him and pull away. You don’t answer. Instead, you remove Chan’s snapback from his head and card your fingers through his hair gently. 
 Chan sighs contentedly, eyes slipping shut as he leans his head back on the chair, following the flow of your fingers. He opens his eyes again when you lean down and press a kiss to his lips, 
 his nose, 
 and then his forehead. 
 You grin at him, and despite being in an unflattering upside down angle, Chan thinks you look absolutely gorgeous like this.
 Barefaced, happy, and in love.
 “It’s okay, Channie,” you finally say, after seconds of just gazing at each other lovingly passes. “I know you’re doing it for our vacation, anyway.”
 Chan lets out a small laugh as you fix the cap back on his head. “It’s just two days, baby.” 
 “Two days of sleeping, eating, and maybe some sex? I don’t know about you, but that sounds like a heavenly vacation to me.” You babble unashamedly, hands sliding down Chan’s torso to massage his pecs— making him squirm and laugh— before you slide them up again to massage his shoulder joints. 
 Chan sighs as he lets the feeling of your fingers relieving the aches wash over him, but then he catches sight of the mess of papers on his desk, and a frustrated frown replaces his smile.
 “Will you wait for me?” Chan asks hopefully. Though deep inside, he kind of already knew the answer.
 Still, his heart starts to beat too fast and his stomach fills with too many butterflies when you wrap your arms around his neck again, pressing your cheek against Chan’s own as you mutter, “of course. You know I always will.”
 And then you seal the promise with a kiss. Chan pretends he doesn’t chase after your lips when you pull away.
 He goes back to work with you still wrapped around him, and after a few moments, you start to shift. Chan’s free hand quickly darts up to your arms that are slowly loosening, so you stay still, alarmed. 
 “Stay.” Chan mumbles distractedly, eyes darting hurriedly across the papers. It’s selfish, yes, making you stand behind him for God knows how long, but Chan had always worked better when you were this close. 
 You would have seen the embarrassed blush that dotted across Chan’s cheeks if you weren’t so flustered yourself, hiding your face in Chan’s shoulder blades again when you fail to suppress a wide grin. 
 So you busy yourself with basking in Chan’s warmth instead, squeezing Chan tight every once in a while just to see him squirm and attempt to glare at you. 
 Suddenly, all your sore muscles from dancing were gone, and you were content to stand behind your boyfriend for as long as he wanted you to. 
 When Chan is finally finished and you’ve shut off all the lights, locked the door and gathered all your belongings— Chan throws an arm around your shoulder while you wrap your own arm around your boyfriend’s waist. 
 You both giggle, talk in stage whispers, and stumble down the corridor like drunken fools despite being completely sober. You hold onto each other like it was your last time to do so, as if you were reassuring yourselves that the other is still there.
 For extra measure, Chan presses his lips against your temple, whispering a sweet “I love you, Y/N. So so, so much.” that only the two of you could hear as you go out into the cold night, wrapped in each other’s warmth. 
 The streetlights look like stars in his eyes, and you ask yourself again how lucky you are to have fallen in love with Bang Chan.
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Saturday - 2:54 pm
 3:16 am, you and Chan are pressed against each other as you settle into a deep sleep, blankets tucked around your bodies to shield yourselves from the cold. 
 4:23 am, you accidentally kick the blanket off the bed, leaving the both of you exposed to the cold temperature of the room. You shiver in your sleep. 
 Chan wakes up long enough to grumble about the blanket and do a half assed search around the room, just to end up pulling you closer to his chest and wrap both his arms around you. It doesn’t do much for Chan himself, but you stop shivering then, so Chan falls back asleep with a smile on his face.
 8:44 am, Chan’s phone rings. The ringtone almost rivals Chan’s snores, and the combination of the two sounds force you to wake up, annoyed. Chan was in the middle of the bed, arms and legs splayed out, while you were on top of him, cheek pressed against his chest. 
 You only have the energy to lift your head up, glare at the sun peeking from behind the curtain and at Chan’s phone, before you drop your head back on Chan’s chest heavily, startling the said boy awake. 
 Chan stops mid snore and the sound is so funny that you feel a smile tug on your lips, but then his  phone rings again.
 “Yah, Chan-ah,” you whine, wiggling upwards to bury your face in Chan’s neck. “Make it stop.”
 “Sorry babe,” Chan groans, trying to blink the sleep away from his eyes as he cups the back of your head. His free hand reaches for his phone on the nightstand, pressing it to his ear after 3 sad attempts of hitting the answer button. 
 Your hearing is muffled because of your position and Chan’s hand covering your head, and you only manage to hear a “no, no, we can’t, we’re sleeping in. Sorry Bin,” before you drown out the conversation entirely, the vibrations of Chan’s voice lulling you back to sleep. 
 Finally, at 2:54 pm, you wake up again, but this time you’re really awake. 
 Your stomach is grumbling and you’re so hungry it‘s starting to hurt. You try to move, but find yourself unable to because of the limbs restricting from doing so.
 This time, one of Chan’s legs is on top of you, covering your lower half entirely. Chan’s head is lying on the pillow, and there’s drool on his chin and it’s gross, so you use the sleeve of your shirt to wipe it quickly. Thankfully he didn’t drool on your hair.
 Chan’s holding your other arm to his own chest as if it was a teddy bear, his body curled into your side snugly. When you lean back slightly to take a proper look at him, Chan’s nose twitches like a rabbit and the grip on your arm tightens. You snort.
 “Chan. Channie,” you mutter before you bury your face in Chan’s hair, squeezing the sleeping boy in an attempt to wake him up gently. 
 Chan lets out a grunt, but doesn’t do much to prove he’s really awake. You sigh. 
 What the hell are you supposed to do now?
 It takes you more than a few attempts, but you finally release your arm from Chan’s grip. However, just when you were about to start working on his leg, Chan suddenly slips his own arm under you, turning you over so you end up on top of him again. He does it so easily that it startles you, cheeks burning red at the sudden display of strength.
 “It’s our day off, give me one more hour.” Chan grumbles. He was still half asleep so most of his sentence was incoherent, but if anyone was an expert in sleepy Chan language, it was you.
 You glance at the wall clock on the other side of the room, grimacing once you realize why you were starving. “Shit. We really wasted the whole day away by sleeping, dude. It’s 3 pm.”
 “Stop calling me dude.” He huffs. “And it’s a vacation, Y/N. Let me sleep. Let us sleep.” 
 You pout when you get your own words thrown back at you, and then it’s as if Chan has a sixth sense for your pouting, because he’s suddenly lifting his head up to press a kiss to your chin, eyes still closed.
 You’re guessing he was aiming for your lips, but he was fighting a hard battle between properly kissing you and falling back asleep. It was endearing.
 “Love you,” Chan mutters groggily, and was about to drop his head back on the pillow when you stop him with a proper kiss to the lips. It’s a very awkward angle, but you both blush and giggle as if it’s your first kiss.
 “Mmmmhm,” Chan pulls away after a few seconds of close mouthed kisses, eyes now blinking open as he frowns at you. “Don’t kiss me. Morning breath.”
 You giggle, leaning up on your elbows to take a proper look at him, heart squeezing at the way his lips were pouted. His bed head looked like a bird’s nest and his eyes were swollen. You couldn’t resist pressing another peck to his lips at the sight.
 “But I just did.” You grin, cupping Chan’s cheek as you press small, rapid kisses on his face. “Besides, it’s afternoon.”
 Chan rolls his eyes, pretending as if he wasn’t chasing your lips with every kiss. And you giggle again, because you were giddy that Chan is finally awake and you were in love with him, and those two don’t really connect, but whatever. 
 Barely a minute passes before Chan’s eyes start to slip shut again, and it’s only then that you realize you’ve been running your hand through your boyfriend’s hair unconsciously.
 “The day’s over, anyway,” Chan places a hand at the back of your head, gently leading you to his neck. He presses a kiss to your forehead then yawns, fingernails scratching your scalp gently to lure you into going back to sleep. “Let’s just stay in bed.”
 And you, you were so tempted to say yes, especially with how warm and comfortable you were in the love of your life’s arms, but then your stomach starts to wail like a dying animal, and both you and Chan wince.
 “I heard it.”
 You laugh, a loud, refreshing sound that makes Chan’s heart pump wildly, and you feel his lips form into a smile when he presses a kiss to your forehead again, longer this time.
 Chan then wraps both of his arms around your waist, turning you both over to the side. Your arms come up to lock around Chan’s neck, and your eyes meet when you look up. 
 Chan’s eyes were twinkling, and you’re not so sure if it’s because of the light behind you.
 “Hello,” Chan says casually, and you make a sound between huffing and laughing.
 “Will you at least let me go so I can make breakfast?”
 “It’s already afternoon,” Chan half-heartedly reasons, his arms tightening around you as he leans down to press another kiss to your nose.
 “Breakfast time is any time. Whoever thinks otherwise should be jailed.” 
 Chan ignores you, busy pressing a few more pecks to your cheeks, nudging your nose with his own. 
 You whine. “Come on, baby. You need to eat. I know you’re hungry too.”
 And Chan is, but he doesn’t want to leave the bed yet. He’s not pouting, he swears he isn’t, but he knows he’s making a face because you were smiling all amusedly at him again, like you were surprised he was acting this way.
 Who could blame him, really? He had a whole day off, a beautiful girl in his arms, and unlimited kisses to give and receive. Why would he leave this warm bubble without a fight?
 Chan tightens his grip and rolls again, and you were getting out of breath from laughing and trying to push him away. Your boyfriend pins you down on the bed, holding your hands above your head and intertwining your fingers together.
 “Hello,” Chan says again, grinning down at your flushed face.
 The sudden displays of strength kept catching you off guard, and your face was reddening for a multitude of reasons.
 “Hi,” you reply, albeit breathlessly, and you tilt your head up as a way of asking for a kiss. 
 Chan leans down slowly, too slowly for your liking, so you groan loudly. Chan laughs but finally presses your lips together, subconsciously loosening his grip on your hands. You free them from his grasp to cup his cheeks. 
 You can feel Chan smile against your own lips, and you only go as far as nibbling on the other’s bottom lip before you decide something and push him back.
 “Y/N,” Chan whines, chasing after you again, but you stop him with a finger to his chest and a quick peck to the lips. He stops, clearly confused.
 You push him back further, making him fall onto his side. He seems to catch on when you start straddling him, knees on other sides of his hips.
 “Oh.” Chan gapes, eyes blinking up at you stupidly. You laugh.
 “Yeah, oh.” 
 You drag the hem of his shirt up, deliberately scratching your nails against the hard muscles of his abs. Chan groans at that, hips bucking up involuntarily.
 As he busies himself with taking his shirt off properly, you start to press open mouthed kisses down his chest, tongue laving against the prominent lines of his stomach. You start sucking near the navel, leaving a big, deep purple hickey that contrasts heavily against his pale white skin.
 Chan hadn’t said anything since you started, but he was leaning back on his elbows, dark eyes following your every move. You felt the way his eyes followed the curve of your body as you adjusted to kneeling so you could move further down, making you shiver. It was almost like he was touching you with how intense his stare was. But his hands stayed at his sides, calm and waiting to strike.
 You knew that would change soon.
 There was already a noticeable bulge by the time you got down to his crotch, making you bite back a smile. You know Chan could feel your amusement because he uses his feet to tickle you at your side, making you laugh.
 “Get on with it, pretty.” His tone was playful, but his hooded eyes were saying otherwise.
 You listened obediently though, because at the end of the day, all you really wanted was to be good for Chan. All you wanted was to pleasure him, to make him feel good, to let him know that you wanted him to be happy. 
 And if a mindblowing orgasm from a morning wood blowjob was the way to success… well.
 You don’t waste any time in taking off his boxers, desperate to see the cock you loved. It wasn’t a secret that you were a bit of a cockslut, but it was technically Chan’s fault. When he slid his cock in you the first time and made you cum so hard you almost passed out, you were ruined for anybody else ever.
 You loved him inside you, loved him pounding so deep into you you felt the head of his cock in your cervix, and also loved him when he took it slow and let you feel every inch— every vein that lined along his fat cock. You loved when you were at his mercy.
 But you also loved when you had that same cock in your mouth, filling you all the way to your throat. You were guessing you had a bit of an oral fixation, since sometimes you craved the weight of it at random times of the day. You just wanted his cock in your mouth, and you knew Chan was more than happy to oblige.
 Chan’s sizeable cock slapped up against his stomach when you finally took away its confines, precum smearing against his skin. Chan’s fingers tighten against the sheets when you lean forward and kitten-licked that same precum off, his cock bumping against your cheek.
 “Baby,” he exhaled, brows furrowing. “Are you playing games right now?”
 “No,” you answer, but as soon as the word left your mouth, you flattened your tongue and licked a thick stripe up at the side of his cock, making Chan groan and throw his head back.
 You swirl your tongue around the angry purple tip of his cock, letting his precum coat your tongue. But you don’t swallow it, not yet. You let the liquids fall back onto his cock, using it as lubricant for your hand that comes up to stroke him. 
 Chan grunted, bucking up into the tight space of your hand as his head lolled forward. He watches you with lidded eyes, and you tilt your head so he could feel the hot exhale of your breath on his cock. Predictably, you felt it twitch.
 A hand comes to cup the back of your head, and you look up through your lashes to see Chan licking his lips and swallowing. 
 “Come on,” he urges, hand sliding down to tilt your head up. He slides his thumb into your mouth and your lips close around it immediately, sucking. Chan shudders. “Be good for me.”
 And you obey.
 As soon as Chan’s thumb slipped out of your mouth, you replaced it with his cock, tongue flattening as you took half of him in your mouth. Your lips stretched obscenely, Chan’s girth and length stretching your mouth to its limits. 
 But instead of deterring you, it only made you moan. You already felt so full even if you hadn’t taken his entire cock in your mouth yet, almost gagging when you felt the tip nudge the back of your throat. Your eyes flick up, watching as Chan’s jaw tightened, eyes fluttering shut for a moment.
 You bob your head up and down slowly, understanding that Chan was letting you take the lead. His hand stayed cupped at the back off your head, a reassuring constant as you did your best to breathe through your nose. 
 The slick sounds your mouth was making echoed along with Chan’s muttered curses in your quiet room, the only other sound being the traffic outside.
 “Shit. Shit,” Chan exhaled, chest heaving. He was always much more sensitive in the morning. “Your mouth, baby. That fucking mouth.”
 And much more noisier.
 “So good for me.” Chan whispers, voice rough and heated. He brushes the back of his hand against your hollowed cheeks, then cards his fingers through your hair so he could see your face properly. “Look at you, my cock in your mouth first thing in the morning. What a sight.”
 You moan at his words, and the vibrations that come from your throat make him twitch in your mouth. Chan refrains from bucking his hips, but he slips up sometimes when gets too lost in the pleasure. There’s an apology on his lips every time, but you shut him up quickly with a harsh suck to his throbbing cock.
 You know he’s close when the twitching gets more frequent and his thighs start tensing around your head, his hand going from tugging on your hair instead of just resting there. Chan gets quieter as well, his nasty praises trailing off to grunts and broken moans.
 Your jaw was aching, but the quiet gasps of your name spurs you on more than you’d like to admit. Because as much as you loved to be under Chan’s mercy, something about him losing his mind over your mouth and saying your name like it was his last prayer did things to you. The slick heat between your legs reminded you of it.
 His pleasure was your pleasure.
 You’re forcibly pulled off when Chan tugs your head back, and you’re just about to complain when Chan suddenly sits up and grabs his cock with his free hand, keeping the tip of it in your mouth. 
 “Look at me.” He hisses, and you obey immediately. 
 You look up at him through your lashes, suckling at the head of his cock as much as he let you. He jerks himself off quickly, using your spit as lube and groaning at the lewd sight of your lips wrapped around him and the feeling of your tongue insistently brushing against the underside of his cock.
 “I’m gonna cum, baby, shit-“ he grunts through gritted teeth, and you squirm as you watch his abs and arms flex with each movement. 
 Chan had his head thrown back now, sweat dripping down his throat and his pale skin reddening as he got closer and closer to his release. 
 “I’m gonna cum in this pretty mouth. This perfect mouth, only mine to use, hm? Just mine and mine alone, fuck- god, fuck!“
 You tug Chan’s hand away and swallow his cock down your mouth again as soon as the first spurt of his cum hits your tongue, making him flinch. 
He’s clearly torn between tugging your head away due to  the oversensitivity, or pushing his cock farther down your mouth. His hand flexes in your hair, unsure of what to do. 
 You decide for him.
 Your throat works against him, struggling to swallow his cum and keep his cock in your mouth at the same time. You were determined to milk his whole orgasm out of him, and you weren’t going to stop until he was dry and shaking. The moans Chan lets out this time are almost close to whimpers as he falls back against the mattress, hips bucking uselessly. 
 “Y/N,” he whines, gasping for breath, and you rub your hands up and down his hips to ground him. You clean him up slowly, aware that the oversensitivity must be bordering on pain now.
 Chan groans, arms coming up to hide his reddened face.  “Baby, enough, please. Come here, come up, I want a kiss. Please.”
 You bite back a smile as you pull off his cock, sucking one last hickey to his navel and reveling in his stuttered moan. You crawl up the bed slowly, kissing the exposed part of Chan’s chin; the only area that wasn’t covered by his arms.
 “Good?” You ask, sitting on his stomach now.
 “Good?” He squawks, disbelief written all over his face when he pulls his arms away. His face was still red, as well as the upper parts of his chest. “Good?! You- god, I can’t believe you. Come here, you little minx.”
 He growls, pulling you into a bruising kiss. Your hands come up to cup his cheeks again, moaning as he bit on your lips and sucked on your tongue like a starving man. Chan’s hands grope your breasts through your shirt, thumbing your slowly hardening nipples and making you squirm. 
 When he pulls away from the kiss and trails his lips down your neck, his hands move lower as well. He hooked his thumbs in your shorts, one second from pulling them down and having his way with you. But-
 Speaking of starving.
 “Channie,” you whine, stopping his hands. He freezes immediately, pulling back to look at you. Concern was written all over his face, and you would have cooed if you didn’t have more pressing matters at hand. 
 You frowned. “I’m really hungry.”
 Chan gapes at you, stunned. He blinks rapidly, eyes going from your frowning face to his hands by your shorts. “I- are you- do you not want me to return the favor? You just gave me the best orgasm of my life.”
 You snort, knowing he was exaggerating, but Chan looked dead serious. You roll your eyes then, locking your lips in a heated kiss again for a few seconds to satiate your needy boyfriend. You keep your forehead pressed together when you pull back slightly to look in his dazed eyes, still filled with want. 
 You drag the tip of your index finger across his lip, smirking. “I’ll make you a deal. If you put some food in my stomach, I promise I’ll let you fuck me six ways to sunday.” You grind down, making him hiss. “It’s been too long since you made me cry, no?”
 Chan’s eyes darkened. You licked your lips.
 But then, the next thing you know, the world was upside down, and you were being carried outside your bedroom over your boyfriend’s shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
 “Bang Chan!” You squeak, heart pounding wildly in your chest. “Put me down, you crazy idiot! What the hell are you doing!”
 “Putting some food in your stomach.” Chan replied simply, like that was the answer to all your questions. “No take backs.”
 You pause for a second, then find yourself laughing at the absurdity of the situation. Chan was still naked. You smack his ass repeatedly, making him yelp on the way to the kitchen. 
 “You’re insane.” You laugh as he finally sets you down on the kitchen counter, wrapping your arms around his neck when he squeezes himself in between your thighs.
 “You love me.” He giggles, looking too smug for your own liking. But then his face softens, and you blink in surprise when he presses a soft kiss to your lips,
 then your nose,
 then your forehead,
 then your lips again.
 “And I love you . More than anything.”
 It’s the softest kiss you’ve shared since you woke up, and that was saying something. You look up at Chan, dazed at the sudden switch of mood. He was looking at you tenderly, eyes twinkling as he smiled, dimples popping out.
 Your heart pounded in your chest again, beating so hard you felt like it was going to come out of you. You love him. You were so in love with Bang Chan that it hurt, and you wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of your life in his arms, just like this. Always.
 “Now,” Chan grinned wide, stepping back as he clapped his hands twice. He was looking very determined, arms crossed and bulging over his chest as he looked around the kitchen. 
 Your eyes meet, and your breath catches in your throat when he smirks.
 “Time to fulfill my part of the deal so we can get on with yours.”
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geminil0vr · 3 years
something you shouldn’t have been doing (part II) | fred weasley
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check out part one in my masterlist, or you might be a tad lost!
summary; still reeling over what happened with fred, you end up pushing everyone away and making up excuses. when you go to ron's dorm to apologise and reconcile, you don't expect his brother, fred, to open the door instead, and invite (pull) you in.
tagged; @weasleyswildin , @avengersassemblee
word count; 5.1k
content; smut, embarrassment, lying, reader has fucking ptsd from being caught PLS, ron being soft but also annoyed at reader, pranks, fred being hot, making out, anticipation, oral (female receiving), teasing, flirting, joking, missionary sex.
a/n; hi, here’s the long awaited (by like, two people) part two that's been sitting, half-finished, in my drafts !! tbh i’m not too happy about my characterisation of fred in this considering he’s usually always cracking jokes and is never this serious, but at the same time when i tried to use more humour it didn’t really fit this style of fic !! sorry guys. and also sorry for the low quality gif :( i listened to the album wasteland, baby by hozier on repeat while writing this YES. also god i'm way happier with my writing in this i spent hours and hours on it fuck
you hadn’t been able to look him in the eyes since it happened a week ago. since he came into your room and caught you. since he came into your room and left you with the fading memory of his hands on your skin. if you weren’t so humiliated, that would definitely have been going in the wank bank. but you hadn’t dared finish or touch yourself since then, just in case. though it was becoming a real struggle when all you could think about was him, and his bloody teasing, and his bloody hands, and his bloody face.
in the great hall you hardly spoke anymore, and during free periods you preferred to hide out in the library than somewhere he could find you. fred always found a way of bumping into you, especially many times after the ‘incident’, but you said you were slammed with homework, 'maybe another time'. it had been weighing on you a little, since with this you also ended up distancing yourself from your best friend, ron weasley.
speaking of which — three quiet knocks sounded from your dormitory’s door and you braced yourself, just as anytime someone knocked these days. well, at least this person had more social decadence than fred. you gave the few remaining girls in the room a nod, a silent offer to get up and see who it was so they wouldn’t have to.
thankfully, as you swung it open, your best friend was there, lanky arms swinging by his side nervously. he’d always been terrified to knock at the girls dormitory. ‘what if someone’s naked in there?’ he once told you, burying his head in his hands after he’d just shouted your name repeatedly from the common room to coax you out. and you clipped him ‘round the head, letting him know that ‘if someone was naked, then no one would open the door’.
peeking around the corner to assure that he wasn’t interrupting anything, his nerves faded and he crossed his arms over his chest. “y/n, fancy seeing you ‘ere.” he said, bitterly.
“well... it is my dorm room.” you narrowed your eyes playfully, but you knew exactly why he had an attitude.
“just would’ve thought, since you’ve become such an expert in avoiding me, that you’d somehow — well, avoided me!”
“i don’t know what you’re on about.” you shrugged bashfully. you definitely did.
“bloody hell, y/n, you‘ve been avoiding me and you — you bloody well know it!” he exclaimed, and you looked back at the curious girls in your dorm before putting your hands up in defense to him, stepping out and shutting the door behind you.
“no, i bloody well haven’t! just been busy, is all!” you whisper-shouted, ignoring the eyes peering up at you from the common room sofas.
