#proof that uve finished
seneon · 3 months
i fear he’d and finished the movie. give me that kunigami x vegas rn pls.
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dotmander · 1 year
How To Get Your Character Models Out Of A Game: Tips And Tricks For Bitches That Have Never Used Blender
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(it's me, i'm bitches)
(also ignore how messy that lighting is it's 1am and i should have been asleep hours ago. he's there for proof of concept 💕)
a couple people (specifically @forsaken-constellation and @ratasum) asked for a tutorial on how to rip models out of the game. this is not that, but it is a compilation of resources i used to learn about ripping, blender, and 3d modeling in general. i desperately wanted a post like this to exist when i was trying to figure this out, so here we go! all the resources below are completely free, with the exception of a link to the patreon of the person that created ninjaripper.
there are probably more efficient ways to do the things i am doing. i watched a tutorial to learn shortcuts and then skipped to character models. if you have tips to add, corrections to make, or other thoughts, please feel free to share! i'll link to your post here. ^^
i do not know if any of this will get your account banned. i've ripped several models, so i'm going to assume it's fine as long as you don't try to make money off of it. use your best judgment, be an adult, etc etc etc
last updated: april 2, 2023
ninjaripper 1.7.1 - there's a newer version on the creator's patreon, presumably with support for newer versions of blender and fewer bugs, but i haven't tried that
blender 2.79 - the import addon that comes with ninjaripper 1.7.1 is outdated for the current version of blender (3.5 as of this post), so 2.79 is needed to combine the .RIP files into a .BLEND (blender) file
noesis - ninjaripper saves your textures as .DDS files, noesis lets you view them and export them as .PNGs
blender 3.5 (optional?) - i just like it better than 2.79. if you're completely new it might not matter to you. all of the tutorials linked later are for later versions, though.
mixamo (optional) - rigs your character for you and lets you put them in Situations (like my guy above.) there's a whole library of free animations and poses you can try!
how to use ninjaripper - most of what you need to know about actually ripping the files and using ninjaripper is covered here. do not skip this one.
how to use blender 3.5 - full disclosure i haven't finished this series because it's uhhhh many hours long. but if you are a complete newbie to blender, i do recommend at least the first few videos; you'll learn about shortcuts that will make your life easier, how to unfuck your model when it fucks itself for no reason, and different terms that will help you google things you don't know later on. possibly he even covers some of the things i'm about to link! anyway.
what's a uv map?
how to apply textures
how to apply bump maps (note: for our purposes, you wouldn't add a color ramp node, you would add an image node with your bump map, and attach it to the bump node as the person does in the video)
there should be stuff here about weight painting, cloth physics, emission maps (makes your sylvari glow), and other stuff, but um. i haven't figured those out <3  
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TURN UP YOUR GRAPHICS BEFORE YOU RIP - if you don't, you might end up missing certain textures/glows/etc. HOWEVER, you should turn animations down, because apparently high animation can make your meshes misplace themselves
rip from the character select screen, rather than an instance, because you will have 100 meshes to sort through instead of 1400. i am not exaggerating either of those numbers. if you are new to blender, please love yourself and start with character select.
your textures will be fucked up the first time you try to apply them. this is because the UV maps (the things that tell your textures where to go) of your models are flipped upside down in relation to the texture image. you can flip them back over manually, ooooor you can just flip the entire texture file in something like CSP or photoshop.
for some reason all eyes are red in the texture files. i have not figured out why. i recommend editing the .PNG to have the correct eye color before applying the texture.
mixamo only works for humanoid characters with tight clothing (or without clothing at all). if you try to use it to rig a charr or asura, or someone with a skirt or big sleeves, you will most likely be disappointed.
that's all i can think of for now - if you have other questions, feel free to shoot them my way, although i can't promise i'll have a straight answer ^^;;
information from bookahlogy about character proportions, fixing normals, and other fun tips
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aswrittenbyaj · 1 year
stick and poke
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pairing: shuri x black!fem!reader
summary: your time on vacation is slowly coming to an end so naturally you two try to find a way to commemorate it.
wordcount: 2.6k
warnings: this one's for the lovers. rated M for mature. minors dni. partial nudity as well as nipple play (reader-receiving) and a brief moment of impact play (titty-slapping, reader-receiving). briefest mention of a needle (tattooing, obviously). there's a few pet names, but none degrading. not beta'd (that's a warning in itself). let me know if i missed any!
a/n: so this was not on my wip list because i forgot i finished this a lil while back lol. a fun twist on the tattoo shop au that i hope you'll all enjoy. i don't know xhosa so any words in bold are to be assumed as spoken in xhosa. there's one or two words in the actual language and credit for their translation goes to @iinkonde from this post. banner and divider by: me.
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you were going to miss this, miss the ease of moving through the day without obligations and responsibilities looming over your shoulder. there was nothing like waking up as you pleased next to the woman you loved while the sounds of waves crashing in the distance calmed your soul. the position of the sun being your only source of time, self-carved notches on the wooden planks of the treehouse wall the only indication of how many days had passed since the two of your arrived at the secluded beach.
there was tranquility in getting away from the hustle and bustle of everyday city life. even as you stared out at the vast water before you from where you sat in the sand, the waves crashing into one another, you tried imagining what life would be like if you never went back. you almost wished it were that simple.
"you still with me, yeah?" 
shuri's voice found you before your eyes found her, the lithe woman approaching from behind, a green coconut in one hand, a bowie knife in the other.
you drunk in the sight of her, midriff peeking between the gap of her cropped white t-shirt and pink shorts that stopped mid-thigh, rich skin sun-kissed with a healthy glow, one that only came from inward peace and happiness. showing off her strength, shuri swung the knife at the tree nut, hacking away at the top with ease, giving you a chance to ogle the way her biceps flexed with the moment.
"always," you replied shamelessly. 
if anything, these last two weeks were proof you didn't need all the riches and privileges that came with being connected to a wakandan royal, romantically or not. you just needed her. you just wanted her. always.
she tried to hide her grin behind the coconut as she took a drink from the opening she created, but you knew her, almost better than you knew yourself it sometimes seemed. there were few reasons her cheekbones would raise towards the sun, why her eyes would crinkle at the corner.
"except when your mind is kilometers away," she retorted, plopping down next to you, her knee brushing yours as she folded her legs pretzel-style beneath her. "no people, no technology, no work to distract you, and i lose you to the ocean!" she chuckled with a shake of her head, sea-salted curls swaying with the movement.
"you could never lose me. you know that. you just like to hear me say it." 
leaning in, your pressed your lips to the corner of her mouth, leaving a sweet kiss as your hand swiped the coconut from her grasp. 
"naturally." she replied in her native tongue. her words were flippant, teasing, but her voice was butter-soft with affection.
"naturally," you repeated in english, tone mocking bumping her bare shoulder with your own before bringing the coconut up to your lips.
the action was clumsy, the timing of your backwards head tilt slightly off, sending the sweet water dribbling in the miniscule gap between your lip and the nut shell. without a care, you drank deeply, your thirst not surprising given how long you had been soaking in the solar rays. your mother would be disappointed in your lack of uv protection, but in that moment, it was the furthest thing from mind.
you could feel shuri's gaze on you as you drank, leaving a path of warmth that felt different than the sun. that was one thing about being here alone with her, without the so-called distractions of life. everything felt acute, supercharged, and oh-so-very intense.
swallowing, you pulled the coconut away, turning to look at her. 
"intoni ingxakhi?"  what's wrong, you asked, your interchanging of english and xhosa becoming more natural every time you used the language.
your wrist bent as your arm raised to wipe the soon-to-be-sticky trail from your cheek, chin and neck, only shuri had beat you to it. instead of answering your question, she leaned in, the flat of her pink tongue sliding across the sensitive skin of your collarbone before trailing up you neck. closing your eyes, you tilted your head more to give her extra room to work with. full lips sucked softly at the moisture on your chin, dragging out a groan from the back of your throat.
coconut forgotten in the sand, you brought your hand up to grip the back of her head, soft curls pliable under the grip of your fingers. finally, her mouth moved to meet yours, but as you leaned in to meet her halfway, she pulled back slightly, your lips brushing against one another.
peeling your eyes open, you saw hers were already waiting to connect, heat stirring deep within her irises. you tempted once more to mold your lips together, but again, she leaned away, just enough to keep it from happening.
