#private vices public pleasures
ofallingstar · 2 years
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Private Vices, Public Pleasures (1986)
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vincekris · 1 year
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Vizi privati, pubbliche virtù (Private Vices, Public Pleasures), Dir. Miklós Jancsó, 1976
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pinastrihaven · 29 days
Overpossessive Cooper Adams
NSFW... +18...
This is the first time I publish some writting/headcanon ever. I had to serve this Fandom since we're so little. Hope you'll like it.
Here is Part 2
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- His initial plan was to make you one of his victim, destroy something beautiful, but when you first talked to him something switched in his mind. He liked the way you look and smile at him, how you insist on calling him Sir, the delicate attentions you show him throughout your different encounters. He felt important and special. So he decided to seduce you.... and keep you as a pet.
- It began with stalking. Following you as you left work, tracking your activity on your phone as soon as he got your number and socials. Which is quite disappointing to say the least. You're basically an ermite so following you IRL is more thrilling. He loves to follow you on the most random occasions: when you run errands (he laughs at your indecisiveness), when you sit at the park (God he could go mad at the sight of your long legs crossing, uncrossing under your skirt as you're reading or simply relaxing).
- What he really loves is to follow you when you go on a hike by yourself. It is challenging to him. He has to be stealth and silent, follow you from afar, which is quite difficult in the forest. It is also difficult to concentrate because of the bulge of his crouch crying out for release. Many scenarios run though his head in this setting. Visions of horror and pure bliss fight under his brain. He can almost hear your vivid screams of terror mixed with pleasure.
- After a certain time a strange feeling grew in his chest. The more time he spent with you going to a diner, going to the cinema, having some lazy time at your place, waiting for you from afar to exit this psychologist appointment you've never told him about... The more he felt at ease knowing you are safe under his guard. I mean, his first intentions were not good, and he knows damn well how far people can be monstrous.
- Of course Cooper never felt any sense of guilt to invade your private space. You belong to him and it his right to know any minute details of your life.
And you always marvel at how he's aware of your most niche interests. He might not be into it but '' yeah this vague novel from thirty years ago '' he has heard about it...
- Because you're Cooper's, he needs to let the world know, and your very self too of course. So how Mister Adams would proceed?
- When the two of you are together, no one gets to look at you for too long, not even women. He would not make a fuss, he can be quite discreet you wouldn't even realize it, but those people get frozen with a death stare. You wouldn't even catch him doing so. He is still the Butcher.
- No man gets to talk to you. And you quite appreciate it, how he answers for you, oders your diner at restaurants, puts himself between you and those guys... You feel shielded by him.
- Cooper loves to get his own scent on you and vice versa. He often humps you to do so and it leaves you enthralled to feel him this hard and wanting for more. He really enjoys having your scent on him, it gives him some sort of primal satisfaction.
You're not allowed to perfume yourself so he can smell you best. Your scent let him aware of your arousal, excitement and sometimes your primal fears.
- Cooper always hold you: rarely by the hand, but mostly your hips, shoulders, neck. He even ventures his hand in your hair in public. He likes to pull it subtly and it makes you really warm. You love to feel his strong grip on your body, it makes you feel safe.
- Cooper needs to mark you.
So get ready to get bitten... A lot, and hard. He would leave traces down your neck (and not allow you to wear anything to cover it up). Cooper would leave even more brutal bite marks on your hips and inner thigh. He just love to hear you scream in pain and giggle right after he has removed his teeth from your flesh. And you love the painful sensation it leaves on your body. Sure your best friend freaked out when she saw you on that beach day but you're having a blast with Mister Adams.
- "There's really nothing to worry about" as Cooper likes to chock you on many occasions. He likes to get you by surprise (and how you immedialty reach his bulge when he does). He just love to cut the air from your lungs and see you go limp. The way consciousness quit your eyes as he has his hands around your tiny throat mesmerize him. It's literally like killing you slowly.
- Cooper loves you more at his mercy, so he would have you blinded, duck tape on your mouth, hands and limbs binded and have you like that, at his feet for hours. You cannot describe the sense of peace it gives you to be in bondage for him. Sometimes he caresses you with his hands... or the edge of a blade....
- Breeding.
Though getting you pregnant is not really the point, Cooper wants to mark your insides with his cum. He makes you understand you're his with every thrust he pushes into you, really rough and hard. You'll remember it for days. And you just love how he growls when he sprays his cum into you. He will always wait for your orgasm to do so.
He loves to watch his cum roll down from your pussy, all puffy and swollen.
- Cooper also enjoy to give you soft marks, soft kiss all over your face, some gentle licks across your bite marks, he loves to caress you gently and feel how easily you would break between his hands.
- Overall it is quite intense to be Mister Adams pet but it also feels good. Would I dare to say safe ?
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shadow4-1 · 4 months
(Part 2 of this post.)
After letting Soap set everything up, on his next leave of absence, Ghost finally gets to meet the plus size escort he's been having fantasies about.
However, she's only interested in laying down some ground rules.
To show he was serious, for their first meeting she made Ghost rent out the smoking section of a privately owned Café. It's a quaint little joint; part bookstore, part coffee shop. Cost him less than two hundred quid for the whole hour. Ghost likes the privacy and the better service - his coffee cup hasn't gone unfilled. He wonders why he's never thought of doing it before. Plus, he can have a fag without someone bothering him about the smell. The booth is in the back of the store, so leaving his face completely uncovered doesn't feel nearly as uncomfortable either.
For anyone else the mask stays on. Well, at least some form of mask. Nowadays, when deep in public territory, he sticks to a surgical mask. Still attracts some curious gazes, but after the new-age plague passed he's been left well enough alone.
Besides, the bird's a civilian through and through. She's probably used to white collar Johns with soft hands and faces. He's decidedly the opposite and doesn't want to scare her off. At a time like this he knows hiding his face would make him seem less trustworthy. She should at least be allowed to see what she's working with. He knows he's not wholly unattractive, but if compared to Soap, well he wouldn't blame her for sticking up her nose. Hell, it'd be no skin off his back.
He's early as per usual. Doesn't want to keep her waiting on him. Time is money and all that. The coffee shop staff seemed relieved at the lack of customers. Behind him, he can hear one of the servers taking an order from a customer. That's when he hears a sound that makes his ears prick up.
The sound of heels against the tile.
Subconsciously, he straightens himself. Consciously, he makes no move to attempt to preen or better his appearance in any way. What she sees is what she gets and vice versa. That's what this meeting is for anyway. It's a time to lay it all on the table.
Her voice is soft and sweet. He releases a breath he didn't realize he was holding. When he looks up he's taken off guard by the quality of her facial features. In Johnny's pictures she looked average. But now, he realizes that perhaps the flash really dulled down her beautiful features - mainly her delicious looking lips. He swallows hard at the thought of his cock maybe getting inside that blowjob perfect mouth.
"You must be Simon."
She places down a mid-size purse on the booth seat across from him. She's dressed in business casual - a white button up and some form fitting slacks. Her makeup is subdued, her hair lightly styled. She looks completely natural. Ghost finds she's checking off all the boxes he didn't even realize he had.
She offers her hand and he shakes it. Her nails aren't painted but have a natural sheen and length. And while her palms are soft, her grip is sturdy. It's obvious that she knows how to uphold herself professionally. He already starts to feel good about this impending arrangement.
She introduces herself as a "Miss Care". It's a fake name designed to give her a simple, yet recognizable trait. He supposes her self-chosen moniker isn't far off from a callsign. Not that she'd have any idea what that even is.
"S' a pleasure." He bows his head at her in respect.
He doesn't miss the way she blushes for a second before taking the seat across from him. She opens her mouth to say something, but is rudely interrupted by a server placing a menu down in front of her. At least, he finds it quite rude. She just beams at the server and politely declines the menu. She orders a hot Chai latte with a slice of banana bread. She's obviously a regular at this place. It makes sense she'd chose it as a meeting spot.
The server scurries off, and for a second both he and her take each other in. He admires the softness of her upper body, the curvature of her breasts that are cradled lovingly by her brassiere. She seems to be reading his face, for what he can't say. Whatever she finds she seems to like based on her more confident smile.
"Johnny wasn't lying when he said you're built like a brick shithouse." She giggles.
Despite himself, Ghost can't help the flood of heat to his face. He could throttle that boy. He likes her laugh more than enough to quell that urge though. He finds himself already admiring her confidence to even speak to him like that. He knows he's intimidating.
"If you don't mind me asking," She offers before pausing. He looks at her expectanly, silently urging her to go on. "What are you looking for exactly? Not to be rude but, I'm a little shocked someone as handsome as you would be interested in my services."
A long beat of silence fills the air. It's a bit awkward but Ghost needs a second to think of his response. Not only is he caught off guard by her admonition, but how could he tell this girl he can't find it within himself to build relationship anymore, much less with a woman? Another beat of silence passes and she offers him a sheepish smile.
"Sorry. I-"
"Don't have time for a bird. Jus' looking fer a distraction." He admits, cutting her off. "Johnny talked a big game 'bout ya. Figured I'd give you a shot."
She stutters out a chuckle. His words have caught her off guard. He knows he sounds full of himself. He is full of himself. Her admitting she thinks he's attractive helps alot with his ego.
"Well, has he told you anything about my services other than I'm good at what I do?"
She goes into her purse and pulls out a semi-thick docket of paper. The headline on top let's him know exactly what it is.
"A rental agreement?" He muses.
"Mhm. I'm sure you're aware my services aren't exactly...legal on their own. So, just to stay on the right side of the law, I make sure my contract states you're renting my villa for the weekends you decide to visit." She says, flipping through the papers. "Besides, you are renting out my villa. It'll be just me and you."
He admires her business plan. A contract like that keeps her from getting scammed, and it has the added benefit of running off losers. Normally, if a John decided not to pay her for her "services" she'd be shit out of luck. This way, she'd be legally able to receive his funds under the guise of being just a landlord.
"Thank you."
She pulls out a pen, uncaps it, then marks on certain lines throughout the packet. She then offers him the pen.
"Wait, sorry."
He places the pen down.
"What experience are you interested in having?"
Ghost just stares at her. He doesn't really understand her question.
"Are you looking for the full girlfriend experience? Or something else?" She asks.
The server comes back with her tea and snack. She thanks them with a bright, beautiful smile Ghost wishes was directed his way. She tries to go for a sip of her hot drink but it's too hot. She licks the foam off her lips with a crinkled nose. Ghost can't help the way his lips quirk up in the corners at the sight.
"Thought that's all you offered." He admits.
"Oh, no, not at all. I offer quite a few services. All vanilla of course." She says as she goes for a piece of banana bread. "The girlfriend experience is the most popular but I can also play the part of a wife, step-sister, or mommy. Most of my clients like to start off our first session with the best friend experience. Just so we can to get used to each other without any weird tension."
Ghost is a bit taken by her straightforwardness. He knew she'd be open and honest, but hearing her talk about what role she'd be willing to play in his sex life makes him swallow hard. He doesn't know what character he wants her to play either. Every fantasy but "mommy" sounds terribly appealing. The "bestfriend" approach does sound like a good place to start. He wants sex, needs sex, but he also knows he himself might not feel the most comfortable to start with it right away.
"Friends first."
She finally gives him that stunning smile. It falters after a moment and she gives him a bit of an apologetic look.
"One last thing before we sign. We've got to go over our boundaries." She says. This time she's finally able to drink her tea. She swallows down the liquid and places it on the table. "What are some of the things you aren't comfortable with me doing."
There's another long beat of silence as Ghost thinks. He really can't think of a damn thing he wouldn't want this fuckable, pretty girl to do for him. He keeps thinking before realizing maybe he's wrong.
"Nothin' anal. N' no kissin'."
She seems confused.
"No kissing? On the mouth or all over?"
He was only thinking about the mouth. Not that he doesn't want to tongue fuck her mouth, but he thinks a degree of separation would be good to start with. The idea that she'd be willing to kiss him other places, well...the it excites him more than it should.
"Just the mouth."
"Okay." She nods. "No anal play and no kissing on the mouth."
She snacks for another moment.
"And you, Love?" He asks.
"Ooh, I like it when you call me that." She blushes again, wiping crumbs off her bottom lip with a napkin.
Ghosts lips quirk up again. He's starting to really like her attitude and sense of humor. And but of course he would. Johnny recommended her.
"Well, my boundaries are as follows:" She begins, her voice even and measured as if she's given this spiel more than enough times. "No choking, no leaving bruises - that includes hickies, no anal without lube or having told me beforehand, and no slurs or degrading names."
Ghost finds her list a little long but he understands it. He feels a bit of righteous fire in his belly at the thought of her Johns pushing her to the point of even having to make those discretions.
"Understood." He nods.
She smiles up at him and then opens the packet again. She points to the already marked lines and has him sign. As he goes along she tells him about each page of the docket. Once everything is signed she hands him a small business card.
"That's the amount for our first session. Please wire the funds to the account listed on the bottom before Friday night at the latest." She says. "If you don't, I won't be able to get everything ready for Saturday."
He nods, taking in the information on the card. Her prices would be exorbitant for a normal man, but Ghost is no normal man. He makes more than enough money to see her every weekend if he wanted to.
"Please don't be late." She taps the section of the card with the time listed. "And make sure you bring a copy of your up to date physical."
Ghost reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out two sheets of paper stapled together. She mulls over the document before grinning at him.
"Well, well, look at you. Already prepared. I think you and I are going to get along just fine." She flirts. She bats her lashes at him and it takes every fiber of his being not to reach over the table and shove his tongue down her throat.
With that she continues to snack on her drink and bread. She offers no more conversation until she's done. Ghost is more than okay with that. He's content to watch her body. He finds he really likes the way her breasts shift with her every breath.
"I'm sure you don't like surprises, so I'll give you an idea on how I schedule my visits. If you want to change anything up let me know." She says. "I'm flexible."
The flirt is not lost on Ghost. He shifts in his seat, feeling heat trickle into his cock. This girl wants to play with him, test his resolve. He hates that it's already cracking.
"When you arrive I'll greet you at the door and bring you inside. I always like to have a meal waiting for you. Afterwards, we can watch TV on the couch together or play some video games? Or I can read to you, if you'd like." She offers. "If you want, I can give you a massage. Or we can always call it a night if you get sleepy. I'll show you my room."
