nando161mando · 1 year
"Istanbul Municipality shared a video showing a pro-government TV channel sabotaging the city’s escalators in metro stations to depict the municipality as nonfunctional."
The Mayor of the Metropolitan Municipality is from the largest opposition party, Republican People's Party (CHP).
Dictator Erdoğan's regime and its institutions have been trying to depose, ban and imprison that Mayor through several underhanded methods.
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transgenderer · 2 years
Tonga's current king, Tupou VI, traces his line directly back through six generations of monarchs. The previous king, George Tupou V, born in 1946, continued to have ultimate control of the government until July 2008
Tonga's economy is characterised by a large nonmonetary sector and a heavy dependence on remittances from the half of the country's population who live abroad (chiefly in Australia, New Zealand, and the United States). The royal family and the nobles dominate and largely own the monetary sector of the economy – particularly the telecommunications and satellite services. Tonga was named the sixth-most corrupt country in the world by Forbes magazine in 2008.[60]
King Tāufaʻāhau Tupou IV and his government made some problematic economic decisions and were accused by democracy activists, including former prime minister ʻAkilisi Pōhiva, of wasting millions of dollars on unwise investments. The problems have mostly been driven by attempts to increase national revenue through a variety of schemes – considering making Tonga a nuclear waste disposal site (an idea floated in the mid 1990s by the current crown prince),[35] and selling Tongan Protected Persons Passports (which eventually forced Tonga to naturalise the purchasers, sparking ethnicity-based concerns within Tonga).[36]
Schemes also included the registering of foreign ships (which proved to be engaged in illegal activities, including shipments for al-Qaeda);[37] claiming geo-orbital satellite slots (the revenue from which seems to belong to the Princess Royal, not the state);[38] holding a long-term charter on an unusable Boeing 757 that was sidelined in Auckland Airport, leading to the collapse of Royal Tongan Airlines;[39] and approving a factory for exporting cigarettes to China (against the advice of Tongan medical officials and decades of health-promotion messaging).[40]
In mid-2003, the government passed a radical constitutional amendment to "Tonganize" the press, by licensing and limiting freedom of the press, so as to protect the image of the monarchy. The amendment was defended by the government and by royalists on the basis of traditional cultural values. Licensure criteria include 80% ownership by Tongans living in the country. As of February 2004, those papers denied licenses under the new act included the Taimi ʻo Tonga (Tongan Times), the Keleʻa, and the Matangi Tonga – while those permitted licenses were uniformly church-based or progovernment.
The bill was opposed in the form of a several-thousand-strong protest march in the capital, a call by the Tuʻi Pelehake (a prince, nephew of the king and elected member of parliament) for Australia and other nations to pressure the Tongan government to democratise the electoral system, and a legal writ calling for a judicial investigation of the bill. The latter was supported by some 160 signatures, including seven of the nine elected, "People's Representatives"
tonga is a small island nation of about 100k people, 70% of which live on the largest island of tongatapu. its politics are kind of crazy
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snipertim · 2 years
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#proudPinoy🇵🇭 #salamatpoTatayD #progovernment #unityforourcountry🇵🇭 (at Malgapo's Place (Jaen, Nueva Ecija, Philippines)) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfQccyShg4BpQSJMhb7uoZrc6FAhSd-A_F0wmE0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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magaratimes · 4 years
new success of pro-government forces ~ #REUTERS:
new success of pro-government forces ~ #REUTERS:
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In April 2019, the forces of Marshal Haftar, a strong man from the East, launched an offensive to seize the capital Tripoli, where the Government of National Union (GNA) sits, in the midst of a power struggle in this country tanker plunged into chaos since the fall of the regime of Muammar Gaddafi in 2011.
Over the months, foreign interference has exacerbated the conflict, with the United Arab…
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en24news · 5 years
They paint “Down Communists” at the headquarters of the Cuban pro-government group Alianza Martiana
They paint “Down Communists” at the headquarters of the Cuban pro-government group Alianza Martiana
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The Miami-based headquarters of the Alianza Martiana group, close to the Cuban government, were vandalized on Monday at dawn, said Miami Police and corroborated Max Lesnik, president of that institution.
