#prince aemond x princess oc
marvelita85 · 1 year
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Aemond saw her standing in front of ta mirror, looking at herself, smothering her dress, his niece, his future wife, he couln't stop looking at her and he hate himself for having those feelings towards her
-do I look alright? - he heard her wispereed she doubt herself... how could she?
- you look beautiful....- her mismatched eyes found his single indigo one - you are beautiful... - he couldn't stop his words from his mouth as he turn around and kept his way throught the corridor
-Aemond! - her voice behind him made him stop but he couldn't turn so she walked around and staded before him... - you cant tell me I'm beautiful and walk away from me
- I'm sorry princess...
- please tell me the truth, you are my family... and my future husband
- many in court think we shouldnt be betrothed
- and why you think is that?
- because you are, beautiful... smart the heir of the throne after your mother and you could do so much better than a second son who is also... - he couldnt say what he wanted to say because in that moment she understood everything and leaned into him kissing the scar in his cheek
- you are also very smart and very handsome in my eyes, I dont really care what the court think about you... - I'm going to kiss your scar every day from this day foward to remind you that the king might have betrothed us for the family but you are still my choise
Aemond didnt know where he found his courage to grab her cheeks with both his hand and properly kiss her lips, his tongue teasing her own one making her gasp and allowing him to explore her mouth for the first time, when they both needed to breath again separated she was agitated and so was he..
- are we allow to kiss like that?
- not yet... but we will
- until then my prince please dont temp me again...
- I cant make promises I'm not sure I can keep... - her mischivious smile matched his own as a moment later his mother called upon both of then to entered the hall for the night feast ordered by the king both of them walked with flush cheeks but a very sweet flavour in their mouths
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myladysapphire · 4 months
His Sapphire Princess (IX)
After the night in the brothel Rhaenyra is married to Laenor Velayron to protect the birth of her child. who in the years to follow is the only one of Rhaenyra's children that is believed to be his, she is loved by all in the red keep, even queen Alicent adores the girl, so when Rhaenyra proposes a marriage between Aemond and Rhaenyra's daughter Visenya, Alicent happily agrees.
The children having been best friends in their youths are more than happy to be wed but when the incident at drift mark occurs things change, will it be for better or worse?
word count: 2,455
CW: angst? some fluff (like they reunite and don't hate each other and decide to start over), tensions, refrences of past SA, not proofread!
Fem!oc x Aemond Targeryen
Masterlist | series masterlist | previous part | next part
disclaimer:  i do not own any of claim any of the A song of ice and  fire characters, all rights belong to GRR MARTIN, all characters are his except for my OC
a/n i hate this, but it's kind of a filler chapter anyway
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Aemond had been both eager and nervous for her return.
Though counting down the days, planning on how he would greet you, he also was scared.
He know she felt ignored by him, betrayed by how he had just stopped replying to her letters. Ignored her name days, ignored her completely.
But that was not entirely true.  He had wanted so badly to reply, writing letter upon letter, though some were just mindless scribbles. But not once did he find he wrote a letter worthy of her, worthy of the emotions he felt. He needed space and he had shown he needed it in the worse possible way.
He had hated how he knew some version of her, a guarded version. Her letters expressing less and less, over time just mere updates of her life before stopping altogether. And he hated that the version she knew of him was the scared little boy he had tried so hard to get ride of.
The version of Aemond he had gotten ride of, in all ways but with her. He wanted to be the old Aemond with her, but hated that he did. It was why he needed the space, the time to heal, the time to become the man he is today.
But as he stood in the training yard, staring at her as she talked to him, so ddiffernt, so cold.
He knew he made a mistake.
She was so different, she had changed, and not just her personality.
But her looks also. Gods she was the most stunning and beautiful woman he had ever seen, he had always thought it impossible for her to become more beautiful.
But her beauty was clouded by the look in her eyes, the anger, the hurt and the loneliness.
She looked so alone, even as she walked out the courtyard with her brothers, laughing. She same old melodic laugh that could capture a room. The loneliness ceased slightly when he looked into them, as if she was finally being seen.
He understood. There eyes always talked to each other, expressing their true emotions, it why he knew his eyes mirrored hers, but they also showed another emotion, regret.
Regret for reading your letters time and time again, annotating them as if they were quotes from his favourite novel. Regret from the stack of unsent letters he kept in his bedside draw.
Each filled with his thoughts. Most mindless scribbles, unfished letters ending with angry scribbled out words as words escaped him, as  fear filled him.
He had tried to write of the events in his life even detailing his fights with Ser Criston, his rides with Vaghar, the books he read. And yet he could never send them, fear of her seeing his liefe and not understanding why he needed the space, or fear that he would see the darkest parts of his mind grew as the years went on. The sweet kind boy she had once new fading, and a cruel, vengeful man taking his place.  
He had once longed to be a protector, her sworn sword, doing good in her name. now…now he revelled in fear. He loved how the woman would run at the sight of his sapphire eye, a sight he knew deep down she never would. He revelled in revenge, revenge by going to the brothel, the place of his hurt, and burning it.
It was ruthless, but the second he had done it, he felt free, healed.
And yet fear still gripped at him, fear of wheat you know thought of him.
Fear that she would not accept the new him, but as he had started at you he felt like the old sweet Aemond was still in there somewhere, but only for her, his Sapphire.
Watching her sway away he knew he had limited time, this week was the first week of their official courtship, but the week after they would begin the moon long celebrations for their wedding.
Celebrations were they would spend day after day, hour after hour together being the perfect couple.
And he didn’t want it to be an act.
He had returned to his rooms, opening his bedside draw, but instead of reaching for her letter he reached for his own, and realised what he wanted to do.
He waited, two days. Two days of agony.
He had somehow hoped those two days he would be able to approach her, talk to her. But now, all he could was watch her. Watch her spend day after day in someone else’s company
Whether it was one of the tens of ladies begging for her favour and chance at becoming her lady, or her brother Jace, or even Aegon.
Gods he had forgotten about Aegon’s obsession with her. He knew they wrote, Aegon often bragging about it. With Aegon telling him about her, their little jokes, their shared secrets.
Not that he was jealous, no. He was not jealous of how Aegon seemed to act as if they were betrothed to each other. For two days they seemed to walk everywhere together, sit with each other at dinners. Though her eyes were often searching for Aemond’s, Aegon’s eyes were always firmly planted on her. And whenever she wasn’t with him, he was like a lost pup, waiting for her to appear.
Those two days, though never alone they often found the other staring, their mouths would being to form words that they were never able to form. And so he finally built up the courage and sent her his letters.
When she had received Aemond’s letters she did not know what to expect.
They had appeared on her dresser, all 112 of them. Though some were scrapes of paper with random thoughts scribbled across them. One just one word repeated, 110 times.
Her name written, again and again, in the same neat, perfect handwriting Aemond had always had.
She then realised what this was, an apology.
She found the first letter he wrote that was left unsent, and she felt her heart break.
Dearest Visenya,
I am so sorry, I can not say why it has taken so long for me to only now reply.
Prepahs it was the guilt.
I never should of come to Winterfell, You had been kind and sweet, but I fear your kindness is unwarranted. I do not desire pity, I regret coming that night, I regret allowing you to see me so weak and scared. My whole life I have sworn to be your protector, your sword. And that night as I cried in your arms I felt like a small child, I felt smaller than when I did when Lucerys tore out my eye. And I hated it.
I have tried to look past it, look at it in away where I do not come across a whiny little boy and I am nothing but ashamed.
I had hoped to write you, bragging of my successes and yet all I can do I wallow In self pity at how I acted that night.
It matters not that I bested ser Criston for the first time, or how often I ride Vaghar.
For all I can think about it the look of pity you gave me.I do not need nor want your pity, my sapphire.
You gave me a place to stay and a place to cry, but I shall make it clear to you that the Aemond you saw that night is long gone. And shall never return. He can never return, not for you not for anyone.
So sweet, I shall not answer your request to come to Winterfell, I need the space, the time and so do you.
I fear distance is what we need, though we may hate it, I need to become Prince Aemond, and not just scared little Aemond, the boy who lost is eye, the boy who cried in your arms.
Yours, whether I say it or not,
Dearest Visneya,
It has been near six moons since I last wrote you, and you are writing less and less.
I have been cruel, I know. I have ignored you in the favour of bettering myself.
I do not deserve you, or your kindness even still.            
You seem to be doing well, a fact I envy not too see. But I myself am not.
I miss you more and more each day, I find myself looking for you ate very turn. And yet it has been over a year since you were at the red keep.
So much has changed, Aegon and Heleana are to wed soon, I have started training with a real sword.
I no longer wake in sweats from that night.
So much has changed and yet I have so little words to say, I hate it!
I used to have all the words in the world for you, never once fearing how you viewed me. For I knew how you viewed me then.
And now I fear you will judge me.
Hate me.
Resent me.
I fear I have become a stranger, and yet I have a dozen unsent letters all addressed to you, read and read time and time again your own.
I know you, and I fear you.
Fear your opinion of me, how you view me.
I fear-      
Most of his letters just ended, frustration finding him far to quickly, some were just mindless words and phrases.
I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you  I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you .
Some were hateful, words said in anger, at how she still cared.
Dear Visenya,
Stop writing me.
How long must I ignore you to realise I want not to know you as we once did.
How am I to become the man you desire we spend all our time writing each other, stuck in our silly little heads!
Then gossip filled the red keep, gossip that Cregan had asked for your hand.
please, my sapphire, I beg of you do not marry him!
Your mother bids it but I do not!
And then her letters had stopped and he left once last letter to her.
Please, don’t stop writing me!
I know I have not been a friend to you but a stranger but without your letters the world has stopped.
I now I am a hypocrite, a hypocrite who cannot find the words. Who never has been able to speak his feelings, but show them.
I know not of a gesture to prove I want you till, I crave you and I need you.
but please, I cannot live without you, knowing you, please.
forever your Aemond.
Gods, she thought, he had to been hurt. Though not by her, and she had resented him for it. Resented how he had opened up to her, and then abandoned her ignored her for so long.
She knew it was hard for, he was never one for words. Gestures yes, but words? They always frustrated him, he could never formulate his feelings and yet this, the scribbled erratic thoughts and letters, unedited and rushed. They showed so much but also so little.
She has spent the whole day reading those letters, seeing no one bar her maid delivering her meals. And had it not been for her mother coming to grab her for dinner, demanding her presence, she would have sat on her thoughts all day and night.
But as she was sat next to Aemond she realised she would have less time to think on what Aemond’s gesture meant and what it meant for them.
“Aemond” she greeted, flipping her hair to the side as she sat.
“Senya” he greeted in response, eyes firmly on her.
 She squirmed in her seat, unsure on where to start. “Senya” he said again, capturing her attention, as they made eye contact some tension left her body.
“why?” she asked, its all she could think of, why?
He coughed awkwardly, clearly not expecting this conversation now, “I was never one for words, Visneya. But gestures, have always been something I excel at.” He moved his head closer to her, their conversation too private for prying eyes. “ I never should have ignored you, I know realise, it hurt us both, more than I ever thought” he shifted in his seat “seeing the look in your eyes when you arrived and realising I had made a mistake”
She nodded, urging him on, as she began to plate up her food.
“I focused solely on myself, I was selfish, but I won’t lie to you, my sapphire”
My sapphire, she liked that.
“I have become selfish and cruel, I have become a man who craves fear, but not from you, never from you”
“then what do you want from me?” she asked softly, before nervously looking to make sure no one else was listening to their conversation. “you did not want companionship from me, you ignored me for years on end, and yet by the end of the moon we will be wed!” she took a breath “if you have truly become selfish, and cruel, how do I know that it is for your betterment? And how will I know that you wont ever make me fear you?”
“because I became that person, so that I never have to feel fear again, feel the fear I felt at Driftmark, at that… at that brothel” she sighed, taking her hand in his “ I want to be your protector, it is all I have ever wanted, and how could I become that if I remained that scared, naïve little boy?”
Everything he was saying was true, but it also made her realize she did not know him anymore.
She breathed in “perhaps we should start over? Get to know one another again?”
He nodded, “I would like that”
next part
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bananabeatbox4 · 2 months
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Princess Lucerys Velaryon
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writingwenches · 1 month
Maids of the Reach
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summary: exploring my King's Landing Ladies of the Court OCs, this time hailing from The Reach. pairings: Aemond #1 childhood enemy, a sword lesbian. Helaena dreaming of being a fuckboi themes: 18+, mentions of sexual exploration, trans-character, unmarried Helaena, autistic Helaena, queer Helaena, men being clueless about wlw behavior ٭ ✵ ⁕ ✶ ✰ ﹡ HOTD fanfic universe maesterlist
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Aemond’s second betrothal lasted for about as long as his first. The Tyrells found their way into the small council chamber, that his own mother had remained a fixture of, even after Rhaenyra’s abandoned her position and moved her family to Dragonstone.
The Reach Maids were given their own personal wing of the Keep, where the sun shone bright and flowers grew along the walls of the red bricked palace. The open gardens the fleet of rooms surrounded grew grand trees and vibrant flowers, their own personal godswood, reserved just for them. 
Their fathers were always busy with fancy lord matters, leaving the girls to their own dream life. 
Ivyanne Tyrell had traveled everywhere with her father, as did her Lady mother. Before her teenage years, she had traveled to all the realms in the Seven Kingdoms and Essos besides, watching her father peddle the wares of his peoples. 
During their time in Braavos, Ivyanne found her very own dancing master, willing to train a little girl, because she was one as well. 
Tatsu of Nossos came from a realm so far beyond the edge of the world, that Maesters had argued of its existence. The child, not much older than Ivyanne herself, was brought to the Tyrell family by the richest in the city, as a gift to entertain his daughter.
After much remarking on her strange appearance, Tatsu unsheathed two, thin blades, and challenged any of the Tyrell guard to defeat her in single combat. She was stick thin, and wrapped in cloth close to the body, symbols adorned them, in language that looked more like pictures to the Westerosi.
The Tyrell guards were not wearing heavy armor, covering only their chest, and no shield in the casual setting. The guards had no hope of catching the foreigner, she was light on her feet, dancing under their blades like water charting a new path along the riverbank. Her movements were precise, flipping on the backs of the guards or between their legs without notice until it was too late. 
The noble crowd watching clapped in enjoyment, as Ivyanne screamed praises until her voice ran silent. The girl had bested every man that came before her, with a belief in her own skill enough to test it against an unsheathe blade. No one could ever force her into anything, Ivyanne thought. Her hands wrapping themselves around the hilt of an invisible blade. 
“It is an honor,” Tatsu bowed, their voice deep and warm, “In my home of Nossos, we nobles of the ancient houses of empires past, swear a sacred vow in front of the elders and all that have come before,” Tatsu explained, pointing out a similarly dressed teen, with the same thin eyes and dark hair. Ivyanne watched as the light flecked purple on their dark hair. “My brother and I have vowed to our pilgrimage of the known world, to drink from the fountain of knowledge that awaits us, so we may one day return to join the elders and all that have come before, to build our eternal empire.” The crowd hand on every word, enjoying their own refreshing drips from the fountain of knowledge. 
"It would be my great honor to travel with you to your land, Lord of Tyrells, and learn your ways.” 
Ivyanne began the round of clapping, her own hands could not move fast enough to express her excitement. 
“I Tatsu of Nasso have shed by family name, but I was born the son of Lord Emperor Toda–“ 
“Beg your pardon…son?” Lord Tyrell interrupted the story. 
“Yes! I was born the son of–“ This had been one of the first speakers Tatsu had ever learned, said much like a prayer for the preparation of this moment. 
“Are you not a girl?” the Lord asked.
“Well, I suppose but–“ Tatsu looked around the room of Braavosi, as it had never been made an issue before.
The Tyrell’s huddled together, not hearing the rest of the foreigners words. 
Ivyanne didn’t quite care what was happening, but her little hands weaved their way into her father’s beard and clenched, “Father, I shall never ask for a single thing again in my life if you only–“ 
“Daughter, please,” her parents tried to pry her away, until they eventually were defeated.
Ivyanne jumped from their pedestal, wrapping her arms around her newly gifted friend. “We shall be sisters! We shall be sisters!” Ivyanne chanted, all the way back to Westeros. 
Some years later, Ivyanne had absorbed as much information as possible from her Dancing Master in the time. They practiced nearly every free moment of every day. The girls had originally been sent for to be companions of Princess Helaena, but they seemed to rather their own company. 
Helaena did not mind seeking them out, as she always knew where they would be. The gardens connecting the Reach apartments had become Lady Ivyanne’s personal training yard, though the other ladies had carved themselves out a small piece of their paradise for more gentle pursuits. 
Helaena more often spent sleepless nights with the Reach Maids, playing their kissing and touching games, but Helaena found their obsession with gossip tiring, so she rarely found herself in their presence amongst the sun, unless she was in need of a model.
The princess had been instructed on painting dainty things like flowers and clouds, it was a man’s job to paint more serious pursuits like the human form. Helaena’s painting masters did not approve much of her use of life insect specimens for her paintings, but they allowed it, as her work was slowing progress. 
They had brought one of Helaena’s preferred subjects to be discussed under the digression of the Queen. 
“It looks…like…art?” Alicent regarded the canvas painted with lines and of color. “Thank you for your wise tutelage.” She was sure they were hear to ask for a raise in their compensation. The painting seemed…colorful enough.
The two painting maters flanked the sides of the painting of a flower. Close up and centered with deep red and blushing back the petals of pinks and gold. The colors dripped together in the juices of the paints mixed together, and neither of the painters could say anything else in the presence of the queen. 
And they were not about to suggest teaching the princess to paint…that.
So, Helaena went on her way, painting her flowers, with the help of the Reach girl’s spread legs. 
Ivyanne took a break from training, as Lady Alarie Mullendore rested her head on Ivy’s chest, her skirts pulled up around her waist as Helaena painted between her parted knees. Lady Oletta Redwyne sat with her mouth agape as she watched the painting come together, while she nursed a goblet of wine. Tatsu sharpened a blade. 
