#prompto... start paying rent man...
frickingnerd · 1 year
i haven't even played final fantasy XV nor do i know anything about the game but i saw a very small clip of prompto argentum from that game and this man has been living in my head rent free ever since
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thisfairytalegonebad · 11 months
Cold Compress - Whumptober day 13
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Character: Gladiolus Amicitia Rating: Teen and up Warnings: None
Read below the cut or on AO3 here.
Gladio may think he’s being sneaky in hiding his injury, and maybe it would even work on someone less observant, but if Ignis prides himself in one thing, it’s his ability to notice even small things other people wouldn’t bother taking note of.
He didn’t actually see how Gladio got hurt, but he sees the way he’s favouring his right leg a little. He sees the faint sheen of sweat on Gladio’s forehead and the slightly paler-than-usual colour of his face.
The question is just, how badly is he injured?
Ignis doesn’t want to call him out in front of Prompto and Noct - he trusts Gladio, knows the man has got to have a good reason for not mentioning whatever is troubling him to them.
For now, he’d wait and keep a close eye on him while he waits for an opportunity to talk to him in private.
It’s a miserable day. They’ve been running around the Vesperpool for hours and it’s been raining since yesterday evening. They’re all soaked and caked in mud and Ignis would just about sell his soul for a hot cup of coffee right now.
The others aren’t faring much better. Noct hasn’t said a word in nearly an hour, marching around the mud with quiet determination. Under normal circumstances, Ignis feels nothing but pride whenever his charge offers his aid to someone in need, but in this particular instance, well. Sania could probably have lived without her frogs for a little while longer.
Prompto has long stopped singing, now simply trudging after them with his head down to keep the rain from getting in his eyes. He’s shivering quite noticeably, and Ignis is torn between feeling sympathy for him and fighting the urge to point out that he’d told him to perhaps consider putting on a jacket this morning instead of opting for his sleeveless shirt again.
And Gladio, ever the wilderness enthusiast, seemed to be quite content for a considerable while, but at one point between fighting sahagins, an entire family of overgrown poultry, a swarm of angry killer wasps and sahagins again, he was injured and his mood has dropped a good bit since then.
“Noct,” Ignis tries cautiously. “Perhaps we ought to postpone this search for another day. I’m sure the hunters would be willing to rent the caravan to us for another night, and then we can continue looking tomorrow. According to the forecast, the weather should be better tomorrow.”
“But I saw it earlier,” Noct insists. “I swear I saw it hopping around over here! Besides, Sania said they’re more likely to come out during rainy weather.”
With their luck, the damn frog has probably been eaten by a sahagin in the meantime, but Ignis doesn’t say that. Instead, he holds back a sigh and pinches the bridge of his nose, both to keep himself from snapping at Noct and to try and stave off the headache that’s starting to set in. He’s taken off his glasses hours ago, unable to see properly with the rain droplets covering the lenses, and now he’s paying the price for that.
After nearly another hour, it’s slowly getting dark and even Noct is forced to admit that they’ll have to continue their frog search some other time.
Prompto is shivering nearly uncontrollably now despite the fact that he’s wearing Ignis' jacket - yes, Ignis may have told him to put on his own jacket this morning, but he still couldn’t stand watching the boy suffer any longer - and Gladio…
Ignis stops, realising he’s no longer hearing Gladio’s heavy footsteps behind him.
He quickly turns and spots Gladio leaning against a tree a few paces behind him, looking more than slightly pale.
“Gladio?” he asks, quietly so as to not alert the other two, but alarmed all the same. “Are you quite alright?”
“Fine,” Gladio grunts, even though Ignis can see that he really isn’t. “Sagahin got me in the leg earlier. Not that bad earlier, but I guess walking around on it didn’t do me any favours.”
“Did you take a potion?” Ignis asks, although he already knows the answer.
Just like he suspected, Gladio shakes his head. “Nah. Like I said, wasn’t that bad and we’re running low as it is. I’ll be fine, just gotta get out of this damn swamp.”
“That we can agree on,” Ignis sighs. “Alright, but you’ll take one if you feel it’s getting worse, no arguments. Are you alright to continue on for now?”
“Sure.” Gladio pushes himself off the tree and goes to catch up with the other two who are still marching on, and Ignis notes with concern that his limp has grown more pronounced.
They’ve barely been walking for another five minutes when Gladio suddenly staggers to the side and throws up, supporting himself against a tree so he doesn’t fall face-first into the mud.
Immediately, Ignis is at his side - he’s well aware that he’s been hovering, and now it looks like that wasn’t all that wrong of a thing to do.
“Gladio, you’re taking that potion now.”
He already has it in hand, crushing it against Gladio’s leg before he can protest.
“Thanks.” Gladio’s voice is raspy and his cheeks flushed.
“Change of plan,” Ignis says as soon as Prompto and Noct have joined them, staring wide-eyed at Gladio. “We get back to the car as soon as possible and try to make it back to Meldacio before it grows fully dark.
He’s not sure what’s wrong with Gladio. He doesn’t look all that much better after the potion, but the cut wasn’t bad enough for him to have lost a lot of blood or anything similar. Perhaps it’s just exhaustion catching up with him.
Either way, Gladio doesn’t look like he’s going to get far on his own, so Ignis slips his arm around his waist to support him. They can’t afford to lose any more daylight if they want to make it back to Meldacio for the night.
As they make their way back to the car, Gladio leans on Ignis more and more heavily until Ignis is almost bearing his full weight, and he has never been so glad to see the Regalia than at this moment.
They quickly load Gladio into the backseat, leaving him to lean his head against the window with his eyes closed, and then Ignis floors it towards Meldacio.
Luckily, no one has handed out speeding tickets in the countryside of Lucis for a long time, so they make it to the hunters’ headquarters with a fair share of traffic violations and barely any daylight to spare.
Prompto jumps out of the car to rent the caravan for the night, Noct goes to find a doctor or at least someone with some medical knowledge and the equipment to go with it, and Ignis is left to help Gladio out of the car.
“How are you holding up?” he asks as he lets Gladio lean on him for support again.
“Been better,” Gladio mutters and Ignis is inclined to believe him - even through the thick leather of Gladio’s jacket, he can feel heat radiating off him.
Noct joins them with a face like a storm cloud, announcing that apparently, the only medic at the outpost has recently left for the gas station near Greyshire Glacial Grotto to tend to an employee who has fallen ill. He did however manage to get them to sell some medical supplies to him.
At least Prompto comes bearing better news and the key to the caravan - they’re allowed to stay for as long as they need as long as they pay up before they leave.
By the time Gladio is out of his wet clothes and in bed, and Ignis actually gets to take a look him over, Gladio is trembling and burning up with fever.
Ignis checks the leg first, but the skin is smooth and uninjured, knitted back together perfectly by the potion.
There’s nothing else wrong with his legs, so Ignis works his way up to Gladio’s torso and back, and then he spots it - a rather small, shallow wound on the back of his neck. It’s puffy and swollen and while it should have healed with the potion, the fact that it didn’t means that there’s something else causing Gladio’s illness.
“Gladio, did the mushussu hit you?” Ignis asks, running his hand over the cut. It’s warm to the touch and likely tender from the way Gladio flinches away from his fingers.
Gladio frowns, but then simply shrugs. “I dunno. If it did, I didn’t notice.”
Ignis eyes him warily for a moment but lets it go. Gladio sounds genuine enough, and he’s not one to hide injuries just for the fun of it. If he says he didn’t notice, Ignis believes him.
He has the boys run back to the shop to buy an antidote, but he knows the poison has already been in Gladio’s system for too long for an antidote to cure him. He’s going to have to ride out the fever on his own.
“I do wish we had noticed this sooner,” Ignis sighs as he gently places the cold compress on Gladio’s forehead.
Gladio blinks up at him and says with a crooked smile, “Yeah, me too.”
His eyes are glassy with fever, his face pale except for his flushed cheeks, and he’s shivering despite the blanket they covered him with. It’s unsettling to see him like that, their physically strongest fighter reduced to a trembling lump of misery by a small cut like that.
He’s clearly fighting to stay awake, and Ignis wants nothing more than to let him sleep, but he wants to at least get some water into him before he does so. But giving him water while he’s still poisoned would be futile, he’d likely throw it back up within minutes.
Soon, the caravan door opens and the other two hurry inside, handing Ignis the antidote. Ignis quickly gives it to Gladio who crushes it in his hand.
“Here, drink this,” Ignis instructs, helping Gladio sit up a bit more so he can sip from the offered bottle. “Slowly, or you’ll make yourself sick.”
“Yes, Mom,” Gladio says, but the teasing effect is somewhat lost due to how weak and pitiful it comes out, so Ignis lets it slide. Instead, he guides Gladio to lie back down, and pulls the blanket up to cover all of him.
“Get some rest,” he says gently, smoothing his hand over Gladio’s hair for a moment before he stands.
“’Kay,” Gladio says, drowsy and not all there, and then he’s out like a light.
Read all of my Whumptober prompt fills here.
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404gendernotfound · 4 years
Picture Perfect: Part 1 (Prompto x Reader)
Summary: You just wanted spend some quality time at the park when a cute blond boy fell from the tree you were laying under. You befriended him and his best friend Noctis and spend the rest of the day with them.
Contains: fluff
Warnings: none              
Wordcount: 2,6 K
It was a beautiful Monday morning. Finally after one week of terrible weather with a lot of rain and stormy days it had cleared again. The sun was shining right into my face as I woke up this morning. It was pleasantly warm and the sky was almost completely cleared from clouds. I stretched in bed and then stood up to get dressed and eat breakfast. I was really happy about the weather since I really wanted to go to the park again to just chill under a tree and maybe read a book or listen to some music. I packed my bag with a little something to eat and drink, one of my favorite books and of course my headphones before I left the house. The park wasn’t very far from where I lived so I just had to walk a few minutes before arriving there. It was already pretty crowded so I decided to maybe find a more secluded spot were people wouldn’t usually go. Since the park was actually pretty big I had a few options to choose from. I could get closer to the lake which was a very welcome way to cool down but I was sure that there would be the most commotion. Another possibility was to get closer to the forest which would be a bit colder and darker since the sun couldn’t really manage to break through the treetops. The last spot that came to my mind was the space right before the fields behind the park began. There would be a lot of insects like wasps and bees which made that park of the park pretty uninteresting for people that planned to go picknicking cause as soon as you took out some food they would be everywhere. I decided to find a place in the shadow of a tree near the field since I was sure that there wouldn’t be a lot of people. As I arrived there I was right. There were a few single people sitting or laying in the sun and there was a shadowy spot under a near tree that was still free. I walked there and laid down in the grass. I grabbed my headphones and plugged them into my phone before I used my backpack as a pillow and closed my eyes listening to some calming music. I loved to just lay in the park and do nothing for hours. Just feeling the cool summer breeze and smelling the fresh air would keep me at balance. I was laying here for some time until I got startled by a loud thump next to me before I hear a quiet “Ouch” right next to me. I sat up and looked next to me to see a blond boy with a camera in his hand who looked like he was a little bit in pain. I removed my headphones. Did he just fall from the tree?
“Are you ok?”, I asked slightly laughing at the thought that he had just fallen from the tree.
He turned his head towards me and my heart almost stopped to beat. His cheeks and nose were painted with a ton of beautiful freckles. He was dressed in black and dark brown clothes which really looked good on him and his beautiful blue eyes and blond hair were mesmerizing.
“Oh hi there. Yeah I’m fine”, he laughed and smiled back at me.
I couldn’t stop smiling. He looked so cute as he awkwardly scratched his neck before he stood up and brushed the dirt from his clothes. I kinda wanted to start a conversation with him since I thought he was cute. I remembered the camera again and spoke up as he was about to leave.
“Are you a photographer?”, I asked and watched him turn around to me again.
I could see his eyes sparkle from here. It looked almost as if he had waited for someone to finally ask him about that.
“Yeah. I love photography. This here is actually a pretty good spot to take photos”, he started to explain and walked towards me again before he let himself fall onto the grass next to me.
“Is that why you were in that tree?”, I asked curious.
“Yeah. I like taking pictures from higher up and you have a great view from up there. I’m sorry if I scared you with my fall”, he apologized which just made me laugh.
“Don’t worry it’s fine. I was a bit startled but I was more worried about your wellbeing than about myself”
“It’s not the first time he fell from a tree”, I suddenly heard an unfamiliar voice say.
I looked up to see another young man with black hair standing next to us. The cute blonde turned to him and sighed.
“Oh come on, Noct. You didn’t have to say that”, he protested and the black haired just smiled.
“I’m sorry if he was bothering you. He can become very smitten when it comes to beautiful women”, he said and I noticed the boy next to me look at him with an almost killing gaze.
I felt flattered by his comment and noticed my cheeks get a little warm. They both seemed to be very nice young men. The black haired stepped closer towards me and reached out with his hand to shake mine.
“I’m Noctis btw. This idiots best friend”, he introduced himself and looked at the blond one.
“Hey! I’m not an idiot. I’m just naturally clumsy that’s all”, he whined and then looked at me.
“I’m Prompto.”, he added and also shook my hand.
“I’m Y/n. Nice to meet you two”, I introduced myself before I watched Noctis sit down in front of me.
“So what were you up to on this beautiful day?”, Noctis asked.
“Oh. I was just thinking about spending my day here in the shadow listening to music and enjoying the fresh air. Nothing special”, I explained.
“Well…we were about to get lunch and maybe you’d like to join us?”, Prompto asked and fumbled with his camera while looking at me.
I looked at Noctis who was just smiling at me. Going to lunch with the two boys didn’t sound that bad and I would have time to get to know them better.
“Sure. Lunch sounds great”, I answered and noticed Promptos bright smile.
“Great. Then let’s get going.”, he said and stood up holding out his hand for me to take so he could help me stand up.
I had to giggle at his enthusiasm and packed my stuff back into my backpack before I grabbed his hand. He pulled me up to my feet and smiled down at me as he noticed that I was smaller than him. We three walked next to each other as we left the park together.
“So where do you plan on getting lunch?”, I asked.
“There is a diner about 10 minutes away from here that has the best food in town. We could walk there”, Noctis explained.
“Yeah…or we could…NOCT LOOK”, Prompto said and pointed towards something.
Noctis and I looked into the direction he pointed and both started to laugh. Right in front of us on the other side of the street was a chocobo rental. Noctis leaned over to me and grinned.
“Prompto is OBSESSED with chocobos”, he explained and I had to smile.
That fact made him even cuter. Prompto crossed his arms and looked at us.
“I’m not obsessed. I just really like them”, he tried to defend himself and fake pouted.
Could he get any cuter? I just giggled and playfully hit his shoulder. Riding chocobos didn’t sound bad to me.
“So how about it? Let’s rent some chocobos”, I suggested and Prompto looked as if he had just seen an angel.
Noctis rolled his eyes saying “Fine” and started walking towards the chocobo rental. As we arrived there Noctis talked to the person responsible for the renting while Prompto and I went over to the chocobos the feed and pet them. As I watched him practically cuddle with a chocobo I had to grin like an idiot.
“Hey Prompto”
“Yeah?”, he asked confused about me suddenly calling his name.
“Give me your camera for a second”
He looked at me a bit confused before he took the camera from around his neck and gave it to me. He didn’t pay much more attention to me and more to the chocobo in front of him that happily puffed his feathers. I took a few pictures of him and the chocobo until he noticed what I was doing. His cheeks turned a faint pink as he looked right into the camera as I took another picture.
“Hey stop that.”, he said and hid his face in the chocobos feathers.
“Never. You two look way too cute”, I admitted and heard the chocobo kweh.
Just after that Noctis returns. He laughed as he saw Promptos slightly flustered state and posed for the camera as I turned it towards him.
“The chocobos are rented, but I only managed to get these two since the others were already reserved. So I guess you two have to share one”, Noctis said and winked towards me which made me roll my eyes.
“We have no problem with that, right Prompto?”, I asked and watched his cheeks darken.
“Yeah…a-absolutely n-no pr-problem”, he stuttered and Noctis almost died laughing.
“If there is no problem then let’s go”, Noctis said and already mounted his chocobo ready to go.
Prompto got onto the chocobo first and I squeazed myself into the saddle behind him. I put the camera around my neck and then held onto his waist.
“Ready?”, Prompto asked.
“Ready!”, I said happy and snuggled myself closer to his back.
“Alright. Then let’s go”, Noctis announced and we began to ride towards our direction.
Prompto was riding in front of Noctis which gave me the opportunity to take some pictures of Noctis. He smiled for the camera while I struggled to keep myself steady with just one arm around Prompto. He must have noticed that I was barely hanging on since he reached with one arm behind him to put it around my waist to keep me from falling down.
“I don’t want you to get hurt”, he said as he looked at me.
The look on his face was so heartwarming that I had to take a quick picture of it. Prompto smiled as I took more pictures of him and then concentrated back on getting us safely to the diner. As we arrived there we left the chocobos at the entrance and walked into the nice little diner. There weren’t too many people there right now which was pretty nice since we could choose where we wanted to sit. We chose a booth at the windows and sat down. I was expecting Prompto and Noctis to sit on the opposite side of me but as Prompto was about to walk past me Noctis pushed him into the seat next to me and sat down across from us with a huge smile. A blind could see that he was trying to play the matchmaker for us and I wasn’t complaining since Prompto really was a cutie and I couldn’t wait to get to know more about him. He on the other hand looked like he would rip Noctis head off as soon as he was alone with him again. A waiter came over and handed us the menus. Since we couldn’t really choose what to get we decided to get a few dished and just share them. While we waited on the food Noctis started to talk about his car. He showed me a few pictures and it looked really cool.
“I would love to ride the Regalia one day”, I said fascinated by the cars beauty.
“I mean if you want we could just take you for a ride whenever you like”, Noctis said and smiled at me.
“I’d love to”, I said and watched Prompto look a bit jealous next to me.
To change the topic I grabbed the camera from around my neck and gently nudged him into the side with my elbow. He turned his head towards me.
“Let’s see how the pictures look that I took”, I suggested and his eyes began to sparkle.
“I’m sure they came out amazing”, Prompto complimented me and I noticed my cheeks heat up a bit.
We looked through the pictures together. They really didn’t look that bad. While we were concentrated on the pictured our food came and we started to dig in right after. We spend some more time in the diner talking about different stuff before it slowly got dark outside.
“I think we should take you back home before it get’s too late”, Noctis proposed and Prompto nodded.
“Yeah. You never know what’s lurking in the dark at night.”, he added and we left the diner.
We got back onto the chocobos and I told the boys where I lived. Prompto and Noctis brought me back to my apartment in no time. I hugged and pet the chocobo one last time before I turned towards the boys.
“Today was a really fun day. We should hang out more often”, I said and yawned shortly after.
“You can just call us whenever you like to hang out. And maybe we’ll pick you up in the Regalia next time”, Noctis suggested and smiled at me.
“That would be so cool”
I yawned another time. I hadn’t even noticed how tired I suddenly was. I saw Noctis whisper something to Prompto before he turned to me.
“I’ll accompany you to your apartment”, Prompto said and I whispered a small “ok”.
Noctis stayed with the chocobos while we walked up to the third floor. As we arrived my apartment I unlocked the door and stayed at the door looking at him.
“I really enjoyed today”, I said suddenly feeling a bit shy with just him here.
“I did too.”
“I’m really glad you fell from that tree”, I laughed and watched his cheeks flush a little bit.
“Me too”, he answered and softly smiled at me.
“Then I guess good night”
“Goodnight, Y/n”, he said and turned around to leave.
“WAIT”, I screamed after him and he turned around again.
I just held my phone towards him and he instantly got what I wanted. He came back, grabbed my phone and typed in his number. Prompto gave the phone back to me and smiled.
“Text me”, he said.
“I will.”, I whispered and stepped forward, got on my tiptoes and quickly kissed his cheek.
Promptos eyes widened and his cheeks turned pink again.
“Goodnight, Prompto”
“Goodnight, Y/N”, he whispered and I watched him walk away.
I went into my appatment and squealed happily. I got his number and I had the courage to kiss his cheek. I was really proud of myself. I checked my phone and saw that he had saved himself as “Prompto❤” which made me blush a little bit. My heart was still racing as I walked towards the window facing the front of the building. I saw Noctis and Prompto still standing in front of the apartment. As Noctis spotted me he waved in my direction and Prompto noticed shortly after and joined him. I waved back and then watched them get back onto the chocobos and ride away.
to be continued...
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moonraccoon-exe · 4 years
Hi, Connie. I know it's been a while since you did any headcanons and idk if you still do them, but I'm curious of your opinion. I realize the wall is one giant quarantine bubble, but the people are still free to do as the please inside it. How do you think each of the chocobros would handle an Insomnia-wide quarantine like what's going on in most of the world right now? What if one of them got sick (assuming a FFXV equivalent of COVID-19?) How would Regis, as King, take care of his people?
PS: Aparently the Keep Reading line is having some troubles. May appear right under the question (how did it get THERE?) or nowhere at all lol pls forgive tumblr he trying. 
It’s definitely been a while since I did any headcanons, but that’s because school has kept me busy like crazy, and when I have spare time, I put it into my two big fanfics going on (I don’t want people to wait too much!) but I’ll definitely keep doing these, every single one of them, until I finish, even if it takes me years and years <3
The ask prompts are one of my favorite things in the world so of course I’ll keep them going!
YOUR PROMPT IS SUPER INTERESTING!!!!! AYYYYY, let’s see what this raccoonie brain has there!! 
FFXV Insomnia in a quarantine
First things first, the government
Regis, as King:
Regis is going all the way into making sure EVERYONE can stay home.
Regis is going to ask the other countries to lend Lucis money. As in. M I L L I O N S.
“Your Majesty, you ARE aware we’re nowhere half to repaying that debt in a near future?”
Regis has brain and, most importantly, humanity. He’s definitely going to put the country in debt for the next 15 kings is that helps people right now.
Mostly because he’s aware it’s no one’s fault. 
Regis is announcing what he’s going to do to keep people safe publicly:
The next three months of any loans are forgiven. Mortgage, rent, water, electricity, and all the public services will be free for the next three months. If you own any debts, be it a house or a little clock, you don’t have to pay on the next 3 months, and instead that amount will be divided into future months in small amounts so it’s recovered in the medium or long run. No one needs to spend one gil in any of the basics, don’t worry about that, it’s covered, government’s got you, SO PLEASE STAY HOME. 
Regis is aware that some people can’t stay home because what little they earn is what they spend in basic food; Regis is going to spend lots of the money he burrowed in them.
Regis is going to pay as well to teachers and artists for online classes and entertainment, because he’s aware of the mental/emotional distress people can be in after certain time indoors. 
Regis is going to put most the money in the medical and cleaning services.
Regis is going to keep online and phone polls for people to fill in particular cases (I still need to go out because I need to go look after my mother each friday, I still need to go out because I need to go get medicines each certain time at this district) so the Citadel’s intel know best what to do.
Regis is going to make sure to have teams sanitizing public transport and places everyday.
Regis is a no-game man, dammit.
((Regis is the reason Insomnia only needed three months before being free))
Makes sure the media broadcasts not only the death cases, but also and most importantly the healed cases. Not gonna let the media get stupid with this for money or paranoia, no sir
Noctis, as prince
(Remember the game tells us he was a damn good prince as in politically? what a bean <3)
Noct was taken more off guard; Regis acted immediately like a (good) madman, Noctis still needed a bit to process it
Noct is who comes up with some ideas that Regis puts into action (the phone/online polls, the online classes, for example)
Noct too manages some of the intel going on during quarentine to see how the city is progressing and how else they can help.
Noctis is in charge of the interviews along the...health minister (?) everyday, while Regis stays at work and intel.
Noctis makes sure to do a livestream each certain days to greet the people, answer questions, or just have a bit of fun, and to remind them to stay home and to keep the spirits up. We know Noct would rather rot in boredome in his sofa because Sleepy Boy, but he knows the effect he has on his people, so he does the livestreams for them; to keep them entertained, informed, and simply to keep them sane.
Noctis came up with the idea of making an app/text service for those that suffer of domestic violence; “staying home” sounds easy to him because he has a huge house and a good family, but he’s aware that not do everyone. 
(Putting a keep reading here)
Sleeps it away lmao
Honestly Noct doesn’t have much troubles with the whole “stay home” thing. He likes home. He LOVES staying home. LET HIM STAY EVEN AFTER QUARENTINE IS OVER.
Noct has videogames and his bed. You don’t need to tell him twice to stay home. 
Noct sleeps most of the day. 
Noct decides to not shower everyday.
The only trouble Noct goes through is that his room starts getting super messy everyday and Ignis isn’t going to appear to help him out. 
Noctis spends his time doing homework and mumbling about how “teachers didn’t use to give us this much homework until quarentine, this is just their excuse goddammit fuck this shit”
I feel you Noct
Besides that, videogames, trash food, and sleeping.
It’s 9 pm, he’s in pajamas. That he hasn’t taken off in three days. 
It’s 6 am and Noct is out of bed. He hasn’t slept since 2 am.
What is this guy’s sleep schedule.
Despite the careless and carefree attitude, Noct still worries. He still has to stay the most informed, as the prince, of the international and national situation, and it sometimes gets stressful.
When Noct sees numbers grow and a gloomy future, he gets stressed but won’t say it; that careless attitude is his way of coping. Like pretending it’s not true.
Noct worries about the poor, too, and the low and working class. He too came up with more ideas along with Regis to keep them safe too and not force them to work while the middle and upper classes stay indoors like it’s not the big deal.
Noct thinks a lot about Prompto. He knows he doesn’t need to go out too much, but he also knows how much of a terribly, horribly emotional distress Prom is in when staying at his house for too long.
