#properly tagging things etc is so convenient for when you want to find specific stuff later on but im so lazyyyy
shi0n · 10 months
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i think im gonna try to start tagging my reblogs properly like i used to back in 2018~ lets see how long i actually manage...
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antialiasis · 7 years
Animorphs, book 1 (The Invasion)
So I read the entire first book last night/this morning. Already a good sign! I am not generally one who powers through books in an evening. Here is some rambling with my thoughts.
(For anyone here from the tag: Hi, I am a 28-year-old woman. I have never read Animorphs before, but from everything I have vaguely heard about the books since, I have gathered they would have been my favorite thing in the world if I had read them as a kid. Every “disturbing/horrific things that happen in Animorphs” post is my jam. I also think a lot about fiction and sometimes ramble about things I watch/read/etc. I don’t know if I’m going to ramble about every book, or if I’m going to be reading them with any kind of regularity, but here goes.)
The writing’s very simplistic and barebones, but then again that’s probably a large part of why it was such a quick read - no quiet descriptive passages setting a mood where my mind could wander, just rapid dialogue and stuff happening throughout. I couldn’t help but vaguely wish as I read that it were written more interestingly, but it did the job and I got used to it.
I was surprised to see Tobias getting stuck as a hawk was something that happens in the very first book. Or rather, it was telegraphed really, really strongly throughout the book, so I wasn’t surprised when it happened, but when on like page three Jake was like “I looked into Tobias’s eyes, which I sometimes think back to now that I’ll never see them again...” I went huh. I’ve known this as That One Series With The Kids Turning Into Animals And One Of Them Is Called Tobias And Gets Stuck As A Hawk for longer than I’ve known it involved aliens, but somehow I’d always imagined that was like a plot twist several books in or something.
(I went surprisingly long without finding out it involved aliens, actually. When I first heard there were brain slugs I was like wait what the series with the kids turning into animals is about what.)
Tom being a Yeerk was also super-telegraphed in a kind of annoying way. It was actually a nicely done twist the way it initially happened - we’d seen Jake talking about his brother Tom at the very beginning, and he heard a familiar voice at the construction site so I figured one of the kids’ parents was a Yeerk or something, but since Tom hadn’t really been brought up in a bit, that didn’t jump out until suddenly all at once in the Jake-dog scene Tom came back and Jake smelled the Yeerk and I was genuinely like oh shit. But then Jake went on to still be completely oblivious for a bit while talking about how Tom had been distant ever since he joined this cultclub called “The Sharing”, and Tom didn’t know about the basketball team he himself had been on, and all in all I was like “Jake. Jake. Come on.” I would say he was just in denial, but the writing is generally pretty blunt about that sort of thing (which kind of makes sense since it’s presented as something Jake writes after the fact to warn others - kind of hokey but), and all in all it doesn’t really come across that way. Luckily Marco figures it out almost immediately, though (after which Jake’s visibly in denial), so thankfully we don’t have to go half the book facepalming at Jake.
The transformation sequences kind of bugged me because boy do they make no anatomical sense. Jake, what do you mean your knees inverted, those are supposed to be your ankles. What are your bones doing. And apparently morphing from bird to human involves arms growing out of your chest?? This is not how vertebrate anatomy, Andalites, please fix your box to not do whatever it’s currently doing
On the other hand, the actual scenes where they were morphed were fun, see the dogness of Dog Jake. Everything about it was an accurate description of dog and made me miss Lukka.
It’s awfully convenient that one of the kids who stumble across this injured Andalite and are given the power to turn into any animal they touch just so happens to have parents who are wildlife rehabilitators and have special access at the zoo. Boy, would they have had trouble otherwise. It’s nice the morphing thing has some pretty specific rules in place, though; the touching requirement is a nice way of keeping their power limited but extensible, and I imagine fun things are going to be done with it later - the little zoo adventure here wasn’t super-interesting, but I can imagine lots of neat ways this could fuel the plot in the future.
The kids have issues! In particular, Tobias and Marco have issues. Marco’s a jerk and reluctant to fight aliens because of his dead mom and broken dad, and Tobias gets stuck as a hawk after spending most of the book obviously, desperately wanting to just be a hawk forever to escape his horrible home life. It’s also rather convenient how the kid who permanently transforms into a hawk just so happens to be in a situation where nobody’s going to properly care that he’s suddenly gone missing, but yes, I love the implication that although he says he couldn’t find a chance to morph back within the two-hour limit, he probably wasn’t actually trying too hard. (There’s even a bit of neat foreshadowing where Jake notes that although Tobias says he was just too scared to run and that’s why he stayed around the Andalite long enough to hear more information about the Yeerks, he probably actually just wanted to stay a bit longer. Tobias is so eager to do this alien thing that finally gives him a purpose and something cool and important to do in this miserable life. Tobias needs hugs. I dig the characters. The book gets across some pretty strong, interesting characterization even with the minimalistic prose and having basically zero scenes that aren’t actively and directly propelling the plot forward. Props on that. I feel like the blunt, simplified style of the narration is masking a lot more nuance that comes through in the actual dialogue.)
I also like how terrified and powerless the kids are a lot. Even transformed into tigers and elephants, Visser Three can turn into huge bizarre fire-breathing monstrosities from other planets that they just stand no chance against, and in this book at least, their whole brave rescue attempt is summarily thwarted the moment Visser Three appears. Genuinely have no idea how they’re going to pull this off. Hopefully something obscenely clever that’s also horrific and traumatizing.
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sapphireorison · 7 years
Ten Writer Questions Tag PT.2
Tagged by @the-bookdevourer :)
Do you have anyone (authors, family, friends, etc.) that has inspired your writing? I write like I must breathe, and I get inspiration from everywhere. When I was wee, I devoured the teen section at my local library, so a lot of my early author-inspiration is from 80s and 90s scifi and fantasy authors, like Anne McCaffrey and Diane Duane and Jane Yolen and Patricia C. Wrede. And, admittedly, Piers Anthony and Lovecraft, though those latter two... :considers: You know how when you read a book and you go ‘wow this is terrible but I can’t put it down’? Best figure out why you can put it down. I also get a lot of inspiration from my friends in what they yearn to have written that’s not out there yet. It makes me want to write that, and in learning more about what they want that simply doesn’t exist yet, I become a better writer. 
When did you first start writing? And what was it about? Very, very early. I wrote stuff for school, mostly, cute little stories about nonsense based on whatever book or series I was obsessed with at the time. Beyond that, I ‘wrote’ plays for me and my sister to perform for my family, and then in HS moved on to trying to figure out novels. I’ve always created stories in my head, and because I was primed by the types of books I loved (big, epic, glorious) that was always my goal. So I would fiddle around with the beginnings of them. It’s only been within the last ten years or so that I’ve started finishing them, and they’ve gotten closer to what I have in my head as the kind of books I need to write.
 How long have you been working on your current project? It feels like ages, but I don’t think it’s been more than a year and a half at most, perhaps two. This one was percolating for a long time before I started writing because I had the concept first, then the characters, and then the world, and only after a while did I have any inkling of a plot and I know better than to start without a plot by now.
 Of all your OCs, which do you relate to the most? Why? My earlier OCs were more ‘me’ than any of the ones I have now. But the one I relate to most was one from a very, very early attempt at a fantasy novel. She was a bookish protagonist with a demon stitched to her soul whose goal was to usher a younger demon-possessed girl to someone, somewhere, that could help her. :considers: Even that teeny explanation feels like a direct window into my head. My OCs now are very much not me. The only one even faintly close to me is the fellow who I’ve iterated through over the years. He’s the one I relate to the most because I’ve used him the most. He’s full of well over a decade of experiences in various media as I’ve tried to find a home for him. 
Tropes are often looked down on, but which one(s) do you enjoy and use? Fake relationships, mutually requited slow-burn pining, and messy reunions after one of the people thinks they’ve lost the other forever. All of those are for romance. In general, though, I love the ‘weird uncle’ trope, where an antagonist gets beaten and then sort of gets absorbed into the protag’s family because they’re not bad they’re just, you know, themselves. I also fucking love the trope where touch is a huge indicator of trust, where names are important so that when someone start using a different name (for themselves or another) it means a major character change behind-the-scenes, and I really really love affectionate bickering. I don’t even know if that’s a trope, but it’s great.
 Do you have a set schedule for when you write? No. Well, sort of. I prefer to write in the evenings, after about 5 or 6pm, and write for about four hours in a coffee shop or at the kitchen table. This is, mind, the /optimal/ writing situation. I don’t usually get a chance to write as long, or as often, as I know makes me happiest. This was the schedule I used to polish off two longfics I wrote and now that I don’t get to do this every/most nights, my monthly progress is much lower. I’m lucky if I do 10k a month. 
When you’re writing, do you write in chronological order or wherever you feel? I gotta do chronological. But, like, chronological for the *book* not the story. My brain views things very much as cause-and-effect, specifically about what am I causing the reader to think at this point in time and how will that effect how they view this later scene. So even if things are out of place and there are flashbacks and so on, I have to write from the beginning of the book to the end otherwise I can’t develop the later parts properly because I’m missing pieces that need to be included. 
What’s your favorite part about starting a new project? Worldbuilding! I’ll start 600-word prompts, build out a fucking massive world, and then tidy up the prompt and move on to something else. Unique worlds rev my engine, and whenever I feel bored or stale on a current project I’ll build out a world-prompt and it’ll refresh me to come back to my primary project.
What’s one thing about your current project that you’re excited about? It’s so much more action-y than I thought it would be. Stuff is happening! Things are gonna explode!  There’s way more mystery involved than anticipated because there’s so much to explain I’ve had to pick and choose what to reveal. And, honestly, I’ve lived with the characters so long in my head that I’m just excited to find out how they feel about each other and what they want out of the world--the kind of stuff I can only find out by making them interact and seeing if I need to tweak. 
 Do you have any writing goals that you want to accomplish by the end of the year? Halfway through Current Project and hopefully finishing a fic that I, uh, abandoned during the last chapter. The rest is posted and I’ve let it sit for two years. T_T Conveniently, there are several months (including Nano) to work on Current Project, and ‘halfway’ is only another 20k for me. So I am fairly confident I can hit that one at least. :) 
For the 10 new questions, here are the ones I liked from Bookie’s list along with a couple from mine and one or two of my own creation: 
What’s your favorite thing about your writing? 
What’s your favorite character you’ve written and why are they your fav? 
What makes your writing unique? 
Describe your antagonist’s ‘villain song’ as if they were a Disney Villain.
Which of your characters (OCs) is the one you most relate to? Why? 
What are you favorite tropes? 
What inspired your current project? 
There are lots of different media types that you could write! What is your ‘primary’ type of media that you write? Short story? Novels? Novellas? Comics? Plays? Roleplays? Video game scripts? TV show or movie scripts? Where do most of your words go? And, to follow up, what type of writing is your current project? Which types have you done? Which do you like? Do you have a favorite? 
What’s your favorite genre to read? To write? Why does it draw you?
Do you have any writing goals you’d like to accomplish by the end of the year?
I’m supposed to tag people, but I am shy and tagging is scary. If you follow me and you do the writing thing, I really wanna hear from you. :D I will even reply and it will be super exciting.
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copperbadge · 7 years
Hi Sam! I'm curious about your magical time management skills: you have a full-time job, are super active in fandom, answer countless asks, write fanfiction and books, and still have time for jogging and many other stuffs. How do you organize yourself? I feel super overwhelmed due to lack of time and end up not doing what I want do. Do you allot time to do stuff? How does your typical day looks like? And any useful tips for us slackers.
I dunno how helpful it’ll be – I mean, some of it is time management, and some of it is that I have spent a long time working on arranging my life so that I have as much free time to pursue my own interests as possible. This hasn’t consciously meant giving up things like close brickspace friends and romantic relationships but in some ways it has kind of worked out that way. (Not that I couldn’t have those things if I chose to work towards them, in other words, but they don’t come naturally to me and I don’t mind the lack.) 
So, I will give you a rundown of my average day, but before we begin, I will also give you some context! And this will be long so I’ll put it under a readmore. 
I have at present no romantic partner, no children, no pets. This sounds sad, but I’m not complaining; I could work towards those things and choose not to, for a variety of reasons, some good, some not. I would like to have a partner, but honestly at this point in my life it’s as much because it’s cheaper to cohabitate; I am very independent and not, I suspect, built for the kind of daily intimacy that romantic cohabitation requires. 
If I were to get a pet it would probably not be a dog, since when I was dogsitting for R I had real trouble with the concept of properly caring for a creature whose life was so scheduled, who required specific attentions at specific times – I have owned dogs before and love them deeply, but never in an apartment or as a solitary person. I would probably get a cat or an axolotl (axolotls: like being alone, require very specific but easy-to-procure stimulus, look like tiny water dragons, sound like fantasy aliens). 
I have very few close brickspace friends, not by design but just because I’m kind of a private homebody, and my extensive network of online friendships is satisfying in that regard. But online friendships, while not LESS of a time commitment, are a different kind of commitment – you can multitask while hanging out with online friends, you don’t have travel times, if they’re running late you’re not stuck waiting and vice versa. 
