#professional dissertation writers
stevebashlock · 1 month
How Can UK Dissertation Writers Enhance Your Academic Success
Achieving academic success, especially in the realm of dissertation writing, can be a daunting task. However, with the assistance of UK online dissertation writers, this journey becomes smoother and more attainable. In this article, we will explore the various ways in which UK dissertation writers can enhance your academic success and help you achieve your goals.
Understanding the Role of UK Dissertation Writers
Before delving into the specifics, it's important to understand who UK dissertation writers are and why their role is crucial in academic success.
Who are UK dissertation writers?
UK dissertation writers are professionals who specialize in providing expert assistance and guidance to students undertaking the daunting task of dissertation writing. They possess advanced degrees and extensive experience in their respective fields, making them well-equipped to handle complex academic projects.
Importance of academic success
Academic success is not just about obtaining good grades; it's about acquiring knowledge, honing skills, and preparing for future endeavors. A well-written dissertation plays a pivotal role in achieving these objectives, making the assistance of UK dissertation writers invaluable.
Expertise and Qualifications of UK Dissertation Writers
One of the key ways in which UK dissertation writers enhance academic success is through their expertise and qualifications.
Educational background
Most UK dissertation writers have advanced degrees, often holding PhDs or other postgraduate qualifications in their fields of study. This ensures that they have a deep understanding of academic standards and requirements.
Subject matter expertise
In addition to their educational background, UK dissertation writers also possess extensive subject matter expertise. Whether you're studying humanities, sciences, or social sciences, there are writers available who specialize in your area of study.
Comprehensive Research and Analysis
Another way in which UK dissertation writers enhance academic success is through their ability to conduct comprehensive research and analysis.
Thorough literature review
UK dissertation writers are adept at conducting thorough literature reviews, identifying relevant sources, and synthesizing existing research to provide a comprehensive overview of the topic.
Data collection and analysis
For dissertations that involve empirical research, UK dissertation writers can assist with data collection, analysis, and interpretation. They have the skills and tools necessary to ensure that your research is rigorous and methodologically sound.
Writing and Structuring Your Dissertation
Crafting a well-written and well-structured dissertation is essential for academic success, and UK dissertation writers excel in this area.
Crafting a compelling thesis statement
UK dissertation writers can help you develop a clear and concise thesis statement that outlines the purpose and scope of your research. This serves as a guiding framework for your dissertation and ensures that your work is focused and coherent.
Organizing your dissertation chapters
In addition to crafting a thesis statement, UK dissertation writers can help you organize your dissertation into coherent chapters that flow logically from one to the next. This ensures that your argument is presented in a clear and systematic manner, making it easier for readers to follow and understand.
Ensuring Originality and Academic Integrity
Maintaining originality and academic integrity is paramount in dissertation writing, and UK dissertation writers are committed to upholding these principles.
Proper citation and referencing
UK dissertation writers are well-versed in various citation styles and can ensure that all sources are properly cited and referenced according to academic conventions. This helps to avoid plagiarism and gives credit to the original authors whose work you are building upon.
Plagiarism-free content
In addition to proper citation and referencing, UK dissertation writers also take measures to ensure that your dissertation is free from plagiarism. They use plagiarism detection software to check for any instances of copied or unoriginal content, and can make revisions as necessary to ensure that your work is entirely original.
Timely Delivery and Revisions
Meeting deadlines is crucial in academic writing, and UK dissertation writers understand the importance of timely delivery.
Meeting deadlines
UK dissertation writers work diligently to ensure that your dissertation is completed and delivered on time, allowing you to meet your academic deadlines without stress or anxiety.
Addressing feedback and revisions
Furthermore, UK dissertation writers are receptive to feedback and are willing to make revisions as necessary to ensure that your dissertation meets your expectations and the requirements of your academic institution. This collaborative approach ensures that your dissertation is of the highest quality and reflects your unique voice and perspective.
Support and Guidance Throughout the Process
Perhaps one of the most valuable aspects of working with UK dissertation writers is the support and guidance they provide throughout the dissertation writing process.
Communication and collaboration
UK dissertation writers maintain open lines of communication with their clients, providing updates on the progress of your dissertation and addressing any questions or concerns you may have along the way.
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active-mind-15 · 2 months
10, 17, 30 & 42 for writer's ask game, please? :)
Heyyyy! Thanks for the asks!
10.  Do you set yourself deadlines?
I do not. For my WIPs, I used to try and finish chapters up a week or two after my last update, but now that I'm older and have a lot more things going on in my life right now (consequences of becoming an adult), I don't set deadlines at all. Sometimes I update in a few weeks, but these days it's more like months. But I'm trying not to let so much time pass anymore since I'm getting back into writing. If I feel the need to set deadlines later, maybe I will. For now, no.
17.  What writing habits or rituals do you have?
I always have to put on some music to write. It helps block out the world around me and keeps me immersed in my thoughts. The type of music I listen to varies, but most of the time it's Lofi instrumentals or video game soundtracks. If I find a song that keeps me particularly focused, I will then loop that song until I finish what I'm doing. That's why my Spotify Wrapped will have some weird results in some years. They'll think I'm a big fan of a specific artist when in reality that one song of theirs I looped for five hours is the only thing I've heard from them.
