noosphe-re · 6 months
Etymology of 'prolegomenon'
prolegomenon (n.) 1650s, "preliminary observation," especially "a learned preamble or introductory discourse prefixed to a book," from Greek prolegomenon, noun use of neuter passive present participle of prolegein "to say beforehand," from pro "before" (see pro-) + legein "to speak" (from PIE root *leg- (1) "to collect, gather," with derivatives meaning "to speak (to 'pick out words')") + suffix -menos (as in alumnus). The same sense is in preface (n.). Related: Prolegomenary; prolegomenous. Plural prologomena.
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jazzandother-blog · 6 months
Marcus Miller - Tutu Revisited - LIVE
Marcus Miller - Tutu Revisited "Tutu" (86) ha sido uno de los álbumes de mayor éxito firmado por Miles Davis para la Warner. Lo curioso, en cuanto a los prolegómenos del álbum se refiere, es que iba a ser una colaboración del gran trompetista y mito del jazz con Prince, pero Miles abandonó la idea y llamó al bajista y productor Marcus Miller para que éste fuese su compañero de proyecto, el músico que compusiera y arreglase la mayor parte del repertorio y quien coprodujera el trabajo junto a Tommy Lipuma. Su título es un tributo a la figura del arzobispo Desmond Tutu y el álbum está orientado hacia la fusión del jazz con otros estilos predominantes a mediados de los 80' (r&b y funk, principalmente), utilizando sintetizadores, secuenciadores y batería eléctrica.  Veintitrés años después de su primera versión, Marcus decidió revisar el que ha sido uno de sus proyectos más valorados, para rescatar su esencia y plasmarla en un contexto actual.  La grabación se realizó en el Auditorio de Lyon, el 22 de diciembre de 2009. Para su consecución, Miller llamó al trompetista Christian Scott, un músico de Nueva Orleans que, con cuatro discos en el mercado, representa el futuro del jazz sobre las sólidas estructuras que en el pasado han dejado músicos como Miles Davis. Siguiendo con el apartado de colaboradores, destacar la presencia de Ronald Brunner Jr., el explosivo baterista que hemos escuchado en el pasado más reciente acompañando a músicos como Stanley Clarke o George Duke. En los teclados y procedente del grupo de Meshell Ndegeocello, Federico González Peña, al saxo Alex Han, descubierto por el propio Marcus en el Berklee College y como bajista y clarinetista el propio Marcus. Con todo lujo de detalles y, al margen de los dos CD's de audio, incluye en video aquel concierto de más de dos horas, así como un documental dedicado a Miles Davis.
FUENTE: Blues y Jazz
"Tutu" (86) has been one of the most successful albums signed by Miles Davis for Warner. The funny thing, as far as the album’s prolegomenous are concerned, is that it was going to be a collaboration of the great trumpeter and jazz myth with Prince, but Miles abandoned the idea and called the bassist and producer Marcus Miller to be his project partner, the musician who composed and arranged most of the repertoire and who co-produced the work with Tommy Lipuma. Its title is a tribute to the figure of Archbishop Desmond Tutu and the album is oriented towards the fusion of jazz with other predominant styles in the mid 80’s (r&b and funk, mainly), using synthesizers, sequencers and electric drums.   Twenty-three years after its first version, Marcus decided to review what has been one of his most valued projects, to rescue its essence and reflect it in a current context.   The recording was made at the Auditorium of Lyon on 22 December 2009. Miller called trumpeter Christian Scott, a musician from New Orleans who, with four albums on the market, represents the future of jazz on the solid structures that in the past have left musicians like Miles Davis. Continuing with the collaborators section, highlight the presence of Ronald Brunner Jr., the explosive drummer we have heard in the most recent past accompanying musicians such as Stanley Clarke or George Duke. On keyboards and coming from the group of Meshell Ndegeocello, Federico González Peña, saxophone Alex Han, discovered by Marcus himself at Berklee College and as bass player and clarinettist Marcus himself. With all luxury of details and, apart from the two audio CDs, includes in video that concert of more than two hours, as well as a documentary dedicated to Miles Davis
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timriva-blog · 6 months
El romesco explicat als nordistes
En la segona entrega de la sèrie ‘El que no hem menjat – Un rèquiem pop per la cuina catalana’, Miquel Bonet us explica que la salsa de romesco és la sang de la nació catalana. Escrit per Miquel Bonet Amb una mica de sort, ja haureu passat pel tràngol anual de la calçotada. En aquest punt de prolegomen cal establir amb contundència que més d’una calçotada per temporada és una violació flagrant…
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loving-n0t-heyting · 2 years
The immortal science of marxism-anscombism-tomasikism
I was going to object to the inclusion of the grand bug genocidalist but then I realised he is cleansed of his seemingly integral errors by synthesis w the other two just as they themselves are by synthesis with their complementary pairs
This is among the prolegomenous mysteries
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christophe76460 · 5 years
katechismès vient de katechizo, chacun signifiant « instruire une parole répétée de vive voix. ». Mais ici cela s’applique au fait d’enseigner les premiers rudiments d’une quelconque doctrine, et cela convient particulièrement au discours de l’Eglise qui transmet les premiers éléments de la religion chrétienne, comme nous pouvons le lire dans Luc 1.4, Actes 18.25 et Galates 6.6. A partir de ces textes, nous voyons que le catéchisme signifie généralement toutes les doctrines qui sont instruites en premier, de façon courte et élémentaire, de vivre voix. Dans l’Eglise cela signifie également l’instruction des rudiments dans les éléments de la doctrine chrétienne.
