nekropsii · 1 year
so, can i ask you about how a prince can be good? i know classpects dont automatically determine a character's morality, but im definitely scratching my head on how destroyer classes of a "positively associated" aspect can be a great addition to a session. all of the canon princes end up working or contributing for the antagonist in some way or form. its confusing to me. like say, if a prince of breath ends up in playing the game, all i can think of is that they'd be a tyrant to their friends or that they'd a ticking bomb in their session, i just have no idea how they could be a good teammate.
sorry if this sounds harsh, i really didnt mean it, im just confused since me and my friends might be making a homestuck thing and the classpect topic comes up.
Oh, no worries about sounding harsh. You didn't, but even if you did, I understand where the question is coming from. It's a pretty hotly contested one, and due to the title of "Active Destroyer," it is a bit difficult to read it as anything positive. That is, until you take a step back and look at it from the perspective of it being a magic system, rather than a personal condemnation.
Aspects are inherently neutral but variable concepts, not definitively good ones. Which means that depending on how they present + define themselves in any given situation, their presence can genuinely be a negative force. In situations where the Aspect of a Prince is one that is proving itself to be a detriment to a particular Player, Team, or the whole Session, the Prince can be a force for good by destroying it.
Though a Prince is an Active Class- meaning they tend to utilize their relationship with their Aspect that mostly benefits and/or affects them- it is extremely possible that one can do good, as "Active" does not mean "Bad". This is because "Personal Benefit" is a pretty loose term- sometimes people are nice because it makes them feel nice, and no other reason. This does not make the niceness tainted, and it does not make them a bad person. If someone does good things for what can be defined as selfish reasons- sans expecting it to be transactional, especially with regards to Kindness for Sex- it is still a net positive. It's like how donating to charity to get that feel-good effect for yourself is still, ultimately... Donating to charity. Just because you're donating for your own personal benefit doesn't mean others aren't benefiting from your actions.
A Prince of Breath can do good by cutting out excess Breath- mitigating the distance between Players and the aimlessness of their Team. They can very, very easily be a grounding force for those around them. It's pretty likely, though, that they suffer from an inability to give themselves any kind of break- or, to put it in other words, Freedom from their Obligations. They're working overtime on being the Session's group therapist and constantly working to keep everyone on track. Yes, they could be a tyrant, but that's only one interpretation of the title. There's many things you could do with a Prince- good, neutral, and bad- if you get a little creative with it.
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msprojects · 2 years
Prince of Legend 3rd Championship rules
So like, I'm watching Prince of Legend, like the whole shebang, for the first time, and I've finally made it to the first movie. You know how they say the devil's in the details and when I saw the poster for the championship rules, I just knew there had to be something there. First of all, why was it in English?! LOL. Second, I love that they didn't explain "kabedon" at all, just listed it as is. And third, Hattori's email lol.
Anyhoo, nobody asked for it, but I took it down anyway!
The 3rd Prince of Legend Championship Competition Content
☆ Kabedon Competition ☆ "Carry like a princess" race ☆ Staring Contest ☆ Musical chairs game ☆ Four-legged race ☆ Main race to be announced on the day
Meeting place: St. Brilliant Academy Special meeting place Qualification requirements: Student, graduate and teaching staff member
Recruiting for participants in the 3rd prince of legend championship. We are looking for a boy who is the most "high princely" in the St. Brilliant academy student, graduate and teaching staff member. No matter you recommend yourself. Please fill the application form and send it to Hattori, in the charge of st "prince of legend championship".
