#seidr icons
the-blue-sandglass · 5 months
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A mixed icon set from FEH Books 6-7!
Like/reblog if used!
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lumieron · 8 months
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icons of the feh deities being adorable cuties, credit to use!
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tears-of-amber · 1 year
FREYA (a deity deep dive & some UPG)
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⚔️Who Is Freya?⚔️
Freya is a Norse goddess of war, love, beauty, sex, pleasure, magic, and so much more! Its very hard to summarize the extent of her powers, and what knowledge remains of her through artifacts and myths suggests she was once as complex a deity as Odin (bearing many alternate names and ruling over so many aspects of life). I took inspiration from @coinandcandle for the layout of this post. Hopefully that isn't a problem! If I get any information wrong or site sources that someone else discovers to be unreliable, I am open to feedback! Note: some of this is UPG, and I'm very clear when I'm stating UPG. If there's any confusion, feel free to message me!
⚔️Parents & Siblings⚔️
-Njördr (Freya's father, a Vanir god)
-Njördr's Unnamed Sister (Freya's mother, who some scholars speculate is Nerthus, yet it remains a mystery)
-Freyr (Freya's brother, a Vanir god)
⚔️Significant Other⚔️
-Odr (Freya's husband, a mysterious wandering god who is suspiciously like Odin)
-Hnoss (Freya's daughter)
-Gersemi (Freya's daughter)
-Hörn (meaning "flaxen", probably in reference to her hair)
-Gefn (meaning "the giver")
-Syr (meaning "sow" a creature that was associated with fertility like Freya)
-Valfreyja (meaning "lady of the slain", as Freya is the goddess who picks and rules over half the slain warriors in her hall Sessrúmnir, in the field of Fólkvangr.)
-Mardöll (meaning "sea-brightener" or "one who makes the sea shine") Note: I always think of her making her father Njördr proud, as a way of making the sea shine, but that is UPG.
-Vanadis (meaning "Vanir goddess")
⚔️Important Notes⚔️
-Freya is famous for her beauty, and her lavish taste. An example of this is her iconic necklace Brísingamen. She acquired this necklace by sleeping one night with each of the dwarves who made it. In return they made the necklace (which is said to have been gorgeous and forged out of gold with amber beads).
-Something that also confirms that amber and gold are sacred to the goddess Freya would be the story of how she cries tears that turn to gold when they touch the earth and to amber when they fall on the sea. Its important to note that she cries these tears for her husband Odr who has not returned in a long time from his wandering journeys. Below is a picture of the famous artwork that depicts her tears by Gustav Klimt:
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-Oh, and Freya rides a chariot pulled by cats. Pretty cool, huh? The original cat lady. Cats are sacred to her, so if you want to honor her be sure to treat feline friends with extra respect and adoration!
-When she doesn't ride her chariot, Freya is said to ride her boar into battle. The boar's name is name is Hildisvíni (meaning battle swine).
-Freya possesses yet another treasure: her falcon cloak. This magical cloak of falcon feathers helps her to fly with the ease of a falcon. Therefore, its safe to say that falcons are sacred to this goddess.
-Despite being a goddess of sex and pleasure, Freya is not easily won over. The myths reveal she wont just sleep with anyone. Many giants sought to steal her away and wed her, yet she never caved and slept with someone she didn't see the benefit in sleeping with. In my UPG, she is a very independent goddess.
⚔️Modern Deity Work⚔️
Correspondences (These are based off of my UPG)
-falcon's eye (also called blue tigers eye)
-rose quartz
-lily of the valley
Offering Ideas
-cinnamon tea with honey
-sweet decadent foods
-pieces of amber
-cat figurines
-jewelry (specifically necklaces)
Acts Of Devotion
-spending time caring for cats
-fighting for what you believe in
-standing up for yourself
-being respectful of your own and others sexualities
-beauty routines
-glamour magic
-learning seidr
-connecting with magic in whatever form feels right for you
-practicing being more loving and compassionate
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mask131 · 1 year
Seasonal theme: Magical summer (beginning)
This summer will be a season of wonders and enchantments, of spells and wizards - a magical summer!
Here is a list of beings, entities, objects and concepts you can check out if you want to add some magic to your summer:
In the myths, legends and so-called “real” world...
In the Arthurian literature: Merlin the enchanter, most famous of all wizards, derived from the legendary Welsh figure of Myrddin. Morgan le Fay, the ever-so-ambiguous enchantress of Arthurian mythos. Excalibur, the greatest and most iconic of all magical swords.
In Greek mythology: Hecate, the goddess of magic and witches. Circe, the divine enchantress of the Odyssey. Medea, the most frightening sorceress of the Greek legends. Lamia, a Greco-Roman bogeywoman that medieval times assimilated with various monsters and witches.
In Norse mythology: seidr, the old Norse magic, and its patron goddess Freya. Loki, expert shapeshifter and trickster supreme.
Christian legends, myths and beliefs: the Malleus Maleficarum, the unfamous manual used by many witch-hunters during the great witch hunts throughout Europe - a manual which was not accepted by the Church, unlike what many people believe. The Ars Goetia, both the art of invoking demons and the grimoire containing the secrets of said art. Astaroth, a demon often associated today with witchcraft. The famous witches sabbath, that was the great terror and fantasy of devil-fearing men of the Middle-Ages and the Renaissance. The paintings of Goya, which illustrated the various superstitions and beliefs surrounding witches in Spain.
The folklore of the British Isles: the British Grimalkin, with its cousins the English King of Cats and the Celtic Cat-sith. Lugh, the Irish Celtic god that mastered all of the arts, including magic.
Vaïnämöinen, the great bard-enchanter of Finland, and one of the sorcerer-heroes of the Kalevala alongside the magical blacksmith Ilmarinen, all fighting against the evil witch-queen Louhi.
In fairytales: the fairytales of the brothers Grimm brought many of the famous fairytale witches, from the evil queen with her magic mirror in Snow-White to the witch living in a house of bread and sugar in Hansel and Gretel. In Slavic fairytales, the great and iconic witch is the dreaded Baba Yaga. The French fairytales also brought the archetype of the fairy godmother: Cinderella, Toads and Diamonds, Donkeyskin, Cunning Cinders, The Hind in the Woods/The White Doe, Prince Marcassin... And let’s not forget Carabosse, the wicked fairy of the fairytale Princess Mayblossom, that became thanks to Tchaïkovsky’s ballet the old antagonistic fairy of Sleeping Beauty. Plus: the seven-league boots, one of the most famous magical items of French fairytales, appearing in Little Thumbling or The Orange Tree and the Bee.
The world of alchemy: the famous philosopher’s stone, elixir of life, and panacea that formed the ultimate goals of alchemists. Hermes Trismegistus, the mythological patron and ancestor of all alchemists (himself a mix of the Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian god Thoth). Nicolas Flamel, the 14th century book-seller everybody believed to be the discovered of the philosopher’s stone.
Some famous grimoires of our world: The Book of Abramelin, a tome of sacred Jewish magic. The Lesser Key of Solomon, a demonology grimoire of the 17th century inspired by the older book of sacred spells known as The Key of Solomon. The very famous duo of French grimoires known as the Grand Albert and Petit Albert. The Book of Shadows, a type of grimoire originally part of the Wicca religion, and that became popularized in America media thanks to the television series Charmed.
Principles, beliefs, personalities and practices of our world (which, as you will note, frequently mix magic with religion and folk-healing): Nostradamus, the great French prophet. The magi of Persia, Zoroastrian priests and astronomers that gave birth to the concept of the “mage” as we know it today. The original mana - not the video game mechanic, but the supernatural force of Oceanian beliefs. The Celtic druids and the most famous of their sacred sites: Stonehenge. The marabout, a type of Muslim holy man from Africa to whom was attributed some magical powers in folk-belief. The shamans of Siberia, the ones from which the very principle of “shamanism” was codified in the West. The medecine people of the First Nations in Northern America. The sangomas of Southern Africa, one of the most famous types of African “witch-doctors”. The Haitian Vodou and the Louisiana/New-Orleans Voodoo, folk-religions and magic beliefs deriving from the Vodun religion of West Africa (not to be confused with their various “cousins”, such as the Vodu of Cuba, the Jejé of Brazil or the Hoodoo).
More general magic tropes and concepts: the magic potion. The flying broomstick. The magic wand, or its variation the wizard’s staff. The familiar of the witch. The trope of the wizard duel, which, despite its prominence in modern literature and contemporary folk songs, has roots in ancient mythological fights and legendary magic hunts. The tempestarii, or the belief in weather-influencing, weather-changing sorcerers.
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it-lives-202289 · 1 year
What if Seidr is Gullveig and Heidr is a red herring? It might explain why Gullveig is the icon for book 7 despite her being the antagonist.
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So I was wondering if you know what lokies weapon is like how Thor has his hammer Odin has his staff what did Loki have?
Not all the Norse gods necessarily have a single iconic weapon associated with them.
Odin arguably has more than one. While he is sometimes depicted as an old guy wandering around with a staff, several myths involve his spear, Gungir. He also gives the sword Gram to Sigurd, implying he probably has a stockpile of magical weapons lying around. He is a divine warlord, after all. Kinda comes with the territory.
Some gods don't have any attested weapon names.
