#prince alfonse icons
the-blue-sandglass · 2 months
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A mixed icon set from FEH Books 6-7!
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unwaveriinghearts-a · 5 years
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josies-fanfic-stuff · 5 years
Kiralfonse - Helping with Work
After like a month it’s finally finished! It ended up being a bit longer than i expected and actually took a slightly different turn than i originally planned but i’m still pretty satisfied by the result. I’m noticing that my Alfonse is a bit more timid than how most would imagine him but I like to think that it’s because he’s a little shyer than most versions of himself because of his conflicting feelings towards his sexuality, if that makes any sense. I think I just need to practice with him a bit. Either way I’m just glad i finally finished!
Hope you guys like it! 
It was late at night in the kingdom of Askr, as young prince Alfonse made his way down the relatively empty hallways, save the occasional palace guard and night owl hero that would cross his path every so often. Since he was off duty, Alfonse had removed his iconic armor, leaving him in a simple cloth tunic and pants with matching boots that clicked with every step as the prince walked down the hallway. Finally, Alfonse arrived at his destination, a simple oak door, the entrance to his tactician and trusted Summoner’s office – which also doubled as a meeting room. The prince stared at the door for a moment as nerves began to twinge within his stomach. “Am I really about to do this?” Alfonse thought, as he reached out a shaky hand towards the door knob. Taking hold of the knob, Alfonse let out a sigh in an attempt to calm himself and finally push open the door in a slow, gentle, manner.
Looking in, the rather large room was quite dark with only a few measly candles, the light of their small flames causing shadows to dance along the stone walls. In the day, the room often felt inviting and warm despite the grim topics that were discussed there, but at the night, the room’s imposing size and lack of light brought a sinister, foreboding quality to it. This trait alone caused the dread that had formed in the blue haired boy to intensify to a higher degree as he made a feeble attempt to calm his ever worsening nerves. Once his nerves had been hastily collected, the Askran prince finally stepped into the dark room and shut the door behind him in that same gentle fashion. Looking to the left, at the far end of the room, Alfonse spotted his unhooded tactician and lover, Kiran, sitting at his large desk with a pen in hand, gazing up at the prince with a look of surprise on his face. The prince’s heart skipped a beat at the sight of his handsome, half Latino – as Kiran had called himself- boyfriend with the orange glow of the candle lights illuminating his tanned skin, his dark eyes – and his facial piercings- shining from behind his thick square framed, black glasses. Despite the fact that the two had been dating for a good few months now, it was still mind blowing for Alfonse to know that he was dating Kiran, the young man he had fallen in love with after mistrusting him so strongly when they first met. The very idea that his tactician had returned his feelings made the prince’s heart throb painfully in his chest with just a simple look.
The tactician’s face lit up with a huge, childish smile - the goofy look he was well known and loved for - when he realized who had come to visit him. “Hey babe!” Kiran chirped, setting his pen down and rearranging a couple of the many papers strewn about his messy desk, before giving his lover his undivided attention, eyes clearly sparkling with a look of complete and total adoration. Alfonse’s pale cheeks turned a deep shade of scarlet, forcing him to break eye contact before his heart had the chance to melt out of his chest. “Good evening, Kiran…” the prince replied in as formal a tone as he could muster while trying his hardest to keep from visibly shaking. Kiran’s deep brown eyes widened slightly and his lips parted with concern. “Alfonse, is there something wrong?” The prince looked back at Kiran with a small start at his lover’s reaction, confirming that he was failing miserably at trying to look calm. “Not at all!” Alfonse hurriedly replied, noting how Kiran’s shoulders instantly slumped back to a relaxed position. “I was just on my way to bed and noticed you were absent…” the prince continued as he stepped closer to his lover’s desk. The Summoner gave a guilty smile, knowing how worried Alfonse would get whenever Kiran broke routine, especially their nightly routine. “Sorry about that, babe…I got kinda caught up in my paper work.” The tactician explained, gesturing to the mess of papers nearly consuming his already unorganized desk. Alfonse’s heart sank as he glanced down at the chaos, causing him to bite his lower lip. “Will you be long?” the prince asked, already dreading the answer. “’fraid so…” Kiran sheepishly replied, hating the look of disappointment glowing in his lover’s clear blue eyes. “Commander Anna will kill me if I don’t get this done!” he added in an attempt to justify his procrastination habits. Alfonse broke eye contact again and let out a heavy sigh. “I see” was all he could muster.
