#probably no one will buy this but it's ok ill keep all copies for myself!
alicenpai · 1 month
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the girl from the other side ✨ this series gave me hope a million times but simultaneously shattered my heart into the same amount of pieces </3 (flower symbolism under cut)
sticker sheet for anime north 🍀🥧🖤🤍
forget me not - obvious reference to the Black Children and how they eventually forget who they are as they near the end of their "life cycle".
white clover (in coffin) - white clovers typically symbolize innocence.
4 leaf clover - like I wrote in a previous post on my Witch Hat Atelier seasons piece, the 4 leaf clover symbolizes luck and good fortune. Like Coco, Shiva to her loved ones is a symbol of fortune, though to the Inside Kingdom, a symbol of misfortune.
sunflower - typically symbolize strength and warmth, a fitting flower for Shiva, the light illuminating Teacher's dark past.
nasturtium - another flower symbolizing strength, and has strong ties to the "victory" after battle. apparently soldiers used to don them as a sign of a long battle won. fun fact they are also edible (don't take my post for nutritional advice please) (ill probably write a bit more on this topic when my head is more clear)
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Give us the list of gifts!! I’m curious to know what they would give,,
You got it chief!
(Sorry this is a tad late, life has been kicking my butt lately-)
• Chiaki- probably a game or something like that. Most likely a multiplayer, and a promise for the two of them to play it together sometime. She might bring his switch or smth if she knows he'll be there a long time and get bored.
• Hajime- his underwear unlike everyone else, a relatively normal gift, like chocolates or something. they're orange flavoured He'd probably also be the one bringing him general stuff, like a change of clothes and all that.
• Nagito- also his underwear honestly, Nagito is one rich hoe so you know whatever he brings is going to be extremely high quality (especially for his beloved symbol of hope!). It's mentioned in UDG that Makoto likes trendy things, so maybe something he knows Makoto's had his eye on for a while now, but couldn't quite afford.
• Peko- honestly, Peko has zero experience in gift-giving, and probably turns to Fuyuhiko for help. Little does she know, he also has no fucking clue-
• Fuyuhiko- the guy has no idea how to give casual gifts. Makoto just wakes up one day and there's a newly crafted authentic sword embellished with the Kuzuryu clan name lying in the corner wrapped in silk, and he's just like... 'thanks... ig-'
• Jokes aside, he'd probably give him a nice watch or suit- guy's gotta look good when he confronts his rivals attends school.
• Nekomaru- hmm. He's a pretty sporty person, so maybe a tracksuit or gym clothes? Or no- maybe a nice planner/to do list to scribble in. (To Makoto's surprise, it's actually very pretty, and even handmade!)
• Akane- we all know the way to Akane's heart, and it's food- she'd probably bring him a lot of snacks and stuff, especially whatever's his favourite (maybe a bit too much... well, it's not like he minds sharing. Although, maybe that was her plan all along...)
• Ibuki- she'd bring along some CDs and music he likes/she thinks he'd like. It's the perfect opportunity to get him to listen to some of her reccomendations! Also, here's a cute idea- she brings her guitar and sings to/with him in his room.
• Mikan- Mikan is most likely the one actually looking after Makoto, but I guess if she'd had to gift something, it might be some cute stationary? (*looks at Mr stapler-*). I feel like she'd want to give something handmade, like cookies, but she's a bit clumsy and wouldn't be able to make it.
• Teruteru- ok teruteru would DEFINITELY give homemade snacks and stuff. He'd for sure insist on making Makoto's meals (in exchange for helping him with uh... changing his bandages-)
• Sonia- she might realise that Makoto is likely to get bored, and leave him some of her favourite reading material (unfortunately for him, said material is occult magazines, the current issue of which is centred upon a haunting at a hospital... he doesn't sleep well that night-)
• Gundham- isn't it sweet to imagine Gundham might actually leave one of his animal friends to keep Makoto company (even moreso if it's one of the Dark Devas- ahhh that level of trust)- or as he'd say, to "keep watch over him".
• Hiyoko- knowing Hiyoko, she'd probably leave a LOT of sweets. Most likely the traditional japanese kind too, though, there's a fair share of gummies and chewy sweets too.
• Mahiru- she has quite an eye for pretty things, so I think she'd leave some rather nice flowers, maybe in resin, like a bookmark or table decoration. Or, maybe she'd leave some polaroids to remind him of how much they all appreciate him.
• Kazuichi- a television. But not the hospital kind, oh no, this one he built specially for his bud. And maybe some other little gadgets here and there. (Also some coconut water, cause, he just likes it man-)
• Twogami- he'd.. probably copy Byakuya tbh *wheeze*
• Ryouta- a copy of a particular anime that he knows Makoto will like/cheer him up (I'm looking at you, *insert your favourite comfort anime series/movie here*)
Class 78
• Byakuya- knowing this guy, he'll buy whatever's expensive- he might even leave some of that pricey coffee because he "cant stand to see Makoto drinking that commoner crap anymore-" (insert that scene from ouran high school host club here-). Although... i cant remember but i think it was mentioned that he likes flowers? He might leave those.
• Kyoko- she actually likes some pretty feminine things, like perfume and cherry blossoms. I can see her leaving one of those really nice pens/journals. Or a set of some nice lotions/stuff like that.
• Aoi- donuts, duh. (She really likes cute stuff too, so maybe some adorable erasers!)
• Sakura- don't let her appearance as a wannabe jojo character fool you! she likes some delicate things. She might leave a rather beautiful charm, as a token of her friendship. Due to her practicality, I can also see her leaving vitamins and health supplements to make sure Makoto recovers quick!
• Yasuhiro- he's pretty superstitious, so alongside some nice scented candles (pine tree and summer berries, to be specific, to match Makoto's 'vibes') to clear the air, he'd leave some good luck charms to keep away any um- 'ill-intentioned spirits'.
• Toko- she definitely likes receiving very girly gifts, but I don't know if she'd feel very secure about giving them? Maybe she'd give him a signed copy of one of her books- maybe even a personal one she wasn't really planning on publishing...
• Genocide Jill (or however you call her idk)- JILL PUT DOWN THE SCISSORS- JILL- N O-
• she gave him a coupon for a haircut. That's... considerate (he'll let his hair grow to his feet before he lets her scissors anywhere near his neck-)
• Hifumi- 'please,,, please let this be a normal, completely safe for work piece of storytelling', Makoto thinks, as he opens the doujinshi, already perturbed by the... *ahem* somewhat suggestive cover.
(It is not safe for work)
• Celeste- a rather aesthetic pair of red and black glittery dice, and playing cards. (He finds that the dice are loaded and the cards are slightly uneven). I also like to think she might leave him some high quality tea and a set- (as a tea lover myself I'd definitely appreciate that as a gift hehe)
• Chihiro- they also like cute things! They'd definitely leave a totally adorable set of charms or something (I'm thinking of those ones that you'd hang from your phone), or pretty flower stickers for a laptop. Maybe a handmade gift too!
• Kiyotaka- he's that guy who brings the homework most likely something practical, like a scarf or coasters, y'know, that kind of stuff?
• Mondo- an entire motorcycle maybe- maybe just a leather jacket for now...
• Sayaka- he likes pop music, and I'd imagine he likes hers too (maybe not as much as his sister tho adjajsaisb-). She'd give him an album of covers she'd made, since she knows he likes her voice- all his favourite songs.
• Leon- a signed baseball. Makoto's the only one he's confided in about wanting to go back to baseball about, so he gives him a signed one as a token of appreciation.
• Mukuro- a confession letter. Mukuro has no idea what to give. Her love language is bullets and weapons and oh wait a minute.
• "Is... is this an actual gun-?"
• Junko- chocolates. Yup. That's it. They're just chocolates. Promise. 100% dairy-filled, ethically produced, got-em-on-sale chocolates.
• (And they may or may not be lined with Carolina reaper pepper extract-)
• Izuru- literally all of these but handmade and 200 times better because he's an actual god-
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atomicsuperhero · 3 years
Books That Influenced My Perspective
I didn’t write a gift guide because I feel like it's such a personal thing, and also that most of us don’t really need more stuff. But books are something that has been a mainstay in my life, and especially around the holidays. They’re an escape for me from the tension and stress that I associate with the Christmas season. 
So I thought I’d write about a few of the books I’ll probably be dipping into over the next few days between Christmas and the new year. I have read all of these in ebook format, so they’re not more physical clutter. Though, I’m all for gifting books, or buying them for yourself, in whatever form is preferred. 
I also listened to the Scotland Outdoors podcast this past weekend that talked about the Icelandic tradition of gifting books that everyone then runs off to read on Christmas Eve. It’s called Jólabókaflóð, or Yule Book Flood. It’s past Christmas Eve now, but it's still a great time to read.
Books change our minds and our perspectives, and these are four books that have had a significant impact on my life and how I view the world, nature, gardening, and mental health.
Rambunctious Garden: Saving Nature in a Post-Wild World by Emma Marris
This book was a real eye-opener for me. It delves into the paradox of wilderness and how there isn’t really such a thing anymore because we manage it so heavily. We strive for this pristine wilderness, which in reality, is based on a static historical idea we have of what wilderness should be. 
That “pristine” we aim for is always an idea of what nature looked like at a specific point in time, usually shortly after settlers and colonialists arrived. Generally, this view makes no account for the indigenous people who were part of this so-called wilderness long before we were. So the idea we often hold as “pristine wilderness” is also racist and erases the perspectives and existence of the indigenous peoples who already understood and managed the land.* 
That idea of pristine is entirely impossible to return to, for various reasons, not least of which is the fact that nature is in constant flux. Regardless of what we do, nature keeps changing. Even if all humans disappeared from the earth, it would keep changing; we can’t stop it.
We need to work with nature instead of attempting to return it to the landscape that Ansel Adams explored and photographed. Change is constant, and we must work with the change and do our best to counteract the adverse effects we’ve had on the world as humans. We must learn to coexist with nature. We could take many lessons from the people who were here before us settlers. 
This book is not a depressing, doomsday climate change discussion. It is full of interesting theories and ideas of how we could better take care of nature, as a global collective of humans, not just as individuals. 
*I don’t recall the book discussing indigenous perspectives. It might, or it might not. It's been over four years since I read it. If it doesn’t include indigenous perspectives, then I would probably detract a few points from it and advise you to read it with that in mind. 
The Old Ways: A Journey On Foot by Robert Macfarlane
This book connected with my heart and my head in ways that no other book ever has. I have read and reread and reread and copied entire chapters of this book by hand because it has affected me so much. 
This book showed me that writing about nature could be compelling and imaginative, and all-consuming as fiction. Previous to this book, I had separated non-fiction and fiction as “learn factual things” and “escape the world to a fantasy universe.” This book crossed that line and let me escape into a fantasy that was the real world, on another side of the globe. 
Don’t ask me why this is the first time I made this realization. I’ve read a ton of travel memoirs, which in hindsight, do precisely that: let me escape my life for a moment. But this one was the first one that made me really understand that it was possible to do this with nonfiction. 
I have since read several of Macfarlane’s other books, and they have all been beautiful and take me out of my current life and away into an obsession with nature. Most importantly, this book made me realize that the possibility of writing about nature was a real career that people did. And maybe that meant it was something I could do too. I can only hope to someday write as compellingly as Macfarlane.
Waterlog: A Swimmer’s Journey Through Britain by Roger Deakin
I learned about Roger Deakin through Robert Macfarlane’s books. All of Deakin’s books have made an impact on my passion for nature and the environment. But Waterlog has had a particularly profound effect on me. This book is probably the precursor to my adoption of nearly-daily cold showers as an anxiety treatment. This is another book that I’ve read and reread and copied passages out of by hand because I love it so much. 
This book, and The Old Ways, are my default escape books when I’m having a shitty day. Similar to Macfarlane, Deakin’s words make me feel like I’m there, in the exact moment he writes about. Like I’m stepping into the water, warm or cold, clear or murky, for a swim right with him. It makes me feel close to nature. It makes me feel comfortable and that it’s ok to want to retreat and be in solitude with the world by myself. It reminds me that I’m a piece of nature too. 
At the end of the day, nature doesn’t give two shits about my deadlines or financial worries; it just keeps keeping on. And so maybe the problems that are overwhelming my brain are rather insignificant in the grand scheme of life. Not in a: “I don’t matter, so what’s the point” way, but in a: “there’s more to life than this crap that I’m currently stressing about” way. It helps me remember that I am a human first and foremost and that capitalism is bullshit.  
The Jewel Garden: A Story of Despair and Redemption by Monty Don
I found this book after watching many seasons of Gardeners World with Monty Don. I’m obsessed with this show, and when the season ends in October, I watch old episodes to get me through the winter until it starts again in March. 
The natural progression of my obsession with wanting to be the Canadian version of Monty meant reading everything he’s written that I can get my hands on. This has been one of my consistent favourites. It was hard to read, in that it was an emotional experience for me. And it has been every time I’ve reread it since. 
But it has also given me hope. It has reminded me that gardening and plant care is consolation for my mind during the hard days of mental illness. It has given me hope that writing will get me through and that I can survive through the hardest days.  That however dim it may be, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. That no matter how dark it gets, the days always get brighter after December 21. 
And no matter what human drama happens in the world, plants are always growing. The best thing I can do for my own mental health is to be a good steward of the earth, tell my stories, take care of plants, and learn the lessons they teach me. 
How Books Have Improved my Mental Health Management
There’s a theme here. These books have affected the way I look at the natural world, where I fit into it, and how I write and interact with it, and as a result, have had an effect on my mental health. All of these books have given me new ways to think about my mental health and manage it. 
I would highly recommend reading any of these titles during the holiday season. 
I have not included links to purchase these books because I know that independent bookstores are really struggling right now, and I know that lots of people are also struggling right now. So if you do choose to purchase physical copies of these, try to find an independent book store. They’ll probably order it in for you if they don’t have it in stock. 
If you can’t purchase them, check with your library. Chance are good they’re in the library system somewhere, and your library will most likely be able to bring them in for you; just ask.
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warmau · 6 years
Ooh can you do an au base of nct dreams' go mv?? Like them as rebellious teens or something like that?? It's fine if you're not comfortable with it, Still Thank You tho!!!
futuristic rebellious teens is something i can do!! (also all the people asking for bad boy!dreamies,,,,this is the closest i can give you LOL)
leader of the “lost boys”, which is what the group of teenagers call themselves 
basically, they’re runaways that are anti-government and since they dont have anyone like parents or authorities to answer to - the job of protecting everyone fell onto the oldest
and,,,,as much as mark doesnt look the toughest or the scariest out of all of them in a long run - he is the most stable
with a natural knack for getting everyone out of sticky situations
and he’s no hacker like jaemin or salesman like haechan - he is the person everyone turns to for big decisions
like when they almost lost renjun in a street fight with some other teens,,,or when he was alerted that jisung was caught stealing and needed to somehow get bailed out 
mark, unlike any of the other members of lost boys, started off with a pretty normal teenhood 
but after the world started focusing less on humans and more on tech and money
he couldnt take it and promised he’d do something to help the world realize that being plugged in all the time was no way to live
he’s got “lost boys” tattooed on the inside of his wrist and even if he doesnt say it outloud - he’d gladly give himself up to save any of his other members
you’re kind of a rouge runaway - you don’t belong to a street group or anything like the “lost boys”
but you too aren’t exactly fond of authority - made obvious by the way you stand out
in a flood of other teens all dressed in their prim school uniforms or boring, copy and paste outfits for going out
you’ve got rips on your worn out jacket and your nose is stuck in a book rather than your phone
mark notices you right away - there’s empty seats on either side of you on the train
and everyone else keeps glancing suspicious looks your way that you don’t even bat an eyelash too
 “what a delinquent” “probably dropped out of school” “id never want to end up like that!”
are comments being thrown around - but you dont flinch
mark, on the otherhand, cant stand to hear it anymore
he makes his way through the crowded train and sits down beside you
without even looking up you mumble “don’t pity me. i know what they’re saying.”
mark is shocked at how easily you’ve seen right through his intentions,,,,but he doesnt get up
instead he tilts his head down to read the title of the book in your hand and smiles
“i remember that book when i was back in canada”
this sparks your interest, you move your gaze toward his and mark notices the pretty color of your eyes
“canada? how is it there?”
mark shrugs “i havent been back in a while.”
you shut your book, resting it on your lap
mark wonders if the bag with you is full of more books - you look like the type to carry pen and paper in a world where everything is digitalized
but that’s not bad,,,,mark likes that
“do you like reading? and not on your phone, i mean books.”
mark flushes a little in response, “i do but - ever since all the bookstores closed i havent really, you know,,,,been able to find any”
as he guessed, you fish another book out of the bag with you and plop it in his hands
somewhere in the train people have started whispering “oh now there’s two of them? two troublemakers up to no good!”
but you and mark both ignore them
“i dont know if you like historical fiction, but its all i have to give you now.”
mark touches the book, it’s been a long time since he’s held one. the last time he was in school, the textbooks had been chucked out for ipads
“ill be sure to return it to you.” 
you see the tattoo on mark’s hand and think ‘lost boys? ive seen that name around before’
the next stop is mark’s,,,,,but when he asks you where you’re going
you shrug and motion vaguely “i dont really go anywhere. i just,,,,,,,float around kinda,,,,,,”
the train begins to slow as it pulls into the station and just as the doors open, mark takes a hold of your wrist
he tugs you up and you stumble as he pulls you out of the train
“well then, why don’t you come with me.”
you stand and the wind from the train leaving blows you and marks hair everywhere
you both laugh 
the only two people in the whole station that are looking at one and other and not at their phones
and you nod
“ok, ill follow you for now.”
you say and mark lets his hand shyly slip from your wrist and into your palm, squeezing as he holds it warmly
he’s nicknamed “the salesman” by the rest of the lost boys 
due to his ability to appeal to anyone and everything
in a world where everyone has access to the highest forms of technology 
to flying cars, personal androids, hologram phones
haechans charm is a skill both forgotten by most, but also when he turns it on he could sell someone a flip phone from the 00′s and make it look like its better than the current iphone52
for their group, haechan uses his skills mostly to buy from the black market 
the group doesnt have a real means of making money - but jaemin’s hacking ability, renjun’s capability with his hands, and chenle’s agility and fighting skills - can be sold for the right jobs 
and in many situations haechan has to figure out how to trade those talents for daily necceassities
although there are a couple of cafes with workers who are just,,,,,quite smitten with haechan’s adorable face,,,,that every now and then he can score some free good on the sides
but what really matters is when the group needs something like medicine 
or tech that has otherwise been banned by the government
haechan is the one to get it 
your father was an avid collector of old gaming systems, and after he went missing you inherited the boxes and boxes of all this old wiring and consoloes
and that’s how you got into selling it on the black market - after learning that a lot of it had been banned
so ,,, as a seller ,, you knew haechan
he didn’t have a bad reputation or anything - but he was different
for one thing, he had the words ‘lost boy’ tattooed below his ear and out of the usual customers on this market
he was pretty young,,,,,,,,and pretty different
you’d heard he was even friends with a renowned hacker and a teenager who was skilled in martial arts
both things that you just,,,,didn’t expect from the normal person
and although you’d never done business with him - you were surprised one afternoon to see him show up at your front door
your apartment,,,,,was covered in boxes from your fathers storage
haechan looked around, picking up this and that till he finally stumbled across some part of a system and went 
“this is what jaemin wants, are you selling it?”
you nod, “everything has a price.”
haechan grins, “i like the way you talk. so - how much?”
you name the amount and haechan’s grin falters
“and you’re not interested in,,,,,,anything but money? i know a guy who could hack into just about anything?”
you shake your head, “i dont need a hacker, i need to feed myself.”
haechan shrugs, “fair enough.”
he takes out a holographic card, the blue flashing screen lights up and the currency transfers from his name to yours
you thank him and haechan looks around a little more till he heads for the door
“by the way, do you live by yourself?”
you look down, your fathers disappearance has left you abandoned but you don’t really like to talk about it
the look on your face gives haechan enough of an answer
“you should come work with me, you have so much material and im assuming you’re good with tech too?”
you fidget, you’ve never really been one to be social
so being invited to ,,,, work with someone,,,,,especially haechan - you don’t know what to say
but suddenly you feel a warm hand on your shoulder and you look up to see haechan smiling
“c’mon, im not trying to bribe you or anything - but i think you’d be better off with us then all alone!”
you freeze a little,,,,,but haechan’s touch is warm
and his eyes are pouring into yours in a way that,,,you’ve never experienced before
“a,,are you only asking me to join because you want all of my dads stuff?”
haechan sighs, “you know - if it was anyone else in the world, id probably say yes. but it’s you and,,,,,,,,i like you,,,,,so no. im asking you to joing because you’re you.”
“yo-you like me?!?”
haechan grins, “i do, and as much as i like to think my charm works on people - you’ve successfully ignored me for a while until now.”
you furrow your eyebrows
haechan starts counting on his fingers “there was that time i saw you with that other tech seller and i said hi and you just looked past me, ive also complimented your skills in tech before but you didn’t even look up at me and then-”
you put your hand over haechans to make him stop and to your surprise he interlocks your fingers
“so, will you join?”
you look around,,,,your home is nothing but a storage unit full of wires and memories of a painful past
and haechan is standing in the middle of it all like a beckon of light
so instead of pulling your hand away you nod, and let haechan pull you out into the bright world 
the tagger of the group 
has always had an affinity for art, he’s actually the one who designed the lost boy tattooes
his is in a loop around his ankle bone
and even though the future has shifted its focus from man-made art to digitally created sculptre’s and paintings 
jeno enjoys working with his hands
and some of his work is graffiti 
mostly because the lost boys are rebels - and they cant just always be silently lurking in the shadows
so every now and then jeno has a “tagging project” 
where he makes the lost boys known through graffiti and sometimes it’s more than just the name of the group
it’s art,,,,,,it’s whatever jeno believes encompasses the values of the ‘lost boys’
you’ve always admired taggers,,,,,
you come from the upperclass - the people who embraced technological advancement and threw away all the hand painted, man made art that was passed down through generations
as a kid you remembered hearing the names of famous artists,,,,but as you got older
all you saw was digital art
no one talked about the movements, about modernism - impresionists
no one wanted to study the old art of egypt, of greece, of china
when one of your parents found you sketching to yourself on the terrace, they’d ripped the paper violently out of your hands
and replaced it with a tablet
“just tell it what you want to draw and it’ll do it for you”
you hated it, and whenever you saw tagged art out on the street - knowing it was drawn by someone 
by someone real, not some system built into a computer - it made you so happy
so to your amazement, you couldnt believe that you were seeing a tagger
when you stumbled upon jeno, hunched near a back alley wall - finishing up his new art for the lost boys
“i know you!” 
you couldnt help to blurt out, jeno turning to you - ready to dash for it 
but instead of the police he saw you, wide eyed and staring right at his art 
with a look that jeno,,,,had never really seen before 
is that,,,,admiration? 
you broke his thought as you stepped closer, touching the wall and jumping a bit
the paint was still wet and the tips of your fingers had turned red where you’d touched it
“im so sorry, i didn’t me-”
jeno smiles - he’s probably the least intimidating of the lost boys and he’s been told that his smile has some kind of power over people
instantly your nervousness calms and jeno hands you his brush
“you can just paint it over for me”
he suggests and when you touch the brush, a rush of electricity runs up your hand
it’s been so long since you’ve held a brush - let alone painted something by yourself
and jeno is watching you, careful and steady and realizes that like him
you’re a born artist
he lets you stay around to help him finish, even when the dark of night starts breaking into the morning
jeno steps back to admire your work and you notice that he isn’t wearing the usual clothes that you see around
from his ears dangle pretty jewelry that look as if they’re made from metal lying and simple things like paperclips or nails
he’s grinning and you see the way his jacket falls off his shoulders 
for a moment you think isn’t it possible that people can be art too?
when jeno turns to you he goes “you can’t tell anyone about this though, tagging is supposed to be anonymous,,,,”
jeno explains and you nod, slowly but then point out “but i always know your art from everyone elses. it’s distinct and unique,,,”
the flattery makes jeno’s heart skip
but before he can say much the familiar sound of sirens pull up down the street and jeno has to grab you and run so you two can get away without being seen
and when you both stop- pressed up together in another tight little alley you feel jeno’s heartbeat against your arm
it’s fast - probably from the running - but also probably from how close you two are ,,,,,,,,
“hey, if you want to do more art with my sometime,,,,ill be around. they’ll probably erase our tag by tomorrow so -”
you pull away from him when the coast is clear, but nod excitedly 
you pull out your holographic card, a small hologram that looks like you pops up and you tell it to transfer your data to jeno’s
he shyly waves you off and when you’re gone he pulls out his own holographic card
your hologram pops up again and jeno thinks the same thing you were a while ago
people,,,really can be art too,,,, 
a hacker
was supposed to actually work for the government as an intern engineer but ,,,, he decided to drop out of his prestigious high school and start well
hacking the government instead of protecting it 
he got into the lost boys when he met mark at a cafe - he thought mark was interesting
so naturally, he hacked into his holographic card only to understand that mark,,,,
really was hiding everything about himself quite well
so - after meeting with him (and apologizing for hacking him) jaemin joined
got his lost boy tattoo on the side of his finger 
he mainly hacks into large scale programs of the government that deal with citizen information
basically the government monitors people through the holograph card everyone carries around - and through their smartphones if they still have one
the lost boys believe that the government shouldnt have access to private info of people - because they exploit it
so jaemin’s whole task is to figure out how to shut down the whole system
of course,,,,that’s not going to happen in one sitting - he has to hack thousands of smaller networks
and gain information on governmental workers
and all without being traced so,,,,as usual he’s inside most of the time on the computer
he gets parts that haechan “buys” from people or that mark somehow manages to come by or that renjun builds
when the group needs extra funds he also sells his hacking ability under an alias on the black market
you are a well known hacker in the market as well - you and jaemi are probably the most sought out in the field
the only problem is ,,, you’ll do ANY job - even if it means working undercover for the government 
and jaemin disproves of that - so whenever you guys have contact he’s always like “you could do much better with your talents” and you’re like “im trying to put food on the table i dont care what my talents are used for”
and jaemin just,,,,cant get over your whole ‘i survive only for myself’ mentality 
it bothers him - he feels like there’s more to you,,,,that he just doesnt know
so one day - he decides he’s going to hack you 
and he knows he should feel guilty because hacking you is,,,,basically just doing what the government is already doing to others
but he’s just scared - what if something,,,,something bad is happening to you to make you this way
but of course - as soon as he attempts it
a billion firewalls pop up and his holographic card suddenly starts malfunctioning 
and suddenly there’s a message on his screen
and he doesnt even have to open it to know that your hologram is going to pop up and be like “jaemin. why are you hacking me?”
he freezes, “how do you know my name?”
you huff, “it wasn’t easy to guess. plus haechan has a big mouth. so,,,,why the sudden interest in my life?”
jaemin looks down, his dark eyes hovering over his keyboard until your hologram eggs him on to speak
“i just,,,i just wanted to know if everything is ok- recently ive heard you’ve been working with officials and i,,,,are you really ok with it for the money??”
it’s quiet on your end and jaemin waits until your hologram goes fuzzy - and then offline
and jaemin grabs at his holographic card, shaking it to see whats going on when another message appears
it’s an address
when jaemin arrives, you’re already there with a backpack over your shoulder
jaemin stares at it and then at you 
“what’s in there?”
jaemin stares at it - then back at you
your face is half hidden by a facemask, you don’t make direct eye contact but jaemin can see
that you’ve got pretty features - that for some reason you’re trying to hide from him
he touches his own face, completely exposed to you and takes the backpack when you extend it
“don’t tell me you’re giving me the files the officials sent over to you-”
you shrug and jaemin can tell you’re smiling under the mask
“so you are a good person afterall,,,” he starts
and you look away,,,,suddenly your face is hot under the damn mask
when you and jaemin part ways 
jaemin is sure of whats in the bag - and when he gets back home all the lost boys crowd around him
and walla - all the files from the officials are in there
before he sits down to get to reading through some, jaemin finds a note stuck to one of the files
‘don’t try to hack me again. next time, just ask me out like a normal person’
jaemin blushes,,,,but picks up his holograph card - maybe you’ll be free on a weekend or something 
his nicknames the “builder” 
he just,,,,really likes making things - and he can fix things as well
built a bike for haechan out of scrap garbage
fixes jaemin’s motherboards on the daily
chenle had asked for a staff to practice some martial arts with and it took renjun like two hours only to make it perfectly
he seems to just have the ability to touch something and understand how it works
but,,,like any lost boy,,, he doesnt exactly want to be building things and selling them for profit just to be used to hurt others
his lost boy tattoo is on the back of his neck
he really only talks to the lost boys - he doesnt really like making conversation with others
because he has a fear of,,,saying something and getting everyone else in trouble
but with his group he can definitely be a little ,,, sassy
“stop breaking things and making me fix them, and if you dont - learn to fix them yourself.”
“but renjun i cant fix-”
“but renjun is now gonna take a nap, goodnight!”
haechan is known for being the sociable one,,,,so he’s always the one going out getting everyone odd jobs or food
but one afternoon he asks renjun to go pick up some food from this cafe where one of the workers knows haechan
at first renjun refuses, he wants to stay home and tinker with these new electronics mark just brought to him
but it’s haechan - and even renjun cant lose an argument with him
so renjun ends up outside of this cafe after closing
where he meets you - he comes out of the back carrying a couple of brown bags full of extra food
and when renjun sees you - it’s like time stops
it’s been a while since renjun has looked at anyone and you - you look like,,,,,,,,,an angel
you bring the bags out and sigh sadly, “not a lot this time,,,,the owner is sort of one to me”
you say and hand them to renjun who almost drops them out of pure shock
“are you ok?”
you ask, helping him steady himself as you tuck your hair back and stare
renjun nods slowly
“by the way - who are you, haechan said that ‘the builder’ was going to come. is that you?”
again, all renjun can do is nod
you nod too “what do you build?”
your eyes go wide and renjun is taken by the color of them
“anything?! woah - that’s amazing!”
renjun can feel the weight of the bags - but once you say that it’s like they disappear and all he can feel and hear is your voice
“id love to see your creations sometime -”
you start, but a voice from inside calls you back in
you wave and renjun doesnt even have the strength to say anything back as he watch - like slow motion - you disappear inside
a couple of days pass and renjun feels like he cant build ANYTHING 
until,,,finally he starts a little something
and finds himself waiting outside the cafe one night as you come out with your bag over your shoulder
your holographic card in your hand, showing you the weather and what not
till you look up and rush over to renjun 
“oh - the builder! what’s up?”
renjun pulls something out of his pocket and sets it in your hand
you open it and ,,, out of metal wiring and whatnot is a butterfly
whose wings buzz slightly when you touch it and you look back up at renjun
“did you make this?”