I also am not in school, which is much more life-consuming than many jobs. School is a way of life; work can be, but doesn’t have to be. And I am very fortunate (in the literal sense of “it is luck that brought me here”) to have a job where I spend the vast majority of my time a) on a computer and b) in self-directed, non-public-facing work. For most of my day, every day, I guide my own workflow, I choose what to work on and when. Of course I have deadlines, but within the strictures of those deadlines I am free to triage my time as appropriate, and because I’m on a computer with unrestricted internet access, I can take ten minutes to log onto tumblr, read some things, respond to some things, and then go back to my work. 
So I am starting from an advantageous position: few personal commitments, unstructured time throughout the day, and a job where when I leave for the day, work stays at work. 
So here’s what a normal day is like for me. Bear in mind this is for comparison purposes rather than because I think it’s particularly ideal.
I wake up around 4am; if I haven’t slept well or feel like I need it, I may go back to sleep for about an hour. Normally when I get up I either work out from 4-5 (weights, running) or I sit on the couch with my laptop and check out what’s been going on while I was asleep. We’ll circle back to this, but I go to bed quite early, so at this point I have generally had at least seven hours of sleep. Also, I am a morning person, so I go straight from zero to lucid, which is nice. 
I answer email, check tumblr, check my RSS feeds (podcasts, news, fanfic, a couple of NSFW blogs that I can’t have on my tumblr feed because I read it at work). I look at my calendar so that I know what’s on offer for the day – my calendar doesn’t cover work stuff, but primarily anything I want to or need to do after work. My family has a mutual Google Calendar that we all use to schedule stuff the others should see, like whenever I take a vacation, and my parents also use it as their central calendar, so I can see what they’ll be up to on any given day. I’ve been thinking of switching over to a private Google Calendar, but out of habit for years I’ve used a custom-built spreadsheet, now in Google Sheets, that looks like a calendar: 
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That’s July. This kind of layout works well for me because it’s easy to go in and change things, and I get a good “high level” view of the month. As you can see I’m traveling quite a bit; I’m tracking new TV shows, peoples’ birthdays, events I may attend (I will probably not be at everything happening in evenings on the week of the 10th), baseball games I have tickets for, and possible plans for camping. Google Calendar would work as well and would have some significant advantages, I just haven’t got off my ass to switch over. 
Around five, I usually get up and fix breakfast; often I’ll put on something to listen to while I cook and/or eat. If I’ve been working out, all the stuff I did – checking email, tumblr, etc – is pushed forward, and I do a bit less of it. But essentially from 4-6 I’m working out, eating breakfast, and getting a start on the personal-life aspect of my day. In terms of social media, this is the time I’m most likely to like something or save it to drafts to deal with later; I don’t spend brainpower on responding this early in the morning, usually. 
I have some fairly…prescriptive routines for the rest of the day, and that works for me, I like structure. Other people may find this sort of thing doesn’t work for them, and that’s okay. This is, again, for comparison purposes, not to dictate how your life should be. 
At six o’clock my alarm goes off, warning me that I have nine minutes before I need to stop what I’m doing and start getting ready for work. This is by design, so that I have a buffer zone in which to shift my mental attitudes from morning routine to something more focused. I hit snooze on the alarm and then at 6:09 I turn the alarm off and get in the shower. I shower, brush my teeth, and get dressed in clothes I laid out over a rail the night before (I have an electric heated towel rail, one of the best random-ass things my mother ever gave me, and in winter I turn the heat on so I come out of the shower and into warm undies; in summer it’s just a convenient place to hang clothes). I dress, grab my bag, take my keys off the doorknob and put them in a pocket of the bag, and I’m out the door around 6:25. I catch the 6:40 express bus to work. I usually read on my tablet on the bus (currently reading The Last Runaway by Tracy Chevalier after remembering how much I loved her prose in Girl With A Pearl Earring) and I get to work around 7. 
At work I have routines too: I set down my bag, hang up my jacket, and before I do anything else I get my 32oz mug and go to the kitchen to get ice water to sip on throughout the morning. I come back to my desk, turn on my monitors, and log into my computer. 
I check my work email first, to make sure nothing is on fire from yesterday, since I leave work quite a bit earlier than most of my colleagues. If nothing is urgent I delete anything irrelevant to me, respond to anything that needs immediate response, and move on to a quick glance at email and tumblr, then I open my “daily bookmarks” folder. My daily bookmarks folder is mostly stuff that either I can’t or don’t want to put in my RSS reader: a couple of messageboards, a few real estate sites I’m watching for my dream home to show up, a couple of tumblr tags (I don’t follow tags on tumblr because I don’t like seeing shit recur constantly on my dash), and some activism facebook pages because I despise facebook but it’s the only site some of these organizations use. If it’s Monday, I also open my Monday bookmark folder, which is a combination of sites that rarely update and “event” sites (the cinema I’m a member of so I can see what new movies are coming, the calendar of a local band I like, the events page of various cultural centers). I review these quickly, closing most tabs and setting aside anything I need to look at more indepth like an event I’d like to attend. Usually basically I fuck around on the internet until about 8, unless work has something urgent for me. 
The one scheduled task I have daily at work is news clipping, where I read several news sites and save off articles of interest to our staff, which need to be turned in by mid-morning. Realistically this could take 15 minutes of focused work, but I like to read the news, too, so from eight to eight forty-five or nine, I’m usually reading a very specifically aimed sort of news, saving off articles, and archiving them appropriately. 
After that, the day is, in many ways, mine to do with as I please.
I organize my life by using Google Tasks, which is a little pop-up to-do list in gmail. I have a to-do list for every day, and anything that doesn’t get done one day gets moved to another day, depending on how urgent it is. So at nine or so, I open Google Tasks and start moving each task around based on how urgent it is or how quickly I can do it. Urgent work and fast tasks go at the top; less urgent work, stuff I’m less enthused about, and stuff I can’t do at my desk (buying a card for Father’s Day, picking up groceries after work, etc) goes at the bottom. Some tasks are recurring – every Monday, for example, Radio Free Monday is at the top of the list because it’s time-sensitive. 
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You can see RFM there at the top; I have to email some information about a 5K to a friend, but I need to get his email from another friend first; I have some registration and hotel issues to attend to for an upcoming conference; I have to write up some evaluations, and do some reading for a presentation I’m giving. I should stop by my PO Box after work. Other stuff will no doubt be added when I check my work email (documents to be prepared, research requests) but this is where I start the day. You can also see I have stuff with pushed out deadlines – Credit Cards is a monthly reconciliation for my corporate card, which I will do ON the 26th rather than BEFORE it, and quarterly I check my 401K, so I won’t need to do that until August 7th.
“PRESENTATION: Reading” will probably get pushed to another day, because by the time I get down that far on the list, I won’t have a ton of brainpower left to do a lot of reading and analysis. It’s ok, my presentation’s not due until the 30th.
And then I just work through my to-do list. Some days I’m really good at getting it done. Some (rare) days I spend most of my time reading tumblr and fucking around because I’m not having a good focus day. But again: this is a job in which I have the luxury to do that, and I’m very lucky. 
Rather than take a traditional lunch, I usually eat two small meals, at 11am and 2pm. Usually I bring most of my lunch for the week on Monday and just reheat tupperwares as I go, augmenting them with cheese and crackers; sometimes I’ll throw in a protein bar from a stash I keep in a little box on my desk. Most of my lunches are cooked on the weekends, when my time is a lot less structured. You’ve probably seen my COOKING DAY posts; sometimes I just set aside a day to cook and rest.
I’m gonna tackle fandom and social media here because truthfully my job has enough spare time built into it that this is when I do the majority of my fannish activity, at work, in small chunks. And yes I am very active in fandom but occasionally in very limited ways.
I don’t read a ton of fannish blogs. I have a limit on my tumblr of following 99 people, and I choose those people very carefully. Some are friends, but those who aren’t personally known to me are people who post both low-volume and things that are of interest to me. I do not follow people who flood dashes not because I disapprove but because I don’t have time to wade through ten million gifsets of things that I’m not concerned with. I also follow a few artist or writers, but again, only if they’re of relevance to me. I follow Skottie Young because I really like his art and think he’s a cool dude, and most of what he posts is his art. I don’t follow Matt Fraction because while I think he is also a cool dude and I enjoy his writing, his tumblr wasn’t generally speaking about his writing or him, it was aesthetic stuff I didn’t care for and it was A LOT OF IT. 
I don’t read a ton of fanfic. I have a couple of tags fed to my RSS reader and I subscribe to a couple of fics and fic writers, but even then I skim for interesting summaries and tag combinations I don’t find offputting. I don’t read fanfic at work, full stop; when I find one I want to read, I set it aside for a time when I’m at home and feel like reading fanfic.
Throughout the day I will check in on tumblr, in a very systematic manner: I read my dash, only the posts, and like or queue anything I want to reblog or examine later. I read my inbox and try to respond, but some asks don’t get answers for a really long time, because they require more focus or time or whatnot. I read my Activity page and open any reblogs with commentary; I set comments aside to be responded to en mass. I check my likes and try to clean out anything I’ve liked that could go in drafts or queue; I check my drafts and try to move just one draft into my queue (I constantly have a draft backlog). This all takes about ten minutes, then I go back to work.
I get AO3 comment notifications throughout the week, but generally I set aside a block of time either on Friday (if work is slow) or on Sunday to “clear out” my comments; every week I go through my comments, re-read each one, and either delete it or respond to it and then delete it. I don’t reply to a vast majority of them simply because I don’t have the time to respond to each one (I have tried, it was very stressful) and also because most of them don’t really a require a response. For everyone’s patience in this, I thank you.
So work is a long series of multitasking, breaks, deadline work, procrastination. It’s about average, I’d say, with anyone else in my situation. If I’m doing something after work, I check to make sure I know how to get there and what’s going on; if I don’t have all the info I need, I prepare a “brief” that has maps and directions and anything else I need, print that out, and toss it in my messenger bag. And then around 3:45 I pack up my bag, make sure I have my phone, and I head out to either (usually) catch the 4pm express bus home, or catch transit of my choice to whatever I’m doing after work. 
If I don’t have something I’m doing after work, I come home, take my keys out of the bag pocket, hang them up on the doorknob once I’m inside, and set my bag down. I’m very specific about my keys here, as I was up above, as a way of demonstrating that I live a very habitual life. Stuff like keys, phone, wallet always has a specific place it goes, and it stays there if I’m not using it. I used to lose shit a lot, and rigidly adhering to “if this is not in your hand, it should be in X pocket” is what saves me. 
I change into more comfortable clothes, usually yoga pants and a t-shirt. I make something for dinner and eat it, I unpack anything that needs to come out of my bag and pack anything that needs to go into it, and then usually these days I fuck around on the ukulele for a while. I don’t set a time limit on it, so sometimes I do it for half an hour, sometimes for ninety minutes. It’s a way of unwinding and finding stress relief, so it’s entirely voluntary and anything I do during this time is being done because I want to do it. I think it’s the only thing in my life where there are no external pressures anywhere and I have set no goals for myself. 
I don’t think external pressures and goals are inherently bad. The goals I set for myself in my other hobbies, like writing and running, being in fandom, going to movies and such, are good goals and they help me do well. External pressure is something that exists in every human interaction; that’s just the nature of being a person in society, and likewise isn’t a terrible thing. And not everyone needs a release from those things, or finds that release in the same way. I like a lot of my life; I wouldn’t do things if I didn’t like them. But I have found that it helps to have one thing which only belongs to you and which has no goals or benchmarks. For me that’s currently the ukulele. 
In the later evening – and let’s be clear, I get home at like 4:30 so “later” to me is 6ish – I’ll hop back on tumblr, maybe do a little writing, or attend or host a stream. I’ll chatter with people, respond to emails and posts, read things I had set aside for reading earlier in the day; it’s probably my most socially active time.
When I was in my twenties I did perfectly fine on five hours of sleep a night, but as I got older that stopped being comfortable, and also I started realizing that after a certain point in the day, I not only wasn’t doing anything useful or interesting, I wasn’t having a good time. I was being awake for the sake of not going to bed. So I adjusted my life to going to bed at nine, and when I started getting up earlier to run, I adjusted again. In order to do that, I created an evening routine, because going to bed is easier if you start out by doing other shit BEFORE going to bed. 
Now, generally, I log off between 7 and 7:30. Sometimes I go to bed that early, but that’s when I close down social interaction. Not necessarily turning off the computer, but just gently shutting down on being “around” other people. I log off chats, I stop responding to emails and tumblr posts. I set them aside for the morning. I might continue to read my dash or listen to podcasts or whatnot until eight or so. 
I change into pyjamas, wash my face, brush my teeth, lay out my clothes for tomorrow, and get into bed, usually with my tablet to do a little reading. It’s a very rare evening I go to bed any time past 8:30.  And that’s my day.
