#prompt: lifepath
danyaselmar · 2 years
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CPtober2077 // Day 1-3 // Lifepath
"We're not so different, you and I." "Is that so?" "Well, yes, we may not have been born in the same neighborhood, but we both ended up in the same place, didn't we?"
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vandyrix · 2 years
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@cptober2077; DAY 1-3: LIFEPATH; CORPO
"Once a rat, always a rat."
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cyberpunk-20xx · 2 years
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@cptober2077​ 2022: DAY 1 / 2 / 3 ‐ LIFEPATH + WEEK PROMPT - WHERE IS MY MIND?
Streetkid. V knew the nooks of Heywood enough that they could find their way blind. Otherwise, they wouldn’t still be here.
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mth3gr34t · 2 years
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@cptober2077 days 1 / 2 / 3 - lifepath
feat me & my partner's V's, nomad & streetkid
he was born for chaos, she was born in it
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holofishes · 2 years
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Day 1 / 2 / 3
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gloryride · 11 months
Motion for Virgile
Favorite for Oscar
Alternate for Vanessa
Hey, thank you for asking about them 💞💞 i really had fun to imagine Virgile moving, and i'm happy you asked !
[OC ASKS : CHARACTER DESIGN EDITION]ask if you want, love this one
motion: How does your OC move? How does their clothing help or hinder their range of motion? Are they flexible, coordinated, clumsy?
Virgile walks quickly, back arched, head bowed, halfway between feeling out of place and not wanting to be seen. He avoids glances, cameras and reflections, often with his hands in his pockets. His movements are sometimes nervous, a little brusque, awkward and clumsy… except when he's working. The netrunner is precise, focused, his movements quick but effective, he's in his element. Just like when he's working on his motorbike or his cars, everything is almost instinctive, gestures done and redone over and over again, thanks Dad. But the rest of the time, Virgile is an uncoordinated boy. And don't ask him to dance, he has no sense of rhythm, apart from a few basic steps to avoid looking ridiculous on the dance floor ! That's also why he often wears neutral colours, cool enough not to be too noticeable, almost invisible. White, black and navy blue are his colours, jeans or cargo trousers, tank tops, short jackets with no frills, sometimes even sunglasses or visors. He's a discreet boy, nervous and still wanted by NetWatch since he finished his contract, so he tries to stay under the radar. He abandons this posture when he's with Panam, more proud, chin up and heart eyes. He's a man in love, what do you expect!
favorite: Does your OC have a favorite article of clothing or accessory? What is it? What's the meaning behind it? Do they wear it all the time or do they wear it sparingly to keep it safe?
His sunglasses! Oscar often wears a pair of sunglasses on his eyes, with yellow lenses most of the time. Not only does he think it's stylish, but it protects his eyes from the blazing Pacifica sun. Because he still has an organic eye, and he wants to take care of it. It's become a trademark, almost a part of himself, as he sometimes forgets to take them out, continuing to see life in yellow until late at night, or even until bedtime.
Nothing special behind them, Oscar needed glasses, and he liked these yellow ones. He has several pairs because he often loses them, breaks them or just gives them away! And without meaning to, they've become almost inseparable from him!
alternate: What would your OC's alternate universe look be? If they're a fantasy character, what's their modern look? If they're sci-fi, what's their fantasy look? What AU would you want to see your OC in, and how would they dress themself? Bonus: Prompt an AU!
Oh Vanessa has so many variations! She inspires me a lot, and I can easily imagine her in lots of different worlds. As for Cyberpunk, I already have her nomad version, which is really my favourite AU. Vanessa, aldecaldo, less fancy, less crazy in style, but still just as adventurous and stubborn. I'm really having fun with this AU, not quite defined, but I love taking photos of her in the Badlands ^^ I've also created her corpo version, which is more of a lifepath swap with Valentin (where he's a streetkid). I like to dress her glamorously in her canon, but I love suits and chic, sober clothes on her. No pink in this version, but damn, she's beautiful!
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I didn't take any photos, but I have a timeline where Vanessa turns down the Heist, stays at Coyote for a while and eventually becomes fixed at Heywood. It's still very similar to her canon appearance, but I've got some plans for custom outfits for this other timeline, especially used when she's with other V/OCs ^^
She also has these AUs: kpop (poke @bnbc ♥ also thank you for this !) james bond 70s (poke @dustymagpie ♥♥) rocker burlesque wrestling (even was only for Halloween)
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And teasing for a new AU ...
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I love her so much that I love creating it in other games: Fallout (4 & 76)
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Outer Worlds (anticorpo in space!)