“we used to eat lunch everyday together! you, me, fred, george, ‘mione, harry, even lee sometimes —”
“merlin, yeah, i get it, i'm —”
“but now, you rush in to get a piece of toast and run back out again with some borin’ excuse!” he huffed.
“i’m really, truly sorry, ron. but i’m not lying! it’s just... work has been getting on top of me.” you lied straight to his face. but what else could you tell him?
‘hey bestie, your brother came into my room while i was touching myself and he teased me and now i can’t stop thinking about him and his dumb, fucking, stupid, idiot, face!’. yeah, surely that would go down perfectly.
“are you even listening to me?” you snapped out of your daze, only to realise ron had been talking to you. but he hurriedly pushed past that. “i was just saying that if you need to talk, i’ll be in my room. or go to hermione. just stop acting weird, alright?”
with that, your best friend walked away, leaving you with a pit of guilt churning at the bottom of your stomach. you tossed and turned that same friday night, thinking of the usual ways to make him less pissed off with you. if it were you, he'd buy you hot chocolate. and for him, you'd... perfect! when saturday afternoon came around, you figured the hogsmeade weekend would give you the perfect chance to catch up with ron, buy him a bunch of sweets from honeydukes, and all would be forgiven.
knocking on his dormitory door twice, you were relieved for a second when the door opened and you saw a flash of ginger hair. until you realised which head it belonged to.
“fred?” your eyes widened.
“y/n.” he tucked his hands in the pockets of his jeans.
clearing your throat, you looked into the room behind him and ran a hand through your hair anxiously. “is ron here?”
“no, but i am.” he grinned.
finally meeting his gaze, you gave him a suspicious look and attempted to push aside the tightness in your stomach. just act casual. casual. casual. that word spinning in your head sounded less and less coherent each time you thought of it.
“why are you here? this isn’t your dorm.”
he leaned his shoulder against the door frame with a smug smile, crossing his arms over his dark green, knitted sweater, and crossing his legs for stability. “brilliant observation, y/n,” fuck. if he kept saying your name you’d be obligated to jump him right in the doorway. “i’m actually just waiting for him to get back.”
you didn’t quite believe him, but whatever he was doing in there, ron could surely deal with it. you didn’t need to spend any more time with fred than necessary, not these days. “shit, he left already? uh, i suppose i’ll just wait in my dorm; just let him know i knocked.” you nodded curtly.
“you like pranks, right?”
“did you even hear a word i said?”
“shit, he left already? uh, i suppose i’ll just wait —” he mimicked you, and you shot a glare at him.
“yeah, yeah. so, let him know.” you smiled tightly and moved to make your way back to your dorm, but he grabbed your forearm tightly.
turning and glancing down at his grip, cheeks burning, you looked up at him. “i need an answer. pranks: yes or no?”
to shut him up, and to stop from going into heatstroke, you decided against telling the truth. “no.”
“brilliant!” and with that, he pulled you into the room and shut the door, pulling away as quick as he had first touched you. the red curtains were still drawn, making it a little dark inside, and you squinted to look around. shite. now you were stuck, inside a room, which had beds, and additionally, fred fucking gideon fucking weasley.
“i need an absolutely unbiased prank review. i’m trying to scare the shite out of ron.” you bit the inside of your cheek so hard you thought it’d bleed.
“and what makes you think i’m qualified, fred? i’m his best friend, i can just warn him, and everything’ll be ruined.”
“yeah, but, you wouldn’t do that to me, would you, y/n?” he grinned cheekily, rushing over to ron’s bed and gripping one of the four posters. he was right. but nevertheless — how on earth were you going to get out of this one? he seemed relaxed, maybe he’d forgotten about it already! a guy like fred always had a lot of experience, he probably mixed you up with someone else in his mind, or just didn’t care. now that, was perfect! he’d forgotten everything, and you could just be casual!
“okay, watch this.” fred snickered. “i charmed his bed so that when he lies down, it’ll feel like he’s on water.”
your eyes widened. “fred! that’s awful! you should know how terrified he is of the ocean!”
with not even a smidge of acknowledgement, he flopped onto the bed on his back, and you watched in disbelief as the mattress rippled underneath him and his body swayed along with it. magic still astounded you sometimes.
“where on earth did you learn this?” 
“lee taught it to us!” by ‘us’, he was surely speaking of him and george, like usual. it was as if he wasn't aware of the pronoun ‘me’, “he did it to his grandma a bunch of times. almost gave her a heart attack.”
“his grandma?” you gaped, before you realised who you were speaking to. of bloody course. you rubbed your slightly clammy palms against your skirt and adjusted your black sweater, taking the opportunity to look away from him and around the room.
noticing your lack of focus on him, he hopped off the bed and approached you to gain your attention, whereas you stepped back. he frowned, but recovered.
“try it.”
“try what?”
“the bed. actually feels nice when you’re expecting it.”
“you’re not getting me in that bed if it’s the last thing i do.” you shook your head, before realising the euphemism you created, heat flushing through your entire body.
“i’m not?” he gave you a smug yet challenging look.
you cleared your throat, “no.”
“i’ll throw you onto it.” you swallowed. if he went anywhere near your waist or your hips, you’d surely die. glancing around for any possible escape routes and coming up empty, you sighed.
“fine.” having no other option, you marched over to the bed, pulling down your mid-thigh skirt and cursing yourself out for wearing high socks instead of tights. lying down cautiously onto the mattress, you gasped as it rippled beneath you, and couldn’t help but chuckle. you crossed your legs and pulled down your skirt once more, closing your eyes. “it is kinda nice. yeah.” fred swallowed, eyeing the movement of your hands.
“for once, you’re not being stubborn. can’t believe that the y/n y/l/n actually admitted that my prank is pretty cool.” at the sound of his voice, you opened your eyes and sat up as the bed swayed beneath you once more.
“i said kinda nice, but whatever helps you sleep at night, fred.” you smiled softly, eyes creasing. until you actually thought about fred, and what he did when he wasn’t sleeping at night, and your face fell.
“so, now that’s done with — are we gonna talk about how weird you’ve been acting?”
you almost choked on your own saliva. “you what?” your whole body went stiff, as you slowly swung your legs over the edge of the bed and planted them firmly on the carpeted floor.
“you know what i’m going on about. you haven’t looked me in the eye for two weeks.” 
“already been over this with ron,” you glanced away and at the door behind him, “i’ve been busy with homework."
he stepped closer and your cheeks flamed, standing up shakily. “and, what work is that, y/n?”
why did he have to say your name like that? you had to get out of there. now. 
quickly stepping away from him and the bed, you turned so your back was to the door, hands behind you. what were your chances of just bolting out of it and not having him come running after you? and of course he had to have those fucking long legs, like a bloody horse. he'd outrun you by 25 miles per hour. that was how far a horse could run. git.
“you know, transfiguration, potions, defense of care of magical thingies.”
“hmm?” he hummed, making another step towards you. you stepped back, closer to the door now. “is that right?”
“uhuh.” you croaked.
“uhuh.” he nodded skeptically.
“and like, a bunch of other important things, too.”
“yeah, i get it.” he had a gleam in his eye. “but let’s say, let’s just theorise here, that, that wasn’t the reason why you were avoiding me. that it was something else.” the corners of his mouth quirked up.
“not avoiding, busy. and i really should get going.”
he stepped closer, again, and you shuffled back a little until your back hit the wooden door, and your eyes went wide. you gripped the doorknob behind you. “right. but, if it was something else, then would you think it’d maybe have something to do with what happened in your room, last week? maybe?”
you sucked in air through your teeth, wincing and shaking your head. “i don’t recall.” you swallowed.
“oh, you don’t, do you? awful shame, you want me to recount it or —”
“no, no, that won’t be necessary!” you gulped, avoiding his gaze, your voice now coming out meekly, "you didn't tell anyone, did you?"
he furrowed his brows in slight confusion, "'course not," then tilted his head, "preferred to keep it to myself. wouldn't want anyone other than me thinking of you like that."
you gulped again and twisted the doorknob, until he stepped even closer, and his hand went up to stop you, gently grasping it.
his voice came out in an almost desperate whisper. “don’t.”
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. fuck.
you found the bravery to look into his brown eyes and clenched your jaw. from this angle, his features looked almost chiselled, and he had one strand of messy hair that had fallen out of place.
“i could also give you a more hands-on reminder, if need be.” as his voice went even quieter, he leaned down and loosened his light grasp on your hand. you could feel his minty breath on your face again, he was so damn close. and you closed your eyes and his lips brushed against yours. but he wouldn’t close the gap.
he was going to make you do it.
“fred...” you pulled just millimetres away and opened your eyes to look up at him -- his opened too at the sound of your voice. you bit your lip nervously.
“if you wanna go, you can.” his voice was raspy.
you shook your head sheepishly. “no.”
“no.” you whispered and leaned up, enveloping his lips in yours gently. they moved in sync as he wrapped his arms securely around your waist and you tightened your arms around his neck, running your fingers through his hair, the kiss becoming much more startlingly passionate than you’d expected. but, it was fred, after all.
he stepped forward to press you up properly against the door now, and you arched your back to lean even further into him than you thought possible, gasping when his hands found their way underneath your jumper. merlin, the boy worked fast. he used your shock as access to slip his tongue inside your mouth; tongues intertwining, you pulled against his hair gently as he leaned down, fingertips blazing across the skin of your waist. merlin, this felt like bliss. you were trembling with endorphins and need and disbelief that you’d gone and kissed him yourself. though he’d practically urged you to do it.
“fuck.” he groaned, causing you to whimper quietly as he pulled away from you, but you quickly went quiet when his lips touched against your jawline and neck, feverishly nibbling at the skin. you were terribly mad at yourself for not doing any of this sooner. his teeth grazed lightly underneath your earlobe and you let out a quiet moan. sure, you’d never had previous partners to compare him to, but this was fred weasley, and you were sure that he'd be the best you'd ever have in your life. perhaps a rash, impulsive decision, powered by lust, but when he somehow had the power to make your knees impossibly weak, and make you whine at the slightest touch, you were adamantly sure of it.
maybe it was the built-up anticipation and longing that made it all feel so good — because, merlin, the heat between your thighs pulsated from such a long time of waiting. for him. you lifted a leg around his waist to feel him closer and he groaned once more against the skin of your collarbone. you could feel him hardening in his jeans now, flush against your own heat, and you took this distraction to grab his jaw and pull him back to your lips once more. he was so addictive, you couldn’t think of anything else but his hands, his lips, his skin. when his fingertips skimmed inches away from your bra, you pulled back slowly and he looked down, eyes filled with lust and worry.
“shit, sorry if i —”
“no, no, it’s just,” cheeks flushed and lips swollen, you swallowed and bit your lip again, smiling, “are we really going to do this in your brother’s bedroom?”
he’d forgotten where he was for a moment. you two could’ve been in the common room and he would’ve been too distracted by how pretty you looked in your little skirt, thigh around his hip, love bites scattered across your neck. he hadn’t meant to leave one, nor two, nor the third one, but it wasn’t his fault. you were too distracting.
breathing heavily, he grinned at you. “my room is empty.”
you straightened out your clothes and hair, glancing quickly in the mirror, yet he just stood there, grinning, red hair ruffled, cheeks burning from the rush of kissing you. you turned to look at him critically. he was looking back.
"get over here right now, fred." you ordered, still breathing heavily.
his grin grew wider, advancing towards you, "you don't have to tell me twice," until you put a hand to his chest.
"i meant to sort yourself out. in the mirror."
he rolled his eyes, shaking his head, grin faltering. "fine."
once you both looked like you hadn't been having the most passionate makeout session of your lives, and fred's cheeks had made the improvement from red to pink, you walked out from ron’s dormitory, heading across the landing to his. as casual as possible.
but as soon as you'd stepped inside and the door was shut and locked, you were back on each other, kissing, panting, touching, first against the wall, then making your way to his bed. he pushed you back onto it, and you braced for impact in reminiscence of his little prank from before. he chuckled before hovering above you, forearms pressing into the mattress, fingers grazing your thigh and your clit pulsing in response. he looked down at your little skirt that had risen a little too high, and let out a throaty groan.
“you’re so beautiful, y/n.” you flushed and he kissed down your neck once more, leaving even more hickeys (this time, on purpose, though was it really an accident last time?) and gentle bites as he went down. "you don't know how many times i've replayed that image in my mind, of your skirt all hiked up around your waist, thighs pushed together for me." he pulled at your jumper and you obliged, leaning forward slightly to remove it, meeting his lips again with fervour caused by his lewd words as his hands explored your waist with free reign. his knees were either side of your body and you pulled his shirt off in a flash, hands roaming over his chest and to his back, fingernails pressing lightly into his skin as fred unhooked your bra.
he eased it off you slowly, sliding the straps down your arms before tossing it down to the side, and gawking at you.
you shied under his gaze. "stop looking at me like that."
"can't help it," he rasped, cupping one breast while looking up at you, the rough texture of his hand making you arch your back.
"shit, fred," reaching down, he swirled his tongue over your other nipple, his previously occupied hand meeting the inside of your thigh, and you felt like you'd fucking implode. "please."
he licked over your other nipple before moving back up to your face and kissing you sweetly.
"please, what?"
"you know what." you whined.
"say it."
"don't make me say it, please, just..."
"i'm not making you say anything. i could, if i wanted to."
the repetition of those words made you once more weak in the knees as you threw your head back in embarrassment (a feeling he loved to incite in you, amongst other ones). you closed your eyes, "do you keep a book of your best quotes and practice them in your room, or what?"
he grinned cheekily, "no, just a natural. i prefer to do other things in my room, anyway."
"like what?" you look up at him.
"like fuck you."
you flushed red and he caught your lips in his again, smiling against them until you wrapped your legs around his waist, causing him to grind into you.
"fuck, y/n."
luckily he didn't make you plead any longer, hooking his fingers in your panties and pulling them off your legs. he didn't bother with the skirt. you looked much too pretty in it, after all.
guiding his hands to your hips, he pulled you to the edge of the bed, getting on his knees right on the carpet and hooking one of your legs over his shoulder before flipping up your skirt.
"so wet for me, hmm?"
you bit your lip, furrowing your brows as he swiped a thumb over you.
"is this how wet you were when i came into your room?"
you didn't reply, breathing even heavier as he kitten licked over your clit, making your whole body jerk.
"you gonna reply to me?"
"yeah, i — i was —" he licked over you again, firmly, swiping his tongue to dip a little inside of you. "shit!"
"i already told you i don't speak gibberish, y/n." he looked up at you.
you sighed deeply, gripping his hair as he licked at you even more. then you tried to speak again, voice trembling, "i was — fuck, i was thinking about you, fred."
his movements stopped and you whimpered, needing his tongue on your heat again. "you were?" eyes never having left your face, he groaned as you nodded sheepishly. "fuck." and he was back on you, feverishly eating you out, sucking at your clit and occasionally dipping his tongue inside you, making you arch your back and grip at his air, cursing and whining. for once, you were speaking gibberish.
until he paused. "tell me what you were thinking about, love. was i between your legs, like this, hmm?"
you bit your lip, pushing yourself up on your forearms and biting your lip. "no, n-- no, you were... we were in my room."
"yeah?" he raked his fingers over your inner thigh.
"and you had me up against the wall." fred grew even harder thinking of that.
"and what was i doing?"
"you were... fucking me, against the wall."
fred almost groaned again, "shit," and he resumed his actions, eating you out expertly.
you did try to keep your thighs open for him, but they were shaking so much that they moved together automatically. fred moaned into you as you wrapped your other thigh around his shoulder, pulling him even closer into you.
"fuck, fred, gonna cum!" your thighs squeezed tighter around his face, and he hooked his arms firmly under your legs and around your waist, bringing you impossibly closer and making you cry out as he sucked at your clit. your orgasm racked over your entire body, your hips bucking up and down into his tongue as he dug his fingers into your hips, easing you down from it. he rubbed soft circles over your hip with his thumb, as your legs slowly stopped trembling, then got up to kiss you softly with a grin on his face. this boy could never stop grinning, even with his chin drenched in your cum. tasting yourself, you moaned into the kiss, getting up onto your knees and unzipping your skirt.
sitting back on the bed, he watched the slow movements, biting his lip as the white fabric dropped and pooled around your knees, before looking up and into your eyes. "are you sure, y/n?"
you made your way closer to him, throwing your skirt to the side and taking the button off his jeans, zipping them down, before pausing and looking at him again. "i prefer to do other things in my room, anyway. like fuck you." you mimicked him playfully, pecking his lips.
"i wasn't lying." he smiled cheekily, dragging his thumb over your cheek before taking off his jeans. you began to climb on top of him, but he held your hips.
"no, no, no, no, not for your first time you won't."
you bit your lip. "how did you know it was my first time?"
"y/n, you told the entire common room that you were a virgin like two months ago, when you were piss drunk at the ravenclaw house party."
"i did?" you paused before laughing as he moved you onto your back, head resting on the pillows, "well, i could've had sex since then."
"hmm, really?" he tilted his head, smirking, "'could've' being the key word."
fred raked his eyes over your body, legs open to accommodate his body between your legs, skin all flushed, nipples pert, and groaned before kissing you hard again, and taking off his boxers. as he pulled back, you gaped at his firm cock, swallowing.
"you think that's gonna fit?" you said, eyes wide.
"relax, i'm not gonna break you." he grabbed a condom from his bedside table, sliding it on as you kept your eyes glued to his movements.
"you could, if you want." you teased.
jaw clenching, he dug his nails into your hips as his cock twitched. "fuck, don't say that, please."
you snorted, but all amusement flew out the window when he slid his fingers through your wetness, inserting one into you easily and pumping it into you nice and slow. moaning, you gripped onto his wrist. "fred, i thought you were gonna... you know."
"can't say 'fuck me' either, huh?" you blushed, "i just need to get you ready, first. should've done it before but i got a little... carried away."
"oh — okay!" your voice went considerably high-pitched as he put in a second finger, stretching you out even more, but not granting you much discomfort considering he'd made you cum just before. then, a third, and as his fingers hit a spot inside of you that made your hips jerk, you furrowed your brows in desperation, "freddie, please, i'm ready now."
with one last teasing pump making you whimper, he took his cum-soaked fingers and glided them over the condom. his hips bucking up into his hand was definitely the hottest thing you'd ever seen. hovering over you, he placed one hand on your waist, using the other one to guide his cock to your entrance. "'m gonna put it in now, love."
"okay." you gulped as he slowly and carefully slid inside you, wrapping your legs around his waist in discomfort. he let out a low groan. he was trying so hard not to sheath himself all the way inside you, and fuck you stupid, and his cock tried to jump at the thought but was easily stopped by your tightening walls. merlin, you were so fucking tight. so tight.
"you alright? want me to stop for a sec'?"
you took a deep breath, shaking your head, "no, i'm okay, just keep going." your eyes watered as he went further, and each time you thought he couldn't possibly have any more to give you, he slid in even more of his cock. finally, he paused, fully inside you, giving you time to adjust and restricting himself from slamming into you.
it took a minute, but you gripped his shoulders tighter. "you can move." as he did, pulling out slowly, you practically squeaked when the curve of his cock brushed against your g-spot. your reaction made his eyes flutter shut, biting at his bottom lip.
pulling almost all the way out, he then pushed in once again, making you arch your back, the strong discomfort slowly fading and being replaced by pleasure.
"can you — uh, fuck, can you please go faster?"
well, those were the words he'd been dying to hear. still making sure you were comfortable, he picked up his pace, grasping at your hips and looking at his cock push in and out of you. "fuck, y/n." he leaned down to kiss you, again, speeding up a little more while groaning. you tried to kiss back properly, but the way his dick was hitting all the right places made you moan into his mouth. and then he went even harder, and you gasped, and your foreheads were pressed together as you panted into each other's mouths, and fuck it was all too much.
"fuck, gripping me so tightly." he groaned, snapping his hips up to meet yours as you ground down into his thrusts. he brushed a thumb over your clit, wanting to make you feel good, and you held tightly onto his shoulders.
"freddie, shit, i think i'm gonna cum again, don't stop," you whimpered, nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck as your orgasm shot through you again, moaning loudly every time he pounded into you.
he could feel you pulsating around him, and thrust into you harder, making you cry out. he reached over and grabbed his wand from his bedside table, casting 'muffliato' before tossing it the side, landing merlin knows where. "as much as i want everyone to know how good i'm fucking you, we don't wanna be too loud, do we?"
you shook your head hurriedly, pushing down onto fred, hair splayed out over the sheets, the light sheen of sweat over your forehead and chest glistening in the light shining in through the windows. this sight made him groan again. "i'm gonna cum, fuck."
swiping his thumb over your clit again, your body convulsed, pussy clenching around him. fred came hard, as did you, coming down from his high by harshly pumping a few last times into you, slipping out with a moan, and rolling onto his back beside you. you both tried to recover, panting. you threw your arm over your eyes, taking deep breaths, and fred wiped the sweat off his forehead. a silence enveloped the space between you, fred pulling the condom off and putting it in the bin beside his bed, then throwing on his boxers and turning on his side, hand propping up his head.
"so. better than the showerhead?"
"oh, go fuck yourself." you grinned.
"nah, i prefer when you do it."
before you could counter back, a long, high-pitched yell echoed from one of the boys' dorm rooms.
you raised your brows, "i think ron's back."
"would appear so, yeah."
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yellowsuitcase · 4 years
Bliss // Draco Malfoy
Request:  i was thinking it would be really cute if the plot is like it’s draco and y/n 1 year anniversary and they’ve never ya know and so they both decide they’re ready before their anniversary rolls around so on their 1 year he makes the day special and all romantic and the room with rose petals and everything and is super loving and careful and sweet with her since it’s their first time
A/N: This sat in my drafts half-finished for so long and I fINALLY got around to finishing it, thank god. Hope you enjoy!
Summary: It’s Y/N and Draco’s one year anniversary and they have big plans.
Warning(s): SMUT!!! Loss of virginity (male & female), swearing, (pretty) soft sex.
Word Count: 2.9k
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{Not my gif}
Y/N’s leg was jumping up and down as she sat in her last lesson. She’d been anxious the entire day. It was early March, the second to be exact. This happened to be her and Draco’s one-year anniversary, and the pair had big plans for that night. A few days ago, Draco had asked Y/N if she was ready. It wasn’t hard to figure out what he was implying. They had agreed early into their relationship that sex wasn’t a must-have for them. But after a year of being absolutely infatuated with one another, they decided their anniversary would be the perfect day. 
Now that the day had come, though, Y/N realized she was terrified. She feared it wouldn’t be good that she wouldn’t be good. However, she also knew she loved Draco and that if he truly loved her too, she had nothing to worry about. Her anxious thoughts were interrupted by the bell. Without hesitating, Y/N dashed from Flitwick’s classroom and started making her way towards the library. Draco had explicitly instructed her not to come to the common room until after dinner, so she had quite some time to kill. What better to do to distract her than burying herself in her schoolwork?
Y/N took a seat at a desk in front of the far-end bookshelves. Snape had assigned yet another essay. With a sigh, she pulled out parchment from her school bag as well as her quill and got to work.
Y/N woke with a start. She found herself lying on top of her essay, a bit of drool had dribbled onto it. Hastily, she wiped her mouth and took in her surroundings. She was still in the library. “Fuck,” she muttered. The sun wasn’t in the sky anymore; the only light in the library was from the sparsely placed candlesticks. Y/N sighed and began packing up her things, ready to take a nice shower before bed. However, as she was stuffing her quill back into her bag, she remembered Draco. A steady stream of cuss words flew from her mouth as she jumped up from her seat and ran out of the library. Fuck, I’m gonna be late. Will Draco be upset with me? Fucking hell, how did I even fall asleep? She asked herself as she dashed down the dungeon steps.
