#profit loss
khoirri · 2 months
Lihat jasa dari freelancer ini! Jasa Pembuatan Laporan Keuangan seharga Rp 0. Gunakan jasanya sekarang di Fastwork https://fastwork.id/user/khoirri/financial-36347550?utm_source=app_sharing
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odinsblog · 1 year
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"We all too often have socialism for the rich and rugged free market capitalism for the poor."
—Martin Luther King Jr.
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somecunttookmyurl · 5 months
someone (blocked immediately for total lack of reading comprehension) in my notes proclaiming they make jewellery with "real gemstones" in that they can't even get people to "pay the cost of the stones" on because that would be $200-300 and i have never read a bigger load of bullshit in my life
ma'am if your supplier is charging you two hundred fucking dollars for enough gemstones to make one piece of jewellery you are a victim of the biggest scam since ea nasir. you can go and buy fully made fine jewellery for less than that and deconstruct it.
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agnesandhilda · 2 years
quote from man shot
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sasukecouchiewa · 19 days
Garak: thats the thing about love, no one really understands it, do they?
Oh Garak... my mind is BREWING this episode FED me for the next week im gonna be thinking about it so much. My god Garak the man that you are. My sweet sweet Beautiful Garak. Why did he do all that why is he so charming in everything he does. I need more of him why isnt he in every single episode
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retellingthehobbit · 4 months
Dang, I almost forgot Ao3 bans any mention of monetizing your work (for obvious sensible and understandable reasons)-- Patreon will never be mentioned there, haha! XD Thanks to the people who reminded me before I went too far. In any case, you can follow me on Patreon for art tutorials, general art stuff, Les Mis stuff, and early Hobbit Comic pages :). But I will not bring it up on A03. I will be as silent as the grave.
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seaglassandeelgrass · 6 months
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Profits & Prices: Who makes what and what is paid by whom? Songs of commodities, costs, collateral, consumption, and compensation.
Cover image is a butcher selling mutton from Ms.4182 tav.138, the 14th-century Tacuinum Sanitatis held by the Biblioteca Casanatense.
The Money Crop- Malvina Reynolds
Who Reaps the Profits? Who Pays the Price?- Leon Rosselson
Working Reward- The Haymarket Squares
Pound a Week Rise- Siobhan Miller
Hey Ho- Tracy Grammer
The Hand That Feeds- The Crane Wives
Tomorrow Will Follow Today- Kathryn Roberts & Sean Lakeman
Age of the Robber Barons- David Rovics
The Falcon- Mimi & Richard Farina
Dictatorship of Capital- Alistair Hulett
You Stay Here- Richard Shindell
Le Diable et le Fermier- Windborne
Chemical Worker's Song- Jimmy Aldridge & Sid Goldsmith
Dying to Make a Living- The Local Honeys
Black Trade- The Unthanks
Something in the Rain- Tish Hinojosa
Free Enterprise- Jan Hammarlund
The Ballad of Accounting- Peggy Seeger & Ewan MacColl
The Capitalist Blues- Leyla McCalla
P.O.P. (Profit Over People)- The Moods
The Butcher's Sher- Daniel Kahn & the Painted Bird
21 tracks; 85 mins. [Spotify]
[my other playlists]
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asexualjedi · 5 months
Somehow quark’s plea to odo to help him get his lover off the station is so homosexual. And as I typed this quark said “do it for me” wow wow wow
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spaceagebachelorstan · 2 months
seen a lot of people saying that episode 13 is a spider episode, but am i the only one who sees it as a desolation episode? idk it’s just the cycle of the finance bro clawing his way up to ultimate fortune by losing everything else, and at the end of it all he doesn’t even get to keep his riches. he literally has nothing by the end of it, he’s burned every bridge, alienated himself from his friends and parents and completely fucked up his health. all that suffering just for one terrible loss, he got a taste of the top and it was stolen from him right at the finish line. life metaphorically going up into flames.
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dessertbird · 5 months
Daily Destiel 💙💚
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Doctor. 😇🩺😍❤️
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toxoplasmewsis · 3 months
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tu-es-gegg · 1 year
I need to know,
Was I the only person who was thinking during the last episode of generation loss thinking, " This isn't the end, also long as we are watching the show will go on. "
Or am I just a tab bit insane?
Generation Loss (Gen 1), to me at least, was about the effect of an audience, what sort of things happen when suddenly a mass of eyes flock towards a person so suddenly, its so prevalent throughout.
It's a commentary on the media industry and how its focus seems to be ONLY the audience, not its creators. They don't have any problems torturing their subjects, forcing filters and inhibitions to act on a democratic whim, just so they can have an audience. But the audience is not exempt from being used by the industry either. The audience is a part of the social experiment, we are just as much the lab rats as the streamers are.
