#pretty sure that’s more of a twitter thing but eh
marukissnack · 11 months
I fr gotta fix my synopsis for My Turtles AU bruh it’s so bad and does not reflect the beginning turtles at all anymore abywya goodnight it is too late bpast bedtime I played project sekai too long
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ghulehunknown · 9 months
Papa Headcanons: Showering Together 🚿🧼
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What happens when things get hot and steamy in the shower with Papa?
Inspired by Heartsforcopia_ on Twitter!
Lots of lotions and potions in unlabeled bottles on the shelves in his shower, all handmade from the things he grows in his garden
“Do you need help reaching, cara/caro? Let Papa help…” as he touches you in the most sensual way possible
Sometimes he prefers baths so he can just sit and relax after a busy day and invites you so you’re laying against his chest
Claims he has trouble reaching certain spots and needs your help washing, but you’re pretty sure you saw him bend over in the garden no issue earlier
Insists on no funny business as you both wash together but his touches leave you practically begging him to fuck you in the shower
On second thought, he was looking a little wobbly today so maybe shower sex would be dangerous (so you just bang it out in your towels on his bed)
He’s got a nice ass shower, like it’s huge with multiple shower heads and lights and a bench
He’ll use the shower head on your sensitive spots to help get you off
Lathers up soap on your chest and pinches your nipples in the suds, kissing you deeply as the water falls over your heads
Watches you lather up, shave, whatever you do in the shower as he does the same, content on just watching the water roll off your frame
You ask him for help shaving your nether regions because you just know he’ll be careful
That’s the perfect excuse for him to go down on you as well while he’s down there
Has all the expensive skincare items, and you spend half the time looking at everything and using a little bit of it all
“Oh your [insert preferred body part here] looks sooo dirty I must help you wash it”
Lathers up your entire body, lingering on your sensitive spots
Will NOT keep his hands to himself - he’s touching you, putting soap on you, putting his fingers in certain places and he wants YOU to wash him
Hogs the water on purpose but his caresses keep you warm
He fingers you with the claim that he must clean ALL of you 😫💀 (don’t worry, he knows not to stick soap up there)
He’s too much of a horndog so you fuck in the shower, soggy doggystyle 😈
You’re pretty much stuck with his 3-in-1 wash for your whole body
You start to question why he’s got a pink razor and think he might be seeing someone else who’s got their stuff in his shower but then he says he just prefers Lady Schick for shaving his balls
Blocks the water flow with his big ass head but he doesn’t mean to leave you cold and shivering, he’s just kinda spatially unaware
When he notices you’re cold he wraps you up in his arms and lets you have the water (where he stands shivering the rest of the time)
“Eh, can I wash your boobies/balls/butt, tesoro? 👉👈” (choose your preferred body part)
Excited to wash your hair, your face, everything because he sees this as more of a bonding experience versus a sexual one
But yeah he still gets really horny and if you don’t fuck in the shower, you for sure are slapping your wet bodies together on the bathroom floor or against his sink, wherever you end up first
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jevilowo · 3 months
An AU by me in which the mercs ascend to their ultimate forms
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Oh God tumblr wrecked the quality-
More about the AU under the cut!
WOKE SCOUT: she started taking estrogen and instead of fixing her it made her worse. She gets into fights on twitter about neopronouns and has successfully cancelled everyone she doesn't like at least once. However, as cancel culture isn't real, this only lasted about three seconds for each. She managed to pull Ms Pauling also which is pretty cool.
SOLDIERSUNE MIKU: the ghost of Shakespearicles told him to dress as Miku and redo the salem witch trials. Only knowing one witch (Merasmus), he finished this quickly and now roams the country with Zhanna (who is now Zhannagane Miku after Mikus metal counterpart) spreading malice and wonder through the power of AMERICAN SONG COVERS. He uses a wig for the Miku effect, but is working on growing his hair out also.
MITOSIS: Pyro and Engie were shagging one time and they came so hard they did mitosis. Now theres 23 babey Pyros (count em) and Engineer is a single dad. There's a lot of Pyro Mitosis Lore™ in my head, but the basics are that they evolve into either humanoid, beastial, demonic or celestial Pyros eventually.
TAVISH, KING OF THE LOCH NESS: he did it he blew up that bloody sea monster and now he is king of Loch Ness. The self loathing has died down a lot which is great for him but his body is still a scrumpty distillery which is eh. Still, he has funky water powers and his partners Soldiersune and Zhannagane come to visit often.
KEEPER OF TIME AND SPACE GUY: Heavy was mad, he knew he'd been had so he shot at the sun with a gun. Instead of being a show off like that bitch Juno, he had a nice philosophical conversation and chess match with Time and impressed Time so much he was appointed as the guardian of Time and Time's partner, Space. His guns (the six angel thingies pictured) can turn into celestial weapons which helps in the protecting but people don't shoot at the sun so often so its a relaxing enough gig really.
GODDAMMIT ENGIE: after realising how much more efficient Gunslinger was than a lame ass human hand, Engie succumbed to his hubris and eventually replaced all his body parts with robot parts. Including his dick which led to the Mitosis Incident. Anyway. His chest is a dispenser which makes projects pretty convenient and he has a mini-sentry attached to each arm and leg, making him a walking weapon. This did not help with the god complex, but it helps with the single father thing.
THE INFERNAL DOCTOR: Medic kept attaching more souls to his own and selling them to Satan for power. Satan got so sick of this eventually he attempted to beat the shit out of Medic. By now Medic was slightly more powerful than Satan so this ended with Medic absorbing Satan's powers and basically taking his place. Somehow, his relationship with the guy who is now a celestial being was unaffected by this. If they really tried they could probably ascend even further. To godhood, perhaps. In any case, Medic becoming The Devil from The Bible did nothing for the god complex.
???: Sniper just kind of fucked off into the woods one day god knows what happened to him but Scout's convinced she saw him for like three seconds a week ago and "YOU GUYS HE HAD ANTLERS I SWEAR-"
RETIRED AND BECAME A FUNCTIONING MEMBER OF SOCIETY SPY: yeah. He's very happy with Scout's Mother (Maureen), and he's letting his roots grow out (his spy agency made him dye his hair black). He's even making an effort to be a good parent to Scout, bought her the trans flag ipad cover and everything, but she just keeps trying to cancel him. Maureen's sure they'll work it out between themselves eventually, but until then she has to keep finding more secure hiding places for the ipad (the best so far was the time she buried it under a tree a mile away, took Scout at least four hours to find and retrieve it that time)
There's also YURI MS PAULING, in which she pulled a whole polycule of beautiful women, but I'll cover her in another post.
Also TERFS DNI please. Woke Scout is just Scout being Scout (which is to say a bit stupid), and assuming all trans women are like that would be ridiculous. So fuck off.
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onigiriico · 2 years
Muu audio drama (t2) - English TL
[ links: Spotify / YT Music ]
Behold, the longest voice drama I’ve ever posted. This thing is almost 2.3k words long. I am in pain /lh
As always, feel free to head to my ask box or my Twitter (now actually with open DMs lmao) for any questions, potential mistranslations, etc.!
Also,, Trigger warning (aside from. well. the usual Milgram things): Towards the end, they discuss another character’s threat of suicide. It’s nothing super graphic, but there sure are... opinions on it, so please proceed with caution if that’s a touchy topic for you!
⬇️ translation under the cut ⬇️
(door opens)
M: Ah, it’s been a while, Warden-san. – Things have gotten tough, haven’t they… Everyone seems to be struggling and the whole atmosphere feels tense because everyone’s struggling, it’s really troublesome.
E: Is that so?
M: But as for me, I think Milgram has become a lot more comfortable! I know now that I can get whatever I want if I ask for it, so I don’t need to be so on edge anymore.
E: …
M: You did say that you and Milgram are our allies, and maybe you were right all along!
E: …
M: Aww, it’s boring if it’s just me talking! We’re talking to each other for the first time in a while, so you tell me about something interesting too, Warden-san~
E: You’re in pretty high spirits.
M: Am I?
E: I feel like you’ve brightened up.
M: Maybe…
E: But following the judgment after your first trial, the situation in Milgram has changed. And in the aftermath, Kotoko has attacked people too… From how I remember you, I would have expected you to feel uneasier than this.
M: Huh? But that has nothing to do with me.
E: What?
M: The ones who are suffering are the ones who have done bad things, right? You know, like, what goes around comes around.
E: …
M: Besides, Kotoko hurt and was mean to the people who didn’t get forgiven by you, right?
E: …Yeah.
M: Wouldn’t it be weird for me to have any thoughts on that, then? After all, I didn’t do anything wrong. You forgave me!
E: …
M: Eh? Is something wrong? Those who didn’t get forgiven by you must be bad people, if you ask me! I believe in you, Warden-san, so I’d hope you feel happy!
E: …Thanks for that.
M: See, you said you forgave me and that’s part of your job, so it’s probably right! Come on, come on, have some confidence!
E: … Speaking of which, you seem to be pretty close to Haruka.
M: …? Yeah! He’s the one I get along with best in Milgram!
E: Do you have some kind of goal with that?
M: Huh? E: Haruka’s loyalty towards you is one thing, but with this kind of relationship, I think it’s only natural to wonder if you’re using him for something.
M: Ehh… Warden-san, do you not have any friends?
E: Huh?
M: Are there any?
E: None that I could think of.
M: Wow, poor thing,.. I’ll teach you! Friends aren’t like that, you know. Rather than using each other for something, we just get along because we’re comfortable around each other. That’s all.
E: Well, I’m sorry about that.
M: Haruka-kun is really nice! He accepts anything I say, he listens to anything I tell him. For me, that’s really comfortable.