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(i want to do her in Dragon Age one day, as Baldur Gates if husband has the game for his birthday) ((and many moooore !)
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valeriesilverhand · 2 years
@cptober2077  Prompt 1: Lifepath
Valerie Rada De La Cruz Silverhand. Nomad.
"I have only one thing to do and that's be the wave that I am and then sink back into the ocean" - Fiona Apple, Container.
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aesadraws · 2 years
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Cyberpunk-tober // Day 1: Lifepath (Corpo)
Big thanks to @cptober2077 for putting these prompts together!
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yourlwatts · 2 months
Life Metaphors We Live By
Welcome to Step 2 of the LifePath Mapping process I am providing in this blog over this next two-three months. (You may see the previous post from the calendar below for Step One.)   I invite you to respond in your life mapping journal to the following prompts (Or, you might wish to print out this post and write your answer in the open spaces below, compiling these step by step pages in a…
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fionnaskyborn · 4 months
Alright, I feel like an update of sorts is due. I do not use any social media in order to "be a presence" there - I'm just here to have fun and reblog things that make me happy. Even so, I feel like an explanation for my recent absence is justified. I'm putting it under a readmore so as to not clot anybody's dashboard, but if you want to hear the ramblings of a troubled young adult, well, by all means, be my guest.
As previously stated, I mostly go on here to reblog and save things that bring me joy. I believe to have privated at least one of my own posts talking about some more recent events, but I'm pretty sure some of them remain up. And I can't be arsed to go private them, to be quite honest. To make the long story short - I lost a significant portion of my writing, as well as a lot of other data that was important to me. Most would have stopped at that, but I couldn't accept the possibility of nearly two years of work and three years of accumulating various things that made me smile were gone, just like that. And, well, they aren't. But they are unreachable, for the time being. This prompted me to take a beeline in my lifepath, towards a discipline not too far away from what I originally planned on doing when my "true adult" years rolled around, but still decently enough separated from it to mark this as a pretty significant change of plans. I certainly never considered getting into quantum physics full-on - it was interesting to read about, sure, but I've always been interested in the macro scale of things far more. However, when the time comes to overthrow the technological systems currently in place, I want to be there, in the front rows, among the people who will have access to that kind of technology right away. The only other path to this, other than by being a mathematician, is to be unimaginably rich, and I am a pretty normal person as far as money goes. Just another average Joe on this planet Earth - not particularly wealthy, to afford three vacations per year, but with more than enough money to consider myself financially secure. Just a regular ol' person, trying to get by. That means that I need to start working towards that future right now. And it's all so painfully slow. I've spent most of my life waiting for one thing or another. The idea of waiting another several years for a slim shot at getting my beloved writing back is not an easy one to come to terms with for me. But it's the only chance I have, and I could even be considered lucky - imagine if all of this happened, and I weren't a physicist in the making! I'd have to wait decades instead of an undefined amount of time that could be as early as a single year or as late as ten years to get my words back - words I could never repeat, words I could never write in that same order. The first days after it happened were incredibly painful, and I am still uncertain, but, little by little, I'm getting it back. And I'm getting new things out of this - I never saw painful events as anything but just that. But perhaps it is because this is something I am not helpless against that changed things so much. I am now more than ever motivated to actually learn and excel. Earlier on, I was just rolling with the punches. Life wore me out so much I had pretty much just given up on putting any effort into anything because I was just... too exhausted to do it. My plan was to just do whatever until things either ended up going so spectacularly bad I'd earn myself some kind of intervention, or somehow miraculously worked out. But all of this was a wake-up call. (TO WHAT I REALLY BELIEVE. Sorry. Saw an opportunity, couldn't miss it. On the other hand - see? Unfortunately for everyone involved, I am still the same old dork I ever was.) I now have something - something more tangible than anything I've had before - to strive for. This is the first time in at least seven years, perhaps more, I've felt this confident in any plan of mine, that I've had this concrete of a set of goals. This was also the first time in my few decades and spare change on this Earth that I've managed to turn a large terrible event into a pushing force THIS strong. There's doing things out of spite, and then there's THIS. I do realize that I may very well be insane for this, but I'm not willing to let something that got me through some very difficult times in my life and that helped me grow as a person as much as it did slip away like it was nothing. I saw a shot, and, brother, I'm gonna take it.