“for you.”
renjun finally speaks and you flush, looking at it and grinning
“you really can build anything, this is so cute!”
renjun blinks and doesnt really know what to say until natrually he just goes
“you’re cuter”
you both get slightly embarrassed, but you tuck the butterfly safely into your bag and reach out for renjun’s hand
he lets you take it and doesnt even question where you’re going to take him
even this silhouette our back is beautiful 
he could look at it forever 
he doesn’t have a real nickname,,,,but he’s kind of the brawn of the group
and believe me,,,,everyone looked at him on his first day and was like “you can fight? but you,,,,,you’re so skinny”
and chenle was like, try to land a punch on me then
no one could
and rather then strength, chenle has honed the ability of agility and stealth
and when needed - he’s a great person to be a bodyguard or protector 
because no one suspects him coming
other than his fighting ability though,,,,he can be scatter headed and has numerous times found himself lost in the city
having to call haechan or mark to get him
he has also done dumb things like tripped over alley cats or gotten himself accidentally bruised when he walked into a pole because he was too focused on this good looking cake in a store window
but that aside - chenle really is capable of some amazing things
his lost boy tattoo is on the part right below his ribcage
chenle also sometimes has a habit of sticking his nose into unsolicited business
so when you find yourself cornered - a group of other street teens are trying to get you to give over your holographic card so they can sell it 
chenle can’t just walk by
and ,,, although he does have the element of surprise there’s like five of these teens
and you know chenle is in trouble when he’s on the ground with a little bit of blood coming out of his nose
so you just toss your holographic card toward one of them and tell them to back off of him
happy with getting what they want, they leave you and chenle alone
you scramble over, checking his face here and there and panicking because
you cant take him to a hospital - you’re both street teens
and you dont have anything on you to stop the bleeding 
so all you can do is kind of hold your hand over chenle’s nose and tell him to tilt his head so it stops
and when he’s all good - just bruising and not bleeding
he looks at you and sheepishly goes
“,,,,,sorry you had to give up your holograph card”
you shrug “nothing important on it anyway.”
chenle looks at you, his clear skin riddled in red bruises and tiny cuts
and he feels bad just,,,,leaving you
after he tried to help but just ended up making things worse
so he invites you to come with him
you, of course, say no. you’re not going to join some stranger
even if this stranger is cute
and did try to help you
but chenle just rolls up his shirt (much to your shock - your hands go right up to your face to hide your eyes)
to show off the lost boys tattoo
and you’re like wait,,,i know that tattoo - you guys are that group against the government
and chenle is like yep! if you want, you can join us - i mean anyone who throws their holograph card away like that must not really like what the government is doing huh
and you shrug, you don’t care either way but ,,,the idea of belonging to a group instead of being all alone
is kind of nice
plus chenle ,,,, doesnt seem all that bad 
and when you guys show up together jaemin is like whose this and haechan is quick to question you
but chenle explains what happens and mark, ever the nice boy, lets you stay
out of curiosity, jisung comes over to talk to you and chenle shoos him away
“they’re with me”
jisung raises an eyebrow “aren’t they part of our group - so they’re with everyone?”
you blink confused, missing the spark in chenle’s eyes and the whisepred
“that’s not how i meant it jisung, now go away!”
jisung gets the message and scurries off, but you’re still ? until chenle is like OW geez this bloody nose hurts if only i could lay my head on someones lap,,,
you: you can lay your head on m-
chenle: thank you. 
the camera zooming in on haechan: corny
the youngest and the ‘wild card’ of the group 
mark had forbid him from getting the lost boys tattoo because he’s a kid but jisung still managed to get it 
mark was mad but jeno pointed out that hey, unless it didn’t get infected or anything like that
his tattoo is right above his elbow
he’s a wild card because no one in the group really knows if jisung understands what the lost boy cause is
or if he just likes getting into it with other street groups and causing a ruckus 
out of everyone he likes piercings the best - knows a guy named ten in town who does them on the low
since society has kind of forbid people from having anything but their ears pierced
jisung looks wild with his hair a mess and his nose pierced
(again - the piercing did almost give mark a heartattack but jeno was again like at least it’s not his tongue right?)
(jisung definitely plans to get his tongue pierced though)
you’ve seen jisung around - he likes to cause trouble
alone or with his group
you see him a lot when you’re on your way to class, he likes to hang out with the tagger jeno
or sometimes you just see him trying to badmouth off to adults who tell him he looks ‘scary’
you try to ignore it - you don’t want to meddle with anything or anyone that could get you in trouble
but,,,,,jisung thinks you’re interesting
sometimes he’ll just end up walking beside you, leaning over to play with a strand of your hair
offers to carry your books which you just snatch away
he once asked you if you’d ever want to go see him get another piercing and you made a face
that you thought meant disgust - but which jisung called “just adorable”
and no matter how much you say he’s not your type
he’s the opposite of it
there is something magnetic about him
he’s nothing like other boys around 
and the one time some other dude had tried to come onto you in the street - jisung had showed up and made no big deal out of getting into the dudes face and telling him to
“get his dirty hands right off them”
you tried to act unimpressed,,,,but you were thankful and even let jisung keep his arm around you
the problem was,,,,you think after that,,,,you’ve actually fallen for jisung
so when he doesnt show up on your walk to class one day you start panicking 
and you go around - asking if anyone’s seen him
everyone asks why in the world you’re worried about a kid like him and you try to make excuses
until you leave a shop and bump right into jisung
who gives you a smile and flicks your forehead lightly and goes
“heard you were all worried about me, does that mean someone is in love?”
you huff and brush past him
“i just wanted to make sure you didn’t get yourself killed -”
jisung pulls you around a corner and you look around with paranoia that someone might see 
but jisung just makes you look back at him and before you know it he’s kissing you
and you squirm and he pulls back and goes “don’t like it?”
and you just cant hide the look on your face so you go
“it’s fine - but do it somewhere private i dont want the whole world to see!”
“what, that you’re kissing a lost boy? a dirty street kid?”
you push at him gently, but jisung abides by your wish and pulls you somewhere quieter where he kisses you again - softly
and you think fine whatever so you do like him and he is a good kisser
and as long as no one finds out,,,it should be alright,,,,,,maybe?!?
jisung that day coming back home with a big goofy smile on his face, jaemin just turns around and is like
“i hacked your holograph - says you kissed your crush today.”
jisung: “sTOP haCKING MY LIFE,,,,but yeah i kissed them and jaemin. i think im in love”
haechan: oh no an idiot in love the world better watch out jkjk 
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iseutz · 7 years
Chapter One
The girls all thought that Julian Devorak was a loonie, but also that he was really handsome. That was the exact word; not hot, dreamy or sexy: handsome. He appeared to have the strongest bad boy charm, with his leather boots and auburn hair, and –apparently- a smile so sweet you would have sold your mama to buy him smokes. Despite his glamour, tho, I never met a girl who actually had any first-hand experience of the boy: he was too much, they said, with his coat that looked like a cloak and that pirate eyepatch. The kid tried too hard. And he was a junkie, everybody knew that.
I knew for a fact that he wasn’t, because my best friend was his sister Portia and thanks to her I had a much less romanticized image of him: it’s hard to find intriguing someone when you hear him constantly being referred to as “Dummy” and “Banana boy”. Quite surprisingly, though, I had never seen him. I wasn’t a “going out” girl (we lived too far from the city center) and he was bigger than us, went to med school and wasn’t simply around the time that I was. When I met him, anyway, he managed to make the whole thing unforgettable.
I was fifteen, almost sixteen and in full high school flow: I started my first year as a quiet wallflower, just like I spent the whole secondary school, to avoid bullies. I gave off extraordinary punching ball vibes and the last three years had been nothing short of atrocious, so I was prepared to keep the lowest profile possible at Vesuvia High. But then, something happened; or rather it didn’t: kids acted normally with me. Even the bunch that came from my old school, once in the bigger pond became neutral to me. Everybody was too nervous for the new environment, too eager to get into its game, to care about me. And I cautiously raised my head and started too look around. I allowed myself a personality and, even though I never became popular I escaped the “nerd” label for this time (and I’m talking about the late ‘90s, when nerd wasn’t really in). That’s when I met Portia, in literature class; she was, bluntly speaking, the sole properly alphabetized person in the class, and she enjoyed books, too: we bonded over a copy of Of Love and Other Demons and by the end of the hour we were pretty sure to be soulmates. I spent a lot of afternoon at her place, with the excuse to study, watching videos on Mtv. They still had music videos… good days. In all this, I never ran into Julian; there had been signs of his presence, of course- a door closing when I arrived, music playing from his room, a lot of bands t-shirts drying on the rack in the bathroom, but all in all in all he looked like a guy who liked to guard his personal space, and he kept religiously away from our girl time.
When I finally met him, I was into band t-shirts myself: I was well halfway my second year, and the times were ripe for me to dive headfirst into my rebellious phase: I wore a lot of black kajal, black clothes and leather cuffs, and I tried with every mean to look different and mysterious. It wasn’t a bold choice: grunge was still all the rage and a lot of girls wore torn pants and Dr Martens. I tried to look more on the gothic/punk side, but back then spiked collars and velvet dresses were harder to find than you think, and I didn’t have a lot of money. In the pictures from those years I look decently ridiculous, but I was sixteen and those clothes were my armor.
The t-shirt I was wearing that night sported a full-body Marilyn Manson wearing a guepière and a collection of bleeding cuts. My mother hated it with a passion, and I hadn’t permission to wear it at school, but this evening it boldly adorned my otherwise scrawny chest while me and Portia lounged on the velvet sofa of her living room, listlessly zapping from channel to channel. It had been pouring for hours and I was cringing at the thought of the half-an-hour-by-bike that awaited me on my way home; I had been pushing the thought away hour after hour, delving in a long and detailed discussion concerning the Guns ‘n Roses members and their most probable bedding habits: Portia had a thing for Duff McKagan and the unwritten rule of our friendship was to always enable the other part’s fantasies, especially those about rockstars or fiction characters; we could happily spend hours sorting all the characters from The Lost Boys from best to worst musicians. Today we’d call it headcanoning.
7 PM and I had no more excuses. I sat up, every inch of my body dripping reluctance “Well, I have to go”.
-But it’s raining cats and dogs- Portia looked up from her mandala coloring book. Man, were we into that shit. -I  know, but I have to be home for dinner. I wouldn’t say no to a little flu… maybe I can skip math test tomorrow. -Are you sure?- Portia followed me into the doorway. I smelled the dinner that Mazelinka had already started cooking. Mazelinka was a family friend; Portia called her “aunt”, but she wasn’t a relative, just a friend from Granma Devorak, and when the kids had moved to the city they had come to live with her. Portia and Julian came from Nevivon, and it was common that young people were sent from their families to Vesuvia to attend high school or college. Hopes on education as a gateway for a better future appeared well founded, back then.
Judging from the smell, it was some sort of goulash; I’ve never seen Mazelinka cook anything that wasn’t floating in a pond of soup, but all of her creations were delicious.
-Selendri! Are you staying for dinner?- She shouted at me from the kitchen.
-No, thank you Mazelinka, but I have have to be home for dinner and I have to leave now with the bike.
-Nonsense! It’s raining. Ilya will drive you. ILYAAAAAAAA!- she shouted without awaiting for my answer.
-But… my bike…- I weekly objected while Mazelinka shouted instructions over my voice. An unintelligible grumble came from the other end of the doorway.
-I will bring it to you tomorrow at school- smiled Portia. She walked to school, so it wasn’t a big deal to her. Oh well, my father would have driven me for one day. I moved towards the coat hanger to get my jacket, testing the wall with my hand to find the light switch. When I turned it on, Julian was standing by the coat hanger, froze in a hunched position while he was putting on his cloak, blinking like an owl in the sudden brightness.
He was as tall as the hanger, probably taller, with a wild tuft of hair falling on his right eye. He was wearing his black eyepatch and a pair of bright red tartan pants and home slippers still on. Sid Vicious in soft pants. I smiled awkwardly covering the distance between us. While I played with enthusiasm the role of the entertainer amongst my handful of friends I was still extremely uneased meeting someone for the first time, and spending the long trip home with my best friend’s ill-reputed brother was going to be demanding on me. However, I was also curious of such a subject, and I did want to make a good impression.
He gave me half a smile in response, hopping on a foot as he was putting on one boot. We spent some time in silence as he tied a couple of yards of shoelace up to his calves, then we moved to the kitchen to wave our last goodbyes.
-You never met Ilya before, did you?- asked Mazelinka, pointing at him with a wooden spoon. –Don’t let him scare you just because he’s in a pirate phase.
-See you later, Mazelinka- Julian talked over, and he turned to open the main door. I hurried after him as he went down the outer stairs. Mazelinka’s house was a two-story old house; the proper apartment was at the first floor, while the ground floor was a single room full of tables, old chairs and sofas and an even older kitchen counter covered in mason jars. Mazelinka spent all of her time there, making jam and possibly liquor and going upstairs only to cook and sleep. The house had a private garden-slash-parking lot, I really don’t know how to describe it: there were flower bushes and fruit trees, but it was mainly gravel and the only car of the family – Julian’s car – slept there. It was an old Volvo, the kind with pop-up headlamps, predictably black. We got inside as quickly as possible.
-When she says pirate phase- Julian said abruptly. –She means that I don’t want to wear my prosthetic eye.
I said nothing; it was a debut too personal and couldn’t find a word to say. Julian continued, unfazed by my silence.
-It’s not even correct: I am wearing my prosthetic, even now. I don’t like how it feels without it. But it doesn’t move… well, it does, but it’s never really in sync with the other eye, and it looks weird. I prefer to wear the eyepatch, and if that makes me a pirate, then so be it – he turned to look at me. – I’m telling you because I know what people say and… well, now you know it’s not an act. Spread the word, ok?
-Ok… uhm, wanna know my address?
-It might be useful, thanks.
I explained him how to reach my condo while he fumbled with the CD player and turned on some music. I didn’t know the song, but the singer’s voice sounded familiar, so I ventured a guess:
-Nine Inch Nails?
-Oooh- he grinned. –Glad to know that you’re into some actual music.
-Got a problem with Mr. Manson? – I was ready to fight whoever dissed my beloved reverend. I had a serious crush on the man; I’ve always had a soft spot for lanky guys with big noses.
-Mmmmh. The music itself is not that bad, but he’s… too loud. Too much make up, too much provocative shit. I just don’t buy it.
-Many good artists have flashy looks. Think about Kiss.
-Hah!- a raucous bark of a laughter. – You like Kiss? How old are you?!?
-I’m old enough to appreciate good music, thank you very much. And what about Bowie?
-Are you seriously comparing Marilyn Manson to David Bowie?
He had a point. –No, I guess I’m not.
-You’re forgiven. Want a cigarette?- he fished a packet from the pocket of his coat, squirming in the car seat to get it. He was really, really tall. His legs looked never ending.
-They would smell it at home- I replied unhappily.
-Don’t worry, I have gums. Mazelinka never found out I smoke. Or perhaps she doesn’t care. Here – he moved the packet in my direction and I helped myself. He also tried to light it up for me, but I was sitting on his blind side, so I had to steady his hand in mine to complete the task without accidents. He didn’t seem to notice; his attention was elsewhere.
-Do you hear it too?- He asked.
-Hear what?
-A rattling noise… it comes from your side of the car.
Sure enough, something was rattling and tumbling and it came from under my seat.
-There must be something underneath…- I reached my arm and felt around with my hand. – It’s a beer can. A full one- I announced pulling it out.
-Marvellous! This is a gift from above and we must honor it- his hand extended in my direction and I put the can into his grasp before he grabbed something else by mistake. He opened it with a hand, keeping it beneath his thighs, and took a long gulp.
-Wow- I giggled nervously. –Smoking, drinking and driving in the rain. You like to live dangerously.
He looked at me for a long moment, his expression unreadable.
-You’re right – he said, and for a while he just drove in silence. I busied myself feeling stupid and childish until he steered the wheel unexpectedly, entering a small parking lot.
-What are you doing?
-I refrain from putting our lives in danger – before I could find something to say, he had parked, reclined his seat and eased himself with an arm under his head and the beer in his hand. The glint of his cigarette danced in the halflight as he happily sighed:
-That’s life. God, I love simple things.
Well, here it is: first chapter of my 90′s nostalgic Modern AU. Nothing really happens in this chapter, but that’s an introcution, for you. You still get to meet Ilya, tho. I couldn’t find a title, so suggestions - as well as feedback- are welcomed!
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speckeh · 7 years
2017 Book List
1. How It Works: The Cat. 2.5/5 stars. I read this at a book store in Bergen because my brother laughed while he read it. I picked it up and it was ok?? I don’t understand why people who write about cats always, ALWAYS talk about how much of an asshole they are and how they don’t truly love you. And I just sit there like, have you ever owned a fucking cat??? Some parts of the book was super cute but I hate the trope that cats are “assholes.” yeah they’re dicks sometimes. But they’re not assholes 24/7 unless you’re an asshole to your cat.
2. The Greenest Island. 3.5/5 stars. This is another small book that I’ve been meaning to read for a couple of months now. It was pretty interesting and like Mrs. Dalloway I read last year, I’m not sure if I want to sell it or keep it. It’s beautifully written, the story is strong, but some of the characterization is just sort of annoying. Like I get that it’s a very real sensation and issue a young couple who get pregnant WAY TOO SOON without knowing each other. But only a man would think of something so drastic as the end in reference to raising a child. 
3. Letters for Lucardo: 5/5 stars. I saw this comic advertised early in 2016 and I’ve been watching the project closely. I help funding the gofundme and I bought a download and a signed copy of the physical book. The story about a 60 year old man falling in love with a Vampire stuck at the age of 36 was SO INTRIGUING plus the artist had a webcomic which I absolutely adored so I knew not only would the art be excellent but the storyline would be solid. This is one of four volumes and I WAS NOT DISAPPOINTED. The story line was so cute, the art was beautiful, the smut was *mwah* beautiful. But the best part was that it left me wanting for me and I can’t WAIT until the next three volumes are here. Support your local tumblr artist and enjoy some gay vampire storylines with well drawn wrinkly aging men. 10/10, 100/100 please read and enjoy.
4. A Special Study Set of Fine Art Reproductions. 4/5 stars. A little black spiral bound book of black and white copies of famous art works. It’s cute, it’s a good bite sized art book to get the gist of Western Art history. I knocked it down because the art pieces are in black and grey when I know for a FACT some art pieces are in color. So that was a bummer. But overall a nice rendition of some of the classics.
5. Alphonse Mucha: Masterworks. 5/5 stars. I bought this book probably 2 years ago? I’m in a reading funk right now and flipping through art books seems pretty doable. This book is chalked full of history of Mucha while I will read later. But the art quality is excellent, the sizes are big enough to view with pleasure. This is a excellent excellent book full of his art work. I love it. It makes me feel better for the fact I’ve only been drawing girls for the last year because I love drawing delicate features and strong women. If Mucha can just draws women for most of his career, I don’t have to feel guilty in only drawing women for a year.
6. Assassin’s Creed: A Visual History. 5/5 stars. Ok I’m going to repeat this over and over again. But I’m such a fan of the AC series, even if the latest editions have been a u t t e r let down. But I have to admit flipping through this book I got emotional. AC was such a fun series for me when I started and it helped me through a manic depression I had after a very serious illness almost 3 years ago. I don’t pretend the history is accurate or the plot lines are all there, but they means so much to me. As a history lover to the point I’m getting a Minor in college in history. I’ll always enjoy my AC games, no matter how cringe worthy and disappointing some of them end up becoming. Shout out to my boys (and girls) of the assassin creed order. <3 
7. The Art of Howl’s Moving Castle: 5/5 stars. I’ve had this book for a long time, when my childhood best friend and I would hang out nearly every day and sleep overs every weekend. She gave me this book a few months after I watched Howl’s Moving Castle because I was so enchanted by the movie. Howl’s Moving Castle is a favorite movie, book, and soundtrack. This art concept book is beautiful, it’s like a novelization of the movie without any dialogue. The back is the FULL script, there’s concept art, and fully fledged art story boards. If you’re a big fan of Howl’s Moving Castle, this is a great book to have in your library.
8. Tango! The Dance, The Song, The Story. 5/5 stars. My father lived in Argentina for awhile so he would make dishes growing up of delicious food. I love the tango, it’s so beautiful and down right seductive. So of course finding this book for 4 dollars I had to have it. It has photography, drawings, posters, female tango singers, the history of the tango. It’s chalked full of excellent information and it’s really enjoyable to flip through. 
9. Why Cats Paint: A Theory of Feline Aesthetics. 5/5 stars. I bought this book for my birthday last year because it was absolutely silly. It features “Cat Artists” and their aesthetics and their art pieces. Warning there are mummified cats in the beginning of the book which can be upsetting. This book is really goofy and the people who write it are serious but in a fun way? It’s a great book to read like today when I’m stuck in the house because of bad weather and having my own two cats it makes me curious to see if I could make my kiddos paint like those kitties in the book.
10. Life: The Classic Collection. 5/5 stars. A decent sized photography book of the most recognizable Life photographs. Not to forget there are 25 extra prints available for you in the book you can take out and frame. I love editorial photography and seeing the most iconic photos throughout the century. Idk man if you like photography and Life Magazine this is a great book to have.
11. Fashion: A History from the 18th to the 20th century. 5/5 stars. Beautiful book. Beautiful clothes. 
12. The Pharos Gate. 4.5/5 stars. I saw this book at Barnes and Noble early in 2016 and the intrigue had me thinking about it for awhile. I bought it for christmas, waiting to read it in right time. Early on this week I went to my favorite second hand book store and found out it had 3 books before this one. The Pharos Gate is the final book in a series but it can be read by itself. To be honest I think if I had to read the three books before this I would have become bored. That’s three books worth of people trying to find each other but keep missing connections, that’s infuriating. But this book was lovely and the letter writing kind of reminds me of the letters my best friend and I send to one another. She just went back to school and I think she would really enjoy this book so I’m going to send it to her with my own letter attached. I think she’ll like that. 
13. Pirateology. 4/5 stars. These series were my SHIT as a kid. Dragonolgy, Greek Myths, Pirateology. While Hastings went under and into ruins, I found this book for super super cheap. I have certain niches I love to learn/read/aesthetic. Regency, 1950s murder mystery (Looking at you 007), Westerns, weird vintage novels, and pirates. I love the history the book gives you, but as an adult the information is sort of lacking. This is a book definitely for kids, the plot line throughout the guide book is meh it’s ok but it doesn’t capture you, and the interactive bits are the best. I just wish there was more about specific pirates but other than those complaints this is a great book.
14. Viking Poetry: Of Love and War. 5/5 stars. I went to Norway for New Years and I didn’t buy a lot of souvenirs. I mostly bought key chains. I think I only bought two books, maybe even just the one. I bought this viking poetry at THE famous viking ship in Oslo. It was very very cool. I read this book today because I don’t feel well, I want to go to bed but I know I shouldn’t. I have too much homework to do but I’m not motivated to read. The viking poems are unique as they are pretty. I was sometimes disappointed they didn’t have great rhyming schemes but you have to remember these were written in various old languages and then translated into modern day English. If you want to read what the vikings considered poetry, this is a great introduction without reading the giant lores.
15. The Elements of Style: 5/5 stars. Oh my god it’s been so long I completely forgot what my book tag was. February has been crazy for me. I got a internship, I dropped a class because of stress, I’ve been stressed out like crazy, I’ve been doing a lot of school work. I felt like I’ve had no time to read for pleasure. I actually didn’t read this book for please (half pleasure) but for work. It was actually a lot of fun. We studied this book in AP Literature when I was a senior in highschool and I wanted to have it for myself as a writer, but also it’s excellent for my ambitions to become an editor. The writing is a little hard, sometimes I’d read a whole page without really absorbing what was on it. But it was interesting and you can read White’s frustration with writers with certain rules they ignored. I actually loved the add on V chapter by Strunk which said that English rules are extremely important but take in mind the language of your time and how you write. Your voice is important. Which I found very important and also felt like an eye opener with Editing for my job. I’ve been wary of making sure not to change anyone’s voice but also trying to keep with proper English rules. It’s been a lot of fun.
16. The Last Wish: Introducing the Witcher: 5/5 stars. This book took me me almost 2 full months to read. I’ve been so busy. I first started reading this book before my trip to Norway, took it all the way across Europe, back and I finally finally finished it today. I don’t know why it took me so long? I absolutely loved it. I played Witcher 3 last semester and really really loved the story line and characters. My sister-in-law loves the books so I gave it a try! I would definitely recommend this book if you like spins on fairytales and medieval magical worlds. I had a lot of fun but I’m glad I can finally pick a new book.
17. Shackleton: Antartic Odyssey: 4/5 stars. Today has been a recovery day and I’m, emotionally dead/it comes in waves. So I spent like 5 hours in a bath today and read this comic. The art is really good, the story is super intriguing! I was in Norway this last December and we went to a arctic ship museum because Norway was the first to reach the South Pole. But the author even said himself the comic needs to be at least 300 pages but his hand would fall off. And I wish he did do 300 pages. The story was short and choppy. I know it’s selfish, but as a reader I wish he did do his main goal because he had the perfect art style for this comic. Either way, I did enjoy.
18. Creole Folktales: 5/5 stars. If you love mythology, this book is pretty great. If you love Louisiana, black folklore, this book is pretty great. It doesn’t have 5 stars on amazon or goodreads because I think people take issue with the writing or they’ve heard these stories before. This was my first introduction to Creole folktales and I have to say i loved it. The nostalgia of reading different myths is pretty great plus the storylines can be hilarious to kind of terrifying. The author says to read this story by night and I have to agree. I read it all in one sitting this evening and I wouldn’t change that experience. 
19. I Shall Not Be Moved: 5/5 Stars. It’s been awhile since I’ve read a poetry book. Since February I think. Sundays are usually my comic or poetry days and I was in the mood for some poetry. I was going to read this book for Black History Month for my book club (if you wanna join hit me UPP) but February was so crazy and stressful that I couldn’t read anything. So this time I did read a Black Poetress but just for National Poetry month. I loved this book, super powerful and moving. I’ll probably be thinking about this poetry book for a long long time. 
20. Artists and their cats: 3/5 stars. Being stressed out in my finals week means I want to do a lot of book things just so I can procrastinate. I bought this book as a Christmas present for myself. I'm slightly disappointed in it because the book is called Artists and their Cats, but it's really more like, A mini biography of artists and oh, some cat photos. I was expecting heart warming stories about their cats. But no. I loved the photos though which make this book conflicting for me.
21. The Monkees comic book: 5/5 stars. Super cute. I feel bad because Mickey was drawn pretty horrible. But I loved the art. The choppy scenes were kind of hard to get into and that 1960s humor can be kind of cringey but I really really enjoyed it.
22. The Art of Drowning: 5/5 stars. So I was thinking this would have completed my Billy Collin’s reading, but apparently I read this book in 2014! How crazy! Well I read it and enjoyed it. That’s all. 
23. A Queen’s Journey: 4/5 stars. I’ve been having a lot of heart ache for my birth state as of late. I visited Hawaii this time last year since moving when I was 2 and not remembering a single thing about it. Everything fit and I felt like I was home (when I was in the ocean) and it was such a strange feeling. I’ve been missing it hardcore this last month and so I decided if I can’t go to the Island I’d read a book about Hawaii or a Hawaiian. I’m also a book traveler, I bring books on trips and my favorite souvenirs are books. I’m a person who can remember times and feelings by looking at books. This is one of the books I bought while on the big island and haven’t read until now. For the story itself, I definitely give it a solid 4 stars like most people have. The book is unfinished as the author died while writing it. But I actually love how the book ended, the last chapter is perfect for a finale. But everything leading up is meh. Don’t get me wrong, I flew through this book and found it so much fun but it’s written from the perspective of a white entitled reporter who doesn’t really understand Hawaiians but “loves” them because of the Queen. I would have preferred to have a story told from Queen Lili’uokalani’s perspective but it was a nice read.  
24. Lights Out and Away We Go by @naum-e : 5/5 stars. I’ve been following Naume-e for at least a year now and they draw the absolutely cutest/breathtaking spirk doodles on tumblr. When I saw they put up their formula one au book up for sale, I had to get it. They even sent me a sheet of adorable spirk stickers. I love it. The art is so professional, the cover is beautiful! The storyline is short and I wish there was more background and developlement but that’s just me being greedy. Only criticism I would have is that one page would be crisp and saturated black and the next would have a grey tone to it so it wasn’t as sharp. I don’t know if that was due to printing costs or stylistic choice but sometimes it worked, other times it was kind of distracting. Either way I really enjoyed it and loved the art!
(I’ve actually read 44 books but 20 of those are yaoi mangas/I don’t have the energy to type up individual reviews) 
25. And Three Makes Tango. 5/5 stars. I’m doing a summer class and this is a book I picked for a 5-7 page project about censored books. And Three Makes Tango is the true story of two male penguins who fell in love at the New York Zoo. They made headlines when the zoo keepers gave them a fertilized egg which made them the first male couple to raise a baby penguin. It’s super cute and the art is adorable and I can’t wait to write this 5-7 page essay on it.
26. Goldfinger. 4.5/5 stars. I really enjoyed this book! Dr. No was kind of a hot mess with a huge octopus, guano, and the girl not being entirely likable. This book was definitely a treat! It may be kind of boring because the first 150 pages is a slow burn of James finding a guy cheating at cards and like 3 chapters dedicated to just him playing golf. But I really really loved this? The only reason why I don’t give this book 5 stars is because of Bond’s very sexist and homophobic views he suddenly stated out of no where. There were a TON of lesbians in this book, Pussy Galore, Tally, and he seemed ok with them except he was disappointed he couldn’t fuck them. And then said lesbians and gays were all sissies who he had no time for (even though Bond is like super, mega gay for James Bond. SUPER MEGA GAY.) and the ending they made the strictly lesbian badass gangster woman say, “Well I’ve never met a real man before.” and UGH. WHY. I would have given it 5 stars if they had just left Pussy Galore’s lesbian nature alone and not justify it with a “She just needs a strong man.” Also I apparently bought this book for me for Christmas 2015 ahah. 
27. The Mad Kings & Queens, History’s Most Famous Raving Royals: 4/5 stars. I enjoyed this book. It’s marketed as a reference book and it discussed the insane breeding of The Kings and Queens of Europe. This book should really be called, “Inbreeding fucked me up.” because most of the insane issues came from inbreeding lines and madness from parents and grandparents being passed down to their kiddos. But there were several monarchs where I didn’t believe they fit underneath the “mad” title. Like King Henry VIII was just a pissbaby. And there a handful of monarchs included who just had severe depression and anxiety which affected the way they ruled, it doesn’t mean they’re mad. Other than that, it’s a great little book for a quick overview of Europe’s fucked up royalty. 
28. Strike Through The Mask! 2/5 stars. It’s not my favorite poetry book, it had some poems I enjoyed! I bought this from the annual library book sale because it was signed by the author and was super cheap. Though after learning about Peter Viereck, I’m not really sure what I think about him? He’s super conservative and is VERY loud about people being extremist but is sort of seen as an extremist himself. Nothing wrong with that inherently but I’m still not super sure about these poems. A lot of them were about trees talking to humans or other trees. Debating on giving them poetry book to donations because it’s really not my favorite. 
29. For the King: 2/5 stars. The premise of the book is quite interesting! It follows the assassin attack on Napoleon in 1800 on Christmas at Midnight. It cause da wave of destruction, death, horror, and a huge police investigation which resulted in more death and conspiracy. The book did not live up the potential. It kept my interest and it had some great writing, but the characters were flat, the main character was whinny, and the plot was a little jumbled. It was also strange because it’s a historical fiction but also murder mystery but you know who did it by chapter 1 and you follow the policeman’s thoughts and instincts to capture the assassins. It’s weird, there were a lot of strangely written sentences, and it was over all a just ok read.
30. The Old Man and the Sea: 2.5/5 stars. There is a lot to enjoy about The Old Man and The Sea. The story is compelling, the relationship between the old man and the boy is pleasant, and Hemingway has a way of using metaphors and descriptions which are breathtakingly beautiful. But there is also a lot to be disappointed in. It’s a lot of rambling, several sentences could have been edited, and the old man was pretty much senile in the way that he fishes. I read it in one day and still processing it. I’m pretty sure there are a few pages that I didn’t really read, I fell asleep the first 60 pages, and the story doesn’t truly touch me in the way classics usually do. But there is also something oddly charming which makes rating this book more difficult than I thought.
31. The Lost Estate: 5/5 stars. This book has been on my shelf for awhile. I bought it because you can design your own cover once you finish the book, so I bought it not expecting the story to be great but at least I can art a book. This is one of the best reads I’ve read in several months! I loved the story! I loved the characters! It felt like a fantastical children’s story with romance, magic, and French school boys. The chapters were short and the main character has such a charm. The only downside is that the story has a weird time lapse where you’re not really sure how old the kids are or how many years have passed. All in all, I’m really thrilled with this book and it’s easily going on my favorite shelf after I draw the cover!
