#primal carnage: extinction
theshamroknroll · 2 years
A collection of Fall/Winter themed screenshots in Primal Carnage: Extinction, featuring my Novaraptor loadout. After taking these, I realized they kind of tell a little story, so that was a pleasant surprise. Hope you guys enjoy.
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Netting a kill, a sufficient feast at last
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Ambush of the Shark Toothed beast
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A very risky escape, abandon the trophy kill
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Flee the territory to the lone cold mountains, where little roam
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A warm carcass provides peace and safety through the harsh blizzard
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deltoidlover · 7 months
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i see red
thingy for an art comp yippie
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bananafire11 · 9 months
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After abt a year, i got to play primal carnage again. I forgot just how wild it is but alas its still fun
Funny clip as a treat
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tordvind · 1 year
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❗❗❗BLOOD WARNING❗❗❗ "Blood drops keep falling on my head..."
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randomdoodler · 4 months
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Spring Chickens WIPs below
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rioteersstory · 2 years
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We do all need some private time, just for ourselves and for our loved ones. Creatures most likely need that too, for the social ones. It has been already observed in modern animals behaviours, but for ancient ones, fossils were not expressing much of it.
» Huatau © Rossi. » Brownie, Art © Hopie.
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Jackson Stone from Primal Carnage: Extinction has a flat ass!
edit by @neighborhoodcrow!
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thecrowsartnest · 2 years
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Moria was weirdly difficult to draw
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flipping-the-coin · 6 months
[Inquisitorial Report: Subject - Megatron of Kaon]
[Authorization Level: Alpha (Elite Guard Selective)]
[Listed Authorizations: Head Elite Guardsmech Smokescreen]
[Assigned Inquisitor: Hush]
[15 Vorns after Cybertron’s Restoration - One Vorn into assignment]
Hush here with another report. As usual, it's been a pretty tame stellar cycle. Megatron really doesn’t do much, Smokescreen. I’m not joking. I thought he was terrifying at first, and don’t mischaracterize me when I say he still is absolutely terrifying, but if you know how to deal with him, it isn’t all that bad. He’s been doing a lot of writing recently, but that’s about it. He wrote a rather well done piece on Orion Pax’s dancing. I didn’t think I was one for romantics, but even I can admit it was a wonderful little thing. It was so sweet and well thought out. I think Orion will like it when he reads it. I plan to go find some nice solarite blooms for Megatron to give to Orion alongside the poem he’s composed. It will be a lovely accent piece to really add to the feeling of the gift.
There really isn’t a lot about Megatron to discuss, but since I would like to meet glyph count and have something to do other than knit another three stuffed turbo foxes, I’m going to tell you more about what’s been going on. Hope you don’t mind Head Guardsmech, but I’m really quite bored and this is a nice way to get my thoughts recorded for when I inevitably have my memory wiped and I need a refresher on handling my targets.
So you know I made up a company, right? Of course you do, I put it in my last report. Anyway, I put on my disguise, changed my paint, and swapped out my visor for a gold one before going to meet Orion as my new persona, Melody. I double-checked that everything looked good and covered up the wings of my badge. Then, once it was a good way through the morning, I walked up and rang the doorbell with my bag of gardening tools. You have no idea how long I spent frantically learning about gardening. I read everything I could get my servos on and I even went to train under a florist for a few deca-cycles. I had Carnage go out and look for plants for me as well. Did you know that the ruins of Crystal City are filled with plants thought extinct? I mean the city has been on fire since the Quints blew up Vector Omega, but the fires aren’t as bad now, so I could feasibly go fetch some plants.
Right, back on topic. I made sure my disguise was perfect and then rang the bell. I made sure Megatron would be out at the time just so that in case things went south I would be able to book it without being murdered. Orion’s field is nasty, but it won’t outright kill a mech, at least not based on what I’ve seen. If the Primal Steward and Megatron can walk it off, I am sure I can handle it too. That said, Orion answered the door pretty quickly and seemed genuinely surprised to see anyone there at all. I smiled as nicely as I was able, and our interaction went something like this:
“Hello! I’m Melody from Melody Photographics and Landscaping! Would you happen to be Orion Pax?” 