30.  Favourite idea you haven’t started on yet
Since I'm heavily involved with both the KNB and BTS fandoms, I'll give ideas for each!
For KNB, I have two fave ideas. The first one is a sequel to Accidental Siblings that would function more as a slice-of-life one-shot collection, but I have to finish the story first before we move on to that, so the idea is motivating me to finish, lol. The second fave idea is something I think will also be a one-shot collection but based on the headcanons I have of KNB characters playing Sky: Children of the Light. I want it to be Akashi-centric and follow the shenanigans the Teiko gang + Kagami would get up to while having gaming sessions on Sky. The whole concept of the series would be how the game acts as a vehicle for them to get closer and strengthen their friendship in different ways. I even have a name for it; I wanna call it Sky Therapy. I'm already assuming the fic idea is super niche so I'm not expecting much response to it when I finally do get along to starting it. I'm mainly just writing and posting it just for the sake of it and because I want to.
Now, for the BTS one, my fave idea I haven't started on is based on BTS member Jin's song, The Astronaut. Along with that song, Jin created a mascot named Wootteo. This is what Wootteo looks like, for reference.
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Wootteo is meant to be an alien, sent to keep us company while Jin is away (The Astronaut was released right before Jin enlisted for mandatory military service). With that being said, I wanted to put a spin on it and create a sci-fi AU set in the very distant future where Jin is a robotics engineer who built Wootteo and gave it to the other six BTS members to keep them company while he was away on an important space expedition. The fic would be told from the perspective of the other six and how they're dealing with both Wootteo's presence and Jin's absence. I do have a deadline for this one, though, because I wanted to drop it on June 5th, which is 7 days before Jin is discharged from the military. I thought the timing would be perfect.
42.  How do you feel about love triangles?
I don't feel this or that about them because I don't read much romance where triangles are involved, but I think they're fine if they're done correctly. Adding love triangles just for the sake of it is tacky. Give me a good reason why the triangle exists in the first place. Give each part of the triangle proper tension and complexity.
Also, some stories claim that something is a love triangle when in reality it's just Person B and C liking Person A or Person B liking Person A and Person A liking Person C. In both scenarios, the triangle is incomplete. Give me REAL pining and unrequited love. Person B has to like Person A while Person A likes Person C and Person C likes Person B. That's where the good shit happens.
Anyway, thanks again for the asks. If anyone else wants to send me some, have a look through and pick some numbers!
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topwriters4me · 2 years
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Are you looking for a professional dissertation writer? If yes, then contact Top Writers 4Me! This is the most trusted agency that has been providing the dissertation writing service for decades. It has a team of experienced writers who can meet your academic needs. Email us at [email protected] for more information!
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henry239 · 4 months
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proukwriting · 7 months
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Hire professional and Highly experienced Academic writers at 40% Discount with 24/7 backup and 99% Guaranteed A+ grades from Pro UK writings.
Professional Assignment Writers
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assignmenthelpline · 9 months
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the-nation1 · 1 year
Professional Dissertation Writers India | Mythsis
Thesis Global is one of the most reliable and genuine Service Providers in the industry. We are flexible in offering excellent and prompt services including high quality Dissertation Editing and Proofreading Services, Dissertation Writing and Professional Dissertation Writers India. For more details, please visit our site.
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topwriters4me · 2 years
Professional Dissertation Writer
Are you looking for a professional dissertation writer? If yes, then contact Top Writers 4Me! This is the most trusted agency that has been providing the dissertation writing service for decades. It has a team of experienced writers who can meet your academic needs. Email us at [email protected] for more information! 
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milaswriting · 1 year
Update. — 27th June 2023.
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Happy Pride Month 🌈 to those who have been celebrating. Much love to you all.
It's been a while since a progress update which isn't great from me, but now I'm posting one with a much neater and more professional look. My thoughts are that I'll post these at least once a month so readers are always kept in the loop as I feel like I've kept you all in the dark recently about what’s been going on. Anywhoo…
Firstly, I finished my undergraduate degree! My results that came out confirmed that I'll be graduating. I’m graduating with a 1st which is the highest degree classification that can be awarded in the UK — so, this writer is kinda smart and will be throwing a grad cap in the air — so that's kind of a huge personal accomplishment!
But more importantly, in interactive fiction terms anyway, I finished chapter 10! It's done. She's a chunky chapter that's full of loads of... stuff and drama! There's so much going on in the chapter: angst, comfort, a new character, found family — so you're in for a ride, to say the least.
I made a few changes too. The reader can choose/input their own pronouns, your mc can choose whether or not they wear glasses, there are new graphics for those that play with a black background (shown below!), alongside some editorial stuff — new choices etc. It's now with the beta readers.