“In the front of our offices they made several graffiti. Also on the Martian Alliance sign. There is a video in the hands of the Police where four individuals are…
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news4me · 5 years
houthi rebels attack: विद्रोहियों ने सरकार समर्थक बलों पर किया हमला, 8 की मौत: यमन अधिकारी - rebels attack pro-government forces, killing eight yemen officials
houthi rebels attack: विद्रोहियों ने सरकार समर्थक बलों पर किया हमला, 8 की मौत: यमन अधिकारी – rebels attack pro-government forces, killing eight yemen officials
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घटना के बाद क्षेत्र की जांच करते सुरक्षा बल
सना यमन में हूती विद्रोहियों ने लाल सागर के तट पर बसे क्षेत्र में सरकार समर्थक बलों पर मिसाइल हमला किया। इस हमले में 3 नागरिकों समेत कम से कम 8 लोग मारे गए और 12 लोग घायल हुए। यह जानकारी यमन के अधिकारियों ने दी। उन्होंने बताया कि हमला बुधवार को मोचा शहर में हुआ। हमले में सैन्य ठिकानों को निशाना बनाया गया था। 4 मिसाइलें दागकर विद्रोहियों ने किया…
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anti-sjw-bs · 7 years
While everyone's busy coming up with imaginary genders and pronouns for them, someone needs to remove the "right" from the definition of fascism because anyone can see that this term is no longer limited to those with a right wing political view.
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newsrustcom · 7 years
Iran Holds Annual Pro-Government Rallies After Economic Protests
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While scattered economic protests have occurred in the past, overtly political protests are rare in Iran, where security services are omnipresent.
The semiofficial Iranian Labor News Agency quoted Mohsen Nasj-Hamedani, Tehran’s deputy governor-general for security affairs, as saying that “a number of protesters” were arrested in Tehran on Friday after “an illegal call” for a rally.
Mr. Hamedani…
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driftbending · 5 years
In the wake of the 2016 election, many progressive opinion makers concluded that Democrats needed to "fight like Republicans." If Republicans were going to break the rules, the argument went, Democrats had no choice but to respond in kind. Acting with self-restraint and civility would be like a boxer entering the ring with a hand tied behind his back. When confronted with a bully who is willing o use any means necessary to win, those who play by the rules risk playing the sucker. [...] In our view, the idea that Democrats should "fight like Republicans" is misguided. First of all, evidence from other countries suggests that such a strategy often plays directly into the hands of authoritarians. Scorched-earth tactics often erode support for the opposition by scaring off moderates. And they unify progovernment forces, even as dissidents within the incumbent party close ranks in the face of an uncompromising opposition. And when the opposition fights dirty, it provides the government with justification for cracking down. [...]  Where institutional channels exist, opposition groups should use them. Even if Democrats were to succeed in weakening or removing President Trump via hardball tactics, their victory would be Pyrrhic---for they would inherit a democracy stripped of its remaining protective guardrails. If the Trump administration were brought to its knees by obstructionism, of if President Trump were impeached without a strong bipartisan consensus, the effect would be to reinforce---and perhaps hasten---the dynamics of partisan antipathy and norm erosion that helped bring Trump to power to begin with. As much as a third of the country would likely view Trump's impeachment as the machinations of a vast left-wing conspiracy---maybe even a coup. American politics would be left dangerously unmoored. This sort of escalation rarely ends well. If Democrats do not work to restore norms of mutual toleration and forbearance, their next president will likely confront an opposition willing to use any means necessary to defeat them. And if partisan rifts deepen and our unwritten rules continue to fray, Americans could eventually elect a president who is even more dangerous than Trump. Opposition to the Trump administration's authoritarian behavior should be muscular, but it should seek to preserve, rather than violate, democratic rules and norms. Where possible, opposition should center on Congress, the courts, and, of course, elections. If Trumps is defeated via democratic institutions, it will strengthen those institutions.