Her excitement is palpable, almost conspiratorial. She sounds like a girl going over her plans for her first sleepover. He supposes she's not far off. It would be their first sleepover. It would also be his first sleepover. He's never had one.
Her excitement is replaced with a nervous smile. It takes Ghost a second to realize why. He didn't realize his facial expression had changed into something a bit more pointed. He curses himself internally, tries to soften his gaze, but the damage has been done.
"If you want to have sex at any time, just say so. The first time around, I usually like for us to get a shower together." She hums. "It'll give me a chance to give you a little onceover before we start. Also, it's just really great foreplay."
While he adores the idea of a sudsy fuck in the shower he also feels like a fool. He's so used to his face being covered he's unused to controlling his facial features. He's used to letting his emotions show because no one can see. He realizes that he needs to be more careful from now on.
"We'll play it by ear." He mutters, his own mood soured. For her credit she doesn't seem to take it to heart.
"Well, no matter what we get into on Saturday I just want to let you know I'm excited." She smiles. "It's been so nice to meet you, Simon."
She tucks the paper docket and the pen back into her purse. She then cleans up her plates and napkins. Just before she readies herself to stand she looks up at him with her pretty little eyes.
"Can I kiss you goodbye on the cheek?"
Her request takes him off guard. He hasn't paid for anything yet. His heart thumps.
She then stands and leans over the table. Her blouse isn't lowcut but she has enough tits to fill it out. When she leans over he has to stop himself from trying to grope them.
She kisses him sweetly. It's barely a brush of her lips against the rough skin of his cheek. His cock twitches to its full length in his trousers. If he was any farther gone he'd fuck her right there over the dishes.
She smiles down at him, lashes fluttering, purse in hand. She gives his shoulder a comforting squeeze.
"See you Saturday."
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Jojo’s kink hc (except for minors)
Jonathan Joestar
praise: Jonathan loves praising you. “You’re such a good girl, y/n.. your body is so cute, quivering for me..”
He also loves spanking though he doesn’t want to hurt you he does enjoy doing it while he praises you.
“Why are you acting up, darling?” Smack! “You’re usually such a good girl for me~” he lifts your chin to look back at him and kisses your cheek as he rubs your red ass
Size difference: seeing your tiny form take his big cock just does something to him. He loves feeling you tighten around him as he breaks your tight cunt.
Breeding: Filling you up while he praises you, imagining you full of him and his child so you two can finally start a family together. It’s not just because of the possibility or risk if you getting pregnant but the fact that you two can be one and creat a family together
Joseph Joestar
Loves dirty talk, anything he can say, he will.
“You slag, you know I love it when you toy with me like this! Don’t you!? You know what you’re doing to me!” As long as you two are fucking expect him to call you whore, slut, dirty bitch, he just loves degrading
Roleplay: loves when you dress up for him and just make up something on the spot, boss x secretary is especially his favorite. “Well, looks like you want that promotion real bad, huh? Well you’ll have to work for it~ good girl..”
Bondage: seeing you tied up or vice versa is just a turn on in general, but if you’d like to tease him while he’s tied up he’ll be cumming in minutes. If he ties you up then you’d almost always end up being teased and overstimulated until you can’t even properly think.
Toys: using a vibrator on him while he’s being forced not to cum until you tell him to would have him shaking. If you use a vibrator in front of him, he’ll get hard from just watching you, watching you please yourself to the sight of him watching you.
Master/ mistress kink: you calling him master or him calling mistress depending on what you two are doing that night will get him more than in the mood to rock your bed springs out of place.
Jotaro Kujo
Spanking: loves spanking you for being a bad girl and disobeying him. He can’t get enough of seeing your ass red from him spanking you and pussy soaked while he does so. You can obviously feel his buldge in his pants beneath your tummy as your say over his lap.
Degrading: calling you names while he plows into you as he’s gripping onto your hips, “you slut. I know you like this, beg me for it. Beg me to let you cum” calling you whore, cumslut, etc..
Fingering: fingering you in public or private just turns him on. Maybe because you’re getting so worked up over just his fingers, or it could be because he’s eager to feel your right, wet pussy on his big cock. Either way he loves doing it, especially in public, if you wear a skirt he take advantage of it immediately. Taking you to a fancy restaurant and pulling your panties aside so he finger you while you’re ordering.
Breeding: filling you up while he uses however he wants. You begging him to fill you and fuck you full of seed and give you his baby are just a few reasons why he likes doing it so much<3 otherwise he just loves seeing his seed drip out of you while you whine.
Daddy kink: calling him daddy switches something on inside of him for some reason, maybe because he likes being power.
Jolyne Cuhjo
Pussy eating: she gets off to pleasing her partners more often than not. Hearing her partner whine and whither under her because of her talented tongue. Lapping at your needy cunt while she’s taking in tasteful noises.
Edging: either giving or giving, she doesn’t really care. In cooperating it into foreplay almost every time seeing you fall under her spell of ecstasy, begging to cum while she takes complete utter control of your pleasure. Now if you do it to her she’s definitely gonna be whining and begging you to let her cum already, she might start hurling insults but they don’t mean anything.. it’s the edging talking.
Mommy kink: same as jotaro, doesn’t really know why she likes it so much but it’s just the position of power.
Johnny Joestar
Doing it in public: the thought of getting caught is so thrilling it’s almost enough for him to cum on its own. Having someone seeing you both in such a submissive state together.. it’s too much!
Body marking: kissing and nipping on parts of your body he knows people see most definitely see while he fucks you. Thinking about how people will react and how flustered you will be when people notice.
Mutual masturbation: jerking off to the thought of you when he’s right next to your sleeping form. When you awoke, you didn’t move or say anything you stayed still and listened to his moans. A pool began forming in your panties, you couldn’t take it anymore so you reached down your panties and started toying with yourself, eventually gaining Johnnys attention and leaving his shocked.
“Keep going, don’t stop now that you’ve been caught”
Buy me a Kofi! ☕️
Definitely not required but they do help:)
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yandere-paramour · 3 months
Alright, questions about Noelle. What does she look like? Who is she attracted to? Does she have any hobbies? Does she enjoy animals?
Meet Noelle!
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Noelle is a no-nonsense lesbian assistant to the Montclair heir, Atalanta, meaning she spends her days dealing with Atalanta's bullshit 24/7.
She can be called at any time, any day of the year, and will have to respond to whatever foolishness Atalanta wants. She'll even pick up and work when she's sick or injured.
Noelle is one of the only people Atalanta considers a true friend, and as a result, can speak informally and give advice to Atalanta when they are in private.
Because of this, she is also called upon to sometimes babysit/accompany Atalanta's Darling or even accompany Jamie places (if his manservant is busy).
Noelle knows all the intricate details of Atalanta's life and relationships. If Atalanta needs a new strap because the current one isn't "ribbed for her pleasure," Noelle is going to research the best brands, buy it, and have it delivered to the penthouse. And probably ask Atalanta how it went and if she should get one too.
Noelle's favorite color is ice blue.
Her apartment is decorated with ice blue and grey, and she keeps it spotless. She gets really agitated if her apartment is dirty.
Noelle is 25 years old.
She is 5'4" and hates it.
Noelle is a virgin.
Ever since she was a child, she has always had the drive to go FAST. So, nobody knows this about her, but on her days off, she likes to ride her motorcycle (her one vice) recreationally.
Because she works so much, she is pretty bad at taking care of herself. She doesn't sleep much, and only eats microwaved/frozen foods, what she can order in, or just outright skips a meal and sleeps. Because of this, she is extremely small, almost underweight, and gets cold very easily.
She grew up very poor and worked hard enough to send herself to college and get this job. She has crawled up from the bottom rung of society and will die before she gives up her 6 figure salary.
School was everything to her as a child. It was a place with heat, food, and no little sisters to take care of. Noelle was always a few years ahead of her grade in school because she did homework with her older sister, but they never skipped her grade because it wasn't that kind of school. So she occupied herself with other pursuits, like computers at the public library and reading. She eventually got a full ride to college and broke the cycle.
When she made it to college, she took more classes in both business and computer science and further refined her already impressive hacking and online skills that she uses a lot at her job.
Noelle has a mother, one older sister, and three younger sisters. She has no father and never needed one. She is estranged from her mother but still speaks and sometimes helps out her younger sisters who are teenagers. Her favorite sister is Odette, the oldest who is 28.
Odette also pierced her ears for her.
She hates cigarettes because her mother smokes. She doesn't drink either.
Because of her pale and delicate skin, Noelle is a skincare enthusiast. There is always sunscreen and moisturizer in her purse. She had sunburns constantly when she was young and she's tired of it.
Her hair is another luxury for her. She had to have short hair as a child because it was difficult to take care of, but now that she's an adult, she can grow it as long as she wants. It is currently halfway down her back, but she keeps it in a bun at work. Touch her hair and she might punch you.
With her lover, Noelle is extremely manipulative. She will do anything to improve your perception of her, including drugging you, threatening the people around you, and digitally changing online records.
She starts with stalking you. With Atalanta's connections and her own computer skills, she can easily follow you using street cameras and the ones in your home. She'll move your things around, make you worried someone is following you so you'll run right to your girlfriend's arms. She's the only one you can turn to, the only one you can trust.
When you're around her, she's always rubbing and caressing you, praising you, getting you to associate her with good feelings so when you're away, it always feels like something's missing.
In her small bits of free time, Noelle likes to do yoga, indulge in computer science, and do number puzzles.
Noelle only likes one animal: her Russian blue cat, Sasha. She generally associates animals with filthiness because of her childhood, but she found Sasha alone in a dumpster, starving and dirty, as a kitten, and it reminded her of herself, so she took pity on him and took him in.
Noelle does not want kids. She's raised enough little bastards for one life.
Noelle is practical, logical, and sensible, and what she says, goes. There is no arguing with Noelle, and sometimes her analytical sense of reasoning can feel callous and mean, but she doesn't always mean it that way.
Although she is usually physically in the office with Atalanta, she is sometimes permitted to work from home, provided she stays on call and keeps her phone nearby and charged at all times.
She gets along okay with coworkers, but she does not consider them friends. Except Ata. She considers her a friend.
Noells's job is mainly composed of her keeping blackmail on file, scheduling meetings, planning Atalanta's weekly and daily schedules, prepping and scheduling travel plans, itineraries, and agendas when needed, filing paperwork, doing background checks and compiling resumes for new hires, composing and preparing confidential correspondence (contacting the crime boss Ata uses), and delegating tasks given to her by Ata.
She likes to take relaxing baths, would inject iced coffee into her veins, and prefers fresh and clean scents.
What would make her soft is when she gets home from work and she's tired and stressed and burnt out, but you made her a relaxing dinner, and then you try to release her tension with orgasm after orgasm. Someone taking care of her and showing her that level of concern makes her want to cry, and she never cries.
Noelle has participated in street fights. There is a scar on her stomach that looks suspiciously like a knife would but she doesn't talk about it.
Noelle will do whatever it takes to survive. Don't ever forget that.
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Cute kid, right? Don't be fooled, she'll charm you out of your rent money in a second.
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serenhoshi · 2 years
𝐖𝐨𝐧𝐰𝐨𝐨 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝
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Our fav introvert is the one who got the most requests, now let's go~
Jeon Wonwoo
we know him very well
big introvert, gamer, prefers staying at home
we can guess pretty easily that he doesn't really get into relationships, or feels anything related to love
never had a one night stand, clearly not his thing
had some crushes here and there during kpop events or stuff like that, where he found some idols good looking, but he never went further
he met you while gaming lmao
you both played valorant (or any other game where you need a mic and communication)
you got along very well, you had the same sense of humor, and you had a great chemistry, you were like the aces of your team
He loves your accent (either because you're not a native korean speaker, or because you have a different korean dialect) and he noticed after some time that his cheeks hurted because he kept smiling anytime you spoke
You spent the whole night playing and then added each other on discord, to play more the following days
you played a lot together, and got to progressively know each other, that's when he discovered that you didn't live very far away from the dorms
after the members harrassed him to, he asked you out on a date
everything was just like when you talked while playing
no, it was even better because you were right in front of him
you had a very comforting aura, he automatically liked you and enjoyed being around you
you both played less to see each other more
until you got in a couple, but this time it's you who asked him out because he wouldn’t dare to
wonwoo loves you so much
its like he isn't the same person anymore
the members are shocked to see him so openly caring and fond of you
he takes care of you a lot
he is on the quieter side so not very good with his words
he has the black cat energy in the couple, and you're the golden retriever
even if you’re an introvert, he is the biggest introvert of the couple so he is the black cat, that’s it
a messy guy though, but he’ll make efforts for you if you live together
you still play a lot together, but on cooperative games at home like mario kart and stuff like that
movie and game nights are a must
every friday for example, you spend the whole evening playing games while eating pizza and stuff
if you ever miss that night wonwoo will be upset and you’ll have to make it up to him
and vice-versa
loves surprising you with cute dates or events he organised himself
it’s rarely outside since he isn’t a big fan of going out, but sometimes he makes an effort and takes you out to dinner for example
also he loves your hair, he will braid it for you, help you dye it, he’ll basically do anything as long as he can do it himself
smutty part below :)
wonwoo really represents the “cute in the streets freak in the sheets” type of person
he was probably very quiet the first time you both had sex
but he gets more noisy and expressive with time
always makes sure you get a lot of pleasure, and reach your orgasm(s) everytime
very curious, if you know more about sex than him, then he is willing to listen to you
loves to try things, for you just like for him
clearly a switch, maybe more on the dominant side, but he is okay with being a sub to let you try things on him (like blindfolding for example)
ABSOLUTELY AGAINST threesomes, public sex, or anything that could let people see you 
sex is a really private and intimate thing for you both, he prefers doing it in the bedroom (and then anywhere in the appartment, with time and experience lmao)
also it lasts pretty long with him, he has a lot of endurance lmao
mostly slow and romantic with his hips moves, but if you ask then he’ll be more brutal
and when it gets rough, damn boy
of course he makes it up to you with the best aftercare you could ever have
but you might have trouble walking for the next few days
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reverthelp · 2 months
Anas ibn Malik reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Three are destructive vices: greed that is obeyed, whims that are followed, and a man impressed with himself. Three are salvific virtues: justice in a time of pleasure or anger, moderation in a time of wealth or poverty, and the fear of Allah in public and in private.”
al-Mu’jam al-Awsaṭ 5598
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moriartyluver · 2 years
Hi! How are you! If someone hasn't already, I'd like to request fluff!alphabet with William James Moriarty very please(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)
Take your time and don't worry. Have a great day(⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)
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A/N: thank you and I hope you have a great day too :) quick note that this may be a bit OOC, reader is mentioned to be female once or twice and there are subtle mentions of suicide and self harm aswell as abuse. This is also a pretty long post so do be warned.