MAIL : 810ri. [email protected] SNS : @LPC_brilliant Application form:file://Downloads/prince.pdf
Next up on my project list:
KazuHoku essay (it's written, just need the motivation to refine it)
A new KazuHoku fic with yakuza and whatnot ;)
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jenniferespino · 4 years
Aliquam massa urna, tempor nec erat vitae, sodales semper ipsum
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis tempus ut sapien condimentum fringilla. Mauris commodo felis nec egestas rutrum. Donec semper convallis libero, mollis malesuada T86qhCDX6A Physical Security Systems Handthe Design An nibh ullamcorper interdum. Nullam eget nisi pharetra, posuere arcu non, aliquet sapien. Curabitur blandit condimentum lacus quis consectetur. In quis hendrerit sem. Donec laoreet velit nisi, id pellentesque sapien lacinia facilisis. Nunc ut scelerisque risus, at sollicitudin leo. Pellentesque nulla massa, ornare nec interdum sed, rutrum vel dui. Integer vestibulum quam in lacus eleifend, in porta nisi sodales. Nullam vehicula rhoncus lorem eu fermentum. Proin ut feugiat ex. Morbi consequat nulla ipsum.
Nunc et mauris purus. In scelerisque libero vel turpis imperdiet auctor. Aliquam pellentesque purus sed ante elementum tempor. Cras accumsan tellus at tortor vestibulum rutrum. Mauris sit amet bibendum tellus, tristique iaculis sapien. Aliquam sit amet sem eget felis suscipit tincidunt. Vestibulum fermentum condimentum malesuada. Nullam tellus lectus, finibus in ex id H LjStvnTx , venenatis aliquet lectus. Cras pretium pretium purus, non luctus lectus pulvinar non. Sed nec neque at mi finibus luctus sit amet in lectus. Integer sodales fringilla sapien rutrum egestas. Fusce interdum convallis dolor. In ac erat ullamcorper, pharetra elit quis, iaculis risus. Donec ultrices sapien vitae consectetur elementum. In id sem vel nisl vulputate tempor.
Praesent dapibus elementum nunc EYIdY7Va9sc My First 5 Minutes Fairy Tale The Frog Prince, nec eleifend magna consequat porta. Morbi vitae felis efficitur, ultrices tellus quis, sagittis nisl. Vivamus gravida urna eget sem vehicula maximus ornare in felis. Aliquam massa urna, tempor nec erat vitae, sodales semper ipsum. Aenean interdum est et tortor facilisis sagittis. Aenean aliquam dictum eros, ac tempus tellus sollicitudin vitae. Donec vitae sapien ac leo dictum laoreet. Mauris tincidunt urna justo, sed aliquam nulla aliquet sit amet. #####Integer in erat vitae tortor suscipit hendrerit eu et urna. Nam et neque hendrerit, bibendum ligula non, malesuada lectus.
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Integer rhoncus nunc sed turpis tincidunt vulputate Carry You Paperback. Nullam fermentum sapien eu risus sodales maximus. In vel commodo ex. Ut a turpis at risus fringilla tincidunt placerat non orci. Donec viverra, risus sit amet aliquam dapibus, est purus dictum velit, eu scelerisque lectus nibh ac sapien. In sem massa, tincidunt eu lorem eleifend, rhoncus tincidunt augue. Integer porta nunc nec nisi maximus, sed volutpat leo bibendum. Proin suscipit tortor leo, sit amet tempus velit ultrices et. Fusce aliquet mauris nisl, non euismod augue mollis ultrices. Pellentesque eu lectus elit.
I spoke to Alex and Joe about WordAi today.
The police officers are interrogating the suspect, although they have not detained anybody.
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deepink78blogsworld · 4 years
Check out "set apart for God - derek prince.pdf" on Scribd
I'm reading "set apart for God - derek prince.pdf" on Scribd.
