#promote financial business
financead · 7 months
Promote Financial Business Like a Pro Today!
In today's competitive financial services ads  industry, effective promotion is crucial for businesses to stand out, attract customers, and drive growth. This article provides insights and strategies to help financial businesses promote their services like seasoned professionals. It covers brand presence, digital marketing, social media, partnerships, content creation, networking, and tracking. By the end, you'll be equipped to promote your financial business confidently and effectively.
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Understanding the Importance of Effective Financial Business Promotion
The role of promotion in driving growth for financial businesses
Promotion is important for ppc for financial business because it helps them get their brand out there and attract clients. There are many different ways to promote a financial business, such as online advertising, print advertising, and public relations. Effective promotion can help financial businesses grow and succeed.
Key challenges faced by financial businesses in promoting their services
Promoting financial services can be challenging because it is a complex and trust-based industry. However, there are ways to overcome these challenges, such as:
Making your content clear and concise
Building trust through social proof and testimonials
Focusing on the benefits of your services
Offering free consultations or trials
Partnering with other businesses
Attending industry events
Creating a strong online presence
Establishing a Strong Brand Presence in the Financial Industry
Defining your financial business's unique value proposition
To stand out from the crowd, financial businesses should define their unique value proposition. This could be a personalized approach to financial advertising services planning, an uncanny ability to explain complex financial concepts, or something else. By highlighting their unique value proposition, financial businesses can attract potential clients and build a strong reputation.
Developing a compelling brand identity and messaging
Your brand identity is the personality of your financial business. It should be consistent across all channels, from your logo and website design to your tone of voice in social media posts. To create a strong brand identity, think about your ideal clients and tailor your messaging to resonate with them.
Building trust and credibility through effective branding
To build trust in financial advertisement services, you can showcase your expertise through thought leadership content and case studies, and leverage client testimonials and reviews.
Leveraging Digital Marketing Strategies for Financial Business Promotion
Overview of digital marketing channels for financial businesses
Ah, the magic of digital marketing! It's like having a fancy marketing Swiss Army knife with tools galore. From social media and email marketing to content creation and search engine optimization (SEO), there are plenty of digital marketing channels waiting to be utilized by financial businesses. The key is knowing which ones align best with your target audience and goals.
Developing a comprehensive digital marketing strategy
Before starting digital marketing, it is important to develop a comprehensive strategy that aligns with your business objectives. This includes setting clear goals, identifying your target audience, and choosing the right digital marketing tactics to reach them. It is also important to be patient and consistent with your digital marketing efforts, as it takes time to build a successful online presence.
Maximizing SEO and SEM techniques to improve online visibility
To improve online visibility, financial businesses should focus on SEO and SEM. This includes optimizing websites with relevant keywords, creating valuable content, and investing in targeted online advertising.
Utilizing Social Media Platforms to Reach and Engage Target Customers
Identifying the right social media platforms for financial business promotion
To promote financial business on social media, it is important to choose the right platforms and create engaging content. LinkedIn is ideal for targeting professionals, while Facebook and Instagram are better for reaching a broader audience. It is important to focus on quality over quantity when creating content.
Creating engaging and relevant content for social media
To captivate your audience on social media, create engaging and relevant content that educates, entertains, or inspires. Share financial tips and tricks, debunk common myths, or share success stories. Don't be scared to add some individuality to your posts.
Implementing effective social media advertising and targeting strategies
Social media organic reach is limited, so businesses should invest in targeted social media ads to reach their ideal customers. Ads can be tailored to specific demographics, interests, and behaviors, and businesses should track and analyze the effectiveness of their ad campaigns.
Creating Valuable Content to Position Your Financial Business as an Industry Expert
In today's digital age, content is king, even in the financial industry. By creating valuable content, you can position your financial business as an industry expert and build trust with your target audience. Whether it's blog posts, articles, or videos, content marketing allows you to showcase your knowledge and establish thought leadership.
Building Strategic Partnerships and Collaborations for Mutual Promotion
Strategic partnerships can help financial businesses expand their reach, cross-promote each other's businesses, and leverage joint events and co-branded initiatives for maximum impact. Businesses should identify potential partners who complement their services and share a similar target audience.
Implementing Effective Networking Strategies to Expand Your Reach
Networking is not just about exchanging business cards at events; it's a powerful tool for promoting your financial business. Attend industry events and conferences to connect with like-minded professionals, potential clients, and key influencers. Create connections, share ideas, and keep abreast on market developments. By networking effectively, you can expand your reach and open doors to new opportunities.
Tracking and Analyzing Promotion Efforts for Continuous Improvement and Success
To ensure your promotional efforts are driving results, you need to track and analyze their effectiveness. Set measurable goals and KPIs, and use analytics tools to collect data on website traffic, engagement, and conversions. By making data-driven decisions, you can continuously improve your promotional strategies and achieve long-term success.
To promote your financial business like a pro, be creative, form partnerships, and make connections. Use digital marketing, social media, valuable content, and strategic partnerships. Track your progress and adapt to industry trends.
How long does it take to see results from financial business promotion efforts?
Promotion is a long-term effort. You may see initial results in a few months, but significant growth may take six months to a year or more.
Is social media promotion effective for financial businesses?
Social media promotion can be highly effective for financial businesses. To be effective, identify the right platforms, create relevant content, and use targeted advertising and engagement strategies.
How important is networking for financial business promotion?
Networking helps you build relationships with industry professionals, clients, and influencers. Attending events and building a strong network can expand your reach, gain insights, and unlock new business opportunities.
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hualianisms · 10 days
verified ways to donate to gaza directly
Help a Palestinian family directly:
gazafunds.com - Donate directly to a Palestinian family in urgent need of evacuation, medical attention, rebuilding homes/businesses or more. Site run by Palestinians, all GFMs verified (full list here). Spotlights 1 stagnant GFM at a time. (*If you can't decide who/where to donate, just go to gazafunds.com & donate to the 1 GFM they show you!)
masterlist of 200+ verified Palestinian families' GFMs: Operation Olive Branch
Help provide tents: (*emergency as Rafah is being bombarded as we speak)
The Sameer Project: Currently providing tents & transport for families in Rafah who urgently need to evacuate to Deir Al Balah. Has a team on the ground in Gaza who have supplied tents to 1% of the displaced population in Rafah. Run by Palestinians. (paypal) (gfm)
@helpgazachildren: Currently helping Palestinians in a refugee camp in Rafah flee the Rafah invasion to Khan Younis. Funds go directly to Hussam, a Palestinian in Rafah who hosts a refugee camp. Funds will cover the cost of tents & transport fuel. Managed by a Palestinian @.fairuzfan. (gfm)
Food, cash & essentials:
Care for Gaza: Palestinian charity on the ground in Gaza distributing food, cash, medicine & other essentials to displaced families. Proof of their work found on their Twitter. (paypal) (gfm)
We Feed Gaza: Team of Palestinian volunteers in the heart of Gaza distributing food & water to 344+ families. More details & proof in their gfm. Vetted & promoted by LetsTalkPalestine. (gfm)
Direct Aid for Gaza: A Palestinian activist on the ground in Gaza distributing food, cash & other essential supplies to displaced families. Proof of their work found on their twitter. (paypal) (gfm)
Water (*only 2 weeks left to donate!):
Gaza Municipality's water campaign: The official Municipality of Gaza needs help rebuilding the water infrastructure in Gaza City to restore access to clean water & waste management services for the people of Gaza.
guide to buy & send esims to gaza (highly needed, esim supply very low)
Crips for eSims for Gaza: If you don't know how to buy esims, don't have enough $ for an esim plan, or don't have the capacity to manage them (e.g. topping up regularly), you can donate any amt to this team of volunteers who pool funds to buy & maintain gaza esims regularly (see their financial accountability document).
Medical Aid:
Gaza Wound Care (urgent): Palestinian doctors in central Gaza treating injured/sick children & mothers in neglected displacement camps far from hospitals. Facing a severe shortage of medicines, medical equipment, and supplies. They need funds for their current campaign to battle infectious diseases in refugee camps. (paypal) (gogetfunding) (gfm)
international charities: Palestine Red Crescent Society, Palestine Children's Relief Fund, Medical Aid for Palestinians
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Red Lobster was killed by private equity, not Endless Shrimp
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For the rest of May, my bestselling solarpunk utopian novel THE LOST CAUSE (2023) is available as a $2.99, DRM-free ebook!