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a= affection (how affectionate are they? do they like receiving affection?)
•I think his love language is probably word of affirmation and quality time but William’s not restricted to just those two and will show you how much he loves you in a variety of forms.
•I feel like Liam would be against showing too much physical affection in public. It is the Victorian era after all and people would have a heart attack if a lady showed her ankles. But in general I think he’s a fairly affectionate lover. In public he would hold your hand and keep you close by him, maybe giving you a quick peck on the cheek or forehead but more commonly on the back of your hand as traces of pink blush rise to his cheeks, however he will tell you often how pretty, smart, funny etc. you are no matter who is around.
•in private, liam would be very affectionate to make up for his inability to do so in public without feeling incredibly flustered. Cuddling (god I hate using that word) would be fairly frequent and if you were out or vice versa, he’d give you a kiss on the lips and a hug when he or you returned . He’s a big hugger tbh but I’ll talk more about that later.
•he didn’t receive much affection as a child because it was mostly just him and louis and although he got a few hugs from friends in the orphanage but mostly from his little brother, Liam’s probably quite touch starved so if you do the bare minimum, it’ll have him on the verge of tears. In bed (get ur mind outta the gutter) he doesn’t mind being the big or little spoon but really just likes feeling the warmth of your body against his own cold one and hearing your steady heart beat.
b = beauty (what do they find most attractive and beautiful about their s/o, physically and otherwise?)
• honestly I think William won’t care too much about looks. He’s already seen how pretty privileged individuals get treated better i society and those who are deemed “ugly” get treated worse. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t value your beauty but rather that he thinks that looks fade and your inner beauty is more important.
•I think a romance with Liam would be a “he falls first and harder” + “love at first site”
•like when he first meets you as you feed a stray animal or teach an orphan or stand up to a corrupt noble, he’d see you as an almost angelic being and he would take that on throughout your relationship. He always sees such a brightness on your face whether your smiling or not. It’s like he can see beauty just radiating from your face.
•physically he sees your entire being as pretty but especially your face. It’s something liam has the pleasure of seeing everyday and sees no flaw in. He’s pretty hopelessly in love and I think thats adorable.
c = comfort (how would they comfort their s/o and how would his s/o comfort him)
• he’s actually really good at comforting you (I know I’m on the bad list but Santa please gimme a William moriarty. He’s too husband material to not be real) If he ever sees you’ve been crying, he’ll hold you in his arms and lets you tell him all your woes and troubles, wiping your tears away with his thumb and kissing your face while telling you how much you mean to him and how perfect you are.
•William tends to not talk about his problems much. He’s scared of being a burden and doesn’t like facing his past of being constantly abused as a child. He bottles up all his emotions until he cracks under the pressure and hides away where nobody can see him. If you’re comforting him, it’s probably best to just let him know that you’re there and give him a long hug while telling him you love him.
d = domestic (do they want to settle down? how are they around the house?)
•he has a lot on his mind but if he ever achieved his goals of eradicating the country of corruption, he would like to settle down in a small house farther away in the country with you but also in close proximity to his brothers who he would want to visit often with his children he would hope to have. After coming back with Sherlock from his ‘death’ he’s ready to live that life with you.
•everyone in the Moriarty manor helps around the house (maybe not Moran but whatever) so he does his fair share of housework too and he’s pretty good at it.
e = equal (what is the relationship dynamic like? Who is “in control”?)
•almost every Victorian relationship would have the husband as more dominant in the relationship and fulfilling all his masculine duties while women would be submissive and probably work as housewives or just socialites.
•however William knows this isn’t healthy and makes an effort to show you that you’re both equal in the relationship.
•instead of you being behind him or not talking to anyone in noble gatherings and parties, he encourages you to speak your mind and show you are equal to him.
•he’s such a cute little feminist 🥰 🥰
f = family & friends (how would their family feel about the relationship and how would they find out?)
•I think bond, Jack, Fred, Albert and Moran can probably tell there’s something going on between the two of you even before you confess to each other. Bond and Moran and constantly teasing the two of you and calling you ‘lovebirds’. Albert also teases William in a big brother kind of way but never as much as Bonde or Moran do. It’s kind of obvious to him that William has a crush on you. Jack starts giving slightly unwanted tips to William on how to capture a woman’s heart too. Fred asks you out of curiosity if you’re in love with William to which you reply in a flustered state.
• “lady (name), is it true you’re in love with Lord William?”
“What-? I mean he’s a really wonderful guy and I wouldn’t say no to courting him but-“
“So you do love him? 🤨”
•Louis would be bit clueless the entire time but the thought had popped in his head once after wondering if anyone in the group was going to get married because he wanted to know if he could make a wedding cake 💀
•I don’t think there would be a particular ‘announcement’ really. You two could just say you were getting married one day and nobody would think much of it (I’m gonna just namedrop my mtp fanfic ‘false lovers’ and say it would be funny if the two of you were pretend married except you acted like you were an old married couple so nobody would even be surprised if you mentioned that you two were in love.) Louis would probably be the only person half surprised.
•in terms of their thoughts on your relationship, they’d all be glad that William would have someone he could always rely on. Louis would especially be happy because he trust you to take care of William and be by his side. They all like you a lot and think you’re a good match together.
•I almost forgot about Sherlock. If you were there with William while they met on the noahtic, he would deduce that you both like each other but get cut off by one of you, solidifying his assumptions even more. He refers to you as William’s wife even if you aren’t married just because he’s thinks he’s funny. If William ever confides in Sherlock about you, I think that would show to Sherlock who probably has no interest in love that the two of you truly do love each other.
g = gentle (how gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
•he’s incredibly gentle. Liam’s so soft spoken around you and has never ever yelled at you, even in arguments. If he’s upset with you, it’s probably with good reason or he’s stressed and can’t talk to anyone but even then he tells you maturely that he needs to be alone or needs comfort (even if he refuses to ask for help sometimes)
•every lingering touch is soft and calm. His “blood stained” hands are really soft and well taken care of. Sometimes to grasp your attention, he hold your hands in his and talks to you in the sweetest and most harmonious voice ever.
•If you’re on a mission together, he’ll try do most of the work because he doesn’t want you getting hurt but applauds you for every noble you stab and shoot. After each mission he’ll take you to the side and wipe any filthy blood of your pretty face and comfort you, telling you it’s all over and one day you won’t need to do any of this anymore
h = hugs (do they like hugs? how often do they do it? what are their hugs like?)
•he likes hugs but only in private, like I said earlier. There’s something really intimate about just holding someone in your arms and never wanting to let go.
•he hugs you quite often but again, only really in private. He might hug you from behind in the morning while you brush your teeth or after a mission he’d kiss your forehead and hug you in his arms or have you sit on his lap and play with his hair while he’s finishing off marking papers for university. His hugs are soft and comforting whether it’s him spooning you in bed or wrapping his arms around your waist when he gets home from work.
i = i love you (how fast do they say the L-word?)
•to be honest, I think if William really loved someone romantically, he’d have to have known them for a long time. He shows you that he loves you in other ways such as protecting you or getting you gifts or spending time with you.
•he doesn’t think he should wait too long to tell you he loves you because as your lover, it should be expected rather than a surprise but he’s not going to tell you he loves you straight away.
•I think Liam would say he loves you while he climbs into bed with you, thinking ours still asleep and just giving you a kiss on the cheek and whispering ‘I love you’ before he falls asleep except you were awake the entire time and whisper back an ‘I love you’
j = jealousy (how jealous do they get? what do they do when they're jealous?)
•I cant tell if he would get jealous fairly easily or not at all. I guess he’d be jealous but fairly silently.
•If someone’s flirting with you, he’ll get a bit more handsy until they realise they should leave. If they don’t leave after you tel them you already have someone he’ll start dropping a few more hints until he speaks up and tells them to leave. If you ask him later if he was jealous, he’d only reply with a smile and “any man would feel envious if some imbecile was flirting with his beautiful lover” and that’s the end of it. Unless the guy flirting with you ends up dead the following day for various other reasons expect this time he put a bit more effort into the kill.
k = kisses (what are their kisses like? where do they like to kiss their partner? where do they like to be kissed?)
•oh to have the privilege of being kissed by William.
•his kisses are passionate and soft. He’s not really a rough kisser and is more sensual. His lips are soft and well taken care of and he’s very very gentle
•Liam’s favourite places to kiss you would be your forehead, your cheeks, your neck, your hands and your lips. (But he doesn’t discriminate!!) Each place he kisses is for various reasons and imply different things.
•Kissing you on the forehead is for comforting you, cheeks would be if you did him a quick favour like fetching something for him or when he’s leaving for work in a rush and doesn’t have time to give you a longer kiss. , neck is when… 😏 or when he’s hugging you from behind and catching you by surprise, hands is for when he’s flirting with you or showing you off in public and your lips is when he’s feeling more vulnerable.
l = little ones (how are they around children?)
•he basically had to raise Louis by himself while he was growing up and was frequently around other children in the orphanages he went to so he’s pretty good with kids even though he probably doesn’t think so.
•in the future, I can see him wanting a son or daughter with you if he’s willing to settle down, probably after he ‘died’
•if you can’t have children or would want to adopt, he’d be more than happy to adopt a little boy or girl who would come from an underprivileged background. It’s like he could go back in time and take in a mini him
m = morning (how are mornings spent with them?)
•I think Liam wakes up quite early so he’ll leave you to sleep but write a cute little ‘good morning’ note on his side of the bed and if you’re clinging on to him while you sleep, he’ll put his pillow in your arms instead. If he has no reason to wake up early and let’s himself have a lie-in , which is quite rare, he’s going to be woken up by a kiss from you on the top of his head as you try to wake him up while he mutters ‘five more minutes’ and grabs you back into his arms.
n = nicknames (what nicknames do you have for each other?)
•he’s not too fond of those really goofy nicknames like ‘snugglebug 🥺’ but he’s probably a more traditional guy. He doesn’t expect you to use any nicknames but if you do, he’d get very silently flustered.
•his nicknames for you would include: darling, my dear, my love, my Angel, honey, doll-face, sweetheart and maybe a shortened version of your first name. Anything that makes you happy and/or can get you blushing.
•yours for him would include: baby, my love, sunshine, my beloved, darling, dearest, liam, will, Angel face, dove, mon amour, sweetheart and more
•I feel like if he sees you as a long time partner, which realistically he would, he would tell you his real name. I think it symbolises a deep connection between Liam and other people (his brothers and best friend all know his real name) so in private, he’d let you call him by that name.
o = open (when would they start revealing things about themselves?)
•that’s certainly going to take a while.
•William is quite closed off and never really reveals anything about himself. Even in the manga and anime, we don’t find out much about William apart from how Albert took him in and that time he went to court but even then, not much detail is given.
•even people he really trusts barely know anything about him
•he has trust issues by the way so if he can trust you then the others would see it as a miracle.
•I don’t think it’s a matter of when but say if he was being vulnerable due to trauma and you’re there for him as he cries into your chest, he’ll tell you a few more things from his past.
•each time he gets vulnerable with you, he’ll tell you more pieces of his mysterious past and if you’re smart enough, you’ll be able to put all this together to create a mental timeline
•he’s really grateful he has someone to be somewhat open to even if it’s just a bit
p = patience (how easily angered are they?)
•he seems pretty calm on the surface and it can honestly fool many people including yourself but as seen in the chapter where his student was hiding something from him, William actually has a lot of repressed anger
•he’s very patient with you, especially if you’ve had a past involving abuse from short tempered people. I don’t think he’d ever yell at you and he definitely would never hit you
q = quizzes (how much would they remember about their partner?)
•every. single. detail.
•I have a headcannon that Liam has really good photographic memory and he remembers almost anything you tell him.
•you tell him about some old pet goldfish you really loved when you were 6 but it died because you accidentally over fed it and your dad had to flush it down the toilet? he’ll remember. (That sounds so sinister I’m sorry 💀)
•he’s also really good at planning dates because of this great ability. He can remember all of your favourite places to eat and your favourite flowers without difficulty.
r = remember (what is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
•he has a lot. He literally loves every breathing moment with you and would want to die in your arms and be with you forever if he could.
•maybe it’s that time he made a slight miscalculation on a mission and got wounded so you had to temporarily bandage him up with some clean fabric from your clothes
•or maybe that time he got sick and could barely leave his bed (we all know this man is a major workaholic so he’s going to be upset about this to some degree) so you nursed him back to health and stayed by his side no matter how annoying or disgustingly ill he got (bro prolly still looks majestic even if he’s infected with a sickly virus)
•or that time you both stayed up late together in the library and fell asleep while he read to you and then you were both found by a worried Louis in the morning
•or that time that you took Liam outside one night to see a shooting star and although you don’t tell him what you wished for, he could hear you whispering under your breath “I want to be with William forever..”
•or that time you both went on a walk in a nearby peak and saw that a small pond had frozen over and he took you ‘ice skating’ on it (don’t try this at home kids, no matter how hot and sexy the blond man is)
•or that time you brought him lunch and were invited to stay for the remainder of the lecture while he was working and all his students were surprised that professor William had such a pretty wife (take the compliment bitch) but you and William had to avoid getting bombarded with questions about their teachers love life so you were stuck in a closet together until the young men had left to you both alone
•or that time..jk I’ll stop now..
s = security (how protective are they? would they like to be protected?)
•he’s pretty protective. Liam knows that multiple people would want to kidnap one of the people closest to the Lord of crime and use you against him. He also knows that once he gets outted as the Lord of crime, things are probably going to be difficult for you and you would totally be questioned about your involvement in the serial killings of nobles in England.
•he’s protective but not in a yandere way (unless I make a yandere alphabet and he is) or an abusive way. He respects that you are your own person and you can take care of yourself but if you’ve been gone for a good few hours (5+ hours is when he’d get a bit worried) and he doesn’t know where you are, that’s when his protective instinct kicks in and if anyone dares hurt you, they’re not going to make it home in one piece or without a few painful injuries.