E: And that’s… “friendship”?
M: What do you mean? Of course we’re friends! Haruka-kun is happy with it, so it only has benefits for both of us!
E: I, as someone who has no friends, can’t judge, of course, but isn’t that just exploitation?
M: Exploitation…? Um, I don’t really understand, but… I do help him pick out clothes [in return], and I recently gave him a hairpin I didn’t need anymore as a hand-me-down!
E: …
M: We also have in common that we’re both people who were forgiven by you, Warden-san, so I don’t think it’s a relationship that anyone could have a problem with! E: … I already said this to Haruka, but Milgram consists of three trials, and I have only forgiven you this once. I think it’s too early to feel completely safe.
M: Eh~ You already decided to forgive me. I think it’d be uncool to be like, “Oh, actually, nevermind” now.
E: This is just how it is.
M: It’s fine already, isn’t it? You saw me, didn’t you? And from that, you decided that I haven’t done anything wrong, didn’t you?
E: Yeah, that’s right. For the first trial, that is.
M: It’s the same no matter how many times we do this. I’m me, after all. That won’t change.
E: If I keep looking from now on, will I come across something that puts you in a less positive light?
M: Eh?
E: Milgram reveals the truth through videos and music. After deciding whether to forgive you or not in the first trial, I’ll continue to dig deeper, searching for the truth inside your hearts once again.
M: …
E: For example: Things that you hid. Things that you forgot about. Things that weren’t visible through the rest of your strong feelings. Those are things that I’ll be shedding light on.
M: Hmm…
E: Or at least it might be.
M: …I don’t get it, but whatever. I haven’t done anything wrong, after all.
E: Is that so? It’s true that I’ve forgiven you once… but I remember feeling uneasy about it the whole time. Was it really right to forgive you? Aren’t you still hiding something? Things like that.
M: …Why… would you think stuff like that? That’s mean, Warden-san… You saw me, didn’t you? All the awful things that were done to me, that I couldn’t have escaped from without killing someone! I can’t believe you’re saying this to me, after I’ve gone through all of that… Warden-san, you’re mean.
E: Maybe I am. Your pain and suffering has certainly reached me. Or should I call it bullying? One-sided violence and mistreatment… I’m sure it was difficult to handle. It’s not unreasonable to come to the conclusion that murder is the only way for a weak person to get out of that. That’s exactly why I forgave you.
M: Yeah… If I hadn’t done that, I could have died some day.
E: But – are you actually that weak, Muu?
M: Huh?
E: That’s the source of my unease. Are you really that weak? Were you really getting picked on for being a weakling?
M: What do you mean?
E: How did it come to that in the first place? What was the cause? That’s what I don’t know. You could say it was conveniently omitted.
M: …
E: Even you yourself refuse to go there. Is it a topic that you don’t want to touch upon?
M: … Warden-san, I think you’re really doing something bad. Isn’t it a bad thing to act like there has to be something wrong with someone for them to get bullied?
E: Oh?
M: No matter the circumstances, it’s always the bullies who are in the wrong! Isn’t that obvious? Warden-san, you’re so smart, but you don’t even know things like that? Maybe you should take some lessons on morals or something.
E: …
M: Besides, even if I’ve done something wrong, there’s nothing that could justify bullying someone. Warden-san, I thought you were a nicer person.
E: So sorry that I’m not living up to your expectations.
M: If you’re reflecting on it, I’m willing to forgive you, though…
E: Could I ask the generous Muu to spoil me by letting me ask one more question, then?
M: What is it? If it’s a boring question, I don’t wanna.
E: Let’s say you’ve done nothing wrong—
M: Not “let’s say”! I have done nothing wrong!
E: Got it, got it. So, even though you’ve done nothing wrong – you got bullied. Why do you think that is?
M: I don’t know that! I mean, my family is rich, and my appearance stands out [in a good way], too… they probably did it out of envy or prejudice or something, right?
E: Right, right. And here I was with the theory that you were originally in the opposite position…
M: (slams her hands down)
E: …!
M: What are you saying…?
E: Just that it could also be speculated that you bullied someone and the tables turned on you.
M: Do you know what an awful thing you’re saying right now?
E: What are you getting this angry for? You’ve done nothing wrong, right?
M: Warden-san… I hate you.
E: This is just speculation. Don’t get so mad.
M: …
E: So what? Can you not give me an answer?
M: I haven’t bullied anyone. I’d never do such a mean thing! I’ve never hit anyone or poured water over anyone’s head. I wouldn’t do something like that! I’m not lying! I’m not telling you lies! I really haven’t done anything!
E: I see. I’ll take note of that.
M: … Um… um, by the way, Warden-san! I don’t know about this, but…
E: What?
M: You forgave me because I just gave my bullies their payback, right?
E: …Well… I guess so.
M: What was it called again… Revenge… Revenge? That means revenge can be [an acceptable motivator], right? And if you don’t forgive me this time, that’d mean that it’s not. If we leave aside the thing you said earlier about me maybe having bullied someone before – not that I actually did that, of course!
E: Sure.
M: So if I paid back what my bullies did to me, that would be revenge, right? And if you feel like I had no other choice than that, then don’t you have to forgive me?
E: … Uh… I’m not really sure what you’re trying to say…
M: You see, if you think that me bullying someone back after being bullied is the natural course of events, then wouldn’t it be bad to bully me back again in return?
E: …
M: But if you were like, “I won’t forgive you, Muu! Revenge is bad!,” then wouldn’t that imply that it’s also bad for me to bully someone back after they bullied me? Since we’ve all done something bad anyway, doesn’t that mean that I’ve not done anything wrong in the end?
E: …I think I’m kinda… starting to get your point… maybe…
M: … Warden-san, are you maybe not that intelligent, after all…?
E: Well, sorry about that.
M: Well, I guess it’s to be expected. You talk to a rabbit, after all. (giggles) Either way, you’ve understood that I haven’t done anything wrong, so it’s okay!
E: I sure have understood that talking to you isn’t getting me anywhere. But I guess since you made this explanation, I’ll take it into consideration.
M: Ah, but if you don’t forgive me, Haruka-kun will die, so I think it’d be best to not do that.
E: …!
(bell rings, machinery whirrs)
E: So you’ve heard about that nonsense too?
M: Yeah. Haruka-kun told me. So I could rest easy, according to him. That made me happy… It made me really feel our friendship!
E: You know about it and you’re not trying to stop him? Haruka, that is?
M: Why would I? Haruka-kun says he wants to do it, so there’s nothing I can do, right?
E: But you’re calling him your friend.
M: Isn’t it exactly because he’s my friend? Isn’t friendship about letting your friends do the things they want? … Are you about to tell me “that’s not what friendship is”? Then what is friendship? You’re together because it’s beneficial for everyone involved, aren’t you?
E: I don’t think Haruka is benefitting from that at all.
M: No way… It’s not like you could know what’s good for him.
E: …You sure are tough to beat.
M: I really don’t understand what you’re trying to say, Warden-san. It’s Haruka-kun’s personal freedom to decide what he wants to do, and I’m not doing anything wrong. It’s not like I’ve asked him to do it!
E: I see. That’s how it is, huh. You don’t say anything; just because you’re present, your surroundings’ wishes change to benefit you— Oh, so that’s it. Like a born queen. No, it’s like you’re influencing your surroundings not with words, but with pheromones… Just like a queen bee.
M: Pheromones…? I’m not sure what you’re talking about, but I don’t like that lewd-sounding stuff…
E: That’s not the nuance I was talking about.
M: Either way, there’s people who deserve to be unforgiven more than I do, so I think you should focus your efforts on them instead. Like, Kotoko-san has done something bad, for example. Ah, but what she did was approved by you, wasn’t it?
E: …You’re making my blood boil.
M: Anyway… I think you would do good to forgive me. Then Haruka-kun will be safe too. Ah, actually, couldn’t you just forgive everyone? Then Kotoko-san won’t run amok, and you won’t have to think about all the difficult stuff.
E: That is… a very attractive proposal.
M: Right? (giggles)
E: Abandoning all the thinking… How nice it would be if I could just do that.
M: … If you ask me, I don’t really get why you don’t do it…
E: Because this is the role I’m playing.
M: But the role was given to you, wasn’t it? You didn’t end up doing this because you wanted to, right? It’s not a dream you’ve had for a long time or anything, right, Warden-san? So there’s no need to let it tie you down. Couldn’t you just quit?
E: What are you…
M: Warden-san, we call you “Warden” because that’s what you are, right? I was assigned to be a prisoner, but that doesn’t mean my heart will become just that of a “prisoner” too. After all, I’m still me.
E: …!
M: Warden-san, are you okay? Are you feeling sick again?
E: (heavy breathing)
M: That’s because you keep thinking too much about difficult things. Just stop. Being the Warden, that is.
E: … Just— shut up, already! Prisoner no.4, Muu! Sing your sins!
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chuckeroo777 · 2 months
Dungeon Meshi Volume 6 Part 2
Continuing chapter 38! As always, spoilers ahoy!
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I like how he compliments the picture of Falin. He hasn't even seen the Cerberus yet.
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So, before I read Dungeon Meshi, I remember seeing lots of stuff on twitter and tumblr about it, but none of it really stuck in my memory. One thing did. The Chimera. This was the one big thing I was spoiled on. A cool-ass chimera that the elf was gay for. It may have been what finally got me to check it out. Good food? Cool monsters? Lesbians? Sounds good to me. And it was good!
But it took me an embarrassingly long time to realize who the chimera was. I didn't remember the chimera's name, so Falin didn't ring any bells. I should have caught on when Falin was resurrected with dragon flesh, but no. It literally took Thistle saying "Hey Dragon" for me to realize what the chimera was.