Check it out: https://www.scribd.com/doc/357796723
0 notes
woolspinning · 5 years
Star Wars Aphelion: Childhood - Episode IV
0 notes
knowledgewiki · 5 years
harry potter and the half blood prince book pdf
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince https://www.englishfun.vn/…/uploads/2018/04/6Harry-Potter-and-the-Half-Blood-Prince.pdf HARRY POTTER . AND THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE . BY . J.K. ROWLING . CHAPTER ONE . THE OTHER MINISTER . It was nearing midnight and the Prime Minister was sitting alone in his office, reading a long Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince PDF | Download Free … […] from https://knowledgewiki.org/harry-potter-and-the-half-blood-prince-book-pdf/
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academicheroes · 5 years
Machiavelli on Human Nature
Machiavelli on Human Nature
Machiavelli, The Prince, Dedicatory Letter and chapters 1-9. https://www.planetebook.com/free-ebooks/the-prince.pdf This is the link for the free text Based on your reading of The Prince, answer these questions What is Machiavelli’s account or conception of human nature? In other words, does he think highly of what humans are capable of, or not so highly? In answering this, explain why Machiavelli…
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nekropsii · 2 years
How do you think a prince of life would work?
Princes are the Active Destruction Class. They're marked by their violent stubbornness, with their whole life being dominated by their Goal. A common plot thread for Princes is to try to not get ruined by their Goal in their ruthless attempts to chase it. Their success in this plot thread is dependent on the character, though it seems the average rate isn't very high- 2 of 3 Princes in canon lost their battle against this.
Life is the Aspect of Literal Life, Opulence, Agency/Autonomy, and Growth. It can symbolize more, but those are the main definitions.
An Aspect is a core concept of reality, and a person holding an Aspect is mostly governed by said Aspect in some way. The Class determines one's relationship with their Aspect.
A Prince of Life would Destroy one or multiple of the concepts of Life in themself and others. They're ruled by Life, though they seek to destroy it, for one reason or another. This Goal can be Conscious, Subconscious, or Unconscious. Though not an inherently abusive Mythological Role- as no Classpects are inherently Good or Bad- this is a combination that near automatically sets them up with having an unhealthy, potentially harmful relationship with the Growth and Autonomy of those they are close to. Though, to explain but not excuse this, they also have an unhealthy, almost unavoidably harmful relationship with these concepts in themselves. This can manifest in many ways, and is entirely dependent on the character's personality. An interesting, though simple method of this manifesting would be a toxic, destructive form of envy. Whether that destructiveness is more internally focused or externally focused is a fun little variable that you get to decide. And I do mean variable- this can change from situation to situation.
They are most likely a stunted, regressive person that does not believe in indulging in whatever they personally deem as frivolities. It is hard to view a Prince of Life that is anything but at least somewhat abrasive to others. They'd be a fun challenge to write, especially if you're going for someone who does not wish to fill the role of an antagonist. Whether they succeed or fail in their wishes- if they even have that wish at all- would be up to what your goal in writing them is, obviously.
Sorry if you are a Prince of Life. I'm sure you're pleasant, maybe. I'm analyzing this from the perspective of writing a potential character. That's different from analyzing a real person, which I prefer not to do. Get therapy, though.
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yosuke10 · 9 years
Im so ,,its rlly loud what if it thunders again,,
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nekropsii · 2 years
this is probably oversimplfying things a lot but princes usually represent the opposite of their aspect right so does that not mean that their actual aspect is their polar aspect like a prince of light would actually be a prince of void or a prince of life would actually be a prince of doom
With all due respect, genuinely, that's not oversimplifying it. That is just patently incorrect. That is a gross misunderstanding of how a Prince functions, but you're almost on the right track, and I can see how you came to that conclusion... It just so happens that the conclusion drawn wasn't right. I'm not one to just say "You're wrong," and move on, though... So if you do not mind, I'm going to break this down to the best of my ability. If you need any further elaboration upon any point made here, feel free to ask- my inbox is always open and I cannot say no to such a harmless question- and I'm deeply sorry if any part of this post comes across as rude.
A Prince is not literally their Opposite Aspect, nor do they represent their Opposite Aspect. If they were truly representative of their "Opposite Aspect", then they would be that Aspect. It makes no logical sense for there to be a Class devoted to making a character actually fundamentally be an entirely different Aspect. It's confusing and redundant, and it's best to give it a more intricate functionality.
