#project predacon tfa
miyahopscotch · 9 months
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I imagine it went like this
Some more of the project predacon au.
Actually, I'm gonna write a fic on Ao3, mayhaps if anyone is interested, lmk.
Reference despite the fact that I'm sure all of you have seen the infamous smoothie meme
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scatterpatter · 11 months
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Is it November 8th and I only just now finished Day 1 of Huevember? Yes.
Do I care? No.
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So my brain just generated this scenario for "why is Hazard like this":
They were raised in a bioweapons lab. And I don't mean they were there while other researchers did work I mean someone (probably shockwave) placed smol Hazard in this lab and promptly forgot about them for a few million years and eventually out steps Hazard who has learned how to make everything in the lab work but nothing about lab safety or social norms like not everyone is a potential test subject.
Ooooo, that's cool as hell! So Haz basically learned from utter trial and error in said scenario, and it's pretty sad in a way. Can you imagine juuuust beginning to exist and bam! You're left alone with a bunch of stuff that you have no idea what it does? Plus, that lack of social contact would definitely make a mech a nice amount of feral (after all look at tfp au Optimus who grew up in the wilds of Cybertron and even after all these vorns he still shows it)
In said scenario, Hazard likely grew up in an environment where everything alive they met was exactly a test subject, so it makes sense that even as an adult they're not the best at seeing the distinction between live specimen, enemy, and ally.
Plus, I place Hazard's creation date as being some point in the smack dab middle of the war, somewhere around the 2 MYA mark likely when the vast majority of the fighting was still on Cybertron and there were more resources to spare.
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cybertron-after-dark · 6 months
(i'm rambling don't mind me) not sure how to phrase this but, i always found it interesting how "disconnected" the maximals and predacons were from the history of the autobots and decepticons (except for like BA and dinobot they're nerds). It's still wild to me how no one there really knew who starscream was and his shady past like come on 💀
(also the way the maximal council has certain files censored for the maximals but BA was able to just go read starscreams file like did she hack in there or do the predacons really have all that information free to read?? if so rare predacon W)
You are SO correct, I love it when they do that shit. I feel like they really tried sprinkling in little hints about the maximals as a faction and especially as the ruling party being like legitimately unethical sometimes but with how fast the show had to end they couldn't really do much of anything with that plotline the same way they totally shelved the tripredacus council.
I feel like a lot of that sort of teasing at worldbuilding is what inspired tfa to go so hard on cybertron's lore and political drama aspects, showing the autobots were outright tyrannical and authoritarian behind the scenes, and that show ended up SO fucking quality for that intrigue.
(bw and tfa never getting a proper payoff for the fucked up Cybertronian governments is also kind of a huge factor in why I started making a whole ass fan continuity where that gets to be the main plot. Not to shill my silly little fan projects lmaoooooo)
But God between some info only being available when you're a Predacon extremist, Dinobot being TERRIFIED of what his punishment might be if he gets back to Cybertron to the point where he'd rather rough it alone on prehistoric earth, and ravage being the only original Decepticon left despite how long their lifespans are? I do not trust the maximals as a whole for a fucking second.
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raptorfae53 · 9 months
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OK so having seen some of the pics for what "arachnus prime" could have looked like in the canned fourth season of tfa,it got me thinking of an au/plot idea regarding the character that mixes several of the canned plots together. (Namely the initial "arachnus prime" idea,"trukk vs munkey" and the shattered glass episode "mirror mirror")
What if in this hypothetical plotline,optimus desire to save elita one in the past causes a split in the timeline,causing him to become technoorganic instead. Believed dead by his friends and abandoned by the civilization he so dutifully served, "arachnus" goes a little nuts in his isolation,his misery creating one hell of an insecurity/superiority complex. He doesn't join the decepticons, believing both sides were all in all just as bad as each other and strikes out on his own desperately searching the galaxy for a "cure" for his condition and causing chaos and destruction for cybertron using his advantage of how their systems work. These actions draw the attention of academy washout Elita One and her crew (grumpy,seen it all warrior Chromia,athletic ninja Firestar,and eager to prove young bots Nautica and Moonracer) of repair bots, "Arachnus" damage causing them no level of ire on the job.