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On top of chapter 10, there's also Tumblr stuff that will be made available. I've had a cool, chapter 10 sneak peek edit in my drafts that I'll be posting tomorrow. I hit a follower milestone, so when the public update is out I'll be doing a follower giveaway.
Soo, as an overview: in eight months I wrote a 10k word dissertation, bagged a degree, got accepted to do a master's degree, and finished writing a 73k word chapter. So, whilst I hate that this update has been a long time coming, a lot of academic stuff happened in my life which made a lot of things hectic.
I really appreciate you being patient with me. I know it's not easy or fun waiting for wip updates, but there is a Golden one on the horizon and I hope it will be worth the wait.
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souryogurt64 · 1 year
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About a decade ago, Pete Wentz of Fall Out Boy (and James Montgomery of MTV) published a novel, Gray. It is my favorite book of all time. It is— for lack of a better term— “a freeze-dried wet dream.” 
People are usually appalled when I tell them this; they think I must be the dumbest fangirl alive. It's understandable. After all, Gray is the vanity project of a runner-up for 2007’s Sexiest Vegetarian, and has been referred to as “an insult to book readers everywhere." 
But truthfully, this is not my favorite book because I like Fall Out Boy— rather, I like Pete Wentz's band because I fell in love with his book. From the moment I first picked Gray up, I felt—very strongly— that there was something inside of it, something that went beyond the veneer of "pseudo-artistic" misanthropy it put up. It was a carefully crafted puzzle. It was so advanced that no one understood it. I was sure of it— even if nobody ever believed me. 
But over the last ten years, I grew from an emo teenager into a professional writer. So now, I can prove that I've been right along; Gray is an incredible work of literary showmanship. It's just misunderstood. So, in honor of its big anniversary, this love-dissertation seeks to dissect and defend my favorite book of all time. 
In this essay, I begin by fully contextualizing the creation of Pete Wentz and James Montgomery's Gray. Then, I explain the novel's identity as a "roman-a-clef," and thus, its place on the spectrum between fiction and reality. Finally, I argue my thesis. Which is: Gray deliberately masquerades as exactly what people expect it to be: the rant of a narcissistic rock star “so shallow an ant would struggle to drown." But a reader with a little faith will understand that things are not always what they seem. Rather, Gray brilliantly executes its stated intention by blending paradoxes like irony / authenticity, reality / fantasy, truth / lies, and satire / sincerity, into a narrative so ambiguous it “defies understanding, let alone a solution.”
But only if you're in on it.  
Read the full piece here.
Incredible art by @gebtoons.
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finnlongman · 4 months
About Me, My Books, and My Research (2024 Edition)
Hi, I'm Finn, a writer, medievalist, and all-round nerd. You may know me as the author of The Butterfly Assassin, "that person who wrote the trans Cú Chulainn article", the weird nerd in the Tumblr corner writing excessively long and incomprehensibly niche posts about their research, or something else entirely. I am all of those things! (Well, depending on what the 'something else' is, anyway...)
Currently, I'm a PhD student at the University of Cambridge researching friendship in the late Ulster Cycle (c. 12th-17th centuries). I have an MA in Early and Medieval Irish from University College Cork, and wrote my thesis about Láeg mac Ríangabra, my best beloved. I also have an undergrad degree in Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic from Cambridge, and wrote my dissertation about queer readings of Táin Bó Cúailnge, including transmasculine readings of Cú Chulainn.
You can find out more about my research on my website, which also includes info about all of my academic publications. This includes the aforementioned "trans Cú Chulainn article", an article about Láeg in the Death of Cú Chulainn, an article about the seven Maines, and a discussion of a conference on Caoineadh Airt Uí Laoghaire from the perspective of my own work on lament and grief. Whenever possible, I try to make my research available Open Access. If you're ever having trouble finding one of my articles, please contact me!
If you want recommendations for books about medieval Irish (or Welsh) literature, this list on my Bookshop page has all my go-to recommendations. If you buy via this link, I earn a small commission at no extra cost to you, so this is a great way to support me.
I am also an author, and I write both YA and adult novels. Again, my website is the place to go for all the info and links, but a quick summary:
The Butterfly Assassin trilogy (The Butterfly Assassin, 2022; The Hummingbird Killer, 2023; Moth to a Flame, 2024): YA thrillers about a traumatised teenage assassin who is trying (and failing) to live a normal life in a fictional closed city in Yorkshire. Featuring friendship, street art, Esperanto, zero romance, and a whole lot of murder, as well as increasingly unsubtle commentary on the UK arms industry and the military recruitment of vulnerable teenagers.
The Wolf and His King (coming Spring 2025 from Gollancz): a queer retelling of 'Bisclavret' by Marie de France which uses werewolfism as a metaphor to explore chronic pain and illness. Also very much about yearning, exile, and the mortifying ordeal of being known.
The Animals We Became (coming 2026 from Gollancz): a queertrans retelling of the Fourth Branch of the Mabinogi looking at gender, compulsory heterosexuality, and trauma, through the medium of nonconsensual animal transformations.
