#procure public
procurepublic · 6 months
Navigating Success: Understanding the Significance of Public Sector Frameworks
In the complex landscape of public sector operations, the implementation of robust frameworks becomes paramount. Public sector frameworks serve as essential blueprints, guiding organizations through challenges and opportunities. In this blog post, we exploring their role in fostering efficiency, transparency, and overall success.
Understanding Public Sector Frameworks
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Definition and Purpose:
Public frameworks are structured methodologies designed to enhance the efficiency, transparency, and accountability of government and public sector organizations. They provide a systematic approach to governance, helping navigate the intricacies of public administration.
Enhancing Efficiency:
Frameworks streamline processes, reducing bureaucratic hurdles and optimizing resource allocation. By defining roles, responsibilities, and workflows, they promote a more efficient and responsive public sector.
Types of Public Sector Frameworks
Governance Frameworks:
These frameworks focus on establishing effective governance structures. They define decision-making processes, accountability mechanisms, and the distribution of responsibilities within public organizations.
Financial Management Frameworks:
Ensuring fiscal responsibility is a priority in the public sector. Financial management frameworks provide guidelines for budgeting, expenditure tracking, and financial reporting, fostering transparency and accountability.
Significance in Modern Governance
Adaptability to Change:
Public sector frameworks are designed to be adaptable to changing circumstances. Whether addressing technological advancements or responding to societal shifts, these frameworks provide a foundation for continuous improvement.
Transparency and Accountability:
Transparent governance is crucial for building trust. Frameworks establish protocols for reporting, monitoring, and evaluation, ensuring that public sector entities remain accountable to the citizens they serve.
Challenges and Opportunities
Challenges in Implementation:
While frameworks offer numerous benefits, their successful implementation often faces challenges such as resistance to change, resource constraints, and the need for extensive training.
Opportunities for Innovation:
Embracing public sector frameworks opens doors for innovation. Organizations can leverage technology, data analytics, and collaborative approaches to enhance service delivery and citizen engagement.
Case Studies: Successful Implementation Stories
Best Practices from Around the Globe:
Highlighting successful case studies from different countries demonstrates how well-implemented public frameworks contribute to efficient governance, improved service delivery, and positive socio-economic impacts.
In conclusion, public sector frameworks play a pivotal role in shaping the success of governmental and public sector organizations. By fostering efficiency, transparency, and adaptability, these frameworks become crucial tools in navigating the complexities of modern governance. As governments worldwide continue to evolve, embracing effective frameworks remains essential for achieving sustainable and impactful outcomes.
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subsequentibis · 9 months
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oh my god who gave chibi robo a gun
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evolutionsbedingt · 1 year
Looking for enrichment for your archaeology or medicine friend? Send them bone art to rate! Lots of fun things to cheer and rant about!
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Keeping it Cimple: David Loseby joins me to learn more about "Cimplifying" public sector procurement
What is the best way to "fix" public sector procurement?
EDITOR’S NOTE: I must give credit where credit is due. While not on previous versions of her famous Spider Map, Dr. Elouise Epstein did recently talk about the solution provider you will read about in Today’s post. Here are the posts in which I talk about the good doctor’s map transformation and shift in speed to market AI technology: The Spider Kills CLM Solution Providers, Risk Management May…
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brentpearson2022 · 2 months
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Get comprehensive training for Government Procurement Canada and Procurement Canada with The Procurement School. Enhance your skills with us.
Visit us for more.