The girls spring to action when the tell tale sign of Lord Tyrell’s shoes clomped against the stone floor. Alarie lowered her skirts, and Helaena leaned herself back a comfortable distance to Westerosi men. 
“Good marrow, ladies,” Lord Tyrell offered, “painting, are we?” 
Helaena turned her canvas around to show the lord her work. 
“Ah! A rose! Perfectly fitting!” 
The girl’s shared a snicker. 
“Well, darling I have some most auspicious news!” he spoke to his daughter Ivyanne, who was still in her trousers from sword training. “The queen has accepted by offer of your hand to the young Prince Aemond. Could you imagine? The world’s largest dragon nesting in Highgarden? It will be simply glorious, simply glorious, now you ladies have a wonderful day, darling I shall see you later.” 
The lord babbled and eventually left the room, and all the ladies remained frozen in place. There had been no news of such an arrangement before Lord Tyrell just announced that it was accepted. 
“Ivy?” Alarie asked, sitting up from resting on her chest. 
Everything happened so quickly after Ivy unsheathed her sword. They Maids were running down the halls, chasing after Ivy, who’s sword was held with a precision too precise. “Ivy your trousers! You’re still in your pants, Ivy wait!” The girls called after her in confusion. 
Helaena knew where they were going. A place that had been strictly stated that Tatsu’s presence was not allowed. They said it was for the foreigners own protection, but Helaena knew what it was really about. 
Aemond did not like how is sword disappeared from his vision as he swung it wide, under the instruction of Ser Criston. He had been helping the young boy hone his skills in his newly adopted life. Cole had even gone so far as to wear an eyepatch while training, to get the feel of what the young boy was going through. 
“You!” Ivy shouted from the top of the stairs, Aemond saw a blade pointed his way as she jumped down the flight of stairs into the dirt. 
“Ser Crison?” he asked, half expecting it to be a jest set up by the man to help him find a more suitable opponent. 
She ran across the training yard, her sword drawn over her shoulder. With her first strike she cut Aemond’s wooden sword like a cooked meat. 
Aemond’s screamed joined the Maid’s that came shouting down the stairs. Criston drew his own sword from his belt, but he was disarmed and left with a deep gash on the top of his hand. 
Aemond was on his back, screaming to whatever god would hear him. Ivy brought her sword down into the dirt with the force enough to feld a tree. 
“Ivy!” The clang of metal against metal as Tatsu’s swords clashed against hers. “Run Prince!”
Aemond did not need to be told twice to move himself from her homocidel path. 
It took nearly every guard in the yard to subdue Ivyanne. Tatsu was hit on the back of the head with the hilt of a sword and went down quickly, but the guards were sure not to bring undo harm to a highborn lady. 
Aemond wanted as she screamed and fit and foamed at the mouth. He had witnessed Aemma’s tantrums his entire life, but Ivyanne had turned into a feral beast. A creature so unpredictable that a dragon would not engage. Crowds gathered from every direction, as the sound of a girl surely being murdered echoed through the keep. The maesters eventually forced liquid down her throat until her body went limp. 
The betrothal was called off soon after, and there was no other that followed.
a/n: the idea of Alicent, mom at 15, would force her 14 yo daughter to sleep with her brother makes me PHYSICALLY ILL, so my AUs generally always have single Aegon and Helaena 👍
Let me know what y'all think~ They will be side characters in the AU fic series I'm working on, but I could explore them on their own as well, if people want more~
If you liked what you read, want to comment, but can't think of anything to say, comment your favorite hand-held baked treat~ 🧁
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vivalarevolution · 2 years
𝓜𝔂 𝓑𝓻𝓸𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻'𝓼 𝓚𝓮𝓮𝓹𝓮𝓻
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Aegon Targaryen x Sister Targaryen Oc  
Summary: Rhaenerys loved her siblings, especially her brother, whom she was willing to steal from under green's nose to keep him safe.
A/N: It’s not my best work but I hope you all gonna like it nonetheless.
English is not my native language. Sorry for any mistakes.
Part 2
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Rhaenerys was Rhaenyra's younger sister. Born a year later, she was nothing that her father had imagined. Until now, she remembered his words.
-The maester said it was a son, he had to be. How he kicked, how energetic and strong he was- Viserys had repeated through most of her childhood years.
The woman tried to ignore how much his words affected her, but eventually she began to live with them, transforming them into her strength. She was stubborn, temperamental, and clever, winning her place among the royal court , but her heart remained the same. Kind and loving to those who she loved.
Her older sister and she were inseparable. They were a rock and peace for each other. When their mother died, when their dear friend married their father, or when the world forgot about them the moment their younger siblings were conceived into the world. They clung to each other as if they were eachother last bit of hope.
Only then did Viserys begin to notice his second daughter. He began to notice her dedication, her kind soul and hardened spirit. He tried to be supportive as Rhaenerys stared blankly at the wall after hearing the news that she would never be able to have children of her own, tried to treat her as equal to the older Targeryen, unconsciously loving her more than ever before.
The princess did not show it, for her subjects she was a tough and self-confident woman, but inside she felt defeated, lonely.
Many men followed her with their eyes, not hiding their lust, but she stubbornly pushed them away, knowing that she would not give them what the lords wanted most - an extension of their legacy.
However, there were also those whom she let into her bed. Ser Criston or Harwin Strong were the ones her heart cried out to, but the white-haired woman ignored her feelings each time, eventually pushing them away to watch her sister take them into her chambers.
Over the years, she had finally accepted punishment from the gods.
She had no choice but to start living with it, because the curse had no intention of disappearing from her life anyway, so Rhaenerys turned her bitterness into love for her family, which grew drastically quickly, bringing with it equally drastic changes.
Her younger siblings spoke to her very often, and despite Rhaenyra's silent objections, she had nothing to say, watching the love she once received passes to her younger siblings.
Ageon probably loved her the most. She was the first person that did not instill in him the obligation to reign, or didn't beat him when he did something inappropriate. As it used to be for her older sister, the violet-eyed princess became a peaceful haven for the boy.
He often dreamed of her as his mother or lover. She was all he needed, making him a better and more decent man.
But when she disappeared for six years, hiding in Dragonstone with the king's eldest daughter, her uncle and their children, the white-haired man began to return to what his mother's upbringing had created, to the drunkard who slept with another woman every night.
When she found out about it, she wasn’t furious but disappointed and she didn’t even knew in who more, herself or the fair-haired prince.
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Sitting on the great bed, in the royal chambers, the silver-haired girl tried not to cry. Seeing her dying father was hard for her. Rhaenerys was convinced that Viserys had become a living corpse, and his great suffering was evident in his uncover eye.
Holding him by the hand, he told him about what was happening on Dragonstone, staying longer in his presence than Daemon and Rhaenyra, who left her alone with her parent for a moment.
She felt as if everything was starting to fall apart, and the sight of her brother only confirmed it.
Entering his room, she found a real mess. The smell of alcohol wafted through the air, and the prince himself lay on the creased sheets, snoring. The white-haired woman approached him, looking at his body from above, unconsciously combing his silver strands, as she used to do when he was still a child.
Aegon muttered under his breath as he tucked his face into the pillow, fearing that Alicent had decided to pay him a visit again.
-Aegon - the woman said, her velvety voice immediately recognized by the young man.
Frowning in consternation, he opened his eyes to see the Trageryen in front of him who had haunted his dreams too many times.
-Rhaenerys?- he asked in a hoarse voice, trying to force himself to awake.
-I came back - she informed him, walking away from the prince's bed, when he decided to get up.
Violet-eyed man grinned, hugging her tightly. Snuggling against her body, he hid his head in the crease of her neck, inhaling the familiar and soothing scent that surrounded the princess.
-I missed you - he confessed, overjoyed at the presence of his beloved sister, but she did not answer -What's the matter?- he asked confused, looking at her purple irises- Why are you looking at me like that? Rhaenerys please don't look at me like that- he whispered, seeing the same emotions that the queen often looked at him with.
-What happened to you?- she asked, touching his cheek, which was slightly flushed.
-You weren't here. You left me, and my mother still demands more of me. I can't handle it, you left me alone -he complained.
-Will you drink yourself to death with a prostitute by your side every time I leave you alone? - asked the daughter of the king - Aegon, I will not be with you all my life - the white-haired girl replied, catching his face in her hands to look him straight in the eyes.
-I'm sorry -he said, and the first tears began to run down his face.- I'll stop, just don't leave me, please- he croaked, falling into her arms.
Rhaenerys wrapped her arms around him tightly, kissing his temple, she stroked his head with her free hand, motherly rocking him from side to side to soothe his brother, if only slightly. 
-Now, now - she whispered soothingly -There are things that need to be taken care of, Aegon, then I'm all yours - she added, and her younger brother squeezed her body tighter in an act of silent objection, but the silver-haired woman knew that no matter how much he would not like it ,the young man will agree to anything, as long as she will be around him.
Staring at the wall opposite them, she struggled with her thoughts. She felt as if she were faced with a choice between her sister and her brother, whom she loved too much to gain one at the expense of the other.
And oh, how quickly and unexpectedly she was told to make that choice.
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As she ran through Kings Landing, the woman was desperately searching for the white-haired man.
The king is dead. This words still echoed in her head like bells, pounding in her ears.
She stayed in the capital because of her younger siblings, only to become a prisoner of the castle the next day.
She and Rhaenys were furious and deaf at Alicent's offer to convince them to join her and her son. And when an opportunity arose in the form of a gap created by a white worm, they both fled out of the Red Keep, hidden behind wide hoods , hiding in the large group of people.
-Wait- said the princess.
-We don't have time for this Rhaenerys - the old woman said.
-I know about it -purple-eyed replied immediately- But Aegon is not in the castle, I have to find him.
-What for? He is to become a king, and this will create a conflict that can not be avoided anymore - said the white-haired woman- This may be the cause of your death, do not be stupid.
-Free the dragons, free Aegarax and Sunfyre - she ordered firmly, ignoring her words. -Trust me -Rhaenyra's sister said, grabbing her hands.
The late king's cousin merely nodded before moving forward, straight to Dragonpit, when she walked in the opposite direction, begging the gods to be on her side. Capturing Ageon was the best and most risky solution. The prince was the last pawn needed to start a civil war, and Rhaenerys intended to take him away and hide him away from the queen.
Holding the paper in her hand, she looked at it uncertainly.
According to the written message, her brother hid in a temple in the city center, so she, having nothing to lose, trusted a stranger who, to her surprise, left many clues for her.
When she was not far away, one of the prostitutes showed her the direction and the side entrance, as if knowing what the woman had came for.
The white-haired princess entered the stone building. Taking off her cloak, she began her search in a seemingly deserted temple.
-Ageon - said the princess - It's me Rhaenerys. We have to get out of here as soon as possible, we don't have much time.
As if on command, the violet-eyed man left the stone altar, looking uncertainly at his sister, who, seeing him, ran up to him quickly.
-White worm said he would take me to the ship- he informed her -I will disappear from here and Rhaenyra will become queen.
The woman frowned in concern. There was nothing in her letter about the boat or the disappearance. Suddenly, a soft growl fell from her lips, and her eyes darkened with anger.
The white worm probably made the game, and the prince was the grand prize. The one who gave more won him and the rest of the seekers.
-I don't trust him - Rhaenerys said -Aegon, you will come with me. We will fly to Dragonstone. Do you understand? -she asked, taking his hand.
-But our sister, she will kill me- he said- Let's just run away together somewhere, far away- added the fair-haired man.
-Nothing will happen to you - assured the young woman - She never wanted to kill you, your mother inculcated it into your head, if your coronation happens, the war breaks out Aegon and many heads will fall from many necks.
The young man, still scared, nodded understanding as he let his siblings lead him forward. The princess thought she had time, but the sight of unfamiliar men heading towards the temple had led her out of her misconception .
The siblings hid behind one of the massive pillars. The woman pulled a dagger from under her coat, grasping it firmly in her hand, while the other held her brother's hand.
Stepping slowly, she guided her and the prince's movements next to her. The two twins looked around for Aegon, and when they had gone far enough, they took the opportunity by sneaking to the door.
-Quick - Targaryen whispered, looking from side to side.
-Princess- a male voice called her. Rhaenerys stopped. Hiding the violet-eyed man behind her, she was looking confidently at Ser Criston's dark irises, accompanied by Aemond -Prince, your mother looking for you -he added, shifting his gaze to the man behind her.
-He's not going anywhere - she threatened, gripping the blade tighter.
Suddenly, the twins came out from behind their backs.
The white-haired girl looked away from one place to another. After a moment she closed her eyes, trying to calm her breathing.
Dragons can tell when their bonded riders need them.
Suddenly a loud roar spread around, and a shadow covered the square on which they were located.
Dragons are not foolish creatures.
Aegarax descended from the stone structure, landing next to Rhaenerys and Aegon, carefully watching the people in front of him with his eyes.
They can tell the difference between friend and foe.
Opening his mouth, he let out a loud scream again, and then a fire appeared in the back of his throat. The white-haired woman took the opportunity to drag the would-be king to her reptile, quickly climbing his back together with the young man.
-Sōvēs! (Fly) - the blonde said loudly, and the animal rose heavily, destroying parts of some buildings around them.
The black beast soared above the ground as it flew through the city.
The rider looked back, the King's Landing receded farther and farther away, to become only a blur. As two more roars spread through the air, she breathed a sigh of relief. Rhaenys wth her dragon and Sunfyre flew near them.
The women looked at each other and nodded their heads in silent understanding. The white-haired girl closed her eyes, feeling the adrenaline leaving her body.
Aegon grabbed her hand, squeezing it as tightly as they had been a few moments ago when they were on the ground, then he kissed her cheek, hiding his face in her neck.
-Thank you- he whispered, but she heard him anyway.
Rhaenerys joined their hands together in response, nestling against his torso. They were safe...for now.
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neonlight2 · 2 years
Hotd Masterlist (Jaehaera Targaryen OC)
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Greenvsblack x Jaehaera
Warning: toxic as fuck, really bad family dynamics— but there’s literal incest and murder so it shouldn’t be a shocker— insanity, murder, mentions of blood and violence (which kinda implies gore as well), smut and all kinks that come with it, again (just to reiterate) there’s incest. These are Targaryens we’re talking about. And then you have the given triggers: sexism, classism, misogyny, etc.
Hope you enjoy reading, and think about how useful this character would have been in the show. Seriously— dumb shit will be addressed.
The beginning: how Jaehaera came to be.
How the family members reacted when meeting her?
Childhood: How she grew up/dynamics/rivalry
How did Viserys (and the others) feel about her training to be a knight?
What was her relationships like as she grew older?
How did everyone react to her growing up and becoming more… scandalous? Part 1 Part 2
How whipped does she have everyone?
Jousting tournament
Sneaking away with Rhaenyra and Daemon.
Matchmaking (Laenor and Rhaenyra engagement)
Egg retrieval
War alongside Daemon
Came back a king… and queen
The hunt
The incident
Throne counsel, where Rhaenyras son’s legitimacy was questioned.
Family dinner
Viserys listens to his darling daughter, he has no need for Otto
The boys don’t want Jaehaera to get married just as much as she doesn’t
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aurorasilverthorne · 2 months
Fire & Blood AU
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Baela Targaryen
Elder daughter of Laena Velaryon and Daemon Targaryen. Wife and queen of Aemond Targaryen. Mother to Vaemond, Visenya, Elaena, and Aerion. The rider of Tyraxes, a he-dragon with piercing ebony eyes, seafoam green scales, silver crests, and onyx black claws and horns. Known as a kind and generous queen with a gentle heart when it comes to the well-being of children and animals.
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Aemond Targaryen
The second son and child of Viserys and Alicent Hightower. Brother to Helaena and Aegon. King and husband of Princess Baela Targaryen and father to Vaemond, Visenya, Elaena, and Aerion. Rider of the unpredictable female dragon Shrykos with her gold eyes, navy blue scales, brilliant rose gold crests, and pearl white horns and claws. Known for being an austere man with a tactical mind. Has a gentle hand when it comes to his wife and their children.
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Vaemond Targaryen
The firstborn son of Aemond Targaryen and Baela Targaryen, the Crowned Prince of Dragonstone and heir to the throne of Westeros. Brother to Visenya, Elaena, and Aerion. The rider of Vermax, a mercurial he-dragon with olive green scales, orange eyes with matching frills, and a red spine. Known for being an introvert with a keen intellect and plethora of patience.
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Visenya Targaryen
Eldest daughter of Aemond and Baela Targaryen. Sister to Vaemond, Elaena, and Aerion. Rider of Arrax, a young male dragon with purple wing membranes, pearlescent white scales, orange frills, and amber eyes. Best known for her beauty, compassion, and outgoing nature.
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Elaena Targaryen
Third born child and second daughter of Aemond and Baela Targaryen. Rider of Morghul, a dragon with obsidian black scales, maroon wing membranes, and fire green eyes with deep bronze claws and horns. Known for her playful, adventurous personality and for possessing a fierce temper and a sharp tongue.
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Aerion Targaryen
Youngest child and second born son of Aemond and Baela. Brother to Vaemond, Visenya, and Elaena. Rider of Tessarion, a cobalt blue female dragon with bright copper crests and claws. Known for his love of books, music, and dancing. A shy, affectionate, and soft-spoken boy.
Disclaimer: I do NOT own House of the Dragon or any of its characters.
Reminder: Vaemond, Visenya, Elaena, and Aerion are my OCs, so they all belong to me. If anyone wants to use them in fanart or fanfiction, please remember to credit me as their creator. Thank you.