"shuri." you murmured your complaint, hooded gaze raising from her lips to her eyes than back again. 
she challenged with a murmur of your name, lips barely moving before finally descending upon yours. 
the sand was going to be a bitch to get out of the dark coiled crown on your head, but there was no stopping you from laying back against the ocean-pebbled surface, shuri's body a welcomed weight atop of yours. legs slotted together, she ground her thigh down against your warm center, a hum of pleasure pressing through lips moving in a synchronic dance only the two of you knew.
your hands resting on her lower back, shuri pulled away to look down at you. palms on the ground at either side of your head held her up so she could take in your beauty, so she could take in the wide set nose and kiss-bitten full lips, the brown eyes that were darkened with desire. 
"bast, you are very beautiful." 
there was something in the way shuri breathed those words out, almost as if she hadn't meant to say them out loud, or at least not loud enough for you to hear them. one hand left the ground to cup your cheek, thumb swiping gently at slope of your cheekbone, following the curve of your jawline before traveled lower, a loose grip around your neck. her fingers tightened, palm flat as you swallowed, the skin of your throat pressing against it. her hand felt like a brand, hot, possessive. if a mark was left in its place, it'd be one you'd wear with pride.
she could've left her hand there for an eons and you wouldn't have protested in the slightest. instead, it continue its course south, fingertips gliding against the melanin rich skin of chest before meeting the rim of your tank top. her index slowly trailed along the rib knit neckline, drifting back and and forth as if she were stuck in idle.
"don't tease me." 
you had barely uttered the sentiment out before she gave into the demand. in a swift action, her second hand met the first and with an easy twist of her wrists, the cotton fabric gave way with an audible tear. the sudden sound stole a gasp from you, one shuri eagerly swallowed with her tongue. she enjoyed getting these reactions from you, reveled in whatever sounds she could make spill from those plum-colored lips. she'd yet to find her favorite sequence and hoped she never would. 
her wandering fingers found your nipples, pinching and rolling it between them as her palms massaged the fullness of your breasts. she plucked them like a bassist did her favorite instrument, with care, with passion, with expertise, before delivering your left breast a sharp slap, drawing out a hiss from between your clenched teeth and a smirk overtop of hers. 
narrowing your eyes, your hands tightened on her waist, rolling the two of you over. as if she already knew of your plan, shuri shifted her weight as well, the two of you spinning several times, garnering a few meters of distance from your original spot before landing in your desired position. the logroll shifted the tension in the air, laughter breaking the heated moment as the two of you caught your breath.
looking down at her, chest bare as your ruined top hung off your shoulders haphazardly, you smiled.
"i love you." 
it wasn't the first time you confessed those three not-so-little words, not that day, not that week, but you meant it as full as the first time you thought it to yourself. the two of you weren't even in the same country at the time. hell, you hadn't even had a conversation in days. instead, you had been watching a live feed on c-span of a united nations conference in your rented apartment.
the camera had panned to some other country's ambassador when you saw her, queen shuri looking regally bored in the background. she wasn't even the one speaking and yet you couldn't keep your eyes off of her. you could've and would've paid the cameraman three-month's salary to always have her in frame, just so you could've seen her for the full duration of the livestream. 
you couldn't help but wonder if that was going to be the life you were heading back to in seven days' time, one filled with kisses in passing and workplace obligations that kept you countries-apart on a consistent basis. finding each other in a world of nearly eight billion people was kismet, but even fate had a funny way of insisting on a more difficult journey for lovers.
"what stole your mind from me?" she demanded softly, pulling you back to the present, the fiery mirth within her eyes dulling as concern filled its space.
with a soft sigh, you shifted, finding a seat in her lap as you straddled her, your bare legs aligning with her muscled thighs. though she remained reclined, shuri brought her knees up slightly, toes wiggling in the sand, one hand settling behind her head, the other resting on the curve of your ass.
"i don't want to leave yet. i know we still have a week of holiday left here, but one week is not enough when i desire an eternity with you."
you ducked your head, for speaking like that always made you a bit bashful. it didn't matter how much you knew shuri loved you or how many times she shared her affection towards you, you still couldn't imagine the queen of wakanda continuing to choose you as her boundless love.
"so then we stay."
an unamused huff of air pushed through your nostrils at her suggestion, one brow raising.
"have you forgotten who you are?" you asked incredulously, your voice raising an octave.
"have you?" 
the tone of shuri's voice forced you to swallow your tongue, to choose your words, your tone a little more carefully. yes, she was your lover in all definitions, but she was still queen of the most powerful nation on land (and most-likely the sea as well, but that was a conversation for another day). if she wanted to stay, you had no doubt she would find a way to make it happen, even if it was just for a little while longer.
"i don't mean to doubt your capabilities. it's just that your people need you home. they only tolerate me. and if they found out you were considering abandoning your duties for an outsider..."
your voice trailed off, teeth sinking into your bottom lip as your shook your head, refusing to finish the sentence.
the two of you didn't talk about your shaky wakandan lineage. sure your grandmother had talked fondly of the wakandan country and its people, but they were only stories, ones that couldn't be proven, not since your war dog grandfather had disappeared sometime after your mother's birth. 
shuri had offer to do some digging, but you had declined, too afraid of the truth drawing a wedge not only between the two of you, but also between you and your family. whether she looked on her own, she hadn't said and you were grateful for the silence on the topic.
"so marry me."
the turns this conversation had taken was sending your mind into a spin cycle. one minute you were disheartened by the fact that you had to leave her soon and the next you were in the middle of a marriage proposal.
"marry. me."
the chuckle that escaped from between your lips was an accident, a knee-jerk reaction. you had dreamt of those words coming from out of her mouth for months now and to think that they were finally here almost felt too surreal.
"you're serious?"
sitting up, shuri rested her weight on one hand, leaning in to affectionate bump her nose against yours. 
"how could i not be when i am talking about a lifetime with the love of my existence?"
the unwavering of her stare as she looked into your eyes killed any thought of this being a playful joke to lighten the moment, to ease your worries. your mind decided it was the perfect time to short circuit as you tried to figure out the right thing to say.
"well it wasn't that great of a proposal so..." you said, a cheeky response to try ease the pressure in your chest.
shuri gasped at your gall, fingers digging into your side, sending you into giggles. gasping for air, you tried to squirm away, but she didn't let up nor did she let you get away.
"mercy, queen. mercy," you choked out between your laughter.
chest rising and falling rapidly, you were grateful when she finally let you catch your breath...only for her to steal it away again with the sincerity in her voice with her next words.
"do you want to marry me, nkosazana sam?" she asked her princess, the term of endearment one that melted your heart every time. 
there was only one response to give her.
"yes, i want to marry you." 
you closed the gap between you and shuri, your palms resting on either side of her head while you pressed your lips against hers. pulling away, you couldn't resist one more joke. 
"though you might want to get used to calling me queen."
with one more quick kiss to her lips, you pushed up onto your feet and took off down the shoreline, seafoam brushing your ankles as you splashed long the waterline, your fiancée hot on your heels.
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"hold still," you complained seriously, though the cackle spilling between your words didn't help.
"you are literally stabbing me with a needle. there is no 'holding still.'"
the two of you were back up in the treehouse, naked as the day, shuri lying face down on the queen-sized bed, the only luxurious furniture in the space.
you were straddling her again, only this time you had settled down on the plump of her backside, hunched over as you tried to deliver as clean of a stick-and-poke tattoo as you could to her spine. the words "eternally yours" in wakandan glyphs that trailed from the nape of your neck to the space between your shoulder blades were identical to the sentiment you were currently trying to imprint in the same location on shuri's back. 
"well, it's about to say 'eternally yout' if you don't stop wiggling." you dipped the needle in the ink again as you spoke before returning back to the task at hand. "then you'll have to spend a lifetime explaining why the black panther, the fiercest and strongest creature on earth, couldn't even sit still for one measly little tatto- ow!"
before you could finish your sentence, shuri had sneakily reached her hand back to pinch your leg.
"such a brat."  she snarked under her breath as she folded her arm back under her chin, making you chuckle because where was the lie. 
"you love this brat, though," you countered with ease, giving her finished tattoo one final wipe, sitting back to admire your handy work.
"i do. i really do."