Ainsi donc, le catéchisme de la religion chrétienne est la récitation et l’explication brève, claire, et adaptée aux simples gens des doctrines chrétiennes rassemblée à partir des écrits des apôtres et des prophètes, et de questions sûres avec des réponses résumées. Ou bien : c’est le résumé de la doctrine des prophètes et des apôtres, qui est transmise aux simples gens, et qui leur est demandée en retour.
Les catéchumènes était le nom que l’on donnait dans l’Eglise primitive à ceux qui disaient le catéchisme, c’est-à-dire, ceux qui étaient désormais à l’Eglise et étaient instruits dans la doctrine chrétienne. Il y avait deux classes. Soit les convertis qui étaient passés du judaïsme ou du paganisme au christianisme, mais n’étaient pas encore baptisés. Ils devaient d’abord être formés au catéchisme, puis ensuite être baptisés, et enfin admis à la Cène du Seigneur. De ces catéchumènes était Augustin qui est passé de manichéen à chrétien, et qui écrivit de nombreux livres de catéchumènes, avant d’être baptisé par Ambroise. De ce genre était Ambroise, qui fut élut à l’épiscopat, ainsi que l’exigeait l’Eglise de Milan, à cause des ariens qui l’assaillaient. Par ailleurs, Paul ne veut pas qu’un néophyton soit choisi comme évêque (1 Tim 3.6), mot qui désigne les novices et les catéchumènes. On appelle néophyti les catéchumènes qui sont récemment ou bien pas encore baptisés, qui sont les nouveaux auditeurs et disciples de l’Eglise.  Soit les autres catéchumènes qui était les petits enfants nés dans l’Eglise, ou les enfants des chrétiens. Ceux-là étaient baptisés aussitôt après la naissance et nul ne grandissait sans être instruit dans le catéchisme, qu’ils retenaient en jonction avec les autres catéchumènes avant d’être permis avec l’imposition des mains d’accéder à la Cène. On voit de tels catéchumènes dans l’histoire ecclésiastique d’Eusèbe de Césarée, livre 10, chapitre 4, non loin de la fin. Les catéchètes ou que l’on appelle aussi les catéchistes, sont ceux qui enseignent le catéchisme, c’est-à-dire les précepteurs du catéchisme.
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Horoscope From Narendra Modi A Dialogue.
Fox Headlines as well as BBC have actually formulated truths about some points from disagreement in regard from touchdown in the moon. If you send a radar pulse to the Moon mention, you would certainly anticipate a profit within a few seconds, certainly not point out a minute or an hour or a time later. Such moon people must be in a relationship to feel balance, they experience unfinished without their partner. Satellite photos of Planet are had by ancillaries (duh), a few hundred miles up. So our company could not have a photo of the Moon as outlined as that Nyc Urban area picture up until our company placed a real satellite (the LRO!) in orbit above the Moon.