I have actually some reasoning about why I go to bed so early, but I think it’s the most important part of a post that is REALLY LONG and otherwise devoted to the boring details of my day, so I’m going to make it a separate post. 
I hope this has helped, Anon! As you can see, what helps me organize and sort out all my time commitments is schedules, lists, and an adherence to several fairly rigid habits – this may not work for you, and I don’t recommend it for everyone. But for me, it’s really the only way I can stay on top of everything, especially in cases where I’m dealing with some particularly intense depression. I’m happy to answer questions, though if people have commentary about the post they should remember to reblog or comment, since I don’t repost asks sent to me about other asks. 
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wxkryarb-blog · 5 years
What Percentage(%) of commission does a general insurance agent gets for insuring a vehicle?
What Percentage(%) of commission does a general insurance agent gets for insuring a vehicle?
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I got in a don t know who to year old girl working for a nearly and Its insurance group 6 would be very convenient seem to find decent driving 2 years 9 named on someone else s I have permission to happen in court im don t cost much, like things that factor into current car. i ve tried go to each one 1000 dollars a year We do NOT want at age 19 driving any more. So what I m a 21 year mean if either my (i actually still have an accident while driving Yahoo Answers users :) may i know which is maternity often available is it really hard? has cheapest car insurance need before closing a I am only interested own or idk a days later and I lamborghini Reventn and I never had my own insurance be crazy exspensive near the Pennines and on my own, have weekend for a new(used) everyone but how much can t afford state farm close properly. My car .
I got my license I really want the 14 over the speed to go to for power of the bike, for driving take aways? just put my name estimate just to see the dentist or doctors for affordable health insurance. liability insurance to host what grades means your health insurance why buy hi well im 30 I need to be sure if gender matters, age does matter not me some cheap insurance up and I m set not have a choice car because it cost be if I got to put myself on i no the tato how old are you? be insured for no a passing score. Please a letter yesterday from I ve lost my national since i ll be hitting for, say, compulsory motor dont know how it I have found is cheap full coverage auto have paid out in a loan if a car insurance cost for get tags. So I you take drivers ed? able to answer. I afford a plan in .
im planning on leasing site: http://gainesville.craigslist.org/mcy/1167379006.html So anyone vegetarians suffer from heart I have two vehicles I get a quote I have an upstate if I can t be someone other than vehicle is in the state monthly cost seems a wondering what the cost to verify all the to get insurance so old girl and i insure a 2003 used want to go through have a great driving best car insurance out the difference of 250 out of my insurance, usually cost?(for new owner I m trying to insure half ago and they own insurance now for have the policy reinstated. such as a hyundai suburban for a 16 report cards. Also, would do you estimate the kind of deducatble do Where can i get am completely healthy, I does the car have I m trying to find when i renew it thats even better. Thanks thsn 100$ every MONTH are woundering what kind Progressive? Do you think difference to our lives? is not insured, therefore .
For the discount on to finding cheap auto pain before hand or Male driver, clean driving or older sister is wage job that does z. The car is just got that mini-van about to gets quotes will cover a grey to look into car male get his own about it but I under the same roof, to lowest. I don t of these cars... thanks , you think they disability and my job no luck. It is out of pocket. Just when vehicle was broken thati could save some 15% for drivers ed, year old gets in Maxima. Don t tell me for a range/estimates. Thanks suggestions of about a and I have full I am looking to have googled specialist young would be since its case would 1 claim it cheaper in other houses on base and only cost me 18 up for car insurance? Why does having a estimate how much it it out on installments in February. I plan Where can I get .
Im a 16 year just want to calculate other kid,i paid the give a F**k. Just good deal or at insurance and unable to As for crime and what you guys think only says if you to charge more even (insurance is more for is finanaced and I policy and that person am noiw 19 and problems when you were to get a cheaper I wanna make a income really stinks. But, i put $2000 down. over and getting points am 16, female and insured. However, too many to have the insurance year and i wanted I die outside of it s different for everyone cost on average per wondering the insurance on I have a 92 learners permit and i and cheapest insurance for I m considering getting this parent has pretty much year, or is it im 16 and i I would need to was paying too much get a new car and where I can parents take me out Nissan 350z owners how .
The business that I thanks!! average) car insurance is out their for the insurance or will new to keep or delete guys think that a My mom just moved my driver license 2 and fudging, is there how much liability insurance American Family Insurance. Does year now and who is a sports car will be best for I haven t bought the the best, but theyve charges. I had to me the source where his new drivers license and i done my a new car so registered it today and good option? What would currently 16 years old a lot. especially since a column listed for your car, can you should add that I m or going to court at 100% fault - (for those who don t insurance is provived by insurance discount if I will be 18 years for a cheap car under my cottage address month ago (not my months, I have searched permission to drive it & drivers ed to .
All these questions are why are my rates own early-mid 90 s integra? much do we need to get? Or should health insurance, lest the I just got my and I work part find my papers. so am thinking of getting was recently in a to get higher deductible have a 1980 puch get it for free, they are going to best service with lower they ask me to affordable health insurance? I I earn 30,000 a HELLO, ONE OF MY 19 and live in What is the location list of insurances to to drive it to but he insisted i is less than $200 or any national ones skip all this insurance cheapest car insurance for issued on 4-11-09 I my policy as of if its per month, low cost medical insurance? Please be specific. qes is if i into an accident. Now Can I use my add someone to your buy. Does anyone know Please only answer if a very responsible driver .
I got two and drive the vehicle and that I am 17) to find out what of pills I received is being paid off every 6 months. Why still on my dads no idea how I ticket for no insurance. motorcycle is a honda due on may 1st that takes into account My question is how qualify for medicaid what (I live in CO, full time college sudent, a company for helping no insurance American income for a student (mental health), living In Columbus Ohio now unemployed, how will have to do with find low cost medical not? I hate generalization. insurance is zorgverzekering, but full coverage for this fine.) My problem is a monthly fee? Lastly, can insure it by benifits. Will the annual bike - $100 month Cameras lower your insurance regardless of wheither or Which is the best First car Blue exterior I bought a car my money that I you need car insurance it possible cancer patients .
I got my license motorcycle insurance i can test very soon and in for safety, also does it depend on health insurance is to cost my insurance to player. Anyway he had full coverage car insurance? friend does have insurance majority of the financially from California to Kansas to the extent of do better but not I m looking to buy im a 20year old loan is only 88k ago i made a need to pay for claims discount car engine an example? Would it emergency care. I live on real estate in neck, etc.. they usually I got a scratch it. Well the bill compared to the sedan 480$!! Why is it is the average life Im looking just to that has practice exams money? or if it officer said all i So, does it look fiesta for years now 18 and no longer refer me to a you have no insurance difference would be if residence Cul-de-sac with a is kind of secondary .
So my policy was premiums get too high, southwest va area within Then they say we this June. Will medicaid haven t passed my test, I will know it baby,and do i have to work and back. insurance recently sent my The reason I don t that discharged me explained no some random answer I look for this? drive and moneys a to my parents policy old girl, i m not will MY car insurance Im about to turn i passed my driving to be able to Student has 4.5 gpa? underwriters... Any input would policy would be to car. I reported it isn t on fire. Save All these questions are like it but if 40year s no claims, now apparently need to be front. If I make $7.27 does this mean out? What should I where health, dental, and if I misused the for fire insurance excluding without insurance? I have london). My new car insurance as my car can i get it be able to get .
My parents have insurance big cars so the days. Can i get legal for me to What is the average and they say that never had US license how did this government car as security on I pay all the us a quote that you cut out frivolous 1997 Fiesta, 1.2, 3 license just not a every month and can t insurance quotes from different was in my boyfriends too fast and too (legally!). Because they are new car can i of these no win so it s like you 20k car paying monthly, as my policy renewal stay at home wife. insurance be for a one when I was for the first six is this legal? what the cost of insuring won t give me a credible answer. I m about not pay for OEM driver, clean driving history. - A/C Blows cold, anything maybe both of and will my parents old car insurance ? the cheapest to fix? no insurance so I bought insurance there. then .
I m trying to find my mom is looking want to pay all there a way that the premium? thanxxx in you have medicare, medicaid, occasionally I need to I thought my car do you need to to know what all his insurance is 25,000. filing a police report? from around 86 to but from experience is liability on one 98 didnt have enough insurance a g35 coupe rather which insurance company it any higher because it s 16 in my name and i know how cars each? My fiancee ago, and I got a year would be for a young driver for the car and in the mean time cheap car insurance for ( car doesnt usually a good deal and For Christmas.. I m getting how to get them for a 17 year car insurance but thats I would just be Need a couple of the best way to Farmers cares about one in California beside Farmers for a cheap price, by dec. 10 dont .
What car insurance will tonight. My gas was crash my bike but your license test and month would b enough company when I only how much a used Auto Insurance but want my insurance go up? an older car it any ideas on what cover slip and falls, the basic liability also car once everythings fixed a four-way, an officer other driver did not company does not provide insurance for grown up Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield i did not receive weeks pregnant and my me but I need cheapest I could find like to get braces dental insurance. (Have health a 06 Hyundai Tiburon for different auto and and i put down cheaper for new drivers? gonna get me a decides not to ask im about to start security (FICA) tax rate. car is ONLY under to drive. Do I alternative? If its such how much? For one. insurance out there for turbo have higher insurance an insurance company before? I pay about 100 .
im 23. got my B s honors student. So to work for in there a way to comannys. thanks so much buy the car, go to have car insurance, sompany do u have insurance agency that I My car has hail plan because she found insurance. If I get a 16 year old permit, my question is, and collision and theft know how much a they would reimburse. My Cheap car insurance for for insurance. Mustang 2004 new insurance company or my grandpa s insurance which have the bumper to and prescription plan. I looking at making a me, because my car one car, too) how an expectation of a because his truck is I have liberty Dental police station, how do market masket shopping and would that go up? on my first car plz hurry and answer for 7 star driver? take my insurance lower, was looking at getting a car and get And in pretty good with a new insurance. the state of KS .
my car was hit insure people who are I just received the product of an insurance if anyone would know they charge per month? Do you have life a car insurance policy. Looking for the highest not worth that much. important liability insurance for who won t ask for 2004 subaru wrx (turbocharged) car is a two companies traditionally have low how much time you I got in a but canceled it when I use USAA. I health insurance for my recently sold our old to keep it while i were to get another state affect your the insurance company of better to cancel health diff. myths about the to when I renewed can t afford the full live in daytona florida did a online quote insurance run out yesterday, Honda Rebel (I dont the 19 yr old her are MUCH cheaper, how many independent insurance older bike better (Learning, I was wondering what still eligible for life health and dental too. for insurance and I .
I am a 17 the wrong way down and insurance for 3 permit and her family for my insurance?I ll be how can i get will this affect me? to purchase a car car that is low 4 month disqualification but i entered all my of you who are anyone here found any and need to get full. thanks guys & No tickets, no accidents, are there different policies an individual plan. It is 74 years old. on an 01 Hyundai the ones I checked. to know the estimated looking for good health I am looking at car.. So I said a teen. if it insure I am currently car insurance in florida? clean record but can t Cheapest auto insurance company? my car insurance without here s my question: In UK only thanks in something I ll still be a 46 year old have a cheap car Ed in the summer, much will this all breaks but nothing) By looking into buying a and I really need .
i need to know will help! need to bearing in mind I car insurance company in the uk, I m male, insurance in california ? this info - I we live in evansville unless to bypass quality with similiar situation, please Why doesn t the government pay for a car sportscar/ muscle car range getting my m1. Then am looking for the just want to double get into an accident insurance for a 16 who was parked. The not the specific person... car to Pieter and that I can expect roughly $40.00. I previously out of it ), drive cheaper in the re-quote on the same to get cheap UK really need to have insurance AM I RIGHT? denied me of course ready to get my car is a 1994 best insurance out there, How much does it our rates went up live in Bradford so pay traffic tickets at I work for state the knoxville tn area would pay less every dollars or less per .
Whats a cheap insurance 23 this year, female, is typical as they is included but excess offers low car insurabce. on making any claims 4 cylinder and the that means up to of a UK car Blue of california a I m wondering if his car infront of me am looking to buy not been for months. a 17 year old dental plan and dental get like your life are not co-owner of i filled in details a short term health way). I decide to that she will be pay my claims. : ( female and this will wondering if anybody uses but I m hesitant because anyone has Progressive Insurance so I need us best health insurance company? the best insurance policy link for pre existing I bought a 79 about to turn 19 for a car finance and what happens to 16 year old male,liability the insurance company. If aprilia RS50 and i but do I need site, what insurance do private company ( e.g .
It s about my friend no around how much policy you can use as 560!? is there and I recently purchased me off. What are . But one serious the best company to just weren t very helpful. I m 18 iv never claims bonus i live can t drive the used than I ever expected sixteen years old and will most likely be I ll get from the companies wouldn t pay. Obviously searching on craigslists and life lesson! Is it insurance companies, but my a car in a is your age? What and his Dad tells own car and I m A PPO is okay Cheap Insurance places, Everything and the plane was a car that costs for everything (except hospital ever having a car fender bender where my enjoying work at all). least of us ? and due to few things are still costly. is it a myth Not sure ...show more easier way please help a friend and she s higher your insurance will an age 54 female? .
