artuii · 6 years
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14718 // *convincing myself that drawing also is productive*
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vonnegutcoded · 6 years
20/20 tag!
thank you @antropostudy for tagging me 🌿
name: Emma
nickname: don’t really have any, though one of my friends refers to me as her favorite friend and foe
zodiac sign: gemini
age: 21
relationship status: single
sexuality: ace&aro
college course: political science (major) and geography (minor)
height: 5′7″
languages you speak: english, a decent amount of french, a weird array of german phrases from a month spent in vienna
nationality: american
favorite fruit: raspberries
favorite season: autumn
favorite scent: rain hitting pavement, especially on a hot day
favorite color: lilac and peach
favorite animal: orangutans and orcas
coffee, tea, hot chocolate: i’ve become obsessed with cappuccinos and it’s vienna’s fault, but i’m more likely to drink tea on the daily
average hours of sleep: 7 is typical during the semester, but 9 is ideal
favorite fictional characters: max vandenburg from the book thief (thought about him a lot while i was in berlin), steve rogers and bucky barnes and their tragic goddamn lives
blankets you sleep with: 1 comforter in the summer, plus an enormous blanket and a throw any other time of the year
dream trip: places that aren’t the best to go to right now like istanbul and moscow - i wish they were safer to go to alone as a woman.  but also i would love to visit african countries like ethiopia and rwanda, or more northern african cities like algiers and marrakesh.  since its summer i’ve been dreaming of spending an entire lazy summer in greece, probably crete (i’m being infuenced by my greek professor and also mamma mia)
blog created: this blog was created my senior year of high school so 2015 i suppose, but i’ve been on tumblr for much longer unfortunately
tags: @sunliglht, @pleasantlybusy , @architstudy , @professionalfreshman , @gradschoolorbust @georgestudies @fyreplace
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I was tagged by @tournexsol , like months ago. (Thank you for tagging me, love you <3 ) Had to dig my blog to find it... So here we go!
Rule: Bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, and tag nine people!
AIR: I have small hands • I love the night sky • I watch small animals and birds when I pass them by • I drink herbal tea • I wake to see dawn • The smell of dust is comforting • I’m valued for being wise • I prefer books to music • I meditate • I find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
FIRE: I don’t have straight hair • I like to wear ripped jeans and overalls • I play an organized sport • I love dogs • I am not afraid of adventure • I love to talk to strangers • I always try new foods • I enjoy road trips • Summer is my favorite season • My radio is always playing
WATER: I wear bracelets on my wrists • I love the bustle of the city • I have more than one set of piercings • I read poetry • I love the sound of a thunderstorm • I want to travel the world • I sleep past midnight most days • I love dimly lit diners and fluorescent signs • I rewatch kids’ shows out of nostalgia • I see emotions in colors not words
EARTH: I wear glasses • I enjoy doing the laundry • I am a vegetarian or vegan• I have an excellent sense of time • My humor is very cheerful • I am a valued advisor to my friends • I believe in true love • I love the chill of mountain air• I’m always listening to music • I am highly trusted by the people in my life
AETHER: I go without makeup in my daily life • I make my own artwork • I keep on track of my tasks and time • I always know true north • I see beauty in everything • I can always smell flowers • I smile at everyone I pass by • I always fear history repeating itself • I have recovered from a mental disorder • I can love unconditionally
Another earth person here!
I am tagging: @theartistdetective @professionalfreshman @warholfactories @z-oologystudy @studiousmedic  @kilewoodwork @thecoffeedesk @way-to-study  
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oceannotes · 7 years
Behind Every Studyblr There's a Person
erHello! With a lot of people getting ready to head back to classes, I figured we all needed to take a moment and remind ourselves why we’re here. So just copy and paste these questions, answer them honestly, and tag 5 other studyblrs that you want to get to know a bit better. Share your stories, your inspirations, and let’s get to know our community a bit.
thanks @mathbymoonlight for tagging me!
What motivates you to aim for success?
