#prince Médée
jpriest85-blog · 1 year
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I've fallen into Fandom Hell for @gonzague-if that I've been considering a Vampire au and even created some art for it depicting a vampire version of my Prince Médée and her devoted Peyrolles inspired by the Renfield movie poster.
Ironically enough, in the vampire au, I could see Médée and Peyrolles' relationship starting out similar to Dracula and Renfield's. Mysterious and secluded noble needs a useful human to help with their business during the daylight hours, in return for shelter, fortune, and immortality. Although Médée probably isn't as horrible as a Master/Mistress as Dracula was 🤔
Sure, it was probably an adjustment at first for Peyrolles and terrifying, depending on how much they believe certain superstitions about vampires. The cross thing isn't true, though, and Médée laughs when Peyrolles first brings it up. She can stand on cosicrated ground just fine. Hell, in the 15th century, she tried to avoid an unwanted marriage by joining a convent. Sadly, it didn't work out, though her father's men found her and dragged her kicking and screaming to the alter. Thankfully, she didn't have to deal with the marriage long. A vampire was posing as one of the wedding guests and decided to gift the reluctant young bride with immortality.
A couple of centuries later, she winds up in Paris and meets Peyrolles one night, and offers them a job. At first, their dynamic probably is very similar to in game, Peyrolles helping Médée run errands during the day, dressing her since she can't see her own reflection in the mirror, covering up suspicions deaths, ect.
Médée sometimes needs to feed from Peyrolles if another source of blood isn't available. Which is an interesting scenario to imagine the first time she asks to feed from them. Sure Médée is usually careful not to kill the people she drinks from, but blood loss is still pretty risky. She depends on Peyrolles for so much already that she wouldn't want to compromise their health, but it could be more dangerous if she goes too long without eating. Médée probably doesn't even get a chance to finish asking Peyrolles before they're already removing their cravat and jacket.
What a tall, beautiful woman dressed in a 3 piece suit that pays well and asks to bite you occasionally. You expect them to say no to that?!
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gonzague-if · 1 year
Since I first started playing the demo, I became obsessed with the dynamic between Gonzague and Peyrolles and the possibility of it evolving into a romantic relationship. It's the combination of that loyalty and devotion of a servant/guard towards their Lord/Lady, the Machivellian chest master and their trusted dragon, and combined with possible mutual pinning is just gets to me.
If it's not too spoilers how would Peyrolles react to Gonzague interrupting their usual routine of helping them undress and preparing for bed by suggesting they be the one to serve and attend Peyrolles for the evening instead? After all, Peyrolles has been their most trusted and devoted confidant for years, Gonzague wants to return the favor by taking care of their beloved little Peyrolles.
Although in my Princes' case, I doubt Médée would be as effective when dressing Peyrolles for bed🤔
She'd be too distracted, wanting to leave little kisses and love bites on Peyrolles' bare skin while helping them undress, and "accidentally" forget to prepare a change of clothes for them to sleep in. Oh well, they can just borrow her clothes then. If Peyrolles objects to taking her sleepwear, she's willing to compromise by sharing body heat to keep each other warm through the night 😘
Going to label this, because this is getting a little spicy lol.
I think it really depends at what stage Gonzague and Peyrolles are in their relationship.
Early on, Peyrolles might politely refuse. Their relationship is very complicated, there's a lot of power imbalance between them and this sort of things won't really work unless Peyrolles is the one asking for it.
Later on, in a more established romantic (or at least sexual) relationship, Peyrolles would indulge Gonzague if that's what they want to do, they would even be amused by Gonzague turning the situation around on them. But in general, sitting still and letting their partner do the work is not their preference.
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fivesensesstimuli · 4 years
Pumpkin Autumn Challenge
Automne frissonnant 🎃
- Je suis Médée, vieux crocodile !