To Run With The Hound (coming 2027 from Gollancz): my take on the Ulster Cycle, looking at why Táin Bó Cúailnge is a tragedy and what it means to be doomed by the narrative, but not in the way you thought you were. Featuring a lot of feelings about Cú Chulainn, Fer Diad, and Láeg.
You can find out more about my recently-announced medieval retellings in this blog post.
I generally tag personal posts and selfies as “#about the author”; other than that, I think I’m pretty straightforward with my tagging system.
I’m very happy to answer questions about medieval Irish lit, my research, or my books, or just generally to chat. Send questions via asks, chat via DMs, and if you're looking for my articles, you can email me at finn [at] finnlongman [dot] com, which is also the best way to contact me for professional enquiries, whether academic or fiction related.
You can also find me on Bluesky, on Instagram, and on YouTube, where I (infrequently) retell medieval Irish stories for a general audience with lots of sarcasm and hand gestures. Technically I'm still on Twitter, but I'm trying to leave.
And finally, if you’ve found my research interesting or just generally want to support me, I have a tip jar and am always immensely grateful when somebody helps me to fund my book-buying habits: http://ko-fi.com/fianaigecht. You can also tip me directly on Tumblr if you like. I’m also a Bookshop affiliate, and you can buy books from my recommendation lists to support me and get some great reads at the same time.
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ventingfanfics · 1 year
The Wrong Paper (Part 3)
AN: I had too much fun writing this. Enjoy!
Part 2 Part 1
“And when did you see and hear it, when you were dancing on top of tables?” 
“Don’t try to compare me partying to you being attracted to your student!” Tasha argued. She was now out of the club and in her friend’s car. 
Shuri flinched, looking around. “Bast, can you keep your voice down? We’ll talk about it when I come home.”
“Don’t bother.”
The call disconnected. Shuri took a deep breath. She slid into her pocket and put on her shades before making her way inside. M’baku slid his arm around her shoulder as she came through the foyer. “What’s up with you?”
“Just marriage stuff.” She forced a light laugh, attempting to brush it off. 
“What did Tasha do now?” The towering man asked. 
“I’ll tell you about it some other time. Now is not the time nor place.” She patted his back, offering a light appreciative smile. “Thanks, though.” He continued to look at her as she hugged goodbye to her other friends. She saved you for last, seeing you shuffling cards. “Bye, Y/N.”
“Aw, you’re leaving?” 
Shuri felt her face get warm, especially as she noticed Okoye glance at you and Shuri with an amused expression. 
“Make sure you study, you have a test next week.” 
Shuri smirked seeing the panic flash across your face before you quickly recovered. “Right.” 
She decided to save that exchange between you two as she headed home. The closer she got, however, the more worked up she felt. Another argument was waiting for her. At first, drama with Tasha was exciting and stimulating. Now, it was getting old. 
After a shower, Shuri joined her wife in bed. Tasha groaned, moving far away from her. 
“Do you want to talk about what’s been happening or not?” The professor said, staring at her back. 
After a delay, Tasha said with a sigh. “Go ‘head, Shuri.”
“Okay. One of my students, she’s a writer, and she accidentally turned in one of her personal works. It was about me. I wanted to pretend the whole thing never happened so that’s why I kept it to myself.”
“Which student?”
Shuri furrowed her eyebrows. “You wouldn’t know her.”
Tasha suddenly turned on the other side so Shuri was in her view. “Is it the one you meet with often? The one you’re always writing dissertations for on her work?”
Shuri made a face. “I have several students that I often meet with and I give just about all of them thorough notes.”
“Whatever, that look like her. I think you were attracted to her before she ever wrote that porno.”
“It was not a porno!”
“Written porn. Yes, it was!”
Shuri rolled her eyes but one could tell she was humored. “Call it what you want. The poor girl is mortified.”
“She wouldn’t be if she knew you were getting off on it. And I see you didn’t deny it when I said you were already attracted to her.” She smirked. 
Shuri had found you attractive, smart, and interesting, but you really got her attention once she knew how you felt about her. Of course she’d been familiar with the concept of a student finding an educator appealing and good looking, but she didn’t think she’d be on the receiving end of it. For a student to actually put into writing—detailed writing at that—how they saw you and what they wanted you to do to them and for you to do together, it was amazing. 
This whole time you’d been lusting after her. All those times in class, those racy thoughts occupied your mind as she taught you. Shuri wouldn’t had noticed. Yes, sometimes you would watch her lingeringly or blush and avert your eyes when eye contact was made. For the most part, though, things seemed innocent enough. 
Professor Shuri knew the truth now, though. Maybe it was a good thing that you had missed the week. It was a bummer as she'd wanted to see you. She always looked forward to your attendance in her class. However, after that submission, she couldn’t imagine her actions. She knew she’d have to maintain professionalism. 
But how could she look at you knowing that you’d wanted her to taste your most private area? And knowing you wanted to taste her as well. That paper showed her that you weren’t such a good girl after all. It also humanized you. Did people think that well-behaved individuals lacked sexual desires? 