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A decade ago, a hedge fund had an improbable viral comedy hit: a 294-page slide deck explaining why Olive Garden was going out of business, blaming the failure on too many breadsticks and insufficiently salted pasta-water:
Everyone loved this story. As David Dayen wrote for Salon, it let readers "mock that silly chain restaurant they remember from their childhoods in the suburbs" and laugh at "the silly hedge fund that took the time to write the world’s worst review":
But – as Dayen wrote at the time, the hedge fund that produced that slide deck, Starboard Value, was not motivated by dissatisfaction with bread-sticks. They were "activist investors" (finspeak for "rapacious assholes") with a giant stake in Darden Restaurants, Olive Garden's parent company. They wanted Darden to liquidate all of Olive Garden's real-estate holdings and declare a one-off dividend that would net investors a billion dollars, while literally yanking the floor out from beneath Olive Garden, converting it from owner to tenant, subject to rent-shocks and other nasty surprises.
They wanted to asset-strip the company, in other words ("asset strip" is what they call it in hedge-fund land; the mafia calls it a "bust-out," famous to anyone who watched the twenty-third episode of The Sopranos):
Starboard didn't have enough money to force the sale, but they had recently engineered the CEO's ouster. The giant slide-deck making fun of Olive Garden's food was just a PR campaign to help it sell the bust-out by creating a narrative that they were being activists* to save this badly managed disaster of a restaurant chain.
Starboard was bent on eviscerating Darden like a couple of entrail-maddened dogs in an elk carcass:
They had forced Darden to sell off another of its holdings, Red Lobster, to a hedge-fund called Golden Gate Capital. Golden Gate flogged all of Red Lobster's real estate holdings for $2.1 billion the same day, then pissed it all away on dividends to its shareholders, including Starboard. The new landlords, a Real Estate Investment Trust, proceeded to charge so much for rent on those buildings Red Lobster just flogged that the company's net earnings immediately dropped by half.
Dayen ends his piece with these prophetic words:
Olive Garden and Red Lobster may not be destinations for hipster Internet journalists, and they have seen revenue declines amid stagnant middle-class wages and increased competition. But they are still profitable businesses. Thousands of Americans work there. Why should they be bled dry by predatory investors in the name of “shareholder value”? What of the value of worker productivity instead of the financial engineers?
Flash forward a decade. Today, Dayen is editor-in-chief of The American Prospect, one of the best sources of news about private equity looting in the world. Writing for the Prospect, Luke Goldstein picks up Dayen's story, ten years on:
It's not pretty. Ten years of being bled out on rents and flipped from one hedge fund to another has killed Red Lobster. It just shuttered 50 restaurants and declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Ten years hasn't changed much; the same kind of snark that was deployed at the news of Olive Garden's imminent demise is now being hurled at Red Lobster.
Instead of dunking on free bread-sticks, Red Lobster's grave-dancers are jeering at "Endless Shrimp," a promotional deal that works exactly how it sounds like it would work. Endless Shrimp cost the chain $11m.
Which raises a question: why did Red Lobster make this money-losing offer? Are they just good-hearted slobs? Can't they do math?
Or, you know, was it another hedge-fund, bust-out scam?
Here's a hint. The supplier who provided Red Lobster with all that shrimp is Thai Union. Thai Union also owns Red Lobster. They bought the chain from Golden Gate Capital, last seen in 2014, holding a flash-sale on all of Red Lobster's buildings, pocketing billions, and cutting Red Lobster's earnings in half.
Red Lobster rose to success – 700 restaurants nationwide at its peak – by combining no-frills dining with powerful buying power, which it used to force discounts from seafood suppliers. In response, the seafood industry consolidated through a wave of mergers, turning into a cozy cartel that could resist the buyer power of Red Lobster and other major customers.
This was facilitated by conservation efforts that limited the total volume of biomass that fishers were allowed to extract, and allocated quotas to existing companies and individual fishermen. The costs of complying with this "catch management" system were high, punishingly so for small independents, bearably so for large conglomerates.
Competition from overseas fisheries drove consolidation further, as countries in the global south were blocked from implementing their own conservation efforts. US fisheries merged further, seeking economies of scale that would let them compete, largely by shafting fishermen and other suppliers. Today's Alaskan crab fishery is dominated by a four-company cartel; in the Pacific Northwest, most fish goes through a single intermediary, Pacific Seafood.
These dominant actors entered into illegal collusive arrangements with one another to rig their markets and further immiserate their suppliers, who filed antitrust suits accusing the companies of operating a monopsony (a market with a powerful buyer, akin to a monopoly, which is a market with a powerful seller):
Golden Gate bought Red Lobster in the midst of these fish wars, promising to right its ship. As Goldstein points out, that's the same promise they made when they bought Payless shoes, just before they destroyed the company and flogged it off to Alden Capital, the hedge fund that bought and destroyed dozens of America's most beloved newspapers:
Under Golden Gate's management, Red Lobster saw its staffing levels slashed, so diners endured longer wait times to be seated and served. Then, in 2020, they sold the company to Thai Union, the company's largest supplier (a transaction Goldstein likens to a Walmart buyout of Procter and Gamble).
Thai Union continued to bleed Red Lobster, imposing more cuts and loading it up with more debts financed by yet another private equity giant, Fortress Investment Group. That brings us to today, with Thai Union having moved a gigantic amount of its own product through a failing, debt-loaded subsidiary, even as it lobbies for deregulation of American fisheries, which would let it and its lobbying partners drain American waters of the last of its depleted fish stocks.
Dayen's 2020 must-read book Monopolized describes the way that monopolies proliferate, using the US health care industry as a case-study:
After deregulation allowed the pharma sector to consolidate, it acquired pricing power of hospitals, who found themselves gouged to the edge of bankruptcy on drug prices. Hospitals then merged into regional monopolies, which allowed them to resist pharma pricing power – and gouge health insurance companies, who saw the price of routine care explode. So the insurance companies gobbled each other up, too, leaving most of us with two or fewer choices for health insurance – even as insurance prices skyrocketed, and our benefits shrank.
Today, Americans pay more for worse healthcare, which is delivered by health workers who get paid less and work under worse conditions. That's because, lacking a regulator to consolidate patients' interests, and strong unions to consolidate workers' interests, patients and workers are easy pickings for those consolidated links in the health supply-chain.
That's a pretty good model for understanding what's happened to Red Lobster: monopoly power and monopsony power begat more monopolies and monoposonies in the supply chain. Everything that hasn't consolidated is defenseless: diners, restaurant workers, fishermen, and the environment. We're all fucked.
Decent, no-frills family restaurant are good. Great, even. I'm not the world's greatest fan of chain restaurants, but I'm also comfortably middle-class and not struggling to afford to give my family a nice night out at a place with good food, friendly staff and reasonable prices. These places are easy pickings for looters because the people who patronize them have little power in our society – and because those of us with more power are easily tricked into sneering at these places' failures as a kind of comeuppance that's all that's due to tacky joints that serve the working class.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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visualcontenting · 7 months
Promoting Financial Literacy With Digital Content
The internet is full of dubious financial advice. Amid all that misinformation and people having more control over their money than ever, financial literacy has arguably never been more crucial. Businesses in the finance sector can turn that need into a profitable marketing strategy. Consumers require more financial literacy to take better care of their assets. Finance businesses need their…
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billa-billa007 · 9 months
My Best Strategy To Power Through Business Plateaus
Business plateaus are periods of stagnation or slow growth in a company's operations, revenue, or overall performance. They can occur for various reasons and at different stages of a business's lifecycle. Overcoming these plateaus is crucial for sustaining and expanding a successful business
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greenthestral · 11 months
Unleashing the Power of Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
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In the pursuit of sustainable development, the United Nations introduced 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to address the most pressing global challenges. Among these goals, Goal 8 stands out as a key driver of social progress and economic prosperity. Goal 8 focuses on promoting decent work and sustainable economic growth, recognizing their critical role in reducing poverty, enhancing social inclusion, and fostering a more equitable society. This article explores the significance of Goal 8, its targets, and the transformative power it holds for individuals, communities, and nations worldwide.
Decent Work: Empowering Individuals and Strengthening Communities
Decent work, as the cornerstone of Goal 8, plays a vital role in shaping societies and driving sustainable development. It encompasses various dimensions, including productive employment, fair wages, and safe working conditions. By prioritizing decent work, societies can unlock numerous benefits that contribute to the overall well-being and prosperity of individuals and communities.
One of the key advantages of promoting decent work is its potential to reduce poverty. When individuals have access to productive employment opportunities, they can earn a sustainable income that allows them to meet their basic needs and improve their living standards. Decent work provides a pathway out of poverty by offering stable employment and fair wages, enabling individuals to break free from the vicious cycle of poverty and dependence on social assistance.