- Les Chimères de la sylve rouge / D. Du Maurier, Rebecca
- Le Supplices de la Belladone / R. Goolrick, La Chute des princes
- Esprit es-tu là ? S. Zweig, Amok
Automne Douceur de Vivre 🥧
- Il fait un temps épouvantail ! / H. Murakami, 1Q84 Book 3
- Siroter un chocolat chaud sous les saules / M. Hesse, Le Plaisir
- Fafnir ton assiette sinon pas de piécette / R. Dautremer, Le Bois dormait
- A window to the past / J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets  ✓
Automne des enchanteresses 🍁
- Les Rêves d'Aurore / H. Leung, Farewell my concubine
- Sarah Bernhardt, monstre sacré /G. Josse, Une femme en contre-jour
- Les Ecailles de Mélusine / Mardi Noir & Q. Zuttion, Drosophilia  ✓
- Nausicaa de la vallée du vent / A. Ferney, Le règne du vivant  ✓
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pelasgis · 7 years
Il y avait quelque chose de profondément noble et solennel chez cette femme. Impératrice esclave de son palais abandonné, elle déambule parmi les fantômes en faisant glisser ses longues robes noires sur le marbre poli, le regard offert à l'ombre. Sa marche, aussi digne et feutrée qu'un pas de valse, m'emmène auprès de ses sacrifices. Chaque pas est un souvenir qui pèse sur sa mémoire, formant un sillage de soupirs dont le parfum suave embaume les lieux. Sa silhouette se découpe dans le couchant, enveloppée de voiles, et semble flotter sur la ligne d'horizon. Elle s'arrête devant un cadre qui abrite une photo jaunie et une horloge arrêtée, c'est son roi figé dans une jeunesse irrémédiablement perdue. “Ce temps vit encore ici, là où il s'est arrêté”, murmure-t-elle, psalmodiant ce que les prêtres du monastère ne parviennent pas à lui ôter.
Elle pourrait être la soeur de Britannicus, prisonnière de son propre rêve, ou la fière descendante d'une reine des steppes. Une biche couronnée de lumière, dont la bouche semble avoir été peinte par un amoureux des cerises, avec le plus grand des soins et la terreur de déborder, de souiller cette beauté immaculée, sculptée par la terre aride et brûlante des ancêtres.
L'ovale parfait de son visage souligne deux yeux d'obsidienne dans lesquels fleurit tantôt la malice, tantôt une tristesse laissant transparaître les rivières de larmes qui ont creusé ses joues. A chaque mot, la pluie menace, les yeux se mouillent et laissent affleurer une âme de cristal, fragile et précieuse, en deuil d'un monde trop laid pour elle.
Princesse asiatique perdue à la perfection de son domaine, rongée par le temps, elle contemple un fruit infesté de vers et soupire. Elle est une héroïne tragique, et les figures de Phèdre et de Médée se superposent dans mon esprit lorsque je marche humblement derrière elle pour admirer les rayons de lumière qui viennent mourir sur les contours de son corps fatigué.
Gardienne du palais érigé sur le lac, de marbre et de naphtaline, elle est de la race de celles qui font au monde le don de la grâce. Ici, à l'orée de la Sublime Porte, elle a bâti son château dans l'espoir d'un sens, un enfant qui viendrait combler sa solitude. Il a failli l'envoyer en enfer avant sa venue monde. Choyé et entouré de tous les trésors, cet enfant sans talents avait été son malheur. Ne pouvant plus porter d'autres âmes au monde, elle se méprise et se détruit de n'avoir pas su faire de lui autre chose qu'un être vulgaire. Comment avait-elle pu engendrer une si basse engeance, comment ce prince baigné d'amour pouvait-il se montrer si ingrat, si froid, si bas ? Il lui semblait s'être extraite de la boue pour mieux y retourner, car la malédiction se montrait tenace et implacable : son fils unique ne serait jamais rien de plus qu'un minable. C'était sans issue, fatal et définitif. Sacrifiée sans avoir été honorée, son âme torturée gémit de s'être tant perdue.