Noct takes up on video-phoning Prom, everyday. His best boy can’t be sad, stressed, or messed up, and he’s going to keep him sane and cheer him up everyday. 
Noct may or may have not ended up inviting Prompto to spend quarentine at the Citadel with him. He hadn’t finished saying it when Prom was already at the Citadel’s door asking to be sanitized before going in.
If he got sick, everyone around him would be more scared than him LMAO
Noct: so can I skip online school like this?
He’d be looked after with almost paranoia, there’s only two of the Lucis Caelum alive and honestly losing the heir and only one that can have kids at this point to the virus woulnd’t be very epic on history books
Noct IS worried, just pretending he’s not. 
Noct is going to avoid Regis LIKE A PRO. He’s going to ask to live somewhere else, will ask to sanitize his room and keep it locked, will ask that Regis gets nowhere near ANY of his belongings. Basically, Noct is going CRAZY over avoiding Regis...so Regis doesn’t catch it :’’( 
What a pure bean
Even if Regis tries visiting him, and even if the whole place is sanitized and like a little bubble away of the rest of the world, Noct will still not want him to come inside. 
Honestly, this is going to make Regis really, deeply sad and maybe even hurt. He wants to stay positive, but he keeps thinking of what if Noct dies to it, and not only dies, he’d also die without having held him for a last time or seen him.
They meet through the window. They phone each other and just touch through the closed window... :’) </3
Noct knows he may be over protecting Regis, but he’s honestly not going to have it any other way. He has way more than enough watching his old man grow old too fast from the Ring to run the risk of giving him this stupid virus. If he has to make his old man sad in order to keep him healthy, SO BE IT. 
He’s fine.
He’s just so cool with this.
“Ah, of course. A plague. It was our turn, as was expected.”
...w...what are you talking about, Ignis.
He’s barely impressed. 
Master of following instructions, they told Ignis to stay home and THAT he did.
The store? The neighbor? Just an inch outside his main door? NO. THAT’S NOT INDOORS.
It’s not that he’s paranoid, he’s just not bothered by the idea fo not going out and he knows that the more he stays home the faster this will pass that he just. Stays in, sometimes not even looking out the window for a day or two.
Ignis still phones Noct each two days to remind him his room is messy do something because I won’t, or do nothing, the cockroaches will help you with the crumbs and leftovers in a day more.
Ignis isn’t bored. He still has home office and paperwork to do, the poor, young, miserable thing. 
In his spare time he likes doing stuff he likes, as he normally didn’t have the time to do. 
Ignis is making sure to call the other chocobros to make sure they’re ok. He’s particularly attentive to Prompto.
Boy is having video calls with Gladio because Best Friends. 
Ignis attempts to do as your raccoonie; will try to finish two-week worth of his paperwork in one or two days t o have the rest of the time free LMAO
(I hope, unlike me, he’s succeeding at that)
Ignis worries mostly about others and the outside Lucis. He takes up on the advantage of being bros with the prince to suggest something, that Noct can suggest to Regis to make it better for as many people as possible.
If he got sick, he’d attend hospital and not go out until he’s 100% okay AND spent 2 weeks with no fall back into it. 
He’d thank the doctors and nurses like every five minutes honestly. Iggy appreciates they’re doing such high risk job, keeps admiring them. Dammit.
He would accept no visits. Is it the prince? tell him to FUCK OFF. 
Mostly the throne family Ignis won’t dare visit even after he’s healed.
Ignis is not overly worried about the illness. He has stupidly strong defenses and can see himself getting out of this. He worries just what’s normal but keeps spirits up with all the numbers of healed cases.
Go Iggy! 
Surprisingly, he’s taking this really well.
Gladio’s sort of more scared than the rest at the news; he was so prepared for physical enemies, the idea of an abstract, non-physical one suddenly sweeps him off his feet.
But he handles it well. So long he doesn’t watch the news.
Gladio won’t listen or read the news on the virus; he’s aware of it, he’ll take care and be careful, but he won’t read or hear numbers or updates, he’ll just live this out until it’s over.
Gladio takes his mind off it with indoor exercising, lots of it. 
Gladio’s job was mostly physical, so he takes on the advantage that he has nearly no chances of home office to do stuff he likes; mostly, this nerd will drown in history documentaries on KupoTube, will watch the equivalent of Disney and Dreamwork movies, will read like the world is ending, and will take up on online courses.
He likes crafts. Okay? Leave him alone and let him give his baby steps into watercolor painting. 
Gladio is video calling Noctis. To force him to exercise LMAO
Gladio is holding back a Desperate-To-Go-Out Iris.
Gladio’s not letting Jared go ANYWHERE
Gladdy it’s ok :’)
A bit paranoid when it comes to others, though will still be a bit paranoid about himself.
Gladio is mostly calm about it; just a few times every now and then he’s stressed and a bit too troubled for an easy sleep.
Video calls Iggy every day because Best Friends.
Iggy keeps him sane, the baby :’(
Honestly, Gladio also makes sure that Ignis is ok. Ignis is always looking after all other three, but Gladio is who’s most aware of looking after Ignis. Ignis won’t say it, but he’s probably feeling very lonely after a month indoors, as his family won’t pay much attention to him. Gladio’s making sure to keep him happy, distracted, and in good spirits, and in company.
If he got sick, he’d probably have a very bad emotional time at first.
Gladio would cry and think nearly for sure that he’s dead already.
Not like in drama, he would seriously get sad and be very, very scared :’(
Same than Noct, he wouldn’t let Clarus near him or any of his belongings, nor Jared. Not Iris either, of course, but he worries more for the older men.
Gladio would probably not do very well emotionally in hospital. He’d spend there the necessary time, but then he would probably like most to be in an apartment for himself if available or in his room without letting anyone near. 
Gladio will keep thinking of the chances to live or die, of how scary the idea of a virus with no cure is, will get really gloomy and negative on it.
His family try to provide emotional support, but every time they call Gladio just drowns himself in ideas like what their family would do if he died and it just makes him sadder
The doctors and Iggy are what keep his spirits up, to be honest.
The sadness lasts the first days. AFter that, Gladio’s going to handle the ilness like a DAMN WARRIOR
A new treatment and the consequences are unsure? BRING IT ON.
Whatever it is, Gladio’s HEAD IN FOR IT
Baby boy just needed some time to process it. After that he’s just taking it so lightheartedly, even the doctors get cheered up at his bright attitude towards it.
“You’ve progressed on a 1%”
What a beautiful boy omg
This one is the chocobro that REALLY gets hit by quarentine.
Prompto’s not hyperactive, he can stay indoors if they ask him to...the problem is his house.
Prompto gets easily anxious staying at home for too long. He spent his childhood locked away in there, isolated. No parents, no friends, nothing. He stayed locked away in what was the toughest moments of his life. He doesn’t hate indoors, he hates indoors at his house. It brings all of that back.
Prompto’s trying to keep all the lights on to make it less like in his childhood; gets easily guilty remembering the huge debt the King put himself into so he doesn’t have to pay for electricity and now he’s wasting it. 
Prompto gets easily anxious around food nowadays. Remembers it was staying indoors doing but eat what got him so fat and lonely.
(Prommy it’s ok, fat is not bad :(( this poor angel )
Honestly Prompto’s so busy emotionally stressing over being indoors at his house that the pandemic in the world isn’t even super concerning, it’s just as if there was a storm outside; he knows it’s bad and that not everyone can stay safe from it, but he’s just worried in his own situation at home.
His parents get to stay indoors with him for home office, which is as good as it is bad.
For some reason it’s not so comforting because it makes Prompto think of how absent they used to me. For some reason, it also IS comforting because unlike his childhood, at least they’re there now.
Prompto tries to make the best out of this and tries bonding with them when they’re not busy.
It actually works <3 They don’t get overly emotional or anything but they get to spend some good time together, watch movies, talk more, etc.
It helps Prom with the food issue that Dad does the cooking this time.
Good as his parents are with him during quarentine, it’s home, like the physical place what keeps gnawing at his emotional health.
Prom is going to try EVERYTHING to keep himself distracted. 
Iggy phones him constantly, which helps a lot. Noct videocalls him everyday, which really keeps him up.
Prom is taking BUNCHES of online courses and classes, bECAUSE THIS BOY LOVES DOING AND LEARNING STUFF
Week 6 of quareantine, Prompto has made his own jacket out of kitchen towels. It’s...actually impressive.
If he got sick, he too would be paranoid.
More than sad, Prompto would be openly scared and nervous.
The chocobros as a Four:
They’re having online video parties and meetings.
The four got a pizza each. They’re video meeting, and pretending it’s the same pizza lol
The guys are showing their quarentine achievements to each other.
“Look, I’ve let my feet nails long because I don’t need shoes anymore and I shaped them like I’m a dragon haha”
“Oi look, I learned a new trick with my yo-yo”
“Look how GREASY my hair is right now haha. what do you mean if I’m attending the national interview later like this, of course I am”
The chocobros are sending each other online courses that they think the others or one of them will like
They’re having one of those online movie in different computers together. 
Also multiplayer games because they can.
Ignis wins every time. 
The chocobros are playing a 4-members Squad mode in Battle Royale games. Noct and Prom are okay. Ignis is the Pro. Gladio is the bait.
Cor is surprisingly calm about this.
Cor is spending his time meditating.
Cor has barely any paperwork, as his work is mostly physical, so he gets a lot of time free with Regis’ politics for a proper literally-no-need-to-go-out politics. Meditation that is.
Cor is phoning Prompto each now and then, too. 
Prompto would answer happily that he’s fine and with no virus. Cor finally once tells him he’s not asking if he’s ok about the virus. Prom needed no more explanation and just said he was ok, if a little sad.
Cor is working out at home.
Cor is getting bored.
Cor is reading, watching series, or meditating, or cooking just for the sake of it.
Cor just has one problem.  He’s a workaholic. You give him no work, this man starts slowly having a meltdown and descent into the abyss of madness. He needs to die of stress, how else do you expect him to live?
The first weeks were fine. After the first few weeks Cor starts getting anxious about needing work to do.
Cor you stupid thing 
Cor is starting to get distracted in meditation because he keeps getting anxious about working in something.
Cor starts phoning Regis.
“Do you have any paperwork for me now?”
This is every two days. 
Regis COULD have given him something. Regis doesn’t. Cor needs to learn to know how to be AT PEACE FOR FUCKING ONCE.
Cor is making paperwork up to work on lol
Cor was diagnosed with the virus. They put the virus in quarentine for its safety. 
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ffxvficrec · 4 years
Promptio Big Bang Week 1 Round Up
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You can also check out the collection on AO3. 
A Wish the Heart Makes by Lhugy_for_short, Lynxrider
Prompto has been living at a home for wayward teens ever since he aged out of the orphanage. The rent he pays to the owner, Ardyn Izunia, is steep, and in order to make his payments he's picked up a part-time job at a photo studio. There, he meets Gladio, a member of the royal Crownsguard and a total dreamboat. Their new blossoming relationship requires a lot of stealthy lying - about his past, his living conditions, and the fact that his creepy landlord is known for finding "other ways" for residents to pay their dues. When it comes time for Prompto's first proper night out with Gladio at the king's fancy gala, he gets help (and a makeover) from his neighbor Aranea - but the romance can only last until curfew. If he's late, and Ardyn finds out he's fallen for someone out of his league, he'll be sure to put him back in his place.
memories like embers keep us warm by ignisgayentia
Prompto is twenty years old, and still hasn't found his pre-destined soulmate. If he doesn't meet one, he'll never know who or what he was in a past life. Despite living an active university life, he still hasn't seemed to met that's meant for him. It's starting to get to him, considering he lives with his best friend, who found his soulmate at as a child. When Prompto runs into someone he's never seen before at the campus gym, his entire life changes in an instant. He does what any overwhelmed college student would do--head for the hills.
A Lark's Call by Toastie_Pan 
Gladiolus is a prince to an empty Kingdom, waiting and hoping for the day he can ascend to the throne, taking it out of his Uncle Caligo's grasp. Fate however intends to intervene to show him there are more important things in this world than a throne.
Show Yourself by EzraTheBlue
Prompto is trying to lose weight and struggling, both with his weight loss and his body image. Enter Gladio, a handsome, funny, charming trainer at his gym. Gladio way is out of his league, however, Gladio has noticed him anyway and Prompto can't help but feel like he's flirting.
However, at the same time, Prompto’s best friend, Noctis, gets a new physiotherapist - Gladio, and when he attends one of Noctis' sessions, Prompto sees another side of Gladio - someone who pushes hard and doesn’t relent, and Prompto’s own concerns for Noctis and worries about what Gladio will be like when Prompto gets closer make him hesitate to let Gladio in.
Will Gladio be able to get through to Prompto? Is he willing to do what he has to to convince him? Or will Prompto let his fears and insecurities hold him back from what might be love?
Flight of the Gargoyle by roshytsunami
Prompto is preparing to be the best man for Noctis and Ignis upcoming wedding. It's been an experience watching the two get closer together through the process. He's happy for both of his friends, however when he receives a call from Noctis weeks before the wedding about helping his pet "bat" his world gets turned up side down.
Fragile Minds & Fragile Hearts by amitiel
Prompto has landed the job opportunity of a lifetime: working as a secretary at the Caelum law firm. It's his chance to get out of poverty, set his life right, and finally recover from the pain of the past.
There's just one problem: He somehow manages to piss off the most intimidating person in the law firm on the first day... Gladio.
Together in Altissia by amitiel
Prom has lived in an orphanage since he was 10 years old with no memory of who he is or where he is from. All he knows is that he has a necklace that reads "Together in Altissia", his only clue into his past. Now 18, he sets out into adulthood and makes a decision that will change his life forever: He decides to go to Altissia to try and recover his lost family. On the way, he runs into an unlikely trio who offers to take him to Altissia for a price. He has to pretend to be the lost prince of Kings Verstael and Ardyn. Will he find his way home? Or will home be a far fetched dream lost for all time? 
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autumn-maple13 · 5 years
Lost to Time - Chapter 28
Chapter 28: The Thick of Things
It had started raining before they made it back to the hotel they had dropped Iris at, and with as late as it had become they were happy to find some rooms had been rented for them. Surprisingly though, Gladio volunteered to bunk with Iris for the night – though no one was about to question it – dumping Amara in the room with Ignis and her former schoolmates, both of who had decided to give her some devious grins.
She soon found herself glaring at the two younger men while Ignis showered, waiting anxiously for him to finish so she could have a temporary escape herself. However, once Prompto plopped down beside her on the little couch that had been haphazardly stuffed into the room and flung an arm over her shoulder, she knew she was screwed.
“So Ams,” the blond smirked, looking at her from the corner of his eye as he pretended to give the round of King’s Knight he was playing attention. “Are you and Ignis… Y’know.”
“I don’t and I don’t think I want to,” she grabbed his hand and twisted his arm up and off of her.
“Amara, are you hooking up with my advisor? Yes or no.” Noctis crossed his arms, looking at her intensely. “Just be honest.”
“What the actual hell has gotten into you two?”
“You two have spent every night together since we met up at Hammerhead, he’s always the one you head for first, and vice versa for the most part - which is actually getting a little annoying – and I think you and I both know he’s not the type to pay attention to random little things we mention in passing, but he remembers everything you even begin to mention.” The king leaned over to stare the glaive in the eye as he poked the necklace she had yet to remove for bed. “So? Are you hooking up with Iggy or not?”
“What are we not allowed to be close to each other or something?” the redhead grimaced. “Guys, he’s just worried because of how all this with the Arms is fucking with me.”
“I don’t think it’s only the Arms that are fucking with you, Amara.” Prompto whistled innocently when her glare turned on him. “Just saying. He was unusually worried about you during the whole kidnapped by the Empire incident. Yeah sure he wanted the Regalia back too, but he was ready to kill someone to get you back.”
“We’re not going to say anything if you are, we just want to know ‘cause ya’ll keep looking at each other like you want to run off at any second.”
“Oh, for the love of – I’m not dealing with this tonight. First, I have to fight that fucking Niff bitch, now I have to deal with this from my own friends?” Amara stood and stalked over to the bathroom door, banging on it until they heard something shift inside. “Ignis I’m being interrogated out here! Hurry up or else!”
They couldn’t hear what he said back to her, but it made her glare at the door for a moment before she produced an odd little bag from her pocket. Pulling out a few little tools she surprised them by making quick work of the lock – soon pushing the door open.
“Get the fuck out, my turn.”
“Tell that to the shampoo.”
“I will drag you out if it means getting away from these idiots right now.”
“You can try.”
“Ignis Scientia don’t challenge me.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it, pretty girl.”
“Oh, you son of a-!” The guys watched her face start to burn before she could finish her sentence and couldn’t hold back their laughter when she squeaked. Ignis soon stepped out of the bathroom, still dripping water that left trails on the fabric of his sleep pants and turned a sharp glare on the giggling boys.
“She does have a point you know. So, would you two mind not being pains for tonight? Perhaps you could even attempt to hold off until we reach the Cape?”
“No promises Specs.”
She wasn’t sure when she finally managed to fall asleep that night, but it wasn’t long before now the now-familiar scent of sylleblossoms were flooding her senses. She found herself walking through a field of them, looking over their various colors as she tried to make sense of why she was there once again. Amara was almost happy to finally see someone else there and began to step carefully through the flowers, hem of her sage green dress held carefully above her knees, to make her way over. Somnus was the one she found waiting for her, and he held a hand out to her as she neared him.
“Amara has the pain of the plague returned any since my last visit?”
“No, it hasn’t.”
“As good as that is to hear, don’t expect it to stay that way. The next arm may very well return the pain to you.”
“I’ll keep that in mind, thank you.”
The man gave her a gentle smile, holding her hand gently when she accepted the one he had offered and leading her through the field until a tall white tower appeared before them. Though he didn’t take her near it, the sight of it alone was enough to make both a sense of familiarity and foreboding, wash over her.
“Amara, even though it may be asking the impossible, do you remember anything of the time you spent in our time? Before Ardyn and Aera cast you through it to where you landed.”
“No, but things seem to be coming back a little bit each day. I don’t know if I’ll ever remember it properly, but then again…”
“As adjusted as you are to this time, it may be for the best.” Somnus seemed to understand what she had wanted to say, but a knowing smile on his face made her suddenly remember her conversation with the man’s grandson before she had gone to bed. “So, the King’s advisor, huh? How do you think he’ll take it when he finds out you’re a Lucis Caelum yourself?”
“I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it. For now, don’t you have some answers for me?”
“Of course, but I think someone else would like to speak to you first.” Her uncle motioned ahead of them, where she was surprised to see another person coming to join them.
“Yes, darling,” the woman smiled gently, sending a pang of recognition through her. It had been Aera she had received visions of after all! “Oh, how you’ve grown. You look so much like your father.”
“Are you sure that’s a good thing?” Somnus was teasing, and gently ruffled his niece’s hair, but Aera shook her head with a frown.
“Our time with her is limited Somnus, let us not squander it all.”
“Of course.”
Amara awoke with heavy eyes to the sound of her friends chatting away near her, Ignis’s hand resting on her arm as he sat beside her on the bed, sipping his coffee. Shifting her arm slightly to let him know she was awake, she waited until he stood before she sat up, running her fingers through the tangled mess of her hair as she glared half-heartedly at the guys.
“Morning Ams!”
“You look like hell.”
“I made coffee.”
“Morning guys…” she rubbed her face as she stifled a yawn. Ignis was quick to pass her a cup of coffee after she threw her legs over the side of the bed, earning a quick mutter of thanks before she all but chugged the drink. But when she finally sat the cup down, she was surprised to see her usually sleeping king staring her down like she had grown a second head. “What?”
He shook his head but glanced quickly behind her, making her attention turn that way. It was hard to be sure, but for a split second, she swore she saw her mother standing there, looking like a ghost. It only lasted a moment though, and when Amara looked back to the raven-haired man, he only gave her a nod.
“Uh, about that.”
“I don’t think I want to know.”
“What’s going on?” Prompto and Ignis were looking as confused as ever, glancing between their friends while they tried to figure out what happened. “What? What?”
The Glaive shook her head, standing to walk over to the coffee pot. “Just a ghost, nothing to worry about.”
“A ghost?!”
“Someone we know?”
“Someone she knows.”
“Yeah, yeah, I seem to attract ghosts since way back when, but don’t you do the same highness?”
“I don’t think messengers count as ghosts.”
“I’m talking about the fox.”
“Pip’s not a ghost, she’s a messenger. Just not the same way as the others.”
“What are you guys talking about?” Prompto whined, rubbing his neck as he tried to keep up.
“I daresay it’s best we don’t know.” Ignis brought the redhead her cup to refill. “Gladio and Iris went for a quick run. We’re going to head out once they return.”
“Oh, and Iris wants you to give her your Glaive uniform for her to stitch up. I’d suggest you allow it since she had the better threads to take care of it.”
“Yeah, and you don’t want to wear such a messy uniform once we hit Altissia, do you?”
“Not going to worry about that for long!” the Amicitia siblings gave the group a pair of smiles as they walked into the room. Gladiolus was quick to look to Amara though and nodded to her. “Monica gave me a call. She’s got a Crownsguard uniform and fatigues for you, Sergeant.”
“Lovely,” the redhead muttered, dumping an absurd amount of sugar and creamer into the remaining coffee of the coffee pot, mixing it up and drinking it from the pot, earning a scoff from the Advisor who was still trying to give her back her cup. “Hey Iggy, can you go ahead and get my uniform for Iris so I don’t forget?”
“Of course.” He almost sounded defeated but left her to chug the remainder of the coffee so he could retrieve the Kingsglaive’s uniform. The Glaive joined him to retrieve some clothes for the day as soon as she finished her stolen drink, disappearing into the bathroom to change as the others began discussing what the plan would be. As it turned out, their random little runs through Lucis had left them missing quite a few out of the way royal tombs, which would need to be visited before they took off for Altissia. When Amara rejoined them, she found the guys looking over the map of the tombs, trying to figure out some sort of circuit for them to run once they had dropped off Iris.
“Sorry sis, as much fun as it is to have you around-”
“You guys need to worry about this more than me, I got it.” Iris smiled brightly, not at all offended. “Besides, I’ve got a uniform to patch, I’ll be plenty busy.”
The redhead couldn’t miss the look of relief on the Shield’s face if she wanted to, so she cleared her throat to try and get some of the tension out of the air. “Have we marked off the ones we already have?”
“Well there’s only four of the ten marked on this map, so yes.”
“Alright, ready when ya’ll are.”
And just like that, they were loading up and setting off. With their little caravan driving over the bridge to pass the fort they had knocked out of commission only the night before, it wasn’t long before the concrete ramparts halted to let them slip into more open terrain. Passing by the drop-off that signaled the river was nearby, it was only a few more moments before the vehicles turned off the paved road and started down a tree-lined old one, and Ignis was left to hold onto Amara a bit more tightly as she weaved speedily down the winding trail – Noctis not even trying to keep up anymore, only to pull over at an old parking spot with some lumber piled up off to its side. Letting the advisor hop off as she cut the engine, the redhead quickly had her bike parked off to the side and straightened up her clothes as the Regalia pulled in to join them.
“What the hell Amara? What happened to traveling together?” Noctis was trying to fuss at her, but he almost sounded like he was pouting.
“You’re here aren’t you? Ergo, together. Let’s go.”
“Do you even know where we’re going?” Gladiolus didn’t sound pleased as he walked over, leaving her to produce the map of tombs and unfold it.
“Right now, we’re going to head south a little way to get to the entrance to the thicket, which should be around here. Then, we just cut through it, try not to die, and get to the tomb that should be at its deepest point.”
“Alright, lead the way Captain! Uh, Sergeant!” Prompto grinned awkwardly, but Amara dismissed him with a shrug before she began to walk down the ill-kept road to where the path to the thicket should start. It was only a few minutes past the parking area, and with the guys chatting away about Caem and His Majesty’s ship, it wasn’t too long before the older woman was leading them down an old gravel path to a large metal bridge.
“Looks like there’s gonna be a fight on the other side.” She broke into their conversation, pointing out the less than friendly looking creatures that they were undoubtedly going to have to take care off. “Seadevils.”
On edge once more, the others followed her across the bridge, not at all surprised when the creatures began to act hostile as they neared the other end. Pulling Prompto up to her side before they stepped off, she pointed out a spot on the creature’s skulls. “Seadevils are capable of shooting high-pressure blasts of water, and we’re just out of their range. Can you make the shot?”
“Well, there’s only two of them.”
“If you miss-”
“I never miss!” True to his word, as soon as he was sure of what he was aiming at, the monsters were dispatched, and the group was left to clamor down the rocks to start up the uphill path into the thicket. It was a steeper slope than they had expected, so it wasn’t long before Ignis and Gladio were falling back to stay with Noctis, who every so often found himself stumbling on the gravel – and reminding Amara about his bad leg. Hadn’t it been an injury when he was a kid or something? She couldn’t remember how or when, not that she would have been told anyway.
Turning her focus to keeping an eye out for whatever creatures she could hear crying out in the woods, she was actually kind of relieved when Iris and Prompto came to join her in the lead. Despite their teasing, she knew Prompto was one hell of a marksman, and Iris was the daughter of the Crownsguard Captain/King’s Shield, so also a good fighter in her own right, at least from what she had seen of the girl during training sessions.
As they approached a curve towards the top of the slope, Amara realized she’d have to hope training would be enough. A small group of Spiracorn were staring at them, digging their hooves into the dirt and shaking their heads. They weren’t going to let the group pass quietly.
“Keep Noct back!” Amara shouted before losing a kukri, warping into the monsters before allowing herself to summon a sword from the armiger – Noct’s old sword Masamune, she realized when it was a bit heavier than she had expected. The massive katana made quick work of a few of the closer Spiracorn, but also left the redhead with a new issue that left her returning it quickly to the armiger and warping the hell out of the brush she had found herself in.