The tactician’s heart shattered at the sight, cursing his inability to stay organized! Why was procrastination the only thing Kiran was good for?! “Are…Are you alright, sweetheart?” Kiran asked in a timid voice, unsure of what to do. Alfonse seemingly snapped back to reality and gave his boyfriend a fake smile, trying his best to put up a brave front. “Yes! I’m perfectly fine…” the prince exclaimed, in a fake cheerful tone as he turned to leave. “Well…good night Kiran…”
However just as he started for the exit, Kiran leapt up from his chair, nearly knocking it over in the process. “Alfonse, wait!” the man exclaimed. Alfonse turned around just in time to see his lover approaching fast before he was pulled into a tight hug. The smaller male gave a soft gasp but quickly hugged back and buried his face in Kiran’s deceptively strong chest. “Would you prefer to stay and sit with me? I certainly don’t mind the company~.” Kiran’s voice was gentle and reassuring, which greatly helped calm the prince’s frazzled nerves. A strong blush appeared on Alfonse’s face as he nuzzled further into his lover’s body. “I-If you don’t mind…” Kiran smiled as he leaned down and kissed Alfonse softly on the top of his head. “Not at all~.” Then he released the prince from his grip and started back towards his desk. “Just go ahead and pull up a chair” he added, gesturing to the meeting table at the other end of the room, plopping down into his own chair in the process. A bright blush returned to the Askran noble’s cheeks as he stared down at the floor in a shy manner. “A-Actually I was hoping to join you…in YOUR seat…” The prince quickly regretted these words and covered his face with his hands to hide his embarrassment, his scarlet face showing prominently through his pale fingers. Now it was Kiran’s turn to blush, a bright shade of red as he looked up at his boyfriend with wide eyes. “Wait really?!” the tactician squeaked, completely caught off guard by his lover’s forwardness. In the couple months that they had been dating, Alfonse had proved that he was actually quiet timid when it came to being a couple, in fact the only time the prince had ever taken the initiative for physical contact had been their first kiss. However, this had only been a knee jerk reaction brought on by sheer joy.
After a brief pause, Alfonse lowered his hands far enough to reveal his eyes. “O-Only with your consent of course…” A huge grin slit across the other man’s tanned face as he pulled out his chair and patted his lap. “Of course you can, baby, I’m always up for cuddles!” Kiran exclaimed with a look of pure unadulterated happiness. The prince finally lowered his hands fully to reveal a small, shy, smile as he timidly approached his lover. “Thank you, Kiran” Alfonse chirped as he clambered awkwardly onto his lover’s lap so that their chests were pressed together with the prince’s legs hanging down to just above the floor and his head laying on Kiran’s broad shoulder. Then he wrapped his arms around Kiran’s chest and nuzzled into the other male’s neck. The Summoner let out a giggle and hugged Alfonse tight as he scooted his chair back to the desk. Once they were situated, the tactician leaned over and kissed his prince gently on the cheek, receiving a soft chuckle from the blue haired male.
Kiran continued to hold Alfonse for about a minute before finally freeing up his right arm and wrapping his left arm securely around the prince’s waist so he could get back to work. Alfonse pouted into his lover’s neck at the lack of attention, but he stayed silent, not wanting to distract his lover any more than he already had. In all honesty, the fact that Kiran was allowing him to sit like this at all, made the prince feel extremely special and far happier than he’d willingly want to admit. Kiran was his safe place, a person that the prince could trust without question, even with his weaker, more feminine side – a side he was far too ashamed of to show to anyone else. Luckily, the Summoner seemed to understand this and always made sure to treat the prince with gentle care whenever he needed the support.
Suddenly, Alfonse was brought out of his thoughts by the familiar feeling of Kiran’s warm fingers and well-kept nails scratching his scalp at the nape of his neck. The blue haired male let out a groan as a pleasant shiver ran down his spine and a warm glow began to well in his chest almost out of reflex. This was a relatively new gesture for the couple, something that Kiran had done at random in the afterglow of rather passionate sex. Alfonse had melted on contact in his overly sensitive bliss with a groan of pleasure that only ever left the prince’s lips during moments of intimacy. For Kiran, seeing Alfonse react with such clear enjoyment from such a simple gesture, filled the Summoner with a strong sense of pride and adoration, knowing that only he could make the young prince feel this way. After that, the gesture became a source of comfort unique to the pair.