The only other spoiler of note was Izutsumi, who, as I mentioned, appeared in chapter 0. She totally blindsided me. I didn't suspect Asebi for a second. Kabru I am not.
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Such a good group shot with lots of little characterization. Chilchuck and Mickbell arguing, Kuro fixing his armor, Holm mourning his Undine, Marcille isolated from the rest, Tade taking a nap. Good stuff.
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Ah, trauma. Wait a sec. There. In the lower right corner. Did Kabru glimpse the demon itself?
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Eh, close enough.
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Honestly, I think this might be the one big plothole I've noticed. When Falin teleported them to the surface, they only had what they were holding. Like, they kept the essentials like Marcille's staff and book, and Chilchuck's picking tools, but their backpacks were left behind, right? Yet, once they are in front of the dungeon again, they have packs? Where did they get those? Weren't they broke?
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This bit of foreshadowing was a lot more effective in the anime. How am I supposed to remember what everyone's gloves looked like?
Also, I just noticed that Marcille's hood goes on before we see her face in this chapter. So if you're just going off this chapter, you can't get a good read on her current hairstyle. Clever.
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Let's go over the fakes character by character. The Laios fakes are kinda obvious, because even though Laios is good friends with all three of his companions, they have trouble understanding him. Thankfully, Laios has the thickest skin, so it doesn't really bother him too much. I also find it funny that Marcille's turns him into a lumbering hulk who epitomizes the differences from Falin, yet Senshi's is just butch Falin. Pretty sure I remember Senshi mentioning in his journal that Falin and Laios are basically the same person.
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The Marcilles are a bit better. Senshi's is obviously a elven stereotype, but the other three are all quite close. Curiously, unlike most of the clones, Laio's Marcille emphasizes her good traits, her determination and loyalty to Falin, while most of the other clones emphasize negative or false traits.
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Honestly, if not for the scarf, it probably would have been difficult to tell Laio's version from the real one. He's the only one who has a proper grasp on his maturity.
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Senshi is easily the hardest to pick out. Senshi has yet to share his deeper secrets, and he is a pretty straightforward guy.
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I like how the Chilchuck Marcille is the one to propose the method that outs herself.
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An important image.
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What the heck guys? My entire job is getting things open.
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Hmm... looking it over, it doesn't look to be consistent, but I almost thought for a sec that the fake Marcille has pointier ears. I dunno. Maybe it's just the calmer demeanor, but Marcille A does seem more elf-like than Marcille B. Then again, I'm not sure if Laios ever met an elf before Marcille, so he wouldn't have a baseline.
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It's actually soba, if anyone cares.
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See, what you want to do here is have all the Senshis take their helmets off. Laio's would be the only one with eyebrows.
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And hey! When he later runs into a monster disguised as Marcille, he sees through it almost immediately!
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Chilchuck is correct.
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Marcille has one line she won't cross. With a long list of stipulations that will make her cross. Like starvation. Or ignorance. Or eating her girlfriend.
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The proper term is Black Mage, and that just means I'm good at fireball.
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The heck were the gnomes using this for?
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The real moral of the story. Marcille is infallible, so you should listen to her.
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I think the funniest (and saddest) part of Izutsumi's story is that she has it all wrong. She isn't a person possessed by a cat, she's a cat possessed by a person. She's been conditioned all her life to think the cat part of her is unnatural, when in reality it's her true self. Try to separate the halves, and you'd end up with a braindead tall-man and a very disappointed kitty.
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It took two read-throughs, the anime, and two more read-throughs, but I finally can remember how to pronounce/spell your name.
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It's kinda sad that as far as I can remember, this one line is the only bit of characterization we get for the Touden mom.
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I remember finding this panel odd on my second read. The chimera didn't look right. Turns out this nerd continuously updated it throughout the adventure. Anyway, want to see another of my creatures?
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All the best monsters have grenade launchers on their tail.
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Oh my god. Even as a child she's still wearing that dang choker 24/7. Her mother also has one. I wonder if it has any significance?
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And no lesson was learned by anyone ever.
We'll finish up chapter 42 and the misc monster tales next post!
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centrally-unplanned · 6 months
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Saw this going around Twitter, a list of "ring wing anime", which I thought was pretty interesting. I haven't seen all of them by any means, thoughts on a few:
Crest of the Stars: Been a long time but eh...its like okay sure it has the ~vibes of militarism and genetic engineering and noble duty and all that. But there is a lot of "war = right wing" energy sometimes that is totally unjustified (war is a universal tool of society unless you are explicitly pacifist, and while pacifists are left most left aren't pacifists), and Crest of the Stars is a good example of that, its just that its a space opera story, its not about validating this or that ideology. But it does have the vibes, i'll give it a C
Gunbuster: Okay, we all know why this is here. Slowly, in the background of the show, you pick up that they live in a timeline where Japan mastered new technology, gained economic supremacy, beat America's attempt to smack them down and annexed Hawaii, and became the first-amoung-equals of a united Earth alliance. It smacks of apologia for Japan's empire in WW2, a sense of revenge for past wrongs. And you have all this other stuff - like oh a bunch of it takes place in Okinawa because Anno was a huge fan of the 1971 film Battle of Okinawa due to its huge action setpieces, but that film also completely whitewashes the atrocities of the IJA. Its all true, like it reflect that cultural milieu.
But it doesn't do anything with any of that. Anno just likes Okinawa guys, he doesn't think Japan should have won in WW2 and rule China right now. And the thing you actually watch is a group of international space pilots serving in the equivalent of the UN Space Fleet experiencing the horrors of war fighting for peace (and also fanservice). Its a world where Japan's economic & technological innovation makes it a world leader via soft power, and international cooperation defends earth. This peak liberalism. C-
Patlabor: Yeah an odd one, like its simultaneously about the corruption of the powerful and all that, but also about the need for heavy policing and the "fragility" of society. This one is one where you can take from it what you want, but if you wanna be right wing yeah sure. B
Girls Und Panzer:
Niea_7: Wtf is this doing here? Like okay, its humor definitely spills into a bit of racial stereotyping and stuff. But this is an anime about refugees being discriminated against due to disabilities and caste and the humanity behind the outer differences. You cannot weasel your way around that. D-
Urusei Yatsura: By no means have I watched every episode or anything, but I feel like this is a bit of "well its just showing past society right? Therefore its right-wing". And like okay, that isn't entirely off-base, like it has stories about how men and women are Just Different and Being A Man and all that, so sure. But it was also mocking those social themes of the time just as much as it was reinforcing them. Like Mendou is not an aspirational character!
A bit like Patlabor, I guess I can see pulling what you want out of it. But its a bit harder here imo. B-
Space Battleship Yamato: Yeah I'll give you this one. Its just space opera in the end, but the way it sets up its symbols to redeem the legacy of the Japanese empire is far more explicit than say Gunbuster, no way around that. A-
Would be interested in other people's takes on anime I haven't seen or didn't mention!
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blouisparadise · 2 years
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Upon request, today we have a rec list of bottom Louis fics that feature DILF Harry. If you enjoy our rec lists, please be sure to like and reblog this post to help spread the word. Happy reading!
1) You Make My Heart Beat Like The Rain | Explicit | 6611 words | Sequel 1 | Sequel 2
"You're stunning, eh?" Harry whispers, his Canadian accent thick with lust. It usually slips out when he gets horny because he knows it turns Louis on. Harry presses his lips into the curve of his neck. His hot breath makes Louis shiver. He opens his eyes and sees Harry's bigger, tattooed arms wrapped around him, completely engulfing his smaller frame—and, fuck, maybe he is up for it.
Why does his boyfriend have to be such a fucking DILF? He blames it on a twitter thread he read a few weeks ago.
2) Coldest With The Kiss, Nice With The Cream | Mature | 11136 words
Louis has a thing for older guys, no one knows why but he just does.
Harry is a lonely dad.
And oh, Damien loves yellow a little too much.
3) Give So Much (Not Enough) | Mature | 24610 words
“For my little lion,” Louis slid the smoothie bowl in front of Oscar, letting him dig in with his little hands. “And for daddy.”
He didn’t process the bowl in front of him, the push across the table causing a raspberry to roll off and fall on his lap, because Louis calling himself mummy may make him feel all sorts of mushy emotions, but Louis addressing Harry as daddy was suddenly having a very different effect on him. Since when did Louis saying daddy out loud render him speechless?
“Daddy’s still sleepy, but we’re up bright and early right Ossie?” Louis’ cooing shook him out of his daze. The man coughed, picking the raspberry off his lap and swallowing it with unintentional, and very unnecessary, eye contact with Louis. “Well, is it better than your protein smoothies and why?”
Harry chuckled, spooning another heap of the strawberry banana goodness into his mouth, “Way better sweetheart.”
4) My End And My Beginning | Explicit | 24749 words
When Louis starts as an intern at a new company, he becomes particularly fond of the boss’ five children. And maybe the boss himself as well.
5) I’ll Find A Home Inside Your Heart | Explicit | 25808 words
In awe Louis stared up at him, his eyes wide and his lips parted. “I don’t usually make it a habit to go on dates with my clients,” he breathed.
Harry grinned, his touch light as he carefully swept a strand of hair out of Louis’ eyes. “Make an exception for me?” He asked cheekily, chuckling when Louis rolled his eyes.
“Well, since you asked so nicely,” Louis snorted and let Harry link their fingers together where they rested on the countertop. Finally, a shy smile crept onto those pretty pink lips of his and with his hands on his hips, Louis jut his chin out. “Are you gonna kiss me or what?”
Of course, Harry didn’t need to be asked twice.