Soon enough, however, she arrived at the door to the Slytherin common room. She uttered the password and practically threw herself through the entryway, causing some Slytherins to look at her. Y/N paid them no mind; she made a beeline for the boys' dormitory, not stopping until she reached Draco’s room. It was only then that she was able to take a deep breath and prepare herself for what was to come. She was feeling so many different emotions all at once; excitement, anxiety, eagerness, fear. Yet, despite all that, she placed her hand on the door handle and turned it open.
She was expecting to see Draco sat at his desk, but what she saw instead brought tears to her eyes. The room was dark, only lit by candles. Soft music was playing from a record player, and upon looking at the floor, Y/N saw scattered rose petals that led all the way to Draco. He was standing across from her dressed in a casual yet charming green sweater, his hands behind his back. “Hi,” he said. Y/N, whose hand was over her mouth, shook her head. 
“Draco, this is...you didn’t have to do this,” she replied as she began walking towards him. He, too, started walking until both of them met halfway. Y/N looked up at him and saw him smiling at her fondly. Then, he drew his hands from behind his back and presented her with a red rose. She gasped and gently took it from his hand. “Draco, I don’t know what to say. I didn’t have time to grab your present, I fell asleep in the library, and I thought I was gonna be late, so I—”
Draco placed a finger over her rambling mouth, silencing her. “You are all I need. And I don’t care that you’re late, you’re here, and that’s what matters,” he whispered, pulling her close to his chest. Y/N released the tension in her shoulders as Draco began stroking her head, his arms wrapped around her, making her warm. She felt so unbelievably lucky to have a boyfriend like the one cuddled against her. Of course, she’d heard about romantic gestures such as this, and she’d definitely seen them in movies, but never ever did she think someone would do it for her. 
Slowly, Y/N felt Draco pull away. She looked at him expectantly and watched as he gulped. He looked nervous. “Are you ready, love?” he asked, his voice barely audible. Y/N could see that he was afraid. She nodded and took his hand into hers. 
“Okay,” he breathed. “I must admit I am a bit...afraid, I guess.” Y/N was shocked that he had just confessed this to her. Typically, it would take hours of poking and prodding to get Draco to admit he was fearful of anything. Yet, he’d just willingly declared it to her. She planted a soft kiss onto his knuckle.
“I am too. But I trust you,” Y/N assured him. He couldn’t fight the toothy smile that appeared on his face.
“I trust you too,” he replied. Y/N held her breath as Draco leaned in close. She closed her eyes and felt herself melt as he pressed his lips against hers. Her arousal had been growing all day, and despite her nerves, she couldn’t help but moan when he slipped his tongue into her mouth. She felt him smile as his hands found her waist. A shiver ran down her spine as his cold hands slid upwards beneath her school shirt. Y/N kissed him eagerly, but Draco retained his slow pace. His hands caressed her body as they searched for her bra. She gasped into his mouth as his nimble fingers found it and shakily unhooked the clasp. He dragged her bra off her shoulders and down her front, pulling away to toss it elsewhere. 
Y/N found herself growing confident; she reached for Draco’s sweater and yanked it upwards, successfully untucking it from his pants. He laughed as she pulled it up and off his body, leaving his chest bare. Giving in to her temptations, she put her hands on his chest, feeling his heated skin. 
Draco pulled her against his body and dove his head forward, connecting his lips with Y/N’s neck where he began sucking. She closed her eyes and started rubbing her thighs together, desperate to hurry things up, but Draco wasn’t having it.
“Slow down, darling. We have all the time in the world,” he told her, his voice sweet and comforting. Y/N groaned as he reached behind her and grabbed her ass, squeezing it playfully. He ignored her pleas for him to touch her and instead began undressing her further. Her shirt went first, and Draco immediately felt her breasts, kneading gently. 
"For a virgin, you are quite eager, aren't you?" he teased, making Y/N blush. 
Y/N loved the feeling of his hands on her, and she found it pretty funny how his eyes gleamed at the sight of her tits. But then his hands traveled downwards, fondling the hem of her skirt. Y/N looked down, waiting for him to pull the fabric off her, except he didn’t. Instead, his finger guided her face upwards. He laughed at her confused expression.
“Are you sure about this?” he asked as he tapped her clothed hip, a smirk on his lips. Y/N nodded, she knew what was coming, and even though she was afraid, she knew Draco was gonna make her feel good. With her permission, her boyfriend slipped his fingers into the waistband of her skirt and her panties. He kissed her gently as he slowly pulled the fabric down her hips, her thighs, and all the way to the floor. Y/N blushed; she was now acutely aware of her nakedness and couldn't help but feel self-conscious.
It seemed as though Draco noticed this since he hastily reached for his belt, undoing the buckle and shoving his pants down, letting his cock spring free. Y/N bit her lip when she saw how hard he was, how hard she made him. Now that he was naked, Draco reached for her hand. He gripped it firmly as he led her towards the bed. Y/N crawled onto it and laid on her back, immediately crossing her legs. Draco tutted as he, too, got on the bed. 
“Don’t hide from me, love. You’re beautiful, and I want to see all of you, please." Y/N could tell his words were genuine, so she slowly spread her legs, exposing her bare pussy to him. “Bloody hell, Y/N. I’m so glad I get to be your first.” Y/N felt the urge to close her legs again, his words sending butterflies to her stomach. But instead, she reached up and pulled his face close to hers. They kissed sweetly, softly. Draco was nearly dizzy from the anxiety running through his veins, but her kiss helped calm his nerves. When she pulled away, he inhaled deeply.
“What?” Y/N asked worriedly. Draco shook his head, dismissing her concern.
“Can I...can I touch you?” he asked, his voice cracking. He had been confident when Y/N first came to his room, but now that they were actually about to do the deed, he felt ten times more afraid. 
Y/N felt her heart speed up, but she gave him a nod and watched as he positioned himself between her legs. What she wasn’t prepared for was the shock of pleasure when his fingers stroked her labia. “Holy shit,” she breathed shakily. Draco glanced up at her in panic, ceasing his movements. However, when Y/N bucked her hips against him, he continued stroking. He kept his steady motion until he felt his finger brush up against something. Hesitantly, he placed his fingertip on top of it and gently circled it. 
“Oh!” Y/N gasped. She closed her eyes and grabbed Draco’s forearm, holding him still. He stopped his finger and, with his other hand, began stroking Y/N’s thigh.
“What’s wrong? Did it hurt?” he asked, feeling panic return. But then Y/N shook her head.
“No, that’s my clit. Do it again, please,” she begged, her muscles tense. Draco did as she asked and began rubbing his finger against and around her clit. He watched in amazement as she bucked her hips and began squirming, soft breaths falling from her lips. Draco switched his finger out for his thumb. While still stimulating Y/N, he slowly slipped his pinkie finger inside her. 
“Oh my god,” she whimpered. 
“You’re so tight,” Draco told her as he began sliding his pinkie in and out, slowly but steadily prepping her. After a few minutes, he gradually added another. A sharp hiss from Y/N, however, stopped him in his tracks. “Are you alright? What’s wrong?” he asked frantically.
“It hurts-”
“We can stop; it’s okay,” Draco quickly cut in. But Y/N shook her head adamantly. 
“No, I want to do this. The pain has already started to fade just...just go slow, okay?” Draco leaned forward and pressed quick kisses all over her face, not stopping until a smile appeared on her lips. 
“I’ll go as slow as you want me to darling, I’ve got you,” he assured her as he started rubbing her again. Y/N nodded and bit her lip as the tingly feeling returned. She couldn’t help but roll her hips, wanting more friction. Draco took this as a hint to add another finger, so he slipped his middle digit inside. He had to take a moment to close his eyes when he saw Y/N’s pussy clench around his fingers. “That feels good, love?” he asked. 
“It’s starting to. Keep going,” Y/N replied. He heeded her words and slowly began expanding his fingers within her, stretching her out. Y/N continued rolling her hips and breathing heavily. In and out, in and out. When Draco deemed her properly prepared, he withdrew his fingers, causing Y/N to whine. He laughed lightly as he reached towards his nightstand and reached into the drawer. Y/N’s eyes watched as he pulled out a condom and ripped the paper, but just as he was about to roll it on, she grabbed his wrist.
“Let me,” she whispered. Draco had to hold back a moan as she slipped the condom from his hands and placed it on the head of his dick. He gripped the bed sheets and watched his girlfriend gently slide her hand down his cock, bringing the condom with it. Draco thought he might lose himself just from that, but he quickly closed his eyes and steadied his breathing. When he opened them again, he found Y/N laying on the bed again, legs spread. He raised an eyebrow, silently asking if she was ready. She replied by making grabby hands towards him. 
Excitedly, Draco grabbed her thighs and pulled her body towards him until her pussy touched his dick. Y/N gasped and, before she could control herself, bucked her hips. “Shit, if you keep doing that, I won’t be able to hold back,” Draco warned. Y/N completely ignored him and proceeded to grind on him, letting her body give in to her urges. Her boyfriend groaned and savored the feeling before pulling away. He then rubbed his fingers against her. “You’re so wet,” he remarked as he used her arousal to lube up his cock. Once he finished, he looked up at Y/N.
“You ready?” he asked, checking in once more just to make sure. 
“Yes, please. I want to feel you,” Y/N whined. That was all Draco needed to hear. He aligned the tip of his cock with her entrance and, while taking a deep breath, pushed himself inside, not stopping until all of it was swallowed by her cunt. 
“Motherfucker, you’re so big, oh my god,” Y/N cursed, her eyebrows scrunched together as she waited for her body to adjust to his size. Draco gripped her thighs, trying to hold himself back from pulling out and slamming back into her. She felt so good around him. He could feel her walls pulsing against his cock; it was beginning to drive him wild. But then Y/N started wriggling and moaning. 
“Move,” she demanded. Draco wasted no time; he pulled his hips back until only his tip was left inside her, then he slowly pushed forwards, groaning as his dick was once again enveloped in her hot pussy. “You feel fucking amazing, Y/N, shit,” he cussed, continuing to fuck into her steadily. Y/N didn’t reply; she felt breathless as he slid in and out of her. And when his hand returned to her clit, she nearly screamed. The room filled with sweet sounds of moans and pants as the couple made love.
“Faster Draco, please,” she begged, reaching for his hand. Draco quickly intertwined his fingers with hers and gripped her tight. He began to pick up his pace, watching as Y/N arched her back and moaned. “I think I’m getting close,” she whimpered. This made Draco go even faster, her words egging him on.
“So tight around me, baby. So fucking good,” Draco babbled, his teeth gritted as he slammed inside her. Y/N lifted her legs and wrapped them around his waist, allowing him to get a deeper angle into her pussy. She let out little yelps each time his cock hit that spot inside her. She knew her orgasm was approaching. With the way Draco was rubbing her clit and pounding her cunt, there was no way she’d last long.
Draco took notice of Y/N’s desperate moans and clenched fists. “Let go, darling. Cum for me, cum on my cock, baby,” he husked, encouraging her. Y/N shut her eyes and squeezed Draco’s hand as her body jolted, and her orgasm washed over her. The pure blissed-out look on her face sent Draco into a frenzy. He clenched her hand tight and sent a few more sloppy hard thrusts into her before he too reached his high, moaning loudly as he did. 
Each of them halted their movements, desperately trying to catch their breaths. Eventually, Draco pulled out and disposed of the condom. Then he flopped down onto the bed beside Y/N, gently pulling her into his arms where he hugged her tight and pressed soft kisses to her nape. 
“I love you so much, that was...fucking insane,” he whispered, smiling when he heard her giggle.
“It was way better than I ever could’ve expected. I love you too, Dray. Thank you.”
Y/N turned around in Draco’s embrace and faced him. She reached up and stroked his face, completely enamored by him. Never had she felt so safe, so blissful. There was nobody else she would’ve wanted to lose her virginity to, and she was so glad he had lost his tonight as well. Sure, it was sweaty, awkward, teenage sex. But it was loving and gentle, and most importantly, it was with the love of her life. Sleep soon started to overtake her, and her thumb stopped rubbing Draco’s cheek. But Draco was drifting away too. The couple entered dreamland peacefully, their still sweaty limbs entangled with one another's.
Taglist: @beiahadid @pastelpuffbar @cutie1365 @dracoxmgg @lumlfy @sambucky8 @emilianamason @raplinethereal @DixieTheMorab24 @xoxohollands @prongsandprancer @ch0kemedracomalfoy @avlauriaa @purpleskymalfoy @mariah-can-dream @drxcomvlfx @sydnee-kom-spacekru​ @dracosgoodgirl​ @voilawind @gloryekaterina @anchoeritic @ragxsxragxs @exoticlizard @dlmmdl @siriusblklftv
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katsukisblackteddy · 4 years
The Warrior Queen & Her Pharaoh: Part II
Part II: I Want a Rematch
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Pairings: pharaoh! god! Bakugou x warrior! queen! Reader Warnings: none Description: xxxxx
*Extra Info: I’ve taken creative liberties in this, meaning I know that some/most of it will not be historically accurate
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"Katsuki?” (Y/n) broke the silence between the pair, the girl having been moved into the newly renovated quarters and from her old bedroom where she was placed when she first arrived.  
“What?” The blonde questioned, glancing at the girl from where he sat in his chair quietly reading some book that didn’t interest the girl.
“Your father and mine drafted our marriage agreement two days ago.”
“We’ve been married for the past two days then, right?” (y/n) questioned looking at the art on the wall. Katsuki raised an eyebrow at the girl, letting out a sigh before he shrugged. 
“Why do you care?”
“It was a question. Can you relax?” The black girl momentarily glared at the blonde before rolling her golden eyes in annoyance. 
“Don’t tell me what to do if I can’t tell you what to do.” Katsuki remarked before flipping the page and continuing to read. 
“Do you plan to entertain consorts?” The girl questioned, her golden eyes boring into his crimson ones.
“I don’t know.” He stated simply, only pausing a moment later to look up at the girl with narrowed eyes. “Do you plan to entertain other men?”
“I don’t know.” She responded sarcastically, flashing him a smile as a frown appeared on his face. 
“That’s not an adequate answer (y/n). Do you plan to entertain other men?” He repeated it slower this time, the book long forgotten and set to the side, his full attention on the black girl with the dark braids. 
“Just as your answer was not adequate to me, mine isn’t to you.” (y/n) smiled. “Why do you deserve an answer when I didn’t get one. We are supposed to be equals aren’t we?”
“What? Are you jealous or something? Is that what this is? You’re jealous over the thought of me even having consorts.”
“That’s furthest from the truth.” The girl scoffed. “Are you ill, Katsuki? Should I call for the doctors?”
“Oh shut up.” He rolled his eyes. “Is everyone as dramatic as you where you come from?”
“I’m not dramatic Katsuki.” (y/n)’s eyes narrowed as she frowned. “My mother is dramatic along with trifling and two faced, and maybe a few other things but I don’t believe I’m allowed to say those things, lest I be punished in the Afterlife.”
Katsuki laughed lightly at the girl he now called his wife. “What’s so bad about her? Your father spoke highly of her.”
“My father is bordering on senile. He isn’t to be taken seriously. He’s simply a puppet in my mother’s hands, a toy to be played with to her.” (y/n) frowned thinking about her mother. “My mother schemes...just like she plotted to bring me here under the guise of a trade deal, though I suppose my life was simplified down to one for her.”
“Aren’t children supposed to love their mothers?” Bakugou asked incredulously, (y/n) flashing him a sideways glance and crooked smile.
“I suppose so, but then again, mothers aren’t supposed to plan out the death of their child, just as a wife is not to orchestrate the death of a husband...she’s done both though.” (y/n) revealed before lying back on the bed and staring at the ceiling. 
“Your mother planned to kill you?”
“Yes, I was only a child but I don’t think a failed poisoning attempt is ever to be forgotten.”
“She’ll face retribution, if not by my hand then by those in the Afterlife.” Bakugou said nonchalantly, his eyes flashing with anger.
“By your hand, Katsuki?” (y/n) perked up slightly a shit-eating grin growing on her face.
“Is that all you got from what I said?” He quirked an eyebrow at the girl, an annoyed expression on his face though the faintest blush covered his cheeks.
“You would fight for me?” (y/n) asked as Katsuki shrugged. “You know that I can fight for myself right?”
“Of course. I don’t associate with weaklings.” He scoffed.
“You called me an extra.” (y/n) deadpanned.
“Well I didn’t know who you were.” He fired back.
“So you think I’m strong?” Katsuki shrugged in response as she laughed lightly. “I bet I could best you at chariot racing.”
“You wish.” The blonde scoffed, confidence shining in his crimson orbs. 
“I don’t mean to brag but I am considered the best in my tribe.” She replied as they both stood deciding wordlessly to settle this once and for all.
“Well I’m the best in this entire kingdom.” Katsuki replied back as the two rushed to the common areas outside, seeing their friends talking quietly amongst themselves. 
“Chariot race now!” Katsuki and (y/n) said at the same time to their friends, only pausing for a moment to look at each other before looking back to their friends. 
“You better not give me the lame horses either, Katsuki!” (y/n) called back as they rushed back to their separate bathing quarters to get ready. 
“Don’t think so little of me, Woman.” He called back before disappearing into his own bathing quarters. 
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The black girl appeared a short time later, her hair braided with gold and silver thread, gold plated armor placed onto her shoulders connecting to a chest plate and a metal skirt that was placed over a fitted tunic. A large green jewel set into the chest plate. A simple golden headpiece sat on her braids, matching the black and gold eyeshadow and black eyeliner she wore. 
She walked down the steps and towards the chariot that sat waiting for her. Mina and Jirou standing beside the chariot under the shade of a nearby tree, their eyes brightening when their new friend approached. 
“I hope he looses.” Mina said under her breath as she took her place on the side next to Kaminari, Kirishima, and Jirou. The four nobles stood under the shade of a tree as Bakugou and (y/n) stood in their golden chariots. 
The ash blonde ruler smirked at the girl that he now called his wife, though he still thought she was more annoying than anything else. “He’ll win...like he always does.” Kirishima mumbled back, still not over the fact that he had most recently lost against Bakugou. 
“Not this time, Kirishima!” (y/n) called as she held the reigns in her hand, ready to take off at the moment’s notice. Bakugou stood in a similar position, his crimson eyes ablaze as he stared out over the sand dunes in the distance. 
“We’ll see about that!” Bakugou called as Jirou yelled ‘Go’ and they were off. The ash blonde had taken the lead from the start, his all white horses with gold and silver harnesses thundered through the sand, their strangely black eyes focused only on the landscape in front of them.
(y/n) snapped her reigns again, her own all black horses, running quicker than they were a moment before, easily running in time with Bakugou. (y/n) glanced over to her right, a large smirk on her face as she waved at the blonde before her horses ran faster, passing his chariot altogether. 
“I win!” She announced, hopping off of the chariot when they both crossed the finish line within the same second. Bakugou rolled his eyes, scoffing as the girl danced around. “I guess I’m the best chariot racer in all of the land.”
“I want a rematch.” Bakugou stated sourly, shooting a glare at the girl, though she could tell he didn’t mean it since there was a playful glint in his eyes. 
“Another time. We have to get back to the palace. You have duties to attend to.” Kaminari chimed in sheepishly, before spinning around and glaring at the three others who stood avoiding eye contact. He always hated having to be the one to ruin the fun, this time loosing the bet to Kirishima, so being the bearer of bad news was his punishment.
“What duties?” Bakugou questioned, his eyes narrowing as he thought about having to do actual work when they were all having fun. 
“Well, you have to go visit the worksites and make sure everything is up to par, and then you have to visit the shop in the marketplace.”
“The marketplace? I’d like to come! I’ve never been before.”
“Well you won’t be going today. I’ll take you another time. You have things to do with my mother anyway.”
“What things?”
“I don’t know...girl things.” Bakugou retorted before walking off with Kirishima and Kaminari, leaving the girls behind with a simple half wave of his hand. 
“He can’t tell me what to do! I want to go! He can’t keep me locked away here.”
“We have a lot to do today anyways. You have a whole new wardrobe to be fitted for!” Mina cheered, clapping her hands together as they headed back to the palace. 
(y/n) watched from the palace entrance as the royal chariots seemed to disappear from view before she went back inside, heading to find Mitsuki and her ladies.
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“What about this one?”
“No.” (y/n) denied quickly with a shake of her head, not even bothering to entertain the idea. “Why must I wear these anyway? I don’t find them appealing at all.”
“They aren’t for you to find appealing.”
“I won’t be using them around Katsuki, if that’s what you’re thinking.”
“He is your husband, child. You’re expected to birth an heir eventually.” One of the older woman said, looking through the different linens to find something that you may like.
“I will not lay with a man I barely know. We’ve only just started sleeping beside each other.”
“There’s only one bed in the room, (y/n).” Mina said, blinking her eyes. 
“I’m well aware.” 
“You didn’t make him sleep on the floor did you?” Jirou giggled, as a few women looked at you with a dumbfounded expression. 
“No...he offered, but I told him so long as he not touch me, we could share...so we do.”
“But this morning, you both were wrapped in each other’s arms...Kaminari said that we should’ve gotten papyrus and sketched it for safe keeping, but we didn’t have time.” Mina sighed whistfully.
“You watched us sleep?” (y/n) questioned, staring into her friend’s eyes with a slight laugh.
“No...” Mina said, but not very convincingly. “Anyways, you should wear something this shade. I’ve noticed that he seems to like it.” She pointed out the orange fabric. “Then you both can match!”
“Whatever...it’s fine.” (y/n) finally agreed, thankful to finally be done with the wardrobe fittings, at least for now. 
The girls wandered around the large palace for some time before Bakugou and the two boys came back, Mina and Jirou telling the girl to go and change so she would be ready for when Bakugou would arrive. 
She walked into the room at the exact moment that the explosive blonde walked in, his red eyes locking in on the girl with dark skin, the orange toned fabric matching nicely with her complexion and making her golden eyes stand out. 
“Woah...you look beautiful.” Jirou smiled widely, high fiving Mina as Kirishima and Kaminari nodded in agreement. (Y/n)’s gaze quickly shifted to the strangely quiet Bakugou, confused as to why he wasn’t saying anything when all he usually did was talk.
“You look...nice Dumbass, now come on.” He stated gruffly, quickly turning from your view so he could hide his pink tinted cheeks from her. She followed him outside to where a large Sedan was waiting to take them to their destination, though (y/n) was still unsure as to where that would be.
“Where are we going Katsuki?” The girl wondered, glancing at her surroundings before focusing back on the boy. 
“You’ll see.” He answered cryptically. A short time later they arrived at the secret destination, Katsuki exiting the sedan first, then extending his hand out to the girl as she jumped down, her sandals hitting the cool sand with a soft thud.
“It’s just over here.” He stated, grabbing her hand and pulling her along when she began to walk the wrong way. He led her over to a large colorful mural, bright flora and fauna bordered the people in the middle.
“Is that..us?” She questioned, pointing at it with her free hand. Although he no longer needed to, Katsuki had yet to release the girl’s hand, but she wasn’t complaining. He nodded at her question. “It’s beautiful.”
“I thought you’d like it...” He shrugged. “I was planning on showing you earlier, but Kaminari thought you would like it more if I showed you when it was finally completed.” Katsuki noticed the way the girl’s eyes seemed to remain on the painted version of herself, the boy growing slightly worried that she wouldn’t like it...he had painted her himself. “Do you not like it?”
“N-No! It’s not that! It’s just...she looks like me...like actually looks like me...” The girl trailed off, her eyes wide in wonder and shining in the dim light of the setting sun.
“Is that a problem?”