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theoscout · 1 year
So I finished reading all three of the Strahd stories written by PN Elrod and I have a lot of thoughts (btw I call her version 'Caretaker Strahd' and consider him a different character to 5e Strahd)
strahd is so definitely a gamer, I could totally imagine him showing off his setup and pc if he lived in modern times
he'd have those cool ones that flash when you type on them and really expensive gear too, he's somehow found out how to play video games despite computers not even being invented in his time
That thing he does where he possess someone else is SO UNDERUSED omg, what are the limits? Can he possess wolves and bats if he turned into them first? Possess dire wolves?? Dragons???
since vampiric charm in 5e only works on humanoids I'd assume that his version of it also only works on humanoids, except that he was able to possess another vampire in the same way so maybe his works on undead too
fanfic where Strahd builds a mecha and kicks ass
i'd imagine his first mecha would be a robotic version of himself that uses the weird potion as fuel so he can go to other domains (and also has a self destruct button to avoid another 'Azalin's ANGY' incident
his second one might be a giant wolf with him in wolf form piloting it with the magic ball, because a four legged mecha is easier to build than one with 2 legs
also I can't shake the thought of him asking for Barovians to pay taxes in the form of blood donations
I mean for one thing he wants to survive and not let people know he's a vampire but come on are you going to eat your townsfolk when you run out of prisoners?
it's slightly better when he says that he can use his mind control powers to make them forget that he drank from them but stillllllll :(
according to Azalin the most experimentation he's done about going into the mists is the thing with holding a string and running in, and tbh that's like the only thing I agree with Darcelus on
like dude you've been alive for hundreds of years and you're too horny about some redhead to investigate wtf is going on?
makes you wonder how much he knows about the sunlight burning him as well
if I were a vampire I would be testing this out every day and try to develop some kind of sunlight proof outfit to go outside with, and if people ask what I'm wearing I'll just say I have a skin condition
OH and since people are bound to take notice of his mechas he's building, maybe he can excuse this by saying he needs blood to power his mechas
so now he doesn't need to bite his villagers :D
and about the way he can make an outfit that sunlight proofs him- I have an experiment in mind. If he can metabolise, then he can cut pieces of his hair and put them under sunlight and look at them under a magnifying glass to see how they burn. And he can slot materials such as cloth etc between the sunlight and his hair to see if it blocks out the sun, and maybe he leaves it there for a few hours to see if it ACTUALLY blocks out the sun and isn't just burning there but slower
maybe the vision part will be harder to do since IDK if UV ray resistant glass even exists here, but maybe he just casts a spell on the costume so he can see out of it
and he can just put on an entire suit of armor over it assuming it's cloth and then he can go out in public in daylight- he doesn't need to breathe so suffocation isn't a problem
alternatively he can hide his ridiculous clothing by casting disguise self but he probably has already solved that problem
i sure hope vampires don't sweat
I don't think they do but if he does, I don't think he'll like it one bit
I lowkey headcanon him as autistic because he's good at keeping a straight face, hates being social (to the point where he will throw letters at people from the shadows rather than talking to them directly), once stared for ages at a wall because he was angy, identifies with animals more than people, and idk he probably has some sensory issues from how strongly he reacts to certain smells
or maybe I just can't feel pain idk lol
i wonder if Sergei and/or Tatyana were polyamorous, he sure as hell never asked them first
wonder how much it would explode his head if it turns out centuries later that they were poly all along and he killed Alek and Sergei for nothing
but also >:]
Strahd said that kissing women felt nice but he doesn't really want to do it because he hungers for blood and he has to repress it, why does he hunger for people aside from Tatyana it seems?
hmmmmmm I have never ever seen ANYONE react to a person irl like how Strahd reacts to Tatyana, and it seems like I'm not the only one who finds it sus. Not just like in 'gee you really shouldn't be this obsessed over a girl' kind of sus, sus to the point where people theorise that she's a succubus or something. SO I'm thinking, does Strahd look inside and wonder why he's so attracted to Tatyana? like... he's not very curious or scientific the way Azalin is, so he probably didn't investigate it and he isn't the introspective type AT ALL so there maybe isn't a lot of looking into it that he did
my headcanon is that something happened between him and Tatyana in another life, maybe he was already cursed from there or something
because his crime wasn't that bad in comparison to other darklords.... killing two people vs mass murder
crack theory- Tatyana is a darklord as well and stuck in the same domain as Strahd, in a past life she cast a spell on him that made him fall in love with her madly, but her curse is that he will never be able to be with her and that she won't recognise him from the past life
because ngl her situation seems worse than Strahd in some ways
still I would REALLY love to know if there was any more background to Strahd's obsession over her other than 'tatyana's hot'
just scrolled to the top and remembered that since Strahd has some sick writing skillz, he would make an amazing youtuber as well
he'd be able to write something like the DSMP for money and entertainment purposes
that is a cursed line why did i write that lmao
wonder how he'd do as a streamer
I don't think he'd be a streamer since he seems to love his privacy and his autobiographies seem reserved for meeting people he really trusts and showing them his life story without having to sit down and explain it through because he hates social stuff
so his autobiographies are partially propaganda but really it has a lot of secrets so it's possibly to get people to like him
Azalin said that Strahd had a weird/ random sense of humor so I would really like to see how he responds to memes or if he would make them
Strahd REALLY goes out of his way whenever possible in his autobiographies to be like "actually no I'm not that nice, I'm doing this semi nice thing because of xyz" to the point where I'm suspecting he's trying to cover up the fact that he cares about stuff more than he actually does but he's trying to be intimidating
he obviously feels emotions and is sad about Sergei and Alek but he's an emotional repression person and probably tries to hide ANY kind of pain that isn't Tatyana related
I really want to know what would happen if he met Sergei or Alek's ghost.................................................
I feel like a bunch of scenes in the books may have been for fanservice to some degree lol (cough cough strahd taking off his shirt cause he doesn't want it to get ruined by swords cough)
idk what Strahd has going on for Van Richten but it's funny how he just saw one random guy and went 'ok I trust you, here's my entire life story' twice
another user said Strahd was trying to seduce Van Richten because of how he let him go free after Van Richten read his first autobiography, then probably arranged an illiterate thief to carry his other autobiography to the exact bookstore where Van Richten likes to hang out so he could read it in the perfect time frame, and then send a minion to pick it up afterwards lol
TWAA was so full of cartoon physics it was funny to imagine lol
Why did Strahd imagine such oddly specific scenarios such as Azalin going mountain climbing while casting spells and himself trying to grab a carrot off Azalin while Azalin twirls it around on a fishing rod like Strahd's a minecraft pig
Strahd's so done with Azalin by the end he just lets Azalin bow his spectral form like a sockpuppet :sob emoji:
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zaharadessert · 1 year
Canticum Sanguinis Lux - Favilla (3/8)
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Summary: Once, all Emma Nolan wanted was a normal life, but when she had a run in with a vampire as a teenager she realised that she couldn’t escape the life of a hunter. Now all she wants to do is prove herself, and she’s going to end up going above and beyond to be the hunter the world needs her to be.
Rating: Explicit. Mostly for graphic descriptions of violence, and some smut, but not until later chapters.
Warnings: There are hints at the non con nature of the control vampires can have over humans.
Notes: As you may have noticed from the title, I now have a concrete chapter count. So I can now officially announce that this fic is finished! Thank you all for the comments and such to help spur me on to get it done, I really appreciate it.
Thanks to the @cssns mods for running this event, thank you to @clockodile for the gorgeous banner. Lastly, thank you to @kmomof4, who not only is an amazing beta, but volunteered to deal with my panics and the amount of hitting my head against a wall that this has made me do. Thank you so much, I could not have done this without you. Thank you to @clockadile for the wonderful art x
Tagging: @jrob64 @xhookswenchx @kmomof4 @wefoundloveunderthelight @superchocovian @lfh1226-linda @teamhook @jonesfandomfanatic @tiganasummertree @onceratheart18 @snowbellewells @karlyfr13s @itsfabianadocarmo @ouatpost @ultraluckycatnd @winterbaby89 @thepirateandhisson @xarandomdreamx @xsajx @captainswan21 @spaceconveyor @pirateprincessofpizza @sparlecorn93 @hollyethecurious @ammelia
As always, let me know if you’d like me to add you to my taglist for future fics :) I'm gonna be resetting my taglist when this fic is done, so please let me know if you'd like to continue to be tagged.
Full work on AO3
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Their plan, once they’d made it, was simple. They were going to use public transport, with as many people around them as possible, and Killian was going to take the cuff off her the moment they left his building. It would ensure neither of them were going to kill each other in front of other people, and that, hopefully, no one else would get the jump on them.