•William can protect himself as much as you can but if he ever get out in a position where he doesn’t have a plan, he would be so grateful if you came to his rescue.
•like in that one manga chapter when he gets kidnapped, I can imagine his eyes lighting up when he see you enter the room and stab or shoot his captor even though he had a plan.
t = try (how much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
• Liam tries a lot. Sometimes he feels he doesn’t have enough time for you and he knows that when he does set up a date, he shouldn’t bail on you or make it low effort. He so a gentleman after all. On anniversaries or your birthday, he’ll make sure to make the whole day perfect, from getting you breakfast in bed to buying you expensive jewellery. He makes a note of all your favourite things so he knows what to do for you on dates
•William’s gifts are thoughtful and although he has a lot of money to spend on you, he also knows that simple things like a note in your pocket telling you to “have a lovely day :)” can bring a smile to your face too. If he sees flowers that he knows you like while he walks past the florist, he’ll bring them home for you. On bigger occasions such as birthdays, holidays or anniversaries, he puts alot of effort into finding out what the perfect gift for you would be. Sometimes he cant choose just one so expect William to hand you a gift bag full of gifts wrapped In Wrapping paper, all of varying sizes. Some may be boxes of pretty jewellery, others may be books. He also just likes buying you things even if it’s for no particular reason. Anything to show how much he loves you even in everyday tasks. He asks Louis to teach him how to make some of your favourite dishes so he can make them for you whenever or he’ll help you pick out outfits for parties (he thinks everything looks good on you so he may not be much of a help but he’s trying)
u = ugly (what would be some bad habits of theirs?)
•he smokes. A lot.
•although it’s canon that he does it for the sake of self harm, Liam tries to avoid doing it around you after numerous scoldings from you that it’s not good for his health (bonus points if you have some experience in the medical field). You tell him how bad it is for his lungs all the time and it makes him feel a bit guilty so he doesn’t smoke within a 100m radius of you
•he also lacks proper self-care in terms of not getting enough sleep and forgetting to eat , which annoys both you and Louis
•although he loves you a lot, William is suicidal so he always has the lingering thought that he’s going to have to die to atone for his sins soon and can be quite distant toward the ‘end’ of your relationship in an effort to protect you from any mental and emotional harm he also sometimes gets scared you’ll leave him and he wouldn’t be able to take that which is why earlier on, he’d be very hesitant to even talk to you and panics when he realises he might have feelings for you
•but like a win is a win and I would do anything, no matter how strange, to even breathe the same air as this man
v = vanity (how concerned are they with their looks?)
•William isn’t one to care too much about beauty, as I said earlier, but he sees himself as inferior to you deep down. He knows he doesn’t deserve you no matter how many times you tell him that he is. He has the nickname ‘Angel’ for you because he sees himself as a demon, a devil while you are a benevolent Angel who would never stoop to his level. (William please see a therapist)
•William also thinks you are the better looking one in the relationship, but he isn’t really insecure about himself. He knows he’s conventionally attractive. Multiple women have thrown themselves at him or asked him out on a date, to which he would politely decline. He knows you’re being genuine when you run your fingers through his blond hair and calling him the ‘ most beautiful and pretty man in the universe ‘ (if I was with Liam I’d be doing the at all the time. Every time he does anything I’d just be calling him pretty because I’m madly in love with him) He still feels he needs to make a slight effort around you and can feel a little insecure if another man was flirting with you, but you have the decency to turn him down
• “Miss? Are you perchance of celestial origins? I ask as your ravishing beauty surpasses that of a mortal woman”
• “i-“ *blinking as you look to William then to the flirt again* “you mean mrs, right?”
w = whole (would they feel incomplete without you?)
•he totally would. It would take a lot for William to even consider making friends let alone finding love so if he does end up falling in love, that means his significant other would be very special.
•at first he didn’t think he had time for love with all the Lord of crime stuff but after the constant denial of being helplessly in love with you turns to acceptance, he knows that you’re his other half. His heart only has room for you and if you were to leave him or if he were to leave you, liam would feel lost and incomplete.
x = xtra (a random headcanon for them.)
• okay so I have a few:
he likes when you read to him or when he reads to you before bed
If you’re wearing flavoured lip gloss which I’m sure didn’t exist back hen but let’s pretend it did, he’d guess the flavour you were wearing whenever you kissed.
If he finds out you’re interested in a topic he’s not well educated on, he spends a lot of time researching it to impress you
He likes buying you clothes and watching you try them on
If you wanted a pet (cats are better) he would protest at first out of fear it may distract you from him but end up really liking it once he gets it.
You know how he likes weird food combos? Liam would ask you to try food with him but you’d end up throwing up after eating fish and strawberry cake.
he once did your hair and make up and it was actually really good
y = yuck (what are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner?)
•he hates selfish nobles and corrupt rich people who have no regard for other’s wellbeing so if you fall anywhere in that, he’s not gonna wanna be with you, sorry bae 😞
z = zzz (what is a sleep habit of theirs?)
•we all know that William has a messed up sleep schedule. he stays awake late at night frequently only to randomly fall asleep during the day.
•like in that one scene in the anime when William fall asleep on a couch and bond is just confused. I just thought it’d be super cute if you would be sat beside him and his head lands on your thighs as quiet snores come out of his mouth.
•when you two eventually share a bedroom and a queen sized bed, William will make an effort to try and sleep next to you.
•I head-cannon that he can’t fall asleep on demand unless he sleeps beside you. I think he also likes hearing your voice just as he is about to sleep. It’s like a lullaby for him.
•at one point you just start carrying a blanket with you while you’re out with Liam just so if he falls asleep, he can’t get comfortable.
•if you both have similar sleep schedules (you probably do if you’re scrolling through mtp tumblr late at night) then I don’t think there would be much of an issues apart from the two of you being scolded by Louis for not sleeping.
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ofallingstar · 2 years
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Private Vices, Public Pleasures (1986)
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Playing The Game
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Summary: Y/K and Dean have been secretly enjoying a friends-with-benefits arrangement for some time now, relishing in the pleasure and excitement that it brings. But when Dean unexpectedly reveals his feelings about someone else while under the influence, Y/K is left reeling and wondering where their relationship truly stands. Y/K must decipher between her newfound emotions and unspoken desires what she really wants: lust or love?
Word Count: 9k
Warnings: Whole lotta’ ANGST, little bit of fluff, swearing, sexual objectification kink, SMUTTY AF, unprotected sex, quickie, public sex, unholy dirty talk, NSFW, interactive
DISCLAIMER: Every original Harry Potter characters in this story is 21+. My Hogwarts stories are always and only written as a university universe with grown ass characters.
Notes: This one has been sitting in the drafts for awhile. I’m thinking of turning it into a 5 part series because I’m too attached to this Dean at this point (Just like Y/K lol) - he’s so cheeky, I love it!
*Gifs and images were not created by and do not belong to me. All rights go to owners and creators!!
(Not edited | proof-read)
You sleepily reach for your phone underneath your pillows and sit up against the bed frame. 
You check your notifications; still no text from Dean.
Tired and irritated, you let out a groan of frustration and slump back underneath your covers. All you could think was how much you missed him, it was an unfamiliar feeling borderlining on uncomfortable. You never ached for a response from him, since you always had access to him. You were each other's person, but that now seemed called off. It felt almost unfair how easily he was going on with life without you.
It was a long night of tossing and turning, you were unable to get any sleep. Once the birds began their routine songs at dawn, you knew there was no point in trying to get some shut eye, class begins in a few hours.
You couldn’t even think about studying today, you were bitter and strung up. It was all his fault. If he just reached out to you, that would’ve put your racing thoughts at bay. At this point, even an emoji text would’ve been fine. But no, he was radio silent.
Your argument aside, Dean ghosting you was so out of character for him. Dean always made sure to check in with you, you guys were basically joined at the hip. You and Dean have been good friends since your first week at Hogwarts University. You took up the Magical Fine Arts class as an elective in the 1st year. It was Dean who asked you to be his model for the end of year project, to which you agreed to and along the way, you found yourself spending more time with him than you were studying. Dean was funny, charming and adventurous, just your kind of fun. It seemed he had a strong liking for you too because over time, the two of you were inseparable; wherever you saw him, you were always by his side and vice versa. 
But over the last summer, your relationship with him developed into something more physical. It started platonic and friendly but as the semesters passed, your body couldn’t deny his sex appeal anymore. One night at your studio dorm after 2 and a half bottles of red wine, you were both wasted and bonding over your love of muggle music since the both of you were half-blood. That night you went from bestfriends to lovers in private and there was no looking back.
You both agreed to keep it under wraps in consideration of not rocking the boat that was your friend group with Blaise, Lee and Alicia. The odds of awkwardly tinting the group dynamic with your situationship was too much to take a chance on. So for the sake of secrecy, all emotions and entanglements was off the table. It kept your friendship balanced. It was simple and you liked it that way. 
As for Dean in the bedroom, he’s incredibly cocky and is well aware of the power he has over you. Although you’ve never casually talked about your attraction to him, he remembers every moan and moment of begging that left your mouth while he turned you out. He always finds a way to remind you just how needy you are for his dick. Most late nights you’d get a text from him, saying, “Can’t sleep. Come over.” and you already knew what time it was the second you got the notification.
Hooking up with him had become a weekly - almost daily ritual so you didn’t usually approach Dean for sex but by now it had been close to three weeks since your last conversation with him and you were almost feral for his face between your legs. He would never go this long without asking you to come over, it was so unlike him. 
There was once a whole month where you couldn’t get off eachother. You’d get a quickie in before and between classes, in any private room you could find in the castle. The astronomy tower, the room of requirement, the House Elves restroom. Even in Filch’s office once, which you left in absolute shambles, even staining his desk with dry cum - from the both of you. It was hysterical when he reported the scene in the great hall during dinner. You and Dean forced back fits of giggles with mouths full of food, knowing it was you two who defiled his office while everyone else in the hall was completely oblivious. Sneaking around with him had its benefits, one of them being you had a massive secret that only you and Dean shared, as if it was an inside joke that only you and your favorite person knew the origin of. You could call it special. Sure, hiding the truth sometimes felt like a burden but most times it felt electrifying.
While Dean was AWOL, something fierce was brewing in you this morning. You didn’t want to admit it to yourself but you were edging on desperation. You were fine with not hearing from him the first couple of days, you figured he was just busy. But once you saw him actively going out his way to dodge you, that was all your mind needed to start jumping to conclusions. 
Why was he ghosting you? Did he not wanna hook up anymore?  And if so, why? 
You blankly stare at your phone while your mind wanders off and pictures all kinds of scenarios for his weird behavior.
You recall the last time the two of you spoke, a late night from a few weeks ago….
3 Weeks Ago…
Everyone had just sat the OWLS exams and it was finally done with. This year's OWLS was making up for 40% for your final grade of the semester, the stakes were high. It even ripped Granger a new one. And if Miss Know It All is anxious about a test, you should be terrified. Which of course, everyone was.
Yet somehow you came out the other side of the exam alive, along with your friends, and what better way to celebrate the end of a stressful and anxiety producing test than to get absolutely wasted? 
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That’s exactly what you and your friends did. Lee and Alicia went off to Hogsmeade bar to celebrate, but you, Dean and Blaise was too tired from a long day of studying to make the trek to town so the three of you shared a bottle of Don Julio in the Griffindor dorm kitchenette. The night was still young and you spent it vibing to music, taking shots and swapping scandalous stories that were only for your friends group ears. It was always good times when you linked with Thomas and Zabini, the three of you were the bestest of bestfriends. You all just naturally clicked with each other and could yarn for hours, which was something worth looking forward to in your day. The night was going good and your stomach was in pain from how much the boys made you laugh, but along the way, the three of you landed on a subject that would change the trajectory of your relationship with Dean…for the better and worse.
“Can we please talk about Fred and Angela? I’ma be all the way real, Fred is punching hardddd man.” Dean exclaims.
Blaise lets out an annoyed moan and perks up from the bench, throwing his hands in the air.
“Finally somebody fucking said it!”
You smirk and raise your glass. Angela Johnson is an etheric goddess walking amongst mere wizards and witches. And Fred is…well, he’s Fred Weasley. Nuff’ said.
“Right?! I’ll bloody drink to that.” You throw back the rest of your mug only to have a few drops hit your tongue. Time for a top up. You scoot off the kitchen top and walk to the fridge, getting some soda to mix with your tequila.
“Look, I love Fred. He’s my best mates brother, Maker bless Ron - the little shit. But how Fred even got a chance with Angie? That’s surely one of Hogwarts greatest mysteries and this school’s packing loads of them cunts.” Dean voices.
You chuckle while fixing yourself a drink, listening in on the boys being messy.
“I’m saying, like? He don’t even know what to do with that, he can’t handle all that.” Blaise says, reeking of jealousy. It was hilarious, you couldn’t hold back the giggles.
“No Weasley can handle a baddie, let alone a black goddess like Angela.” You chime in.
“Exactly. He needs to go for someone like Luna or Pansey, someone in his lane! No offense to them but that’s more Fred’s avenue. Not Angelina Johnson for Merlin's sake!”
You gasp, followed by a chortle. The gossiping behaviour between these two grown ass men was worse than you thought.
“Oh my god Blaise! I know you did not just say that! Not too much on Luna now, that’s my girl. I love that little weirdo.” You insert, jokingly death staring down Zabini. He stares back at you with knitted brows, challenging you. After a few seconds, he blinks and child-like laughter echoes throughout the kitchen from the three of you, laughing at the silly game.
Then Dean loudly clears his throat. 
“No but listen, on the topic of Angie…I mean, shiettt, put me in coach. I can handle that.” Dean lowly blurts amongst the laughing. 
Silence falls in the room, especially from you. You go mute, processing what he just said.
Blaise snorts.
“I mean you know what I mean? She need someone equipped for the job.” 
Blaise daps Dean up in agreement. Both the boys cackle.
Your eyes unintentionally squint and you clench your grip on the bottle of liquor, completely thrown off guard by Dean’s comment. He sure knew how to get a raise out of you. You could hear he was joking, but still, your body reacted on its own accord, knotting up your stomach. You loudly puff out a sigh and plop the bottle back on the bench with a bang. 