“Usually that doesn’t happen.”
“Well I did it myself...I wanted it to be accurate and no body else is good enough anyways.” Katsuki replied, his usually cocky attitude resurfacing and ruining the gentle moment.
“You painted it yourself?” He simply nodded. “You’re really talented.”
“Why do you sound so surprised? I’m not just devastatingly handsome, you know.”
“Yeah right.” (y/n) scoffed, nudging him with a laugh as he smiled softly at her, his eyes going down to her full lips more than he would like to admit. 
“What? Is there something on my face?”
“No.” He stated, while continuing to stare, ignoring the confused expression of the girl in front of him. “Can I do something?”
“Y-yeah.” (y/n) said softly, noticing the way he stood impossibly closer, the boy standing a few inches taller than her. His large hands gripped the sides of her face softly, before he looked at her again.
“Can I kiss you?” The girl nodded before mumbling out a soft ‘yes’, Katsuki not wasting any time before bending slightly and taking her lips with his own. His lips were soft against her own, surprising her since she had expected him to be rough about everything, it just seemed like that was his nature.
Apparently not though, since the kiss, though short, was soft and sweet. Their lips moving in sync against each other’s before they finally pulled apart, only far enough to breathe, their noses still touching. 
“Your lips are soft.” (y/n) remarked out loud, causing the boy to roll his eyes. 
“Just because I’m aggressive, according to some people, doesn’t mean I’m a heathen.” He stated as the girl laughed. 
“You are aggressive.”
“Well you don’t seem to mind.”
“I never said it was an issue.”
“Well that’s not what your tone said.”
“Do you just enjoy ruining moments and starting arguments?”
“You’re the one who started the argument in the first place. This isn’t even an argument.” He stated back as they walked around with each other, their guards making a perimeter, while allowing them space.
“Whatever...I was going to let you kiss me again, but since I start arguments...”
“That’s not what I meant, (y/n).” Katsuki mumbled shortly after, causing the girl to bite her lip to hide her smile.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought.” (Y/n) smirked as Katsuki rolled his eyes again with a scoff.
“Get over yourself.”
“Says you.” (y/n) called back, running a few steps ahead as Katsuki chased her, the empty area the perfect place to goof off without having to maintain royal appearances.
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@that-chick212 @bakugous-mamas @chefakari
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zawasscarf · 4 years
Library dates- Student!Aizawa × Student!reader
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Warnings: none! aizawa and the reader are the same age and are both students of u.a!
Genre: fluff!
Syponsis: Doubting that you could go longer without blurting out your feelings to your bestfriend, Aizawa just takes a shortcut to cut to the chase.
Prespective: 2nd person! The reader is gender neutral
Additional note: Unedited//Requests are now open!
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The infamous U.A library was one of the most revered places in the highschool of rising pro heroes. It was eerily tranquil, calm. Being in its presence was almost unnatural, as a wash of warmth and stillness fell upon whoever entered. Some say that its inhabited by some friendly supernatural being, some say that it's the librarian's quirk that makes the library so serene.
"I just think it's like that because Yamada isn't allowed inside." Shota chuckled at your slightly-mean joke, his eyes twinkling. "What did he even do inside to get banned?" Shota looked up, looking surprised at your --honestly, foolish-- question. "You can't guess?" He asked, adjusting the bags on his shoulder so they don't slip off. You smooth down your shirt and smile, then shake your head to answer his question. "Nevermind. You're right." You spread your arms forward and opened the door for the both of you. "Oh. Thanks."
"You're very welcome, Sho."
"I told you to not call me that."
"Why? I used to call you that all the time when we were kids."
"Yes, were. Were kids. You wouldn't want to call me to—"
"Okay! Okay! Sorry!"
The truth about Shota and you, is that you go way back. When you moved to Musutafu, he was your first friend. You were not thrilled to be moving to another place again, but your parents assured you that it's the last time you move, and that there are alot of kids in the neighbourhood your age. So, you were looking up to befriend a few, but when you headed to the playground just a few blocks away from your house, they completely pretended that you are invisible. Trying to get their attention did nothing, they were purposefully singling you out. You sat on the swing, and experimented with your newly-manifested quirk. That's when a shabby, black haired boy in an ugly blue 'Genirou Neko' sweater approached you. He was watching you silently, his eyes fixed on the palm your hand, where tiny wind-whirles were rotating. "Cool quirk.." was the first thing Aizawa had said to you. It was the first thing anyone had ever said to you since you moved into this part of town. You could never forget that warmth you felt in your chest when he complimented you. That day on the playground, you had made your first friend.
"What are you smiling at?" His calm, tired voice popped your bubble and made you snap out of your daze. You could feel your cheeks reddening, and your smile disappearing. "Nothing."
Shota looked at you for a very long minute, that you almost felt that time had stopped. He hummed, and put both your bags on a table beside the window. A perfectly secluded place between two bookshelves, just wonderful for studying, the sun always shone through, illuminating the books for you. "If you say so.." He mumbled, now making his way to your side. You rummaged the bookshelf with your fingers, searching for a book that could help you with your 'Quirk's Ups and Downs' essay. Trying to distract yourself from how close he was to you. You had no idea why he came. Shota was already done with his draft, but he insisted he should come incase he finds something he wants to add. You told him he was welcome, you already vowed to yourself that you won't let him distract you.
Yet you couldn't concentrate on finding the book. Your eyes involuntarily snuck glimpses at him, as he looked up on the higher shelves. Shota wouldn't call himself the most charming, handsome person in your school. He wasn't as charismatic and casual as Oboro, wasn't as loud and eccentric as Yamada, so it was never on his mind that someone would have a crush on him. But thats because he can't see what you can right now. The sunrays reflected across his pale glistening skin. Across his black eyes, making it seem like there was an endless unieverse of stars and planets that you could only see if you looked. Those strands of raven hair that couldn't be tucked back in his pontail, that framed his face so well. His heavy lidded eyes that were similar to a feline's, that scanned the books with sharp concentration. Even if he thinks he looks worn out and everything for from perfect, Shota would always be that boy you can never get over. You tried, you did. You tried to bury the feelings away, suppress them, move on. Because you would never tell him. With him, you never knew. You never knew how he would react, how he would act, what he would say. You were terrified to your core of losing him, so it was better off like this. And for the most part, suppressing your feelings worked. But it was days like this, moments like this, that made you realise that you're only lying to yourself.
"Is this it?" Shota's voice, once again, pushed you away from your daze. His eyes were boring into yours, catching you off gaurd so you couldn't even look away. You felt held in place, that even if you wanted to move a muscle it wouldn't cooperate. His pupils dilated, and his pale cheeks turned a pale red. He looked away at once, then pushed the book onto your chest. You shook your head and cleared your throat. "Uh...yeah. Yeah it is! Thanks."
His voice far more queit, he managed to mumble out a "You're welcome.." before you made your way back to your table with him. Instantly, you unzipped your bag and started working. You could hear Shota unzipling his bag and rustling before taking out his notebook. 'Don't look at him' You told yourself, keeping your eyes glued to your books and pages and papers. 'He'll know. He always knows when something is up..and you can't-'
"Hey, do you have a spare pen?" You glanced up at him, he was rummaging through his bag, looking for a pen. "You know I do. Did you lose the pen I gave you this morning?" Shota smiled sheepishly, and nodded. "Yeah..I think gave to Hizashi. Sorry–" You giggled, already offering him another pen. "No need to apologise, Shota. I always carry spare pens for you anyway." He chuckled and took the pen from you, his slender fingers brushing lightly against your own hand. Falling into another frenzy, you -quickly- put your hand on your cheek and went back to scanning the worn-out, yellow pages. Shota cleared his throat and hummed a muffled 'thank you', and got to writing.
Silence filled the air around you. The occasional buzzing of the fan and the loud laughter and gibberish conversation in the halls made you lose focus a few times, but you tried your best to keep your concentration on the paper. Shota was queit too, you could feel his eyes on you every few minutes, but he didn't say anything. You knew that he felt like something was off, but why wasn't he saying anything about it? Did he know what you were hiding and did not want to mention it? Was he already thinking of a way to reject you gently?
You looked up, hoping that he wasn't looking, and the sight infront of you made your heart soften. Shota's head was resting on the table, using his arms as pillows by putting them across each other. His essay was under his arm, he was tracing the words already written with the pen you gave him, but he was only halfway through. His eyes were closed and his hair was out of the ponytail, covering his eyes. Steady breaths came out of his slightly open mouth, moving a strand of hair that fell onto his face. You could see the dust particles in the sunlight that shone on him, making his nose sniff uncomfortably. A part of you wanted to capture this moment, but you knew him well. He didn't like having his pictures taken. But you could swear that in these times where he couldn't see himself, he looked far more ethereal than anyone or anything on this earth.
You slowly wrote the last few words in your essay, then pulled his paper towards you to complete two paragraphs he had left for him. It wasn't the first time you ever finished his homework for him, but you owed him alot, so you truly didn't mind. A few minutes later you were done, and before you knew it you were making Aizawa's bag for him, making sure to take out his jacket first. After zipping the black backbag, you moved behind him, and draped the grey jacket around his shoulders. You feet didn't take you away too far, and you felt a hand hold your sleeve and tug at it. When you looked back, Shota was sleepily glacing at you, his eyes half open, covered with his black hair.
"What?" You asked, a chuckle escaping your lips, trying to lighten the mood. His eyes were pericing yours, you could see a glimmer of red in them. "Why.." He asked, his voice quieter, his hand holding onto your wrist. "Why what, Shota? God are you having that dream again? I promise you all the cats are fine–"
"Why do you do all these things for me?"
The question hit you hard in the face, as though someone had thrown a brick at a glass window. Before you could register the question, he was already talking again. "Always having spare pens for me, completing my essays and my homework, making my bag..looking out for me when I'm asleep.." His eyes glazed over from his bag, to the pens, then to you.
"It just makes me like you even more than I already do."
Your eyes widened, you could feel the blood rushing to your cheeks and ears. A stutter was all you uttered, you couldn't speak. He was still half asleep, he was still tired, but his words held so much genuinity. The words felt heavy with emotions, yet they were blunt and to the point.
"Shota, I–"
He straightened up against the chair and stretched, like what he just said wasn't everything you've ever wanted to hear from him. "I don't blame you if you don't share those feelings by the way. Don't feel inclined to say anything if you don't. It's just something I wanted to get out of my che–mmph!"
Your lips collided against his, making him almost lose balance and fall off his chair. He clung tightly onto the table, and when he felt stable, no longer surprised, he kissed back. You interlaced your fingers with his, and pulled away for breath. Both of you were heaving, chests puffing out then retracting back in. Shota still looked shocked, so shocked that he activated his quirk. His hair stood up and his eyes were bright red, so were his cheeks. You breath out a giggle, and flick his forehead with your free fingers. "Sorry. You were being blunt so I thought I should be too."
"Yeah..I..I see that." He touched his lips, then turned to look at you with a smile. Not one of his troll-like smiles, not a teasing smirk, not a menacing grin, but a sweet smile. One that you only saw when he was around you, or Oboro and Yamada.
A minute passed, maybe two, maybe three. You were not sure. Your eyes were still looking in his, his thumb drew circles on your hand, your goofy smiles unfading.
"Do you want to grab something on our way back home? You know, as a thank you..for doing my homework for me."
"Are you asking me out, Shota Aizawa?"
"Yeah, I am."
"No, Sho, you've got to be more slick about it."
"Why? That's confusing. Now give me your bag, and for the last time, don't call me Sho!"
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sparklingchan · 4 years
Taste of Spring || Han Jisung (Stray Kids)
Pairing : Reader (fem.) x Han.
Word count : 2.4k+
Warnings : Cuss words, slight mentions of heartbreak, not proof read. .
Genre : Fluff, slight angst , best friends to lovers AU.
Description : For Jisung, the world is either black or white - friendship or love. You happen to find yourself stuck in the grey.
A/N: Haven’t written an skz drabble in a while so yeah, here it is(whatever this is lol) and I’ve had this in my drafts for a whole month now. Damn. Sorry, Jisung.
I hope y’all like it <3
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You had not seen your best friend in what felt like ages when in reality it had only been two weeks or so. But you often find yourself missing him at odd hours ,at the most random moments these days.
"I'll be back before dinner. Take care of my cat. Please." You call out to your sister who sits on the couch , sipping some cucumber induced water that apparently burns calories, and watching a very brutal, violent TV show that you wouldn't even want to ask her about.
"Say hi to Jisung for me." she replies with a quirk of an eyebrow, her lips curving into a sly grin. You roll your eyes but the heat has already tinted your cheeks and ears red by the time you exit your house and are walking down the street towards Han Jisung's abode.
As you continue on the road, you feel the taste of an incoming Spring in the air, sweet and full of love. You didn't know why or how or even if it were at all possible in the first place, but you could feel spring knocking on the door ,waiting to be welcomed in.
An old couple walks past you, hand in hand and eyes focused on each other and you inevitably catch yourself thinking about Jisung for some reason. You've both made a lot of fond memories during your spring breaks - you were both inseparable back then.
Even now you are inseparable but things are different.
He was your best friend and nothing more ,yet you find yourself questioning your true feelings towards the boy these days more often than not ,all whilst wondering when you had crossed over the line of wanting to be friends to something more.
"Oh,y/n! Come on in ,honey." Jisung's mother has been nothing but sweet to you throughout all 18 years of your life and you honestly blamed her for making you want to visit their place more often.
But then again, maybe it's not really the mother's hospitality that pulled you in, maybe it is her son's tooth decaying sweetness that brings out the deepest desires from your heart.
You walk into their house , a sense of familiarity washes over you just how it does whenever you walk into your own house too.
"He's in his room ,as usual. Go on. I'll send some snacks in for you." She adds, patting you softly on the shoulder.
Jisung's room is almost always a mess and sometimes one might even find the boy leaving a trail of garbage everywhere he goes, so you aren't surprised when you find a few crumpled piece of paper lying just outside his door. Clumsy little Han.
"Ji-" your words are cut short when you hear his voice from inside , as loud as ever, probably speaking to one of his friends who he also lovingly refers to as his babies(he sometimes calls you baby too ; on purpose or by accident, who knows?) But he seems very into the conversation right now - almost serious which you find rather unlikely for Han Jisung who has very proudly nicknamed himself as Comedian Han since eight grade.
It's the semester break and spring is around the corner - two things Jisung loves the most in the world so there should be no apparent reason for him to be having this deep of a conversation, especially early in the morning. However as his voice grows louder and more frustrated , you cannot help but wonder if there is actually something seriously troubling him.
Curious , you peek into the room through the small crack of the door.
"I know I'm being a coward Changbin but I can't do that to her. She's all I have ,man." he speaks into the phone , leaning down on his rotatory chair.
You freeze in your spot,your heartbeat resonating from every inch of your body. Who's he talking about?
"What? Are you out of your mind? I cannot tell her what I feel. That's the whole point of this damn phone call ,you fucker!" he yells.
You focus harder on their voices , trying to make out the gibberish Changbin replies with from the other end of the call.
Your body aches from standing so soundlessly, leaning half against the wall and half against the wooden door but you tell yourself to bear it for a little longer.
"No. No way. I can't. I can't do this to y/n!" Jisung hisses into the phone and then with a big pop, your bubble bursts -a bubble that you'd been building since you both were kids , designed carefully with dreams and hopes of a happy ever after with the boy in front of you. But you were weaving these dreams out of nothing but thin air. There never was anything to begin with and you always knew that.
Of course he has another girl in his life. He doesn't owe anything to you. You have no right to feel these strong emotions of jealousy and anger. You are just friends, right?
But imagining him with another woman was a poison you didn't put too much thought into until this very moment. You should have been prepared, really.
All hopes have left your side.
You turn around and walk out the same way that you came in , ignoring his mother's questions and concerned gaze. 
You want to be alone right now. Alone and away from everything that ever connected you with Han fucking Jisung.
He is a peculiar man, your best friend , loud yet calm , talented yet humble,his songs make more sense than his words ever could - but he intrigues you so much. It would take you a lot of time to figure Han Jisung out and you had only hoped to solve this puzzle before.. well , before he chooses to hold someone else's hand in the walk of life while you just watch from a far.
And now, you've finally run out of that borrowed time. Without even finishing half of the puzzle . The last tick of your time together has tocked.
That night, as you let the arms of grief and heartbreak pull you in , your cat(also called Snowflake) cuddles right beside you, staring at you as if it understood you.
Maybe it did. Because even you couldn't understand yourself anymore.
"Y/n, wake the fuck up! Come on,open the door." Your sister bangs on your door while simultaneously throwing words at you that were extremely inappropriate for an early morning conversation.
Annoying bitch. She's never cared to wake you up in the morning all your lives. Why is she changing her ways now?
You groan into your pillow, "Go away! I'll be out when I want to."
Your eyes barely find enough strength to keep themselves open. Your body aches and the bedsheet creases on your skin show evidence of a very good night's sleep in contrary to the misery you were subjected to just a few hours before that.
A heavy heart induces a good sleep , you conclude.
"I literally do not care about what you want ,y/n!" She yells against,her fist pounding against the door with more force now than from a while ago,"Come out. Right this instant."
Snowflake - who was chilling on the floor, playing with her toys - jumps on the bed ,pressing her fluffy body against your chest ,eyes glazed with fear.
"Fine. Fine. Can you stop yelling? You're scaring my baby." You reply, taking Snowflake into your arms as you run a soothing hand through her white fur.
Forcing yourself out of bed , you waddle towards the door.
"What do you want?" You unlock the door and with hooded eyes , yell at your sister, "Can you not be so fucking annoying this early in the morning?!"
Instant regret is what you feel the moment your sister steps aside, and you see the blurry figure of Han Jisung in front of your bedroom door.
Pure terror seizes you ,as your brain loses all its ability to form any response in that moment, “Hi, y/n. Can we please talk?" Jisung says, his mouth twisted into a sad smile and his puffy eyes looking at the floor.
Has he been crying? 
He wears his favorite black hoodie and a pair of grey track pants along with his SpongeBob flip flops. The bird nest on his head looks even more disheveled today, even so you find your heart beat fasten seeing this domestic look on him.
No matter what, Han Jisung is pretty.
Really pretty.
And if you were given a coin everytime you acknowledged it, you'd be a millionaire by now.
"Aw, Jisung honey, don't ask. Just walk into her room. I'm sure she's glad to see you too." Your sister replies in your stead ,sending glares towards you as if to say 'You better listen to him.'
And you're too shocked to react when he politely brushes past you and walks inside your room, settling himself at the edge of the bed. You make sure to shove a middle finger up in front of your sister's face before following suit .
Jisung's enquiries start the moment you step inside.
"I was so worried, y/n. You left my house without saying anything to anyone. Your phone was off. I wanted to come here but mom said you looked upset and that I should wait until the morning. " he sucks in a deep breath , "Y/n, baby, what the fuck happened?"
There's that word again. That damn word which has the ability to set your whole body on fire even on a cold morning like this one.
You hate the affect he has on you. You hate the affect his words have on you.
"Nothing." You mumble.
Snowflake wiggles out of your arms, and towards him.
"Don't even lie to me. I am not that stupid." Jisung argues as Snowflake settles in his lap, "Y/n, have I not made it clear that I will be here for you, no matter what?"
You want to laugh. He really thinks you trust him so much that you'd tell him everything going on with you.
He's delusional - you can't possibly tell the boy you are in love with that he is the boy you are in love with. It's completely mental.
"I'm not in the mood for this conversation right now. Go home, Sungie." You say , sitting down on the bed, as far away from his warm body as possible.
Jisung sighs, "Not happening. You can call the police for all I care but I'm not moving my ass before you tell me what happened."
Snowflake snuggles into his tummy, Jisung's fingers giving her soft belly and ear rubs. 
So this is what your life has come down to - you are jealous of your cat who is getting more affection from your best friend slash crush (who is interested in someone else) than you ever did. Brilliant.
"I fucking love you , you dumb fuck. Why do you never notice! "
Jisung's lips widen into a smile. Of course Jisung knew. He has always known. Only a blind person would not notice your not very subtle efforts to win his heart and make him fall for you. Maybe it was you who was a dumb fuck because you never figured out how much Jisung loves you too even after being best friends for so long.
"You hear that, Snowflake? You heard what mommy said? She said she loves me! " Jisung's eye's glint with happiness as he picks up Snowflake, peppering her with smooches, "Your mommy loves me!"
You stare at him , confused beyond anything.
Jisung turns to you, his big signature grin fixated on his lips , " Is that why you ran away yesterday? Because God decided to punch you with the realization that you are in love with me?"
You scoff, "No, I left because you and Seo Changbin were talking about the other girl who you referred to as 'all you have '. I didn't want to know what else you refer to her as."
Jisung laughs , his shoulders vibrating with the action and his hands finding their way towards yours(Ha! How's that Snowflake!)
"You said that you heard me talk about some other girl so you must have heard some name too ,right?" He questions you , his fingers clutching your hand as if he were afraid of you running off again.
"Yeah, of course I did!" you clap back , "I heard the name - " Your heart drops as the crystal clear memory from yesterday flashes into your mind.
Jisung raises an eyebrow, a mischievous grin adorning his face, "Yes? What's that?"
"You had said my name." you whisper.
You divert your gaze from him and focus on your clasped hands and how perfect they look together - like the sole purpose of their creation was to hold each other.
Jisung shifts closer to you , your mattress dipping under his weight.
"Yes. I said your name." He tucks a few strands of hair behind your ears , "I said that I couldn't lose you because you're all that I have. And I didn't want my romantic feelings toward you to change anything between us."
Your breath gets stuck in your throat when he leans toward your face.
"So y/n, Will you please stop assuming things and be my girlfriend ?" Jisung asks.
You free your hand from his and slide them around his torso, hugging him.
"Yes, yes." you whisper, "A thousand times yes."
He engulfs you in the warmest hug possible, his hand rubbing your side comfortingly while he whispers sweet nothings into your ears.
"Sungie look, its a butterfly." You break away from the hug momentarily to point at the yellow and blue winged butterfly that settles down on top of Snowflake 's head.
Snowflake snarls at it , trying to chase it away with her paws while you and Jisung giggle. With arms secured around the other.
"Spring is on its way, isn't it?" He asks you ,"You know what it means?"
"More green vegetables?"
"Shut up ,y/n, you're so unromantic!"
You guys giggle a little more.
"No, but seriously ,what does it mean?" you ask , looking up at him from his chest.
Jisung presses a sweet, heartwarming kiss to your head , "New beginnings. Blossoming of New things."
Hs stares at you like he's trying to say something to you without using words and you like to be believe that you are able to get what he wants to say ; it's a new beginning for you guys.
Because you've finally crossed over this border line of friendship and stepped into the zone of no return, exiting the grey area you disliked so much.
And you know every second of it will be beautiful.
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malewifegradyruewen · 3 years
Ceux Qui Ne Meurent Jamais, Chapter Three
three chapters in three days i'm insane-
previous | next | masterpost
trigger warnings: overall creepy vibe, i was almost too scared to finish, that's why it stops so abruptly, i don't recommend reading late at night or in the dark, ask to tag
word count: 1715
tagging: @fire-sapphics @zoyyanazyalensky @dirty-racoon @della-vacker-supremacy @raiinyrxse @lucat13 @tiergan-andrin-alenefar @genyyasafin @cadence-talle @thewhiteblades @gay-otlc @brilliantblindinglights @enbies-and-felonies @love-pyramus @silver-war @pencilwritesshiz47 @littlemisscupcake lmk if you want to be added/removed!!