Orion was really shocked when I introduced myself. He hesitated a lot at the door but replied soon enough.
“Yes, I am Head Archivist Pax. What can I do for you?”
 I think he was expecting me to demand money or something with how he was giving me a look. Maybe he thought Megatron hadn’t paid dear Melody for the pictures. He wouldn’t have been wrong if he had thought that. Megatron hasn’t paid me for scrap, but at this point, I do what I do because I’m bored, so I guess it doesn’t matter.
“I was hired to tend to your garden and the exterior of your hab. Would it be possible for me to step in so we can discuss what you would like to get from this arrangement? I can begin work as soon as I know the budget I will have available and what you would like to see your garden become.”
Again, he looked like someone had come and slapped him upside the helm with a brick. Honestly, I can see why Megatron is fond of Orion’s optics. They are very expressive when he’s running through lots of emotions. He invited me in pretty quickly, and we ended up sitting down to discuss plans over tea. Orion makes killer tea by the way. I don’t think I’ve had tea since I got put in this post of mine, so his tea was extra nice. Did you know he likes his tea with loose crystals? I didn’t but now I do. 
We chatted for a bit and he asked all about how I got my job and who hired me. I told him Megatron hired me to take care of the place since my photographs turned out well and he liked my work. I also let him know that I do have a feline named Carnage who stays with me to assist me with my visual impairment. That one I came up with on the spot when I accidentally slipped up about my visor. See, the one I was wearing wasn’t actually a medically enhanced one, it was just protective. I think he might have been worried I was hiding something, either that or he was just curious. Whatever the case, I panicked a bit and took off my visor to show him why I have it.
I might have scared him, but I don’t think so. It’s really hard to tell with Orion. Sometimes he’s as clear as crystal, and other times he’s impossible to read. He just looked at my mutated optics, asked if they were painful, and then made an understanding noise. It was… relieving to have somebody look at my face and not be disguised. Megatron is going to have a field day when he finds out that his nickname of 'spider’ for me is far more accurate than he originally assumed. I know what I look like. I know that it’s because of my optics that I was made into an Inquisitor.
Sorry, it’s just nice to not be immediately gagged at. Following my reveal, Orion asked about Carnage, to which I just stated that Carnage comes and goes but doesn’t cause trouble. Then, once he seemed confident in my genuine interest in gardening, he grabbed some datapads, floor plans, schematics, designs, and so much more that I didn’t even know he had. By the time he had everything laid out, his entire kitchen table was covered in documents detailing his property and how he would like his garden to look. It was honestly super fun working with him to design the layout of the garden. We spent all cycle debating what would look best where.
I’ll tell you what, though: Orion Pax is rich. Megatron never spends much shanix, so I haven’t actually seen the sheer amount of cash these two monsters have in their accounts. But when I asked how much I could spend and made it clear I was happy to purchase whatever was missing, Orion outright shut that idea down. He shook his helm and went over the expenses for the garden, which I will have you know are absolutely astronomical considering what Orion wants. This is what he told me:
“Melody, you look like you haven’t fueled properly in vorns. I am not going to have you take shanix out of your hard earned salary to pay for my garden. I have a substantial inheritance to my name, and even with all these expenses, I will still hardly scratch the surface of those funds.”
He showed me his account, Smokescreen. He’s got more shanix than some senators have at this point! He’s disgustingly wealthy, and I did, in fact, choke a bit when I read his account balance. Orion is related to Alpha Trion, right? Well, that fragger must have been swimming in funds because Orion looks like some sort of foreign prince with how much shanix he has just sitting around. He told me a good chunk of his inheritance was made null and void with the shift in economics and the new currency system, but that much of it still held strong because many of his assets are in relics, property, and documents.