“Killer bees!” she warned, though Prompto’s squeal of alarm when one of the massive insects decided to charge them was a bit more effective in getting everyone’s attention. Summoning now one of his spare pistols, she jumped in front of Iris and began firing shots off at the nuisances, not wanting to get stung or worse – hit with their venom, which was known to cause confusion on top of poisoning you. Leaving Prompto to take care of the other Spiracorn while she (and moments later, Ignis) got rid of the bugs, their path was soon clear once again for them to continue.
“That must’ve been why they were already so riled up,” Amara muttered to herself, kicking one of the insects’ bodies out of their way with her disgust clear. Allowing herself a shudder before she continued, she decided to keep a kukri in hand for the moment, happy to find the slope they were now climbing was much gentler – and hopefully less of a pain to get up. From a break in the trees, she could see the sun was already high in the sky – it was around noon now, she guessed, and her stomach agreed.
However, she didn’t have time to worry about hunger, she could hear the sounds of another group of Spiracorn nearby as they neared the next curve in the path. Motioning for the others to follow, she climbed over the old wooden rail and began to cut through the brush, being careful to look out for any more bees as the guys followed her – hopefully around another fight. It ended up being a bit father to get around than expected though, as yet another group was spotted not far away when she had led them back onto the path.
Finally though, after another climb up the steepening path, they found themselves walking onto a stone-lined path, covered in moss with trees and shrubbery climbing the rocks that now shielded them from the woods.
“Welcome to the thicket guys.”
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gwiiyeoweo · 5 years
Ignis moves into a new town, to take temporary ownership of a small cafe as his uncle recovers. Its people are friendly enough, his neighbors quick to receive him with housewarming gifts, and he easily finds himself falling for the quaint little place.
Even for the friendly creature lurking outside his window, skin pale as the moon and hair gleaming with black starlight.
Simple: Home Pairing: Ignis/Noctis Rating: G @ignoctweek​
With the jingle of his keys, Ignis pops the trunk open and grabs at his scant belongings: a single large suitcase and a duffel bag. The parking garage echoes loudly as he firmly shuts the trunk and locks his car, and he slings his bag over his shoulder while he takes to the elevator, rolling his suitcase behind him. 
It’s a quiet ride up to the fifth floor, alone as he is during this afternoon. Limbs weary and dry eyes blinking from his six-hour drive from Insomnia to Delia — a quaint little seaside town in Cleigne — he manages a tired smile when he plucks his phone from his pocket, scrolling through the texts shared with his uncle. He shoots a quick message to the man, to let him know he’s arrived safely at the condominium and was now riding up the elevator, before pocketing his phone again. 
The elevator slows, chiming sharply when it finally stops, and Ignis winces just slightly at the shift in gravity that needles at his head — he's always hated that. Though all things considered, there’s not much choice aside from getting used to it, he supposes. He’ll be living here for a while. When the metal doors part to let him through, he steps over to the directory, perched on the wall just across from him, and searches for his unit number. ‘Units 500-510 to the left… 511-520 on the right.’
He follows the right hallway, eyes keeping track of the plaques next to the doors. He quickly passes by units 514 and 515, pauses at 516 to fumble through his keys and find the one his uncle handed him — a bronze key with a tiny cactuar sticker on it — and turns it in the heavy lock of the door. A click. And he’s home. 
Ignis steps through into the foyer, quickly foregoing his manners and kicking his shoes off, and makes a bee line for the couch in the living area. 
He tosses his keys onto the coffee table, but he miscalculates and it skids across the surface to fall onto the floor. He thinks nothing of it and lets the handle of his suitcase fall out of his hand, lets his bag slip off his shoulder and down his arm, as he all but throws himself into the couch. Ignis rolls onto his back, props his feet and head up on either ends as he throws his arms and stretches with a loud groan. He can feel and hear his spine pop and stretch and decompress and whatever the hell bones and joints do, and he receives it all with gratitude and relief. He’s never made such a long drive before, especially not a straight course distance with no breaks, and he silently chastises himself for not stopping at the rest area when he had the chance. It was killer on his back and legs. 
Well, lesson learned.
He allows himself this moment’s respite, stretched and sprawled out on the couch with his eyes closed, until a chime from his phone interrupts the silence. He fishes it out of his pants and looks at the screen. A reply from his uncle. Ignis swipes his finger across the notification and reads the entire message, a short thank you and some reminders. He taps out a message of his own, assuring that it was no problem at all and that in fact, he’s rather excited for this new venture. There’s a few more texts sent back and forth until he puts the phone down on his chest. 
“Alright,” Ignis huffs after a few more minutes of idling, lightly patting down his cheeks, “Time for work.”
He swings his legs over the couch and plants his feet on the floor, standing with his hands held squarely onto his hips. He crosses the living space and opens a small closet, finds a vacuum, a mop and bucket, some disinfectants and sprays. He goes for the vacuum first, plugging it into the nearest outlet. Then goes to town on the condo. 
    It’s early evening by the time he’s done scrubbing down the walls and floors, done dusting the shelves and airing out the sheets. He finishes the last of his housekeeping when he puts away the last of his folded shirts into the drawer, and he checks the time to see if it’s not too early for dinner. Between making a homemade meal for tonight or trying out the local fare instead, he chooses the latter. While his unit is completely furnished and decorated, the refrigerator and pantry are bare and dry. Ignis thinks it’s too much of a goal to completely stock his kitchen, too many trips in the elevator that he cares for in one go, so he may as well start with a small trip and work his way from there. 
He’s locking up his door when he meets his first neighbor, the resident in 515 by the looks of it. Immediately his first impression is that of a spunky young blonde, more of a boy than a young adult, with his naive but inviting smile that threatens to blind Ignis with all the strength of a midday sun. 
“Hey there!” The man is loud too. He trots over to Ignis, a distinct pep in his gait, and offers a hand. “Just moved in?” 
“Indeed. Pleased to meet your acquaintance,” Ignis takes the offer in a quick handshake. “Ignis Scientia.”
“Prompto Argentum here,” the blonde replies, raising his eyebrows, “And like, Scientia? Like Vincent Scientia?”
“He would be my uncle, yes. Do you know him?”
“Oh, duh. I technically pay my rent to him. He owns all the units on this floor, y’know.”
Ignis knew his uncle had made investments here and there, that his sizeable wealth wasn’t coming only from the little cafe he owned. He knew his uncle owned the unit he just moved into, that he had extra furnishings delivered solely for Ignis’s new residence, that he refused to have his nephew pay rent for the condo. But he didn’t know his uncle owned all the units on the fifth floor. 
“Plus, his pumpkin croissants are to die for, man.”  
And he didn’t know that his uncle’s croissants were apparently famous. It was Ignis’ turn to raise his eyebrows. “I didn’t know his oven was so popular.”
“And his coffee. He has the best little coffee shop around here. I only worked there part time, but it was like, the greatest employee perk to take home the day’s leftovers. Everyone was so sad when we heard about the stroke too. Is the old guy okay?” Prompto’s bright smile lost its radiance then, concern etching along his eyes and mouth. 
“He’s faring quite well, thank you. He won’t be returning to work for a while, but they’re optimistic.” While Ignis is genuinely appreciative of the care and worry over his uncle’s wellbeing, he wonders just how much of a mini celebrity his uncle is. And of what else he has yet to tell Ignis. 
“Oh, that’s good. It’s a shame we’ll have to settle for Starbucks now, but it’s great that he’s doing okay.”
“Ah, about that.” Ignis smiles. “It’s why I’ve moved here.”
As they make down the elevator, he explains his whole motive for coming to Cleigne in the first place. How Uncle Vincent, once he was able, had called Ignis and asked if his darling nephew was interested in putting his recent business degree to use, if he would like to try his hand at running his cafe over in Cleigne. That the trip from Insomnia may be long, but room and board would be covered and free, that his ever-wise and ever-humble uncle had a condo open and free for a new tenant named Ignis. That he knew his nephew would be bored out of his mind working in an office cubicle in a stuffy suit and tie, that coming over to Delia and running the ovens and espresso machines would be leagues more fun. 
And that he agreed with his uncle, that kneading his fingers into dough while surrounded by the strong aroma of coffee was more of his element, that his business degree was something he had earned only because his parents were iffy on sending him to culinary school. 
“And, if you have the time, would you be interested in working at the cafe again? As eager as I am, I’m afraid I’ve little real-life experience in managing a business,” Ignis says, as they walk along the sidewalk outside the condominium. “Your insight would be extremely helpful and appreciated, Prompto. And it goes without saying you’ll be paid for your work. We could discuss a raise, even.”
“Dude, hell yeah I’ll work again. Between my classes and finals, I haven’t found the time to go job hunting. Man, if not for the paycheck, then I’ll do it for those sweet, sweet pumpkin croissants, baby.” Prompto winks and throws a pair of sidelong finger-guns at Ignis. 
Ignis cracks a smile, amused at the other’s light-hearted fun. They discuss possible work hours, wages, responsibilities, and so forth, even as they walk into the local Crow's Mart. Eventually, of course, their conversation turns away from work and leans toward Prompto giving Ignis a rundown of the town, what restaurants to check out and which ones to avoid like the Scourge, or which neighbors to keep away from “like that weird lady who has this creepy taxidermy hobby and probably has five stuffed cats in her bedroom.”
Ignis cooks dinner for two that night, and he tries not to gloat too much when Prompto stuffs his face with rice and chicken, eyes sparkling as he showers the man with nothing but praise muffled between forkfulls of food. 
    While Ignis found himself pleasantly surprised with such a friendly and outgoing neighbor in Prompto, he didn't expect the same for the rest of the fifth floor tenants. Didn’t expect for the next three mornings, for more neighbors to come knocking at his door. For them to come bearing gifts in their hands and warm welcomes on their lips. 
Gladio was a mountain of a man, a scar over his left eye and an impressive tattoo over his muscled arms and chest, the sight enough to scare off any petty thug. Ignis was almost startled out of his mind when he opened his door to see the hulking man in nothing but a tight tank top, until he saw Prompto at his side with his typical blinding smile. Gladio held up a gift basket with a small bouquet of flowers and a small box of chocolates, at which Ignis thought would be more suited given to a potential date than a welcome gift. Gladio seemed to read his mind, admitting that this was on short notice and the florist's he worked at had nothing better. But Ignis was grateful nonetheless, and he carefully placed the flowers in a decorative vase he rinsed out and placed in the kitchen. 
Cindy was a pleasant woman, with all her southern charm and hospitality. Ignis was eating the chocolates when he had heard her playful knocking at the door. She stepped right on in and gushed about how homey his place was, that she particularly liked the little coeurl statue sitting on the shelf. He could barely give his thanks when she turned on him and took both his hands to drop a gift bag in them, before pulling him into a tight hug, and surely a lesser man would have blushed as her… Gifts pressed against him. He offered her some coffee but was declined, saying her father needed her at the auto shop, but that Ignis could definitely drop by at the mechanics if “Yer gal's ever needin’ a fixin’, sweetie. Or if ya need a guinea pig to taste test ol’ Vince's brew.” 
Or at least, that's what Ignis thought she said. The gift bag was a mini assortment of shower gels and lotions, all with a hint of citrus, and two sets of face masks, and were set in the bathroom, though Ignis wasn't sure if he'd ever use the masks. (His five-step routine did the job quite well at the moment.)
Takka was an older fellow and not even from the fifth floor but from the second. His visit was short, though he greeted Ignis with a chickatrice and beans casserole. He learned the man owned the diner a couple blocks down, and Takka boasted he cooked the best damn homemade meals in this side of Delia. Ignis humored him and promised to taste his food there one day, even if he had his doubts about the cook's claims. Takka only asked to let him know when the Cafe would be up and running again, because he sure missed those pumpkin croissants. (Ignis really wondered if those croissants were as delicious as everyone kept making them out to be.) When Ignis took his first bite of the casserole, he was determined to weasel the recipe out of Takka the next time they met. 
A few old ladies even came by — none of them the one Prompto had warned him about — and brought cookies and a knitted scarf and well wishes. An old couple gave him candles and a blanket, a young man a bottle of wine and a tupperware set, another some more flowers in a glass vase. 
It was all very heartwarming. And as much as he appreciated their gestures, it was also almost overwhelming. 
Which is why he makes sure to wake up at the crack of dawn this morning, foregoing his casual but sleek attire for a set of loose sweats. Breakfast is a dull affair, simply eggs and buttered toast, and he makes a hasty trip to the elevators in case someone spots him and lays down more gifts before him. 
He chooses the thirty-minute walk over the car ride, and strolls along comfortably in the cool mist of the rising sun, admiring the humble town. It's just a bit chilly this spring morning, but the walk and rising temperatures warm him enough and the sights are sufficiently distracting. The well worn buildings are nothing compared to Insomnia's high-rising towers and neon billboards, but there's still a touch of modern and urban living. Delia looks to be an old town with its wood and stone eroded from years of salt and moisture, yet it's still very much alive and kicking. 
The sign reads “Bervenia” in a simple large script, perched right in the center and above the door. He peers in through the wide glass windows, smiles at the nostalgia of it all, and unlocks the front door. It's a bit dark, considering the lights are off and the sun has yet risen to its full glory, and the chairs are set atop the few tables, but it's mostly as he remembers it all those years ago, when he visited his uncle during his childhood. His memory of Bervenia may be a little fuzzy, but he remembers the patchwork tiles and the soft lavender wallpaper quite clearly. The refrigerated display, though, is new. He only remembers his uncle offering goods to eat warm or at room temperature. But to be frank, he expected more changes and additions other than a display case, given all the years. 
Heading to the back, Ignis checks the time on his phone and swipes through his contacts. He shoots a quick text to Prompto, asking if he'd be willing to help clean up the cafe should he have the time. It's still a bit early in the morning and a Saturday, so he hopes his text doesn't interrupt his neighbor's sleep. A short beat later and his screen at least confirms Prompto is awake. 
  Sure! B there in 20
No use in dilly dallying in the meantime. Ignis rolls up his sleeves and sets to work. 
    He’s immensely thankful for Prompto’s help, who promptly (Heh) came in with a thin sheen of sweat on his skin. He’s a runner, he told Ignis, and that he’s typically up at these hours for his morning jogs. Meaning, Ignis didn’t need to worry about waking him up at Saturday’s early hours. 
Only a month out of commission and the poor thing was covered in dust; not to mention the fridge’s contents had gone rancid. That had been a smelly affair, much to the blonde’s dramatics. But with their combined efforts, they managed to clean up for the most part. Prompto had left an hour ago, much to Ignis’ insistence, considering he kept the poor man far past lunch time. 
Ignis finishes wiping down the espresso machines and throws the dirty rag into a bin, finishing up the day’s cleaning. He takes a quick peruse of their inventory, taking into consideration what needs to be restocked or replaced. He has yet to test all their machines, but he’s confident they’re all in working order. In any case, he’ll make sure to confirm everything’s functional in the following days; no need to rush since he has to wait to restock their shelves first. 
As he takes a gander through their supplies, he notices there’s just enough ingredients to try his hand at baking. He remembers the little box of recipes in the office, so he rummages through the drawers for the small wooden box and searches through the laminated cards for a muffin recipe. 
‘How old fashioned,’ he thinks, smiling to himself as he brings the card over to the counters. He makes a mental note to make a digital copy of all the recipes, just in case; he’d hate to lose them all in a fire or storm, and a back-up is always a good idea. 
Ignis makes a quick trip to the gas station down the street, to pick up the perishables that the recipe calls for, and makes it back to the cafe in quick order. He skims over the ingredients and puts the card aside, reaching into the cabinets for bowls and flour and whatever else his uncle instructed. It’s simple enough, a standard muffin batter, with just a few personal flairs that make it unique, though Ignis isn’t sure about the dash of hulldagh nutmeg. He adds it anyway, because surely there’s a reason his uncle underlined it in bold green highlighter. 
By the time the chocolate muffins are done, the sun had already set. He cleans up quickly as he lets them cool on a rack, then gathers them all in a couple paper bags once he’s done putting everything away. When he locks up Bervenia for the night, the fresh cool air hits him all at once and already he finds himself missing the aroma of the oven and spices. It’s something he could easily find himself falling in love with for sure.  
The streets light up as the sun dips ever lower into the horizon, its orange and yellow hues disappearing into the dark of the night sky. Ignis wants to believe in the peace and safety of the town, but he can’t help but keep his pace brisk as he avoids the growing shadows and dubious corners. It’s safe for all his uncle has told him, but his time in Insomnia tells him otherwise. The Crown City may be a bright glistening thing with all its lights and sounds and thrumming engines, but not even its neon lights could ward off the dangers that lurk in her dark streets and narrow alleyways. 
The stars have just begun to peek out when he makes it to the condominium. He knocks on Prompto’s door, to offer him a bag of muffins for his help today, but no response has him carrying both bags back to his condo. He’s searching through his cabinets for the smaller tupperware gifted to him, so that he can drop them off to Prompto in the morning, when he hears a suspicious rattling from his balcony. He automatically thinks cat, but he remembers there are no trees that reach above the third floor; and pets aren't allowed. There's a possibility that someone's hiding one anyway, but the long distance between the adjacent balconies makes him doubt it. Birds maybe? It's night, however, and they should all be roosting. 
It could be an owl. But then it's a distinctive knocking — three bold raps — and Ignis nearly jumps out of his skin at the sheer loudness of it. He gingerly steps over to the balcony door, his phone in hand just in case he needs to call security, and he pulls the heavy curtain aside with a sharp rattle and. Oh.
A young man stands there, one hand in his jacket pocket and the other waving at him. Ignis is so thrown out of his zone that he barely catches the “Hi” the stranger-possibly-burglar-slash-serial-killer mouths to him. 
Common sense dictates he calls security, right now. But Ignis is too busy wondering how and why and where. There's no trees to climb, no ladder to reach up so far, and there's too large a distance from the neighboring balcony to even think of making the jump. And unless this man is some sort of professional stuntman who is deeply invested in parkour, it's almost impossible he climbed down from above without sporting some broken ankles or other bones. And he looked perfectly fine with his sheepish grin and bright eyes, no sign of injury or pain anywhere. 
Maybe he's hallucinating, maybe it's all the fumes from the detergents he used while cleaning up Bervenia , or maybe instead of nutmeg, his uncle had stashed away some sort of hallucinogenic drug in the spice rack, and he had inadvertently laced his chocolate muffins because this made absolutely no sense and —
The man's tapping pulls him out of his bout of panic. Again, logic tells him he really should just call security , but instead he makes a completely absurd decision and unlatches the sliding door, cracking it open just enough to fit a man's finger through. 
“Hey, is Vincent here?” the intruder asks. 
Vincent. Uncle Vincent. 
“…No.” Ignis answers before he can stop himself, and he silently berates himself for his chain of bad decisions. It’s that terrifyingly disarming smile, he tells himself, that the man offers him.
“Oh. Really? I thought I smelled his muffins,” he says, his posture suddenly turning awkward. He shifts his weight between his feet, one hand reaching back to idly scratch at his neck. “Sorry, my bad.” 
“I baked them.” Okay. Ignis visibly cringed at how quickly he responded. “They’re my uncle’s, ah, Vincent’s recipe.”
He purposely ignores the fact that this man claimed the smell of his chocolate muffins as the reason for this unannounced visit. Ignores that it was not at all normal to knock at someone’s (fifth floor) balcony instead of the front door. And especially ignores that, on closer inspection, his skin looks so pallid it’s almost translucent, his hair so black it melts into the night sky and stars danced among his locks. He looks almost ethereal . 
“Oh! You’re his nephew then. He mentioned you a few times, just graduated from university and all that, yeah?”
“Yes, I’m here to take care of the shop in his stead.”
“That explains it.” The man’s chest puffs up visibly as he takes in a deep breath. “You smell like Bervenia, so I thought he was back.”  
“Would you… perhaps like a muffin?” he said, against his better judgment — which could strangle him right now if it had hands. 
“Hell yes.”
Ignis turns his back — a death wish if this man truly meant any harm — and plucks out the treat from the bag. He quickly returns to the door, relieved and delighted that the balcony intruder didn’t take advantage of the opportunity to see through with any heinous plans he may have had. Ignis widens the door, just enough to slip his hand through, and drops it off in the other’s palm.
“Thanks a bunch. I’ve been craving his goodies lately, been really missing his pumpkin croissants. Can you make those too?”
Again, those pumpkin croissants.
“I’ve never tried, but I don’t see why I can’t.”
“Cool, thanks again for the muffin. Say hi to Vincent for me, too.”
Ignis barely got the time to nod when the man backed away to place one hand on the railing and then — 
Jumps over the fucking railing.
Ignis throws open the door and takes the three fastest steps he had ever taken in his entire life, a lightning speed compared to Field Day at high school when he had been delegated as the final runner in the baton pass. His torso lurches over the edge, and he half expects to see a blood splatter on the concrete, to maybe call emergency services after all. 
But there’s nothing. Everything is still, quiet. No body, no blood, not even a passerby walking down the sidewalk. 
  “Uncle, this condo wouldn’t happen to be haunted, would it? I believe I’ve just met a ghost.”
“Oh, Ignis my boy, of course not. Only a vampire.”
“Ah, yes, of course… Pardon?”
    After a riveting half hour spent on the phone with his uncle, Ignis tries through the motions, to recreate his normal, typical nightly routine, and charges his phone on the nightstand. He returns to the kitchen, boils some water in his electric kettle, and spoons in some loose-leaf tea into a steel filter. He takes a sip out of his mug, warm and comforting in both his hands. Then one more. 
Alright, no. This isn’t working. 
So instead of trying to feign normalcy, he dumps his tea down the sink and heads back to his bedroom, where he sinks into the mattress and stares at the ceiling. Ignis breathes in deep and reviews what his uncle had told him, instead of trying to shove it away and ignore it all.
And according to his uncle, the not-burglar-slash-serial-killer is a vampire. A friendly vampire, the little voice in his head corrects, who really likes Vincent’s pumpkin croissants. (At this point, did anyone not like his croissants?) His uncle had pointed out the vampire had a sweet tooth in general, but he was partial to whatever Vincent baked up. Also, that the vampire had been in Delia long before Vincent moved in himself. 
“But he’s like a friendly cat, don’t worry about him. Just don’t try to feed him vegetables, and he won’t bite… Probably,” Vincent had said, hanging up before Ignis could question the ‘Probably’ part.  
Okay. Alright. He could deal with this. Probably.
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hanalwayssolo · 6 years
Somewhere Between The Music and Lyrics: Ch. 2 - End
A/N: Songs featured for this last half are: Jordan Rakei’s Eye to Eye, Justin Timberlake’s Say Something, Tori Kelly’s I Was Made For Loving You.
Tagging pals! @blindedstarlight @raspberryandechinacea @gowithme @valkyrieofardyn @emmydots @hanatsuki89 @noboomoon @lazarustrashpit @animakupo @mp938368 @boo-dangy @bleucommelhiver
(Links in AO3) Alternate Universes in Which You and I Belong Together: Noctis | Gladio | Prompto | Ignis | Nyx | Cor | Ravus | Ardyn
The primly cultivated front garden and the violet bougainvillea that crept up the walls of the house before you looks nothing like a recording studio. At least, that’s what you have assumed from all the films you’ve watched, anyway. You reread the address on your phone: 1130 Citadel Road. As far as your adequate knowledge of Downtown Insomnia is concerned—plus the guidance of Moogle Maps—you’re certainly in the right street. The numbers 1130 plastered by the metal railing clearly says you’re in the right lot, too. The only thing keeping you now from ringing the doorbell is the anxiety churning in your stomach like a raging sea. Overhead, a security camera is watching your every awkward move.
Maybe it’s not yet too late to turn back, you think.
And as soon as the thought leaves you, you hear the sound of your own voice belting out from a passing car, its windows rolled down and its speakers all the way up for the entire neighbourhood to hear.
Your fingers tighten around your phone. This is the fourth time you’ve heard yourself on someone else’s radio, and it is bloody jarring to say the least.
A part of you is still reeling in from everything that has happened ever since that video got out. Who would’ve thought that the band you admired from the comfort of your earphones would suddenly appear right outside your doorstep? And have you lost your mind that you agreed to collaborate on a song with a band as popular as The Lost Boys? You still wonder how on earth they can consider someone like you after one fucking cover when, in fact, you have no formal training in music in the first place. Besides, you have already been perfectly honest with them—with Prompto, most especially, since he had been the one most eager to know more about you—regarding your background and what you do for a living. Which, frankly, had been a tricky discussion since you’re not that fond of talking about yourself without the hint of self-deprecation. But you did manage. As succinctly as you could, you told the boys that you’re simply a bumbling corporate slave by day and a struggling songwriter by night, with hopes of consistently paying your share on rent and amenities with your pesky Internet-famous friends.
Maybe this is all a mistake, you think this time.
You glance at your phone again to check the time. Or rather, you’re hoping to see a message that they have cancelled the deal. But there’s nothing on your lock screen from any of The Lost Boys except the time that beams four-thirty p.m., a couple of unopened messages from Nyx (“u go blow their minds away but call me as soon as they fuck shit up” the initial sentence says, then followed by three eggplant emojis), Libertus (“drop by @ ostium’s tonight & we’ll celebrate!”) and a missed call from Pelna. Even with your friends’ show of support, you feel like you’re still dreaming. But what if this is really just a dream? What if right now, you’re actually still—
A low voice sneaks up behind you. “Can I help you?”
Startled out of your wits, you turn around and you find a tall man in a gray coat, eyeing you with great concern. He’s carrying a bag of groceries on one arm and a handful of books on the other. There’s something awfully familiar about his stern face, his silver-shaved head and magnetic blue eyes, that you cannot quite put a finger on it yet.