With Loki, however, we do luck out. Fjolsvinnsmal mentions a weapon forged by Loki called Laevateinn. In the poem, it's the only weapon said to be capable of killing the rooster who lives on top of the world tree.
There's debate as to what kind of weapon Laevateinn actually is. In Lee M. Hollander's translation, he glosses the name as "wand-of-destruction." Rudolf Simek translates it as "damage twig" in his Dictionary of Northern Mythology.
And some people do take the weapon to be a literal wand or dart, perhaps the one used to kill Baldr. Magic wands and staves were an element of Norse seidr. Leszek Gardeła points out that the item is described as being stored in a chest, and wands are often stored in chests in other Old Norse literature.
However, both Hollander and Simek take the name to be a kenning: that is, a poetic way to refer to something by comparing it to other objects. For example, Krakumal refers to snakes as lyngölun, "heather-fish." Snakes are obviously not fish, and they're not necessarily found in heather. But the audience would have been familiar with the art form and would have understood the kenning to be referring to a snake, not an actual fish.
Specifically, Hollander and Simek think the word lævateinn is referring to a sword. This is, after all, far from the only time that swords are compared to twigs, reeds, thorns, etc.
Unfortunately, this is the only time the weapon is mentioned, so basically all we can go on is the name.
- Mod E
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Putting this out
This is the first "chapter" type thing of a fic I'm working on, hoping to get a little feedback--kind of an "outside view"
anything is appreciated
In the dim lights of early morning Queens, New York City, a teenage girl who had only gotten a maximum of three hours’ sleep had been startled awake by her alarm once again. She had already pressed ‘snooze’ twice, and would likely remain asleep if it were chosen a third time. The girl managed to pull herself from the half-awake state that tried so hard to coax her back to sleep. Untangling herself from several blankets, she stumbled out of bed; the cold already welcoming her to reality. The girl realized that she needed to hurry up if she was going to grab anything to drink before she got on the train. Deciding that she would need a bit of a personal motivator for that day, she grabbed her favorite pair of black jeans. They were a well worn pair, with a few rips from how frequently they were used. She grabbed a shirt that had been hanging from the handle of her door, a bit unsure how long it had been there, and put it on over the tank top she slept in. Her mother was waiting in the kitchen for her, lighting a stick of lavender and sandalwood incense, a staple in their household. There was music playing softly in the background, which she quickly recognized as ABBA, one of her mother’s favorite bands.
“Hey, Sierra. Good morning.” Her mother smiled. “I made you some coffee to take with you. Iced, just the way you like it.” Sierra smiled back, hugging her.
“Morning, mom.” She let go. “Are you feeling any better today?” She asked.
“Yes, I am.” Her mother pulled the hair out of Sierra’s face. “You can’t stay long...you might miss the train.”
“I had an alarm…?”
“It actually went off four times before you came out, hon. I was about to come wake you up.” Her mother grabbed something wrapped in a paper towel, handing it to her. “I hope you have a good day at school. I love you.”
“Sorry. I really appreciate this. Love you, too. Have a good day.” Sierra grabbed her bag and headed out the door. It turned out that the thing in the paper towel was a donut with strawberry jam in it. She loved strawberries, and felt a smile form on her lips. She got on the train just in time and put her earbuds in, hoping to keep the good energy going for as long as possible.
The day seemed to pass by so slowly, and the caffeine did not linger for more than a few classes. She was just beginning to crash when she got to chemistry. She had to fight the urge to fall asleep the moment she sat down. It was that class, followed by history, and she’d be able to go home. She had gotten in a tad later than usual, and chose the second to last seat available. She checked her phone and swiped away a few YouTube notifications, hoping she’d remember to watch them later on the way home. A boy she had seen around but never actually talked to had come in last, fumbling with the books in his hands and the papers stacked between. He put them down on the desk, but they fell off, scattering a bit. He scrambled, trying to grab them before they fell. Feeling sympathetic, Sierra got up and helped him. She stacked the papers she grabbed semi-neatly. He put the books he wouldn’t need in his bag, apologizing and thanking her as the last paper was grabbed and handed back to him.
“Hey, anytime.” She replied, glancing up at him. He was a bit taller than her; and from her view, the first thing she saw were his eyes: a vibrant, warm brown. She blinked, trying to cover the hesitation. He slowly sat down beside her desk, followed by her doing the same. “I’ve had days like that, too.” She reassured him, sensing his embarrassment. She leaned back in her chair somewhat, tucking the pen in her hand behind her ear. At first glance, it almost blended in with her dark hair.
“For me, it’s almost like every day.” He joked lightly with an embarrassed laugh, a faint blush forming. “Sorry.” He added under his breath.
“Don’t worry about it, really.” Trying to make him feel more comfortable, she changed the subject. “You’re in a few of my other classes, aren’t you?” She asked, to which he nodded. “History and gym, right?”
“Yeah...uh, I think so.” He looked more directly at her, scratching at his neck. “I’m Peter...Parker.”
“Sierra Collins. Nice to meet you.”
“You, too.” He smiled slightly. The class about to begin, Sierra grabbed the pen from behind her ear and softly tapped it against the desk a few times. Peter leaned forward on his desk slightly. “Didn’t get much sleep last night?” He asked, trying to keep the conversation up and not act awkward. She gave a confused look. “The dark circles. I just...sorry.”
“Oh, no, don’t worry about it. I just didn’t realize. No, I didn’t. Studying and shit.” She shrugged, noticing faint bruises that looked almost fully healed on his forearms, right where the sleeves ended. He scratched at one of them. “You okay?” She asked, a little worried for a moment.
“No, yeah, I’m fine.” He looked at her. “I’m just very clumsy.” It almost sounded as if he made it up on the spot, but it also seemed plausible.
“Ohh...gotcha. I totally get that.” Sierra noticed that the teacher was writing something on the whiteboard, trying to get ready for the class to begin--notes or something similar. She copied the things that she thought were important in rushed handwriting. She mumbled in irritation, erasing some of it.
“My aunt says it’s because I grew so fast.” He said before immediately regretting it. He mentally cursed himself for his awkwardness. He tried to focus back on his notes, hoping he didn’t completely embarrass himself; trying to pretend that she didn’t even hear him.
“Well, I wouldn’t worry about that. Pretty sure they’ll patch it in the next update.” She looked away, unsure if she made the situation worse. Peter laughed quietly, covering his mouth with the back of his hand.
“Balanced mechanics would be nice, for once.” She chuckled, grateful he didn’t hate the joke. They sat in semi-comfortable silence the rest of the class, helping each other with notes when it was needed. When the bell rang, it turned out that they were both heading in the same direction to their next class, gym. At that point, likely from fatigue or exhaustion, Sierra wasn’t feeling well enough to participate in class. She headed over to the bleachers, sitting with her closest friend, Liz. They’d been friends since middle school.
“Hey, Sierra.” She said with a smile as the girl sat beside her.
“Hi. Mind if I stick around?”
“No, not at all. Betty’s coming over to sit with us. Her and Audrey.” She leaned back somewhat. “How are you? Your mom feeling better?”
“I’m okay. Mom’s much better today.” Liz smiled at her response.
“Good.” Betty and Audrey walked over, the latter opting to sit near MJ, away from the immediate group. The others had been talking for a bit, asking ‘fuck, marry, kill’.
“This again?” Sierra asked, slightly irritated. They always gave weird answers, illogical in her opinion.
“They’re bored.” Liz shrugged. Seymour, a boy with dark complexion and short hair, laughed at something before turning to Sierra.
“Collins: fuck, marry, kill. Seidr, Thor, Captain America.” He asked. She sighed.
“Fuck Thor, kill Cap, marry Seidr.” The last one was Cassandra Falk, a Norwegian woman who had disappeared in February of 2010, a couple months before the Battle of Puente Antiguo, only to reappear shortly before the Attack on New York. In between the Chitauri invasion and Sokovia, she joined the Avengers.
“Damn, you didn’t even think about it.” Betty laughed. “Dor me, it’d be fuck Seidr, marry Thor, kill Cap.”
“Seidr deserves the world.” Sierra shrugged, defending her decision.
“What about the Spider-Man?” Liz asked.
“It’s just Spider-Man.” Betty shook her head, pulling the hair out of her eyes.
“Did you guys see the bank security cam on YouTube? He fought off four guys!” She defended him.
“Oh my god, she’s crushing on Spider-Man.”
“No way…” Sierra muttered. She didn’t exactly have the highest opinion of him, despite respecting him.
“I mean…” Liz shrugged. “Sort of…? I don't know, what's with you being against him. You like him, right?” She asked Sierra.
“No, Betty's got a point. You're like my best friend but I'll never understand your obsession. He's literally so awkward and a complete dork.”
“Dorkiness can be cute." She stated with a shrug.
“How do you know he's like that? Have you met him?" Seymour teased.
“No, no, nothing like that. Just the vibe from those videos on YouTube.” Sierra explained with an uncomfortable chuckle.
"He could literally be thirty years old." Betty told Liz with a disgusted expression.
“Yeah, and what if he's, like, seriously burned?" Seymour asked.
“I don't care, I'll love him for who he is on the inside.” Liz said, pointing to her chest for emphasis.