Moreover, decent work fosters social integration and inclusion. When individuals are gainfully employed, they have a sense of belonging and purpose within their communities. It promotes social cohesion by providing individuals with a platform to interact with others, develop relationships, and contribute to the overall fabric of society. Through decent work, individuals can build social networks, establish connections, and access various resources and opportunities that enhance their overall well-being.
Another crucial aspect of decent work is the promotion of enhanced well-being. Meaningful and fulfilling employment has a positive impact on individuals' mental and physical health. It instills a sense of purpose, self-esteem, and dignity, which are essential components of overall well-being. When individuals are engaged in decent work, they are more likely to experience job satisfaction, better mental health, and improved overall life satisfaction.
To achieve the goal of decent work, it is imperative to address prevalent issues such as unemployment, underemployment, and informality. Governments, in collaboration with businesses and organizations, play a crucial role in creating an enabling environment that promotes job creation, skills development, and entrepreneurship.
One effective strategy to promote decent work is through the implementation of policies that support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). SMEs are often the backbone of economies, contributing significantly to employment generation and economic growth. By providing targeted support to SMEs, such as access to finance, technical assistance, and business development services, governments can foster entrepreneurship, create new job opportunities, and stimulate economic growth.
Investment in infrastructure is another critical component in achieving decent work. Infrastructure development, such as transportation networks, energy systems, and digital connectivity, not only enhances productivity but also creates employment opportunities. By investing in infrastructure, governments can create a multiplier effect on the economy, attracting investments, improving logistics, and connecting remote areas to markets and employment opportunities.
Furthermore, fostering an inclusive labor market is vital for promoting decent work. This involves eliminating discriminatory practices, ensuring equal opportunities for all individuals, and combating workplace inequalities. Governments can reinforce and strengthen labor laws that protect workers' rights, promote fair wages, and provide safe working conditions. Additionally, investing in education and skills development programs equips individuals with the necessary knowledge and competencies to secure decent employment and adapt to evolving labor market needs.
The promotion of decent work is crucial for achieving Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth. By providing individuals with opportunities for productive employment, fair wages, and safe working conditions, societies can unlock a myriad of benefits, including poverty reduction, social integration, and enhanced well-being. Governments, in collaboration with businesses and organizations, have a pivotal role to play in creating an enabling environment that fosters job creation, skills development, and entrepreneurship. By addressing issues such as unemployment, underemployment, and informality, societies can build inclusive labor markets and ensure that individuals can contribute to economic growth, experience dignity in work, and improve their living standards.
Sustainable Economic Growth: Fostering Prosperity for All
Sustainable economic growth is a critical component of Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth. It recognizes the importance of building resilient economies that can generate jobs, drive innovation, and provide equal opportunities for all individuals. Unlike traditional models of economic growth, sustainable economic growth emphasizes the need to balance economic progress with environmental sustainability and social equity.
Infrastructure development plays a crucial role in fostering sustainable economic growth. Investment in infrastructure, such as transportation, energy, and telecommunications systems, creates a foundation for economic activities and facilitates the movement of goods, services, and people. Well-planned and sustainable infrastructure projects not only create immediate job opportunities but also attract investments, spur economic activities, and enhance productivity in the long term.
Enhancing productivity is another key aspect of sustainable economic growth. Productivity gains lead to increased output, improved efficiency, and higher living standards. To achieve this, it is essential to invest in human capital development through education and training programs. By equipping individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge, they can contribute to the economy more effectively, adapt to technological advancements, and drive innovation.
Promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization is crucial for sustainable economic growth. This involves encouraging responsible business practices that consider social and environmental factors. Businesses should embrace sustainable production and consumption patterns, prioritize resource efficiency, and adopt clean technologies. Inclusive industrialization ensures that economic growth benefits all segments of society by providing equal opportunities for individuals, particularly marginalized groups, and avoiding the concentration of wealth and resources in the hands of a few.
Access to financial services is vital for inclusive and sustainable economic growth. Financial inclusion enables individuals, including those from disadvantaged backgrounds, to access capital for entrepreneurial activities, invest in productive assets, and participate in economic activities. Governments and financial institutions can promote financial inclusion by developing innovative financial products, expanding access to banking services, and supporting microfinance initiatives.
Investments in education, research and development (R&D), and technology adoption are crucial for driving sustainable economic growth. Education equips individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to adapt to evolving labor market needs and participate in innovative industries. R&D investments foster technological advancements, which drive productivity gains, promote innovation, and create new industries and job opportunities. Governments should provide incentives for businesses to invest in R&D, support collaboration between academia and industry, and facilitate technology transfer to ensure that economies remain competitive and resilient.
Sustainable economic growth also recognizes the importance of environmental sustainability. It emphasizes the need to minimize the negative impacts of economic activities on the environment and natural resources. This involves promoting sustainable consumption and production patterns, reducing carbon emissions, and preserving biodiversity. By integrating environmental considerations into economic decision-making, societies can achieve a more balanced and sustainable approach to growth that safeguards the planet for future generations.
Sustainable economic growth is a crucial component of Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth. It emphasizes the need to build resilient economies that generate jobs, drive innovation, and provide equal opportunities for all individuals. To foster sustainable economic growth, nations must invest in infrastructure development, enhance productivity, and promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization. Additionally, investments in education, R&D, and technology adoption are vital for long-term productivity gains. By integrating environmental sustainability into economic activities, societies can achieve economic progress without compromising the environment or perpetuating social inequalities.
The Transformative Power of Goal 8
Goal 8's targets go beyond the immediate benefits of decent work and economic growth. They hold the potential to transform societies by breaking the cycle of poverty, reducing inequality, and promoting sustainable development. Here are some key areas where Goal 8 can make a significant impact:
Poverty Reduction: Decent work and sustainable economic growth are essential drivers of poverty reduction. By creating employment opportunities and ensuring fair wages, individuals can lift themselves out of poverty and improve their quality of life. Moreover, sustainable economic growth enables governments to allocate resources to social welfare programs, healthcare, and education, further supporting poverty eradication efforts.
Social Inclusion: Goal 8 emphasizes the need for inclusive societies, where everyone has equal access to decent work opportunities. By promoting gender equality, reducing discrimination, and ensuring equal pay for equal work, societies become more inclusive and diverse. This not only enhances social cohesion but also unleashes the untapped potential of individuals, contributing to more vibrant and innovative economies.
Reduced Inequalities: Sustainable economic growth, coupled with decent work opportunities, can help address inequalities within societies. By creating jobs in marginalized communities, empowering women, and promoting inclusive labor markets, Goal 8 aims to reduce income disparities and provide equal opportunities for all. This fosters a fairer society where individuals can thrive regardless of their background or circumstances.
Environmental Sustainability: Goal 8 recognizes the importance of sustainable practices in economic growth. It calls for sustainable consumption and production patterns, resource efficiency, and the adoption of clean technologies. By aligning economic activities with environmental objectives, societies can mitigate the negative impacts of economic growth, promote environmental stewardship, and safeguard the planet for future generations.
Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth represents a pivotal milestone in the journey towards sustainable development. By promoting decent work opportunities and fostering sustainable economic growth, societies can unlock a host of benefits, including poverty reduction, social inclusion, and reduced inequalities. The transformative power of Goal 8 extends beyond economic indicators, encompassing social well-being, environmental sustainability, and the overall progress of nations. As we strive to build a more equitable and prosperous world, Goal 8 stands as a beacon of hope, guiding us towards a future where everyone can thrive and contribute to a sustainable global society.
#How to achieve decent work and economic growth#The importance of Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth#Promoting sustainable economic growth for a better future#Decent work and its impact on poverty reduction#Achieving social inclusion through Goal 8#Sustainable economic growth: Balancing progress and the environment#Investing in infrastructure for sustainable economic development#Driving productivity gains for sustainable economic growth#Inclusive and sustainable industrialization for Goal 8#Financial inclusion and its role in economic growth#The power of education in achieving sustainable economic growth#Research and development: Fueling innovation for economic progress#Technology adoption for sustainable economic growth#Building resilient economies through sustainable practices#Promoting responsible business practices for sustainable growth#Fostering entrepreneurship for economic empowerment#Addressing unemployment and underemployment through Goal 8#Reducing inequalities through sustainable economic growth#Achieving decent work for marginalized groups#The role of infrastructure in driving economic growth#Creating an inclusive labor market for decent work#Sustainable consumption and production for economic progress#Climate change and the importance of sustainable economic growth#Balancing economic progress with social equity#Goal 8: Empowering individuals through decent work#The link between decent work and enhanced well-being#Sustainable economic growth and environmental sustainability#The impact of Goal 8 on poverty eradication#Achieving the United Nations' Goal 8 for a better future#How to promote Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth in your community
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fastlivenostress · 1 year
The Illusion of Financial Freedom: Why Humans Will Never Achieve True Economic Liberation
Pixabay I have observed the constant struggle that many individuals face in trying to achieve financial freedom. While the concept of financial freedom may seem straightforward, the reality is that it is much more complex than most people realize. In fact, I would argue that humans will never truly be financially free, due to a number of societal and psychological factors that continue to hold us…
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financead · 8 months
In today's developing digital landscape, the financial ads industry is constantly evolving. The marketing techniques needed to stay ahead of the game. Effectively reaching and engaging with potential clients is crucial for the success of a financial firm.