Once they reached her street, Emma was expecting him to leave, but Killian had other ideas.
David Nolan was a reasonable man, at least that's what his reputation suggested. He’d always tempered his actions with mercy. Quick, clean kills, and not without proof that the supernatural was hurting people.
He hoped that Nolan’s reason would hold out long enough to hear what Killian had to say.
What he had not counted on was the defences on the property that Emma failed to warn him of as they approached. When he’d not left her side, she’d shot him a curious glance.
“You know where to find me, Love. Turnabout’s fair play, no?” he’d said with a grin.
She’d narrowed her eyes slightly, but shrugged in reluctant agreement. Only, when they stopped at the top of the steps, and she unlocked the door, a light flicked on above them and Killian hissed in pain as the UV rays hit him.
“Emma, let me in, Love, please!” he gasped, gripping onto the doorframe desperately.
“I will banish you back out here if you try anything,” she said, her voice low as she looked down at him.
“Understood, please…” he whimpered as the rays from above seared his skin cruelly, though not with as much force as the actual sun would have hurt him.
“Come on in…” she said with a smile, gesturing into the hallway.
Killian practically fell through the door and Emma shut it quickly behind him as he cowered against the wall, panting heavily.
“What the bloody hell was that for?” he snarled as he looked up at her.
“Just making sure you know I’m not an idiot…” she drawled with a smirk, and Killian growled in frustration.
He knew she wasn’t an idiot, but maybe he had been to trust her.
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Continues on AO3
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mykneeshurt · 2 years
Haunted part 7
I’m back! Married and ready to rumble! I am actually a Price now too haha. I finally have the game which I spent like … 6/7 hours playing today 😂 I’m loving it!
Thank you to argella1300 on AO3 for the suggestion about the sunburn and lotion lmao, I loved it!
Warnings - smut tbh. Explicit smut. That’s it I think 😂 some fluff and angst
I can’t work out how to do a tag list it doesn’t work 😭 this isn’t proof read!!!
Part 8
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A few days later you had been sent to Suez, in Egypt. A brief mission to intercept some stolen weapons, while you were waiting for Makarov to make his next move. Laswell was keeping Price updated. The plan was for the boys to raid the local Suez port, locate the weapons cache and return to base. Bish. Bash. Bosh.
The morning sun beamed in through the dusty windows of the small base you were situated on. You were in your room finishing getting ready when you overheard Gaz and Soap talking. ‘Soap, you’re not harder than the sun. You need to put on sun lotion.’ Soap snorted ‘Naw pal, I’ll be fine! I don’t burn.’ Hearing this absolute stupidity you grabbed a bottle of factor 50 and stormed down the corridor. ‘JOHN MCTAVISH!’ His eyes widened in fear as your voice boomed into his ear. Gaz and Price smirked and left out a laugh in unison. ‘You’ve fucked it now son’ Price laughed.
Rounding the corner you stood arms crossed glaring at the terrified solider. ‘If you come back burnt, so help me god I’ll slap you into next week. You’re pale as fuck of course you’ll burn! Our Celtic skin hates the sun you absolute dickhead. Put. This. On.’ Soap looked like a scolded child as he went to open his mouth. ‘Don’t. You. Dare’ you interrupted, ‘skin cancer is a leading cause of death. Wear it.’ Price and Gaz were stifling their giggles as John took the lotion from your hand. ‘That goes for you too’ you scowled looking over at Gaz and Price. ‘Yes ma’am’ they replied in unison.
Ghost walked in through the front door after preparing the jeeps for the journey. He was wearing tan cargo pants and a tan shirt with the sleeves rolled up exposing his tattoo. ‘Fuckin boiling out there’ he muttered under his breath. He walked in to you staring down the rest of the team ‘alright?’ He questioned looking cautiously over to you. ‘Yeah, Soap just thinks he’s harder than the sun is all.’ You shot him a warning look out of the corner of your eye. Soap fake surrendered putting his hands in the air, still looking like a terrified child.
‘Anyway … ‘ Ghost continued ‘let’s move out. Meeting our contact in 30 minutes. Gaz you’re driving, Price upfront, me and Johnny will take the back.’ The three men nodded and filed outside, Ghost approached you and squeezed your wrist. You smiled up at him ‘be careful Simon. Please?’ He silently nodded before walking out.
As you glanced down you saw Soap had left the sun lotion on the table. That stupid fuck. Grabbing the bottle you barged past Ghost and launched the bottle full force at Soap. The bottle collided with the back of his head with a satisfying thump. Gaz and Price fell about laughing, trying to keep some composure before going on the mission. ‘Don’t fuckin try me John! I ain’t dealing with you like last time!’
The last time being when you were in Mexico on a stakeout, Soap and Ghost had gotten horrendously sunburnt, burns and blisters on their arms. It was cloudy out and they didn’t listen to your warning of the high UV index that day. They both came back with crispier skin than the chickens at KFC. They needed inadine patches to help the skin heal and the open sores to be cleaned regularly. Which of course meant more work for you, you gave them a huge lecture on sunburn and the dangers of it. Ghost took it on board, Soap however clearly did not.
It took weeks to heal and they both moped around base grimacing in pain every time they saw you. Soap tried to avoid you as much as he could, petrified you’d show him the pictures of sunburn again. ‘McTavish! Sit your ass down and look at these. This will be your skin if you don’t apply lotion. I’ve told you time and time again to wear it. You’re a pain in the fuckin neck.’ It took all of your restraint not to slap his sunburn to teach him a lesson.
Soap rubbed the back of his head, a red patch forming already. ‘Fuckin hells bells woman! You need to be on a rounders team with an arm like that.’ Laughing to yourself Ghost came up behind you ‘could you not concuss my Sargent before the mission? He’s useless as it is.’ Soap shot his head around ‘aw come on now Lt. I know you’ve got a soft spot for me.’ Ghost rolled his eyes before walking over the the jeep and sliding in next Soap.
Over the next few hours you caught up on paperwork of minor injuries you had to deal with. Ready to put onto their clinical notes back at base. You cleaned your Glock 17 and timed yourself taking it apart and putting it back together again. Determined to beat Ghosts time he set.
The boys retuned and filled you in on the operation, it actually went straightforward for once. A couple of scrapes and bruises but all in all nothing much for you to do. ‘Laswell found what she needed to?’ You asked Price tucking into your protein bar. ‘Just waiting for confirmation kid, Makarovs been seen back in Russia, fucker is working with Hassan. Known terrorist, who we also know is working with the cartel in Las Almas.’ Your eyes widened, Jesus, this was extensive. ‘Christ, back to Mexico I take it then?’
‘Yeah, meeting up with Shadow Company. They’ll be assisting us with finding Hassan, and in turn Makarov.’ Price rubbed his beard as he spoke, seemingly lost in thought. ‘Evac tomorrow at dawn, get your heads down. Got a hell of an operation a head of us.’
1 week later
You sat in your new clinic at Alejandro’s base in Las Alma’s, Alejandro is the leader of Los Vaqueros. Smooth talker and passionate about protecting the people who live there. Rodolfo, the cutie that he is, is Alejandro’s right hand man, served with each other for 20 years. They looked after you and got you what ever you needed.
There was a knock at the door, turning round your eyes lit up seeing Ghost stood at the door. ‘Hey’ you said quietly, offering him a small grin. ‘We’ve got a hit on Hassan, heading out tomorrow. Just waitin’ for Graves.’ Your smile soon dropped. You hardly spent any time with each other since the night you spent together. Part of the job you guessed, but it still got you down. You walked past him and shut the door, locking it. ‘What you doin’?’ He asked puzzled. You leant on your door with your hands behind your back and bit your lip. ‘I don’t know when I’m gonna see you next. This operation is huge. I have you here and now, I’m making the most of it.’
You slinked over to him and slid your hands down his arms. You inhaled his scent, musky and clean, grabbing hold of his wrists you stroked his skin peeking out between his sleeves and gloves. He let out a heavy sigh and closed his eyes. Your touch always managed to break down the walls he kept up, ever so slightly. It offered him some grounding from the never ending storm that consumed his mind. He cupped your face, and studied your eyes, your beautiful eyes. ‘I’m comin’ back’ he said gently. Tears began to stab the back of your eyes ‘I’ll hold you to that Riley. I like havin’ you around.’