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This clarifies the similarity in structure as has been verified through many of the moon prolegomenous area objectives that were administered by NASA. Nonetheless, numerous onlookers have taken note that task amongst all creatures is actually more significant when the moon is actually full and also this one kind of searching by moon period - hunting throughout durations from moon - could generate excellent results. For that reason, human beings supply the moon after they pass away, to ensure it will increase and 1 day become a living earth; or even they detract from its progression in deep space by catching its own compelling impact while they are still vital. Having said that, again, narcissistic or sociopathic mamas could possess youngsters of any sort of Moon indication and also this commonly arises from some sort of complicated element (an adversary or a square). This all-natural lunar movement likewise makes a small red b3Stexcercisesblog.info and also blue countered left wing edge of the moon in these unchanged pictures. Moon indicators came into existence later on to simplify the Indian Astrology or even the moon astrology. You might betray to your plants when the Moon is in Cancer also, or even just give them a good pep talk! My interest along with Moon Landrieu started when I remained in university at Eastern Kentucky Educational institution in the late 1970s. The Jasmine possesses white colored blossoms and also releases an excellent aroma during the night, which is the time when we can easily find the Moon. Whatever your suggestion or even target is actually start any type of venture at the beginning of the lunar pattern, i.e. a New Moon.
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I raised my request stick to the moon and kept this up and also out, as if offering that to this magnificent sacred some of the heavens. Along with moon transiting to Sagittarius today, you might find on your own grabbing the superstars in relations to your best life and also occupation targets.
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konkofish · 5 years
Vlad Flueraru – Avant Versuri
Vlad Flueraru – Avant Versuri
Vlad Flueraru – Avant Versuri
Nu sunt vindicativ insa pot deveni din scurt Cu celeritate sar la cine crede ca sunt surd Am rol indicativ, arat cu degetul demult Cu celebritate nu ma-mpac, ma bucur de-nceput
Nu ma vezi cu bale, nu m-auzi facand urat Nu raman cu tentative ce-mi raman in gat I-am batut pe umar, in prezent ce-i bate, vant Eu lucrez intruna, Riri sa ma fi vazut dansand
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martin9395 · 5 years
Nicole Junkermann- The Successful Entrepreneur-- Beauty With Brain
Nicole Junkermann- The Successful Entrepreneur-- Beauty With Brain
A self-made business owner is actually tough to find today, but still there are handful of incredible characters who had actually done a bunch of effort to achieve to the excellent position without taking aid of anybody. Listed below, we are actually talking concerning some of the famous individuality is an inspiration of all and also carried out incredible reforms. Listed below our experts are talking about Nicole Junkermann, who is an appeal with mind and recognized to across the world.
She is actually the one recognized for self-made, global and also impressive business owner as well as real estate investor, who has actually accumulated a sound market presence. She is the ideal when it relates to develop as well as offer media businesses, alongside the very same she has spent in bothersome, advanced technician business and raised her very own sporting activities personal equity fund. She is in fact really gifted and knew every thing coming from her experience that is why she is right here in the market with a supreme visibility. Nicole is actually based in London, but can talk in 6+ languages with adventure of lifestyle and doing work in Europe, Asia, the USA and also other major nations. find out here now
Not just this, Nicole Junkermann is one of the most talented business person as well as the creator of NJF Holdings, which is actually a global financial and investment firm with extensive passions throughout project capital, personal capital as well as realty. NJF Capital is popular firm as well as a financial backing arm of NJF Holdings, for this reason to deal with the incredibly exact same firm is actually automatically a fantastic proud. She founded and press the business to the upcoming degree as well as today it is understood to just about every country worldwide. She really did not stop listed here simply, but she is actually one of the most effective well-connected, effective entrepreneurs with all over the globe with an usual concept that transformative technologies in several domain names, featuring- genomics, virtual truth and expert system along with associated with the healthcare markets to economic facilities, security as well as fee information.
A Story of Success: Nicole Junkermann
There are actually different renowned individualities throughout the planet, yet some are actually the ideal as well as invested a ton of effort and time in complying with the requirements of people. One such label is actually Nicole, who is actually really popular for her incredible do work in the business and also quite well-known all around the world. Do not understand a lot about her? No concerns, below are actually the full details-.
She is actually a renowned personality that is actually widely well-known as: a business person Nicole Junkermann. She is a popular person among big clients as well.There are actually variety of accomplishments she has gained over the little time frame of her results. Sonza was the altering come in her lifestyle. Coming from listed here she started her experience of productive business owner.
Songza is an app made to offer playlists to advocates that match different environments relying upon condition of thoughts, opportunity of time, and workouts. In 2013, Nicole Junkermann was actually a part of a gathering of gamblers that enabled Songza to rear $3.8 thousand, providing it the influence anticipated to develop to 5.5 thousand endorsers. In July 2014, Google disclosed its own securing of Songza, for which it paid an anticipated $39 thousand. The package went on the effect factors of a similar buy relative to Apple, that got an organization referred to as Beats for $3 billion.