“Yeah but have you ever actually met Spider-Man? You don't know who he is on the inside, either. You just know him from what he does. He could be a completely different person off the job.” Sierra pointed out, tilting her head slightly.
“From what I know, he's a great person who helps people.” Liz said.
“What about Echo, they're pretty badass." Seymour pointed out. Echo was a reclusive--the term used loosely, they were everywhere but were good at evading any documenting of their work--vigilante, a being that could manipulate shadows.
“I didn't think many people knew about Echo. There isn't much info on them from what I could find online.” She glanced at him, interested.
“I've only seen one video of them, but they seem a lot cooler than Spider-Man. The whole mystery thing.” He explained.
“They are kinda cool I guess.” Liz added. “I just think Spider-man is more of an icon, you know?” She said, ignoring the offended look Sierra was giving her.
“I didn't know they had videos.” She tried to ignore it. “Could you send them to me when you get a chance?”
“Yeah, of course.” He nodded.
“Ooooh, someone has a crush on Echo.” Betty playfully teased.
“I don't, I just like knowing about heroes.” She shrugged. “I mean you guys mocked me for saying that Seidr was cool. And I was proven right.” Audrey slowly took out her earbuds.
“What are they talking about?” She asked MJ, tired. She looked up from her book and glanced at the group.
“Um, I think I heard something about Spider-man being thirty.” She shrugged, looking back at the book.
“Oh. Sounds kinda dumb.” She shifted slightly, as if to turn more towards her, to be polite. “That any good?”
“Yeah, that's true. Seidr is definitely a girlboss." Seymour nodded, leaning back against the seats behind him. “You can have Echo if that means I can take Spider-man.” Liz joked, looking at Sierra.
“It's very depressing...so yeah, it's great. I could lend it to you once I'm done, if you'd like.” MJ said, glancing at Audrey, who nodded. “I only have like twenty chapters left so I'll probably be finished by Friday.” She nodded, trying not to smile.
“You literally don't listen. You and Spider-Man are perfect for each other.” Sierra muttered, irritated.
“Thank you, I'm honored you think that.” Liz laughed softly, putting her hand on her heart dramatically.
“Peter knows Spider-Man!” One of the guys, Ned--if Sierra remembered the name correctly--suddenly shouted from where people were actually participating in class.
"No, n-no!" Peter quickly sat up, panicked. “No, I mean--”
“They’re friends.” He continued, oblivious to the looks everyone was giving them.
“Yeah, like Coach Wilson and Captain America are friends.” Flash, objectively a complete jackass, sneered as he jumped down from the rope he was climbing. Sierra didn’t get along with him and he frequently bullied Peter.
“I-I’ve met him.” He stuttered. “Yeah. A couple times. But it’s, um...through the Stark internship. Mm-hmm.” He turned to Ned, glaring daggers and gritting his teeth. “And I'm not really supposed to talk about it.”
“Well, that’s awesome. Hey, you know what? Maybe you should invite him to Liz’s party. Right?” Flash looked over, as if to be sure the party was still going on.
“He said he just met him once, leave him alone.”
“Actually, I might not be able to make it to the party. I have a date with Black Widow.” He looked at Sierra with a glare.
“Yeah, I’m having people over tonight.” Liz confirmed, trying to keep them from talking over each other and arguing. “You’re more than welcome to come.”
“Having a party?” Peter asked, still try
“Yeah, it’s gonna be dope. You should totally invite your personal friend Spider-Man.”
“Flash, you absolute dumbass, Widow's already got a boyfriend who she's happy with. She wouldn't waste her time.”
“Correction, no one would waste their time with you.” Betty added.
“I don’t care.” He threw his hands up in defeat. “Sorry, I forgot I was talking to the super-nerd.”
“You'd think in a world of gods and heroes that could've been straight out of the movies, you'd pay more attention to the world around you. But no, you're still the same shitty self-centered asshole as usual.” Sierra snapped.
“Collins!” Coach Wilson interrupted, trying to calm the situation down. “Alright! We can stop that there! Can everyone go back to what they were doing? Thank you.” Sierra stepped back.
“Why are you booing me? I'm right.” She mumbled, looking at Peter with an apologetic expression before going back over to the others. She didn't usually start shit with a crowd around, but she was just so fed up with Flash's bullshit at that moment specifically.
“Okay, Sierra, go off.” Liz smiled at her, proud of her otherwise introverted friend speaking her mind for once.
“That's a once in a lifetime thing. Promise.” She backtracked, all of a sudden getting shy, as realizing what happened.
“No, that was the best thing ever. I can’t speak for anyone else, but you kinda said what I was thinking.” She smiled. Everyone had left to go get changed back into normal clothes. Sierra got done a few minutes before the bell had rung. She waited for her friend, in the hall
“Think there's room for me at that party?”
“Of course, you're always invited.” Liz smiled again, standing up as well. She smiled back, walking with her but hesitating for a moment, looking at Peter, who was heading into the corridor. “Give me a sec.” She said to Liz.
“Don’t take too long.” She replied before following the group out. Sierra walked over to him. He looked up.
“Hey…” He pulled at his sleeve, a bit timid.
“You doing okay? I know that was probably uncomfortable and I just wanted to make sure you were alright.”
“Oh, yeah, I'm fine. That was pretty standard.” He said quietly and nodded with hesitancy. “I...thank you--for telling him off. I know it probably wasn't for me, but still.” She looked up, as if caught off-guard. She realized that he was right, and it didn’t sit right with her.
“No, you're right. I kinda made it about myself when I was supposed to be defending you. I'm sorry.”
“No, no, you definitely shouldn't be apologizing for that. I would really like the least amount of things to be about me as possible.” He said with an awkward chuckle, scratching the back of his neck. “Thanks again for defending me, though. No one's ever done that for me before.”
“Anytime, really.” She smiled softly, glancing back. “Hey, I gotta go. But I’ll see you at Liz’s party?”
“Yeah, I’ll be there.” He smiled slightly.
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lokadottr · 3 years
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changing torvi’s icon has reminded me...torvi is almost totally inept when it comes to magic. unlike her parents or even her brothers she has almost no skill when it comes to any form of it. as a young girl she had no interest in magic, in her mind when she grew up she would get married, run a household and maybe dabble in politics on behalf of her brother. she saw no use for being able to change her appearance or play tricks on anyone and she simply stopped attending those lessons. ( and perhaps saw it as another way in which she could distance herself from her father’s reputation ) instead she preferred languages and took up her time with studying those, ever unsure where her family’s plans would send her.
as a young woman she doesn’t regret it. it still holds no interest to her, though perhaps she can see the tragedy in not studying the subject her realm is famous for, after all it is where odin himself learned seidr. but, all in all, magic is a lost cause to her and aside from the simplest of abilities she can do nothing with it.
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mythsought · 3 years
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So now Hradi is moving back in here, it’s best I compile some of his pre-existing headcanons here as well to describe his duties, rituals and abilities as a practioner of Seidr and as his original role as a seidmenn/volva which he practices still to this day despite the transition to modernity that the temple he lives in has experienced (it still functions quite like a place of worship and ‘witchcraft’ despite its modernised facilities and appearance, and Hradi selling himself as a ‘homeopathic’ healer.)
So let’s just rattle a few facts off for the sake of my pea-brain level memory and for anyone else who is interested:
Healing; this is a pretty obvious trend with Hradi’s charater and has been since his inception, albeit the roots run a lot deeper than the magic he inherited from his parentage and can be traced back to the magic and rituals his mother taught him as a volva; he has a vast knowledge of practical magic and the making of various natural remedies and cures as well as using ritualistic magic and treatments for various ailments of the body and mind. It is a field of study Hradi is exceptionally passionate and knowledgable about. Conversely, albeit, he knows how to set curses and cause plagues both through his innate magical ability and through the power of ritual. He dislikes these contrary practices, but thinks it invaluable to know both sides of the coin as in harmony, the knowledge of one can bolster the knowledge of the other.
Prophecy and communing with other planes; volva were regarded mostly as seers and shamans that were able to commune with spirits, Gods and other planes of existence as well as physically traverse to them in order to find the answers they seek, and Hradi is no exception. He has learned the means of ascending to other planes of consciousness and existence from the teachings of his mothers, and something he also often practices even in his verses set in the modern age. While it is rare nowadays that he speaks with Old Gods that time has forgotten or written off as fantasy, there are some from his homeland he still seeks (most prominently the father of his Fylgja, Dainn and his 3 brothers.) There is much Hradi is able to gain from this ability, be it godly advice, portents for the future, spiritual and supernatural assistance or anything in between.
Bending of fate and will; the magical practice of Seidr literally translates to “to bind”, which relates to a volva’s ability to bind things and forces to their will, such as raising and bringing storms, bringing about kveldridurs (the Norse variety of nightmares or incubi, demons that “rode” the chest of sleepers and sometimes killed them) to target others, or even interfering with the will and consciousness of living people. Hradi likewise is in possession of these powers and attributes, though they lay among his most unused powers due to his emphasis on healing and aid.
Transformation; while Hradi is capable of shapeshifting as a cambion anyway, he is likewise able to project himself into of other creatures in order to see through their eyes and travel long distances without actually leaving his physical location (though he can physically change his appearance into that of an animal if he so desires as well.) This allows him to have eyes everywhere in a sense when necessary, something that was once a very priceless skill to possess when traversing the wilderness of the old world.