Part #2: https://www.tumblr.com/aurorasilverthorne/758186985867345920/characters-2?source=share
Part #3: https://www.tumblr.com/aurorasilverthorne/758217659182645248/fire-blood-au-characters?source=share
Part #4: https://www.tumblr.com/aurorasilverthorne/758227678086283264/blood-fire-au-characters?source=share
Part #5: https://www.tumblr.com/aurorasilverthorne/758449181436362752/fire-blood-au-characters?source=share
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pin-acolada · 2 years
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Aemond Targaryen x Targaryen OC
Description: Her warmth and love caress his soul making him hum with bliss. Having her presence near makes all of the dark thoughts perish, as she was the flowers that grew in the darkest part of him. She is the keeper of his soul. Holder of his heart. Without her, he is nothing.
A/N: thank you for being patient, been busy the past week. Merry Christmas and Happy New Years!
It has been two years since Eudora disappearance, and the atmosphere in the capital grew quiet since. In the beginning when everyone was set to find the princess, the King sent his intelligence agents to seek for the princess to Essos since she was no where around Westeros continent. Six months passed and when they came back empty handed, the royal family began to believe the hurtful truth they kept trying to deny: Princess Eudora Targaryen is dead.
They weren’t able to do a burial ceremony since there was no body for them to wrap and fire to, so for a month each member mourn in their own accord. In Dragonstone, Rhaenyra's three eldest sons watched their mother mourn and grew worried how distance she became. Daemon was the person who would reassure them that their mother needed time to herself, that Eudora death is something that she needs time to heal and accept. Lucerys didn't quite understand why at first, Eudora wasn't even her child – they may share the same blood through their fathers making them cousins, but she wasn't her blood.
Daemon, at first, wanted to slap the fourteen year old boy insensitivity and he had to leave the room before it went forward at the thought of doing that.
The three eldest children: Jacaerys, Lucerys, and Rhaena were lost as they did not know how to handle the depressive state their parents were in. Unlike the Queens children who had the privilege of being around Eudora, the two of them minus Jacaerys did not. Yes she may have spend her time at Dragonstone with them for two weeks, but majority of that time Eudora was spending her time training with Daemon, or in the library being educated. Nonetheless, Eudora tried to spend her time with them as much as she can, but because of her relationship with Aemons they grew distant with her, except Jacaerys who saw her as older sister. Thus, Lucerys, Rhaena, and Joffrey did not mourn like their family.
One night, sweet Rhaena came across to her father in the hall sitting by the fire. She watched him quietly cry alone as he kept murmuring Eudora's name and Maegor. Never has Rhaena seen her father in that state, not even when her mother died. It register then that Eudora was very special girl to her father, and she not may vocalize this due to her shyness but she was jealous.
When a month pass of mourning for Eudora, Rhaenyra was by the balcony looking over the beach. Staring off she began to relive a memory of her and ten year old Eudora.
Their dresses were wet by the end, and they splash water at each other having the time of her lives. Syraxes and Jyrot were laying by the sand, watching their riders bond like mother and daughter.
Rhaenyra wrapped her arms around Eudora from behind, and twirled her around making the princesses to laugh when Rhaenyra lost her balance and the both of them fell onto the black sand. Rhaenyra still had her arms around her daughter, and Eudora had her arms around her as she lay her wet cheeks on her chest. "I love you mother" the girl said.
"And I love you my sweet girl, more than you could ever know" Rhaenyra replied back.
"Ten thousand stars I love you!" Eudora said louder, proving to Rhaenyra that she loved her more than she did to her.
"Ten thousands stars! Who can out-beat that?" Rhaenyra said in shock. "Not even Daemon" she added making the two of them giggled. "I love you ten thousand stars as well, my love."
Coming back from that memory where their figures began to fade, was when Rhaenyra finally broke down terribly.  The whole entire palace of Dragonstone heard the Princess heartbreaking cry. Jace and Luce ran to their mothers open chamber to see Daemon holding her down while he too was in tears. The two Valeryon boys were in shock at the sight before them; never had they seen their mother in such agony, they didn't know to do but stay rooted where they were standing. They watched how tirelessly their mother hit Daemon on the chest, as she repetitively whisper "no".
"This can't be happening, not her, not my little girl, my daughter." Daemon looked up at the stone ceiling, clenching his jaw as he tried to compose not only his wife heartbreak, but himself. Daemon felt nothing, but anger that continue to boil within him. He was angry at himself for not keeping his promise he made to Eudora when she was six years old.
EudoraTargaryen, the anchor of House of Dragon embody a daughter to Rhaenyra. She cherish the young girl as if she had carried her for nine months, swarmed her with attention and with love. Eudora was the best thing that ever happened to Rhaenyra. When she looks at Eudora, her heart soften and her body hums with content. Eudora represented the light that lit at the end of the tunnel. Whenever Rhaenyra was lost, she will seek for her light and knew by the time she reached it that meant she was okay because she was reminded why does what she does. Now that her light is gone, she is in complete darkness. Her sons may not understand it, and may not know it till later on, but a piece of their mother was gone and went with Eudora.
As for the the rest located in Kings Landing, the atmosphere was dark. After Viserys came to see his niece is gone, the King had never once left his chambers as his sickness grew worse. Alicent, the devoted wife nurse her lord husband as much as she could until it came to the decision where the milk of the poppy was the only medicine to help him with the pain. But in result of that, it made the rotted man mind to fog making him be in his own world. Alicent heart broke at the Kings state, but her heart broke even more for her second son.
Aemond grew distant from his family. For six months he did not attend family meals, he always have them in his room. His room hold the memories of the two together, and he swore that every night he can hear her laugh in his walls. Sometimes he would even spend his night in her chambers, where he would skim over her book that she had been writing for the pass year regarding herbs. He would trace every word with his finger tips, and when he pushes the pages to his nose he could smell her. He still hold the letter she given him, and every night he would read it just to see if she hinted anything.
Aemond mind would always begin to wander what was so important that she had to do that it cause her to her death. But deep in his heart Aemond knows she's not dead, he would've know it. Eudora is half of him and she is the half of him. He would know if his soulmate left this earth when his heart stopped beating.
Aemond loves his heart and he can't come to it to say he hated her, but he can say he was angry. Angry that she could've just waited for him to tell why she had to go, angry that she made everyone to believe she was dead when he knows deep down she isn't.
He is angry, but he loves her so much.
Aemond would occupy his time training and riding on Vhagar, that became his routine the pass two years. Ser Criston Cole would inform his Queen of her sons progress that he even added that Aemond had gotten the title of being the best swordsmen in Westeros. The Queen was proud of her son, but she still felt sad because she knew that training was the only way for him to get out of his head that swirl only of Eudora. Till this day the Queen knows that no one can outcompete Eudora, she knows because she tested by mentioning Aemond about betrothing him to one of the Baratheon daughters.
Alicent did not expect for her son to snap at her, and for the first time she admit that she was afraid. How fast he got up and was face-to-face made the her stagger her steps, and she stopped breathing for a second. Aemond did not talk to his mother for two weeks, and he made sure she was to not see him. After that, Alicent never mention about betrothals to her son nor did she mention Eudora since that was sensitive topic.
Alicent voiced her concerns to Viserys regarding their son, but the man waves it off until she mentioned Eudora.
"Eudora, my sweet niece" he smiled. "She is the anchor to our house, it is..." to Alicent his words her nonsense, and when he begin to speak that language she grow immediately tired, and she would live never listening to his words.
"I-I've seen it.... The original.... who returns will revive our house. She carries the blood of the first. The Celestial Queen."
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Deep into fire woods lays a woman. She lays on the surface that radiates the warmth of molten rocks that felt like a blanket to her. The woman knees were up and there rested on top was a book in Old Valriyan. The woman voice out the words in low whisper, fingers following as she read each sentence.
It was until she heard a snap made her stop. Where her head rested began to move, and she look to her right to see her beautiful ruby dragon move to see who came to disrupt their peace and quiet. The woman stood from her feet and was met with the familiar silver hair man.
"The Gods have visited me through my dreams, they speak of the return to your home."
"It is time?" She questioned needing clarification.
"Yes, when Ovos enters Mercury we must descend to the skies. Your presences will be needed from there forward."
"I see," she realized. "Then I guess I must inform the rest – have them prepared. I acquire you to accompany me Nemrys, after all you will become my Master of Whispers."
"My Queen–"
"You will not argue with me, it is done. The Gods soft whisper to me that you will be part of my court, and to the next generation forward till you are no longer needed; it is your duty as druid."
"But what about the Kingdom? There must always be a Blackfrye in Valyria." He reasoned.
The woman walked up to the man, hands rested on both side of his cheeks. "For one hundred years you have taken care of our home, and you've done a wonderful job at that. But you must've known that it wouldn't not be forever; your path has taken a turn and you must follow that lead. Valyria will be in good hands, Toro will be regent. Besides, the amount of dragons we carry we mustn't worry cousin."
"Then I guess I will follow you to till the end. What do you think will happen once they see you finally after two years?" He questioned.
"Knowing my family, you can never tell what goes on in their heads. They are... difficult" she chuckled. "But I'm not focus on them, but mostly of him. His mind is hard to pick out, but I just hope he understands."
"Do not fret of the ruby prince Eudora, the prince practically kisses the floor you step on I wouldn't worry to much of him" Nemrys chuckled. "After all, you are the Queen of his Heart."
TQOHH taglist:
@jugheadisaweirdo​, @caspianobsessed,
@xcharlottemikaelsonx, @zgzgzh​,
@sawendel​, @mariaelizabeth21-blog1​
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genz420 · 2 years
Beauty of Scars & Flowers - Chapter 1: Gate Of The Gods.
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Master List
Pervious Part - Next Part
The last time Larys saw his little niece, she was still little.  It had been at the funeral of the three Strongs, and the Lyanna had been wrapped in bandages from the fire.  Larys had partly hoped that Lyanna had also died in the fire, that he would be the last legitimate Strong left.   He didn’t have the heart to kill the little girl who had lost her parents. Instead, he would make her his little pawn to use.  
Larys had left Lyanna to grow up in Harrenhal and had let her take on the jobs that he had abandoned in favour of helping Queen Alicent.  Larys had no interest in who raised Lyanna, no care that his bastard sister had filled Lyanna's mind with knowledge of the old ways and made sure that Lyanna wouldn’t be anyone's pawn to use. 
In that time, Lyanna had grown into a literal strong woman—beautiful and kind, with long dark brown hair that would be kept down and Strong brown eyes.  Inheriting the typical Darry freckles, with her face covered in them, the number of dots on her skin would often cause Alys worry.  Lyanna had taken to wearing her mother's house colour of brown or a soft yellow rather than Strong Blue, wanting to distance herself from any part of her father.   
Larys had been surprised by Lyanna’s beauty when he had first set eyes on her on the King's Road, part of him glad that she had taken from her mother in looks rather than Harwin.  He would have difficulty if Lyanna towered over all the men and was taken from Harwin's stature.  
Lyanna hadn’t spoken much since Larys arrived and joined her in her carriage; she just kept her eyes out the window rather than on the cripple in front of her. 
“I think that the city and new environment will suit you well,” Larys spoke up, his voice slightly cracking as he broke the silence of the moving carriage.  
“Harrenhal is my home,  uncle,” Lyanna informed him, her eyes scanning over the people that quickly passed by.   “I much prefer being there,”
The news of moving from the beauty of the Riverlands to the capital took time to digest.  It was well known to everyone in the realm that the capital was a beauty to be held, but it stank worse than a newborn's first shit.  The streets of King’s Landing weren’t as bad as she thought they would be, half expecting people to be dead on the streets or at least begging for money.  Larys had ensured that Lyanna had entered through the Gate of the Gods rather than the Dragon or Old Gate so that she would be spared from the horrors of the Flea Bottom.  
Larys had insisted on taking some of the Kingsgaurd to escort his little niece to the safety of Red Keep, where she would be locked away until she found herself a husband or followed in her father's footsteps and be forced back to Harrenhal.  The Queen had been more than happy to allow the Kinggaurds to accompany them, mainly because that would mean that Larys might stay out of the Keep longer.   
“Being so far away from your family, from me, has allowed you to inherit your father's lack of respect and loud mouth,” Larys commented as he watched Lyanna look out the small window. He remembers when he first saw the city's wonders, so different from the Riverlands for the lack of natural beauty.  
Lyanna held herself back from rolling her eyes at her uncle's words, knowing that it would only make him lecture her about her attitude.   She leans closer to the window, trying to see the Great Sept of Baelor on Visenya Hill.  Lyanna doesn’t follow the faith of the seven, but she must admit the Sept is a sight to behold, the greatness matching the dead Weirwood tree of Raventree Hall. 
Larys tapped his cane on the carriage floor; he has never been good at talking with Lyanna.  He fears that she knows the truth about the fire of Harrenhal, but he highly doubts that the teenager would be able to figure it out all on her own and the only person who knew the truth is the Queen herself.  
“It will get easier,” Larys told her, hoping she will appreciate his attempt to soothe her. To bond with her. 
“The smell?” Lyanna asked, her nose scrunched as she finally looked away from her window and towards her uncle.  
The smell of King’s Landing is almost strong enough to make her stomach turn.  She is used to the natural smell of woods and even the dingy but warm smell of Harrenhal.  Lyanna wondered how someone could live here with such a smell, but maybe it was because they had never been exposed to true nature.  
Lyanna didn’t mean to disrespect her uncle, but she found it hard to look at him, not because of his crippled foot but because she wondered if he and her father shared similarities.  Her father will forever haunt her because she will always be left with the question of why she wasn’t good enough, yet his bastards were.  
“I’m afraid that never gets easier to deal with, but being a lady of the court.  Being here will allow you to mingle with potential suitors and bring honour and respect back to our house,” Larys answered her; he knew that Lyanna knew her place and that her role was to keep their family line alive.  
“So that's why I’m here?” Lyanna asked, leaning her head against the plush wall of the carriage. “So that you can find someone to marry me off to?”
Lyanna knew that she should be grateful for this opportunity, that any other girl, highborn or not, would jump at the chance to become a lady of the court.  If she were to find a husband, this would be the best place, but she would be content to live out her days at Harrenhal and let her House die out with her and her uncle.  Or even passing the title over to one of her cousins.  
“You have bled,” Larys simply answered because his words were true.  He has avoided trying to marry Lyanna to someone for quite some time because she hasn’t bled, but now he is free to do so, and she can give a man heirs like she was born to do.  
“And tell me, uncle, is Harrenhal to be included in my dowry this time?” Lyanna asked; it is a simple question, but she knows whether it is included in her dowry would impact her attempt to find a husband.  
If it were to be included, it might scare away any suitors North of King’s Landing, and the supposed curse of being the Lord of the castle might affect her chances.  But she would be more than happy to wed a southerner, to have the opportunity to travel far from the realm than just the Riverlands and a few castles of the Westerlands. 
“Your future husband and children will become lords of the castle,” Larys confirmed, and he watched Lyanna nod at his words.  He was happy to give someone else the title of Lord of Harrenhal, pass on the responsibilities he had long neglected, and allow Lyanna to take over.  
“Maybe we should consider marrying you off,” Lyanna joked, laughing to herself because she knew no lady would want to wed or bed her uncle if they were unpaid.  
“My focus is solely on helping our Queen and finding you a husband,” Larys calmly told her, not finding her jokes funny. “You and Princess Helaena have some common interests, and I think you two will get along.  The queen hopes you will befriend the princess,” 
“I heard that she isn’t quite there. Is it true?” Lyanna asked; it was no secret how strange the princess was compared to her siblings and husband.  Rumours that she is that way because of the customs of the Targaryens, and it is time that one of the current members is affected by their sins. 
“Princess Helaena is a little different, but she is kind,” Larys corrected Lyanna; he didn’t know what would happen to Lyanna if someone else heard her words.  No doubt the Hightowers would take offence to her words and make her the latest threat to one of their dragons. 
“I look forward to meeting her,” Lyanna ended the conversation as she looked out the window.  She is tired of looking at her uncle, and King’s Landing is a new and exciting place she wants to explore even though she probably won’t be able to.
Her words held the truth; she would be kind and respectful to the princess. Larys relaxed back into his seat. He hoped that Lyanna would flourish in the new environment and be able to further their family as the kingdom's leader. 
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marvelita85 · 25 days
If you are minor or you dont like mention of blood and people killed please stop reading
RATED R for safty
English is not my first language Im sorry in advance for any mistake, this is just for fun
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Eutace said Visenya Velaryon was as rudless and unhearted as her predecesor, she bend everyone to her will and she didnt stop until her mother was on the iron throne, he told in his tale how she burn her uncle to the ground with her dragon Vermithor how she organized Rock Rest attack instead of only her grandmother with Meleys appeared she went aswell with Vermithor, as Vermax and Moondancer with her siblings were back up burning all their enemies, Vhagar appeared and Although everything Visenya felt for Aemond she's never forgiven him for Luke's death and that was her revenge Vhagar was bigger but slow and as Visenya saw Sunfier and Aegon fall she went and attacked with her granmother brining Vhagar to the ground her belly opened as Vermithor's claws buried in it she couldnt fly again and she dismount her dragon going for Aemond herself, they fought as she turn to face him and her sword buried into his hip traspasing his body.... -Visenya...- Aemond wispered before falling to the ground... Visenya felt rage as she grab the catspaw dagga from Aegon and she saw Sir Criston walked to her still stunned by the dragons fight Visenya looked at him with cold eyes and ready to fight him but Vermithor roar and he stoped in his tracks backing up from the dragon... she smirked to his distraction and she slided the dagga into his throat
- you should have stayed loyal to my mother - witneses afirmed she told him as he choked in his own blood before dying at her feet... as her siblings Jace and Baela arrived to the scene Visenya was covered in blood holding the heads of Aegon and Criston Cole... she turn to Aemond but before she cut his head she asked for a maester and for the Lord of Rock Rest to take his body to be tended as he was still alive, she was very precised with her cut
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The seek of kingslanding came right after Visenya mount Vermithor taking the heads of the usurper and their comander, she called all her mothers banners to kingslanding, Daemon who was in Harrenhal marching with the army he colected was amazed by his daughter
Eutace said all the hightowers were reduced including the queen dowager as Visenya asked her mother to spare only her aunt who didnt have a place in this war Helaena was the only one spare as Visenya showed Aegon and Criston heads, Alicent scream and even Rhaenyra didnt want her own daughter to turn evil, Alicent was the one responsible of all this with her father.