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chainreactionpodcast · 9 months
Dissecting the Impact of Global Supply Chain Events
Photo by Ju00c9SHOOTS on Pexels.com Global supply chains, in their myriad complexities and broad impacts, are a fascinating topic that warrant an in-depth exploration. In the recent episode of our podcast, we dove headfirst into the topic, dissecting the impact of recent high-profile events, legislative updates, and sustainability practices.Starting with a deep dive into recent events, we…
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alinladaru · 1 year
AmCham and ANAP Launch a Joint Guide for Streamlining the Procurement of Medical Devices
AmCham Romania welcomes the publication by the National Public Procurement Agency (ANAP) of the “Guide for Procurement of Medical Devices“, the result of a joint effort initiated by the  AmCham Romania Health Committee. This guide is a useful tool for running efficient public procurement processes that avoid non-compliant practices and the risk of purchasing substandard medical devices and…
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eeitonline · 1 year
Corruption in Eastern Europe: A Roadblock to Fair Business Practices by Eastern European Institute for Trade
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by Eastern European Institute for Trade
As the countries of Eastern Europe continue to integrate into the global economy, corruption remains a pernicious obstacle hindering the establishment of fair business practices and sustainable growth. This pervasive issue, which affects various facets of society, including political institutions, public administration, and private enterprises, undermines the region's potential for economic development and investment (Borcan et al., 2018). This article delves into the nature of corruption in Eastern Europe, its implications for the business environment, and potential strategies for addressing this deep-rooted problem (Johnson & Kuhn, 2017; Pellegrini & Radošević, 2011).
Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) consistently ranks several Eastern European nations among the most corrupt countries globally, with bribery, embezzlement, and nepotism being prevalent issues (Transparency International, 2020). These illicit practices can discourage foreign investment and hinder local entrepreneurship, as they create an uneven playing field for businesses and perpetuate economic disparities (Borcan et al., 2018; Pellegrini & Radošević, 2011).
In addition to its direct economic consequences, corruption in Eastern Europe also has a corrosive effect on public trust and confidence in institutions. This erosion of faith in governance can lead to political instability, exacerbating the region's already fraught geopolitical climate (Johnson & Kuhn, 2017). Moreover, corruption undermines the rule of law and the effectiveness of regulatory frameworks, further constraining the potential for fair and transparent business practices (Mungiu-Pippidi, 2015).
Addressing corruption in Eastern Europe requires a multi-pronged approach that encompasses legal, institutional, and societal reforms. Firstly, strengthening the rule of law and enhancing the independence of judiciary systems are critical to ensuring the impartial enforcement of anti-corruption measures (Mungiu-Pippidi, 2015; Pellegrini & Radošević, 2011). This can include the establishment of specialized anti-corruption courts, as well as the promotion of transparent and merit-based appointment processes for judges and other key officials.
Secondly, fostering a culture of transparency and accountability in both public and private sectors is essential for combating corruption (Borcan et al., 2018). This can be achieved through the implementation of robust systems for the disclosure of conflicts of interest, the adoption of international best practices in public procurement, and the promotion of open data initiatives that enable public scrutiny of government and corporate activities (Johnson & Kuhn, 2017).
Lastly, engaging civil society and the media in anti-corruption efforts can be a powerful tool for raising awareness and promoting public vigilance against corrupt practices (Mungiu-Pippidi, 2015). By supporting the work of investigative journalists, whistleblowers, and non-governmental organizations, Eastern European countries can foster a more informed and engaged citizenry, capable of holding institutions and businesses accountable for their actions.
In conclusion, corruption in Eastern Europe poses a formidable challenge to the establishment of fair business practices and sustainable economic development. However, by implementing a comprehensive approach that addresses the legal, institutional, and societal dimensions of the problem, the region's nations can begin to dismantle the roadblocks posed by corruption and unlock their full potential for growth.
Borcan, O., Olsson, O., & Putterman, L. (2018). State history and economic development: Evidence from six millennia. Journal of Economic Growth, 23(1), 1-40.
Johnson, S., & Kuhn, M. (2017). Corruption and economic development in Eastern Europe. Eastern European Economics, 55(4), 261-275
Mungiu-Pippidi, A. (2015). The quest for good governance: How societies develop control of corruption. Cambridge University Press.
Pellegrini, L., & Radošević, S. (2011). Knowledge-based economy and social capital in Central and Eastern Europe. Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 44(1), 19-32.
Transparency International. (2020). Corruption Perceptions Index 2020. Sourced from https://www.transparency.org/en/cpi/2020/index
Read more at the Eastern European Institute for Trade.