6) Sedative Duty. | Explicit | 46588 words
Pop-star of the moment Louis Tomlinson is on his third-world tour. He decides to hire renowned professional dominant Harry Styles to unwind while on the road. In an effort not to raise suspicion by the crew, fans, and press,  Harry pretends to be his bodyguard. He ends up being far more than that.
7) Somebody To Love | Explicit | 51471 words
A hesitant fist hovers, ready to knock on the hard surface, when suddenly the door swings open revealing a small child with a huge smile plastered on her face.
“You’re here, finally!” She beams up at him, haphazardly brushing her orange hair away from her eyes.
He can’t help but let a grin fill his face at her anticipation. Bunching his pants at his ankles, he crouches down to her level. “You must be Margret.”
“Actually, only my daddy calls me that when I’m in trouble,” she explains with an assertive tone. “So you can call me Margo.”
“Well, Margo, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Louis.”
8) This Is How You Fall In Love | Explicit | 53538 words
When Harry Styles' 16 year old daughter dragged him along to see her favourite artist, Louis Tomlinson, in concert, the last thing he had expected was to be invited backstage. Unaware his life was about to change forever.
9) The Bachelor | Explicit | 53953 words
“Don’t tell me, you’re Lola,” Louis pointed at the little girl and she crowded her father’s leg shyly, sticking her thumb in her mouth.
Harry chuckled lightly and cupped the back of her head with a large palm, his calloused hands catching the fine strands of her hair.
“She’s shy,” Harry told him. “Plus you swore mighty loud…M'Harry by the way,” he stuck his free hand forward, his diction belying his way of life- slow and casual.
The somewhat dainty-looking loud-mouth flicked a look to his hand, then back to his face. Harry waited patiently for him to take it.
“Louis,” he finally shared, clasping Harry’s hand with his smaller one and giving it a gentle squeeze, placing his other over the top of both of theirs. “Tomlinson,” he added. “I’m your personal assistant,” he added.
10) Ever I Saw | Explicit | 58342 words
Daisy Road Ranch.  A place for those in need to receive the help they deserve, even when they may not believe it.  A place where they don’t have to fear what, or whom they left behind.  A place where they can find themselves, or find a different way of coping with their issues.  Daisy Road Ranch.  A therapy ranch for those who’ve been abused.
Louis needs to find himself again.  Harry wants to help.  Can they find their way?
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
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kanmom51 · 2 years
I see the "Jimin gave Dior their highest stocks" argument circulating on Twitter and on Tumblr. Wanted to add my two cents: Stocks don't work that way. One single person being named brand ambassador won't influence stocks in a mega way. Not even our bestest, cuty-sexy-lovely It-boy.
Two things:
a) what influences stocks is quite complex and it's difficult to pin it down to just one factor and trying to determin what impact that one factor had b) Dior's stocks have been pretty good since September last year. And the rise in stock since Jimin was named brand ambassador wasn't that high. That's not because Jimin being brand ambassador wasn't impactful. Because it obviously was. But again, stocks are a bit more complicated than that. Also during times of crisis, luxury brands are always quite successful, since rich people usually aren't affected by those times of crisis. Sucks, but that's how it is
Still Jimin being brand ambassador is a highly successful move for both sides. Jimin holds a lot of brand power. He gets Dior a lot of recognition and gets people to shop Dior products. And of course since the new money is in Asia, naming a big asian celebrity as brand ambassador is a very clever move. And right now Jimin is one of the most famous celebrities. People can be pressed about that all day long. Won't stop the Jimin effect and won't stop people from running into Dior stores, lol (and maybe soon Tiffany stores?). And like clockwork, everyone shading Jimin for being lazy just dug their own graves. When I see people complaining about Jimin being lazy, it majorly pisses me of. But I also know I just need to sit back and wait for Jimin to do his thing. Chefs kiss.
Very well said. I completely agree.
Saying JM being announced ambassador for Dior has their stock at an all time high is so very simplistic and kinda wrong.
It is very possible that the announcement itself, on the day, caused a spike in the stock price, that would be a momentary influence, nothing more.
Just like @guacamoli-avocadorado mentioned, the stock market and stock prices are much more complex than that. Many more influences, inside brand influences and outside world influences, other stock markets are at play here. For instance, a fall of the Wall Street stock market will influence other stock markets all around the world and stocks in those markets, even if they have zero to do with Wall Street will most likely take a hit.
I would like to add some more though.
Yes, stock prices are important to assess a company's worth, but at the end of the day, the success of a brand is not in it's stock prices.
It's in the profit it makes selling their products. Cost versus income, as simple as that. The more the brand is profitable, the more successful it is. The more profit there is to divide out as dividends to their shareholders, the happier the shareholders are in it's management.
Cost and profit.
And JM is a cost, probably a very big one, but he's also an unbelievable investment for Dior. The buying power JM holds is immense, not only in the Asian markets but add to that international Army.
I mean, just go online to see how many Army have been out on shopping sprees buying Dior products all because JM was announced as ambassador. Buying clothes he wore, bags he carried, make up he had on.
Now that's buying power, and that's also a good investment.
JM is a money maker, and that's why they snatched him, Mr. brand reputation king.
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Talking about brand reputation rankings, JM no. 1 and JK no. 3 - when are we finally going to be hearing who snatched JK up, eh? I guess it's all about timing, cause we know these deals are months in the making. But it sure is coming.
Dior did more than good to land JM. Good business is what it was, and every JM hater out there, well, boo to you you idiots. JM is the king, case in point.
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JM might have done that by mistake, but that's exactly what the haters deserve. Instead they got a little of the very famous JM/JK Karma.
And those sounds, the screechers calling JM lazy, those sounds were silenced. Boy's been working non stop, recording, filming, shooting, being cooed by Dior from the second the solo path was announced.
This same claimed lazy JM is in tip top shape, able to move his body, do things that no other member of BTS can, not even our super fit, Mr. boxing and exercising all the damn time Jungkook.
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You aren't able to control your body like that by being lazy. And that's just the latest example.
JK has spoken about what a hard worker JM is, how he admires him for it. But you know, Jikook are scripted, so probably doesn't mean a thing, right?
Yoongi said it too, but again, he's BTS, it's all a falsehood they are trying to sell us.
Then how about Taeyang then? Is he part of the BH JM propaganda machine?
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I think you all know my thoughts about it, right?
I'm just as pissed as you @guacamoli-avocadorado.
Hell, JM, as per usual, quietly, humbly, shows them all exactly who he is, what he's made of and what he's worth (if only we had access to that ambassadorship contract for Dior - my guess is a shit ton of money).
And folks, believe me when I say this is just the start.
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Stream Vibe.
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wasyago · 1 year
hello hello! if u ever do decide to get more into prime defenders, the first seven episodes are a little iffy but i can attest to it getting better (WAY WAY better) after that, and apparently season 2 is even better. so it might be worth getting into at some point if ur interested ^^
also would HIGHLY recommend blood in the bayou if u like horror because. my god it’s my favorite campaign BY A LOT which is saying something cuz i love all the campaigns i’ve listened to so much, but blood in the bayou hits different. it’s run by charlie, very horror based with a really cool premise that charlie executed fantastically, and it’s only got four episodes ^^
either way i’ve finally caught up w riptide and can finally go through your art for it and oh boy it’s literally so so so cool i’m losing my mind, i love how you draw la alma he is so friend shaped
i hope you’re having a great day, and be sure to Just Roll With It! (<- very funny yet incredibly subtle reference. i’m so tired)
hehehhehe i love the reference >:)c always hear it in grizzly's voice in my head ("and just roll with it baybee!!") and also waaa thank you, i love drawing la alma <3 kitty <3 need to draw more of him, but also there's so many cool npc's that i also want to draw aughh not enough hours in a day smh i need twice as much, maybe thrice.....
about other campaigns!
i think someone said in the tags (or replies, don't remember) under my post that first 7 episodes of pd were kinda eh, and it did feel like the first episodes were less serious and less engaging. like, literally my favorite characters after watching them are tide and wavelength, which is like???? one of them barely talked even. but i do believe that it gets better, i saw some of the art and it looks amazing and super interesting!
blood in the bayou. im so absolutely INSANE about. charlie as a dm is SO fucking good im kicking screaming and crying im not normal. everything from the voices he does to the way he explains things and creates atmosphere to the way he treats players and characters augghhbhhbbbbb words cannot explain how much i love it. i LOVE blood in the bayou, its literally perfect in every aspect. the setting, the game, the art (dont get me started on the art), augh augh augh augh--
both of them (and apotheosis!!!) are on patreon tho, which i sadly don't have access to, no matter how bad i want to watch them or to know what happens next. don't want to get into politics much, but. its not that i don't have 10 dollars or however much the lowest tear is, patreon just doesn't work where i live. same as spotify, paypal, steam, and all the other payed services. vpn works for twitter, instagram, ao3, tiktok, but everything that includes banks and dealing with money and paperwork doesn't get fixed by just changing connection unfortunately. it has its benefits, i don't get ads on youtube or twitch, but everything else sucks. and atm the only real way to deal with it is move to another country... (which sounds pretty good, ngl)
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jazminetoad · 7 months
Guess who made a Hazbin OC
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Not me, I just hazbinfied an OC
Meet Shoko Takamoto, her alive version in this post
Okay so I was thinking what if Shoko was in Hazbin Hotel (cuz hyperfixation on Hazbin) and when a sinner spawns they have traits for how they died, things they hate as their appearance, and other traits that express who they are
Therefore Shoko would look like her mom and have red-tinted skin/hair, plus horns because she likely died fighting a demon (literally or metaphorically depends if this is crossover or not) and because her family is associated with dragons, they're dragon horns, she also got her rollerblade skates because I said so. When she first arrives Shoko is extremely uneasy because she is surrounded by a red atmosphere but she toughs it out (cuz her dad taught her that) and strides through the city and to her luck finds a shop that sells hair dye and body paint, so she buys blue shiz to cover up the red.