“I, uh—” you hesitate for a moment, scratching your cheek— “I don’t know if I’m in the right place, but would you know if there’s a recording studio nearby?”
“You’re actually standing in front of one.” The man flashes you an amiable smile. Your cheeks begin to burn red. Then, he says, “Wait, are you here for Prompto and the boys? I heard they’re expecting someone coming over.”
You nod. “Well… yes.”
“Perfect.” He jerks his head towards the gate. “I was just about to head inside myself. Please, come in.”
The man ushers you along the gravelly path, up the staircase, and into the blue door. Inside, you are welcomed by the sight of a lovely foyer, its pristine white walls tastefully decorated with framed photos and vinyl albums. A sharp aroma of black coffee wafts through the air. It is impossibly cold.
As the man carefully unloads his things on the center table, he tells you, “They should be in the booth right now. Follow me.”
You trail behind the man down the narrow carpeted hallway. You look around and you see more framed records hanging on the wall. You recognize some of it, and it’s like taking a stroll along an impressive hall of legends: The Beatles, Jackson 5, Joy Division, Nirvana, James Brown, Jimi Hendrix, and a few other names that you’re certain have made it in the Billboard charts. But you notice that most of the photos on a couple of shelves are that of the five-man band The Regalia, and you remember how your mother used to play their songs on the your old stereo, all because she could not get enough of Clarus’s vocals and...
The realization hits you like a speeding freight train.
“Holy fuck.”
The crispness of your words echoes throughout the corridor that the man turns around to look at you with a confused smile on his face. “Is something the matter?”
“I’m sorry. I, um… you’re...” You sigh, trying to quell your utter disbelief. Gods, how could you have been so blind? “You’re… Clarus Amicitia.”
His smile turns into an amused grin. “I am, indeed. At your humble service.” He regards you with a brief nod. “And you’re the fellow with the lovely voice.”
Your heart leaps into your throat. Gods. Did the Clarus Amicitia—living legend of the Insomnian local music scene—just call your voice lovely?
This is too much for you to handle in one day.
“Uh, well, I—um, thank you. Sir.” You smile at him, but you lower your eyes on your shoes, realizing that your words of gratitude came out in a torment. If Clarus had noticed it, he was kind enough to pretend that he didn’t.
“No need to call me sir—Clarus is fine.” He smiles again right back at you. You’re quite certain that your mother would fucking flip if she finds out about this.
As Clarus leads you to the last door at the far end of the corridor, you can already hear an indistinct melody and the swell of the bass vibrating from the room.
“Here we are,” he says, opening the door. “After you.”
Entering the studio oddly feels like stepping into a different dimension. From the homely elegance of the hallways, the whole room is an air-conditioned sanctuary of hardwood floors and neatly-arranged equipment: massive speakers, rack systems, audio mixers and soundboards, and a bunch of other controls you can hardly name. A pair of acoustic guitars are tidily displayed beside a black couch. Here, strangely enough, the air is thicker with the scent of coffee.
And here, behind the glass panel and amidst all the polish is The Lost Boys, oozing a velvety riff and a soulful tune, steered by a flawless voice that belongs to none other than Prompto.
It’s the birth of a star Earlier than sunset It’s the galaxy’s water Flowing like a riverbed
You hold your breath, immediately drawn to Prompto’s honeyed melodies and the guilt of poetry in the lyrics. Of all the times you have listened to their music, you immediately notice how the rhythm departs from their signature sound. Then again, they have been known to take risks, may it be in their own songs or otherwise.
This, you realize, is their true magic. The minutes seem to have stopped ticking. Behind you, even Clarus has fallen silent.
Yes they shine bright like a million Let them bleed twice for a minute Pleasure to have met you You’re my star tonight—
The music stutters into a halt when Prompto’s gaze falls on you, his eyes meeting yours. A bright grin spreads all over his face, and he waves a hand at you, beckoning you to join them.
Clarus waves back at the boys, and rests a hand on your shoulder. “Make yourself at home. Don’t be afraid to let me know if these grown ass men cause any trouble for you. My son, most especially,” he says cheekily. “And might I just say—“ he folds his arms over his chest, his voice now employing a pensive tone— “I’ve had the pleasure of listening to your rendition of Prompto’s song. All these years, and my ears have not failed me. I know a good singer when I hear one.”
A rush of heat rises to your cheeks. “You’re far too kind to me,” you say, unable to help the smile that tugs the corners of your mouth. You spare one look and nod at Clarus as he leaves, while you awkwardly make your way inside the booth.
As soon as you step inside, Prompto greets you with a warm hug.
“Glad you made it!” he says as he pulls away. You actively ignore how good his cologne smells, or whatever scent he is wearing. “I was starting to think you changed your mind.”
“No. Actually… well, I thought about not coming here,” you admit sheepishly. “I got really nervous.”
“Hey, don’t be!” Prompto says brightly in reassurance, looping an arm around you. Okay, he really does smell nice that you can actually forgive his lack of consideration for personal space.
“And you have nothing to be nervous about,” Noctis adds, fiddling with the strap of his bass guitar.
“Did my old man scare you on your way here?” Gladio asks from behind the drums.
“Oh, no. Not at all.” A lie, kind of. But Gladio looks like he’s buying it. To be fair, Clarus didn’t exactly scare you, though scare is synonymous to intimidate—because who wouldn’t be intimidated in the presence of Clarus fucking Amicitia? “Though he did say I should be careful of you,” you say truthfully.
Prompto and Noctis erupt in a gale of laughter. Even Ignis is amused. Gladio shakes his head and with an apologetic smile, he tells you, “Please don’t mind my dad. I promise, I’m completely harmless—”
“I think your father is less concerned with your inclination to violence and more on your inclination to romancing… well, anything that moves,” Ignis chides as he returns his electric guitar on a stand, taking a seat next to the speakers.
Prompto unloops his arm around you and rests it on your shoulder as he says, “Don’t worry about this monster—I got you." At that, you feel like your heart skipped a beat. You could only wish that you're not blushing like a fool. "Though best believe he’d flirt with a lamp post if you dress it right.”
Gladio quickly shoots Prompto a threatening glare, and then he smiles at you. “Please don’t believe them.”
“I can’t promise anything, but I’ll try, I guess?” You laugh, and they do, too. It’s bizarre how being around them reminds you of being around your circle of friends. You shift on your feet a little, hesitant to the comfort of their company. Then, turning to Prompto, you gingerly ask, “Um, by the way. Were you guys recording a new song earlier?”
“Oh, that?” Prompto gives you a sheepish smile. “Not really—we’re just experimenting on some of the lyrics I wrote.” His eyes widen. “Speaking of, not to put you on the spot but—” Prompto dashes to take a mic stand and sets in front of you— “I was thinking this might help you ease into… all of this.”
You glance at Noctis, Gladio, and Ignis, all three of them looking at you expectantly. You narrow your eyes at Prompto. “Are you… trying to make me sing?”
He tilts his head. “Um, yeah. What else?”
“Really? Like right now?”
“Yes, like right now.” Prompto is grinning at you. First, he smells nice and now he’s being painfully charming. “Name any song. We’d play it with you.”
You cross your arms over your chest. “Any song? Seriously?”
“Yup.” Prompto laughs. “Why, you doubt we can’t play something mainstream like Rihanna? Or Queen Bey, even?”
“No, it’s not that—alright, then.” You chew on your bottom lip, and heave a long, shuddery sigh. Static rings from the microphone. You look around and out of the corner of your eye, you spot a spare guitar—in an instant you know it’s a Les Paul, gods bless your poor ass soul—sitting beside a Steinway piano. To Prompto, you say, “Can I borrow that guitar?”
He nods. “Yeah, sure.”
You take the blessed thing, equipping it as carefully as you can. You’re finding it hard to concentrate when all eyes are glued on you. Prompto, most especially. You draw a deep breath, and release your inhibitions in a loud exhale.
Then comes the crisp strum of your fingertips against the chords. The steady pace and pulse. You catch a glimpse of Prompto smiling at you, and that unmistakeable glint of recognition in his eyes. He knows the song. The rest of the boys know it, too. And as if by some form of telepathy, Gladio prepares the percussions. Ignis tunes his guitar, Noctis readies his bass. Prompto picks up another guitar to accompany you as you sing.
Everyone knows All about my direction And in my heart somewhere I wanna go there
It’s almost frightening how easily you slip into their dynamic, as if you have been a part of them for as long as can remember. You can feel yourself slowly relax, the nerves leaving your body and aptly replaced by the swelling notes. The cadence intensifies. It is when Prompto sings along with you that a jolt of electricity runs down your spine.
Everyone knows all about my transgressions Still in my heart somewhere There’s melody and harmony For you and me tonight
This, you realize, is a different kind of sorcery. His voice blends with yours so perfectly that you see Noctis and Gladio exchange wide-eyed glances. Prompto’s eyes locks on yours, and he flashes you that charming smile of his.
And all you can think to yourself is: Where have you been all my life?
Prompto knows that this was supposed to be a temporary arrangement. Still, he finds himself stealing away most of your days.
Not in a bad way, of course. After your first session with the band, he had insisted to accompany you home—quite a long walk, sure, but you said you were fond of walking and he wanted to spend more time with you—which somehow ended up with the both of you hanging out in your couch, exchanging playlists and punch lines and feasting on your Kenny Crow’s leftovers. Thankfully, your roommates didn’t seem to mind him being around the apartment, though he could not help but notice how they would purposely stay longer by the kitchen counter across the living room just to keep a watchful eye on you. Prompto found it equal parts endearing and frightening, but he really could not blame them. If he had someone like you, he would probably do the same thing.
Every second with you, he'd always find himself wanting another. So he treasures each day with you as it drifts onto the next, and all the nights that come along with it. With the limited time you spend with him in the studio writing and making music, he would make it a point to always walk you back to your place, if this is what it takes to be with you a little while longer. If he had to admit, apart from your insane talent, he adores your smile, and how it crinkles the corner of your eyes whenever you talk about your friends or any of your favourite things. He adores it even more when you do it on occasions he tells you a corny joke or two. He adores how your eyes brighten whenever your beautiful mind works its wonders into music. But he adores your laughter the most, how it's like a soothing melody he wants to listen to on repeat, so he tries to crack you up with an abundance of his silliness just to hear that bubbling laugh.
But he has seen you at your worst, too. If he could, he would trade all of his good days just for you to overcome your bad days. He’d write all the songs for you until his hands bleed, if need be.
Such a constellation are you to him. Who would have thought that his own song would lead him straight to you? But still, Prompto wishes he had the courage to say all these things. But as his adoration for you blossoms into something else, he lets his feelings known the only way he knows how: by letting the words leak into the page, letting it dry into a song.
Even though we may be hopeless hearts Just passing through Every bone screaming I don’t know what we should do All I know is, darling, I was made for loving you
You are startled to find Prompto alone in the studio, tuning his guitar.
“Where are the others?” you ask, as if by way of greeting. You drop your things by the couch, taking a seat beside him.
“Um, they’re—they went out to buy some food! Or something,” Prompto says nervously. He avoids your eyes. Weirdly, his nervousness is making you nervous, too. “I, uh—” he takes a piece of paper from his jacket and hands it to you— “I wrote down a couple of lines to complete the chorus. You wanna give it another go?”
You unfold the piece of paper and read the lyrics.
Shit. It’s beautiful. It’s too beautiful that you cannot help but wonder to whom he wrote it for. In the weeks you have known him, you’re aware that he isn’t exactly seeing anyone. The thought of the song has been written for another person makes your heart wince.
“Wow, this is… really good, Prom,” you say as evenly as you can. “I guess whoever’s on your mind when you wrote this must be a lucky person.”
Prompto looks up at you. “Well, yeah. But I think I’m luckier ‘cause I have them by my side right now.”
A strange silence settles between the two of you. The only sound you can hear is your own heart racing in what seems to be a hundred miles per hour. You want to say something, but the words are locked somewhere down your throat.
Prompto sighs. “Look, I’d totally understand if you don’t feel the same way. I just want you to know what I feel—”
“Actually, I do feel the same way,” you say. You bite your lip to stop the smile trying to escape your lips, only to fail miserably.
“Wait, really?”
“Yes, really.”
“Are you serious—”
“Prom, if you don’t stop talking and if you don’t start kissing me right now, I’ll hate you forever.”
In that moment, he crosses the space between the two of you, cupping your face in his hands. This time, the silence sings. Its music dances at the beat of your own heart. Prompto takes his sweet time as he presses a kiss on your forehead, traveling down to the tip of your nose, and slowly but surely, his lips finally finding yours.
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thechocoboos · 6 years
Headcanons: The Bros as Roommates
I’m going off to college soon and was thinking about roommates, so this was born
Warnings: swearing of course
Noctis just showed up one day looking for a roommate
You had no idea he was the Prince of Lucis, all you knew is he showed up with your ad and a wad of cash in hand (good enough for any broke person, right?)
You didn’t even find out he was the fuckin prince until like… four, five months into it? When you did find out, you were more pissed than anything else cause that meant he totally had enough money to buy a new microwave when he accidentally blew the old one up
He didn’t even tell you about him being a prince, you found out when his dad (the fucking goddamn King of Lucis) showed up one afternoon like “Hi I’m looking for my son” with the Shield of the King behind him
Schools might not have showed pictures of the King’s son, but you damn well knew what the King looked like and seeing him at your apartment door when you were in your bum clothes was terrifying
Noctis had a lot of explaining to do that night (after Regis and his shield, Clarus, joined you two for supper, of course)
Overall tho, he was an alright roommate
He didn’t bug you (in fact, he barely talked to you unless you initiated conversation or if he had to give you a heads up about some guests)
And much like yourself (probably, if you’re on this hell hole of a websight), he was a bit of a night owl. Dude stayed up until 2 am at the earliest, and usually slept to noon (unless he had a prince thing to do)
Your biggest two complaints? He constantly made messes and the boi had no fucking independence (you had to show this manchild how to do his own laundry ffs)
Oh, he’d also use your hair products and shit, too (so make that three)
Anyways, you’d come home after a long day of work and school and the damn apartment was a fucking mess like…? What the hell? There’d be overcooked mac n cheese on the coffee table, blankets and pillows all over the living room, crumbs everywhere…
Turns out, it wasn’t just him making those messes
One day, you showed up and there were just three other grown ass men in the room, roaring with laughter and playing poker with bags of chips all over the place and various drinks in their hands
It was the first time you had ever met Noctis’ best friends (and it was not the last, either), and you were a lil pissed that they had been making so many messes
Still, they were cool dudes and sometimes you’d play video games together
In fact, the more you saw of Noctis’ friends, the closer to Noctis you became. It was thanks to his little blonde friend, Prompto
Lil Prom always felt bad about the messes and noise, so he’d drag you into their fun and games (you both loved and hated him for that)
The closer you became with Noct, the more you saw of his weird shadow, Ignis
You’d get up in the morning, walk out into your living room in nothing more than your undies and a sheerish shirt, and there Mr. Scientia would be, chillin’ with a cookbook in hand while wearing his best clothes
It was creepy; half the time it felt like you had a third roommate who didn’t pay rent
He’d just… be there. Sometimes he’d nag Noctis, other times he’d cook (always made some for you, too), and occasionally, he’d just talk to you (you lowkey got a crush on him as this went on)
Still, Noct was a great roommate at the end of the day, especially when you two became friends
You were the one to find his ad, this time around
Saw a tiny ad on the craigslist of Insomnia and were just broke and desperate enough to take it
You had prepared yourself for the worst, but when you met Prompto, you found all your worries were in vain
He was the sweetest, most polite roommate you’d ever had (and probably would ever have, tbh)
He pretty much lived around your schedule, he’d always ask if you had to be up early so he’d keep the noise down if need be and he was super conscientious of your schedules
Boi was like a saint
If anything broke, he’d fix it in a jiffy
If anything needed replacing, he took care of it
And guess what else? Prompto Argentum can cook. He’d make meals a good few times a week (usually in bulk so he could have leftovers and save stuff), and he would always, always make you some
Honestly? If it wasn’t for Prompto’s cooking you’d probably have fed off of nothing but frozen food and stale chips
He wasn’t a master chef or anything by far, but he had some basic knowledge of cooking and he used it regularly
Sometimes you’d joke about having to marry him for that and he’d blush a bright tomato red every time (it was super cute, too)
The boi also C L E A N E D
To be fair, tho, he was also messy. Always making messes. BUT, he cleaned, which was more than you could ever ask for
He’d clean up his messes, your messes, the messes of friends… Just, he was a clean boi.
Once again, not super masterful at it, but he could clean pretty damn decently and you were not about to complain
Fun fact: Prompto forgot about the existence of periods, so if you happen to be a female who gets periods, good fucking luck lmao
Whenever you’d roll around in bed from the pain of cramps (or puking or crying or other such horrible things), he would absolutely panic
And when he caught sight of a bloody tampon or pad? Or a lil bit of blood on the toilet? Oh god, he was a wreck. He ran into your room, eyes wide and worried, demanding to know if you were okay. Boi even offered to take you to a doctor
Of course, when you told him that it was just your period, he was just embarrassed
Much to his credit though, he would make sure that the kitchen was stocked with chocolates and that there was a heating pad for you to use (and some pain meds), so yeah, probably the best roommate in the world
But the negatives?
He liked to talk - a lot.
You’d come home and if he was there, you bet your ass there was conversations to be had. Not a morning person? Too fucking bad. Prompto’s got some juicy convos to have with you at 8 AM
It was cute, yes, but more annoying than anything else (as precious as he was, it was sometimes too much)
Still, if you asked for a lil bit of quiet time, he would listen and back off immediately
That went with any complaint, he always listened and changed his behavior accordingly
And in saying that, if anything you did happened to bug him? He would bottle that shit up until he broke down crying
You never really saw many of his friends, but you quickly picked up that he usually went to their places (you eventually found out that it was so they wouldn’t bug you, bless his lil considerate heart)
The one friend you did see regularly was Noctis, and he was so chill that you usually barely noticed he was there (and when you guys did hang out, he was just as chill)
Sometimes, Prompto would have breakdowns or anxiety attacks tho
You weren’t always sure what to do, but you did your best to help him out or to comfort him (he appreciated it more than you ever knew)
In the end, you guys became great friends that knew each other pretty damn well. You guys would always end up accommodating for the other person in your daily lives without ever realizing it
Basically, you guys were G O A L S
Gladio was the one who answered the ad
You were scared to death at first, but you had bills to pay and were desperate af
You were surprised when he was moving in, a good half of his boxes were books and he had a whole box of scented candles (the man had good taste, too)
Gladio was pretty gruff and he kept to himself for the most part
However, if something was bugging him, you bet your ass he would bring it straight to you to talk things out, and he expected the same in return
That was how he worked as a whole; he would do his best to make your life not shitty and expected the same from you
It wasn’t hard to avoid bugging him; he was hardly ever home (you later found out it was his job as the Prince’s shield, which explained a shit ton of his life)
Gladio noticeably left you and your shit alone, but eventually you two became closer (you probably bond over a book series or a TV show, things like that)
You bet your ass that once you guys became close, he borrowed your shit, teased you a bit, and boundaries went out the fucking window
He’d stolen more blankets than you even knew you had. There were times when he stole your hair brush or your shampoo, hell, he even started using your damn body wash (“That shit is fucking expensive, Gladio!”). You swear he even used your toothbrush once, but you could never prove it.
Still, y’all were close (Noctis once made a comment about the sexual tension, but neither of you ever acknowledged it)
Even tho Gladio intimidated you a shit ton in the beginning, when you two became comfortable around each other, his presence made you feel safer than anything else
If a robber or a murderer tried to break in, he would handle it faster and smoother than anyone else
Plus the creepy neighbor next door was too scared of Gladio to be weird towards you anymore (bless)
His little sister showed up a lot, too
You liked her so it was never a problem (in fact, you looked forward to her sudden visits). You always got a kick out of her nagging Gladio about his messy room or how he makes the apartment “smell like man”
Anyways, when he actually graced the apartment with his presence, there would be a candle lit and a book in his hand. Sometimes, he’d have some chill music playing and it wasn’t uncommon for him to hog the bathtub for a solid hour
Surprisingly, Gladio could cook. He didn’t do it often, but when he did, the apartment was full of delicious smelling spices and you could count on there being a great big steak waiting for you at dinner
More often than not, he just helped himself to massive cup noodles tho (it got to a point where you were concerned for his health)
You met his friends a few times, but it was usually in passing whenever Gladio had to grab something
The friend you saw the most was Ignis; sometimes he and Gladio would be up late drinking in your shared apartment, but they were fairly quiet and respectful (minus Gladio’s loud laughter and Ignis’ mild chuckles when they got too tipsy)
Despite seeing Ignis the most, you knew the most about Noctis simply from Gladio bitching about the shit Noct pulls with Prompto. Sometimes he’d just complain about his job, too, and through that you learned what kind of people his friends were and that was actually how you pieced together his job enough to get a proper response as to what he did with his time
Sidenote: Gladdy was never great with technology
You never, ever saw him watching TV or playing video games (unless it was with his other friends), and the few times you saw him on a laptop, it was a noticeably old model and he was grumbling about how he “couldn’t work the damn thing”
More often than not, you had to help him out with technology troubles; he was pretty shit with computers and such (it was pretty comical at times)
From there, you learned that he hated driving and didn’t even have a license. In fact, he just hated technology; the only reason he had a smartphone was because his job pretty much required it for communication purposes
In summary: Gladdy was old fashioned and you didn’t trust him alone with your computer
But yeah, you guys had a weird roommate relationship
He was hardly there, but you guys got along surprisingly well and even had some “self-care days” together (it was your idea, but when you guys tried it, he found he liked it)
When he showed up, following up with the ad you put in the newspaper, you were pretty surprised like...
Those designer shoes? The impeccable hair? High quality glasses? The man could probably afford the best apartment on his own, yet there he was, at your own front door (turns out, he chose your apartment due to its close proximity to the Citadel and Noct’s  apartment)
When he actually was home, it was like he wasn’t there 
In fact, half the time you were like “Sorry? Roommate? What roommate? I only know the mysterious check that appears in the kitchen that always pays half the rent!” (dude was home even less than Gladio and his apartment)
The only way you knew he was actually in the apartment was when you could smell food being made or hear noise from the kitchen
In the beginning, Ignis was strangely firm with boundaries. He never went in your room or messed with your stuff unless it was out in the open (hell, even when you two actually became friends he wouldn’t get in your business)
You had to specifically tell him it was okay to go put your shit back in your room if he mentioned that you left something out
And if you went into his room or touched his stuff without asking? Oooo boi, be prepared for some saltiness in the few exchanges you had with him
The more you got to know Iggy, the saltier he was about things. Like if you purposefully did something to annoy him, he would be the most passive-aggressive person in the world
Even so (especially in the beginning), Ignis was very forward with problems or annoyances. If anything was wrong, he’d call it in to be fixed and let you now right after. He’d also tell you if you needed to clean something or if your appearance was… lacking. The closer you two got, the more forward he was
There were quite a few times when he’d tell you your room is a mess or that you look like a slob
Still, it took quite a bit of time and effort to get there. He was hardly home, and when he was, he pointedly left you alone after a quick nod of acknowledgement
In fact, he was usually doing work at the dining room table or actually sleeping for once, so if you wanted to talk with him, you’d have to initiate it
As mentioned earlier, he did cook or bake when he was home. Usually, he was trying to master a recipe and always had you test out his food
When you asked why, he merely told you that he had been exposed to the smell too long to viably give a proper response to its taste (in response, you told him he was a dork)
The more you got to know him (over a painstaking year, might I add), the more of a dork he seemed to be (he totally is a dork, btw)
At first, he had been uptight and mildly intimidating, but as time went on, you caught sight of the occasional fumble in his step, heard the dumb puns he said, and listened as he eagerly told you of one of the few hobbies he genuinely enjoyed
He also grew fond of you, much to your own surprise
He’d even make your favorite foods out of nowhere sometimes (he’d always say it was for practice, although you both knew the truth)
Iggy kept his job surprisingly private, even when he would stay up late working on documents at the dining room table. It took a long time for you to find out he was actually the adviser to the Prince. In fact, Noctis had actually been over a good seven or eight times before you found out
Still, even when you knew, Ignis never really told you what was going on in his job for the longest time. Part of you thought it was due to important secrecy, but when you asked, it turned out that Ignis didn’t want to burden you with anything (“Your life is rather stressful on its own, wouldn’t you agree?”)
It took several different conversation to actually get him to talk about work for once, and when he did, it was mostly just complaints and salty bitching about certain employees or mistakes others have done (it was pretty funny, actually)
Ignis never really had company over, either
In the beginning you seriously doubted that he had any friends at all
Despite how many times he told you that he had friends, you didn’t believe him until three of them showed up unannounced at the apartment at 11 AM on a Satuday, proclaiming that they were having a card game session whether “Specs wants to or not!”
You never thought Ignis would be friends with guys like the other chocobros, but when you saw them interact, it seemed like it shouldn’t be anyone else at all
In the end, even if Ignis wasn’t home a lot and even if you didn’t really know his friends too well, you guys did care about each other in a weird, subtle way. But hey, it worked
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The Other Day at Hot Topic: Vanitas
Lex and Roxas make their way to the back room together, one clocking in and the other clocking out. The store has a new shipment in, and the entire space is packed with towers of white boxes that need to be processed. As Roxas types thirteens into the time clock, Lex pokes around through the maze of boxes and half-filled rolling garment racks.
“Right here,” calls a pleasant female voice, and as Roxas glances over, he sees a pale hand with long black nails poke out from the clutter.
“I have to be going,” Lex calls, “but first, I’d like you to meet Roxas. He’s new and... could use some guidance.”
And doesn’t know what the hell he’s doing, is how Roxas might have phrased it, but this seems nicer.