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the-hype-dragon · 1 year
the only takeaway I've gotten from the recent radfem vs tradfem discourse on uhhh financial abuse in marriage is that no one is immune from being an NLOG lmao from the radfems doing their typical victim-blaming of straight women to the trads claiming it can't happen to THEM because they picked the right man!!!!! as if every abused woman goes into her marriage thinking she picked wrong lmao
also idk what it is.... contrarianism I guess.... but every time there is some BS back-and-forth about abuse on this website there's a whole group of people utterly dismissive of it. I remember like ten years ago seeing rate of rapes and under-reported rape statistics "debunked" so people would unironically argue rape just isn't a problem anyone needs to worry about. that's kind of the attitude I see on rebuttal posts like "feminists are so stupid do they think every relationship is like this" it's not that they think every imbalanced relationship (and in a household where only one spouse works, there is an imbalance, sorry) is inherently abusive, it's that it has the capacity for abuse to happen that makes them wary. even married religious women will tell you not to rely 100% on your husband because it opens you up to potentially be abused lmao
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youraverageaemondsimp · 9 months
“Be Quiet.” // DILF!Aemond Targaryen x Babysitter!Reader // PART ONE.
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THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 500 FOLLOWERS! (+200 now) so here is the awaited fic, celebrating a milestone <3 based on this poll, dilf aemond won at the end haha 💞
WARNINGS: unprotected p in v sex, dubcon(?), oral (both f and m.), blowjob, cum eating, cum play(?), breeding kink, multiple orgasms, age gap (9ish years), DILF aemond, single father aemond, power imbalance(?), throat fucking, cunnilingus, lots and lots of kissing, + not proofread
WC: 7.1k (yeah...)
« part two // 🎄 special »
Getting fired from your job while trying to pay rent and gathering tuition fees isn't exactly ideal, you wanted to pursue a bachelor's degree after high school, but you didn't have enough money, coming from a family that was barely held by, nor were you eligible to apply for student because there were legal issues.
You moved out of your parents not wanting to financially burden them anymore, renting a decent apartment with just enough space for you to call it a 'home' you've been working for the past 2 years, a decent paying job but it was enough to get by and save up on the fees too, everything seemed to be going perfect until you suddenly got fired and your landlord decided to increase the rent.
You knew you'd have to cut into your savings to pay rent now, but you didn't want that, you halfway there to your goal, you were expected to get promoted and get higher pay, you calculated it, that it would only take one more year for you get enough amount to pay for the first few sems, and then maybe you'll be able to apply for a student loan by then.
But fate had different plans, and here you were on your couch scrolling through multiple apps to find any type of job, extremely desperate.
And that's when you saw it.
“Babysitter needed.” you thought how perfect of a job it would be considering the degree you wanted to so badly was based in psychology, child psychology specifically, and interacting with kids will probably give you some type of experience?
You quickly clicked on it and found the contact number, and decided to call it, you bit your lips nervously hoping they'd pick up.
“Hello?” you heard a cool voice say which sent shivers down your spine.
“Hello- yes uhm, Hi! I am calling because I saw the post on the app that said you needed a babysitter for hire?” you stumble over your words and mentally facepalm yourself for it.
“Yes, indeed. Are you interested in applying?” he asks and you quickly reply with a yes.
“Do you have any prior experience?” he asks and you reply with a quick yes, you've babysat a few kids throughout your highschool era for quick cash, as a way to not rely on your parents for menial things.
“Mhm alright, I don't want to bring your hopes up by saying you got a job, I'd like to have a personal interview first, if you do not mind.” he says and you say, thanking him and he hangs up the call.
You were fucking shaking.
It felt like applying for the first job of your life all again, the nervousness, the anxiety, the everything.
Aemond had saved your phone number and sent it to his assistant, Floris, asking her to run a background check on you, and to see if you had any criminal background, he read your name on the file that got delivered to him, sipping on his coffee while he scanned through your details.
You just turned 21, recently.
‘So young’ he thought, ‘Let me guess, she's probably looking for jobs in order to afford education.’ he guessed and he was exactly on the money with that one.
He wasn't that old himself, barely 30
He inherited his father's business at just age 23, being the only one capable of handling such pressure, his elder siblings couldn't stand a chance against him, and since then, he's maintained the Targaryen name perfectly.
He remembers falling in love with a woman older than him, he was 24, she attended one of the business parties he dreaded going to, Alys rivers was her name, they dated for 2 years before deciding to pace things up and get engaged since everything was going perfect for both of them.
Until Alys got pregnant, Aemond was overjoyed when he heard that news, but he didn't know that the child would suck the life out of her.
She died giving birth to their son, and he was devastated, being heart broken by her death, however he never once blamed his child, it was their choice to birth him, and it failed miserably.
But 3 years had passed since her death and he had moved on from her death, ready to love once again, yet it was extremely hard to find someone that wasn't after his money.
He knew he couldn't just live in the misery of heartbreak, and Alys would've wanted him to move on too.
His son, Aenys, recently turned 3 too, he inherited Aemond's purple eyes and silver blonde hair, typical targ features, but he saw how the softness of his nose, sharpness of his eyes resembled his mother.
But back to you at hand, he went through all your papers deeming you fit for the interview, he called a day later telling you the address where the interview would be held, his office.
Yes, his fucking office, as if you were applying for a job at his company, he justified it by saying that you were technically his employee.
When you got out of the taxi and looked at the company in front of you, it finally clicked in your brain that your employee was none other than Aemond Targaryen, and it only made your anxiety worse.
You went to the receptionist and told her your name, and she typed it in, giving you a small smile, telling you that you were exactly on time. She called his office to tell you that you were here and led you to his office. You looked around and noticed how big this company was, a bunch of employees working in their cubicles, typing away.
“Mr. Targaryen?” she called out and you heard a small ‘come in.’ Before stepping inside and pushing the door open for you to enter, you did and she stepped outside, closing it gently behind you, leaving you alone in the room with the man.
Aemond hadn't looked up from his files until the door closed, and when he did, he felt his breath caught in his throat.
“You may sit.” he says and you nod, sitting across him on the opposite side of the table, you felt so small under his gaze, it was so intimidating but you put up with it.
He began the interview by asking questions about yourself, and all relevant things, but there was one question that caught you off guard.
“Do you have a boyfriend?” he asks and you furrow your brows, “Excuse me?” you question, noticing how odd of a question it is.
“Don't get me wrong, the previous babysitter had one, and she used to bring him to the apartment and…” he cleared his throat and you immediately caught on to what he was implying, “Oh! No! I do not have one, and even if I did I would not do that!” you reassure him and he gives you a nod.
He was fucking lying.
But you didn't know that.
The previous babysitter was an old lady, who Aenys liked a lot, but sadly she had to leave the city.
“I hope you know that you're expected to work full time? I leave for the office at 9AM and return back at 7PM, and you'll need to be ready to work those long hours, and sometimes I might not even return till late at night if there is extra work.” he says and you nod, and before the question can leave your mouth he cuts you off.
“Do not worry, you'll be paid for those extra hours.” he confirms and you nod smiling at him.
And then came your terms, which he agreed to, he made you sign a one year contract, and you did it without hesitation.
Frankly the pay was so high you would barely need to work 6 months to reach the full amount, but you still did an extra 6 months considering how having extra money at hand doesn't hurt.
And with a handshake, he accepted you.
You were practically going to spend most of your awake time with the kid, it sounds hectic but the pay was too good to pass up on, I mean, $80 per hour? fuck yes, you'd be having around $230k by the end of the contract. Aemond was filthy rich.
It was finally your day to go to his house and you already knew it was going to be big, but you were still shocked when you arrived to the destination, it was a 20 minute drive from your house, and it was located in the richest neighbourhood to exist in the city, you felt embarrassed getting out of your taxi at an area where everyone probably had their own cars, heck, a collection of them even, but you paid the fare and the guard got up to question you, you told him and he quickly nodded before letting you inside.