How did Shoko die?
Well, it was not long after Reverb died (he went to heaven) that she began to lose herself, becoming more aggressive, becoming a senseless killing machine, she lost her positive friend, who encouraged her to be herself, who never did any wrong in the world, and it sent her spiraling. Out of touch with her emotions, she was only set on pleasing her father on the off chance she would receive a positive comment from her father, maybe it'd make her feel again. That was her downfall. During her final fight, senseless to her surroundings as she killed, she got hit vitally and died
Around this time, sinners only had flip phones (since progress is delayed by a lot) so she creates a smartphone from flip phone and tv parts (which catches Vox's attention because he's a tv man) Vox pops up
"Well aren't you a pretty little demon."
"Usseewa oni before I shank you."
Then she takes a proper look at him and sees he's blue. While he does come off as a little sketchy, Shoko can't help but feel relaxed at the sight of someone so blue when everything else is burning red
"So this is the latest technology up on Earth?"
"Yeah what about it old man?" (Shoko says this in a chill way since she feels at ease around him)
"You know how they operate, become my business partner and I'll make you one of the most powerful overlords."
Shoko agrees on the condition she didn't have to get her hands bloody and mass-produces smartphones, followed by flat computers, with Vox. She only brought Twitter and YouTube since she thought the other social media apps were stupid. Using YouTube she grew her fame as a rap artist, and her power developing to weakening others when she disses them (basically vicious mockery). Her first distrack about radio and how it plays crap no one cares for and surprisingly for Shoko, Vox praises her for her it (cuz it was weakening Alastor, though he disappears for other reasons obviously). Their business turns more friendship, Vox reminding her of her old pals Saikoro and Reverb (she misses them but her friend eases the loss)
Shoko doesn't like Val since he reminds her of a few mafia playboys, however I think it would be funny if this happened
"You remind me of someone."
"Really? Who I remind you of, dollface?"
"Is he some big shot on Earth?"
"...Yeah, yeah he is." *proceeds to gaslight him into believing Doflamingo is a real mafia boss pulling strings in the navy*
I just find it funny
Anywho, Shoko is only there for about a year before Velvet shows up, surprise surprise, she's an old classmate of Shoko (I might not keep that idea, eh) and proceeds to info Vox of the many other social medias there is and how she has far more knowledge of modern technology, thus Vox who is a corporate asshole that priorities power and money, cuts Shoko off, giving Velvet her place
Not sure where Shoko would go next, my thoughts are many she teams up with Neon Dino Overlord, but either way she in a way ended up as a hazbin
Yeah, she works with Neon Dino, together they run all sorts of music hotspots: Rollerskating joint, clubs, rap battle joints, and rock concerts. They monopolize the music industry, banning classic, country, jazz, and girly pop from their places. You know they own the location when the name has "Kaiju" in it
I feel like sometimes Vox would look back at photos or items that remind him of Shoko and feel a bit of remorse, he cut off his first friend since Alastor and it sucks at times since friends are hard to come by down here. Course his anger for Alastor takes over or the Vees distract him from his thoughts and he forgets about it
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bingbong21 · 1 month
"My Generation" Translation Part 1.
Hello there! I haven't seen anyone translate the BB drama track yet (and I refuse to get twitter to really double check), so I am mustering all my limited willpower and throwing my hat into the ring!
This post covers from 0:00 until 11:03. Because I feel like translating 40-ish minutes of drama track would make this unbearably long. Also if you see a number, that means there's a note I want to make because I did take some liberties.
With that said, here we go!
News anchor: Yesterday the functionality of Hypnosis Mics was restored, and reestablishment of Chuohku’s command is underway.
Ichiro: It’s been a week since the Block Party and we’re already back to normal huh?
News anchor: In addition, regarding the postponed Third Division Rap Battles, the Administrative Inspection Bureau announced that it is too early to decide to cancel the event.
Ichiro: Ha…The Division Rap Battles…
Rei: Yo! Sorry to keep ya waiting. What’d you want?  
Ichiro: Thought I’d give this back. *tosses keys*
Rei: Hm.
Ichiro: It’s the keys to the car you lent me. It’s parked over in that lot.  
Rei: Hmph. Is that so?
Ichiro: That’s all. Sorry you went out of your way.
Rei: Eh, I had work around here anyway so it wasn’t a problem to come get the keys.
Ichiro: Hmph. Later. *goes to walk off*
Rei: How are they doing?
Ichiro: Aa?
Rei: Jiro and Saburo.
Ichiro: They’re away right now.
Rei: Hmm?
Ichiro: The festival made them want to see more of the outside world, so they both went on a trip.
Rei: *laughs* Finally getting used to parenting, huh?
Ichiro: Quit screwing around. They’re still kids. Until it’s time for them to enter society, I’ll be sure to take proper care of them.
Rei: Hmm.
Ichiro: It’s common sense. Later. *walks off*
Rei: Now then, wonder what’ll happen?
Jiro: I’m back Aniki!
Saburo: Ichi-nii, I’m home!
Ichiro: Oh, welcome back! What’s this? You guys decide to come home together?
Jiro/Saburo: No way!/Not at all!
Jiro: We just happened to meet up!
Saburo: Ichi-nii, please listen. I’ve learned so many things because of my trip!
Jiro: Oi! I’m gonna talk first, so you be quiet!
Saburo: Grh…Don’t you shut up?
Jiro: What was that?!
Saburo: Aa?!
Jiro: Aa?!
*sounds of them fighting*
Ichiro: *laughs* Looks like nothing’s changed since before your trips.
Jiro: That’s not true! I worked together with them and learned a lot of different things!!
Saburo: Me too! I got a lot of inspiration from interacting with people in the countryside!
Ichiro: I get it, I get it. How about we go eat, and you can take turns telling me about it, yeah?
Jiro/Saburo: Yes!
*sounds of dinner*
Ichiro: Eeh? So Jiro, how did you end up traveling with the company president?
Jiro: Oh! I happened to be given a ride by the company while I was hitchhiking. His company was getting merged, so I helped him with a lot of different things.
Saburo: Heh. You probably just carried his bags the whole time.
Jiro: Did not! That’s a problem he dealt with himself!I got to do consultations with the investors. I also got to attend business meetings with clients and mediated fights between employees!
Ichiro: So, did you achieve the purpose of your trip?
Jiro: Yeah! It’s crazy how much I learned working with a lot of different people. Things can get pretty complicated when you bring together people with different ideas who all want to improve the company.
Saburo: Ha! You talk like you actually understand it.
Jiro: Shut up! Is it your turn to speak?!
Ichiro: *laughs* Well, I’m glad it seemed to be a good experience.
Saburo: Me too! I had a very interesting experience!
Ichiro: You went to the countryside, right Saburo?
Saburo: Yes! My idea was to bring technology to rural villages and encourage regional revitalization!
Ichiro: Oho, that’s a pretty grand plan isn’t it?
Saburo: But, after I lived there for a bit, I realized that the inconveniences and simple way of life (1) aren’t a bad thing.
Jiro: Yeah, I get ya.
Saburo: Ha? What do you possibly “get”?
Jiro: Well I mean, look at it this way: our journeys were different, but it sounds like you and I learned the same things, yeah? 
Saburo:No we didn’t! The depth and quality are of a completely different order of magnitude!
Jiro: Tch, why do you have to be so annoying?!
Ichiro: *thinking* They’ve been able to expand their horizons.
*door bell rings*
Jiro: Oh? Who could that be this late?  
Saburo: It’s way too late to be making a request.
Ichiro: Just a minute! *opens door* Yes? Chairman?!
Chairman: Apologies for coming so late. As the chairman of the Neighborhood Association, I have a favor to ask of you.
Ichiro: Ha…please, come in for now.
*re-enter home, gets tea*
Ichiro: So, this urgent consultation…is it about work for the Neighborhood Association or something?
Chairman: No, the truth is I’m currently in talks about a large-scale urban development project.
Ichiro: Urban development project?
Chairman: It seems that Ikebukuro’s biggest hope is to build a large suburban facility. The stores will be closed down, and those lots will be where culture, sports, and commerce come together. They want to build the largest desired large-area suburban facility. And that’s why I’m in a bit of trouble.
Ichiro: I’d like to hear more details
Ichiro: I see. You want a response and now your family is having a falling out.
Chairman: Yes. At first there was only opposition from the current generation of my sons, who are in charge of the stores. But recently my grandchildren’s generation has begun to rebel, and things are starting to get out of control.
Ichiro: That seems difficult.
Chairman: Here I am thinking of everyone’s happiness, but they just don’t understand a parent’s feelings at all.
Ichiro: When you say that…
Chairman: I’ll only say it here: it’s been tough, even for our family’s fish shop that supports the other stores. If this keeps up, we won’t be able to avoid bankruptcy.
Ichiro: And when that happens, your family’s way of life will be destroyed.
Chairman: Yes. This is a difficult decision for us Neighborhood Association officials. However, when we think about the lives of our sons and grandchildren, we’d rather replace the shops with the urban development.
Ichiro: Haa…
Chairman: They’ll get all the money from the buyout. With that amount, our sons and grandchildren will be able to live their lives without any problems.
Ichiro: Chairman…
Chairman: We are sad about the loss of the stores. But more than that, we want out children to have happy lives.
Ichiro: Me too…I’m my younger brothers’ parent, so I completely understand how you feel.