“Sure! Hang on.” The hand tugs aside a clothing rack and is soon followed by a young woman with a bob of blue hair a few shades darker than Saïx’s. She’s wearing a short, cotton candy pink dress with a flare skirt under a cropped, studded black leather jacket. It’s all very Sandy at the end of Grease, but she’s owning it.
Studded leather jackets seem to be standard issue dress code here. Roxas wonders if his went the way of his name tag.
Lex introduces them, and Roxas reflects on what Axel told him about Aqua. Kick-ass Mom Friend. He sees the ‘kick-ass’ part clear as day. She’s around 5’10”, and black ballet flats or no, the set of her shoulders and the dark, smoky grays of her make-up read ‘don’t fuck with me.’ Like she could knock you on your back mid-cartwheel and not smear her lipstick.
She certainly doesn’t seem like your stereotypical Mom Friend. That is until the moment she opens her mouth. A million questions exit, her enthusiasm alarmingly genuine: where’s he from and what’s his major and is he seeing any nice young men and is he nervous to be starting a new job?
Roxas answers as best he can. Grew up on the islands. At school on the mainland: Twilight Tech. One more semester left in a Communications major, hoping to go into radio or podcasting, but open to other adventures. Wants to travel. Single. Or as Sora would say a ‘single Pringle.’ Oh god, don’t tell Sora I’m quoting him. Younger. He’s alright, just a bit much sometimes. Not nervous but definitely confused. Are we legally allowed to sell both Marvel and DC? Do people actually wear Justin Bieber t-shirts? For real, what is Hot Cash?
He realizes with a funny pang that none of these get-to-know-you questions had cropped up the other day with Axel. It had been like they were already past that when they hadn’t even gotten to it. Maybe it’s always that way when you click with somebody.
Rather than answer his questions, Aqua laughs and waves him off. “Can you take the floor and the register for a sec, Roxas? I’m almost finished loading this and Lex is probably out there waiting.”
Roxas nods, not bothering to check if Aqua can see him from where she is, and heads out to the floor. He waves as Lex goes and its returned with a genuine, if tiny, smile. Progress.
Roxas has only just stepped behind the register and slipped on Cloud’s lanyard when someone new walks in.
The guy appears to be about Sora’s height and age: short, maybe nineteen. His hair’s a nest of black spikes that look like they haven’t seen a comb in several weeks. Actually, maybe that’s what reminds him of Sora.
“Hello!” Roxas calls out, because it seems like the thing to do.
The guy ignores him, which, okay, fair—retail—but continues to approach. He wears a navy blazer with a golden crest on the breast pocket like he attends boarding school, and he wears a scowl like he just got kicked out of it. A pair of expensive white headphones stick out between tufts of hair as if in apology for his unresponsiveness.
“Can I help you with anything, man?” Roxas tries again, louder, and said young man stops for a second, brows rising before continuing his path, past the register, and then slipping behind it and sliding in right next to Roxas.
Roxas backs off a step in surprise, and the guy smirks, reaching for a lower shelf to grab his lanyard from atop a box of, well, Roxas has no idea, obviously. It’s only his second day.
“Hey, I’m Roxas.” Roxas gestures to his chest to make it clear he’s communicating. It feels very “I-Tarzan. You-Jane,” but it gets the job done.
The other guy raises an eyebrow and dangles the nametag at the end of his lanyard up a bit, not bothering to slide off his headphones. Then he turns on a quilted black combat boot and struts off. Roxas makes out the strange jumble of letters at the last second.
The guy who had bailed on his shift last time and left Roxas for dead.
Roxas directs a pair of lost looking tourists in punk clothes and loose Hawaiian shirts toward the food court and retrieves a handful of mini buttons from the floor where it appears as though someone had vindictively flung them at a cashier. He’s returning them to their display box in front of the registers when Vanitas strides out, headphones still on, pulling Aqua behind him by the sleeve. She’s hauling a large, white cardboard box of accessories in her free arm.
Vanitas gestures to Roxas with a thumb, and Aqua raises a blue brow. He gestures again with both hands and Aqua sighs, tugging down Vanitas’ headphones. His facial reaction is more like she’s pantsed him, but she appears unimpressed.
Roxas thinks he hears Brendon Urie crooning faintly from said headphones, which he gets a kick out of, if only because Panic! at the Disco is already playing on the store’s overhead speakers.
It’s like Vanitas’ mouth has been switched on, and he glares up at Aqua, not without fondness. “Why’re there so many of us?” He gazes at Roxas again, up and down, as if taking his measurements. “Did Saïx finally lose his shit and decide to go all Hunger Games on our asses? Because I’ll be real,” he glances back to Aqua with a sharp grin, “I’ve been waiting for it since day one.”
Roxas noisily drops the last few buttons back into the bin and chokes down a huff of laughter. He hasn’t known Saïx long, but with how high-strung he is, it’s easy to picture those strings snapping.
Aqua rakes fingers down her face, shakes her head. “Vanitas, for God’s sake.”
“Hey, my money’s on you, Aqua,” Vanitas glances down at his phone to dismiss his music, though “Let’s Kill Tonight” feels strangely timely. “Larxene’s a scrappy little B witch, but Aqua’s got a dark side,” he continues casually, sliding his phone to his back pocket.
Roxas raises his brows, wondering if it might be true, considering she appears to be friends with Vanitas, who appears to be no ray of sunshine himself. Both turn to Aqua, who’s digging through the accessories, trying to extract one scarf without sending half the box tumbling.  
“I say we team up,” Vanitas proposes, twirling his lanyard around his finger like he’s not alluding to Roxas’ dystopian murder.
Aqua rolls her eyes and refuses to laugh, propping the box on her hip and angling herself between the guys as Roxas crosses the checkout line space to meet them, clutching at his own lanyard.
“There are two of us because of the holidays and three because he’s a new hire and still learning the ropes.” Aqua hands a silver and green striped scarf off to Vanitas and pushes him back the step he tries to take, staving off his smirk. “Not because Saïx is hoping we’ll do him a favor and kill each other.”
“Yeah,” Roxas’ brows rise, darkly amused, in spite of himself, “imagine all the extra paperwork that would be.”
Aqua scoffs with mild disapproval, and Vanitas misses the remark entirely as he wraps the scarf around his own throat, eyebrows furrowing. He watches Aqua hand Roxas a winter hat with Pikachu ears.
“Jesus, how many spikey haired blondes do we need?”
“Prompto left, Cloud barely subs any more, we have to have one,” Aqua teases, lip quirking up as she nudges Vanitas’ shoulder.
Vanitas huffs exaggeratedly and steps closer to the Harry Potter merch. “Fuck that.” He glances at Roxas again, like he’s trying to gauge his reaction, so Roxas keeps it neutral. “I’m not learning your name.”    
Roxas shrugs, deepening Vanitas’ scowl and efficiently killing all connections in his mind between the dude and Sora.
Axel’d said Saïx wanted desperately to fire Vanitas. Roxas suddenly has more sympathy for his uptight boss.
Aqua eyes Roxas thoughtfully, like she can sense his inner unease. He doesn’t want to be making any more waves here. He needs this job—needs money. To pay off his rent—to pay back Seifer.
“Ignore him.” She piles more warm, geeky hats in Roxas’ arms. “He has insomnia and sometimes it puts him in a mood.”
“All the fucking time,” Vanitas growls in the distance, hidden by the displays.
Aqua tosses a hand up in mild exasperation and offers Roxas a reassuring smile outlined in charcoal lipstick. “We’re happy to have you here, Roxas. Both of us. Really.”
“Um,” Roxas attempts to smile back, resisting all impulses to bitch and argue, repositioning the pile in his arms, and realizing he has no idea where any of it goes, “okay. If you say so.”
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dawne-sharlotte · 6 years
Expect the Unexpected Pt. 1
Looks like this last one will be multi part to fit in as many prompts as possible for the rest of @igcorweek As the story has told me, I am not in control *le sigh* This will be rated E but this part is G :)
Rating: G (will eventually go up)
Word: 2131
tags: @asoeiki if this one isn’t your cup of tea, I apologize in advance
Crossposted to AO3
“You’re gonna work yourself to death, Specs. I don’t get why you won’t let my dad pay your rent. It’s not like he hasn’t offered.”
“Because he is already paying my tuition and I couldn’t possibly accept anymore assistance from him. Besides, working builds character,” Ignis retorts as he hands the patron the book they requested. He loves Noctis like a brother, but sometimes the laziness and entitlement of the younger grates on his nerves.
“Hey, Iggy I get working for your stuff and all, but you’re working two jobs plus a full class load. You survive purely off coffee. This isn’t healthy,” Prompto chimed in.
Ignis sighs. Now the two of them are ganging up on him. “What do you suggest I do, other than take assistance from Regis?”
Prompto looks down at his hands, ears turning red, “Well there are websites where you attend events with wealthy patrons for money. I did it my freshman year before I met Noct.”
Ignis knows exactly where Prompto is going with this and he’s not amused in the slightest. “Yes, and they usually require other services as well.”
Prompto looks up, purple eyes wide, “You don’t have to do that sort of thing. You basically have a contract that states what the expectations are between the two of you,” Prompto lowers his voice, “Sex doesn’t have to be on the table.”
Ignis takes his glasses off and rubs his eyes before putting them back on, “This isn’t a valid solution. Actually, there isn’t even a problem except for you two being pests. Now off with you.”
The two boys slowly gather their things and exit the library. The last class of the afternoon is almost over and there is always a rush on the campus library as students try to cram in study time.
As they walk to their apartment, Noctis brings up the website again, “So, you were really on a sugar daddy website?”
Prompto fidgets with the hem of his shirt, “It really isn’t as bad as everyone thinks. I mean sure, there are a bunch of old men that are just looking for a good time, but there are some that genuinely just want companionship.”
“Hey, no judgement here. It’s pretty easy to sign up, right?”
The blonde looks up, “Sure. What are you thinking?”
Noctis smirks, “Let’s create a profile for Ignis!”
Prompto’s mouth falls open, “How are you going to convince him? I mean, he’ll never go for it, even if we find someone. Between, his class schedule and his work schedule, we wouldn’t be able to get him to meet some stranger.”
“Leave that to me. You think you can create the profile,” Noctis practically buzzes with excitement and it’s contagious.
Prom nods enthusiastically.
A Few Hours Later…..
“Wow, Prom! Where did you find that picture of Specs?”
Prompto blushes, “I took a couple of candid photos when he wasn’t looking.”
Noct stares at the photo, “This is really good. You have an eye for this stuff.”
“Thanks, buddy.”
A ping from the computer interrupts their conversation.
“Ooohh, we got a hit already. Took me weeks.” Prompto clicks on the profile. The man is in his mid thirties, stellar military record, runs his own tech company, and has blue eyes as vibrant and Ignis’ green eyes.
Prompto spends the next few days chatting “The Marshal” up, doing his best to impersonate Ignis. Noct, on the other hand, tries to figure out when Ignis has a break in his schedule.
Noctis puts his head on the table and groans.
Ignis sets a cup of coffee on the table, “What is it, Noct?”
The younger man groans again as Prompto bounds into the cafe and plops next to Noctis. “Hey, Iggy. What’s wrong with him?” He pokes Noctis in the head.
Ignis eyes him warily, “I’m not sure, but I’ve got customers to check on.”
Prompto smiles, “I’ll take care of him.”
“Thank you, Prompto.”
The blonde waits until Ignis is busy with another table before asking, “Did you figure out something?”
“No,” Noctis sighs.
Prompto looks around. “Why not just have The Marshal show up here?”
“Well, it’s the best we’ve got. Let’s do it.”
Cor sits across from the blonde and the ebony-haired boys. He listens to their story with a skeptical attitude. “Let me see if I understand you. You made a profile without your friend’s knowledge and you basically want me to ambush him at his place of business.”
Prompto, at least, has the decency to look embarrassed.
Noctis just shrugs. “He needs the help, but he won’t take anymore from us. We figure this is a good option.”
Cor knows nothing good can come of this, but the blonde looks particularly pathetic, so he agrees. The worst thing that can happen is they don’t click. However, if it does work, Cor wouldn’t mind taking the kid to a formal event or two.
The university is right on the edge of business district. Even though it is mostly students that frequent the cafe, many business people stop there as well. It’s after the lunch rush, so there aren’t a lot of people. At the very least, Cor doesn’t feel extremely out of place. He finds an empty table close to the door and peruses the menu.
“I apologize for the wait, sir. What can I have started for you?”
Cor looks into the eyes he’s been staring at for weeks, now shielded by thin framed glasses, and dark around the edges from fatigue. The lenses only highlight the young man’s face. He’s slender, but fit. He is gorgeous. His accented voice is music to Cor’s ears and suddenly, he very much wants to make this work. “I’ll have a black coffee and a turkey sandwich.”
The young man smiles, “I’ll get that right out.”
Cor thinks that smile could bring about world peace. His thoughts are interrupted by his phone buzzing in his pocket. He answers it without looking at the screen, “This is Cor.”
“I need you to look at the proposal before we send it to InsomTech.”
Nyx. Of course it’s Nyx. It’s always Nyx.
Cor pulls out his laptop and pulls up the email, “If I have to look at this, Nyx, why did I hire you?”
The man on the other line chuckles, “For my good looks of course. Speaking of, did you ever put the moves on that guy you were talking to?”
“Do you ever mind your own business,” Cor continues looking at the proposal. “This looks good, but we aren’t giving them that large of a percentage. Shrink that by ten percent.”
“They aren’t going to like that.”
“Too bad. I’m not selling my proprietary software down the river for a buck. Fix it, and don’t bother me with semantics.” Cor ends the call right as his order is brought to the table. “Thanks. You know, I didn’t catch your name.”
“Ignis Scientia. Student, workaholic, and caffeine addict. If you believe my friends.”
Cor snorts, “Cor Leonis. Tech guru, penny pincher, and all around stick in the mud.”
Ignis lets out a small laugh, “I should get back. Let me know if you need anything else.”
The older man pretends to work while his eyes follow Ignis around the cafe. He can tell that Ignis’ friends may be right about the younger.
Ignis never seems to just stop. Even, when the cafe is empty, he’s cleaning and restocking. He’s in a constant state of motion. When his energy begins to flag, he downs an espresso shot or has a cup of black coffee.
Cor decides he’s seen enough. Ignis deserves what he can give. All he would have to do is get him to agree. Maybe a scholarship. Those sometimes came with conditions. He could definitely make it work. He slowly gathers his things, trying to think of the best way to approach Ignis with his proposition. He throws his trash away and takes the used mug to the counter.
Ignis rings up the total and Cor pays with cash. He also hands the young man his business card.
“You seem like a bright man, Ignis. I have a business proposal of sorts. If you are interested, give me a call and we’ll set up a meeting. You would be able to focus on your studies and not have to work this job.”
“Oh, well it’s not that bad-”
Cor interrupted, “I watched you drink three cups of coffee and 3 espresso shots in two and a half hours. You aren’t buzzing from a caffeine high which tells me this is a usual occurrence. You don’t need the health issues that come with this. Just give me a call and we’ll work out the details.”
Ignis nods and pockets the card.
Cor heads to his car and pulls out his phone on the way, “Nyx, I need you to draft up a contract for me.”
Ignis sits behind the counter at his library job, a forgotten finance book open, and turns the business card over in his hand. He likes his jobs and enjoys his studies, but it would be good to get more than 2 hours of sleep, to not need concealer to hide the dark circles under his eyes. Maybe his friends are right and he does need assistance. Although, he would never tell Noct. His ego is large enough as it is.
It takes Ignis a week to muster up the courage to call the number on the card after he searches everything he can find on Cor Leonis.
The man is successful. There isn’t a single piece of software in Insomnia that doesn’t have his fingerprint on it somewhere. There isn’t much about his personal life and for some reason that terrifies Ignis.
If Ignis says yes to whatever this is, what is going to change? He ruminates on all of this as he approaches the receptionist in the ritzy high rise that holds Cor’s office.
“Ah, you must be Mr. Scientia. Mr. Leonis has been expecting you. Please take the elevator to the top floor.”
He follows the instructions and exits the elevator right into an office. An office that takes up the whole floor.
There’s plenty of space and not a lot of furniture. A couch and coffee table are off to the left side, almost like a makeshift waiting room. A sturdy oak desk occupies the area in from of the window that looks like it spans the whole room. A large bookshelf filled with various titles on the right, but there are no knick knacks or personal belongings that Ignis can see in the space.
A door opens next to the shelf and Cor makes an appearance. “Ignis, please make yourself comfortable.”
Ignis moves to the couch and perches on the edge.
Cor spreads papers on the coffee table before sitting at the opposite end. “Relax. There’s no reason to be nervous. Everything that we discuss is written down and you do not have to decide today. Taking some time to think about the terms of this contract would be prudent.”
Ignis nods, trying to swallow past the lump in his throat.
“Words, Ignis.”
“Yes, Sir. I understand.”
Hearing those words from Ignis sends a thrill through him, that he’ll need to think about later. Cor forges forward with his terms and conditions. “I see that your tuition is already taken care of. I will pay for your room, board, books, and personal necessities. You will quit both of your jobs. Your grades are exemplary and I expect them to stay that way. You will provide me with a copy of your class schedule and report in once a week. If you need anything, you are to come to me and I will take care of it. There will be events that I have to attend and you will be expected to accompany me unless you have an educational obligation. If at any time you wish to terminate this contract, you will provide that wish to me in writing and all obligations on both sides will cease. This will automatically end at your graduation. Do you have any questions?”
Ignis doesn’t know how to respond. The only thing he can think of is “Why? Why are you doing this. You don’t even know me.”
Cor tilts his head, “You are a bright young man and your future potential is an investment I would stake my company on. Besides, I’d like to get to know you better and I can only do that if you have the time. I’m a rich man with a lot of free time on my hands. Like I said, thinking about it is a good thing.”
Ignis takes a deep breath, “Where do I sign?”
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quirklessbunny · 6 years
Fit For A King
Rated: T
Relationship: Prompto/Noctis/Gladio/Ignis
Happy Birthday Noctis!
Noctis groans as he's shaken awake, sleepily pushing away the hands on him. “Noct! Happy birthday!” Prompto's voice cuts through the remainder of his sleep, forcing him to finally open his eyes. Prompto is hovering above him, holding a present out to him. Noctis slowly sits up and takes the gift, smiling.
“Thanks, Prom,” he mumbles, slowly opening it. His eyes go wide in surprise, and he's suddenly much more awake. “Dude, how the hell did you get this?” he asks, holding the bottle tightly. It's an expensive alcohol that was exclusive to Insomnia, and he hasn't seen any since the city fell. Prompto smiles softly at him, patting his knee softly.
“Well, when we were in high school, you said that you wanted your first legal drink to be this, and I bought a bottle right away. With a fake ID. It doesn't matter how I bought it, but I've been saving it for your 21st ever since, buddy. I was afraid we'd be out here when you turned 21, and I wouldn't be able to get it for you. It's a good thing I bought it when I did,” he says, smiling sadly. He curls up against Noctis' side and looks down at the bottle with him. “Not a good way to start the morning, though. Ignis is making you breakfast and then he said we could do whatever you want for the whole day. No missions or anything, just a whole lot of Noct partying.”
Noctis smiles at him, hugging him tightly to his side. “Thanks, Prom. Even if you bought it illegally,” he says with a small laugh. “Honestly, I never thought I was going to get to try it. You're the best.” He puts it into the Armiger for safe keeping, then crawls out of the tent. Gladio and Ignis are sitting around with coffee while the food cooks, and look surprised to see him up so early.
Prompto crawls out of the tent next with a bright smile. “So what's the plan for today, Noct?” he asks, sitting down in his chair. He leans back, humming softly as he stares at Noctis. Noctis smiles at him, then sits down beside him, grabbing his hand gently.
“Well, I want to go fishing, of course. Then it'd be great if we could have a date. I know we go out to eat all the time but we never have...dates.” Noctis blushes a little as he brings it up, squeezing Prompto's hand. “Then, I dunno. Prom gave me some fancy alcohol as a present. Then maybe we could rent a hotel room?”
Prompto can tell from the bright red staining Noctis' cheeks that he wants more than just to rent the hotel room. He smiles a little, then gently grabs Noctis' chin and kisses him softly on the lips. “And see where the night goes?” he finishes gently, smiling when Noctis nods at him. “Cool. Can I get some pictures of you fishing?” he asks.
“Sure. Not like you'd take no for an answer any ways,” Noctis teases, letting go of his hand as he pushes his face away. He gets up and grabs breakfast, then flops back into his chair and starts eating. “Thanks for breakfast, Igs, it's amazing. You really outdid yourself this time.” He smiles, glad to be surrounded by them on his birthday. There's a few people he's missing, but it's alright, he decides.
When camp is put away, Noctis takes Prompto's hand in his own and heads down to the river to fish. Prompto leans on his side, feet in the water. He takes out his camera and turns to him, snapping pictures of Noctis as he fishes. His face is amused in most of them, which makes Prompto's heart pound. He loves this man, he realizes. “Happy birthday, babe. You're so cute,” he mumbles, leaning in for a kiss.
As soon as they pull away, Noctis grins at him. “You're scaring the fish away, dude. Shh,” he teases, then looks forward when he feels a tug on the rod. He reels in the fish with a bright smile, then holds it up for Prompto to take a picture, then gently removes the hook then releases it back into the water.
Both of them have slight sunburns by the time Noctis decides he's done. Prompto doesn't like the faint feeling on his skin, but the smile Noctis is sporting is worth it, he decides. He hums softly as they walk back to the other two, continuing to look over at Noctis every once in a while. He leans in and kisses him softly again.
When they get back to the haven, Noctis is surprised with a cake and more presents. He can't help the smile on his face now, so wide his cheeks are starting to hurt. He cuts a huge piece of the cake and starts to eat happily, complimenting Ignis' baking skills as he does. The leftovers are stored away, then the presents are pushed into Noctis' hands.
He tears them open excitedly and finds a brand new set of lures from Gladio, and a new set of daggers from Ignis. He thanks them both, standing up to give them kisses on the cheeks. “Thank you guys, for all of this. You're all so thoughtful,” he whispers, looking down at his gifts. “I didn't...I didn't think I'd be able to stand the thought of my birthday without my dad, but you proved me completely wrong. I'm so happy right now.” His eyes are shining with tears as he speaks, and he automatically reaches up to try to hide it.
“I miss him, but I know that he'd be happy with how things are right now. He'd happy with the four of us. We're almost there, we've almost completed this journey. Dad told me more than once that he only wanted me to be happy, and now I am.” He wipes away a few of the tears that started to fall, leaning against Gladio for the comfort. The other two surround him with hugs, and it brings more tears to his eyes.
Prompto nods. “We miss them too, all the ones who didn't make it. But we do our best to remember them. Let's give you the best birthday of your life Noct. Where did you want to go on a date?” he asks, wanting to change the subject before it gets too heavy. The last thing he wants is for Noctis to get smashed by depression the one day he's supposed to enjoy himself most.
Noctis takes a few breaths to calm down and get rid of the tears, then nods. He's happy for the comfort of his friends. “Hm, well I really like the restaurant in Galdin. I know it's kind of expensive, but then we can also spend some time on the beach. I can fish some more and you guys can swim.” He smiles at them, taking Gladio's hand. The other three agree easily, and they're off.
He lays down in the back seat and takes a nap on the way there, using Gladio's lap as a pillow. He doesn't feel the gentle fingers running through his hair, but he does wake up when he smells the salt on the air. Noctis sits up quickly, looking out over the ocean with a soft smile. He hears the shutter of a camera going off, and turns his head to look directly into the lens.
Prompto lowers the camera and smiles softly. “Love you, birthday boy,” he says, holding it up to snap more pictures of him. Noctis poses for a few, then just leans back in his seat, smiling happily.
He doesn't even wait for the car to stop before he climbs out and heads into the restaurant, booking them a room from that night and getting a table as well. Lunch is fabulous, and the other three don't let him touch his personal gil stash, instead paying for everything for him. It's an odd feeling, to not have to pay for himself, but he's not complaining. He'd do it in an instant for any of their birthdays.
Afterwards, Gladio and Prompto change into swimming trunks and rush into the ocean, while Ignis sits with Noctis to fish. Ignis enjoys the relative quiet he gets from watching Noctis fish, and is more than proud every time he reels something in. “Another great catch, Noct,” he says, as Noctis reels in his biggest fish so far. He gently kisses Noctis on the lips. “Have you enjoyed your birthday so far? I asked Prompto not to wake you quite so early, but he was very eager to give you his present.”
“It's alright. I really liked the present he gave me any ways. It's no big deal. The nap I got in the car mad up for it. Gladio even let me use him as a pillow, which is kinda rare.” He puts the fishing pole away and rests his head on Ignis' shoulder, watching the sky slowly turn orange as time passes. He turns his head to see where Gladio and Prompto are, and find them cuddled up on a towel on the sand. Noctis snorts softly and smiles, looking back to Ignis.
“I think those two would be happy doing anything,” he mumbles, then looks back out over the water. “Can we watch the sunset together?”
Ignis looks over at them and nods. “They truly enjoy being together, Noctis. And they absolutely adore you as well. Honestly, I don't think they care as long as we're all together, my dear.” He takes Noctis' hand and smiles at him, kissing his lips gently. “Of course, I'd love nothing more than to watch the sunset with you, Noct.”
Prompto comes up behind him soon after and wraps himself around Noctis, legs around his waist and arms around his shoulders. He rests his head chin on his shoulder, staring out over the water at the darkening sky. “Beautiful sunset. Fit for a king,” he whispers, kissing his neck softly. Noctis smiles and nods, gently resting a hand over Prompto's.