It was early in the morning, you came quickly so Aemond could show you around the house and introduce you to his kid, you stood there nervously as you rang the doorbell, Aemond had checked through the security camera before the door opened, revealing the house interior.
You quickly stepped in and he closed the door behind you. You expected him to have maids and a bunch of staff, but you were surprised when you found none. No wonder he asked if you can cook, you'd probably be doing all the work here besides the cleaning.
“Aenys is in his playroom, let me take you there.” he says cooly and you follow him, taking in your surroundings.
He opens the door to the playroom and you immediately find a kid, who you assumed to be older than 2, playing with his dragon toys, making rawr sounds, and yelling the word ‘dracarys.’ you smiled at the cuteness.
Aemond cleared his throat which caught the attention of Aenys and he smiled brightly before he jumped in his arms, “Papa!” he yelled, before he turned his attention to you and looked at his father in question
“Hey aeny, do you know how the previous babysitter had to leave town?” he asks gently and Aenys nods, “And papa needs to be away for work top right? So I got you a new babysitter who will take care of you.” he points towards you, explaining and Aenys looks at you tilting his head slightly
“Hey, Aenys.” you give him a small, waving your hand, he shyly waves back before he hides his face his fathers chest, you chuckle at the cuteness.
“I'll go give her a house tour okay? And then I will visit you once again before I leave, have fun darling.” He says and puts his son down, and Aenys looks at you once again, inspecting you, observing you, you smile at him once again, and this time he gives you a shy smile.
Aemond leaves the room and you wave a quick temporary goodbye to Aenys and follow him.
“Aenys, doesn't have a mother, or at least he had to grow up without one” Aemond randomly begins and you look at him confused. “My fiancee-” he sighs before halting his footsteps, “She- she had died while giving birth to him.” you watch as he takes deep breaths, “It's okay if you don't want to talk about it now, we have a lot of time anyway, just open up to me when you are ready, sir.” you tell him and he looks at you, giving you a nod and resumes the house tour.
It was fucking big.
Just like he said, he visited his son once more before leaving for work and the entire day you spent it with Aenys, getting to know him, observing his behaviour.
You noted that he was extremely shy at first but then he eventually warmed up to you, he still had his guard up of course since you were fairly new and a stranger in his life, you introduced yourself and he did the same.
He showed you all his toy collections, which you were genuinely fascinated by, he had so many dragon figurines and remembered each one by their name, his favourite was vhagar.
“It waass papa's once, when he was jus like mee.” he babbled cutely, the way he pronounced the words were so cute too, you swear you could die at it.
“Vhagar belonged to your papa?” you felt awkward saying the word papa, but you knew you had to considering that it was the term Aenys was used to, he nodded, smiling.
“Yesh! He gwave it to meh.” he says and you smile.
Aenys had quite a developed vocabulary for his age, though he pronunciation was a bit off, but you knew it would improve with time.
And just like that, you and Aenys grew close, he was always cheery to see you, you cooked and looked after him, feeding him vegetables in a way he would enjoy, and Aemond was surprised when he found out, considering Aenys refused to eat vegetables.
You put Aenys to sleep one day, singing him a lullaby and caressing his hair as he fell asleep in his bed, he watched you with big doe eyes, which were slowly beginning to get droopy as sleep overcame him. He closed his eyes and his brows were relaxed. You sat there for a while, watching him sleep, and you look at the time, 8PM, Aemond was running late, but you didn't mind, by the time he usually fell asleep, Aemond would've been there, listening to you sing to his son and when he finally fell asleep, you would leave, politely saying goodbye to Aemond, but this time you had stayed, since Aemond was late.
You noticed how Aenys eyebrows furrowed before you saw tears coat his eyelashes
“Mam… mama… I want mama...” he mumbled in his sleep and you swear you felt your heart wrench at that, then you heard small sniffles.
He was crying in his sleep.
Is this what usually happens after you leave? You felt extremely sad, you remember how Aemond had told you that Aenys grew up without a mother, how she had died during childbirth. You never really thought about it much but you realised how tough it must've been for Aenys, then suddenly you remembered all the times you played together or watched cartoons, how he would say the word "mother" longingly when he was referring to a mom dragon, or how he stared in a daze when a cartoon showed a mom taking care of his child.
He was beginning to notice an absence of a parental figure in his life.
You were snapped out of your thoughts by the sniffling getting louder, and Aenys was beginning to borderline cry out, you quickly picked him up and carried him, pacing around the room gently as you patted his back, his hand clung tightly onto the sleeve of your arm and he rested his cheek on your shoulder.
“Shhh, Aenys, it's okay.” you try consoling him but he kept repeating the words 'I want mama, mama.' in his sleep over and over again.
Not knowing what to do, you began to feel bad, so you did what you thought was the best.
“Aenys, Mama is here, it's okay hush now..” you coo gently into his ear and that's when he finally stops sniffling, 'mama?' he mumbles and you hum, “Yes, it's mama, do not cry anymore okay? Mama is here.” you caress his hair and he finally relaxes, you were so entranced in comforting him that your brain managed to ignore the presence of Aemond himself, who had arrived when you picked him up and paced around in a panic, he was going to interfere but then he heard you say those words.
You stopped dead in your tracks when you noticed him, heat climbing up your face as you realised he probably heard everything and also you were stricken with fear too cause you likely overstepped.
You gently placed Aenys down on the bed and got out of his room, anxiety coursing through your veins as you realised what you had done
But you were only trying to comfort him.
Aemond soon followed you out the room as well and you turned around to face him when he closed the door.
“I apologize— I'm so sorry—” you began.
“Don't. It's fine, I can understand why you did that.” he cuts you off, and you wince.
“He- he's been noticing.” you began and Aemond nodded, “I've noticed too.” he replies and sighs.
“Aenys has changed a lot since you've started babysitting him in a good way , and I've noticed it, he's becoming more and more aware of the world around him.” He moves to the living room, sitting on the couch and you do the same, sitting on the one opposite to him.
“I've made sure that he never felt a lack of anything in his life, but I guess it's only natural for a person to desire something he can't have.” he says.
“Aenys can have a mother, if you remarry, that void will be fulfilled somewhat.” you suggest and he looks at before chuckling “I've thought of that too, my mother said the same thing, but i cannot trust anyone, especially considering how many are after my money, who knows if they'll be kind to him, or whether Aenys will like them or not.” he sighs.
“That is true.” you agree with him and he looks at you.
“Unless… ” he begins, eye scanning your entire being and you look at him, your heartbeat quickening, just as he was about to say something, your phone rings and it cuts off the trance-like state you were in, and you look at it to see who it is.
It was a spam call.
But then your eyes bulge out of your sockets when you look at the time, “Holy shit it's late, I'm sorry sir but i have to leave now, or else it will be too dangerous.” you say and quickly apologise and he nods, dismissing you. That was the first night, sleep came to Aenys peacefully.
But it didn't to Aemond, he was lost in thought about everything, but then his mind wandered off to somewhere it shouldn't go.
The way you comforted Aenys stirred something inside you, the moment was perfect, you cooing in Aenys' ear that you were here, pretending to be his mother.
It was so perfect.
Almost as if you were made for that.
Aemond felt his heart flutter.
For the first time in years.
He couldn't help but accept the pull he felt towards you.
Aenys doesn't seem to remember the incident, probably cause he was literally just sleep talking so it was left at that, but you and Aemond however grew a bit close after that incident, he came back home early as he can, so he could spend time with his son and you, he was subconsciously trying to get his son used to both of them being around, both present in his life as parental figures.
You obviously weren't able to leave early just because he got home early because those were your mandatory hours, so it became your new normal to spend time with him and Aenys.
You couldn't deny that there was something definitely blooming in between you and Aemond, he would often throw appreciative comments in your way, which made your belly pool up with heat.
You noticed how he wanted to stay by your side, physical touch lingering, he had suggested that you 3 should go grocery shopping, and you found it odd considering he could literally order his clients to fetch them for him, but you agreed anyways, using it as a chance to get outside and let Aenys interact with other people. Aemond was heavily against sending him to the daycare, because he was scared for his son, it was understandable but it also set Aenys behind a bit.
“Mama, I want this!” you hear a kid yell at his mom and you watch as she refuses it gently, telling him no and that she will buy him the next time they come back here, and the kid just pouted, you chuckled at the sight.
You turned your attention to Aenys who was staring at the scene too, and you realised how he was in a daze once again as well, you looked at Aemond who also seemed to notice.