Rituals; typically a volva would have a court of other women with her that would assist in her duties as essentially a shamanic healer or prophet, and the same is true for male volva/seidmenn. A prophetic ritual would require the volva to be sat in a high chair (thought to elevate them to other realms) while a drum was beaten and a song was sung to call forth spirits and the like as well as aiding the volva in reaching a trance-like state to be able to commune with them. Hradi practices this in the temple and actually takes on numerous apprentices to aid and attend him in the doing of which, all of them usually hand-picked by Hradi himself. Each of them are usually inclined towards magic and have fine singing voices, as the songs that are sung at seidr rituals are required to be as hypnotic and entrancing as possible.
Staff; Volva literally translates to “staff-bearer” or “wand-wed”, and staffs were the most iconic piece of accoutrement that practitioners of seidr were outfitted with. Hradi is no exception in this regard either, though naturally his staff is kept at the temple rather than being wielded in public in the modern era. His was carved from silver birch and entwined with gold thread hanging with various charms crafted from baltic amber. The head of his staff is crafted to resemble the antlers of a red stag or elk and said antlers also encase a large inlaid piece of polished amber. He also still has his traditional seidmenn clothes.
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little-lady-bee · 4 years
*Lady Loki leans forward and cups the little mortal’s cheek, seeking and then holding her gaze, looking for any signs of resistance. There are none - just the somewhat nervous and excited flutters of her heartbeat.*
Good girl... *she purrs, stroking the girl’s hair and grinning as she leans into Loki’s touch. Lady Loki waves her hand in the air, drawing her seidr and dissolving both of their clothing in a swirl of golden mist, leaving only her thigh-high boots and iconic helm atop her head. Her pet, however, is as bare as the day she was born. Exposed. Vulnerable.*
*She pushes her sweet little sub’s head downward, to the apex of her thighs, widening her legs and making her lascivious intentions obvious.*
Show me how much you appreciate me, pet.
- LL
*she feels a shiver roll through her body when she hears Loki’s praise, along with seeing that she’s nude. However, she has little time to think of it, for her eyes become glued to Loki’s nearly nude body*
Mistress...you are so gorgeous
*it cames out barely as a whisper. Her eyes fall to Loki’s cunt, practically dripping as she forces her head closer to the apex of her thighs. She licks her lips before pressing a gentle, almost teasing kiss to her clit. She keeps her hands in place submissively as she licks a long stripe up Loki’s pussy, stopping to swirl the tip of her tongue around her clit. She moans at the sweet taste of her cunt on her tongue, pulling back only to look up at Loki*
You taste so good, Mistress, so delicious and sweet. Thank you for letting me pleasure you. *she dives back in, eagerly lapping her up*
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the-blue-sandglass · 3 months
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Some icons from the summer banner this year! ^^ Like/reblog if used!
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imagine-loki · 5 years
Yes Mistress
TITLE: Yes Mistress CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 31 AUTHOR: angryowlet ORIGINAL IMAGINE:  Imagine after a heated argument with Thor, Loki turns himself into a woman out of spite.  RATING: Mature/Explicit NOTES/WARNINGS: NSFW, This is a F/F BDSM relationship. If that’s not your cup of tea, don’t drink it. The events in this fic take place before the first Thor movie.
A holiday present to my oh so patient readers. Smut and fluff with just a hint of plot.
“Yes Pet– Just like that! Don’t stop!” Loki was panting out orders as Sanna sucked at her clit and stroked her spot with her fingers.
  She’d been pleasuring her Mistress for more than an hour. Kissing her, licking and sucking at her nipples. Even using her teeth when and where she was told to. She discovered that her Mistress loved receiving a bit of rough play almost as much as she loved giving it. Now, Sanna had one of her Mistress’s legs bent over her shoulder while she coaxed her to orgasm for a third time. She could feel her Mistress’s pussy tightening around her soaked fingers, heard her breathing hitch. Her Mistress was close now, very close. Sanna was learning the signs. She brace her free hand against a trembling thigh and kept her pace steady. 
Loki shook as she came at last, back arching, muscles spasming in release. She lay panting on the bed as her Pet lapped up her juices, cleaning her dripping pussy with her tongue. Little aftershocks shot pleasantly through her tired body. Sanna was slowly licking the last of her Mistress’s slick from her fingers when Loki spoke.
“Mmm… Good girl… Come… Come up here." 
Loki’s words were slurred as she gestured vaguely for Sanna to come and lay beside her. She stretched lazily as her Pet crawled up the bed to her. Loki sat them both up against the small mountain of pillows at the head of the bed. She poured water into a goblet and downed it in one go. She refilled it and offered it to Sanna. The girl drank as greedily as her Mistress. They lay cuddled together in each other’s arms until Sanna started to shiver. The rain had finally stopped, but the night air was damp and cold. Loki used her seidr to summon the blanket that lay forgotten on the divan and covered Sanna with it once again. Then she reached for her robe.
"Come Pet,” she stood and slipped it loosely over her shoulders. “We both need to clean up before we fall asleep.” She held out a hand to help the girl to her feet.
As they crossed the sitting room to enter the bathing chamber, Loki noticed a small light flashing on her desk. There was a message waiting in the communication system. 
“Go on ahead Pet.” Loki gently nudged her towards the bathing room, “I’ve got something to see to.” She walked to the desk and tapped the display icon once Sanna was in the bathing room. There was a holomessage from one of her ‘friends’ in Vanaheim and another for Sanna from someone in her home province –probably her sister– that had arrived hours earlier. Loki ignored the latter and engaged the holomessage display. A holographic form the size of a person was projected from the communication system. It took shape on the far side of her desk. The beautiful features of a former lover dressed in silks and jewels came into focus and the figure began to speak.
“Darling. It’s been so long since I’ve heard from you.” Loki was suddenly reminded of how petulant they could be when denied.“I must admit I was surprised at what you asked of me,” the figure brushed a lock of hair off it’s forehead and tucked a jeweled hairpin back into place, “but of course I’ll do it for you. It should be fun.” They smirked and continued, “He’s settling in nicely. There’s a feast in honor of his visit tomorrow night, and I’ll make my approach then. I’ll let you know once I have anything. Until then…” The figure pouted their lips into a kiss and winked before fading from the room at the end of the message.
Loki let out a breath she wasn’t aware of holding and altered her appearance to look more regally dressed. She shot off a quick holomessage to another 'friend’ at the court of Vanaheim. One operative on Vanaheim was good, two working from different angles would be better. Loki had spent most of her life collecting favors and cultivating contacts within the noble houses across the realms. And in a few less than noble places. She had just received a letter of confirmation from the second operative agreeing to her request when the door to the bathing room opened. Loki dropped the illusion and quickly filed the messages away, tapping a few commands to encrypt any communications from her contacts. She didn’t want her Pet accidentally stumbling across anything that might upset her.
“All finished?” Loki asked.
“Yes Mistress.” Sanna’s face was flushed from a good scrubbing. Her hair was loose from it’s plaits and hanging down her back over the blanket she still had draped around her shoulders.
Loki gestured for Sanna to come to the desk. “There’s a holomessage for you.” She indicated to the message icon. “I’ll leave you alone.” She pressed a kiss to Sanna’s head and went into the bathing chamber, shutting the door carefully behind her.
Sanna was shocked. Holomessages were expensive. She’d never received one before, her family preferring the letter service that was free to all citizens of the realm. She tugged the blanket closer around herself before reaching over and tapping the icon. Her sister’s image formed on the other side of the desk. Dagna was in her best dress and smiling, eyes shining.
“Greetings little one. I was surprised to get a letter from you so soon after your last. Your news was so astonishing, I decided only a holomessage would do until I can speak to you in person. Luckily it’s a market day.” Dagna’s image ran a hand down the front of her embroidered apron to smooth it.
Sanna recalled that the nearest holomessage console was in the village near their farm.
“I am so very proud of you elskan mín. Your letter arrived just before Father and I left for the marketplace. I wish you could have seen his face when I showed it to him! He has bragged to everyone who’s crossed his path today of your new position. He had so much pride in his voice! Mother is…” here she hesitated and bit her lip before continuing. “Mother is Mother, but I know she’s proud. Even if she doesn’t show it. Rumors of Prince Loki choosing to become Princess Loki reached us just yesterday. It has become a topic of great discussion in the taverns. The general feeling is, that the ways of seidr wielders are strange indeed. From your description, the princess sounds quite kind and very generous. You must do all you can to serve her well. 
As for your questions about the blight and animal sickness, I don’t know if it’s only our farm or others. We’ve been far too busy between the goats kidding and shearing the sheep to see anyone. Lambing is about to start, and I’ll have a chance to ask our neighbors after that. Please thank the princess for her interest in our problems. I hope to hear from you again soon. Goodbye for now. I love you.”
The message faded and Sanna sniffled and wiped at her eyes with the edge of the blanket. Seeing her sister –hearing her voice– had brought on a wave of homesickness. She felt arms come around to hold her and leaned back into her Mistress.
“Are you alright Pet?” Loki ran her hands up and down Sanna’s arms.
“Yes Mistress. I just… I just missed home all of a sudden. I’m fine. Really. Did you watch the whole message?" 