Chairman: I thought you would say that. But, that’s just how a parent is supposed to think. Ichiro-kun, could you help me to convince my sons?
Ichiro: Of course. Please leave it to me.
Chairman: Oh! You’ve really saved me!
Ichiro: So when is the deadline to respond to the urban development plan?
Chairman: The person in charge said it will be in a week.
Ichiro: Understood. If that’s the case, I won’t be able to gather the others’ opinions by then.
*door opens*
Jiro: Aniki! Let me help too!
Saburo: I heard the whole story. I want to help as well!
Chairman: Jiro-kun, Saburo-kun! But, you two are still just kids.
Ichiro: If it’s these two it’ll be alright. Please leave this matter to my brothers.
Chairman: Well, if you say so Ichiro-kun…
Ichiro: Yessir!
Ichiro: Let’s go over the situation again. A large-scale urban development project has come to Bukuro, and the people in the shopping district are being approached to sell their land. It looks like opinions on how to respond are divided. First we have the clients, the Chairman’s generation. Then, we have the current generation who run the shopping district. Finally, below them, is the grandchildren’s generation. Here is what each of them have to say.
Saburo: So the grandchildren’s generation don’t want to sell the land and want to continue running the store there.
Jiro: But the working generation has an option to sell the land and open a store in the new facility as a tenant. Isn’t that the best option? They’d be able to get money and keep the store open.
Ichiro: It seems that the difference in selling prices is quite different.
Saburo: I see. So in other words, there’s a difference between cashing in the right to open a store and exercising the right to open a store in the facility. (2)
Ichiro: However, it seems like the shopping district manages all the stores. Meaning that if they were to become a tenant, there wouldn’t be any hope of making a profit.
Jiro: So like the chairman said, it would be best to convert everything into cash?
Ichiro: Yeah. Everyone is getting emotional and it’s difficult to have a discussion. However the response to the developers is due in a week. If we don’t hurry, we’ll run out of time.
Jiro: In that case, why don’t we gather everybody at West Gate Park and have them listen to the full story?
Ichiro: That’s a great idea!
Saburo: There’s probably a key person for each generation. If they speak for everyone, I think it’d be quicker to talk to them.
Jiro: The leader of the shopping district union is probably the one who organizes the current generation. Which in that case would be the fish shop’s old man.
Ichiro: I heard the person who organized the grandchildren’s generation is the old man’s son.
Saburo: That means it’s a three-way struggle between parents and sons, doesn’t it?
Ichiro: Aha…Well, can I leave the gathering of the people to you two?
Saburo: Yes. It’s already late today, so tomorrow Jiro and I will split up and see what we can find.
Jiro: What do you think about scheduling the meet-up three days from now?
Ichiro: Ah, there’s no problem with that. I’m counting on you.
Jiro: Yessir!
Saburo: Please leave it to me!
Ichiro: Jiro and Saburo have really changed in such a short period of time.
Saburo actually says “mazushisa” which is poverty and I uh. Am a Saburo fan first, human being second so uh. I interpreted more favorably for him lol
This was tricky because it used “kyouju suru” which literally means “to teach” and like. Idk, maybe I’m an optimist and want to believe they have been told all their options. So I went with exercise, as in they the second generation are exercising their right to tell the new facility to give ‘em a spot
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kinopioa · 4 months
>Me seeing Classic "purists" and later fans treating Sonic with headcannoned flanderizing in either woobifying or animalizing
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It's funny how common it is, throughout 20+ years of fandom
For the former I generally see them overly push the Felix cat and rubberhose inspiration, and aggressively ignore the Japan influences (despite saying they're anti US) unless relevant to dunk on others. The fact throughout Sonic 1 dev we can see environments get less weird and Oshima admit Sega Harmony stuff misrepped Sonic into being percieved as "innocent", along with Oshima admitting to liking Greg Wray/Martin's art despite other members of Sonic team before he left is funny. The glorification of bringing stuff scrapped in Sonic 1 dev for fangames is ironically, creatively bankrupt. Those fans awkwardly think Classic Sonic can't throw a punch or do anything outside rolling entirely just to prop up Metal Sonic the overrated. Eggman is either ignored, or treated as silly thing only with no threat, a mirror to what later era fans do. They overall treat Sonic as a bootleg clone of 90s Felix, which is ironic cuz Felix wasn't wacky for the 1940-60s, then dead until the 80s movie based on that era, and thep 1995 show reintroducing wackiness. And then this ignores design parallels or flaws they purposefully ignore to dunk on later eras, and generally ignoring other chars unless relevant to dunking on later. They hate "gotta go fast", but sure love "gotta bitch fast". And only liking at max 3 games, unless relevant to dunking on later ones
Either that or they're the US Sonic fans that act like Sonic wouldn't be popular without the design changes, which eh. Heavy doubt
Later Era fans meanwhile latch SO HARD to Sonic X and Archie/IDW over games despite inaccuracies, half likely cuz they still are seeking approval from none fans, the other only liking Sonic superficially. And I'm gonna admit, I liked X and OVA and other media back then, but they aren't Sonic, and the former definitely is shitty in aspects. The aspect of flanderizing or misrepresenting Sonic and co while hypocritically attacking companies for doing so is annoying. Same for ignoring char dev, but then crying that Sega is ignoring it when they didn't really (looks at Shadow). The pushing of IDW being canon so that they can prop up another "fan" is exhausting. Same for unfunny fandom jokes
Both are annoying as fuck on Twitter, especially when they attack others that are right on how Sonic isn't a slapdash OC creation tool for personality. And the fangame/romhack scene has been miserable under wraps since the early 2000s with the pushed "Fans do what Sega can't" mentality and nostalgia spam. No one learned from Omens
No one
Ps. you'll notice I ragged more on Classic Sonic fans. This is cuz everyone mostly has already bitched about later fans. Older fans are pretty ignored these days, though I find that an issue. The Sonic 4 campaign was hyper toxic for a reason...
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tarochibun · 5 months
Hello Everyone!
Hello. I'm TarochiBun, a casual digital artist who dabbles in character design and has a passion for OCs and bios! I also enjoy DnD (Dungeons and Dragons) and am all about chill vibes and good times~. I'm both a SFW and NSFW artist (mostly suggestive than full on tbh), but because I don't wanna get in trouble with Tumblr, this account will only post SFW images! Most I'll go to pushing it is suggestive. Any full NSFW will be cropped and censored in a preview like fashion.
I mainly have girls, but I do wanna try and make guys as well. I need variety after all. It's hard to find inspiration, but Tumblr was always a good place for aesthetics and such. So who knows? I hope people will like my OCs here. While I can't post every single drawing I've done, their refs are all in my OC bios, which is linked over on my Linktree! So please do go over and check them out~! I've had a Tumblr account years ago before under a different alias, but abandoned ship since they banned certain things ;v;... Twitter was my main area, but I'm pretty sure everyone knows just how much that place sucks ass, especially for artists. It's an extremely toxic environment that has admittedly hindered my art style, so I'm hoping being in a more peaceful environment will help me develop my art style more! I don't really care for popularity or big followings/followers and shit like that, art has always been a hobby for me. However, it wouldn't hurt to get some validation, eh heh... After all, I work hard on my OCs! I hope to find others that are just as enthusiastic and motivated about OCs, and I can't wait to explore and find new artists that don't just consist of the same ole NSFW I constantly see on Twitter.
🧋My Socials🧋
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house-afire · 6 months
Do Yourself Proud (Jim/Izzy, knifeplay)
“One of the good things about Bonnet,” Izzy said, passing the brandy bottle to Jim. “Better class of spirits on board.”
They tilted their whole head back when they drank, even though, life they’d led, they must have known baring their throat like that left them vulnerable. It was a choice. Jim used to be a crab, like him, but they’d made themselves into a knight from one of Bonnet’s bedtime stories: their armor something they could take on or off, not a shell they had to live in.
“I could tell Stede you just said he’s got more than one good point,” Jim said.
“And I could push you overboard and leave you to drown in our fucking wake.”
“Eh, pretty sure I could knock you over the railing first.” They passed the bottle back to him, and this time their fingers brushed his: as slow and deliberate as the line of their throat in the moonlight. “I’d rather knock something else.”
Izzy wanted them—he thought anybody with eyes in their fucking head would want Jim—but wanting had never gotten him anywhere before.
“Christ, Jimenez.” He took a long drink and let the sweet burn of it spread through his chest. “You’ve got Archie and Boodhari already. You’re turning into Spriggs.”
They shrugged. “And I’ve seen how you look at him, so—not like that’s going to hurt any. Look, I won’t get in your face about it all night. If it’s no, then it’s no. I just figured I’d ask.”
Izzy thought about Jim on Calypso’s birthday, all dressed-up with that penciled-on mustache, handsome as anything; swaggering around the deck like sparks should’ve been shooting from their heels, brighter than Roach’s fireworks. Jim soaked in his blood because they were the only person aboard back then tough enough to saw through a screaming man’s bone to save his fucking life.
“Take me to bed, then,” Izzy said.
Jim’s smile was enough to cut his own good leg out from under him. Seemed to be a fucking pattern there.
Izzy kissed Jim more that night than he had anybody in the last twenty years put together. He knew that made him fucking pathetic.
Jim tasted like Bonnet’s brandy, and they kissed like they were trying to devour him whole. Izzy had only ever tumbled with other pirates, and he’d still never been plundered like this. Like the brandy, it was a fine burn.
They used his bunk, since Jim’s was crowded enough already. Izzy unbuckled the straps on his leg and eased himself onto the bed; he let Jim stow the hoof away as he lost the rest of his clothes.