“Truly,” he whispers. “Truly fit for a king. And his three boyfriends, as it turns out,” he jokes, smiling happily. “Best birthday yet. Thanks guys.”
“Absolutely, anything for you,” Prompto whispers.
“And we haven't even gotten to the best part,” Gladio follows up, running a hand up through Noctis' hair.
Noctis blushes and laughs. “True. When the sun finishes setting we can get on with the finale.” He leans his head on Ignis' shoulder and sighs, relaxing happily. He realizes, very suddenly, that there's no place he'd rather be.
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catlady1986 · 6 years
Guilty Pleasure
Chapters: 4/? Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Gladiolus Amicitia/Noctis Lucis Caelum Characters: Gladiolus Amicitia,  Noctis Lucis Caelum, Prompto Argentum, Ignis Scientia, background characters Tags: Romance, Secret Relationship, Older/Younger Lovers, Prejudice, Student/Teacher Relationship, Anal Sex, more later
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The class seemed to drag on forever and it didn’t help one bit that he was an anxious mess, fleeing through a door he believed to be an exit as soon as the class took a break; it was a supply closet although it still gave him a safe haven to take deep breaths and clear his head. Then it would repeat all over again when he caught the eyes of the young man and became a rambling mess before proceeding with the lecture.
Finally, the class comes to an end, with the most of the students giving him praise, telling him that seeing him nervous on his first day made them more at ease and to not be embarrassed. The students file out, Noctis sitting at his desk with his head rested against his hands until he no longer hears their chatter, just the click of a lock and heavy footsteps coming closer. So many questions to ask run through his head and he decides on the one that eats at him the most.
“How old are you?”
There’s a brief silence and then he hears a soft sigh escape the young man.
It’s like the world is crumbling down around him as that number repeats in his mind. Not only was Gladio his student, he was in his teens, a child compared to himself. Noctis doesn’t know if he wants to laugh or cry. Once again it seems like life has it out for him, wanting to punish him for some misdeed he did in a past life or something.    
“I, I’m sorry. I had no idea you were going to be my student or that you were so young.”
“You make it sound like I’m underage and you took advantage of me.”
That’s how he feels though, he can already hear the scandalized gasps and gossip. Dammit. Why did something that felt so right to him have to end up being so wrong? His heart aches so terribly, not wanting to break things off with the young man, someone he feels so drawn to even after such a short time together. His mind, however, tells him he has to, that there will be dire consequences if the relationship continues. What should he listen to; his rational mind or his lustful heart?
“Noct I- I mean Mr. Caelum umm,” Gladio flounders for words. “do you, want to end our relationship? If not we can wait until after this semester is over. If you do though we can just call it a one night stand and go on with our lives, I can even drop the course if my presence makes things too uncomfortable.”
No, gods no. He didn’t want Gladio to drop a class just because he feels guilty for allowing himself to enjoy a moment of weakness and be daring. What to do?
“You don’t have to drop the class Gladio.” he says and finally looks up at the teen, seeing the forlorn look on his face. Noctis wants to go over and kiss him until he begins to smi- No, he can’t think like that. “I’d feel absolutely horrible for you to miss out on an opportunity for learning just because I-” Noct stops and winces, not wanting to say the rest. What should he do?
Gladio’s brows furrow. “So one night stand it is. Okay, that’s all right.” he says and sighs, the older man looking to him with a slight panic. “Sorry again, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Noctis begins to feel as if time has slowed down around him despite him being able to move at normal speed, his body moving on its own in spite of the thoughts racing through his mind. Just as the younger man goes to walk towards the exit Noctis grasps his by the hand, looking to him so unsurely and yet with great need. The voice in the back of his head stops and is replaced with heated feelings, a need to love and be loved. He wraps his arms around Gladio’s neck and pulls him down into a kiss. The teen becomes taken aback for a moment, then reciprocates and slips his arms around Noct’s waist and pulls him up closer, deepening the kiss.
“I, I don’t want just a one night stand.” Noctis finally says after they pull back. “But I am worried what will happen if the relationship is found out.”
“We’re both adults.” Gladio begins and presses a kiss to Noct’s lips. “And this started before either of us knew about the class thing.” he says and kisses him again. “I really like you, you’re unlike anyone I ever met before. So I say, fuck whoever tells us this is wrong.”
Noctis looks up with endearment at the young man, feeling his heart racing and cheeks heating up. “I feel completely the same.”
“So we can keep on seeing each other?”
Gladio smiles and pulls him into another kiss, them both stumbling back until they collide with Noctis’ desk. The older man is hoisted up and set onto the desk, them continuing to kiss passionately and running their hands all over. The sound of a bell chiming brings their makeout session to a stop, both still holding each other though and resting their foreheads together.
“You should get to your next class.” Noctis says with a soft sigh, resting his hands against Gladio’s broad shoulders and caressing the spot.
“When’s your next break?”
“Twelve-thirty to one.”
“Ah, same.” Gladio says and rubs his thumb over Noct’s clean-shaven jaw. “Will you be here?”
“I’ll stop by then. We can have lunch together, talk some more.”
“I’d love that, Gladio.” he says and presses another quick kiss to him.
Gladio chuckles softly. “Me too, Mr. Caelum.”
“Please just call me Noct when we’re alone.”
“All right.” he says and presses his lips to his lover’s jaw. “You’re still hot, but I like the beard better.”
Noctis smiles and rubs his face, a deep blush forming. The two men look with deep affection at each other and share one more kiss before Gladio grabs up his gear, heading off to his next class. Noct sighs and slowly comes down from his euphoric high. He no longer feels regret for everything just mildly fearful of potential ramifications, more for Gladio then himself, and a sense of giddiness. Noctis feels full of energy.
The next class comes and goes, him sailing through it with great ease and gusto, and his student’s seemed really engaged. The students file out leaving Noctis by himself, a bit of nervousness coming over him as he fumbles around with his packed lunch. The door opens and he almost knocks his drink over, getting a bemused chuckle from Gladio and shooting him an embarrassed smile.
“Has anyone told you that you’re cute when flustered?” the young man asks as he leans over the desk, pressing a quick kiss to Noct’s lips.
“A few times.”
Gladio goes and grabs a chair, pulling it over and sitting down aside from the older man’s desk. “So what should we tell people if they question why I visit you so often?”
“Well I could say tutoring but that would make you seem less smart and I don’t want to do that.” Noct says as he opens his chip bag, offering some to the teen.
“Nah, that’d work. My work schedule is picking up so it will be hard for me to get in a lot of study hours, I might actually need your help on that.”
“Don’t burn yourself out, Gladio.”
“I know, it’s just,” the teen says and sighs. “I want to move out as soon as possible. I just need to save up for a down deposit. And no.” Gladio shakes his head and looks to the older man who wears a coy smile.
“We could call it a loan, you can pay me back in small amounts.”
“I want to do this on my own, prove to my dad I can be responsible.”
Noctis smiles at the teen and gently cups his cheek, rubbing his thumb over his soft skin. “But being an adult also means knowing when things are too hard and asking for help, not being a stubborn little shit and getting yourself into a bind.”
“You sound like you’re talking from experience.”
“I am, almost got kicked out of my first apartment for being late on my rent a couple months in a row. I had a car payment, insurance, was going to college, worked two jobs that barely paid shit and one of my bosses wouldn’t pay me for three weeks sometimes, and necessities. Finally, I sucked up my pride and asked my dad for help.” Noct tells him and then looks down at what the teen set out for lunch, or what he didn’t since all that is there is a pack of crackers that is offered for free at the cafe. “Gladio.”
The teen smiles bashfully. “Yeah, pride’s a big issue with me. I didn’t want to bother my mom or Francis anymore then I was and I told them I had money for lunch.”
Noctis sighs deeply then looks softly at the younger man, offering him the other half of his sandwich. “Here.”
“Really, I’m fin-”
“Gladiolus, take it.”
“Geez, all right, bossy old man.” Gladio chuckles and takes the offered food.
Noctis watches the young man bite into the sandwich, looking so serene and content until his cheeks dust red and he bashfully turns his head away. He feels his heart thump in his chest and can’t help but smile, feeling deeply happy that he decided to not let this chance slip away.
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asidian · 7 years
Okay, but what about Prompto being sick or hurt or otherwise really really needing help, and screwing up enough courage to actually ask for it? (And everyone reacts perfectly because my soul needs healing)
Author’s Notes: I hope this is something like what you were looking for. This was a great prompt - thank you! :)
Helping Hands
Prompto twists his ankle at 11:30 on a weeknight, coming down the stairs in an apartment building he doesn’t know.
It knocks the breath out of him; his foot just comes down wrong, and the ankle goes sideways, and suddenly, he’s sitting there on the step, clenching his teeth and breathing through the pain. The empty pizza delivery bag is on the stairs a little ways below him, where he dropped it. His bike is parked out front, waiting for him to get back to work and finish his shift.
He’s not even supposed to be here right now. 
He has school tomorrow, and a test first period, and he really needed the extra study time. But there’s some ball game on tv that half of Insomnia is losing their minds for, and that means everyone in the whole city wants pizza.
And that means Prompto’s shift, which was supposed to be over two hours ago, is still a work in progress.
Okay, he tells himself. First things first. See if it’s as bad as it feels.
Prompto peels his sock down, gingerly, and prods at the skin of the ankle. It’s already noticeably more swollen than on the other side; honestly, it doesn’t look great, but maybe he lucked out. Maybe it’s just aesthetic. 
So Prompto grabs the railing. He levers himself up, nice and slow.
He eases his foot down onto the next step, experimentally – yelps, and goes right back down on his ass, hard.
His fingers are shaking a little when he fishes his phone out of his pocket and dials his boss. “Hey, Mr. H? I think I messed my leg up.”
He listens to the reply – wets his lips. “Um, yeah. Yeah, I know the game’s still on. But it’s kind of –”
Prompto closes his mouth. He winces. He says, “Sorry. Yeah, I know. Sorry.”“Okay,” says Prompto, quietly, and then the phone goes dead.
He sits there staring at it for maybe another minute or two, kicking his own bad timing. Any other night, they could’ve done without him, no problem. Now his boss thinks he’s a liar, or a slacker, or both.
But if he can’t walk on this thing, there’s no way he can bike on it. And if he can’t bike on it, there’s no way he can deliver pizzas.
He’s just got to get better quick and make it up to everyone later – that’s all.
The next day, his ankle isn’t any better.
It looks about three times the size it should be, thick and red, and Prompto has to kind of wrestle his foot to get the shoe on it. 
He’s planning to walk to school like he always does, but he realizes after about a block that that’s just not going to fly. Every time he puts weight on it, the pain makes him want to puke. Not only that, he’s slow.
He could call a cab, but money’s pretty tight. When rent went up last year, he never quite worked up the nerve to tell his parents. They’re always so busy, always away somewhere on business; the last thing he wants is to spend the phone calls he gets from them begging for money. They leave him a stipend, and it covers his costs, mostly. And if sometimes it just doesn’t quite stretch far enough – well. Prompto’s got a side job, now.
No big deal; he’s making it work.
But the upshot is, a cab’s kind of out of his price range. 
He could take the train, but the station’s ten blocks away, and it’s rush hour. He’d spend the trip packed in like a sardine, and Astrals only know how he’d manage to keep his feet if he didn’t find a spot by one of those hand straps hanging from the ceiling. 
Staying home’s right out of the question, too. If it wasn’t for that test, he could call himself in and pretend to be his dad. He’s done it before, once or twice, when he got really sick.
But he’s pulling a lukewarm C- in economics, and if he takes a zero on this test, that’ll pull him down into solid F territory. 
So he’d better start walking.
Prompto gets about three blocks before he’s sweating like he ran the East Insomnian Marathon. He gets about five before he has to fight with himself every time he wants to put his foot down. His whole body’s screaming “Stop DOING that,” but, well – he kind of has to do that.
He’s twelve blocks from home when the thought occurs to him. It dawns out of nowhere, like the sun peeking out from behind some storm clouds.
He could call Noct.
It’s honestly kind of a weird thought. They’ve only been friends about six months – short enough that Prompto still trips over the realization that he has a friend, sometimes.
But he knows Noct’s advisor drives him to school, and he knows that the road they take runs pretty close to here.
Prompto doesn’t want to be that kid who’s mooching off the prince. He refuses to let Noct pay when they hang out in the arcade or grab a bowl of ramen after school, but this is different, isn’t it? It’s not like he’s asking to borrow money. It’s just a ride, and anyway, it’s not like it’s that far out of their way.
Prompto fishes his phone out of his pocket. He bites at his lip, and he swipes it on, and he stares at the contact list for a minute.
There are only four entries: Dad, Mom, Work, and Noct.
After a minute’s indecision, Prompto taps on the one that says Noct and waits until a voice that still sounds groggy with sleep picks up the other line.
“Oh, man,” says Prompto, when Noct opens the car door and steps outside. “My hero.”
Prompto’s sitting on the curb – has been, for the past forty-five minutes. The concrete’s kind of like ice through the pants of his school uniform, but he just couldn’t stand the thought of walking back home to wait somewhere more comfortable. It hurts that much.
Noct looks down at him, face unreadable. “I thought you meant you were waiting on a bench or something.”
“Nah,” says Prompto. “Figured I’d just stay put. Anyway, thanks for coming to get me.”
He’s just starting to haul himself to his feet when the car engine stops idling and turns off altogether. An instant later, the sound of the car door comes, and there’s Noct’s advisor, looking proper and put together, peering down at him with an expression that’s all polite interest. 
“Mr. Argentum, I take it?”
“Prompto,” says Prompto, and gives a nervous laugh. “You’re, uh. You’re mister.” He wracks his brain for the last name – comes up, a little desperately, with nothing at all.
“Ignis will do just fine,” says Ignis, and goes to one knee beside Prompto on the curb. “Noct says that you’ve twisted your ankle.”
“Yeah,” says Prompto. “Sorry. Usually I walk to school, but.” He spreads his hand and gestures, as if to say, “What can you do?”
“May I?” says Ignis.
“Specs has some first aid training,” says Noct.
“Oh,” says Prompto. “Yeah, sure. Go for it.”
Ignis’ hands are gentle as they pull up Prompto’s pants leg and ease down the sock.  Prompto grimaces at the sight. The skin’s going purple, and it’s swollen up like a sausage. It looks like you could poke it with a pin and the whole thing would explode.
Noct sucks a sharp breath in. “What the hell?” he says. “You were trying to walk to school on that?”
Prompto manages a sheepish shrug. “There’s that econ test. Kinda can’t miss it.”
Ignis gives a considering hum – probes the skin gently with his fingertips. “I’m afraid you’re going to miss it,” he says, decisively, and fishes his phone from his pocket.
“Huh?” says Prompto, stupidly, as he dials. “Wait, what?”
“Let him,” says Noct, and lowers himself to the ground to sit on the curb by Prompto. He leans a little against Prompto’s shoulder – nudges companionably. “He’s good at stuff like this.”
“Yes,” Ignis is saying into the phone. “Mr. Prompto Argentum. He’s had a medical emergency and will need to go to the hospital.”
“What?” hisses Prompto. “Dude. No. Dude. I can’t go to the hospital. Do you know how much they charge to even get you in to see someone?”
Noct’s giving him a look that Prompto’s not sure how to read. There’s a little crease between his eyebrows that Prompto’s never seen before.
“Hey,” says Noct. “Calm down. Like I said, let Specs handle it.”
“They’re gonna give me an x-ray or something,” says Prompto, and his voice is higher pitched than usual, tight with strain. X-rays are a couple thousand crowns, he’s pretty sure. That’s rent for two months, or his food budget for three whole years.
“Yes,” says Ignis, into the phone. “Yes, thank you for your time.” He ends the call, and he says to Prompto, “Your make-up test will be next week.”
“Thanks,” says Prompto. “Really, thanks – but if I don’t have to be at school, I’d kind of rather just go home. I’ll stick some ice on it and sleep it off.”
“No way,” Noct says, at the same moment Ignis says, “Certainly not.”
They exchange a long glance, and then Ignis clears his throat. He says, “Your ankle is likely broken. Sleeping it off isn’t going to help.”
Prompto’s starting to wish he never called Noct. He feels kind of sick, way down deep in the pit of his stomach. He says, “Look.” He licks at his lips. “Look. I’ll get some crutches second-hand, okay?”
When he glances up again, Ignis’ eyes are boring into him, sharp as knives behind the glasses. “You don’t have insurance,” he says, more a statement than a question.
Prompto ducks his head and nods. 
There’s a beat of silence. Prompto can practically hear Noct and Ignis sharing a glance again, over the top of his head, but he can’t bring himself to lift his eyes from the pavement. 
“Hey,” says Noct. “No big. Why don’t you see the Citadel doctor?”
“Uh,” says Prompto, and glances up, biting at his lip. “Pretty sure I super extra can’t afford that one, dude.”
“The Citadel doctor,” says Ignis smoothly, “is on salary, kept on hand to see to medical emergencies, should anything unfortunate befall the public tour groups.”
Prompto thinks that over. “So you’re saying he makes the same no matter what.”
“Whether he’s sitting in his office folding paper airplanes or seeing to your leg, it doesn’t make an iota of difference to him, financially.” Ignis adjusts his glasses. “Shall we give him something worthwhile to do with his time, this morning?”
Prompto glances to Noct’s face – gets an encouraging nod.
“Yeah,” says Prompt, and feels a smile starting at the corners of his own mouth, soft and relieved. “Yeah, sure. Why not?”
It’s not going to solve all his problems. If his ankle actually is broken, he’s probably going to have a rough couple of months while he can’t bike. Best case scenario, his boss lets him work in-house making the pizzas instead of delivering them, but even then he’s losing out on tips. Worst case scenario – well, he’ll figure out what to cut out of the budget when he gets there.
But in the meantime, Noct’s maneuvering Prompto’s arm around his shoulder to help him stand. In the meantime, Ignis is holding open the car door.
In the meantime, for the first time in a long time, someone’s around to catch him when he stumbles, and that – that means more than Prompto knows how to say.
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mzargentum · 7 years
You’re The Boss (PromptoXOC) NSFW
Word Count: 10,064
Warning: Rough sex, language and Dom!Prom. 
Song: Easy by Sky Ferreira.
Special Guest: Six Ulric. Created by @insomniasix Love you, deary! 💕
Part II
“Bye, guys! Come again!”
A young man waved a couple goodbye as they exited the tea shop. Pulling his apron over his face to wipe what felt like a pool of sweat from his blonde brow.
Prompto Argentum was a 20 year old photography student that attended Crown City University. Despite being an average student in highschool, Prompto got in on a full scholarship thanks to a certain best friend putting in a royal favor. Full paid tuition, books, the whole deal. Although, even if your best friend is the Prince of Lucis, you still need to eat…and rent needed to be paid.
About a year ago, the young plebe applied to this hole in the wall tea shop at a dead end road in uptown. As soon as he walked in, he caught the attention of every female in the cafe. His unruly blonde locks were the first thing they noticed before his freckle dusted cheeks and pearly white goofy grin behind a pair of cherry red cat lips. His tight black t-shirt plastered against his lean muscular build with his grey skinny jeans that curved perfectly over his ass. His lighthearted voice that was as warm and crisp as a light campfire and those big…beautiful cerulean eyes. Like the ocean glistening against the sunlight.
Astrals above! He was gorgeous! 
It was like sunshine itself had walked into the cafe that day. All the girls practically begged for him to work there eliminating any reason for an interview. The ladies adored his charm, and he exhibited a rapport with the guys. Prompto Argentum was everyone’s favorite. 
As time went on, people came and went. Friendships were made and lost and after 8 months, Prompto was promoted to assistant manager of the cafe which was great for business, but not so much for Prompto. Managing time between classes, his friends, his hobby and sleep was difficult, but the pay was nice. 
The only real issue with it was that Prompto didn’t have a car. Sure, generally walking wasn’t so bad. He could admire his surroundings along the way with his trusty camera and from work to home was only about 15 minutes. However, from home to school was about a 45 minute trek on a good day and there weren’t many of those. 
A few months ago, the university built a small hangout for students. It was a small cafe that served food, coffee, tea, you name it and they were always hiring. Prompto contemplated moving on campus for a while. Tuition was already paid for, he wouldn’t have to worry about rent, it would be easier for him to save up for a car and he could focus more on his photography than he was usually able to nowadays. It was pretty much the perfect package. There was only one thing keeping him here…. 
 *door chime*
A lightly accented voice, as pure and sensual as a the hum of a viola, rang through the man’s pierced ears before he looked over his apron to view her.
“Hey, Muerlin!” 
Various customers, as well as the working associates, greeted the shoulder shimmying girl as she shuffled past the tables toward the counter. 
Muerlinian Zephyr. The 20 year old punk rock foreign exchange student from Tenebrae. She attended Crown City University on a full scholarship, a friendly favor from the Tenebraen princess, Lady Lunafreya, her older sister, no less. She was an artist and was currently studying various cultural techniques for painting. Her prime focus was finger painting, which wasn’t taken too seriously among most, although her work, even compared the more exceptional brush work, was among the finest Prompto had ever seen and out of the 10 student pieces hanging in the university’s art gallery, 5 of them were hers. 
Although they attended the same school, they had never met in person until Prompto’s first day of training as assistant manager. 
It was a rather nice day. The sun was out, there were no clouds. Prompto had just nailed this super complicated photography project that he had been working on for over a month. A+. There was almost no foot traffic on his way to work and it wasn’t 9,000 degrees outside. Took him 30 minutes on the dot sparing him about 25 minutes to chill before his supervisor showed up. Added bonus: they were playing one of his favorite songs and he showed up just as it started. Prompto proceeded to lightly hum the tune to himself as he put on his apron. 
 "I know it sounds funny, but I just can’t stand the pain. And I’m leavin’ you tomorrow. Seems to me, girl, y’know I’ve done all I can. Y’see, I begged, stole, and I borrowed“. 
The blonde lightly swayed to the music as it built up to the chorus. 
 ”That’s why I’m easy“. 
He suddenly stopped. A soft, delicate accented voice cut through his concentration like a knife. 
What the- 
He jolted his view upward to locate the source. 
”I’m easy like Sunday mornin’“. 
…And that was the first time he saw her. Standing behind the bar getting hot water from the filter to make her tea. 
”That’s why I’m eeeeeaaaaasy“. 
Her voice was rich and feathery like vanilla. Smooth and soothing. 
”I’m easy like Sunday moooooorninnn“. 
Prompto barely paid any attention to his supervisor for he was constantly distracted by Muerlin’s beauty. He watched her sway to the music, from behind the counter, as she busted tables. 
Her silver hair just barely brushing against her shoulders. It was clearly rarely brushed, but was like silk. Her dainty ring coated fingers ran through it with ease as she looped her hair behind her left ear, that was riddled with earrings, exposing her small crystal gauge. Her bronze skin gleamed in the cafe’s horrible lighting. Her lips were always glossed with a light grey. And her eyes….pure teal. Like a lagoon in some mystical forest covered by her circular lens glasses. It was hard to believe she was real. 
“Hey there, Sugar! ‘Bout time you got here!”, Cindy Aurum, another associate and one of Muerlin’s friend, greeted. 
“Sorry, I know I’m late. Traffic was absolute shit today. Y'know how it is”. 
“Well, now that yer here, we can start makin’ some real money”.
Muerlin giggled as she approached the counter. “What? Prom’s not enough for that anymore?”
The young man chuckled and scartched the back of his head. “C’mon, I only made 1,500 gil”.
“Yeah! This segment! I’m over here makin’ 200 at best!”
“Wow, Prom”, the girl leaned over the counter toward the blonde, “you must be brewing up something other than tea”.
His cheeks lightly flushed at her comment. She giggled at his expression.
“I’m just kidding”, she said hoping over the counter to head toward the back.
“Gods Almighty, girl! Are you wearing anything under that “cocktail dress” o’ yers?!“ 
Prompto raised an eyebrow at Cindy’s question. 
Cocktail dress…? 
Looking over, he noticed it wasn’t a cocktail dress rather than a slightly wrinkled long sleeve navy blue button up shirt, that was probably 3 sizes too big for her, with grey undertones rising from the bottom. The sleeves looked like they were just slightly rolled up to uncover her hands, but they covered just enough so her ring covered fingers would be exposed. The button of the shirt was unbuttoned.
 "What? I’m wearing shorts! See?“ 
Muerlin lifted her shirt and showed Cindy her lace black shorts. 
Muerlin wasn’t a fan of pants unless they consisted of shorts and leggings. She claimed that she needed to be able to “bust a move” at a moment’s notice if anyone ever asked why before proceeding to perform some random dance to demonstrate her point receiving nothing less than a hearty giggle from anyone who happened to witness it. If Prompto was lucky enough to be working when she had on shorts, he’d get a glimpse of the crystal stain glass lotus tattoo that took up 90% of her upper thigh. The blonde would become lightheaded at the sudden blood rush to his head…..and not the one on his shoulders. 
Luckily, today was one of those days. 
Unfortunately, when Muerlin lifted the unbuttoned bottom of her shirt, she briefly exposed her crystal belly button ring along with the stain glass mandala that circled it. Noticing a sudden tightness in his jeans, Prompto swiftly averted his attention to her apron under the counter and crouched down proceeding to grab it.
“Don’t you think that shirt’s a liiiiittle too big for you?”
Prompto tried really hard to seem normal, and it worked.
“Too big? Shoot, I think she looks mighty purdy. ‘Cept one thing…”
Muerlin raised her eyebrow to her button nosed blonde friend. 
“I know!”
Cindy shouted before she unbuttoned the first 3 buttons of Muerlin’s shirt slightly revealing her cleavage. Prompto lightly bit his lip as he witnessed the interaction.
“There! That’s much better. You looked like you were near ‘bout to choke to death. Ain’t no needa hide that bouncy bosom o’ yers. Gotta let the girls breathe!”