After this she was actually a monetary professional and main accomplice in the reserve. She committed with significant firms. After offering large advantages to the business she helped she started her own projects where she started attaching huge yet reliable real estate investors. She has actually been a sign of excellence for ladies around the world. Her excellence makes a substantial impression business filed. Her lifestyle is a learning motivating journey which one ought to find out and influence their lifestyles from.
Nicole Junkermann: Woman on The Role.
Ladies are actually zero less than males. Because grows older women are actually dealing with for impartiality in society. Though point disappear similar. Girls have their vocal which is actually being actually heard and also she is actually developing record. Women are actually almost everywhere now days whether it is business or even politics or literature etc
. Nicole Junkermann is a London-based organisation individual, monetary specialist as well as service trailblazer focused primarily on the combination between the media and also innovation areas. She is one of another party of well-associated, effective business folks that approve that electronic advancement and also prolegomenous technology are going to make achievements in regions from medication to training, and also coming from selling to fee material utilization.
Her shot in the darks are led due to the judgment of conviction that the longing for premium material is determined by means of, also while advancement alters the way in which we locate, expend as well as share it. As synthetic cleverness as well as boosted truth alter our organization with the electronic planet through and also by, she is actually presently partnering with your business people who will identify these creating endeavors.
She started her role in 1998 as a prime advocate of volleyball video gaming portal Winamax. Following its package in 2001, she put information into lately set up Infront Sports as well as Media. Along with one more considerable capitalist, she developed Infront right into among the globe's steering games media liberties institutions. Infront is actually presently had through the Dalian Wanda Group.
Given that 2011, Nicole has actually returned to her bases in state-of-the-art development nevertheless with a certain limelight on scenarios in areas including administer liberty, genomics, boosted fact, fabricated mindset as well as costs element. Via NJF Capital, she has risks in a range of institutions, amongst them Emoticast, Jobbio, Grabyo as well as Sentient. 3 of her first projects, Songza, Dollar Shave Club and also RelatelQ, were actually gotten through Google, Unilever and Salesforce, individually. In June 2017, Nicole was actually decided on co-seat of Magnum Global Ventures, nearby Thomas Dworzak. She is furthermore a speculator in the incredible photographic organization.
Obtain Inspiration from the Life of Nicole Junkermann.
An entrepreneur is actually a terrific technique to create your aspiration happen, yet when you desire to be an entrepreneur, at that point you need to put a great deal of initiative. When you have a desire to be actually an entrepreneur, after that you should must read through the straining lifestyle of the productive business owner, it will definitely promote as well as encourage you to accomplish something excellent. You must need to check the particulars of Nicole Junkermann. That she is actually, what she carries out, how she function and more, there are many factors that folks have to recognize. Hence, she is a personal created, worldwide real estate investor and also entrepreneur, she constructed her very own business. She created and sold media company and also she spent in disruptive, cutting edge innovations providers alongside that, she raised her own passion in sporting activities personal equity fund.
She performed a lot of battle as well as offered several accounts to achieve effectiveness in her lifestyle. She was one of the shareholders of Infront Sports as well as Media provider, it is actually an agency that delivers the sports and also media rights monitoring. In 2008, she acted as an investor in this particular company. While in 2005, she established a personal equity company that is, United in Sports, which was actually concentrated on the media and also sports expenditures in Europe and Asia. Furthermore, in 2013, Nicole Junkermann belonged of the team of clients in Songza, it is an application which is specially built to offer playlists as well as in 2014, the agency was actually gotten. There are more details concerning her professional lifestyle, along with her qualified lifestyle, she is also managing her private life incredibly properly. She is a mama of one gorgeous little girl. She is living a satisfied daily life along with other half and also daughter while appreciating the daily life of entrepreneurship along with an investor.
 Nicole Junkermann Served Different Profiles.
Are you dreaming to come to be a business owner? Do you desire to be a good entrepreneur? If certainly, at that point you must possess to read the information regarding the well-known, reputed as well as professional business owner and also client merely like Nicole Junkermann. She is actually a personal brought in worldwide capitalist as well as entrepreneur. She is a German business person and now resides in London. As she is actually based in London, yet she is an audio speaker of six foreign languages along with the adventure of residing and doing work in the USA, Asia, as well as Europe. In very early opportunity, she purchased three companies, which was gotten by the large providers and also currently the cost of those providers are actually quite high. She is likewise a founder of NJF Holdings, it is actually a worldwide as well as financial expenditure provider along with substantial rate of interest all over private equity, true estate, as well as equity capital.