“You like it?” Jim said quietly, handling it—to Izzy’s inexplicable relief—like it was as delicate as china.
Izzy told himself he’d had more to drink than he knew, and that was why his voice sounded so fucking rough when he said, “Nicest thing in here.” Jim was a smart one. They didn’t need his help working out that it was also the nicest thing he’d ever had, the nicest thing anyone had ever done for him. If the ship caught fire in the night, he’d save that leg before he’d save his mother’s ring, and not just so he could hobble out on it.
He lay back on the narrow bed, and Jim came to him.
There was a glow of possessive pride on their face, and it undid him, even though he had a grimly amused hunch he knew where Jim’s head was right now. The way they were skimming their fingers over what’s left of his thigh gave the game away.
“Jimenez, stop admiring your fucking work and fuck me already.”
“I just think I did a good job for someone who’s never done an amputation before.”
“You made a clean cut, and you kept me from dying,” Izzy said. “I’m all a-twitter about it.”
They danced their touch up, ignoring his cock to play along his hipbone instead.
“I could make some other clean cuts,” they said offhandedly. “You know. If you’re into that.”
Izzy had never minded a bit of rough sport, but he’d only ever held still and waited for the cut of one man’s knife, and that was Ed’s. Wasn’t like it had gone well for either of them. But whatever they’d had had been poisoned long before the knife ever came out, dying of Izzy’s jealousy and frustration and Edward’s boredom and fury.
It was easier with Jim. He knew they wouldn’t kill him, and he knew he wouldn’t want them to, wouldn’t ache for them to cut his heart out so long as that meant they were touching it.
And he knew one more thing: how fucking good Jim looks with a blade in their hand.
Jim said, “If it’s a bad idea—”
Izzy met their eyes. Let a challenge creep into his gaze. “You have one of your daggers on you?”
Jim grinned. “Wouldn’t be me if I didn’t.” They slid it out of its sheath and showed it to him. Their voice went soft as they said, “Family heirloom.”
“Can use another if you’d like.”
“No,” they said, giving him a brief glare. “Idiot. I don’t want to cut you with just anything.”
The words buzzed in Izzy’s blood, and they made it easy for him to stay relaxed as Jim lightly ran the point of their dagger over his skin.
It did something for him, lying there as Jim studied him and decided where to put the first cut. They settled on a spot up by his collarbone, slicing a thin, straight, sure line that was just barely deep enough to bleed.
Jim dabbed one fingertip in the blood, and Izzy couldn’t help thrusting his hips up at the sight of it, pumping his aching cock against nothing at all.
“Oh, you like that,” Jim said, almost in a purr. “Fucking great, isn’t it?” Two more swift cuts, with hardly a pause between them, and Izzy panted as Jim wrote their name on him in his own blood. He was so turned on his ears were ringing from it.
It wasn’t entirely about the pain, though God knew he’d always liked that well enough. It was about how Jim looked at him, all satisfied and thoughtful, like Izzy was a canvas they couldn’t wait to paint all in red. It was about Jim taking over him, touching his blood like they had a right to it—and they did, they’d brought it to the surface, it was their possession now that it was spilled.
It was Jim thinking he deserved the best dagger they had.
The pain was pretty damn good, though, especially when Jim put in a few more shallow notches on his side. It felt like Izzy was being whittled down into something better.
Above him, Jim’s eyes sparkled with more pride than ever. A question crept in, though, when they ran their hand down his thigh, and they stopped short of the scars they’d already given him.
“Want me to leave it alone?” they said.
“Would’ve thought you’d have polished that part of me off already,” Izzy said. “Can’t leave your mark there more than you already have. But yeah, sure, touch away.”
He didn’t think he could have told anyone else to do the same, but no one else would have wanted it as much, would have looked at him with this tender reverence as they stroked the most damaged part of him. No one else had ever looked at him that way at all, in bed or out of it.
“I don’t have to make a cut.”
Izzy swallowed. “I want you to. Let’s have one there I asked you for, then.”
Jim leaned in and kissed him, their touch chaste but burning all the same.
They scratched a delicate J into the lightest part of the scarring. Izzy held his breath for it at first, waiting for the pain to ramp up, to sour, but it was no worse there than anywhere else. Jim was taking it easy on him, of course. They must have barely broken his skin. He didn’t think he had it in him to urge them to do more. Not tonight, anyway. They looked almost shaken by this last bit of bloodletting, even though their eyes were dark, pupils wide from how much they liked it.
Worried they’d done too much, Izzy realized. Worried that they’d crossed a line.
He reached down and covered their hand with his.
“You do good work, Jim.”
They sounded hoarse as they said, “I like doing it right.”
“You do. Killing or saving or teasing me until I’m about to come untouched like a fucking boy.”
Jim lit up, and the tense, shaky look went away. “Let me do something about that too, then.”
Izzy let his head fall back against the pillow. “Fucking finally. However you like it,” he added, because if they were here with him, they must have wanted something besides what they were getting with Archie and Boodhari, and he had no fucking objections to ticking whatever boxes they had left.
It must have just been the knife-play they’d been after, though, because when they stripped down and joined him, he had trouble imagining that anyone in their right mind would object to this. They straddled his face, climbing on so they looked down the length of his body, and then they bent down and took his prick into their mouth.
Izzy had to bite down on his wrist to stifle a shout, but Jim heard it anyway.
They straightened up a little. “All right?”
“Of course it’s fucking all right,” Izzy said fervently. It had just been a while since anyone had sucked him off, and no one had ever done it in a way that gave him this kind of view and the promise of this kind of taste. “You’re fucking brilliant.” And he wasn’t going to waste any more time talking about it. He took hold of their thighs and licked up into them.
Jim said several things in Spanish that Izzy couldn’t really follow with their thighs up against his ears, but the tone was promising.
They put their mouth back on him, and he did his best not to fucking explode before they could even properly get started. He concentrated on his own business: licking them open until he could slide his tongue over their cock.
Fuck, he loved the scent and taste of them, being face-first in their cunt like this, buried in their body. He closed his lips around their cock, testing it out, and Jim bucked into his mouth at the first suck. A clear instruction—do more of that—so he did.
He matched Jim’s own rhythm at first but soon slid into complementing it, instead—like they were sparring, their retreats and advances and strikes and parries all falling just where they needed to, more like a fucking dance than a duel. He’d noticed Jim from the start, and after they’d tried each other—their knives against his sword—he’d been fucking gone on them. And for good reason.
Jim was dripping wet, and Izzy felt an almost gut-level satisfaction at the idea of his beard being soaked from them, of having them mark him this way too.
His balls drew tight just thinking about it, and he pulled away from Jim to mumble a warning—his lips slick and swollen, his pulse pounding—but Jim just hummed around his cock, finishing him off. He wasn’t going to be outdone on that front—well, not by much, anyway—so he plunged his face back between Jim’s legs.
Jim spread themselves out even wider, moving their legs from Izzy’s ears so he could hear them.
“Suck me until I scream, all right?” they said.
Izzy had always been good at following orders.
Afterwards—after he’d licked Jim clean and Jim had, despite him snarling at them, doused his shallow cuts with what was left of the brandy—Izzy lay there, dissolved and undone, watching Jim get dressed again. He felt a little low somehow, but he usually did after the best and roughest fucks; he was used to it by now. He looked at Jim, golden in the candlelight, getting covered up piece by piece.
He cleared his throat. “I take it your little harem doesn’t like knives in bed. You get that itch again and want to scratch it, you know where to find me."
Jim stilled, their trousers only half-buttoned. “What do you mean?”
Jesus, kids these days. Was scratching an itch that foreign a concept? Outdated lingo? What the fuck did they say instead?
“You wanted to play around with your daggers, so you found someone who’d be into it.” Roach would have been enthusiastic too, but Izzy wasn’t a saint, wasn’t going to toss around suggestions for how Jim could replace him in this little niche of theirs. Roach was getting laid enough on his own anyhow.
“Olu’s not wild about them, but Archie’s good with the daggers,” Jim said, still looking at him like he was babbling nonsense. “Why’d you think she wouldn’t be?”
Because why else would they have asked him for a tumble? Izzy kept that answer to himself, but Jim seemed to read it off his face anyway. They got back on the bed and straddled his hips, the rough cloth of their trousers threatening to rub his overused cock raw.
“Fuck,” Izzy said.
Jim started grinding on him, slow and sure. “You think I’m only here because I can’t get what I want somewhere else? I’m here for you, pendejo.” They dragged their thumb along one of the marks on his chest, the sweat on their skin a bright spark of pain in the cut. The friction started the bleeding up again, and Jim leaned down and kissed it away. Izzy’s blood shone on their lips until they licked it off.
“Everybody on this ship’s always ready to turn cannibal at the drop of a fucking hat,” Izzy said, because nothing else he was feeling has any words that could go with it.
“Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone how good you taste.” They put their mouth to his ear, and the next words came out in a whisper: “Unless you want me to.”
Izzy was spent, but his cock still gave a desperate twitch at that idea, and perched on him as Jim was, they couldn’t help but notice it. He felt their lips curve: hard and victorious as any pirate gloating over their plunder. It was about time, that unseen smile said, that Izzy remembered that the crew painted his hoof with gold.
“You up for another round?” Jim breathed.
“I’m too fucking old to be up again tonight at all,” Izzy said, but he reached down between Jim’s spread legs so they could rut against his hand, too. “But don’t suffer on my account.”
They pushed his wrist away and slid their hips along his instead. “Want to feel you soft, feel how I’ve got you all used up. You good with that?”
Izzy hitched his chin up. He was, yeah. Or good wasn’t even the word.