“Like you?, Muerlin chuckled at her friend.
“Precisely. Ain’t no shame in flauntin’ the goods, y’know? Why, ya prolly even got a young tiger like Prompto here ready to pounce”.
Like you wouldn’t believe.
Muerlin turned her gaze toward the tall blonde, he immediately shifted his gaze to meet hers, removed from his trance. Cindy giggles.
Muerlin chuckled lightly. “No, he’s definitely looking at you”. She grabbed her apron from him before heading toward the back. “I’m gonna make some more samples!” The silver haired girl shouted from the back room in her usual cheerful tone.
“Okay, sugar!”
“Rather crude…don’t you think?”
A light chill rushed up Prompto’s spin as he turned around to see Loqi Tummelt, one of his other associates let alone his least favorite, lightly glaring at him.
“Is that how you “woo” all your women, Argentum?
“Ugh”, Cindy grimaced at Loqi’s comment, “what’re you yappin’ ‘bout now?”
Hearing the commotion, Muerlin silently approaches behind her friend and her boss. Loqi, noticing Muerlin, smiles at her presence before hopping over the counter.
“Anyone who cannot appreciate beauty beyond the skin doesn’t deserve it”, he complimented Muerlin while insulting the plebe.
“And anyone whom is a creep shall be stoned”, Prompto mocked Loqi in a dramatic Shakespearean tone receiving a hearty laugh from Cindy.
Muerlin stifled a laugh by clearing her throat.
“Now, Prom”, Muerlin placed her hands onto her hips and smirked at the tall freckled blonde, “don’t be mean. We’re all family here, right?”
She smiled wide looking point blank at Cindy.
“That’s right!”, Cindy responded wholeheartedly.
“Right! So guys, do me a favor?”, the girl slowly backed up toward the samples she was making in the back room. She snapped her fingers and pointed at the two blonde men. “Don’t kill each other”. She winked at them with a click of her tongue before finally turning and skipping out of sight.
Cindy chuckled at her friend’s suggestion. “Don’t count yer chocobos just yet”, she joked. “And on that note”, Cindy stretched her arms and back, “my work here today is done”. Prompto looked toward the clock. 2:15pm.
Jeez, that’s it?
It had only been 5 hours since they opened and Prompto had been there since 8:30am. It felt like it should’ve been at least 5 and he was going to be there until 10. Uggghhhh…
Cindy removed her apron tossing it under the counter before grabbing her bag. “Ya’ll play nice now or lil’ Muerlin in there will tan yer hide, y’hear?”
Prompto chuckled nervously, “yeah, wouldn’t want that, would we?”
Loqi chuckled at Prompto’s nervous response. “I don’t think I could ever upset the fair Muerlin”.
“Suuuure”, Cindy rolled her eyes at Loqi’s reponse. “Well, bye now!” she waved at the boys as she strolled past the tables and out the door.
“Don’t be a stranger, y’hear?”, Prompto playfully imitated her voice receiving a hearty giggle from the girl.
“Oh, shut it, you!”, Cindy replied with a smile before the door shut behind her. Prompto smiled lightly as Cindy disappeared from sight.
“It’s rude to stare, Argentum”.
Prompto’s smile faded as his tranquil manner was interrupted by his associate. His slimy voice genuinely gave Prompto a headache. He wasn’t really one to hate anybody, but he REALLY couldn’t stand Loqi. He always felt a need to get under Prompto’s skin on anything and everything he possibly could which to anyone else, it would seem rather stupid to intentionally piss off the boss, but Prompto was pretty sure he couldn’t fire someone just for being annoying. Still…
He had a remarkably punchable face.
“Loqi, do you really have room to talk?”
“What?”, the irritating blond retorted in offense.
“I mean, you stare at Muerlin just as much as any other guy that comes in here. And, for some reason, you think she likes the creepy poetry”.
“Hmph…because you’re a real class act yourself, Argentum”, Loqi chuckled sarcastically.
“Hey, never said that I was. Actually I know I’m not…I’m just sayin’ that you don’t need to try so hard just to tell her she’s pretty”.
Loqi paused for a moment before lightly chuckling at his superior. “Green is not a good color on you, Argentum”. He turned toward the bar to start making his tea. 
 A confused Prompto forwarded his brow at his associate. "What?“
 "I’d stick to black…it’s more slenderizing anyway”. 
 Did this smug motherfucker just imply that he was jealous??? Of him?! Prompto scoffed. 
His eyes shifted to Muerlin as she emerged from the back room with four pitchers in hand. She playfully stuck her tongue at the blonde and crossed her eyes as she walked by emitting a chuckle from his lips.
She was so silly…and adorable…and…his.
He couldn’t help, but stare at those bronze thighs as she strutted by a group of frat guys sitting at a table. Much to Prompto’s dismay, they were admiring them just as much as he was….maybe a little too much….DEFINITELY too much.
And Muerlin was far too nice to tell them to fuck off.
The way they perused her body, undressing her with wandering, lustful eyes. Like they wanted to just tear her out of her clothes and rail her on the table themselves. I mean….he wanted the same, but that’s all they wanted. They didn’t know her like he did and they didn’t care. They wanted her for nothing more than their beds.
How dare they?
She deserved more than that. She WAS more than that. She deserved someone who truly cared about her….maybe even loved her.
But he could never be that….because she would never want him…and he was her boss.
“Muerlin, my dear”.
Prompto’s eyes darted to the side as Loqi approached Muerlin offering to take one of the pitchers from her hands, she smiling lightly and complied. Prompto scoffed before rolling his eyes, refusing to make eye contact with the young lady gazing upon him from a distance.
“I’m going on break”, the beautiful blonde huffed pulling his apron over his head and retreating to the back room. His usual glow had dimmed.
Muerlin watched him, worry in her eyes, completely ignoring the babbling boy standing beside her.
“Muerlin. Muerlin, did you hear me?”
“Huh?”, she snapped out of it realizing she was still holding the pitchers. “Oh! Yeah, sorry. Thanks, Loqi. Um…I’ll be right back, yeah?” She handed him the pitchers with a light smile before skipping toward the back room.
Peeking around the corner, she noticed her statuesque God of sculpted white chocolate thunder sitting on a wooden crate, his leg crossed over his knee, playing King’s Knight. Though he didn’t look like he was really enjoying himself rather than he was just using his favorite game in attempt to occupy his thoughts.
Look at him.
His arms looked so strong propped up against his leg. His sleeves barely able to hide his toned biceps. Like he could easily pin a body against the wall…or throw someone on a bed. He was always so cheerful, but the way he stared at his phone. Those forwarded blonde brows, that intense focus…it made her legs quiver. 
She remembers the first day she saw him about 4 months ago when she first started the job. 
It was so early. 
Like waaaay too fucking early. 
All her classes were in the afternoon so she wasn’t used to being up at 8am. Muerlin had never met the assistant manager before and at that time, she didn’t really care who they were. 
When she walked in, the place was nearly vacant and her boss was currently no where in sight. So she took it upon herself to make a hot black and chai tea to wake her up. She silently slipped to the back room to brew her tea. Noticing the music was off, she switched on the radio and light music flowed through the speaker. Unknowingly alerting her confused boss. He wasn’t expecting anyone for another half hour. 
She finally finished brewing her tea. The sweet aroma of hot cinnamon and coconut filled her nostrils. Holding it with both hands to warm her fingers, she shut her eyes as she absorbed the scent filling her tired face. 
Turning the corner to return to the counter, she was abruptly halted by a solid figure, startling her enough to fully wake her. 
“Agh..!!” the figure hissed slightly. 
She opened her eyes to see the tall blonde Prompto standing before her. 
Wow….he was really cute. 
She blushed lightly at the boy’s light freckled face, his eyes were SOOOOO BLUE. A deep blue like the oceans at night. His hair made….no sense…like a Picasso painting. 
What was wrong with him though? He looked like he was in some sort of pain? His gaze was lowered to his chest, face winced. She lowered her gaze to the giant stain on his red t-shirt. 
Her cup was 98% empty and the half that wasn’t splattered across the floor was on HER BOSS’ CHEST. 
“Oh, Gods! I’m so sorry!”
Muerlin panicked setting her cup on the bar and lightly flailed with her other hand emitting a light giggle from the blonde. 
“No, it’s fine. I didn’t mean to startle you. I wasn’t expecting you until later”. 
His eyes twinkled lightly as his gaze softened. He was sincerely sorry, yet HE was the one covered in hot tea. 
“What was that? Let me make you another one”, he kindly offered. 
“Don’t you worry about that. Come on. I’ve got an extra shirt in my bag”. 
She hurried toward the rack in the far back of the room to retrieve her backpack, quietly cursing herself the whole way. 
“Muerlin, you bloody idiot. What a brilliant first impression. Fuck me!” 
The blonde stifled a chuckle as he listened to her lightly accented swearing as she shuffled through her bag to find the shirt. 
“I like to wear rather large shirts for me so I should have something in here that would fit you”, she explained as the man approached. 
“There we are!” 
She pulled out a short sleeved black v-neck. A rather deep V at that, and turned to hand it to the young man. 
She felt her heart hammer against her breast. Her breathing shortened, her skin flushed at the sight of her blonde boss. He had just finished removing his shirt exposing his lean muscular build. 
His broad shoulders dusted with light freckles, his solid pectorals and stomach. She squeezed her legs together as hope of getting some relief from her rising heat, before realizing she had been staring for way too long and reverted her gaze to his own. The way he looked at her….he had been staring for quite some time, but not at her body. Not at her exposed cleavage, her legs…but her eyes. He was looking at her. 
And she was looking at him…..
For way too long. 
She cleared her throat. “Here ya go”. The girl shoved the shirt against the man’s chest. The impact brought him back from his trance. 
“Oh, thank you”. He gently took the shirt. “Um…when do you need it back?”
“Keep it”, the girl quickly replied. “Huh? R-really?” The boy seemed confused.
“Yeah, and to make it up to you, I’ll wash this one”. Muerlin replied with a smile. “That way it’ll smell like lavender and vanilla”. 
Prompto blushed lightly at her comment….lavender and vanilla. Like her. 
“Well, are ya gonna try it on?” 
He nodded. “Oh. Yeah”. He stuttered before pulling the shirt over his head. It fit him perfectly. A little too perfectly. Muerlin bit her lip lightly as she watched him straighten himself out. 
The blonde giggled. “How do I look?” He asked the girl with his usual goofy grin.
Fuckin’ delicious. 
She dramatically fanned herself. “Why, Mr. Argentum, I do declare”, she replied imitating a southern belle. 
He chuckled at her comment before joining in on the act. “Now, lil’ lady”, he clutched onto his belt, “what’ll ya have?” 
“Chai and black…shaken, not stirred”. 
“Gotcha. One ‘Prompto Special’”, comin’ right up”. He snapped his fingers pointing at her and clicked his tongue to his gesture before spinning around to remake her tea. 
Her cheeks stung from how much she was smiling. He was so sweet and fun…like a chocobo. She had heard of him at school from the photography students, as well as seeing his pictures in the photo gallery. He was talented. She always assumed it was so easy to take a picture…but to do it well. That was a skill. 
A moment later, he returned with her drink handing it to her with a dramatic bow. “Malady”. 
Muerlin giggled as she retrieved her drink from the boy. “Why thank you, good sir”. She took a sip as he watched waiting for her response. 
“Mmmmm…”, she sighed as she lifted her smile from her cup, “that’s so good…much better than I usually make it. Well done, sir”. 
She raised an eyebrow to him. 
She lightly blushed, illuminating the light freckles upon her nose. 
“Muerlin…..just Muerlin”. 
“Nice to meet you…Muerlin”. 
4 months later. 
After seeing him almost every day, spending hours upon hours with him and she still hasn’t told him what she felt. She couldn’t put her finger on it, but there was something about the blonde plebe….it gave her a fuzziness in her stomach, a warmth in her heart…and between her legs. 
Ugh…he was her boss, but…why did it feel so…right? Why was it becoming more and more difficult to resist him? 
A light chuckle erupted from Prompto’s throat. 
“Hashtag: Paw Paw takin’ a nap nap, LOL”, Prompto lightheartedly imitate Cindy’s southern twang. 
Most importantly….what made her think she possibly stood a chance against her cute button nosed friend? 
They had so much more in common…not like a lowly punk from Tenebrae. Hell…it was clearly super easy for Cindy to bring him out of his funk from earlier. She couldn’t possibly have done that. 
Besides…he was her boss. 
He was Cindy’s too, but she could easily quit here and make a living in Hammerhead. This was all Muerlin had…so she’d never get the chance. 
Warm tears emitted from her eyes as she came to her realization. Her light sobs alerted the blonde of her presence completely shifting his attention.
Shit. He can’t see me like this. 
She quickly fixed herself up before turning the corner toward him. 
“Are you okay?”, he stood taking a step toward her. 
“Who me? Oh, yeah yeah. Of course”, she replied, obviously trying really hard to keep her cool despite her unknowingly stepping away from him. 
He frowned slightly at the action. Was she….trying to run from him? 
 “…are you sure?”, he asked taking a couple more steps and gently reaching out to her. 
“Y..yeah, absolutely”, she turned away from him shuffling further away, “I just….wondering if I could take my break now…grab a bite before, y'know…evening rush?” 
“Uh..yeah, sure. I could make you something if you want”, the blonde offered in hopes she would accept. 
“No, no…it’s alright”, she smiled sweetly, an obvious void in her eyes. 
“…I don’t want to interrupt”, she added in a sigh before grabbing her backpack and exiting the shop. 
Interrupt…interrupt what? 
Prompto’s eyes filled with worry as he watched her hastily race past the pane windows on the side of the cafe. Agony in her face. Did he do something…?
“Oh, dear”. 
Prompto glanced over at Loqi who was looking rather satisfied with the situation. 
“What?”, Prompto softly barked at his associate, growing increasingly annoyed.  
The bratty boy chuckled at his boss. “You tell me”. 
“Tell you what? I didn’t do anything”. 
“Oh, of course. Clearly”, he gestured in the direction Muerlin departed to, “nothing”. 
Prompto was so close to knocking this douche out on his ass, but refrained at the last second after looking toward the clock. 4pm. 
Everyone’s hands raised as customers began calling Loqi to their tables to take their orders. Loqi reverted his wide eyed gaze back to his boss who was retreating back to his original post. 
“See ya in an hour”, the charming plebe chuckled with a snarky grin and a two finger salute. 
The overwhelming panic that Prompto heard in Loqi’s voice was more than enough to bring a smile to his face. He wasn’t sure who was gonna make it out of this stampede, but one thing was for sure, he was certainly going to enjoy the rest of his break. 
5'o clock rolls around. 
*door chime* 
Muerlin raises her eyebrow at a disoriented Loqi who’s draped over the counter, completely exhausted. 
“What in the world happened to you?” 
Noticing it’s her, he quickly stands and attempts situate himself. “No matter, my dear. Just a small rush”. 
Muerlin looks up at the clock and analyzes the overall calmness of the cafe. 
“Isn’t it happy hour now? This place is usually packed at this time”. 
“Happy hour was a tad early tonight”, the begrimed young man replied in irritated. She stifled a chuckle. Damn. Prompto certainly wasn’t having his shit today. 
She shifted her gaze to her boss as he exited the back room, retying his apron. He looked rather pleased to see her behind his worry. Although she was just as happy to see him, she was still feel slightly melancholy from before. He noticed this by the fact that she refused to make eye contact with him. 
Loqi, noticing the tension between them, takes the opportunity to add fuel to the fire. 
“Muerlin, my darling, how about I make you a tea?” 
Prompto’s eyebrows forwarded at the associate. 
“Sure, Loqi. I’d like that”, she replied with a smile. 
“Splendid, how would you like it?”, he asked as he dusted himself off, retreating to the bar. She opened her mouth to answer. 
“A chai and black?”, he asked taking the words out of her mouth. 
She gave him a look of approval. “Well, someone’s been paying attention”. 
“I make it my business to”. 
“Well, bravo, sir”, Muerlin lightly applauded him, exaggerating her accent. 
“I aim to please”, he smugly glared at Prompto as he pleasantly addressed the girl before retreating to the bar. Prompto watched him as he walked beside him. He was sooooo ready to kick this guy’s ass. He clenched his fist at the associate’s remark about to give in to temptation before…. 
He quickly reverted his gaze back to the girl standing before him, in all her glory. Hearing her speak to him finally was put his anxious mind at ease. 
“You okay?” 
The worry in her eyes melted his heart. Gods, he wanted to kiss her so bad….and tear her out of that shirt and give her a real happy ending. What the fuck did she see in Loqi? Seriously?! The guy was a fucking tool. Pretty sure he had never even kissed a girl too. Why did he have to be her boss? Why couldn’t he have a car to come see her? Why did Loqi have to fucking exist?
“Fuck me….”, he accidentally whispered out loud. 
His face lit up, bright as a tomato, after he realized his thoughts were coming out of his mouth. 
“Uh, nothing. Yeah, all good here”. 
He chuckled lightly scratching the back of his head. She knew he was lying. He looked goofier than usual when he was trying to hide something from her and she definitely wasn’t having it. 
“Liar”, she retorted. Hands on her hips as she stepped closer to the flustered man. 
No. Nonono. What was she doing? 
“What’re you trying to hide?” 
She stepped closer. He backed up a bit. Her exposed cleavage glistened in the light behind the counter. She looked angry. Gods, she was sexy when she was mad… Prompto had always imagined her punching someone in the face. The thought caused a slight tremor in his jeans. 
As he stepped back, Muerlin took another step closer hoping he would give in and tell her what was wrong. She didn’t like when he was upset. It sent her into protective mode…and protective Muerlin didn’t play nice when it came to the happiness of her chocobo. 
“N-nothing”, the man stuttered. His voice rasped. She took this as him trying extra hard to keep this from her which fueled her irritation, when in reality he was severely fighting the urge to throw her onto the counter and take her in front of everyone here and she wasn’t making it easy for him in any way. A moment longer and he wouldn’t be able to resist. He was about to fuck the shit out of her in front of the Astrals and everyone. 
“Why’re you running from me…?” 
She stopped, a light sob choked her words. 
He felt his heart shatter at her hurt tone. It was too much. He couldn’t take this anymore. No more waiting. He firmly planted himself in front of her, her eyes widened at the proximity of their bodies. 
What….was he mad now? 
Her breasts flushed from the heat of his torso. Prompto took a deep breath before he spoke. 
“Muerlin, I-”. 
“Your tea, malady”, Loqi sprang from nowhere with Muerlin’s beverage startling the two. 
“Oh…thanks, Loqi”. 
Muerlin smiled as she took her drink. 
Unbeknownst to her, a visionally furious Prompto barely rose his fist as he glared at Loqi who only responded with a smug grin. 
Self-righteous son of a bitch. 
He knew what he was doing. How he was torturing Prompto and he was enjoying it way too much. 
“Everything alright, MR. Argentum?” Loqi asked reminding Prompto that he was their boss. 
Muerlin shifted her gaze toward the tall blonde. Prompto forced down the flame in his chest, lowering his fist. 
“Yeah”, he replied in a defeated tone before retreating into the back exiting out the side door shutting it behind him. 
Muerlin began to race after him before being gently held back by Loqi. 
“Let him go, my dear. Give him some time. He’ll come around”. 
“S…sure..yeah. You’re right”. 
Muerlin collected herself as best she could as she and Loqi finished out the next few hours of Loqi’s shift while Prompto sat with his back against the door stewing in his agony. He was in love with Muerlin….and he would never have her. 
Around 8pm.
Three hours have gone by…and no sign of Prompto.
Every minute felt like an eternity as she sure grew more and more worried about him as another went by. As traffic started to die so did her patience. Her overall cheerful glow dimmed the more she panicked.
Loqi, noticing her frustration from afar, approached the woman behind the counter. Gingerly placing his hand upon hers to cease her trembling.
“My dear…why don’t you leave early with me tonight? It would seem Mr. Argentum is more than occupied with his own grievances”.
This piece of shit…
Muerlin sincerely hoped that she didn’t legitimately roll her eyes at him despite how much she wanted to. She couldn’t just leave him. She wouldn’t.
“No…no, I think I should stay. Someone has to keep an eye on him. Just in case”.
Loqi sighed in slight irritation…and it was fairly obvious to Muerlin. She knew he didn’t like Prompto. He never did, but she didn’t care. It didn’t matter. None of it did. 
All that mattered was Prompto.
“Alright…well, I’ll leave you to it then”, Loqi sighed in disappointment as he began to depart for the night. “But, my dear….remember if you need me, please do not hesitate to call”.
Muerlin smiled sweetly at him while he left, rolling her eyes when he disappeared from sight.
Not even a minute passed before Muerlin heard the back door slam shut, slightly startling her.
She strolled toward the backroom to greet her chocobo, her eyes filled with worry. She looked like she had been through hell these past few hours. He felt a wave of guilt for leaving her alone with that heathen. He gave her an apologetic smile, his beautiful eyes shimmered.
“Uh…why don’t we start cleaning up? You’re here until 9, right?”
“Oh! Yeah…better hop to it”, she giggled. Her cheerful glow returned to that beautiful bronze face as she hoped back toward the front counter. “Well? Ya think I’m gonna clean this whole place up by myself?”
The blonde chuckled at the silver haired girls remark, scratching the back of his head. 
“Can’t blame a guy for tryin’”.
“Fuck you”, Muerlin giggled.
She had her Prompto back.
The two listened to music together and sang. Muerlin busted the tables, swaying to the music…just like the first day he saw her. She was still just as beautiful and radiant as she was back then. He marveled at the woman he loved…his smile faded. Knowing that she wasn’t his…he couldn’t watch her be for anyone else. It would kill him…more than it already was. 
Maybe…it was time for him to accept it. Maybe…moving on campus was what was best…not just for him.
But for her.
Still…he couldn’t just leave her without a goodbye. He wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he hurt her like that.
“Hey…so…um…I’m thinking of moving to that tea shop on campus”.
Muerlin immediately turned toward the man behind the counter, a slight stunned by his statement.
Was he serious? He couldn’t be….right?
“Y…you’re leaving?”
Muerlin set her rag down on a table, approaching the counter. The closer she got, the more and more real it seemed…yet the more she wished it wasn’t.
“You’re not serious…right?” He couldn’t have been. “Why…?” Her eyes started to fill with tears. “Was it something I said?”
She races behind the counter toward her chocobo. “Something I did? Anything?”
Prompto lightly clutched onto her upper arms to ease her panic as she rushes him.
“No, no, no….it’s…you didn’t do anything wrong”. He reassured the girl.
She looked so soft and vulnerable…like she just needed a warm hug. He wanted to kiss her so badly….to bury his face into her neck. To wrap his arms around her delicate body and…give her something nobody else could. Let alone Loqi.
“…it’s for…y”, he sighed stopping himself. “…the best. I don’t want to burden you any longer…”. He lightly pulled away heading toward the back.
Burden? What?….No, no…not on her watch.
Muerlin bolted toward the back room, to her beloved chocobo. She wasn’t losing him. Not like this. She stormed after him, yanking him to face her before planting a solid, passionate kiss upon his lips.
It was like ecstasy. Heaven.
His eyes fixated on her the whole time. He was paralyzed from her action. His mind raced with lustful thoughts. 
After a moment, she abruptly pulled away in panic.
“Oh, my Gods….I am…so sorry. I-I don’t know wh….I”, she stammered staring into her paralyzed boss’ face. He looked enraged…his blue eyes turned black under the shadow of his golden locks. “I….I’ll start cleaning, sir..”, she stuttered beginning to run toward the front of the cafe.
She gasped at the sudden latch on her arm. “Yoink!” Prompto yanked her back to her original position, holding her tightly against his chest.
“Just Prompto”, he growled before he crashed his lips against hers, shoving his tongue into her mouth, clutching onto her round ass pulling her as close to him as he possibly could. 
Finally giving into his advances, Muerlin wraps her arms around Prompto’s neck pressing her body against his in the heat of their kiss. Their tongues danced together as Prompto lifts the girl’s bare thigh holding it tightly against his hip as he grinds his hardened cock against her core, her heat increasing every second of their embrace. She released a soft moan at his touch before he pulls away to nuzzle her smooth skin as he ground her heated core against him rather roughly. 
“I’ve wanted this for so long”, the man finally admitted in a breath against her neck. “I’ve waited so long to have you”. He ran her fingers through her silver locks taking in the scent of lilies and lavender…her scent was intoxicating. 
His excitement grew more and more at every grind. Her core was hot. His motions stemming from unfathomable desire made her blood boil. 
She pulled away from him, emitting a pained glare from the man, before she unbuttoned her shirt letting it fall to the floor. He stared intensely at her perfectly round breasts as they glistened in the light. 
“Fuck…”, Prompto exclaimed in a slurred pant. 
“Are these what you want…? I’ve seen you stare…”. 
Her skin was flushed. He shifted his gaze to those big teal eyes. They were like a kitten’s. So soft and innocent, but harboring danger underneath their crystal clean surface. 
“No”, the man approached her slamming his lips against hers once again, “I want you”, he replied between their kisses. 
He cupped her soft cheeks into his hands intensifying their kiss. Muerlin broke their kiss for a moment, removing her lace bra for the hungry young man. To which he returned the favor by removing his shirt tossing it on the floor behind him. They paused for moment, taking their time to gaze upon the other’s features before they re-initiated the kiss. 
Prompto had Muerlin’s back plastered against the wall and lifted her leg again, grinding his solid cock against her heat as he caresses her thigh. He slowly began to kiss down her neck, nipping at her flesh leaving large bruises. She shrieked at the pain, it filling her body with pleasure. She shivered as his tongue delicately grazed over her wounds before he lowered himself to her chest, abruptly clutching her breasts into his hands. She inhaled sharply as his sweaty palms squeezed her flesh. He bit his lip and glanced at the woman before, without warning, engulfing her nipple into his mouth. 