This continues until an incursion from a different reality by four bots,the autobots Optimus,Ironhide and the predacons Blackarachnia and Optimus primal. (Who in a previous adventure cloned optimus multiple times after encountering several of starscreams clones wirh similar results,hoping to find a way to cure her own condition,primal being one of said clones who stuck with elita) When both sides fall in with their respective counterparts "Arachnus" is intrigued by Blackarachnias talk of an invention that can turn regular bots into technoorganics like him,and the pair team up (not the least due to their shared belief that cybertron as a whole is corrupt and generally hypocritical) in order to get back to Blackarachnias dimension. Shenanigans ensue however and not the least due to boths insecurities,Blackarachnia encountering her alternate self, and "arachnus" increasingly unhinged mental state, Blackarachnia is betrayed and left by the wayside while "arachnus" escapes to find her lab,from here,a few things happen.
With Elita as a mediator, Blackarachnia,Primal and Optimus finally talk after everything that happened,and optimus let's slip he really does think cybertron is currently a bit corrupt (not the least with Sentinel currently in charge,who optimus has long since grown irritated with) , but that doesn't mean they can't at least try to fix it,so even if Blackarachnia has her doubts,the three of them try to rebuild the device to send them home.
However, before they can stop him,"arachnus" reverse engineers elitas predacon-making machine,only for it to horrifically mutate him further into a saurian mishmash of machine and organic parts and driving the poor guy completely mad,hijacking Blackarachnias burgeoning project now convinced that the real way to deal with "the Cybertronian problem" is to turn the entire species into feral,technoorganic monsters just like him,with him as their leader and lord as the only one who had the foresight to see the problem at hand,yeeeesssss.....
Horrified by what she's unleashed,Blackarachnia,Primal and a gang of Cybertronians turned technoorganic by "Megatron's" (after all,if regardless of the timeline everyone will treat him like a monster,why shouldn't he take the name of the guy most fear akin to a bogyman) experiments team up to try and stop him,if the Cybertronian population can't stand them based on what they now look like, why not show them and "Megatron" the true maximal of what a few technoorganics can do,hmmm maximal...
All the while,imprisoned within the depths of iacon along with his most faithful,the real Megatron,despite the irritation with this young upstart using his name,sees the emergence of the "predacons" as an opportunity. Coupled with the increased amount of decepticon attacks within the outer regions this event is clearly taking a toll on the new magnus,making him all the more pliable and easily manipulated,any day now he's going to snap,and Megatron will use the opportunity to escape and continue his conquests...
TLDR: in an alternate dimension optimus becomes a giant spider instead of elita,he escapes into tfa optimus dimension and becomes the tfa version of beastwars megatron, with Blackarachnia forming the maximals to stop him.
I might add more to it in the future if anyone wants more,but I hope you like what I've written here.
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In this Tfp x tfa crossover, what is the relationship that the twins have with the rest of the decepticons? we know they get along with tfp starscream
And the autobots?
They get along well woth the vehicons. Twins are nice to everybody, so Steve and the gang are easily one over. They have many headpats for the kiddos
They don't really interact with Soundwave just cuz he's super busy, doesn't speak, and has no interest in being friendly with them. He keeps an eye on them, at Megatron’s prompting, to make sure they're not becoming pawns of Starscream
They're honestly not as scared of Megatron as they probably should be. They were high ranking soldiers in the elite guard before defecting and reuniting with their carrier. They served directly under Sentinel Prime, next in line to be Magnus, they have seen plenty of shit. They're much more privvy to the ugly parts of war than the average citizen where they come from, or even the earthbound Team Prime that they're used to. Seeing Lord Megatron commanding his armies doesn't phase them all that much. They stay out of his way and do as they're told; they're not piss-scared of him like the vehicons are, but they don't wanna be anywhere close to him either.