I've also watched Gurren Lagann because I've heard it gives people the will to live, and that was something I desperately needed. At first, I watched it numb - or, rather, any positive feelings I had harbored about it were stored in the same place my overwhelming grief over my currently lost work was, and, well, one was more powerful than the other, obviously. But, as I got better over time, I found myself not just logically and objectively understanding why people see it as the greatest thing ever made, but taking the messages and words said in the show to heart. It, and the gradually increasing amount of support I got from the people around me, are the reason why I am where I am today. I truly cannot even start to express my gratitude for the people I found by my side (some after some time, some more immediately), let alone the support they started giving me once I had my revelation and change of trajectory and the way I live my life. It's just about as fortunate of a combination of things you could hope to end up with. The misery from those first days still lingers in some measure, but every day I get a bit stronger and a bit more capable of rejecting it in its entirety.
In the meantime, I will keep working on my project. But not at the cost of hurting myself to get as much on paper as I can - I plan to take things in stride. I'm not sure when I'll be capable of looking for art online like I did before the calamity, but the same strategy applies - if it brings joy, do it, if not, well, don't force yourself to do anything that would make you miserable. Simple as that. I am slowly, gradually, healing from everything that happened, all while having a thing I want to achieve, a thing that will grant me true and ultimate and lasting happiness.
I thought I would never be able to touch videogames as a whole. That mostly turned into "I'll never be able to touch the game series that changed me as a person and it sucks ASS". But even that is proving to be less and less true by the day. Who knows what the future holds? Not me. But as I walk towards a distant goal along a long and winding path, there are plenty of things to do in the meantime. I've got a cassette collection to grow. Playlists to organize. Designs to finalize. Vinyls to listen to. I still want to purchase that hugeass limited edition Trocadero foil print. There is so much music I want to listen to. I still want to enjoy things in life. It may not mean much to the average onlooker, but it means a lot to me because it's such a huge leap from the mental state I was in a week ago when it happened, and the days that followed.
In short, I'm doing fine. Still a bit empty in some places, but only sometimes, and I'm filling those empty spaces with either the motivation I need in order to keep going to reach that future I want so much, or reminding myself that I haven't lost just about everything. I'm patching myself up bit by bit, and I think I'm doing great at it so far.
My final message: I don't care what your stances on anime in general are, watch Gurren Lagann. Suspend your disbelief and just... trust me on this one. If you're having a grand old time in life, it'll only make it better. If you're having a spectacularly shitty time in life, it'll give you the strength to keep going. I'm on episode 15 right now (or... 16? Whatever, I finished the first half of it is what I'm saying.)
Almost at the bus stop now - I'll see you all later.
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modtrainers · 4 months
Customizing V: Style and Substance in Cyberpunk 2077
In the neon-drenched streets of Night City, your character, V, is more than just a digital avatar navigating through the cyberpunk chaos; they're a reflection of your personal style and gameplay strategy. "Cyberpunk 2077" offers a vast array of customization options, allowing players to fine-tune both the aesthetics and abilities of V to suit their individual preferences. This guide will walk you through the essentials of customizing your version of V, ensuring both style and substance are at the forefront of your journey.
1. Starting With the Basics: Appearance
Before diving into the gritty underworld, you'll be prompted to customize V's physical appearance. This goes beyond the standard choices of hair color and body type; "Cyberpunk 2077" allows for detailed adjustments, including eye shape, skin tone, tattoos, and even cyberware aesthetics. Each choice not only affects how V looks but also how they interact with the world and its inhabitants. A unique style can open up new dialogue options and relationships, making your journey through Night City a deeply personal experience.
2. Choosing Your Lifepath
One of the first and most crucial decisions you'll make is selecting V's lifepath. Whether you choose Nomad, Streetkid, or Corpo, this choice significantly influences your backstory, starting location, and the relationships V has at the beginning of the game. Each lifepath offers unique quests and dialogue options, affecting how you'll navigate the complexities of Night City.
3. Skills and Attributes
Customizing V isn't just about looks; it's also about choosing the right skills and attributes to match your preferred playstyle. Whether you're hacking through security systems, engaging in gunfights, or sneaking past enemies, investing in the right attributes (Body, Intelligence, Reflexes, Technical Ability, and Cool) is crucial. These choices affect V's abilities, such as hacking speed, weapon proficiency, and physical strength, allowing you to tailor your gameplay experience to your liking.
4. Cyberware: Enhancing Your Body
In the world of "Cyberpunk 2077," technology and biology blend seamlessly. Cyberware implants offer enhancements that can drastically alter V's abilities, from granting superhuman strength to allowing for advanced hacking capabilities. Customizing your cyberware loadout is essential for surviving Night City's dangers and achieving your goals. Choose wisely to complement your playstyle, whether you're augmenting your stealth capabilities or boosting your firepower.