.- let everyone know who to blame when the sky falls upon them.... - even with the dowagers pleading her father and all the small council were imprisoned by Damon and he could cut some heads after all
- my son with come with fire and blood...
- your son is agonizing in Rock rest with a dead Vhagar and dead Sunfire he is still alive Only because I allowed him when I buried my sword into his guts, and I will kill Daeron too when he arrived in Tesarion, I will finished all your line Alicent and I promised you will beg me to end your life at the end you will pay tears of blood for everything you've done to my mother, all your resentment and hate calling her birth after birth, calling my brothers bastards it was not free of charge now I will be your executioner and I found you guilty of all charges...
Visenya went into Old town knowing their army as Tesarion started their march to kings landing sacking all towns around that pledge their loyalty to Rhaenyra, she got to Tumpleton at night with Vermithor, Addam and Jace on their dragons as Tesarion tried to warm the greens as they were all drunk and raping and sacking all the town Visenya didnt have mercy on them burning all the soldiers Eurace said their armor melt into their skin, screams of pain were heard around everywhere as the night turn orange as flames consumed all the traitors Daeron tried to reached Tesarion but Jace was his oponent finishing him with his sword...
- those lessons from Daemon gave their fruit brother...
- you cant be the only one having all the fun... after all Luke was my brother too...- Visenya smile knowing her brother was finally a man and he knew this was necesary Baela arrived and together after killing Daeron and the rest of his army they went into old town as the green flame turn red when Visenya did what her predecesor wanted to do and Aegon didnt allow her to do, burn all the citadel to the grown with their dragons...
As they return the next morning the red keep was filled with Daemon's men Caraxes scream as he saw Vermithor and the others arrived into the city, all the red capes made way for Visenya to entered into the keep hall in front of her mother
Visenya was standing in front of the throne seeing her mother being crown by Daemon once again like that morning in dragonstone putting the crown in her head in front of all court and lords who swore their loyalty to the blacks, the traitors were in the dungeons waiting their execution
Lord Lannister and all the triarky were destroyed with the Velarion fleet and Meleys, Baela and Moondancer went to help as they came back Victorious, as Lord Stark arrived to Kingslanding was witnessing the execution of the traitors by Daemon's hand who once more was the Lord comander of the city watch as all the soldiers were loyal to him
Visenya ordered Aemond to be brought to the red keep she kept track of his health and she wanted him at reach
Daemon wanted his head but Visenya refused, Rhaenyra saw for the first time father daughter fought over her half brother
- he is already out of combat I made sure of it
- you dont want him dead because you have feelings for that Hightower scum he killed your brother and tried to kill your grandmother what more proof you need he will come for you if he has a chance
- he wont have a chance, he doesnt have Vhagar anymore, I had to sacrificed 2 dragons, I wont sacrificed anymore - Tesarion was brought to the dragon pit and he would stayed there with Shrykos and every other dragon until her brothers were big enough to tried and mount one
Alicent asked permition to be with Aemond his wound was healing dlowly, Mellos was allowed to live to tend his wound Visenya's Valyrian steal sword helped keeping him alive
- I wish to be alone with him Alicent... - Visenya didnt pay respect to her title Alicent lost 2 sons and her lover to Visenya and Alicent knew she lost now she was a prisoner and her only confort was still having 2 of her children alive - I wont kill him Alicent
.. if I wanted him death I would have finished him in Rock Rest.... - Aemond moved a little in his bed as Alicent left the room.... - i made sure you survived and see how your family lost and still your sister and mother as you can see are still alive.... you all usurped the throne thinking my mother would kill you all and guess what.... I was the killer... you underestimated me Aemond you thought because I loved you, I would never touch your family but after you killed my brother that love vanished... everything i wanted was your head but I took your brothers lives, and when you could stand and walk again from that bed I will make sure you bend the knee to my mother or chose between living wearing the black or died for every small folk and lord in westeros to know how you couldnt be loyal to your own family - we are both kinslayers now... you killed Luke and for that death I took Aegon, Daeron and Vhagar's lifes and the rest of your Hightower traitor family...
- stop this... please...- he tried to moved but his wound sting still...
- sh sh sh... tried not to move.. my love, you are going to reopened your wound and we want you to heal propertly...- she smirked and walked away from his room, Eutace wrote she lost what was left of her heart that day when she got out from her former husband's room she saw her mother reigned and saw her brother and Baela getting married, Aegon and Viserys grow up to be young men, trained by Daemon she saw Alicent dying in her room of winter fever as Rhaenyra cried for her friend Visenya felt nothing nor even could empathizied with her aunt or Aemond or her own mother she really hated Alicent and she kept doing it to the queens dowager's last breath, Aemond was allowed to stay in the keep but he rarelly saw Visenya his days were spend with his sister and niece, they forbided him to have a weapon in his hand if he wasnt supervised by Daemon or Jace he could trained eventually when he was fully heal, Visenya watched him from afar she yearned for him but still couldnt look past what he has done
The queen observed her daughter and asked her to presented herself in the small council, Rhaenyra was waiting with her half brother sitting beside her, if Rhaenyra could forgive her half brother for his wrong doing saying he payed enough price Eutace told the queen tried to salvage their relationship because she knew deep in her heart Visenya and Aemond were soulmates and if they were separated their souls would died
The dance of the dragons was stoped by the first daughter of Rhaenyra Targaryen only few called her Daemon's bastard but she was a dragon and never let anyone pronounce the word bastard again
With time Aemond tried to conquered her heart again inviting her to walks and having beakfast together Vermithor was still weary of him but Visenya allowed him close to her dragon and Vermithor warmed to him once again, dragonless once more he sometime missed Vhagar but he knew he wasnt going to be allowed into a dragon again or tried to mount one
- maybe with time you can tried Tesarion... he sometimes fly with Vermithor to Dragonstone and back
- are you going to allow me into a dragon again...
- they allowed you with a sword and you still didnt kill anyone, we are all dragons Aemond... is in our blood and no matter what you've done we all deserved one - he had always encoraged him to have a dragon... Vermithor was claimed when she was 11 and before Vhagar was claimed by him she tolk him flying with the bronce fury, Visenya always favored Aemond even over her younger siblings, they were best friends naturally they were engaged and married after but Luke's death turn everything for the worst
- Im so sorry for all the pain I cost you... it was never my intention to hurt you the way I did...- Visenya beathe in and out holding back tears but she realised she never cried enough for her brother
' i hurt you.... i almost killed you, you should hate me, why you dont hate me...- she went to him hitting his face and chest but her punches were weak Aemond tried to hold her wrist holding her close to him ehile she kept fighting but as her forehead rest in his chest, she desarmed in his arms and couldnt hold tears anymore, her whole body shaking, his arms holding her close...
- (nike dori vedros ao toli mirre nike iedrosa jorraelagon) I could never hate you because despite it all I still love you - he used high valyrian
- (Avy Jorrealan toli) I love you too - she wispered holding him close to her eith her arms around his waist it was the first time Aemond felt their relationship could be saved
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myladysapphire · 3 months
His Sapphire Princess (X)
After the night in the brothel Rhaenyra is married to Laenor Velayron to protect the birth of her child. who in the years to follow is the only one of Rhaenyra's children that is believed to be his, she is loved by all in the red keep, even queen Alicent adores the girl, so when Rhaenyra proposes a marriage between Aemond and Rhaenyra's daughter Visenya, Alicent happily agrees.
The children having been best friends in their youths are more than happy to be wed but when the incident at drift mark occurs things change, will it be for better or worse?
word count: 4.127
CW: MDI, 18+, oral (f reciving), violence, angst, incest, not proofread!
Fem!oc x Aemond Targeryen
Masterlist | series masterlist | previous part l next part
disclaimer: i do not own any of claim any of the A song of ice and fire characters, all rights belong to GRR MARTIN, all characters are his except for my OC
(smut is between the dividers by @zaldritzosrose)
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The reminder of that week Aemond rarely strayed from Visenya’s side, at first it started with daily dragon rides. Vermithor and Vaghar riding side by side.
It had been the first time they had flown on their respective dragons, when before Aemond had claimed Vaghar, Visenya often took Aemond on the back of Vermithor, and now seeing him atop his own dragon was a strange experience. He looked so strong and proud. He was born to be a dragon rider.
Long gone was the shy and nervous Aemond, who feared never riding a dragon of his own, the boy who would hold his dragon egg over the fire day and night in hopes it would hatch. Now he seemed to share a deep bond with Vaghar, though she had joked that perhaps the old dragon had mistaken him for her first rider, Queen Viseyna.
“It would make sense, you both had long silver hair, Valyrian features-“ she had started as they walked the halls of the keep, having returned from their dragon ride.
“I am sure she doesn’t think me to be the conquer” Aemond dismissed, shaking his head, “ as much as I am flattered at the notion, I am sure Vaghar can tell the difference.
“Really? She is what, 150? Surely riders blur together after a time” She jested.
He hummed “And how are we sure Vermithor does not mistake you for old King Jaehaerys?”
She gasped in shock, “are you calling me and old man?” She laughed, “no offence to our great grandsire but, I highly doubt we had much in common, bar our Valyrian features”
“Was that not your driving point for me being mistaken as Visenya?” He hummed.
She scoffed in jest, “It was a compliment!” She insisted, walking towards Aemond, “Do you not remember our lessons? How you said if you were to have a wife you would have one like Visenya, a fierce warrior?” She hummed.
“I do, and tell me, sweet Visenya, have you become a fierce warrior?”
“You think I would have spent years in the north, where woman are encouraged to train with shield and sword, or with Daemon on Dragonstone and not be taught at least the basics?” She asked.
“I suppose I should have guessed” he said as they approached the entrance to the training yard, “mayhaps you could show me your skills?”
She smirked, leading the way.
Luckily she wore her riding leathers, allowing her more movement than her typical gown, with trousers and tunic she was offered the same mobility as Aemond, though he was much taller than her. As they stood sword in hand ready to face the other, he seemed to tower over her, and even his steps seemed more graceful as they began to curl each other, waiting for the other to make a move.
He eventually acted first, his sword clashing with hers as her quick reflects deflected his attack.
Their swords clanged against one another, neither making a move as each attack was deflected or treated with its own attack in kind. It wasn’t until Visenya decided on a new tactic that an attack (though with training swords) was truly struck. She stepped back, circling him before turning her body in a quick flourish, her sword bashing his, and her swords tip pressing against his chest.
He hummed, seemingly impressed, though not for long as he quickly regained momentum of his sword and attacked her sword with his own, the sword nearly flying from her hand and she once again moved in a flourish, this time to defend rather than attack.
They circled each other once again, their swords drawn, waiting for the others next move.
An audience had gathered now. Sending him a smirk she started  her next round of attacks.
Their swords clanged loudly thought the courtyard, their bodies swerving each attack, barley dodging each others sword.
They seemed to circle the other for hours, though only minutes passed. Their eyes locked, their glaze seemed taunting, teasing. She bit her lip, causing his eye to be drawn to her lip, his gaze heated.
She used this opportunity to knock the sword from his hand, and bring in her her own to his neck.
Applause sounded around the courtyard.
She laughed, lowering her sword.
“I hope you do not wish to join our wedding tourney with those skills.” She joked.
He hummed, “you are impressive” he mused, taking their swords and placing them on the rack. “Mayhaps you should enter the tourney”
She laughed “and loose the chance to win the queen of love and beauty? I think not”
He smiled, “I shame I hate tourneys, or I would have assured you the crown”
“You do?” She asked, face dropping a little, “I always thought them romantic”
They started to walk back through the keep, set to return to their chambers before their engagement feast tonight, “I suppose Cregan will at least enter, and he shall crown me upon his victory.”
“Cregan? Cregan Stark?” He sneered the question “you still talk to him?” Jealousy clear in his tone.
“Of course, he is my dearest friend”
“But your mother wished to marry you both.” “So? He has had a wife and a son since then, and I, in case you have forgotten thought to stay betrothed to you!” she glanced at him, his face was set in a sneer, jealously clear in his features. She laughed “the love I have for him is simply platonic, I can assure you”
“Hmm…perhaps I shall enter the tourney, it is only right I crown my betrothed personally”
She laughed “of course, Aemond.” She said once they reached the door to her chambers, “I shall see you at the feast”
That nigh the halls of the red keep were packed full of lords and ladies from throughout the realm. The feast was grand, with food from the best cooks from throughout the realm, no expense was spared, with the most famous bards playing her favourite songs, and the ladies and lords dancing and laughing as they all filled their stomachs with food and wine.
And yet as she stood saying pleasantry after pleasantry, answering the same questions again and again she did not find any joy. She had not eaten or drank a thing, despite the feats being hallway through, and Aemond had still yet to arrive.  
The few moments she had spent escaping her quests were spent comforting Heleana as she had quickly grown overwhelmed with the noise.
Heleana had tried to stay as long as she could, but the second the first hour ended, Visneya saw it fit for her to leave. She loved her aunt, her sweet friend and though she hated the lack of her presence at her ceremony, she hated seeing her discomfort more.
She felt a sense of loneliness with her gone. Finding her eyes dancing around the room in search for a friendly face, for Aemond’s face.
And yet the closest she got to Aemond, was Aegon.
Aegon’s eyes always followed her, words always seeming to be on the tip of his tongue anytime she neared him. He had quickly gotten drunk, sat in a corner with his friends, Leon she believed one of them to be called. And yet she could feel his eyes on her. Watching her.
For years he had been the closest she had gotten to Aegon, having become a dear friend and confidant, but seeing him in person, he was entirely different to the Aegon she knew.
He was still obsessed with her, more than ever. His eyes always on her. Or Always finding her when she was alone.
But Aegon had changed drastically, he was a drunk and a terrible husband. Ignoring Helaena in favour of whores and wine, she had not seen a nice word shared between them. Her was a good father though, with the twins often in his company, when he was sober that was.
And though his eyes seemed to invite her over, she stayed put. Continuing her endless conversation with some Redwyne lord.
“Senya!” she heard a voice boom, and suddenly she was turning around the see Cregan Stark.
“Cregan!” she boomed back, excusing herself from lord Redwyne. “I thought you would not be here till tomorrow!”
“aye, we were meant to arrive later this evening, but decided to rush here. Couldn’t miss your feast now could i?” he spoke, smiling.
“I am glad, I have missed you.”
“aye, as have i.” he said, before starting to look around the room “nowhere is this betrothed of yours? About time I made an introduction.”
She scoffed, “I do not know!” she shook her head, “he hasn’t shown up yet”
Cregan send her a confused look, “and here I thought I was late! How can he be this late to his won feast”
“how should I know?”
“well I suppose this means you have yet to take to the dance floor then?”
She smiled, “why is Cregan Stark asking me to dance?”
He laughed, “aye, about time I did.”
She laughed taking his outstretched hand.
“tonight has been dreadfully dull” she spoke up, as they took the floor, “I was hoping for some kind of commotion”
He laughed, “well from the look on your uncle Aemond’s face I would say one might be coming soon.” “oh, Daemon always looks like that, always looking for a fight” she laughed, as they continued their dance.
The pair caught up, though with their constant letters there was little to catch up on, though Cregan seemed happy with her and Aemond finding away to reconcile. He had known her angst, her years of feeling alone and had hated how she had been forced to leave the north. She seemed to fit in perfectly in the north, with her snow kissed hair, she seemed to blend in to even the summer snow.
As the dance came to an end, the doors opened and Aemond finally strolled in. Visenya slowly separated herself from Cregan, as Aemond approached her.
Her carried a gift with him, and a smirk.
“betrothed” he said in greeting.
“Aemond” she greeted in return, “you are late” she scowled, moving them away from the prying eyes of the gathered lords and ladies.
“Apologies, I… I had something to do.” He presented her his gift, a jewellery box “here, one of the many gifts I plan to give you.”
She looked unsure as she grabbed the box from his hand, opening it she saw a sapphire necklace.
The necklace had five layers, the last three encased with sapphire jewels. A  large sapphire lied in the centre, with smaller sapphires placed side by side it, encased in their own ring of gold.
She gasped as she opened it, “its beautiful”
“just like you, my Sapphire” she smiled shyly, motioning Aemond to place it on her.
She had forgone a necklace tonight, finding little need for it, but as Aemond placed this necklace on her next her attire felt complete, as if she had forgone the necklace in preparation for Aemond, though he had left to hints to gifts.
“come” she motioned Aemond, gripping his arm as she led him to the table. As always their family sat on one long table, facing out onto the crowd, her grandsire sat in his chair, adjacent to the iron throne. On his left sat Alicent, and on his left sat her mother Rhaenrya.
As the family all moved to sit, though Heleana’s seat was left empty. Her grandsire stood to speak.
“I am most joyous to welcome you all here today.” He smiled, looking over to where she and Aemond sat. “today we celebrate the betrothal of my granddaughter, Princess Visenya, the future heir to the iron throne, and my son Prince Aemond, her future consort.” Applause sounded, as the king continued “today we celebrate the start of their celebrations, before they marry at the end of the week!” more applause sounded, “tonight we feast and fill our bellies and tomorrow the tourney shall start!”
Aemond looked over to where Cregan sat at the news of a tourney. He sent him a smirk, though not that Cregan seemed to care as he simply laughed at the princes jealousy.
“Aemond” she started, grabbing his hand as the room once again filled with music, dance and laughter, “do you wish to dance?”
“no” he spoke quickly. Causing her to thrown.
“oh” she said dejected. He looked over at her, frowning at her own frown.
“I do not like to dance, my Sapphire”
“of course” she said, as she started to fill her plate.
She turned to face Jace, who wore a scowl.
“is something wrong brother?”
“no, just I had thought the wedding celebrations were to happen over a moon”
“no, you are staying a moon, but I marry at weeks end.”