Nathalie awoke to the sound of what she assumed was a door slamming shut. The wind howled outside her window, making the panes rattle. She looked at the clock, but the room was too dark for her to see. She lit the candle that had been sitting on her bedside table and padded across the floor to look. Two-fifty-four.
Given the strong winds outside, a draft blowing a door shut was nothing too out of the ordinary, so Nathalie decided to return to bed. She started crossing back to her four-poster when she heard another SLAM! It sounded closer, as though the first one had been one of the vacant bedrooms at the far end of the hallway, and this one was only a few doors down. While it did seem odd, she didn’t think much of it. An old, empty manor could only withstand so much on a night as windy as this one.
SLAM! A third door slamming shut, this one stopping Nathalie in her tracks. It sounded as though this door was across the hall, the door to the only accessible room that was currently vacant. She turned around slowly and crept towards her door, so she could check the hallway and put her mind at ease before returning to bed. She reached out to grab the doorknob before she realised she was shaking. Maybe checking the hall wasn’t the best idea. But her curiosity got the best of her, and she kneeled down on the floor and laid down on her stomach, peering under the door. She couldn’t see anything, and after a few minutes she was ready to go back to bed, until she saw movement out of the corner of her eye.
She could just make out a heavy pair of boots, walking swiftly yet somehow silently across the floor. She held her breath as the boots stopped right in front of her door. Her heart was pounding, louder than it ever had before. The boots moved closer to her door, taking one step, then another, before stopping once more. They turned and ran down the hallway, towards the vacant bedrooms.
Nathalie wasn’t sure how long she stayed there, on the floor next to her door, the only light the candle on her nightstand slowly dimming as the wax melted. Not another door slammed, though the wind blew ever stronger. Who was that, with the black boots, and why were they here? How had they gotten here? Her brain rattled with questions, like the panes clattering in the window frames. But there was nothing she could do about it tonight. She’d ask Lady Lucie in the morning.
Slowly, she got up off the floor and climbed back into bed, snuffing out the candle as she did so. Her heart was still racing and her head was still pounding, but as darkness enveloped the room once more, she couldn’t fight the exhaustion, and she slipped into an uneasy slumber.
Nathalie was awoken by the sun streaming through her windows, so bright it felt blinding. The house was quiet, the ticking of the clock the only sound. Nine-twenty-seven. Lady Lucie had said breakfast was typically at nine, but she’d make it fresh for Nathalie. She could afford a few more moments in bed before getting ready for the day.
Thoughts of breakfast and sunlight and the other ladies in the house distracted her for a moment, but it wasn’t long before her questions about last night’s events took front and center in her brain. Even now, she shuddered at the memory of the boots standing outside her door, silent on such a creaky floor.
She couldn’t bear to sit and wallow in memory any longer, so she instead climbed out of bed and changed out of her nightdress to an outfit nearly identical to that of last night, only the skirt was green and the blouse was white. She quickly untied the ribbon wrapped around the end of her braid and tied her hair into a bun, the same way she had everyday since she was a child. Slipping her grey shoes back on, she headed downstairs to the dining room they’d eaten in the night before.
There was no evidence anyone had used the dining room thus far that morning, but the door to the kitchen was propped open. Nathalie cautiously walked towards the kitchen, spotting Lady Lucie elbows deep in the sink. The clatter of dishes being plunged into the soapy water was loud, but it still seemed strange to Nathalie that her footsteps hadn’t been loud enough to alert Lady Lucie to her presence.
“Good morning,” she said, raising her voice so she could be heard above the dishes.
Lady Lucie whipped around, as though she hadn’t been expecting Nathalie. “Lady Nathalie!” she cried. “Good morning! Don’t mind me, just tidying up after breakfast! I left a bowl next to the stove for you, and there’s a plate of fruit and a bowl of sugar on the counter.”
She pointed as she spoke, guiding Nathalie to a pot of porridge on the stove. She groaned. After eating it nearly every day of her childhood, she despised porridge. The bland, tasteless mush was one of the worst things about Hazelford Children’s Manor. However, she couldn’t deny that her stomach was rumbling, so she took a small scoop and added several heaping spoonfuls of sugar before taking her bowl and the whole plate of fruit to the dining room. There wasn’t much on the plate, as the native berries were mostly out of season, but there were apple slices, which in Nathalie’s opinion, were the best of all the fruits. She reluctantly put a bit of porridge on the apple slice and ate it, delightfully surprised at her creation. No longer despising the food in front of her, she ate it as quickly as she could.
Partway through her bowl of porridge, Lady Lucie emerged from the kitchen and joined Nathalie. “I trust you sleep well?”
For a moment, Nathalie debated lying, saying that her sleep had been uninterrupted. Would Lady Lucie know if she lied? But she decided to ask about the heavy yet silent black boots last night.
“There were some doors that slammed last night. I don’t know if you heard them. They woke me up, and I saw something...strange.”
“Oh? Strange how?” Lady Lucie seemed surprised, though Nathalie couldn’t fathom how. The doors had been quite loud, and she wasn’t sure how anyone could sleep through them.
“There was...a person, in the hallway upstairs, I think. I saw, under my door, a pair of black boots, but they were silent.” She decided to leave out the part where they had walked towards her door, and had seemingly been called away.
Lady Lucie paled. “Le Cavalier de l'ombre.”
“The what?”
“Cavalier de l'ombre. A legend,” she said, jumping up. “Come, to the library, I’ll show you what I mean.”
Nathalie had no time to argue, because Lady Lucie had grabbed her wrist and was pulling her away from the table. She had no choice but to run to keep up as they wound through hallways, past closed off sitting rooms and boarded up doors, too many to count. Finally, they reached a pair of the largest doors Nathalie had ever seen, even larger than the front doors. Lady Lucie let go of her wrist to push the door open, not straining despite their size.
Had she not been terrified of what seemed to be imminent doom, Nathalie would have stopped and marveled at the library. The ceiling was three stories tall, and at least half of Hazelford Children’s Manor alone could fit in here. Bookshelves spanned from floor to ceiling, with two balconies wrapping around the entire room so books higher up could be accessed. There were at least a dozen ladders hung onto rods above the bookcases with small wheels at the bottom so one could reach any book they pleased. The highest balconies had small baskets on pulleys to lower books down while climbing down the narrow spiral staircases hidden in the corners. Grand chandeliers illuminated the room, along with the light streaming in the great stained glass windows directly opposite the doors, the only bit of wall space that wasn’t covered in books. Sofas, tables, armchairs, and desks were scattered about so that everyone had a spot to read and study, although there was a fair number of floor pillows as well.
But Nathalie had no time to marvel at these wonders as she was dragged up a spiral staircase and around a balcony until Lady Lucie stopped so abruptly, she almost fell over.
“Here it is,” Lady Lucie said breathlessly, pulling a book off a shelf at eye-level and flipping through it frantically. “Legends of the Ladies, by Lady Auriane. It’s old, maybe 12 cycles, but it’s one of the best when it comes to our lore. Here,” she said, settling on a page and pointing to the header. “Le Cavalier de l'ombre.”
She offered it to Nathalie, and she took it and started reading. “Le Cavalier de l’ombre is a figure who has no face, makes no sound, and leaves no memory of their visit. They travel in shadow, typically appearing at night to unsuspecting souls. Only appearing to the ladies of the order thus far, they seem to steal immortality, weakening the lady until she has no life left within her, so she meets her demise shortly thereafter. The ladies who fall victim pass with no knowledge as to how or why. No lady has been able to speak of how their immortality is stolen, but all can recall a sense of dread and a drop in temperature before their memory is blank. There seems to be no pattern as to who falls victim to this being, but they will choose one lady and pursue them until they have achieved their goals. Thus far there has been no way found to harm this creature.”
Nathalie finished reading and looked at Lady Lucie, who was paler than any person Nathalie had ever seen. “What does this mean?”
“It means,” Lady Lucie choked, “you’re the next victim of le cavalier de l’ombre, and we don’t know how to stop it.”
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oloreaa · 4 years
Vencuyanir Ch. 6 - The Departure
Summary: Elana runs out of time to protect Bean as they depart Arvala-7
Words: 6.2k
Warnings: References to canon-typical violence, hints of unresolved trauma, discussion of grief, worry about the safety/future of own children, anxiety/mental breakdown
Notes: Hello there :) big thanks to both @mndalorians and @teaofpeach for looking over the first and second draft respectively, I love you both so much and thank you for all your help!! 
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After a short period where Elana and Bean delved into their bond, simply feeling the other's presence after nothing but silence for so long, Bean started to become fussy. He wanted to move around, to make up for the days of lying still in the pram, and started to become a little bright bundle of energy that Elana sat down on the ground. She watched him like a hawk as he took off, stumbling and heading towards some rocks, picking them up, throwing them, running some. Repeat. 
Squeaking as some mudjumpers started to appear, he began to chase after them, giggling happily. He played for several hours, always under the watchful gaze of his caretaker, catching up on movement he had missed the last few days, brimming with energy.
Elana leant against a rock and simply rested, feeling completely at peace for the first time since the Mandalorian appeared in their lives.
Speak of the devil.
"He's all right?" the Mandalorian suddenly asked and she flinched, not having seen him coming. Automatically tensing up, her heart started to race, fear paralysing her limbs, and dug her nails into her palm, the sting sharp. She turned her head, and saw that his gaze was fixed on the child, his shoulders relaxed.
"Seems that way," she chose to reply carefully, barely hiding the tremble in her voice, "He worked up quite an appetite."
"Won't he choke on the mudjumper?"
"He has done it often enough. Also, I fed him a few hours ago, he is probably only playing with them."
The Mandalorian scoffed, shaking his head slightly. There was a silence between them, and in that moment, between the sun setting, casting long shadows that contrasted with the beautiful sky and the rugged mountain line, it was almost comfortable. It was a pity, Elana thought. The Mandalorian seemed like a decent person half the time. 
Decent enough for a bounty hunter, at least.
"We're going to Nevarro, right?" Elana asked, almost absentmindedly. He turned his helmet towards her, and gave a sharp nod without saying anything. "You'll get your reward, and they'll get Bean," she continued, not really looking at anything, "Do you know what will happen to me?"
It was a genuine question. Would she go with Bean? Would they even let her stay? Would she be stranded on Nevarro? Would the Mandalorian keep her? Elana felt a shiver run down her back at the last thought, and she barely resisted the urge to scoot away from him.
"I don't know," he said haltingly, "You're not the bounty."
She did not know how to respond to that, so she settled on watching Bean, exhaling slowly. He did the same, and again Elana got the feeling that he could actually be rather nice to be around if he was not a bounty hunter. But what did it matter? Her thoughts were running at hyper speed levels, and every possible scenario played out in her head. He could help them escape. That was unlikely though, since he had gone through all that trouble to secure them. The Mandalorian cleared his throat after a while, and straightened, taking a step away from her.
"The Crest will be finished soon," he said, "We will depart tomorrow."
"All right," she said, fighting to keep the emotion out of her voice. The sun was disappearing behind the rough mountain ranges, and dusk started to settle in.
"I'm glad Bean woke up," he then added in a low voice as he started to walk away, "I'm sorry about the Mudhorn."
Elana stared after him as he made his way to Kuiil, something like hope starting to bloom in her chest.
He used Bean's name. 
Not quarry, not it, not the baby.
Maybe, just maybe... the Mandalorian was starting to become attached to them.
Elana picked Bean up, who did a great job at protesting, wanting to chase some more mudjumpers, and tilted him onto her chest. "We'll go to them, all right?" Elana murmured to him, bopping Bean once, a giggle escaping him at the movement, "It's gonna be really dark soon."
The sun was setting on Arvala-7, the scorching heat dissipating, and the unexpectedly cold breeze made goosebumps appear on her skin. Suppressing a shiver and the urge to rub at her arms, Elana straightened her posture even more, pushing her shoulders back as she sat down near Kuiil's heater, where a pot of stew was currently being warmed up on a portable stove.
The Ugnaught gave her and Bean a smile, as he slowly stirred, reaching for a small shaker and adding a few dried herbs to it. Looking up into the night sky, she soaked in the view, knowing that it was probably the last night she would be on Arvala-7. The galaxy above them was becoming more and more visible, so clear that it seemed as if the atmosphere around the desert planet did not even exist. With no clouds on the horizon and no light pollution from the inhabitants there was nothing that inhibited the view of the star-speckled sky.
It was weird, Elana thought. To think that she would leave the planet she had been trapped on for so many months. But each time she had thought it would be different. She always thought that she could maybe save enough of the meagre wage the Niktos gave her. That she would be able to convince someone to help her and Bean get off the planet. Or an elaborate escape plan, something that included taming a wild blurrg and heading to the first settlement she found, like those old Empire-approved holomovies she and her friends used to go to cinemas to watch, celebrating another week of school finished.
But it was nothing like that. Her departure from Arvala-7 would be unceremonious and undignified, and the fact that she could not know how long Bean would still be with her left a bitter taste in her mouth. Elana held the baby a bit closer at that thought, a shiver running down her back.
Should she be counting the days she still had with him? 
Should she be hugging him at every chance, feeling the comforting weight of the baby in her arms, relishing in the way he snuggled up to her, the tickling fuzz on his head, his soft ears? Bean's sweet noises when he was happy, the way his eyes would light up, a smile on his chubby face? Elana felt tears starting to rise as she thought about how she might very soon not be able to hear Bean wheezing softly and snoring at night, lying peacefully on his back, tiny hand wrapped around the soft blanket he adored. Blinking fast, and tilting her head upwards, she pretended to be watching the stars as Kuiil hummed and stirred the stew.
If she had to be honest, she was not in the mood for any company that night. She had not been ever since the Mandalorian appeared in their lives but in that moment, especially that night, Elana wanted nothing more than to be able to lock herself into a closed room, Bean safe in his pram and just give herself time to grieve for what was about to come.
Even if she was starting to feel the freezing cold of the night, she did not want to move closer to the heater, did not want to feel obligated to say anything in company. Bean made a small distressed noise, and looked up at her. His dark eyes were wide and he started to point at the heater.
The mental impression of warmth pressed against her, and a fuzzy picture of him and her near the device was clumsily put into her mind. Elana frowned and told him no quietly. 
I don't want to talk to them, she sent as an explanation, I'm unhappy with them, I don't want to be here.
Bean's ears drooped, and he frowned right back. An image slammed into her mind, of her from his point of view, hunched into herself, shivering. Elana stared at him, eyes wide. He wants me to be warm, she realised, and could not help the touched smile that flitted across her face.
"All right", she murmured, an arm snaking under the little bottom of the child, holding him securely, and scooted closer. 
Settling down near the others, Elana ignored how the helmet of the Mandalorian turned towards her, the beskar reflecting the light. Kuiil was gazing at her kindly, and smiled. "Do you want something to eat?" Kuiil asked.
She accepted quietly with a nod, and smiled back. A small bowl with the stew was given to her, a spoon already sticking in it, and Elana blew on it carefully before tasting it.
It was fine enough, so she blew some more and fed it to Bean. He chomped down on the spoon with a loud click of his teeth, making her chuckle at that. Sharing the meal between them, it did not take long until the stew was finished.
The Mandalorian was fiddling with his vambrace, seemingly fixing some of the wiring in the low light, probably waiting for them to be done so he could eat himself. Maybe her nagging had gone through his thick skull. Elana still does not know why she cared so much, but out here? Other than Kuill? He was their enemy and safest ally at the same time, and the logistics made her head hurt the longer she thought about it. Elana wondered why he did not just go into the almost finished ship, but figured that it was purely his business and it was not as if it was important to her.
Bean babbled happily to himself, his little claws scratching at her arms in a gentle manner, and she pressed a kiss onto the top of his head, soaking up the warmth the little child has to offer, feeling pure love across the bond with a soft sigh. The cold was starting to become uncomfortable at this point, but she felt too self-conscious to try to scoot even closer to the device.
Bean started to squeak at her, almost indignantly, before he stilled. Turning his head towards her, eyes wide, he gave an almost comical shiver. Elana squinted down at him, the corner of her mouth curving up.
He shivered again, holding eye contact, eyes big and watery. "Are you for real?" Elana asked, highly suspicious, a smile creeping on her face.
Bean basically started to vibrate, ears flopping up and down while shivering as dramatically as possible. She could not help the quiet laughter that escaped her. "All right, sweetpea," she told him, giggling while stroking his cheek affectionately, "You're a good actor, I know."
His eyes started to shine, and a low "aaah" escaped him, clearly happy that his plan is working. Elana scooted closer to the fire, still smiling, not missing how the two others have their heads turned towards her, clearly having been watching them both.
"The child is cunning for his young age," the Ugnaught said, voice level, kind eyes twinkling at her.
"I think he is cold," she replied, her smile almost playful, and nudged the little one, who gave a coo.
The Ugnaught nodded, and looked at the green child. "You are a smart one," he told Bean, "Able to recognize what others need." Bean cooed and tilted his head at Kuiil, ears held up high, before snuggling into Elana's chest again.
You're the sweetest, best behaving, most wonderful baby ever, Elana thought at Bean, scratching his back in a circular motion, and it was not long before the combination of having a full belly and being held by her lulled him to sleep. Even though there were not many words exchanged, the atmosphere was almost comfortable, no tension in the air.
"I will return to my home now," Kuiil said after a while, and stood up with a grunt, "I have spoken." Raising a hand in a wave, he gathered what he needed, and mounted the blurrg that had been tied to a rock formation. As he patted the side of the blurrg several times, he called out: "I bid you all goodnight."
The Mandalorian nodded, and she did the same as well. "Do you want to eat the rest?" Elana asked after a while, pointing at the leftover stew. 
Elana raised an eyebrow at him.
"I'll go into the Crest," he said, almost defensively.
"Do it before the stew turns cold," Elana told him, adjusting Bean on her lap, his limbs akimbo while he cooed in his sleep.
The Mandalorian just sighed, before helping himself to the food. With a full bowl in his hand, he turned, gave her a nod which she chose to interpret as thankfulness, and started to walk towards the Razor Crest.
Gathering one of the blankets and the sleeping roll that Kuiil had left for them, Elana made herself comfortable on the ground, the motion practised after a few nights out there. There was no one out here other than blurrgs and lizards, and they had stayed away the last few nights, so she figured that it would not change. Putting Bean into his pram, maneuvering her roll close to him, she lied down and stared at the lamp in the middle of the camping site.
Elana did not know how much time passed before the Mandalorian's steps sounded again, but she closed her eyes and pretended that she was asleep. She heard him getting closer to them, and he stopped at Bean's pram. After a while, he pressed the button, and the pod slid shut.
Not knowing what to think of it, it took a while until Elana could fall asleep.
  The next morning, they readied everything for departure. 
With an approving nod, Kuiil declared the Razor Crest safe for deep space and hyperspeed. The Mandalorian gave a relieved sigh at those words, and it was only a reminder of how time was running out, how it would not be long until he would hand them over to his client.
The bounty hunter cuffed Elana to the pram for the first time in days when he and Kuiil went into the ship for a final inspection before takeoff. Fuming on the ramp of the Razor Crest, worry and fear churning in her stomach, she stared hard at the horizon, trying to take in the way Arvala-7 looked like. It was unlikely that she would ever return again, and even if she did not always enjoy life here, she would not have met Bean without landing on this planet. Bean was the most important thing for Elana right now, and she would do everything for him, anything, trying to keep him safe. 
He was still snoring, the golden light of the sunrise illuminating his face gently, and she hoped that he would not wake up until they are in space, wanting to avoid him being fussy during takeoff, since it could irritate the Mandalorian. Elana would not take any chances.
"I can't thank you enough," she heard him say to Kuiil, "Please allow me to give you a portion of the reward."
Crinkling her nose at those words, she scoffed lightly, nails digging into her palms.
"I cannot accept," Kuiil said, and it did not surprise her. He had helped them for free the entire time, wanting nothing more than to bring peace to his valley. His next words only worsened the sour taste in her mouth. "You are my guest, and I am therefore in your service."
The Mandalorian was quiet for a while, before speaking up again. "I could use a crew member of your ability. And I can pay handsomely," he offered.
"I am honoured. But I have worked a lifetime to finally be free of servitude."
Blinking away furious tears, she stared hard at the ground. If Kuiil can understand the worth of a life free of it, why was he... simply giving Bean up like that? Surrendering an innocent child, just like that?
"I understand," the Mandalorian said, "Then... all I can offer is my thanks."
"And I offer mine."
The Ugnaught was quiet for a few moments, and she felt his gaze on her back, but she refused to turn around. Elana simply straightened, taking a look at the sleeping Bean in his pram.
"Thank you for bringing peace to my valley." It almost sounded as if he was talking to the Mandalorian and her at the same time, and if she pondered on his tone, she thought that she could find a hint of regret in his words. But what did it matter?
Heavy steps sounded as Kuiil descended the ramp, and she stood up the best she could, facing him. "And good luck with the Child," the Ugnaught called from on top of his blurrg, "May it survive and bring you a handsome reward."
The Mandalorian nodded at him, and Kuiil raided a hand in goodbye, old, wise eyes on her, meeting her gaze.
"I have spoken."
Elana clenched her jaw, frown on her face as the ramp raised, cutting off her view from the planet.
"Get up," the Mandalorian said, took off her binders, and pointed towards the ladder. Elana winced at the air that brushed the sensitive ring around her wrists, the skin feeling raw. She climbed, head tucked in low with the new environment, not wanting to bang her body against something, and when Elana arrived in what looked like the cockpit, she quietly inched to the side, letting the Mandalorian step into it as well.
He walked past her, used his vambrace to gently nudge the pram to the right of him, onto a co-pilot's seat. As Elana looked around, there was a symmetrical seat on the left side as well. Sitting down into it, hands in her lap, she watched the Mandalorian as he started to prepare the Razor Crest for takeoff.
Ignoring the whirr of the engine as the ship raised into the sky, and ascended in the atmosphere, she tried to calm her pounding heart and the sinking feeling in her chest. When the ship arrived into orbit of the planet, the warm glow of it slowly fading into the cold and infinite space, Bean woke up. Pushing himself up, and cooing loudly, both adults turned to look at him.
"Morning, Bean," she whispered, and gave him a shaky smile. His eyes went huge as he took in the viewport speckled with stars.
The Mandalorian shifted in his seat, pulled at a lever, and they entered hyperspace. Elana stared at the tunnel of swirling lights, heart beating fast in her chest. It had been so long since she had last seen this...
Bean made a loud squeak, eyes bright as he took in the new sight. Pointing excitedly at the lights, she felt a Pretty! coming from him. 
The Mandalorian turned around, took a look at the babbling baby, and gave something like a huff of amusement. Bean squealed happily, and made grabby hands towards the blue swirling tunnel, little body wriggling as his ears were raised high. Smiling at the sight, Elana subtly took a deep breath, feeling the claw around her heart easing slightly. Only slightly, though.
  They stayed in the cockpit for a few hours, not a word passing between them, the only noises coming from Bean.
Elana wondered whether the Mandalorian would play music, or put on a podcast, or watch a holomovie, anything that she herself would have probably done, but he just stared into the hyperspace tunnel, not moving an inch, with no indicator that he would do anything else.
Maybe he's meditating. Elana tried to find an explanation for why someone would choose to pass the time in hyperspace like that. Or he is sleeping, resting his eyes, whatever.
Because there was no way the Mandalorian simply stared into space for hours at an end without doing anything.
... right?
At some point, the Mandalorian started to fiddle with the sleep cycle on the console of the ship.
"You and the baby can go down for rations," he said. Flinching at the first words that were spoken in hours, she had to calm her fast beating heart. He’s just saying something normal. Not threatening, Elana told herself, and offered a quiet "okay" in response.