5. Wardrobe: Dressing for Success
In Night City, fashion is more than just a statement; it's survival. Your wardrobe can influence not only how NPCs perceive you but also provide specific stat boosts and protection. From armored jackets to sleek suits, dressing V for the occasion can mean the difference between life and death. Plus, finding unique outfits across the city is a rewarding experience that adds another layer of customization to your character.
6. Weapons and Vehicles
Customizing your arsenal and choice of vehicle further personalizes your gameplay experience. From katanas to high-tech rifles, selecting weapons that fit your style is key. Similarly, your vehicle isn't just a means of transportation; it's a mobile base that reflects V's personality and status. Whether you prefer a fast sports car or a rugged off-roader, your choice adds another dimension to your character's identity.
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streetsrot · 11 months
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STREETSROT — welcome ! this is an independent, private portrayal of V, a semi-original character from CD Projekt Red's CYBERPUNK 2077, based in the streetkid lifepath and inspired by personal headcanons as well as lore from the ttrpgs, survived by leah ( 23, she / her )  !
Ⅰ. carrd. Ⅱ. prompts. Ⅲ. pinterest. Ⅳ. ic spotify
a study in : doomed fate, the loss of humanity, running from death, the robin hood effect, death with dignity, unerring anger, ghosts of the past, the consuming city where dreams go to die, neon lights and the stench of loss, limbo stasis, man or machine, the love in a haunting, the demolition of hope, capitalism as a wasteland
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automatismoateo · 2 years
Just found out my lifepath was drastically altered because I offended a Christian years ago... via /r/atheism
Just found out my lifepath was drastically altered because I offended a Christian years ago...
About five years ago, I'd started seasonal work with a state wildland firefighting agency. On an engine crew of four, we'd post out in various areas of state forest or park and wait for reports of fire. During the times when the Pacific Northwest wasn't actively trying to end itself, we'd do a little training and occupy ourselves with books, streaming, or Frisbee. The second-in-command on our engine was a nice enough guy who was always eager to share "the Bible verse of the day" or what he'd learned from a Christian podcast. We'll call him Willy. Every morning, Willy would greet us and say something along the lines of "Hey guys, check this out" and proceed with a verse of the day. We never prompted him to share but he was nice enough. The engine leader, Bob, allowed it and I figured it wasn't really harming anyone. That's how our mornings started most days.
About halfway through the season, the third guy on our truck spoke up while we were driving to a mop-up. Willy was going on about something he'd been listening to. I had tuned out. Our third guy, a soft-spoken veteran, suddenly coughed and asked loudly "Do we really have to listen to this?" The whole truck got quiet. Willy looked around to the two of us in the back, questioningly. The veteran, Sam, made a point of how he didn't want to listen to a sermon and that Willy should have asked in the first place. We were government workers and religion shouldn't have been discussed in the first place. Willy looked between me and Sam. "JFinnswake, do you agree?" He asked pointedly. I nodded slowly, telling him that it did make me uncomfortable. "Well, I'm not threatening you guys," Willy countered. "This is just good stuff for life." I started to tell him that I had bad personal experiences with Christianity, but Sam cut me off. In Sam's eyes, I didn't owe anyone an explanation and neither did he. Bob finally looked back and told us all to change the subject.
I thought that was it until we were out on the mop-up slowly patrolling for hot spots. Willy came over to me and asked why I didn't say something sooner. I shrugged, didn't have a good answer, and said I knew he didn't mean anything by it. He got defensive and said that he hoped his words "planted a seed" and that he'd pray for me.
That night when our shift ended, Bob gathered us around and said religious discussion would no longer be allowed in our truck.
And I thought that was it. The year went by. Me and Sam left the season early due to college. I reapplied the next year as I was graduating and hoping to start a career in wildland. The supervisor for my area called me that spring and simply said that I wasn't a good fit for the district. It wasn't a matter of work ethic or anything, just wasn't going to be rehired due to personality. I ran into Sam a while later and found out he'd been told the same thing.
At the time, my family and I had some other factors to consider in our lives and I made the decision to enlist in the Army. My time in the service was damaging physically, emotionally, and to my family.
I've since left the service. I'm visiting my hometown and ran into some friends from my time firefighting. We chatted, but when I left another dude followed me out. He wanted to extended his condolences, because he'd "heard what happened".