A small chuckle escaped the tanned male’s lips as he felt his lover’s body go limp in his arms, finding Alfonse’s conditioned response to his touch utterly adorable. “Feel good?” the taller male purred as he glance over just in time to see a look of pure contentment etched on his boyfriend’s face. However a bright blush quickly stained the boy’s pale face when he realized Kiran was staring. “Y-Yes…”he mumbled with a curt nod, tensing ever so slightly under his lover’s gaze. A loving smile pulled at Kiran’s lips as he leaned in to press a tender kiss into the prince’s heated forehead. In the meantime, the fingers resting on Alfonse’s neck slowly began to move up to lace themselves into the boy’s soft blue and gold tipped hair, allowing a warm palm to cradle the back of the smaller man’s head. “That’s good~.” Kiran whispered, keeping his lips pressed to Alfonse’s skin, making his breath feel warm and tingly against the prince’s ever reddening face. Finally, the Summoner pulled away only to meet his prince’s lips in a kiss that was just as tender. Yet another moan escaped the blue haired man’s lips as he allowed Kiran’s tongue to enter, becoming acutely aware of the pleasant sensation in his scalp thanks to the gentle needing motion of the Summoner’s finger tips.
After nearly a minute, Kiran pulled away, leaving both males panting and red faced as Alfonse tried his best to not openly drool while catching his breath. In the prince’s opinion, Kiran had always been an amazing kisser, a trait that Alfonse loved and envied at the same time, especially when Kiran would leave him drooling – an action that humiliated the prince quite a bit, no matter how many times Kiran said it was cute! The taller male was the first to catch his breath, allowing him to give his lover a closed mouth and loving smile as he tightened his grip on the prince in his lap. “I like making you feel good, baby, especially when you’re acting like this…” The Summoner cooed in a voice just dripping with adoration for his lover. Alfonse went scarlet and nuzzled back into Kiran’s warm and inviting neck to hide. “I thought you had work, my love!” he squealed, quickly becoming overwhelmed with all the attention he was finally receiving. “I do,” Kiran chirped, focusing his attention to the hand that was still in the prince’s hair, allowing him to give Alfonse a rather pleasant head massage. “But I thought I could use a snuggle break, especially since you went to the trouble of coming down to spend time with me…plus, that usually means you’re looking for a little attention~.” The Summoner explained in a calm voice as he began to gently comb his fingers through his lover’s silky, soft, hair. Alfonse gave a soft hum and nuzzled further into Kiran’s neck in embarrassment. “I-It has been a while since we were able to…cuddle like this…” The prince admitted in a sheepish manner. “I’ve missed seeing you…” he added. Kiran gave a guilty smile and tightened his grip around his lover’s waist. “Yeah I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever since we’ve been so busy lately!” The other agreed.
A comfortable silence fell between the two as Kiran continued to comb his fingers delicately throw his lover’s beautiful hair. As the minutes passed, the Summoner noticed Alfonse’s breath had begun to even out, leading the taller male to believe that the prince was beginning to doze off. “Feeling sleepy, Love~?” The Summoner purred with a teasing hair ruffle. The prince jumped slightly but quickly relaxed again. “Just a bit…” he replied. Kiran gave a soft hum of understanding and kissed Alfonse’s temple with a gentle smile beginning to pull at his lips. “It’s alright, little prince, it’ll be better for the both of us for you to get some rest while I finish things up.” Said the Summoner in a half teasing, half serious manner, a manner that the young prince had become quiet fond of. Alfonse chuckled and snuggled further into his lover’s warm, comforting body. “If you insist, my love” the prince replied. Then he pulled away from Kiran’s neck and kissed him lovingly on the lips. “Good night, Kiran…don’t over work yourself.” Kiran leaned in for another kiss and pressed their foreheads together when they parted. “Isn’t that my line?” The summoner teased with a grin. Alfonse gave a laugh and nuzzled back into his lover’s neck.
“I suppose you’re right…”                                    
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ignired · 5 years
alternate title: i won’t ditch this sword and you can’t make me ( spoilers present? )
DISCLAIMER: This verse was heavily discussed with @fensariru​, and thus, should be taken in consideration with xyr Sharena also present in Garreg Mach. While she won’t come up in every potential feth thread, you’ll see why it’s important Sharena exists later.
Let me begin with the... game mechanic stuffs.
STRENGTH(S):  Swords WEAKNESS(ES):  Heavy Armor, Authority BUDDING TALENT:  Flying  ( in reference to her sister, Laegjarn, a Wyvern Rider )
PERSONAL SKILL:  Father’s Blade  ( has same icon design as Lone Wolf )                                    When equipped with the sword Laevatein, until deals                                    five extra damage.