The ending of the 3rd episode brought that home for me because literally the audience is a perpetrator and witness to a poor guy's death. It's what the audience chose to do when they cant look away. It's what the audience will ruminate on as the credits roll with his dead body being zoomed away from. They can't stop seeing the corpse, the camera won't let them all the way until the end.
All the glitches into the "reality" were intentional otherwise the cameras would've panned away, cut to a technical diffulties break. But no, they showed the blood in Charlie's gut for a split second, they showed the characters freezing on hold as Sneeg is being reset.
The audience can't help but watch a comedy and a tragedy. So the show goes on with that in mind. They want the audience to laugh at the bits and jokes, they want us to cry and plead when our favourite character is threatened. The audience gives Showfall Media power when they react, when they give their eyes where they shouldn't be.
The only way it ends is when people look away, but Showfall Media won't let that happen.
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legendling · 1 year
What an absolutely bonkers ride that was-- Anyways here's all my art from the past few day s-
(most of it is Charlie)
(because I am deranged)
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somecunttookmyurl · 5 months
Now I'm honestly kind of curious what that "totes real gem stones" jewelry of 300 bucks looks like, lmao
I once saw someone selling mountain crystals, small pieces, for 100 bucks. So many scammers with stones. Wonder if that person is a scammer themselves, just bullshitting, or has the worst supplier ever.
it would have to be the worst supplier ever because in less than 5 min i tracked down a wholesale supplier who will give me twenty five 3mm lab-grown sapphires for £38
that's about £1.50 each. so £3 for a pair of earrings assuming you only used one in each
thing is i could make stirling-silver-and-sapphires earrings and sell them for the price of claire's costume jewellery and still be making a huge profit on it. it's just that nobody would believe it's real at that price.
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dragontamerno3 · 2 months
DS9 E2E18 - Profit and Loss
Star Trek is really good at both telling us who the bad guys are in a very black and white fashion but they're also very good at then taking that and throwing it into a blender to make things all sorts of shades of gray. I find myself feeling the shades of gray with the Cardassians. I rather loathe them, in the way that we're supposed to. They're literal space yahtzees, the show has stated that they've created war crimes similar to those of the Holocaust. It's valid to hate them. That said, they keep dropping stray Cardassians into the mix that aren't like the others. Quark's lost love being one of them.
Everytime a Cardassian comes aboard I'm waiting for the ultimate betrayal and while a betrayal did happen, I'm honestly glad it came from the clearly marked oppressor.
I appreciate how even the Cardassians would have freedom fighters that were around to try to help save Cardassia from fash rule. I was a little weirder out that she kept calling them her students, but only because it made it feel more cult like but that was just a side note my brain kept thinking throwing at me when she did lol
Quark's storyline in this was interesting. I'm not generally a fan of sudden romance stories but the idea that a Ferengi would give up everything for a woman is incredibly out of character (as a whole) it was fascinating to watch him go from "SHE gets free things, you have to pay" to "You're with her, you get free drinks but only drinks" to "I'll give you this VERY important device for free if you get her to stay" to "Take me with you, I'll abandon everything for you."
To be clear, I don't think that last part would have lasted, even if he stayed devoted and loyal, he'd still start to scheme or try to make a profit somewhere. The man doesn't even take his first breath in the morning before he starts to consider the money he can make, he's not giving it up completely. But even the idea of it was interesting.
And then he got Odo to release them? And Odo did? Shocking but awesome all the same.
Having an episode with Garak and no Bashir should be a crime but having a very flamboyant Garak in the episode at all is a win that I'll take.
I wasn't sure the angle they were trying to pull with him because, from my read on the character so far he was against the Cardassian regime or at least had grown to have a bad taste for it so when he "outed" them for being there I was super confused.
Even when he showed up at the end to kill them I was kinda surprised that he would do that. But when he ended up killing the actual villain of this specific episode instead it made me wonder if he was playing some kind of 4D chess. Still don't know where he stands (and I'm okay with it) or what his intentions were but I appreciate the outcome. Chaos Garak for the win.
A show note, not exactly an episode note (though it did happen here): I love how they use his tailor shop and analogies to describe things/situations/warn folks. This is the second time he's done this and its a fun narrative feature that I dig.
7/10 - the plot itself was all over the place and I have more questions than answers but this was a fun ride. Saved from a 6.5 because Garak, though.
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decadent-hag · 2 months
Sometimes other antique dealers will come into the shop and try to haggle for discounts on items they want to buy to sell in their own shops and be like "well, I cant buy it at that price because i wont be able to sell it for more than that and then I wont make money" bitch what do you think I'm selling this shit for????? fun??????
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