Looking over to Bean, she saw that he was chewing on his blanket, and she stood up and gently took it out of his mouth. "Come on," she told him, "We're gonna eat."
Scooping him up, ignoring the slight pang her wrists gave, the skin red and raw after many days of constantly wearing the cuffs, Elana turned to the Mandalorian. "Do you want something as well?"
He was quiet, before saying: "I'll be fine."
Elana blinked in confusion, but walked towards the closed door of the cockpit. It suddenly opened with a hiss, making her jump. When she turned her head to shoot a glare at the Mandalorian, his helmet was still in the same position, the blue light of hyperspace reflecting off it.
He did that on purpose, that bastard, she thought viciously, hiding a grimace.
Setting Bean down, before climbing halfway into the hull, Elana propped her upper body against the ladder so she could grab the baby, nestling him against her shoulder. 
With a slight struggle, she got both of them down safely, and looked around the hull, her wrists burned fiercely. Spotting a cabinet on the side where there could be rations, she pressed the button next to the ladder.
When it opened to a drawer full of weapons, she could not help but sneer. He seemed to be a tough enough adversary without all those ridiculous guns he had organised so neatly inside the drawer.
What was it again? He's a Mandalorian, weapons are part of his religion. Elana scoffed quietly, and muttered "Nutjob" under her breath. Bean cooed curiously, reaching a hand out to the drawer. She balked at that. "Don't even think about it, honey," she scolded him, and quickly pressed the same button so the door would shut, "You're too young for this violent nonsense, you hear me?" 
Pressing another button after carefully inspecting it, it seemed to be the right one, filled with packaged ration bars organised in some compartments. With a raised brow, she took in the contents, and started mentally filing away the different types of bars he seemed to have. Apparently he cared enough to upkeep a variety of selection, and with a smile she saw with a smile that he had those that the encampment had as well, those that Bean loved.
She fished that bar out, and showed it to the baby, who made a happy noise as he recognised the packaging. Bean promptly pointed at in expectantly, waiting for her to open the bar for him.
Elana nuzzled the side of his head with a fond smile. "Yeah, honey, give me a moment," she said, before taking out two random ration bars, and closing the closet. 
Seeing an open cubicle, she sat Bean into it, and pointed at him sternly. "You stay here, I'll be back in a minute, okay?" Bean just looked up at her with big dark eyes, and gave her a gummy smile.
Opening the packet for him so he could chew on it, she left the little one in the cubicle, and pulled herself up into the upper level of the Razor Crest. Clenching the ration bar in her hand, she entered the cockpit, and put it onto the console. “Here,” she said quietly.
The Mandalorian's helmet snapped to her. "Thank you," he said hesitantly, "That's... very thoughtful of you."
Elana clenched her jaw and looked down, already regretting this. "You're welcome," she whispered, before turning, preparing to leave.
"Why are you like this?" the Mandalorian suddenly asked.
She did not turn around, her nails digging into her palms, it hurt, but she could not bring herself to unclench her fist.
"Why are you so…" kind? Was that what he wanted to say?
The Mandalorian never finished the sentence, but the question lingered in the air. She felt her ribcage pressing in, her breath escaping her, heart thrumming against her sternum, and did not know how to respond. The words bubbled up and pressed against her throat, almost painful, and even as she swallowed, the pressure did not disappear, continued to hurt as she stared at him with burning eyes.
Because the universe has not been kind to me. 
Because even though she had lived a fairly privileged life, she had to see her planet's destruction on a newscast. Because she had lost everyone she ever knew in a blink of an eye, stranded on a foreign planet where no one showed her kindness when she needed it.
She wanted to say everything and some more.
Because no matter what, kindness costs nothing and is worth everything. Because even though you're our captor, you are decent enough for not hurting Bean, for not doing worse to me.
"I don't know," was the only thing she could manage, staring into the blank visor, feeling everything and nothing at the same time, body numb. She took a step back, then another, before fleeing the cockpit, feeling her eyes burn fiercely as his gaze lingered on her, almost intense enough to scorch. 
Dropping down into the hull again, choking down her heavy breaths from the confrontation, hands shaking and limbs trembling, she was greeted with the sight of Bean standing in front of the open weapon drawer. A ration bar was in his hand as he chewed slowly.
"Bean!" Elana admonished, hands on her hips as she watched him turn around slowly, ears flattening against his head as he realised that he had been caught.
He gave a coo at her, his dark eyes wide as if trying to appeal at her maternal instincts with acting cute. And damn it, it is working.
"You're in big trouble if I see you doing that again, you understand?" Elana told him sternly, trying to get her emotions under control, "It's dangerous! Those are not toys, those can hurt you if you touch the wrong parts."
His lower lip wobbled, and he looked up at her, eyes heartbroken. She scooped him up, and stepped closer to the drawer. Pointing to the various things mounted in there, she explained. "Those are blasters, they'll shoot a laser bolt out of the parts there, you see? It hurts a lot when you're shot with it, so stay away from them, okay?"
Bean blinked up at her again, and then ate the last bite of the ration bar, gurgling. Elana sighed, before closing the drawer. Taking a look around the hull, she sighed again. "Now, where are we supposed to sleep? You don't suppose on the floor, right?" Elana asked Bean, who did not give an answer. Not that she expected him to. 
She started to carefully explore the ship to avoid thinking of the bounty hunter, holding Bean tightly so he would not even get the idea of going off on his own again. Elana took note of the different crates, the nets hanging above holding various tools. The location of the standard issue medicine cabinet that was well stocked, and the carbonite freezers in the back.
Elana stared at them, feeling her heart drop. 
She had only heard horror stories about them, how the frozen person would still be completely aware of their surroundings the whole time they were in. How it would hurt to get frozen and that they would be sick for a long time after they were released from the device. Was it that there was a sixty percent probability of survival? Or was it lower? How did the Mandalorian even get his hands on these?
Suddenly she realised how lucky she had been to not be slabbed by the bounty hunter, how he had tolerated every time she had snapped back. Did he only slab dangerous quarries or did he refrain from doing it to her because he would have to look after Bean without help?
Elana did not know the answer to that, but one thing she was certain of. She was running out of time with which she could escape. Bean gurgled at her, and she could do nothing but sigh. What a mess. What an absolute, horrible mess.
Turning away from the carbonite freezer, she settled down onto the floor of the hull, ignoring the biting cold of the metal. >"You're not going anywhere near there, all right?" Elana told Bean in a stern voice, "It's dangerous, okay? In fact, everything on this ship is very, very dangerous."
She pointed a finger at him, and Bean lowered his ears, mouth down turned.
He whined loudly, and raised his hands up at her. Elana sighed, and pulled him onto her lap, holding him close.
"Oh, honey," she whispered, and pressed a kiss onto his forehead, "What have we gotten ourselves in?"
He seemed to understand the weight of the question, and did nothing but coo and nuzzle her skin, ears hanging low.
How do we get away now?
It was long until she was able to settle down, from pacing along the hull of the ship, trying to work out some of her nervous energy. She was quietly panicking until Bean had fallen asleep on her shoulder and is currently snoring quietly while his warm breath puffed against where his little face was. Then, she had carefully lowered herself onto the ground, back leaning against the hull, giving Bean the opportunity to snooze some without her pacing like a nervous Mid Rim chicken. As his breaths deepened, she started to quietly hum a song, letting the melody soothe both her and the baby.
He snuggled into her chest even more, and she carefully traced a finger over his cheek, looking down at him with the utmost devotion. There is nothing she would not do for Bean. Her scalp hurt, so she reached up, taking care not to disturb the baby, and started to methodically loosen her braids, sighed in relief as the tension lessened, massaging the ache away.
The little lump on her chest gave out a little coo and sighed contentedly, nose twitching slightly. She stroked the soft ear, tracing the shell of it with her fingers, and started the song from the beginning again. She was close to falling asleep herself, she noticed, but was so tired that she actually did not care. 
She will deal with it tomorrow.
Elana jerked up, wide awake once more, the panic swelling up again. Tomorrow.
Tomorrow Bean will be delivered to the client. She exhaled shakily, feeling her heart beat fast.
She propped herself up a bit, looking up and saw the Mandalorian watching her. She did not know how long he had been standing there, but she definitely had not heard him. They stared at each other for a few seconds, Elana's eyes wide, and his visor trained on her. Who knew what kind of face he had underneath the helmet. Who knew if he was sneering at her or mocking her.
Bean let out a yawn that cracked his face wide open, and then pressed his face into her shirt, little legs scooting up froggy style, straddling her stomach. She automatically moved her arm under his little bum, supporting the child, and looked down at the green baby.
His face was squished into her, head turned slightly upwards, button nose twitching. He started to snore softly, and Elana felt her heart break.
That was what the Empire wanted to destroy, that little, wonderful, precious creature, her child. They would take his innocence away, and she would probably never see him again. For the rest of his life, he would be experimented on, he would never have a childhood, he would never have friends, he would only know the hands of uncaring scientists that would toss him away as soon as they finished their examinations.
Hate welled up in her, white hot anger, pure despair and helplessness swirling inside her as her eyes started to burn. 
The Empire would take her child away and give him a horrible life. They would take Bean away and there was nothing she could do. The only thing that could happen is that the Mandalorian changes his mind, but that was unlikely. If he did not want to turn them in, he would have left them on Arvala-7. Elana felt wetness on her cheeks, her vision of Bean blurring more and more. Careful so her tears would not drop on the sleeping child, she tilted her head back and stared hard at the ceiling. 
"Could you move the pram to me, please?" Elana could not recognize her voice, hoarse and meek. 
The Mandalorian just nodded in her peripheral vision, pushed a button on his vambrace, and the pram floated to her, nearly at ground level. Setting the sleeping Bean into it, she was glad he did not wake up when she shifted him.
As soon as the lid of the pram closed with a slight hiss, she clenched her eyes shut and inhaled deeply, making no noise other than slightly hitched breaths. She did not shift in her seat, did not move or change position. Elana just could not stop crying. The tears rolled down her cheeks without her consent, and she did not bother to wipe them away, her limbs not cooperating anyways.
Elana couldn't fight against the Empire. She was not able to when they destroyed her planet. She would not be able to save her baby as well. She could not fight against a Mandalorian. 
I hate you, she thought at him, jaw clenched tight.
She saw how the Mandalorian's helmet tilted in her direction, observing her. Her vision blurred some more, new tears welling up.
I hate you, Elana thought again, heart aching, choking on a sob that caught in her throat. I hate you so much.
The Mandalorian just kept watching her, not moving an inch. She finally looked back, tears obscuring her vision but she gave him the fiercest glare she could manage. Pushing herself up from the ground, away from the pram, she knew that she looked exactly into his eyes.
Elana stepped closer to the Mandalorian, and he straightened. Leaning into the Mandalorian's personal space, getting into his face, she wanted nothing more than just stab him in the neck. Never before had she felt such hatred towards anyone. 
He is the one who will give my child to the Empire.
"Go to hell," Elana heard herself say, her voice barely above a whisper, breaking on the last word. Before he could say anything, she pushed past him, and disappeared into the tiny fresher, slamming the door shut. Back leaning against the door, she slid down to the ground, biting her bottom lip so hard she tasted blood.
Never before had she felt such loathing. She hated him. And that was apparently all that was needed for her to completely break down. Burying her face into her hands, she sobbed, shoulders shaking under the strain of keeping quiet.
It did not matter to her anymore. The notion that she had to maintain the stoic facade in front of the Mandalorian had gone up in smoke, she did not care at all if he found her pathetic. Let him mock her for all she cared, let him laugh himself stupid at the sight of her tears, reduced to rubble under his silent judgement.
She felt like a complete fraud, everything she did before to protect Bean? It was worth nothing, because he would give them up anyway. She could have tried to kill him before they left Arvala-7, but she did not. Never mind what would have happened, she could have killed him, stabbed him in his sleep while they were repairing the Razor Crest. She and Bean could have stayed at Kuiil's place until they would have to leave again, seeking shelter somewhere else. If she had done that, Bean would not face capture tomorrow. If.
Elana cried until she was trembling, every single one of her limbs shaking uncontrollably. She cried until there were no tears left, and then some more, until exhaustion took over her and she fell asleep on the floor, against the door of the fresher, heart aching too much for her to handle. 
If. Oh, only if.
Thank you for reading!!
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needdatbag · 4 years
Drinking You
notes: Hi! This is my first fanfiction ever. I just wanna see if anyone might like it? Haha...Anyway, if you do, please leave a like or a comment. Hope you enjoy! Oh and this is only the first part. 
Summary: You encounter a stranger on your way back from the grocery shop and everything about him pulls you in. 
Pairings: Eren Yeager x Reader; Various pairings eventually
Warnings: NSFW; mentions of smoking.
Part 1-Stranger Danger
You were not ok. Today was a hellish Monday like you rarely encountered. Of course Monday sucked in general  but it’s a different kind of pain when you work in a department full of detectives. Everyone is stressed day after day and they don’t have any notion about free time, for them it is equivalent with supplementary work. It’s been 4 months since you started working as the main profiler of the team and you feel as if you need to step up your game. Everyone likes you but the fact that you’re new in the field is noticeable. You do your best all the time but experience is key after all. So here you are, after working hours, walking out of the closest store while holding a beer and a pack of cigarettes in one hand while the other is busy holding the phone to your ear.
’’I will take a look as soon as I get back to my desk, I was planning on checking the brief details we have about this case anyway. I took the file before I left and I will be making an idea about the whole deal tonight. We will receive the rest tomorrow, right? I mean I can get something but without all the information it might just be wrong or incomplete.’’
Your boss sighed and agreed with you.
’’I know. There is a reason behind this lack of information but I am afraid you’ll have to find out tomorrow. I will explain everything to you as soon as we have the OK from the fucking higher-ups. Do what you can tonight, L/N.’’
He was tired but you almost swore you felt a tinge of sadness in his tone. Your gut told you something was just starting. You gulped.
’’Don’t worry sir. You’ll have the draft for the initial report on your desk as soon as I get to work.’’ 
You said goodbye and hung up while tossing the phone in the pocket of the pyjama pants you wore. You came home half an hour ago, ate a quick dinner and realised you forgot to buy the two things you needed for survival on days such as this Monday: a beer and cigarettes. Unhealthy coping but you got over that thought in college. Regrets were a pain in the ass and you wanted none so you did what you wanted.
 As you were walking towards your apartment building you couldn’t help but think about this case. Your team was way on the edge when they received word about it. They were silent about it and that scared you. Because, even if you only knew them for 4 months, you knew all of them were loud, outspoken and chaotic. Your head always throbbed at the end of the day. But you almost missed that today because instead of debates and childish arguments, this day was extremely tense and everyone seemed to be at each others throats out of silly things. As if they disagreed on something you had no idea about. It felt as if a powerful untouchable presence was messing with them and it saddened you but it also stirred your curiosity. Who or what was doing that? 
You were so lost in your thoughts you didn’t notice the person walking right in front of you and you bumped into them dropping your cigarettes in the process and almost dropping your beer but you managed to catch it before it hit the ground. 
’’I’m really sorry. I wasn’t paying attention…’’ you said as you immediately bent down to pick up your cigarettes but the stranger beat you to it.
’’It’s fine.’’ he answered in a low pleasant voice and started walking away. 
It took a second for you to register what happened and move. He walked away so casually that it pissed you off.
’’Heyo.’’ you said while grabbing his shoulder and making him turn to you. He was tall, well built with medium length long brown hair and green eyes. He was wearing an open black coat with a black cotton sweater and light blue jeans with a pair of some black and white Nike shoes. ‘Well damn’ you thought, ‘this theif is hot as fuck’. But priorities were priorities. You were going to offer him a piece of your mind. And if needed, a piece of your very basic physical training. 
He first looked at your hand on his shoulder and then at you with a total lack of interest. Without any facial expression he asked:
You took your hand off his shoulder and attached it to your hip in a somehow sassy position. Then with the other hand where you held your beer, you pointed at the cigarette pack he held.
’’Give me back my ‘candies’...Stealing is a crime, jerk. Instead you could’ve asked for a few. I would’ve... ‘’
But he didn't seem to pay attention to you anymore as he looked at something behind your figure. He started walking, right past you to the spot where you bumped into him.
You were speechless. You debated a moment if you should chase him again but you decided as soon as you remembered you didn’t have any money on you anymore to buy a new pack. You turned with a determined look on your face. He was picking something from the ground and as soon as you got close to him, right before opening your mouth, he held out his hand to you, holding a pack of cigarettes. He had another one in the other. And then you realised and your face started to redden. ‘Shit’
’’I have my own ‘candies’ though it seems they are the same as yours.’
You grabbed your cigarettes slowly while touching his hand in the process. You got a chill down your spine. This time his eyes were fixated on you and all the courage from earlier was down the drain. You were embarrassed of course but the way his direct look intimidated you was surprising. Your gut was telling you something but you couldn’t quite understand it. You were busy staring right back into his cold green eyes. He looked away first and sighed. 
’’Well, if this is done, goodbye.’’ and walked away from you for the third time in 5 minutes.
Somehow that didn’t sit right with you. Your brain was telling you to just walk slowly home and finish the work you had left for today, take a shower and start everything again tomorrow, while your body was already chasing the long haired man, adrenaline pumping through your veins. You told yourself you just wanted to apologise for calling him a jerk but the truth was there was something invisible pulling you in his direction. Maybe it was your toxic curiosity or the silly fact that you two were smoking the same cigarettes, an old brand that made you forget things that screamed in your head constantly, or perhaps it was just the simple fact that he was a handsome stranger. Who knew? The only thing you knew was that you were a fool. But that never stopped you before. 
’’I’m sorry! I never meant to insult you….I should’ve just looked around...Usually I’m not such an airhead. I wonder how come I didn’t notice another pack on the ground.. heh.’’ you said while reaching him. You guys were walking in the same direction anyway. He didn’t say anything, he just looked straight ahead not really paying much attention to you but he also didn’t seem bothered by your presence.  As you reached a crosswalk and waited for the colour to change you watched his profile as discreetly as you could. He looked as if he was completely lost in thought but at the same time aware of everything surrounding him. He was close but far and that really tickled your brain. You groaned internally. 
‘I shouldn’t care, he is just a stranger whom I’ll never see again. Asking him for a coffee out of the blue would be weird too.. And he seems to be completely uninterested in my existence anyway, though I guess that is mostly because of my bloody pyjam..’
’’So what’s up with that pyjama?  he said out of the blue.
’’I don’t like to assume things but if you’re following me because you want to ask me out or something I think you might be my best friend's soulmate. He has the same Star Wars pyjamas.’’
Your mouth was hanging open. You looked down at your clothes and then back at him. He was watching you now as well. The light changed and he started walking as you followed.
’’I live on the other side of the road and this is what I usually wear at home, so no, I don’t really bother dressing up for a trip to the grocery store. And I’m just going home, I’m not following you..’’ 
You bit your lip as you hesitated before continuing wondering if you should say what you were going to say.
’’...and I also have a ..boyfriend.’’
You two reached the other side of the road and he suddenly stopped.
’’You’re lying.’’ he said calmly
Both of you stopped walking. You looked at him wide eyed. How could he know you were lying? He sounded so sure too. His expression seemed to change for a second when he saw your confused face, some sort of realisation hitting him while he shook his head.
-He stepped closer to you and tilted his head, a few stray strands of hair falling randomly on his face. This guy was handsome, annoying but handsome. Even his skin seemed to have a special kind of glow, besides the fact that it was a beautiful tan colour and the combination with the kind of green/teal eyes that he had left you almost breathless in close proximity. Of course you lied. What boyfriend? You were working most of the time and you studied people for a living so of course you were overthinking everything about any guy that came your way. You either figured them too fast and they bored you or you didn’t even look their way. You were not easy to deal with either as you had a very straightforward personality on the outside but on the inside you were trying to keep everything from collapsing. You were confusing, caught between being intimidating, bad mouthed and weird or depressed and minding your own business in silence...and those moods were not exactly any guy’s cup of tea. 
So lately you always try to play the sweet girl card when it comes to guys, hiding your trust issues for another day. But this time you were not in control...of anything. It wasn’t even a big deal, really.
 You were just talking to a stranger. But his presence was dominating you effortlessly. And for some sort of reason you couldn’t even start to figure out why. Your brain was foggy, your breathing was irregular and your knees were suddenly weak when he got close to you.
‘What in the Twilight..’ you thought
You couldn’t read him while he seemed to have no problem reading you. And that bothered you the most.
’’You should go home..’’ he spoke in a lower, raspier voice ’’..I’m not as interesting as you might think. I’m a simple guy actually.’’
His words seemed so honest, his tone too. But something told you that he lied. Or that what he said might have been true. Once. But not anymore as his eyes didn’t meet yours when he spoke the last part.
You tried to ignore the sensation that formed in your stomach when he spoke so close to you in that voice that seemed to echo inside your head. You were getting a little lightheaded and for a moment you thought about the possibility of being physically sick. In this case this would've been the better scenario.
 ‘I should just go. Ignore everything about the way I feel now as if nothing will ever be boring again. Yes, I should ignore the fact that I don’t need to pretend because there is no point in doing so in front of this person. They see through me anyway. But that’s a bad thing and I’m not thinking clearly right now and he screams ’Stranger Danger’ and for God’s sake I work with the police...What should I do..His eyes are so pretty, his voice is so beautiful and I’m just a curious superficial fool.’
You took a breath and turned around while his eyes never left you. You started walking towards the entrance of your apartment complex and with every step your heart started beating faster and louder. Your ears were captivated by a weird inner buzz. You bit your lip and clenched your fist, your nails actually hurting the skin of your palms. 
‘Don’t do it. Don’t do it.’
But in a swift motion you turned around, fear, excitement, some sort of distorted happiness and an unusual laughing sensation taking over you.
’’Come upstairs for a coffee, Stranger-Danger?’’
His eyes were still on you when you turned around. After you finished your sentence he covered his mouth with a hand. He might have laughed at the nickname, you guessed. But he came anyway.
Later on you would come to realise that you saw something flickering in his cold eyes when you turned around. A cunning fire that hid behind that wall of ice. Who knows..?
It might have just been the fact that this was exactly what he was waiting for all along. 
But there was no coffee upstairs. 
The moment the elevator doors closed you started kissing, like there was an unspoken agreement that this was going to happen exactly then. The kiss wasn’t rough as you would have expected it to be, it was gentle just as a declaration or an apology. But that soon changed as both of you became consumed with each other. The kiss became meaner from both of your sides, egoistical, as if both of you were trying to steal more from each other than the other did.  He caressed your cheeks and then his hands travelled to your neck where he felt your skin and your pulse. His hands were cold but the touch of his fingertips on you felt as if it burned your skin, leaving scars even if there were none. You held on to his coat while he pushed your back against the wall. After you stopped kissing, he licked his lips and looked into your eyes. You looked back. Nothing said. He started kissing and biting your neck.
When you entered your apartment clothes started flying left and right and while kissing him, between undressing and tugging at each other's clothes , you could only be thankful that you were wearing the ‘good’ underwear you still had on and not some panties with silly patterns you usually wore at home. Somehow you two reached your bedroom but you had no idea how because you were blind to mostly anything around you but him. He picked you up, your legs now straddling his waist as he walked and you could feel his muscles. His body was very well defined, strong arms,abs and everything, beautiful large shoulders and prominent collar bones. ‘Weird’ you thought...because he didn’t  really seem like he worked out. His body looked as if it developed naturally this way. You only saw that at the guys working in your department when they trained, the girls too. Their body developed over the years thanks to all the training.
 For a second your mind wandered to what he did for a living.