CRESTS:  None BEGINNING AFFILIATION:  Black Eagles POTENTIAL RECRUITMENT INTO:  Golden Deer, cannot be recruited to Blue Lions, will stay in Black Eagle house if MU sides with Rhea. RECRUITMENT REQUIREMENTS:  A in Swords, higher Support Ranks does not lessen this. IMPLIED CLASS TREE:  Noble to Thief, ending in Swordmaster.  ( I never used Master Classes in my playthrough so... lmao )
Now for some dialogue... not all of it, just stuff I can recall.
  “You have something of mine? My apologies, I’ll not lose it again.”   “Someone lost something? How unfortunate...”
  invite -  “Thank you for the invitation.”   favorite tea -  “Mm... This tea smells nice.”   observe -  “Am I too stiff? It’s... rather hard to relax here.”   end -  “I’m not one for tea, but say the word and I’ll happily join you again.”
  “My sister can do almost anything, even cook. I’m sure she could make something like this.”   (Neutral)
  “This looks and smells delicious, am I permitted to dig in?”   (Favorite dish)
  “In Muspell, one cannot afford to be picky. You eat what is served without complaint.”   (Disliked dish)
And now story stuff...
Laevatein is still the second princess of Muspell, which is located further south than Fodlan. It is allied with the Empire, if only barely. Truthfully, it only keeps an eye on Fodlan because Askr has forged closer ties with it as of late. Laevatein and her sister Laegjarn are sent to Garreg Mach when word reaches that the prince and princess of Askr are to attend. Laegjarn, unless other muns say otherwise, takes position as a lesser combat professor, while Laevatein is placed in the Black Eagles house with orders to spy on Alfonse and Sharena. The only thing of note she brings with her is a blade that they say shares her name. She carries it with her always.
Upon the timeskip, Laevatein does return home to Muspell between the five years, however I will operate under the assumption Laegjarn does not. When they return to the monastery, their appearance has only changed slightly. They still wear their hair in a similar way, but their armor now resembles her father’s more, and she is even more emotionally despondent. If Laevatein is to perish during the story, her endcard will read that she succumbed to her blade, which was later found to have been cursed by TWSITD. If she survives, her default ending will be her returning to Muspell and vanishing from record. Only the rumors of the blade they carried remain.
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heartfeltheroes · 5 years
[ xander / summoner ]  — valentine’s day blues
this is for the cupid’s arrow event hosted by @imaginesforfe and @fire-emblem-drabbles. happy valentines, @summoner-mari!
dear mari, I hope you have an amazing valentine’s day! 
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Xander paced through the halls of the castle, one long stride after another. From afar, Leo glanced at his hardened face in curiosity, before brushing it off as nothing. All knew that Xander was a man who walked with purpose, in this case he had one goal in mind: to confess to his love on Valentine’s.
Time after time, stutter after stutter, Xander failed to confess his feelings to you. He could never string together the right words that would convey the feelings he held for you in one simple sentence. His feelings were just too complex for mere words.
An “I love you” wouldn’t suffice to show the butterflies that fluttered in his stomach when he thought of you. Your eyes shined brighter than the stars, your hair was more silky than the finest fabrics, and your smile was as bright as the sun — no, it was even brighter.
Words had failed him time and time again, so now he was depending on Valentine’s day to help him in misadventures in love. Saint Valentine was an icon for love all around the world, so Xander was looking for his guidance on this fateful day of love.
Valentine’s day, as it was called, was a wondrous holiday, a day filled with unconditional love and devotion towards one’s love and family. In years past, he had found himself without a love, so more often than not he chose the latter rather than the former.
This “day of devotion” was one he held in a high regard, one of the only days he’d clear his schedule for. It was a day meant for his family, in which they’d travel through the cities in disguise, away from the stress of royalty, away from the weight of the world, and most of all away from Garon. On Valentine’s day, they could be a real family.
That’s how Valentine’s day went every year, until this year.
It all started the year before, when he was still under Veronica’s contract. Oh, what a miracle this year and the last were. It was amazing how much could happen in such a short, short amount of time, how love could bloom so quickly even in the Prince’s heart.
Last year was when he met you, in the battlefields of the Emblian-Askran war.
With you, it was love at first sight. Even as he was under contract with Veronica, you charmed him in a way no other had done before. He could see the fire burning in your eyes even upon his mount on his horse, it shined as much as your beautiful robe upon your shoulders.