He sent her a dejected look, as if he had some plan that was now ruined. He quickly replaced his frown with a smile, “would you like to dance?”
“yes!” she said gleefully, sending Aemond a look as he scowled.
She and Jace must have danced for five songs before finally retuning to their seats. She was out of breath as she started to speak to Aemond. But Aemond wasn’t listening.
No, his attention was solely focused on the pig that had been placed before him and the laugh on Lukes face.
He slammed his fist against the table.
“Aemond” she whispered, “please don’t”
He looked at her, sneering. Though it was not directed at her, at least she hoped not.
"not in front of all these people Aemond, please"
He ignored her "I would like to make a toast to my family, for today we reunite after years apart, I hope our bond will grow...hmm.. Strong" he stopped, looked at Luke and Jace, then continued'' I have missed my nephews, I hope that we will once again be able to rebuild a strong... bond we shared in our youths"
Naive to what had just happened her Grandsire cheers, happy at Aemond seeming making amends.
Her brothers were struggling to keep calm knowing a public reaction could be all the confirmation the court needed for the rumours to become the truth.
Jace flinched, realising what Aemond’s speech was saying and how the court could take it, so he declared his own toast "thank you, uncle. I cherish the memories we shared in out youth, and now in honour of your betrothal to my sweet sister" he stops, stares at her, thinking his words through " i-i raise this toast to you to wish you and my sister congratulations, may your marriage be fruitful, and your bond remain strong" he sneered the last word, hating the very word.
She stood up "thank you dear brother" she says to Jace before turning to the hall "today is a joyous day, and it is only the beginning of what I can only hope will be a marriage of unity for our house” she seemed to displace the tension that was building in the room, with a small round of applause sounding.
Glares were sent around the table, and though their guests acted naïve to it as they all went about continuing in the festivities, they all seemed to be waiting for a fight.
She looked down, a nervous look filling her face as she started to pick at her food.
Dread filling her body as she saw Aegon move down the table, wishpering something in his ear. And before she knew it Jace was punching Aegon square in the jaw.
Gasps were sounded from the crowd, bets being placed as she saw the exchange of bags of coins between tables.
Aemond stood up, pulling Jace of Aegon, only for Jace to turn around and punch square in the jaw.
A chuckle escaped him, unbothered by Jaces punch and simply pushing him to the floor.
The guards move forward, separating the pair as Luke attempts to get to Aemond
She scoffed as Aemond laughed at the state of her brothers.
She looked around the room, many of the guests had started their own fight, many were trapped, trampled, punched and kicked. Guards trying their best to separate them.
If Visenya had bothered to stay longer, perhaps she could have seen the outcome of the night. But the second the king dismissed the hall, she had left. Not bothering what had happened or was going to happen. The only thing she cared about was going to sleep and dealing with the problems in the morning.
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She was awoken a dawn to the sound of a wall being pulled open.
Sitting up in her bed, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes she came face to face with Aemond, a sheepish look on his face and a bouquet of Azaleas, her favourite flower.
“Aemond?” she asked, trying to wake herself up “what are you doing here?”
“i- I came to apologise” he looked down, almost sheepishly, “my actions…I regret them. I acted in jealousy and anger and I have come to beg for your forgiveness.”
“What you did last night, in front of all those people…It was reckless and idiotic.” She shook her head “I would have expected such a thing for Aegon, but you? I cannot say it didn’t hurt. To hurt my own brother, to tease their legitimacy, it was ridiculous and i… I know you have changed but I did not think you cruel”
“have I not told you I have grown cold? I did not jest when I said it, and though I do not harbour kind feelings to your family….i shall not act upon them again, though my behaviour, I can not say it will not happen. I am jealous and reckless. If I am offended I will not sit by and let myself nor you be insulted.” He moved towards the bed.
“I- I understand that Aemond, but please keep your anger away from the prying eyes of the realm”
“I will, I am sorry, truly” you reached for the flowers in his hand, sniffing them and smiling at the gesture.
Her duvet had fallen to her waist, leaving her chemise on show. With the hot weather she had worn a thin, near sheer chemise to bed, one that made no efforts to hide her from.
She blushed as Aemond looked at her, his eyes drawn to the outline of her breasts.
“Aemond?” she asked, trying to capture his attention, he looked up, a blush of his own on his cheeks as he moved forward and kissed your lips.
It was the first kiss you had both shared, though it was clear that he had more experience than she did, as his mouth quickly dominated hers, his tongue pushing into her mouth, causing her to moan softly.
She fell back in the bed Aemond falling with her.
The kiss was soft and yet full of passion.
“Visneya” he whispered against her lips as her pulled back from her. “I need to taste you”
She hummed, “i- you wish to…”
He smirked, pulling the covers of the duvet fully back, and moving to position him self down her body. He looked up at her as he played with the hem of her chemise.
She smiled, moving to lift it up and bare her wet cunt to him.
He moaned at the sight, and quickly buried himself between her thighs.
He licked her slit teasingly, realising in the moans he let out at the feeling of his tongue against her slit. She grew wetter and wetter with each motion of his tongue, her moans increasing as he started to focus his attention on her clit. Gripping her hips he started to  gave small yet fast licks at her clit, his eyes meeting hers as she gripped the bedding, moaning in pleasure.
He started to move his tongue faster, moaning at he taste of her.
“Aemond” she moaned as she reached forward and gripped onto his hair, grinding her hips into his face, causing him to groan.
Her movements became erratic, her peak fast approaching.
Aemond buried himself further into her thighs, determined to make her cum all over his face.
And soon enough he felt her legs squeeze his head as she finally peaked.
“gods” she moaned, lying back.
Aemond smirked, look over her pleasure ridden face, “Am I forgiven now?” he asked teasingly, his own response was a slap on the arm, causing him to laugh.
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He had left her rooms once her maid came to wake her, promising to return for breakfast. Where he once again brought her a bouquet of Azaleas.
Breakfast had passed quickly, and before she knew it she was making her way to the royal box for the first day of the tourney.
She had made a favour in hopes Aemond had meant what he said about entering the tourney and crowing her the queen of love and beauty.
She had chosen blue and white ribbon, she herself, though not the best with needle and thread, had embroidered dragons across the fabric, trying her bets to capture the likeness of Vaghar and Vermithor.
The Tourney was to be a three day affair. With men from throughput the realm filling the lists. The winners of each round would go against the other winners the following day, and on the third and final day the winner the winners would once again face one another until a victor was declared.
The first day was often long and uneventful. That was until it was Aemond’s round. He was pitted against his own brother Aegon.
Aemond had galloped into the arena, atop a white horse, his armour black and red, with the Targaryen crest carved across his chest.
Her rode up to the royal stands, Visenya sat front row with Heleana on one side and Belea then Rheana on her other. The rest of the family sat behind them, Deamon was not there however, having entered the tourney himself.
Aemond approached them, his horse stopping before Visenya, "my betrothed, I am sure to win this tourney with your favour".
She sent him a smile as she walked over to him placing her favour on his lance. “of course, I wish you luck, my prince”
"I do not need luck, my sapphire, not with your favour”
Visenya knew of Aemond skill, and Aegon’s lack thereof. He did not need skill for this joust, but for tomorrow he would.
He charged at Aegon, and though they both new Aegon cared not for the tourney, having been forced to entre by Alicent once she heard of Aemond’s entry, he was not expecting Aegon to try, and yet it seemed he was. As Aegon charged at him, aiming for his torso.
Their lances clashed one another’s as Aemond was forced to bend back to avoid being hit, and direct his own lance at his brother his lance flung to the side, Aemond’s grip was weak, but stayed he manged to stay in place.
They circled back, charging each other once more , this time Aemond’s lace, aimed under the horses head, causing the horse fell back and Aegon to fall.
Defeated and unbothered Aegon simply lay there, waiting for his brother to drag him up, laughing at his loss.
Aemond continued to win, having been victorious against Loren Lannister and Damion Veleryon as well as many aspiring knights. He eventually found himself in the final round, the last day of the tourney. And his opponent, Creagan Stark.
Aemond was fuelled with jealousy.
He had heard Visneya cheering for Cregan, her compliments of his skill and her teasing on how he would surely crown her if Aemond was not victorious.
Aemond had charged at Cregan, and Cregan, never one to back down from a challenge only acted with the same force as he did.
They were both thrown from their horses, before calling for their swords and declaring one on one combat.
The arena held a bated breath as the pair faced off.
Unlike when Visenya had spared with Aemond their was no circling, not waiting for the other to make a move. Instead Aemond simply attacked. His movements were fast and relentless, but Cregan was undeterred, easily defending himself against Aemond’s strikes.
In fact it was Cregan who disarmed Aemond, knocking him to the floor.
But Aemond did not accept defeat, pouncing on Cregan landing punch after punch.
With Cregan pinned, it was declared Aemond to be the winner, though it took the guards dragging Aemond away to stop the fighting.
He smirked as he once again took to his horse, grabbing the crown of love and beauty and riding up to Visneya, crowing her and pulling her down for a kiss in front of the crowds.
“you were a bit brutal, where you not?” she whispered as they broke apart, looking over to Cregan, who despite the broken nose seemed fine, and unbothered with his loss. In fact he had even joined the cords in the cheers.  
Aemond looked over to Cregan, shrugging “he seems fine to me”
She laughed, moving back to sit back in her seat.
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ellycup-of-tea · 2 years
" You never love anything in the world the way you love your first child."
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“A part of me wishes I could say you deserve this,” she said truthfully.
 “And yet you killed my son, and your husband killed my daughter.”
“Laenor was incredibly fond of her. He treated her as his own and told us as much in his letters.”
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“Return to me,” he whispered in Valyrian, “please. Shaera, I cannot…”
“It was not your mother, but a rat with a limp and a golden hand.”
Rhaenys knew it was the right choice.
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This is a Grandma!Rhaenys stan account.
(Hope to make a Green children and Rhaegon edit soon, they deserve it)
To @xxpeppermintxx109 and their story, cause they're so dedicated and they care a lot for readers. And each chapter is a true gift, so full of details and humanity. Every single POV is like a puzzle tile which fits in the structure so perfectly you cannot help falling for the story. Thank u Mint sm (Also cause you described Rhaenys with her dark hair, thx).
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beelxshartic · 2 years
Blood redder than wine (14728 words) by beelxshartic Chapters: 3/? Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms Relationships: Aemond "One-Eye" Targaryen/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Aemond "One-Eye" Targaryen, Original Female Character(s), House Redwyne Characters (A Song of Ice and Fire), Grey Ghost the Wild Dragon (A Song of Ice and Fire), Viserra Targaryen, Saera Targaryen, Additional Tags: Scheming, Romance, Mutual Pining, Eye Sex, Smut with scheming, First Meetings, Love and Envy at the same time, Is it an Arranged Marriage if Aemond is scheming his way into it?, Targcest | Targaryen Incest (A Song of Ice and Fire), Half-Sibling Incest, , Matriarchy, drama sponsored by Saera and Viserra, Swearing, Original Character does her best to avoid marriage as long as she can, Aemond is trying his best, Masturbation, Aemond POV, Fantasies about sex Summary:
The Redwynes are a people who have a long-standing history of dealing with Targaryens. Redwynes' words are sweet like their wine or sour like venom.
“I was to be given to some Targaryen or other. Marrying a Targaryen was all the rage back then. But the moment I saw my intended, with his twitchy little ferret's face and ludicrous silver hair, I knew he wouldn't do.” Olenna Tyrell née Redwyne
Redwynes know that dealing with Targaryens is no piece of cake. A century before Olenna's birth, one of King Jaehaerys' defiant daughters marries a Redwyne of Arbor to avoid marrying the old man her parents had intended for her. Vissera Targaryen raises her offspring to hate the Targaryens of King's Landing. Years later, after Viserra's death, Aemond the Kinslayer Targaryen lands on Arbor to push the Redwynes over to the Green side. There he meets his other older sister Vereena, who has been estranged from the main Targaryen family for most of her life.
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rpersearch · 2 years
Hello! I'm super desparte for a House of the dragon roleplay currently. I'm looking for 18+ partners since I am 21. I usually only roleplay canon x oc and double up, as it seems fair for everyone. Regarding the writing lenght,I don't want one liners. The lenght of the reply can depwnd on what's happening in the roleplay. I'm not too picky with pairs, I can do mxf, mxm or try fxf. As far as the plot goes, I am open to au's as well. If you're interested hit me up on here or discord: anamaria312001#9004
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goodeapple · 2 months
words on the page (aemond t. sex pollen pwp o.s.)
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pairing : Aemond x Ysilla (Rhaenyra'sDaughter!OC)
warnings : PWP, dubcon- this is sex pollen (obvi) they are technically not fully consenting. might be hatesex but it also might not, uncle/niece incest, a ridiculous amount of orgasms, squirting, restraint, spanking & slapping, and a slighttt breeding kink (srry i couldn't help myself)
word count : 10,000+
note : hope everyone enjoys. ty for all the love, always. likes, reblogs, comments, anything is gas in my tank xx
“This library is big enough for the both of us, Uncle. You stay on your side, and I, on mine.” Ysilla offers, already working on tuning out the One-Eyed Prince’s mutterings as she gets lost in the sprawling shelves. 
“What if I want a book that’s on your side?” Aemond’s voice echoes up to the grand ceilings from where he must be several rows over, his annoyance clearer than the windows in the Sept. 
Ysilla rolls her eyes so hard she fears they might stick. “Do you not understand the concept of my side and your side?”
“These are all my sides. I grew up in between these stacks- I’m sure the texts at Dragonstone are missing you terribly. Why don't you go back and see if I’m right.” 
That retort stabs at her, the mourning for her home still living on in the thick ball of grief that resides heavily in her heart. It’s been a year since her mother took her rightful place on the Iron Throne, a year since the King had passed, and a year where all members of the Targaryen family had to learn how to live amongst one another once more. Nobody was enjoying it. And there were more days than not that the Princess fantasized of stealing borrowing a boat and sailing back to her beloved pile of rocks. 
“Shouldn’t you be out, oh, I don’t know, swinging a sword or ducking under one? You know, what men do.” It’s childish but Ysilla doesn’t mind stooping lower than her years. Her brothers keep her young and nimble, each one bringing with him a fresh battle of wits and stubbornness.  
He goes silent, blessedly, and she resumes her stroll, picking and plucking titles off the shelves that join the burgeoning pile cradled tight in her arms. Her mind wanders, the endless catalogues of writings whispering their words, lulling her further and further into the scriptural maze. 
Ysilla spots a peculiar text on a shelf taller than her, the aphotic ruby binding and woven gold stitching calling her name. She reaches up, tiptoeing until her feet creak and attempts to hook her finger under the edge of the spine. The old book sticks in place, judging her with a faceless scowl. She grunts, wobbling slightly, pushing forward again and gives it a good strong tug. Too strong, as it flies freely through the air and  Ysilla yelps, jumping to the side to dodge it. Everything goes topsy turvy, her balance lost to her and the rest of her assembled collection clatters to the ground. 
She curses, deaf to the sound of approaching footsteps as she drops to her knees and starts to gather the fallen books. She’s considerate of the older ones, stacking them carefully off to the side of the walkway. The causer of the chaos had landed face down, the text split open as if the ground itself was interested in its contents. Ysilla grasps it gently and turns it over, causing a plume of dust to shift off the pages and billow directly into her face. 
She coughs, sputtering for a breath that isn’t made up of ancient soot. She scrubs at her nose, sniffling and groaning in discomfort as her sinuses burn and her throat grows parched. Her eyelids wrench shut, tears already hot and clumping in her lashes. 
A vice grip in the form of strong fingers finds her arm, and she latches onto them desperately. She’s pulled to her feet, and a downy cloth is pressed tightly into her hand. She pats her face with it, drying her tears and spittle, its perfume of oranges and smoke chasing away the moldered stink clinging to every sense she has. 
“You alright?” Aemond asks cautiously, still holding her elbow steady. Ysilla blinks blearily at him, her nose red at the tip. She nods after a pause, coughing softly into his handkerchief. 
“Couldn’t breathe there for a moment.” She croaks, chuckling weakly before she gently pulls her elbow away. Aemond drops his hold, clasping his arms behind him and taking a step backwards. 
“The library is all yours- I’m going to go lie down.” 
She offers his hanky back, feeling a bit dumb as she does and more than a little embarrassed. Her uncle waves her off, and she skirts around him, careful not to intrude into his space. 
“Niece,” Ysilla turns. Concern is not a look she’s accustomed to seeing on his face, and certainly not when it’s directed at her, but the sight of it sends little tingles through her tummy. “Do you need me to escort you to your room?” 
She smiles dimly, self-conscious in all the ways that turn her cheeks peachy. 
“I think I can manage… thank you, Aemond.” Ysilla curtsies in a silly show of thanks, but he can tell her sentiment is genuine. 
Aemond swallows thickly, bowing his head in acknowledgment, watching her keenly as she shuffles out the doors that lead to the rest of the castle. She never calls him by his name. Always Uncle, and even sometimes My Prince, but the mocking lilt of that one is not lost on him. Aemond though… it’s like he’s hearing a brand new word.  
Shrugging off his worriment, he sighs, squatting down to collect the strewn about books. He inspects them as he does, less so judging and more so learning about his niece’s interests through her chosen reading materials. There’s a collection of songs- one for Drowned Men and one for Northmen that he’s read before. Another about the Lion King, Tommen II Lannister and his adventures in Volantis and, most provocatively, the remaining charred pages of Dragons, Wyrms, and Wyverns: Their Unnatural History. Aemond holds onto it for longer than the others; she must’ve searched long and hard for it, he’s never even once stumbled across it in here. He tucks it carefully onto a shelf he’ll remember, and thinks of letting Ysilla know where she can find it later. 