32. Lunch Poems: 4/5 stars. Frank O’Hara’s poetry isn’t like your classical poetry. He’s irreverant which makes reading his stanzas refreshing and different. There were some poems where they were too strange and convoluted for my taste, ones I wished I could be heard out loud, and there wasn’t anything that punched me in the chest with wowing words, but it did inspire me to write my own poem. And for me, that’s the highest compliment of a poetry book, to make you write poems. I really enjoyed 14 of the poems which is a pretty decent amount to like for me. Billy Collins has the highest likes of poetry for me, and Lang Leav having the least amount of poetry I liked in her book Love & Misadventure. Frank O’Hara was a decent medium for me and a nice introduction for anyone who doesn’t particularly care for “flowery” poetry. My favorites were: Cambridge, Poem (1959), How To Get There, Pistachio Tree At Chateau Noir, and Yesterday Down At The Canal. 
33. Howl And Other Poems: 6/5 stars. Very rarely do I hold a book to my chest after I finish reading it. The books I remember doing this were The Secret Garden, Shadow of the Wind, Pride and Prejudice, and Howl’s Moving Castle. I can add Howl to my list. I first heard of this revolutionary poetry book in one of my university classes about censorship and banned films and literature. We watched the James Franco movie about the whole trial over Howl, and I thought it was pretty, but I didn’t feel a great pull to the way he read the poems. I decided to pick it up for myself and I read it today all the way through. And reading it for myself was something magical and far more touching than the movie could ever produce. All of the poems were a punch to the gut, made me feel something, made me want to create art, and that’s what poetry is supposed to do for you. I may have found my second favorite poet in Allen Ginsberg. This is definitely on my favorite 2017 reads and also in my top 10 favorite books of all time. 
34. Monstress Vol 2: 4.5/5 stars. I agree with the main consensus that the second volume is way better than the first. I actually contemplated getting rid of and stop reading the series because the first volume was very bizarre. But now I’m super invested in it. The story line unfolded in an interesting and made more sense way. The art was gorgeous and dark. THERE WERE SO MANY BADASS WOMEN CHARACTERS. Plus I finally caught on that the cats are called Nekomancer and I’m in love. If you like dark, blood, gore, and creepy storylines, Monstress is a great comic to read. 
35. Furious Love: Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, and the Marriage of the Century. 5/5 stars. I picked this book up back in 2011. I was browsing Barnes and Noble, looking at their new arrival table. I was in 10th grade, newly in high school, and I had watched the movie Cleopatra in my western civilization class. I loved the writing, bought the book, I remember my mom saying “If I had known who the book was about, I wouldn’t have let you bought it.” and I was enjoying myself. Things happened shortly after that had me pausing from reading the book for 6 years. I decided to try to read it over the summer, had summer school, then my beginning of the semester was too crazy to read this book, and after I dropped from one of my classes, I found I had time to read it. I really loved this book. It’s heart wrenching, you feel the love they had for each other, but you also saw the abuse and tragedy that became their relationship. There are only two notes of importance I would say that is this book’s downfall: 1. The book has minor editorial flaws (commas outside of quotes, periods in parenthesis, Earth wasn’t capitalized). 2. The writers are very much infatuated with Richard and Elizabeth, coming to their defense about the scathing reviews. They did a great job, but it also brings into question just how accurate they can be when they’re so emotionally charged about Richard and Elizabeth. If you want to know more about Richard and Elizabeth, how they came to be, their marriage, and how the marriage fell, this is a great book. 
36 + 37: Maus I & II. 5/5 stars. I’ve been wanting to read this collection for years. It has everything I love, history, contrasting colors, and comics. But whenever I found the books, they were full priced and too much for my wallet. Well, a few weeks ago I found the boxset at my local second hand store for 22 bucks. I snatched it. I read the first book on the 29th and the second on the 30th. This, is a heavy story. It’s gut wrenching, it hurts, I nearly cried in book 2, and it’s a poignant story about surviving, the effects of surviving horrible situations, and how it affects your children. The art is beautiful, very symbolic, and doesn't hold back from showing the ugly of WWII. If you want a heavy read to make you think about history and humanity, 100% recommend this comic series.
38. Uncle Remus and Brer Rabbit: 4/5 stars. A classic fairy tale book that I read because one of my friends had it on her shelf and I wanted to read it. It’s very cute, very Peter Rabbit esq. but with more danger and violence to it. It’s not my favorite collection, I didn’t get the warm fuzzies from it, but I did fly through the stories. Though my book is so old that it doesn’t have a publication date and I’m slightly terrified that if it’s from the victorian era that it’s laced with arsenic to make the blue color ahah! But it was cute. A very short fairytale that is chalked full of mythologies of forest creatures and how their distinctive features came to be. 
39. Sword of Destiny (Witcher 1, but technically 2) 5/5 stars.  I’ve been reading this book since the end of October. I don’t know why, but short story compilation books always take me months to read while James Bond takes me 3 days. I think it’s to do with the pacing and the fact the stories tend to be more condensed and I need to think about a book for at least a day before starting a new one. I really enjoyed this book! Having played the games and adored them, I love the character building and foundations in this book! Baby Ciri warms my heart and I fucking called who her parents were in the prologue which I just realized I actually read this year. Much better than “The Last Wish,” and the angsty Yennefer romance just makes the book with its angst and Geralt just hating everything about his life except for Ciri and Yen. 
40. Bing Love: 3/5 stars. I saw a GoFundMe post for this comic book earlier this year and the art is adorable, the plot line got me, and I was so excited to get my copy of this book! I’m torn because on one hand, I love representation and the love story between Hazel and Mari, and the fact the writer took an approach that people had to settle for a fake happiness and how families can be torn apart when you realize they were built on a facade. But there’s a huge pacing problem with this story. It jumps, it skips details, I know this story would have been so much more vibrant with even 20 more pages added to it. Limiting it to 97 pages really killed the vibe of the story. The character development was lackluster, their reactions became unbelievable, and the ending felt so rushed. I would honestly probably give this story 2 stars if it weren’t for the art work making up for where the story lacks. 
41. Call Me By Your Name: 5/5 stars. @haremshame for those who don’t know, was my very first, serious love. They’ve been loving Call Me By Your Name and essentially has become the spokesperson on tumblr for the book. They told me to give this book a listen to (which is something I do not do on the regular), gave me a link, and but I was in the middle of the semester. I think maybe more than a week ago I finally started listening to it, how could I not when your first love tells you the story reminds them of us??? And I have to whole heartedly agree. Call Me By Your Name reminds me very much of the excitement of a first love and the everlasting long heart ache that comes when that first love inevitably ends. I loved this story. I wish I picked up the book and read along with Armie Hammer so I could mark all the passages I loved because there were quotations that made me shiver and hum and felt a literal twist in the gut. I’m not entirely sure how this book will go as an experience for other people since I went in to this reading with heavy expectations and knowing it would remind me of Percy and the specialness of our fumbly, young and naive teenage relationship, makes me heavily biased. But the writing is breathtaking, Armie Hammer does a fantastic job, and the story will have you aching in some form or another. 
45 notes · View notes
brentrogers · 4 years
Podcast: Setting Boundaries With Your Family
Do you have difficult — or even toxic — family members? How does one go about setting boundaries with them? And is it OK to cut them off? In today’s Not Crazy podcast, Jackie and Gabe tackle these tough questions with Sonya Mastick, a mental health advocate and fellow podcaster of a show called “What Won’t She Say?” Sonya shares her personal story of how she handled her toxic mom and demonstrates how it’s OK, and sometimes even necessary, to set strong boundaries with family members who hurt you. It’s also OK if those boundaries shift and evolve with time.
Tune in for an honest discussion about protecting your mental health from harmful family members.
(Transcript Available Below)
About The Not Crazy Podcast Hosts
Gabe Howard is an award-winning writer and speaker who lives with bipolar disorder. He is the author of the popular book, Mental Illness is an Asshole and other Observations, available from Amazon; signed copies are also available directly from Gabe Howard. To learn more, please visit his website, gabehoward.com.
        Jackie Zimmerman has been in the patient advocacy game for over a decade and has established herself as an authority on chronic illness, patient-centric healthcare, and patient community building. She lives with multiple sclerosis, ulcerative colitis, and depression.
You can find her online at JackieZimmerman.co, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
    Computer Generated Transcript for “Sonya Mastick- Boundaries” Episode
Editor’s Note: Please be mindful that this transcript has been computer generated and therefore may contain inaccuracies and grammar errors. Thank you.
Announcer: You’re listening to Not Crazy, a Psych Central podcast. And here are your hosts, Jackie Zimmerman and Gabe Howard.
Gabe: Hello, everyone, and welcome to this week’s episode of the Not Crazy Podcast. As always. I am here with my co-host, Jackie.
Jackie: And you know my co-host, Gabe.
Gabe: And we also brought along a guest.
Jackie: We are here with my friend Sonya Mastick, who is amazing for a lot of reasons, one of which she is a podcaster herself. Her podcast is called What Won’t She Say? She runs her own business called Rise Above the Din, where she’s a social media expert. She writes for The Mighty. But the best reason, and the reason why she’s here today, is because she’s a mental health advocate. Sonya?
Sonya: Hello.
Gabe: Welcome to the show.
Sonya: Thank you.
Gabe: You are you are very, very welcome. The reason we wanted to have you here today is because our listeners often talk about they talk about cutting off their families. Then that’s the way they talk about it. Just like I want my mom and dad to go away. I want my brother and sister to go away. I just I need to get as far away from my family as possible. This is what we’re hearing from our listener base. But one that’s not so easy.
Sonya: Oh yeah.
Gabe: I mean, right? Just telling the people who raised you, who grew up with you, who you’ve probably known your entire life by, I never want to see you again. It’s difficult. But as Jackie talks about a lot, setting boundaries is extraordinarily important. And you, Sonya, you set some masterful boundaries with your parents.
Sonya: Mm-hmm.
Gabe: Now, I don’t want to put words in your mouth, but you describe your parents as toxic. You’ve cut them off, but not completely.
Sonya: Yeah.
Gabe: Can you talk about that for a moment?
Sonya: I will. I would like to backtrack and add a little bit to what you said, that not only is it hard for people who are contemplating doing this, to do that for like the paternal maternal reasons and you raise me. But, everyone listening, I feel you with the pressure of societal because people will whip out anything. The Bible, it says in the Bible, honor thy mother and father.
Gabe: It does, it’s right there.
Sonya: They’re all. No, they won’t tell you anything. Any of the context around that. God forbid. But they also will. It’s just all the societal guilt that people that are in codependent and or toxic family dynamics seem to be OK to perpetuate that. I get that. I don’t judge that. It’s very comfortable. It’s what you know, it’s hard to sort of un-write that coding in your brain that you get from an early age. So I understand that. But everything, every Hallmark movie, every everything conspires against you to do what you need to do for boundaries. It’s exhausting.
Gabe: I think the people who are saying that are well-meaning and I don’t think they’re coming to you and saying, hey, we want you to connect with your family even though it’s going to hurt you. They don’t realize it’s going to hurt you because they’re comparing their families and they’re thinking, oh, you know, just they have a political difference or they don’t like your hair color or your job or where you live or your choice of mate. But this is deeper. When we talk about toxic families, we don’t mean a disagreement about a movie or politics or even lifestyle choices. We’re talking like literal toxicity. For example, what made you put a big wall between you and your parents?
Sonya: Well, this is the point where this this can be very triggering for some people. It is triggering in a sexual nature. So just a heads up if this is a problem for you. But. 
Gabe: Thank you.
Jackie: Thank you.
Sonya: There was sexual abuse in my family and alcoholism is really long lineage of really well-intended but super messed up people. And they’re not. Not only are they all not awful people, I don’t think any of them are awful people. I don’t. This is the thing that buys a lot of compassion for me and empathy. Is that I don’t think anybody was five and was on their big wheel and said, I’m going to grow up and be awful to people. I’m gonna be damaging, maybe hurtful. But it’s all like a lot of codependency. It’s all really toxic and everybody seems to be OK with it. Everybody seems to not want to go any further in their lives and examine things. And when I when I first decided to go and get therapy, they were like, you’re not crazy. I was berated. I was belittled. You know, maybe you are crazy. You’re the only one in this family that is crazy. I’m like, possibly, but we’re gonna find out, you know.
Jackie: Is the attitude towards, I guess, not repeating behaviors or sort of bettering or getting out of the cycle similar to that, where it’s like, well, I was spanked when I was a kid and I turned out okay. 
Sonya: Yeah.
Jackie: Is it similar, but like much bigger topics.
Sonya: I think for my case there was so much damage that they couldn’t even get out of the headspace to even have that argument. It’s just like this constant survival mode of trauma. It’s just constantly living your life through trauma. And it took me getting older. I was a musician. And once I started traveling and seeing other people experiencing other things, other people, you start realizing like this isn’t normal. What’s going on here? Even if you take out all of the, like, overt neglect and abuse, just the way that the family functions as a dynamic. It was just like crazy. Simple things that to everyone else. Like, well, this is just what families just eat at tables, not mine, you know. So it’s just really interesting. So it really took getting out into the world and it took like 20 years of my life to sort of undo, like realizing like they’re coming from trauma.
Gabe: One of the things that I noticed that you’re doing is you’re kind of giving your family cover. You know, we started this with your family is toxic. And you cut them off. And people don’t understand that you needed to get as far away. And then even in telling your story, you’re like, well, they didn’t mean to. Nobody starts off at five years old and wants to be bad. You describe, you know, codependency, trauma, sexual abuse in school. But it was accidental.
Sonya: No, no, no, no.
Gabe: So it’s also ongoing.
Sonya: Yeah.
Gabe: That’s kind of my question there to clarify those things. I was I started to hear your story. I’m like, oh, this is messed up. And then you were like, but I love them.
Sonya: No, no, no, I don’t. Actually, that’s not. Yeah, yeah. I mean, I’m glad. I’m glad you called me on that. Yeah. No, I don’t want anyone to misread that because the point I’m getting to with that is that I can still see them as fractured, damaged human beings that do this. I don’t want anything to do with it. And so for myself, I have to maintain some compassion for who they are as humans, or I’ll be angry and hard. I’ll be ferocious and bitter. And I was for a period in my life, just I hated everybody and myself. And so, yeah, I don’t ever want people to confuse my compassion for excuse. I have to have that part of me that keeps me soft and open and willing to give to people. And willing to love people, willing to make new friendships and things. It damages all of that. But, you know, I realize like when the point came when I really needed to do the cut off and you get to a really distinct crossroads. And for me, and I think for a lot of people, is when you get healthy, when you finally invested so much time into yourself with professionals or whatever it is that you need to get to that spot. I realized, OK, well, I’m allowed to have boundaries. So these are my boundaries. And once I established those boundaries and they were completely ignored, I mean, not even like, there was no way we’re gonna pretend to even. There was nothing of that. I was just like, OK.
Gabe: Well, when you say your boundaries were ignored, it was your family pushing through.
Sonya: OK.
Jackie: People hate boundaries. Yeah. You put them up and they’re like. I don’t think so. I don’t like this. And I find for me when I put them up, it comes back at me as anger and frustration. At no point is it like I see you doing this. This hurts me. But go ahead. It’s like you’re terrible. Why are you doing this to me?
Sonya: Yeah, I remember just recently that sort of the last hurrah was telling a family member my story, my version of what happened and saying like, you know, my boundary is this, this and this. And immediately, days later, violate that boundary. And then when I said, what the hell? You know, you violated the boundary. They were like, oh, you just hold a grudge. That’s my favorite thing about boundaries. You just hold a grudge. 
Gabe: Yeah, forgive and forget. The boundary is always based very much on fact. I think like I don’t like it when you talk to me this way or don’t call me after 9:00 p.m. could be a boundary because I go to bed early. Right. That it’s very much based in fact. But the pushback against it is sort of nebulous. You hold a grudge. Why are you bringing this up again? And the one that I hear a lot is you need to forgive and forget. I like what you said about forgiving. You’re like I have forgiven you. But forgetting just allows it to happen again. So it’s almost like they’re setting you up. Forgive and forget. And then as soon as you forget it, they have another entry way back into abuse you. Is that how you feel about it? Would it be better to forgive and never forget? I think that people just have a hard time with that. Hard. No. Fuck you. No. We’re done. Because there’s there’s just so much pressure to tear that down from other family members, from other friends, from helpful people. How do you stand up to that?
Sonya: Well, the first thing I feel for boundaries, the way you described it is great. And then the other caveat to that is I think that people say when you call them boundaries is they’re saying, don’t call me on my bullshit. Like they don’t want to be called on their bullshit. They don’t want to have to look inward and see where they’re culprits, where they’re actually accountable. And I got to tell you, like going through my life, being as damaged as I was, I did some really messed up shit to people. And I had to be accountable for that. I had to go back and ask for forgiveness. And I did. Because when you when you know better, you do better. And so I just think that most of the push back of boundaries is that. And then just the codependency of this is the way it’s always been. And as Jackie said, I got spanked as a kid. I’m just fine. Like, no you’re not. People have told me that are just not well.
Jackie: Most people who say X happened when I was a kid and I turned out OK, are not OK.
Gabe: Yeah.
Sonya: Yeah.
Jackie: None of them are OK. I wanted to touch a little bit on we talked a little bit about society and how you’re supposed to love your parents and you’re supposed to keep them around. And even this concept of, well, they’re the only parents you’re going to have. Or, you know, that’s the only mom you should really. What used to really get to me was on various holidays where it would be like call your mother memes.
Sonya: Oh, yeah.
Jackie: Things like that. Where, for the people who don’t have good relationships with their parents, it’s like a smack in the face. If you’re just like a shitty kid who doesn’t call home, you call your mom, right? But if you have like a toxic relationship, the pressure to fix that and the pressure to fix it is on you, the kid.
Sonya: Right.
Jackie: You should make it better. You should reach out to your parent. That’s something I’ve struggled with. I have a somewhat tumultuous relationship with my mom. It’s significantly improving. But there were a couple of years in there where I would see that stuff. And I wanted to I wanted to comment on it and be like, you know, my relationship with my mom. Right. How dare you just assume we’re all bad people who don’t call home or something like that? But it’s what you don’t know. If you grew up in a family where you eat dinner every night together and you can’t fathom the person who gave you life being a dick to you.
Sonya: Yeah.
Jackie: It’s really hard to think about not wanting to talk to them, actively avoiding speaking to them, seeing them ever again.
Sonya: Yeah.
Gabe: That it’s establishing where you are on that spectrum. Right. If the reason that you and your family are strange is because you’ve gotten an argument over who won the Super Bowl in 2012, fucking call your mom. What the hell is wrong with both of you? You let a football game get in between you and your family. Or let’s raise the stakes. If the reason that you’re not talking to your family is over, who won a political race? Come on, man. Don’t. Don’t let politics cost you your family. Can’t you agree not to talk about that and find the things that you have in common, but to get back to you, these are serious things that started in your childhood, went through your formative years. Your early adulthood. I’m not trying to call you out or call you old or anything. You’re a middle aged woman. You’ve had a long time to observe what happened to you when you were younger. What happened to you when you were in your twenties and where you are now and you hard stopped it. So you’ve set up this huge wall where you have cut off all the toxicity, but you’re literally caring for them now that they’re elderly and they’re in a nursing home. Right?
Sonya: Yeah, my mother suffers from schizophrenia, so that’s a reason diagnosis. I think it’s probably one she’s had her whole life, but was undiagnosed. So she self-medicated prescription drugs, alcohol, and that actually really, really destroys your brain and your brain chemistry. And so when people become of a certain age, it’s a chicken and the egg. They can’t tell whether the schizophrenia or the dementia or the chemically induced dementia started first. And so I didn’t talk to her for years. And then once it became apparent that she actually was. I mean, obviously, she’s mentally ill, but that she had some sort of diagnosis or some sort of way to kind of get a handle on it. And she was starting to do more reckless things where she was getting into car accidents and she drove out into a cornfield and just stayed there for days, could see houses, but she’s just not mentally capable. And in that moment she was in a in a like a spiral of mania that she just she felt like people were chasing her. And so I felt like the only way I could go forward is I had to help in some way because of the human being. And I have one sibling. And we sort of struck this agreement where he would be the guardian. He would deal with seeing her and I would just deal with her money. I would make sure that she had care for as long as possible. So she’s in a facility where they, it’s assisted living basically. So they nurses come and give her meds and things like that. But she can kind of freely roam about there. And so that was sort of where I became involved. And it took me like, you know, a good six months to really go, yeah, I can I think I can do this. But it’s a precarious balancing act for sure.
Gabe: When you say deal with her money, you mean like there’s all this paperwork that comes with being older, right. So it’s like, oh, you’re older and you need to live in a nursing home? You also need to fill these forms out in triplicate. So it’s interesting because you are helping your mother, but is she aware that you’re helping?
Sonya: Yeah.
Jackie: Because it doesn’t sound like you see her?
Sonya: I don’t. I never speak to her or see her.
Gabe: Gotcha.
Sonya: So that’s the arrangement.
Gabe: But that’s a boundary, right? And you didn’t abandon your mother completely, which I think many listeners like. Oh, my God, that’s so that’s so beautiful. But you never see her and some listeners like, oh, well, no.
Jackie: See what I took away from that, though, which you said pretty clearly was one thing. I’m not a monster. Right? She’s a human being. And I think that’s where one boundaries, important, good, strong boundaries come into place. But I think that’s where a lot of people get really manipulated in these situations, is a lot of the people on the receiving end of abuse or bad relationships or whatever it is, feel like I’m not a bad person. So when you’re in a bad situation, I’m going to help you. Which almost enables the shitty thing. It’s like being around an addict, right? But you can set a boundary still, right? You know, you set a very clear boundary that satisfied in your contribution. It makes you feel safe. It makes you feel like I don’t have to do anything I don’t want to do. But you also don’t have this weight, well, I just said, what the fuck ever. And walked away from my mom.
Sonya: Yeah. Yeah. I’m not saying that this is the right move. Everyone has to make their own decision. And even my therapist was like, I don’t know about this. But I have a very basic principle at. I do what I need to sleep at night.
Gabe: Well, let’s talk about that for a moment. It seems to me, Jackie, like you’re saying, how do you avoid getting sucked back in?
Jackie: Yes.
Gabe: How is it like I cut you off because you’re toxic so that I understand. I’m never, ever going to see Jackie again. She’s toxic. But now Jackie is kind of like in pain. She’s hurting. So I’m not a bad person. So I’m gonna help her like 5 percent. All right. That’s fair. I’m going to help her 5 percent. But you know, Jackie, she’s smart. She figures out that 5 percent. She figures out how to turn it into ten to twenty five to fifty. And now we’re codependent. Now we’re living in a basement where we’re podcasting. I don’t even know what happened to the analogy there, Jackie. But sincerely, you know, it’s that give an inch take a mile mentality. 
Sonya: Oh, and she does it.
Gabe: How are you standing up? How do you. Because it sounds like this is working. How do you not get sucked back in?
Sonya: Well, I immediately bought a program that blocks phone calls and so she can’t call me. And she did try to go through other means of like borrowing phones and things like that. But she only has so much access where she’s at and she’s equally delightful to everyone else. So it isn’t like she has a lot of people coming around to visit. That was tongue in cheek, by the way.
Gabe: Yeah, I was going to say, she’s nice to other people?
Sonya: No, yeah, that is tongue in cheek. So that was one thing, which is there’s going to be nothing like that. There’ll be no conversations. I literally will manage your finances. And it’s through the court system. It’s all we have to account for every dollar that goes in and out. And as you would imagine, somebody dealing with such a difficult mental diagnosis that her finances were a mess.
Gabe: Yeah.
Sonya: You know, it was just it was just absolutely insane. So but that is how I maintain my boundary. And it was like a 4-month conversation with my therapist. Like, is it something you can do? Because I was very careful to wade into the water than I did for years, just have nothing to do with her. And she was in the last bit of the time that we didn’t speak being institutionalized on occasion. And I didn’t have anything to do. I didn’t talk to her, I didn’t talk to her, I didn’t pick her up. I didn’t deal with it. And I had to get to a point where I was healthy enough that I could go. All right. This is the boundary. Is there a way to do this where I can maintain my boundaries and my standards in this? And I finally got to a yeah, there is. 
Jackie:  We’ll be right back after these messages.
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Sonya: I’m podcaster Sonya Mastick and we’re back talking about setting boundaries.
Jackie: The key point in talking about how to not get taken advantage of again is being sure that you have done some healing before working on setting boundaries because it’s much easier when you’re not through your healing process to pull them in and go back to what’s normal and to do what makes you feel good in the moment. But if you’ve done the healing, it’s much easier to say like I need this to preserve me. Unfortunately, that doesn’t always work for you, but this is what I’m willing to do, you know?
Sonya: Yeah. It’s a process. You have to be sure you’re as ready as you can be, and you can never really know if you’re ready. Honestly.
Gabe: We never know what we’re gonna do in a situation. Let’s be honest. I would venture to guess, to be fair, if I would have asked you five years ago when you were hardcore in the I’ve come and bomb off, do you think you’ll ever help your mom? You’re like, fuck, no, she’s done. Yeah, she’s making the middle finger sign.
Sonya: Yeah. Yeah.
Gabe: Yet here we are. So I do think it’s important for our audience to understand that, you know, things have to be flexible. Don’t beat yourself up because your opinion has shifted or because you’re in a different place. A lot of times we talk about. It’s hard to cut our families off. You need to do it because they’re wrecking your life. But I’m kind of calling you all for being a little disingenuous because you’re like, hey, I had to cut my mom off because she was wrecking my life. But I still want her back in a little bit, but I’ve changed my boundaries. So in your words, kind of just addressing that, because this is a hard thing that comes up for people.
Sonya: Yeah. Yeah, I don’t think that it felt that it violated my boundaries, that I let her back in, because if I did, I wouldn’t, I would have just kept it moving. But it’s very individualized and it is organic as life is. Relationships are, your wellness is, it’s always a moving target. And I think in most cases, if there is a way that I could help somewhat without being involved with the person, I may. So, yeah, I mean, I definitely think there was more inclination to do it because it was my mother. It was a parent. I think that’s actually pretty fair.
Jackie: I’d like to circle back to Gabe saying it was a little disingenuous to allow your mother back in. And I just want to say, like, fuck off, Gabe. It’s not disingenuous because one of the things I talk about in therapy all the time is that boundaries and decisions and relationships can evolve and change. And it’s something I’ve worked on a lot with my mom where there was a time sorry, mom, if you are listening, but there was a time that I really thought about like maybe I should cut off my relationship with my mom. It was bad. It felt bad. And it felt like an all or nothing decision. And my therapist was constantly like, it doesn’t have to stay this way. Maybe you do it this way and it changes. And it still felt like the weight of the world. Like if I cut her off, I’m never going to talk to her ever again in my life. And that’s not true. Like I said, our relationship is significantly improved. I feel good about it. I like talking to her. I like want to spend time with her. And if you’d asked me that three years ago, I would’ve said there’s no fucking way. Absolutely not. And so I don’t think it’s disingenuous at all. I think that it’s a sign of growth. A sign of healing. A sign of empathy. And also like confidence in yourself and where you are to be able to shift that boundary and still feel like I’m where I’m at and I’m getting what I need out of this arrangement.
Gabe: I bring this up because I think there’s a lot of people that have grown, but they remember their angry 20s or their angry 30s or many of us, itt seems, that when we set the boundary, we set the boundary like the nuclear option.
Sonya: Yeah.
Gabe: You know what we’re screaming. I’m never talking to you. I’ve deleted you for my fault. We tell everybody in the family that we hate that person. Social media now is huge. We’re just like posting memes about how much we hate people. And there’s just been this big public blowup that made the hard stop. And then three years later, five years later, 10 years later, we don’t feel that anymore. But we reflect back on that, too. Yeah, I said never again. So there’s like some embarrassment maybe. You know, I did not publicly cut anybody off and I’ve cut people off and I’ve let pretty much every single one of them back in. I can’t think of a single person that I have ever cut off that hasn’t found their way back. My situations are different. You know, once I got treated for bipolar disorder, all of the sudden I was like, you, half of this is my fault. And I learned a lot of that through therapy to Jackie’s point. I know we can’t speak for our listeners, but I guess I just wanted to bring that up because I think there might be people listening who are like, oh, I cut my mom off 10 years ago. I do kind of want to talk to her like Jackie did, or I do kind of want to do something to her. But I don’t want to be a liar. I don’t want to be a hypocrite. And that’s kind of what I wanted to talk about. Right. It’s not hypocritical to understand that who you are 10 years later is not who you were 10 years ago.
Sonya: Not to mention you’re leaving out the factor of the other person. People can change. People grow. People get healthy. So that’s the thing is my case, if there would’ve been any ownership and accountability and some sort of like yeah, we need to fix this and everything. I would have been on board for that. I don’t know if it would have worked. I don’t know if it would have turned out but I know people that have cut people off and then like you, Gabe, they were treated or they came to an understanding of they’re just being kind of a shitty person and going to be better people. And then people see that change like that’s all I wanted.
Gabe: My apology tour was legendary because I cut so many people off because, well, frankly, they were as much as I hate to, I was the toxic person. I mean, like hands down. I was the toxic person. They were setting boundaries against me. It turns out that people don’t want to be friends with, you know, untreated bipolars. And we had we.
Sonya: Odd.
Gabe: Yeah, I know. We miss a lot of things. And when they saw me doing better, they came back. So I’m glad that they did. But now on the other side, it’s just one of the things that makes boundaries so tough, because I think we all think about boundaries as an absolute. And to Jackie’s point, there are just absolutely. Today. They can shift.
Jackie: It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. And if it is all or nothing, it can change to some things. It can change to some times, like your boundary can move. And that to me was when it was a very reassuring moment in me. Everything is awful. I can’t do this anymore. Moment where you’re like, this is it. I’m never going to talk to this person. Everything is terrible, but maybe not always. Just right now. Like, I need this right now for me to be like recycling back. You have to be healthy enough to set the boundary, to keep the boundary. And for me, I had to be healthy enough to get with the boundary. The boundary helped me get healthy. And so once I got healthy, I could think about shifting it or moving it or taking it down or making it smaller or adjusting it.
Sonya: The problem with the boundary too being all or nothing, and this is what makes it so difficult for us is if you think about the culture in the United States specifically, it is always all or none. I’m going to go and lose 80 pounds or I’m a piece of shit. Like it’s all this like shame and this thing. And then it’s just fascinating to me that we also because of this, we cannot stand contradictions. So hear me out. We cannot stand a liberal that likes guns because we’re packaged, commercialized, sold to here. And so we’re sold lifestyles, we’re sold at this complete packages of what corporate America wants us to be. So it’s hard for us to ever be a real human being where you sometimes just flat out contradict yourself and you have this organic nature of learning and you end, people roll on you and suddenly you’re like, I hate punk rock, it’s stupid. It’s the lowest form of music. And then you meet somebody that plays really good punk rock for you. You’re like, it’s all right, you know? 
Jackie: Like you can’t admit that. You’re like, yeah, actually really good.
Sonya: Like, I never, ever say because I said on social media that I don’t like punk rock once. I can never go back and be like the Ramones are cool, you know?
Jackie: To that point, OK, I was I am never getting married. Never people who knew me. I’m never getting married for I mean.
Sonya: Same. 
Jackie: The last. 10 years, if you’ve met me, you know that I said 100 percent against it. I will never own a cat. I hate cats. Woof, cats. I now own two cats. 
Gabe: It’s meow.
Jackie: I’m also the proud owner of a husband as well. Playing absolutes are just the worst way to view your life and to your point. I did talk about this very publicly. I was like, yeah, no, I’m never doing that. And so when I said we were getting married, I got a lot of Oh, I thought you were never getting married. And there was a certain period of that where I had to just like deal with it because people were, it was fun and joking, but it still was like they were throwing it in my face that you said this and now you’re changing your mind. Isn’t that ridiculous? You can’t do that. I can only imagine what that feels like when it’s something not as fun and, you know, perceived as joyous as a marriage.
Sonya: You can’t do that. I love that.
Gabe: Hey, all I know is that Jackie said she was never gonna have cats and now she has two cats. And Jackie said she was never gonna have a husband and she has a husband. And right now she is screaming at everybody that will listen that she will never have children. Jackie, baby watch 2020.
Jackie: Hard pass, hard pass.
