#feh veronica icons
the-blue-sandglass · 5 months
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A mixed icon set from FEH Books 6-7!
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lumieron · 8 months
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@happyediting prompt #7: make matching icons of 2 characters from different series
matching-ish nene + veronica icons, credit to use!
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maicons · 1 year
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Princess Rising
Veronica icons! Likes/reblogs are appreciated if you save ♡ !!
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5seraphim · 1 year
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veronica layouts
credit to use!
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bisexualdimitri · 25 days
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polygender veronica icons!
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draceempressa · 1 year
was thinking in how the emblems fits the wielders....
Diamant have Roy. In his home game, Roy eventually admit he has bottled depression and anxiety bc he was pushed to be leader of the league. And in the valentine event in heroes, he worry about his dad Eliwood, who dismiss it, in much subtler way, but still kinda similar to how Morion dismiss Diamant's warning. Also, feh is loaded with implication that Roy's mom is Ninian, and bottling up isn't a fire personality. That was an ice one, and Diamant himself is also a bottler. yes I'm basically saying diamant is fire type elsa, not only bottler but also afraid by their own powers who matched them so yeaaaahh
In the paralogue, Alfred have Hector (he have wolf beil, so the emblem have to be hector). As we have seen that it seems the younger royals are more active in the dlc, why pair Hector with the flowery, peaceful Firene? Because Hector is meant to match Celine. Hector watched Uther dies slowly from his illness and become marquess, just like Celine watched Alfred dies slowly from his liness and become queen.and Hector despite is one of the most iconic hothead of the franchise, is actually pretty pragmatic beneath that, just like Celine is cunning beyond her tea loving supports.
Veronica mentioned in her home world, she was Brodia's emblem. She was meant to match the Alcryst of this world. Veronica, sick of her pacifist stepmother, the current ruling empress, led invasion to Askr, thinking it's their right bc fate or stronger kingdom or smth, and her people loved her for it. And yet, Bruno can't leave her, he simply can't, he stayed by her side anyway, just like Alcryst is finally sick of Diamant's pacifism, withhold the brodian motto of might and goes around with all the war crimes and yet, Diamant stays by his side anyway.
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yanderefairyangel · 6 months
I’m a little confused about the whole emblems being versions of the main lords that finished their games. They are all in their starting classes even though emblems like Micaiah can’t stay in their base class. Also the emblems from path of radiance have their radiant dawn designs but Tiki has her mystery of the emblem design and Veronica is extra confusing because she has her book 6 design but her personality is the one she had at the START of feh (and also no horse). I guess it makes sense for Corrin because her promotions are route locked but it feels like a missed opportunity for the others, like the three houses kids could have their promoted Timeskip versions actually working in tandem with each other!
Is there something I missed?
Imo Micaiah is because they didn't wanted to use the Daien outfit since this one is only canon thanks to Cipher and is her most iconic design. After all Ike is in his begining class of RD and not as a Vanguard unlike the end game, so it's taking that into account. Most of the protag if not all are mainly showing them in their starting class outfit because it's their most iconic outfit
Tiki's design being from mystery make sense considering Marth also has his mystery design
Veronica is a bit of a weird case yes
The 3H lords is easy, it's to avoid any conflict considering the canon since they would be FORCED to talk about the route Byleth choose when the most neutral phase of 3H is White Clouds, plus the main point of 3H is that past timeskip the lords can't works together
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goddessalexissara · 2 years
Predicting What The DLC Emblems Will Do
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[Image Taken from https://twitter.com/FeEngage ]
Hey. so today I wanted to go over characters that were datamined to be the remaining DLC Emblems in Fire Emblem Engage. Talk about what they might bring to the table and what I think of them. Overall, I think this is a bit of a let down of a showing that both could have been bigger but also simply had more interesting roster choices. That said this is also by far not the most boring list, many many people speculating were like "it's obviously gonna be my favorite sword lord they didn't include" and obviously, they were wrong. I think overall, the DLC Emblems could be a lot better and I do hope there is at least some kind of surprise awaiting us to improve this showing like skins or something.
That said, I am still excited for the story expansion and these, well I don't think any of them would get me to play the game again, I do think I'd consider using all of them in a fun to play the DLC story, although we'll have to see what they bring to the table.
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Veronica is the hero who really brings the widest net of possibility to the table. Even in terms of looks she has 3 very possible looks that simply could happen to be the look they chose for her. I believe Veronica: Princess Rising is the most likely version we'll see given she was the app icon for quite a while, they marked the shit out of her, and it seems to be her new default form and it is her form when she joins the heroes.
Her main gimmick likely focuses on summoning heroes while her top end weapon is probably Enclosing Dark, the tome from her most recent weapon with her earlier weapon probably being Élivágar, and Ífingr. How these weapons translate into FEH I am not sure but I imagine them being very flashy and aggressive tomes, emulating dropping specials on foes in Fire Emblem Heroes. She will probably give proficiency for Staves and Tomes.