NJF Capital works as a link in between the typical business and also the business describing modern technologies. NJF financing is the financing arm of NJF holdings. Nicole Junkermann is among the distinguished and also great business people along with an usual sight that the transformative modern technologies in locations like virtual fact, genomics and expert system that will definitely make the major developments in the financial facilities, costs web content, security and also health care. If you would like to know even more regarding her, after that it will definitely be actually excellent to examine her profile, so you will certainly recognize that exactly how she functions and also improved her working life as a business person as well as real estate investor. You will quickly receive the details of her on the net, she actually functioned incredibly difficult to attain the most effective cause her lifestyle and also with her efforts as well as capabilities, she is currently a well-known business owner. When an individual has a desire to carry out something, at that point it is very important to make the intended and also job accordingly. Now, it is evidence that girls may do anything and in any sort of field.
 Nicole Junkermann- A Great Entrepreneur.
 Many individuals assume that girls can possibly do limited factors, however there are many women on the planet, that transform individuals perception through conducting the most effective traits in their lifestyle. Along with their attempts, they pressed herself as well as obtain results. It will definitely be great to learn about the productive ladies's' life. There are actually several business people that are actually helping the betterment of culture and among them is actually Nicole Junkermann. In the business world, many individuals understand about her considering that she is actually a self-made real estate investor as well as business owner that created her career through her very own attempts as well as with no support. She has built and sold media business, alongside that she bought several reducing edge technology business and also she has actually raised her own sporting activities private equity fund. She is actually a creativity for lots of brand-new business owners, lots of people are observing her action to ending up being a productive financier and business person.
Nicole Junkermann is actually coming from London, but she is actually an audio speaker of six foreign languages along with the expertise of working and also staying in different areas. She stayed in the USA, Asia, and also Europe. She enjoys finding individuals, and she is also an owner of NJF holdings. NJF holdings is actually an international finance as well as expenditure provider with considerable enthusiasm around private capital, real property, and equity capital. If you additionally possess a goal to come to be a terrific and also successful client, after that you should have to check out her life and her story, it is going to encourage you a whole lot as well as you can easily observe her strategy to become a prosperous person in life. She failed to restrict herself with the assets, yet she also took a passion in sophisticated technology given that she desires to be actually a component of the existing pattern to live a better and prosperous lifestyle.
 Nicole Junkermann is a Speaker of Six Languages.
In today times, there are many individuals that intend to perform their own organisation as well as people who do their very own organisation or prepare their very own service, they are actually referred to as the business owner. On earth, there are many business owners who made their title along with great and a fantastic tip. Everyone possesses a goal to come to be an entrepreneur, therefore if you are actually likewise seeming a business person after that you can inspect the information of Nicole Junkermann. She is a business owner as well as real estate investor, who is working well in the technician globe. Along with her work and skill-sets, she made a reputation in the market. Despite the fact that, she is an owner of one business also. If you likewise desire to stay your goal at that point you should need to chase it and also function appropriately to stay the goal.
These days, females are prospering in every market as well as being as a business person, they are actually performing properly as well as offering competition to males. If you desire to see an example, then Nicole Junkermann is the greatest instance. You can learn more concerning her to get the ideas for succeeding within this globe of technology. She is actually not simply an entrepreneur, however she is likewise a great entrepreneur that are actually putting in incredibly intelligently. She is primarily from London, yet she is actually able to communicate six languages via her expertise. She lived and also operated in Asia, Europe, as well as the USA. She is actually likewise an owner of NJF Holdings, it is a funding serves as a link in between the industry-defining innovations as well as the conventional service. Her individual lifestyle is likewise really good as her specialist lifestyle, she has a wonderful daughter that was actually birthed in December 2017. And also as a company founder, she commits and provides a reliable option.
Understand About Nicole Junkermann Professional Life.
 There are actually numerous business people that are actually leading worldwide, they are actually doing properly in their job as well as life, in addition to people are actually chasing all of them to be like all of them. If you are likewise hoping to be actually an entrepreneur as well as desire to chase someone to create your goal real, at that point you need to need to learn about Nicole Junkermann. She possesses a really appealing professional life, she began her profession as a co-founder of Winamax (football pc gaming site), following its sale, she spent in the startup Infront sporting activities as well as media, it is actually sporting activities media rights company. As she is certainly not the merely a business owner, she is likewise an excellent real estate investor. In the early phase, she purchased 3 places that consist of RelatelQ, Songza and also Dollar Shave Club. Right now, RelatelQ is actually gotten through Salesforce, Songza is actually acquired through Google and also Dollar Shave Club is actually gotten through Unilever.