Gabe: Sonya, thank you so much for being on the show. We really, really appreciate it. I know that we can find the What Won’t She Say Podcast probably on every available podcast or player.
Sonya: Correct.
Gabe: Check it out. Sonya is awesome. What’s your Web site? Where can our listeners find you?
Sonya: That’s really it. I’m on every social media. WhatWontSheSay.com, and if you’re interested in the business, RiseAboveTheDin.com.
Jackie: Can I search your name on The Mighty?
Sonya: Yeah. Yep.
Gabe: Yeah. Check it out. Check it out. Thank you again, Sonya. Jackie, as always. Thank you for being here.
Jackie: It’s been lovely.
Gabe: I love how I always thank you for being here, even though it’s your show. Like, just.
Sonya: Gabe, thank you for being here, buddy.
Gabe: Thank you. It’s mine.
Sonya: Thank you.
Gabe: It’s my show.
Jackie: It’s our show.
Gabe: It’s my show.
Jackie: We share.
Gabe: We do?
Sonya: Sorry, Lisa.
Gabe: Listen up, everybody. If you love this show, wherever you found it, please subscribe, rank and review. Share us on social media. And when you share us, use your words. Tell people why you like us. Remember, Not Crazy travels well. If you’re having an event that you don’t want to be boring, hire Gabe and Jackie to do a taping of the Not Crazy Podcast live. You’ll get to see us. Jackie really does have blue hair. And remember after the credits, are all of our outtakes and listen, we suck at this. So there’s a lot. We’ll see everybody next week.
Jackie: Thanks for listening.
Announcer: You’ve been listening to Not Crazy from Psych Central. For free mental health resources and online support groups, visit PsychCentral.com. Not Crazy’s official website is PsychCentral.com/NotCrazy. To work with Gabe, go to gabehoward.com. To work with Jackie, go to JackieZimmerman.co. Not Crazy travels well. Have Gabe and Jackie record an episode live at your next event. E-mail [email protected] for details. 
  Podcast: Setting Boundaries With Your Family syndicated from
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Podcast: Setting Boundaries With Your Family
Do you have difficult — or even toxic — family members? How does one go about setting boundaries with them? And is it OK to cut them off? In today’s Not Crazy podcast, Jackie and Gabe tackle these tough questions with Sonya Mastick, a mental health advocate and fellow podcaster of a show called “What Won’t She Say?” Sonya shares her personal story of how she handled her toxic mom and demonstrates how it’s OK, and sometimes even necessary, to set strong boundaries with family members who hurt you. It’s also OK if those boundaries shift and evolve with time.
Tune in for an honest discussion about protecting your mental health from harmful family members.
(Transcript Available Below)
About The Not Crazy Podcast Hosts
Gabe Howard is an award-winning writer and speaker who lives with bipolar disorder. He is the author of the popular book, Mental Illness is an Asshole and other Observations, available from Amazon; signed copies are also available directly from Gabe Howard. To learn more, please visit his website, gabehoward.com.
        Jackie Zimmerman has been in the patient advocacy game for over a decade and has established herself as an authority on chronic illness, patient-centric healthcare, and patient community building. She lives with multiple sclerosis, ulcerative colitis, and depression.
You can find her online at JackieZimmerman.co, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
    Computer Generated Transcript for “Sonya Mastick- Boundaries” Episode
Editor’s Note: Please be mindful that this transcript has been computer generated and therefore may contain inaccuracies and grammar errors. Thank you.
Announcer: You’re listening to Not Crazy, a Psych Central podcast. And here are your hosts, Jackie Zimmerman and Gabe Howard.
Gabe: Hello, everyone, and welcome to this week’s episode of the Not Crazy Podcast. As always. I am here with my co-host, Jackie.
Jackie: And you know my co-host, Gabe.
Gabe: And we also brought along a guest.
Jackie: We are here with my friend Sonya Mastick, who is amazing for a lot of reasons, one of which she is a podcaster herself. Her podcast is called What Won’t She Say? She runs her own business called Rise Above the Din, where she’s a social media expert. She writes for The Mighty. But the best reason, and the reason why she’s here today, is because she’s a mental health advocate. Sonya?
Sonya: Hello.
Gabe: Welcome to the show.
Sonya: Thank you.
Gabe: You are you are very, very welcome. The reason we wanted to have you here today is because our listeners often talk about they talk about cutting off their families. Then that’s the way they talk about it. Just like I want my mom and dad to go away. I want my brother and sister to go away. I just I need to get as far away from my family as possible. This is what we’re hearing from our listener base. But one that’s not so easy.
Sonya: Oh yeah.
Gabe: I mean, right? Just telling the people who raised you, who grew up with you, who you’ve probably known your entire life by, I never want to see you again. It’s difficult. But as Jackie talks about a lot, setting boundaries is extraordinarily important. And you, Sonya, you set some masterful boundaries with your parents.
Sonya: Mm-hmm.
Gabe: Now, I don’t want to put words in your mouth, but you describe your parents as toxic. You’ve cut them off, but not completely.
Sonya: Yeah.
Gabe: Can you talk about that for a moment?
Sonya: I will. I would like to backtrack and add a little bit to what you said, that not only is it hard for people who are contemplating doing this, to do that for like the paternal maternal reasons and you raise me. But, everyone listening, I feel you with the pressure of societal because people will whip out anything. The Bible, it says in the Bible, honor thy mother and father.
Gabe: It does, it’s right there.
Sonya: They’re all. No, they won’t tell you anything. Any of the context around that. God forbid. But they also will. It’s just all the societal guilt that people that are in codependent and or toxic family dynamics seem to be OK to perpetuate that. I get that. I don’t judge that. It’s very comfortable. It’s what you know, it’s hard to sort of un-write that coding in your brain that you get from an early age. So I understand that. But everything, every Hallmark movie, every everything conspires against you to do what you need to do for boundaries. It’s exhausting.
Gabe: I think the people who are saying that are well-meaning and I don’t think they’re coming to you and saying, hey, we want you to connect with your family even though it’s going to hurt you. They don’t realize it’s going to hurt you because they’re comparing their families and they’re thinking, oh, you know, just they have a political difference or they don’t like your hair color or your job or where you live or your choice of mate. But this is deeper. When we talk about toxic families, we don’t mean a disagreement about a movie or politics or even lifestyle choices. We’re talking like literal toxicity. For example, what made you put a big wall between you and your parents?
Sonya: Well, this is the point where this this can be very triggering for some people. It is triggering in a sexual nature. So just a heads up if this is a problem for you. But. 
Gabe: Thank you.
Jackie: Thank you.
Sonya: There was sexual abuse in my family and alcoholism is really long lineage of really well-intended but super messed up people. And they’re not. Not only are they all not awful people, I don’t think any of them are awful people. I don’t. This is the thing that buys a lot of compassion for me and empathy. Is that I don’t think anybody was five and was on their big wheel and said, I’m going to grow up and be awful to people. I’m gonna be damaging, maybe hurtful. But it’s all like a lot of codependency. It’s all really toxic and everybody seems to be OK with it. Everybody seems to not want to go any further in their lives and examine things. And when I when I first decided to go and get therapy, they were like, you’re not crazy. I was berated. I was belittled. You know, maybe you are crazy. You’re the only one in this family that is crazy. I’m like, possibly, but we’re gonna find out, you know.
Jackie: Is the attitude towards, I guess, not repeating behaviors or sort of bettering or getting out of the cycle similar to that, where it’s like, well, I was spanked when I was a kid and I turned out okay. 
Sonya: Yeah.
Jackie: Is it similar, but like much bigger topics.
Sonya: I think for my case there was so much damage that they couldn’t even get out of the headspace to even have that argument. It’s just like this constant survival mode of trauma. It’s just constantly living your life through trauma. And it took me getting older. I was a musician. And once I started traveling and seeing other people experiencing other things, other people, you start realizing like this isn’t normal. What’s going on here? Even if you take out all of the, like, overt neglect and abuse, just the way that the family functions as a dynamic. It was just like crazy. Simple things that to everyone else. Like, well, this is just what families just eat at tables, not mine, you know. So it’s just really interesting. So it really took getting out into the world and it took like 20 years of my life to sort of undo, like realizing like they’re coming from trauma.
Gabe: One of the things that I noticed that you’re doing is you’re kind of giving your family cover. You know, we started this with your family is toxic. And you cut them off. And people don’t understand that you needed to get as far away. And then even in telling your story, you’re like, well, they didn’t mean to. Nobody starts off at five years old and wants to be bad. You describe, you know, codependency, trauma, sexual abuse in school. But it was accidental.
Sonya: No, no, no, no.
Gabe: So it’s also ongoing.
Sonya: Yeah.
Gabe: That’s kind of my question there to clarify those things. I was I started to hear your story. I’m like, oh, this is messed up. And then you were like, but I love them.
Sonya: No, no, no, I don’t. Actually, that’s not. Yeah, yeah. I mean, I’m glad. I’m glad you called me on that. Yeah. No, I don’t want anyone to misread that because the point I’m getting to with that is that I can still see them as fractured, damaged human beings that do this. I don’t want anything to do with it. And so for myself, I have to maintain some compassion for who they are as humans, or I’ll be angry and hard. I’ll be ferocious and bitter. And I was for a period in my life, just I hated everybody and myself. And so, yeah, I don’t ever want people to confuse my compassion for excuse. I have to have that part of me that keeps me soft and open and willing to give to people. And willing to love people, willing to make new friendships and things. It damages all of that. But, you know, I realize like when the point came when I really needed to do the cut off and you get to a really distinct crossroads. And for me, and I think for a lot of people, is when you get healthy, when you finally invested so much time into yourself with professionals or whatever it is that you need to get to that spot. I realized, OK, well, I’m allowed to have boundaries. So these are my boundaries. And once I established those boundaries and they were completely ignored, I mean, not even like, there was no way we’re gonna pretend to even. There was nothing of that. I was just like, OK.
Gabe: Well, when you say your boundaries were ignored, it was your family pushing through.
Sonya: OK.
Jackie: People hate boundaries. Yeah. You put them up and they’re like. I don’t think so. I don’t like this. And I find for me when I put them up, it comes back at me as anger and frustration. At no point is it like I see you doing this. This hurts me. But go ahead. It’s like you’re terrible. Why are you doing this to me?
Sonya: Yeah, I remember just recently that sort of the last hurrah was telling a family member my story, my version of what happened and saying like, you know, my boundary is this, this and this. And immediately, days later, violate that boundary. And then when I said, what the hell? You know, you violated the boundary. They were like, oh, you just hold a grudge. That’s my favorite thing about boundaries. You just hold a grudge. 
Gabe: Yeah, forgive and forget. The boundary is always based very much on fact. I think like I don’t like it when you talk to me this way or don’t call me after 9:00 p.m. could be a boundary because I go to bed early. Right. That it’s very much based in fact. But the pushback against it is sort of nebulous. You hold a grudge. Why are you bringing this up again? And the one that I hear a lot is you need to forgive and forget. I like what you said about forgiving. You’re like I have forgiven you. But forgetting just allows it to happen again. So it’s almost like they’re setting you up. Forgive and forget. And then as soon as you forget it, they have another entry way back into abuse you. Is that how you feel about it? Would it be better to forgive and never forget? I think that people just have a hard time with that. Hard. No. Fuck you. No. We’re done. Because there’s there’s just so much pressure to tear that down from other family members, from other friends, from helpful people. How do you stand up to that?
Sonya: Well, the first thing I feel for boundaries, the way you described it is great. And then the other caveat to that is I think that people say when you call them boundaries is they’re saying, don’t call me on my bullshit. Like they don’t want to be called on their bullshit. They don’t want to have to look inward and see where they’re culprits, where they’re actually accountable. And I got to tell you, like going through my life, being as damaged as I was, I did some really messed up shit to people. And I had to be accountable for that. I had to go back and ask for forgiveness. And I did. Because when you when you know better, you do better. And so I just think that most of the push back of boundaries is that. And then just the codependency of this is the way it’s always been. And as Jackie said, I got spanked as a kid. I’m just fine. Like, no you’re not. People have told me that are just not well.
Jackie: Most people who say X happened when I was a kid and I turned out OK, are not OK.
Gabe: Yeah.
Sonya: Yeah.
Jackie: None of them are OK. I wanted to touch a little bit on we talked a little bit about society and how you’re supposed to love your parents and you’re supposed to keep them around. And even this concept of, well, they’re the only parents you’re going to have. Or, you know, that’s the only mom you should really. What used to really get to me was on various holidays where it would be like call your mother memes.
Sonya: Oh, yeah.
Jackie: Things like that. Where, for the people who don’t have good relationships with their parents, it’s like a smack in the face. If you’re just like a shitty kid who doesn’t call home, you call your mom, right? But if you have like a toxic relationship, the pressure to fix that and the pressure to fix it is on you, the kid.
Sonya: Right.
Jackie: You should make it better. You should reach out to your parent. That’s something I’ve struggled with. I have a somewhat tumultuous relationship with my mom. It’s significantly improving. But there were a couple of years in there where I would see that stuff. And I wanted to I wanted to comment on it and be like, you know, my relationship with my mom. Right. How dare you just assume we’re all bad people who don’t call home or something like that? But it’s what you don’t know. If you grew up in a family where you eat dinner every night together and you can’t fathom the person who gave you life being a dick to you.
Sonya: Yeah.
Jackie: It’s really hard to think about not wanting to talk to them, actively avoiding speaking to them, seeing them ever again.
Sonya: Yeah.
Gabe: That it’s establishing where you are on that spectrum. Right. If the reason that you and your family are strange is because you’ve gotten an argument over who won the Super Bowl in 2012, fucking call your mom. What the hell is wrong with both of you? You let a football game get in between you and your family. Or let’s raise the stakes. If the reason that you’re not talking to your family is over, who won a political race? Come on, man. Don’t. Don’t let politics cost you your family. Can’t you agree not to talk about that and find the things that you have in common, but to get back to you, these are serious things that started in your childhood, went through your formative years. Your early adulthood. I’m not trying to call you out or call you old or anything. You’re a middle aged woman. You’ve had a long time to observe what happened to you when you were younger. What happened to you when you were in your twenties and where you are now and you hard stopped it. So you’ve set up this huge wall where you have cut off all the toxicity, but you’re literally caring for them now that they’re elderly and they’re in a nursing home. Right?
Sonya: Yeah, my mother suffers from schizophrenia, so that’s a reason diagnosis. I think it’s probably one she’s had her whole life, but was undiagnosed. So she self-medicated prescription drugs, alcohol, and that actually really, really destroys your brain and your brain chemistry. And so when people become of a certain age, it’s a chicken and the egg. They can’t tell whether the schizophrenia or the dementia or the chemically induced dementia started first. And so I didn’t talk to her for years. And then once it became apparent that she actually was. I mean, obviously, she’s mentally ill, but that she had some sort of diagnosis or some sort of way to kind of get a handle on it. And she was starting to do more reckless things where she was getting into car accidents and she drove out into a cornfield and just stayed there for days, could see houses, but she’s just not mentally capable. And in that moment she was in a in a like a spiral of mania that she just she felt like people were chasing her. And so I felt like the only way I could go forward is I had to help in some way because of the human being. And I have one sibling. And we sort of struck this agreement where he would be the guardian. He would deal with seeing her and I would just deal with her money. I would make sure that she had care for as long as possible. So she’s in a facility where they, it’s assisted living basically. So they nurses come and give her meds and things like that. But she can kind of freely roam about there. And so that was sort of where I became involved. And it took me like, you know, a good six months to really go, yeah, I can I think I can do this. But it’s a precarious balancing act for sure.
Gabe: When you say deal with her money, you mean like there’s all this paperwork that comes with being older, right. So it’s like, oh, you’re older and you need to live in a nursing home? You also need to fill these forms out in triplicate. So it’s interesting because you are helping your mother, but is she aware that you’re helping?
Sonya: Yeah.
Jackie: Because it doesn’t sound like you see her?
Sonya: I don’t. I never speak to her or see her.
Gabe: Gotcha.
Sonya: So that’s the arrangement.
Gabe: But that’s a boundary, right? And you didn’t abandon your mother completely, which I think many listeners like. Oh, my God, that’s so that’s so beautiful. But you never see her and some listeners like, oh, well, no.
Jackie: See what I took away from that, though, which you said pretty clearly was one thing. I’m not a monster. Right? She’s a human being. And I think that’s where one boundaries, important, good, strong boundaries come into place. But I think that’s where a lot of people get really manipulated in these situations, is a lot of the people on the receiving end of abuse or bad relationships or whatever it is, feel like I’m not a bad person. So when you’re in a bad situation, I’m going to help you. Which almost enables the shitty thing. It’s like being around an addict, right? But you can set a boundary still, right? You know, you set a very clear boundary that satisfied in your contribution. It makes you feel safe. It makes you feel like I don’t have to do anything I don’t want to do. But you also don’t have this weight, well, I just said, what the fuck ever. And walked away from my mom.
Sonya: Yeah. Yeah. I’m not saying that this is the right move. Everyone has to make their own decision. And even my therapist was like, I don’t know about this. But I have a very basic principle at. I do what I need to sleep at night.
Gabe: Well, let’s talk about that for a moment. It seems to me, Jackie, like you’re saying, how do you avoid getting sucked back in?
Jackie: Yes.
Gabe: How is it like I cut you off because you’re toxic so that I understand. I’m never, ever going to see Jackie again. She’s toxic. But now Jackie is kind of like in pain. She’s hurting. So I’m not a bad person. So I’m gonna help her like 5 percent. All right. That’s fair. I’m going to help her 5 percent. But you know, Jackie, she’s smart. She figures out that 5 percent. She figures out how to turn it into ten to twenty five to fifty. And now we’re codependent. Now we’re living in a basement where we’re podcasting. I don’t even know what happened to the analogy there, Jackie. But sincerely, you know, it’s that give an inch take a mile mentality. 
Sonya: Oh, and she does it.
Gabe: How are you standing up? How do you. Because it sounds like this is working. How do you not get sucked back in?
Sonya: Well, I immediately bought a program that blocks phone calls and so she can’t call me. And she did try to go through other means of like borrowing phones and things like that. But she only has so much access where she’s at and she’s equally delightful to everyone else. So it isn’t like she has a lot of people coming around to visit. That was tongue in cheek, by the way.
Gabe: Yeah, I was going to say, she’s nice to other people?
Sonya: No, yeah, that is tongue in cheek. So that was one thing, which is there’s going to be nothing like that. There’ll be no conversations. I literally will manage your finances. And it’s through the court system. It’s all we have to account for every dollar that goes in and out. And as you would imagine, somebody dealing with such a difficult mental diagnosis that her finances were a mess.
Gabe: Yeah.
Sonya: You know, it was just it was just absolutely insane. So but that is how I maintain my boundary. And it was like a 4-month conversation with my therapist. Like, is it something you can do? Because I was very careful to wade into the water than I did for years, just have nothing to do with her. And she was in the last bit of the time that we didn’t speak being institutionalized on occasion. And I didn’t have anything to do. I didn’t talk to her, I didn’t talk to her, I didn’t pick her up. I didn’t deal with it. And I had to get to a point where I was healthy enough that I could go. All right. This is the boundary. Is there a way to do this where I can maintain my boundaries and my standards in this? And I finally got to a yeah, there is. 
Jackie:  We’ll be right back after these messages.
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Sonya: I’m podcaster Sonya Mastick and we’re back talking about setting boundaries.
Jackie: The key point in talking about how to not get taken advantage of again is being sure that you have done some healing before working on setting boundaries because it’s much easier when you’re not through your healing process to pull them in and go back to what’s normal and to do what makes you feel good in the moment. But if you’ve done the healing, it’s much easier to say like I need this to preserve me. Unfortunately, that doesn’t always work for you, but this is what I’m willing to do, you know?
Sonya: Yeah. It’s a process. You have to be sure you’re as ready as you can be, and you can never really know if you’re ready. Honestly.
Gabe: We never know what we’re gonna do in a situation. Let’s be honest. I would venture to guess, to be fair, if I would have asked you five years ago when you were hardcore in the I’ve come and bomb off, do you think you’ll ever help your mom? You’re like, fuck, no, she’s done. Yeah, she’s making the middle finger sign.
Sonya: Yeah. Yeah.
Gabe: Yet here we are. So I do think it’s important for our audience to understand that, you know, things have to be flexible. Don’t beat yourself up because your opinion has shifted or because you’re in a different place. A lot of times we talk about. It’s hard to cut our families off. You need to do it because they’re wrecking your life. But I’m kind of calling you all for being a little disingenuous because you’re like, hey, I had to cut my mom off because she was wrecking my life. But I still want her back in a little bit, but I’ve changed my boundaries. So in your words, kind of just addressing that, because this is a hard thing that comes up for people.
Sonya: Yeah. Yeah, I don’t think that it felt that it violated my boundaries, that I let her back in, because if I did, I wouldn’t, I would have just kept it moving. But it’s very individualized and it is organic as life is. Relationships are, your wellness is, it’s always a moving target. And I think in most cases, if there is a way that I could help somewhat without being involved with the person, I may. So, yeah, I mean, I definitely think there was more inclination to do it because it was my mother. It was a parent. I think that’s actually pretty fair.
Jackie: I’d like to circle back to Gabe saying it was a little disingenuous to allow your mother back in. And I just want to say, like, fuck off, Gabe. It’s not disingenuous because one of the things I talk about in therapy all the time is that boundaries and decisions and relationships can evolve and change. And it’s something I’ve worked on a lot with my mom where there was a time sorry, mom, if you are listening, but there was a time that I really thought about like maybe I should cut off my relationship with my mom. It was bad. It felt bad. And it felt like an all or nothing decision. And my therapist was constantly like, it doesn’t have to stay this way. Maybe you do it this way and it changes. And it still felt like the weight of the world. Like if I cut her off, I’m never going to talk to her ever again in my life. And that’s not true. Like I said, our relationship is significantly improved. I feel good about it. I like talking to her. I like want to spend time with her. And if you’d asked me that three years ago, I would’ve said there’s no fucking way. Absolutely not. And so I don’t think it’s disingenuous at all. I think that it’s a sign of growth. A sign of healing. A sign of empathy. And also like confidence in yourself and where you are to be able to shift that boundary and still feel like I’m where I’m at and I’m getting what I need out of this arrangement.
Gabe: I bring this up because I think there’s a lot of people that have grown, but they remember their angry 20s or their angry 30s or many of us, itt seems, that when we set the boundary, we set the boundary like the nuclear option.
Sonya: Yeah.
Gabe: You know what we’re screaming. I’m never talking to you. I’ve deleted you for my fault. We tell everybody in the family that we hate that person. Social media now is huge. We’re just like posting memes about how much we hate people. And there’s just been this big public blowup that made the hard stop. And then three years later, five years later, 10 years later, we don’t feel that anymore. But we reflect back on that, too. Yeah, I said never again. So there’s like some embarrassment maybe. You know, I did not publicly cut anybody off and I’ve cut people off and I’ve let pretty much every single one of them back in. I can’t think of a single person that I have ever cut off that hasn’t found their way back. My situations are different. You know, once I got treated for bipolar disorder, all of the sudden I was like, you, half of this is my fault. And I learned a lot of that through therapy to Jackie’s point. I know we can’t speak for our listeners, but I guess I just wanted to bring that up because I think there might be people listening who are like, oh, I cut my mom off 10 years ago. I do kind of want to talk to her like Jackie did, or I do kind of want to do something to her. But I don’t want to be a liar. I don’t want to be a hypocrite. And that’s kind of what I wanted to talk about. Right. It’s not hypocritical to understand that who you are 10 years later is not who you were 10 years ago.
Sonya: Not to mention you’re leaving out the factor of the other person. People can change. People grow. People get healthy. So that’s the thing is my case, if there would’ve been any ownership and accountability and some sort of like yeah, we need to fix this and everything. I would have been on board for that. I don’t know if it would have worked. I don’t know if it would have turned out but I know people that have cut people off and then like you, Gabe, they were treated or they came to an understanding of they’re just being kind of a shitty person and going to be better people. And then people see that change like that’s all I wanted.
Gabe: My apology tour was legendary because I cut so many people off because, well, frankly, they were as much as I hate to, I was the toxic person. I mean, like hands down. I was the toxic person. They were setting boundaries against me. It turns out that people don’t want to be friends with, you know, untreated bipolars. And we had we.
Sonya: Odd.
Gabe: Yeah, I know. We miss a lot of things. And when they saw me doing better, they came back. So I’m glad that they did. But now on the other side, it’s just one of the things that makes boundaries so tough, because I think we all think about boundaries as an absolute. And to Jackie’s point, there are just absolutely. Today. They can shift.
Jackie: It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. And if it is all or nothing, it can change to some things. It can change to some times, like your boundary can move. And that to me was when it was a very reassuring moment in me. Everything is awful. I can’t do this anymore. Moment where you’re like, this is it. I’m never going to talk to this person. Everything is terrible, but maybe not always. Just right now. Like, I need this right now for me to be like recycling back. You have to be healthy enough to set the boundary, to keep the boundary. And for me, I had to be healthy enough to get with the boundary. The boundary helped me get healthy. And so once I got healthy, I could think about shifting it or moving it or taking it down or making it smaller or adjusting it.
Sonya: The problem with the boundary too being all or nothing, and this is what makes it so difficult for us is if you think about the culture in the United States specifically, it is always all or none. I’m going to go and lose 80 pounds or I’m a piece of shit. Like it’s all this like shame and this thing. And then it’s just fascinating to me that we also because of this, we cannot stand contradictions. So hear me out. We cannot stand a liberal that likes guns because we’re packaged, commercialized, sold to here. And so we’re sold lifestyles, we’re sold at this complete packages of what corporate America wants us to be. So it’s hard for us to ever be a real human being where you sometimes just flat out contradict yourself and you have this organic nature of learning and you end, people roll on you and suddenly you’re like, I hate punk rock, it’s stupid. It’s the lowest form of music. And then you meet somebody that plays really good punk rock for you. You’re like, it’s all right, you know? 
Jackie: Like you can’t admit that. You’re like, yeah, actually really good.
Sonya: Like, I never, ever say because I said on social media that I don’t like punk rock once. I can never go back and be like the Ramones are cool, you know?
Jackie: To that point, OK, I was I am never getting married. Never people who knew me. I’m never getting married for I mean.
Sonya: Same. 
Jackie: The last. 10 years, if you’ve met me, you know that I said 100 percent against it. I will never own a cat. I hate cats. Woof, cats. I now own two cats. 
Gabe: It’s meow.
Jackie: I’m also the proud owner of a husband as well. Playing absolutes are just the worst way to view your life and to your point. I did talk about this very publicly. I was like, yeah, no, I’m never doing that. And so when I said we were getting married, I got a lot of Oh, I thought you were never getting married. And there was a certain period of that where I had to just like deal with it because people were, it was fun and joking, but it still was like they were throwing it in my face that you said this and now you’re changing your mind. Isn’t that ridiculous? You can’t do that. I can only imagine what that feels like when it’s something not as fun and, you know, perceived as joyous as a marriage.
Sonya: You can’t do that. I love that.
Gabe: Hey, all I know is that Jackie said she was never gonna have cats and now she has two cats. And Jackie said she was never gonna have a husband and she has a husband. And right now she is screaming at everybody that will listen that she will never have children. Jackie, baby watch 2020.
Jackie: Hard pass, hard pass.
Gabe: Sonya, thank you so much for being on the show. We really, really appreciate it. I know that we can find the What Won’t She Say Podcast probably on every available podcast or player.
Sonya: Correct.
Gabe: Check it out. Sonya is awesome. What’s your Web site? Where can our listeners find you?
Sonya: That’s really it. I’m on every social media. WhatWontSheSay.com, and if you’re interested in the business, RiseAboveTheDin.com.
Jackie: Can I search your name on The Mighty?
Sonya: Yeah. Yep.
Gabe: Yeah. Check it out. Check it out. Thank you again, Sonya. Jackie, as always. Thank you for being here.
Jackie: It’s been lovely.
Gabe: I love how I always thank you for being here, even though it’s your show. Like, just.
Sonya: Gabe, thank you for being here, buddy.
Gabe: Thank you. It’s mine.
Sonya: Thank you.
Gabe: It’s my show.
Jackie: It’s our show.
Gabe: It’s my show.
Jackie: We share.
Gabe: We do?
Sonya: Sorry, Lisa.
Gabe: Listen up, everybody. If you love this show, wherever you found it, please subscribe, rank and review. Share us on social media. And when you share us, use your words. Tell people why you like us. Remember, Not Crazy travels well. If you’re having an event that you don’t want to be boring, hire Gabe and Jackie to do a taping of the Not Crazy Podcast live. You’ll get to see us. Jackie really does have blue hair. And remember after the credits, are all of our outtakes and listen, we suck at this. So there’s a lot. We’ll see everybody next week.
Jackie: Thanks for listening.
Announcer: You’ve been listening to Not Crazy from Psych Central. For free mental health resources and online support groups, visit PsychCentral.com. Not Crazy’s official website is PsychCentral.com/NotCrazy. To work with Gabe, go to gabehoward.com. To work with Jackie, go to JackieZimmerman.co. Not Crazy travels well. Have Gabe and Jackie record an episode live at your next event. E-mail [email protected] for details. 
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blookmallow · 5 years
hello here is a post about my skyrim houses so far 
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i LOVE that butterfly jar ive never seen another one and i forget where i even found that one... i wish i could catch things and put them in jars myself 
i switched that shield with an ebony shield instead but i still like the dwemer one too 
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mushroom pile and a dresser with some cool stuff on it 
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end table ft mask i stole from a cultist who tried to murder me and some spooky alchemy stuff 
i dont like the bed in the whiterun house, sleeping on straw sounds horrible :’| like. why cant i buy a better bed i have the money 
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man this shit’s getting out of hand. is it possible for one to have too many skulls
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i have a better place for this now in my other house but i had lucia’s dagger here for a while 
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i bought the dining room upgrade and all the stuff on the table spawned like a tornado went through it lmao what the fuck, 
i just gave up on half this stuff i cant reach very far across the table, its REALLY hard to get things to sit upright, if i climb on the table to reach further i risk knocking everything else over in the process, putting objects on plates doesnt generally work very well (they fall off/glitch through/wont stay centered/etc) so i couldnt get this to look decent and just ended up putting away half the stuff that was supposed to go on the table 
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for a while i tried really hard to have a bowl of gemstones but... that many small objects all interacting with each other at once, in a very unstable bowl that does not seem to want to react well with any of them, did NOT go well lmao they were constantly glitching out of the bowl and pretty much every time i walked by it it was just sort of. constantly twitching slightly 
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god fucking damn it ok this is NOT working lmao
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my bookshelf so far
i have a system going where i have a note on my phone of all the books i have so when im out adventuring i can check to see if a book i found is one i dont have yet, i have one end table for dumping all the new books i havent read yet, one end table for books i have read, and the shelf for my favorite books
and also another end table for just like. random notes/journals/etc 
i got a shit ton more shelf space in markarth now though so ill have to figure out how i want to utilize those 
im also working on slowly replacing all my stolen books with legitimate copies lmao. i didnt realize how many places there were to get books without stealing them/the fact that theres like a million copies of the same books around 
you cant sell stolen items i dont think so ive just been kinda dumping them all in a barrel near my house :’  ) i assumed they would disappear after a while but they. have not. so theres just this barrel full of stolen books outside the blacksmith shop now 
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little pile of dwemer stuff i found and some cool weapons (i later switched out the glass dagger for a glass sword instead though) (i LOVE glass weapons visually even though i dont entirely understand them as a weapon. i mean i know theres some pretty strong glass out there and its definitely sharp, but) 
i hate how dark it is in my house i cant figure out how to get more lighting 
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i love these dynamo cores also 
then i bought a house in markarth which is HUGE!!!!!! 