Summoning Heroes is such a wide pool of possibility though, it could work like the summoner class from Sacred Stones, like Tanith's signature ability on Path Of Radiance, like Duplicate in Fates. For this, I think we'll likely see it summon 2 heroes that are random, simulating a gacha. I think they work in 3 tiers. 3 Star - Embla/Asker Solider, generic weak units, probably die in one hit, scaled to the emblem wearers level. 4 Star - Asker Trio, fairly weak but more useful, able to take a hit. 5 Star - summons more popular OCs Leagjarn, Fjorn, Lief, and Thrasir who will all have little signature abilities. Perhaps her Emblem attack will lock in for sure generating a rare 5 star or maybe even multiple.
As much as there is to be critical of heroes about in terms of a DLC emblem ring Veronica is honestly loaded to the brim with potential on what she could bring to the table, a lot of emblems I'll be staining to find out what they do over already existing rings but Veronica I could pitch like, 12 different ways she works.
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With no flying characters at all being represented in the emblem rings, it's easy to bet that Camilla will be very focused on providing fliers what they need. Camilla was a power house in her own game and with a huge fan base behind her I am sure they will want her to stand out and feel like a power house in the game. I think she is likely to add splash damage to the game as well, with her Savage Blow Skill and her personal skill allowing her to be a support unit will likely be reflected.
Camilla could bring in the Fates exclusive magic to the game. While most of that is on t he Hosido side she could be based in post game Revelations or in her Brave Alts alternative universe. In her core class she can't reach a high weapon rank of any weapon I think liberties will be taken here. Perhaps she provides Sanngriðr as an aggressive staff, Bölverk her fathers Axe, and her most basic weapon being something like Dragon Spirit. She will likely give a proficiency in Tomes, Axes and Staves.
I think the design ethos for Camilla is going to end up being duel natured where she is both an offensive and support unit with no defensive offerings outside of what she provides for others. I think her passive will be twofold, buffs nearby allies and also when the person using Camilla attacks, enemies with in two spaces of attack target are dealt splash damage. I think her Engage attack with be a reference to her Musou attack from Fire Emblem Warriors much like Marth and Corrin both taking from Super Smash bros. It'll be big damage with huge splash damage, potentially even dealing damage to every non boss enemy on the map.
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Soren is a weird choice, a character I really like but not nearly as stand out as any Laguz or Elenica in terms of what mechanics he can bring to the table. We can assume the Adept skill he gets would be carried in allowing any attack, maybe locked with tomes or maybe after passing a skill or speed check like in his games would get brave hits. This would allow Soren to be a hyper aggressive emblem, perhaps that wanted the unit to be alone given Soren is a bit more of a loner then most of the other emblems.
Soren being a master of wind tomes could likely bring in powerful wind magic like Tornado and Rexcalibur. As a reference to Ashnard he could give Gurgurant. In that spirit he could also negate criticals like Ashnards abilities and weapon both do. There could be things to do with Soren being a tactician or being part of Griels mercs, calling on other characters or allowing for some tactical shifts. Perhaps Soren could have a radius that allows people to shove each other inside of as a reference to PoR and RDs mechanic. Soren could also provide "drive' effects that provide passive buffs for allies with in two spaces depending on what type of unit is engaged with Soren.
Overall, I think that this gay tactician will be a great emblem ring for Mage units and a mostly aggressive ring with any support it might provide not being the focus. While there is potential for a more support oriented role and despite Soren being a tactician, Soren is more of a selfish character and I do think that will be reflected in his kit.
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I'm more then willing to bet that Hector brings in more support for Armors and Axes, alongside what became his Fire Emblem Heroes staple, Distant Counter. I believe the big selling point of Hector will be the ability to counter ranged attacks, I am not sure if it will be "any range" only one space away attacks, any range but has to pass some kind of check like Lyn's speed check for Vantage or just a roll with a perfect chance if on an armor unit. Regardless this passive alone if it happens would basically lock in Hector as one of the best emblems even in it's weakest form being able to simply counter attack mages and archers is a massive boon for so many units and lets them avoid using weaker 2 range physical weapons.
If any ring was going to be a purely selfish ring it be Hector. The armor lord is a brawler through and through and I think Hector will make any unit a mixed phase power house given you aggressive tools in both phases of combat. I wouldn't be shocked if at higher bound level Hector gave Unbreakable as well as "Reduces Effective Damage" abilities. Given that Hector is an armor unit It makes sense for Hector to give you all the tools to enemy phase wipe out with no worries about what tools your foe is packing, mage, archer, armor slayer, weapon triangle, fuck you, I'm Hector.
Hector will likely provide a Brave Axe for multi attacks even if your slow, Wolf Beil to be effective against Cav and Armor units and Armades to bolster your defense and provide you with effective damage against dragons [maybe corrupted instead]. I believe these weapons are the most likely since two are signature Hector only weapons and the other is a weapon he has in Binding Blade.