Apparently after Sam and I left for college, Willy and Bob had been reassigned to other engines to fill in for other college losses. Willy told people about how hostile Sam and I were. I guess some nasty things were said about Sam, but I'd been accused of egging him on and making Willy uncomfortable. He worked the rest of the season pretty close to the district office and became good friends with the supervisors. He became an engine lead the next year and apparently fielded a complaint about preaching each day. He still works for them, now on a full time position.
I guess I just needed to rant. There were other factors that pushed me on the path I am on today, but I know that I would have stayed a civilian if I had gotten that second season. Because I offended a Christian, I lost a job opportunity at the wrong moment in time, being pushed onto a collision course with an abuser in the military. I dunno if anyone else has experienced weird repercussions like this for offending a religious person. Learning this today has put me in a strange mood...
Submitted October 04, 2022 at 12:11AM by jfinnswake (From Reddit https://ift.tt/jHlhFCE)
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mrssimply · 3 years
Hello! For prompts can we get Kerry + V with prompt number 87. "Are you hurt?"
Hello Anon, thank you for prompting me :D :D :D
And sorry for the waiting! But here it is. It took me a bit of time to think of the scenario, and I had a lot of possibilites, from the silliest to the angstiest. I think we're somewhere in the middle with that one.
Here V has the Street Kid backstory. I have actually very mixed feelings about that lifepath, because to me "street kids" really screams "child prostitution", because it's actually what mostly happens when children really lives off the streets, community or not. And looking at Night-City, well, can't really imagine it would go any other way. BUT, if this theme is mentionned as part of V's past, we're here with a V that has made a name for himself, has dealt with that issue and is now stronger than ever, as you'll soon discover.
so, TW: mention of child prostitution and rape.
Sometimes when I post these prompts I'm like "but WTF happened, how did I end up here"? But you know, stories will take us where they need to go.
Here is the link with the masterpost referencing all the fills I've done. Please take not that I'm not currently taking any new prompts. Need to work through the seven still waiting in my asks ahah.
Des rats et des hommes
Of rats and men
Kerry had been instructed to stay here and not talk to anyone except Pepe, or Mama Welles. They were at the Coyote Cojo to pick up a shard from Padre about a gig. V hadn’t been keen on dragging Kerry there, even in his “undercover” outfit, but they had been in town for errands, so it had just been too convenient. Plus Kerry had been curious, and maybe a bit nostalgic. Being with V reminded him of his debuts in a lot of way…
Kerry had never been there, but he had met Mama Welles in her home just next door. They had had lunch with her and Misty last week. It had been homemade, absolutely delicious and Kerry might have cried a little because of the flash-backs of his mother’s cooking it provoked.
As he waited for V to come back from the upper floor, Kerry observed his surroundings with a small smile. The club was full of bright colors, smoke and manly perfumes, and booming laughter. It was packed, groups mingling and brushing as they moved from the pool tables to the bar. Kerry sipped on his own beer, eyes roaming behind his dark glasses. That’s when he heard them. Two men, chuckling meanly next table.
“You seen him?” One said, “thinks he’s all mighty, but I remember when he used to suck cock for a fix behind the dumpster.”
“Prettiest mouth ever. But a biter, I remember.” Replied the other one. He had a big dark mustache, and his cheeks were red from alcohol and glistening with sweat. Probably some regulars.
“Yeah, didn’t like getting choked on cock, the pussy.”
“And now, look at him,” the second one said, pointing up in the vague direction of were Padre and V were talking upstairs. Leaned over the guardrail, the two men were in deep conversation, with frowns on both their faces. The gig sounded serious.
“Thinks because he now is Padre’s favorite, we forgot about what a fucking whore he was?” the same man continued, slurring a bit. “Tell you what, ‘m gonna catch him when he comes back and just fucking take him.”
Next to him, the first man laughed out loud. “Are you serious? Man, whatever cocksucker he was, you heard what they say on the streets. He’s a merc now, and a good one!”
The second man grunted and drank deeply from his beer. It only occurred to Kerry now that they were speaking about V. He hadn’t connected the dots, so removed their description of his output was from his personal knowledge of the man. He knew V had a past as a street kid, and he was not naive. Kerry himself had lived on the streets, crashing in squats, and even dropping on his knees for his next line of synthcoke, so he didn’t care really. What bothered him was the way they were speaking of V now.
“Whatever,” mustache-guy continued, “can still remember that pretty face, the one he had when you fucked him while he was high, y’know?”
Kerry sat rigidly next to them, barely breathing.
