sr-clipping · 11 months
Ecommerce Image Editing Services
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touchexpert · 1 year
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Achieve a consistent look for your product images with our background removal service
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amiwilsonph · 1 year
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Our professional photo retouching services will enhance your images to bring out their full potential. We specialize in portrait retouching, product photo editing, and real estate image enhancement. With our expert retouching techniques, your photos will look stunning and professional.
High-Quality Photo Retouching Services for Stunning Images | Photo Editor Ph
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lilynovaph · 1 year
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High-Quality Photo Retouching Services for Stunning Images | Photo Editor Ph
Our professional photo retouching services will enhance your images to bring out their full potential. We specialize in portrait retouching, product photo editing, and real estate image enhancement. With our expert retouching techniques, your photos will look stunning and professional.
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clippinggenius · 2 years
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Best Image Background Removal Service in Clipping Genius
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infohasinaph · 14 days
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There isn't much time for photo editing for a wedding photographer or any other photographer who takes a lot of wedding or event photos throughout the shoot. I can edit your photos and choose the best ones for retouching because I'm a photographer with more than six years of experience. NOTE: Please supply RAW files for the highest quality editing.
I will do :
Wedding photo
Portrait photography
Events (Engagement, Baby showers/Newborn, Birthdays, 4. anniversaries, Concerts, Seminars, Family, Couple, ext..)
Travel Shoots
Photos for Social Media
Lightroom editing, Batch process, Culling
Any kind of event photo retouching
What You Get
Color correction
Skin smoothing with texture
Tweaking lighting and contrast
Highlight and Shadows Recovery
Noise reduction
Retouching and enhancing the images
Photo resizing
Photo Editing is my full-time job. I can give you the best output. shall we talk in detail?
Please, contact me first before placing your order!
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jakiulislam · 1 month
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jewelryretouch · 3 months
photo editing services
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sr-clipping · 11 months
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Enhance Your Products, Boost Your Sales: Professional Ecommerce Photo Editing Services
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pixcretouch · 3 months
Enhance your image with Pixc Retouch Company.
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Product Photo Editing Service:
Product photo editing involves enhancing images of products to make them look more appealing and professional. This process is crucial for e-commerce businesses, advertising agencies, and anyone else looking to showcase products effectively.
Here's a detailed description of product photo editing:
Background Removal: Often, product images are captured with distracting backgrounds. Background removal involves isolating the product from its original background and replacing it with a clean, neutral backdrop or a transparent background. This ensures that the focus remains solely on the product.
Color Correction: Adjusting the colors of the product to make them accurate and appealing. This may involve correcting white balance, adjusting saturation levels, or fine-tuning individual color channels to ensure that the product appears true to life.
Brightness and Contrast Adjustment: Ensuring that the product is well-lit and stands out clearly in the image. This may involve adjusting brightness and contrast levels to make the product pop without sacrificing details or introducing unwanted artifacts.
Retouching and Cleanup: Removing any imperfections or blemishes on the product surface. This could include dust, scratches, or any other distractions that detract from the product's appearance. Retouching also involves smoothing out wrinkles or creases on fabric products to present them in their best light.
Adding Shadows and Reflections: Creating natural-looking shadows or reflections to give the product a sense of depth and realism. This helps ground the product in the scene and makes it appear more tangible to viewers.
Resizing and Cropping: Adjusting the dimensions of the image to meet specific size requirements for different platforms or marketing materials. Cropping may also be used to remove excess space around the product and improve composition.
Consistency Across Images: Ensuring that all product images within a catalog or collection maintain a consistent look and feel in terms of lighting, color, and style. Consistency is key for establishing a cohesive brand identity and providing a seamless browsing experience for customers.
Adding Text or Graphics: Incorporating text overlays, logos, or other graphic elements to provide additional information or branding elements within the image. Careful placement and design of these elements can enhance the overall visual appeal of the product.
Final Quality Check: Thoroughly reviewing the edited images to ensure that they meet the desired quality standards and specifications. This may involve zooming in to check for any remaining imperfections or artifacts that need to be addressed before final delivery.
Overall, product photo editing plays a crucial role in presenting products in the best possible light and enticing customers to make a purchase. By employing various editing techniques, photographers and designers can transform ordinary product images into compelling visual assets that drive sales and elevate brand perception.
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Product Photography
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clickthephotoblog · 4 months
How to Send Photo to Amazon Seller
In the dynamic world of e-commerce, where visuals play a pivotal role in attracting customers, sending high-quality photos to Amazon sellers is crucial for effective product listings. Whether you're a supplier, manufacturer, or a freelancer hired for product photography, understanding the process of sending photos to Amazon sellers ensures smooth collaboration and enhances the overall shopping experience for customers. In this guide, we'll delve into the step-by-step process of sending photos to Amazon sellers, along with best practices to ensure your images meet Amazon's standards.
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Why High-Quality Photos Matter
Before we dive into the 'how,' let's briefly touch on the 'why.' High-quality product images are essential for several reasons:
Enhanced Visibility: Crisp, clear images grab attention and entice potential buyers to click on your product listing.
Improved Conversion Rates: Detailed and aesthetically pleasing images instill trust in buyers and increase the likelihood of making a purchase.
Reduced Returns: When customers have a clear understanding of the product's appearance, they are less likely to return it due to mismatched expectations.
Brand Reputation: Consistent, professional imagery reflects positively on your brand, signaling credibility and professionalism to customers.
Step-by-Step Guide to Sending Photos to Amazon Sellers
Step 1: Capture High-Quality Images
Before sending photos to Amazon sellers, ensure that your product images meet Amazon's image requirements. Here are some key guidelines to follow:
Use a high-resolution camera to capture sharp images.