You didn’t know anything about him... but the way his lips tasted, the way he smelled so fresh yet intoxicating, the way he made you so dizzy when he stared into your eyes, those things left you unwilling to think about anything else besides the feeling of his body on yours. You were drowning in him, his presence overwhelming you. The way you two moved against each other felt like a feverish dream in which you were dancing. He was leading and you could only stare into his eyes even though you knew this wasn’t like you at all. 
He was far too intoxicating to be your type, and he was far too in control for you to be his. 
While he laid you on the bed gently his hands traced mindless patterns on the skin of your legs moving higher and higher towards your thighs where he started to grab your flesh making you groan. He was either teasing you or enjoying feeling every inch of your body. He started kissing your inner thigh, sucking, licking and biting his way up to your core.
’’You’re going to leave marks.’’ you said breathlessly
He raised his head from between your legs  and with a teasing but cold voice he said:
’’Is that a bad thing? Your ’boyfriend’ won’t mind.’’
Your face started to redden at the mention of the ’fake boyfriend’ and you opened your mouth to protest but in a quick motion he reached your face and kissed you. He was trying to shut you up by kissing you ruthlessly, biting your lips and sucking on your tongue. You couldn’t get a break and when you wanted to fight back he was kissing you even harder. 
He only stopped when he ran out of breath. You wanted to retort something again but he beat you to it. Between pants of air he said:
’’You sure like to talk a lot don’t you ?...But I guess I’ll drink you anyway.’’
He effortlessly tied his hair in a messy man-bun that fit him weirdly well. The lights were off in your apartment but the street light coming from your bedroom's window was highlighting all the right parts of his silhouette. His abdominal muscles, his strong thighs, the movement of his arms as he fixed his hair, the veins on his arms, his slender but strong neck, his jaw, the right side of his face, his lips, his straight nose, his green eyes who looked directly at you without giving you a break. You were done talking now. 
He slowly leaned over your naked torso while still maintaining eye contact and you could feel his warm breath on your skin. He watched you as if he was silently asking if you’re not backing away so you just nodded, ashamed of the fact that you were more excited than embarrassed. It was what it was. Your mind was fuzzy and your body was needy. And he intrigued you. However that was the part you chose to snooze for now.
He started kissing all over your breasts in a soft manner but eventually he transitioned into biting and teasing all over them, especially your nipples. You began slowly moaning because of the sensations that were overwhelming all your senses. He was only teasing your body but you were already melting. When he started placing wet kisses on your abdomen, going lower and lower, you squeezed your legs together and he felt it so he grabbed and squeezed on the side of one of your tights just to let you know that he was aware of the power he had on you.
When he finally reached your most sensible part you arched your back at the sensation of his tongue. Sure, you had sex before but it was almost always dry and this was also the first time someone went down on you. Like they knew exactly what they were doing and where to touch specifically. It was as if he knew what you wanted without even knowing you. It was strange. Suspicious. Addicting. Dangerous.
 He trailed his fingers against your back while he ate you out. You were putty in his hands, your body flushed and high on the way his mouth felt. He teased your clit mercilessly, over and over, until you came multiple times. The good kind of torture.
As he slowly entered you he started groaning and placed your hands on his shoulders. You moaned at the sensation of being filled. It felt just right, as if your bodies just ‘clicked’ in every way. He grabbed your face with his hands while he started thrusting.
’’Just... hold on ...to me and... relax.’’ he told you between groans and sighs
You nodded rapidly, not really caring about anything anymore besides the pleasure and relief you were seeking. Your bodies were rocking in sync with each other, both of your pulses skyrocketing with every increase in pace. He was thrusting faster and harder now. Your hands were not on his shoulders anymore but outstretched above your head, his strong ones holding them pinned to the bed as he was losing himself in the sensation of you.
You two fucked as if both of you were running away together but from different things. When both of you reached your high his eyes seemed to light up when he looked at your face consumed by his presence. For a few seconds, while he lost control and pleasure overwhelmed him, you felt as if you saw someone else, still him but different. A real fire seemed to burn in those eyes during those moments but you only gazed at it a little bit and it was gone, replaced by that wall of ice that effortlessly unnerved you.
He collapsed next to you as both of you caught your breath.
You two sat in silence not feeling the need to talk, His fingers were mindlessly drawing battens on the back of your palm. You liked that. Somehow it warmed you. You turned your head in his direction. He was watching the ceiling and you could swear his expression was a little warmer now but something still felt melancholic about it. He turned his head and looked back at you. You really tried to memorise the way his upper lip was more prominent than the lower one, the way his eyes had such a nice, kind shape yet they looked at something beyond what you knew, the way his skin had such a pleasant warm tone, the way his hair fell on his face. 
Your eyelids started to become heavy. You were tired but you tried to fight off the request your body and mind had regarding some rest. You really wanted to say something before you fell asleep so you mumbled in a sleepy voice.
’’..The more I look at you...the more...I don’t see you...smoking...I don’t know..why...tho..’’
Your body became heavier and your eyes were slowly closing. The only thing you saw before drifting into the dream world was the faint image of a smile on his face. 
‘’I don't.’’ he said 
You woke up late the next day and he was gone, as if everything was nothing but a weird illusion. You pushed away the feeling of disappointment, told yourself to grow up and forget last night and took a shower, ate breakfast, dressed up for work in some brown dress pants, a white sweater and some dark red leather heels, grabbed your jacket and bag from the hanger and left for work.
‘I was right. He is a fucking jerk. He didn’t even leave a note or something. I don’t even know his name..but I guess it doesn’t matter. We’ll never see each other again.’
 You sighed.
You had more important things to do and worry about. How were you going to tell your boss, or The Captain as your crew called him, that you forgot the file you promised to look over, at work and you had no idea what the case that was assigned to your team and that was stressing everyone out, was about.
’’Captain Levi is going to beat the shit out of me..’’ you said out loud as you entered the building...even so...something bothered you as you could swear you placed the file inside your bag yesterday. You usually double check everything anyway.
You entered the HQ of the Survey Unit, your and your team’s unit and said a quick ’’Hello’’ to Jean, Sasha and Connie who were drinking coffee around Jean’s desk while discussing something intense. 
’’Hey, L/N...What is with the panicked attitude? Come drink a coffee with us and stop acting like the sky is going to fall. Need help with something ?’’
You took off your jacket and reached your desk. Nothing besides your cactus and your agenda that you usually left at work. The file was not here either. Hell. Your mind started going into overdrive.
’’The sky is actually falling Jean...and I’m the fucking sky.’’  you said while facepalming. How could you possibly lose the file?? A file with confidential police information.. You bent down and started searching for it under the desk but it was clear it wasn’t there.
Sasha was unpacking one of her sandwiches as Jean and Connie were both looking at you with a confused expression on their face. But their attention switched to Mikasa and Armin who entered the doors while being surrounded by a gloomy atmosphere. Mikasa looked as if she lost weight in the last two days while Armin’s dark circles were obvious testimonies of a sleep deprived individual. Jean and Connie went over to them discussing something you couldn’t hear while Sasha came in your direction. 
’’This really takes a toll on all of us...but I really pity Mikasa the most...I guess you read the brief details about the case...Having to arrest one of our own, someone who betrayed us and is also her step brother … Man..I would be stress eating like crazy..I still do it.. but anyway.’’
You snapped your head in her direction.
’’What? Mikasa has a brother?’’
Sasha raised a brow while chewing her food.
’’Yes. Though they are not related, she was adopted into his family when her parents were killed. His parents died too after a few years and they had to survive, together with Armin who was in the same situation. He and Armin had been best friends ever since they could remember. He betrayed us a year ago and went rogue...but we never knew how far he went.. The Military Police assigned him to us. I’m sorry... We never really spoke about this because it’s a sore subject…You must be confused.. Huh?’’
You were speechless. You never knew that. Not a single word about it. But you always that something was missing however you kept your silence about it. 
’’Why would the MP assign him to us? It’s cruel and it doesn't make sense..’’
Sasha shrugged and said:
’’My guess is that they need Cpt.Levi to catch him. After all, he trained him. The MPs are big mouthed but they were never able to tame Eren.’’
You raised a brow. ’’Eren?’’
Sasha nodded. 
’’Yeah, that’s his n….Y/N did you know you have something stuck on your bag?’’ she asked while pointing at the black bag you owned. It looked like a post it note.
‘What the hell..?’ 
You picked it up and noticed something written on it. The writing was a little bit messy and squarish.
’’MEETIIIIING!’’ screamed Hange from the conference room
 Sasha went ahead: ’’I’ll see you there. Hurry up.’’
The words written on the note were: ’’I’m sorry. You’re a kind person. Thank you.’’
There was no name but you knew it belonged to the stranger you met last night. You started breathing heavily.  It wasn't the fact that something felt off about the note but where it was placed. On your bag. 
The FUCKING FILE was IN the bag.
In your mind a memory flashed suddenly. 3 months ago, after working hours the whole team went out for some food and drinks. You and Armin discussed your favourite movie series. You froze while remembering the crucial detail of that conversation.
’’It’s kind of embarrassing but I even have pijamas with Star Wars..’’ Armin said while his face flushed red.
You placed a hand on your mouth remembering a part of last night’s events.
’’.. I think you might be my best friend's soulmate. He has the same Star Wars pyjamas.’’
’’L/N! Move it!’’ Cpt Levi’s voice snapped you out of your daze. 
You started walking shakingly thinking over and over again about the possibility of this all being a coincidence..but when you entered the conference room and saw the screen, your blood went cold.
 /Runaway-Eren Yeager/ Accusations / Terrorism/ Multiple Murder Acusations/ Insubordination/ WANTED/ Dead or Alive/
And right to all these accusations was the picture of a younger version of the guy you met last night.
Your ex-colleague.
You looked at the note in your hand. 
It made sense right now. He used you right from the start.
You felt like laughing but you sat down next to Jean, trying to compose yourself and paying attention to what your Capitan was saying. 
In your mind only one phrase kept repeating itself.
You just fucked the enemy.
That was my first ever smut scene...Am I going to hell yet? haha
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losingmymindtonight · 4 years
been on a for-your-own-good imposed exile from my phone & social media since Friday, so what’s a gal gonna do except eat pizza, reread The Inheritance Cycle, and finish old fic drafts?
I humbly present: Peter can’t sleep, but Tony’s a father now, and he’s got a few tricks up his sleeve.
Peter was okay.
He was. That wasn’t even him being self-sacrificing (like May thought) or deferring some kind of PTSD (like Tony thought) or anything. Most of the time, he was totally, completely, undeniably okay.
As a general rule, he just didn’t think about Thanos. He was too busy for that, with planning for his school’s Europe trip and patrolling and learning how to be a big brother to Morgan and resettling a whole apartment with May and rediscovering the absolute thrill of being alive along with the other fifty percent.
He had a good life, and considering everything that had happened, he was so, so lucky.
So, Peter was okay. Despite what Tony and May seemed to think.
He only ever had problems when the sun fell.
Vigilante by day, anxious wreck by night, he thought, more than a little bitter.
There was a bone-aching frustration that came with insomnia. He couldn’t sleep, but he was tired. God, he was so, so tired. His eyelids creaked, his face was tight and worn. Every inch of him was screaming for rest.
And yet, well, here he was: awake, staring at the ceiling, mind swirling down the inescapable drain of death throes and battle heat and the memory of his DNA vibrating apart.
He clenched his fists, then slowly pried them apart. His wrists hurt, yet his webshooters were comfortingly cool on his bare skin.
“Mister Parker,” F.R.I.D.A.Y. suddenly said, and Peter still jumped despite the fact her volume had been lowered and pitched into her softer night mode. “I apologize for the intrusion, but per my protocols, I am to alert Boss if you or Morgan are awake for longer than thirty minutes from the hours of 11:00 pm to 6:00 am. I thought it was only fair to warn you that he is en route to your bedroom and you should be prepared for his arrival.”
There was a time when an alert like that would’ve filled him with annoyance. A time when he would’ve met Tony at the door with a sharp reminder of, I’m almost an adult, I can take care of myself, on his tongue. Now, though, he just felt a dull splash of surprise.
“Mister Stark has rules for if I’m awake?” He asked the ceiling, blinking slowly at the smooth molding. It was different than the popcorn texture in his apartment. Probably easier to deal with when it came to painting.
As if on cue, his door swung open. A soft, yellowish bar of light flashed over his sheets and then collapsed in on itself with a distant click. Huh. So Tony thought that this needed to be a private conversation. 
“It’s called the Cradle Protocol,” Tony offered, and despite the fact that Peter hadn’t actually looked in his direction yet, he could hear the man’s smile in the warmth of the words, like curling into a fireside on a winter’s day. “You know, in case you were wondering.”
“I wasn’t.”
“Oh? Thought you spent most of your life wondering about pretty much everything.” His bedframe creaked as Tony settled down near his hip, and suddenly Peter didn’t have much of a choice but to stare up at the man, taking in the burn scars on his face and the gray in his hair and the quiet love in his eyes. “That’s what kids are best at.”
“I’m not really a kid anymore,” he whispered, but not a single inch of the words felt defiant. God, he wanted to be a kid again. He looked back on the moments he’d spent racing to adulthood and wanted to cry. Wanted desperately to hit rewind on all of it.
“All of us are kids, in the end,” Tony said, like it was the easiest thing in the world. “And you’ll be my kid forever. Sorry. No exchanges or returns on that policy. It is how it is.”
Tony’s thumb brushed soothingly over his cheek as he spoke, and the contact was rough and calloused and so intensely familiar that Peter let his eyes squeeze shut against it, swallowing hard.
“I don’t want to exchange it,” he whispered, and somehow he felt a little ashamed to admit it. Like he was rearing up against the order of things. Or, like he was admitting the truth in a space where untruths were expected.
There was a pause. Peter blinked his eyes open again, and saw that Tony’s gaze had drifted away from him. He was looking up at the headboard, soft curves of sadness mellowing his face.
Finally, he breathed, eyes tracing their way back to Peter’s own, gentle yet intense.
“Why aren’t you asleep, Peter?”
It was a redundant thing to ask, and both of them knew it. There wasn’t a person in the world who couldn’t guess the why of that question. There were probably a million different people all around the world staring up at a million different ceilings, all cold-eyed and shivering because of the same goddamn reason.
“I don’t know,” he lied.
Was it still lying if everyone knew that what you were going to say was a lie before it even left your mouth?
Tony just nodded, like those three words had told him everything that he’d needed to know. For all Peter could figure, maybe they had.
“Alright.” Tony patted his thigh through the blankets, then stood. “C’mon. Get up.”
It probably said a lot about him, or maybe more about his relationship with Tony, that he was already climbing out of bed even as he muttered a halfhearted, “where’re we going?”
“On a mission,” Tony said, gently tugging one of Peter’s oldest and softest hoodies out of his closet and pushing it against his chest. “Put this on.”
He did as he was told, tottering lazily into the hallway, too exhausted to do anything but follow.
“What’s the mission?”
Tony glanced back just long enough for Peter to see the corner of his mouth quirk up. “I need to put my baby to sleep.”
If he hadn’t been so goddamn tired, he would’ve picked up on the wryness in Tony’s voice. As it was, he blinked hard, brain whirring against the fogginess.
“‘S Morgan awake?”
The question startled a bark of laughter out of Tony. “God, Pete. I can’t believe you’re even managing to walk in a straight line right now.”
They were at the front door, now, and Tony snatched the car keys off of their hook in the entryway and ushered him into the cool night air. Cricket chirps swelled all around them. Peter let his eyes drift shut at the sound, then smiled when he felt Tony snag the edge of his sleeve, gently guiding him over the gravel.
“Ought to get this paved, huh?” Tony muttered, almost to himself, but Peter let the words fall over him anyway. “Would make life a hell of a lot easier when we got those summer monsoons. Plus, less of a tripping hazards for the kiddos, especially when they’re half asleep.”
“‘M awake,” he protested.
“I know,” Tony said, almost under his breath. “I’m working on it.”
Peter heard a beep as one of the cars unlocked, and he forced his eyes back open. They were standing in front of Tony and Pepper’s minivan, something which Peter still couldn’t quite wrap his head around. Tony Stark owned a minivan. Sure, it was a nice minivan, with leather seats and F.R.I.D.A.Y. installed and parking sensors, but it was still a minivan.
“C’mon,” Tony muttered, using the hand that wasn’t braced against Peter’s back to pull open the passenger’s side door. “Slide in.”
He let Tony manhandle him into the seat, even though he could’ve easily done it on his own. The exhaustion had stripped his stubbornness away. The only thing left was a yearning urge to be protected, cradled, loved.
It was good, he supposed, that those three roles seemed to be Tony’s favorites to fulfill.
Tony got into the driver’s seat, then double-checked Peter’s seatbelt twice before starting the car. He cracked the back windows, and the cricket chirps and nature swell mixed hypnotically with the buzz and hum of the engine. Peter closed his eyes and took a deep breath, turning his face in Tony’s direction when he felt the man’s eyes on him.
“You’re supposed to be looking where you’re drivin’,” he murmured, knowing that his smile was all drowsy and lopsided. He could feel them moving, though, so he wasn’t wrong.
“Nobody’s out this late.”
“Still need to stay on the road.”
“Oh, hush. I’ll take no driving smack from the child with a learner’s permit.”
He yawned. “Passed the test.”
“You sure did,” Tony murmured, pride warming the words. “I’ve got that picture that May took after hanging in my office.”
“I know.” A shard of longing pierced his chest. “Felt normal that day. Jus’ for a bit.”
He opened his eyes just in time to see guilt cascade over Tony’s face. Whoops. He really hasn’t meant to make his mentor sad. He was just loopy from all the sleepless nights, wading through the detachment weighing in his head. It was hard to stay conscious and keep his filter all at once.
“I’m so sorry, Peter,” Tony said, hands gripping the wheel so tight that his knuckles flashed white under the occasional streetlamp. “I wish I could take it all away.”
Peter just blinked. God, he was tired. His brain ached with it.
“You can’t.”
And Tony couldn’t. Peter knew that. Iron Man could do a lot of things, even survive the constriction of space, but he couldn’t void memories. Nobody could.
“No,” Tony admitted, and even through the fuzziness in his head, Peter found the wherewithal to be surprised, “but I can be here.”
Peter let his eyes drift shut again. Somehow, that was all the fixing that he needed Tony to do. I can be here.
That was it, wasn’t it? It was why the memories of Thanos rung so clear at night and pitched silent during the day. Because Peter hadn’t really been afraid of dying during the battles. He’d been terrified, horrified, by the thought of being left alone.
And at night, in his bedroom, walls and doors and locks between Tony or May or anybody else who would stave off the quiet, that fear was so much easier to taste.
He was so, so afraid that at the end of it all, he’d been irreversibly alone.
“Can you talk to me?” He whispered.
He just wanted words. Something substantive in the nothingness of night. And Tony was only ever speechless when there was something to be afraid of.
He’d... He’d been silent when Peter had died. Had been silent after he’d done the Snap, too. The look on the man’s face, the lack of speech in the haze, had rung in Peter’s nightmares ever since.
He could hear the roughness in Tony’s voice when he responded, and Peter couldn’t help but wonder if he was thinking about his silence on Titan, too. If he even remembered the stillness from the Compound’s dust.
“Of course, buddy.”
And he did. He talked about Rhodey and college and the first time he met Happy. Peter found himself drifting in and out as he rambled, although he never seemed to fully wrap his hand around true sleep. He’d nearly get there, Tony’s words fading into something he couldn’t quite comprehend, and then he’d recognize the shift and jolt himself out of it.
Somehow, it was even more frustrating than what he’d been doing before. At least then, he’d known he wasn’t going to get any sleep. Here, it kept dangling in front of him. And to make it worse, every aborted attempt at sleep felt like a failure. Like he’d screwed it all up, despite all the effort Tony was putting into helping him.
“Sorry,” Peter suddenly muttered, blinking away his most recent near-rest. Tony fell silent. “Sorry, sorry.”
“Shh, Pete,” Tony soothed, right hand abandoning the steering wheel and settling on his arm. “It’s not your fault. We’ll get there.”
“‘M trying.”
“I know you are. You’re doing great.”
For a breath, Tony just rubbed Peter’s arm, breath and nature filling the car.
“I used to do this for Morgan, you know,” he finally said, voice low. “Learned it within the first month. Think I must’ve put a thousand miles on the car, driving around just for some precious minutes of peace.”
“Ben used to drive me around when I was little,” Peter mumbled, twisting until he found a comfortable position: draped over the center console, head just inches away from Tony’s elbow. The console was leather and padded, which made it a surprisingly good pillow. Plus, he was close enough to pick up the steady thrumming of Tony’s heartbeat. “I didn’t like sleeping after my parents died. Car always worked, though. Dunno why.”
Tony’s hand settled on the top of his head, and a swoosh of comfort whisked from that one point all the way down to his toes. “It’s the vibrations from the engine. Low frequencies make us tired. It mimics the sensation of being rocked to sleep.”
He smiled. Trust Mister Stark to turn anything into a physics lesson. “‘S science,” he muttered.
Tony’s thumb swiped over his temple. “It’s science,” he repeated. “Do you want another story?”
Hmm. Yes. And he wanted Tony’s hand to stay right there, too. The tips of his fingers kept brushing over the nape of his neck, and the pattern was nice. Slow. The kind of monotony that was so easy to get lost in.
“How about a special one?”
“Well, since you asked so nicely,” Tony said, laughter in the words. He sounded pleased, though. Peter was too busy falling asleep to figure out why. “Y’know, I never went to Queens much when I was a kid. Howard wasn’t a big fan. And then I didn’t have much of a reason to go once I was an adult. Everything I needed was in Manhattan or Malibu. Point is: imagine how surprised I was when a web-slinging vigilante actually forced me out there…”
Peter drifted off long before he could recognize that the story was about him.
Peter half-surfaced to the quiet thud of a car door opening, and the crunch of shoes on gravel.
It wasn’t the usual way he woke up. He’d gotten used to jolting into consciousness, sweat slicking his trembling limbs and damp sheets snarling all around him. It was a violent thing, full of heartbeat and rib-ache.
But this was soft. Warm. Safe hands slid under the back of his neck, his seat tilting back until he was lying almost completely flat. On instinct, his eyes flickered open, and he grinned sleepily at Tony, who shushed him in a barely-there murmur.
“Nice and easy, Pete,” Tony said, voice warm and safe and already blurring. “Now be a good boy and go back to sleep.”
And for once in Peter’s life, it was as simple as that.
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fanfictionsrookie · 4 years
Talk to us about nerdy college teacher Cinder with glasses & tie *grabs popcorn*
First of, I want to apologize how long this is XD
I wrote this months ago and never finished it, but it's now or never, so bust of the popcorn and enjoy!
So its Ruby's first year at University, she studying mechanical engineering, but since it's her first year, she has to take Chem100 whether she wants to or not. Ms Fall's class, Ruby would take one look at her as she walks into class and just say goodbye to all hope of passing the subject. Then again you can't really blame her, Cinder Fall is a sight to be hold. Sleek, black suit and tie, raven hair and eyes that could kill you with one look from behind those glasses.
Is it suddenly hot in that class?
Either way, Ruby knows not too get on Ms Fall's bad side, the woman is all work and no play. One misstep and you're out of that class faster than you're able to say goodbye to your future. But surprisingly, despite what the rest of the class says, Ms Fall is a good teacher. She is smart, brilliant even, Ruby is convinced the woman could teach infants chemistry. And despite Ruby feeling like she completely blends into the background, Cinder soon takes notice of Ruby's hard work.
And it is perhaps, knowing that there is atleast one person listening that allows Cinder to go off track one Friday afternoon and just talk about all the concepts the finds interesting. Cinder's velvety tone already had Ruby's attention, but listening to her going on about concepts she has no idea about with her voice rising and just going a little bit faster… is that passion?