It was wild. I ended up handing Megatron a copy of the amount of shanix in his and Orion’s accounts a few cycles later, and he did an actual spittake at the number. I can’t blame him. Even deca-cycles after the matter, I still find myself recalling just how much cash my targets have to their names. I haven’t seen that much money anywhere, much less in one place at the same time. 
Back on the subject of the garden. Orion made his plans, and I’ve been spending the past couple of deca-cyles hunting down things he wants. Orion has been helping too, and so far we meet once a deca-cycle to go over plans again. I’ve already begun clearing out the garden of all the random plant growth already there. The dirt is all sifted and energon shards have been distributed to fertilize it all. I got some bots to bring over the trees Orion ordered and I managed to convince Megatron to help me hold them up while I got the holes prepared. Currently, there is one huge techtite tree that shot up like a vining holoshade and two smaller trees from Crystal City that I grabbed. I don’t actually know what they are, and neither does Orion. We are both looking into it, but they are pretty so they are allowed to just kinda hang there.
I spent a cycle with Orion laying down walkways too. That was fun. We talked about all sorts of plants and had lunch on the deck after spending the morning laying down eco friendly path pieces. We got into an argument over a bench we were putting together for the garden, but that argument resolved itself when Megatron came out and showed us that we were both reading the manual wrong. We put one screw in the wrong place, and the whole thing looked like a fragged up mess.
I got laughed at and Orion got kisses. I may or may not have been rather bitter about that. But we got the bench finished and got seeds for some copper growths spread around. I expect them to grow in alongside the newest plants we have shipping in rather quickly. Oh, we also got a nice tea table put under the techtite tree. We’ve had lunch there once a deca-cycle ever since. First Aid even came by once and got to fuel with us! He’s really nice. I really enjoy First Aid’s company. He knows a great deal and is very caring. He took one look at my optics and prescribed me some medication I don’t know.
I’ve been taking it for a while now and I must say, while it hasn’t fixed my life’s problems or the sensitivity of my optics, I can now withstand a little more dust before my optics get all agitated. 
As a side note, Carnage has been sleeping on top of my cockpit for a while now, and just the other cycle I decided to open it up because he kept pawing at it. He jumped right in and refused to hop out. He hasn’t emerged in cycles, but he doesn’t seem to be very concerned. I can feel him in there and it’s actually pretty comforting. Is that normal? I mean, I know that some of the big fliers will let others ride in their cockpits, but are they supposed to have to fuel more afterwards?
That’s all I’ve got for now. I will keep you updated, as usual. 
[Report Received: Visibility Status - Seen]
[Note from Head Elite Guardsman Smokescreen: Hush for Primus’s sake, you are getting far too comfortable in your role. I can’t exactly stop you now, but please, be careful before giving away your weaknesses. As for your question? I am afraid I don’t have the answer. Very little is known about yours and others frame types. A lot of information was lost during the war. So unless you are in pain, I wouldn’t worry about it.]
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thysanniia · 6 months
hello, what is your current obsession <3
extremely bold of you to assume there is just one
ok so there are more or less 3 at the moment:
my godzilla and monsterverse stuff, which i have already written about in length and will probably write even more about in length soon stay tuned i am hyperfixating so hard it's unreal.
carnivores! the funny dinosaur hunting game! i've been working on a concept for a reboot of the original game for, no joke, 7 entire fucking years lmfao. that's ticking in the back of my head quite a bit, slowly adding to my game design documents.
the many primal carnage extinction maps i am making, which are eating up wayyy too much of my time at the moment and 100% affecting my uni productivity. whoops. regardless you are definitely gonna see a hell of a lot of those going forwards because i have a lot to show and a lot to say. this is the deep level of "i am putting hundreds of hours into projects that hardly anyone cares about" lmao.
i really wish i could do more art for the former two but unfortunately my brain doesn't work anymore so i'm stuck being basically completely useless. aight that's enough rambling i love you goodnight
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vinvelociraptor · 1 month
possible short intro?
hihihiii you can call me Blue :3 Pronouns are she/her, it/its are cool too
I'm 16 so choose your actions wisely. I'm a polytherian and my theriotypes are: Velociraptor (accurate ones) timber wolf and cross fox.