Airachnid... no ♥️
Knockout and Breakdown both grow to be pretty fond of them. They've both got the mandatory first aid training, so they can lend a hand in the medbay repairing the vehicons if need be. They can't do super high level or detail oriented work, but they can do simple welds and transfusions and stuff. They like to help, and are genuinely good, sweet kids; KOBD can't help but really like them. Breakdown's friendlier with them, while Knockout watches from a distance with a fond smile.
Shockwave... they also don't interact much, if they're around at this point, due to Shockwave being completely enveloped in Project Predacon and they're not permitted to enter his lab. Which, fair. Don't want just anyone poking around delicate clone embryos XP
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gritsandbrits · 2 years
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We joke about how Lightyear buzz looks like a human version of sentinel from tfa but i can't help but think about other similarities
Both attach their identity on materialistic things.
What i mean by that is they define themselves by their jobs, their mistakes, things that don't make up the whole sum of their characters. They were so focused on one petty goal they became self centered in different ways. In Buzz's case going back in time to reverse marooning his crew on an alien planet.
Buzz wants to be this perfect space ranger and attaches his identity to impossibly high standards so in the case that he fails, he ends up feeling worthless. He attaches himself to his mistake. Even after other people moved on and found happiness, he can't see himself enjoying happiness because now he's found himself a new thing to latch on. He wants to change his mistake, not learn from it. He didn't ask what others would feel, even as they tell him that they don't think He's a failure. But he doesn't trust that not at first anyways. He's Buzz Lightyear the perfect space ranger if he fails then who is he?
The answer: he's still Buzz Lightyear!
Buzz was able to think about his mistakes through a clearer lens. He saw Alisha and their group living happy lives. His interactions with Izzy and her team also made him realize that you can move on. You are not just a space ranger, or a mistake and you can't just latch yourself on to these shallow things. By letting his mistake go he is able to let others think and live for themselves and find a life for himself too!
Buzz doesn't go with his plan after all because he learn from the past and it doesn't form his true shape.
Sentinel defines himself based on how loyal he is to the autobot guard, to the law.
He can't let go of on Archa 7. Because of his painful feelings he looks to attach himself to work, to seeking power and status as a coping mechanism. Sentinel pours all his focus on being the perfect Guardsman because he broke the rule once and resulted in catastrophe. He's afraid and it's that fear that led him down a dark path. He doesn't reach out to people; in fact he lashes out at them if things don't go his way.
We see him lash out at Optimus and other characters. He bullies people for not being perfect and calls out their flaws, while downplaying his own. In reality it's Sentinel projecting the grief of his failures onto people. He doesn't seem to trust that people are more than just their mistakes bc he still defining himself on his. Just like Buzz, except the latter doesn't lash out he internalizes things and was wary to reach out. He thinks any flaw or negative trait means disloyalty and uses his status to get over on people. The extreme self centred type.
These two similar may be alike but solved their problems differently.
When Buzz confronted his older self, he refuses to help him knowing thay doing so would ruin millions of lives. He also realized he is more than just a space ranger or his mistakes. He deserves to have a life and rest outside those things. He's learned to trust others and himself again.
When confronted with Wasp and Blackarachnia, Sentinel seems to shift blame or try to downplay it. He lashes out at Blackarachnia. He tried to arrest the Autobots when presented with evidence of Wasp's innocence cuz he doesn't want to admit his role in ruining that bot's life. . Because he never learned to detach himself from shallow labels he lost the ability to trust his own judgement and trust others. He thinks Optimus is just a rival ready to hurt him at any chance, when in reality Optimus is genuinely trying to help him and reach out to him.
At the end of Predacon Rising he says this: it's too late for apologies too late for all of us.