He pulled you into him and encased you in his arms, you both stood like this for some time. He placed a masked kiss on your forehead, ‘I take it you locked the door for a reason?’ You smirked and looked up at him, giving your best doe eyes. ‘Maybe.’ With that he pulled up his mask to his nose and swooped onto your lips. He forced his tongue inside of your lips, both tongues fighting for control. Teeth clashed together in the fierce mess of desire that was your kiss. Struggling for breath you pulled away, adrenaline surging through you.
Fumbling with his belt, you eventually undid it before undoing your own. ‘Don’t think I’ve ever seen you so needy’ he mumbled into your ear. ‘Shut up Simon.’ You slid your hand into his trousers and grazed the tip of his hard cock, eliciting a gritted hiss from him. ‘On your fuckin knees’ he growled as he pulled your hair. Doing as he wished you sank to your knees, maintaining eye contact with him. Shimmying his trousers and boxers down just enough to free his throbbing cock you placed a tender kiss on the tip. He cupped your jaw and caressed it with his thumb.
Taking him into your mouth he threw his head back, a guttural moan building in the depths of the chest. You swirled your tongue around his shaft before you started bobbing your head. Setting up your own rhythm you dig your nails into the material of his trousers. The length was perfectly perfect, but he was thick. Placing his hand on the back of your head he pushed you beyond your limit. Gagging noises filled the room, tears pricked your eyes as you fought for breath. The familiar taste or pre-cum slid down your throat as he let out desperate breaths. Spit adorned your chin as you tried to keep up with his demanding pace. Seemingly knowing you were reaching your limit he pulled out and stood you up, licking the drool of your chin. ‘Atta girl.’
He backed you up against the counter and lifted you onto it with ease. Yanking down your trousers he pulled one leg free and hooked it around his waist. He spat into his hand and cupped your already soaking cunt. ‘Fuck, so wet already.’ You moaned in reply, the feel of his fingers on your swollen clit felt like ecstasy. ‘Just fuck me’ you moaned into his mouth kissing him, ‘please. Need you so bad.’ He lined himself up at your entrance and slid himself in with ease. You pulled him into your neck groaning into his ear as he peppered your neck with kissed. His hips slammed into yours, the feel of your wet cunt around his cock made him pick up his pace. He found your collarbone and bit into it, ‘fuck Simon.’ You grasped at the back of his neck trying to steady yourself. ‘So … tight … fuck’ he moaned into your neck. ‘Harder Simon, f … faster, please please please.’
Your needy begs were making him come undone, the whimper in your voice drove him to the edge. He was so close but he refused to finish until you did. He placed your hand on your clit ‘show me, show me what you do when you think of me’ he demanded. You rubbed firm circles onto your clit, instantly you felt your stomach tightening. ‘God I’m so close Simon’ you panted. ‘Good girl, keep goin’ for me, wanna feel you come.’ He pulled you closer by your hip, bruise marks were certain, but the thought of him marking you excited you even more. You slammed your forehead against his chest to muffle the moans, your other hand cradled the back of his head. ‘Come for me, that’s it come on my cock.’
The building orgasm was becoming unbearable, the coil in your stomach was so close to snapping. A flurry of begs left your mouth as he he whispered filthy praise into your ear. Finally it snapped, your moans bordered on sounding possessed as he slammed his cock into you. ‘Where?’ Almost immediately you answered ‘come in me Simon, please, I wanna feel you.’ He pulled your head back by your hair ‘you’re a fuckin filthy bitch’ he groaned as he slammed his lips into yours. Kissing you he came as he moaned into your mouth. His come filling you up, leaving you feel completely satisfied.
As he pulled away the sudden realisation of what he’d done had set in, his widened as he looked at you. Knowing instantly what he was thinking you cupped his jaw and laughed ‘I’m on the pill, don’t worry.’ He relaxed into your touch as he pulled out, watching the mess he’d made slip out of you. ‘In that case, can’t waste it can we?’ He used two fingers to push his cum back into your freshly used cunt. The sudden overstimulation took you by surprise, yelping in surprise. ‘Fuuuuuck Simon.’ Your eyes rolled back as you bit your lip.
As the wave of pleasure slowly dissipated you were met with Simon staring at you. ‘Yes?’ You smiled. He leant in and kissed you again before tucking the stupid strand of hair behind your ear. ‘Man of many words aren’t you Riley?’ You teased. But you knew he struggled to say how he felt, so you’d take his gestures of affection. Actions speak louder than words so they say.
After he helped you clean yourself up he held your hand and gave it a squeeze. ‘Come back to me Simon’ you repeated ‘please.’
‘Can’t leave you lookin after Soap on your own can I?’ You snorted, he was like your child, especially with the type of banter you had between you. ‘No, you absolutely cannot. I’ll kill him.’ Ghost stood and placed one more kiss on your forehead ‘We’ll update you when we can love.’ Nodding you watched as Ghost left your room, sadness weighed heavy upon you. This was a huge mission before them. You knew they were more than capable, all of them. They were your boys.
Ghost couldn’t cope with all the emotions he was feeling because of you. His mind was screaming at him not to carry on with you. To break your heart and stay away from each other. But his heart wanted you, wanted some happiness, wanted something his mother would be proud of. The last happy memory he had was of hugging his mother. But he felt he didn’t deserve happiness, he was a killing machine, cold, somewhat psychopathic. He didn’t deserve you, your touch, your smile, your warmth. He deserved to feel the way he feels because of everything he’s done. But your presence never left him, never left his mind, his thoughts. He couldn’t shake how you affected him, how much he needs you. You completely and utterly haunted his mind.
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ambrosiafaery · 9 months
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If I was less shitty at painting and resin these would be perfect! Fantastic proof of concepts tho :D and I can replace them later when I've improved!
Process was
- epoxy resin for white base
- primer for iris
- gouache for colors but I will try acrylics next time
- one layer of clear UV resin
- added some sparkle glitter and then finished with the last layer of UV resin!
I wish I had better ways to prevent air bubbles with both types of resin... I used my shittier epoxy for this and my preferred stuff tends to be less bubbly so maybe that will be enough
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shedmasteruk · 1 year
The best garden sheds for 2023
The best garden sheds for 2023
A garden shed is an invaluable storage solution, which can be used to tidy away everything from plant pots and tools to the lawnmower. They can also double as a workshop, for all those garden DIY projects.
There’s a huge variety of sheds available in different styles, materials, and prices. To help you choose the right shed for you, we’ve put together a list of some of the best garden sheds available.
To keep your new shed tidy, browse our guide to the best shed storage ideas and garden storage ideas. We also have handy roundups of the best shed paints and tips on how to improve your shed.
The best garden sheds in the UK
We’ve rounded up a selection of some of the best sheds available to buy in the UK. The sheds in our list are all made from either timber sheds, plastic sheds or metal sheds.
The measurements featured below are a guide and list the widest, highest or deepest measurements of each shed’s dimensions. Further details such as exact door widths and heights at different points of the roof can be found on our website.
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Rowlinson Oxford 4ft x 3ft Wooden Apex Garden Shed with Lean-To
Mercia 6×4 Overlap Apex Timber Shed
The Mercia 6×4 Overlap Apex Timber Shed is perfect for those who are on a budget. A must have for any garden, this shed is the perfect storage space for your garden tools, equipment, furniture, and outdoor games.
With a strong build and durable construction, this shed will keep its contents safe and secure. With it’s compact space-saving design, it’s ideal for smaller gardens. Perfect for those who want to step up their gardening game to the next level.
Palram 6×8 Canopia Skylight Plastic Apex Shed – Amber
Update your garden with the addition of the Palram 6×8 Canopia Skylight Plastic Apex Shed – Amber , a stylish heavy duty addition that allows you to safely store a range of equipment including lawn tools, sports equipment, patio furniture and more.
Built using highly resistant polycarbonate panelling and a rust-free aluminium frame, this shed is maintenance free and resistant to weather deterioration for years of outdoor use. The resilient polycarbonate panels do not fracture, discolour or become brittle over time ensuring that the structure remains durable and tough while inside, your garden gear is kept safe from sun damage thanks to the UV blocking roof panels.