What caught his attention above all was the way you fumbled about. It was obvious you were unused to the dangers of war, to the struggles that befell all who fought. If you were anything like the heroes Veronica had under contract, then you too had came from an extremely different world, suddenly thrusted in the shoes of a tactician of an entire army.
As much as he wanted to pity you, he couldn’t. You had proved your worth, orchestrating an attack that was both devastating and powerful against the mighty Embla Empire. It was almost hard to believe that your inexperienced hands had been the one behind it all, yet Xander watched with his own two eyes as your heroes congratulated for your strategy.
Xander retreated that day, for the first time in his life with Princess Veronica by his side, but he couldn’t bother thinking about the crushing defeat he just faced at the hands of a newcomer. No, he kept thinking about the powerful tactician that defeated him.
There was only one word for the emotions he was feeling: infatuation.
It was scandalous, that much he knew. It was treason to be in love with the enemy, yet Xander couldn’t stop the feelings that bloomed in his heart after each battle. Slowly, ever so slowly, stone cold glares became fleeting glances, then those became longing smiles directed at one another across both sides of the war.
Xander never knew defeat could be so sweet when you broke his contract with Veronica.
He was welcomed to the Order of Heroes with opened arms by many heroes, both familiar and unfamiliar. Despite the fact he had been fighting against them, they understood his predicament with a heavy heart, most of them having been under Veronica’s control in the past.
Sharena was the one to show him around the castle as Alfonse was too wary of him to even look his way. It was understandable though, he knew the young prince was just trying to protect his Order and Summoner. It was admirable, even. Alfonse had earned Xander’s respect, it was the least one fellow prince could give to another.
Last year was the year he joined the Order of Heroes, simply admiring from afar. This year though, on the day of Valentines, he wasn’t going to spend it with family; he was going to spend it with you.
Xander took a sharp turn to the left, his head peering left and right in an attempt to find the one that made his heart beat so fast in his chest. It wasn’t until he until he saw Sharena and Corrin walking down the corridors that he gave up his chase, opting to slow down to question his younger sister.
“Good evening, Xander!” Sharena giggled, “did ya need something?” If her informal pattern of speech surprised Xander in anyway, he didn’t show it. Instead, he nodded his head, “In fact, I did. Have either of you seen the Summoner? I have some things I’d like to discuss with them,” He questioned rather hesitantly.
A thoughtful look crossed Corrin’s face, obviously in deep thought, before she snapped her fingers. “Yes! I have seen her, as a matter of fact,” Corrin responded. A sigh of relief almost escaped Xander’s lips before she continued her statement, “She’s in the kitchens with Gaius, if I remember correctly.”
With Gaius, huh? He thought, more confused rather than jealous. Rather than voice his concerns, he simply nodded at the two princesses. “Thank you for your help, I hope all goes well,” He bid farewell. “You too, Xander! Bye-bye!” Sharena replied, before the two girls resumed their conversation once more.
Now that he knew where you were, he took the familiar route to the castle’s kitchens. His furrowed brows were a dead give away of his state of deep thought, pondering what business you had with the thief.
It wasn’t long before he found himself before the familiar, wooden doors of the kitchens. It was obvious the room was occupied, there were more than enough loud clashes and bangs beyond the door to tell him otherwise. Faintly, he heard two muffled voices among the clattering kitchenware.
“I’ve had some pretty bad chocolates before, but never as bad as this.”
“Gaius, don’t say that! I’m — I’m trying my best here!”
Xander paused, placing a solemn hand on the door. Would it be rude for him to interrupt he wondered. He took a deep breath with closed eyes, standing behind the door to just listen a little while longer. After that, he would leave he decided then and there.
“Seriously, if you plan to give your loverboy those chocolates then you may as well be poisoning him,” Gaius spoke, teasing in tone. You let out a whine, “I called you here for a reason, you know,” You huffed, “I can’t give Xander these. Please, Gaius, you’ve got to help me!”
Xander froze upon hearing his name, eyes widening. His once somber face was gone in a second. He stood still, his form leaning close to the door. As bad as he felt for eavesdropping, maybe it would be better if he stuck around a little longer.
“You know what you’ve gotta do, little miss Summoner,” Gaius snickered. Xander imagined that you’d be rolling your eyes right about now, “You’re really going to charge poor, little ol’ me, on Valentine’s day?” There was a certain exaggeration in your tone that Xander adored. “And for confessing to the love of my life! Oh, Gaius, you’re the worst!”
Love of your life, Xander found that those words made him smile. To others, he probably looked like a fool, standing in front of the kitchens with the widest smile in his life, but he was too caught up in the moment to refine himself. All that mattered were the words you were saying here and now.