How Democracies Die, by Steven Levitsky & Daniel Ziblatt
#currently reading#how democracies die#reasons why pelosi keeps resisting impeachment#and why she won't impeach barr either#(besides impeaching barr shouldn't be step 1#there are other failsafes like the judge and the bar association#plus nadler is having him come testify before congress#the second pelosi sees impeachment as her no.1 tool to use against trump's corrupt admin#is the second she becomes what the gop paints her wrt her having a vendetta against trump/gop)#and even tho there was a lot of commentary on the dems being the party that turned impeachment into a partisan weapon#i keep thinking about how it didn't; it passed w/bipartisan support#and when it got to the senate the backing for witnesses/documents & the vote to remove were both bipartisan votes#aka the impeachment and removal tool worked#it's just the gop rigged the senate to protect trump bc the damage to them would be worse if they had a fair trial#imo the way the dems are acting? is a way to strengthen democracy#that they can corner the gop and make them more explicitly tied to trump's corruption is a bonus#edit: also forgot about the stories about Rs in congress saying they voted to acquit trump out of fear#(yet oh the outrage when schiff brought up an article w/the threat about R heads being on pikes if they vote to convict/remove)#so they're not even as united for trump as they appear---but their public statements always carry more weight than anonymous admissions#edit 2: one last thing i almost forgot is that there were dems who wanted amash to be a house manager#but amash wasn't pushing for it and pelosi didn't ask#what would've happened i wonder if they had talked and amash was named a manager#what appearance would that have given the house managers presentation of the team of Rs & dems working together
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exyzuk · 5 years
India citizenship law: Media accused of pro-government coverage | India News
India citizenship law: Media accused of pro-government coverage | India News
Media coverage of the protests against a controversial citizenship law in India has ranged from being neutral to avowedly pro-government, say press freedom advocates.
The law puts citizens from three neighbouring countries on a fast-track to obtaining citizenship, but discriminates against Muslims.
And that has done a disservice to India’s viewers.
Al Jazeera’s Anchal Vohra reports from…
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newselleven-blog · 6 years
Las turbas: Who are Nicaragua's pro-government armed groups? | Latin America
Las turbas: Who are Nicaragua’s pro-government armed groups? | Latin America
On July 17, footage emerged online of masked men hoisting a red-and-black flag emblazoned with the letters FSLN in what they said was Monimbo, a neighbourhood in the south Nicaraguan city of Masaya. 
“Long live the Sandinista Front!” the men shouted, some of them pointing rifles into the sky. 
“Sandino lives, the fight continues!” they chanted, clenching their fists in the air. 
Just before,…
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snipertim · 2 years
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🤭#biblicaltruth #progovernment (at Malgapo's Place (Jaen, Nueva Ecija, Philippines)) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdxTqy7h9mZrjh7OfA5aZleUIyDtDRsFd1SDW40/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Bishops attacked by pro-government mob at basilica in Nicaragua
New Post has been published on https://pray-unceasingly.com/catholic-living/catholic-news/bishops-attacked-by-pro-government-mob-at-basilica-in-nicaragua/
Bishops attacked by pro-government mob at basilica in Nicaragua
Managua, Nicaragua, Jul 10, 2018 / 04:01 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- A group of bishops in Nicaragua who went Monday to free a group of protesters who had taken refuge in a basilica the previous day were themselves assaulted by a pro-government group.
Protests against president Daniel Ortega which began April 18 have resulted in more than 300 deaths. The country's bishops have mediated on-again, off-again peace talks between the government and opposition groups.
Cardinal Leopoldo José Brenes Solorzano of Managua, 69; his auxiliary, Bishop Silvio José Baez Ortega, 60; and Archbishop Waldemar Sommertag, 50, apostolic nuncio to Nicaragua, were surrounded July 9 when they tried to enter San Sebastian basilica in Diriamba, about 25 miles south of Managua.
Their route was blocked, and the pro-government groups called them murderers and liars. Among those trapped in the basilica were volunteer medics.
Bishop Baez posted a tweet showing a cut on his arm, and saying, “Besieged by an angry mob who wanted to enter the Basilica of San Sebastian in Diriamba, I was wounded, hit in the stomach, robbed of my episcopal insignia and verbally attacked. I am well, thanks be to God. The basilica was liberated, and those who were within.”
  Asediado por una turba enardecida que quería ingresar a la Basílica San Sebastián en Diriamba, fui herido, golpeado en el estómago, me arrebataron las insignias episcopales  y agredido verbalmente. Estoy bien gracias a Dios. Se liberó la basílica y a quienes allí estaban. pic.twitter.com/9qTgugBjic
— Silvio José Báez (@silviojbaez) July 9, 2018
  The Archdiocese of Managua called the attack committed “by persons close to the government and paramilitaries” was “condemnable and repudiable.”