Opt for a neutral background that doesn't distract from the product.
Include multiple angles and close-up shots to showcase product details.
Avoid adding watermarks, logos, or promotional text to the images.
Step 2: Organize Your Files
Properly organizing your image files makes it easier for Amazon sellers to navigate and use them for product listings. Consider the following tips:
Create separate folders for each product or product category. Use descriptive file names that include the product name, variant (if applicable), and angle (e.g., product_name_color_angle.jpg).
Compress large image files to reduce upload/download times without compromising quality.
Step 3: Communicate with the Seller
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Before sending the photos, establish clear communication with the Amazon seller regarding their specific requirements and preferences. Discuss aspects such as:
Preferred file formats (JPEG, PNG, etc.).
Any specific dimensions or aspect ratios required.
Additional shots or angles they may need for the product listing.
Deadlines for submitting the images.
Step 4: Choose a Secure Transfer Method
When sending photos to Amazon sellers, prioritize security to protect sensitive data and intellectual property rights. Consider the following secure transfer methods:
Secure File Sharing Platforms: Utilize reputable file-sharing services like Dropbox, Google Drive, or WeTransfer, which offer encryption and password protection features.
Encrypted Email Attachments: If sending files via email, encrypt them using password-protected ZIP files to prevent unauthorized access.
Step 5: Double-Check for Quality and Accuracy
Before finalizing the image transfer, conduct a thorough review to ensure that the photos meet the seller's requirements and adhere to Amazon's guidelines. Pay attention to the following aspects:
Image resolution and clarity.
Consistency in lighting and color accuracy across all photos.
Correct product variants and angles.
Absence of any visual imperfections or distortions.
Step 6: Follow Up and Provide Support
After sending the photos, follow up with the Amazon seller to confirm receipt and address any additional requests or concerns they may have. Offer ongoing support to ensure a smooth collaboration and resolve any issues promptly.
Learn More: Product Photo Editing Service
Best Practices for Sending Photos to Amazon Sellers
Be Responsive: Promptly respond to seller inquiries and requests to maintain a positive working relationship.
Respect Intellectual Property: Obtain necessary permissions for using trademarks, logos, or copyrighted materials in the product images.
Stay Organized: Maintain a systematic approach to file organization and communication to streamline the process.
Stay Updated: Keep abreast of any changes to Amazon's image guidelines and adapt your practices accordingly.
Seek Feedback: Request feedback from sellers to continually improve the quality and effectiveness of your product images.
The Importance of Amazon's Image Requirements
Amazon has specific image requirements that sellers must adhere to for their product listings to ensure consistency, professionalism, and a seamless shopping experience for customers. These requirements serve several purposes:
Uniformity: Standardizing image specifications across product listings ensures a cohesive browsing experience for customers, making it easier for them to compare products.
Clarity and Detail: By mandating high-resolution images with clear visibility of product features, Amazon ensures that customers have a comprehensive understanding of the products they're interested in.
Mobile Compatibility: With a significant portion of online shopping occurring on mobile devices, Amazon's image requirements prioritize mobile responsiveness, ensuring that images display properly across various screen sizes and resolutions.
Brand Integrity: Adhering to image guidelines helps maintain the integrity of brands and prevents misleading or low-quality visuals from detracting from a seller's reputation.
Tips for Meeting Amazon's Image Requirements
To ensure that your photos meet Amazon's standards, consider the following tips:
Image Size and Resolution: Amazon recommends images with dimensions of at least 1000 pixels or larger in either height or width to enable zoom functionality and maintain clarity. Aim for a resolution of at least 72 pixels per inch (PPI) to ensure crispness.
Background: Use a clean, white background for product images to minimize distractions and focus attention on the product itself. Avoid using borders, watermarks, or additional graphics in the image.
Product Placement: Center the product in the frame and fill the majority of the image area with the product to maximize visibility. Include multiple angles and close-up shots to showcase different features.
File Format: Save images in JPEG (.jpg) format with minimal compression to preserve image quality while keeping file sizes manageable. PNG (.png) format is also acceptable for images with transparent backgrounds.
Color Accuracy: Ensure that the colors in your images are true to life and accurately represent the product. Avoid oversaturation or alterations that may mislead customers about the product's appearance.
No Additional Text or Graphics: Amazon prohibits the inclusion of text, logos, watermarks, or promotional overlays in product images. The focus should be solely on the product itself without any distractions.
Primary and Secondary Images: Designate one image as the main product photo, which will appear in search results and product listings. Include additional images to showcase different angles, features, or variations of the product.
Image Cropping and Editing: Use image editing software to crop, resize, and adjust images as needed to meet Amazon's specifications. However, avoid excessive editing or manipulation that may misrepresent the product.
Sending photos to Amazon sellers is a collaborative process that requires attention to detail, clear communication, and a commitment to quality. By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this article and adhering to best practices, you can ensure that your product images meet Amazon's standards and contribute to the success of your online listings. Remember, compelling visuals are often the difference between a browser and a buyer in the competitive landscape of e-commerce.
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rosamorelph · 4 months
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Ecommerce Product Editing Service
If you want people to notice your business, you have to offer your products in the best possible way. However, it's easier said than done. It's probable that either the colors weren't adequately captured or that unnecessary elements are included in your product images.
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clippinggenius · 2 years
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Image editing services for eCommerce businesses and pros, from product photographers to Amazon sellers to global brands.
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infohasinaph · 21 days
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Hi Every, Get professional high-quality photo Editing & retouching services within approval price. Visit to know more Contact us : [email protected]
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