Nibbling and sucking, lapping over the sensitive bud with his wet tongue while he plucked and played with the other with his callused fingers. She whined at his actions, her back arched. 
“You like that, baby…?”, the man growled against her flesh. 
“Yes”. She keened at the man’s teasing, running her fingers through his silky blonde hair. She couldn’t take all this waiting any longer. She needed him….now. 
“Fuck me”, she begged in a pant. Prompto released her nipple as he rose back to his original stance, towering above the woman in front of him. 
“Say it again”, he growled. She yanked him against her body by the front of his pants. 
“Fuck me, Prompto Argentum”. 
He abruptly turned her around so her chest was against the wall, yanking her shorts and panties down before giving her ass a firm slap. She inhaled sharply at the impact. He unbuckled his belt, sliding his pants and boxers down slightly to free his throbbing cock, lightly stroking it as he examined Muerlin’s body. He marveled at the galaxy tattoo that coated her back. Pressing his body against hers, his cock rubbing against her rear. 
“You’re so fucking beautiful…”, the boy hissed against her shoulder placing a light kiss upon her trembling flesh. Her body was so warm…so delicate…
He flipped her back over shamming her back against the wall before lifting her, wrapping her legs around him. She inhales sharply at her sudden elevation.
“Prom…”, she releases in a sigh.
“I’ve got you, baby…”, he whispers to his love staring wistfully into her eyes, “I promise”.
As she returns his gaze, Prompto abruptly shoved his solid cock in her heated core. Muerlin released a startled moan at the sudden penetration. Prompto softly exhales as he embraced the warmth of her inner walls as he slowly thrusts against her. His lips ghosting over hers, absorbing her hot breath as she panted and moaned.
“Gods, you’re so tight”, he whispered against her lips quickening his pace, “you feel so good around me, baby”.
As he begins to pound her against the wall, the sound of colliding flesh echoes through the cafe, along with Muerlin’s screams.
“You like feelin’ my cock inside you?”
“Yes”, she loudly panted against his lips.
“You gonna cum for me, baby?”
“Gods, yes!”, she clutched onto his face, desperately staring into his eyes.
“Do you want me to cum inside you?”
The door chimed as Cindy strolled in. Muerlin let go of Prompto’s face clasping her hands onto her mouth as Prompto quickly, but gently lowered her to her feet, pulling himself out.
“Hello? Prompto? Y’hear?”
As Prompto checked the time on his phone, he noticed it was 9:15.
“Shit!”, he loudly whispered to himself before turning his attention to the naked woman in front of him. “You didn’t lock the door?”, he whispered.
Muerlin shrugged and made a face. “You distracted me”, she gave him a cute whoops face.
Gods, she was so cute. Prompto chuckled at her lightly and shook his head.
“Yoohoo, Mr. Argentuuuum?”
Remembering Cindy was there, Prompto handed Muerlin her button up shirt and apron. Neglecting to put on her bra, panties and shorts for, she quickly slipped them on and fixed her hair before slipping out behind the counter, conveniently perfectly hidden from her button nosed friend.
“Well, howdy there, Shug”, a surprised Cindy greeted, “didn’t expect to see you here so late. Where’s Prompto?”
“Oh, just takin’ a little break”.
“Mmhm, slackin’”, Cindy joked with a giggle. 
“What’re you doing here so late? Thought you left hours ago”. 
“I did, but wouldn’t ya'know it? Left my lucky hat under the counter. My hair was fluffin’ up like a chocobo butt. Shoot, I ‘bout looked like Prompto”. 
The girls giggled as Muerlin retrieved her hat. Prompto still in the back, peeking around the corner, a clear view of Muerlin’s ass and slit as she leaned against the counter with her legs slightly apart, obviously trying to hide the fact she was mostly naked. He stroked his cock biting his lip. She looks so fucking delicious…and he wanted a taste. The thought tortured him. He craved her…and she was so close. But Cindy….she was right there. 
Fuck it…he needed this. 
As the girls continued their conversation, Prompto slowly crawled behind the counter, toward Muerlin. As long as Cindy wasn’t leaning over the counter, he wouldn’t be spotted. As he inched his way over to his lover, Muerlin’s thighs tensed slightly once she noticed him in her periphery. 
Despite her growing panic, she remained visually calm to her friend. Prompto crawled underneath Muerlin, settling himself between her legs, his face barely an inch away from her core. 
Astrals above…it was like a dream…so unreal how beautiful…it begged for his tongue. He needed to taste. 
He lightly kissed her folds, sending a light shiver up the woman’s spine, before separating them with his fingers. Muerlin tensed slightly in anticipation for what he was going to do next. Prompto slid his tongue within her swirling it around her ridged walls. Muerlin cleared her throat to cover up the hum that slid from it. 
“You alright, Shug?” Cindy asked slightly concerned with the strange sound that her friend just made. 
“Yeah, yeah. Loqi just made me a…tea earlier and I think he fucked it up”. 
She was trying SO HARD to not look like she was trying SO HARD to be normal as Prompto continued shoving his tongue in and out of her heat. She couldn’t really move nor could she be completely still. Her mind was racing. She began to see stars. It became more and more difficult to hold this conversation with her oblivious friend. 
Prompto rose his wandering tongue to her clit sending a shock throughout her body. She jolted upward a bit, slamming her palm on the counter, quickly turning her attention to the window panes. 
“OHMYGODS! Look at that puppy!!!”, Muerlin said in a loud growl. Cindy averted her attention to the window. Conveniently, there WAS a dog outside. 
“AWW, would ya look at that???”, Cindy cooed at the dog, temporarily distracted. As she turned away for a moment, Muerlin’s eyes crossed slightly as she sank onto the counter. 
Prompto’s tongue viciously flicking against her clit, stroking his cock the entire time. Prompto let go of himself to slide two fingers in the woman’s core. She slapped her palm against her mouth as he grazed her g-spot. 
Fuck, he found it…. 
Prompto grinned releasing a quiet mischievous chuckle against her as he continued to flick her clit and began to pump his fingers in and out of her dripping core, grinding his fingers against her walls. 
“What a cutie-pie”, Cindy stated toward the dog before returning to her should be Oscar Awarded friend who immediately straightened herself the moment Cindy pivoted to catch her gaze. 
“I knooooow, right?” Prompto increased his speed and continued to lavish at Muerlin’s now sore clit, he felt her walls tighten against his fingers. She was nearing the edge, but she was fighting off the will to give in while Cindy was standing right there. 
“Y'wanna know something?“ 
“What’s that?“ 
“I think young Prompto there likes you”. 
Muerlin chuckled lightly, but nervously. “Ya don’t say…" 
“Ain’t it obvious? Well…maybe not to you, but I think there’s a lot that’s hiding under the surface of that innocent puppy face”. 
“You have no idea”, Muerlin whispered in a breath, her body so close to caving in. 
Cindy giggled. "I can’t believe you didn’t snap a pic when you saw him without his shirt on. Bet that was a real eye-popper”. 
Muerlin chuckled begging to the Gods to make Cindy leave. She couldn’t take this anymore. She NEEDED to cum. 
“Well, I better skedaddle before Paw Paw busts a gasket. Call ya later, ‘kay?”, she waved to her friend as she turned toward the door. 
“Sure! Later!“ 
The door chimed as Cindy exited. 
Once she disappears from sight, Muerlin finally releases a loud, built up moan as she cums on her lover’s fingers. He slows his pace easing her from her release as she starts to fall to the floor. He quickly stands scooping her up in his arms chuckling to himself as he carries her to the back. 
"Damn…you held out pretty well, little girl”. 
“Fuck you”, she panted. 
He laughed at her exhausted retort before sitting her in the back room chair. She lifted her head, glaring at him as he examined his fingers, covered in her essence before he places them in front of her lips. She takes them in her mouth licking them clean. 
“That’s a good girl…”, Prompto cooed at her. 
He pulls his fingers from her mouth placing a kiss on the top of her head before the cafe phone starts to ring. He checks the time on his phone. 9:35. 
“Probably Six”. 
Prompto’s supervisor, Six, always called for daily analysis. She was like everyone’s mom, but not as strict and didn’t get mad if you swore. Plus, she’d always bring some sort of sweet for everyone working that day whenever she’d show up. 
“Take a break…I’ll be right back”. 
He retreated toward the phone, answering.
Muerlin giggled at her chocobo.
“Hey, Six”, she spoke for a bit as he grabbed the daily report sheet. “Yeah, we had a good day today”.
“Yeah, Loqi was a pain in the ass today, but he handled Happy Hour so….”
Prompto chuckled, “Yeah, we can’t fire him now”.
He gazed up toward his lover whom was staring at him wistfully. “Yeah…she did great today…turned a bunch of heads”, he chuckled. His eyes widened at Six’s response, his freckled cheeks illuminated as his skin flushed. He scratched his head and chuckled. “Yeah…even mine…”.
Aww, he was embarrassed. Poor thing. He looked so vulnerable and sweet….just like she did at the counter with Cindy. 
Muerlin’s head lowered slightly, regaining her stamina from her little break, shooting a sensual glare at the blonde. She sunk from her chair onto all fours and began crawling toward him.
Oh, no…what’s she doing?
Despite his nervousy, he bit his lip in anticipation remembering his cock was still out and rock hard.
“Uh…y-yeah..I’m here. Sorry…was…uh..little distracted”.
Muerlin giggled seductively once she finally reached him, taking his cock into her hand.
Prompto gasped at her touch, staring at the silver haired woman, his eyes full of lust.
“You alright, sweetie?”, Muerlin heard Six through the phone.
She raised an eyebrow at him, slightly teasing him.
“Yeah..yeah, I just had a random chill”, he leaned against the wall clutching onto the edge of the bar as Muerlin gently circling her thumb against his tip, dampening her fingers with his pre-cum.
His shut his eyes, his breathing heavied slightly, as Six continued asking him about how the day went. She slowly started stroking his shaft. Prompto pulled the phone away putting it on speaker to avoid potential suspicion from Six.
He gazed at his beloved Muerlin, the lust in her eyes piercing into him like lasers. It was driving him mad.
“So…I noticed you and Muerlin are quite the team, huh? Everybody’s favorite. Barely getting any customers for Cindy and Loqi”.
“Yeah…it’s all her…she’s…fuckin’ perfect”, he softly replied beginning to calm down from her delicate touch.
Ooooh, no. We’re not having that.
She wanted to drive him to his knees, like he did to her. He was going to pay.
Without any warning, Muerlin engulfed Prompto’s cock into her mouth emitting a loud grunt from his throat, startling Six.
“Prompto?! What happened?”
“Nothing! Nothing…I fell”, Prompto quickly reponsed with a nervous chuckled.
“Are you alright? Did you hurt yourself?”, Six’s voice full of concern.
“No, no, no…I’m good. Aaaall good”, Muerlin softly giggled as she bobbed her head up and down against his impressive size, the vibrations against his shaft drove him insane. His vision blurred as he started seeing stars. He stifled a moan as her tongue trailed over his flesh.
“Well, okay. Be more careful, ya goof! Anyway, I was thinking…”.
Muerlin quickened her pace, the blonde gripped onto the bar tighter.
“Yeah?”, Prompto trying with all his might to keep his normal tone.
“I know she hasn’t been here for very long, but what would you think of giving Muerlin a promotion?”
“Aw, yeah”, Prompto growled staring at his lover.
“You two would get more time together and she’d be able to close with you more often”.
“Fuck yeah!”, he held onto the back of Muerlin’s head gripping onto her silver locks as she pleasured her chocobo desperately trying to make him cum.
Six giggled at his seemingly enthusiastic response,“I figured you’d like that. You think she’ll be just as happy?”
“It’ll give her a mouthful of happiness”.
“Ugh, Prompto…seriously. You can’t tell me you don’t know how that sounds?”
Prompto brushed Muerlin’s hair from her face and chuckled mischieviously. “That’s the point”. Muerlin looked up to her lover feeling him trying to hold back from him climax.
Fuck, he was way too good at this…
Six giggled, thankfully completely oblivious to Prompto’s seriousness. “You precious little dork. Hurry up and get out of there and get some sleep”.
“Gotcha”, he growled, trying desperately to ignore the knot in his stomach urging him to climax.
“Goodnight, sweetie”.
“Goodnight”, Prompto exhaled with a grin.
The moment Six hung up, he pulled Muerlin’s head away, standing her up holding her tightly against him. His firm grip releasing a soft moan from her lips. Prompto groping her ass with both hands, hissed at his lover.
“Well, well, well…what do we have here?”, he nipped at her neck giving her ass a solid smack with both of his hands. He squeezed them rubbing his cock against folds, between her legs.
She keened at his aggressive teasing. “Damn you, Prompto…”, she growled at him frustrated in her failed efforts.
“You’re definitely in for it now, little girl”, he scooped her up wrapping her legs around him, she inhales sharply at his actions before being carried to the front counter.
Shit…what was he doing?
He placed her down on the counter, settling himself between her legs.
Muerlin chuckled at her love, gently stroking his torso. “I just whipped this counter down, you doofus”, Muerlin joked before her wrists were abruptly grabbed and slammed down to either sides of her head.
“Oh-hooo, trust me”, Prompto chuckled, his voice rusted, before unbuttoning her shirt exposing her flushed breats, “the counter would’ve been the least of your worries if I would’ve did this earlier….like I wanted to”.
Prompto took her soft breasts in his hands, squeezing them, before leaning forward crashing his lips against hers, she lightly biting his bottom lip before he pulled away. The blonde lightly groaning as he pulled away. He firmly placed his hands upon her face, gazing deeply into her eyes, his lips ghosting above hers.
“I’m gonna fuck the shit out of you”, he grunted before he kissed her again, lining himself up with her entrance. “…I’m gonna make you scream. More than Loqi or anyone else ever could”. She keened at his words in between their kisses. “You’re mine…and only mine…and I’ll fuckin’ show them”. He pulled away from her to view her gaze, his eyes gentle and sincere. 
“Whaddya say?”, he panted softly.
“I say….fuck the shit out of me”, she lovingly smiled at him.
He raised an eyebrow at her, a lustful smirk stretched across his face. “Yes, ma’am”.
Muerlin’s sharp inhale echoed throughout the cafe as Prompto shoved his throbbing cock into her dripping heat as hard as he could, pounding away at his lover’s delicate body with incredible speed. He clutched onto her hips, holding her steady. The sound of their sweat covered flesh colliding meshed with Muerlin’s wails.
“Gods, yes, baby! Fuck me!”, she screamed as Prompto continued to aggressively pummel her heated core, a few light moans emitted from his throat.
“Who do you belong to?”, the young man grunted.
“You!”, she whined, her back arched.
“What’s my name?”, he lightly growled.
“Prom”, she moaned. Her voice slide through Prompto’s ears like silk. Hearing her like this nearly sent him over the edge. He felt her body tense up, her walls tightening around him as she was near her climax.
“Louder…I want everyone to hear”. His rhythm sloppied as he leaned forward above her pushing himself in deeper, still viciously pounding against her.
“Prom!”, she screamed, wrapping her arms around her lover, gazing deeply into his eyes. Tears beginning to form in the liquid pools as she started digging her fingers into his shoulders, clawing his freckled skin.
Prompto emitted a hefty groan from his throat at the slight pain causing him to slam his cock to the furthest depths of her core finally sending the silver haired woman over the edge with a pleasured scream just before she felt Prompto’s cock throb as he came, painting her insides with his essence, emitting a loud moan from his lips.
Prompto slowed his pace, bringing Muerlin down from her high. He gazed at her sweat covered body as it glistened in the light before his ocean eyes landed upon her puppy stare, he still hovering over her.
He gave her a loving smile, panting heavily, his golden locks plastered against his sweat covered face. She returned the smile pulling him down for a light kiss as he gently brushed her messy hair from her face.
Their embrace suddenly interrupted by a firm knock on the door, the two throw their heads back toward the door in slight panic. Thankfully Muerlin remembered to shut the blinds whiel cleaning earlier.
“Yo, Prompto. Ya in there?”, a gruff voice erupted from outside the cafe.
“Shit. It’s Gladio”, Prompto whispered pulling himself out of the woman, scrambling to situate himself, running to grab his shirt after he fastened his jeans.
Muerlin softly giggled knowing Gladio would dig into him so hard if he knew.
“Perhaps he has departed and forgot to switch off the lights”.
Wait…that sounded like…Ignis? Muerlin’s eyes widened in panic.
Then that must mean…
“Only Prompto…”.
Muerlin immediately hoped off the counter.
Muerlin turned into a rabbit as she bolted to the back room, a gust of wind blowing past the blonde as he returned to the front. She could take Gladio’s teasing and Ignis’ glare generally intimidated Prompto which she always found entertaining, but the Crown Prince of Lucis???
Prompto stifled a giggle at Muerlin’s reaction to hearing his best friend’s voice as he pulled his shirt over his head hurrying to the door.
*door chime*
“Hey, guys!”, Prompto gleefully greeted his friends. “Sorry, I took so long”.
“Hmm…”, Gladio suspiciously raised an eyebrow, “and what were you up to?”
“Oh, y’know. Work stuff”, Prompto chuckled, shutting the door behind his friends.
Ignis examined the blonde’s disheveled hair. “Hmph, I see”.
“Good to see you finally taking something seriously”, Noctis poking fun at his friend’s overall laziness.
“Don’t think you’re really one to talk, Noct”, Prompto retorted, Noct flipping him the bird in response.
Gladio made his way to the counter, noticing the smudged sweat stains upon its surface. Leaning his back against it, his arms crossed, he smirked at the blonde.
“Anyone else here?”
Prompto nervously cleared his throat. “Uh, yeah…”.
“And who is might that be?”, the tattooed man pried, torturing the poor man,” one of the girls?”
Dammit, Gladio.
“That would explain why the place is so clean”, Noctis nonchalantly commented.
“It would also explain why your fly is undone…”, the royal advisor quietly addressed to the blonde. Prompto stammered as he zipped his jeans.
“Well..um…I-I…y’know”, he chuckled nervously.
“Hi, guys!”, a cheerful voice echoed from behind Gladio.
All four men turned to a fully clothed, yet barefoot, Muerlin. Gladio, chuckled reverting his gaze back to the blushing blonde, a teasing grin on his face.
“Well, well, I wouldn’t have guessed”.
“Ms. Zephyr, a pleasant surprise, indeed”.
Noctis lightly waved. “What’s up?”
“Eh, same old, same old”.
Gladio chuckled, “I bet”.
Prompto quickly made his way toward the woman. “Hey guys, just give me a sec”, he nervously spouted to his friend’s with a goofy smile.
“Don’t take too long now”, Gladio teased the flustered blonde.
Shut uuuuup, Gladio.
Muerlin smirked at the man, “you’re welcome”.
Prompto chuckled at his lover, rolling his eyes, before pushing her back against the wall. She gazed up to him, biting her lip as he stepped closer.
“Here’s what we’re gonna do”, he gently lifted her chin, ghosting his lips over hers and whispered, “I’m gonna deal with them and finish up paperwork, while you finish your usual closing procedures. We get out of here by 11, head to my place, go for another round and whoever loses cooks dinner. Understood?”
Muerlin places her hand behind the man’s hand seemingly pulling him in for a kiss, before lightly nipping at his earlode.
“…you’re the boss”.
Her words making the hair’s on his neck stand straight up, emitting a light chuckle from her throat before she retreated back into the front of the cafe.
Prompto’s eyes rolled to the back of his head as he exhaled, calming himself down. He looked toward the ceiling in pure bliss, before resting his hands behind his head.
Humming a light victory theme as he returned to the others.
@insomniasix @ravagekamisama @aquathemermaidstripper @digitalkanvas @prettyprompto @a-new-recipehhh
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blackestfang · 8 years
ch7: Behemoth
It took a day to get to the outpost but even with all the walking Prompto’s eyes lit up upon seeing the stables.
“Oh my gods chocobos!”
“Your love of them would explain your choice of hairstyle,” Noct snickers.
Prompto get noticeably flustered, “W..What that suppose to mean?!”
“Chocobo butt,” Noct teases.
“It does not!”
“It does,” Ignis calmly says.
“Is this revenge for the mom thing?” Prompto whines.
“Ok kids stop fighting and let's see about getting some birds,” Gladio says walking past. They looked around and found an older man looking worried at some of the stables,”Excuse me! Are you the person in charge?”
The man turned, “Oh? Uh , yes I’m Wiz welcome to the Chocobo Post. Sorry to say but if you are here to rent some birds you’re out of luck.”
Prompto flinched a little sad, “What?! Why!?”
“Well ya see the forest near by has a behemoth in it, normally it’s rather docile doesn’t want the birds and keeps order in the woods but yesterday it suddenly turned and attacked some of the birds killin a few. Birds have been too spooked to come out of the stable since.”
“Perhaps we can check it out,” Noct suggested.
“Are you sure? This is a behemoth we are talking about could be really dangerous,” Wiz replied concerned.
“Well how about you make it a deal? We find out what’s wrong and see if we can either fix it or slay the beast and in exchange we get to borrow chocobos for our trip to Lestullam.”
Wiz crossed his arms thinking, “Hmm..If you think you’re up to it you have a deal,” he held out his hand for a handshake which Noct took with a smile.
“Uuuuuh Noct,” Prompto finally spoke up, “You sure we can do this?”
“A behemoth will be a taunting task for sure we will want to stock up on curatives.”
“The behemoth rests in the woods a bit aways,” Wiz said, “Feel free to rest at my cabin, I got plenty of space.”
“Thank you,” Noct says with a bow.
“No need to thank me, least I can do.”
The next morning the group followed Wiz’s instructions heading to the woods where the behemoth lived. Trees knocked over, claw marks in the rocks, giant footsteps from the rampage the beast went on.
Gladio smirked, “Well Noct we’ve might have bitten off more than we can chew.”
“Dude, we shouldn’t do this, there’s no way we can do this!” Prompto added clenching his staff in both hands.
“If his highness says we can do it then we can, just stay on guard.”
Gladio sighed, “Yeah fine Iggy beside give Prompto to it as a chew toy if we need.”
“Oh come on, uncalled for!”
“If you three are done we have a behemoth to help or kill,” Noct sighed walking forward. The other three nod and follow his lead, a loud roar echoed causing birds to fly off and the group a bit nervous but they pushed on. After an hour they found the behemoth standing on a large rock roaring, a broken horn and scar on its right side claws and jaw stained with blood, but even with all this the oddest thing was machine on it’s head.
Noct readied his sword and shield, “Alright guys! Let's do this!”
“Oh my here already?” A familiar voice says with a chuckle. Upon a closer look Loqi was on top of it.
“The red mage? What is he doing here?”
“Giving a prototype a test run, but since you’re here looks like we get a rematch,” He jumps down landing by it and points, ‘Now my behemoth kill them all!” The behemoth’s good eye flash and it roars charging at the group.
The group quickly scrambled getting out of the way, they behemoth turned growling as it goes for another attack. Noct threw his blade quickly warpping to a tree as Gladiolus swung his blade catching the maw of the beast being pushed back trying to knock it over. Ignis jumped onto the beasts back digging his daggers into it’s back, the behemoth backs away from Gladio bucking wildly. Noct warped onto the back as well using his blade to hold him still on it looking over at Loqi for a moment who was enjoying the show before back to the beast.
“Iggy! There must be something that he did to cause this!” Noct shouts holding the hilt of his blade for dear life as the behemoth bucks around.
“NOCT!” Prompto shouts after being smacked by it’s tail, “We can’t keep going like this!”
“I know! We have to think of something!”
Ignis clutched his daggers digging them into the back to try and get closer to the head, “Your highness what about the thing on it’s head?”
“Good thinking specs!” He nodded trying to get closer but falls off hitting the ground pretty hard, “Shit! That hurts!” The beast turns lunging at Noct as Gladio gets in the way taking the hit, he falls back panting, “GLADIO!”
“I’ll be fine! Finish this quick!”
Noct nodded throwing his sword warping onto hits forehead smashing the machine, the behemoth’s eye rolls back and it falls over, Prompto catches Ignis as he fumbles off. The weakened behemoth groans as Loqi casts fira finishing it off .
“A shame at least I have the data now.”
Prompto and Noct get up glaring at him, “Bastard!” they shout together.
Prompto aimed his staff casting aqua breath, the stream of water blasted Loqi in the face knocking him over. Loqi gasped for air coughing as he sits up, Prompto covers his mouth stifling laughter. Loqi’s face had something running down it, now blood but rather make up? As it washed away it revealed he had freckles under his eyes and across his nose.
“Holy shit are you seriously wearing makeup to hide freckles?!” Prompto laughs holding his sides.
Loqi touched his face feeling the smearing, “DAMN IT! You’ll pay for this!” Loqi ran off as Noct turned to Gladio casting cure on his wound, he flinched as it slowly stitched up.
Noct helped Gladio to his feet as Prompto did the same for Ignis, “Well we did it.”
Prompto looked at the dead behemoth, “Wish we could save it, it didn’t deserve this.”
“Still though, that device Loqi was using on it, best to send word to the Marshal about it,” Ignis said fixing his glasses up a bit.
The group headed back to the outpost filling Wiz in on what happened, “Oh thank goodness! You boys go heal up and i’ll get some chocobos and feed for ya.”
“Alright, we’ll head out tomorrow morning,” Noct said with a nod and looked over to Ignis, “Write the letter to the Marshal Ignis.”
Ignis bowed a bit, “Yes sir.”
Prompto was still chuckling a bit, “Can’t believe he was wearing make up, think that’s why it took him that long to show up for that fight before?”
Noct started to laugh, “Holy shit you’re right!”
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