“Oh yeah!” the first one concurred, “Oh! Remember how he cried that time when Armando and Felix took him both at the same time? Kept begging for them to stop with that pretty mouth. Kid had such pretty eyes, too, now he’s got them all changed, but I bet he still cries when he takes it in the a –“
But the man never ended his sentence, because Kerry punched him right in the face. The guy fell into his partner, knocking him off his stool too. They tried to hold on the table as they fell, and instead took it with them. Their drinks spilled, and the table hit the floor with a loud clang.
Then, there was silence as the two gonks found themselves on the floor, Kerry panting over him, fist still clenched. They clambered up to their feet, mean looks shinning in their eyes.
“The fuck?!” The second one, with the big mustache, said. His companion, the one Kerry had actually punched, was straightening too, a hand over his cheek. Kerry noticed with satisfaction that his nose was bleeding. Good.
But before they could make a move on Kerry as the crowd still watched with baited breath, V was here between the musician and the two shitbags. Kerry couldn’t help but snort internally when they faltered at seeing the merc, suddenly rigidly nervous. So they could talk about him sucking dicks all they wanted, but they knew how dangerous he really was now.
V seemed to identify them, and his stance relaxed slightly, taking on a mocking attitude.
“Hey,” he said with a mean smile. They scowled and crossed their arms. Kerry could tell they were in a tight spot, with everyone watching them. They didn’t want to pass for cowards, but at the same time they certainly didn’t want to openly confront V.
“Long time, no see,” the merc continued like this was a civil conversation.
“You know this asshole, V?” the one with the mustache asked, in an attempt to divert the attention.
“Yeah, one of my friends.” But the way he said the words implied that Kerry was much more than that. “So, wanna tell me what you did to make him punch you?”
The other one, wiping his nose on his sleeve glanced at Kerry and blanched, only now connecting the dots.
“Nothing. We were just having a drink. And talking.” He added, placating.
“What about?” V asked, and his tone was so light and open, anyone could have fallen for it. But from his vantage point, Kerry could clearly see the way his mouth twitched sadistically and his eyes flashed blue in warning.
The two gonks exchanged a look before their gazes fell on the floor, like meek puppies.
“Talking about the past, reminiscing.” The one with the broken nose tried.
“Good old days, huh, you mean when you liked to watch underage kids get raped by your friends, right? When you liked having you cocks sucked by children in exchange for your shitty cut synthcoke? The very same coke that killed Mel’s boys and Franck’s daughter?”
They blanched, looking wildly around them. The atmosphere in the club changed, shifted to something darker and dangerous. And then Padre walked forward.
“Gentleman, God would not approve of such violence in a place of joy like this. Let’s talk about it in my office.”
And the two assholes tensed, expressions taking on a frightened look. Because everyone knew about Padre’s office. They chanced a look at the door, probably planning for an attempt at running away, but V shifted.
“Wrong day to have a drink here, fellas.” He casually declared, voice falsely warm. “Now, march.” He added, indicating the door where Padre was now waiting for them, framed by three big burly guys.
And the crowd moved in, forcing them to move, or face public lynching. Struck between fire and storm, they chose fire and followed Padre out of the club, faces white and anxious.
The moment they were out, people turned back to their drinks and friends, and the habitual noise of the Coyote gradually returned. V turned to Kerry, and the musician experienced something of a whiplash at seeing V’s face. A second ago, he had looked on the verge of cold, methodical murder by dismembering, and now his eyes were wide, brows pinched in worry and mouth slightly open as he took Kerry’s hand in his.
“Are you hurt?” he asked, thumb tracing the knuckles. And Kerry grunted softly. Actually, now that the adrenaline was wearing off, it was throbbing and painful. Still reeling from the conversation he had overheard, and from V’s declarations afterward, it took him a second to answer.
“Ker?” V asked softly, getting closer and putting his other hand over the musician’s cheek. “you ok?”
No, Kerry was not ok. But he didn’t want to lose his shit here, so he valiantly put a smile on his face and chuckled.
“Looks like I can’t remember how to throw a correct punch anymore.”
V’s eyes continued to look at him with concern, thumb still brushing Kerry’s skin.
“Let’s get out of here.” He said and Kerry could only approve. They made their exit discreetly, and stayed silent until they were back in V’s car.
Kerry was holding his wrist now, gently massaging it. Fuck, he might really have hurt himself. He saw V glance at him for the corner of his eyes, biting his lower lip in that nervous habit he had.