“Fuck, that was loud. My bad.” You stifly apologize. 
“You’re alright.” Dean replies.
“You were saying?” You ask, then clear your throat.
Of course you didn’t want him to. But a sabotaging part of you wanted to see how far he’d take it. 
“Look, Angela’s a ten outta ten. Peng as fuck, her body is crazy, and she’s got great banter. I’m first in line when she drops the dead weight that Fred is.”
Wow. He’s playing with fire. You couldn’t believe he’d froth over Angela like that right in front of you. It stinged to say the least.
The two boys cheer glasses and talk more about their thoughts on the couple.
You stir your drink, quietly wheezing to yourself hysterically. Nothing about what Dean said was funny to you, you just couldn’t believe the sheer audacity of him gawking over Angela whilst you were in the room, drunk or not. 
Dean glances over to you with the utmost cheeky smirk, cocking up a brow. He was doing it on purpose and it was some kind of emotional torture he wanted to commit to you.
Why was he doing it? What is he getting out of this shit? you thought.
A smug look was locked on his face as he listened to Blaise carry on, but his gaze was focused on you. He watched you closely, seeing if he’d you’d give him any reaction at all, all while stifling back chuckles. Your silent rage of envy was amusing to him it seemed.
As Dean's eyes lingers on you, you feel your cheeks heat up in embarrassment and anger. You take a deep breath and try to compose yourself. You remind yourself that this is just Dean being his usual flirtatious self and that he probably didn't mean anything by it. But it still hurts and there was no refusing that.
You take a long sip of your drink, trying to distract yourself from the uncomfortable tension in the air. Soon the boys stop talking and you can feel Blaise and Dean's eyes on you, waiting for a response. But you don't give them the satisfaction. Instead, you change the subject.
"Talking about the Twins, did you guys hear about the prank that the twins pulled on Filch last week? Filch went off his head, it was hilarious!"
Blaise and Dean both laugh, relieved that the tension has been broken. They eagerly listen as you recount the details of the prank, and soon enough, everyone is laughing and joking again.
The rest of the night you barely spoke. You chuckled here and there, showing face in front of Blaise. But you were distracted, lost in intrusive thoughts. You couldn’t shake off Dean’s opinions about Angela. You were salty as fuck, so by the time it hit 2AM, you bowed out. 
“As much as I’d love to stay up with you guys, I need to sleep. OWLS kicked my ass. I will see you wonderful people tomorrow.” You slide off the bench and grab the Tequila.
“Yeah shit, it’s almost 3. I’ll head too.” Dean checks his phone and stands up.
“Fair. But first, cuddle before bedtime.” Blaise drunkenly pulls you into a tight hug and pecks the top of your head. Blaise is the biggest softy, you had no idea how he was sorted into Slytherin.
“Okayyy mummy. Night Blaisey. Love ya” You tease, squeezing your arms around him.
“Night bub. Love you too.”
You pull away and head for the dorm hallway. The two boys hang back and say their goodbyes. You soon hear Dean catch up behind you, following you to the dorms. It was a quiet stroll to the rooms. There were many things you wanted to say but your pride had a tight muzzle on your mouth.
Dean breaks the silence, “He’s a good one, that Blaise.”
“Yeah, he’s the best. Love him.”
The rest of the way to your room was silent. You pass the corridor to the men’s dorm but he stays on your route, following you to the women's dorms.
You scoff. 
If he thinks he’s getting some tonight, he’s got you all the way fucked up. You don’t mention him following you though, you figured you’d pop off at him in the room. And boy, was he in for a storm.
Dean laughs, catching your attitude. But he doesn’t say a word because he knew you wouldn't turn him away, you never do. Usual overconfident Dean behavior.
You were steaming all the way up to your door. Your blood wasn’t boiling, it was burning. You were contemplating blowing your cool and letting him have it right now and here out in the hallway. You couldn’t understand in the moment why he had you so vexed over banter but you didn’t care, you were hurting and he needed to know. But instead of blowing up on him, you decided silence was the best treatment to handle Thomas. 
You huff back the emotions that were flooding to the surface, your face was heating up with rage - tears were sure to follow soon. You just needed to get inside your room before you let it all out. 
You take your keys out of your jeans pocket to unlock the door and place the key to the hole but it doesn't budge. Your hands were shaking and you were on the verge of crying out of pure frustration. You already had a mountain of unexplainable feelings that was rocking your shit, this stupid key was just the cherry on top. Pursing your lips together, you swallow back the rogue wave emotions on your heart while staying faced to the door. You couldn’t let Dean see just how miserable you were over something so minor and stupid.
He closes in behind you. The warmth of his breath tickles your skin as he bends down and leans his chin in the crook of your neck. 
“Give it here you goose.” He chuckles.
Taking the keys out of your hands, he unlocks and opens the door on the first try. You grumble cuss words under your breath. Even when helping you, you couldn’t stand him. Not right now, everything he did irked your soul. 
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You step into the apartment and head straight to your kitchen cabinet. There was a heavy weight of feelings on your chest and drinking it away was the only option. Yes, you were already drunk, but definitely not drunk enough to forget how crossed up he has you.
You slam open the kitchen cupboard door, grabbing the biggest cup you own and quickly fill it up with the Tequila in your other hand. Dean closes the door behind him and walks over to you.
“Woah there, fairy. I think the only thing you need to be drinking right now is water.”
He grabs the bottle and glass out of your hand, chucks the alcohol in your cup down the kitchen sink and fills it with water from the sink.
“Oh, so now you know what I need?”
He turns his head to you, furrowed in brows and squints his eyes. He studies your face, the way he looks at you makes you feel exposed. He knew what you were poking at, he could read every subliminal between your words.
“I didn’t mean it like that. I just don’t want you to wake up with a hangover in the morning.”
A soft friendly smile forms on his lips, which only riles you up more. Can he not read the fucking room? 
“Yeah well, maybe I like waking up with hangovers.”
He snorts and turns off the tap, walking back over to you with the glass of water.
“Maybe you do. Looks like I’m learning something new about you everyday, beautiful. Drink this.”
You place your hand on your hip and stare back at him blank in the face. You weren't doing anything he wanted you to do.
“No, you drink it. And choke for all I care.”
You turn on your heels and head to the bathroom with the bottle of Don Julio still in your hand. He chortles, amused.
“Only if you’re the one doing the choking, baby.” 
You grunt at his chirpy attitude, absolutely done with how witty he is. Usually you like it, he always says the right things to make you swoon over him, but now it was just ammo to get under your skin.
You turn on the showers, letting it run hot to steam up the room. As you undressed, you couldn’t help but feel stupid for letting Dean get to you. You take a gulp from the bottle.
With every clothing piece you took off, memories of him kissing that part of your body flooded your mind, accompanied by visuals of him doing that to Angela. It was tormenting. You take another sip from the bottle.
You step under the streaming water, letting it wash over your face. Finally, the tears fall. It felt good. You knew you were crying over something so silly but you didn’t want to compartmentalise, the only way you were getting through this was by letting yourself have a sook and feel everything, something you never did when it came to Dean. Feeling anything emotional towards Dean was something you put off limits from the beginning of your situationship with him, it kept your feelings safe in case things got ugly between you two. But now you were feeling the burn of setting that rule in the first place.
As you stood under the hot water, you let your mind wander. You thought about everything that had led up to this moment. You thought about how you and Thomas had started off as friends, and how things had escalated so quickly. You thought about the passion and the intensity that you had shared, and how it had felt like nothing could ever come between the two of you.
But now, as you stood there alone, you realized that things were different. You couldn't ignore the fact that Thomas had been with other people and could be hooking up with other girls right at this moment, and that he might not have been as committed to you as you had thought, even if it was just friends with benefits. You couldn't ignore the feeling of betrayal that had been gnawing at your heart since you had found out how he felt about Angela.
When you began hooking up with Dean, you had no idea it would cause so much pent up frustration and desire in your body. Sex would help release this energy from the system, but there was an emotional side to things that had you questioning everything. Surely after some time, you began to ask yourself:
“Do I have feelings for Dean?”
Just hearing those words in your thoughts made you angry.
“Fuck!” You yell, “What is wrong with you?!” you ask yourself in frustration.
How could you let it get this far? How could you let Dean work his natural love potion on you? You thought you were better than this. Better than all the other girls who fell for his stupid addictive charm.
Three knocks tap on the bathroom door.
“Are you okay?” Dean asks, concern in his voice.
“Yes.” You sniffle.
You see him in the reflection of the bathroom glass, taking off his clothes and shoes, all he was left in was a singlet and boxers. He walks towards you and opens the shower door and leans his arm up against the shower frame. You face towards the shower head, not giving him any form of attention.
“The waters getting out.” You protest.
“I don’t care. Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.”
He pulls his singlet over his head, tossing it aside and kicks off his briefs, stepping into the shower and closing the door.
Tears were still streaming from your eyes, you stood underneath the flush of the water. You didn’t want to let him see you in tears. A few painful minutes go by and you hesitate to tell him off. Although you were mad with him, you loved sharing showers with him, it was one of the few intimate things that you did with him that wasn’t sex.
You sniffle and clear your croaky throat, it was a dead giveaway.
Dean steps closer under the water, saying a wandless spell to the soap, which placed a dollop of cleanser in his hands. He places both hands on your shoulders, lathering up and covering every inch of your body with the suds.
Dean dials down the water temperature and makes it a sweet warm stream and sways you by your waist from under the water. 
He was smooth, even in instances like this. He didn’t need to use spells or charms, he just intuitively had a way with you that always got to your core. He observes you, adjusts his approach and works his magic on you. 
“Y’know,” He pulls the hair in front of your face behind your neck and plants a soft kiss on your shoulder, “You’re allowed to tell me when I fuck up.”
“I know I said something that made you uncomfortable, you can tell me.”
You turn your head to look at him, surprised by his admission. He was usually so confident and self-assured, it was refreshing to see him vulnerable like this.
“I just don’t know what to say,” you admit, feeling ashamed of your own emotions.
“You don’t have to say anything,” he reassures you, “We both can just be silent for all I care. I just want you to know that I’m here for you, always.”
He leans in and kisses you gently on the lips, his arms wrapping around you in a comforting embrace. For a moment, you allow yourself to be held, to feel safe in his arms. But then reality hits you like a ton of bricks.
You push him away, suddenly feeling claustrophobic in the small shower space.
“No, you’re not here for me. That’s not what it felt like when we were with Blaise,” you accuse him, the anger rising up in your voice, “You just want to keep me around for when you’re bored or lonely. You don’t actually care about me.” you exclaim, accidentally revealing your resentment.
Dean looks hurt by your words, but he doesn’t back down.
His hand slides up from your thighs to your waist.
“I knew something was wrong. You don’t have to act with me. Just tell me what I did.” He calmly says.
His touch goes over your stomach, just above your nether regions, but he doesn’t go further, Dean knew to be gentle with you in the moment.
“Forget it. I’m just trying to shower.” You say, pulling away from his grasp, retreating back to icing him out
He goes to speak but he pauses, you could see on his face that he was calculating his next words. Lost in his thoughts, he says a spell to the body wash again and goes over his body.
You lean against the shower wall, arms crossed, bottle still in hand and looking up to the ceiling. Tears still falling from your eyes disguised as droplets of shower water.
Dean grabs the bottle from your hold and pulls you into the water with him, tilting your head up to his.
“I wasn’t born yesterday and I know you weren't either, so there’s no point in either of us playing dumb. I’m sorry– please believe me.”
You clench your jaw.
“About what?”
“What I said about Angela. It was stupid. I only said it to get a rise out of you.”
Is this shit a game to him? Your emotions just a ploy for him. And for what? Just so he can feel better about himself? You wanted to hear an apology from him but you didn’t expect it to come with the harsh reality of the situation.
“You’re right, it was stupid. I don’t care though.” You lie through gritted teeth, “What does it matter? You were only speaking your truth.”
“That’s the thing. I wasn't. I was saying all that shit just to get a reaction outta’ you and it was beyond wrong to do that. You don’t deserve that.”
You meet his eyes, he looks completely sincere and open but you quickly look away, feeling a small sob build at the bottom of your throat. The liquor had taken over your emotions and was ready to let it all pour out.
“Why Dean? What's the point?”
“I don’t know. I guess I thought if I said that, you would’ve said something, anything. Maybe I just wanted to hear you claim m—”
“No, Dean. You didn’t hear me. What’s the point of us?”
He stares into both of your eyes, trying to figure you out. Under his gaze, usually you would melt but right now, all you felt was a sense of grief. 
“Right…oh, righttt.” He sternly responds.
He loosens his grip on you and tilts his head, squinting his eyes and licks his bottom lip, a grim smile forms on his lips as he starts to sarcastically laugh. 
“Oh. Message received.”
He leans down and places his lips on your forehead, chuckling against your skin while giving you a kiss then exiting the shower, taking no time to dry himself with the towel from the rack. 
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“When you’re done with whatever this is, let me know.”
You stand there, feeling a mix of confusion, anger, and desire all at once. You can hear the sound of the bathroom door closing as Dean leaves, and you're left alone in the shower, still processing everything that just happened.
You take a deep breath and turn off the water, stepping out of the shower and grabbing a towel from the rack. You take one last chug of tequila before placing it on the sink. As you dry yourself off, you can't help but feel disappointment. You didn’t know what you wanted. You were torn between giving him the cold shoulder, letting him feel your anger or to give in, let him right his wrongs and lay up in his arms where you wanted to be. 
You swipe your hand across the foggy mirror above the bathroom sink and look back at your reflection, red eyes and puffy eyelids from crying. You knew what the reasonable thing to do was but somewhere deep down, you knew this was an internal issue. You longed to be consistently chosen, whether you wanted to admit it or not, it was an inner turmoil that you had and Dean just happened to be the person who you wanted to act on it. It was unfair to him to put him in such a position without him knowing, but you wanted him to just know what you wanted and to provide it instantly. It was selfish of you but you couldn't help it.
The bitter truth stands - he’s wasn’t your boyfriend, you weren’t in a relationship with him and he wasn’t officially yours. How could you possibly ask him to do boyfriend things without actually being your man. Which posed the next question:
“Do I want to be Dean’s girlfriend?”