If you and Shuri were to take that path, she’d know what you liked and wanted. You wanted her to kiss all over your soft, supple skin. And you hadn’t been wrong about her thoughts on your clothing: she did like how you dressed, including the versatility of it all. 
Shuri felt like a crazed woman. Your story stayed with her. She’d touched herself more times than she’d ever admit to it in response to it. She wasn’t proud of the fact that she had saved a copy of the story to transfer to her personal computer. 
What else did you like during sex? How did you taste? She was confident that you tasted good, but she wanted to know your flavor. Shuri couldn’t even look at her own hands now without blushing or imagining herself inserting them into you. You had even held them earlier today. You really liked her hands.
It brought a smile to her face.
“Does anyone have anymore questions about the test?” Professor Shuri surveyed the room. She had to force herself not to look at you. Keeping you out of her vision would keep her sane. Relief filled her when one of her students raised a hand. “Yes, Melanie.” She smiled. 
Through her peripheral vision, however, she saw your legs widen under the table. It didn’t help that you were in the first row. Today, not only had you chosen a short skirt, but you’d chosen violence as well. Your legs parted wide enough to where she could see your panties. 
“Class is over,” Shuri abruptly said. 
“Professor, you didn’t answer my question.”
“Office hours. I will email you. If you anyone has anymore questions, you can call me, email me or stop by before 6.”
“I have my appointment with you in five minutes,” You said, trying to look innocent. Shuri didn’t react, instead called Melanie over to her, so she could properly listen to her question.
You waited until everyone else eventually exited the classroom, not taking your eyes off Shuri. You enjoyed seeing her kind of sweat. Shuri shut her door and glared at you. “Really, Y/N?”
“What?” You played dumb. “What’d I do, professor?”
She scoffed. “You know what you did!”
“Can you be more specific?”
She gave you a look that made it hard not to laugh. “Don’t play with me, Y/N.” She started aggressively closing folders and binders on her desk and shoving them into drawers. 
“Damn, what did the supplies do to you?” You joked. 
“It’s not what they’re doing, it’s what you’re doing.” She eyed you sternly. Her gaze was unwavering as you walked over to her. You watched her eyes explore your bare legs. If she could, she’d burn a hole through your skirt. 
“What am I doing, Shuri?” 
The way you said her name felt like a caress. 
“Hm? What have I done? Please tell me so I can make it better.” You hesitantly touched her hips. When she didn’t challenge you, you held her waist. Her eyes were cloudy but she was willing. You carefully embraced her. Her body remained still with the exception of her rising and falling chest. After a moment, you slowly released her. But the other woman had other plans. 
She grabbed your jaw and kissed you. You gasped but melted into her, tilting your head to properly kiss her back. Your lips moves slowly but passionately. When air became an issue, you separated.
“Holy shit,” You said, cheesing.
Shuri huffed out a laugh. “Looks like you got your wish.” She sighed. 
“That kiss was amazing and you can't deny it.”
“This wasn’t supposed to happen.”
“Or maybe it was.”
“Why did you have to flash me your panties?”
You wrinkled your nose. “Um, what?”
Shuri gazed back at you, feeling just as confused. She looked down at your outfit, seeing you were wearing sweats and a crop top. Your stomach was out but not your thighs. 
I’m losing it, Shuri thought. I really just fantasized about my student coming on to me and flashing me. I have truly lost it. 
Instead of her classroom, you were in her office. You did have an appointment with her. And she felt ashamed as she watched you genuinely sit there puzzled and possibly disturbed.
“Please forgive me,” She said. “How can I help you?”
As you asked your professor questions about the upcoming test, she began to calm down, almost eagerly answering—eager for a distraction form her feral mind.
“Does that answer it?” Shuri asked, showing her chipper side.
You nodded. “Now I have another question.”
“Go for it.”
“Why did you ask me why I had to flash my panties to you?” 
Shuri stood up and went to her window. “I was thinking about something. Don’t worry about it, it was a mistake.”
“Thinking of…me in my panties?” 
“Y/N, just drop it. Please.”
“Drop what? My panties?” 
She turned around to look at you and you uttered a laugh. “You walked right into that one.”
“I did,” she agreed, chuckling and awkwardly rubbing the back of her neck. 
“Wow, professor. You weren’t kidding.”
“What do you mean?”
“When you said you’ve been thinking about…you know, the story.”
Shuri playfully rolled her eyes. “Well, it’s kind of hard not to.”
“How’s your wife?” 
The two of you gazed at each other with unspoken words. 
“She knows,” Shuri shared, approaching her desk again and sitting on the edge of it. 
“Yikes. I’m sorry.”
She waved a hand dismissively. “Don’t apologize. It was all an accident.” 
“Or was it?”
Shuri eyed you expectantly, trying to see where you were going with that remark. She watched as you drew closer to her. Here we go again, she thought. 
“Maybe it was meant to be. Maybe you were meant to read that. I don’t know, it just all seems…connected.”