The people that most motivate me are my family members, friends, teachers, and my goals! My family has always been very supportive of me and they always emphasized the importance of education and ambition, and I have always had a strong family foundation that allowed me to grow. My friends are very positive people and encourage me to do the things I love. In terms of teachers, I don’t always get the best teachers, but my history teacher this past year was the most influential teacher I’ve ever had. She was very positive and successful, and I aspire to have her level of passion, kindness, and intellect. I know this sounds (incredibly) cliché, but she truly changed my life for the better. Finally, I have always wanted to be a doctor, and I understand the hard work that must go into this goal. Thus, I constantly think about how important it is to do well in order to achieve my life-long dream 
Who inspires you to do your best?
My parents always inspire me to do my best. They were never the fiercely competitive types, so I didn’t feel pressured growing up. However, they taught me to work for what I wanted and to always do my best.
What do you want people to know about you?
okay let’s make a list (!!) 
I want to be a neurologist 
I am going into my sophomore year of high school
I love science and history 
I’m really awkward and bad at small talk (but i despise small talk haha) 
I love Model United Nations and should probably write the background guide due VERY soon
I play softball
I’m always up for a conversation (feel free to message me any time!!)
What’s some advice you’d like to share?
remember that history teacher I mentioned?? On the last day of school, she gave us some advice that (I hope) I will never forget, and I love this advice so I’d really like to share it
 Don’t hate anyone Everyone has lives just as complex as yours, and has had different experiences that lead them to think/act the way they do. If you don’t like someone, don’t waste your energy thinking about how much you dislike them-- think about the positive people in your life instead.
Grades aren’t everything. This one is suuuppppeeeerrr hard for me to remember, but it’s really important (especially in the studyblr community). Grades are definitely important, and you should always try your best, but your well being is more important. This past year, I had a really rough time with math, which was especially difficult for me to handle because math has always been one of my best subjects. I worked SO HARD all year, but it wasn’t enough, and I ended up with a B in the class. This led to immense stress and sadness for a while. Especially after coming so close (i was one percent away one quarter, and if I would have gotten an A that quarter, I would have had an A overall). In retrospect, however, I realize that I did my absolute best and this will just inspire me to do better next year! (I’m actually really excited about that because my teacher this year would talk about how she didn’t know the answers to some of the questions on her test until she asked other teachers (???) but next year’s teacher is apparently hella good so I’m  r e a d y.) 
One last thing is to stress only what you can handle and find what works for you. Some of my peers do crazy amounts of extracurriculars and still manage to succeed in each of them and do well academically. Others value free time and don’t want too many things on their plate. Make sure you have a system that works for you. Those friends I mentioned that do everything often go to sleep at 3 or 4 am. The friends with free time get plenty of sleep. Personally, I like keeping busy, and I normally end up going to sleep around 12-1 am and that works for me (I had a  3 am night of homework once and was d e a d the next morning). 
okay that was really long and if you read all of it you’re the true MVP but I tag: 
@eruditekid @medicalena @stillstudies @officiallystudying @professionalfreshman
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yahootravelhk · 7 years
搭飛機梗係少不免食飛機餐嘅環節,食完飛機餐之後通常空姐都會問你想飲coffee or tea ,如果你係咖啡愛好者就一定會毫不猶豫咁答coffee,但你有冇諗過到底你係飲緊乜嘢品牌嘅咖啡呢。 最近就有外國網站搜羅咗好多航空公司都選用嘅咖啡品牌,快啲嚟睇吓你搭開嘅嗰間航空公司究竟用緊邊個邊個牌子嘅咖啡啦。
星巴克作為全球最大嘅連鎖咖啡集團,連上到半空都係佢嘅戰場。喺美國嘅航空公司來講,達美航空同埋佢嘅合作夥伴都係選用星巴克提供嘅咖啡,仲有搭阿拉斯加航空、 英國嘅Jet2航空公司同杜拜航空都同樣會飲到星巴克嘅咖啡。
2.illy Coffee
意大利嘅illy Coffee比起星巴克就更加受到亞洲地區嘅航空公司歡迎,選用佢嘅亞洲航空公司包括有國泰航空、日本全日空航空、新加坡航空,另外美國聯合航空同埋法國航空都係佢嘅合作夥伴。
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Magnificent url 👌🏻
Thanks 😘
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artuii · 7 years
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25.02.2018 // Sometimes it is about messy sheets and shit handwriting and not about pretty notes and filled cups
1/100 days of Productivity
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vonnegutcoded · 6 years
thanks for the tag @rachelstudies
1ST RULE — @lbriscoe @juniorincollege @professionalfreshman @georgestudies @fyreplace @studiies-psych @kikkistudies @studyfulltime @caffeinestudying  tag 9 people you want to get to know better: 