"No. Just the very end, where she said she loves you.” Loki pressed a kiss to the side of Sanna’s head.
Sanna turned her head and gave Loki a watery smile. “It’s just been so long since I’ve seen Dagna, and heard her voice. I was supposed to go to them for my name day, but the offer from the palace came a few days before, and I spent it here instead.”
“How long has it been since you’ve seen them, Pet?” Loki started walking them towards the bedchamber.
“Not since Lady Audney died.”
They’d reached the bedchamber. Loki released Sanna to shed her robe and pull back the covers on the bed.
“I suppose something could be arraigned.” She used the blanket to pull her Pet in closer.
“Truly?” Sanna’s face lit up at the idea of visiting her family.
“Yes, Pet.” Loki pressed a kiss to her forehead and slipped the blanket off her shoulders, leaving it at the foot of the bed by her robe. “Probably not until after the mid-summer revels, I’ll need you for that. But after. We can discuss it further tomorrow." 
Loki got into bed and pulled Sanna down with her, spooning against her back. She used her seidr to put out the lights around their chambers. 
"I have to go to the archives again tomorrow, but you’ll have Marit here with you after midday.” Loki pulled the covers over both of them, making sure her Pet was tucked in and warm. “You might as well order something for both of you from the kitchens.” Loki nuzzled Sanna hair. “Pet?”  
“Did you hear me?” Loki lifted her head and saw Sanna’s eyes were closed. She whispered, “No. I don’t suppose you did. Sleep well, little Pet.”
Loki put her head back down and whispered once again. It was the spell to let her enter another’s dreams. She held her Pet all night, in their dreams and in the waking world.
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waywardtravelerfart · 5 years
The Voice of All Things and other One Piece Parallels to Norse Myth
Oda has talked before about how his depictions of pirates are somewhat more like Vikings, and that a Viking TV show was one of his favorites as a kid. It stands to reason that just like Japanese mythology, he also may have studied a good deal of Norse Mythology in crafting his story, which I strongly believe to be the case. In this post I want to organize many thoughts and parallels that I’ve really begun to see:
* **Luffy=Odin**—Or at least an inverted version of him. Both are considered [sovereign individuals,](http://blogs.ubc.ca/hollyonclin/2014/01/28/the-sovereign-individual-in-popular-culture-one-piece-and-monkey-d-luffy-the-pirate-king/) or chiefs of their own made spheres, both started out with two brothers (Ace, Sabo, Vili & Ve.) While Odin just may be the inspiration for Nietzsche’s Ubermensch, both are known for being tapped into the [self-awareness of the world,](https://norse-mythology.org/gods-and-creatures/the-aesir-gods-and-goddesses/odin/) and wearing wide brimmed hats. What has increased the parallel even further as of late is Luffy’s own quest for further knowledge, in this case knowledge of advanced forms of Haki. Like Odin sacrificing an eye to Mimir, [Luffy at least put his at great risk in learning his greater insight from Katakuri.](http://f13.readermanga.com/65/907d7ef79f5a1e/s5.jpg?token=8MJYMU8uSnkrf5DPQqZroQ&expires=1562630399) The second great endeavor for knowledge was to be bound in order to learn the flow of things (chains to learn the Sakura flow in Luffy’s case, ropes for Odin to look at the river flows of energy to discern the runes.)
* **Zoro, or Law=Thor**—Wield a weapon (sword or hammer) alongside a sovereign or in the name of theirs, but only Law has used [an electric attack so far.](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-eGOL4HclV-Q/WwcVcp6Uc1I/AAAAAAAG-FM/h2PFWm3hjUU7i6pGk8K7AR8fSsAgjdHwACHMYCw/s0/015.png) I admit this is one of the weaker links and I need to get to reading on Thor.
* **Shanks=Tyr**—Tyr was the god of War & Honor, and lost an arm/hand baiting Fenrir into his trap so the latter could not fulfill his fate of killing Odin yet. Just like the man who taught Luffy his sense of honor.
* **Kidd=Loki**—Red haired icons of chaos who take insults too seriously and have relevant links to Odin/Luffy and Thor/Zoro/Law (Killer=Sigyn?.) One important link is the CoC that Luffy and Kidd share, which will become important when comparing CoC to seidr.
* **Bonney=Angrboda**—Jewelry Bonney shares many key traits with the [Dark Mother archetype in mythology;](https://badwitch.es/tag/dark-mother/) She can control not only her age, [taking on three major age forms,](https://paganmeltingpot.wordpress.com/2014/02/15/angrboda-and-the-dark-mother-figure-across-the-cultures/) but also the age of others, turning men to boys as if to overrule their egos. Both she and Kidd are from the South Blue. The question is if South Blue has any connections to Elbaf.
* **Yonko=Rokkr**—Monstrous Beasts that lay on the edge of the civilized world and threaten its destruction. In Norse mythology they were born by Loki and Angrboda. Whoever created such threats is just as much an danger (right?)
* **Big Mom=Hela**—Controllers of death, either lifespan or its realm (Helheim,) while Big Moms use and treatment of her children makes her parallel to the [Death Mother.](https://badwitch.es/tag/death-mother/) Close by to their territory is a master of insight (Katakuri=Mimir, see Luffy’s CoO above.)
* **Kaido=Jormungandr**—Snake bodied beasts holding dominion over or surrounding an isolated land, (Midgard, Wano) there is nowhere they can’t reach. Fated to reach a fatal draw with and die alongside Thor, be it Zoro or Law.
* **Blackbeard=Fenrir**—Dark or black haired, cunning (wolves have been associated with Odin’s knowledge) and fated to fight the known sovereign. While Teach wasn’t the one to take Shanks’ arm, he did leave a near-eye-taking wound with a claw-shaped weapon.
These parallels help set up what advanced CoC may turn out to be capable of. In Viking culture, the shamanic practice of [Seidr involved a death and rebirth](https://norse-mythology.org/concepts/shamanism/) whilst being [impregnated with the energies of the universe,](http://www.ancientpages.com/2018/02/10/god-odin-exiled-asgard-kingdom-gods-no-regrets-breaking-norse-societys-norms/) so as to determine, and if necessary rewrite fate. It was considered very unpopular for men to do such practices, especially chiefs or kings. So much so that partaking in it, as was the third knowledge seeking act by Odin, got him exiled from his tribe and home, the Aesir of Asgard, for ten years. It is safe to say that CoC’s Norse equivalent is Seidr.
Advanced CoC could merely be a boost in power from ones surroundings or something far more sinister. Something that [may have been](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-cT-25pmEeF0/V4QWyQFNIpI/AAAAAAAA0I4/y_5oNwHh5pYCxvkKLH9gKMt6SbepGsOjQCHM/s16000/0647-009.png) foreshadowed by [Shirahoshi’s](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-uWcnmjDZmrU/V4QYhC3HVFI/AAAAAAAA0ZM/7w_002RhROo4TNX9nTCdoFOtEbUJob0VACHM/s16000/0647-013.png) and [Momonusuke’s](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Sh_n8OyN0Zo/WwcaCLMxXBI/AAAAAAAG-3E/6LmZTB95Nis6easOe0D_oI10YJlEWMytgCHMYCw/s0/003.png) abilities to direct [gigantic beasts in their own right.](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-R83z2w2SefE/WwcaTmgavrI/AAAAAAAG-5Q/BZyBGm5mkrUTz8R-T5cGR4QNK0qo40JuQCHMYCw/s0/011.png)
That’s right. The process of binding Sea Kings, Zunisha and other dangerous beings to the will of the user may just be a potential ability of advanced CoC, or using all three. One such conjecture on the process is to read and scan your target for weaknesses in their ego with CoO, draw them in with a reversed flow of CoC like advanced CoA flows, then inject your will while consuming theirs in exchange, [almost](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-gxDQ4EEwkGU/WwcRa-qQnmI/AAAAAAAG9sM/rCtxUYc2ijcFyeCspCoKSqq12z-TMM8hwCHMYCw/s0/006.png) resembling another form of [transplants.](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Fz53kakLUDw/WwcRbTT-zbI/AAAAAAAG9sQ/BfJW-X9D4DEgHjHfDb7PuJBeaHHMXZqmQCHMYCw/s0/007.png) The main difference being the one wearing the crown (advanced CoC) retains all the control of both bodies.
Whether or not this discovery occurs on a territory such as Elbaf or another is uncertain, but said territory is comparable to the mythological home of giants, Jotunheim, which is foretold to provide a good deal of the host challenging Asgard when Ragnarok comes. What happens there could sway who many giants fight alongside in the Final War. Luffy and/or Shanks, if he appears here as Mr Morj has predicted, may debate or be hesitant to use such a technique on potential tools like the Yonko. I do not see Blackbeard or Kidd having such qualms however, if the latter makes it this far though, which I believe is possible. Kidd may require assistance in gaining an opening to do this however, which Bonney has the means and motive to do, both in her age abilities and her hatred of both Blackbeard and the WG.
Why the Yonko, though? I have a feeling that use as such weapons was their original designed purpose, as foreshadowed by Vegapunks interest in both Giants and Dragons, as well as his subsequent capture by the WG for studying the Lineage Factors in similarities to how Ohara was silenced. If the unusual power of those who made it to Yonko status is from some project the WG has long held secret, and the terror they put the world into can be laid at the feet of the WG for blame, what else could cause such doubt in their global legitimacy as Doffy described? This first occurred to me when baby Big Mom seemed way too strong to be born to normal parents, so something fishy was happening.