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forlix · 2 months
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𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱𝘀・0.6k / 𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴・lee know x gn!reader / 𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲𝘀・tooth-rotting fluff, established relationship. lazy kisses & mutual obsession. / 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲・for my @rachalixie: you've done well today (♡´ ˘ `)⸝⸝ᵕᴗᵕ⸝⸝)
𝟭𝟴:𝟮𝟮 — There’s a certain novelty to experiencing something for the first time.
Sure, the magic lives on as your love for the thing grows, but no sensation will quite beat out the first time the opening riff of your favorite song hits your ears, the flavor of your favorite fruit splashing onto your tongue, the climax of your favorite film rendering you a sobbing mess in a public theater.
But you walk into your room one Saturday afternoon to glance at the man lying face-up on the bed you share, scrolling absentmindedly with a mackerel tabby curled into his side. Cordate, coral lips that you know by now feel like satin and taste like home, catlike eyes framed by thick lashes that could run makeup conglomerates into ruin; perfect, prim nose and chiseled, angular jaw, strong and sharp enough to draw blood should you run your finger along the pretty perimeters.
You clamber onto the mattress as delicately as you can. Not delicately enough, by Dori’s standards. The cat tosses you a disgruntled look before landing noiselessly onto the hardwood, departing from the room in search of his less disruptive siblings.
Moments later, Minho’s phone is face-down somewhere out of reach; you are straddling his waist and leaning over him, your hands cradling his face so tenderly they’re barely there. You come close enough for wisps of your hair to catch onto the delicate curves of his lashes, for the tip of your nose to bump against his like a greeting from a butterfly.
His soft laugh puffs against the seam of your lips like a breath of your own. “What’s the matter with you?”
He threw the curtains aside and cracked the windows open earlier, letting into the room a shower of late-afternoon sun. It now dyes his skin a dewy caramel, lightens his eyes to pools of molten amber. For some time, you are unable to respond, enraptured by all the wonder that he holds. 
Eventually, you tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, dip down, rid of the distance between you with a soft seal of your mouth his. He doesn’t move until he’s overcome his surprise, but then he brings one hand to your waist, slipping beneath the sheer fabric of your top to press your hips down onto his, and wraps the other around the base of your neck, the pad of his thumb settling over your jugular like a gossamer wing.
You sigh in pleasure and part your lips; he pursues this opening with a fervor, pliant tongue keeping your mouth ajar, head tilting to one side to better savor you, your teeth knocking and limbs entwining in this passionate fray.
By the time you come up for air, the world around you has changed. You’re underneath him now, his hands positioned on either side of your head. His eyes are no longer amber but obsidian, his mouth ravaged and raw in the aftermath of colliding time and time again with yours. The sun has largely vanished beneath the skyline.
You collect yourself just enough to procure an answer to his question.
“Every time I look at you feels like the first,” you whisper.
Minho doesn’t blink, doesn’t breathe in spite of how you’d just kissed the air straight from his lungs, doesn’t believe his ears. For that is the exact way he feels about you, always has been and always will, though you have always been the one to first verbalize the feelings that he doesn’t have the words for.
For some time, he is unable to respond, enraptured by all the wonder that you hold.
Eventually, he combs a hand through his hair, dips down, rids of the distance between you with a hard crash of his mouth upon yours, and there the two of you will remain until it’s no longer light from the sun that sets your room aglow, but that of the moon and a hundred thousand stars.
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© 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐱 (est. 090323) · liked this work? please consider reblogging, commenting, or sending me an ask to let me know; or, read my other writing here. thanks so much for the support ♡
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procurepublic · 7 months
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In the ever-evolving landscape of public infrastructure, the pursuit of accessibility takes center stage. As public entities seek to create inclusive spaces, the strategic adoption of mobility lift services emerges as a pivotal solution. In this blog, we explore the transformative journey of “Unlocking Access” through a strategic approach to adopting lift services within the procure public framework.
The Imperative for Accessibility in the Public Sector
In the modern era, accessibility is not merely a legal requirement; it is a fundamental principle shaping the design and functionality of public spaces. The public sector, driven by a commitment to inclusivity, is increasingly recognizing the need to provide seamless access to individuals with mobility challenges.