Aenys quickly ran in another direction and you panicked and almost ran after him before he was back in front of you again, grabbing the same toy the other child had grabbed earlier and showing it to you. “Ma-” he cut himself short before pushing the toy to show you “I want this!” he says and Aemond was confused at first and he was about to agree to buy that toy for Aenys until you butted in, “No Aenys, we can't buy it right now! We'll buy it next time when we come back here okay?” you say and he smiles sheepishly at you, before pretending to pout and put the toy back in a random shelf.
You chuckled at the childishness, he just wanted to feel the same type of experience that others do. Aemond knew it was just you both playing around, he didn't miss the way Aenys almost called you his mother, and it spurred him on further, the way you acted as a genuine mother.
Those type of random moments became often, and it pushed Aemond further and further to the edge, the way you would act like such a perfect mom made him want to bend you over any surface and fuck you, filling you up with his cum.
Aemond then suddenly started joining for lunch, he would usually eat at his office, but he made extra effort to drive home so he could eat with his 'family.' He loved your cooking, you made it taste like home, he would watch as you cut smaller pieces of fruits and vegetables for Aenys so he could properly chew and eat. He imagined how perfect you would be as his wife and like an official mother to his child, or better, children, all of these small things were pushing him to the edge
And soon it would push him off it.
Aemond cursed himself when he drove through the rain, already running late, he looked at his watch and read the time, it was 10PM, the meeting in the afternoon stretched over two hours long which set back the rest of his schedule by a lot, he quickly parked his hair before making his way inside his house, open the door with the extra key carried before shutting it close.
“Look Aenys! Dada's here.” he heard you say and he was immediately spun around, he didn't expect you to stick around this long, but then he realised it was raining heavily and you always went by taxi, there probably would've been no taxi available in this weather.
“Aenys didn't go to sleep yet?” he asks, undoing the suit he was wearing before throwing it on the couch, approaching both of you, taking Aenys into his arms.
“He wanted to wait until you got home, he was worried for you, though he seems tired hmm.” you pinch his nose playfully and he scrunches it up, “I'm not twired…” he says but then yawns earning a chuckle from both you and Aemond.
“I'll put him to sleep, you go freshen up.” you say and Aemond nods, giving him back to you.
Fuck everything about that interaction felt too domestic.
And Aemond had lost his resolve.
He found you sitting on the couch, scrolling through something, he sat down next to you.
“What are you doing?” he asks and you look at him, “Trying to book cabs, but there are none available at the moment due to the weather.” you sigh before placing your phone down.
Aemond should've offered to drive you home but instead he offered to let you stay.
“You know you can stay over, I do not mind it.” he says and you look at him “Really? I don't wanna be a bother—”
“Oh please, you are never a bother.” he cuts you off and smiles at you. “You should freshen up for the night, you've been here since morning.” he says but you pout. “I do not have any clothes.” you say and he simply shrugs, “You can wear mine.” he pushes the buttons, wondering how far he can get away with it, he knew offering you to let you stay at his house already broke the employee boss relationship, hell, the moment he desired you was when it already broke.
“Mhm okay! Where is the guest bathroom?” you ask and he shakes his head, “The water heater is broken in that one, it's better if you use the attached bathroom in my room.” he says.
The water heater wasn't broken.
He was lying.
And you believed him.
He watched as you got up and made your way to his room, which was right next to Aenys', considering he has to react if something happens to him, he followed you inside opening the cupboards and giving you his hoodie and fresh pair of boxers which you thanked him for.
He left the room to give you privacy, but oh gods his mind was racing with all the thoughts.
He paced around, trying to contain himself, and he stood there in front of the door.
And then you opened it.
His hoodie reached to your thighs, and you looked at him, shocked to find him in front of the door, lips parted.
He snapped.
He quickly pushed you inside and shut the door behind you, slamming his lips against yours, and kissed you fervent hunger, you stumbled back and you almost fell but he caught you by your waist and pushed deeper into the kiss, moving his lips hungrily against your.
He pulls away, silently giving you a way out if you need it.
You should refuse this.
You should push him away.
But you don't, instead you wrap your arms around him and pull him into a deeper kiss, he groans when he feels you kiss him back, he pulls away once again, before grabbing you by your arm and pushing you onto the bed, making you fall on your back, your hoodie rising up, revealing your stomach, which he kissed lovingly before he pulled the hoodie even more further up, exposing your tits and pressing kisses to the nipples, causing you to gasp.
He pulls the hoodie off of you completely, and you raise your hands to assist him, he pulls off his shirt too, exposing his naked chest, and you bite your lip at the view, next he takes the boxes off you, doing the same, leaving you both completely bare to the room.
He pushes you upwards to the bed and crawls on top of you, kissing your face, neck, collar bones and valley between your breasts, his hands grab the flesh of your tits before he kneads them, massaging them, thumbs flicking the nipples making you arch your back.
One of his hands trails down to your core, dipping into the heat, he outright moans when he finds you practically leaking, collecting the arousal and bringing it upwards your bud. Rubbing small circles which makes you gasp.
He pulls his hand away and brings it up to lick at the wetness that has accumulated on the fingers, humming in satisfaction before he pressed kisses which travelled downwards until his mouth stopped right at your core, giving a small kiss to it to, you shivered when you felt his hot breath against it, the way the air he exhaled would hit your clit. He kissed the inner part of your thighs first, making you needy with want, wishing he'd just take you into his mouth.
And then he does, his tongue strides upwards from your opening to your clit, giving you one long lick before he captures your clit with his mouth, suckling on it, causing you moan his name loudly, both of his hands wrap around your thighs and he pulls them further apart, his fingers digging into the flesh as he hungrily devours your cunt, tongue flicking the bud constantly, you grip his hair and buck your hips, practically rutting against his face, you felt his tongue travelling down and lick at the wetness, the tip of his nose pushing against your clit, you felt your core tighten as the movement of his tongue sped up, causing you to topple over the edge and your orgasm hit you like a truck, making you whine loudly.
He greedily licked everything up before he placed wet kisses on your thighs, the residue of your wetness sticking to them before he sat back on his knees between your parted legs, you watched as he got up slightly, making his cock come into view.
Your eyes widened slightly, which didn't go unnoticed by Aemond, this stroked his ego very much.
He was big, bigger than any you've seen before, it was pale with a tip that was flushed pink due to the blood pumping, oozing precum out of it, he pumped his cock in his hand to ease the area, coating his dick in his own precum before he positioned it against your entrance, you bit your lip in anticipation but then you felt him slide against your folds, covering his dick in your wetness as well before slapping your clit with the tip of his dick, making you whimper.
He then lined himself against your entrance and pushed in, and you arched your back at the stretch, it was so delicious, you felt so full.
He leaned on top of you and gave you a passionate kiss, you could taste yourself on his tongue, making you taste the tanginess, he supported his weight on his elbows which were on either side of you, gripping yours, fingers intertwined with yours. You were locked in a missionary position, a position that felt intimate.
Then you felt him move, thrusting in and out at a brutal speed, causing you to moan his name, the thrusts made you jolt up the bed, breasts bouncing due to the force emitted from it, his grip tightening as he grunted on top of you, rutting into your wet heat, his hair dropped his shoulders, cascading around his face, and you gasped at how godly his looked like this.
Then you felt his tip hit your gspot, constantly, which caused you moan extremely loudly, “Fuckk! Ahh~ Aemond!” you mewled, closing your eyes and throwing your head back, his hand left one of yours to cover your mouth as he continuously slammed into you.
“Shh, be quiet, or he'll wake up.” he whispers, referring to Aenys who was sleeping in the next room and you nodded, you felt him pull his hand away but his thumb traced your lips, you opened your mouth which made him put his thumb inside and you sucked on him, and you felt him groan, then he pulled it out, hand going back to grip yours, and you bit your lip to hold back your moans from slipping out.
You felt your core begin to tighten again and it snapped once more, causing you to arch you back, pushing your breasts against his chest and he muttered 'fuck' feeling the way you clenched around him.
His thrusts begin to grow sloppy and lose their rhythm, indicating that he was close, “Fuckk, I'm gonna cum inside you.” he says and you whine, “I'm going to get you pregnant, watch you grow round with my kid…” he growls, thrusting into you again and again, “You're going to give Aenys little siblings, You will, right? He looked so lonely, I think he'd appreciate that.” he grunts and you nod quickly, mind too hazy to even comprehend or acknowledge the complications behind you agreeing to this.
“Good girl.” he says before he finishes inside you, and paints your walls white, shooting up his seed far into you, riding his orgasm out.
You felt him pull out and thought that was the end until he pushed you over onto your back, and sat on his knees, he grabbed your waist and pulled it up, and you immediately switched to supporting your on your knees as you arched your back, stretching like a cat, your hands on the side of you.