I know I haven’t touched on everything, I need to read much more Norse legends to fit/match everything, and I could expand on my thoughts, but I need to sleep before work. I’ve just been reading Norse for some time and needed to post my thoughts somewhere. Anyone more knowledgeable is free to add.
**TL:p;DR: Luffy is Odin, Kidd is Loki and they may have a huge debate on whether it’s okay to enslave the Yonko to fight the WG as the WG originally intended to use them. All based on Norse mythology.**
@eddathoughts @saisai-chan @op-headcanons @opdoodless
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kagebros · 5 years
Chapter 2 Excerpt of What’s Ahead
‘Asgard has existed for the last 4.543 billion years, the same age as your Earth. Asgard developed a little bit quicker than Earth, achieving space travel around the Scandinavian Iron Age. They first visited your planet in attempt to explore and became the gods many of your kind came to worship. The Asgardians are a humanoid race who possess certain skills developed through ‘magic’ such as seidr. They live in a monarchy where King Odin and Queen Frigg reside. Among them is the trickster deity Loki and Thor, the son of Odin and Frigg. You may be familiar with these gods as your pop culture has referenced the two listed above often. Asgardians have managed to harness the energy surrounding their small planet and create advanced technology that is, for example, able to control lightning and electricity.
The planet itself is around 4879 km in diametre. It has a diverse amount of life for its small size, with teeming wildlife in its oceans and forests. Asgard has only two major cities, Valhalla and Asgard. Valhalla is home to the Valkyries where the Asgardians live in Asgard. The Valkyries are a race of all women with the ability to fly (their technology revolves around individual flight and transportation) who have been at peace with the Asgardians for over millions of years. In fact, because of this unification, the planet of Asgard was only able to achieve space travel from that peace.
Asgardian traditions revolve around strength and usefulness. Iconic leaders such as Loki and Thor have allowed for great change in the city of Asgard, placing them up high in reverence, where Thor protected the planet when invaders threatened to destroy them and Loki for their problematic, yet helpful, advising, diplomacy and deception (Earth’s ideal politician). Other iconic individuals would be Idun, the geneticist that developed ‘golden’ apples that keep Asgardians young, Baldr, the son of Freya and Odin who represents the union of Vanaheim (a neighbouring planet) and Tyr, the general who sacrificed his hand to muzzle the maws of Fenrir.
Asgard’s fabled rainbow bridge is actually the emissions released from Asgardian spaceships when they first visited Earth, since then they’ve made a rainbow bridge based off of the humans’ fascination with it and connected the Realm Jumper’s platform to it. Perhaps humans will have the ability to visit Asgard at one point.’
- A Human’s Guide to the Universe (pg 49) Vale Aerenson
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starscreamloki · 6 years
Sticky Sweets
Challenge and prompt: This is a little fic for the halloween challenge of @loki-the-fox. You can read the original post here, and the prompt is: “I hate Halloween.” I brought Loki x Venom for this one.
Summary: Loki is out on the street, trick or treating with his boyfriend, when he is send to the creepy house by his lover to spook for candy. Scary mansions on Halloween... What could possibly go wrong?
Warnings: A little blood and gore, Dark!Loki
Words: 2720
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A/N: I had written this fanfic a while ago and wanted to wait for the movie of Venom to come out to put it out there so I could fix some last minute inconsistencies. Turns out that I had written one big inconsistency but if I would take it out, I would lose a great portion of the fic and I did not want that. I’m not going to spoil what it is for those who haven’t seen the movie yet. Also, there aren’t any spoilers for the movie in this fic so it’s safe to read. Lastly I also think (and hope) that I’m the first one to write a Venki fic and therefore I’m going with the word Venki (Venom + Loki) as a matter of name combining. But correct me if I’m wrong on that one...
Read on AO3
“I hate halloween,” Loki pouted with a sour face.
“Oh, come on, you’re doing fine,” Nik quipped happily and gave the God a friendly nudge with his shoulder.
“Really? That was the fifth one this evening who said my ‘costume’ wasn’t accurate,” Loki answered bitter. “And this isn’t even a costume!” he said through gritted teeth.
“I know honey,” Nik answered him and put himself on his toes so he could peck a kiss on Loki’s cheek. “You and I know that and that is enough for me,” he snickered as Loki only gave him an exasperated look but a little smile tugged at the corner of the God’s lips at the kiss that still tingled pleasantly on his skin.
Loki hadn’t intended to fall in love with this man, a mortal on top of that, but alas, here he was and he wouldn’t want to have it any other way.
“Now you go trick and treat at that mansion over there and I’ll go over to that house.”
“Why do I have to go to that mansion and not you?” Loki asked with a sigh.
“Because I don’t do creepy looking houses that smell of doom,” Nik said cheerfully. “Now go get them and I see you in a bit,” and he slapped Loki playfully on his behind before he bounded off to the other side of the street.
Loki shook his head and sighed. This halloween celebration was still foreign to him but he couldn’t deny the little pangs of joy it brought the God every time someone gave him candy - the need for endorsement he had lacked most of his life filling a weird kind of emptiness in his heart.
Loki pushed open the gate in front of the house, the creaking sound piercing his ears and he gritted his teeth after which he started to walk the path to the mainson.
He had been promised that after they had went from door to door they would go to a party, and at this moment it sounded a lot better to Loki than wading through this unkempt jungle of a garden which he had to pass before reaching the front door.
Loki wanted to knock on the door but as soon as he lifted his hand in the air it slightly swung open to a small crack and Loki raised his eyebrow.
When the door didn’t open further Loki placed his hand on the wood and pushed it open so he could see inside.
Nobody was there and a mischievous grin spread across his face as he entered the mainson.
The interior was old and was in the same state as the garden; not maintained in the slightest through what must have been ages for the cobwebs and dust were everywhere he looked. The God wrinkled his nose in disgust and tentivaly walked through the hall trying to decide whether he should take the staircase that led up to the higher levels, or find the stairs that led to the basement.
Loki shrugged - it didn’t matter - and he started to explore the house.
With every step the floorboards creaked under his weight and the rooms on the upper levels of the residence were devoid of life except for the bugs that scurried away in a corner as soon as Loki drew near. Most of the place was riddled with dust, the furniture worn from the many uses through the ages, and bleached from the amount of sunlight they had seen.
The cabinets and drawers were mostly empty except for the ones in the living room where some crystal glasses were still put on display and some books adorned the shelves. Loki picked up a book, his interest for the letters on paper piqued as always, but the tome crumbled under his touch, the papers lazily drifting to the floor to an unseen breeze of air.
“I hate halloween,” he murmured to himself as if he could shove the blame from the book falling apart on the mortal festivity.
The Trickster moved on through the house and found the staircase to the basement. It was dark outside and even darker in this part of the residence and Loki used his Seidr to create a little ball of light which hovered in the air with him to illuminate his path.
When he pushed the door open Loki was greeted by weird plastic strips hanging from ceiling to floor obscuring his view to what lay beyond, and he pushed past them, taking in the scene that lay before him.
If the house upstairs had looked like it belonged in the middle-ages, then this part of the house looked like it came straight out of the future, not to mention that this was the last Loki expected to be in this maison.
Behind the plastic curtains was a lab of some sorts. Glass separated the lab from the entry to the basement, some weird panels right next to a glass door but most striking of all was that time hadn’t worn it down and the place looked a lot cleaner and better maintained than the rest of the house even though the dust had also settled in on this part of the house.
Loki licked his lips and walked into the lab, the glass door falling shut behind him with a bang and Loki winched. He actually had nearly jumped out of his boots at the unexpected sound but years of training had taught him to cover up that emotion but he could still feel the shot of adrenaline coursing through his veins.
He kept his breathing steady as he moved through the lab, taking in his surroundings and unaware of the dangerous Symbiote that watched his every move.
Venom had escaped his containment the moment the door had closed and he was now clung to a dark corner where the ceiling and walls met, out of reach of the weird light that hovered around the greasy haired man.
Glass cabinets were placed along the walls holding various of glass pots and test-tubes with liquids, their labels and the meaning a mystery to Loki.
In the middle of the room stood a single chair, the kind where they usually strapped someone into to keep one in control. The many brown blood stains gracing the white leather indicating that someone had been experimenting here on another being, the leather straps that were placed around the armrests torn from something that had forced his way off the chair with inhuman strength. Loki couldn’t suppress a shudder at the morbid sight and his to vivid imagination played several horrific scenarios.
The Trickster still remembered the horrors one had put him through, bringing memories of long past to the front of his mind and frightening him a little, but the ever underlying evil streak that harbored itself within the God writhed with pleasure in his being - as long as he wasn’t at the end of tortures he could somewhat appreciate it.
Next to the chair stood a trolley with some shining tools placed on them, the thin layer of dust betraying it hadn’t been used in quite some time.
Venom crawled along the ceiling to have a better look at the man on the floor. The symbiote hadn’t eaten in days after he had killed his previous host, and this human looked like a fine appetizer. Venom’s mouth watered at the thought and drool slipped from it’s maw, falling to the floor behind the chair with a soft sluggish sound that sounded way to loud in the eerie and silent laboratorium.