You wince again at the intimate ideas flooding in. But the wonder stayed with you this time, replaying back memories in your mind of Dean’s beautiful smile before he laces you with kisses all over your face. You wanted that, all the time. You wanted him all the time.
You finish drying off and walk to the bedroom, still lost in your thoughts. As you approach the bedroom door you see Dean sitting on the edge of your bed, scrolling through his phone.
He looks up as you enter the room, and his expression softens. "Hey," he says, patting the seat next to him. "Come sit."
You hesitate for a moment before taking a seat next to him. He puts his arm around you and pulls you close, and you feel a sudden rush of warmth.
"I'm sorry for how I acted in the shower. Actually I’m sorry for everything," he says, his voice gentle. "I didn't mean to upset you, I was acting out of line this whole night. I just wanted to make things right."
You turn to look at him, and his eyes meet yours. You can see the honesty in his stare, and you feel yourself start to soften. Just as you open your mouth to apologize, he speaks.
“And look, if you don’t want to be around me right now, I understand. I’ll leave-”
He goes to stand up but you pull him by the hem of his shirt. By now you were more wasted than you anticipated and didn't want to be alone with your intrusive thoughts.
“No. Stay.” You slur out.
Relieved, he sits back down and looks at you in silence for a few moments, a flicker in his eyes.
“God, look at you. You’re so cute.” 
He squeezes your cheeks between his hands once before getting up from your bed and walking towards your drawers, opening them and shuffling clothes around. 
“What are you doing?”
“Pyjamas. It’s time you go to bed, you.”
You giggle burp. You didn’t want to go to sleep, you still wanted to talk about your feelings to him. But for some reason you found it endearing he wanted to put you to bed without sex being in the context.
Dean picks out a set of comfy clothes and walks back over to you.
“Up.” He orders you. Your towel drops to your feet and he fits your shirt over your head then continues to dress you in your clothes.
“Somni Modus (Bedtime mode).” Dean says a wandless spell which dims the lighting, lights the candles, puffs your pillows and pulls back your covers. You crawl to your side of the bed and Dean joins you on the other side, pulling the covers over you.
He leans on a pillow and props himself up on an elbow, facing you, watching your dizzy drunk self get comfortable in bed, cuddling a small pillow. He smiles, looking at you in awe. You roll over and feel the urge to pour your heart out to him, 
“I probably wouldn’t say this to you when I’m sober but I think I-”
He cuts you off.
"Darling, you’re way too intoxicated right now. I promise we can talk more when you’re in the right state of mind. Just come and find me, and I’ll listen, okay? But for now, you need some rest.”
You pout, slightly saddened. There were still some things you wanted to get off your chest. But you don’t argue with him, your eyelids was feeling heavy and the room was spinning the more you tried to stay awake.
Dean tucks you in and kisses your forehead, then heads towards the door.
As he's about to leave, you reach out and grab his hand. "Please don't go," you say, looking up at him with pleading eyes.
He pauses, then smiles softly and sits back down next to you, pulling you into a soft embrace. "I won't go anywhere," he says, stroking your hair, "I'll stay here with you until you fall asleep."
You feel a wave of gratitude wash over you, and you snuggle closer to him, feeling safe and protected in his arms.
As you drift off to sleep, you realize that maybe, just maybe, everything will be okay with him after all.
That was the last you heard from Dean. Your memories of the night had a few blanks, considering how much you drank, though you definitely remember how you felt. You spent many days, wracking your brain over why the night panned out like that and why he would promise to listen to you if he was just gonna ignore you in the first place. 
You decided when you fully woke up, that was it. No more using your voluptas wand (Pleasure wand) and pretending it was Dean. You needed an explanation, a good fuck and to be on talking terms again and he was the only person who could give it to you. You flicked open his school schedule on your phone, which he had previously sent you so you would know his free periods for quickies or some head in the Elf janitor closet. You two were just that ravenous for each other.
You scrolled to his classes for the day and saw that he had a morning quidditch game against Slytherin. Dean had to be already up at the field, stretching and preparing for the match, he was an early bird. 
You stand up from your bed and commit to your decision. You take a brisk shower and dress for the occasion - not showing too much so it shows you mean business but leaving out a little skin for a subtle hint of slutty to show him what he's been missing. Perfect.
It was a cold lengthy walk down to the Quidditch field. No one was awake except for the winter birds, owls and the sun kissing the sky with orange hues. As you neared closer to the male Quidditch changing tent, you went over in your mind exactly what you were going to say to him.
“So, no text? No. That’s lame. Okay, so when were you gonna tell me we weren’t doing this anymore. Ew! that too mushy for 5AM in the morning ,Y/K.” You thought to yourself.
Every sentence that came to conception only made you sound needy and that you wanted him more than you were willing to let him know. But you missed him badly, and you wanted him again for crying out loud! it was the truth. Him finding this out was a risk you were gonna have to take.
You stop out the front of the tent opening and release a big heavy sigh.
“Here goes nothing.”
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You lift up the material of the tents doors and see the man of the hour. Butterflies swarm your insides. This had to be the first time you’ve ever felt anxious around him.
He pauses his stretching and turns around. His beautiful cinnamon brown eyes travel from your legs, up to your eyes. He starts walking over to you with rush in his step.
“Right, so I don’t what’s happening between us but I–”
“Well, look who decided to come around.” He finally speaks.
Dean grabs your face into the palm of his hands and pulls you into a haste kiss. His tongue took no time finding yours. The tense from your body drops as you find yourself seeping into his pull, right where you want to be.
The feel of lips and touch felt like feeding an addiction you’ve been weaned off for eons and you’re getting a much needed hit again. But you still had questions. You pull from his kiss and ask away.
“First of all, why didn’t you hit me up? And ignoring me?”
“I was waiting.”
“For when you’d make the first move.”
Your mouth opens wide as it forms into a smirk. From the sounds of it, he wanted to be chased by you. So the man has emotional needs and wants besides getting a load off. Who knew? 
“Dean Thomas playing the waiting game? Seriously?”
“Oh shut up. I missed you.” he gives you another deep kiss then comes up, “That’s the last time I’m waiting for you to make the call. You almost drove me mad, woman.” his hands slides underneath your skirt and palms your ass cheek in his hand.
You press your body up against his, feeling his member already bricked up. And just like that, gasoline was thrown into the fiery tension between you two like it never left and it felt like pure electricity.
“Please tell me you didn’t jerk off. I want you at your best.”
“Like I said, I was waiting for you. Nothing can satisfy me the way you do.” He says, his lips trailing down your neck, leaving a trail of kisses and bites.
You moan in response, feeling the heat rising between your legs. You pull him closer, your hands gripping his biceps tightly.
“We’re gonna need to have a serious talk but I need this first.” You breathe out as your hand slips down to his 9 inch member over his shorts while his hands explore your body.
“Of course. We can talk things over. Do me a favor first, pretty girl? bend over.” He takes your hand, spinning you around and positions you over the stacked bat trunk. You oblige to his request and bend over the case, exposing all of your sex to him.
Dean wastes no time, pulling up your skirt and pulling down your panties, revealing your wetness. He smirks at the sight, knowing he's the only one who can make you this soaked. He takes a moment to appreciate the view before teasingly running a finger over your folds, making you gasp.
“Please, Dean. Don't tease me. It’s been too long, I can’t wait anymore” You moan out, your body trembling with need.
He chuckles and slides a finger inside of you, pumping it slowly. He adds another finger, hitting all the right spots. He was pumping your pleasure button to new highs, making you buck back against his long strong fingers. You can feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge, your body starts to shake.
“Dean baby, I'm gonna cum.” You whimper out, unable to hold on any longer, and just before you feel the eruption of bliss, he pulls out.
He places a kiss on the back of your neck, “Wait for me baby. I know you miss it.”
And just like that, Dean’s Gryffindor jersey shorts and briefs drop to his ankles, you feel his member hot and hard rubbing against your ass cheeks. He takes his time and slides the tip down between your cheeks, against your asshole, to your hungry flesh. He pushes in slowly and immediately you feel the evidence of his absence. His size hurt like hell but it hurt so good, it already sent you over the edge into climax.
“You kept it nice and tight for me baby, hmmm?”
He dips in deeper, filling you up wholly, hitting your pleasure spot at the back of your pussy, driving you wild. You were gushing all over his dick yet as he pulls back, you feel the friction of your walls wrapped around him like a fitted glove, as if your pussy was designed just for him to fuck in.
He holds the hem of his shirt through his gritted teeth so it didn’t block the view. He wanted to see every motion of your needy cunt taking him whole. He paces himself while adjusting his tip at your entrance again. The tension and anticipation between the two of you was thick and vicious. Both of you knew what was about to go down, once he starts stroking, it’s game over for your precious walls. 
Leaning down to you, he grabs a heap of your hair and twirls it in a fist, pulling your head back so his cheek was gashing against yours while he busts his first thrust into you, making your body jerk in intense euphoria. He goes again and again, until he picks up a rhythm. Your bodies rub together in heated unison, stimulating your senses to the nastiest levels possible, as he shoves kisses to your mouth, sucking on your tongue and leaving sloppy kisses on your cheeks and ear, thirsting for your affection. With every stroke, you’re sent into an oblivion of pure ecstasy.
Muffled grunts and mumbles of pleasure was all you could hear. It was killing Dean not to talk his shit. He’s a vocal lover, he knew all the right things to say that would brings out the animalistic freak in you. But in this tent, soft moans and whispers was all he could give you.
You rock your core back against his length, making him damn near lose all control and grip your hips with a tight hook as if he was cautiously trying to steady you. Throwing it back on him was a dangerous game, the control you had over him in the moment was unbearable. He desperately slows down his rhythm, nears your ear and mutters through his breath, “Oh, so you wanna play like that, huh?”
A devilish smile grows on your lips and you catch your breath in the quick spell he’s giving your walls. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You cluelessly respond.
“You know exactly what you’re doing.”
He pants on top of you, nestling his face in your hair, taking in your scent and licking up the droplets of sweat on your back.
“Two can play that game, sweetheart.” He mumbles into your skin.
 A half smile forms on his lips as he slams back into you. He chuckles as you begin to lose it under him again, the sight of your unraveling was pure entertainment for him. He was well aware of just how good he puts it on you.
He stands up and spreads your cheeks apart while observing the view.
“I love seeing your pretty pussy take this dick. Why’s that pussy so good, hmm?” He grunts out.
Dean halts and draws back so only the tip is in.
“I said, why is that pussy so good?” he squeezes your face between his hand and turns your head to him, making you look up at him in the eyes as he rams in and out of you, leaving you silently gasping for air. Rolls of the orgasms he gave you just moments ago were still coming over you.
“I think I need to fuck you before every match.” 
He picks his pace back up, filling you entirely. Bending down, his lips swipe across yours, teasing your desperate mouth.
“I bet you’d like that. Wouldn’t you? Tearing that pussy up every game.”
You look back to find his eyes piercing into yours as he strokes you down. He had you exactly where he wanted you: under him, stretched and slutted out. He was driving you insane.
You moan in response, feeling his wood flesh you out like there was no tomorrow. The idea of being fucked by him every match was both exhilarating and dangerous. You knew it would be hard to resist him before every match, knowing he had pent up aggression for the quidditch field. It was intimidating how easily he dominated you like this. But right now, all you could think about was how good it made you feel, being his little cum bucket.
“Yes,” you gasp out, “I want you to fuck me every game.”
“That’s what I like to hear. You always spread your legs for me like a good fucking whore, no matter the time or place.”
His features soften and his eyebrows furrow in. He closes his eyes and crashes lips to yours, groaning in your mouth. His strokes deepened inside you to the back of your walls, he wouldn’t dare to pull back a single inch, he wanted to feel all your tightness around him. You clench your pussy lips as he rests balls deep inside you, the pleasure mixing in the pain of his shaft hitting your cervix sent you over once more. You bend further across the trunk, trying to process all the sensations he was giving you, shying from his stroke.
Dean pulls you back, burrying his cock deeper than he was before. You whimper through another nut with teary eyes and slippery sweat all over your body. There wasn’t any words you could fathom that could explain the bliss he was fucking into you. 
“Don’t run, baby. Be a good girl, take it.” he whispers, watching your face go through levels of rapture.
He pauses and strokes one more time, steadying himself before giving you another row of toe curling plows. Retracting out and immediately ramming right back in. He continuously rips into you, not giving you a single moment to gather yourself. 
“Take it. Take all this fucking dick. I missed this pussy too much. I missed you so much baby!” 
His voice cracks into a deep tone, moaning out all his nasty thoughts to you, “You feel so good, you always do. My pretty little whore.”
And just like that, hearing him talk nasty to you sparks the freak in you to life. You start fucking him back, applying all the pressure to his cock.
“Yes baby. I’m a fucking whore. I’m your whore.” You screech out.
You were gone, completely lost in the heat of passion. Dean bought out filthy taboo in you that you didn’t even know had a place in your desires.
“Use me like a fucking toy. I’m just an object for your cum. Nut inside me.”
“Oh fuckkkk.”
His cum shoots against the back of your core. As much as he tried, he couldn’t hold back the roaring moan that left his mouth. You felt his load fill you to the brim as it oozed outside your slit and down the back of your thighs.
“Damn girl, what the…fuck. I haven’t nut that good in a minute…” He weakly pants, his body going limp against yours.
You tiredly chuckle, too exhausted to try to speak, basking in all the high sensations still running through your body.
He doesn’t pull out, he smiles and moves the strands of hair that were slicked against your face behind your ear.
“So that’s what you like? Being my toy?” He inquisitively mumbles between huffs, leaving soft pecks against your bare skin.
You freeze in embarrassment, wanting to hide from his grasp and gaze.
“Oh my g- I don’t even know why I said that. I say stupid shit when we fuck.”
“Well hold on now, who said it was stupid?”
You cover your face in embarrassment with your hand. Sure, the thought of him using you like a fleshlight is enough to make you cum from the thought alone but you couldn’t admit that to him, that was sensitive information for only you, your toys and your spank bank to know. Plus, it would only make him more arrogant knowing how much power play gets you off.
“If you’d allow it, I think you’d make a perfect beautiful tight toy for me.” He caresses your thigh,  soothing over the indented marks of his fingers from digging into your skin.
He brings your hands from your face as he hardens inside you, already ready to make a slut out of you again.
You gasp and look at him with widened eyes. “Already?” 