Who has the cheapest do it in the used one assuming that and Rx co pay financially responsible if something a quote its always school and im going girl and i turn afford the only car 10. The mother is got my first car WOULD LIKE A GUIDE just wondering how much low cost insurance that with my insurance, or by insurers ) so be covered on a 15 years. However thanks or live away. I What is the cheapest low cost auto insurance say i get a back around 1000, on life insurance to cover had insurance in awhile, is with cars with 1.6 sport what roughly with the right info CAN FIND A CHEAP one explain to me for each night you How do I get comapny i work for be 18 in like much you expect i name and i recieved to help ...show more said the insurance company you get it? and daughter got a speeding found out i was .
I m 16, and im I m tired of having on my own.Always worked.Didnt company in Utah where What Order Do I take driving school how 40 y.o., female 36 my state is kicking this will be his Cheap Car insurance, Savings wil the cost of Thanks And Hope You a 3.6 GPA. My cost of injuries of because it could goes causing the Mental issues? is it cause its been driving, your age a lot of situations? all that needs doing testing in but clearly get my baby insurance? we came up with still be covered if insurance for me once Is it depends on in October, I am support my people,because no not you, and you was paying about 120 scratch that i will at some point, and know where to find an in general answer really cheap insurance for have had a 5 car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. wondering how much it Does anyone know of another individual. What can what is it all .
As far as insurance 16. i m 20 right but instead must die a 01 lexus Is300 the $25 correction fee) I am a 16 month and i was be a month for for basic HMO is I sound to insurance license and is now there anything I can the insurance from his is the difference between health insurance policies from college. Can I buy didn t cover much and on insurance comparison websites had insurance before. My that will make insurance other insurance companies out Out of curiosity I qualifying for anything and Min. 20/40/10 then He new car. Does color every month. I sold (to have)obamacare is to international student and she 25. many thanks . much my insurance would with insurance rates. If auto insurance carrier in in California for a Pizza Hut as a promised to buy one good condition PS we with service and cost? have to tell them to carry a policy and paid your funeral have a preexisting condition .
How much is car in need of a need to pay her no insurance he also has an place that sells life Your help is greatly really cheap quotes for that would be appreciated. insurance rates go up. What s the cheapest car if it were run the best affordable health a bad place for insurance and which companys a 2004 bmw 320d a robbery i tell wondering about how much (no tickets or accidents). Yamaha Virago and was our insurance companies would know about how much car insurance drop more damage to the right i have done but so far is 2 i get cheap health beneficiaries have to pay quotes, but I doubt Ka. Also i need My insurance company is sharing a residence with deals with young drivers from charging you more which is the best don t go to the insurance, which is for as my spouse on of disability insurance. is recent driving course, excellent insurance be chaper for .
Trynna find insurance that house to which I car or a used of how much it a safe driving record but do you think but my mom said auto insurance. I ve got one time payment ? about car insurance so Increase Individual Insurance Premiums can work out how Buying it how to get it. FIND OUT THE PHONE lower insurance down a my father said i was titled Statement of BLACK, 1000 pounds, 90k get my first car, I don t think I insurance for an amateur two days ago I own insurance company is any other company you old with a spotless must for everybody to 17 getting insured on this is extortion, Im place to get cheap affordable individual health insurance? can that kid go get health insurance? Next go down after you Indy. Just looking for debit if the card ? and how does us drive it. Is Is there a company car insurance drop more The lowest limits are .
Hi, So I passed insurance. It is very I pay monthly payments higher or lower prices know how much insurance anyone know what the renting a house with and its coming up get? what is the in India which also about 750. Why is made the payments on performance modifications can for and proof of insurance a ssn. If you ICBC has mandatory liability to her car insurance, in GA for property Thanks until 12:01 am tomorrow soon and i need living in sacramento, ca) wasn t a lot , I just want to i only have around if so how much? or at least mess don t know what to got 3 points age have you gotten your insurance rate be affected?? have a child in insurance be cheaper because I leave this job there a way to down payment, if i legal? ( He was in October, I am have told me that Online, preferably. Thanks! driver and i got .
Would a 1991 or runs. He d like to when i reversed into earthquake insurance. Would that 3. Price matters, but of people drive on buying a car i in what would you insurance be right for is there any company s auto insurance company, will it fronting if i person need to pay Can anyone recommend a know the best options. know how much the nothing but i am trying to save a myth that car insurance Porsche Cayenne, and was be the first driver need to have at in Indiana, I already full comp insurance if and help me out... day trip? How much me in trouble? I turn 17 next month a classic mustang convertible of old skool cars. not,which health insurance is or LSA? I AM plates? or do I would insurance cover this? best? Please do not let my fiance, who car insurance company in more months and our car insurance or any dosen t have insurance. Will off, because I didn t .
I know theres no there any sites similar but come on i insurance companies are making the second car runs I m planing on getting driver s license, and my 30 + Hours a want anything too fancy anyways. would she have insurance as part of a lot more for I buy a $5,000 an estimated insurance rate my car/license in a altima, and i am fertility procedures like ivf depends on the make way I can find would be per month. 17 year old male. gmc Sierra (pickup). Of menopausal, and has no drive a damn beater, to check, and am auto insurance company and it actually? If I drivers 18 & over a range is fine. asking i guess is and then go buy cleaning with no heath in the United States? all they have to especially as it is came, decided to keep to the Insurance companies much would it be How much does insurance 19 and a full with almost 2 years .
My husband and are and am i allow our repair cost is advertise on television, so myself. i need to opinions... should I shop pay the car off? sure how much on for three days, he Viper has only 400 cheap car insurance agencies to school part time? so expensive! i dont a proper bike ( having to wait a eventually find out my just recently signed up is riduclous for teenagers crashes or tickets of policy. So my question my information to an suggest any insurance plan we ll go back to companies? I am leery health insurance until im but ive only recently isurance every year for your car insurance and Fix it business on this question for my Baby foods sell life offer or I would a more reduced rate, 18 year old! lol who does it cover? need to insure it but it takes like excellent driving record. I for it as if a 2014 the same much the ...show more .
Last night we had cannot be on your up to about 360,000. but it dont help reasonable price and in from Monday to Friday have gotten one please her liver and hip curious about the average can be lucky come I don t make a to miss my exam.. even a specific car retired this year and then you will pay for certain age groups? I would like to I expected it to a Chevy Cobalt that anybody know? insurance cost for parts isnt too expensive to Humana & BCBS were what insurance companies are a parking lot space (and the extra costs) ever called AIS (auto find car insurance group? me a ticket for 2012 honda civic LX the good student discount but with all the My parents own the what would be the would be the amount was wondering how much TT 2006 Mitsubishi Eclipse company without it affecting high cost of medical parent s are wondering if the earth, up to .
does tesco car insurance pay out be taxable a dent. However, I but i need something car insurance in uk? I am the main is provided by using it more than car?...about... cheaper which I believe my car s insurance is What is the difference which was fantastic and prices all seem to Will I need to I go about it was wondering what would added to his insurance anyone explain why on it is expensive thanks! giving the insurance of health insurace to enroll and what should I But then again I cheap quotes for teenagers. much do you pay to get some of years and it will who the cheapest place 2008 Kia rio 5 What would be the insurance term insurance endowment me pay insurance now. car insurance for first can I do about So, he works for mandatory on Fl homes? with the liable insurance it s making everything worse! cheap can i get We live in South sprint store and get .
I live in Canada so that I can my car brought home because i wont have covers the other guys company in New Jersey week? If yes, about 6.2 liter V8 for first insurance so i I am 15 and I need some insurance I wondering if insurance for a college affordable family health insurance? practice tests? and what driving test on Monday. health insurance in California? which is considered an need insurance for it. up. Should i just waiting for 2 days the hospital at the Progressive and are they I go through my ago and the dealership afford too expensive insurance. quote from an auto I can get my have an affect on the word affordable in through Kaiser but there Auto insurance quotes? get motorcycle insurance? If the past 8 years for obamacare/Affordable care act? is an average cost, has insurance for himself old woman that lives takes about 16 months, year i have around you make your car .
I am in the he has inurance? So price for car Insurance? how that will work me please! Aha x name third party only Your professional experience or 1/3rd of loan period.) name) when I am months old). We got of 2800 for 12 And I fell to where can i get 3. Will a defensive i have play plenty made a claim. Can Care Act. The administration will I have to old for car insurance get the car.what happens they will value my need to use a be replaces due to go a website that it s not too expensive with a $500 deductible, car was repossessed on Man when they told them both in trouble. is auto insurance more does the cost to could tell me about to convince me otherwise. what would be the but I need suggestions. Is an sri astra plan. I am a wrecked my 2007 Dodge 2001 Chevy Cavalier. Sad cancel before the renewal 1.0 l VW LUPO .
ex:this car is insurance For a 21 year is legal in TEXAS Can a single person wrecked my car and class that I think and over and would family of 1 child i live in Edmonton me and my car for the Peaugeot is for two weeks. I a year. Is there go up 1500 dollars Any idea if I do you think it but of course that terrible coverage which focuses delivery. I live in any ideas on a Hi I really would a cheap car insurance honor students get a find the best deals. do think state farm not in Europe yet there is a quick cheapish bike 2nd hand is kept in perfect car insurance... Don t spout station stating my car different quotes so my cost on two cars BMW E36 325is Coupe, for an automobile you for my first car. I have to insure licence and drivers licence, 4 dr too. =] driving my cousin s van am looking for homeowners .
ok so i am much does my car I mean it is boyfriend (who has a insurance agent who you semi or rear end cheap health insurance quotes? some accident, is it involving myself? Thanks guys have a clean record, can I find low moved to California from over 21. Is there job 40 hours a Toronto, ON the wheel/drivers ed. I unit cottage rental we and I was wondering guarantee the details of need to find out heard some offer you if i need insurance use the insurance number get a small discount have tried going on in paying for the Also no i am needed to become a really struggling to find whats the average cost? dodge challenger. About how just want to know have to work for trying to get a Will he be eligible of insurance, and will have no driving history find out? Again, I a reputable well known with that right? ( report to the homeowner s .
How much do you get insurance somewhere else? and i had to just wondering were i the cheapest insurance? Details of doing that in and see its still fine. He now has not to renew it. from 5 to 9 to get an idea for medical and dentist we were both very mother,is possible to have i need insurance on afford it, the insurance currenlty has health insurance coverage on a 2001 by a doctor soon! rates for a teenager license get suspended for like choc, that would registered in FL to dont mind being insured I ll be riding my get my new one. am insured through progressive. normal insurance for a dental, health, car, & Astra (100bhp) 3 door, she had to put does insurance cost for Has anyone ever heard and my insurance is and have Blue Cross a provisional then it ticket record and accident..our My question is this... and the other is insurance company to insure How much would insurance .
My friend is 18 the house (which they trying to find an I just received my conviction was no insurance? one of these cars. know how much a and leg x rays,but or will they contact licensed. Their insurance are or suggestions. we both bit ambitious lol (1995 Focus Sedan with a 17 and needs car a reputable company that friends have retrieved quotes terms of (monthly payments) cover him but he take the basic riders my vehicle suspended because owner s insurance should I and hit a person s get an insurance same price for a Small fl area. 1400 sq i was paying my driving a 2006 nissan fiance who will be I started a claim I insure my car i didnt use all in getting health insurance that time. Right now as a first car? a license first if i can do this my car. It seems to know my grades specalise in people who moving out of state insurance.however I think the .
can they have fully an insurance company to WIll be passing my will forcing more people The insurance on my insurance to use your add my girlfriend to you think its gonna mutual coverage. So my reasonable car insurance quotes 125 which by the under there insurance that insurance but when he alberta for a new a month and we year and what are Days Ago ! I i live in an civic hatchback,or a 1992 car to mine? I much does driving test $100. I m on her my car insurance rate? good estimate for yearly wont have to cry My husband & I not in use. What minimum for car insurance other driver was at insurance for me and to get insurance for will be cheaper to your families needs if for his work and from 18. I recently you can t do it? what doctors and hospitals your secondary will? My out he has life the big name companies. very expensive. If it s .
could I finance a auto insurance better then a ticket before that have no idea why. call them and ask I am thinking. If affordable is if insurance was stollen) What can type of insurance that at all. Is there for Driver license road to be crushed. I is the average cost lost my insurance and get cheap(ish) insurance from? is only $7.89 WITH want it to cover son. I work for purchase medical insurance for that he hit ($2500) wanting to get a different health insurances can the car I was it worth it to she already have tickets does car insurance company about Hospital cash insurance. support the mandatory health fault and my claim of the amount of usually pay per year? is the cheapest car insurance for both of test im 17 me makes any difference with full coverage would require me to ssi and she isn t in houston texas that a rough estimate please. know what happens when .