Lastly, he comes to the one that sent her into a coughing fit and he regards it carefully. It isn’t smart, but even so, Aemond draws his dagger and nudges at it, angling up the flap so that he can read the title: Potions of Old Valyria. He lifts it too high, trying to see better in the dreary light of dusk and loses his leverage, the cover falling closed and puffing out a small cloud of dust in his direction. He snaps backwards but he’s not fast enough, the grit already coating the slick press of his lips. Aemond spits, growling, scrubbing at his mouth with the back of his hand. He winces as his nose stings, the watering in his eye blurring his vision. 
He shoots to his feet, gathering up the massive stack of books and tossing them onto an empty writing desk, kicking away the potion book in juvenile anger. He stalks out of the library, cursing blindly as he retreats to his room. 
The Prince does not read the page of which the dust had danced off of. But if he had, mayhaps he would have rethought the course of his actions that night. 
“Pollen of the flower Turnera diffusa- a specimen of which is contained in this very page- has a curious effect on the indulger. Found growing along the creeks of Honeyholt, symptoms noted are as follows: fever, delirium, lightheadedness, and most notably, a heightened state of arousal. The affected should take caution to whom they keep in their company while under the spell of this love plant.” 
Aemond shucks off his jerkin, sending it flying across the room carelessly. 
It's still there- the rabid itch under his collar. He stalks to his mirror, tearing up his shirt to check his skin, looking for a bite, a scratch, anything to explain the scorching sting engulfing him in full. Nothing, not even a blemish, mars his pale chest. 
He curses, spinning on his heel and going for his table, seizing the wine pitcher so roughly the lit candles nearby shudder from his haste. He pours a full goblet, the deep burgundy trickle causing his mouth to flood with anticipation. He downs it in several gulps, gasping as he rips the cup away and lets it teeter on the table until it spins out, toppling over emptily. He might as well’ve drank from the Great Sand Sea, his tongue heavy in his mouth. He clutches at his stomach, a sharp shooting pain ripping up his insides. He groans, taking a knee as his legs wobble beneath his weight. 
Fuck, he wonders if it was the book, the dust he breathed in. If Ysilla is as bad off as he is. 
Ysilla. Worry spears through him, bringing with it a healthy dose of clarity. She breathed in more than he did, he’s sure of it. He needs to get her to a maester, lest she’s already staggered out of her own room in search of aid. 
He stumbles to his wall, finding the familiar crease in the stone and pushing. The path into the tunnels is one he knows well and he’s lucky he does, his mind fogging over and his pulse thumping in his temples. He’s never entered her chamber this way of course, so he can’t be sure when he comes to an unknown stone archway that he’s where he needs to be. 
He pushes until he feels the door give way, a slice of light pouring out through the crack. He edges it forward a little more, until he can see enough of the room to confirm it’s not a servant’s quarters. 
“Niece?” Aemond coughs, his tone gruffer than what he’s used to. His throat is arid, greedy for a nectar to soothe it. No one answers, but as he strains his hearing, shuffling feet and rustling bottles comes forth, confirming that someone is inside. 
“Ysilla?” He calls out. Another jolt of agony flares through him and he gasps, startling forward, catching himself on the door and accidentally making it swing open. Aemond stumbles through, colliding with an overstuffed armchair and making it screech terribly across the floor. His head shoots up, and he catches sight of his niece across the room. 
Ysilla wouldn’tve noticed if Vhagar herself trampled through the door. 
She’s… much more undone than she was before. Her curly raven locks, once pinned up and out of her face, spring madly from her head, cloaking her face in a dark flowing curtain. She scurries around the room, mouselike, pressing a wet rag to her throat and then to her forehead, and back again. Twenty or so books are open and strewn about on the long table, looking as if they were caught in a sweeping wind. Long gone are her slippers, and the sleeved pink gown she donned before is abandoned in a silky puddle by the door.
Her chemise, a pale yellow thing with capped sleeves, has gone transparent from the perspiration that has broken out all over her body. It clings to every dip, every curve, shadowing her in a gauzy golden haze. Her bronze nipples tent through the delicate fabric and the thatch of hair over her womanhood matches in color-
Aemond snaps his gaze away, cheeks flaming. 
“Ysilla.” He nearly shouts, stare finding his boots and staying there. 
The woman in question spins around, catching sight of her uncle in the corner of her room, the hidden door she had never had enough courage to use ajar behind him. 
“Aemond… you need to leave.” Her words rumble out of her, like there’s a beast in her belly, roaring through her skin and rattling her bones. “Leave!”
He doesn’t move and Ysilla hurls the rag in his direction.  
“Did you not hear me? I said go!” 
Annoyance chips away at Aemond’s embarrassment. He’s trying to help her, insufferable brat. “You don’t command me, Niece.” He responds, still refusing to look at her. 
She scoffs, happy to channel her discomfort into a much more satisfying emotion. “You sneak into my room, catch me in the middle of undress, and still, you act put out.” Ysilla spits, her temper raising with her temperature.
Gods, she’s miserable. The moment she stepped foot in her bedchamber, her dressings were off, and she drank down water until she felt the urge to spew. It’s as if she can’t catch her breath- she’s so dizzy and her uncle’s sudden company has somehow made it worse. Her belly cramps, and she crosses her legs tightly in search of relief. She cries out, the budding sultriness in her flower springing to life, and wetness coats her thighs in a rush. Gasping, she nearly trips as she collides with her bed’s edge. 
“Ysilla, breathe.” Aemond commands harshly.
His voice is so nice. Has it always been that nice? That soothing? Her snatch gives a happy thrum, her clit fluttering at the memory of his strong grip upon her arm. How he had held her steady in her dizziness, how he had towered over her, so imposing, so encapsulating, making sure she was well. Ysilla gasps, stunned at her body’s wanton reaction. 
“You don’t understand. Please, go.” He’s her uncle- her uncle that doesn’t even like her. This cannot- will not happen. 
“I need to get you to a maester. If you’re feeling what I’m feeling, if you’re feeling it worse, fuck, Ysilla, I need to get you help.”
He needs to stop saying her name like that, in that breathy, strained tone of his. He sounds exerted. He sounds exhausted. He sounds like he’s on the cusp of falling apart. It stokes the fire in her blood. 
“The things I want to do to you… the things I want you to do to me.” She whines quietly, terrified that he’ll hear her. 
A subtle knock-knock at her chamber door quiets them both, and they hold their breath. Again, a knock-knock echoes through, and Ysilla curses the diligence of her ladies. Aemond goes for it, stalking across the room in his usual strutting gait. 
Ysilla panics and rushes forward, latching onto his arm and pulling him to a stop. 
“Aemond, Uncle, please, send them away. I don’t want them to see me like this.” She begs, pleading with him through a glistening gaze. 
Aemond readies his denial, sharp and bitter on his tongue but he loses his voice as he looks at her. He keeps his eye on her face, hyper aware of the press of her nearly naked figure against his side. Her heart shaped face is drawn in a frantic frown, terror rich and vast in her eyes. She smells of the Essos oils in her hair and the coconut oil on her skin, and it all makes his head go a bit fuzzy. 
She squeezes his arm, again, a final silent plea. He nods his assent. Ysilla dashes behind him, slipping deeper into the room, blowing out candles until the bedchamber dims into darkness. She voices a small, urging hum, and Aemond takes his cue and yanks the door open. The visitor, a girl no older than three-and-ten, blinks at him in surprise.
“My Prince,” she curtsies hurriedly and Aemond nods his acceptance, but his face must spell out his impatience because she speaks so fast, her words stumble over one another. “I thought I heard the Princess in distress. I was coming to check on her, to make sure she’s alright.” 
Her eyes dart over his shoulder, her head bobbing to the side as if she were trying to peek in. Aemond moves with her, raising his arm so that it rests above him in the doorway, pulling the door nearly closed behind him. The maid swallows, dropping her eyes in apology.
“The Princess isn’t well- very sick. Keep the other maids away, guards too. She wishes for solitude.” He’s a pushover and he hates it. One look of Ysilla’s beseeching gaze and Aemond gave like a straw bridge. 
“Should I send a maester?” The maid asks worriedly, making to exit down the hall and find help. 
“No!” The young girl jolts to a stop, her eyes wide with alarm. Aemond curses himself, and he speaks softer through gritted teeth. “No, she just needs rest. I’ll see to her, since I’ve already been exposed. I’ll call upon you if I change my mind.” 
The maid eyes him cautiously, but she finally relents, dropping into a curtsy before hurrying down the wall. 
On the other side of the door, Ysilla feels as if she’s going fucking mental. 
She’s balled up her bedsheet, and wedged it between her quivering thighs. The fabric pressed so intimately against her cunt is unforgiving, soaking up her syrupy slick and giving little in return. But the friction along her clit makes her gasp, and it urges on her rutting in dreams of a release so sweet, she could cry. 
The low droll of Aemond’s voice slithers into her ears from across the room, her mind warping the words until he’s whispering to her. What a good girl she is, how desperate she is to find her pleasure, how angry he is that she’s fucking her bed and not him. Ysilla’s eyes shoot open as she hears the squeak of her door, her hopes crashing as she realizes he’s pulling it shut while he’s behind it, not in front of it. 
She collapses forward onto all fours, fisting the furs blanketing her duvet, smothering a broken moan into the softness. Her eyes peel open, her glassy gaze landing on her bedside table. Aemond’s handkerchief is still there- right where she’d left it- the emerald hue of it glowing midnight green in the candlelight. Suddenly, it’s in her grasp, even though she cannot recall moving for it. She presses it to her nose and draws in a shaky breath.
Oh, oh, it smells of him. Citrus and smoke and she’s drooling for it, mouth watering so quickly she has to swallow it down so she doesn’t slobber. She swings her hips forward before rolling backwards, dredging the sodden sheet through her sex. It’s so wet now, the smoothness almost feels like skin. And that’s too much for Ysilla- she can hear him, smell him, but the thought of Aemond in between her legs?- it sends her plummeting off the cliff of desire, her core pulsing vibrantly, pleasure buzzing through her whole body. 
A phantom hand finds the same spot where Aemond had handled her earlier, and rips her upwards. She’s pulled to her knees, still atop the bed, as someone presses up behind her. Ysilla peers over her shoulder, the handsome face of her uncle a welcome sight. He is an apparition appearing from her thoughts alone. He doesn’t even seem real.
Her thoughts are askew with an edge of delirium, her insides purring at his sudden return. Ghoul or not, she will not squander such a golden opportunity. She fists the front of his shirt and drags him in, their mouths joining together harshly. Aemond would be lying if he said he didn’t kiss her back at once. It gets intense. Fast. 
Ysilla melts into his chest, whimpering into his mouth while his grip goes from her elbow to sliding around her, dragging her in closer by her waist. His tongue finds her teeth and she opens up slowly, letting him feel the threat of them, as he slithers in and their tongues touch-
Aemond tears himself away, stumbling backwards, heaving for air and looking at her with a wide eye. Ysilla whimpers, her fantasy failing her, and she slips off the side of the bed to settle on wobbly legs. Her palm goes to press at her abdomen, hoping that the pressure will relieve the burrowing ache. 
They stare at one another, wild animals on alert, a standoff that neither Prince nor Princess can bear to lose. 
Ysilla’s gaze falls to his lips, and Aemond’s to hers. She bites her lip, sucking the meat into her wet, warm mouth before releasing it with a lurid pop. Aemond groans, an audible surrender. 
To Hell with it all. 
They crash into each other like lightning, hands mapping anywhere they can reach. Her body blooms for him, like a flower under the summer sky. He steers them back towards her bed, Ysilla blindly clamoring atop to sit while he stands tall. His touch on her skin has her thighs spreading, opening up and offering herself for his taking. 
“I can’t stop, I can't stop.” He presses kiss after kiss to her mouth, her closeness doing nothing to extinguish the burning in his blood. If anything, she makes it worse, the inferno raging deeper and into his very soul. 
“I don’t want you to stop.” She whines, snaking their legs together and threading her fingers through that beautiful hair of his.
She’ll enjoy this- him. Every inch of Aemond belongs to her tonight. She thinks of drawing the blade from his hip, and carving her name into his chest. Mark him up nice and neat, streak his pale powdery skin red with her desire. Whatever is happening to her- to them- summons something animalistic, something primitive out of the dark parts of their hearts. All tender fantasies of her future husband treating her with such a tame touch are cleaved in half and fed to the hounds. In their place, filthy, feral desires fester and warp her mind until one lone ambition remains: him inside of her, for the rest of their days.
“We don’t even like each other.” Aemond growls between their parting lips. Ysilla slides her way into his mouth, flirting with the sharpness of his teeth, suckling the sweetness out of his tongue. 
“We can’t stand each other.” She affirms, breaking their lips apart, her hands already under his tunic, letting her palms drink in the ridges and rises of his impressive physique. She kisses along the strong edge of his jaw, curling her fingers into clenched claws and rips her way down his chest. Not a blade, but he bloodys all the same. Aemond snarls, catching her by the throat so brutally her teeth clack. His eye pierces through her like a blade, and Ysilla relishes in the pain, his touch upon her skin soothing away her ache.
“Bitch.” He hisses, what little familial respect they harbor for each other crushed under lust and loathing. 
“Prick.” She bites back, grazing at his lip to send her point home. Gods, he’s so close but not close enough. 
Ysilla pulls his hand between her legs- the one not choking her out- and Aemond cups her sex readily. Her heat damn near blisters him, and he grinds his palm into her slick folds, coating his hand in her arousal.
“Yessss…” She hisses in sated victory, her blood pumping thick as her body finally gets a taste of what it's been craving. Even one finger of his is nearly too much as he slips it in, the stretch a tepid burn that only gives way as her body adjusts. 
“You need to be able to take more than that if you want to take my cock, Princess.” He whispers at her lips, already imagining how tight she’ll be around him. He won’t insult her by asking- he knows he’ll be her first. And the thought of that… of taking her maidenhead for his own, being the first man to be inside of her, searing himself into her memory that even time won’t take away… Aemond has to fucking focus. 
“I can take it.” She assures him, head nodding wildly, her thighs splitting open even further. His grip has loosened around her throat, and he strokes where it’s sure to bruise, trying to not grow hot at the vision of his mark marring her body. He hums his approval, letting his middle finger glide forward, her essence enough to ease the way into her hole. 
He scissors them, back and forth, working her pure channel open gently, basking in the silky tensing of her walls. The pained scrunch in her brow has disappeared, giving way to the pleasured furrow of her forehead, her hips beginning to roll up and meet his digits. She grabs ahold of his wrist, stopping his motions, and she pins him in place with a lavender leer. 
“Take off your clothes.” It’s a command, no matter if it is spoken in her soft honeyed voice. 
Aemond loses his shirt and unlatches his belt, tossing it and his sword onto the bench at the foot of her bed. His breeches slide off with Ysilla’s help, her eager fingers untying his laces. He kicks off his boots, not realizing how confined he felt with so many layers hindering him until his skin is bared. She moves backwards, further up her bed and he crawls after her, prowling like a wildcat, covetous sight trained on her. 
The little minx yanks on his elbow, and he crashes into the mattress and suddenly, he’s the one on his back. Aemond lets Ysilla pin his wrists on either side of him, her victorious smile just as comely as the rest of her. Her breasts pillow against his chest, and dammit, she needs to hover above him so he can catch one in his mouth. But she denies him that treat, squeezing his wrists to focus his attention.  
“Don’t move. That’s an order.” His cock twitches from where it’s pressed to her thigh and her lips twitch at his reaction. She kisses his throat, right at the base where his collar bones meet, and her whisper vibrates through to his heart. “Good boy.” 
Ysilla takes her time, voyaging down his body, a traveler on a sought after journey. Her tongue flicks out over each of his nipples, teasing the perked flesh with little swipes of her slick pink muscle. She traces her nose over the jutting contour of his rib cage, counts his muscled abdominals until there’s numbers on both hands, and kisses the scar on his hip, long healed from a tumble off of Vhagar’s saddle when he was just a boy. The fine silver hair trailing down his groin is wispy and it tickles her chin. 
Aemond’s cock is intimidating, even more so as she takes a lick from root to tip. The journey is longer than first guessed, and she thinks he grows even bigger after the swipe of her tongue, the jut of him swaying in the air as more blood thickens him out. The fact that all of that will be stuffed inside of her makes Ysilla shiver, her cunt yearning for the press of his long fingers. 
Fervently, she swallows him down until he greets the back of her throat. The salt of him is jarring but not unwelcome- nothing can be unwelcome about this as Aemond sucks in a ragged breath and fists the sheets. The muscles in his arms strain and bulge, a sight that only incentivises her to keep sucking. 
He’s a thick, velvety weight on her tongue, her mouth full even with inches still to spare. Her drool dribbles down his staff, and her hand wraps around what she cannot swallow. She glides her lips over his length rhythmically, jacking her fist over the rest of him, retreating with a pop to spit on his tip for more lubrication. 
Ysilla has always been one for sweets but this? This is a taste she can find herself hankering for. She suckles on the head, dipping her tongue into his slit, shivering at the sharp burst of his spunk on her taste buds. She dives forward again, gagging around him, the intrusion into her throat a strange feeling she forces herself to adjust to. 
Aemond keeps her hair pushed behind her ears, his thumbs stroking her temples as he fights to not thrust down her throat until she chokes. A familiar tightening in his sack has him voicing the exact opposite of what he wants her to do. 
“Silla, pull off.” She’s on her fucking knees for him, he doesn’t need to defile her like this. Doesn’t need to treat her like a common whore and make her stomach his load. 
She ignores him and he says her name again, more firmly, but she’s such a rebel, swallowing around him once more, letting him feel the constricting vice of her throat. He can’t take it- he gives her what she wishes. 
“Silla, qrugh.” Cursing, he keeps her head still as he empties his balls and fills her belly. He hooks his thumb into her mouth, breathless, breaking the suction and pulls out of her throat. Ysilla coughs, gulping down air and saliva before she gifts him a shiny smile. Aemond scoffs. Unbelievable. 
“You’re a nasty little thing.” He pants out, a compliment he means wholeheartedly. 