The bishops were visiting Diriamba after what the Nicaraguan Centre for Human Rights reported as deadliest day in the country since the country's unrest began more than two months ago.
The rights group said that 38 people were killed during clashes July 8. Of these, 31 were anti-government protesters, four were police officers, and three were members of pro-government groups. Most of those killed were in Diriamba and nearby Jinotepe.
The Nicaraguan bishops' conference said the delegation of bishops was “fulfilling the mission of Jesus Christ, to be at the side of the suffering people, a pastoral visit to the priests and faithful of the Carazo department, the victims of police, paramilitaries and crowds producing death and dolour.”
Cardinal Brenes said he had “felt the brutal force” exercised against his priests. “We have gone to the parishes to console our priests, to accompany them in their suffering, and we have received aggressions.”
  «Padre, perdónalos, porque no saben lo que hacen» (Lc 23,34). Orando en la capilla de la Catedral de Managua hoy después de ser agredidos. pic.twitter.com/NiKxORL9lh
— Silvio José Báez (@silviojbaez) July 10, 2018
  Barricades and roadblocks are now found throughout the country, and clashes frequently turn lethal. Bishops and priests across Nicaragua have worked to separate protesters and security forces, and have been threatened and shot.
The violence in Diriamba and Jinotepe was focused on police and paramilitaries trying to clear barricades set up and manned by protesters.
Bishop Rolando José Alvarez Lagos of Matagalpa said the government efforts to clear roadblocks were made “at the price of blood and death,” and that the government has become blinded by “arrogance and pride”.
Shortly after the bishops were assaulted in Diriamba, paramilitaries and government sympathizers were profaning and sacking St James the Apostle parish in Jinotepe.
The parish showed on Facebook that it had been desecrated by “persons, paramilitaries accompanied by police forces” who were “destroying pews, tables, and medications”.
The medications had been used in part to provide medical care for those wounded in the July 8 riots in Diriamba.
The profaners threw garbage at the parish's priests, and threatened to burn the church.
The Nicaraguan bishops' conference has called off the working groups meant to mediate in the country's crisis, and protesters are planning a strike July 12.
Nicaragua's crisis began after Ortega announced social security and pension reforms. The changes were soon abandoned in the face of widespread, vocal opposition, but protests only intensified after more than 40 protestors were killed by security forces initially.
Anti-government protesters have been attacked by “combined forces” made up of regular police, riot police, paramilitaries, and pro-government vigilantes.
The Nicaraguan government has suggested that protestors are killing their own supporters so as to destabilize Ortega's administration.
The Church in Nicaragua was quick to acknowledge the protestors' complaints.
The pension reforms which triggered the unrest were modest, but protests quickly turned to Ortega's authoritarian bent.
Ortega has been president of Nicaragua since 2007, and oversaw the abolition of presidential term limits in 2014.
The Church has suggested that elections, which are not scheduled until 2021, be held in 2019, but Ortega ruled this out July 7.
Ortega was a leader in the Sandinista National Liberation Front, which had ousted the Somoza dictatorship in 1979 and fought US-backed right-wing counterrevolutionaries during the 1980s. Ortega was also leader of Nicaragua from 1979 to 1990.
CNA Daily News – Americas
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skykhandare-blog · 6 years
Rebel-held Syrian town to accept Assad's rule: pro-government media
Rebel-held Syrian town to accept Assad’s rule: pro-government media
AMMAN/BEIRUT (Reuters) – A major insurgent-held town in southwestern Syria has accepted the return of President Bashar al-Assad’s rule, pro-government media and a war monitor said on Sunday, though some local activists and rebels disputed a deal had been completed.
Losing Bosra al-Sham, a major town near the provincial capital of Deraa, would be a significant loss for the opposition in…
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cushydiet-blog · 7 years
Pro-government candidates in election for rubber-stamp ... - https://wp.me/p8XyML-mCS - #Candidates, #Election, #News, #Progovernment, #Rubberstamp
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myshitblogger-blog · 7 years
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Pro-government candidates in election for rubber-stamp Turkmen parliament ASHGABAT (Reuters) - Turkmenistan is voting in a parliamentary election on Sunday, with a choice of three parties and some independents, but all the candidates are ultimately loyal to President Kurbanguly Berdymukhamedov, leader of the gas-rich nation.
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