That phrase shows that Sentinel gave up on himself and others. Well I failed, I've become a jerk it's too late for me to change! Most of his choices tie back to that one tragedy. Instead of looking at things through a clear objective view, he tricked himself into thinking that's it. No moving on, no letting it go, No change. He thinks admitting to mistakes means his life is going to be over. Ironically Optimus did end up living a satisfying life and finding his identity outside of failure and status.
Had Sentinel opened his spark he would've seen Optimus having moved on and be happy. But Sentinel doesn't trust that that he doesn't believe people can move on and enjoy life and change for the better. It doesn't help in S4 he actually gets worse because he trapped himself in a toxic cycle of self loathing and poor understanding of accountability.
In contrast Buzz opening up to his honest feelings helped him gain clarify on his situation, and gain the tools needed to stop Zurg. He learn to accept and appreciate his team flaws and all. He learned to see himself as himself not buzz the space ranger not buzz the failure. A much more positive end vs. Sentinel's gradual descent.
In short Buzz & Sentinel are alike but end up in very different places and why it's important to build your identity and self worth beyond basic titles and the past.
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paradimeart · 1 year
I remember you saying/drawing something about Silverbolt in this continuity, but do you have any thoughts on which other Predacons potentially enter the mix, and their dynamic thereafter?
so my version of tfa silverbolt is actually part of project aerialbot, but is meant to be more like bw silverbolt than g1, and is also female (and has a crush on blackarachnia). but still turns into a plane. and would form superion w the jettwins and metalhawk and ssssomeone else (airazor in my mind lol but thats me) I know a concept for an ep was blackarachnia making a technorganic clone of optimus mixed with a gorilla, but im not overly fond of that just for what I have her doing. and i think primal deserves better . When i picture her w predacons I actually really only imagine the bug ones like, inferno and antagony (and waspinator ofc). im not going for "beast wars but tfa" i just want to incorporate elements/references into blackarachnia's storyline. i can see her doing more experiments like she did on wasp on other bots i just dooont know how she'd get hold of any since she's stuck on earth/the moon tfa doesn't have a convenient supply of transformers on earth like other series theres like 9 robots there at a time.. i can also see her experimenting directly on earth animals using like nanomachines and making them technorganic that way, kiiind of calling back to the metal eating cockroach monster in the first episode? its all rough and vague and I mostly just come up with this stuff to draw characters in different designs, if anyone has any ideas i'd love to hear !
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cf8wrk4u-us · 3 years
What if in TFP we got at some of the show TFA Wasp but in the TFP version? How could he blend in the story? Would he become Wazpinator?
If TFA Wasp was in TFP I would say maybe keep his action and fate roughly the same but for a few changes.
Like he joined the Elite Guard Academy but over there he encountered an eager Smokescreen instead of Bumblebee. They're in the full swing of the war so everyone was eager to do their part and prove themselves.
Especially Smokescreen, so he's basically playing the role of TFA Bumblebee. Trying to prove himself but epically failing and annoying his squad mates. And just like Bumblebee Smokescreen found out their was a spy in their camp (Maybe Makeshift or some other original bot) and unfortunately he pegged it as Wasp.
Wasp was falsely accused and sent to prison, he vowed revenge against Smokescreen.
He escapes sometime and goes to earth to get back at Smokescreen. Maybe stalking him for awhile before finally striking by maybe kidnapping one of the kids( maybe Jack or Raf). There's finally a finale confrontation between Wasp and Smokescreen, that leaves Wasp half dead but not before despairing from the Autobots.
Only for his half dead body to be discovered by the Decepticons. Shockwave decides to use Wasp for an experimentation towards Project Predacon, combining his CNA with Predacon and Insecticon CNA. Turning him from Wasp to Waspinator.
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miyahopscotch · 3 months
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Gotta love hove I just can't stop changing up her design constantly.
Okay, but for real, I wanted more uniqueness (alongside the night fury motif).
I also wanna discuss other things too such as:
Role changes
Is the lead of the predacon faction, ya know straight up girl boss.
She is actively trying to wipe out the existence of both autobot and decepticon.