Elle est seule, si seule dans son crépuscule glacé, sur cette chaise de bois qui la protège des autres, ce trône anonyme. Les derniers rayons coulent dans le lac et scintillent dans son regard humide. Un nuage passe. Ses traits imprégnés de temps et la mort qui ne cesse de la frôler font d'elle une reine orpheline, errante dans sa villa déserte. Les silencieuses absences la hantent sans répit, et plus vivante que jamais, elle se voit déjà de l'autre côté.
Mais son crépuscule est plus beau que toutes les aubes.
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jpriest85-blog · 11 months
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I've recently learned that Paul Féval in addition to writing swashbuckling stories like "Le Bossu," also wrote vampire fiction. Which is perfect for the Vampire AU I imagined for @gonzague-if characters and setting, where my Prince Gonzague,Médée, is a vampire posing as a French noble of "delicate health" with her devoted Peyrolles, and of course Lagardère as a persistant vampire hunter. That and being October, I was inspired to doodle a sketchy comic of Médée feeding from a very willing Peyrolles.
Médée: That damned Lagardère! I've dealt with persistent Hunters before, but he's been especially vexing.
Peyrolles: You've been unable to hunt because of him. Monseigneur, I am concerned you've gone too long without feeding.
Médée: (thinking) They're right. I've had to avoid drawing unwanted attention. If this keeps up, it'll be too dangerous if I don't drink blood soon. Peyrolles is a possibility, but I don't want to endanger their health. I've grown to depend on them for so much. Although if I don't feed soon, I may lose my self-control to hunger and wind up killing them! Should I just ask them? Even if they say no, Peyrolles is resourceful. They can help find an alternative until it's safe to hunt.
(Speaking) Peyrolles, I have a request, and you are free to decline. Would you...
Peyrolles, already removed their waistcoat and cravat, half reclining on a nearby couch with their shirt half of in an enticing fashion: Yes!
Médée, surprised and then intrigued: Oh? My little Peyrolles is so eager and efficient. Not even any objections or hesitation. Yet I will still ask, are you willing to allow me to bite into your flesh and drink from your blood? I would prefer not to cause you harm, but even taking a small amount of blood is still a risk.
Peyrolles: I have already bound myself to you of my own free will. Whatever ma maîtresse needs of me, I will gladly offer, even my soul.
Médée, smiling at Peyrolles with genuine affection: You truly mean it? How lucky I am! My little Peyrolles' devotion would put the Pope to shame.
(Médée joins Peyrolles on the couch, crawling into their lap with a hungry expression, then bites and drinks from their throat in an intimate manner.)
Granted Peyrolles will be anemic for the next few days, but they'd probably feel it was worth it. Médée would also ensure Peyrolles is able to rest and recover afterward, so she suspends their duties for a while and makes sure they're well fed. After all, she wants Peyrolles around for a long time. Immortality can be quite lonely after the first century.
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jpriest85-blog · 11 months
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Some fashion references for @gonzague-if of my Prince Médée. I tried to keep a similar color scheme for her masculine and feminine attire, red, blue, and yellow/gold, although they are a lighter shade for the gown. Also, considering certain fashions were both popular with men and women at the time, like long hair, heels, cosmetics, ect. Médée prefers to go with a more natural appearance when dressed in her suits, just a touch of rouge on the lips and cheeks, her natural shoulder length waves half tied back with ribbon, simple pearl earrings and her insignia ring bearing the de Gonzague crest. It helps a lot when she wants to give off a more professional persona, as many people tend to take her more seriously when she presents herself in masculine fashion. She does still have more feminine wardrobe, too. Partly out of spite for her father, forcing her to impersonate her brother growing up, she's free of him now she can dress up in pretty gowns whenever she wishes! Granted ladies' fashion tends to be more time-consuming and elaborate, but it also has its share of uses. Médée has found it easier to get people to trust her when she presents in feminine attire, and their are advantages to having people underestimate her. Also, women's cosmetics and shape wear make it much easier for Médée to alter her appearance when she wants to avoid being recognized. A different wig or concealing her natural hair color with powder, changing up her usual clothes and makeup, adjusting her stays to make her décolletage more noticeable. Médée knows most people can be easily distracted by a pretty face and cleavage.