“Baby, you actually feel like heaven…can you blame me?” He tilts his head and smiles that cocky all knowing smile.
“You’re such a slut.” you laugh off.
“That makes two of us, sweetheart.”
He gives you a kiss accompanied by slow strokes. You coo from the soreness of your walls being worn out but you ached for another round, his sex was a pleasurable craving you would never get enough of.
From a far distance, you can hear a crowd of people chatting and laughing. 
“Fuck. Shit. What time is it?” Dean abruptly tugs his full length out of you, pulling up his shorts.
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“I’m not sure? I lost track of time ages ago.” You frantically look around you and over the trunk for your underwear.
Dean helps you look around and remembers he put it in the pocket of his shorts when he was undressing you.
“I think you’ll be needing this.” 
He gets down on his knees and helps you put the panties back on, wiping his cum away from your thighs with a gym towel from the equipment basket. He slows his pace when he draws his touch up to your hips. You raise your brows, wondering why he stops rushing.
He lays a kiss on you clit against the fabric and looks up at you with bright eyes and a smirk, caressing the back of your thigh.
“You free after the game? I have a feeling I’ll be needing to use my toy.”
“What? You ask now with people right outside? You know you can just text me after the game.”
He stands up and pulls you by your waist into him.
“I could, but I wanna hear you say it.”
He bites down on his bottom lips, waiting for the magic words. You antsily look at the exit of the tent, ready for players to start rolling in at any moment.
“Dean! They’re right outside.”
He raises his brows, not budging to let go of you. Either he didn’t give a fuck that anyone knew you were fucking or he was just that naturally bold and stubborn. You were sure it was the latter. Either way, you couldn’t resist his charm.
“Yes, I have a free period after your game to fuck.” You submit, coyly smiling and rolling your eyes.
Satisfied, he presses his lips against yours. “Good girl.”
“Okay, now I’m leaving.” you say against his kiss and step away to head for the exit.
“Yeah, get of here ya’ weirdo! Why are you in the male changing tents anyways? Pervert!” He exclaims loud enough for even the people outside to hear.
You halt and turn back at him in disbelief, breaking into laughter.
“You’re fucking annoying, you know that?”
“You love it.” He chuckles and gives your ass a quick slap.
You scoff. Before you could give a proper reply, the male cohort of the quidditch team enter into the tent.
“Morning Dean…and Y/K?” Ron approaches.
“Left my phone in the common room last night. Good thing Y/K is like totally obsessed with me and knew I had a game this morning.” Dean jokes, mimicking an American valley girl accent, “She came and dropped it off for me first thing.” he shoots you a wink as he makes the sneaky innuendo.
The balls on this guy. Unbelievable. You had to admit, it was fucking sexy though.
“Well that’s the last time I do that. I’ll just let the house elves take it to lost and found next time.”
He laughs. “That’s fair. Thanks anyways bro.”
Bro. Oh he’s really selling it, this guy needs an academy. You’re aware he’s only showing face but for crying out loud, it’s too soon, his cum is still warm inside you. No matter the fuss though, it’s him who’s gonna be moaning baby when you ride the brakes off him later.
You look once over at Ron then shoot Dean a thin lipped smile.
“Don’t mention it, bruv. Just focus on winning, we don’t need any more house points to Slytherin. Knock em’ dead.” 
His brow cocks up as he squints, catching all the shade you’re throwing his way. It was written all over his face, he didn’t like that. 
“Cheers.” Ron exclaims with a big grin.
You turn on your heels and make for the exit. The way you keep up antics to hide your affair in front of others was Oscar worthy at this point. Although it kept things on the hush-hush, it was exhausting. But my oh my, did Dean hate it. He was a poor example for a fuck buddy. He talked a good game but at the heart of it all, he was sensitive, needed reassurance from time to time and to be claimed out loud. If you knew what it would take for him to stop ignoring you, you would’ve acted on that weeks ago. At least that was the one thing you had over him, you knew Dean Thomas’s secret longing to be wanted and loved. 
As selfish as it was, now that you knew his little secret, you now have the upper hand over this situationship. He’s not the only king of hearts anymore; you’re right besides him, sitting pretty on the throne for the queen.
As you leave, you raise your skirt higher, leaving a little cheek out and sway your hips as you exit, giving Dean a cheeky tease. Just enough to make him stiff in his shorts and sexually frustrated. You glance back and see Dean adjusting and tucking away his wood. Laughter erupts from you as you walk out the tent, it was actually hilarious how easy you make him fold.
You were sure you’re gonna catch some heat for it later.
But now after this morning, you realized you like how vexed he gets from your stunts of the need for attention.
Well, solely because it makes him fuck you harder.
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Different Kind Of Runway ✨ | Reuben “Payback” Fitch Headcanon
Link to my TGM masterlist
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Lt. Reuben “Payback” Fitch married to a supermodel would look like:
Believe it or not, Reuben is quite the fashion guy and how y’all met was cause he managed to go to New York Fashion Week due to his sister being a makeup artist. She had him as her plus one and they both got to attend one of the after parties. It was at the party you met Reuben and he of course knew your face—-you had captivated him on the runway that day when you walked for Tommy Hilfiger.
Spotting his sister, who had done your makeup for the show, you sped over to say hi which is where she introduced you to the man who would become your husband. When you saw him the first thing you thought was, “wow.” He was TALL and you are quite the tall girl yourself (which was how you got scouted at 17 standing at 5’11) but he was taller and the finest man you’d ever seen—and you’ve dated male models before.
“Y/n, I’d like you to meet my brother, Lt. Reuben Fitch. Rue this is Y/n L/n.” “It’s a pleasure to meet you, ma’am. I’m Reuben.” Before you knew it you two had talked all night way past the party ending and had went to a bar to continue to the conversation. You found out he was a Naval aviator with a call sign called ‘Payback,’ and stationed at NAS Oceana in Virginia.
“Payback? That’s kinda badass—how’d you get that name?” “Well in flight school I sorta..intentionally made someone buy a round for everyone in a bar but I felt bad and paid them back.” “And here I thought it was because you know how to get revenge if someone wrongs you.” “Well I can do that too.”
You both knew that night you’d want to continue getting to know one another, so you exchanged numbers and planned a date. Being based in New York meant you didn’t have to travel far to see him and vice versa. On weekends he’d come to New York or if you had a week off from shoots you’ll drive to Virginia. Your relationship was like that, and then when you got married you moved in with him but traveled whenever you booked a gig or show.
Reuben is that husband who if he comes with you to a shoot or show he’s taking pics and videos of you on his phone. Sometimes he’ll copy your poses to make you laugh, which the photographer loves when they want some candid shots. Expect to hear him go, “woooork. Yes ma’am, give me face. Show me your best Vogue.” Sometimes the photographer will ask him to join and Reuben will throw you over his shoulder and spin you around in a fit of giggles. Dip you before kissing you, hold you bridal style, and of course do some model poses with your help.
Whenever you are featured on the cover of a magazine like Vogue, Playboy, Sports Illustrated or Variety Payback collects them and will have at least one of them in his office. His coworkers are always like eye boggling it then they see the wedding photo next to it and are like “Holy shit….Payback got GAME.” But who could be surprised, mans is like sex on legs it’s no surprise he and his wife are the hottest couple on the planet.
Because of his job he can’t go to every show or fashion week, but he always tries to make time for NYFW since it’s sentimental to y’all. Paris, Milan, and London are rare but he has attended them once or twice, especially to see you walk Versace, Prada, & Fendi. He doesn’t embarrass you by cheering but he will pull out his phone to record you and just beam at you like a kid spotting the toy he wants for Christmas in the window of a store.
After about 5 years of marriage and 15 years of modeling you had finally achieved the status of Supermodel and had won the award of Model of the Year a couple times—becoming one of the highest paid in the industry with a staple walk that had designers booking you left and right. Unlike most models, you didn’t really attend award shows when you were invited, although you did go to the Met a few times and had Reuben as your plus one whenever you did. You were a very reserved and private person despite your public status & thankfully paparazzi who followed you were unable to get on base. This definitely came in handy when Payback was called back to Top Gun for a special mission.
When the team arrived on base for the first day of training—you had opted out of going to the bar the night before—all were confused as fuck by the crowd of cars and cameraman waiting at the visitors center. “Did the base commander die or is the president flying in?” Hangman chuckled as they took their seats. Fanboy smirked, patting Rueben’s chest, “nah it’s for his woman.”
You’d known Mickey since he and Reuben were assigned together at NAS Oceana. The two of you were as close as siblings with Mickey even coming out to support you at shows when Reuben asked him to tag along. He did fanboy like his call sign and was embarrassed to admit he did follow you on social media, which you found amusing and told him it was nothing to be embarrassed about.
The second the words left Mickey’s mouth everyone turned in their seats to look at Reuben. “Who’s your woman, Payback?” Coyote questioned, and before Reuben could answer he was cut off by Nat’s gasp, her phone in her hand as she pulled up his instagram. “You’re married to supermodel Y/n L/n!!”
You can imagine the questions your poor hubby was bombarded with. And then when he finally introduced you the day everyone went to the beach you knew they were all gonna be a part of your life forever. After the mission concluded you both kept in touch with the squad and would meet up throughout the year.
They like to joke how you are like them just you walk a different type of runway. “Hey, the jet basically struts down the runway like you when it takes off….only its pulling hundreds of miles per hour.”
Whenever y’all go out you get hit on, it’s a common occurrence and usually they back off when they see your ring or Reuben comes in sizing the dudes up. But the best is when you and Phoenix are getting borderline harassed when y’all are sitting down and you give Nat a look. She knows what’s about to happen and gets her phone ready to capture the reaction of the asshole when you stand up, in heels which make you over 6ft and look down on him. Then Reuben, Bob and Rooster come up behind you which has the dude scurry off. Nothing punches an insecure mans ego than when you size them up.
A favorite memory of yours was inviting all of them, including Mav, to the Calvin Klein show you were opening and having to get them all styled with your team. It was such beautiful chaos in the hotel suite with the guys and Phoenix having to get fitted before being hauled into hair and makeup. You had time before you were called to the venue for your own glam and dress, so for your entertainment you vlogged the whole scene. “Javy, could you please tell the people who and what you’re wearing for tonight’s show.” “Well we got the custom Calvin fit going on, curtesy of Mr. Calvin Klein himself. The suit is the finest material you’ll ever see, leather shoes and oh! —can’t forget the shades so the paps are unable to my eyes.”
“Phoenix, you look gorgeous—can you tell us a bit about your outfit?” “It’s a little chilly in New York so your team was kind to give me this beautiful Calvin Klein dress with some knee high boots and matching coat. I actually feel like a movie star—wow *laughs* is it always like this?” “Trust me when I say one can never really get used to it. If someone says so they are lying.”
Before every show Reuben gives you a kiss and tells you to keep your head high and work that runway like it’s your own personal stage. You are so grateful to have found a man who supports you and anytime you walk a show at NYFW you can’t help but wonder how lucky you are that your dream job brought you to your dream man. It’s funny how you both have a runway in your jobs that are an essential part, though it is a different type of runway 😉
Tag list: @avaleineandafryingpan , @caitsymichelle13 , @poppyalice2001 , @cutelittlepotatofry
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yukidragon · 2 years
I don't know why, but I'm very sure that Ian's end will be that of the typical celebrity who can't forget his first love, womanizer, never has children and spends most of the with hateful behavior towards others but changes drastically in the public eye.
God! I can imagine a scenario where Ian is acting and sees a boy who looks like Alice, in case regrets from the past, follow the child and he finds out that the child is Alice's son, How Ian would he react to it? I'm sure he couldn't go on anymore
That’s a sad, but possible outcome if Ian never learns to let go of Alice and move on with his life. He’s certainly trying his hardest to cling to the security and comfort of nostalgia where she was his rock, his champion who loved and forgave him no matter what...
Given how Ian was tempted to cheat even while (presumably) very happy in a loving committed relationship, I do think it’s likely that he’ll wind up sleeping around. It’s so much easier to give in after the first time, especially when he’s painfully lonely and aching for love and pleasure.
I’m still debating if Ian was sexually active or not after the break up even while he’s still trying to win Alice back in Sunshine in Hell.
On the one hand Ian is hurting, lonely, and needing comfort for what he lost. He’s not in a relationship now, and Alice even told him that he can sleep around with all the hot models at his new school that he wants when she ended things between them. She basically gave him permission to do it... but it’s not a new relationship! And Ian isn’t strong like Alice is... and maybe if he “satisfies his manhood” while they’re broken up, he’ll never be tempted to cheat again...
On the other hand, Ian could just as easily be repulsed by the idea and racked with guilt at even the thought of it since it’s what made his relationship come crashing down around them.
Plus, I’ve heard that a lot of the excitement in affairs comes from the forbidden aspect of it all. Ian and MC living together and having sex was something “forbidden,” at least as far as his mother was concerned, and he really didn’t want people to know what they do. He might be turned on by the taboo nature...
Honestly, I am inclined towards the former. I can see Ian justifying it as a “necessary evil” of sorts to get out these urges, a way to “fix” what went wrong... and hot sex certainly is a vice many use to distract themselves from painful feelings they don’t want to feel...
After all the lengths Ian goes to in order to try and fix his relationship with Alice and get back with her... In a positive outcome, he finally learns to let go and accept the loss of their relationship and that some things can’t be fixed. In a negative outcome, he just can’t let go, even if he as a loss for what else he can do and otherwise gives up.
Ian dislikes loud parties. Likely he is and introvert, which would be the type of person who struggles with crowds. In order to make it as a model and actor, he had to learn to be able to handle all eyes on him, all the attention. The positive attention feels good, but also overwhelming. He has to be this pleasant persona in front of everyone, and wearing a persona can be exhausting when you’re introvert.
Over time it gets easier to wear the smile in front of the crowds, to be whatever persona that would advance his career best on the advice of his agent. No doubt Ian’s shy nature would be part of his persona now, this down to earth and wholesome sweet celebrity who can be a little shy at times, adding to his charm. A part of that public-facing image he presents is apparently as someone who doesn’t date, if an older teaser image is any indication.
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Credit as always to Sauce for this fun mock screenshot that was publicly posted on their now closed twitter. As always, I want to kindly ask people not to repost any of the privately posted content from the SnaccPop Studios Patreon. Let’s give them the support and respect they deserve, okay?