She has no intention to harm organic life and if anything treasures it.
Did at one point try and persuade the dinobots to join her side of the predacons but was denied.
As far as "team Optimus" goes, she's on the fence with them.
She does enjoy the company of Bumblebee and Bulkhead quite a lot given their very strong bond with Sari.
Essentially, she projects her emotions onto that as she has an organic who she considers family all the way up in Canada.
Her connection with those two though, falters and becomes distant.
This happens when she makes her final decision to eradicate both autobots and decepticons.
It's an "either you're with me or against me" moment.
She was actively part of the war on cybertron but briefly.
She lost quite a bit of memory around that time, so she barely remembered that.
Created fresh out of the lab to be a mindless soldier, but this was around when project predacon failed and when the decepticons lost the war, so to speak.
She was stored in a test tube to be terminated, but the ship she was on crashed in the far northern regions of earth.
She stayed in stasis for like, maybe 100 years at most.
Shockwave being her creator is literally what she would consider a neglecting parent. Although that being said not really as she wasn't created in his image, let alone with any parts of himself. She was just a drone to be tested and later cloned (which never ended up happening).
For at least 20 years, she lived with a family in Northern Canada in which she was named after Noah's (her human companion) late sister who died from an illness.
Her bond formed with him not only emotional but also part of her programming.
She was supposed to imprint on megatron but never got to at the time of her creation, and Noah being techno-organic made her able to unintentionally imprint upon him.
Her initial "name" was V04, not exactly a name, so to speak, but it's what she was assigned to as being just a number.
Fueling by draining energon from other cybertronians.
Shush I like vampires....
She has a lot more of a size advantage, now being roughly the same height of, let's say, starscream or blitzwing, as opposed to when she was maybe the same height as Optimus at most.
Can summon electrical currents with her tendrils.
Can pick up on scents but is unable yo have any tracking abilities regarding that with organics as her main purpose was to be an "autobot hunter."
She has a weird tongue that paralyzes victims.
Extreme intelligence.
Fast flight speed is able to make it to mach speed.
Her hands transform into sickles as a closer combat weapon.
While in her alt mode, she can fire concentrated beams along with electrical type blasts.
Splitting jaw and in her alt mode has multiple rows of teeth.
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artobotsrollout · 3 years
💞- Any Ships? Who's your current fav?
Does it count as a ship if they're bitter exes? Cause Megatronus and Orion being bitter exes w Megatron refusing to get over it really amuses me.
🍳- Character that you would go to Brunch with
I'd bring TFA Prowl. I feel like he'd enjoy Brunch
🍻- Character that deserves a year of free drinks at Maccadams
I was originally gonna say Ratchet but then it occurred to me, you know who really deserves free drinks? My dude Knockout.
Why Knockout?? I'll put it under readmore since it contains major TfP spoilers
Dude gets treated like shit by everyone except Breakdown (who dies) and the autobots at the end basically.
His husband is brutally murdered by someone FROM HIS OWN TEAM doing a job that Megatron really should have done himself.
He's also forced to work with the guy who kidnapped and stole his husband's eye in a brutal dissection for a bit. OH and the guy was using his dead husband's CORPSE as a body!
No one really cares that Breakdown is gone
Megatron wouldn't send a rescue team and would have let BD die, when he was kidnapped by Silas, with zero regrets about it. That's KO's friggin boss.
Gets blamed for things he was only partially or not at all in some cases responsible for. Or blamed for not meeting unreasonable expectations.
Gets his rank ripped out from under him and loses all authority over science matters, including turning over the projects he was already working on to Shockwave.
Was put into a medical role when that's not his main specialty exactly and expected to function as a medic. (hinted at by early dialogue having Knockout ask Starscream if he was brought aboard for sciencey reasons and replying to Starscream's clarification of him being brought aboard as a medic with 'I'm better at breaking them than fixing them')
Repeatedly says Dark Energon is a bad idea but never gets listened to.
Despite being the only medic on board, is put in dangerous situations multiple times.