Not gonna lie… it's kinda hot. Damn air conditioning.
Because Cinder took notice of Ruby's hard work, despite her average grades, she does pick on her to answer questions much more. This does make feel Ruby akward and a bit uncomfortable, but knows it's meant well. If Miss Fall doesn't like you, she'll leave you to your own demise. And Ruby does want Miss Fall to like her, but after getting back her term exam with barely a passing grade, she is completely let down. It takes all of her confidence, but Ruby approaches Cinder after class, hoping to talk about why she got a bad grade.
And the moment Ruby realised just how tall Cinder is, makes the woman even more intimidating. Then again, Ruby has a bellow average height. Never mind that. So Ruby awkwardly asks Miss Fall about the test and she is surprisingly understanding. Miss Fall goes into full on nerd mode, explaining each question with so much detail that makes Ruby feel bad for having to tell her that she still doesn't understand.
Cinder must have noticed because she clears her throat, hiding her embarrassed blush before offering to tutor Ruby after class. Hot or not, Ruby knew that she'd be an idiot to say no.
And that's where their routine sessions, tutor sessions two times a week after class.
No not those kind of tutor sessions! Get out mind out of the gutter!
Sometimes their sessions were held outside or in another classroom as timeslots and locations had to be shuffled around, nothing major. But Ruby would be lying if she said that it didn't feel… different when they settled in Cinder's office as a personal location.
Naturally there would be some bits of small talk. Asking random things like how eachother's day was, maybe telling eachother insignificant tidbits of their lives. Eventually these conversations grew longer and Cinder welcomed them. Not just because Ruby earned it through working as hard she she did, but because all the stories Ruby blurts out about the shenanigans she gets up to is mildly entertaining.
At long last Ruby's next big test rolls around and she honestly couldn't believe that she did that good. And whether she had it planned or not, Cinder invites her to a Science Convention held in a few weeks. Not necessarily as a date, but more as a teacher presenting their student… who they are rather proud of… with another learning opportunity. Ruby goes of course, since she does adore the mechanical aspects of science… and she'd feel bad for turning down Ms. Falls… proffesional invite.
When the convention rolls around, Ruby does feel a bit in over her head, no idea where anything is. But she does find Ms Fall mulling over one of the mechanical engineering presentations and holy shit this is her chance to impress her professor.
And she does. Or Ruby thinks she does, she just talking so fast and is almost bursting with excitement.
Cinder is probably wondering if nerd-boners a thing?
I mean if it wasn't clear before both of them are definitely sapio sexual.
So the convention goes on and Cinder and Ruby decide to stick together. Ruby learns a bit more of why and how Cinder got to be a teacher and Cinder asks Ruby about her aspirations. Lunchtime rolls around, always taking the obvious route to solve a problem, at least when it comes to real life problems, Cinder takes Ruby to dinner.
When they finally had to part ways, Ruby thanks Cinder for being such a great teacher, expressing just how much she enjoys being her student. Cinder, flustered under that composed facade tells Ruby how much it means to have a student as dedicated as her.
Laying awake that night, both of them are like, do I… like her like that?
Cinder instantly shoves those thoughts to the back of her mind. She has to remain professional after all and she will not ruin the relationship she already has with Ruby. So Ms. Fall goes on as if nothing ever happened, she still tutors Ruby, still greets her whenever she sees her. And that would have been fine... if Cinder didn't end up overcompensating for trying to appear "normal".
What do you mean regular professors wouldn't walk their students to the bus stop in the rain under an umbrella?
Or compliment on how beautiful that skirt is.
Or revise books and books of theory just so that you are sure you're explaining everything as clear as possible.
Ruby, socially awkward as she is, has it a little more difficult. At first she denied her feelings outright, but then she spent time with Ms Fall, whether it be in her class or office. She still enjoys her classes, still thinking Cinder is talented and brilliant. But Ruby also starts thinking other things.
She takes notice how Cinder would unbutton her shirt after the last lecture of the day. How cute she looks without her classes 'cause she really is that blind and has to squint a bit.
And how much Ruby wanted to sit on Ms Fall's desk and-
Stop. It. You. Are. In. The. Middle. Of. Class.
Suffice to say her grades start slipping and it's not just in Chem 100. Ms Fall brings it up and Ruby stutters out some half assed excuse. None of them really wants to talk about it, but they have to do something. Ruby buckles down with her studying, there is no way she's disappointing Ms Fall. And Cinder blames herself for her favouritism and starts marking Ruby's work a little too strictly.
The third term's final examination rolls around Ruby is utterly disappointed with her grade. She passed, but she should have done it with flying colours.
Ruby confronts Cinder after class and the two get into a heated argument over who is right and how unfair Cinder's marking was, because it totally was. Ruby asks Cinder why she suddenly has it out for her. Tensions and yempers flare.
Caught in a moment, Cinder. Kisses. Ruby.
No, not that kind of fuck!
Both of them had their first kiss before... maybe a second. But they had no idea that it could feel like that.
Whether she wanted to or not, Cinder knew that she had to take the lead (not like that) in the situation. They finally talk about their feelings. Its awkward and brutally honest cause Cinder has no concept of softening words according to the context and Ruby is pretty dense.
In the end they confess that neither of them wanted to ruin what they have. But they also want to see where this could go because, regardless of their past relationships, this kind of relationship was a first for both of them. This meant they both had to keep their distance in a respectful, non suspicious manner, and they had to wait for Ruby to pass Chem100.
Easier said than done.
Their relationship was a little shaky after that, both trying to find some footing in figuring out where they were and how far they could do. But it gave them a chance to realise and re-learn what they admired about eachother and that was enough. Which might have had an influence on Cinder picking up the drafts of an old research paper she never finished. The prospect of moving to another school or institution is distant in her mind, and she doesn't allow herself to think about it too long.
But the one thing both of them had in mind, was how well Ruby did in her final exam. And for a girl who didn't like chemistry in the beginning of the year, she made the subject her bitch. For lack of a better term. So when the end of the year award ceremonies came along, Cinder made sure to congratulate Ruby on her accomplishment. But not the formal, frozen-then-microwaved congratulations of all the other professors. But a genuine, soft smile and puffing her chest out in pride, I'm-so-proud-of-you- congratulations. Honestly that part was more rewarding to Ruby than the fact that she passed her first year.
Two weeks later, summer vacation in full swing, Ruby gets a text. Cinder asking her out on a date.
I mean if Ruby wasn't nervous enough while making sure her outing stay out of her family's radar, she sure was upon seeing Cinder after so long. No much in a dress. Cinder is smoking hot in a suit, but seeing her in a dress dhdjejeisiaknsjdkamsbfyush.
While both of them had a reason to worry, the moment they started talking, being their usual nerdy selves, everything just calmed down. It felt right. Which made what Cinder was about to say, more difficult than she wanted to admit. They both liked eachother, both of them were eager to see where this whole thing could go.
Cinder wouldn't be teacher Ruby next year, or anytime after that. And while it won't be illegal in that sense, "heavily-frowned-upon" was a term Cinder wanted to keep out of both of their files. Ruby and Ms Fall were definately going to see more of eachother... but it had to be discreet.
So the break rolled around, the highlights definitely being the shy, nervous text and lunch dates (under the guise that Ruby needed help with…deciding a career path… yeah… that's it).
Second year started a lot like the first, but there were a few key differences. The obvious being that Ruby didn't have Chem100, or those tutor sessions. Then comes the surprising changes, being that Ruby's conversations are a tad more casual and friendly. Ruby gets to finish her own work in Cinder's office and any after hours projects using the campus facilities because of course Cinder has the keys and the clearance. And of course they have their bi weekly lunch dates.
All of this great! And as much as Ruby adores the time she gets to spend with Cinder, she can't help but feel like Cinder is being distant when it comes to physical affection. And saying it just makes Ruby feel bad cause the last thing she wants is to push Cinder into an uncomfortable situation. Especially with one as precarious as theirs.
Truth be told, Cinder has been picking up on Ruby's suggestestion (she's not that buried under work) but it reminds her that it would be another boundary they'd be pushing. But as much as Cinder wanted to play it safe, she also knows how much she wants this to work. So the moment Ruby started pulling away is the moment Cinder knew she needed to address her priorities. More specifically, make time for them.
So everytime Ruby swings by her office, whether it is to study, have lunch together or say hi, Cinder makes a point to kiss her once she leaves. On the cheeks, nose, lips, forehead. Or even all of those places if Cinder is in a specially good mood (or Ruby incredibly stubborn). Goodnight and good morning texts (under the guise of a different name cause Yang can be incredibly nosy and attentive) are also a regular thing and usually leaves Ruby smiling a tad wider than before.
And just because it has become routine, that doesn't make it any less meaningful. Cinder wants to make sure Ruby knows how much she cares for her.
So it shouldn't be surprising when those goodbye kisses would start the moment they see eachother with how long they ended up being. Long. And sometimes a little loud. And a little hot. And a little handsy when sweaters have to go. But that's it. Much less surprising is when Cinder had to pull out some foundation (or whatever makeup people use cause I certainly don't) because someone has to teach Ruby how to hide hickeys (Weiss was the only one who noticed, thank gods, she doesn't ask about it either).
They've only been almost caught once. (A first year who was sent running with how fast Cinder chewed him out that he didn't even notice Ruby in the room.)
But on a prompt lunchdate near campus no less, Cinder was quick, and silently relived, to tell Ruby that she was leaving Beacon and perusing further study with regards to her thesis. I mean, the first thing Ruby would ask is whether Cinder was leaving because they were getting too close and someone saw them. Or if she was sacrificing her career for their relationship. And while relationship played a part in her decision, Cinder knew that it was a step forward on her career path. It was time for a change. And once she assured Ruby of that, Ruby wasted no time in asking what she'll be doing, where she'll be working, and if she can be involved in any experiments present.
One hour nerd monologue from Cinder incoming.
It's only after Cinder completely left the University, that Ruby realised what that meant. They could finally date. Really date, without worrying about either of them getting fired or expelled. Although neither Cinder or Ruby is quite ready to bring up the topic to family. Although Ruby might have just mentioned to Weiss that she is dating someone cause she has been exceptionally cheery lately.
Cinder and Ruby stick to their bi-weekly dates, which is sometimes a picnic. Or at resturant at night, or them cooking together at Cinder's place (which is their favorite and the most nerve wracking.) Other than that, they find times to spend time together, getting acquainted with eachother's hobbies and shifting small talk to eachother's families and past. Whenever their schedules align, Cinder would pick up and drop off Ruby near her home, campus or if they're going to Cinder's place.
Makeouts in the car has also become a thing. Not the most comfortable space. But there is definitely something appealing about sitting in a hot older woman's lap, taking off her glasses, loosening that tie while she slips her fingers under your shir-okay.
Back to reality.
In a lot of ways it is the best stage of their relationship so far. But it's also the one with the most challenges. Luckily, both Ruby and Cinder take comfort in knowing that they have all the time in the world to figure it out…
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talas-starlight · 4 years
Killing me softly - Sokka x reader
SUMMARY: Having only heard good things about Sokka, you always wanted to see how great he is for yourself. When you finally get the opportunity, you struggle to find him as funny as everyone said.  
This is based off the song killing me softly by the fugees which you can listen to: here! or there is a version by zhavia: here!
I strongly suggest you listen to the song because I think the whole vibe you get from it will get you in the mindset for this (and hopefully distract you from how poorly this was executed AHAH)
WARNINGS: angsty vibes. tried to have a hopeful ending but idk if it worked lol. poor writing skills.
A/N: ahA I really couldn’t get this idea out of my head so here we are! most certainly did not do this concept/ song fic justice to the way I imagined it but lol this shit low key hurted my feelings but also tried to turn it around? Idk I think this is okay?
KEY: words in-between dividers = lyrics MY MASTERLIST: here!
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I heard he sang a good song, I heard he had a style And so I came to see him, to listen for a while And there he was, this young boy, a stranger to my eyes
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You knew nothing and everything about him all at the same time. Hakoda allowed you to join them as they recruited people across the nations to prepare for invasion day. In doing so, you unknowingly signed a non-verbal contract to hear all the stories and jokes about his son, Sokka. Of course, he spoke highly of his daughter, but there was an unrelenting sense of pride and joy that came with hearing about him.
“You’ll really enjoy speaking with him y/n. He can take any dull or sad moment and turn it into something that will make you laugh beyond your years. He’s been through so much, but he’s become the warrior I knew he was always destined to be.”
It was impossible not to want to meet him. You wanted to hear the stories in the flesh as he became the light in the darkness of this war.
Yet when he finally boarded the ship with his friends after Ba Sing Se, that’s all he became, a story. As a mechanic and strategist, your time was booked to the brim, building upon the plans Sokka created himself. Somehow, you managed to have interactions with Katara and Toph, even Momo, but being in the same room as Sokka? Impossible. You weren’t avoiding him by any means, and neither was he, it just seemed that even when confined to the space of a ship your duties dragged both of you into different directions…. Until now.
Finally having time to relax as you finished reviewing a draft for one segment of the invasion, you made your way mess hall in a desperate search to consume any food you could get your hands on. Walking in, Toph perked up at feeling your presence when entering the room. Considering you were always busy when working on something and she was not too chatty, you got along well with minimal conversations and comfortable silence.
You grab a bowl, filling it to the brim with fresh soup and sat at their table across from her. Feeling content as you feel the soups warm and wholesome scent fill your senses, you glance around to see who else is sitting at the table. Eyes zeroing in on Sokka’s frame at the other end of the table, your breath instantly hitches. Suddenly your face feels as warm as your soup, and you want to kick yourself for letting yourself be so affected just by your incredibly short glance at him. Shifting your focus back to your soup you make the painfully obvious decision to focus all of your attention towards it, only listening to their interactions around you. You reminded yourself that you didn’t truly know him, only what everyone else has told you. You knew better than to let yourself become a total fool for the Watertribe boy without having any proper interactions with him. Hence, you’d be lying if you said you weren’t at the edge of your seat in anticipation to see Sokka joke around and tell stories with your friends. After all, that is what you were told about from the moment you met his father.
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Strumming my pain with his fingers (one time, one time) Singing my life with his words (two times, two times) Killing me softly with his song Killing me softly with his song Telling my whole life with his words Killing me softly with his song
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The excitement quickly dissipated when he began to dive into this evenings’ jokes and anecdotes.
“Guys! You wouldn’t believe it!! I was exploring the ship after training today, and I found all of these Fire Nation scrolls about their art and folktales in one of the rooms, and let me tell you, it’s a load of shit!”
As everyone laughed, you momentarily stopped breathing. Your entire being began to fold into itself, terrified at the prospect of him taking all of the things you favoured about your childhood and rip them to pieces.
Katara attempted to see the light in his statement. “Come on Sokka it can’t be that bad! I mean even the Watertribe has some questionable stories, I remember even the one Gran Gran told was a bit-“
“No, Katara! This is by far soooo much suckier than those stories. Okay, so there’s this one about dragons right? What happens is that there’s this Dragon Emperor who becomes bound to a mortal’s body by a Dark Water Spirit. So obviously! I was expecting this super cool battle or revenge plot, but in the end, they turned it into this lame love story where the Dragon Emperor falls in love with a mortal who turns out to be the Dragon Empress!”
“Aw I think that’s sweet! I mean surely there would have been a battle with the Dark Water Spirit so it wouldn’t have been a total loss?”
“Ugh, Katara! You don’t get it! It's just… sooooo oogie! They shouldn’t have done that. It should have been a story about battle, and warriors! I mean come on, that’s all the Fire Nation is good for right? Destruction and battle. So why did they have to ruin that story like that with all of that lovey stuff?! It just seems like nothing good can ever come out of the Fire Nation.”
Taking another mouthful of the soup, you kept your face downward as everyone laughed at Sokka’s exclamation of hatred for the nation you grew up in. No one knew where you grew up there except Hakoda, and you liked it that way. In complete fairness to you, it wasn’t your entire identity since your mother was from the Earth Kingdom, and you only spent the first seven years of your life there. But that didn’t mean it hurt any less when he tore apart the only things you dearly loved as a child.
Toph sensing your discomfort as you didn’t join in their amusement, she swiftly diverted the conversation into a new direction. While you were grateful, the thought of being in his presence any longer made you want to cry. It clearly didn’t work either as he continued to joke around about the food and other small things he picked up about the nation throughout their journey. Silently finishing up, you didn’t say a word or even give a half-hearted smile as they all laughed. Placing your bowl in the sink, you headed straight to your room.
The actions made everyone at the table confused, yet no one spoke out about it. Afterall, no one really knew you personally, nor did they understand what caused you to cut your interaction with them so short. Sokka himself became particularly curious. Afterall just like you, he heard many great things about you from his father, admiring your kindness and work ethic from afar. So, to say he wasn’t hurt that you chose not to stay longer or even crack a genuine smile, would be a lie.
Making it to your room, you took out any piece of paper or a scroll you used for your plans and began to pour out your pain onto to pages until you passed out from exhaustion. Not caring what contents were on the other side, you allowed yourself to be unfiltered.
You knew Sokka didn’t mean any harm; everyone laughed. He became the light you oh so desired to witness for yourself. Deep down, you knew you would have laughed too if it weren’t for the fact that he took the few happy memories you had with your father and set it on fire. A fire that produced the light you wished to see… but it seemed it wasn’t in the right way you hoped for.
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I felt all flushed with fever, embarrassed by the crowd I felt he'd found my letters and read each one out loud I prayed that he would finish, but he just kept right on
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You sighed as you finally finished fixing the pipes in the lower decks of the ship, once again tired and done with today’s work, you went to the mess hall for a late dinner.
“Hey Hakoda, I finished the plumbing problem so no one on the second floor should have any troubles now.”
“Thanks, y/n! You really are such a valuable person in this team. You’re always making sure everything is up and running.”
“Of course! What would you do without me? After all, let’s not forget how I spend my free time with your invasion plans.” You joked.
Turning your back to him to scoop some food onto your plate, he spoke up from behind you. “Oh right! That reminds me, I mentioned your ideas to Sokka earlier, and he seemed to really like them! But Sokka being Sokka, he got so excited over them and asked so many questions I didn’t even know how to respond. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know he’s probably at your desk analysing all of your scrolls right now. That kid never seems to be able to contain his excitement.”
“Yeah, that’s oka-“abruptly, you dropped your plate as your brain processed the information. If he was looking at your plans, then that meant……
Not even giving the Watertribe chief another glace or end to your response, you ran. Taking the fastest route to your room, everything in your mind and your surroundings became blurred, and you became hyper-focused on the fact that Sokka probably found what you wrote about him. Desperately trying not to cry as you bumped into people in the hallways, you couldn’t think of anything worse to happen in this very moment. The very idea of him knowing how you felt about him as well as how his words affected you made you want to scream. Maybe if you got there in time, he wouldn’t have read enough to understand your feelings fully. But when you bust through your door, it was too late. Sokka stood near your desk, with all the scrolls you ever wrote on scattered around the room. Some lay on your bed, the floor, across the desk, and even one in his hands.
“M- my dad said that you had a lot of perfect ideas for the invasion. B- but I- I found… I never thought…” His eyes never met yours as he continued to read the current scroll in his hands.
You slowly approached him, not caring as you walked over every word you wrote on the floor. “Sokka…” You silently begged him to stop reading, unsure of its contents.
He kept reading clearly in shock at the words before him, “why didn’t you s-say something?”
You sighed, somewhat unsure of how to approach the situation. “It’s not my place –“
He threw the scroll to the ground, finally looking up at you with bloodshot eyes as tears streamed down his face. “WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT’S NOT YOUR PLACE Y/N! It is your place! You had… no, you HAVE every right to say something! You sat there that night as I picked away at every single thing you ever loved, and you didn’t say a thing! Why would you let me do that to you!” Sobs wracked his body, falling to his knees in front of you. Torn apart on the inside about how much he hurt you. He never wanted this to happen, not just because of his small crush on you- that didn’t matter at this very moment. The very idea that he hurt someone who was so kind and selfless as a person, ruined him.
Beginning to feel immensely guilty for his current state, you knelt down to his level. Placing your hands to his wrists, you gently moved his hands away from his face. “Sokka… hey, Sokka look at me…”
As he looked at you, you struggled to keep your composure as tears began to fill your own eyes.
“It’s okay. What you said hurt, I don’t need to explain that for you to know it. Even though it felt like a small dig into who I am as a person and what I grew up to love, it’s true. What the Fire Nation did, what they are doing is awful, but I can’t speak up to defend them. I am in many ways apart of them. I grew up there, I celebrated their holidays, cooked and ate their food, and read their folktales. As much as I hate what the words ‘Fire Nation’ symbolises to the rest of the world, to you, it’s a part of who I am. No one can take that away from me, not even myself. Despite how much it hurt me, I can’t get mad at you or anyone because your feelings, and everything you said, is valid.” Moving his arms out of your grasp, he wrapped himself around you, holding you close to his chest.
“I’m so sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. You didn’t deserve to hear that, you’re amazing y/n. You deserve to be treated with the kindness and love you give to everyone on this ship. I’m sorry. I was wrong. I’m going to be better, I promise. I promise.” Overcome with emotion, the tears you tried so hard to hold back burst at his words.
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Strumming my pain with his fingers (one time, one time) Singing my life with his words (two times, two times) Killing me softly with his song Killing me softly with his song Telling my whole life with his words Killing me softly with his song
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Neither you nor Sokka bothered to move from your intertwined embrace on the floor of your room. You were both a sobbing, crying mess. The pain from both of you suffocated the air around you as you cling onto one another for forgiveness.
Forgiveness for being from the very place that caused him so much pain.
Forgiveness for being unable to embrace so much of who you are.
The pain was unrelenting as he weaved his fingers through your hair, shifting so your noses’ and foreheads against one another as he whispered words begging for forgiveness. Wishing, praying, to the Spirits he could take it all away. Sokka’s heart burns from the raging pain that has awoken inside of him. He doesn’t stop running his fingers through your hair almost as if he can stroke away the broken pieces inside of you, looking for new ones underneath so he can start again. Because despite his resentment for where you came from, he knows that to him, you are like a divine angel. You both have your own complex and conflicting backgrounds of life, but he has a desperate desire to care for you in a way he will never be able to explain.
You wanted to lie to him. Say it didn’t hurt, say you could forget. You could do it easily, but you wouldn’t. Knowing you both suffered enough, you didn’t want to do something that could potentially cause each other more pain. This was enough. As you both continued to cry, holding one another with his hands still in your hair, you leant back slightly, bringing a shaky, tender hand to his cheek.
Looking up into his eyes, it’s awfully evident how much pain swims in his beautiful shades of blue. Yet, there seems to be an unspoken understanding as you see a small glimmer behind all the tears. The light you have been yearning for. He sees it in your eyes too. Neither of you can change or take back what’s already been said, but in this very moment there’s hope. You know you can move forward and heal together.
“We’re going to be okay.”
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A/N: hi friends!! I hope you liked this one 😊
TO THE TAGLIST: hi all! i was a bit torn on what to do here because i wasn’t sure if you all only wanted to be tagged in my zuko series or my other works as well?? so im so sorry if you didn’t want to be tagged in this so please just let me know if you’d only like to be on the list for the series, zuko, sokka or other characters in general :)
TAGLIST: @slythergirlimagines​​ @mangoberry43​​ @eridanuswave​​ @whiskeywinter89​​​ @kaylove12​​ @simplyfandomish​​ @khaleesi-of-assassins​ @callums-keith​ @ilovespideyyy​ @calciumcow​ @blackhood5sos​ @nnon-it-up​
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