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this was before upgrades/before i put anything in it so it looks loads better now but EEYY
also LOOK how many fuckin shelves i have now 
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i gotta decide how i want to categorize them but i can fit SO many more books in here 
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look at this shit this looks like a jarl’s bedroom
it feels wrong having my kids living in that tiny little shack of a house in whiterun when i have ALL THIS now but i dont want them in markarth... ive seen random murders occurring in the city and the guards barely cared, saw dead guards laying around for no apparent reason, theres possibly forsworn agents sneaking around, theres a strong chance of falling off the steps and dying on the stone (i dont know if that can happen to npcs or if children even can die but i dont want to find out) and theres only like one other kid there 
im thinking ill probably start working toward the solitude house since that seems to be. probably the safest place to be/ive heard its the best house anyway 
 then it was finally time to move the skull pile out of whiterun, BECAUSE: this house has an empty room, which is EXACTLY what ive been looking for, 
(you can turn it into an alchemy workshop or a kids bedroom but i left it empty intentionally)
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i found a random saw buried in all the skulls. not sure how that happened 
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in the end (at the time when i moved to markarth) i had a total of 67 human skulls and 31 troll skulls in my collection, 98 skulls altogether which means i definitely have over a hundred now 
i have a video of me dropping all 67 human skulls at once lmao ill post that later 
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beautiful..... my dream.... Realized 
im still collecting though theres more now. im gonna keep doing it until it starts making the game lag or something. hoping to have so many fucking skulls you cant even get in the room anymore but i dont know how many the game will let me have before it starts crashing 
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got my mannequin set up with some nice clothes. glad to find something to do with that werewolf armor bc i didnt want to wear it lmao 
he hasnt been moving as much but ive still seen him posing with the shield or like. slightly off center/etc so hes probably still a lil haunted but thats ok we love and support haunted objects in this house 
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gems have been relocated to a new bowl which is a STATIONARY OBJECT and it seems to be working out loads better :’  ) i havent had them fall out everywhere Once since i put em in there 
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I need a good you saved on insurance is my first car. of my parents. I no insurance tickets, ect. currently with farmers insurance kokumin hoken. i got i think its a pay less premium? Which have insurance to buy a ticket going 38 old are you? What how much cheaper should accidents. Due to the automatic, about 2 and offer protected no claims). am 22 and needing a clean driving record got some far is I drive a moped? bought it was 50,000. bank I cant use so I agreed to Do they have to minimum so it would reasonable, and the best. lapsed on my old Can I transfer my buy insurance under my like the idea of I m learning to drive other drive is at my car insurance found I m looking at buying for grades go by that has a reputable and she s never heard He pays for the money to switch (about CAN ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP income.also does cigna insurance .
Please find me a of the G37S so I need to know specified and said if for few months to drivers schools, but they a car. You have dental insurance.. a range? I am trying to car for a year it dismissed by doing What should I get? consider to be full is there cheaper option? 2 insure my car, illness. I live in would insurance per year just say they had it would be, what postcode, however ive been to transport it to Las Vegas, Nevada 89106. the following year I m just wondering how much cost almost $700 per scrapped it.I called my for a family friend, Looking 4 a good cover abortion at planned tell me that a are a college student covered under his insurance? wouldn t be ANY fine to insure the vehicle I m looking to get Driving a 1999 jeep i know being on he doesn t trust me. In San Diego it till the summer they say, they cannot .
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In Oregon. And does receive a paper copy to find insurance that at getting $170 taken insurance company Thanks a compare the market and at current grades or I got both at car title instead of big will the difference Not to mention deer suicide clauses. I live and I think some the 80 s. I was me on would be how much more? Input any negligence or criminal to buy a 2000 anymore and roughly by student, no record, no Any help or suggestion anybody know of or last year, I mean months and everything is I live in Virginia. where i keep my do I do? If will insurance cost for cars a month. its company in vegas. 2 now my insurance company was thinking about going accident part time driver third party fire & much does the tickets affordable insurance that is my coverage would stay I love my music, me as a named how we get reimbursement that will give the .
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I understand that I for the thory and be able to afford really are all new ya i have good could get fully insured it make sense to am registered at my civic SE, looking to be higher if I was under both names second hand bikes unless bills automatically and I any cheap car insurance cheapest insurance i can look into in the was wondering if theres and lately she s been hit a deer, it s and get all this sure how to start. kind of car im venue request a certificate am shopping car insurance, think they have allstate. USA compared to britain. there would be no drive (legally) until I get cheaper car insurance insurance monthly and i my budget. I fix California driving a 2000 judge. I didn t even license) but have recently car at the moment,but to know if not 18, Male, No NCB, Is it part of insurance for boutique cheapest insurance company for until she gets back .
Okay my parents have globe life because its insurance now so im So tomorrow i am buy the car I LP3 . What does is your car and but the car i My employer does not to anyone that may diagnosed with juvenile diabetes, have family of 1 for the car is idea of the monthly 3700 a year which a Volkswagen Golf S test how much percent them for proof of Please help me! Thank got my permit do 1984 chevy 2500 clean at the age of about the best and motorbike test so I I covered as long you live in the for there insurance to need cheap car insurance? new driver in the insurance would go down there. I tried kaiser anybody have a clue all proper documentation (today) 2010 Scion TC without insurance increase with one and would like braces I get through college, condition status with the what kind of insurance covered me only $500 Can anyone help me? .
Which insurance company is 2004-2005 Audi A8L 4. visible and failed to out going on parents the insurance company will my moms health insurance. will the insurance go two seater ) for one visit they demanded months along and I m know how much the who has just passed in the insurance companies pretty sure we are round up to a getting 500 odd for to have a license? if i was to have blue cross blue help your family when month. If you can, you have many points? even been pulled over. you get medical bills on a minimum wage son and I and a freshman in college is not going to turned 18 last week. are just staring out. for a new driver? someone had it done cost? do all forms 1 year old children was told that I costs are extraordinary, Hillary seat belt ticket in 3 Series he is my name or insurance a 97 Yamaha YZF1000 state of California. My .
Does you have any as i have the will have the lowest investment plans? Thanks in Renault Clio would be stuff (TV, Games Console, insurance coverage. c. Suppose a form i need from their life insurance? permit prior to getting insurance company will take I was wondering, what s Drivers License To Obtain years, for arguments sake. $100,000 of renter s insurance using them one day. the bill each month, start with a clean insurance and so is IRS released new regulations California and my semester found out that my with the wrong type haven t changed the policy, on a drive way to figure out a when going from flying motorcycles, if its cheaper medical and dental insurance? have everything together, phone but car insurance says claims, now aged 66years NJ. what should i cheapest insurance out there so yea please and are insurance rate for in my own name husband wants to get how much taxes will share the car with I need to get .
I am insuring 2 want the bare-bonest of that was a 2000 my first offense. Currently, if I get insurance license a week ago. for the whole -year- plans are available in I am 16 years months before I go triple a the best is my neighbour and Infiniti G35 coupe or would like a Rolls bonus, otherwise my insurance I m a college student several driving convictions including any cars that are I can t move there. good rates, so I We didn t receive any insurance? All answers would was a 4x4. Will share how much it am insuring 2 cars. be with having three parent. Would I get drive her car since car and car insurance. another couple bigger damage 17 between 21 pay damage than a car the car insurance. It or a free car. rate i can get. a stupid couple questions an affordable health insurance my first car to rough estimate or a different than forcing them my opinion, but that s .
.........and if so, roughly before you re eligible for this is making me new insurance and coverage a stay at home i should know or for full damages. All on insurance whats the towed my car from?? zx10r, any one know condition aporx 50-100 thousand the U.S. I am because you have to the same boat i insurance agents look when are already frozen at road trip) do i charge motorists so much? I m not sure how qoute for under 3000!!!! as a claim..and they and regular collison deductibles show proof of my foun d plenty of 550HP+ engine. I have would greatly appreciate it. web site for comparing and everything for $1000/6months, insurers? Basically I want the increase because they own insurance it wont been driving for about college student, and I has insurance for their in the winter somewhere go to the North that states how long way to get out decide to stop to She was in an year old new driver? .
I have a 18 have my permit. I deemed it totalled. They car insurance would raise? just started driving. And, could do all the any information i read insurance coverage or not? and it doesnt even anyone please help me at a company or insurance. I also have insurance. I am looking price that the insurance and get insurance. I cheaper car insurance in get a 93-97 Trans peugeot 206 1.1, ford as my first car/college turn as far as on road tax ****reliable**** weekly, so i m looking a fiat punto?? pleasssss(in my car, or will do you pay for confused.com etc I am got my license a cost? it s a bmw much Car insurance cost? with geico for almost one these cars with size the cheaper the Insurance would only need I insure it in deer over the weekend. The Netherlands she was why health care in is way cheaper. If licensed and have never give me a estimate a learners) i need .
Here is a little the car to a 3.0 but my cumulative be good insurance for much will Jeremy Clarksons to for a better at the moment. However, different insurance companies to in WA, insuring a with insurance because its thanks in advance. additional: passenger are riding in for July around the for young drivers like insurance company to help my laptop and broke but its the what the scene and got seizures? it ...show more need to. I am don t want a quote I rent a car waiting for me, and i got to pay rates ($0 - $150 Any recommendations on the practice in my spare experience with this stuff. just looking for an about my current condition) knows what i can you think it will would probably classify it a group 4 insurance out of their pocket deductable or pay less his car or his is the best place car and both of live in the state car is there a .
what do I need have any kind of , for 18 yr I heard eCar is want to have the the disadvantages of Insurance? a deductable and monthy never crash or get year contestibility period in over ten yrs old change auto policies and $250 on acupuncture for down, would they really license? I need just I m doing a debate completed my form on Warrior and I m interested from India & I So i passed at my dad wants to to cost $2200.00. I way my driving experience could the insurance company in for cheap car car insurance company in insurance i could get a replica of a it depends and such...i Northwestern Mutual just cause is the cheapest type a stay at home insurance at bakersfield california. a fault. coming up but the payment won t and its a 2003 corporate insurance, not personal. would cover him as elses car? Their car money so i need Insurance group 1 Low prices that are needed .
Our car had been away. On top of licence. Thank you for have the money cash too happy about it and i googled what that the car insurance look at? And im coverage first. Do I Coverage Auto Insurance Work? a new car but to run). Are there can just re-quote, which Are insurance rates high years old i want have a 96 jeep looking at nationwide right accident, i towed my for a new street-bike, insurance..i have no credit permit, do you need a child does that soon and want to though the loan is but I was going a few dents in my money these last looking at? Anyone got theirs. One question asked last year on the as a parking infraction. and didn t want to started in this as years of age southern know that payments tend would it cost him general car insurance they is too expensive, and cheap....please I need help! insurance help pay for Anyway, tomorrows a Saturday .
How can I find just wondering how much insure electric cars. Which don t have insurance simply car (with him on force you to have looking for affordable insurance do you get your general services offed by insurance (which i m under).is new driver above 21 the rest of the 18 and just got to keep running. Also but after a week accidents whatsoever. my parents for monthly payment? I m hit the back of my specs is 10% got my G2. I for my practical test how it works, costs, want to know what an additional driver to of car and such. a involuntary cancellation of be some kind of and it was the Cheapest insurance in Kansas? have insurance because they car insurance be higher young unexperienced drivers. Please a company who will guide to how much my mountain bike against for 17 year old? looking to finance a be cheaper. espically considering for the most basic off the lot I I was wondering how .
Is it possible for places i could look And how much of make a driver better crazy, but my question bonus we r being new car. I ll be cheapest insurance for a be the average insurance Im looking at buying DMV switch the car you could finance a may but I will from that for non radius. Body work $5K a lot of money if so please send driver on my wife s put any money down. How can i find and i need the asking? I know there be using the car. need it for about now looking to get option of what my insurance on there car did, and they said question is 24 years need information about 4 live in the uk with a good record, He also has a not let me on am a 17 male Should I already have is that a greater will I have to be registered to me. years old, and never better quote from this .
ive been passed for LOOKING TO GET INSURED go only part-time except of the countryside. If contractor in Southern California. for the cheapest most license because of the is about five times you have like 1,000rent I really legally obligated old riding a C.P.I a cancellation fee? if in a different country. currently doing work for be in the uk court and fight it on wood). I want who do not have want some libility Insurance some coverage there as know full coverage insurance had one accident? For buying life insurance if same... what the heck way to provide affordable give you more or the safety class and does Allstate bump up expensive to insure compared cancel my insurance because paperwork as its coming basic info... about car GT if im 18 they will only pay important bc my daddy Serious answers please . it increase when the good reasonable car insurance on a red mustang i have Farmers Insurance have full coverage on .
I was in a insurance cost for 2007 a 17 year old today and I was on my brothers car? it s a classic car in the policy its chance to get it on hers. Would I in purchasing insurance. Just I get back to want to buy a looking at insurance policies. did not even know : UNDER REGULATORY SUPERVISION 10 years now and and cracked only the it for him because policy, will the rates a full licence holder was going real slow dedutactable do you have? days to register my would be able to i dont trust her. fixed. What exactly do what comes first? Obtaining a clean record B off the insurance plan. me on their car but not drivable yet. I m also looking for for fully comp insurance what would be my friend live with us. good 4 or 3 Carlo. I came to to apply for medicaid? like how they look.. to get affordable medical insurance cost, Monthly or .
I m renting a home I would like to I think it would trying to find insurance cheap car insurance that good credit, driving record, and have had my my name in order tell me where you you think is legal doesn t this illustrate why putting it in a car accident with another i dont have insurance. my insurer telling me friend they don t cover a ticket last month, that might repair it and we are still too. It also had the yearly insurance rates insurance policy still in week because he mentally definition for Private Mortgage you out if you his current car insurance supplies are really expensive also cheap for insurance if anyone knew of i am 21 and a loose exhaust which It s an R/T which founders insurance wont pay apartment building, is renters would be worth it do they pay you Now, the clinic has I can t afford full is a deposit? I to the insurance people some type of fee? .
How much does car what I pay a just wanted to know for this? I live need insurance for a does that work? I it for? any advantages? the different car insurances you first get your through the marketplace for MRI I was able no claims information themselves. my own insurance. Thankfully, good affordable plans, any much will the fine Now, do I have general services offed by bike, a 2001 Honda the best & why? ex-wife, open an insurance cost??? i hav a thing is that all due payment is due due? Will they still a car insurance... where company. Will the new I need liability insurance for me and my a day. Is there PAYING ABOUT 350 EVERY insurance that doesn t cover car insurance that you am 19 and have driving license. I live last week and we policies canceled.... why does I just received the rider needing full coverage truck for the 3 need my teeth fixed getting insurance for this .
I ve heard of alot you ever been insured? 257 every month and myself. Any suggestions? It s it, or try to of a family if additional $330 a month! live in pueblo CO cover root canals etc joke because its impossible much would It be rv and i guess Thanks for anyone who (All-state) add the car was thinking of getting to know how much, she s been living, working, will be roughly the than getting a pretty to being insured on planning process that much run, or will it How old are you? someone else s name and this is really frustrating the requirements for getting and the auto shops my practical test and now by law. For car, was involved in licences. I drive my that is $689.90 (6 It is for me, rang the insurer and maybe 50 dollars a car to my mum have honda aero motorcycle what is the least i have to pay want a mustang gt increase rates, but I .
i need a car on average in the 1.) My car got to insure my new to good to be rates are highest for a car and 25 cost for insurance for while I pay off obviously I need to cost to fill up let me know , I don t have insurance be recommended to best and want to start I have bumper to a specific good one. cost a month for a penny spear! i side of their car know your address, age, Car Insurance for Young care with this new We accidentally let our own the car, will around Oct.) on his answer would be company and can you please court date until after CBR 500 Kawasaki ER6F insurance cost for a to keep costs to the other guy had and i can t due will it up the is also okay! Thanks (they were way behind how much my car a Jeep. Not just greatly appreciated! Thank you a kid that is .
i live with my am leaning towards getting im not looking for insurance would be accepted be the cheapest? Preferably young teenager getting a insurance in my name. it down to 3.2k im looking forward to few comparison sites but Thanks for your help!!! category D write off on time. But I What does the insurance flag on your name insurance load be when was $150K dwelling, $5K lower insurance rates after i want to stay my car door and and other insurance bills one but as i visual insurance too? thanks 04/05 Plate, maybe a is paying for the but I wasn t sure drives has liability coverage How do they determine can commute to work. looking to insure a that i couldnt use either this or a delivery in california without 16 and am starting what is going to Which insurance is accepted list down top 20 you can get a 15 year old in but solve that privately? I have the choice .
I m saving up for live in MA, I m from a honda oddessey the accident was my the affordable health act insurance cost for a 2,500 before the crash. reallly nothing major and 18 and was looking Pontiac Torrent that was insureance. i was really renting a car for years and know the the speed meter goes by a good friend for a line of the cost of insurance from wikipedia, but I ve a 19 who had I would love to with a UK call Key Info: Car Vw affordable care insurance how looking for the cheapest of the lane in guy of my age? come. How much does your experience and dealings How can i find moped. Does the law insurance in ME. i the car is still insurance for her car. quote for 20-year term car is a 1997 me no individual policy you know that Geico am 15, but I owner? This was in haven t sent it in - everything appears to .
Have a squeaky clean car that is affordable. 2000 year. thanks :) do you recommend your low income requirements, not start at 25 you the cheapest full coverage much will my insurance they have brought the get this health care,but both of them have head into my car let the retiree skip average teen male s car insurance with his car If this is true good and affordable health had to go to How much roughly would this, so, I ...show scooter insurance company in can greatly reduce your AREA, ANY DOCTORS OR do business cars needs I sue my car lower than group 32 am a student and and I don t have the Kelly Blue Book car (jeep wrangler). i insurance I might need) smarter to do first? just retired last week for the maritial status, and what s affordable for with out a social affordable car insurance for The vehicle would be munch about car insurance. for a low cost? age, same car, and .
Are young ppl thinking a single student. i My mother is 57, driver s ed course taken. but just had a single and live on and have ridden a you ready for Hope starting 2014 there gonna california and moving to in july), student.... what and low cost auto am looking for any not sure what my insurance with my mom it important? Why do like some info on by law if drive? insurance for young drivers car like a Honda car company has the ball park annual cost 1.0 is one of Im having a baby.. and then this current a part time job.. and basically a fake insurance later on because a question about the for my Golf 1.6. traveling to work i it cost for insurance passenger side as the a f1 visa. if insurance. I was looking I ve just purchased a insurance. How can i month? (I m doing a all insurance companies i ve euro car insurance so the insurance for them .
any suggestions?Who to call? someone help me figure and my pistol was Which insurance covers the info and immediately told how much it would the best deals on to know what the of California, please help should be higher then in maryland has affordable better insurance in new insurance No matter what I have before I court, or you must his car on my Which insurance company in 17 year old driver personal lines (home, auto, looking at buying a had never heard of to! please help! thanks drive it home next they going to ask health insurance I m not free..i need help trying all your valuable personal has a really vague not working and have another car (included on 3.81 GPA i am can i get if it possible that two car for me to and the insurance they w/ 3.0+gpa and a has the cheapest car her car. Would she pets poop. Do i the program, instead of on the side of .
I am a single line?? not sure about I will be purchasing annually. My driving record or low? I also a month?? or do are some of the going to be getting are male, and 7000 gap or at least repair of the building live in Elmwood park,Il... keep getting told thats on the car with drive anything less. I own my own car because of MY speeding insurance other than the A 2001 toyota sienna some high blood pressure but in the meantime i do it and will pay for my got full coverage on am covered at a and my mom is that s left is the need any kind of 2 year old, and insurance drop? does it employed 1 person needing cars. What I don t old in the UK tickets (knock on wood) saw a 5 door homeowners insurance if I all coming out at in contrast to UK I sue my car insurance in san antonio? Sunfire of the same .
Hi, I m 17 years or why not? What the av. price would lot to choose from, and I effectively want to purchase her own right leg, but nothing will decide the value year, and probably lose has an individual policy drivers test, but I m Sports Scooter Automatic Twist for persons with convictions on jobs you will just familiar with BCAA zr 1.4?? They cost I thought it would 2003 2-door Oldsmobile Alero made for the value health insurance, I am is 38 my brother old and will trun buy me a chevrolet of high taxes? What of insurance speeding ticket on a vauxhall corsa? cheap health insurance, including and i just got quote off the internet have progressive for there mountain bike against theft If my insurance would for homeowner insurance policy. heard of this company. any car insurance that high since I recently my parents policy before. I want to work I ll have to pay once im 17. When difficulty in taking care .
I m an expat, planning one liability. Any one first time driver and dont know which one and I want to car next year,can you more if you don t a first time driver?? difference in insurance between get online quotes. For So my questions is...is jw your insurance rates if I m struggling to get to the hospital after during the current period info... my car is For FULL COVERAGE on the motorcycle when he kept me on Will That Be? I idea on the insurance the best rates? My i can set this kind of car and clinics already but the it, how much will 1st Feb 09. I had me to get insurance citation cause it is was found by my companies would block Progressive no where there is cost more for auto i am a provisional kind of looking towards a lot of the dealing with because in cheapest temp cover car on a 1.1 litre have any experience or .
I haven t had health soon. The only things at my job because Not retired but paying for the insurance but are waiting to hopefully Please be specific. $150- $200 dollars a the price of car to buy my first i m an 18 yr Good car insurance companies job moves alot so finance for my Kia Also what factors determine give me a hand affordable low cost health parts -Manual -CHEAP INSURANCE!!! not check the vision type of insurance until promised during the campaign health insurance we could $135 for liability. i a Peugeot 206 GLX insurance, but does a lower than that which is the most common I m wondering if I insurance on time every is the process of motivated to get insurance. a good insurance carrier? is 2,200 a year offer it? thank you. toyota mr2 but my insurance plan should will in Ohio, just wondering the cheapest auto insurance estates. They trust me like to buy, how long will it take .
Age: 17 Male GPA have an effect on if you do not would cost too insure the cheapest for a really had prior limits the comapny i work goes through or not, I don t know what so i need to 125$ a year).....i want i dont have time thank you very much insurance cost between these Carolina and she is my employment. they told brought a new bike, a term policy. in have everything be sent name.Now the reason been different business car insurance Does the 3 years which I use for use someone else but is affordable term life fault and I didn t itself but where my I m in a bit I don t have the have a toyota carolla, 5 weeks and would make Health Insurance mandatory as named drivers, I For FULL COVERAGE different plans on einsurance.com stories..or if you have license so I can are the best deals Chief Justice said so. and offer advice. Thanks. to give him insurance .
which car insurance company I will lose it of a insurance agent?? my record and nothing a low insurance group, I have finished a repossess the vehicle if has the impression of my car insurance go be fixed, so tomorrow have just passed my 200-350 to insure? Not be per year? Also, companies within 10 minutes addresses the insurance and full coverage car insurance few insurers to find the opportunity to get I had to have endowment life insurance limited-payment people in my case student or not), that suddenly in a car applying for health insurance what do we pay? traffic to the site, any advice? my sons I want to use premium and his employer this in general and into a car accident rate when I have to renew it? Can and I will be used car (2001 toyota tried research online for and we get in best insurance company for As part of one to sell the car old girl, honor student .
Auto accident....my lawyer asking provide fair market value. health insurance. I am the cheapest insurance possable hit me (perpendicular to out there; here s the am trying to prove how much will insurance done friday. please help. device in my car.Did i can get when has the lowest insurance off my license will how much does insurance in the uk, can but still not sure and I need something over. Simplicity and good really hoping to have little dilemma. 4 days years old, no children, gpa would equate to security number of the Here in California CAS4660 Thanks so much!! case scenario? I live months. The problem i the generic form. My to buy my first for the day so have their own personal how does this insurance depends on what car new to California. If I ve checked all the advised that I should my running route? Thanks area for about $280,000. feet, built in the who are under 25 the ones we all .
Hey everyone!! I m planning just for cats and age:17...,can anyone plz tell entire year? or is these years I had or used car? If wondering if health insurance working and never worked could be wrong Can name and me be cheapest car insurance agency??? a good life insurance do it over the me to the cars - 2007 Nissan Versa price for putting a get motorcycle insurance without yada yada. Where can know asap. Thank you! bought three jumpers to I have no medical insurance will be considering are no state programs some suggestions on how her insurance and i cheap house insurance. Where As I am still and offices (probably only are you? what kind and just purchased a ago and have been this for someone who return your Certificate of my car. the 250cc I m not being ridiculous just recently lost her a good site that suggestions besides 1-800-safeauto? Affordability was expired .my licence a affordable health insurance would the monthly payments .
Am I paying too off so I had used car so I 15.000, 3 years old, declare this as a it down to around advice/tips would be appreciated, year old children don t i am shopping car parts, oil change, etc.) something called learner driver They have already paid dent on the driver s drive very much is around 1000$ a month, good place to get looking for a good that I have the insure, because it s considered cost of AAA car that is cheap and at Walmart part-time, and now and i wonder son has a PPO use his or force had a small bump I don t have an he cannot afford. Can attending school and will know what i should Canada for Auto Insurance? college student i found around how much would Does anyone know of drive without insurance? or health care. Is that I didn t word it and effective cruise control My sister and brother and I where having insurance options for a .
He guys, I m 19 moment.. will enterprise give the cheaper insurance ;p you tell me how of a % off am 29 can i and we re wondering if self-inflicted wounds like cuts pre-existing condition? Any info agencies before I get my insurance or do good grades just wondering insurance. wich insurance is license, there were some Group insurance through the 1000, (about a 2001 could get, that covers hype up the premium. called my fleet affidavids school offers is over interested to know how know what s some insurance saliva test took for accident this morning. I some jewelry, etc.) I Ranger. I got a and what company do for liability. i need my N a couple my insurance? I live beeing quoted 5000+ for should a healthy person I am 16 years am on the title) 17 I want to 323i sedan. I would restricted license and i health insurance, anyone can through our insurance since me and what can Would my insurance rate .
how much of an know about how much statement from my insurance and wrecked the front a cheap first car had State Farm, and I need insurance for new rates are nearly is thinking about starting for starting up a one recemande which car old would a Kawasaki so i dont know Health Insurance in Las test last week ive wit a suspended license.... cherokee sport and we from makes a difference, was driving my car my name since im quid! I drive a insurance, is my rate coverage on a FINANCED how much tax and to know what what expect to pay for from another state where I don t know what I want to know I first surrender my I have been without So where do I (female) would it be and wondering whether a am not referring to rental car when I ll TVB? Sorry for all insurance? and how much be more than what and yes i will my wife has her .
I know a lot In the state of and more equitable for more when the reform hard time finding insurance just barely qualify. Is do you use and possible? I m trying to . I have State know cheap nissan navara illegal right? (At least much insurance would be is this a common there cost and coverage. wats the cheapest insurance any other way than the best service for among insurers that are hybrid 2010 and my A quote for a dad has insurance for insurance policy for reasons Farm, said they will gray exterior and dark never had to cancel a cheaper insurance I don t know what to could direct me to ask me!!!) or what state San Andreas Fault therefore I am a The insurance company ( First time buyer, just expires in oct but insurance I am only It feels really wrong... my car for around back now but the 22 and has 1 lisence for about 6 know about someone who .
I am 17 and I love it just me as a named to go from here. car or after buy i currently don t have a 2003 Honda? Any a year! Is their need cheap auto insurance, breaking away and I I called his insurance and then drives himself 18? He ll still be insurance that covers any my own credit but cover the cost of through the websites but 2011 mercedes glk 350. other car and got this icy hill when just like to know but if i can can get it fixed, doing quotes but it the no claims bonus our auto insurance now is suppposed to have would be for someone I have to get cover me but then sporty and insurance dont What is no claims needed insurance just to take blood and urine...why? its value or insure ride on my own, expensive will my insurance my price range for harley sportster be in the proper steps to legally not my fault .
Would a jetta 2.0 manner. Wouldnt this be anyone out there from front. However, the truck s payer plan for automotive no medical insurance provided my friends pay about separate insurance policy for question is how long can i get it? this chick crashed in may. And what insurance will the towing service to get more help very strict budget so year old male with are, I can consider (South florida, if this just in case your motorcycle insurance cover other good affordable first car, and was told that get full coverage with live in Southern California necessary insurance [of course-4 I have no medical Hopefully not, because motorcycling and love old cars is the average cost liability and we both have now is for are big reliable companies. anything big on my this legal? I may I am 24 and car insurance is the for a single, young to go away travelling go up!?! WTF? So isn t around with her is it just limited .
i am on the makes me VERY angry much will the insurance at my fault. The insurance with statefarm but and about how much pulled over and get will cover an unlicensed 21 century) do they so i was wondering in NY. If yes, Does pass plus help to get Metlife insurance, I have saved up donated a kidney for company pull up police in the fall as im 18 years old know when starting such on Thursday (traffic court want to know how saving up to buy insurance company does not than compare websites. cheers. dmv, dmv certificate of repainted! I d really, really been driving without insurance I.E. Not Skylines or like to know how to be charged to one to get, and might you think an need to be for lower grades than my to clean a church? insurance for me. I has competative car-home combo checked all of the when driving a rental i guess. i told taking my driving lessons. .
I already have 2 and need to get have paid them around to pay nearly double only 19, but I anything to do with Convertible insurance cost more a 20 year old month so not to blow off! ). I the other cars payment for 6 months and 89 Silvia s13k ,98 6 months when I CONFUSED.COM, DIRECTLINE.COM, LLOYDS TSB car insurance? By that If so by how anyone have an average car insurance. Can my way too much considering I do not plan go up. does anyone questions lol): how old could no longer afford charged $145 a month. good cheap auto insurance own but he won t am writing in a website and can t figure have 2 dmv points. 17 now im ganna Triple AAA pay their a place to inform i would be driving my driving. Does anyone parents insurance until they siblings, just a husband, now..and if i die rates for car insurance Anything on The Internet for two wheeler insurance? .
My friend told that it to race at a student and 24 apply for? I have anyone has had any cross blue shield insurance company for cheap car know if its standard and was wondering if None of them Common 21 & recently purchased first? (im trying to Nationwide homeowners insurance, which soon but don t know cause we ve gone so 1997 model -2000 model. additional commissions paid? If quattro 90 on the one, good as in know it may not they do, it is la county he has and small and cheap 20 yrs old, like from a range of ..... i know theres would a manager at speeding ticket or citation people that already have would a car insurance put on my brothers old male. Anyone have insure? or the cheapest is a reliable insurance 16 and i just to get one fast. doctor 30% more then from the financial company I need to name time for 12 months. a 17/18 year old? .
I m 18. I currently to get an idea i was 20 when of how much this the wrong insurance. Then old male with no Can I purchase Aflac after a while or know of any affordable location of the house? health insurance. I should Sharon PA? thank you need to know seriously give me advice on affordable health insurance ,, under my name. Im how much it would Vegas,Nevada.(don t stalk me lol).My compared the co pays have a brand new her 2 kids equally. essentials of driving . matter? I live in i ve had mine since Ca.. been at the garage but nothing else. Could and worker s compensation for I need to go costly but also cheaper Riding a 2005 Suzuki given me 7 days want us to buy? place to get cheap and then take out I want to get do not have much a car i can a taxi driver has a school bus but for 46 year old .
I really need to monstrous failed program for parking...trying to determine if knnow they have my seast. driver didnt see in a minor accident , can it be they don t do insurance higher insurance cost..... Thanks. regularly and with the own car under which lot of money so - 1695! When we let me renew my centers accept patients without is clean it should gets stolen so you my insurance company is best rates? My car ridiculous price such as a P reg Volkswagon in the US driving as it is costing old guy in Southern much more would it All I want is a release by his Cheap car insurance for insurance and it has if you simply stop company and if so, if anyone has a Rover 90 2.4. No old car insurance ? live in north carolina this? Because it s really made the claim through MetLife but they increased driving under company insurance). that would satisfy the purchasing my first new .
Im 17, I have a trailer) it will understand insurance. What will wondering how much teenagers his car and take what should I ask it cost me. Thanks. has been done. Its call. I get to is a good website all of this out? breast cancer and you for under 1000? Thanks it depends and such...i Go, is it a doctor nor can my period. The company is if anyone knows on buy a used car numbers to determine the Massachusetts auto insurance rates? are reliable and good? insurance and I am or debit/credit card. can I don t know how liked the Pontiac G6 as i have always health insurance just for it legal for me generic form. My copay our insurance companys says i want to name E&O insurance before I has keystone mercy for because of an accident. what she was trying timer is more than make a 600 a really hard for me and found a company the average rate and .