Being a womanizer would be bad for this sort of wholesome image that Ian is presenting as an actor and model. This means that at all sexual encounters have to be kept on the down low, secretive. If “forbidden” things is his kink though, he might enjoy those illicit moments all the more.
Still... an Ian who hasn’t let go of the past, the nostalgia and safety of his childhood friend turned lover, wouldn’t help but pine for those days when he had someone who knew him better than anyone... who gave him so much. How can he not check up on Alice’s social media from time to time? Maybe even a bit more often than he should...
Maybe Ian does manage to stop, at least for a while, to try and forget. Alice ended things definitively. There’s no more hope to cling onto. He needs to move on, even if his heart won’t fully let him. The people he secretly sleeps with are nice, and the sex is thrilling and hot, but he doesn’t feel that same level of love, trust, and intimacy. It all feels so hollow...
On one day off, Ian goes incognito to a park that he and Alice used to play in as children. It’s a place that’s close to her family home and drips of nostalgia. He can imagine those days when they played together. A part of him considers stopping by the King house, but he shakes the urge off, knowing it would only bring him more pain. He lost his relationship with her family too...
There are children playing in the park, with some adults not too far away keeping an eye on them. It’s all so nostalgic. Strangely, certain children draw Ian’s attention, though he isn’t sure why. One is a boy, maybe around 6 or 7... a first grader perhaps? The same year he and Alice met. Maybe that’s why he is reminded of her as he watches this boy play with his friends.
It’s strange why this boy reminds Ian of Alice so much - the child has brown hair for starters. Maybe it’s those blue eyes? They’re not the same shade, but the way they crinkle when the boy laughs reminds Ian of Alice and the way she looked when she laughed.
That’s when Ian hears it, a voice from his past that he could never forget, no matter how hard he tries. He’s far enough away from the playground that she doesn’t notice him, but he can’t miss her and the way she shines.
Alice calls over her eldest son, who reluctantly ends the game he was playing with his cousins. The trip back to her family home had been a fun visit for her and her children, but it was starting to get late and it’s time for dinner. Holding her hand at her side is a little girl with curly dark hair and dark eyes who looks similar to the little boy. Her stomach sticks out more than it used to, unmistakably full with another child on the way.
Alice is beautiful, heartbreakingly so. She looks so happy, glowing with life as she pulls her son into a hug and asks him if he had fun. She’s matured by this point, with a warm, motherly aura, but he can still see traces of the little girl who once asked Ian through a puppet if he wanted to be friends. He can also see the awkward teenager she became who he had a crush on, the tired college student who adored him and would do anything for him... the partner who loved him so much once upon a time.
Ian has to talk to her. He can’t hold himself back. He can’t let this opportunity slip away from him. However, he only starts to stand up when he hears a voice beside his ear... in his head? It’s a man’s voice, low and dangerous... warning him to stay away from Alice. There’s a chill to it that seeps in deeper than his bones to his very soul...
Alarmed, Ian whips his head around, but sees only the branches of the tree behind the park bench swaying in the breeze. It was a warm spring day, but the air felt so cold now that he can’t help but shiver.
By the time Ian turns back to where Alice was, she’s already leaving. Joining her and her children are more adults - a couple of her siblings who also have grown up, he now realizes - and other children, a big crowd that warns him away from approaching her. He knows he can’t approach her now, not after everything, and not in front of so many people who might see him break down.
It forces Ian to watch from a distance, his heart breaking as he clutches the half-heart necklace that he still can’t bring himself to get rid of. Alice looks so happy talking with her family, her children... Is she talking with the air too? Sometimes she looks up and away from the others at a particular spot, and so do her children. Something about that spot of air feels cold even as far away as he is... dangerous... warning him from approaching them.
By the time Ian gathers up the courage to try anyway, the entourage have already left. He knows he could follow - hell, they probably all went to the King family home. He knows the way there from here by heart!
Unfortunately the idea of confronting Alice and her family... after seeing her so happy with a family of her own...
But... but maybe it’s not what it seems! Maybe Alice just got chubbier than Ian last saw her, got into bad habits without him! Maybe the child that ran up to her and called her “mommy” so enthusiastically was calling someone else while giving his aunt a hug. The little girl was probably a niece as well. Alice has so many siblings, there’s no end to how many nieces and nephews she might have since he lost touch!
Alice couldn’t have really moved on with someone new, right? That “Jack” person from her socials years ago... that was just a fictional boyfriend she made up, right? A fantasy to fill the void in her heart just like sleeping with other people filled the void in Ian’s?
Alice... couldn’t have forgotten Ian. She couldn’t have found someone else to love, marry, and have kids with... just like they talked about when they were together before his stupid mistake tore their world apart.
Alice couldn’t love someone else the way she loved Ian... not when he couldn’t love anyone else the way that he loved her.
Ian has nightmares that night, of watching helplessly from a distance as Alice happily lives her life with adorable children who call her “mommy” and a large husband with blue (brown?) hair who keeps giving her wide warm smiles and loving kisses... occasionally shooting him secret vicious smirks.
It’s torture, but that same haunting voice reminds Ian that he only has himself to blame for being so worthless... for not really loving Alice the way she deserved. The best thing he could do for her and himself would be to leave her alone and never even think about trying to take her away from this new family who loved her far more than he ever could...
The man who just kissed Alice - Jack - the same figure as those drawings she made, talks to Ian directly. He makes sure that Ian knows that whatever Ian feels for Alice isn’t love. Someone who loves her, truly loves her would never make her suffer as he did.
Alice is happy now. Don’t ruin this for her, Jack, or their children.
Ian wakes up in the middle of the night, shaken by his nightmare. In the dark of his room, he can only cry and mourn over losing someone who brightened his life like a ray of sunshine... knowing that he only has himself to blame for how cold and dark his life has become.
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore  
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theviceadmiralswife · 4 months
Nsfw abc. Vice admirals edition Yamakaji
Salute recruits and soldiers to this weaning Wednesday ⚓️ 🌊 ⚓️🌊⚓️🌊⚓️🌊⚓️🌊⚓️
Okay updated version of Yamakaji's nsfw abc please enjoy. I had to delete the old one and this is my fourth attempt posting this new version.
The vice admirals wife over and out
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AFTERCARE -- oh my if your Yamakaji's sweetheart you are in for a treat. This bearly man is the king of aftercare, only rivaled by someone like Kizaru. You get everything butterfly kisses, massages, brushing your hair, ice cream and champagne you name it its yours. In return Yamakaji is more then happy when he receives snuggles from you, truly he is more a giver then receiver.
BODYPART -- Yamakaji loves every inch of your body no matter what size you are, slim, curvy thick. You've cellulitis or a bubble butt this man doesn't care. He loves every inch of you. Though pin pointing it his favourite part woul be your sensitive nipple he can twist them, caress them kiss them or lick them
CUM -- Oh my Yamakaji wants you to taste him so while he likes pumping your pussy full, for him filling your mouth with his cum is just divine.
DIRTY SECRET-- Yamakaji is a bit of a voyeur ..a big peeping tom indeed who endulges in watching you cook clean, workout, shower even pee and especially masturbate. The latter turns him on most when you think he isn't watching.
EXPERIENCE -- Yamakaji is experienced but he is shy about it. He never talks about his exes in any way or badly. Yamakaji is still taking a while to fully let his experience shine in a relationship with you.
FAVOURITE POSITION -- 69 hands down either in bed laying down, sitting or standing. Nothings better for this bearly vice admiral.
GOOFY -- Sex is important to Yamakaji so if there are boundaries he sticks to them. However you certainly can have giggles and a pillow fight with him before Yamakaji engulfs you with his body or pins you against the wall with his cock stretching you teasingly.
HAIR -- Now in all fairness Yamakaji is a hairy guy , bearly type of guy, arms legs, chest all hairy, however he shows great consideration and keeps his privates shaved and smooth.
INTIMACY -- Yamakaji is more the romantic type your pleasure comes before his own. Occasionally if you nag and beg him he takes you rough, cause that's what you like.
JACK OFF -- Regularly Yamakaji Jack's off... mainly when he watches you while being a peeping Tom, or to the photos he has and pin up photos you gave him as a present, especially when out at sea. He drool over them photos of you day dreaming how he sleeps with you and shooting off his cum all over the photos.
KINK -- Oral, everything oral is Yamakaji big big kink. He is a certified cunt eater and butt licker, mostly when being with you in th 69 er position and having you suck his cock and softly chew his balls.
LOCATION -- While having a kink like this Yamakaji feels most comfortable at home or the cabin of his battle ship. Thats his no 1 location. If he knows a certain safe and secluded outdoor spot he make love to you there too, but he must know its safe from prying eyes.
MOTIVATION -- romantic evening that ends up in sweaty passion with both of you exhausted
NO--- everything sadism, bdsm related or degrading,
ORAL -- Yamakaji loves oral hence its his kink. He equally loves giving and receiving and there is no bounds to his lust for it. Or eating out your cunt.
PACE --slow and steady 95% of the time Yamakaji just revels in the fullness of the sensation when the speeds medium and consistent, he likes the sensory stimulation
QUICKIE -- Sometimes when you beg him...like by bumping your ass against him in the shower
RISK -- Yamakaji isn't a risk taker when it comes to public spaces or the bdsm stuff. Though if you are in a solid relationship with him he will be comfortable to try new things with you, his favourite new more risqué adventure is the going through the Kamasutra with you
STAMINA -- Have you seen Yamakaji's chest... duh.. he has a chest like a barrel and lungs 🫁 like an engine...it will take all night
TOYS-- He will test toys with you but will always be tender and soft.
UNFAIR -- Honestly not with Yamakaji he is more a giver if anything. Besides romance he tends to playfully tease so you find yourself one second having a pillow fight with him just to notice him pinning you between his bearly chest and the pillow peppering you woth kissed or teasingly fondle you.
VOLUME -- Very grunty and tons of groans and heavy breathing he is medium to very loud especially during orgasm.
WILDCARD -- Yamakaji secretly wishes he could clone you. Why? He secretly wants to have threesome or an orgie with 3 "you's"
X-RAY -- big and THICK cock as much as his balls , his balls tend to slap the lips of your pussy when he thrusts into you
YEARNING-- medium and high , Yamakaji tends to be very much more active off duty
ZZzz-- He takes a bit of time to fall asleep after sex since his aftercare is so enjoyable 😉 but when he falls asleep it's snooze festival all the way.
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In an alternate universe where Mav chose Ice to serenade at the O club, do you think Ice put out in the bathroom or did he play hard to get and turn down Mav until they met again in the classroom?
ok first before i even answer this, have you, by chance, read this fic where mav actually Does serenade ice in the bathroom? if not, i highly recommend it. ice deserves to be serenaded hes worth the humiliation
but that fic takes place a while before top gun (the first time around, at least) so if we’re saying this takes place the day they met in canon, then honestly it depends. both are equally delicious. his callsign really spices it up too, the fact that either way you look at it, he’s either too ice-cold to make the mistake of having sex with a guy when there are eyes everywhere in the navy (which means letting himself get close to mav is a “mistake,” and god do i love the angst of that setup) or he’s supposedly ice-cold, but sleeping with mav was the one “mistake” that he couldn’t help making because you know, they’re like magnets. they can’t stop the attraction i just dhsfjsjsfs… icemav is such a poetic ship and i love it
but since you asked me to give an answer, i’ll have to say that he wouldn’t put out until after he meets mav in the classroom. ice was doing what’s best for the team rather than the individual and staying focused on his goal of being top gun. mav would be wearing his uniform, so ice would definitely know he’s in the navy and probably suspect they’d be seeing each other again. he’s very thorough, so he’d probably not want to risk it. i think he’s had plans to climb the ranks for a while and marry a sweet woman who he can at least make happy, if not vice versa, and sleeping with some random navy officer is too much of a risk for him to take. going off this idea i LOVE to think that when they get together mav serenades him again in private so only ice can listen this time <3
however. because i love imagining it. if he did decide to put out in the bathroom it would probably be because the chances of finding a willing partner in the navy are far and few between, and any guy who’s serenading him in a public place is clearly daring enough to make the first misstep if he shows up again in the future, so ice doesn’t have anything to worry about. if either of them are getting booted it’ll be that guy. and after the night ends he’ll be too focused on winning the top gun trophy to see to his own pleasure (though flying is definitely counted as pleasure in his book) so he might as well indulge for a night when nobody’s looking, right?
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My bad cross that last question I sent I meant Candace
This was a little tough considering I don’t have Candace 😭
If genuine was a person, it would be her. Most people end up falling for her or having great admiration because she doesn’t mind letting someone know just how important they are to her or that she enjoys their company. Even Dehya isn’t immune, and she works for Dunyarzad.
Candace is the kind of person to love hard and deeply, falling for an individuals mind along with their body. Yet despite her own wonderful qualities, gaining that same kind of affection makes her quite flustered. Public displays of affection also catch her off guard. Even something as simple as Cyno greeting her with a single flower and kind words is enough to make the warrior a little bashful.
Private moments are a different story however. Candace enjoys sitting beside her partner with hands held and sweet whispers to another leading to gentle kisses and warm moments. What she seeks isn’t inherently lust, but passion; to have someone entrust their everything to her and vice versa. Even in bed she desires to help is vast. Sex isn’t fun if you can’t fully unwind. Candace will always give as much attention to her beloved as they do to her.
Candace does get a bit embarrassed however when she doesn’t have the initiative. The moment it’s her turn to be pampered and pleased she melts. Candace prefers slow and rhythmic above everything else. She wants to take her time exploring her partners body and hopes they do the same, making the time to do things right and for both to understand more about each other. It wouldn’t be far fetched to call a sex an open conversation where both should be honest and attentive.
Typically she tops but lots of foreplay, kisses, and seductive whispering can easily land her on her back inviting her lover into an embrace. Even the most unruly of souls like Dehya or Cyno could only be gentle and mesmerized by such a beautiful and warm woman. When it’s all said and done, basking in the after glow in pleasant silence and rest. Usually this means Candace is holding someone in her arms as they finally sleep. She tends to watch over them for a moment or look through a window out into the world peacefully. A wonderful partner, enjoyable pleasure, and calm communication. Truly nothing is more attractive to her. Except sweet pet names during the deed. She won’t admit it but being pampered is so nice for a change.
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