The thing he works hard to maintain and is proud of, his finish, is ruined multiple times and he's mocked for caring about it.
He was frequently thrown into the middle of high command power plays.
Is on the losing side which... Wouldn't be losing as badly if they had actually listened to Knockout
Honestly? Despite him ditching the Decepticons being rather abrupt in Predacons Rising, I didnt find it out of character for Knockout at that time. He really had nothing left for him with the Decepticons.
Knockout is not a good person and not innocent but he sure as hell deserves free drinks for a year at least. sndje.
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transingthoseformers · 10 months
You know what, scratch my earlier thoughts, Talon would probably try to change TFA Optimus' own views on techno-organics, while also pointing out he's okay with an actual techno-organic in his own rank. I kind of think this would happen regardless of which origin story she comes from.
Thinking of the one where she's an Autobot who got turned techno-organic in an experiment (I'm thinking it's in the same line as the Jettwins origins in a way, in that she was created to duplicate BA or Predacons, this would've been done without Sentinel's consent but as a "black project" in the conspiracy theory sense), I kind of think she treats the Jettwins as family since they were created as duplicates of 'con tech.
I'm sorry if this is out of nowhere, it's just I'm mulling over au ideas.
You're right that would be interesting!
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Reasons I like tfp #604:
Megatron is an A+ manipulator.
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"I believe you perished once, my most prized engineer."
And Shockwave, I'm fucking serious,
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Averts his gaze from him, like he's flushed. Megatron has the ODDEST talent of simultaneous flattery, and being able to make you feel like shit. I dunno why in this case. Maybe it's because Shockwave IS the only bitch that can finish project predacon, like he claims. Or maybe he's mad unhappy that Shockwave went toe to toe with his arch nemesis. Either way, Shockwave agreed to not go fetching for the bones for anymore. Tfa Shockwave was mad in love with Megatron, but Megatron's charms no bounds, it seems.
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spark-gem · 4 years
About Me and Rules
Blog status: CLOSED until further notice
Character List
Project List aka WIPs
About Me
Name: Carmen
Pronouns: she/her
I’m a Type 1 Diabetic
I’m a librarian looking for a job
I jump from project to project a lot so there’s no consistency here, folks! Sorry.
I reserve the right to refuse or alter requests based on creative interest.
Please don’t follow me if you are a racist or rude to anyone within the LGBT community
PLEASE state if you want either a scenario or a head cannon list. If not stated head cannons will be chosen by default
There’s a 3 character limit when it comes to head cannons
1 character per scenario request
Please don’t send me asks that correlate to a different show/video game/TV show. I will most likely not know what it is. If I do know what it is, I will write it.It all depends if the cards are in your favor.
I do post art but I do not take requests. But when I do it will be for an event.
What I write for:
TFP(Cons and Bots)
TFA(Bots and Cons)
RID2015 (Team Bee and Decepticon Pack)
Beast Wars (Maximals and Predacons)
MTMTE(LL crew+ allies and Scavengers)
Black Clover (Captains, Vermillions, Silvas,Golden Dawn, Black Bulls, and Elves)
What will I NOT write:
NSFW material
FOFebruary 2022
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scienceglitches · 5 years
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A lil Bippity Boop on how I choose to portray Shockwave Vs ‘Emotions’   Since I’m aware there are some iterations where Shockwave was traumatized and literally cannot experience them (To the point Soundwave is unable to read his mind) but then there’s others (cough, cyberverseandanimated, cough) where he’s a but a bundle of emotions.
 This may be altered as I dig deeper into series and etc, but as of right now it’s where I am. Treat this as a reason why I do not want you to God Mod, out of anything, this particular subject.
But an ultimate TL;DR- If Soundwave can’t do it, your character definitely can’t do it either.