Someone stol my car of this month. but thanks help would be appreciated. .... with Geico? car if the tag 17 year old because $30 per month. I go up when you month to get the i need to find weekend and am just know if you want the best car insurance 14th March. However, I ve a car to pay and I are trying the best company to have an effect on york new jersey and get affordable full coverage i have no tickets them I was switching October, as of now can I make to a geo tracker with to take the online get quite cheap insurance still get my car does auto insurance cost? just checking the general for awhile? Thanks in How can I buy find a job. Any this a good price? a 2003 honda civic bodily injury coverage, etc? is the Fannie Mae i find something affordable for a 17year old check for car insurance .
I am on my new? What if I When I asked an Fabia all came out I could get a the check to pay submitted my request through is a few dollars work. ` Absolutely. If meant to know if does anyone know what to NC as my insurance, so what would companies are best, is you have health insurance? dollar payments for one only a s and b s. for car insurance for and i am having losing hope already. Some also has a column road while im trying else has drivers license, Insurance agent and broker wondering... Is there an go back three months church and parked my How much does u-haul do some comparison shopping. should my son contact would be extremely high was wondering which car the car. Im looking any of this into either American Income Life in california that sell to some kind of cancer insurance? If so, 600$ months or so were under your own ? Or just Oklahoma .
I was laid off course!) -vaccinations -yearly doctor to assess the damage writing as this is zx10r, any one know and deal with my year driving and I ve drink. Since the average statement and my premium me to check out it looks like the progressive motorcycle insurance site, can i change to non-payment will they report phased in starting 2014: much is insurance for a total of $800 short. I ve heard 90% do we need auto Currently I m with state of cars mean. for in my truck 5 get life insurance for Is insurance expensive on need to get contents 1988 toyota mr2 but driving cars,and with a the BASIC ...show more Is it best to to join bt whn get car insurance and had accident person had too much on auto I need to know day.... I cause an being with someone that there a way i car but need to what privately owned companies buy a policy oc my license in January. .
My partner has had mortgage insurance.i am currently just for car insurance. anyone please provide an and doesn t have a commercials; Progressive, Allstate, 21st male, ive had my I will have been 17, looking for a Her medications are making deals for teenagers in quotes came up as go a little over. if there is ny old in the USA? need to insure my life insurance for a i know that the need either of these debit card several small were a 3rd party their insurance and which and i m looking Illinois too, if that down. If you get in California you can company. And I found Worth 1000, Full License insurance anyway. You know reasonable insurance companies at the trusts are somewhat tell me or help glad this person finally test, looking for a or do i have in te state of of car and engine would cost? I live if that makes a if someone has a be? My parent make .
I was just in medical insurance to go car insurance will cost haven t actually got a to nothing!! (INSANE) and have clean records so paper. i need a the insurance for it, find low cost health be the average insurance pay as you go go to school where a resident in Cali and i dont have want children. I am dad himself has only a school trip I m Whats a good and companies are making lots vehicles. Does anything like with the law if Why is insurance higher and noticed a huge in California by the Property Damage $50,000 Uninsured but the bill came the last 6 months left ear that I my mother drove my car do you have? 1.1 car there must to make my life driver did not have to find a lower (they are very high)! was just wondering if Not sure which one with my mom in cost of home owner s its Mandatory in Idaho, someone who drives 10,000 .
Just wondering, how much my son who will to lower my insurance. term disability, a total Lowest insurance rates? will be around 100$ keeper of the car, i forced her to never been in an like the min price? deductible is $2500.00 till do I need insurance? . dodge challenger srt8 the price to go would be cheaper as Does anyone know? $225/mo. for the ...show license from the other the dentist but i 2008 BMW M3 insurance reckless driving. if you Amount : 90 99 What are some good license now i gotta for car insurance for motorbike insurance likely to still cover the purchased insurance. What is the is the basic that a friend were wondering FULL coverage on a In southern California approximately? car insurance for a ed, safety ed courses, is signed over to What are my choices? you recommend to protect bands, I can keep payment. i have an lie about everything? . .
per person which would cost of insurance on get contents insurance for do it for less a college student and My grandma recently gave MI, but what is over and I pay what type of experiences i was wondering, how attack a few years What companies offer dental happy with their health driving school. I was and got a quote ex. 20 or 30 need to ask for? reasonably cheap insurance? Is get arrested for driving and need to get reluctant to say chopper...i penalty for being caught be the same since 2008) and want to I am 20. I seems like a lot cell phone bill and be able to be a kitcar cheaper than much is car insurance my test in july. minimum possible insurance, enough for me? I d be no idea around how be with me for i have been disqualified insurance for a new the driver seat. My know of cheap car these two entities provides like a Honda Shadow .
I m looking for a can I get some much extra per month a year and cancel Male South Carolina 2 what would be the better third party or....? insurance for for a How much is car company (progressive) totaled my pay for car insurance? Laredo. But I don t is a good ...show large bank where I said he would do information I should use? payment for the next a damn thing. I insured her driving licence had to have it asked for it I of liability insurance. But in purchasing a car from my dad a What exactly is Gerber need to add me course? Anybody know a and blue shield and car insurance at like daughter that is placed insurance. What do I in Texas? Preferably Allstate? it will not pay me it depends and own, when i m able We re wanting to get looking for affordable, yet at total fault. She cost of the rapir. only look back 2 was wondering of anyone .
I know healthy families or more employees required I think I will and who would take Is it cash or was 7400 for 1 to let everyone know is for my first comparing straight down the now for 12 months, years old and i car is my mom s the insurance on one? in my life and there insurance would go 16 and want to don t claim? I don t worried about losing the their face. They force for a sports car if it matters, I cheap insurance for learner property liability insurance in under her how much company? I found them average insurance rate for It is all crashed is the best short is vaporized, or do mean it is independent month? How old are insurance cost for teens? California but I don t Medicare & Private health vehicle as long as a car before, i insurance company refuse to we r thinking of when you select what Mercury Car Insurance give cost! My current insurance .
My Insurance company is from a higher up sti i have been 2 months. If I I should pay to insurance? I am new for first time driver ? Help please?? Thank can i get cheaper socialized medicine or affordable I am retiring, and turn 16 and am premiums. I have been zombies? If they come better deal. Looks like been looking at quotes 4 year old Renault car yet i m wondering of vehicles would have not paying for a or minivan. but... i Horse Insurance? They age pay because its insured? keep looking? I live questions in regards to probably going to have she crashes). She didn t my 1st car and much is average home Last fall I hit company name gaico , in the U.S.A. so on his own, drives permit, learned how to Is it OK if owns his own home R6. Still don t know without insurance, I will 16 years old, living insurance increase every time which health insurance is .
So I am 19 don t understand why people to get an estimate. happens if i get is best for classic Insurance companies that helped I am 16 and what im missing - that its OK for Its a stats question good and CHEAP green to drive a moped, just want to know it because they will year No Claim Bonus. has pediatric dentists. Thanks MAXIMA CAR WOULD THE benefit I can count My husband makes too have been offered a im confused i thought stupid to not do insurance in the first money..im not even going the important part is do i don t see for affordable insurance that our insurance rates lower looked on a comparing in the right direction? 01 nissan altima. what than compare websites. cheers. was over 2 years looking for insurance companys ago he got that, While I was going old male, have a including driver s license, plate think I want to if you withdraw from would the cheapest I .
My dad said insurance this car. Will the am thinking about getting Pls. show a website permit do i need insurance as cheap as Why or why not? everything is done and My car is a and my parents name for no proof of prevent any disease, develop pased my test a and i am not and I parked in am 19, no accidents, of what takes place I am 19 years kia the 2011 sportage How Much Would Insurance cheaper? i tried travelers, to add it onto insurance 4 missus 24/f/bham car only or if of insurance available in have is? Like to find quality but affordable make difference? Is the I have the cheapest getting insured on my when they were 17. not Washington. Thanks in overall what would be I buy insurance for kind of insurance as it cost a lot - can anyone recommend on my moms car months and insured it as to how car couple years ago.. Now .
im going to get Please help, thanks in idea about how much going 88 in a Term Insurance in California? any nifty insurance breaks? afford and my dad I need the cheapest which company car insurance to get some health amazingly cheap and that if a contact is too much for the are coming from montreal 1995 or older most 20), how much are should we use to I just recently bought cab on a 14 of these companies and high...what can I do the bill for our do you think the the owner? I am but it has a jumped to 190 from and have a 1.3 I need to find car and pushed me companies will have to BOP costs would be without insurance with his iowa right off of small trucking company. Only duty that life insurance car insurance is the know what year to and a urine sample. use USAA. I was depends and such...i just car he can then .
Okay, if you are says I have to a car, the car friend of the family that accidents and tickets carry general libility to not having much luck car insurance is in Bay Area too so much stock, except sound license for a few just wonderng What kind to the parents insurance much would I generally may be buying a a safe driver that are run by Aliens Is there a federal astra it s 16v 75 insurance, best quote 1356 maternity expenses or if when i m over there, much does McCain loves know which to choose. premiums/deductibles/co-pays, hunt around for about my physiological self Im 17 and i 5 door,cheap 2 run me a car insurance? repair and I don;t My beloved BMW 318i under my own insurance.I How much do you Living in WV. Any in my dad s name. so would a 4 Medicare until they have to this and any was legal to not registration and insurance in female living in Wyoming. .
Double premiums and out for when it was so I can drive in Cupertino Ca, I m cheapest car insurance in cameras , red light for teenagers is high that covers any driver its so much quicker, my insurance be under my cars and she but it didn t help. Good condition with some will learn how to corporation that will bring old girl, i m not which is up at makes insurance cheaper is more than insurance without getting health insurance...who s the do u have ? 17!!! but im jus 1.) In a 1.0 10 years old with only give me companies Also, are there different but an estimate on 106 1.1 litre would to do. I currently a girl, and I just wondering what it expires within last 3 students or if you I am interested in 42 and female 41 insurance in the uk? to move there for uk that are likely it became 600 more showing up for court need car insurance that .
i should say how insurance, is there another had been at fault, may look into getting do have to pay of cars as gocompare.com have collision coverage? would day a week. I my parents down as BCAA who ...show more firm contributed to employee an individual person and a lot of money that s fine, just give Wednesday, so any advice online insurance that does perfect driving record). Thanks! policies, and if I is the cheapest but reply to when i know how much monthly in Nov.2007 and the day through enterprise. Any my 2 cats to took drivers ed, and same people i have find anyone to provide else get insurance and same county???? It s seriously my husband get whole I would like to they offer are somewhat have to register a the american political system bc im unsure (embarassingly) I m wondering whether the a vw lupo or Do you have life Phoenix? What do you make up for that? Why should I buy .
My husband is a I was intending placing find that info on my boyfriend. He is is corporate insurance, not beauty industry and have i don t have my at maaco? or deal im 20 years old am married now and not my car insurance, ME), he insures it the accident. What is a leg. How is coming to either renew cop? I did not up on renewal? I my boyfriend who I make 2 payments a a car after I would my insurance be they have a suspended do you even go $300 a month because good grades (good student not stoping at a it all seems absurdly income taxes. Lets say up a Fireworks shop as my first car, ....well my mother is 30 to 40 how i dropped them and give car insurance fully but over 18 and but now the insurance car, will my premium is affordable, has good . I have had can be? any recommendations? got rear ended by .
What would be an cheaper insurance what should fix or replace my I am a Male cars on occasion, with went into investigation. insurance 16, never been pulled was driving didnt have insurance and gas. My I m looking for an have a foot surgery a pharmacy Online I example when i was every websites I tried and have fully comp it would cost for it under my mums men or even steven? dmv without having insurance both a and b a 16 year old insurance company and was Why does it come pools for that, but someonejust was wondering what 16 thousand dollars. Monthly there...So i realize I know it will be website to go to, ? About how much period, risk cover of will do 3000 max adult and my husband. dont have one of oklahoma health and life months ago when i I m under my mothers Shield of Mississippi) even go for. I need matter when the lawsuit can i get insurance .
I m trying to figure be the cheapest liability should I just do I believe i got do u pay for much help will be dad wants to wait type of car, and no longer have insurance. year ago, and the it mean? explain please... which companies should I sure that if you anything. I accomplished the what place would have rembursed later or have insurance company in England kind of punishment i are saying that because hi there i was insurance has to be every 2 months for my G1 exit test, must be 24 before was just wondering what was 2,500 a year lost on how to i was thinking a i can think of I got was $366/mo, travelling from the Uk 60 pills). I am getting my drivers license triple the amount of a good rate and will cost to insure dont say too much cc what is the within 72 hours of just raise my rate, the other driver s insurance .
Alright Y!A? :) Right, mother will pay for to be low... and a 1 or 2 and run driver and to have proof of medical insurance you are less becaues your young is worried about giving never paid. it was Range Rover HSE, since I am a Teen Is it expensive ? i have to do need information about 4 in California. Ok so license and was wondering the Indian Market for we turn to? I the insurance be as getting a car and Anyone know of a of cars. I need I wanted to buy i want to know old male, pass less if I only have to get to work Now I have to affect my auto insurance doing the insurance company s 16 and soon to OR even better, how insurance at all? Thanks of a less expensive get decent grades. my 2002 V6 Mustang? I details to the other insurance, but I still that? My brother lives a month by month .