“I think you manifested it.” The professor smirked. Her gaze followed your hands that rested on either side of her legs as you positioned yourself in between them. “You like my hands, huh?” There was a twinkle in her eyes.
You tilted your head, humorously narrowing your eyes. “That was random, but yeah, I do. And you like my panties, apparently.”
“You want me to like them,” she quipped. “And, you want me to take them off you.” She said the latter around your ear. You shivered, falling into her. She chuckled and held your hip before stroking the small of your back with her other hand. You moaned when you felt her lips ghost over the hollow of your neck. “The real me can make you feel better than you think.”
"Do it, please," You begged with all your heart and soul. "I know you can."
Shuri laughed heartily. She seemingly rewarded you with honeyed pecks on your cheek. She focused on your lips again. "I can't resist you, Y/N."
"Then don't." You leaned your forehead to hers and she encircled your waist. Wanting to relax her, you stroked her arms up to her shoulders. She gave you this adorably amused/intrigued look as your palms traveled up her nape.
"Stop looking at me like that."
She laughed softly. "How am I looking at you? Keep going."
Smiling to yourself, you eased your hand over her curls, holding a chunk of them and brushing your lips over hers. Whatever reservations she held previously evaporated. She grabbed your blouse, kissing you softly at first.
Yesyesyesyes, writer you mentally cheered. As if agreeing with you, Shuri deepened the kiss. Somewhere in the heated make-out session, she had it so your rear was the one against the desk. "Lay down for me." Her kisses were gentle against your collar bone and neck. "You're so pretty..." she said, looking in your eyes and taking in your body.
She eased your sweats past your melanated hips and pressed a kiss on your right and left one. "What do you want first? My hand or tongue?" She was serious but smiled seeing your face light up.
"Whichever you want to give me first." You could imagine that she saw the desire you had for her in the flesh. There was no mistaken it.
She caressed your thigh for a moment causing shivers when her tattooed hand trailed against the front of your panties much like your fantasy. You leaked like crazy at the sight of her inked hand rubbing your concealed heat. A giggle escaped you when she pecked your belly. You were enjoying what she was doing but felt she was moving slow.
You pulled pulled your panties up and she straightened up.
"What's wrong?" she asked concerned.
"I can feel the hesitation. We don't have to do this, Shuri." You gave her a soft smile and stroked her back. "Some things can stay a fantasy."
"No, I want you, I do. Terribly--"
"You feel guilty."
"A little, yeah." She sighed, looking ashamed.
"You're a good wife."
She sat down and pulled you onto her lap, one arm around you, and the other held your chin as she planted another deep kiss on your mouth. "Usana, I want you so bad, it hurts. Will you wait for me?"
You repeated the question in your mind. "Wait, what do you mean?" You could take that a few ways.
"I want to go there with you, I just can't tell you when."
You paused and nodded. "I get it. You have my number." Peeling her hands off you, you hopped off her lap. "Good night."
"Y/N...don't be mad at me."
"I'm not. Later." You took your bag and left.
Despite what you had told Shuri, timed proved that you were mad, or at the very least, bothered. When the following week rolled around, you acted indifferent towards Shuri. Maybe it was best that you moved on from her. You could imagine the relationship would be fun yet complicated, and with you being in school and getting ready for your future, did you need unnecessary hardship?
Shuri noticed the change. Whenever you looked at each other, your eyes were blank. Sometimes you even looked bored. What stung was when you started departing class without a farewell. You'd just walk out. When she tried to engage you via text, your replies were short.
The last straw was when you seemingly took interest in another student named Vivienne Scott. You called her Scotty. Shuri had noticed that you lit up around this Scotty character. You would walk her to class or she'd walk you to class or wait for you. Shuri spotted you once having what looked like a library date.
At first, Shuri tried to tell herself that you had made a friend, and of course there was no harm in that. It wasn't like she didn't want you to have friends. But this Scotty girl was becoming attached to your hip. And it didn't seem all that platonic.
One day after class, Professor Shuri firmly called your name. You knew that meant she wanted you to stay. She waited until it was just you two.
It stung when you looked annoyed, like she was wasting your time. Wasting your time with Scotty or something.
"Do you have to be snippy?"
Your expression softened. "No, I'm just confused seeing as I'm doing well. In class."
Shuri looked down, nodding before eyeing you again. "Yes, you are doing well. Keep up the good work. I wanted to know if you wanted to go out with me tonight." She watched the expression on your face change multiple times.
"The new art museum they opened in the city. Of course dinner's included." She smiled.
"Oh...it's a bit last minute."
She nodded a little and looked at you. "Do you already have plans?" There was an urgency in her energy right now. Like, she needed you to say yes to her. What an interesting turn of events.
"I do, I was going to kick it with Scotty."
You could have sworn you saw a twitch in Shuri's jaw. You suppressed a smile.
"I see. Your little girlfriend." She shuffled away, gathering her materials.
"She's not my girlfriend. She is cute, though." This time you did allow your smile to show. "Really cute. And sweet. And good with her hands." Shuri stopped what she was doing and quickly eyed you.