Loki quickly spun on his heel to see where the sound had come from but he didn’t see anything that indicated someone was there. Still he felt the goosebumps run along his spine, his gut telling him something was amiss and that sixth sense was never wrong. He peered around the lab again but there was nobody in the room yet he couldn’t shake the feeling he was being watched.
Loki used his Seidr to expand the magical green light that hovered with him, making it go higher and illuminating the room some more.
In the corner of the lab he spotted a device that looked like a computer. He wasn’t very familiar with the things but Nik had shown him around the device and Loki had learned quickly.
He punched a couple of keys on the keyboard and the machine flared to live. It was a little bit odd the computer worked for the fact that the mainson didn’t have any electricity as far as Loki had tried, but then again doors opened and fell shut at random so he didn’t question his fortune.
As the screen flared to life a recording of the room started to play, showing a man strapped into the same chair as was behind him and some weird black slug taking hold of the victim. Loki wasn’t sure if it killed the man on the video or did something else but going by the contorted face of the man it looked as if he was in great pains.
Loki grabbed the mouse and clicked on different icons on the computer, opening and closing videos and notes and taking in all the information.
By now Venom had slithered along the ceiling and had came to a rest there where the ceiling and wall adjourned right above the computer. The Symbiote had figured it had waited long enough, this human wasn’t interesting at all and Venom decided to pounce.
The moment Loki spotted the movement he stepped back and called forth his Seidr, creating multiple illusions of himself while he skitted away and took up residence on the other side of the room.
Venom felt a pang of delight as it noticed the many meals that were suddenly in front of it and shifted into a form that somewhat resembled a humanoid. Well, the creature looked more of an enormous black contorted Frost Giant with more teeth sharper than Loki’s daggers and splitting its black face in a macabre grin, not to mention the long and slimy tongue that snaked out between those teeth.
But what struck Loki the most were those white eyes without pupils that were far too large to resemble any form of humanoid and the muscles that rippled underneath its black skin showed that the creature probably had immense strength.
Loki wasn’t sure if he’d rather fight this monstrous being or a Bilgesnipe but as soon as Venom attacked the illusions with vigor, falling through each of them and feeding the creature’s frustration and hunger, Loki was sure he’d rather fought the latter.
“WHERE ARE YOU, TASTY HUMAN?” The Symbiote purred with a raspy voice as it slashed through another one of Loki’s illusions with black claws.
When Loki spoke he made all the illusions speak with him. “If I show you where I am you have to promise me not to eat me,” Loki chuckled, trying to cover up the terror he felt.
“TASTY HUMAN,” Venom purred and its tongue slowly flicked out of its mouth to lick one of the illusions, making it disappear on contact.
Loki shuddered at the sight; he wasn’t one to be freaked out quickly but this just looked unnatural to him. Yet the information he had gotten from the computer might prove useful and Loki decided to up his game.
He whisked his copies away and quickly casted an illusion throughout the entire lab, making it look as if they were out on the streets, the place teaming with life as dressed up people celebrated halloween.
Venom whipped its head around, its seemingly lifeless eyes taking in its surroundings and narrowing into something that Loki could only interpret as glee. With renewed enthusiasm the Symbiote lounged itself into the illusion, trying to eat an unfortunate bypasser only to slam into the wall of the lab that lay behind the trick.
“Now you see,” Loki said without showing himself, an invisibility spell cloaking him, “you can choose to eat me or you can help me to get us both out of here and you can have as many ‘tasty humans’ as you want,” Loki bargained.
If you can’t defeat them than win them over with whatever you can offer.
Venom made a raspy purring sound from deep within its chest that showed the creatures dismay at having hit a wall. It swayed its head left and right trying to determine where the spoken words had come from but it didn’t see Loki.
The Symbiote pondered the Trickster’s words for a couple of moments before shifting into a black goo, gliding over the floor and trying to seek out the God. But Loki was quick to his feet and avoided the creature by silently darting through the room, dodging the Symbiote’s search.
Venom eventually stopped his in vain search and turned to his humanoid form once more. “SNACK. YOU CAN’T HIDE FOREVER,” it hissed.
“Honey,” a voice suddenly echoed through the mansion. “Are you still in here?”
Loki’s eyes widened as he recognized the voice of his mortal lover and Venom whipped its head at him. A wicked grin spread across its maw and under his skin he formed spikes which he then flung across the room.
Loki had to drop all of his illusions to counter the misles the creature threw at him but he couldn’t avoid all of them and some lodged itself painfully in his skin.
In the brief moment Loki was distraught Venom pounced, shifting into his gooey form and wrapping itself around the God.
When the Symbiote tasted the first blood and flesh of Loki it was pleasantly surprised to find this creature wasn’t a mere Human but something far more powerful, and it decided to alter its plan, instead of eating it making him its new host.
As Loki was wrapped in the alien parasite he felt the creature latch on to his skin and being, and the more the Trickster got covered. With a silent scream on the his lips Loki fell to the floor as he felt the parasite fuse with his being, shifting rapidly between his Aesir form and Venoms humanoid form.
When Venom was completely fused with the God it gave Loki his body back and the God breathed hard as he tried to recover from the intrusion. Slowly he pushed himself into a sitting position, placing a hand on his pounding head and he sighed.
“I’m not sure if I’d rather had you’d eaten me,” Loki murmured while hauling himself to his feet.
He could feel Venom stirr within him and his emerald green eyes shifted to black marbled with white veins as the Symbiote spoke to him in his mind. “NOW, LET US PAY THAT BOYFRIEND OF YOURS A VISIT.”
Loki moved to the door of the lab and coaxed by the Symbiote he used his Frost Giant abilities to freeze the glass and shatter it. Tentative he moved up the stairs and through the house until he was in front of Nik - Loki’s eyes carrying a black haze.
“Loki? Are you okay?” he asked and carefully stepped toward his lover.
Loki felt the pangs of hunger and without warning the alien parasite took over Loki’s body, shifting it into its black-skinned humanoid form.
Niks eyes widened at the sight and he screamed. “Loki! This is not funny!” he screeched. “I know you can shapeshift into anything but this is just macabre!”
Venom let out a low rumbling purr from its chest that sounded like a mocking laugh. “SNACK,” it hissed before it opened its maw and attacked him.
Loki could only watch on in horror through the white eyes of Venom as he tore the other man asunder limb by limb, blood spraying the walls and floor, and eating him. The screams of terror the man had howled went through marrow and bone and would forever be etched in Loki’s mind.
Venom felt the Trickster’s turmoil and searched within the God, pulling on his darkest desires until Loki didn’t feel melachonical anymore - until he didn’t feel anything anymore except glee at the gore that lay at his feet.
“MORE” Venom purred and gave Loki his body back.
“I hate Halloween,” Loki said reluctantly with eyes blacker than night.
The End
I thrive on coffee
General taglist:  @lusty-loki, @destiel1597,  @laralaufey, @welcome-to-fangirl-hell, @fairlightswiftly, @lokikingofasgardslover713, @daddymarvel, @vesperazylra, @annievvv7, @myclock, @hiddlestoner3095, @vethrvolnir, @occasionallywittyavengers, @wintertink, @jane-labban, @whovianwookie86-captainxev, @blondekel77, @bambamwolf87, @loki-is-the-best-villian, @wegingerangelica, @kcd15
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thorvaenn · 7 years
Hey! I'm recent to the fandom and wanted to know if there's a MUST READ list anywhere or any really good gems that are unmissable. I've already went thought cavaleira's (almost) whole AO3 account and am still recovering from 'Take the Long Way Home' (like, how soon is too soon for a re-read?). Also, awesome blog :)
So I bring you a mix of genres and there’s both canon and AU fics, basically what I feel really captures the experience of this fandom as I know it. Take the Long Way Home would be very high on that list so you’re already covered there, just linking for other readers. 
Note: 1) Unless I absolutely couldn’t help it, it’s one fic per author but on this list there are MANY very prolific, very talented authors. Please check out their other works too. 2) Some of these are current or even abandoned WIPs. Some stuff is just too good even without an ending.
First you have the list of just titles and authors, then under the cut the same list but with summaries included because this is just so long.
Spoils of War by Fickle_Obsessions 
A Brother’s Treason by dreamlittleyo 
To Be the Anvil by Schaudwen 
Faceless by thefirstwhokneels 
The Old Ways by Clarice Chiara Sorcha (claricechiarasorcha) 
Cavemen Thor and Loki by Icemaidenstory 
Let slip the dogs of war by amberfox17 
The Northern Sea by soltian 
The Ice (and Mistakes and Accidents series) by themantlingdark
Good Inside by glayish 
As if he were the Sun by ohfreckle 
Waiting for the Moon to Rise by cavaleira 
Wild Ambition Fortune’s Ice Prefers by amberfox17 
Dead wings carried like a paper kite by illwynd 
Mad Man by griseldajane 
Make It Go Away, Or Make It Better by rayemars 
Easily by proantagonist 
God of Lies by izazov 
Shadow in the Sun by shadow_in_the_shade 
Something so Magic by thisdorkyficthing 
You Pull Me Out of Line (Make Me Beg and Make Me Chase) by sexualthorientation (sexyscholar) 
Where Shadows Lie by eyeus 
A Poison that Never Stung by thisdorkyficthing 
down to just one thing by helwolves 
Dog inside the heart by thebookhunter 
Wergeld by rayemars 
In Your Heart Believe What In My Heart I Know by umakoo 
Out of the Mouths of Babes by Rynfinity 
Look To The Sky by karuvapatta 
Number One Contender For My Heart by guardianinthesky 
Facing the Vast by needleyecandy 
Crash Into Me by ravenbringslight 
Putting Out Fire by Hermaline75 
Spoils of War by Fickle_Obsessions
A Jotunheim born-and-raised Loki becomes Thor’s prize after a war with the frost giants. Thor is thoroughly smitten, which unfortunately means he’s not too keen to take the slow route. No, the path Thor take has a lot more hair pulling and it’s Loki doing the pulling.