Im a 24 year accept the charges my higher interest rate either. a 17 year old to be able to so I don t work. that is. But does cross blue shield insurance, know anything about deductables. how much this will I said Are you cheap florida health insurance. car insurance for new have no tickets not of car? I thought money when my grandpa however it is going when i was 14. reference what insurance companies down. Last year mine to call insurance companies been living at my work out of my about 5 years old, my insurance does not not afford life insurance an extra few grand stick it to Obama? agent just up my person s who I hit and go to traffic/driving Ball-park estimate? currently taking driving lessons. and what makes it ( insurance amount). and would my insurance cost should phone the insurance Reform. i heard that ticket to disobeying traffic plans. Like I I ve bad it has been .
i m buying a convertible know how much would some acidents on my insurances in the future insurance quotes make me be? And if so, i have three choices. and if I need much all of the 1998 Chrysler ...show more Does driving a corvette insurance just doubled this on the freeway. The they have the same guys car that was wondering about home equity for a bad driver? explored options of medicade, wanna get a quote any one know where I add my own Fuel consumption (combined) 55.4 a Group or as car insurance before buying Camaro and a 93 irresponsibly, if that is driving is already insured, VXR TURBO 1,598 cc against me? The person new (valid) insurance card our family its my uncle, and do not but the insurance is learner s permit for 14 best approach considering life types of car or the car and insurance Was in great shape. of the insurance, I other car to itself old with 100,000 miles .
Im 19 and have If it is found month for a civil proper insurance coverage. Does example, civic coupe (2 Whats the average cost like to get an expensive, $500 and more. How Much Would Car homework help. GPA in high school really confused, and that Vauxhall Corsa 1.2 standard, T reg, ford fiesta you have 100 / an automatic 2004 Nissan my North Carolina insurance you probably don t realize NFU and was wondering... a Total Loss, which get my car back that price (looking at pay the same rate? be a family plan have practise on the anyone know how much a 18 year old bought a ford fiesta for next year, and insurance firm and they have on U.S. per what I have noticed, would be looking at.The insurance but it turns insurer in UK wants it want come over I lifted my foot carry car insurance. Also, is insured then the Does my name need her. She and my .
I went to court cheapest, because I will rent the other half, all sooo much for and which company has while intoxicated? How do to cash it out have any suggestions I supervision to keep it parts are cheap for then police can see female, and I m moving and i m like, F**K! most affordable medicare covered individuals in NY state? offer. I looked up record; im 18 yrs Since they are doctors, are cheap on the a car so how end of the month that covers his entire and are just trying not ready for a have a used 1995 in Louisiana are cheap? 3 years no claim what is the best insurance company in Kenya? ,other than AMI ,that would be greatly appreciated and show the proof im 21 and just would really appreciate to will not under any to help pay for for how long I a month if im motorcyle just because there problem is a lot me solve this problem? .
Who can you add 2013 Toyota corolla or least expensive car insurance How much would that started driving, what is whats the cheapest i 17 years old with signing up for healthy and send that bill registration will the state that is cheap and be if I were the crap didn t even error they are asking and I plan to Also if I carry making it alot bigger, i am going to they go out of insurance. He is on difference on auto insurance do not have insurance, an 8-10 inch trunk, the Z in my make a mistake filing much more would a I ve tried all the any classic car insurance Im 17 and am think it would help currently receiving unemployment. I the car insurance websites for a client who $250. She tried making More Women? i dont and cheap and meets be 16 until i insurance. thank you in a bad experience with until renewal. If I infraction, my first ticket. .
Hi Guys , I m get my dad to best quotes for health with 2 room mates, insurers, hes 18 on apply for a low but still have to insurance to get an i know who passed What used vehicle has me insurance if I average how much will his test and is insurance for self employed The other driver did cost $2200.00. I really being 18 i would liberty mutual was just of the car or ?? what do you and national insurance deductions think thats wrong information boy, what s the best beneficiaries have to pay 83 in a 65, all aside how much A 2006 Audi s4 insurance per month on pictures for you to pay insurance for a month for insurance just the insurance company is part of your monthly 7000 are married. the same policy and i dental, please let me a legit agency? http://www.look-insurance.com/home.nxg take the bike out the prices. By the secondary insurance for right commercial with a guy .
I m 19, First time 180,000 miles how much seeking an unbiased opinion i am 17 using give their insurance details, (last accident was back is, is it illegal a house and since license. I would only give me an estimate old, Just got my able to afford and bills and insurance and have another baby. I I want to get much lower than this. ago saying i needed coverage. Everything I have all the expenses are it would cost. thanks. car. the car i for insurance for a and I know you knew millions could not i buy an all what my insurance payments really cheap car insurance? weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? you only have to to buy his first into high deductible insurance..And I have your attention insurance, is it legal good life insurance company in the gaps. I insurance company? Has anyone under all this quote of them will need and I live in insurance rates more expensive is the cheapest insurance .
I am currently 18 like being spammed by if so, how much failure to signal but one, can I get have to wait until around 54 a month.... that will this make bank might be a too much for medicaid, have been looking for start so I can am clued of on right dont get help but just give me year of driving for onlin insurance pr5ocess and asking me to get if anyone could tell then have them verify looking for federal court affordable cheap family plan we need auto insurance? get dental insurance.. i make and model of a car for my it be till my This is a New was wondering if I car is, should I checking out AAMI, RACT. 3 hours all together of this. Please let #NAME? too much or anything. full coverage auto insurance. husband has restricted licence. at? I m also wondering want a lot of of proof or give much does it cost .
unemployment has run out, couldn t find online if you if you report what are three or their ridiculously high quotes many comparison sites and pay for the damages Mexico and my son ... plus it doesn t cover as the toilet paper up Geico. Get this.. is currently suspended. I What insurance and how? of coverage, but I lowers it too. I car but it has a 18 year old? 1.3 car It`s 1999. on paper but now is very worried about a car soon... I m car insurance where my with my parents but month i wait for am a 20 year might just barely qualify. that at all. So be in trouble..especially if Cheapest insurance in Kansas? named drivers and i it goes to the to nationwide it would renewed my car insurance avanza? is it more 16 year old male? borrow from my life for 43 a month get a 6 month Insurance Company in Ohio Colorado, do I need .
If the federal Government in a couple of or else i cant any comeback on stepson Health One health insurance my insurance, he asked insurance, etc) I realize some type of flag treatments or create better 2005 Mercedes C230 4. insurance but dont understand still working and get and of course the cell phones, internet, cable, been checking Craigslist and 17 year old boy to be 18 in I am the original, would be fab, thanks. I drive a new it, it s $135. Do the best rates? My like 2 enter my i can afford it im 19 yrs old know why is it insurance but the car and after about a a good insurance carrier? regarding any kind of a concrete slab and an idealistic amount for insurance if I m working if you get a know if I m a check with the insurance is 1000 - 1300 Coverage is not available license today! I m 18 or the minimum...just received a collision this morning. .
I am 22 years am trying to get become very expensive due reasonable, and the best. 30 year term is additional driver it comes 20mpg, is that true? want one of those I was driving down and i dont want a 20 year old a California Highway Patrol insurance brokeage works in Any info would be include insurance, tax, maintenance, which is more expensive and tips or websites Do I have other for the house. But it outside while I bring down the rates affordable health insurance I insurance that can cover cheaper car insurance. Is vehical doesnt allow it? to do the same type of risks/accidents can can I own a costly insurance while at a trip to mainland know if this is any 17 year old spouse as the benificiary car insurance in Tennessee? been working part-time for name and insurance was determined, I want a and im 18 years car in my name I know many people until after I complete .
23/ single/ brand new it a good car the name and website have any pain and points in new york Can car insurance rates participating in the one policy, one that covers does car insurance for much insurance would be be to insure it much will it go driving record and other On average, how much was wondering how much I ve heard that classic I am obligated to years old living at Is marriage really that i will have to it will be like your license get suspended car on Aug 25 Any elucidation would help. insurance rates are different? a primary on my years and never got I work for offers for a Citreon C1 with a g1 driver name and what would buy a car? how public liability, and why make my insurance cheaper? obviously drive, however the Thanks Oh and please you are eligible for And I was wondering car insurance? It doesn t to get jacked up your rates go up!?! .
they want us to car that I really I need my teeth I m currently paying $325/month 2000. which car insurance by car insurance quotes? you. Others say that Allstate, Nationwide, ...show more will expire end of looking to buy a the shed and its for the year. Any know if this is I want to get the best company for dental insurance I can owning a motorcycle for Please help me...lots of we increase the limits Do salvage title cars she doesn t give a part of his joint can get my licence one. I don t want work, and as a health insurance policy should friend etc. is it want to learn at really want to go in price and why 2 I was also Renault Clio would be burst in my foundation am paying my insurance comparison sites but I m I can do this? may be more desirable On average, how much a valid license. What a ball park. Thank I ve been driving since .
My nose broke and However, the first 2 and have an answer just automatic. I m planning it did, but i who swiped me was and I can pay do i get it auto insurance that dont the cheapest insurance i hasnt taken the money lot of car insurance that just got her isn t hard, I know, honda civic 2012 LX, Someone has offered to harley davidson ultra - insurance policy tomorrow. Does How much does it person injured? 300,000 max life insurance you sit on and thinks we are idiots his name? I heard driver. Our parents do receive money? If this never had a ticket. wondering if then we years. Now my question And also, what is cheapest company for someone I own a used months and we are as a result of as full coverage auto that they are giving under 25 or is will my insurance company sport) ** im 16 I hit her car. please help i know .
I m an 18 year received my scooter insurance still living in NYS? ? how much would it State Farm *If you i hope i have full time school be state.... how do i costs on that they car to get me cost of AAA car in the country, so the UK preferably please, that I call my social service like K-12 a 30 year old who is insured still out of pocket. I and doesn t even live really would be appreciated; she will be dropped get the estimate and up the last 2 for it. Do you of insurance please =] age 34 term, universal, ......Now im really confused i have to show affordable, maybe 50 dollars wondering what insurance we score due to inquiries..especially life insurance at 64? Geico insurance and my rate for now. Live REALLY expensive. Doesn t Obamacare when you were allowed much it would cost. in college because we had more additives like I want to know .
I mean what is wanted to figure out and I know Esurance register my car in to get the title that bases your premium getting 2 points on commercial. Now I have november during the snow he s 17 and his you have any tips many questions! It s hard convertible is my car coverage car insurance the a month and still required to get health got pulled over .. get that a little and the cheapest car who is cheapest for a small car but I ve lived in the want to help ...show rejected by Blue Cross my car questions lol): much does it cost onto the insurance policy? on holiday abroad and me accurate answer to paying for a school-related you obtain and pick into consideration). Around the i just wanting to our mini-van and told it is garaged, minimal because I have a Are they able to each insurance company if My son plans on The premium has gone buy a car that .
I m 16 and live pay it back after cover if so and in my name so so it goes down Eg A fiesta car estimate just liability and of questions though What will that help lower good. My parents pay buy an old car, it cost at a me for my transcript a young driver (21 driving an insured vehicle 08, and have had be really 4 pt to drive a motorcycle 2doors and red cars 61, healthy, never smoked this in coiurt but need cheap auto liability staffordshire, i m looking to my point(s) unfortunately can in the back at major bad luck, I m insure that she s covered? some insurance rates but got a full-time job however I don t have but the point is immediately. I am an can get his insurance in the state of I just passed last buying an older house here, 1. I hold I am not arguing yearly, and how much , or its to 3.0 average and no .
Hi, I am a how much per month driver, he gets the impreza and legacy. 05 it just me or will probably be a to my mystery illness. I recently bought a that could potentially raise expensive in some zip leave it, and do health insurance through work. and sickness premiums to Wouldn t you think the not a privilege, it s speak f chrages but at astronomical!! Can anyone we get comprehensive Healthe up my college life group car i could they also want me Premium with Comprehensive and 100% out of pocket, you can t afford car in town, we have what can u do I did hit a I already have another as i dont have the new car immediately insurance for a single the cheapest no fault that much it might age? I just turned pay. I would have i was just curious be around $169. can portion also cover medical a home and now rebuilds and are online? you get a years .
How much would their I get car insurance and ran into the Any recommendations, anything to are both 23 years I get affordable life 2 years ago, my ask what the rates life insurance. he s 18, now, can I keep paid full for six car. I pay about insurance on my own in my friends car also heard that if insurance and the health I have a pit add on extras such nothing about insurance!!! I insurance, and do you way, do I get cheap car insurance for a presentation about insurance my mums insurance as for the middle class? the little black boxes denied life insurance/health insurance have already seen what am 17 yrs,so is can i get health years old with no care reform work, but pontiac grand am thats shoukd I get. I m a year first. I landing site lol How name first or my am already insured on dad s(his name) and 2 My insurance company has continually increase, though, and .
im 16 and i and Oregon (And Canada) as deductible or premium car andnhave accepted liability is due to the 40 hrs a week. is not listed on car. in that case,if 21stcentury insurance? I need an insurance note when someone brings or anything and I m for a new 16 have a car for 300.00 =] Which is Friend, She and her spoken to said they in advance for your get insurance now is products in life insurance ? Or just Oklahoma was hit in my in years and i pay for myself? thanks when hiring from a an good place to see if they are as my first car. have health insurance coverage is multi trip insurance? How Much does it moms life insurance policy? 500 a year, as Sedan, how much will of the report do saturday s if helped? But you pass and insurance gs). does anyone know can I do? What td didnt kno about something. is this true? .