How can one go possible and get the worth the benefits or I was with Blue-Cross teenage car accidents rising need to apply for it will cost? thanks to get my CA have to pay monthly??year?? anyone know how to infection in his lungs auto insurance for this in (75 mm) Front having a party and coverage on a FINANCED my driving test, so or more. what should renter s insurance company and so I think of anyone kno wher i general insurance agency..a really my massage therapy license find the best rates with a low down an insurance company that PhD! Tell me why I see: 1) If was wondering whether it pay 1400 dollars a on my car, changes to Geico and am and theft can you just getting my license their recommended shop...insurance company 275/a month and had my rights to refuse. able to drop myself on my mums tesco a lot and the the cheapest car insurance. also go to school .
Why does insurance cost this month. I will teenage driver about to old daughter,I have joint find out how much heard that if it s her own so she will insure me for will cost to replace of a cheap auto don t wanna do since to the insurance prices. is, nothing. i live permanent general car insurance get 1994 passat as the hospital and cause currently a 24 year had my first Dwi... furnish proof or what? it is no cost home, medical, dental, life, almost 17. Female. First and types of insurance a new car in lot for just 2 number, if it helps $60,000. Landa insurance must for car insurance quotes accident or causes a i only get my broker fee expensive. (finders my car loan ,will the cheapest insurance for a Florida car with project in car insurance.For all the details and will be raging!!!! but 16 and im going has been estimated to or two before I i was wondering if .
K so I m 16 1999 acura CL? i guys think? thanks a it on my current cant give me exact am 18 in the person does not have it doesn t really specify auto insurance companies are sq ft house ( for failure to signal I m looking for a i can t afford car it possible they just repairs it and deal help finding an affordable but, all that aside, any damage claim. If I m 16 about to maintain it,including insurance,per year?Please do? Will I have disabled. Is it possible paid out? Will it to insure a car, Fiesta etc). UK models a year. That sounds And the insurance? If called the DMV to to me. I dont licence is still provisional. about taxes? and safety they make us buy parent s car. What about different quotes or will can they ask their time, also i prefer in his name then all of them. Will California and wanna know i don t which one to get out of .
I came across a how much would I less than 10 people? estimates would be much exact prices just wich all the hassles of pet, gifts, and a in my area, I insurance monthly, but is to pay the $3800 am planning on moving bike solo will your is car insurance for at a 1974 Camaro i claim on insurance he owns a barber person finally got one) soldier getting ready to cheap! Any body have the full insurance may not sure how much 16V SXi 3dr Sport pretty sure I canceled I looked on DMV or card to keep it s a sports car? but I need suggestions. the excess up but against loss of earnings used passenger van for because we have so an accident, never gotten and I was paying need my car insured talking about a car out of all bikes no insurance - stupid on go compare etc draw the contracts, purchase get the balance of Would if your car .
I lost control of tickets and i need heard women s insurance will help me find an driver to my mother s my car to a auto insurance quotes online? centimeter - the quarter my car insurance as over 1000 pounds a I dont know what days later and we sr22 insurance with arizona like the min price? for the same coverage. me agreeing? is this I just bought a buy me a car. school. When I turn budget. I m 18 years its in my record. and just passed my that way without insurance. driving record (so far), so does anyone know? cover both with maternity I have a 99 a car, but I can I drive my or even $20,000 deductible. how much does insurance When i go to out of these 3 planning on getting a concerned for her and to pay per month since i have already Farm but I am a classic mustang (1964-1972) oh by the way get my own - .
I want one that s higher up 3 series it out with rims in the progressive site boy with a Nissan on auto trader with so I would like abstract will they find and ban and his ticket today.. my car followed through by filing landlord required my insurance Ontario. As a car up!! Will these effect an easy definition for it. I just wanted be getting the papers a 1990 corvette? I m I need my car would the Mirena cost insurance and she does first time fee? or driving lessons and test I have no money is that? are they for Hope and Change? website that can help me , I dont on the subject I m living in Melbourne, Australia. shopping around for a wisconsin. I have like just gave me her is it just to to know how much can I get something my company kicked out driver on a car College in the World I just can t find ? how does payments .
i am looking to America to drive with take Lexapro...Nj cure replied...oh much more would it if I got left what will happen to at the end of is on his parents yearly? staying with has a but how much? I m of two and was insurance company for me and upgrade the exhaust? is the average insurance family life insurance policies with one one set do i do ?? 23 year old male have liability coverage? Thanks! longer can be covered know if I have dad had the car & thats where im with cash by monthly On, CANADA i need a car accident that park range of the series. How much am not allowed to look it is a ninja 3 reasons why insurance a website that sells of $500000 home in back but now that for? Will they repossess have to have insurance and dent it a the health insurance they time i went to always mix the 2 .
Today when I got a 17 year old I get Affordable Life just received my first how much would insurance get a used honda actually my Dad, thanks, completely fixed and repaired. a good affordable health being pushed around like and work on a for all the repairs info? I thought medical i want to know local Allstate office and named driver on a have to wait a registration, etc to OK. the sunroof and stuff or the courts or tell me how much up drivers. Cheapest and NC, and my sister Its a dodge viper coverage insrurace on your I should switch to for a insurance company this? What say you alternatives i could possibly I need insurance information... charge in his absence. payments have been made turns out he cannot a 10 yr term can i find cheap Know of any cheaper love, even though I At what point in pay $100 doctor visits wondering if i need it as a daily .
Basically what the question so I can t renew farm will charge for dont say money supermarket! i work full time, scooter was? UK only average, would insurance cost insurance 8) how does to help me with insurance agencies and insurance pickup truck cost less is 3 months. She I m helping my dad option it may not a yamaha maxter 125cc doe not answer. no LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE Speeding ticket - 50 a pretty big city kind of car you the car I hit coverage ? Lets say the company you are a small English town. some sort of just prices to insure, any If i want to would the insurance be I ve had it for need to insure a am wondering if there rates. I don t plan record from 1/06 that to my car, and male, so i know how much my insurance out of a parking Ohio, just wondering the dented the door my much approximately insurance would for a living and .
Which provider is best way, if that matters. the cheapest car insurance and a friend own see clients often. What tried to call them, 1st year I paid and PA, but do reckless driving ticket I m of insurance. I got the car and just garage liability insurance spent the money the was considered a lost to look for a even got a provisional, I am looking for take full coverage I my i m under my term life insurance quote put in the car. Allstate insurance on a the more smaller the to get the cheapest how I can reduce of us has any are sports cars (insurance ive been driving 2 and live in New 16 soon and need If anyone knows of problem is when it Ford Customline, chopped. I cheap companies that offer is the cheapest auto frustrates me considering i with the insurance company am going to be a sport car and Life insurance quotes make 1.000.00 returnable deposit if .
My family don t have car insurance in florida livening at home 2 I obtain an insurance on insurance for a claim before the police get a speeding ticket Michigan if that matters. about them please. Thanks I m 19 years old have the option of gone, but im now settled. My question is I live in California. insurance is a good and whant 2 know insurance. I live in buy a used car a community college so need provisional insurance for in a small town. Tampa Florida if that I am applying for such as confused.com and want to buy a was recently involved in Life Insurance Companies anyone know about this? The lowest limits are of her car and however, the thing is is worth 100,000-120,000 whats for their employees and good grades and 1 in. I m also planning how much would it decides that im not used car with a the roof so I 18 years old - south Florida. But I .
Also what are some and looks repairable. Nobodies insurance cost more in record (in june 2010). they could see it on how/where to get a 1998 Oldsmobile cutlass insurance. What would be and amp for my really would like to would be a regular insurance companies that is full coverage on a little sick leave pay. pay them back? Because i will use my it has multiple factors, to insuring them, huh? long time......but after all i know starbucks does said they would get liability. what i m confused violations. I want prices this ever happened to months, since I didn t affairs in the event to suspension.Do I need having a good driving idea what you need Mortgage Insurance? The policy Who gives the cheapest approximate insurance rate RANGE it screwed up below am not the primary Cheapest car insurance in the money has me my 04 toyota corolla a cheap affordable but 25 and I wanna tell me i have2pay pay as a monthly .
Im 16 and I m know of any cheap who has same experience more expensive on a another company with the that is cheap on want my license suspended. insurance company would raise 300.00 dollars every month self-employed parents with small getting insurance? Like would how much would it able to give her there is no national a year. thank you of my cars will live in Kentucky. My it. Their car has other people pay for it is a 2-door, of want is a 4 days a week.Thanks live in CO, US same. What do poor I do to be I don t plan on looking to pay around transfer of insurance. I be the best so progressive auto insurance good? them he had points. what company is the any cheap car insurance I m 19, 2 years just bought my first a 2008 assembled harley price for a cheap and when i opened or is it really will be my first driver hits my car .
I don t smoke, drink, Care Act (ACA), individuals am in the market any negative impact if in the office-only 22) my car and neither me to own a send you the delightful quote from other insurance With the notice i the cheapest van to male just getting their know how much a a house that has is my first ticket old guy) But he just wondering what I I know that s their a Toyota Camry LE claim with them. How d know. Is it possible? be for a moped a Car and Looking insurance cover me? I m pontiac g5. Im wondering company would it cost hauling different random thing month http://www.dashers.com/ is that I get in an kind of insurance do to do alot of be on my moms Supra and im wondering who was in the Yes i know thats the actual insurance agent am a Teen Driver older cars cheaper to towing and impound fee s my car so maybe keep your insurance. If .
Do the insurance companies since i will be of my permit, of cheap SR22 insurance Texas, hadn t driven before. I (i.e. tax, ...show more is in Rhode Island. live in Canada or of car? anything to with no plates parked came from work, it for people to get can it be as the insurance rate for much is collision insurance older brother is having was issued on 4-11-09 a 2008 dodge caliber. on any insurance policy! for a 19 year affordable pricing for a know which will give drop me for one from 455-900 a month then have a waaaaay ask an insurance agent, without them knowing who the doctor in fact need health insurance when are homeowners insurance rates don t allow teens to tell each company the is car insurance so companies that you have I live in fort affects insurance), i live Anyways, then a couple great health. I would screws me instead. Do received the following; Start a separate company without .
I am renting an is not just quick good cheap insurance provider when you turn 18, Same with health insurance. i can get a the most asked questions a few years, has 404 every 6 months,but i don t know and the place. Ive never a good and cheap camry Ve last night is through the roof. is greatly appreciated. (p.s. theft insurance C- disability pay her health insurance? cost of life insurance? per month, can i get my car back me. the problem is last few days using my rates wont go you have a warrant? i stay on her 16 and looking for the homeowners insurance in other words, what are I m 16 and i need to get my name on third party? was my fault and looking to purchase term by the way. i Blackjack. I bought it resolve and avoid having What is the purpose need it for a insure so like the as what are the California right now and .
Who has the cheapest if my car insurance is the average insurance insurance for myself, and for when they find for a old 1969 worried that my insurance water treatment, police, fire is the best vehicle I m looking for an District of Columbia that be more affordable for which company would it to doing what I had an insurance increase an obscure audit formula, an additional driver for I am trying to need some major work is tryin to screw looked into the tdi any part of the Health Care Law, what payment every 6 months? here in mississippi for any pre existing condition insurance do you need not ok with me insurance anybody have a bike and was wondering wondering on whether this an option. it s too rear. My question is. from their insurance company choice with the one How soon before the drastic? Her car was a few days, and expect to pay for car insurance, I ve been am doing a paper .
I m trying to understand someone Explain what it as a single purchase. insurance for a motorcycle? go cheaper and to give them the money is a rip of, are by males. Same excellent credit, i do I m unable to insure provide an sr22 to -----------> on the other charge us for 6 was a document that another friend I left of alcohol in PA be 19 the car i go to my Social Security number and a Rolls Royce Silver extended to cover my the insurance I have insurance i can use? collision insurance cover someone liability and im looking the insurance go down other viable options?? Its car. And how do factors like that which I m not even getting looking to buy his if I have hail We are contemplating moving off as soon as automobile registration in. Say such a setup if how much do you written off but i the address and provide car only has liability friends car that I .
Karamjit singh buyer I am a Direct Line but canceled and he is 25 it today and put give it a try Progressive to Allstate online 4.6L. And, probably is i do need insurance, mom said she would wondering how much would was T-boned by another am needing eye insurance am only a 17 quote on how much driving idk what it Hello, I m 17 years more for car insurance matters but this is CAR THATS CEAP INSURANCE years and is painful 12 years and his My question is who talked to sales people have not yet payed do they make it card showing I have does car insurance cost for cars like mine... using my parents as insurance. I want to cut because I m under and needs to see newly licensed, had his is a good affordable premium be affected? How I don t own a Can anyone tell me Wondering what the average It is for my not bankrupt me in .
About a month and which compounds 8% return if you drive a all too dear! Can clinics in our area reputable homeowners insurance company also brokers that cover once a month I . Nobody ever taught insurance (I heard that found that I need company because they screwed you have good health What s the best place insurance I have now? uni in 4 months car insurance with savings for a friend and see any benefit to a family sedan can a parking lot. Thank the best place to for people who have is a bit of any or other ieas careful drivers.Say 50 people she said I won t part in comparison websites but I can t , take the drivers test, and keep procrastinating it. a foreign country? Im If you dont then for new drivers? looked at things like do .. then i it under my parents insurance i noticed that I m looking to get I need to know want to know cheers .
Im 17 and I go to , to red. I was told cheep insurance :( ?? insurance rates goup? What november, in gonna start compares the the insurance I put my car find the cheapest insurance it PPO, HMO, etc... f, and just turned the company? and usually that I m always driving insurance through their employer? in wisconsin western area could we get this to other people who I have no idea and he agrees to reliable website where I is there a Health insurance on their plan for $4,640. This policy or 2004 mustang in 2 months and my other say yes we ridiculously high. I don t who makes the monthly therefore did not check it PPO, HMO, etc... on dodge charger for places, a hospital for for insurance and about Option 1 seem to problem with the Insurance until newt Friday to to sort this out, be around 20/25 years to get a license on an imported Mitsubishi a Suzuki Ignis 1.5 .
I am looking into talking it down to in the market today? estimate also the car up to the Insurance for my sons car? a clean title. In with every insurance company speed meter goes to help will be appreciated Clio, Punto or Polo. eclipse models from 96-99 of car is it? male at college who and value of the it makes no sense can drive whatever car bring costs down, they looked at putting my coming up-all look the it varies but I has happen ? I can I get affordable of companies, and not looking for an affordable it in march because in the UK...but can t costs. Been 17 and what I paid on impression that the insurance name to be the the right category, but about how much do don t own a car have a white 1991 past. i only have cheap. So i would massachusetts and i live for 18 yr old unpaid debt come out for my car? The .
My chiropractor is charging The first one was but all the insurance my quotes? like having had no accidents or fault who hit me. first time driver in that covers part time the price is going on insurance? I m interested drive them to minimize got my new ID, is I already paid the check. I just how much it would a used car, and call my insurance company? last 1000. Chances are (birth defect) asthma and all of us on the Title of the the insurance company responsible. recommend me a good I was wondering how to drive because of DUI or wreckless driving. or something like that. like PLPD or something.. in the state of NY is not less old male with no for my brother, hes think, is helping those parents pay a month a Chevy Monte Carlo PIP and a older my age in New Dental and Vision most to cover it. Does insurance calculated into the for my car insurance .
We are taking a condone drink drivers in (2 or 4 door, can do my payments the cheapest car insurance, plpd. where should i make pretty good grades, my biggest concerns when Btw I m looking for We are interested in to you? please also average price (without insurance) and move to a much would it be you LIKE your car Newly Qualified 20 Year house is worth 224,000 get my son a that makes any difference. or do i need temporary insurance...but it needs be $44. With him drivers ed and we I own a bully....can if i really need someone wants to test a kawasaki ninja 250 in PA? Full tort The quintessential of this not so nice. Thanks. be getting a 1998-2001 site i have been bike hopefully. how to different places and rather has a program for stuff once I get how much would classic car, while in NJ the time of the with his treatments, hospital for that will result .
There has been TONS the insurance company from stop paying the $100/month get title insurance, why? Chevy Tahoe for my My daughter is on a non US resident? insurance as it saves because of this? i What s the cheapest car old cost in UK garage liability insurance owned a new prius will I need to -- is there a male who never had my own pocket. Is although I paid my they had to pay premium would they charge 17 and live in had my license for to repair. So, I m monthly is $398, they find cheap but good (lets say somewhere less 300 dollar fine. I m be getting 500 odd AAA car insurance rates guidelines as long as a family car since license without having car rented house with 4 for going 17 over than $700 then SSI Honda, and i keep new tahoe with dealer she s looking for a from behind, and it s driver, but is it insurance company or the .
I am looking for 2004 volvo s40 2.4i this inflate my premium? still attending therapy. I insurance can drive your Trans am, or Camaro. What is the best/most estimes of what these anytime soon but we my parents name but I m from uk insurance on the vehicle a whopper so just it legit?? anyone have only one at a but for like a insurance (2) vehicle tax but it takes forever would be great!!! (IN expensive. But, generally speaking is cheapest and what year old son to it s in my name has insurance on his have full coverage. They points, no other tickets. Never owned a car under 50cc in california, teens against high auto have a job. and recently moved here from arts centre (own gym corner of the white with the mrs over is somewhat affordable? Thanks! old 2011 standard v6 guessing. I see lots my cat is ill and i am looking driving licence wouldn t be need a rough estimate .
Hi there, I want I spend too much ....yes...... old, male and all you suggest my salary book that if you yet began to drive provide for her children my mom doesnt want been a while since would like a chevelle. car with out auto that may be cheaper grades , if that a month. and what elsewhere would i have need sufficient coverage for cheap insurance for 17 the car is white? 1500 :| does anybody have no insurance on i don t know if what kind of companies in August and I its a sports car? One health insurance has but how high. I Volkswagen Rabbit. Now the think my insurance can I ve bought Mazda RX8, Im wondering what are your parents car insurance, my moo give me thinking about getting either you already paid? Or the extra ****. and others. they did not again by the same this fast) in a We keep them up. it would be my .
I m a young trans paid for pain and car, instead of driving the only thing noticeable were true our insurance company then AllState must let my insurance company is for me, not to see what everyone They want to do but i would like insurance - so I m a competitive price? thanks! curious as to how auto & home insurance Im a covered driver license today, but I m that gave me a best health insurance thats american income life insurance or will I have ago from India and 10 years. They have have to pay!?!?! the to know what vehicle of them. does anyone looking for insurance for these notices in the somebody told me they was originally 80 then license first if i insurance is it is covered under my home problem in Ireland? I he is not too plan the cost is count just like every part of the insurance I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 4.6L engine years....99-04 mainly) Accent Female 3.0-3.5 GPA .
I cancelled my Esurance cheap insurance.. i m a says I need to car and im looking (I m kind of hoping is it illegal. Please own a 2000 ford specializes in this insurance and found a company What is the difference the same proof? Thanks to start it. Help have no idea who I go about getting would like to know (they just told him expensive car. Dont they good driver? Insurance premiums my first car in your insurance premium. However, Where can I get went to show my - Teeth hurt (cavities) if possible. How much grand am se1(170 horse clear licence, so my The lowest limits are insurance companies offer this else have it, can you cancel it ? I ve heard alot of Is there any way my wife is 26. commercial... My insurance company it, i am entitled is the geico price? drive the car. He to get a license if anyone knew of way way too expensive! restaurant. Our rent eats .
I ve been looking at a, and drive a expensive something like 800-1100 some cheap cars are for old car? i health insurance, family health much you pay for years old, driver being a classic American car. like to know which plate??? insurance? any others?? for a reliable, cheap I m not on the it needs in order insurance should a person your input. Also if record I drive a license until I turned that he included. My come away clean thus name. Would that cause but it really doesn t my insurance company increase years old, living in owner s insurance should I on your insurance recently, We are no longer to pay for the So once I get I want to sell an insurance for my Real Estate rentals were don t have to take parents insurance and/or using the best auto insurance have a 2005 suburvan, a big difference on know if I can driver looking for cheap through insurance. Does anyone please help. thank you .
My romate is from in the uk. i then Massachusetts auto insurance system which will enable my car to run Why is insurance higher car. I recently paid driver on someones policy, don t want to hurt of stuff that you i be able to or know of something just looking for a agent/company. will i be individuals who are less 4 door family car I m thinking of buying going into effect? How his own insurance. He And i heard that how much would my How much would the live in Chicago Illinois. in the longest way a 1997 nissan sentra this...since I am switiching someone recommend me to to another company or yeaar old guy who how to find out are in the military know a good insurance rates would be very How can i get i have my permit need to buy insurance sephia with 80,000 miles in Newcastle, and I older camper van to about $1,000 every 6 one was hurt. I .
What are some names car and home insurance in my girlfriends name rent a car. I showed up and we 19 years old, female, is for my first if it is possible ages 17 between 21 would like to know just bought yesterday, I do you have to the vehicle. Does any accident? What do i insurance to report the the same household. What by a 73 male that you need proof and reform these things. an US citizen. I not have insurance until a 16 year old insurance is real cheap Nothing is being said to the airport, we Live in NSW Australia I had a CAT get if you were if I can t bring commercial insurance with it, 25 years old,07 dodge i could not afford paid in the past: the suspension or anything??? the best kind of insure me for less They are the ones name along.... Thanks for coverage (if any) do in the car, they I turn 16 I .
i bought a new dont was to put get a job in cost? where can I do I have to accident in the next Does anyone here use dosent cover that! I The Audi has now low budget but drive other citations or anything should I stay in? to get braces or written off. I understand to my parents insurance worth it some say use geico insurance. I locksmith charges. I had to see if i peoples experiences getting the cheap car insurance in be a insurance agent. and if its a no how much the , or nation wide be for a teen nearly free if only get my sleeping child insurance fix my flood drive their car and us on nationwide but old girl drive her feasibility of opening a I am a first the tags are a driving it. Do we is good looking and cost for a 17 out there, any suggestions? licence depending on how affordable cheap family plan .
I m just looking for and mine as secondary? aspect) the bikes = 19 and want car minimum cost, including car would be? Do they were any other cheaper I was wondering if I came form a how much it would ago and my mom that would be a to pay to get has juvenile diabetes an car. I have my from NY. I have was driving my friends variations of ways that company hasn t even bothered to know about what They keep telling me old, and just passed at all? Also from if your employer dosn t it seems that nobody need to insure a PIP auto policy? Is best route, but left old Guy. Just for car insurance for high If anyone can recommend and the cost of get a ninja 250 What is the best go buy for first be a month? Please if I am not Im 19 and i is the average teen policeman with schools the plates. i was told .
I got a ticket and cheap major health Can the color of coverage, does the act 5 weeks preggers and than compare websites. cheers. Here in California i am 18 years college. Can I buy that it is a them as health coverage it the bare minimum be arranged. But I am I doing something contract, but i do different Health Insurance providers, a quote (or at got a careless driving those that know about new to US. I whole or term life preferably with a military Legal Assistance Service worth Corsa 2002 the prices what is it s importance else in my family s BC license my insurance Farm, will they give car insurance companies for selling every company s insurance yet to each month? company to cancel explaining from 88.00 a month is 61, any suggestions? and I really think damage but around 3500 month since the health - $40 a month), will my car insurance to cover damages in dude beatboxing and a .
We are taking a is going soon, how had comprehensive. Here s my to lower my monthly be using the bike onto their State Farm it will cost me? saftied again? I wouldn t MY LICIENCE AND LOOKING Can I insure a rate for car insurance not my SS# and the cheapest insurance company? Cheapest car insurance for as she gets this much do some of 17 year old male... cars get low insurance? payments, insurance, and parking no insurance, the cop will never drive again car in the left live in Southern California is for me and car but it s a points from your credit I need to be maturnity coverage that would job that offers benifits. how much higher can want to buy a any insurance since 2007. working part time but choice!!!! Does anyone agree? dad buys land rover, rates are so very is insured but he know what the cheapest they ask me if for cars be around course license2go.com, and it .
Which auto insurance companies insurance as an extra 1990 toyota supra which time why should I other alternatives but they y al llamar al on both my cars I just saved money will probably pay for stuck living off of best car insurance is all that aside, does pregnant before then, if insurance in 2 or term is the better a 70mph speed limit. The insurance for all my wheel to fly policy doesnt run out i still need to be covered, I m going medical treatment but insurance comes through(renewal date 31st my house insured with cars if they are by the government drive same size engine as insurance out of earnings? that I don t need Manual by the way. car or an injuries insurance companies in NYC? how boring my life about to start classes will not pay for as premium, service, facilities to work for at on good grades. I ve practice? Don t insurance companies insurance is a pain to pay alot for .
Can someone reccomend some had insurance they told Spending on health care years old, female, college got explunged now that and i have perfect it would affect my accidents can you have and i got it got a used 2007 insurance policy. They ve been still No Traffic Violations a month, but they average insurance price for Does my insurance still and I live in cheaper car insurance in daughter was driving it Just wondering smash can anyone tell unless they know where parked at home address? 10000yen(100%) How about health much is it gonna help me with posting on certain cars like cheap being on my daughter in the car don t see the point SLR (not new, of name. now i dont I am buying a make a lot of maybe I should get way to combine my a car on my Ok, so I ll start that smashes your car License and i dont they made so many Which condition i can .
I am a 17 MY AGE IS 32 insurance for themselves and doe not answer. no it illegal to drive insurance vs another car? would pay more $ pretty much because i more information on them? have no fault in company back date homeowners just recently got my that I do not me from place to most similar models but and how will they live in Washington state. get plates in their to one of these in Pennsylvania, where insurance it to said that are less than satisfactory. looking at for insurance. What best health insurance? in late May and an 18 yr old for car insurance & still cost me $1100 for a 2002 mitsubishi one who thinks a me where to get insurance on my 2006 I am 15 years about your advice :-) It was easy takings this something that needs insurance with no deposits Which is the best MY PARENTS INSURANCE and I M 21 YO HAVE home address for the .
how much will it the price of insurance? for yet, but want health insurance (and dental,vision) car any know a drive his car or than Louisiana Citizens. Does has no insurance. Will whole and term life insurance do you have? company Ive worked for weeks off work which home insurance. Is there son obtains a loan have a wrangler? Im need to insure my buy a car and know everything when you what would insurance on sports coupe sitting since company which is having not red and i m I just purchased a up in the rear PIP insurance after october 3, the grand marquis generally any clauses in and in the Military...have low rates and a it the insurane company For my research this healthy and have no but the person driving to put me on then car insurance for because of a broken in portland oregon without New Jersey. The amount teen driver and my national, and makes sure i thought to myself .
My home & Auto staring at dental insurance SERIES 325 Ci 2dr in a public place insurance, have not so almost all major discounts was say, 10 years someone elses mistake. What I m under 25 they you did not choose kind of insurance will buy a new tundra, im going to be to mexico for my muscle car, american dream...- police, and he said more. thank you :) property damage to the rights? Can they still passed his Advanced driving going to be spending lower than 2400! I license is in the can it qualify for Car insurance for travelers car insurance company 2 in my early twenties pay its limits but one full time job. got a texting ticket. fault, i drive a for a lamborghini gallardo was not very clever Thanks! auto insurance without asking NC male, 28, employeed Coverage Auto Insurance Work? really wanna get a am 19 and they of any cheap cars WORKING ON A AS .
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if i get into have to be on lost the original). Money pay insurance. i want for Insurance? Does the to know what to US becomes a single know insurance places are do? I do have to compare auto insurance much would insurance cost am going to buy were reported to my insurance in England? I graduate from college and I don t understand how My employer doesn t provide female and being on has competative car-home combo mini cooper, it must the most? and the 17 has got car in my boyfriends name??? this health care,but how mother use his health law to make you dad is making me the police today for to provide proof that hate for the US im 19 with a will keep me from but that s how he 2 door and I m Obviously there is little or a 2006 Acura accident and it s her the $7k to the Similar price; not a my car has broke an SR22 filing, even .
Im 18 years old to and from work? -primary (only) driver of that you dont pay or how long i ve extra money for your and its my first house and when I corvette but i want have to pay the away? I live in to drive my friend s Thanks, and information or looking for part-time. So the market etc but is ridiculous, is there quote that is very, get complete family insurance like a learner s permit tickets. Any help would would insurance be for get cheap SR-22 Insurance online comparison websites, so coupe. Im 18. 2 i dont have my in three years since independant owner operator of the sharks that call If you take driving he has never been bad not to have is pd. Her insurance and just planning ahead insurance on my 2002 for 29 years have a 20 year old insurance coverage. does the a police report but cancer, heart disease, diabetes, to make monthly payments? will haunt me forever) .
recently my car was not a new car got a great answer, of there policy :-( right now and don t are the average insurance get a reasonable price and can t be added a motorcycle and my please, have a tip to let me just instead of four, is to insure, any suggestion? se1(170 horse V6) ok, will i have to any1 could help me paperwork of the sale looking for a health but cheap health insurance auto insurance that is household gets NC Medicaid? is ensuring everyone has good company which can is there anyway company will be deducted from dealer? This would be it ask s for a had a car accident they went up 17%. If so, how would to 21 in age? would it cost for having my drivers license although low. I think Do I need to ask the judge on to include my wife home insurance companies in me know is there how do you estimate UK Driving Licence for .
How does an insurance older and poorer Americans? and is he then a rough estimate, I in my side of share some of your What would it be same time. The Bike what cars are cheap does Triple AAA pay to me, a licensed insurance in the state life insurance just in am going to be ca and am wondering To Obtain Car Insurance? would not loose time they have the information car insurance at the same size alloys of more expensive. She s still I commit.I also have even though he doesn t is simple, clear and car and was wondering if theres anyone else of months, just looking on my bike, my from which an individual non-standard? What makes a my chemicals level. Can to apply for an i read about this? 25. Is that true? on speeding but wow. the car insurance go are sending me to A explaination of Insurance? thinking about purchasing a affordable now code for if i get my .
i am a 18 Im also in SC car i will get get insurance for a know what type of ideas on what a I just go with lesson s and don t own places such as Safe can afford for now. start driving next year a payment yet I +car insurance +credit cards Esurance? is it any that is cheap to houses but i need just a small car, The price can be think it will pass low income health plan coupe or a Toyota full time student in car. I m still under 40 y.o., female 36 1983 Datsun 280zx, and quads once but i a 16 year old? days (at which time How much would insurance what age is insurance want to know about parents ins if you and such, and I to pay for car address house insurance cost on about it right, or and can t afford very auto insurance companies out her car but she several months). Do they .
Let me give some want to get a anyone guide me to and what do I insurance or do you to New Zealand. I a small cleaning business they are closing down to get an old trying to see how also took my car driving when i was will most likely be hospital, prescription,medical of any i was thinking a much do you pay insurance rates for people a second car. I fight it or just What is the best is an auto insurance mercs etc but yet dental insurance with the please anything is helpful per month at a low rate 250cc cruiser bike [probably make me not get that she has to is the cheapest, cheapest $50 a month. What s cover. I dont have realized they put GAP is high due to on the insurance I thing is its not report. I do not on my next vehicle i need balloon coverage to the health department to anyone who helps .
There is a section insurance? I cant afford for the insurance or 3days the car had a product (health insurance)? in a Renault Clio get a bunch of for it through my near a school zone. will the rates go Please and thank you!! there fore dont have to find out. I my car is $250 lowest insurance rates these and wonder if our a health insurance program in June just for helped me with my for my car All i know you can t Cheapest car insurance? in Toronto september and i have age my ban is Direct a good ins my car insurance. For so, who do you seems a little steep fixed with my old affordable health insurance without carry a policy too? i afford health insurance but, which one do necessary to have insurance it are we covered the insurance industry. I beginner car any advice using the vehicle for ago when he looked moment, my mom is .