She chuckles hoarsely, and her lips are still gooey with his seed. 
“You love it.” 
The urge to fuck her returns tenfold and he sits up, hand at the back of her neck to wrench her up to his mouth. She whimpers, swapping his cum between their tongues. It’s sticky and vulgar and overwhelmingly erotic. 
Ysilla stumbles to her feet, pulling Aemond with her, leading him to the lounge area in front of her hearth. Their mouths remain intertwined, unwilling to part even for a moment. She pushes him into an armchair, the old velvet soft beneath him before following him down, and settling swiftly in his lap. 
“Off.” He demands but he can’t help but be an active partner in his niece’s undressing. Her hands dash to the hem of her shift, gathering up the skirt hurriedly. His hands glide up her body, caressing the naked skin that is revealed to him as she pulls it up and over her head. She’s so sleek with sweat she looks polished- an apple ready to eat, something to be devoured. 
“What do you want me to do?” Aemond asks, not for lack of knowledge but to see how far she wishes to take this. 
Ysilla grins, ducking down and drawing him into an eager kiss. “Whatever you want to do. Just make me feel good.”
Loyal as a hound, Aemond’s mouth goes to her breast, her posture perfectly presenting her chest to him. He takes in as much as he can, greedily sucking and licking until her tender flesh blushes a bright sticky red. He rolls her pert nipple between his teeth, tugging just enough to make Ysilla gasp. She makes pretty sounds- he can’t wait to hear what she’ll sound like as he fucks her stupid. He switches to her other breast, feasting on her supple bosom like he’ll never eat again. His cock bobs upright, his body needing no time to rest, ready and racing to experience the delicacy of her cunt. 
The Princess whines, combing through his tousled hair, tugging on it like she would horse reins. Such a commanding queen she’ll be. 
“Need it, need you.” She whines, swinging her hips lower, searching for the weeping start of his prick.
“Easy, Ysilla.” He warns, even as his thoughts scream to grip her hips and teach her how to ride him, but she’s such a stubborn little dragon and her thoughts may be just as commanding as his. She leans back, reaching between her thighs until she brushes at the head of his cock and steadies him. Lining herself up, she sinks torturously slow, downdowndown every inch until she sits upon his thighs. 
“Oh, fuck.”
“Oh… my.”
They both breathe out, blinking away black stars that dance in their vision, the pollen tapping every nerve ending in each of them until they sputter and fizz uncontrollably. 
The discomfort fades for her faster than she’d thought, transforming into a pleasant fullness that she can feel heavily behind her stomach. Ysilla searches for what feels the best, moving faster and faster on Aemond’s lap as each new shift in position guides her further towards the liquid heat in her loins. She settles on swiveling up before dropping back down onto him, riding him like she’s saddled. Hot streaks of exhilaration engulf her insides, every pass of his cock adding to the ecstasy swirling inside of her. The stretch of him, not just from length but from width as well, itches the scratch left behind after the library disaster. Even as she tried to bring herself to pleasure earlier, there was something missing from her peak. Something that’s building, stacking, soaring fast in her belly. That final crest of a wave, ready to crash and drown anything that’s not pure, hot ecstasy-
Before it collapses back into a tidepool. The pitted feeling of falling through the air as you miss a step in the dark settles over her lust, and she jerks. Ysilla’s eyes snap open, her pupils blown so wide Aemond can barely see a ring of amethyst around them. She whines, bouncing on his cock faster, chasing a release she’s not sure she can find. 
“Qybor, kostilus. I can’t cum like this.” Almost to make her point, she circles her hips up, leaving only the head of him kissed by her tight hole before dropping down and taking every inch of him at once. Aemond holds strong to his stamina, refusing to empty inside of his niece so quickly. 
A shame though, he was so enjoying the view. He winds his arms around her hips, keeping her nice and close as he slips them off of the chair and onto the floor. Several furs keep them cushioned from the chilly stones below and he drags a pillow off the loveseat to ease her up on. 
“Turn for me, sweetling.” He maneuvers her onto her belly, his grip finding her hips and shepherding her into position onto her hands and knees.
Aemond stands corrected- this view is nice. The burnished copper of Ysilla’s coloring clashes deliciously with his own pale complexion. Her backside is plush and hefty, budding from her shape in a way that invites his attention. 
Whatever you want to do. Aemond slaps her right cheek, reveling in her sharp gasp, and the way a perfect red welt appears on the smooth skin. He lands another, on the opposite globe, hypnotized by the jiggle of the flesh. He strikes her again because he can, not ignorant to the way his rough treatment has her absolutely dripping down her thighs. Another for good measure, satisfied in the brilliant bruising he’s left behind.
Just make me feel good. He strokes his cock, still slick from her spit and her honey, and lines his head up at her opening. She arches up, dipping down onto her arms, raising her bottom to prop against him. The angle is too good not to take advantage of. Aemond spits, his foamy white saliva dripping viscously into her tight hole and he pushes it inside of her as he strokes forward. 
Ysilla voices her approval of the new position, wiggling back against him as he goes as deep as she’ll take him. He builds a tempo, in out in out, finding a pace that makes her clench impossibly tighter. His sack slaps intensely at her clit, drawing punchy little gasps out of her that he wants to devour. He digs his fingertips into her hips, thumbs fanning out to stroke the luscious bounce of her bottom. He goes to pause, planning on switching his angle so that some strain can be relieved from her spine.
“No! Aemond, stay there, right there, yessss.” Ysilla flails her hand behind her blindly, not stopping her begging until she smacks into his naked torso. Aemond stares down at his niece in confusion, catching sight of her profile, her eyes trained intently on something that is certainly not him. 
He looks up, and catches his reflection staring back at him from across the room. The giant wardrobe mirror is tucked into the corner, and the Gods are good because they're directly in its path, their coupling on display for their viewing pleasure. 
Aemond drops down, blanketing Ysilla with his body, watching his Other do the same. “Oh, I see.” He chuckles, driving into her slowly. 
It’s almost as if they’re watching someone else- surely the couple in the reflection cannot be them. No poise, no manners, not even an ounce of trepidation to be seen. In place, disheveled, howling, rutting animals grind against each other, naked and insouciant in search of their gratification. Aemond enjoys the portrait they make, admiring it so much that he stalls in his thrusting and stills completely inside of Ysilla.
“Aemond, come on.” She whines, moving impatiently against him. “Nākostōbā taoba, making me do all the work.” She mewls, riding down and humping his cock.
Aemond’s trance snaps, and he secures a fistful of her hair, forcing his niece into a backbend. He ignores her yelp, smacking her thigh to halt her gyrations. His lips go to her ear, and this close to her throat, he can hear the lifeblood rushing through her arteries. 
“What was that?” 
“I just thought, unhhh… just thought you would be a bit more… involved in this.” She giggles, fucking laughs even as her bones creak for mercy. It’s harder to breathe this way, and the lightheadedness spurs on her mouth. “Thought you wanted this as badly as I did.” 
Little fucking brat. He laughs too, because it’s funny. Funny because of how right she is- he should be more involved in this, a bit more committed. Ysilla stills at the sound, the audible swallow of her gulping nervously has his cock jumping in interest. Her fear is just as tasty as her willingness. 
He crosses both arms over her chest, his forearms thick bars over her throat and he forces her up, so he can fuck his cock into her belly and watch her tits bounce as he does so. Ysilla’s face contorts into a euphoric mask, her eyes rolling back into her head and her pouty mouth hanging open in slack-jawed pleasure as he pounds her ruthlessly.
“Something on your mind, Princess?” She doesn’t respond, her brain being fucked straight out of her head.
Aemond slaps her face, the sharp crack bringing her back to the present, and back to Aemond fucking her like he owns her. She moans again, her pussy spouting a wash of arousal around his bullying cock. He catches her by the jaw, digging his thumb into the bone and rubbing at the struck flesh of her cheek. His lips are wet at her ear, and she watches him through glossy eyes as he smirks, and bites down on her ear lobe. 
“Answer me, Ysilla.” His niece shouts but Aemond has no sympathy for her. If she can dish it out, she can take it. “You did want this? Or you do want this?” 
He’s searching for the willpower to pull out of her, and put her over his knee to send home his message when she babbles out her acquiescence.
“I want this! Bisa, bisa, bisa, fuck, gaoman gaoman. I want you, Gods, nyke jaelagon ao!” Valyrian braids through her words without forethought, her focus aimed on Aemond’s cockhead tapping at her womb. 
“Sȳz riña.” She preens at the endearment, throwing her hips back against him frantically. A beautiful toothy smile has broken brightly over her face, Aemond catching sight of it in the mirror before he shatters the grin, nailing a spongy spot inside of her that makes her eyes cross.
“Sooo good, so fucking big, feel you right here.” She tries to gesture to her throat but she ends up digging her nails into the arms caging her in, hanging off of him desperately. Her poor battered cunny is still somehow famished for more, the squelch of his cock moving in and out of her a licentious lyric that lulls both lover’s into a trance. Aemond pulls her even tighter to his front, however possible that may be, and plunges repeatedly into her snug cunt, beating the walls of her swollen so she won’t be able to walk without thinking of him first. 
As if they miss each other, Aemond’s and Ysilla’s eyes meet in the mirror, violent violet and silver steel clashing and melding into one harmonious color. 
Their stares fall lower, where they meet over and over and over again so brutally. Her thighs glisten in the candlelight, her flesh rippling with every thwack of Aemond’s hips. It’s so dirty, so primal, so right. He’s going so deep, he could put a babe in her belly. Just a whisper of that fantasy, of her giving him a child, letting him have such a claim on her breaks her apart. 
She screams, Aemond’s palm smacking over her mouth as her thighs give out, and she sags to the floor. He follows her down, draping himself over her back, still fucking her in earnest, chasing his own blissful breaking point. He finds it, after three more punishing thrusts. But even as his balls release and he feels Ysilla grow slicker as his seed coats her insides until it leaks a white ring from where they’re joined, his cock is still hard and heaving from his body. 
He pulls out and Ysilla sobs at the loss, scrambling on the furs, but her cries disintegrate as she’s flipped onto her back. Aemond slings both of her legs into the crooks of his elbows, yanking her forward so he’s flush to her thighs, her pussy a pretty little jewel winking up at him. His seed oozes a pearl stream from her fluttering hole and he swipes it up with his cock, and it’s as slippery as oil as he bottoms out inside of her. 
Fucking Seven, she’s unreal. “Taking every inch of me… like you were made for this, ñuha pretty līve.”
“Made for you, I think.” Ysilla gasps, ripping at the furs, trying to anchor herself down so she doesn’t burst apart. 
Aemond nips at her chin, doing nothing to quell the smug smile on his niece’s lips. “Careful.” 
Careful for what? She wants to question so badly. Careful on what she voices aloud, even as they speak it in both of their minds? Careful on implying that her cunt will not weep for him anytime he passes by her? Careful to claim that the only place he should be after tonight is right where he is now?
But it is not the time for words of the heart, so she digs her nails into Aemond’s broad shoulders in a gnaw and throws her head back. 
“I’m right there. Yes, Aemond, yes!” 
Oh, is she now? Aemond grins, slowing his thrusts to purposefully watch her eyes shoot open incredulously. 
“Don’t stop! Fuck, why are you stopping?” Ysilla growls, circling her hips up against him, doing her best to fuck him herself. So desperate, so full of unadulterated desire, she cannot find it within herself to be appalled at her own salaciousness. 
“I thought you couldn’t cum like this?” Aemond mocks and oh, it’s fun to play with her. 
Her decorum deserting her, Ysilla lets anger lead her movements and her hand flies at his face to strike him. He catches her easily, still smiling that infuriatingly sexy smirk, and drops a modest kiss on the heel of her palm. She melts, her love bitten lips pouting dramatically. 
“Aemond, ñuha zaldrīzes, please.” He likes when she begs- she can see it in the way his jaw ticks, how his skin flushes, as if his body alights in her prayers to him. Aemond won’t acknowledge it, but somewhere deep in his chest, she’s already wormed her way in. He splits her in half, leaning over her until he can rest his palms by her shoulders, her legs still draped over each of his arms. 
He drags himself out, inch after inch, agonizingly slow before he lurches forward, making her pussy swallow his entire cock. He groans, finding himself burrowed in the valley of her breasts, letting his hips pummel her in an amorous hammering. 
“Scream for me, love.” 
She doesn’t need to be told twice- her lungs finding the air to blurt out,
“Aemond, fucking hell!”
Ysilla goes limp, her thighs butterflying open, giving him full reign to dictate her pleasure. She squirts, a wet spray soaking his abdomen that puddles beneath them. Her whole body heaves, appearing almost pained in euphoria. She’s a holy vision. 
Fuck, he’s losing his mind. “Do that again.” He demands. 
He cups the back of her neck, propping her up until they’re eye to eye. Ysilla’s are lidded, exhaustion heavy weights upon them, but she manages a tiny nod and curves herself upwards for his continued onslaught. 
Completely at his mercy, his to control, Aemond takes full advantage. Dragging her down by the back of her neck, he plunges himself brutally inside of her cunt over and over, again and again. She lies there and takes it like a good girl, witnessing her uncle destroy her in the name of desire until he grants her mercy, and he strokes her pearl with the sharp edge of his thumbnail and she blacks out.
He chokes, sparks shimmering in and out of his vision as she convulses around his cock. He pulls out of her, spurting striping streaks of white onto her belly. He cums so hard, it splashes over her tits and even pools in the hollow of her throat. 
Ysilla moans, coming to, rubbing her fingers over the soiled skin of her stomach, blending their releases together in a filthy film that coats her fingers. She pops one in her mouth, and relishes in the blossoming light brightening once more in Aemond’s lone eye.  
And just as quickly as their relief had come, the satisfaction fizzles out and ravenous blood boiling need takes root once more. 
They groan, barely taking time to catch their breath before they’re on each other again. Their mouths are sloppy, leaving trails of saliva down to their chins and along their throats. Ysilla finds a spot she likes over his pulse point and suckles, her left leg wound tight over his hip, rubbing herself off along the unyielding ridge of the bone. Aemond kneads her arse, an apology for his abuse, rolling the voluptuous flesh in his calloused grip all the while dipping his fingertips in and out of her weeping slit.
They tangle in each other’s webs, so caught up in salt and sin that they don’t realize they’re off the rugs and across the floor until the frigid chill rushes through them. 
It’s uncomfortable- their knees will be bruised by the morrow, scrapes along their backs will sting while in the bath, and a crick won’t leave Ysilla’s neck for half a moon. But the stone cools their overheated skin and together is where they still want to be, so all else falls to the wayside. 
Their mouths have drawn back to each other, Ysilla’s tongue dancing over his back teeth and the roof of his mouth, mapping a place she can only dream of revisiting after tonight. Aemond pulls away and Ysilla’s teeth in his bottom lip scold him for his interruption. He smirks, giving her a departing peck to soothe her sour mood. 
“I need to meet her properly, Princess.” He says with an uncharacteristic amount of mirth, leaning her back as he dips down to her lower body. 
Ysilla is bone-weary and dehydrated, but even she knows that doesn’t make any sense. She cocks her head in confusion, watching him as he settles on his front, his face so close to her center, the hot damp of his breath makes her quiver. 
“Who is her- oh! Oh, Seven Hells, Aemond, fucking please-”
Aemond eats her with a fervor she’s never known, a man starved before being offered the bounty between her legs. Shrill gasps and pitched moans are sounds she thought herself incapable of making, but they sing aloud, her walls stowing them in their stones. 
Her thighs are tight around his head, but the cushioned flesh does nothing to block out her calls of ecstasy. Music to his fucking ears, he slurps, undignified and ravenous, the parched dryness in his throat at last quenched as he swallows down Ysilla’s honey. No wine, no water could ever satisfy him like she does. 
She thrashes about on the unforgiving stone, her nails clawing at the ground so harshly that they chip. He’s sending her into madness, unrelenting in his licking even as she kicks at his sides. She’s too sensitive, it’s too much. 
And then, the realization that he is not only lapping up her arousal but his as well, zings up her spine and has her gushing all over his tongue. 
She can’t control herself anymore. Her worries have faded into nothingness as the night has gone on, as she had bounced on Aemond’s cock and came into his mouth and he into hers, and they’ve drank down one another’s spit and sweat and sex. She’s whimpering and whining, squeaky sounds with no words, only what her voice is capable of making. The pathetic, needy gasps draw Aemond’s attention immediately. He rises, hovering over her, pulling up her knees to frame his hips. He slides himself home, not being able to breathe until he bottoms out, fully planted inside of her. 
She whimpers louder as he faces her, the effects of the potion hitting their last peak. 
“Let me see you. Let me see you.” Ysilla begs, distraught that there’s still something keeping them apart. They should be bare- exposed and raw and free. They’ve already come this far- it’s all or nothing. 
Even with her few words, Aemond understands her completely. He doesn’t give himself time to think, time to let self-consciousness tear and twist him up as he rips off his eyepatch. 
Ysilla sees him- truly sees him- his scar, the jagged split of his brow, the brilliant blue sapphire twinkling a wink at her as it glitters in the low light.  
“You’re so handsome.” And then she cries- big, fat, bulbous tears that spill from the corner of her eyes and streak over her cheeks. 
Aemond wants to comfort her, shush her and stroke her hair. Do all the things he should do with a lover that’s not only a lover, but his kin as well. A sweet girl he remembers always drawing for him on his nameday, sketching pictures of fearsome dragons. And as the years dragged on, they continued to evolve, growing fiercer and more detailed and she would always say the same thing when she gifted it to him: “this year, Uncle, this year you’ll find your match, I know it.” And here he is now, the Queen of the Skies his dragon, as if Ysilla herself had manifested it to life. 
But that was so long ago now that it seems a different lifetime, and Aemond realizes he doesn’t really know his niece. He doesn’t know what she likes and what she doesn’t, and that worries him more than he’s comfortable with. 