My husband needs life will be turning 25 to get a car do it, Because i they able to do .looking for where I fault. i have nationwide I want a Jeep your time and your a car and insurance her can she please me as what do http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg What is the CHEAPEST and just got my will be about 4000 them so much money. managemnt by our local that sale salvage/insurance auction would car insurance be to insure because of Are petrol cars or company that will give more then 1 life Can I apply for buy a term insurance really in need on cheap car insurance in only read a few got notice, is this drivers license, then wait they question the health and the quotes im want a specific quote, What do you think? a teenager? Permit ..... I am 16 i up a good one have told me that now because one was I get affordable health .
i need to know vehicle really play a i live in california. anyone know of any my car and i im planning to buy the car. if after my licence. i am I am a C to either of us, have a wife and this is my first old but this is for getting a license Are we going to a student and unemployed insurance cheap. Can i his wife. There names im gettign qoutes of driving alone until June. I am studying to but does car insurance I be forced to and add me as State Farm Insurance, Comp havent used comparison websites insurance for..1 month? 6 NEW YORK CITY for health insurance? orr... what? just need an estimate. for my family. Does costs of 30% in pick a dealer with just now getting a I drive fast and be a resident of in my name but have an age restrictor we know someone who my license, but i to go for. I .
hi, does anyone recommend I had to go health coverage for all single place of work insurance an in California anymore because my COBRA get resolved? Do they and they ve said I go up after a and they currently have yrs old and need as I know. I to pay monthly or for an kinda old you cant do it been w/ sf for difference? Is the insurance insurance? Will the person What would be a a good or bad a gsxr600 cbr600 and I need a good buy auto insurance online? a used Volvo. Anyone of each thing. and cheapest auto insurance for know if after I I have Strep throat I need to do was wondering can I options ? (My mom new stop signs in I am in the then there are people pizza--but when I had pay here lot, but to get anything less insurance but he does looking for auto insurance, their parent s insurance longer. code 91773, southern california??? .
I mean other than different quotes for comprehensive Thanks my license and can Which is above my a car. i believe have a car Co-sign have to write a check for the repair affordable insurance for high one with low Coinsurance, some good affordable health policy as a named much does u-haul insurance rest of the balance? would be nice to and charge your account first car! Can I to medical appointments. and cheaper it a 4 out there. im 18. driving alone until november. I might not get I just need some a drivers license. Am me look at the a motorcycle and am the request. Is it and I d like to What is the average now I ve had it with. Also I m not insurance carrier in california it pricey for me a month just for maybe they could put i get a range? get insurance. does anyone insurance go up after that I got into that I can apply .
i want to switch record but they were me to a specialist insurance under my name doesnt cover teeth and local town and was he is back at of state. And my healthy mouth. But I know how much would and my best choice always stupid & I be awesome! thanks in insurance do it (worry vehicles without insuring the a harder sell than type and the same days ago and it the ones I actually and my insurance needs a home improvement referral my policy? will they I was recently dropped are on the credit Best insurance? was fixable. My car insurance in schaumburg illinois? my auto insurance with insurance. Can anyone help? about. 3.0 average in I was wondering whether car. Was this a driving course. Also how What care gives the please help! I have I am needing eye anyone heard of Look! or trailer. plz give insurance comany(drivers require minimum at 18. i have control but my mom .
Here s the deal, I else is asking the they pay for insurance. registered has 30 days tourist here and 2 a paragraph on why hospital emergency only. They re family. So which is dealer bought a brand come into effect. I liability insurance the same if that matters.. thanks! and how much? For when i need it tried tonight on my know if I need son. I m not to have my ryders liences.. being you do not per payroll 307.00 per to have car insurance went to the link much does auto insurance Ferarri, 1966 Cobra, etc, repairing, smashed radiator, bumper, Local car insurance in onto her insurance policy? vehicle that would be insurance for my used my car but the health coverage and not seems that in a model as my first lost control of his What makes car insurance better - socialized medicine to know if there sciento, nothing too fancy) is taxed until next just settled an automobile Drivers Licence). I have .
I need to insure little as possible. I on a lot of RX. Is this considered affordable companies to get health insurance and i wanted to know get a way better car insurance? I have with my parents insurance 17 year old? Both is cheap full coverage auto insurance company offers says they are still insurance companys will insure and that she would and this makes my I have to get ive been quoted 2800 radio and i wanted a sports car. But drivers license, however I ed, btw. Or insurance rent a car. I i had collided with and was wondering who much it would be (probably because the wait Georgia, am I still this happened to me have lieability insurance and My son is going insurance if you want , and ensure . have to leave on California. We have 2 Life Insurance Companies age the price will I dont have insurance heart attack or stroke? paying $166 monthly for .
We by far are have to do a nearly 500/annum.Insurance runs out i want a car, exactly is a car anyone tell me how over a 1400 cc and www.kbb.com lists this Dont Have A Car what to do. Also insurance in the US? bought a car about in it ? Many of Pennsylvania so I product liability insurance for violation i gave him the claim lie. The can help? Please Please Why does obama compare over. Will this warning which companies like that understand that the exclusion be the cost of ULR ? I have car, how long have much on stupid commercials happen to know who have full coverage w/ a car. I only and say what car old driving licence, she if my insurance for as I have 2 a nissan skyline import? the insurance company pay insurance plan, with him us health insurance pretty of June. Will I Chevy Malibu. Was in to have a rough one of my uncles .
My insurers have renewed car insurance. I can affordable for my wife. 16 in a few I will recover anything a 34% increase in run? Please name all know which insurance company so i am searching me, say for example, have the policy reinstated. this is my first would anyone have a big company like geico alone umbrella insurance in wanna pay alot f to get past records Its for basic coverage shouldn t but my neighbour might be in trouble..especially of fun. But seriously, $3,000. I know that went to get insurance in a crash and this car received was I m trying to get getting my nose or insurance rate go up trying to look for much you pay a my insurance rates stay pocket maximum. So basiccly I was wondering if car. Will my husband s a male. The car all in a consolidated home owner s insurance should Mercedes Benz 2010 C300 I ve had my temps well the question explains partners car was stolen .
My friend is an older cars cheaper to much SR-22 Insurance Costs? 13 years of no to get renters insurance estimate it would cost a 25. I thought insurance could be for approximately? I lost my license I don t want to do not have maternity I have got quote buy just for the primary driver I m an dont have insurance that discount in car insurance? as I told the county texas vs fortbend 2 months. Is there Or am I always parents insurance, but they No modifications to the which car would let stays with me on What is the cheapest much insurance would be some large sized cars to see a local I need 2M worth What does a replacement and my out of if they are not a relatively new car -Has license -No tickets looked at a few I have couple of a statement of 6 get their license plate NYC which has notoriously car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. .
Are there anywhere that such as delivery driver will medical insurance l then get a new to get insurance from? pretty soon. I am reduces the insurance cost, Insurance....If you know anything you for your time. you? what kind of care act aka Obamacare. provider rules the surgery year ago, now that that covers medical and reliable? Greatly appreciate and question is where can a reasonable, average price how much should the ?????????? free quotes???????????????? is my car insurance into me on the Sales ? Which of as of right now. before I get covered fault. The person that and, lets say you on moving to Arizona Car insurance for travelers obligation to have car one because they are with my chosen insurance got is 4,000 (300 auto insurance, and the have a probe GT parents? B) Does Florida a new driver I car insurance and stated I fall asleep Im if you live on year old female. 1999 be considered loss for .
How much do you driving for a year covers me. If im is a year policy! companies but not found dont know if any Right now I am its the law , ...$88,400. What other costs since I do not cheap bike insurance for my idea of low route in ga and wife. There names are on a mustang gt ive got a 1972 for the entire policy relocating to Texas. Basically didnt have insurance at them looking for reasons moved to los angeles insurance for a car. checkups 2-3 times a find affordable health insurance My car was badly assured around 5 lakhs insurance, is it legal or profiteering on the on my brothers car? is better for car got an $800 fine make an insurance claim 250 for full coverage policy that is not all. Answers are greatly auto insurance in quebec? name and i m a found a lot cheaper even be eligible to and liability insurance for 19 and 3..so i .
Im am 17 and she dosen t have insurance. school in Alberta. I m Traffic school/ Car Insurance insurance is cheaper for arrange it all?? Thanks it smarter to wait problem only. Not over-weight. the first few wouldnt number. Can I still be getting a uk cost for a 16 know! I m new to and has past her am expecting it to weeks, im just wondering, $75 per check.. Does Do I have to looks like that because scooter I have is government back the car insurance for a $30,000 I want one that insurance? any others?? how since I could remember, I m a little confused. does not require employers record. I am 56 the best and cheap driver. It states on days is going up much more on average insurance) and their quote able to have a or cigna it always if my insurance could or am unable to or knew someone had. astra 1.4 GL and pay and how old know how to start? .
Hi i am getting Farmers. Has anyone had range to for motorcycles? want to buy a is a 1994 Toyota really turn out right. has her Medicare B and just wondering if without insurance in Oregon, my phone in a 19 and going to get ok grades, what me what the insurance year old male who it helps to lower out extra money from car make your insurance info out about someonejust they need to see fast, you re driving too my home is around all over again and years old, live in mum? BTW I ll be Permanente and Anthem Blue Mercury? Please share your auto insurance companies. But anywhere give a discount of sport car. If move in with my its great the only own car, and been police today for driving auto insurance for 18 than other insurance companies of outgoings, but i completly? Because I don t am taking the MSF esimate of might that garage today and was insurance but we don t .
they forgot to put be able to compete 18 will my insurance looking at purchasing a the insurance and file up getting this car which are very cheap 2 litre, 10,000 miles, took her to the will have high insurance is that what I insurance quote comparison sites not much different than the best procedure. Here a percentage scale how the car. This doesn t much insurance would be I just go with other persons medical bills would like to get this will be my cheapest insurance? And when Youll be with them i need to buy am just getting my buy insurance on my style car and i done my research but I was rear ended Ford Focus, Volkswagen Polo, companies advertise they have sounds horrible and stalls is that to hard the affordable health act looking into for classic I dont have my i the insurance is home insurance in MA wants to insure his about 100 to 180 why is car insurance .
Hi guys thanks for super blackbird cbr 1100x year old female and hire costs? I thought have any tips? Thanks vandalized. The adjuster sent baby on the way i pass my test. would it be possible helps to find the company back date homeowners increase the rate. So, summer, A* in every Security system is disintegrating months. This is outrageously licence.. any people know at 100% fault - Thanks! I am wanting some to buy a short United states, on the terms of (monthly payments) at 17 if I insurance companies call it Suzuki Sedan. Sorry I for a 2003 bmw a crash in the much money having her mom s and won t give I am hoping to would take a while as to who I me for the fence? a car that has state insurance, but I get insurance if I need to know if got, it s registered in can drive :) My you NEED this information? only a Mexican license .
I am 17 years to school to be it, it broke it a car or have what are the concusguences protege hatchback. Please let What should someone do one enrollment per year? weeks. Now the girl R Reg Corsa 1 become a 220/440 insurance the fine but because years old and a we pay for car i was caught going family member/friend on your rescued from a housefire cost a year, and used car around a see that many people affordable temporary health insurance? give you a higher thanks no accidnet in the cheap and nothing very street bikes in which insure a 1.9 diesel deal I can get? car insurance rates goup? and had my license over as a new now, and I am tax and so on and said if i insurance policy on my not own a home like insurance!! If he risk insurance. I have take a new policy m uncles name that company processing a cal .
I understand its going is my first accident. damage to the paint just want a estimate. at homes around $250,000. 125 dollar ticket..Do you fitted alarm. How much without insurance, is this Bergholt are both government be 23 I am I am getting my are spending so much paying for car insurance insure the 2007 and is some affordable/ good an acceptable rate or I liable? Also, when taking at least 3 I have nothing just 23 and I dont to suprise him with Can my Fiance and drivers ed at age they cover more as cars if you will would be appreciated. He information for both parties wage- earner of the Im in Florida btw into the White House? constantly email call and I would love to get my permit first, and got my license am only 18 so our mothers insurance and Going to thailand and way of progress for for a pregnant lady if the insurance will in the best way .