“Wanna talk about it?” the merc gently asked, always respectful of Kerry’s needs. And the musician felt his heart clench at that. How could someone like V exist? Life had delt him so much shitty cards, and he had still come on top, being the best person Kerry had ever known. It made Kerry want to cry.
His first reflex was to say no, but the words burned his lips before he could stop them.
“They were talking about you.”
V’s hands tightenned on the wheel, but he didn’t say anything else. And now that he had started, Kerry didn’t seem to be able to stop.
“Talking about how you…” he stopped, inhaled deeply to calm himself and school his voice into neutrality. He failed spectacularly at both. “Spoke about how they loved to see your face when you sucked them off for a fix, how they particularly liked to fuck you when you were high and how… HOW THEY FUCKING WATCHED YOU GET RAPED!” he exploded, hands going to his hair, gripping the white strands harshly.
“Hey, hey, hey, don’t do that,” V replied, hands going to Kerry’s, forcing him to release his own hair and stop harming himself.
“The fuck, V? I just told you I know you’ve been raped and you’re…” he started chuckling hysterically, “you’re still taking care of me…” he finished lamely, hands falling on his lap as he tried to calm himself.
V cleared his throat and shifted in his seat. He took the road back to North-oak, slowing down at a red light before he spoke again.
“I thought you… Knew. I mean, I told you about how it was, living off the streets. I thought you had figured it out.”
“I did,” Kerry replied quietly, “well, I’m not fucking naive, I’ve been there too. But there is a difference between knowing and hearing two gonks casually talking about it. Enjoying it. Getting hot over it.” He concluded in a dark voice.
They stayed in silence until they reached the mansion, and V stopped the car.
“Padre took care of it.” V revealed. “Kids whoring themselves for money or a fix is one thing. Can’t really do anything ‘bout it, really. But this was something else.”
“They said they watched you cry as you begged for their friends to stop,” Kerry repeated, voice trembling with rage and pain.
V glanced down, wiping his palms over his jeans. He shrugged.
“Don’t remember it clearly, actually. Good side of the drugs, I suppose?”
And Kerry gave him such a look of absolute outrage that V couldn’t help but smile sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head nervously.
“V,” Kerry started, forcing his voice to be calm and this time achieving it. He knew he had to make some things clear before he let V out of the car. “You don’t have to protect me, to try and making it less… Horrific. I don’t care ok, I don’t care if it started because you needed your next fix, fact is… You asked them to stop, they didn’t. They hurt you. I’m mad at them for hurting you V. I just… This is not about me, ok, it’s about you.”
“Us,” V interrupted, “it’s about us, Ker. It’s about how this is affecting our relationship, if – “
Kerry cut him off by taking his head between his hands and kissing him gently.
“I’m not disgusted or anything ok, it doesn’t change how I see you. I’m just shocked because of how they were getting off on it, that’s all. That’s all, V.” he repeated firmly. And he knew he had been right because V’s shoulder relaxed fractionally.
Kerry let his forehead rest against V, breathing the same air, stroking his nape. Between them, V spoke quietly.
“Padre got them, and had them killed after me and other kids finally talked about it. He was enraged. Never seen him like this. I don’t expect these gonks to survive the night. Don’t know why they thought it smart to come back here. They ran off the first time.” He snorted and Kerry closed his eyes, but let a small smile paint itself on his lips. “They were just rats, you know. I actually never touched their dicks, but I know they wished for it. But they were gonk-ass dealers, not even really part of the gang. Their job was to bring fresh meat to their bosses, they didn’t get to enjoy it themselves.” V finished.
“Doesn’t matter, V. You could have sucked-off half of Night-City for a fix, I would still love you the same. Look at what you’ve become? Seen their faces when suddenly you were standing in front of them? I though they might crap themselves!”
And V’s eyes flashed dangerously, but there was no denying the hint of pride in his irises. He actually laughed a bit.
“And you punched them. My knight in shinning armor!”
And he took Kerry into his arms, burying his face in his neck, breath ticking the rocker’s cyberware. Said man returned the embrace, embracing him tightly.
“I love you. Always will.”
V said nothing, but he let out a loud sigh and Kerry knew he had said the right things. They disentangled and V took his output’s hand in his again.
“Think you might have sprained it… Let’s go take care of it.”
“Well, it was worth it.”
Note: the tittle is, of course, a reference to the Of Mice and Men's book by Steinbeck, though it really has nothing to do with it. Just love the tittle structure ^^'.
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americanegg · 3 years
egg’s digestible guide for FREE attainable rides: cyberpunk 2077
Car Model > When it is available . How to get/Location of vehicle.