The Skylight garden storage shed is made with a reinforced aluminium frame and flexible polycarbonate panels specially engineered to withstand the expansion and shrinkage associated with weather changes. The panels do not bend, fracture, or discolour over time, giving your things maintenance-free protection for years to come. The unique Skylight roof panels transmit natural sunlight during the day while giving you opaque external visibility for maximum privacy as well as front and back vents for ample airflow. Designed with your outdoor living needs in mind, the Skylight plastic shed will complement your home, enhance your outdoor living space, and organize and protect your things.
Yardmaster 8′ x 6’6″ Shiplap Apex Metal Shed – Brown
The perfect way of adding some extra storage space to your garden, this Yardmaster 8′ x 6’6″ Shiplap Apex Metal Shed – Brown will be a welcome addition to your outdoor space.
Made of high-strength, hot-dipped galvanised steel with enhanced resistance to corrosion, warping, swelling and blistering, this metal garden shed is maintenance-free. The permanent, resin-coated finish requires no touch-ups, rust-proofing or application of any preservatives. Other than the occasional cleaning, it takes care of itself and your belongings.
Designed with lockable handles that are attached with anti-tamper bolts, the Yardmaster metal garden shed provides secure storage on your property throughout the year. A free anchor kit is also included to secure it firmly to any kind of surface.
The Yardmaster 8′ x 6’6″ Shiplap Apex Metal Shed – Brown is made from hot-dipped galvanised steel with a resin coated finish with a 15 year anti-rust guarantee.
Included are 2 translucent roof panels to allow daylight into the unit.
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Trentvale 8×4 Metal Pent Shed Dark Grey
If you’re looking for an attractive, durable and low-maintenance alternative to a traditional timber shed, then you’ve found it in the Trentvale 8×4 Metal Pent Shed Dark Grey
Featuring double sliding doors for security, gable vents for better air circulation and fire/rot resistance – you can rest assured that your garden valuables are safe and protected.
OutSunny 8×4 Pent Metal Shed – Green
The OutSunny 8×4 Pent Metal Shed – Green is a stylish way to keep your garden and outdoors tidy and organized.
Duramax Sidemate Plus Vinyl Lean To 4×8 Shed – Grey
The New Duramax Sidemate Plus Vinyl Lean To 4×8 Shed – Grey is ideal for beside the home or garage and offers excellent storage facilities .
Available in one size and clad with the highest quality pvc on a strong steel frame and supports. The Sidemate provides a safe and secure storage space. The Sidemate is manufactured from fire retardant durable pvc. It is also weather and fade proof, it will never rust, rot nor require painting every year.  The wall columns are reinforced with a solid metal structure, giving the vinyl shed a lot of strength and making it easy to hang shelves or garden tools inside.
Power 8’x4′ Overlap Timber Pent Shed (window or windowless) (single or double door)
Made with high grade premium quality timber throughout including roof and floor (no chipboard or OSB).  the Power 8’x4′ Overlap Timber Pent Shed uses 10mm extra thick rustic looking overlap cladding.
The shed can be installed how you want it by allowing you to choose whether to place the doors on the high or low side. All sheds have high grade premium quality timber throughout including roof and floor.
Power Sheds do not use chipboard or OSB unlike many other manufacturers .The Power Pent Shed uses 10mm extra thick rustic looking overlap cladding that is responsibly sourced .
Lock and key, full fixings and instructions included as standard. The shed features include a  heavy duty 28x28mm framing with which double to 56x28mm framing for increased strength, galvanised rust resistant ironmongery, and advanced wood preservative for increased protection. High performance polyester roofing felt is used which makes the shed last longer.
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ficklestixcom · 2 years
Graphics Agency in London
Let us know what kind of wall or surface you need customized, how big it is, and any ideas you might have for the transformation, and we’ll take it from there. Leaning on the content of the job, we might come and look at the area and discuss your requirements, but either way, we’ll quickly be back with a proposal and some design ideas.
From there, we’re just waiting for your nod before whizzing into action, exploring the options, generating ideas, and developing accurate computer mock-ups of exactly how the finished space will look.
We press the button when you are pleased with the design. We manufacture all the graphics in our studio, so there’s no delay, and we can either ship them directly to you or get the specialist Ficklestix team to come and install them for you.
Whether working with your existing logo or designs to the Ficklestix team creating something bespoke for you, we can help energize and inspire your event, office, exhibition, or space to give that real WOW factor.
It just couldn’t be simpler!
External and Internal Graphics in London
Ficklestix wide format machines can apply design, logos, and branding onto a wide variety of materials for a fantastic full-color external application – including:
Advertising Hoardings/ Billboards/ Building/ Wraps/ Banners/ Backdrops/ Construction Hoardings/ Floor & Path signage/ Illuminated signage/ Point of Purchase signage/ Press Walls.
Ficklestix offers high-impact design and expert print and installation of all large-scale projects. All our external products are weatherproof and stable and usually benefit from an over laminate, giving them additional UV protection and extended life.
A wide range of finishes and laminates, from translucent to metallic, are also available, and our floor graphics are always finished with a scuff-proof anti-slip laminate.
Ficklestix offers extensive experience creating unique branded interiors, themed rooms, and maximum impact venues. Our design and installation specialists will cease at nothing to make a breathtaking, unforgettable experience - from walls and doors to scuff-proof floor graphics, brickwork and vehicles, graffiti, and even electro luminescent vinyl boards.
The speed and sheer nerve of the conversion will amaze you, your clients, and your customers. And, as we work with incredibly low-tack materials, the surface graphics can be cleanly and easily removed once an event is over.
And thanks to our tight relationship with many venues, we have an in-depth knowledge of the materials which can be utilized to create the most stunning results without causing any damage or upset to the platform.
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dubaibestblog · 5 days
Ultimate Protection: Benefits of Ceramic Coating at Glaze Cars
When it comes to car maintenance and protection, ceramic coating has emerged as a revolutionary solution that offers long-lasting benefits. At Glaze Cars, a leading provider of automotive care services, ceramic coating is among the most sought-after treatments for vehicle owners looking to preserve the pristine condition of their cars. This article explores the ultimate protection offered by ceramic coating at Glaze Cars and why it is an investment worth making.
What is Ceramic Coating?
Ceramic coating in dubai is a liquid polymer applied to the exterior surfaces of a vehicle. When applied, it chemically bonds with the factory paint, creating a protective layer that is both durable and resilient. Unlike traditional waxes or sealants, ceramic coatings do not wash away or break down over time. This results in a semi-permanent shield that can withstand a variety of environmental hazards.
Benefits of Ceramic Coating at Glaze Cars
1. Superior Protection Against Environmental Damage
One of the primary benefits of Ceramic Nano Coating is its ability to protect the vehicle’s paint from environmental damage. At Glaze Cars, the ceramic coatings used are of the highest quality, offering resistance against harmful UV rays, acid rain, bird droppings, tree sap, and road salts. This protective layer ensures that the paint remains unscathed and maintains its original luster for years to come.
2. Enhanced Gloss and Shine
Ceramic coating enhances the aesthetic appeal of a vehicle by providing a deep, glossy finish. At Glaze Cars Car Wrapping in Dubai, professional technicians meticulously apply the coating, ensuring an even and smooth finish that amplifies the car’s shine. This high-gloss effect not only makes the vehicle look brand new but also adds to its overall value.
3. Hydrophobic Properties
One of the standout features of ceramic coating is its hydrophobic properties, meaning it repels water. This makes cleaning and maintenance significantly easier. Water, along with any dirt or grime, simply beads up and rolls off the surface. At Glaze Cars, customers appreciate how this feature reduces the frequency and effort required to keep their cars clean, resulting in long-term convenience and cost savings.
4. Scratch and Chemical Resistance
While no coating can make a car completely scratch-proof, ceramic coatings provide an additional layer of defense against minor scratches and chemical contaminants. Glaze Cars uses advanced ceramic coating formulas that enhance the hardness of the vehicle’s surface, making it more resistant to swirl marks and marring from everyday use and washing.
5. Long-Lasting Protection
Traditional waxes and sealants typically need to be reapplied every few months. In contrast, ppf car — Unrivaled Paint Protection Film Services in Dubai ceramic coatings at Glaze Cars offer long-term protection, often lasting several years with proper maintenance. This longevity makes ceramic coating a cost-effective solution for car owners who want continuous protection without frequent reapplications.
6. Maintains Resale Value
A well-maintained vehicle retains its value better than one that shows signs of wear and tear. By opting for ceramic coating at Glaze Cars, car owners can preserve the exterior condition of their vehicles, thereby maintaining or even enhancing resale value. The enduring protection and aesthetic appeal provided by ceramic coatings make vehicles more attractive to potential buyers.