Procure Public Framework: A Strategic Enabler
The first step in the strategic approach involves leveraging the lift framework. This established system allows public entities to source and implement mobility lift services efficiently. By tapping into this framework, organizations can streamline the procurement process, ensuring compliance, transparency, and adherence to established standards.
Tailored Solutions for Diverse Spaces
One size does not fit all, especially when it comes to accessibility solutions. The strategic approach involves identifying and implementing tailored mobi lift services that suit the unique requirements of diverse public spaces. From government buildings to public parks, each space demands a thoughtful and customized solution to ensure universal access.
Financial Viability and Sustainability
Budget considerations are integral to any public sector initiative. A strategic approach to adopting mobility lift services involves a careful assessment of financial viability and long-term sustainability. This includes evaluating the cost-effectiveness of various solutions and factoring in maintenance and operational expenses to ensure a sustainable investment.
Community Engagement and Stakeholder Collaboration
Inclusivity is a collective effort. The strategic adoption of mobility lift services necessitates community engagement and collaboration with stakeholders. Seeking input from individuals with mobility challenges, advocacy groups, and the broader community ensures that the implemented solutions align with genuine needs and expectations.
Navigating Regulatory Compliance
The public sector operates within a framework of regulations and standards. A strategic approach involves a comprehensive understanding and navigation of these compliance requirements. This includes adherence to accessibility standards, safety regulations, and any local or federal mandates governing public infrastructure.
Technology Integration and Future-Proofing
Technological advancements play a vital role in enhancing accessibility solutions. A strategic approach involves integrating cutting-edge technologies within mobility lift services. Future-proofing the infrastructure ensures that adopted solutions remain relevant and effective in the face of evolving accessibility standards and technological innovations.
Measuring Impact and Celebrating Success
The journey to unlocking access is not complete without evaluating the impact of implemented mobility lift services. A strategic approach involves setting measurable goals, conducting regular assessments, and celebrating success stories that highlight the positive changes brought about by enhanced accessibility.
Conclusion: A More Inclusive Tomorrow
Unlocking Access, through a strategic approach to adopting mobility lift services within the public framework signifies a commitment to a more inclusive and accessible public sector. By aligning with the principles of transparency, customization, financial viability, and community collaboration, public entities can pave the way for transformative changes that positively impact individuals with mobility challenges. As we navigate this strategic journey, we inch closer to a tomorrow where public spaces truly unlock access for everyone.
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enambd · 1 year
ইজিপি-তে আন্তর্জাতিক দরপত্র আহ্বান করা যাবে।
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sea-lanterns · 11 months
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synopsis: hydro women fu.c.king you inconspicuously at the pool with their vision
featuring: yelan, kokomi, mona, nilou, candace, furina
rating: 18+ smut (men and minors dni)
warnings: sub! afab gn reader, semi-public se.x (no one sees but you're at a pool), improper use of hydro vision, strap ons, tentacle play (kokomi), cunnilingus, creative uses for hydro, dirty talk, toys made out of hydro, riding, lap se.x, slight asphyxiation but not really (nilou), may be ooc especially for furina because she was added on a whim.
art credits: what does the fox say
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Yelan smirked to herself as you stared wide eyed at the water formed dildo she procured from the base of her hips, her hand stroking long, languid strokes from the shaft to the tip, as she watched you tremble above the water’s surface. “Don’t be shy, babe. No one’s gonna know…” she chuckled, her vision vibrating with use as her cock moved with tension. “It’s made completely out of water, it’ll slip right in.”
You gulped and looked around nervously, the late hours of the night meaning that only you two were at the pool, yet something inside you felt that you might get caught. 
“Yelan…I don’t know.” you bit your lip and felt the water stir as Yelan got in. “We might get caught…”
She laughed at your meek words and gently pushed you back until your skin hit the surface of the wall. “But that’s the fun part, baby.” She suddenly hoisted you up with her strength and kept your legs wrapped firmly around her. The tip of her watery cock pressing up against your folds as you whimper and cling to her neck. “It’s okay, no one’s gonna see what I’m doing to you underwater…”
Making sure the two of you were obscured by the giant rock behind you, she groaned and sunk her shaft inside you as the water slipped right inside. The flexible liquid able to hold its shape as it maneuvered in a way that filled your cunt to the brim, leaving every crevice of you fucked and filled till your eyes rolled back and saw white. 