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Chrom and Robin
I had no idea what Chrom brings to do this duo given he is in fact, made totally redundant by his daughter, Ike and Marth all existing in the game already, yet he was here. That's when it hit me, this unit has the potential to be the ultimate support unit, representing the boyfriends love for one another that was so strong it defied fate.
Unlike Erika and Ephraim or Edelgard (With Dimitri and Claude) I belive Chrom and Robin will always be working together and not have a mechanic where you switch between them. I think they will provide a Support boost where units equipped with them gain support levels faster. I think in addition to that they are likely to provide the Liberation boost to nearby allies helping others engage faster but perhaps only when your actually engaged with this unit. Pairing well with that maybe boosting damage done with back up attacks which would have them pair well with Lucina could also be a factor. They could also give the ability to hit the weaker of defense or res as a passive ability letting them make any unit a threat to more or less every unit in the game given how rare it is to be good at Res and Def. That way this unit does offer something offensively outside of passive support.
I think we'll see Falchion [Sealed], Thoron, and Destiny's Bow. We'll see the weakest version of the Falchion in the game as a basic weapon, good against dragons, maybe heals you a bit after combat. Thorn is the spell most commonly associated with Robin being part of their kit in smash bros and in their appearance in Fates is their default weapon. Destiny's Bow comes from Fire Emblem Heroes on the Robin and Chrom V-day alt, I think it will be some kind of special bow so I figured, why not throw out that one. If it is Destiny's bow it probably boosts damage they deal by amount of allies near by and effective against armors in addition to fliers.
That's just what I think these units will do, what do you think? Do you have different ideas for these characters, do you think the Datamines are wrong, do you hope there is more secret Emblem Rings we don't know about or do you like the roster?
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randomnameless · 1 year
Sometimes I wonder how much of the game's issues are due to creative differences or disagreements between IS and KT. Like, we know RoTK is the only thing KT is ever capable of writing (that's why they rewrote it 20 times!!), and that current IS loves their avatar worship, lonely waifus and uwu sobfests, but also that imperialism and genocide justification is NOT something they would do. Also, Nopes not getting any DLC while Engage gets a manga, a 900 page guide, Switch profile icons, etc.
Sad uwus and "I was lonely once" + copious amounts of brainwashing was, iirc, the crux of Feh's last book which led to Book 1 Vero being retconned to oblivion and Embla's sad backstory being as ridiculous as you'd expect (her death line being iirc don't forget me sad uwu) somehow paving the way for a cute duo alt, despite the brainwashing, manipulating, killing and all kinds of funsies she did during said book.
At this point I'm sure, unless the new boring summer TT retcons her, Eitri won't have an alt bcs she wasn't designed with an "uwu sad'n'lonely once" backstory and ditto for Hel (Feh had to bring out Ganglot, aka axe fodder but who looks younger and has larger jelly melons to saddle with the "sad'n'lonely" backstory, too bad this character will only be remembered for her fodder).
So IS they can still have the "imperialism /war + killing for funsies" bad if the female characters aren't marketable, thus aren't "Sad'n'lonely", but if they are ? Look at Veronica, whatever she did is basically Flamey during part 1, no one gives a fuck anymore, and everything is well that ends well around a cup of tea.
I still think there were/are creative dissonances between IS and KT and the lack of Fodlan merc, when, as you pointed out, Engage has a manga !, is weird, but I think IS wants to drop any engagement (lel) with this verse, especially since Nopes received those extremely harsh reviews on their home market !! - and Nopes is more of a KT child than an IS product.
I'm sad because it ultimately means IS won't release mangas about Fodlan or even guides in the near future (rip war of heroes), but even if Feh tries to "correct" the aim and messages of the game, I'm pretty sure Fodlan will be an odd duck in maybe 5 years, like it will be acknowledged as Fe16, but IS will move on (or already has). Ike is still a fan favorite and has nods everywhere, Billy ? I don't think they will be on Ike's popularity or still popular in 5 years, ditto for Supreme Leader (popular as in non discourse related discussions and popular amongst the people who aren't her very devoted fans).
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happy-shaped · 2 years
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the-blue-sandglass · 3 years
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Matching Fire Emblem: Heroes Book 6 icons, featuring Veronica and Letizia! Like/reblog if used, credit is not needed but appreciated!
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lesbian, polygender, and ae/aer veronica icons
like/reblog if you use and credit me
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piratealt-moved · 3 years
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veronica icons
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heroes-icons · 4 years
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askr / embla royals + ciphers
" when will sharena and bruno have significance in the story ??? :( "
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lyonfe8 · 3 years
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Veronica: Bestowed Love icons!! The first two images are possible backgrounds, just stretch/zoom in!!
Please like and/or reblog if using! Credit not necessary but appreciated!!
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coffeeemblem · 4 years
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Harmonic Pirates: Veronica & Xander Wallpaper & Icon Edits!
Feel free to use them! Likes & Reblogs appreciated! :D
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