Lots of folks find out about Nicole Junkermann, while there are lots of such folks at the same time who don't understand about her. Thus, she is a German entrepreneur and also financier, she carried in Dusseldorf, and now she is actually located in London. She is an owner of NJF Holdings that additionally feature the NJF Private Equity, The JJ Collection, NJF Real Estate, and also NJF Capital. She produces the expenditures in deep blue sea tech firms like OWKIN, Blockchain and also much more. As well as in the onset, when acquired 3 providers and also they are actually currently gotten through big providers. Moreover, in 2008, she additionally performed as the Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of Infront, which eventually marketed to Bridgepoint, an exclusive capital company based in Europe. The NFJ Capital works as a link in between the tradition small business owner as well as the industry-defining technologies. She knows regarding the significance of the newest technologies, so she operate accordingly. You can check out additional particulars concerning her to recognize more regarding her lifestyle.
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noosphe-re · 2 years
Etymology of ‘prolegomenon’
1650s, "preliminary observation," especially "a learned preamble or introductory discourse prefixed to a book," from Greek prolegomenon, noun use of neuter passive present participle of prolegein "to say beforehand," from pro "before" (see pro-) + legein "to speak" (from PIE root *leg- (1) "to collect, gather," with derivatives meaning "to speak (to 'pick out words')") + suffix -menos (as in alumnus). The same sense is in preface (n.). Related: Prolegomenary; prolegomenous. Plural prologomena.
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theclubmap · 6 years
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MY MUSIC TIP  ARTIST(S):Art Of Tones  TITLE:Unbalanced Part 1  LABEL:LTLP008 | Local Talk 66  STYLES:House Deep, Electro With a prolific output of such a consistently high standard many do not realise that Art Of Tones has never released a solo artist album, but with this new LP on Local Talk that is soon to change. Investing blood, sweat and tears Art Of Tones has spent many hours on this debut album release, which is not just a selection of club tracks, but a storytelling piece of music where each track compliments the others.  The opening cut 'Prolegomenes' welcomes you into the project with jokes about sampling, showing a light-hearted attitude to the fact samples make up a large percentage of this warm and jazzy album.  After the enticing intro track comes the funk-filled and familiar style of house that Art Of Tones fans both love and respect, with upbeat melodies and infectious grooves it's fair to say this release is a real feel good mood lifter. Tracks like 'Keep On Having Fun' also remind us of Art Of Tones' eclectic style leaning more towards hip hop and disco to break up the overall sound, and make it a complete listening experience spanning a variety of genres. With touches of gospel, funk, soul and jazz this album of a melting pot of styles that with house music at its core, showcasing Art Of Tones to be one the most talented guys out there right now.  Although it's primarily made with home listening in mind all the tracks on this album would also rock a dance floor ! https://ift.tt/2E89u7W
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philoinfo · 6 years
"Prolégomènes à la charité" : méditations sur l'amour
durée : 00:04:54 - Le Journal de la philo - par : Géraldine Mosna-Savoye - En 1986, le philosophe et phénoménologue Jean-Luc Marion publie un livre aujourd'hui légendaire, l'une des plus belles méditations sur l'amour; et donc, à terme, la charité : "Prolégomènes à la charité". source https://www.franceculture.fr/emissions/le-journal-de-la-philo/prolegomenes-a-la-charite-meditations-sur-lamour
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zarayushas · 6 years
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La couleur au bout de la langue
je relis le thème
accompagné du bois à résonance
Des hochements de tête
une voix lancinante
j’entre sanguine jusqu’au coeur de l’enfant
Niala-Loisobleu – 6 Juillet 2020
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josefinak92714-blog · 6 years
Putting In, Property Purchasing & Selling, Personal Financing & Budgeting.