A Brother’s Treason by dreamlittleyo
Thor can tell, by the barely discernible narrowing of Loki’s eyes, that his brother is surprised to see him.
To Be the Anvil by Schaudwen
There is little Loki would deny Thor when his brother comes to him with less than innocent intentions.
Faceless by thefirstwhokneels
There is a special tavern in Asgard where, in complete anonymity, anyone can have their desire granted.Both Thor and Loki share the passion for what the tavern provides - it is only that they don’t know it of each other…
The Old Ways by Clarice Chiara Sorcha (claricechiarasorcha)
Based on a Norsekink prompt in which Thor and Loki get fake-married to avoid a diplomatic incident in the outlands of wild Álfheimr. Except they got real-married. And they’re going to find out the hard way.
Cavemen Thor and Loki by Icemaidenstory
Thor’s tribe destroys another tribe because they couldn’t agree about their territories. Loki, a son of the leader of that tribe, survives, but he gets captured and enslaved.
Let slip the dogs of war by amberfox17
Loki is too far gone, and barely seems able to hear him. The air hums with the charge of his seidr, bottling up inside him, unable to escape so long as he is bound within the enchanted cuffs, and the beast in him is still battle-hungry and furious. He requires release, and since he is not safe to be set free, Thor has only one other kind to offer him.Thor/Loki PWP, in a world where mages must be kept chained and their magic bound: Loki is Thor’s dog of war, unleashed only in the most terrible of battles, and now Thor must deal with the aftermath of setting Loki’s seidr loose.
The Northern Sea by soltian
Lost and freezing in the middle of the ocean, Loki encounters an intriguing and dangerous stranger that seems more likely to make things worse rather than better.
The Ice (and Mistakes and Accidents series) by themantlingdark
They’re twins. Fraternal, obviously. Thor is nine minutes older.
Good Inside by glayish
“Is this supposed to shame me, Thor? I thought you could do better. But I should have known.” Loki bares his teeth and when he speaks into Thor’s ear he makes sure his words bite.
“There’s not enough good in you to take the bad out of me.”
As if he were the Sun by ohfreckle
Thor is a Russian nobleman and Loki is his spoiled rotten consort who’s drenched in jewels and furs and is constantly whispering conspiracies and scandal into Thor’s ear.
Waiting for the Moon to Rise by cavaleira
As the newly crowned king of Asgard, Thor’s life is filled with stress as he as he navigates political intrigue and struggles to figure out what kind of king he wants to be. Desperately in need of a night of relaxation, he finds himself at a brothel he used to frequent in his youth. It’s there that Thor spends an evening in the arms of beautiful courtesan named Loki, and his whole world changes in ways he never could have imagined.
Wild Ambition Fortune’s Ice Prefers by amberfox17
When Thor went storming into Jotunheim he was looking to start a fight, but accidently winds up a pawn in Odin and Laufey’s plans for a permanent peace between the realms; namely, in exchange for the return of the Casket of Ancient Winters, Laufey is offering his firstborn child Loki, the Aesir-sized sorcerer, in marriage to Thor. Such a momentous decision is not to be taken lightly, so Odin sends Thor to live on Jotunheim - without Mjolnir - for a season with Loki, to get to know his prospective consort and to teach the wilful prince some diplomatic sense. Thor is horrified, his parents are insistent and no-one really knows what Loki is thinking, but he hasn’t stopped smiling…Or, a jotun AU arranged marriage worldbuilding fic, featuring a confused Thor, a manipulative bastard Loki, Jotunheim politics, a slow burn developing relationship and a motley arrangement of characters from Marvel and myth.
Dead wings carried like a paper kite by illwynd
In the heat of battle, Loki kills his brother. As soon as Thor lies dead at his feet, though, he realizes this is not what he wanted. So he brings Thor back, and surely all is well again. Right?
Mad Man by griseldajane
When Loki discovers that Thor has seemingly vanished from the nine realms, he uses all the tricks at his disposal to find his missing brother, including teaming up with the Avengers.
In the meantime, Thor is pushed past his breaking point and may have forever lost his way.
Make It Go Away, Or Make It Better by rayemars
It was a normal summer vacation until Thor spotted Loki in his bedroom when his cousin thought he was alone. Then it turned into something else completely; something that upends more than a few family secrets, and changes quite a few things for them both.
Easily by proantagonist
It’s not until Jane dies that Loki finally comes to Thor.
God of Lies by izazov
There are lines no one in Asgard should cross. Not even Asgard’s two princes.
Shadow in the Sun by shadow_in_the_shade
The year is 14 AD, Thor is a Gladiator in the Roman Colosseum, a captive from the wars against Germany, Loki is a Roman Nobleman, or something that looks a lot like it and everything Thor hates. When Loki sees Thor in the arena he knows he has to have him.
Something so Magic by thisdorkyficthing
First the scars, now this. And he bakes. All while looking the way he does.
Loki is dangerously intrigued by Thor.
You Pull Me Out of Line (Make Me Beg and Make Me Chase) by sexualthorientation (sexyscholar)
Thor, a Roman general in the Emperor’s army, becomes infatuated with Loki, a young pleasure slave. Smut ensues. Naturally.
Where Shadows Lie by eyeus
“We could call the enemy ‘Walkers’,” offers Bruce. “Like they do on The Walking Dead.”
Thor thinks they should be called Shamblers or Stumblers instead, but keeps his silence. His teammates might take offense to their iconic television show being referred to as The Stumbling Dead.
A Poison that Never Stung by thisdorkyficthing
Loki is a seventeen year old runaway that gets taken in by Thor. (Thor’s probably gonna regret it)
down to just one thing by helwolves
“Mother always said, the fastest way to a man’s heart is through an unbreakable curse of mysterious origin.”
Dog inside the heart by thebookhunter
Thor and Loki are the children of a dynasty of great actors. Their mother Frigga is a grande dame of the stage and muse of the finest European movie directors, their father Odin is going down in history as the Lawrence Olivier of his time.
Thor and Loki are following on their steps, with everything to prove, to themselves and to the world.
But as they become dragged under the public eye, so does their past, full of secrets and lies.
There are things that not even Thor can protect Loki from.
Wergeld by rayemars
It was springtime, and Thor had taken his men war-faring to seek goods for themselves; but raiding a foreign temple brought him far more than he’d ever imagined–in either goods or trouble.
In Your Heart Believe What In My Heart I Know by umakoo
A Jötunn AU set in Utgård where both Thor and Loki are Jötnar, Thor a blacksmith and Loki the jarl’s youngest son. Their lives become intertwined through friendship, which time shapes into something deeper.
Out of the Mouths of Babes by Rynfinity
“He’s my brother,” Thor says with a shrug. “I don’t expect you to understand.”
He doesn’t. He doesn’t understand any of it himself, after all.
Look To The Sky by karuvapatta
Most of his pleasant daydreams started like this: Asgard in ruins at his feet. And yet Loki felt very little satisfaction as he stepped over the wreckage.
Number One Contender For My Heart by guardianinthesky
Loki has never been into sports, but one day Amora drags him to a pro wrestling event, promising him lots of hot, sweaty guys. He finds himself less than impressed until a particular wrestler named Thor shows up.
Facing the Vast by needleyecandy
England has just declared war on Napoleon, Naval captains are winning their laurels on a daily basis, and Thor’s ship is ordered to the South Seas to seek out a lost scientific vessel. It is an assignment for an old man, but the Admiralty will hear no reason. All hope of glory lost, he takes to sea in a foul temper.
Loki is an artist employed by the naturalist who accompanies HMS Hope on the expedition of rescue and research. He is to make quick and accurate sketches of those plants that catch his employer’s eye. For the first time in his life, the rest of his time is his own.
Back home, their paths never would have crossed, but life at sea is different, and their shared journey brings many kinds of discovery.
Crash Into Me by ravenbringslight
Thor moves back into his childhood home to take care of Odin in his final months. Putting up with the old man’s moods and taking care of his failing body is stressful enough - and then Thor meets Loki.
Loki is the son of Odin’s neighbor and he pushes himself into Thor’s life with all the dogged determination of youth and the subtlety of an avalanche.
He’s the prettiest thing Thor has ever seen. He’s also 16.
Thor is fucked.
Putting Out Fire by Hermaline75
Life as a shifter has many problems. Like fires. And being adopted by a fire fighter, your ideal man, who unfortunately believes that you’re an ordinary cat…
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