Jim ought to be done with him, by anyone’s standards. They’d exhausted him, finished off what he was good for, and they had other people they could go to—softer, kinder, better, more beloved—but they were still here. They still wanted him. Still enjoyed being with him.
They could look at what the two of them had done together and feel good about it, want more of it, even now. Izzy needed that, just like Ed needed Bonnet. He’d needed it for a long time.
“Shit. Hang on a second—let me get naked again.” Jim wriggled off of him and shed their clothes quickly. Even when they were in a hurry, they were neat, which Izzy liked. Jim did things right.
They came back to him bare, and this time, without as much lust fogging up his brain, Izzy could appreciate what a bizarre fucking sight it made when Jim straddled him, their strong young body—as well-balanced as one of their daggers—against his old, scarred, sinewy one. If Jim minded the fuzz of graying hair on his chest or the weathered coarseness of his skin, though, it sure as hell didn’t show. They touched him everywhere, not just on the marks they’d given him.
They seemed set on the notion of rubbing themselves off on his softened cock, however long it took, so Izzy didn’t offer his hand again. He put his fingers to use elsewhere, stroking along Jim’s thighs again.
Jim usually kept their chest bound flat, but they’d stripped off that bit of cloth along with everything else. Izzy ghosted his hand up Jim’s sweat-slick belly and stopped just short, waiting to see if this was safe ground or not, the way they’d waited for his signal about his leg.
Jim nodded. “Yeah. Go for it. Feels good.” They made a small noise in the back of their throat, and the lazy ride they were on sped up a little. “Just—easy. I get sore.”
Izzy had built his reputation on years of shouting and scowling and slashing about, but that was just what caught the eye: he’d done plenty of work that required a light touch. He showed that off to Jim now, pressing soft kisses to their chest before licking one nipple with the flat of his tongue.
Jim rewarded him for his consideration with a very pleased gasp.
“Just—just like that—fuck, Izzy—” They pressed down even more firmly against him, wild and desperate now, and made a frustrated noise in the back of their throat when they couldn’t find the pressure they needed for this last bit. “Put your hand back?”
Izzy did. The angle was too fucked for him to crook his fingers and stroke Jim’s stiff, slippery cock the way he’d have liked to, but that was fine—didn’t seem to be what Jim was after anyhow. They just wanted to rock against him, use him like a dog would use the leg of a chair, and God help him, it was fucking hot. He was breathless from it.
Not so breathless, though, that he couldn’t try to give Jim what else they wanted. They couldn’t feel his soft, chafed-red cock anymore, not now that they had his hand, but Izzy could give them the next best thing.
“Fucking used me up, Jim,” he rasped. “Sucked me fucking silly. I won’t be good for a fucking thing, not for hours—all soft and worn out and sticky with you, you fucking menace.”
A sound tore its way out of Jim’s throat—half-laugh and half-moan. Encouraging, Izzy decided.
“Need to use my hand because you’ve finished off my prick. You gonna finish off the rest of me too? Until I can’t even move?”
Jim’s hips snapped forward, and they dug their fingers into Izzy’s sides as they finally tumbled over the edge a second time.
They folded down onto him, muttering curses against his neck. Izzy turned his head just enough to brush a kiss against the short, damp spikes of their hair—fucking embarrassingly tender, but it was … fine. Fuck it. He was on Bonnet’s floating paradise of tarted-up lovingkindness, and he was past caring anyway.
“Thought you were going back to yours,” he said, when Jim showed every sign of falling asleep on top of him.
They yawned. “Yeah, I was, but then you were all hot and … emotionally needy. And now I’m exhausted and you make a nice bed, so deal with it or kick me out.”
“Fuck off,” Izzy said, but he didn’t mean leave, and they both knew it. “I’m not ‘emotionally needy.’”
Jim hooked their ankle around the crumpled-up blanket and kicked it up high enough for them to grab it and pull it over where they lay tangled up with Izzy. “Take it from somebody else who figured it out kinda late: it’s fine to let people give you what you need sometimes.”
This was what he’d needed tonight, he knew. He let Jim tuck their head into the hollow of his shoulder, and he breathed in the scent of them. He could, Izzy let himself realize, need this again, and he just might get it. It was almost painful to think about—because how many years had he wasted, not even trying, not even asking—but sweet, too. Gentle and warm and steady, like Jim’s hand on their knife.
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multapohja966 · 9 months
some fav things this year
Detransition, baby - Torrey Peters' book. just adding a one more assurance that it is just as good as everyone says.
Shopping Star as a semiotechnical code modulating Greek femininity in pharmacopornographic capitalism - fun opulence of hard words discussing interesting things. (article utilising Preciado's analysis tools to discuss (post)recession Greece)
Chimamire Sukeban Chainsaw - Rei Mikamoto's insane gory gross, hard to explain, manga about a girl with a chainsaw trying to kill the person responsible for turning her classmates into grotesque minions.
One Piece - caught up finally. yes, it is worth it.
67,292 Things Car Guys Can Teach Transsexuals by Adrian Glenn - part of the 2 Trans 2 Furious zine. as a car guy associate and transsexual i deeply loved this one.
The Shape of Premodern Nonbinarity: A Conversation with Leah DeVun - I'll never stop talking about this article.
Bronson - Tom Hardy movie, biography of "Britain's most violent prisoner " Charles Bronson. It doesn't completely highlight everything essential about his story (having a less than nuanced view on untreated mental illness and its relationship with incarceration) but it's such a good fucking movie!! And at least artistically very loyal to who it's depicting (insane and absurdist).
this video of jack harlow at a chiropractic appointment - we live such weird fucking times. like it isn't heartfelt but it isn't disgusting either it's just, w-what? eh?
Little chinese everywhere - vlogger Yan who travels though less tourist heavy provinces in China, really respectful look to everyday life in more rural communities. these have given me a lot of peace and joy. a lot of extremely intresting architecture as well.
Inflatables and the adults who love collecting them - by furry youtuber Ash Coyote. Truly a gem of respectful by fandom, of fandom documentaries. Touching and lovely!!
MerPeople - don't touch netflix anymore but this documentary of the mermaid community and industry is incredibly good.
this rose ramdin x html jones vid - the well read terminally online gen z musical artists who get their estrogen money from twitter shitposting are the modern greek philosphers. in the sense that i'd sit on a stone public square step and listen to a convo like this for the whole day.
A normal creepypasta retrospective - there's hope for youtube actually
Cat soup / Nekojiru-sou movie
Earth Maiden Arjuna - early 2000s environmentalist anime series lovers make some noicee. this one is sooo lovely and gorgeous. real hidden gem.
Sabaton - as expected, bit of a weird vibe in the crowd demographic :--------D but show itself is an insane fucking spectacle I'm happy I saw. You can really sense these men are swedish, the "my country hasn't been in an active war for two centuries" theater kid energy is wild. Tank on stage.
Death Grips - I'm pretty sure this rebooted my whole brain. Went with close friend, pretty sure my biggest bruise came form her hands.
Antti Tuisku - Farewell gig of the best pop performer in finland. I do not understand how he doesn't pass out on stage with everything he's doing. The jesus allegory album is forever my favorite, it's so genious in how it discusses fame so well while staying funny and self-avare. Neck hurt for the next week due to headbanging.
Suistamon sähkö - small gig yet one of the absolute best this year. (i cried) You need to see these guys live, the vocal ability of the main singers is absurd, it doesn't come through fully in recordings. And they create a very special atmosphere and community within their gigs, literally joined hands and danced in a circle.
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i’ve decided that i will most likely continue to Not post art on the tumbleweed site because a lot of my self-worth hinges off of getting the “deserved” attention on my art (i’m not sure what the minimum for that is. because of how my brain works, i feel like a god compared to others, and thus feel that i dserve special attention)
because i’m not a massively popular artist nor am i a shipper, any rain world art i post will probably continue to massively flop
and people not having a fucking clue i exist is also an issue for my risk of rain art, which at this point is more relevant to the paladin mod & its lore than the actual base game because i’m not attached to the base-game survivors — at all — due to their ambiguous characters (hopoo has confirmed that they don’t give a fuck about lore, it’s an afterthought to them… they’re also pretty obviously allergic to good lore (see: the potential the void had) but that’s aside from the point. hyperinvox’s post on the risk of rain subreddit sums this unrelated point up nicely)
the tumblr, ao3, and twitter parts of the risk of rain community are a fucking corpse. it’s disappointing.
before my likely departure, however, i’ll leave you all with a few things:
-my discord # is unmatchedpowerofthesun and it will stay such -i’ll most likely still occasionally post necessary stuff -dm me for old leaked starstorm 2 models dating back to 2020. nobody needs to know how or why i have them :3 -fuck the official risk of rain discord -the very foundation of the risk of rain community is arguments and pedophiles/zoophiles -i’m not perfect. i’m very mentally ill and my roots are, regretfully, horrifically edgy and unfunny shitposting. but i try -game communities shouldn’t be dominated by official discords that have a fucking monopoly over the game’s community. they should run themselves, rather than bowing to Your Holy Emperor SeventeenUncles (who, from what i’ve heard, should’ve just stayed as the guy running the RoR twitter account. instead of becoming the community manager) -take my perspective of things with a grain of salt. my perspective is heavily distorted, so i may misinterpret or exaggerate a lot of things (with some contribution to that being from my poor memory) -and beneath is some art of E-N0K, the Pale Blade(right) (who i might make a model for in the future :)))) and Wyr’dvahn, the Diminished(left) from the paladin mod’s lore. with text based on AM’s hate monologue from “i have no mouth and i must scream”
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i might as well sign off with a banger
it’s entirely possible that my departure won’t be permanent, but eh. important to state shit regardless
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