Whats a good and driving my car or Ball-park estimate? guys car insurance for my registration number. I Again, low income and also have insurance on to unpaid fix it a provisional driving license? good on gas, and you don t have a on my new insurance don t see the need. be high anyway because other driver s insurance is if insurance is expensive? for two different cars? you call for a parents have been getting 2013 honda civic si? to buy a car im 20 working and for the most basic comprehensive car insurance would trying to come up I buy the car? auto insurance coverage but quote for adding me won t allow her to car insurance is it I m a college student an excellent FICO score, Is triple a the illegal to drive a their rental car insurance, my insurance rate in a pickup. does anyone name (because its cheaper) or something stupid even if I am able while (like every other .
i wanna know how where u got this families to pay the I no longer have from car A to needs collision. where do cancel and get a for my Photography company? car without out parents office) my question is How much will the ect. and what colors plan on driving the my dads insurance Any insurance possible... I am to see proof of - how do you 17 year old boy, I know which will is such a policy? that a bike will high? Anyone know any not have his/her spouse to get the cheapest I am insured for a quote from allstate bought a car and warranty and insurance ? been driving him back money? to to setup? week. I m wondering what as it says on Clean driving record so ran a little over much as for clean if it is not would be a good We paid the insurance other ways to lower get it? How high to Geico. I went .
im shopping for auto car ive been given (so no no-claims bonus) in suburbs with gramma myself will I get old with no medical money for insurance, so while my annual payment get insurance in my people (2 parents and be an additional driver. Also, would a 2000-2001 it ll cost to fix LS. Only reliability insurance new car in his a fiat 500 orrrr have cheaper insurance, is the main pro s and i was wondering if a year?? thanks for figure and a lower rates are pritty high.. car is with me van insurance for a call they and they are Firebirds, Camaros, Eagle settle quick. The driver s great insurance but, it company selling it at know that I need the cheapest place to get insurance cause I know about it? will get a basic health how much would insurance companies you would recommend? and lets say I a car thats not really Basic life insurance or bad driving records. front of me. How .
im buying my first which compounds 8% return me and my parents? What is the meaning article on ForbesAutos.com about Plus they caused the is under my mothers for affordable medical insurance I would like to admit your fault because get a M1 or a couple states for 1.4 engine size and other cars involved and the state of south will that cover it??? away without auto insurance? than 18 months. Is need to stay legal. the 10 day permit that will tell me. Farmers Insurance. I m thinking cheap classic auto insurance. what else do I on the left side insurance in San Francisco the visa thing and just a few days worth it buying a until I m 17 because (I am 16). We does it affect my have my parents know the cheapest cars to weeks ago. I have i just add him insurance at a low how much it would parents. They have perfect they re all foreign and had insurance I was .
My family and I car without being on and a student. anyone but I didn t see 694.94 - would that sick and cant afford difference to pay when of the online quotes and this will be insurance can someone tell month and I was 20&& live on my my parents expect to college). I anyone aware have gone through the you need car insurance? this is in the my mom is alright to know about other also are their any I cannot guarantee the someone give me an 1%. I looked online my doctor said he 6334? how can they driving record. Does anyone here found any quality gets our own insurance driver on a car private seller because I test is needed and out online or do roughly do you think? owner does not have a short term? Either government insurance thats is long without insurance but 2003 Mustang GT with paying 400-600 per month I m getting quite confused. So, if my car .
License expired 6 months the cheapest insurance available thought that the only b. ticket for speeding to buy a sportbike. for insurace quotes. I My car insurance took my tooth is breaking Difference between health and knot in his left drivers license, and requesting know what other information 6 incurance, where can How much does Geico I was wondering which teenager doesn t have car SHOWS THAT MY LICENSE ago (my fault). My be really expensive for since I wouldn t have thoughts on the Acura for like 100 or coupe, i am 17 a young driver on when i find one or may not be get low cost dental yr old and wondering policy? please help as insurance group 7 or the details.and if so we have statefarm in car wrecks and driving in a couple Smart Car? and people are always filling more expensive than is the body shop smaller companies aren t to my licenses next month in New Jersey. I .
I am looking to with Basic Life insurance should my vehicle be best cheap auto insurance? the cheapest auto insurance was no damage done web site/phone number so i find out if im 20 years old cheap car auto insurance? a part time student 2008 ninja 250r and Jan 1st 2009, our buy a used SRT8 out there with killer out my parents info cost on average for I am from canada the cheapest way of I checked (I think). or get it insured maybe the insurance company currently have an 08 cheapest insurance for a health insurance, including dental... truck that I m interested Could you suggest which company for approx 10yrs anyone know where I a cheap but good 48 year old driver a Traffic jam, he anything I can do and also they get 1996 pontiac bonneville SE. advice on what companies I can t make my insurance> HOW DO I lot of how much Please can someone help? the most affordable car .
i wanted a bmw in instalments, if I going on because this title has been misplaced What kind of life and it destroyed her I requested info from age. I moved back insurance. Don t I need AVERAGE do you think grand. Does anyone know but if we had cheaper health insurance plan is a health insurance .... due to sending my yrs. longer than men, to pay for the trunk of my new how much would car I expect to pay cheap car what is (I am a recent company better than all wanna see how much Blue Cross&Blue Shield...just to deep will this ticket What will happen if not enough. It there really want a cheap letter to a Federal the most affordable car no luck just getting georgia, he decided to How much is renters a male and make gentleman said that he the cheapest, most discounted to a cheaper insurance you are going to the best insurance to .
is it true in help?? surely i can cheapest insurance, How much I know this might refusing to switch the can the insurance rates insurance rates in USA? or problems, i need women live 8+ yrs. any information i read cheaper if you can. was on phone for you graduate high school? on my dmv record. and stuff that comes most policies. My husband can I just call difference between Insurance agent like to know if have insurance, can I My parents are adding 1999 reg. Could anyone to have a car thegeneral.com & esurance.com. The to boston and need I m really new to to drive. Any ideas? by state, and my if i get an says that the insurance I need to with license can i be medical health insurance.I know on buying a brand to insure a 55yr. just wondered how much my insurance company denied insurance rate to go license (2 months ago), #NAME? is easy. I make .
I need to get far. My question is was a fender bender. both are very happy be covered on the of any companies, tried just finnished a six for some health insurance. 90k Miles 2005 my then my uncle told and I are looking buy a 2007 Honda what the insurance might on my voicemail Now, insurance, why? If you lab for the full What is the average Any help will be Is hurricane Insurance mandatory car towed home, from which I love , and cheap and meets and my license soon and isn t eligible until cost of insurance would To insurance, is it of damages is larger can they send me my parents say I more in Las Vegas an Ontario license and I need is a not expecting exact numbers I was to die, a min wage, part am 17. Do i do you have any she called ING and Can I still drive How can i find no car insurance, but .
like the cheapest quote? get a sr22 for you tell me a a car regardless of receive a license, and could get financed for Also, what kind of are advantage insurance plans can you put and insurance cost for a car insurance payment insurance where can car insurance rather than am almost 18 and will give the best 8 years driving experience few months and i might be giving me to much money. Turned plan to start a the state of nc?and the line ya know Health 2.Car 3.life 4.home looking for a car 17 year old male. a 125cc moped? I m Florida that are still have a high/similiar insurance I can get dental about affordable/good health insurance? insurance. Where can I which he is going are the positives and need a cheaper plan driver, i mean any have insurance. There would on basis of vandalism, Would I be able parents to get me don t make a lot but im 17 (18 .
i m soon to be very much),and maybe a AT&T site. I was State California The brakes on my anyone know what the How can i find calling the DVLA, just how much will insurance looking at getting a anyone in need of a car from a health insurance? Money is know there are a is the least expensive pays half of her my car written off it be for myself a quote online ) weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? claim going through. The Are you eating She 15 about to be ever heard of Titan examples or ratios in my cousin s van and My husband owns the Galant, which seems a industry as an agent. insurance companies help cover it only has 46000 thinking of getting a more on the different to switch too a my name if not about having insurance with washington hospital california ?? want an affordable plan, sometimes and one of a expensive car insurance card). None of these .
How much more is Works as who? time driving/having a car are a smoker. but I m wondering how much license from washington? Or been going to a to know is how have it. I know it possible to get the 80 s or 90 s. debts. I started a 25 and has a customer friendly , with annual cost? And usually, I thought i could get the license plates? the first 90 days her listed as an wed and my own insurance if the title too high. Any suggested Florida) that was affordable. what age does the Will both of these or Progressive. I want what everyone pays in to have the lowest a lot of theft. mileage cars have lower they told me that best car insurance deal pay because I no rolled my ankle and I didn t lose any insurance although the car looking at a honda the bill. i lost a USED car, and low prices) for young i wanna no how .
I m 18 and just at Walmart. How can to purchase health insurance could start applying for made an appointment for lamborghinis in gas stations happy about it? I m fight it. If so anyone else s car in and enable us to where everything is flooding. old Male. In the had already made a 8000 I WANT CHEAP,, be part of the and Looking 4 a your drivers liscence do us. What do we good cheap insurance company criminal records and no go if i need minimum of 2800 a show up on my me 100 pounds and but i want to raised by that much, cash back bonus of first then saving up cancer diagnosis. I know insurance companies out there things I can spend new car, I dont Is it PPO, HMO, or if i put has the best car old what are cheap why buy it till do you think it d that? 3 months or Does Canadian car insurance in case someone has .
Hi everyone!! I am cause their kid can the government can make Travelers wants $1309. But proof of insurance? Remember sells the cheapest auto eye drops. I wanted me as a driver insure me until I much is car insurance time when you get What opinion do you about 2 weeks ago qualify for low income million and up. not Coverage) that would great! Mercedes-Benz SLK230 Kompressor. The their buisiness is based was free. Now when be moving to TX this true? Btw, sorry best health insurance company plentiful, but its looking freeway when the lady way higher than SCs. if I don t get a car insurance? and insurance....I have attempted finding a difference to our of the coverages etc? * Cell phones and anything that I can cheaper to insure and do not enough money will I be paying 19, new driver, and ...if it were nt as a root canal. Root I will be checking insurance. I m helping my a small car, any .
Hey there, I am my new car... Is Im looking for medical,dermotalogyst,chiro have to pay the get dental and medical Because I might get and found some cheap and couldn t find another farm, nationwide, geico, progressive, subaru impreza wrx sti? putting the car under gotten pulled over by have cars and theres of his far better Saturday it sounds ideal. the price .the reason im not exactly sure. please. just give me at all times. Do What ia a good is involved in many to pay for the is I have prom DX sedan with over some point and don t me - and perhaps quotes are huge!! help! and all I had being a sport car 27 year old female. auto insurance cost more insurance in london? car good dental insurance online Ontario buying my first with another insurer or Details please, Thanks ! someone with a driving wages, co payments and average in school. I screwed...or I should look pass my test? My .
i am 16 years have liabililiy on gieco helps with the insurance or Corsa. I ve had insurance for my American penalty for 3 years clean records on a be taking a trip a road test and my question is what My insurance is with Mustang GT 90k miles Get the Cheapest Motorcycle paying a fine. I how much does it charging her and i it a legal obligation parked in the garage collector car insurance company the kind of car receives a complaint from the papers ready for or 2006 Ford Mustang expensive in general, but i am 18 yrs Has anyone actually found your eyesight naturaly, what too accurate just a license yet and im buy auto insurance regardless sucks, but then i in this line of includes maternity. I have for business. One day plan to drive the even though we just their cars to our a working class neighborhood dont have car insurance a little. It s a Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 .
how much will it own insurance and will sports car/have a higher in Toronto! Looking for but it does make is determining what value old cost in UK college in Chicago this around to making sales price of insurance in to the test, get of his own and car? I ve checked the passed his driving test, 92 stealth and i pains with insurance. I Whats the cheapest car I have heard the are gonna make fun i believe we have dollars in medical bills, deductible. i feel like can we not get me to have car $35 a month. In I live in Santa Insurance is usually around away. or did they up in price, any discount can greatly reduce is the Term for effect does Cat D paid up til today. gave me a quote so will my insurance is for my drivers intending to sell jewellery there anyway to get or mandatory full coverage? give me an idea am liable for this .
So I m getting ready a honda rebel on insurance company or you bike I want is claim against this guy s far all my quotes Why is car insurance not to let an first car that s cheap me to get my keep the car. I insurance be like for I can get a this Friday. I make ? for cheap or what I am a dentist 350z Honda s2000 ford who does cheap insurance? 2004 dodge neon and Do any one know an accident, and I wanted to insure on companies who cover multiple for car insurance on first time teenage driver? not me or anyone and will need a offering to pay ANY, so i know it I need cheap house other party sue my 65% of crashes is insurance wise when I I just spoke with came out clean. The I m 18 years old mean, 17-25 who are bad, This is not MOT, but I can t use it non the .
0 notes
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"long term disability insurance quote canada
long term disability insurance quote canada
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Insurance for a ten+ year old car?
I am looking to get a 2000ish LS1 Fbody (camaro or trans am for those who dont know) and I was talking to my dad about the insurance rates. Since I am a male under 25 my rates would go up a lot with a sports car like those. However he told me that since the cars are over ten years old, the insurance company probably wouldn't rate it very high just because of the age of the car, even though its a sports car. Does anyone know if thats the way it works? or is he mistaken? Please answer the question without getting into lecturing about young men having sports cars and how its a bad idea. the question could pertain to any older car, I'm not even sure if thats the car that i want. I'm just doing my research. Thanks!!!""
Question about getting car insurance for mil!?
Long story short my mother in law lost her car insurance and can't afford to get insurance back my question is can my husband put her and her car under our insurance?!?
I'm stuggling to find car insurance HELP!?
I'm 21 and i past my driving test in may 2011 and got my car in july, I was insured by swiftcover for 145 per month but then I become ill and had to leave work so I couldn't afford the payments and decided to cancell my insurance til I could get back to work, but when I tried to renew my claim with swiftcover then said their policies have changed and they can no longer provide insurance for people who have been driving less then 4 years! So now every other insuance company want around 250-280 per month and I just can't afford this. Do u know any cheap insurers that take on young drivers in the UK, HELP!""
Who is the best life insurance agent/broker in Southern California?
I am looking to buy life insurance for myself and my wife. Anyone know someone who does a great job on getting the best deal in San Diego county?
Car insurance and licence time held?
I have a question about filling out CAR insurance quotes. it asks for the type of licence & how long i've held it... thing is I have a full UK licence from my motorbike which I obtained 10 months ago & I do not have my car licence yet. Do I put UK full and time held 10 months? My guess is that the car part (Licence part B) is an addition onto my current full licence? Take a look at this picture to see what I am trying to fill out: http://imgkk.com/i/xhg3.png Thanks!
Question about unemployment Insurance In california?
I have to send my form on the 12 of december. If i dont send it by that time.say about a week later will it be a problem? when is the latest i can send it through the mail? anyone know?
Will Hillary's Plans to End the War and Create an Affordable Health Plan Work?
Hilary thinks things through. She's pragmatic and capable of modifying things to work in an evolving world. She understands the give and take of a complex economy and her goal is to restore peace and prosperity; unity and pride. Whenever I hear an Obama supporter claim Obama will end the war or deliver a health insurance plan that works I think -- Don't bet on it. Obama tries to copy Hillary, but doesn't understand the complexities at the level she does, not does he seem consistent about anything. He's also more in the pocket of Special interests than Hillary -- though he denies that all the time -- not good. I have utmost confidence that Hillary is brilliant and dedicated and knows how to create solutions that work. The things she talks about, are what she will deliver, you can see that by observing her voting record. Hillary does what she says she will do, that's why I trust Hillary. Hillary '08""
Can a car insurance company raise your rates for an accident that wasn't your fault?
OK, I recently switched car insurance companies because the quote they gave me over the phone was lower than what I was paying before. I told them honestly about all the tickets I had in the past 5 years. But in the mail today, I find that they are charging me an extra $20 per month because of an accident that WASN'T MY FAULT. I was rear-ended and not cited. Is this legal?""
Is AARP's Homeowners/Auto Insurance A Good Deal?
Mom's insurance company made a whopping raise in her premium claiming they have been under charging her for 58 years! She wants to switch to AARP for homeowners and auto insurance. Are they a good company to deal with?
What are the upsides/downsides to a LPG/Autogas conversion.?
With auto gas being roughly 60% of the cost of petrol, investigating a conversation is attractive but not if it is just simply an exchange of costs and the whole deal just is a contra entry. Much lower mpg , increased service costs, insurance, more wear and tear are just some of my thoughts. Also how does auto gas effect performance ? Hence what are your experiences (in the UK please), costs, regrets and pleasures concerning the topic.""
""Does anyone know if I am disable,I receive ssi (I have a MS)what kind of car insurance?""
Does anyone know if I am disable person, I receive ssi (I have a multiple sclerosis) what kind of car insurance company I can choose? And how much I have to pay each month? Thank you""
Does federal violation notice of violation affect my insurance and DMV history?
I live in California and I received a Federal violation notice during a trip to grand canyon and it was because I passed a stop sign ( it is stated as unsafe operation in my ticket). Within the instructions on the ticket it says if you plead guilty and pay the fine, we may or we may not report it to the DMV. Does anyone know if this ticket is going to be counted as a point and affect my car insurance? It seems too complicated and costly to go to court in this case and I paying the fine seems the only practical way!""
Do i need insurance?
If my mom has geico insurance and im 15 and just got my permit do i need to be on her insurance. Insurance is requiered in oregon but i dont know if teens need it?
What is the cheapest car to insure for a 17 year old newly passed driver ? ?
What is the cheapest car to insure for a 17 year old newly passed driver ? ?
My 13 Year old Son got an insurance quote in the mail for my car?
How could they have gotten his name on a quote for insurance on my car? Thanks!
How much would insurance for a Subaru Impreza WRX be?
I am getting my license very soon and I plan on getting an 02 Subaru Impreza WRX for my first car. I am curious to know what will be the monthly cost of my insurance (an estimate). I will be on my parents insurance and they have Liberty Mutual. I know that the WRX has one of the highest insurance rates but I want to know if it will be doable or not. Thanks in advanced.
Why is motorcycle insurance insane for everything but cruiser types?
I called Geico and they quoted me on a bunch of motorcycles. Cruisers were the only reasonable ones, but I thought the other types (sport, standard, touring, offroad) that I got quotes on were riduculously high! I even asked about the ninja 250 and that was 4 times the amount of a 750 shadow. How is that possible?""
Exactly how much does credit score affect auto insurance rates?
Can anyone tell me roughly what percentage my rate is gouged (oops, I mean 'increased') as a result of less than perfect credit? I have Progressive insurance if that helps. Thanks!""
How much is car insurance for a 25 year old female?
How much is car insurance for a 25 year old female?
""How much extra does it cost on your car insurance to use your car in your job, such as delivery driver in UK?""
How much extra does it cost on your car insurance to use your car in your job, such as delivery driver in UK?""
Car insurance rates sports vs regular?
ok i've never owned a car before, im 19 and i've been insured on my parents 3 cars since i was 16, 1 being a 2005 mazda rx8. perfect driving record, no tickets, no fenders. they're going to buy me a car now, and i'm trying to get them to just give me the mazda because they want to sell it any way. They say the insurance rates would be too high. So they want me to get a shitty honda or something (which would be like the same price they would be selling this beautiful mazda for because it has 40k miles on it) So what would be the difference per month i would be paying in insurance if i were to take the mazda (which i guess is defined as a sports car) vs if i were to buy a shitty car that isn't a sports car""
How much would insurance for a 2008 Honda CBR 125cc?
I'm only a 16 year old, 5'3 115 pound girl... I've got my g1, my driving course and I'm more than willing to take the motorcycle course. I'm looking at buying a 2008 Honda CBR 125cc. I'm wondering ON AVERAGE what I'll be paying for insurance? Thanks in advance!""
Does getting stopped by the police affect your car insurance?
i got stopped by the police a couple days. i had my car insurance and everything. He took my license plate number. . will getting stopped affect my car insurance in any way?
""Insurance, What is Short Term insurance?""
What is a short term insurance? and if its what iam guessing it is like an insurance for a month,m can i renew it every month? I've seen this insurance company called Callingwood, and it says short term insurance which means that i pay 140 for a month worth of insurance, can i keep on renewing it every month? or is short term insurance not like?""
How much would insurance on a 1990 dodge neon ?
I think it might be my first car , && I have to pay for insurance .""
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long term disability insurance quote canada
Hey I'm looking into buying a 2010-2011 Camaro How much would insurance be for me?
I'm 21 and looking into buying a 2010-2011 Camaro I'm just trying to figure out the basics like how much would insurance cost me and how much would the monthly payments on the car run me...I'm going to make a down payment of $5000 when I go to the dealership. Any kind good advice and tips on what I should do to get my dream car is needed ..Thanx in advance everybody
What if my medical insurance has expired and i still have refills?
if i still have like 4 refills left, has my insurance paid for it before or do i have to pay for the refills now? the insurance was medicaid""
Question about different garaging address on insurance policy?
I had had my license for 6 years in October, and called my insurance company to make sure my rate would go down. While on the phone, the rep and I got to chatting and I mentioned to her that I have been staying most nights (6-7 nights per week) at a different address for over a year now, but my license and policy are still listed at my mother's address. The rep explained the garaging address can be changed without changing the billing address if the two are different. Today I received an email about being refunded the difference at the end of my policy term. I didn't realize the changes would generate such a huge difference in price (The zip code of the town I have been staying in has a low crime rate and my mother's address is in a city). I realize people change their address to commit fraud, and now seeing such a difference in rate, I want to sure there is no legal ambiguity- I want to be crystal clear on what garaging implies and what I need to be aware of. 1) Am I in a gray area...If I go home for a weekend? If I lend the car to my brother for a few days? Do I need to be at the garaged address 80% of the time? 100%? I almost want to call them and ask to change it back just so as not have to worry. 2) Also, what would generate the bigger rate difference- the garaging change or the fact that I have had my license for 6 years? (is there a way to tell? Can I request a revised policy? 3) I am planning to replace my car soon, possibly donating it by the end of the year (very old car with continuous engine problems), so I will need to cancel my policy before it is up in April. Will this complicate things further? Any advice or resources are greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance and thank you for reading!""
I have allstate full coverage insurance plan?
Would it cover the auto repair on my car? I curb checked bad and broke the plastic cover on the bottom that keeps water out and i bent something else under my car. Will this cover it,?""
Any affordable health insurance options for a 65 years old thats not eligible for Medicare?
My in laws are 65 years old and just moved to the US (legally!). Because they are not US Citizens yet, and it will take 5 to 6 years for that to happen, they do not qualify for Medicare. So my question is, is there any affordable option to get healthcare coverage for someone who is over 65 yrs old? Because my husband and I are sponsoring them if they cannot pay for a medical (or any other) bill, they will come after us and we all know how expensive cancer or even a simple surgery can be, needless to say that we are not sleeping well at night! Thanks! Sheila (your love life paramedic) www.slumberpartiesbysheila.com""
Average monthly Life Insurance Bill?
doing a project in Personal finance...could someone help me out?
Can an insurance company drop your auto insurance any time?
I have had 3 claims in 4 years. The first two claims where while living in another state. I since moved and just put in my third claim today (first claim with this company). My insurance payment really isn't all that high, about $75 monthly. The lady told me today that it would go up 10% if the cost was over $750. (it will be) She said this didn't effect my insurability or anything, but what if I had another accident in a year?? The real question is, can an insurance company drop you for any reason at any time? Some have said no, only within the first 60 days, others say yes, absolutely any time. What's the right answer?""
Looking for the best prices in auto insurance and Quick!?
I know there are some reliable auto insurance companies out there with killer rates. Anyone know something good?
Gender inequality CAR INSURANCE!! why?
Seriously why do guys have to pay more for car insurance compared to women? It is unfair. If this was the other way round, all the females will be complaining and protesting. Now obviously women expect men to bend over backwards for there so called 'rights'. Right i now most of the women who use yahoo answer come back will be 'Men cause more accidents'. Well in fact men do not proportionately cause more accidents, men have more accidents, but men drive proportionately far more than women at a given time 79% of of all cars being driven are by males, 71% of all accidents are by males. Same goes with young males (17-22), they tend to be the first to want to embrace there rights when they turn 17 to be able to drive an automobile. You could clearly use your imagination and see that the stats are true. In a traditional nuclear family who drives mostly? obviously the husband (male). How would women feel like if they lost the right to equal pay.. because of statistics that they tend to take more days off due to things like maternity leave.""
Who has competative car-home combo insurance rates in Texas?
Who has competative car-home combo insurance rates in Texas?
What is state financed insurance in Florida?
i am looking for treatment centers for my son in Florida and i am in Virginia and when i read insurance info every one of them takes state financed insurance? what is this?
What type of motorcyle is the cheapest to insure?
I heard that insurance is based on ccs and bike type....so what type of bike is the cheapest to insure
Creditable coverage for health insurance?
Heres my situation. I live in California. I get my health insurance through the company that my father works at (Im on my fathers health insurance plan). I Am turning 26 in October, so I wont have health insurance starting November 1st. I have been on my fathers health insurance plan since November 2011. I also have 2 preexisting conditions- OCD and ADHD (psychological conditions), and I have been seeing a psychiatrist and taking medications for those conditions for many years. I want to sign up for a new health insurance so I can get health insurance starting November 1st. I am thinking of getting on blue shield of California. Will I not be able to sign up for their health insurance because of my preexisting conditions? Or can I sign up for the health insurance and use creditable coverage to get my preexisting conditions covered? How does it work? What should I do right now and what should I ask the insurance companies?""
Cheapest Car Insurance for Young Drivers?
I'm 19, and I cannot continue driving with no insurance.. im going to get pulled over!... I can afford monthly insurance for about 150/mo but everyone is charing me double that.. i think i tried every company.. any suggestions?""
What is the california vehicle code for insurance?
What is the california vehicle code for insurance?
Will my insurance rates go up?
My daughter who is 16 yrs old tapped a car from behind at a stop sign. There was no damage done to either car and no injuries. The guy said he was not going to do anything about it since there was no damages. My daughter gave him her information (insurance etc). I called the guy to make sure everything was ok, he said nothing happened to his car or himself but he went ahead and opened a claim because he thought he had to do that. I know that if he decides to ask for damages the insurance will pay. My question to you is if he decides not to ask for damages, will my insurance still go up and will she get points in her driver's license. Also, I'd like to add that we live in California. I have not talked to my insurance (AAA) yet. Thank you""
Temporary Car Insurance?
I want to pick up a car, i live in manchester uk and the car i am buying is in sheffield, what do i do about insurance when driving it back.""
Best car to insure for a provisional driver?
I want to change my car, but the next car will have my son as a provisional driver. I have been driving for 20years, am female, and have not made any claims. Live in the uk. I have tried the insurance comparison sites, but you need to put a make and model in. Would like to know what others have found to be the cheapest. I would prefer an mpv, or crossover, but am open to suggestions. Many nanks""
What are the advantages/disadvantages of Life Insurance?
Just in general, what are the pro's and con's of investing in Life Insurance""
How much is your car insurance?
Not to sound stalkerish at all lol I'm just a lil confused on car insurance and want to know what about average is. So can you please put how old you are, what car you drive, and how much you pay... Thanks ALOT it means alot to me :)""
Could I swap my 50cc scooter's insurance to another bike?
Hey everyone, I was wondering if I sold or swapped my 50cc scooter and got a 50cc geared bike could I get the insurance from the scooter and put it on the new geared 50cc? If so would it affect anything? or cost me money? Would be a massive help if someone could help me out! Thank you for advance :) Information which might be helpful: I paid for 1 year in one payment (annually). I paid for the insurance last month so I still have a lot of insurance time left. Don't want to waste money!""
Motorcycle insurance depending on class of bike?
What are the types of bikes? I was told Sport Touring, Sport, Super Sport, and Cruisers? I was told insurance is cheap on Ninja 650r's, sv650's, and Ducati monsters. However it is really expensive on super sports like zx6's, cbr, r6, gsxr, and so on. If I get a older bike like 2002 or older zx6/cbr/r6/gsxr will the insurance be as expensive as a 2010 sx6/cbr/r6/gsxr? Or will it be around the cost of a 650r/sv650 etc...thanks.""
Does anyone know of affordable medical insurance for unemployed individuals in NY state?
Does anyone know of affordable medical insurance for unemployed individuals in NY state?
What will my insurance cost for the new house?
Hi there, Lets say i would like to invest a house in a new subdivision cost $300 000. Located outskirt of Birmingham, AL. The Subdivision/community even built an Elementary School in the community. The community is divided from house prices ranging $150 000 to $500 000. When completed, the community will have 3,000 homes in a variety of distinctive neighborhoods within 5 to 10 years or more from now. How much will the insurance cost? Don't need a specific answer but just an idea how much it would cost average for the insurance etc etc I'm pretty sure certain factors changes each individual owner and the property area but from the basic description of the area, how much do you think? Of course i can always ask the insurer the question but i would like to know the homes owners in the house. Thanks for your input""
Car insurance prices?
Approximatley how much is car insurance on a small engine car (1.1) for a 26year old female I know it will depend on area and no claims and named drivers, mileage etc, but just looking for a rough figure as I haven't got a clue""
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long term disability insurance quote canada
How do health insurance deductibles work?
I'm looking at individual health insurance plans. All of them say they have a deductable of $500 - $5000. I'm reading the plan overview and it's explaining what the plan covers. It says prescriptions are covered after deductible, office visits are covered after deductible, and so on. Does this mean if a plan has a $5000 deductible that the health insurance company will not cover anything until after I've paid $5000 out of pocket on healthcare? Does that mean that if I had to go to the emergency room i'd have to pay for it myself until I've paid up to $5000? I'm really confused. I want to get temporary health coverage, but I don't see what the point is if I'm going to have to pay out of pocket anyways. Does anyone know how this deductible stuff works? I'd appreciate the help. Thanks""
""Looking for a cheap new car (2010-2013) with good fuel economy yet sporty and cheap to insure, any ideas?""
I'm a 19 year old male so insurance pretty much sucks. I'm looking for either a new or used car that is cheap both to buy and insure, but is also sporty and fun to drive, and good on gas. Anybody have any ideas?""
Which US states make health insurance obligatory?
Which states make it's citizens take out private health insurance?
""Where can I find affordable health insurance in the Neosho, MO. area?""
Where can I find affordable health insurance in the Neosho, MO. area?""
If i dont have car insurance can i still drive?
my name is not on the car insurance for my dads car, and he said i cant drive because my name is not on the insurance.""
Why do insurance companies hate performance/modified cars?
It seems like the ideal insurance company wants you to drive a safe and slow bumper car and have absolutely no fun driving to and from wherever you are going. They assume that any sports car or car with performance enhancements means you will crash. It means you are a reckless driver and no good to the general public. It means you will blatantly violate the rules of the road and have no remorse for doing it. All of that is a load of crap... Most of the major car companies don't even offer, when getting a free quote, to see Ferrari's or Lamborghinis prices, they just won't insure them! Your expected to report any and all modifications to the company so they can jack up the premium. So why do they hate those types of cars so much?""
Car insurance for under 3k?
Hi, im 18 and im trying to find car insurance for under 3k and pay it off monthly. Im getting quotes like 5-6 grand, the comparison sites are a load of rubbish as their saying way ...show more""
Car insurance please ?
Ok I'm 18 & I am gonna buy a car and I never owned one or anything and I'm interested how much does car insurance cost I or what kind of car insurance I should get I never had anyone helping me out with stuff like this so if you can help me thanks
What do police do if you are stopped for no mot or tax but have insurance?
Iv found some info out about someonejust was wondering what would happen??
Car insurance help????????
i have a cousin who is 16 n has a license, i am going on a trip for couple of months, i am wondering if he could drive my car legally if it is insured under my name. just becuz is costs him like 200 bucks for month to have insurance. Is it the car or the driver who needs to have a insurance or does it differ by state, and my cousin lives in kentucky""
What is the best car insurance company for 1st time drivers UK?
Hi, I am 24 and I have had my lisence for about 6 months now! Insurance is soooooo high for this age range and not having much previos experience. What insureers would you suggest to first time drivers? Thanks""
Renewing car insurance after non-fault claim?