Her stare hardened. "What are you trying to do, Y/N?"
"I'm not trying to do anything." You shrugged. "You okay?"
"Why did you feel the need to throw that comment in there about her hands? Is everything sexual with you? Is that all you think about?"
You blinked. "For your information, professor, I was referring to her work. You are the one thinking sexually, not me."
Shuri stared at you a little longer and then heaved a sigh. "I apologize. I just can't help that feel like ever since that day you've kept your distance."
"Figured maybe it was for the best."
"Well, whether it is or not, I miss you. And that's why I was hoping we could spend time together. I'm sure Scotty will be okay if you don't hang out with her for one night." Shuri zipped her bag.
Yeah, she's hella salty, you thought. "What time were you planning on going?" Shuri had you curious, and you were interested in visiting that new museum.
She looked at you and smiled. "Now."
Your eyes widened some. "Now?"
Chuckling, she nodded. "Yes, come on, let's go! Gotta beat the traffic."
Part 4
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I'm impressed by how quickly you're able to put out quality writing! Do you have a trick or a routine or something you could pass on? Sincerely, someone who takes months to write five thousand words
Friend I so wish I had something I could tell you, but honestly, I just have the kind of brain that refuses to let me have free time. Writing is the closest I get to relaxing. Fun fact: this very much extends to my professional and academic life. My phd dissertation director and I are spending the summer working on trimming down the first full draft of my dissertation because, and I wish I was exagerrating, the motherfucker is almost five hundred pages long.
Honestly, I guess, the biggest thing is to know when you've actually got writer's block and when you don't. I have days where I can't write. But, most of the time, there's something going on with your story that might need a tweak if you feel like writing it is like pulling teeth. Figure out what's getting to you - maybe you're nervous about writing a big important scene, or your dialogue feels off, or you need to think about what happens later before you can handle the parts in between.
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willowbsullivan · 1 month
Hi y'all! I'm Willow (they/them), you're local bi, nonbinary writer of queer romances of all types. While this is a brand new blog, I am not new to Tumblr - I've been lurking and writing in fandom spaces since 2013. But I am getting serious about sharing my original writing and wanted a place to do so!
Some other things about me: I have my MFA in Creative Writing, own three cats, and live in the North Eastern United States. I work in Higher Ed for my day job as a diversity, equity, and inclusion professional. My favorite genres to read and write are romance, science fiction, fantasy, historical fiction, and mystery. My favorite trope in the whole world is found family.
The People You Meet Writing Your Dissertation | Supernatural Romance | F/M/NB | Current WC: 17k | Tag: WIP TPYMWYD
To Be Loved | "Regency" Fantasy Romance | M/M/F | Current WC: 16k | Tag: WIP TBL
Stick Season | Contemporary Romance | F/F | Current WC: 30k | Tag: WIP stickseason
You can also find me reviewing polyam media at @canonicallypolyamrecs
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I have a crack theory that has absolutely no bearing on the story whatsoever: Qi never got his doctorate/PhD.
[Put the rest under a read more in case you don’t want to read like 3 pages of straight up speculation over nothing holy shit]
(to preface, getting a PhD is basically what separates a student and a professional researcher in academia. You most likely can’t be a professor without one, and research jobs in non-academic labs aren't likely to take you either. Getting a PhD also earns you the title of "Dr.", same as an MD.)
Even though Qi is referred to as “Dr. Qi” by several people, when he’s actually called that in his earshot, he insists on being called “Director”.
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The way Qi speaks is very “technically correct” and literal, according to one of the writers.
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[taken from an Ask the Dev segment on the Pathea discord.]
So maybe he insists on being called “Director” because it’s technically the only title he actually holds. Your college professors have doctorates, but you can probably call them “Professor” or “Doctor” interchangeably and it’ll still be okay with them. So why doesn’t Qi also operate like that?
PhDs also typically take 5 years to complete (and that’s assuming nothing goes wrong…). You’ll probably be in your late 20s by the time you’re done. But…how old is Qi? He hasn’t been assigned a canon age yet, but we can make a few guesses.
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There’s a photo of his family in his room that is dated from year 80. MTaS starts at year 98 (or 97, I have to check). Considering that adult Qi is about 5’11”/180 cm, he’s definitely younger than a teenager in this pic when we see his relative height here. I say he looks around 8-10? That means that by the start of MTaS, he’s around 26-28. It should be around this time that he finishes his doctorate and has a successful dissertation defense. But he’s in Sandrock… There’s also this line from one of the main missions (no spoilers) that implies that Qi’s been in Sandrock for around 7 years. So he potentially left Vega 5 and came to Sandrock when he was in his early 20s.
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But when did he graduate, then? It’s a bit more possible that he got his Bachelor's degree super early. Maybe he skipped a few grades, maybe he sigma grindsetted his degree plan. With the more course-based and structured nature of Bachelor’s programs, it probably would’ve been easier to speedrun. A big research effort like a dissertation takes more time to properly do and can't really be sped up that much, since it's intended to be a culmination of all the knowledge you've gained on a particular subject.