7. Expert Application and Service
The effectiveness of ceramic coating largely depends on the quality of application. At Glaze Cars, trained professionals ensure that the coating is applied correctly, maximizing its benefits. The meticulous process involves thorough cleaning and preparation of the vehicle’s surface to ensure optimal bonding and performance of the ceramic coating.
In conclusion, the ultimate protection offered by Car Detailing in Dubai ceramic coating at Glaze Cars encompasses a range of benefits that go beyond just maintaining the appearance of a vehicle. From superior protection against environmental damage to enhanced gloss and ease of maintenance, ceramic coatings provide comprehensive care that prolongs the life and beauty of a car. Glaze Cars stands out for its commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, making it a top choice for vehicle owners seeking the best in automotive protection. Investing in ceramic coating at Glaze Cars is not just about preserving a vehicle’s aesthetic appeal, but also about ensuring its long-term value and performance.
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everwoodwpc1-blog · 6 days
Traditional Wood Vs WPC Planks: Achieving Long-Lasting Beauty for Your Exterior Walls
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Exterior wall cladding is the architectural element that adds strength and enhances the exterior appearance of your building. This element majorly influences the first impression that your visitors have of the building. Natural wood has been used traditionally for exterior wall cladding. While traditional wood offers class and beauty, it is highly susceptible to exterior weather conditions. WPC is an innovative and cutting-edge material that is highly weather-resistant, durable, and versatile offering premium aesthetics.
Traditional Wood Vs WPC The earthy appeal and elegance of traditional wooden panels make them a popular choice for external wall cladding. With aging, the appearance of wooden exterior wall cladding planks can be maintained with regular sanding. However, moisture conditions affect wood, resulting in swelling, warping, and rotting. Without periodic maintenance, wooden planks on exterior walls are vulnerable to fading, cracking, termite attacks, and eventual rot.
WPC is similar to wood in appearance but has excellent weathering capability and resistance to moisture, UV, termites, and rot. WPC wood panels retain their good looks for many years without any maintenance or surface coating.
As a material, WPC is more eco-friendly. Mass production of natural wood wall cladding panels results in waste and depletion of forest resources. On the other hand, WPC is made from wood powder and recycled plastic, minimizing the depletion of virgin wood.
On the cost front, traditional wooden wall cladding panels may be less expensive than WPC wood panels with respect to the initial cost. However, in the long term, WPC is more cost-effective as it does not involve the heavy maintenance expenses that wood calls for.
Why Is WPC a Good Choice for Exterior Cladding WPC offers the premium appearance of wood, combined with high material strength and exceptional longevity. It is highly durable under all weather conditions. In addition, it is waterproof, UV-resistant, and resistant to fading, impact, and corrosion.
WPC is also environmentally friendly, fire retardant, and termite-proof. As WPC is a composite of wood and polymers, its density and strength are much higher than those of wood. WPC has a higher screw-holding capacity, which is an important parameter that defines the strength of a material.
WPC Is Versatile for Exterior Cladding WPC cladding Panels offers a diverse array of vibrant colors, detailed textures, and elegant finishes, allowing designers and users to unleash their creativity. You can use WPC wall panels for accents, features, signage, and soffit surfaces. These panels help create bespoke and durable facades. You can combine WPC cladding panels with other materials to create excellent visual appeal.
Everwood WPC Wall Cladding Panels Everwood, the leading WPC brand, offers high-quality WPC wall cladding panels in various colors and textures. These panels combine natural wood aesthetics with strong weather resistance. They are highly UV stable and fade resistant, retaining their vibrant colors for a long time. The panels are easy to install using an aluminum framework, enhancing the visual appeal of buildings for years.
Conclusion Your ultimate choice of material for external wall cladding should be based on factors such as durability, aesthetic appeal, weathering capability, maintenance requirements, cost factor, and environmental impact. Choosing a material that best suits your personal needs and preferences will ensure that your exterior walls look stunning and remain that way for years to come. Source Link: https://everwoodwpc.com/traditional-wood-vs-wpc-planks-achieving-long-lasting-beauty-for-your-exterior-walls/
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banarjeenikita · 6 days
Different Waterproofing Chemicals: Enhancing Building Longevity for a Greener Future
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Waterproofing is a critical aspect of construction that ensures the longevity and durability of buildings by protecting them from water damage. As the construction industry increasingly prioritizes sustainability, the demand for environmentally friendly waterproofing chemicals has grown. These chemicals not only extend the lifespan of structures but also minimize the environmental impact. This article explores various waterproofing chemicals that contribute to building longevity and a greener future.
Cementitious Waterproofing
Cementitious waterproofing is one of the most widely used methods due to its simplicity and cost-effectiveness. This type of waterproofing involves mixing cement with other materials to create a barrier against water. It is typically used in internal wet areas like bathrooms, kitchens, and basements.
Easy to apply.
Economical and readily available.
Suitable for internal applications.
Water tanks.
Bathrooms and kitchens.
Swimming pools.
Environmental Impact: Cementitious waterproofing materials are relatively eco-friendly, as they do not release harmful chemicals and are made from natural ingredients.
Liquid Waterproofing Membrane
Liquid waterproofing membranes are applied as a liquid coat that forms a seamless, flexible membrane upon drying. These membranes are ideal for roofs, balconies, and terraces, where flexibility and resistance to weather conditions are crucial.
Provides a seamless finish.
Highly flexible and can bridge cracks.
Suitable for areas exposed to sunlight and varying weather conditions.
Balconies and terraces.
Retaining walls.
Environmental Impact: Many liquid waterproofing membranes are now being formulated with low volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other eco-friendly materials, reducing their environmental footprint.
Bituminous Coating
Bituminous coatings, also known as asphalt coatings, are made from bitumen and are highly effective in waterproofing concrete foundations and roofing. Bituminous materials provide excellent adhesion and protection against water infiltration.
Excellent adhesion to various surfaces.
Durable and long-lasting.
Resistant to water and moisture.
Concrete foundations.
Underground structures.
Environmental Impact: Recent advancements have led to the development of more environmentally friendly bituminous coatings that are less reliant on petroleum-based materials and incorporate recycled content.
Polyurethane Liquid Membrane
Polyurethane liquid membranes are known for their high elasticity and strong adhesive properties. These membranes are particularly effective for flat roofs, terraces, and balconies, where durability and resistance to extreme weather conditions are essential.
High elasticity.
UV resistant.
Forms a seamless membrane.
Flat roofs.
Exposed areas.
Environmental Impact: Modern polyurethane membranes are being developed with eco-friendly formulations that reduce VOC emissions and enhance sustainability.
Acrylic Waterproofing
Acrylic waterproofing chemicals are water-based and environmentally friendly, providing a flexible and durable coating. These chemicals are ideal for roofs, walls, and other surfaces exposed to weather elements. Acrylic coatings are also available in various colors, adding aesthetic appeal to the waterproofed surfaces.
Environmentally friendly.
Available in different colors.
Provides UV protection.
Exterior walls.
Concrete surfaces.
Masonry surfaces.
Environmental Impact: Acrylic waterproofing products are typically low in VOCs and can be cleaned up with water, making them a greener option compared to solvent-based products.
Crystalline Waterproofing
Crystalline waterproofing involves chemicals that react with the moisture in concrete to form insoluble crystals. These crystals fill the pores and micro-cracks in concrete, making it impermeable to water. This type of waterproofing is highly effective for structures that are constantly exposed to water.
Integral waterproofing solution.
Self-healing properties.
Long-lasting protection.
Water treatment plants.
Dams and reservoirs.
Environmental Impact: Crystalline waterproofing chemicals are considered environmentally friendly as they are non-toxic and do not release harmful substances into the environment.
Silicone-Based Waterproofing
Silicone-based waterproofing chemicals are used as water repellents for masonry surfaces, concrete, and stone. They penetrate the surface and create a hydrophobic layer, preventing water from seeping in while allowing the surface to breathe.
Highly effective water repellent.
Allows surfaces to breathe.
Long-lasting protection.
Masonry walls.
Stone facades.
Concrete surfaces.
Historical buildings.
Environmental Impact: Silicone-based waterproofing products are generally non-toxic and have a minimal environmental impact, making them suitable for use in sensitive and heritage sites.