Im a furry and an artist but i don't post yet sorry Possible sexuality?: Aegosexual Aromantic lesbian? Autism, ADD/ADHD, Depression, General Anxiety, Hypersexual
I play video games like Roblox, The isle (Evrima) Meadow, Animal jam, Primal carnage extinction.
Currently hyperfixated on Murder Drones and Rainworld, other interests include Jurassic franchise, Avatar franchise. Steven Universe, and some others that il remember one day.
I'm sorta confused on whether im fictionkin or copinglink or something else so il just say im possibly Blue (from Jurassic World) and Cyn (from Murder Drones)
Also sorry for the crappy intro idk how to make things look awesome. :p
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theshamroknroll · 3 months
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Ossifrage Atrociraptor, my new novaraptor premium skin is up on the Primal Carnage: Extinction workshop, loosely based on a juvenile lammergeier. Big thanks to MrTroodon for the original atroci model and Maxsentia for the screenshots!
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evods · 1 year
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The Meeting
Skins from Primal Carnage: Extinction
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asabovesobelownjdj · 2 years
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Images for: Primal Carnage Extinction
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packstrust · 2 years
Enraged dinosaurs second extinction
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Enraged dinosaurs second extinction skin#
While anyone familiar with any previous FPS will jump straight into the human side, working out how best to use the dinos at your disposal can be more than a little tricky it doesn’t help that there’s no real tutorial to speak of. Playing as a dinosaur is a very different experience, and something that really takes some getting used to. The human side may not be the most popular of choices, but running from enraged dinosaurs and working successfully as a team feels incredibly satisfying. Although the core aim of ‘shoot the dinosaur in the face’ remains largely unchanged whichever you chose. You’ve got your sniper, regular trooper, flamethrower, heavy and trapper when playing as the humans - each of them playing pleasantly differently. Like a few FPS games out there, (no, wait, all of them) the teams are further split into classes. As you’d expect, the human players are forced to group together in order to survive, while the dino team is all about brute force - mixed in with a little bit of tactical thinking. In simple terms, Primal Carnage is an online FPS game that, in the core game mode, pits a team of human hunters against a pack of ravenous (maybe even a little ravishing) dinosaurs. Sounds good, right? Well, mostly is my initial answer - because have you ever thought about how annoying it would be to actually be a dinosaur?
Enraged dinosaurs second extinction skin#
Admittedly, it’s an easy sell: either play as a dino-hunter, taking down a horde of surprisingly team-focused Jurassic terrors, or shed your own skin for a new scaly outfit as one of a selection of badass dinosaurs. I just can’t help but feel as though it’s a strange interest - which is perhaps why I can’t help but feel as though Primal Carnage: Extinction is a strange kind of game. So why does the idea of vicious, powerful predators (and, you know, herbivores) intrigue the young of mind? Don’t get me wrong, I certainly loved dinosaurs when I was a kid - and, well, they’re still pretty awesome. What is it about dinosaurs that young people love so much? I mean, stick them in a room with a live T.rex and they’ll probably have a slight change of heart. Reviews // 14th Jul 2015 - 7 years ago // By Ryan Davies Primal Carnage: Extinction Review
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rioteersstory · 2 years
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LEFT - « 2 0 2 0 » A try for a phone wallpaper, i was very satisfied with it by the time: the grumpy look, the tired face, the background by the time was making me smile but recently i had grown tired of it since i know i can do better backgrounds and that some details changed in the character... RIGHT - « 2 0 2 2 » Yet another remake, changed the background completely, removed Koreel from the composition and also added the darker scales in Huatau’s design, he didn’t change this much but i still wanted to update him graphically... I’m very much more liking the new background even if i just post cropped pictures here !
» Huatau © Rossi. » Koreel, Art © Hopie.
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