He groaned when he watched his cum drip down your thighs before he scooped it up and put it in his mouth, tasting your combined essence.
He was still hard.
So he wasted no time, shoving himself back inside you and you whined at the way your walls felt overstimulated, not knowing if you can handle one more orgasm consistently.
He sheathed himself inside your walls, and moved with fervent speed like before, his balls slapping against your thighs, the room was filled with erotic noises, he gripped your waist for support, until his hand travelled slightly upwards, catching one of your tits before gripping it tightly, and rolling the nipple in between his fingers.
“I can't wait to watch them swell.” he grunts.
“You'd look so pretty with my child in your belly, the way your tummy will swell? Gods fuck, that is a vision.” he moans
“Look at you, taking my cock so well, like you are meant to.” he notes, thrusting in and out, watching as the previous cum leaks out.
He clicks his tongue
“So much is going to waste, tsk, it's okay I'll fill you up again, make sure you get pregnant.” he groans and you moan, “Ye-yes fill me up.” you say, and he smirks at that, “Good girl, taking my cock like one.” he leans against you, your back pressing to his chest as he leaves kisses on the back of your neck, and you once again, topple over the edge for the third time.
He finishes too, inside you again.
You both fall besides each other on the bed, and realise the weight of the situation after the adrenaline and excitement of the moment fades away and the breathing becomes more stable.
“I- fuck.” Aemond begins not knowing what to say and you lay there quietly.
“Listen, ever since that day you walked in, I felt some type of pull towards you, I wasn't sure what it was, but it was as if we were meant to me, and I couldn't ignore the feelings brewing inside me.” you watch as he speaks.
“I- to put it in simple words, I fell in love with you. I really did, though it's fine if you do not share the same feelings, we can go back to pretending this never happened.” he confesses.
“I am in love with you too.” you confess, “I pushed these feelings away, because it wasn't appropriate.” you say and he looks at you this time.
Silence falls between you two.
A comfortable silence.
He pulls you closer and wraps his arms around you, hugging you, and you hug him back, the he places loving kisses atop you.
You felt something hard pressing against your inner thighs and you looked down, shocked to find him hard again, you chuckle.
“Again?” you tease and he playfully glares at you, “Yeah, you're so fucking irresistible.” he kisses your neck, hips mindlessly grinding against you. “I'm so sensitive.” you pout, but you get an idea, you quickly push him onto his back before getting on top of him, and then crawling down in between his legs, before taking his cock in your hand.
“Fuck!” he moans when he feels your warm hand wrap around it, before you gently tug on it, pumping your hand up and down, watching as the precum leaks out, you collect some with your tongue, poking the slight hole making him groan and grip the side of your head.
You trail kisses down to his balls, before giving them wet kisses as your hand pumps his cock, you lick a long stride up his length before taking him in your mouth, as best as you can, hands resting on his thighs to balance yourself.
You bob your head up and down, swirling the the tongue around him, pulling away time to time to breath before descending onto him once again, the grip on the side of your head tightened and you watched as he sat up slightly leaning on his elbow, before his hips thrusted upwards, and so you let him take control.
He collected your hair into a makeshift pony before gripping the back of your head tightly and thrusting his entire length into your mouth, the tip teaching the back of your throat, making you gag slightly, causing tears to well up in your eyes, you closed them and tried to breathe through your nose as he thrusted upwards and fast, essentially fucking your throat.
You felt him twitch slightly in your mouth, knowing he was close, you sucked him and hollowed your cheeks, he threw his head back at that, he felt steady pleasure rising within him before such a force expelled from his body, causing him to peak, shooting out ropes and ropes after cum into your mouth, you felt it hit the back of your throat, causing you to swallow unknowingly, before he slightly pulled out, cause the remaining to fall in your mouth.
He pulled out completely and watched your face, flushed and hair dishevelled, you held his cum in your mouth, waiting for his command, “Swallow.” and you did, obeying him, opening your mouth to show that there was none left, he groaned as he watched the remnants of his seed drip from the side of your mouth before he collected it with his index finger and shoved it back into your mouth, and you click his finger clean, he grunted before you upwards and kissing you, tasting himself in your mouth, hands squeezing your ass before he gave one of them light slaps, causing you to wince.
You pulled away and breathed heavily, he smiled down at you, before he left the bed to clean both of you up, collecting the clothes and getting dressed before he pulled beside him in the bed, going to sleep while hugging your form.
You dreaded the next morning, wondering how you'll explain your relationship to Aenys, you woke up to an empty bed, you read the time, it's was just 8AM, you felt sad but then you quickly got up and went outside finding Aemond and Aenys awake, sitting at the table conversing, your heart warmed at the sight, Aenys spotted you and ran over to you, lifting his arms up, asking you to silently to carry him, and you did, you picked him up before placing a small kiss to his forehead.
“Mama!” he said and you froze, before you looked at Aemond, who gave you a small smile and nodded and your eyes softened at it, it seems he had done the explaining.
“Mama! Mama!” Aenys grabbed your face making you look at him and you chuckled, “Yes Aenys, it's mama.” you say and he smiles brightly.
“I'll go get ready for work.” Aemond says, getting up from the spot he was sitting on and coming over to both of you before he pressed a kiss to Aenys forehead, and doing the same to you and going inside his room and getting ready.
You put Aenys down on his chair and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, you made simple eggs on toast, and just on the time, Aemond came out of his room, looking all ready and you placed three plates down, along with fruits cut into small pieces of Aenys.
“I made breakfast.” you say and Aemond smiles at you, before sitting down and the three of you ate breakfast.
Applying for this job was the best thing you've ever done.
Who knew your life would change the course of it in the span of just a few months.
There were other things to discuss, and you knew it was plaguing Aemond's mind as well, but you both decided it will be best if discussed later and so you both basked in this moment, listening to Aenys babbles.
“So i hwave a mom now rightt?” he asks Aemond who nods, “Are you happy?” he asks and Aenys nods quickly, “Yesh! Aenys is wery hwappy! But…” he trails off and you feel your heartbeat quicken.
“I want a sibling too…” he murmurs
Oh gods.
Your eyes flickered over to Aemond who stared at you, you blush and look away as you remembered the details of last night.
“I wwant a swister… ! or a bwother!!! Hmm any is fine…” he babbles on, not knowing what he is asking for.
You look at Aemond again, who didn't seem to take his eye off you at all.
He smirks.
Oh fuck.
You quickly get up and collect the empty plates before going behind the kitchen counter and placing them in the sink, washing your hands, focusing your attention on them, until you felt arms wrapped around your waist before one trailed upwards towards your breast giving it squeeze, you quickly looked up to see Aenys was watching until you realised he was nowhere to be seen.
“He's in his playroom.” Aemond whispered in your ear, grinding slowly against your ass.
“Heard that? He wants a sibling so badly, surely you can't deny him right?” he asks, pinching your nipples through the fabric causing you to gasp.
He places kisses down your neck, before he spins you around and kisses you on the mouth, making you wrap your arms around his shoulder. He pulls away before kissing you on the cheek.
His phone rings and he notices the time, 9:15AM, he was running late which was the first for him, and it was his assistant calling him.
“Fuck, mood spoiler.” he grunts before shoving his phone back in his pocket before placing a kiss to your mouth once again.
“Don't think I'm done with you yet, it's gonna be one hell of a ride when I get back home.” he presses one final kiss to your neck before pulling himself away from you, granted it was so fucking difficult considering how he wanted to fuck you on the kitchen counter just moments ago.
You nod and follow him to the front door.
“Have a nice day, Aemond.” you say, and he smiles at you, coming to kiss you but then Aenys comes running towards you both.
“Is dada going to work?? BYE DADAAA” he screams and Aemond chuckles, before waving a small 'bye' to Aenys, and leaving from the front door.
He barely left and he already couldn't wait to get back home from work.
And you gulped, nervous in anticipation.
Oh seven hells.
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snoozefm · 1 year
HATE romance stories with distinct power imbalance between the two characters. kill romance stories with distinct power imbalance between the two characters.