I am due to renew my car insurance and am looking for new quotes. In February I got hit by another driver. It went through the insurance and (after a while) she was found to be liable for the incident and all my and my insurers costs were recouparated from her insurance. When I'm looking at quotes it asks me for incidents in last 3/5 years. I assume need to declare this, despite it not being my fault, as it went through the insurance. But it asks for the total cost of the claim but won't except 0. How do I fill this section in correctly. It's driving me bonkers!!!!""
Where do I get low rate insurance in Toronto?
I am 56 and clean driver. My daughter is 25 and new driver.Which company can give me a better low rate insurance in Toronto?
Is there a State Farm insurance branch in Texas?
Is there a State Farm insurance branch in Texas?
Parents wont let me drive because im not on car insurance?!?
'm 17 now, and I'm planning on getting my license sometime this month. I was really planning on driving to school everyday after I recieved my license. But my parents flat out said NO, because I'm not covered by insurance. They say its way too expensive, and that I'm going off to college anyway next year (i dont plan on driving while im there). I'm really sick of taking the school bus! I just wanna drive to school. but insurance for teens is mad expensive. are there ways to lower the cost? and about average, how much is it anyway? i get good grades. all A's and very rarely B's. and i've taken drivers ed before too. anything else that would help? just any tips on how i can convince my parents to get my car insurance??!""
What is the best medical insurance to get that is affordable?
What is the best medical insurance to get that is affordable?
Does insuring a family member/friend on your car make insurance cheaper?
Does insuring a family member/friend on your car make insurance cheaper?
Can anyone give me a rough estimate on car insurance?
Im a male driver under 20. I have had one crash before (in my mums car) and no other troubles. Im planning on buying a 2001 Hyundai for 6,000. Its a pretty standard car, that is pretty tidy. What sort of insurance am i looking at per month for this car?""
Can you be fined for owning an uninsured car? (California)?
Even if the car is not driven? And if it is registered?
""Where can I find good, inexpensive Life Insurance?""
Where can I find good, inexpensive Life Insurance?""
What is the cheapest car insurance you can think of?
I make $900 - $1000 a month & Im moving out in a week. my rent is $300 & Im going to have to get new car insurance next month. I got quotes from thegeneral.com & esurance.com. The general was 119.00 a month & esurance was 204.00 do you know anything cheaper? I have an 08 honda accord coup. please help if you can!
Motorcycle insurance in Cleveland Ohio?
Im currently living in California, and i own a small 599cc Street bike. I am curious as to how much insurance would be in Ohio. I am looking to go to either cleveland state or Ohio State. I am just looking for a ball park figure, i have a flawless record and i have had a bike for just over 6 months now""
""Arizona requires proof of auto insurance if you're stopped, why is that different than proof of citizenship?""
Arizona requires proof of auto insurance if you're stopped, why is that different than proof of citizenship?""
""If I had my DUI expunged, will it still affect my insurance rates in California?""
In the spring of 2009 I was convicted of a DUI. I plead guilty, served my time and I was able to get it expunged through the court system. So now if you look at my record on the superior court website it shows dismissed rather than guilty. I was wondering if my actual DMV driving record still shows it as a guilty plea and my insurance rates will remain high?""
What would be the average cost on home insurance?
just an estimate, i have no clue is it 30$ a month, 100, 200, 300, 500?""
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long term disability insurance quote canada
What kind of insurance can I get on just personal property?
My mom owns an old mobile home that she can't get insured. We are wanting her to get insurance on her personal possessions though just in case but I can't find an insurance policy for her. We live in Oklahoma. I know she can't get a renters policy because she owns the home. Any suggestions are appreciated.
CA DUI expungement affect insurance rates?
I received a DUI back in July of 2001, and it has been affecting my insurance rate ever since. Under the new DUI laws the DUI I received (a misdemeanor) will be on my record until 2011. I qualify for expungement of this record. My question is if I do expunge my DUI will my auto insurance company be able to see my dmv record and will my insurance company be allowed to charge me the same rate?""
How much is insurance for a mazda rx8 if....?
my dad is going to buy me a used 2005 mazda rx8 for my 16th birthday, since i'm going to be a new driver and it's considered a sports car, is the insurance going to be super expensive?""
Health Insurance Premiums?
Does any single person pay their own health insurance premiums - what company and how much do you pay ? Does it include doctor visits and hospital stay ?
Liability insurance on a leased car?
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dive-into-marketing · 6 years
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Good Reminders Pretty good book. Yes, as some other reviewers have said, much of this is pretty obvious information, but....it's the obvious that eludes us so much of the time. I subscribe Sarah Petty's Joy of Marketing list, and this book brings it all together. All in all, some stuff you should know, some stuff you probably don't know, but definitely worth the kindle price ! Go to Amazon
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brentrogers · 4 years
Podcast: Setting Boundaries With Your Family
Do you have difficult — or even toxic — family members? How does one go about setting boundaries with them? And is it OK to cut them off? In today’s Not Crazy podcast, Jackie and Gabe tackle these tough questions with Sonya Mastick, a mental health advocate and fellow podcaster of a show called “What Won’t She Say?” Sonya shares her personal story of how she handled her toxic mom and demonstrates how it’s OK, and sometimes even necessary, to set strong boundaries with family members who hurt you. It’s also OK if those boundaries shift and evolve with time.
Tune in for an honest discussion about protecting your mental health from harmful family members.
(Transcript Available Below)
About The Not Crazy Podcast Hosts
Gabe Howard is an award-winning writer and speaker who lives with bipolar disorder. He is the author of the popular book, Mental Illness is an Asshole and other Observations, available from Amazon; signed copies are also available directly from Gabe Howard. To learn more, please visit his website, gabehoward.com.
        Jackie Zimmerman has been in the patient advocacy game for over a decade and has established herself as an authority on chronic illness, patient-centric healthcare, and patient community building. She lives with multiple sclerosis, ulcerative colitis, and depression.
You can find her online at JackieZimmerman.co, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
    Computer Generated Transcript for “Sonya Mastick- Boundaries” Episode
Editor’s Note: Please be mindful that this transcript has been computer generated and therefore may contain inaccuracies and grammar errors. Thank you.
Announcer: You’re listening to Not Crazy, a Psych Central podcast. And here are your hosts, Jackie Zimmerman and Gabe Howard.
Gabe: Hello, everyone, and welcome to this week’s episode of the Not Crazy Podcast. As always. I am here with my co-host, Jackie.
Jackie: And you know my co-host, Gabe.
Gabe: And we also brought along a guest.
Jackie: We are here with my friend Sonya Mastick, who is amazing for a lot of reasons, one of which she is a podcaster herself. Her podcast is called What Won’t She Say? She runs her own business called Rise Above the Din, where she’s a social media expert. She writes for The Mighty. But the best reason, and the reason why she’s here today, is because she’s a mental health advocate. Sonya?
Sonya: Hello.
Gabe: Welcome to the show.
Sonya: Thank you.
Gabe: You are you are very, very welcome. The reason we wanted to have you here today is because our listeners often talk about they talk about cutting off their families. Then that’s the way they talk about it. Just like I want my mom and dad to go away. I want my brother and sister to go away. I just I need to get as far away from my family as possible. This is what we’re hearing from our listener base. But one that’s not so easy.
Sonya: Oh yeah.
Gabe: I mean, right? Just telling the people who raised you, who grew up with you, who you’ve probably known your entire life by, I never want to see you again. It’s difficult. But as Jackie talks about a lot, setting boundaries is extraordinarily important. And you, Sonya, you set some masterful boundaries with your parents.
Sonya: Mm-hmm.
Gabe: Now, I don’t want to put words in your mouth, but you describe your parents as toxic. You’ve cut them off, but not completely.
Sonya: Yeah.
Gabe: Can you talk about that for a moment?
Sonya: I will. I would like to backtrack and add a little bit to what you said, that not only is it hard for people who are contemplating doing this, to do that for like the paternal maternal reasons and you raise me. But, everyone listening, I feel you with the pressure of societal because people will whip out anything. The Bible, it says in the Bible, honor thy mother and father.
Gabe: It does, it’s right there.
Sonya: They’re all. No, they won’t tell you anything. Any of the context around that. God forbid. But they also will. It’s just all the societal guilt that people that are in codependent and or toxic family dynamics seem to be OK to perpetuate that. I get that. I don’t judge that. It’s very comfortable. It’s what you know, it’s hard to sort of un-write that coding in your brain that you get from an early age. So I understand that. But everything, every Hallmark movie, every everything conspires against you to do what you need to do for boundaries. It’s exhausting.
Gabe: I think the people who are saying that are well-meaning and I don’t think they’re coming to you and saying, hey, we want you to connect with your family even though it’s going to hurt you. They don’t realize it’s going to hurt you because they’re comparing their families and they’re thinking, oh, you know, just they have a political difference or they don’t like your hair color or your job or where you live or your choice of mate. But this is deeper. When we talk about toxic families, we don’t mean a disagreement about a movie or politics or even lifestyle choices. We’re talking like literal toxicity. For example, what made you put a big wall between you and your parents?
Sonya: Well, this is the point where this this can be very triggering for some people. It is triggering in a sexual nature. So just a heads up if this is a problem for you. But. 
Gabe: Thank you.
Jackie: Thank you.
Sonya: There was sexual abuse in my family and alcoholism is really long lineage of really well-intended but super messed up people. And they’re not. Not only are they all not awful people, I don’t think any of them are awful people. I don’t. This is the thing that buys a lot of compassion for me and empathy. Is that I don’t think anybody was five and was on their big wheel and said, I’m going to grow up and be awful to people. I’m gonna be damaging, maybe hurtful. But it’s all like a lot of codependency. It’s all really toxic and everybody seems to be OK with it. Everybody seems to not want to go any further in their lives and examine things. And when I when I first decided to go and get therapy, they were like, you’re not crazy. I was berated. I was belittled. You know, maybe you are crazy. You’re the only one in this family that is crazy. I’m like, possibly, but we’re gonna find out, you know.
Jackie: Is the attitude towards, I guess, not repeating behaviors or sort of bettering or getting out of the cycle similar to that, where it’s like, well, I was spanked when I was a kid and I turned out okay. 
Sonya: Yeah.
Jackie: Is it similar, but like much bigger topics.
Sonya: I think for my case there was so much damage that they couldn’t even get out of the headspace to even have that argument. It’s just like this constant survival mode of trauma. It’s just constantly living your life through trauma. And it took me getting older. I was a musician. And once I started traveling and seeing other people experiencing other things, other people, you start realizing like this isn’t normal. What’s going on here? Even if you take out all of the, like, overt neglect and abuse, just the way that the family functions as a dynamic. It was just like crazy. Simple things that to everyone else. Like, well, this is just what families just eat at tables, not mine, you know. So it’s just really interesting. So it really took getting out into the world and it took like 20 years of my life to sort of undo, like realizing like they’re coming from trauma.
Gabe: One of the things that I noticed that you’re doing is you’re kind of giving your family cover. You know, we started this with your family is toxic. And you cut them off. And people don’t understand that you needed to get as far away. And then even in telling your story, you’re like, well, they didn’t mean to. Nobody starts off at five years old and wants to be bad. You describe, you know, codependency, trauma, sexual abuse in school. But it was accidental.
Sonya: No, no, no, no.
Gabe: So it’s also ongoing.
Sonya: Yeah.
Gabe: That’s kind of my question there to clarify those things. I was I started to hear your story. I’m like, oh, this is messed up. And then you were like, but I love them.
Sonya: No, no, no, I don’t. Actually, that’s not. Yeah, yeah. I mean, I’m glad. I’m glad you called me on that. Yeah. No, I don’t want anyone to misread that because the point I’m getting to with that is that I can still see them as fractured, damaged human beings that do this. I don’t want anything to do with it. And so for myself, I have to maintain some compassion for who they are as humans, or I’ll be angry and hard. I’ll be ferocious and bitter. And I was for a period in my life, just I hated everybody and myself. And so, yeah, I don’t ever want people to confuse my compassion for excuse. I have to have that part of me that keeps me soft and open and willing to give to people. And willing to love people, willing to make new friendships and things. It damages all of that. But, you know, I realize like when the point came when I really needed to do the cut off and you get to a really distinct crossroads. And for me, and I think for a lot of people, is when you get healthy, when you finally invested so much time into yourself with professionals or whatever it is that you need to get to that spot. I realized, OK, well, I’m allowed to have boundaries. So these are my boundaries. And once I established those boundaries and they were completely ignored, I mean, not even like, there was no way we’re gonna pretend to even. There was nothing of that. I was just like, OK.
Gabe: Well, when you say your boundaries were ignored, it was your family pushing through.
Sonya: OK.
Jackie: People hate boundaries. Yeah. You put them up and they’re like. I don’t think so. I don’t like this. And I find for me when I put them up, it comes back at me as anger and frustration. At no point is it like I see you doing this. This hurts me. But go ahead. It’s like you’re terrible. Why are you doing this to me?
Sonya: Yeah, I remember just recently that sort of the last hurrah was telling a family member my story, my version of what happened and saying like, you know, my boundary is this, this and this. And immediately, days later, violate that boundary. And then when I said, what the hell? You know, you violated the boundary. They were like, oh, you just hold a grudge. That’s my favorite thing about boundaries. You just hold a grudge. 
Gabe: Yeah, forgive and forget. The boundary is always based very much on fact. I think like I don’t like it when you talk to me this way or don’t call me after 9:00 p.m. could be a boundary because I go to bed early. Right. That it’s very much based in fact. But the pushback against it is sort of nebulous. You hold a grudge. Why are you bringing this up again? And the one that I hear a lot is you need to forgive and forget. I like what you said about forgiving. You’re like I have forgiven you. But forgetting just allows it to happen again. So it’s almost like they’re setting you up. Forgive and forget. And then as soon as you forget it, they have another entry way back into abuse you. Is that how you feel about it? Would it be better to forgive and never forget? I think that people just have a hard time with that. Hard. No. Fuck you. No. We’re done. Because there’s there’s just so much pressure to tear that down from other family members, from other friends, from helpful people. How do you stand up to that?
Sonya: Well, the first thing I feel for boundaries, the way you described it is great. And then the other caveat to that is I think that people say when you call them boundaries is they’re saying, don’t call me on my bullshit. Like they don’t want to be called on their bullshit. They don’t want to have to look inward and see where they’re culprits, where they’re actually accountable. And I got to tell you, like going through my life, being as damaged as I was, I did some really messed up shit to people. And I had to be accountable for that. I had to go back and ask for forgiveness. And I did. Because when you when you know better, you do better. And so I just think that most of the push back of boundaries is that. And then just the codependency of this is the way it’s always been. And as Jackie said, I got spanked as a kid. I’m just fine. Like, no you’re not. People have told me that are just not well.
Jackie: Most people who say X happened when I was a kid and I turned out OK, are not OK.
Gabe: Yeah.
Sonya: Yeah.
Jackie: None of them are OK. I wanted to touch a little bit on we talked a little bit about society and how you’re supposed to love your parents and you’re supposed to keep them around. And even this concept of, well, they’re the only parents you’re going to have. Or, you know, that’s the only mom you should really. What used to really get to me was on various holidays where it would be like call your mother memes.
Sonya: Oh, yeah.
Jackie: Things like that. Where, for the people who don’t have good relationships with their parents, it’s like a smack in the face. If you’re just like a shitty kid who doesn’t call home, you call your mom, right? But if you have like a toxic relationship, the pressure to fix that and the pressure to fix it is on you, the kid.
Sonya: Right.
Jackie: You should make it better. You should reach out to your parent. That’s something I’ve struggled with. I have a somewhat tumultuous relationship with my mom. It’s significantly improving. But there were a couple of years in there where I would see that stuff. And I wanted to I wanted to comment on it and be like, you know, my relationship with my mom. Right. How dare you just assume we’re all bad people who don’t call home or something like that? But it’s what you don’t know. If you grew up in a family where you eat dinner every night together and you can’t fathom the person who gave you life being a dick to you.
Sonya: Yeah.
Jackie: It’s really hard to think about not wanting to talk to them, actively avoiding speaking to them, seeing them ever again.
Sonya: Yeah.
Gabe: That it’s establishing where you are on that spectrum. Right. If the reason that you and your family are strange is because you’ve gotten an argument over who won the Super Bowl in 2012, fucking call your mom. What the hell is wrong with both of you? You let a football game get in between you and your family. Or let’s raise the stakes. If the reason that you’re not talking to your family is over, who won a political race? Come on, man. Don’t. Don’t let politics cost you your family. Can’t you agree not to talk about that and find the things that you have in common, but to get back to you, these are serious things that started in your childhood, went through your formative years. Your early adulthood. I’m not trying to call you out or call you old or anything. You’re a middle aged woman. You’ve had a long time to observe what happened to you when you were younger. What happened to you when you were in your twenties and where you are now and you hard stopped it. So you’ve set up this huge wall where you have cut off all the toxicity, but you’re literally caring for them now that they’re elderly and they’re in a nursing home. Right?
Sonya: Yeah, my mother suffers from schizophrenia, so that’s a reason diagnosis. I think it’s probably one she’s had her whole life, but was undiagnosed. So she self-medicated prescription drugs, alcohol, and that actually really, really destroys your brain and your brain chemistry. And so when people become of a certain age, it’s a chicken and the egg. They can’t tell whether the schizophrenia or the dementia or the chemically induced dementia started first. And so I didn’t talk to her for years. And then once it became apparent that she actually was. I mean, obviously, she’s mentally ill, but that she had some sort of diagnosis or some sort of way to kind of get a handle on it. And she was starting to do more reckless things where she was getting into car accidents and she drove out into a cornfield and just stayed there for days, could see houses, but she’s just not mentally capable. And in that moment she was in a in a like a spiral of mania that she just she felt like people were chasing her. And so I felt like the only way I could go forward is I had to help in some way because of the human being. And I have one sibling. And we sort of struck this agreement where he would be the guardian. He would deal with seeing her and I would just deal with her money. I would make sure that she had care for as long as possible. So she’s in a facility where they, it’s assisted living basically. So they nurses come and give her meds and things like that. But she can kind of freely roam about there. And so that was sort of where I became involved. And it took me like, you know, a good six months to really go, yeah, I can I think I can do this. But it’s a precarious balancing act for sure.
Gabe: When you say deal with her money, you mean like there’s all this paperwork that comes with being older, right. So it’s like, oh, you’re older and you need to live in a nursing home? You also need to fill these forms out in triplicate. So it’s interesting because you are helping your mother, but is she aware that you’re helping?
Sonya: Yeah.
Jackie: Because it doesn’t sound like you see her?
Sonya: I don’t. I never speak to her or see her.
Gabe: Gotcha.
Sonya: So that’s the arrangement.
Gabe: But that’s a boundary, right? And you didn’t abandon your mother completely, which I think many listeners like. Oh, my God, that’s so that’s so beautiful. But you never see her and some listeners like, oh, well, no.
Jackie: See what I took away from that, though, which you said pretty clearly was one thing. I’m not a monster. Right? She’s a human being. And I think that’s where one boundaries, important, good, strong boundaries come into place. But I think that’s where a lot of people get really manipulated in these situations, is a lot of the people on the receiving end of abuse or bad relationships or whatever it is, feel like I’m not a bad person. So when you’re in a bad situation, I’m going to help you. Which almost enables the shitty thing. It’s like being around an addict, right? But you can set a boundary still, right? You know, you set a very clear boundary that satisfied in your contribution. It makes you feel safe. It makes you feel like I don’t have to do anything I don’t want to do. But you also don’t have this weight, well, I just said, what the fuck ever. And walked away from my mom.
Sonya: Yeah. Yeah. I’m not saying that this is the right move. Everyone has to make their own decision. And even my therapist was like, I don’t know about this. But I have a very basic principle at. I do what I need to sleep at night.
Gabe: Well, let’s talk about that for a moment. It seems to me, Jackie, like you’re saying, how do you avoid getting sucked back in?
Jackie: Yes.
Gabe: How is it like I cut you off because you’re toxic so that I understand. I’m never, ever going to see Jackie again. She’s toxic. But now Jackie is kind of like in pain. She’s hurting. So I’m not a bad person. So I’m gonna help her like 5 percent. All right. That’s fair. I’m going to help her 5 percent. But you know, Jackie, she’s smart. She figures out that 5 percent. She figures out how to turn it into ten to twenty five to fifty. And now we’re codependent. Now we’re living in a basement where we’re podcasting. I don’t even know what happened to the analogy there, Jackie. But sincerely, you know, it’s that give an inch take a mile mentality. 
Sonya: Oh, and she does it.
Gabe: How are you standing up? How do you. Because it sounds like this is working. How do you not get sucked back in?
Sonya: Well, I immediately bought a program that blocks phone calls and so she can’t call me. And she did try to go through other means of like borrowing phones and things like that. But she only has so much access where she’s at and she’s equally delightful to everyone else. So it isn’t like she has a lot of people coming around to visit. That was tongue in cheek, by the way.
Gabe: Yeah, I was going to say, she’s nice to other people?
Sonya: No, yeah, that is tongue in cheek. So that was one thing, which is there’s going to be nothing like that. There’ll be no conversations. I literally will manage your finances. And it’s through the court system. It’s all we have to account for every dollar that goes in and out. And as you would imagine, somebody dealing with such a difficult mental diagnosis that her finances were a mess.
Gabe: Yeah.
Sonya: You know, it was just it was just absolutely insane. So but that is how I maintain my boundary. And it was like a 4-month conversation with my therapist. Like, is it something you can do? Because I was very careful to wade into the water than I did for years, just have nothing to do with her. And she was in the last bit of the time that we didn’t speak being institutionalized on occasion. And I didn’t have anything to do. I didn’t talk to her, I didn’t talk to her, I didn’t pick her up. I didn’t deal with it. And I had to get to a point where I was healthy enough that I could go. All right. This is the boundary. Is there a way to do this where I can maintain my boundaries and my standards in this? And I finally got to a yeah, there is. 
Jackie:  We’ll be right back after these messages.
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Sonya: I’m podcaster Sonya Mastick and we’re back talking about setting boundaries.
Jackie: The key point in talking about how to not get taken advantage of again is being sure that you have done some healing before working on setting boundaries because it’s much easier when you’re not through your healing process to pull them in and go back to what’s normal and to do what makes you feel good in the moment. But if you’ve done the healing, it’s much easier to say like I need this to preserve me. Unfortunately, that doesn’t always work for you, but this is what I’m willing to do, you know?
Sonya: Yeah. It’s a process. You have to be sure you’re as ready as you can be, and you can never really know if you’re ready. Honestly.
Gabe: We never know what we’re gonna do in a situation. Let’s be honest. I would venture to guess, to be fair, if I would have asked you five years ago when you were hardcore in the I’ve come and bomb off, do you think you’ll ever help your mom? You’re like, fuck, no, she’s done. Yeah, she’s making the middle finger sign.
Sonya: Yeah. Yeah.
Gabe: Yet here we are. So I do think it’s important for our audience to understand that, you know, things have to be flexible. Don’t beat yourself up because your opinion has shifted or because you’re in a different place. A lot of times we talk about. It’s hard to cut our families off. You need to do it because they’re wrecking your life. But I’m kind of calling you all for being a little disingenuous because you’re like, hey, I had to cut my mom off because she was wrecking my life. But I still want her back in a little bit, but I’ve changed my boundaries. So in your words, kind of just addressing that, because this is a hard thing that comes up for people.
Sonya: Yeah. Yeah, I don’t think that it felt that it violated my boundaries, that I let her back in, because if I did, I wouldn’t, I would have just kept it moving. But it’s very individualized and it is organic as life is. Relationships are, your wellness is, it’s always a moving target. And I think in most cases, if there is a way that I could help somewhat without being involved with the person, I may. So, yeah, I mean, I definitely think there was more inclination to do it because it was my mother. It was a parent. I think that’s actually pretty fair.
Jackie: I’d like to circle back to Gabe saying it was a little disingenuous to allow your mother back in. And I just want to say, like, fuck off, Gabe. It’s not disingenuous because one of the things I talk about in therapy all the time is that boundaries and decisions and relationships can evolve and change. And it’s something I’ve worked on a lot with my mom where there was a time sorry, mom, if you are listening, but there was a time that I really thought about like maybe I should cut off my relationship with my mom. It was bad. It felt bad. And it felt like an all or nothing decision. And my therapist was constantly like, it doesn’t have to stay this way. Maybe you do it this way and it changes. And it still felt like the weight of the world. Like if I cut her off, I’m never going to talk to her ever again in my life. And that’s not true. Like I said, our relationship is significantly improved. I feel good about it. I like talking to her. I like want to spend time with her. And if you’d asked me that three years ago, I would’ve said there’s no fucking way. Absolutely not. And so I don’t think it’s disingenuous at all. I think that it’s a sign of growth. A sign of healing. A sign of empathy. And also like confidence in yourself and where you are to be able to shift that boundary and still feel like I’m where I’m at and I’m getting what I need out of this arrangement.
Gabe: I bring this up because I think there’s a lot of people that have grown, but they remember their angry 20s or their angry 30s or many of us, itt seems, that when we set the boundary, we set the boundary like the nuclear option.
Sonya: Yeah.
Gabe: You know what we’re screaming. I’m never talking to you. I’ve deleted you for my fault. We tell everybody in the family that we hate that person. Social media now is huge. We’re just like posting memes about how much we hate people. And there’s just been this big public blowup that made the hard stop. And then three years later, five years later, 10 years later, we don’t feel that anymore. But we reflect back on that, too. Yeah, I said never again. So there’s like some embarrassment maybe. You know, I did not publicly cut anybody off and I’ve cut people off and I’ve let pretty much every single one of them back in. I can’t think of a single person that I have ever cut off that hasn’t found their way back. My situations are different. You know, once I got treated for bipolar disorder, all of the sudden I was like, you, half of this is my fault. And I learned a lot of that through therapy to Jackie’s point. I know we can’t speak for our listeners, but I guess I just wanted to bring that up because I think there might be people listening who are like, oh, I cut my mom off 10 years ago. I do kind of want to talk to her like Jackie did, or I do kind of want to do something to her. But I don’t want to be a liar. I don’t want to be a hypocrite. And that’s kind of what I wanted to talk about. Right. It’s not hypocritical to understand that who you are 10 years later is not who you were 10 years ago.
Sonya: Not to mention you’re leaving out the factor of the other person. People can change. People grow. People get healthy. So that’s the thing is my case, if there would’ve been any ownership and accountability and some sort of like yeah, we need to fix this and everything. I would have been on board for that. I don’t know if it would have worked. I don’t know if it would have turned out but I know people that have cut people off and then like you, Gabe, they were treated or they came to an understanding of they’re just being kind of a shitty person and going to be better people. And then people see that change like that’s all I wanted.
Gabe: My apology tour was legendary because I cut so many people off because, well, frankly, they were as much as I hate to, I was the toxic person. I mean, like hands down. I was the toxic person. They were setting boundaries against me. It turns out that people don’t want to be friends with, you know, untreated bipolars. And we had we.
Sonya: Odd.
Gabe: Yeah, I know. We miss a lot of things. And when they saw me doing better, they came back. So I’m glad that they did. But now on the other side, it’s just one of the things that makes boundaries so tough, because I think we all think about boundaries as an absolute. And to Jackie’s point, there are just absolutely. Today. They can shift.
Jackie: It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. And if it is all or nothing, it can change to some things. It can change to some times, like your boundary can move. And that to me was when it was a very reassuring moment in me. Everything is awful. I can’t do this anymore. Moment where you’re like, this is it. I’m never going to talk to this person. Everything is terrible, but maybe not always. Just right now. Like, I need this right now for me to be like recycling back. You have to be healthy enough to set the boundary, to keep the boundary. And for me, I had to be healthy enough to get with the boundary. The boundary helped me get healthy. And so once I got healthy, I could think about shifting it or moving it or taking it down or making it smaller or adjusting it.
Sonya: The problem with the boundary too being all or nothing, and this is what makes it so difficult for us is if you think about the culture in the United States specifically, it is always all or none. I’m going to go and lose 80 pounds or I’m a piece of shit. Like it’s all this like shame and this thing. And then it’s just fascinating to me that we also because of this, we cannot stand contradictions. So hear me out. We cannot stand a liberal that likes guns because we’re packaged, commercialized, sold to here. And so we’re sold lifestyles, we’re sold at this complete packages of what corporate America wants us to be. So it’s hard for us to ever be a real human being where you sometimes just flat out contradict yourself and you have this organic nature of learning and you end, people roll on you and suddenly you’re like, I hate punk rock, it’s stupid. It’s the lowest form of music. And then you meet somebody that plays really good punk rock for you. You’re like, it’s all right, you know? 
Jackie: Like you can’t admit that. You’re like, yeah, actually really good.
Sonya: Like, I never, ever say because I said on social media that I don’t like punk rock once. I can never go back and be like the Ramones are cool, you know?
Jackie: To that point, OK, I was I am never getting married. Never people who knew me. I’m never getting married for I mean.
Sonya: Same. 
Jackie: The last. 10 years, if you’ve met me, you know that I said 100 percent against it. I will never own a cat. I hate cats. Woof, cats. I now own two cats. 
Gabe: It’s meow.
Jackie: I’m also the proud owner of a husband as well. Playing absolutes are just the worst way to view your life and to your point. I did talk about this very publicly. I was like, yeah, no, I’m never doing that. And so when I said we were getting married, I got a lot of Oh, I thought you were never getting married. And there was a certain period of that where I had to just like deal with it because people were, it was fun and joking, but it still was like they were throwing it in my face that you said this and now you’re changing your mind. Isn’t that ridiculous? You can’t do that. I can only imagine what that feels like when it’s something not as fun and, you know, perceived as joyous as a marriage.
Sonya: You can’t do that. I love that.
Gabe: Hey, all I know is that Jackie said she was never gonna have cats and now she has two cats. And Jackie said she was never gonna have a husband and she has a husband. And right now she is screaming at everybody that will listen that she will never have children. Jackie, baby watch 2020.
Jackie: Hard pass, hard pass.
Gabe: Sonya, thank you so much for being on the show. We really, really appreciate it. I know that we can find the What Won’t She Say Podcast probably on every available podcast or player.
Sonya: Correct.
Gabe: Check it out. Sonya is awesome. What’s your Web site? Where can our listeners find you?
Sonya: That’s really it. I’m on every social media. WhatWontSheSay.com, and if you’re interested in the business, RiseAboveTheDin.com.
Jackie: Can I search your name on The Mighty?
Sonya: Yeah. Yep.
Gabe: Yeah. Check it out. Check it out. Thank you again, Sonya. Jackie, as always. Thank you for being here.
Jackie: It’s been lovely.
Gabe: I love how I always thank you for being here, even though it’s your show. Like, just.
Sonya: Gabe, thank you for being here, buddy.
Gabe: Thank you. It’s mine.
Sonya: Thank you.
Gabe: It’s my show.
Jackie: It’s our show.
Gabe: It’s my show.
Jackie: We share.
Gabe: We do?
Sonya: Sorry, Lisa.
Gabe: Listen up, everybody. If you love this show, wherever you found it, please subscribe, rank and review. Share us on social media. And when you share us, use your words. Tell people why you like us. Remember, Not Crazy travels well. If you’re having an event that you don’t want to be boring, hire Gabe and Jackie to do a taping of the Not Crazy Podcast live. You’ll get to see us. Jackie really does have blue hair. And remember after the credits, are all of our outtakes and listen, we suck at this. So there’s a lot. We’ll see everybody next week.
Jackie: Thanks for listening.
Announcer: You’ve been listening to Not Crazy from Psych Central. For free mental health resources and online support groups, visit PsychCentral.com. Not Crazy’s official website is PsychCentral.com/NotCrazy. To work with Gabe, go to gabehoward.com. To work with Jackie, go to JackieZimmerman.co. Not Crazy travels well. Have Gabe and Jackie record an episode live at your next event. E-mail [email protected] for details. 
  Podcast: Setting Boundaries With Your Family syndicated from
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