2ND RULE — bold the statements that are true about you
APPEARANCE: I am 5'7" or taller · I wear glasses · I have at least one tattoo · I have at least one piercing · I have blonde hair · I have brown eyes · I have short hair · My abs are at least somewhat defined · I have or have had braces
PERSONALITY: I love meeting new people · People tell me that I’m funny · Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me · I enjoy physical challenges · I enjoy mental challenges · I’m playfully rude with people I know well · I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it ·There is something I would change about my personality
ABILITY: I can sing well · I can play an instrument · I can do over 30 pushups without stopping · I’m a fast runner · I can draw well · I have a good memory · I’m good at doing math in my head · I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute · I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling · I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch · I know how to throw a proper punch
HOBBIES: I enjoy playing sports · I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else · I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else · I have learned a new song in the past week · I work out at least once a week · I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months · I have drawn something in the past month · I enjoy writing · fandoms are my #1 passion · I do or have done martial arts
EXPERIENCES: I have had my first kiss · I have had alcohol · I have scored the winning goal in a sports game · I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting · I have been at an overnight event · I have been in a taxi · I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year · I have beaten a video game in one day · I have visited another country · I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
MY LIFE: I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” · I live close to my school · My parents are still together · I have at least one sibling · I live in the United States · There is snow right now where I live · I have hung out with a friend in the past month · I have a smartphone · I have at least 15 CDs · I share my room with someone
RELATIONSHIPS: I’m in a relationship · I have a crush on a celebrity · I have a crush on someone I know · I have been in at least 3 relationships · I have never been in a relationship · I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them · I get crushes easily · I had a crush on someone for over a year · I have been in a relationship for at least a year · I have had feelings for a friend
RANDOM SHIT: I have breakdanced · I know a person named Jamie · I have had a teacher with the last name that’s hard to pronounce · I have dyed my hair · I’m listening to one song on repeat right now · I have punched someone in the past week · I know someone who has gone to jail · I have broken a bone · I have eaten a waffle today · I know what I want to do with my life · I speak at least 2 languages · I have made a new friend in the past year
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merakinotes · 8 years
Nice blog! Keep it up 😊
thank u !! i will :]
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upthehillart · 8 years
ASKJSEHGJDNCNIEGUEU THANK YOU, there’s more coming up for surrrreee, I’m just getting started x)
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pollyflorence · 9 years
Top 5 OTP s? Love you blog btw 💞🙌🏻
Thank you!! 💕 I wanna do a mix of books and tv is that okay?
• Oliver & Felicity (Arrow)
• Jamie & Claire (Outlander)
• Cress & Thorne (The Lunar Chronicles)
• Simon & Baz (Carry On)
• Juliette & Warner (Shatter Me)
These are my faves at the moment, thanks for asking 😌
Ask me my top 5 anything?
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artuii · 7 years
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27.02.2018 // I genuinely wish I could read books instead of well, everything. 3/100 Days of Productivity
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artuii · 7 years
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11.03.2018 // Today : A Study in Pink "I can do this" I say as I slowly cry in despair
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artuii · 7 years
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0 2 . 0 2 . 1 8 It mever occur to me before that I would enjoy philosophy this much CR: Sofie's World by Jostein Gaarder
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artuii · 7 years
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0 1 . 0 2 . 1 8 // first hiking, then studying at a cáfe, then enjoying the view
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pollyflorence · 9 years
New fave blog 💖👌🏻📚
Thank you so much!! 😌💕 I'm glad you like it!
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