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Médée is naturally a tall woman with an athletic build and square jawline, and combined with her father raising her to be "Phillippe" throughout her teens and young adulthood, add a sharp suit and stays fitted to minimize her bustline, Médée can easily convince the Marquis de Caylus she's a wealthy man of title and education seeking Aurora's hand. Although it is interesting to imagine Chartres and Nevers reactions when Médée shared with them her real name and Pronouns. Chartres probably had an inkling early on, after all his own father used to dress in feminine attire at court, and considering his fondness for Opera and the theater, he'd be familiar with Julie d'Aubigny, and possibly may have even seen La Maupin preform at court. Nevers most likely was taken by surprise at first, believing Gonzague was just a very pretty man.
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jpriest85-blog · 1 year
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Some more @gonzague-if art this time of the 3 Philippes giving every bi and Pansexual person in the French court a collective heart attack. Just 3 BFFS out there charming, scheming, dancing, dueling, and occasionally making out with each other you know like besties do!
Also, a little doodle of the trio doing some dumbass shenanigans. Lbr as much as I picture my Prince Médée being the more serious one out of her friend group, she'll indulge Nevers and Chartres in their antics. Besides, this is not the first time she's found herself being carried by Nevers or riding Charters lap, but she's never done both at the same time. So it was a surprising and fun experience she'll remember fondly...at least until the inevitable heartbreaking betrayl.
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jpriest85-blog · 1 year
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Some more @gonzague-if based on the scene from Addams Family Values.
Prince Phillippe "Médée" Gonzague: Don't I deserve love? And jewelry?
Debbie's speech near the end of the movie is oddly fitting. Gonzague just wanted a good life with love and nice things! Even if they had to destroy innocent lives to get it.
And tbh if Médée had stayed a Princess, instead of poisoning her brother, I could have easily seen her turning into a Black Widow like Debbie. Marry an older wealthy man, "convently" become a widow and enjoy her wealth and independence and repeate if her funds get low....tbh depending on how the game goes Médée might actually have less victims with her schemes than if she tried the Black Widow tactics.
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jpriest85-blog · 1 year
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Some more @gonzague-if art featuring my Prince Gonzague, Médée, and Aurore de Caylus, in their respective wedding attire with another Medea quote. White wedding dresses didn't become popular with brides until Queen Victoria, and during the time period of the game and original story, Spanish brides traditionally wore black mantilla veils and wedding dresses. So I could easily picture Aurore using her mothers dress for her second marriage.
"Of all creatures that can feel and think, we women are the worst treated things alive. "
-Euripidies, Medea
Poor Aurore honestly deserves so much better, and Médée genuinely feels guilty for being the cause of her wife's pain and grief. They both loved Nevers, and while Médée believes Aurore will never love her back, or ever forgive her if Aurore learns the truth, she does want her to be happy....although I doubt consoling your grieving wife after confessing you were also in love with her first husband is the best start to a "happy" marriage.
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jpriest85-blog · 1 year
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Some more @gonzague-if art based on a Bojack horseman meme. Inspired by the mirror scene in demo.
Prince Philippe "Médée" Gonzague: You got to get your shit together. So Nevers secretly married Aurora, and you got your heart broken. Serves you right for having feelings!
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jpriest85-blog · 1 year
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Some more @gonzague-if art of the inevitable betrayal and death of Philippe de Nevers by my Prince Gonzague featuring a quote from the tragedy that is titled after Médée's name sake.