“Nngh! Yelan…fuck—” you grit your teeth as you realize Yelan was filling you to the brim, her cock perfectly shaped to mimic the biggest toy you had, as she slowly rocked her hips back and forth. 
“Feel familiar, my dear?” Yelan purred, pounding her length deeper into you as you felt every molded ridge and curve rub inside. “I didn’t have enough room to pack your favorite strap, but I hope this would suffice…”
She laughs into your neck and slams her hips harder against you, reveling in the way the waves shook from her movements as you cling onto her with need. Nails gripping the skin of your rear while Yelan pounded you just the way she would with a regular strap.
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You shuddered as you felt slippery, cold, tentacles climb up your leg in the water. Kokomi giving you a mischievous smile as the water-made tentacles slithered up to your swimming bottoms and tugged at the elastic. “Kokomi…” you warned, giving her a testing glare. “We’re at a pool.”
“No one will see,” she hummed quietly, perching herself over the edge as she commanded the tentacles to climb higher. Vision glowing by her side as she smiled and watched with anticipation for your reactions, the depth of the pool thankfully covering your body as she playfully teased your pussy lips with a tendril. 
“Ah…wait…” you gripped the edge of the pool and resisted the urge to tremble in front of your priestess, a pleasurable shiver riveting through your skin as you felt one of the tips prod at your entrance. 
“Don’t worry, my love. It’ll practically sink in.” Kokomi giggles as you shiver at the sensation of her tentacles. One of which was currently circling your clit, rubbing and stroking it as if it were just another one of Kokomi’s fingers. “Just think of it as me fingering you…”
Oh how mean Kokomi could be. Toying with your body like this while in a public setting. You were lucky not many people were out swimming, but the thought of being caught in your secluded corner with Kokomi fucking you was too nerve racking for you to enjoy. 
“Just relax, let me take care of you for once.”
At her gentle tone, your body instinctively listened and relaxed in her hold. The watery tentacles sliding directly into your pussy and wrapping around your waist in the process. “Oh, there’s almost no resistance,” Kokomi giggles, a tentacle worming its way into your deepest spots and rubbing so pleasurably inside you. “Guess we’ll be doing this more often…”
With a bashful giggle, Kokomi commands the tentacles to begin thrusting inside you feverishly, one giant tentacle holding you still as your hips rock the waves to the rhythm of her thrusts. 
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“By the stars, they didn’t show me this…”
Mona had dragged you under an artificial waterfall and hidden you away to fuck you in secrecy. She had used her astrology to predict whether or not the pool would be crowded tonight, and her vision had been proven wrong given by how many people were out swimming at this hour. “Ugh, how annoying…” she pushed you up behind the dark cavern and hoped no one would swim behind to see what you were about to do. “We’ll have to go fast.”
Tilting your head back, your girlfriend kissed you before activating her vision to morph a small body of water into a flexible shape. When the water broke the surface tension, Mona crafted it into a small, handheld dildo and giggled at your surprised face. “What? You act like I’ve never done this before,” she laughed and held the makeshift cock in her hand. “I can do a lot more with my vision, you know.”
She grinned at how hot your face was before tugging off your bottoms. “Come on, don’t worry about it not fitting, I can adjust the size however you like…”
In a matter of moments, Mona was holding your swimming bottoms in one hand and the makeshift dildo in the other, moving it downwards to stir the tip against your folds, and teasing it while she prepped you for the intrusion. “I know what you like, my love. It’ll fit right in like the other toys.”
As she eased you with her words, Mona slowly sank the cock into your cunt and sighed in bliss when she felt you part so easily. The astrologist kissing you gently before moving her hand so that the cock could hit you in deeper areas. 
“My my my, my little star. You’re taking it better than when we use a regular toy…” Mona tsked and moved in to kiss your jaw. “And all the little moans you’re making, simply adorable…”
Her voice turned mockingly playful as she moved her hand to speed up the thrusts of the dildo. Shallow waves rocking you two back and forth, while carnal whimpers and moans ripped out from beneath your lips.