But then what happened after that?? He started work on his PhD, but then…his dissertation work got stolen. In The Assistant, Qi says at some point while he was at uni, his work was stolen.
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He doesn’t specify what it was, but it was bad enough that he refused to work directly with anyone else since. Losing your dissertation is…bad, to say the least. It could’ve been stolen, you’ve might’ve lost it, or someone else just happened to do the same thing you were doing and publish it first. Whatever the case, if that happens, at worst, you need to start from square one. Years of work, straight into the garbage. It’s also a matter of money, too. Do you have enough to pull you through a couple extra years of tuition? Can you renew your assistantship? Considering his parents are humble fishermen, Qi probably couldn't secure the funds to keep going. So he threw up his hands and quit school, and tried to find research work on his own merit. Without a doctorate, though, he probably was only able to take low-rank or assistant jobs. Instead of being assessed on his talents as is, his lack of a title barred him from making any advancements. So he left. It would explain this line, where he talks about leaving Vega 5 due to “bureaucratic pedantry”:
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Qi’s the only researcher in Sandrock, and is therefore Director by default. He might be in Sandrock to find the Olympia, but is he also there because that’s the only place he has any authority? Is Sandrock the only place where people will take him seriously? Is he clinging to that? Is that why he insists on people calling him Director…?
…Well now I’m sad. I’ll end this on a higher note with an even crackier theory: Merlin from MTaP was the one who stole his work. There is absolutely NO evidence for this, I just think it’d be funny.
Merlin was “the most promising apprentice” at Vega 5, but was kicked out for performing an experiment so egregious that even Vega 5 wanted nothing to do with her. What if she had a rivalry going with Qi while they were in school, and it culminated in her stealing his research? Whatever the hell Qi was planning to do was so off the cuff that she took the fall for him when she actually did it. And Qi was planning on leaving Vega 5 anyway, so he’d be free to continue his mad scientist shit elsewhere. Alternatively, Merlin stole his work, he saw that she got kicked out, and he decided to skedaddle knowing that he’d probably be next if he kept going.
okay that's enough spitballing thank u for coming to my ted talk
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bonnienapierfilm · 5 months
This month has been full steam ahead for Popper! Where we are currently:
Popper will be the title for the film! If it ain't broke...
Socials have been made, headshots taken, and ready to start crowdfunding asap.
Script in on draft 3, close to being locked in!
Dates almost secured for shooting.
Casting has had callbacks--ready for confirming soon.
We have a cinematographer! Jacob Gandy, who has a wonderful website filled with their work, I am very excited to work with them.
Drafting Popper has been a challenge, as the story really is developing and unfolding as I draft, which I'm not that used to--previously I've been very sure of a story as I write. My meetings with Kate have been incredibly helpful; her insights and ideas have really pushed the project in the right direction, and helped me properly explore the themes I wanted to but struggled to find.
Current Important Themes in Popper:
Mother/Daughter Relationship
Male Dominance
I have never written a surrealist script, so I have been reading scripts and exploring surrealist art to inform myself. I had been writing my dissertation about surrealism and the Czech New Wave, so sometimes research doubled over which was handy. Films like Alice (1988), Daisies (1966), Cat in the Hat (2003), have helped me visualise my project, which I feel I'm doing far too much of -- visualising. I have found myself drifting my focus from the story when I spend too long imagining the film.
I also reread some of Barbara Creed's 'The Monstrous Feminine', and tried applying it to Popper. I have a mother character in the script, Audre's Mother, and I'd like to incorporate one of Creed's archetypes of women in film, the Monstrous Mother. Also the idea of the castration is relevant in Popper-- as Audre is a non-conforming female character, and therefore a threat to the male doctors at the clinic she visits. Audre is a real threat to the men in Popper, though she doesn't feel like it, as they force her back into the conforming corner, she did have power and individuality. If her Mother had supported her daughter, then the two 'monstrous' women would be a powerful force against the misogynistic men.
Additionally, I am trying to find visual metaphors to include. I want to explore thee idea that women becomes nothing but a vessel for life once they are pregnant. I want Audre to feel so unseen by the characters around her, pushing her isolation and the surrealist elements to the short. I just need the right way to do this.
Niamh (the producer for Popper) and I put together documents for casting, collecting scenes for specific characters as well as writers notes on the characters. Niamh put this on Facebook and we had lots of people interested! We had over 20+ interests in Audre, a few for Mother, Doctor and Johnny. We asked for self tapes, and those we got we filtered through and had actors for callbacks. We also had our actors from the test shoot re-audition.
Callbacks were in person, and were very daunting for me, as it felt very professional, thanks to Niamh! I hadn't held such intense auditions before, it felt kind of awkward to sit before actors, who am I to turn people down? Alas, I am the director, so I am that person. We saw some great people, and I honestly feel spoilt for choice right now, which Niamh keeps reminding me is a great position to be in. We hope to confirm cast this week, as well as dates too.
more updates to come! :)
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