"Tell me, how does it feel with my teeth in your heart?" - Euripidies, Medea
Along with some flower symbolism, fitting considering I used the betrayal scene from Revolutionary Girl Utena as a pose reference.
Yellow carnations for rejection and disappointment. Daffodils can symbolize rebirth, chivalry, and unrequited love. Purple hyacinths for sorrow. Dark crimson roses for grief and mourning.
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jpriest85-blog · 6 months
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Some more @gonzague-if fanart based on this heartbreaking scene from the demo featuring Nevers, my Prince Médée, and anguished kisses in the rain.
"You did not have the will to back away anymore. You were too tempted to let his voice, his gentle words lull your anger to sleep. Maybe if he just touched you, maybe if he kissed you, you could forgive him? But forgiving him would not change anything. He had ruined you. Still, you had to try. It was your last chance. You grabbed the collar of his waistcoat and pulled him to your level, letting his mouth crash against yours. Nevers hummed in surprise against your lips, yet he was prompt to respond, his fingers wrapping around your waist, hauling you close. You moved against him jerkily, sloppily, grabbing fabric and pulling again and again. His tongue was all too happy to meet yours when you pushed your way past his soft lips. He was so warm, against your mouth and against your stomach when you curved your spine to fit better against him. You kissed him hard and he responded tenderly, his fingers gently caressing you through the fabric of your shirt, slipping under your waistcoat. You were ashamed of the pitiful whimper that escaped your lips while your skin burned under his touch. In response, a deep moan made its way from his lungs to his mouth, resonating throughout your entire body, making you shiver under the heavy rain falling on both of you.That was when his lips parted from you. You chased after him.
“No... No..” He said, his voice husky. “I should not... I..."
His hands took a firm hold of your arms, locking you in place as he moved away. Refusing you.
“I am sorry, I am so sorry,” he muttered weakly.
And that settled it. There was no forgiving. No way back. No path forward. Fate had been sealed."
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jpriest85-blog · 6 months
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I've been replaying the @gonzague-if lately and thinking if my MC Médée had stayed a Princess instead of poisoning her brother as children, she would have accumulated a much higher body count as a black widow (she does still wind up poisoning her brother and father after killing her first husband).
She'd probably still wind up recruiting Peyrolles via blackmail like she does in game shortly after the death of her first husband 🤔 although over the years Peyrolles proves to be more loyal and devoted to Médée than any of her husbands. She does still meet and befriend both Charters and Nevers and even been intimate with them both at various times. Charters still has a friends with benefits dynamic with Médée, but Nevers is too honorable a man to seduce a married woman.
Médée and Nevers do wind up becoming lovers after the death of her 2nd husband. Unfortunately, the relationship doesn't last despite the fact Médée genuinely loves Nevers they both have different beliefs when it comes to marriage. Nevers still holds the idealized romantic notion that marriage should be for love, while Médée learned from painful first-hand experiences that marriage is rarely based on affection but more of a business arrangement. Eventually Médée wound up accepting another man's proposal, but Nevers would always be the one that got away. After the sudden death of her 3rd husband (which Médée didn't cause this time) she found herself indebt again after discovering her husband hid the fact he lost most of their fortune in some secret business schemes that failed. So, while she's still in mourning and trying to figure out what to do, she meets Aurore and winds up catching the interests of the Marquis de Caylus.
Médée is a very attractive woman from a noble family, well connected, and not only is she still of child bearing age to potentially give him a son, the Marquis could also use her keen business sense to increase his wealth. Both Aurore and Nevers try desperately to discourage Médée from accepting the Marquis marriage proposal fearing for her safety, yet not realizing that Médée is already plotting the Marquis demise first...until she learns Nevers has another reason to not want Médée to become de Caylus new bride. Like the fact he and Aurore are secretly married and have a child together.
Apparently, it wasn't awkward enough that Médée's ex lover is now her son in law but Surprise! She's a step-grandmother now, and de Caylus' wealth goes to Aurore and her daughter now! Looks like Médée is not going to be the only widow anymore.