1. Archer Hella EC-D i360 > Given free after the prologue
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Automatically added to your car inventory.
2. Jackie’s ARCH Nazaré > After Act 2, completing the quest “Heroes” aka Jackie’s Funeral.
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After Mama Welles gives you the keys to his bike, it is added to your car inventory.
3. Brennan Apollo “Scorpion” >  After completing “Life During Wartime” main quest with Panam.
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Once the mission is over and you’ve said your temporary goodbyes, and interrogate Hellman.
4. (Villefort) Delamain No. 21 > Given by Delamain at the end of “Don’t Lose Your Mind” once you’ve completed all seven Epistrophy quests.
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Added in your car inventory after having a neat conversation with the car’s Delamain.
5. Porche 911 II (930) Turbo > Found after the fight with Grayson, with or without letting him live in “Chippin’ In”
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Johnny Silverhand’s fully customized Porsche. I personally always kill Grayson since his body has the key to the cargo box anyway. To get the car added to your inventory, make your way to the ladder at the starboard of the ship (from where Grayson is (slumped dead or standing alive), go to the left of the ship), climb the ladder and there will be a control panel with a prompt. You’ll see the cargo container lowered into the yard. Use the key you looted/got to open it and acquire the car for your car inventory.
6. Thorton Mackinaw “Beast” > Given by Claire at the end of “The Beast in Me” quests
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After you talk with Claire whether you finish the race or not, she gives Beast to you and it is added to your car inventory when the quest ends.
7. Quadra Type-66 “Cthulhu” > Given by Sampson IF you let him live. Otherwise, it can be bought for €$ 76,000.
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In order to get this car for free, follow these dialogue options when on the final “The Beast in Me: The Big Race” and Claire talks about her husband:
After qualifying for the Final Race: “You sure it was murder?”  >> “Sorry, Claire, but I can’t help.”  >>  “Okay, I’ll still drive but only to win”
During the race once Sampson goes offroad: “What’s he mean?” >> “Wait, wanna hear this.” >> “Claire, that true?” >> “Yeah, let him go.”
Note: You will still be able to get Claire’s “Beast” at the end of the quest. Sampson will call you later to give you his car.
8. Thorton Colby CX410 Butte (Orange) > Can be found at the abandoned movie set in the Eastern Badlands.
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Attainable BEFORE Act 3 so GRAB THIS CAR WHEN YOU START ACT 2. It’ll literally just be sitting there and you can add it to your inventory. Afterwards, you will not be able to get it.
9. Rayfield Caliburn > Becomes available after completing Panam’s side quest “Ghost Town”. 
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Make your way back to the tunnel where you and Panam crashed Nash’s hideout. Tucked in a corner near where the hideout starts, there is a shipping container that will make the “Vehicle Required” sound once you open it. 
Another way to find (by accident as I’ve done this twice) it is taking the long way back to Night City from the New Aldecaldo’s Camp after the “Queen of the Highway” quest is completed. On the way back, you’ll find that shipping container in that same tunnel.
10. Villefort Alvarado “Vato” > Becomes available when unlocking “Beat on the Brat: The Glen”.
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This car you have to fight for, literally. The owner El Ceaser is the next Beat on the Brat after the twins in Kabuki. Find him in Heywood, he’ll wager €$ 4,000 and V will need to match it. After defeating him, he will give you the car.
11. Quadra Turbo-R V-Tech > Available one in-game day after completing “A Life’s Work”. 
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Padre calls V after you complete those in-game days waiting, giving the “Sex on Wheels” gig. The reward at the end is this fabulously iconic sports car.
12. Thorton Galena GA40XT aka “Rattler” > Only available for Nomad lifepath
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First actual car before V’s Archer Hella, you recall starting the game having it fixed up. At some point, you no longer have the car and look for it in the nearby junk heap. V will receive a text with coordinates to where your car is located, alive and well (Medeski Fuel Station in Badlands). After speaking with a very special NPC (Alanah Pierce) you can make a deal to get your car back.
13. ARCH Nazaré “Itsumade” > Available once completing the puzzle to “The Highwayman”
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This is a secret gig you can find in the southeastern-most part of Rancho Coronado. To start the quest you need to walk behind the gun shop and start the quest.
tutorial: https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/The_Highwayman
Images from gamesatlas.com, cyberpunk.fandom.com, & game-maps.com
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arcandoria · 2 years
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“It's not like you can expect someone from there to know anything else. At least he's in a leash, right?”
@cptober2077 — Prompt 1: LIFEPATH
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