Princes are a Destructive Class, meaning they Destroy their Aspect and Ghost their Opposite. A Prince of Light would Destroy Light, and Ghost Void. A Prince of Life would Destroy Life, and Ghost Doom. This does not mean that they are "actually" a Prince of Void or a Prince of Doom respectively- they're very much so still Lightbound and Lifebound. Ghosting, in the context of Mythological Roles, is roughly synonymous to Masking. A Prince's Destruction of their Aspect directly leads to them wearing the mask of their Opposite Aspect, thus making them appear to be their Opposite Aspect on first glance. This doesn't change their Aspect at all, really, and this is due to how Classes and Aspects function as a Hard Magic System.
I went into this in a Previous Post, but a person or character's Aspect defines what is most Fundamentally Valuable to them at their Core, while their Class defines how they Interact with said Core Value. Classpecting becomes fairly simple when you think of it on those terms. Turning back to your example here: A Prince of Light's Values lie within what Light represents to them, and they Interact with that Value by Destroying it.
I do hope this makes sense, but again, if you need any clarification, let me know. I'd be more than happy to provide. I hope you have a nice day!!
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nekropsii · 2 years
Isnt the entire thing with Dirks character that he's like, not supposed to represent his aspect, that's the whole deal with the prince class right, they represent the opposite of their aspect
Princes destroy their Aspect and Ghost their opposite, essentially meaning they very much so come across as whatever their opposite Aspect is, especially on first glance, and try to wear it as a mask. Using Dirk as a way to study Mind would not be entirely inappropriate.
What is entirely inappropriate and textually inaccurate is using Dirk and only Dirk as your basis for how Heart functions- because fundamentally speaking, his method of interacting with Heart is by literally destroying it.
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nekropsii · 2 years
well the thing about the "self" is that its q narrative we construct, so...
I understand where you’re coming from, but I need you to recognize that Homestuck tends to use “Narrative” in an entirely different, very meta sense, and paired with everything else, they were absolutely talking about the forging a coherent character in the overarching story (you know, the story’s narrative,) because they were talking about Dirk and not the Heartbound generally speaking.
I don’t think that, for example, Nepeta shamelessly being a middle school Warrior Cats LARPer and shipping fanatic is, like, a narrative thing per se. I think she just… Does it. Being true to yourself doesn’t have to have narrative importance. “Narrative,” in the meta sense in which Homestuck tends to use it, is patently not why they’re like that. It can be, but that would be a fringe/individual example and not something you put as a definitive fact for every Heart player. That’s how Dirk functions. He’s not countable as a solid example of Heart because he’s Destroying it.
The Heartbound aren’t so honestly and transparently themselves because they want anything to do with a narrative, they’re honestly and transparently themselves because that’s what’s important to them as a person. That’s what an Aspect defines- an Aspect represents is most important to a character as a person. Class defines how they interact with that element of their lives. Not every character trait is going to have something to do with an overarching narrative, once again, especially not in the way that Homestuck employs the term “narrative.” It feels stupid and in bad faith to claim that those bound to Heart inherently care about The Narrative and are Self-Obsessed when that only applies to a singular Heart player we’ve seen, and that Heart player was Destroying his own Aspect.
Yes, the self is a narrative we construct, but Heart is about not having to “construct” that in the first place, because instead of intentionally building an identity or wearing masks- you know, like the Mindbound do- you just are who and what you are largely without thought. It’s being yourself even when it’s not entirely rational to be so honest and transparent in the first place.
Again… I cannot stress enough how much they were just talking about Dirk. I could just be talking out of my ass here, but it genuinely feels ridiculous to claim that the Heartbound care about forging identities, wearing masks, and making their lives a “coherent narrative” when they, like, don’t… Do that. That was a Dirk thing. Dirk is knowingly playing the role of a character in a story. Nepeta and Meulin… Were not doing that.
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yosuke10 · 9 years
Sorry for post ing aesthetics and stuff im just trying to calm down because theres a storm outside and im scared that a lot of ppl hate me!! Aa
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