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jpriest85-blog · 1 year
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Some more @gonzague-if art of my Prince Philippe "Médée" de Gonzague.
Since Médée is a noble with rank, title, and everything, of course, she'd have a fancy portrait it's basically a requirement for the court. So, I've been compelled to create one using 17th-century portraits for references. It was interesting using the different oil brush tools on my art program.
Also made me put together a photo of the College of Visual References for Médée to keep handy. Which I'm willing to share, it includes screenshots of her outfit, jewelry, the de Gonzague family crest I found on Wikipedia, and Médée's face claim Nadja Michael.
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jpriest85-blog · 6 months
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Some more @gonzague-if fanart of my Prince Médée as a young girl with her childhood dog, a Cane Corso named Argus.
I headcanon that even though Médée spent most of her life scheming and deceiving others, she does have a fondness for dogs because of their loyalty and honesty with affection. An Italian mastiff breed like Cane Corso seems the most likely dog breed the Gonzague family might own, as they possess a noble and imposing bearing, and the breed can trace it's ancestry back to ancient Rome. They're intelligent and can be trained as guard or hunting dogs, and they're good with children if properly socialized. It's easy to see why Médée loved that dog as a child, especially since she didn't get much affection from her own family growing up. Sadly, Argus wound up getting put down by her father after the dog bite him in an attempt to protect Médée. 😭She was just a child of only 13, and she lost her best friend and only protector!!! No wonder Médée's other attempts to protect herself end in tragedy.
Although her fondness for dogs could also explain why Médée is so drawn to Nevers and Peyrolles 🤔. Nevers does have big friendly dog vibes, and considering his skills as a swordsman, we know he's very protective and dangerous. Peyrolles is fiercely loyal and devoted to Gonzague, and likewise would also go to whatever means to protect them. If Médée is also good at charming dogs as she is at charming people, this could also work to her advantage when she was courting Aurore. As I recall in the novel, the Marquis de Caylus also kept guard dogs 🤔. Getting the dogs to recognize and trust herself and Peyrolles could not only work in winning over the Marquis but also give her an advantage later on with her schemes.
I could see Médée possibly getting a Cane Corso again as an adult. Adopting a puppy so she can train the dog early on to socialize and protect herself and her household. Possibly even Médée gifting the puppy to Aurore after they marry to help her cope with her grief, and keep her wife safe when Médée has to leave their home for "business trips." Although it is interesting to imagine Peyrolles having to help take care of the dog too, in addition to their regular duties. Not to mention, the dog could be another potential obstacle for Lagardère when he comes seeking revenge. Then again, Henri is a well-known womanizer🤔. He probably has experienced dealing with guard dogs while sneaking into a Lady's room and escaping from an angry husband or father afterward when they try to sick the hounds on him.
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jpriest85-blog · 6 months
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I'm getting too emotionally invested in @gonzague-if that I've decided to go develope Headcanons about my Prince Médée's family. I've even come up with concept designs and created a family tree charting their relationship dynamics with each other.
I've given Médée's younger brother Philippe the full name of Gonzague from the Le Bossu novel to tell him apart from his sister. Also, I headcanon if little Philippe had survived to adulthood, he would look very much like the novel version Gonzague. Despite the fact Philippe was on the track to turning into an abusive POS like his father, I headcanon Médée didn't actually want him to die. They probably got along when they were young children considering how close in age they were, but Médée is probably the only one old enough to remember those times. Also, even with Philippe being their father's favorite and heir doesn't necessarily mean he was free from his father's abuse. Philippe had to learn that behavior somewhere, and I wouldn't be surprised if the former Prince used harsh corporal punishment on his heir if the boy showed weakness, even if Philippe wasn't punished as often as Médée. Also, considering their father was a firm believer in only the strong survive, I wouldn't be surprised if he pitted his own children against each other to see which is stronger. Médée figured out early on that her father sees her and her brother more as valuable chess pieces rather than his children, so she doesn't care about winning his approval, she just tries to succeed just enough to avoid punishment. Philippe, however, was still young enough to care about his father's opinion. So he gets very jealous and angry when his bastard half-sister gets praised by his father for being clever when she gets better marks on their arithmetic studies, or when the girl he has a crush seems more interested in spending time with his older sister because Médée is the "cool fashionable teenager," while Philippe is still at that awkward preteen phase and bigger than most of the other kids. So he lashes out at his sister physically because acknowledging his emotions and insecurities is weakness.