Sand and Water Tables are excellent devices for the progression as well as learning from little ones with exclusive necessities. The theoretical rationale underlying this behavior therapy approach presumes that threatening shuck and jives or antisocial habits establish from the antecedent as well as postcedent celebrations and also problems associated with the aggressive shuck and jive, as well as advance right into learned behaviors that are actually at that point strengthened and sustained in settings through which parent-child interaction norms remain to design or even promote unlawful behavior. The goal is actually to show the little ones to cultivate self-discipline and produce ideal choices relating to effective ways to deal with these emotions. A lot of children thrive with time for their interior ingenuity and prolegomenous attributes to establish. However some children as well as teens identify as a sex that's different to the sex they were appointed at childbirth. The Federal Trade Percentage took on ultimate modifications to the Children's Online Personal privacy Security Rule that reinforce kids' personal privacy protections and also give moms and dads greater control over the private info that sites as well as on the web solutions might accumulate off little ones under 13. Kid's irregular peeing behaviors normally fade along with opportunity. Making use of a CD provides youngsters the sensation they are developing a greater and extra fantastic audio. While direct exposure to even more loved ones time is actually beneficial to some, absence produces the heart grow fonder, as well as children may in fact appreciate their loved ones even more after an extended vacation to summer season camping ground. In fact, latest investigation indicates that family members variables very most definitely related to juvenile crime are those systemic or even interfamilial processes which include unsteady bonds or accessory issues between little ones and parents (Agnew, 2005; Farrington, 2002), often moderated via poor or unpredictable parenting techniques, and also including moms and dads that hire rough or forceful procedures from castigation. While the High court has agreed to acknowledge some limited participatory liberties for little ones with regard to schools, courts, as well as other regulatory organizations, this has hesitated to provide little ones legal rights that might obstruct those from their parents.
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Easter gifts for little ones could sometimes be a pain to pick out, but with plenty of children Easter gifts on call nowadays, it's hard to go wrong. Criminal nonsupport is a federal as well as state criminal offense, and the moms and dad can experience prison or probation opportunity. In such situations, youngsters can acquire the health condition from their moms and dads and also more mature loved ones generations. Therefore, that is necessary for parents and also those which supply childcare to create recognition from these feasible cancer cells causing brokers. Quality opportunity is difficult to achieve when you are aiming to juggle your time between corporate life and parent. When considering preschool activities, language crafts may be a great opportunity for private practice, http://sport-gym2018.Info as well as interactions along with one another and with the educator.
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Thus Obama has straight, original familiarity along with the sorts of concerns faced through a lot from contemporary United States community - featuring the 9.2% from USA houses moved by single mommies and also 28% from kids maturing in single-parent properties, baseding upon the Huffington Blog post.
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robinmoncrieff-blog · 6 years
What You Had to Know In Order To Help Your Reliant Grownup Kid.
Household characteristics are actually expecteded to quickly transform a as moms and dads as well as grandparents quickly grow older. Leann2800: it is actually a bunch of exciting, individually I enjoy sprucing up I think people behaves various when they spruce up because they really feel that they could be different which in the end results in additional liberty to enjoy on your own. The issue is not that children consume alcohol; they will definitely drink whatever legislations you pass (prohibition really did not benefit adults and this won't for kids). They devote more time pulling in publications when click the following article day care laborers, that are children grow older 10 to twelve, started checking their nappies. The gallery is customized to various stages of the curriculum, offering prolegomenous sessions for youngsters from KS2-KS4. As an example, Robert Kuttner (1982) suggests that critics of the Social Surveillance device, focusing on the economical disadvantages from the device for the working-age populace, take too lightly the benefits to the grown-up children from the elderly. I myself experienced RA coming from my childhood years buddy, of all people (together with her relative who explored every other weekend break). Giving money as a present is appropriate for sis, bros, mommies, dads, grandparents, aunts, uncles, relatives, nieces, nephews, and also grandchildren on their birthdays.
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There were actually thousands of subtle ways that I altered myself to earn certain I was the correct type of dark female for the white folks who all of a sudden neighbored me. Safe. We adore our once a week family video game night. - Likeness' Video games of this particular type are expansions from youth activities where little ones make believe being in grown-up tasks including parent, medical professional or fireman. Older youngsters as well as some grownups are actually truly excited concerning the Celebrity Wars specifies that were lately discharged as well as are actually planning to ready to contribute to their selection. It also puts on nonmaterial things like partnerships, a great family members, kids, companions, close friends and parents, and also fulfilling job connections.
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I would certainly remind the child that folks from all ages possess issues with damping the bed and a lot of all of them also put on diapers during the night. If you have actually not possessed the infant yet and your good friends carry out certainly not presently have youngsters at that point leave your tips regarding solid food.Everybody at IDEXX remain committed to our function to generate remarkable long-lasting worth for our customers, workers and also investors by boosting the wellness as well as wellbeing from family pets, individuals and livestock.Instances of threat taking for young children could be coming close to little ones to dip into institution or even on the recreation space, attempting a brand-new musical instrument or even sporting activity, having the the instruction steering wheels off, roller skating, or even completing in a sports game.Elderly poor nutrition influences all of us, whether individually or even through greater medical care costs. Wetting the bedroom is actually a common health condition for little ones under 6 years of age as well as usually is caused by bodily aspects.Levels gradually drop along with age, and some more mature adults produce extremely percentages or even none in all. With all of these English areas ALL OF housing affiliations undergo the very same government enforced social lease strategies for increases makings the difference in real rent enhances HA choice certainly not authorities dictat.