“Well, are you going to give me some sweets or no?” Gaius questioned. There was a soft shuffle, then a quick “thanks” left Gaius lips. Before you knew it, Gaius was walking towards the kitchen doors.
“Hey, you said you were gonna help me, you thief!” You cried, as Gaius placed a hand on the doorknob. He ignored your complaints, continuing on with what he planned. “For our tactician, you’re really dumb,” He joked, then swung the door open.
In that moment, your eyes met Xander’s, both opened wide in their own way.
When Gaius opened the door, Xander did not expect to see the kitchen is such disarray. The tables were slathered with brown chocolates or some other type of ingredient he couldn’t quite put his finger on.
The chocolate was splattered over your apron and hair, some even make their way into your hair and face. In your hands was a bowl and a spoon, presumably used to make more chocolate before Gaius revealed Xander’s presence.
“Oh. . . oh gods,” You mumbled, face turning bright red in the span of seconds. Your hands, covered in chocolate, shot up to cover your cherry red cheeks, slathering them with chocolate. Noticing your mistake, you quickly wiped your hands on your shirt.
“H-How long did you know he was there,” You stuttered out to Gaius, embarrassed beyond comprehension. Gaius crossed his arms across his chest, smiling pridefully, “Ever since he was down the hall, babyface,” He answered slyy.
“So he heard it —”
“Yup, he heard it all.”
You turned to face him with a shaky smile. “Ah, er, um,” You fiddled with your hands, eyes darting about the room, “Happy. . . Valentines?” You greeted, although it sounded more like a question. You gestured towards the bowl in your hands, “I would give you some chocolates, but they’re not really done yet.”
Xander simply gave you a fond look. Despite his hardened face, the look in his eyes made your heart melt. He reached for your hand, grasping the hand holding the spoon in his own hand. “Worry not, little Summoner, we can make them together.”
“[Name]!” You yelled out in a spur of the moment decision, “You can call me [Name]!” He let your name roll off his lips, finding it foreign yet pleasing to his tongue. Although he was aware of your true name, he had always opted to calling you nicknames out of familiarity.
Gaius gave you a look, followed with a hand gesture that signaled for you to continue. You knew what he meant with that, earning him a pointed glare from you. You shook your head, trying to knock yourself out of your stuptor.
“Now that you’re here, Xander, I guess I should say it. If I don’t, Gaius might as well just kill me.” You nervously rubbed at the back of your necks, trying to cool your nerves. You almost forgot about the chocolate covering your fingers, but you could really care less right now.
“I love you, Xander! I really do, from the bottom of my heart, I want to be yours and yours only!”
Before you knew it, Xander used his free hand to cup your cheek. His thumb caressed your cheeks, smearing his own hands with sticky chocolate. He stared intently into your eyes, holding nothing but compassionate and love meant for you and your eyes only.
“And I love you too, [Name]. Words cannot tell you how much I adore you, you’re the sun that lights up my life. You’ve made me feel things I’ve never felt before. I want to spend the rest of my life as yours.”
As you drank in his words, you slowly started to giggle in happiness. Finally, you stepped backwards, out of grasp, and replaced your form with the bowl of unfinished chocolates. “Well, aren’t you going to help me? I don’t know why I thought I could cook in the first place,” You joked. Xander nodded, accepting the bowl with welcomed arms, “Of course, my love.”
At the end of the day, the chocolates were never finished. But hey, it’s the thought that counts, right?
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unwaveriinghearts-a · 6 years
@fooltrick from here
Alfonse had just stifled a yawn and was in the process of rubbing his eyes when he heard the telltale clink of china and turned to the side it had come from to ask why the other person was up, only to be kissed on the lips. Well, that narrowed it down.
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“You got me, Biki.” And Alfonse got him- kissing his boyfriend for a few seconds this time before turning both their gazes to the book in front of him. “I keep coming back to the Dragon’s Gate. It sounds like it should be a gateway much like the ones we use, and I’m still trying to find out who controls it. It’s just ha-” he interrupted himself, this time unable to stifle the yawn. “-Hard to find anything concrete on it.”
“The literature agrees that it exists, and most texts do put it on the Dread Isle of Valor, but that’s the beginning and the end of it. As for its creators, purpose, or destination, there’s either no information or conflicting information.” He shook his head, rubbing his eyes once more before taking up the tea Hibiki had graciously brought him. “...do you have an estimate of the hour?”
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