Considering the previous Prince of Gonzague, didn't seem to grieve the death of his only son but instead made Médée his heir by forcing her to literally replace her brother, even giving her Philippe's name and raising her as a boy. It is safe to assume he was an absolute bastard. Which seemed fitting considering out of his children his illegitimate daughter is the one who physically resembles him the most. Médée inherited his nose, square face shape, and height. While Philippe had his father's dark curly hair and eyes, he had softer features and a rounder face like his mother. Médée despises the fact that she looks so much like him, even long after her father's death. Even though she inherited her blonde wavy hair from her mother, it started darkening as she got older. So Médée will often have Peyrolles help her lighten her hair regularly. Most people at court assume it's just for fashion since blonde hair was in vogue at the time. In reality Médée does it because she hates how much she is forcefully reminded of her father whenever she catches a glimpse of her reflection with darker hair, especially when wearing suits. He's dead now she made damn sure of it! Her father can no longer hurt her or control her life again!
It probably shouldn't have surprised Médée that her father was also controlling with her birth mother as well, a fact she didn't learn until after her father's death when she found some letters in her father's personal effects. Until then Médée never knew anything about her mother, except that she inherited her eye and hair color from her. Apparently, her birth mother was a Mezzo-soprano opera singer from Vienna named Laura, whom her father became enamored with after watching her perform Dafne for the court in Mantua during his youth. It seems that despite the fact her father despised "weakness," he was also a hypocrite, considering how pathetically in love he was with her mother from his letters. Especially since from her mother's responses Médée could figure out her mother was politely indifferent at best to her father's affections before gradually starting to resent and despise him. Considering how competitive the theater can be, actors and opera singers can be just as scheming and cut throat as the nobility at Versailles, except their poisoning and assination attempts are usually only on stage. Apparently Médée likely inherited her cunning and charisma from her birth mother as the Austrian Prima Donna earned her spot not just for her musical talents but also knowing how to plot and recruit alliances to get ahead. Unfortunately, Laura's ambitions to secure a Nobleman sugar daddy backfired, and she wound up with a possessive and controlling Baby Daddy instead. If the Prince's attempts to woo his golden haired songbird wouldn't make her love him, he has other means to get her to agree to become his mistress. His title and influence give him enough strength to threaten to ruin Laura's career she tries to leave him, and being unable to outright rejects the Prince for fear of her lively hood...well an unplanned pregnancy would shackle her to him as well as any chains. Her mother does eventually escape her father and flee the country but unfortunately had to leave baby Médée behind. Early in her opera career Médée's mother was often cast in "breech roles," where a female performer would play a male character, which not only seems to be a trait Médée inherited but helped her avoid being found after fleeing the county.
As for the late Princesse de Gonzague, we unfortunately don't know much about her other than she was a gambling addict and died shortly after giving birth to her son (although considering how Médée's father was it's a reasonable suspicion that his wife didn't die from complications from child birth like most people assume). It can be safe guess she was not happy being married to such an awful man, and like most noble women from this time period, she probably left the raising and care for young Médée to a nurse or nanny. I do headcanon that Médée's stepmother also had lighter hair, partly because it would be easier for her father to pass her off as Philippe if his wife had a similar hair color. Also, I think it's funny if Médée's father had a fondness towards beautiful blonde women, but they always wind up hating him😂.
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