#for example he’s exceptionally rich and she is poor#and they do that story so much and so bad#he’s killing her parents business and in order to save it she becomes his own personal slave#ABOLISH IT#or he’s her boss and constantly gets in the way of promotions cause he wants her to never leave him#KILL IT WITH FIRE#or them ones where she’s sheltered and he’s wise and he uses her ‘childlike wonder’#ASSASINATE HIM IMMEDIATELY#or she’s a freshly turned 18 year old and he is a 20 year old vampire that’s lived hundreds of not thousands of years#DOUSE IT IN GASOLINE AND DROP THE MATCH#and like the things is never about age gaps let the 30 year old fuck the 50 year old who cares#ITS ABOUT THE POWER IMBALANCE#OTS ABOUT THE RELATIONSHIP BEING TILTED ONE WAY A BIT TOO MUCH#because it’s all nice and dandy until his possessiveness and obsession becomes too much and then how do you escape it if he’s been#financially abusing you since the dawn of time#and the one with vampires yeah#it’s still not about the age yea he is 20 or whatever but it’s baout knowledge#he’s lived how many years he’s been through how much shut#my man has been in the WW1 AND WW2 trenches#that’s what’s it about#and the whole obsessive and possessive thing is only interesting to read when they are both equally freaky when it comes to each other#like mutually unsettling because otherwise it starts reading like victim x predator and that’s never nice to read#especially when it’s romanticised lol#KILL IT WITH FIRW
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lady-raziel · 2 months
idk man i know times are hard but i can't help but feel that watcher putting all their eggs in the basket that is their own streaming service is a bad call. like sure i totally get wanting a platform where you have full control both creatively and financially but i feel they might be misjudging how much loyalty non-hardcore fans might have for what they're creating. in every internet fandom there's a subsection of people willing to pay with actual money to support the creators they enjoy, and that's what services like patreon are for. but to expect that casual viewers will sign up and pay a monthly fee to get access to just watcher content when a large portion of them were likely just watching the content because it was free and accessible on youtube assumes that someone who isn't a diehard fan won't just go "oh well" and find something else on youtube that IS still free? that seems like a miscalculation to me. the massive fanbases online content creators have may literally be only possible because the content is available to anyone-- it seems foolish to assume that every single one of those fans is going to stick around once you try to upsell them.
i hope this new venture goes well for the watcher crew. I really do. but i also know that a lot of brands and startups that bank on the loyalty they earned when their product was free or low cost and expect that to sustain them while they try to do something that historically has not gone well for the vast majority of businesses. at best, they'll have halved their fanbase by alienating those who can't or don't want to pay and made it much more difficult for remaining fans to create fandom products like memes or gifs that promote their shows on social media. at worst, they'll discover in the near future the independent streaming service model is unsustainable with only the fans they have left and by that point they'll have already deleted themselves from youtube and made it impossible to come back to the level of success they had before. any attempt to return to youtube will be an admission of a critical miscalculation and i doubt many remaining fans will tolerate the back and forth. they'll have crippled their credibility, relevancy, and fanbase loyalty over a very short period of time-- and i don't know if it would even be possible to come back and still be beloved after all that.
worst of all-- if the watcher streaming service crashes and burns after they've already removed all their content from youtube, all the watcher shows are essentially going to become lost media, only accessible via reuploaders willing to risk a copy strike or if you know someone who has a copy downloaded. given how genuinely good the watcher content is in the sea of lackluster youtube mush, that really seems like a damn shame.
i hope the watcher team sees how everyone is responding and decides to course correct before it's too late and get away with only the hit to their reputation that they've already taken by announcing this, instead of pushing forward on a path that might lose them everything instead. nothing i've said here is with any hate intended toward anyone involved or those who are excited about the new service, but this just seems like a really ill-advised decision to me.
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lethasrealtalk · 2 years
Ibidamola Olakunle Hephzibah
https://www.facebook.com/Ibidam?mibextid=ZbWKwL Ibidamola is a God Chaser, Agri-Economist, Coach, Politician, and the founder and owner of IBIDAM Agro Allied and Consultancy Services. Ibidamola is from Ikoyi Nigeria, where his business is also born and bred. Ibidamola wants to educate people on agriculture while showing how agriculture truly is important with having the knowledge first. There…
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billa-billa007 · 9 months
Plateaus Be Gone! Breathe Life Back Into Your Business with My Free Guide
"Plateaus Be Gone" is a motivational phrase or mantra often used to express a desire to overcome stagnation, obstacles, or limitations in personal growth, skill development, or achievement. When people feel like they've reached a plateau in their progress, it means they've hit a point where they're no longer making significant improvements or advancements in their chosen pursuit.
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martian-astro · 24 days
D9/ Navamsa chart observations - Part 3
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Jupiter in 9th is a great placement, even better if it's the 7th lord or darakaraka in d1. Your spouse will be intelligent. there's also a chance that you may do your master's or PhD after marriage. Your spouse can also have a job related to spirituality (one of my mom's friends has this placement and his wife is a reiki healer and also teaches meditation and hypnosis)
Jupiter in 10th is another really good placement. You and your spouse could start a business together, or you may meet them in your workplace. This is one of the placements that indicate that you'll earn more after marriage or once you start working WITH them (okay, so this example is interesting, i dont know how many of you know this, but there's an Indian company, dabur, and one of my relatives got married to the daughter of the brother of the guy who currently owns the company and let me tell you something, they are RICH RICH RICH, and like they helped my relative set up his own company and whenever we visit them, they give us such expensive gifts, you won't even find them anywhere, like custom made stuff) so if other factors support this, then you can get married into a super rich household
Venus conjunct ketu in 4th is a super common placement but I've noticed that it gives different results depending on what the ascendant is. A common prediction would be, that you guys will not get along with your spouse's family, you're gonna think that they waste too much money when they already have less of it. This is especially true for mother in law (I know a girl with this placement whose mother in law spends a lot on shopping and then asks for money from her, and she has to give in because divorce is not an option) i would recommend you guys to marry someone who doesn't have a mother 🥲
I KNOW SO MANY PEOPLE WITH MERCURY IN 8TH and it's so fascinating how it has the same exact effect on everyone. Okay, so this placement gives you 2 things, first, you'll gain a lot of money through joint accounts with your spouse, this could also be a marriage where you guys stay together just for money, a lot of celebrities have this placement. Second, your spouse is gonna hide things from you, like their salary (i know a woman with this placement and her husband was promoted and he told his wife that he was still doing the low pay job and he opened another account where he saved that extra money, while their family was having financial difficulties and stuff, it was a BIG deal)
Mercury in 11th is a nice placement, this could indicate a friends to lover type of story with your spouse. They could also be an extrovert, especially if mercury is in gemini. You guys will be focused on earning money but your whole focus won't be on money, like in 2nd or 8th house, it's gonna be more like "oh, this looks like a good idea, should we invest in this" kinda thing, i would say this is more like, both practical and romantic relationship
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Moon in 8th..... Not exactly the best placement. Almost all the people that i know with this placement have been cheated on by their spouse, and again your spouse could hide things from you, but this time it's more emotional. Also, i have noticed that a lot of people with this placement marry someone who's in the closet, so their partner isn't affectionate and loving towards them and they think it's their fault but it's not, but it still ends up hurting them. You, yourself, could hide your feelings as well, and your spouse can see that and that's why they hide THEIR emotions, it's like a cycle. (if you have this, i would recommend you guys to go to therapy, heal your trauma and only then get into a serious relationship and sometimes you push your feelings down and you think you're over it, but you're not)
Mars in 8th can give very different results, but it does give you a spouse who is very sexual (and believe me, it's not always a good thing). If Mars is strong then it gives extremely good results, the ability to defeat your enemies and win, i know a person with this placement and she's a woman and people around her have always tried to ruin her life and she still managed to get up and is now living a great life. But if Mars is weak or worse, debilitated, then it can give an aggressive spouse, i know a person but i dont think i should share her story with you all, but if Mars is weak then... Don't marry. BUT if 7th lord and darakaraka of d1 is SUPER STRONG in d9 then go ahead.
Venus in 2nd is like okay okay, not bad but not good. I feel like this placement works better when it's in the cart of a man rather than a woman. The spouse will be good but will be more focused on earning money, even if they're already rich. From what I've seen, men are okay with wives like that, but women aren't, they need emotional security so being with a man who is focused on money makes them sad and lonely, whereas, men with this placement are more than happy to get wives like that, In MY opinion.
Sun conjunct ketu in 11th is another placement that is common, I know a lot of people with this. So, you will gain wealth but it's going to come very slowly, the type to MAKE generational wealth but not able to enjoy it. Also, i have noticed that these people always end up marrying someone who is in a lower position than them, career wise and so they support their spouse and at the same time take most of the financial responsibility of the family.
Ketu in 8th is SUCH a strong indicator of having a kid before marriage, or atleast getting pregnant. All the celebrities who've had a kid before marriage have this placement, Angelina Jolie and Shakira are two that i currently remember but I've seen it in the charts of a lot more. And listen, THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH THIS, OKAY.
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