“How naughty of you, my little star,” Mona giggles, using her vision to morph ridges on the cock to further stimulate your walls, “We’re not done yet though, water can take on all shapes and sizes…”
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Above the water, you would appear like any other person chilling by the pool. Below the water however, people would see your girlfriend Nilou on her knees and between your legs with your swimsuit tugged downwards. An air bubble she had created being her only source of air, as she ate you out with lust and passion beneath the waves.
“Mmpf…Nilou…” you tried your best to act casual in front of anyone that passed you by, but Nilou was making it so hard as she pierced her tongue into your folds and lapped at your secreting juices like she was dehydrated. “Not too much, hah…” 
You gently grabbed at her hair from below and gave her a tiny tug. Your girlfriend smiled to herself at your little reaction and just dove her tongue even deeper than before. Who knew Nilou could be such a tease when she wanted to?
Gripping your thighs with her fingertips, Nilou spread you a bit more for her as she eagerly lapped more of your cunt, pushing her face and the air bubble closer to your clit so that her nose could bump against it sensually. Your thighs shook at the sudden touch and you almost lost it above the surface if not for Nilou stabilizing you. “Ah…fuck…”
Nilou wasn’t messing around.
Trying to get yourself off faster, you began grinding your hips against Nilou’s face and took notice at how she gripped your thighs tighter, her gentle tongue now cruising faster between your walls while you forced yourself to maintain sanity. ‘They’re writhing, they’re actually writhing…!’ Nilou thought to herself as she smiled into your cunt. ‘I’m doing such a good job!’
Thrusting her tongue wildly, Nilou moaned into your skin and nearly lost focus of her air bubble. Quickly regaining composure and activating her vision once more to give her another dose of air to keep going.
‘They’re twitching…they’re so close…’
Nilou moaned and felt a warmth engulf her face when you came all over her lips. The dancer swimming back to the surface for a breath of fresh air, before kissing you with exasperated breaths.
“Oh, my love, that was amazing…” she murmured, letting you taste your sweet release on her tongue. “We should do this again, but in a more private setting next time…” 
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In the blanket of the night, you and Candace took a dip in the hot tub at the resort you were staying at and were pleasantly surprised to find that it had been empty. Deciding not to waste another moment of this pleasant alone time with your girlfriend, you both threw off your towels and took a dip, sighing blissfully at the heat that absorbed your bodies. 
It’s been a while since Candace had been so relaxed, and the moment her muscles unlocked, she smiled and waved a finger for you to come closer. “Come, dear. Sit on my lap. We haven’t done that in a while.”
You smiled and crawled over to perch yourself just how Candace liked. A playful, slightly sultry smile growing on her lips as she gently raises your hips up over the water. “Up up up, don’t worry, you’ve been in this position before….”
Your cheeks grew warm at her words and you laughed nervously when she lifted you up. “Erm, we don’t have a strap though, babe.” You chuckled, your ass now raised above the water as Candace’s vision glowed. “I know, but it’s good to be creative once in a while.” She smirked and in an instant, a water formed strap had morphed against her pelvis. The tip prodding at your entrance like it was too eager to wait, while Candace looked up at you expectantly with smugness. 
Sure enough, you were amazed. And aroused.
“I see,” you chuckle, slowly rubbing the tip between your walls to begin easing down the liquid shaft. “You’re very creative, my dear guardian.” 
“A true leader needs to be,” Candace hums, helping you slide down her length before you were firmly seated back on her lap. “Now go on, ride me. But don’t make it too obvious, otherwise we’ll get caught.”
She pats your rear lovingly and sits back to look at you while you begin rocking your hips back and forth, sighing blissfully when the watery strap slid flexibly through your walls and brushed against all your favorite areas. “Oh fuck…right there, Candace…”
You leaned over to kiss your beloved while bouncing on her for more. Making out with her in the dimness of the night, while the hot tub’s water successfully concealed just how rough Candace was fucking you.