Waterproofing chemicals play a crucial role in enhancing the longevity and durability of buildings while contributing to a greener future. By choosing the right waterproofing solution, we can protect structures from water damage, reduce maintenance costs, and minimize environmental impact. As the construction industry continues to evolve, the development and adoption of eco-friendly waterproofing chemicals will be essential in building a sustainable future.
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bunny-lily · 8 days
hi chimera <3
im studying for exams rn and came to check in,, im sorry to hear uve been feeling nauseous i hope that goes away soon :( ik how gross it can feel 😭
i have a song recc for u! cold weather by glass beach!! sorry if its not ur taste.. its not my usual type of song but its so good idk why LOL
- 🍀!!
Wait omg Shamrock 🍀 anon, my darling, I just listened to cold weather and it is RIGHT up my alley omg. How did you know my tastes??? I LOVE IT ♥♥♥ THANK YOU
ALSO THANKS ON THE CONGRATS! It's getting there, I'm ALMOST done. I'm really hoping I can finish this chapter today/tonight so I can proof read and such! I'm so excited to be free lmao
Don't worry! I'm feeling loads better after a dose of pepto bismol and, like, ten hours of sleep ♥ your healing energy has cured me!!
Good luck with studying Shamrock 🍀!!
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sblcoatings · 13 days
Maintaining the Magic: Tips for Long-lasting PU Coatings
At SBL Coatings, we take pride in being a frontrunner amongst PU Coatings Manufacturers in India. Our high-quality PU coatings offer unmatched durability, aesthetics, and protection for various surfaces. But just like any other product, proper care is essential to ensure your PU coated surfaces maintain their magic for years to come.
Here are some valuable tips to extend the life and beauty of your PU coated surfaces:
Cleaning Routine: Regularly clean your PU coated surfaces with a soft, damp cloth and a gentle cleaning solution. Avoid harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners, as they can damage the coating's finish.
Fight the Sun's Fury: While PU coatings offer good UV resistance, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can lead to fading. Consider using window treatments or awnings for furniture or surfaces exposed to harsh sunlight.
Heat It Up (Wisely): PU coatings can withstand moderate heat. However, avoid placing extremely hot objects directly on the surface for extended periods. Use coasters or trivets for hot cookware.
Scratch Stoppers: PU coatings are scratch-resistant, but not entirely scratch-proof. Be mindful of sharp objects and exercise caution when moving furniture or using the surface.
The Power of Prevention: Spills happen. But acting quickly is key. Blot up spills immediately with a clean, absorbent cloth to prevent them from staining the PU coating.
Regular Inspections: Develop a habit of periodically inspecting your PU coated surfaces for any signs of wear, scratches, or fading. Early detection allows for prompt action, such as touching up the coating with a compatible product.
By following these simple tips, you can ensure your PU coated surfaces retain their stunning appearance and protective qualities for a long time.
SBL Coatings - Your Partner in Long-lasting PU Magic
At SBL Coatings, we manufacture PU coatings with longevity in mind. We offer a wide range of PU coatings formulated for specific applications, ensuring you get the perfect fit for your needs. Our commitment to quality and innovation makes us a trusted PU Coatings Manufacturer in India.
For more information on our PU coatings and how to choose the right one for your project, feel free to contact our expert team at SBL Coatings. We're here to help you unlock the enduring beauty and protection of PU coatings!
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saudcarwash · 22 days
Ceramic Coating in Ajman: Protect and Enhance Your Vehicle
In Ajman, where the weather can be harsh and the roads challenging, maintaining the pristine condition of your vehicle can be a constant battle. One of the most effective ways to protect and enhance your vehicle's appearance is through ceramic coating. This advanced protective solution offers numerous benefits, making it a popular choice among car enthusiasts and everyday drivers alike. Here’s why ceramic coating in Ajman is a smart investment for your vehicle.
1. Superior Protection Against Elements
Ceramic coating provides a durable layer of protection against various environmental factors. In Ajman, vehicles are often exposed to intense sunlight, UV rays, sand, and dust, all of which can damage the paintwork over time. Ceramic coating acts as a barrier, preventing oxidation and fading caused by UV exposure. It also repels water, dirt, and contaminants, making it easier to keep your car clean.
2. Enhanced Durability
Unlike traditional waxes and sealants that wear off after a few months, ceramic coating offers long-lasting protection. A professionally applied ceramic coating in Ajman can last for years, depending on the quality of the product and the care taken afterward. This durability means fewer reapplications and less maintenance, saving you time and money in the long run.
3. Improved Aesthetic Appeal
Ceramic coating enhances the aesthetic appeal of your vehicle by providing a high-gloss finish that makes the paint look deeper and more vibrant. This mirror-like shine not only makes your car look brand new but also adds to its resale value. For car owners in Ajman who take pride in their vehicle’s appearance, ceramic coating is an excellent choice to keep the paint looking fresh and glossy.
4. Scratch and Chemical Resistance
Everyday driving can expose your vehicle to minor scratches, swirl marks, and chemical stains from bird droppings, tree sap, or road salts. Ceramic coating in Ajman offers a significant level of resistance to these damages. While it’s not entirely scratch-proof, it greatly reduces the risk of minor abrasions and etching, keeping your car’s surface smoother and clearer.
5. Easier Maintenance
One of the standout benefits of ceramic coating is the ease of maintenance it provides. The hydrophobic properties of the coating mean that water and contaminants slide off easily, reducing the need for frequent washes. When it does come time to clean your car, the process is much quicker and more effective, as dirt and grime have a harder time sticking to the coated surface.
Investing in ceramic coating in Ajman is a wise decision for any vehicle owner looking to protect their car from harsh environmental conditions, enhance its aesthetic appeal, and reduce maintenance efforts. With its superior protection, durability, and gloss-enhancing properties, ceramic coating offers a comprehensive solution to keep your vehicle looking its best. Whether you drive a luxury car or a daily commuter, ceramic coating ensures that your vehicle remains in top condition, making it a valuable addition to your car care routine.
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instantalpacallama · 25 days
From Around The Web: 20 Fabulous Infographics About Nardi Omega
The corporate additionally provides a two-year manufacturing warranty for its products. This warranty covers defects caused by the producing method. They are manufactured using advanced air injection moulding. The process produces zero emissions. This permits the fabric to be completely recyclable.
They are ideal for outdoor patios, patios, and beach areas. Several models come back with ornamental accents. Some are even equipped with engineered-in lights.
EMU may be a family-owned business that was founded in the mid-1900s. Its product are manufactured in Marsciano, Umbria. Since then, the corporate has expanded its operation to seventy,00zero sq. meters of premises.
The Nardi furniture complete is a widespread possibility for outdoor furniture. This Italian-made assortment is UV-resistant and made of fiberglass and polypropylene. It's a a pair of-year manufacturer's warranty. Its items are designed by renowned architect Raffaello Galiotto.
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Gar Merchandise was founded in 1956 by Morris H. Garfunkle, and the corporate remains in business today. Their motto is "quality 1st" and their customers include Fortune five hundred firms and Fortune one thousand startups. Their line of commercial furniture is each elegant and useful. Their products include a selection of dining, bar and lounge options. One of the best is their NARDI OMEGA CHAISE newest line of outdoor restaurant seating. The corporate has taken the ancient contract seating and elevated it with the latest in style and perform.
Steel is another common material for outdoor furniture. Sometimes utilized in conjunction with other materials, steel is strong and can be found in a selection of shapes and sizes. This material is additionally not at risk of rusting when exposed to salt.
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Out of doors Umbrellas with fiberglass poles are a number of the strongest on the market. In contrast to wood umbrellas, fiberglass will not rot or rust. They conjointly don't break simply even below severe weather conditions. Additionally, these umbrellas are light-weight and durable, so they are ideal for long-term outside use.
If you're looking for an inexpensive cantilever umbrella, you'll want to travel with a Wikiwiki model. This model is under $a hundred thirty at the time of this writing, and comes with a ten'-wide cover that blocks UV rays. It conjointly encompasses a rust-proof metal frame and eight iron ribs. Its cover is additionally UV resistant and comes in neutral colors like white and black.
If you are looking for high-quality wood furniture at a affordable price, you must take into account GAR Furniture. This family-owned company uses responsible manufacturing processes and offers a variety of seating options. You'll be able to find a sofa, loveseat, or dining table in a very variety of materials and finishes. This sort of furniture is usually created of teak and different eco-friendly woods.
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