 In Prime it’s clear that Shockwave still experiences emotions, similar to his TFA and Cyberverse counterparts. Mostly anger, a prime(hah) very real example being after Starscream abandons him [again] when they’re destroying the Predacon project on Earth. He shoves Starscream’s face close to a spike and threatens “I’m tempted to force you to share my perception of things” or something similar. IE Gonna take one of Starscream’s optics. 
 But he doesn’t laugh like he does in Animated, or live in a constant state of annoyance that thinks everyone else is literally leagues below him in intelligence. 
 Unfortunately Soundwave doesn’t speak either so we don’t get any lore on whether or not Soundwave can read him or if there’s anything there. 
 I feel like his fits of anger are a different facet, and more a feeling of just pure betrayal. Which is illogical when we’re literally on the same side, he doesn’t act out unless it’s this sort of situation. 
 There’s of course also instances where I feel like Shockwave is just mimicking things- he plays along with Starscream’s banter and in fighting to ‘impress’ Megatron bc that’s what Starscream’s doing. So this must be ‘normal’ comradery, right? It’s logical to partake in these things. I even have a headcanon that he has those little wings to mimic Starscream’s emoting through his own wings. (When Shockwave doesn’t even have a flying alt mode) 
 While I’m still not sure if he was traumatized while being a medic for the gladiators, a failed experiment (his own or otherwise), or something of a ‘defect’ from conception, something did happen to Shockwave at some point.  I’ve since made a choice on this after originally writing this; Which can be read here. His emotions are Extremely low activity, and no one should be able to read his mind because of this. He’s the mysterious scientist of the Decepticons where you have to wonder if he’s truly loyal to the cause or the fact that Megatron just lets him experiment as he wants. He’s dangerous because you can’t get a read on him, you don’t know what he’s up to other than Science. The fact his alt-mode is a Cybertronian Tank shows, to me, he’s not that loyal really. (Knockout was clearly never that loyal as he defacto’d to the ‘winning team’.) But ya know. 
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allthesegentlesins · 3 years
//"ps. the only real difference between wartime and postwar verses for TFP Shockwave is that one still works for a lunatic and the other is a hermit with his dragon kids and a cat and is ignoring requests to get therapy."
Pinned post has been updated and the new sideblog has been tagged for those interested. Just wanted to make sure this got seen.
TFA verse - Shockwave is still a spy, still masquerading as Longarm Prime. Blurr is still alive, and no one suspects anything, although recently "Longarm" has been experiencing some unexplained anger issues, which he's been trying to blame on stress and not recharging enough. Shockwave himself is still a bitch and takes delight in being a horrible mech to anyone who bothers him or gets too close to him when he's in a bad mood. (uses he/him and she/her pronouns, both are acceptable and Shockwave/Longarm doesn't care if referred to as a mech or as a femme)
TFP Wartime verse - set sometime between Predaking being introduced and Megatron's "death." Still working for the Warlord, still dislikes Starscream and has Makeshift (@shiftingvisage) assisting him in his lab and helping him take care of/guide/teaching Predaking. Less friendly and forgiving than Post-war, may shoot Autobots on sight unless otherwise busy. (he/they)
TFP Post-war verse - set after the ending of the show, Shockwave lived and isolated himself in his lab. The Autobots know he's there and have allowed him to stay, as long as he isn't planning to pick up where Megatron left off and start the war up again. Shockwave has no such ideas, and instead has focused on his Predacon project - producing two small "predabeans" Darksteel and Skylynx. Optimus Prime is alive in this verse and has been pressing for Shockwave to attend therapy after finding out that he's been breaking through his shadowplay and has access to his prewar memories and emotions. (he/they)
SG (TFP) Shockwave - same setting as Wartime, but instead of being trapped on Cybertron, he was used as a test subject and plaything for the Autobots - mainly Ratchet and Prime, who delighted in torturing the yellow mech. Once freed and back with the Decepticons, Shockwave has tentatively started down the long road of recovery with the help of Knockout (@bluemetalangel) but has developed agoraphobia due to his trauma and often is too scared or stressed to leave his lab/quarters. (he/him)
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