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christophe76460 · 5 years
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CES PROLEGOMENES sont en partie généraux, dans le sens où ils parlent de la doctrine de toute l’Église: et en partie spécifiques, dans le sens où ils parlent du catéchisme.
Les prolégomènes généraux, concernant la doctrine de l’Église se décomposent en cinq questions
Qu’est ce que la doctrine de l’Église ?
Quelles en sont les parties et en quoi ces parties diffèrent-elles les unes des autres?
En quoi la doctrine de l’Église diffère-t-elle de celle des diverses religions, sectes, et de la philosophie, et pourquoi ces distinctions devraient être gardées ?
Quelles sont les preuves de la vérité de cette doctrine ?
Quelles sont les différentes méthodes d’enseignement et d’étude de cette doctrine ?
1. Quelle est la doctrine de l’Eglise ?
La doctrine de l’Eglise est la doctrine entière et non corrompue de la Loi et de l’Evangile concernant le vrai Dieu, avec sa volonté, ses œuvres et son culte ; divinement révélée et contenue dans les écrits des prophètes et apôtres, et confirmée par plusieurs miracles et témoignages divins ; par lequel l’Esprit Saint agit efficacement dans le cœur des élus, et rassemble dans toute la race humaine une église éternelle, dans laquelle Dieu est glorifié, en cette vie et après cette vie.
Cette doctrine est la marque la plus importante et la plus essentielle de l’Église véritable, que Dieu conçoit pour être visible dans le monde, et pour être séparée du reste de l’humanité, selon les paroles « Mes enfants, gardez–vous des idoles. » « Aussi sortez du milieu d’eux et séparez–vous » « Si quelqu’un vient vous voir sans apporter cet enseignement, ne le recevez pas chez vous et ne lui dites même pas bonjour. » « Partez, partez, sortez de là ! Ne touchez rien d’impur ! Sortez du milieu d’elle ! » « Sortez du milieu d’elle, mon peuple, afin que vous ne soyez pas associés à ses péchés et que vous ne receviez pas une part de ses fléaux. »  (1 Jean 5:21 ; 2 Cor. 6:17 ; 2 Jean 10, Ésa. 52:11 ; Apoc. 18:4)
Dieu veut que son église soit séparée du monde, pour les considérations suivantes :
D’abord, à cause de sa propre gloire ; car, comme il ne veut pas lui-même être uni aux idoles et aux démons, ainsi il veut absolument que sa vérité soit distinguée du mensonge, et ses serviteurs des ennemis de l’église, qui sont les enfants du démon. On pourrait reprocher à Dieu – imaginons-le un instant – d’avoir comme de tels fils qui s’attacheraient à lui ; Ce serait blasphématoire de faire de Dieu l’auteur d’une fausse doctrine et le défenseur des blasphémateurs ; car « quelle concorde a le Christ avec Bélial ? » (2 Cor. 6:14)
Ensuite, à cause de la consolation et du salut des élus ; car il est nécessaire que l’Église soit visible dans le monde, afin que les élus, dispersés dans le genre humain, sachent à quelle assemblée ils doivent se joindre et que, réunis dans l’Église, ils puissent jouir de ce confort certain, d’être dans leur assemblée qui plaît à Dieu et possède les promesses de la vie éternelle. Car Dieu veut que tous ceux qui sont sauvés soient rassemblés dans l’Église, car hors de l’Église il n’y a pas de salut.
Comment l’Église peut être connue, et quelles sont les marques qui la distingues des différentes sectes, sera enseigné au lieu approprié. Ici, il suffira de parler de trois marques:
La pureté de la doctrine
Le juste usage des sacrements
L’obéissance à Dieu selon toutes parties de cette doctrine, qu’il s’agisse de la foi ou de la pratique.
Et si on nous objecte ici, que des grands vices ont souvent rôdé dans l’Église, nous répondons que ceux-ci ne sont pas soutenus par l’Église, comme dans les différentes sectes. Mieux encore : l’Église est la première à les interdire et les condamner. Les péchés sont désapprouvés et émondés dans l’Église. Aussi longtemps que sera l’Église, il en sera ainsi.
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