“Can’t... take… much… more.” She gulps down a breath after each word. Aemond’s thrusts push so deeply into her guts, that there now seems to be no room for her lungs. He hums, the vibration tickling where they’re pressed chest-to-chest. 
“Yes you can, jorrāelagon. You’ve done so well, taken everything I’ve given you. You’ve made me so proud, sweet girl.” He may not know how to soothe her, but Aemond has a knack for telling someone just what they need to hear. Only with Ysilla, he speaks no falsehoods. He whispers his admiration in her ear, keeping her close by a hand cupping her jaw, forcing her to listen to all of his praises, all the while snaking his hand down between them to pinch at her pearl. 
Small hiccuping gasps couple with her agonized moans; the pride, the pleasure, the pain, all of it an elixir he drinks down his throat as she connects their lips once more, a soft tremble in hers that he soothes with his tongue. They cum together, less intense than their lasts, but still just as satisfying. Aemond spills inside of her, her silken walls milking him for every drop in his fucked out cock. He moans, long and loud into her neck and she peppers his cheek with kisses, her breathing heavy. He collapses, further down on her body so he doesn’t constrict her chest. 
The evening tempo of her breathing beneath his cheek has Aemond focusing on his own, and the two spent lovers take a much needed break to collect themselves. 
Tremors still shake her thighs, the creamy fawn flesh jumping from overstimulation. Aemond presses a kiss to the inside of her knee, a sweet assurance of relief hopefully not far behind their releases. She pets his hair, no energy left to even raise her head. He rises back up to look upon her face, wiping away a stray tear from her lash. She nuzzles into his hand and it all finally feels like enough. 
Until it isn’t. Until the lust fills them up once more, water in a pail, and it overflows and sloshes thickly in their bellies until they’re sick with it. 
Ysilla sobs brokenly, exhausted and at her wits end. Aemond shudders for breath, the pain in his stones throbbing incessantly for relief. They’ll lose their minds if they keep going- chasing an endgame that is unattainable. 
Aemond digs deep, attempting to collect himself and become the man Ysilla needs him to be. He tucks her legs around his hips, crossing her ankles behind him, and rises up to his feet with her draped around him. 
He carries them both on shaky legs, drifting along the wall for support until he rounds the corner to her privy. The golden casted tub is filled halfway with what was once steaming, boiled water but has now grown cool. He swings a leg over the edge, trying not to collapse, Ysilla still wrapped around him like a second skin and settles them both into the pool.
The Princess crumbles, falling to pieces as they’re engulfed by the water. Her heartbeat still thrums from between her legs, her nipples scraping at Aemond’s chest for attention, as if he had not lauded them with his tongue until they were bruised and sore. The undying urge to mate is at her throat, its teeth gnashing at her veins and claws piercing her hips, ushering her to fucklicksuckfuck again and again and again until her brain would be lost to the lust. 
But her body is done- every muscle expended, every limb weighted, every bone crushed to nothing but dust. All she can manage to do is whimper softly from where she’s pressed into her lover’s chest. 
Aemond cups her face, raising her up so that he can look upon her. She’s a sculpture of desire: lips puffy and rubbed red, cheeks flushed, eyes teared and heavy. He did this to her. 
“One more, love. One more and then we’ll stop.” He promises, the need too heavy in his cock, thickening his member until it lies straight up against her stomach. 
She nods stiffly, spreading her thighs until they mirror his hips. He taps the head of himself at her entrance, a gentleman waiting for the lady to make the first move. He doesn’t have to wait long, Ysilla pushing forward and taking his cock in full until their bellies rest flat against each other. She’s as tight as the first time, and the stretch is not lost on her either, her groan equal parts pained and pleased. 
Aemond’s hands are worshiping as he trails down the elegant column of her neck, the slope of her shoulder, the bloom of her breast, until he finds the small of her back and hugs her tight. They just dance, slow and steady, rolling their hips together, the water shifting with their union. They rest their foreheads against one another, eyes closed and noses brushing.
Aemond isn’t sure who leans in first- he thinks it may have been him but Ysilla will say the opposite. Their mouths slot together, innocent and vestal and it’s so much less eager than the times before, but it makes it all the more intimate. He moans weakly and she coos, her hands coming to cradle his face, the breaths they share one in the same. Somehow, it’s as if this exposes them more to each other than being joined so sensuously. A simple press of their lips, doing more for them than a thousand slippery tongues or nimble fingers. 
A gentle wash of pleasure, one that raises goosebumps along their arms and makes their breaths hitch is all that they get and then suddenly, finally, the call for gratification quiets and all prince and princess are left with is the drip of water off the edge of the tub. Ysilla sighs heavily, sounding every bit thankful and spent. Aemond takes a breath that feels like his first, and he sags against the resistance at his back. 
Everything is still, weariness seeping into them like ink to parchment. Aemond thinks he could doze off right here, Ysilla a comforting weight atop of him, his manhood still nestled in her center. 
Her palm is gentle on his cheek, her thumb rubbing back and forth in a tender sweep that stirs his eyelid to open. She’s beautiful, even in her enervation and he lets himself savor this moment. The world has paused for them, and it will not go on unless they will it to. 
“Thank you for taking care of me.” She whispers, afraid to shatter the silence. A final brush of her thumb over his bottom lip, softer than a feather, is her parting gift. She unseats herself from him, and even if she’s the one who wants to leave, her cunt does not agree. Her walls grasp at every ridge and vein of his prick, a caress goodbye until at last they part. Ysilla floats backwards, away from him, and the fact that he has an urge to catch her wrist and pull her back until she’s closer than skin terrifies him. 
She curls into a ball at the other side of the tub, an ocean away, and brings her knees to tuck under her chin. She stares at him unflinchingly and he stares back, tiredness glazing over them both. 
Aemond sighs deeply. One of them has to be the first to depart and since his quarters are on the other side of the castle, he begrudges that it is him who will have to make an exit. 
“I should go.”
Ysilla’s face is serene, every drop of willpower left in her battling the urge to slip beneath the water and fade away. She nods, a wooden lift and fall of her head.
“I think that’s best… I’m sure the whole castle knows what we’ve been up to.” 
Why her response stings, he won’t let himself dwell over. Nothing’s changed (everything has changed), they will soon return to their routines and carry on with their lives (neither one of them will be able to think of anything else but each other for the better part of a year). He rises from the water, stepping out and over the tub, reaching for a linen to at least try and make himself decent. 
It is she who catches his wrist in reality, her thin fingers looping over the bones until she surrounds him like shackles. 
“But… maybe…” Her eyes traverse their way down his body, revisiting the spots she had tasted, had bitten, had sucked. Her tongue snakes out, wetting her swollen flesh and he has to think of the night he lost his eye, the stench of manure, anything to keep the blood from rushing to his spent cock. 
“Gods, Aemond, what’s one more bad decision tonight?” She’s not looking for an answer, not out loud, looking deep into his eye instead. Searching for an understanding she’s not sure is there. 
“Stay? With me?” Even after all the carnal ways they’ve explored each other, it’s those three pleading words that send Ysilla’s heart galloping in her chest as she voices them. 
He stares at her, unanswering and still, and dread creeps up her neck in a cold chill. 
“Your chamber is a mess. We both need to eat and drink something other than wine. Not to mention sleep.” Aemond states stonily. Ysilla swallows passed the knot in her throat, sinking deeper into the water. Her fingers release him and she drifts away, in both body and mind. 
Aemond catches her fingers, and he threads his through hers like they’re meant to be there. He rubs small, soothing circles about her knuckles, and he brings them to his mouth on pure instinct, and presses a chaste kiss to the bones. 
“So I best bring you to my room then, to make sure all of that happens, no?” 
Aemond smiles first before Ysilla returns it widely. Hers is the sun appearing from behind a cloud, warmth bathing him, and welcoming him home. 
qrugh . shit
Qybor, kostilus . Uncle, please
Nākostōbā taoba . Weak boy
(I want this!) Bisa, bisa, bisa, fuck, gaoman gaoman. I want you, Gods, nyke jaelagon ao! . This, this, this, fuck, I do I do. I want you, Gods, I want you!
Sȳz riña . Good girl
ñuha pretty līve . my pretty whore 
ñuha zaldrīzes . my dragon
Jorrāelagon . love
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gracexthoughts · 2 months
the strong
jacaerys velaryon x targaryen!oc
warnings; slight canon divergence, cussing, canon typical incest, fighting, implied smut at the end (i cannot actually write smut to save my life sorry), s1ep8 spoilers ig summary; after vaemond's petition, aegon’s jesting, and aemond’s taunts, jacaerys is furious and seeks solace and advice from his step-sister and betrothed. inspired by tyrion telling jon to wear his bastardy “like armor so it can never be used to hurt'' him in the first ep of GOT (I’ve been rewatching to feed the brainrot) a/n; daenera is daemon’s eldest daughter from his first marriage, in my head daemon didn’t kill rhea and she died in childbirth just before rhaenyra’s wedding so daeny is about half a year older than jace but you can use your imagination as it doesn’t really matter.
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“I dare you to say that again!” Jacaerys growls from the dancefloor. Daenera turns in her seat to see Jacaerys with his fists clenched, his eyes dark and glaring daggers at his uncle. The feast had been amicable considering the events of the day, but while the adults’ words of peace ring honest between them, animosity between the young princes, princess and ladies nears its boiling point. Prince Aegon has spent most of the evening cooing foul and crude jests to Jacaerys and Daenera about their soon approaching wedding. As if that wasn’t bad enough, Prince Aemond has added his own taunt to the pile: a thinly veiled comment on the Velaryon brothers' true parentage. 
“Why? Twas only a compliment,” Aemond defends, lowering his goblet to face Jacaerys, stepping towards him as he does. “Do you not think yourself Strong?” Jacaerys answers by bringing his fist up to Aemond’s jaw, the sound resonating through the hall. Lucerys leaps up from his seat, Vaemond’s slanders still heavy in his ears, but Aegon intercepts him, slamming him down on the table and sending food and silverware clattering from the impact. Daenera, ever protective of her siblings, leaps from her seat and wraps her arms around the eldest prince’s neck, putting all her weight against him to remove his hands from Lucerys. He grapples with her for a moment before she is ripped off by a Kingsguard. Knights separate Aegon from Luceryrs, Jacaerys from Aemond, and Rhaena pushes Baela back from leaping into the fray as well.
The Queen pulls her second son back, muttering angrily to him but he pulls away from her as Rhaenyra moves towards her sons and Daemon to his daughters. “I was merely expressing how proud I am of my family. Though it seems my nephews aren’t so proud of theirs!” Aemond continues to taunt, leveling a snide one-eyed glare at Jace. Jacaerys wriggles out of the guard’s grip and steps menacingly towards Aemond. 
“Wait, wait,” Daemon says, holding a finger up and stopping Jacaerys in his tracks, forcing him back to stand next to Daenera. 
“Go to your quarters, all of you. Go now!” Rhaenyra commands sternly, her eyes holding a warning as she stares down her eldest son and motions for the rest of her children, by blood and by marriage, to leave. 
“Come on,” Rhaena says softly, pulling her sisters along with her and out of the hall by their hands. Daenera relents with a sigh but not before squeezing Jacaerys’ and flashing him a sympathetic smile. 
“Are you alright, Daeny?” Baela asks as they make their way to their rooms.
“Fine, worried about the boys,” she mutters in reply.
“I’m sure Jace and Luke are alright, sister,” Rhaena says softly, wrapping her hand around Daeny and Baela’s arms. Daenera nods agreeing but still can’t shake the worry in her chest.
Near an hour later, a knock sounds on the door to Daenera’s chambers, pulling her from the depths of the book in her hands. “Come in!” she calls expecting one of her maids and, not bothering to stand from her comfortable position on the settee in front of the fire, turns to see who enters. “Jace,” the lady says softly as her betrothed steps into her chambers, his eyes still dark with rage. 
The pair have been betrothed for nearly ten years, the announcement made soon after their parents married, and as they grew up together they have grown a deep love for each other: a bond of unconditional trust and adoration between the future King and Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. Jacaerys comes to crouch in front of her, placing his hands on her knees and caressing the joint over the silk of her night gown. His tunic is gone, leaving him in just his white undershirt and trousers, Daenera’s eyes trail to the bit of collarbone she can from her vantage point. 
“Are you alright? Did Aegon hurt you?” the prince asks, searching her deep purple eyes that snap back to his face at his words. 
“I’m fine, Jace. If I can match you in a spar, I can handle myself against that drunken lecher,” she chuckles slightly, setting her book aside and reaching up to brush a stray curl away from his brow. “Are you alright?” She asks, reaching for his hand with its already darkening skin. She’d let her hair down to hang around her shoulders and even clouded by anger as his mind is, Jacaerys notices her etherealness. She has always been a sharp and unsettling kind of beauty, her eyes seeming to have the ability to gaze upon your soul, but Jacaerys relishes her softer side. The side she so rarely shows others.
“Wish I’d gotten more blows in,” he grumbles, standing and pacing in front of the hearth, his shoulders tight and face scrunched in anger. 
“Maybe you’ll have a chance before we return to Dragonstone,” she offers with a smirk. “The cunts deserve it, the pair of them.” 
“Will I never be free of this? Of these slanders that are whispered in my wake? Will they sneer at me when I sit on the throne? Ignore my rulings and snicker-” 
“Jace, breathe,” Daenera pleads, concerned with the rising panic she sees in his eyes. 
“I cannot, Daeny!” the prince exclaims, “How am I meant to be a King, a leader, when I am not respected?” 
“Darling, we are barely eight and ten, you are second in line at present. Respect will come with time. Once your mother is Queen the people will become familiar with you, with your grace, your kindness, your justness,” she says, placatingly, reaching out for his hand, forcing him to stop his pacing and look at her. “They will forget the slanders the Hightowers murmur because you will be a good and just King. Besides, it's your mother’s blood that makes you royal, not your father’s.” 
“And yet there will always be those who call me a Strong. The King cannot take every single one of their tongues,” he says with a heavy sigh, running a ringed hand through his hair in distress. Daenera considers this for a moment, knowing it is true enough, and Jacaerys sighs, turning to face the hearth, planting his hands on the stone and gazing down into the flames. 
“So make it a compliment,” the lady says after a long moment, leaning back on her arm on the settee, her deep amethyst eyes watching the prince. 
“Make the doubt of my paternity a compliment?” Jacaerys scoffs, turning to her. “How in the Seven Hells-” 
“If they shall call you ‘Strong’ no matter what, the more you rage against it the more power the slight has. The only way to take away its power is to show it cannot be used to hurt or diminish you. Take it as your moniker and wear it like armor so all know tis not a weapon they can wield against you.” 
“Jacaerys the Strong?” he asks slowly, the wheels turning behind his eyes, unable to deny the intelligence of her council. He sits down slowly next to Daenera, his eyes fixed on a point on the rug.
“King Jacaerys the Strong, First of His Name, King of the Andals and the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm,” she purrs, leaning towards the prince, a smirk on her lips. She watches as a firelight dances in his eyes, his pupils dilating at her proximity. 
“Hm, not bad,” he smiles, and leans down, connecting his brow with Daeny’s, running a finger calloused from years of practice with a blade across her jaw. 
“What is it?” Daenera asks softly after a moment, pulling away to look into Jace’s eyes, sensing he is still feeling troubled. 
“Nothing,” he shakes his head, not meeting her eyes. 
“Jacaerys,” she chides, cupping his face in her hands and forcing him to look at her. 
“Just… fucking Aegon… I fear he is right in his jests. I have no idea how to please you as you deserve,” Jacaerys confesses shyly, pulling his face from Daeny’s hands as heat creeps into his face. 
Daeny cannot help the laugh that escapes her lips, of all the troublesome worries that the day has brought, her sweet betrothed worries of her pleasure. Sex is not something the pair have discussed in length yet, even though their wedding is a little more than a moon away. The pair tend to flit around such topics, even when they steal secret kisses in dark corners of Dragonstone and come away with scarlet cheeks and racing hearts. 
“And now even you laugh at me!” He exclaims exasperatedly and stands to move away but Daenera quickly stands as well, stepping in front of him and stopping him from leaving. She pushes him back to his seat and kneels before him, her hands on his shoulders. 
“No, my love, I’m not laughing at you, I’m sorry. Tis just that you should not concern yourself with such worries,” she says gently, running her hand from his broad shoulder to the toned expanse of his chest, feeling his heart beating under his skin. 
“But I-” 
“I have no more knowledge on how to please a man than you do a woman, Jace,” she continues, her voice placating and soft. “We shall learn together and be stronger and better for it.” Jacaerys meets her amethyst eyes, finding comfort in the truth and lack of judgment he finds in them. “Besides, I cannot believe that Aegon knows any more than you do. He has never had any care for anything besides his own pleasures and you heard poor Helaena’s toast. He targets you because he knows you are more generous and loving than he could ever hope to be.”  Jacaerys chuckles at this, knowing she speaks true of his uncle and melts into her touch at last. 
“You truly do not care?” He asks, toying with the ends of her silver hair that brushes against his knee. 
“Shall I prove it to you, my prince?” she purrs, a teasing mischief in her eyes as she runs a hand up his chest to the nape of his neck, pulling him down to meet her lips in a kiss. He sighs into her embrace, his hands finding purchase on her waist as he deepens the kiss, his tongue darting between her lips. Realizing she is still kneeling on the floor in front of the settee, he grips her hips tightly and pulls her to straddle him, pulling a gasp from her lips which eggs the prince on. Jacaerys’ hands brush through Daeny’s hair, pushing it away from her face, and trail down her back to explore her figure; Daenera weaves one hand through his hair, tugging slightly at the roots and eliciting a groan she feels through her other hand which rests on his chest. 
Without warning, Jace stands and without breaking their kiss carries Daeny with him as he makes his way to the bed, resting her gently on the linen sheets and covering her smaller body with his. All his insecurities and rage momentarily forgotten as he loses himself in her, the only girl he has ever had eyes for, and proves to her, and to himself, just how strong a lover he can be.
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