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Furina was a tease. An incredibly childish, almost gremlin-like tease who wanted nothing more than to watch you squirm. She sat idly on a lawn chair by the poolside with an innocent smirk plastered on her lips, kicking her legs back as she sipped a virgin pina colada whilst shamelessly controlling the hydro vibrator she stuffed up your swimsuit. Heterochromia eyes staring tauntingly at the way you gripped the water’s edge. 
“What’s the matter?” Furina snickers, stirring the straw of her drink, “Is the water too cold for you, my love? Shall I bring you warmth so you shan’t shiver?” 
When only a strangled moan crawled out your throat, Furina grinned and waved her hand to force the vibrator to squirm faster. The ridges of the morphed hydro toy causing you to buckle over and bury your moan into your lips. ‘Furina…!’ you wanted to scream, the wriggling toy of firm water just too good for you to tolerate. ‘Slow it down…!’
Alas, Furina was not a mind reader and she took your body’s reactions as a sign to go faster, enjoying her little exhibition game with you. “Careful now, dove. You’re making quite the waves with your little trembling…”
She laughed haughtily at your irritated glare and crossed her legs over to make it look like she was your ruler. Even though she was. With one final sip of her drink, she made a mocking “aaah” sound of refreshment before snapping her fingers. “I’m getting bored now, dove. Perhaps it’s time to skip to the main event.”
Her eyes glimmered with mischievous amusement and you felt your stomach flip with anticipation. Here it comes…! Your girlfriend then makes the vibrator squirm deeper inside you and writhe so pleasantly against your spongy walls. The makeshift toy working wonders on that little bundle of nerves as it wormed its way in in a way that had you seeing stars. 
“Oh, Furina…” you whimpered out your liege’s name in passion, the watery vibrator buzzing harder into your sweetest places. “I’m almost…”
Fuck. There was that shit-eating grin again as Furina smiled sadistically and ceased the vibrator’s movements, letting it turn back into water and slide out of your puffy cunt. 
“Hush now, pet.” Furina snickered, crawling over to the water’s edge and mockingly patting your head. “I want to spend several more hours at the pool so you need to entertain me for a lot longer…”
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Airing Our Differences: Does Legislation Make A Difference When It Comes To Our Environment?
In what way is GHG good for the planet, and what role do legislation and public sentiment play in effecting change?
The city of Calgary will be the site for the conference “Supply Chain Legislation and Sustainability: Understanding the Risks” towards the end of June. Hosted by Achilles and Field Law, this is probably one of many such conferences across the country. So, why attend this one? Yes, I will reach out directly to my followers and connections in Calgary in the coming weeks and invite them to…
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indizombie · 2 years
Data centres need to become more energy efficient, reuse waste energy such as heat, and use more renewable energy sources, with a view to becoming carbon-neutral by 2030, the EC policy states. The Commission aims to rely a mix of existing instruments, reviews of existing legislation and new initiatives to achieve that goal, including the Ecodesign Regulation on servers and data storage products, the EU Code of Conduct on Data Centre Energy Efficiency and the EU Green Public Procurement criteria for data centres, server rooms and cloud services. There are other relevant policies and funding initiatives that data centres fall under, including the Energy Efficiency Directive and the Taxonomy Regulation, a framework and classification system for when something can be qualified as sustainable. Lanza adds the Commission's amendment to energy statistics regulations, adopted in February 2022, which includes new data reporting requirements for data centres. Some countries have already published country-level data centre energy consumption estimates in recent years, including Ireland and the Netherlands.
Aoife Ryan-Christensen, ‘Data centres: a view from Europe’, RTE
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brentpearson2022 · 2 months
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gemindia · 2 years
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Now avail Oil & Gas Drilling Service via #GeM. This service will help achieve an oil well, a boring in Earth designed to extract petroleum oil hydrocarbons.   Government e Marketplace (GeM) is a 100 percent Government owned & National Public Procurement Portal. GeM is dedicated e market for different goods & services procured by Government Organisations / Departments / PSUs. It provides the tools of e-bidding, reverse e-auction and demand aggregation to facilitate the government users, achieve the best value for their money
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