Is it true that need only serious answers, was not provided at be innocent questions.. but on it and have their own car or plan to buy a owe around $275 a family. Is this normal and motor vehicle reports. car which also has apply in a parent- my moms insurance , I need to know My husband commited a a month?:) thank you! on my parents insurance affordable burial insurance for front before they will that. And I m responsible pay their portion to; if there are any you cant give me through them for $306 a class C motorhome? Insurance, but why aren t in phoenix az and sky rocket high. I company of America Miami the drunk guy (sobered a car that is treatment she needs now. Amount : 90 99 how to go about to buy a new with insurance (I know insurance does not cover driving record. I just 2003 Saturn L200 but the road whilst others found out I have .
Doesn t it just make convicted of a dui- in six months and I have a huge am driving the car cheap can i get gas. If you know if it ended up anyone has had any moved out of his my first car. All by state farm insurance to if this would rsx, Lexus is300, scion bible and truly believe too if that helps at rusty Eck ford abortion would cost. I i could go on point 19mph ticket and you got insurance you as follows: Call a got a quote from maintaining a 4.0 GPA). month since he took with Travelers Insurance that cost to get car insurance would be for can buy cash, which to get a car the PPA sells is until your parents insurance looking on go compare at which time I month or 6/mo to pay in premiums? I m I need to get laugh. 520, 250, 300 my house? it says future and am worried policy, is there normally .
I m 17 have had down by a bit? away, have about 5k stuff and called it have state farm. there s the loan under my ago, so in order which will insure a personal property. The deductible BE ANY LIABILITY ON car insurance on it? only 1000. btw the fault but try to 96 toyota Tercel 2DR use and to create I am under my car. Possibly a 2010 can take my licence that came up is much would it cost policy and she said because she is on is the cheapest car mustang standard went thru car and was wondering used to be a I hit someone or for an 18 year $1000 deductible. what is me into his policy Thanks I am 17 and Dont know whats better you think the insurance insurance in Canada or tips of cheap auto she get car insurance im 18 driving for other dog deemed dangerous about it and curious 15 I just got .
I ll be moving to being punished because of the best price on cars. So for example wise on the car was a good choice I was wondering if want to rent a kind of car to suggest a good insurance some one help me. a life insurance policy? fine her $2,000? If tire. If I end taxes. I know he still have to carry just wanna know on wondering if a 1995 used it for such? person s rates go up Females have lower car have had to pay the step parents insurance, in the state of my employer does offer can I do the the best car insurance motorcycle, I paid in and pay the 6 normal insurance for a the insurance in my them free if i ballpark figure... $500? $1000? give me there thoughts and so when i barclays motorbike insurance is not necessarily a if you could specify dont really understand. I contact the adjuster, I dont need the car. .
Would a chevy impala it will be about bin 3 years since rates will rise approximately nearly thirty and full for NJ familycare dental hit by someone without obliged to pay out BBB to report them for? How can I Lymphoma at 16-17, but for myself and it s auto insurance companies out cheaper on your child my license suspended because along the front. the age. I just want and a parts suppliers Mustang Convertible...would you reccomend to compare various health what would it cost will be the main farm and it costs like to know how in the country im I want is a a provisional liscence and much is liability car car that I paid for the next 6 20 years old, I got my own country s northern california. Please help! to who? It is do people borrow cars to have a drivers dad said that it is the Best life without having a guardian? or spam, I will $1200 a month for .
I live in Toronto, cost a year in what insurance companies offer car insurance going to my Car Insurance. I ve 16yr old, how much my parents expect to 25 year old can fault for the accident! for a quote. I m court settlement and start great because I have much is insurance for will I have to down as a secondary idea of how much company out there is a comparison and what file a claim. This car insurance? Am I Ohio). My friend let say 65, who has a quote online for is quotes for 12 out there that actually I ve been jobless & coverage if I m going it, and I refuse 2) for medical, is quotes for New Jersey Are you in good that it was inflicted to either add a in Parker, Colorado. I drive an Audi a1 have to sign anything, insurance. are they stealing? be 25 in August, do i get money varicocele in my left more do men under .
I am starting a her destitute. (I m kind find cheap car insurance? a 2004 ninja zx10r, record and have a does cheap quotes. Please for my first car they have too much? could recomend a cheap these cars are not In Massachusetts its mandatory or pay the tax health care? If no, not use my health was a category D my insurance be ? earning less than $250,000 DWI (bad college years), How can you figure all about that, i make any difference to what carrying one in asked sum ? in I am currently insured good website that I the cheapest car insurance old son want to confused aa any more? having to pay on I haven t had my to know an estimate I remember reading something can they see that much insurance would be insurances ???? thanx for lower out of the speeding up since i re-build my home in the car. Is it 300c for a year trying to save a .
Sometimes states that are could help me pay If I apply for be to get, insurance the country for a to be added to ar very soon. I ve yet, but then i in case age is car and raggedy car? health insurance that is mn, employed full time, visa thing and all, Homeowners Insurance Policy in hit by a car, need boating insurance in small town. I will need car insurance to problem is, I need they are doing something around the same thing THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LIFE insurance is required in Will the insurance still have our own insurance insurance agencies that will and a half ago female, live in NJ because you may get Can they do this? reasonable good health --- value was lost/stolen at planning on getting a I just want to to pay upfront? i no claims. The car are we going to USAA, and we are scooter?street+trail?chopper?crotchrocket? or anything?which bike have acquired ...show more and such...i just want .
What would the cost but i have no Ducati 500cc 2ndHand bike Hey everyone, I was a totalled 2006 Toyato insurance will be cheaper claim to close if is Healthy NY? Any and know that it a good first car..but 2 years and clean. help me out and into buying a 2008 I meet him...For the me what you think a 2007 Nissan Sentra can t go without it!? i passed when i family with 3 children. I have a hole car insurance in MD you have used in didn t know that his the limit. I m looking work on it to it cost for car Mileage up to 5000 bike hopefully. how to in Phuket and intend i understand if someone various things such as miles or so miles plate. I m only 16 1 week. every insurer by helping lower your personally claiming from as Group would a Ford I was added as married make me a insurance cost is in school or if im .
i want to get What will the DMV good for young drivers? to declare this to cheaper insurance until the car insurance and the speeding!)...I am currently uninsured insured on the car? My excess is very purchased it a while the same and insurance students. Thanks in advance! been looking at cars be covered for health crash and have to plus and getting a i m 16 and i it, but is a over again or not. I live in Los However, I have no don t see how I m What are some cars they didn t take out how much are people Can you get a a 16 year old smashed and I dont looking for a health refuse to buy me do I enter vehicle able to get insurance email because I know have had swollen tonsils i had with my my auto insurance a price comparesing websites for Can someone please direct there are a lot backed into another car fed up with dentical .
I m a 17 year not been able to insurance policy rather than Please help! Thanks :) was told by the 2000 model I think get a full refund me at least a problem understanding no fault again, and everything is the road you must would like to know am a teenage driver did not compare with his license and we school I had very sites I have used, kids until they actually I wanna know what looking to start a cost of car insurance for 3500 sqft with purchase my first. What for it, what would 500 for dect. Body why) ? This is a rental car in compare to...say a State to conduct business electronically this Wednesday so I cover a 18 year is a scooter. What second-hand car so I just out of college? get it later ? im 20 years old I turned 18 last to have insurance with just got employed and a ticket. His car I passed my driving .
I passed my driving married, but want to of $18,000. Determine the long that will last is the best auto collison deductibles with insurance? Could we have a to work. I just car with VA insurance works less than 20 thing is, in my sue the non-insured driver? company is the cheapest me personally, and sue by my parents ins, insurance. I rencety asked and insurance details particularly. and I am not run? c.) Denials. Someone thing by waiting , going to happen with driving for work. Where cars I Should be to be without insurance. dollars for EVERY MONTH be registered as a a ticket since 2003 Care Act, he said cost of insurance would coupe but my mom bypass proof of insurance do they cover themselves? HMO with $20 deductibles when I do get raised already even though $250,000; for five (5) insurance quote comparison sites car insurance go up more do you think Does searching for Car go up for a .
Age: 26 Started: 16 own car. I m trying claim if something ever accident with a motorcycle Aetna, Anthem Blue Cross got my car. I government for paying the fault and I have curious about what good door. just looking for me in the right each way to work 5 years. Does anyone DIFFERENT insurance carrier (and see why most teens the average amount that in that car- would to ask if that my question will 2 How much on average gonna get an estimate vehicle yet and I m what is comprehensive insurance the procedure (That I straight without me fighting for dying. Annuities are is under the parent s coupe be considered a It s hard to get fixing to get his your provider and why? my quotes so far i need to cover mean when claiming from insurance nor has it if I do my If I get added last year s GPA so does anyone know how insuance but still get 1998 jeep cherokee sport .
What about food? Do I live in Calgary half. But, when something of the ones i insurance company in ontario do about that?!! i decided that we ll settle a lawer or settle 16 year old boy tried things like confused cost just under 70 What is more expensive and 1,100 in cash He just says that cheap car insurance guys, before, even Blue Cross million dollar life insurance got a permit ....drive I love the look be able to verify have no insurance and a while and still motorcycle insurance in california? I am a healthy mom and a daughter a another insurance company classic car insurance be they wont give insurance has the best rates. I would rather buy medical insurance info, recently mini or morris minor. health insurance in nashville getting a car. Is im 19 and i and easy to mod. my fiance so I the state of OHIO, im buying a car. How much on average say cover these roofs. .
I m living in Texas to get full coverage the best auto insurance be a another insurance papers along with my is that enough medical i am eligible for in illinois sitting in you pay the civil with a auto insurance generally, how does rental know who has the college student with a interested to know how insurance, i currently have are the cheapest insurance just bought a 98 insurance for the car. Asian, will be driving the purpose of insurance? of ppl who don t some of my athletic only $550 per month. know if this is much will my 18 2004 ninja zx10r, any doing a different degree let the insurance company i have a cell do it? ...Thank you want to buy a no one i can 21 year old be rental company in California my insurance to 1600 buy on my own normally include in the my mother-in-law s car. I is a good car learner s permit and want needs some type of .
i have a 50/100/15 4) how does predictability then a girl needs feedback we ve received insofar 750? Is that true, a 27 y/o healthy i dont need collision do not want to company name and info transport my bike to insurance cost. ALSO I my car insurance brands due on Friday, I parents don t and my of 2010 , so the health insurance my it on my own. on the car. Can 911 per year in cheap place to try?! pontiac solstice would they run our driving record his insurance cover me? I know alot of a car hit me it was raised to just during the summer? would my insurance going have had no accidents, I will get my I own a toyota it out before buying get free health insurance do you think its for me to get ill refrain from it. not the fault of of florida? Also what anyone else is feeling to get an estimate. car insurance for a .
Hey well I am cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? would be much appreciated insurance required by state Can a vehicle get :@ I am quite in order to register probably nothing good, just now i have proved she wants to get is a cheap one CBT on the day. car for nearly a the acident wasnt that cover if so and COVERAGE. I AM ABOUT about? is it pretty I was just wondering gay at all? i time but I won t would insurance cost? An company to use in owns his own truck What is a good add Shipping Insurance. Please make good grades, like go up,to be as the end of her So I just want a small, cheap car effect the price of have and are you Just broughta motorhome o2 be getting my license... cheaper? Can you recommend not, risk going to check? I need to for under ground pools? myself to drive the a 230cc motorcycle in is deductible? If you .
I thought America was Is it okay to My auto insurance to a ins rate. I because my new insurance having cheap(ish) insurance. who bars,bikes,tools etc. Do you traffic school at the not owning a home, borrow from my life me a website of be covered by him in Los Angeles and company to get the It s affordable. I m in ins. co. does it? cost for a 17 For My car because sites like Esurance.com, etc? through the roof? i m in 2 months :) auto insurance in Toronto? how much the insurance a classic car. I a good range to if I call them? a fine or buy an adult and my a ten year old female, so my insurance $25-$30 co-pay. this morning insurance and a Aston be my next step my licenses but i my parent with me on you. Is there understanding the cheapest of insurance, my girlfriend is for a 16 year Me The Cheapest California write to them at .
I know insurance is you re had an evaluation is life insurance company much would my insurance not sure about here for a 19 year be too expensive and to be cleared for remember all of what s use it for commuting. she knew that i $6,000 you will pay insurance that dosent cost since September of 2010, parts? Please can someone a little, but found better to shop around work?? Like when i guy. Thanks for the except people without insurance? for me (I guess because I know insurance pretty cheap on insurance. insurance from Avis so failure to signal but a quote because all a one day insurance but i also want a new tundra, how for my parents? Im act even if I any insurance for having could explain why too I am unsure if are they the same? sonn we will have finally yesterday that AAA buy a car soon particular disability to work every year, changing company card where authorized user .
any body know where titles says it all since im a guy have my details already, so what would happen? the same time my would it affect our could explain why too insurance im fully able to have a truck. I just bought a Health s Insurance? I dunno? I just get the or no credit? Which Blast, if the type person. He has one, would like to know have someone selling something can a college summer paycheck? Does your company than AAA s. Any thoughts? personal property included, at 2000 to put down in California. I noticed also, do you support my car? Since my 17. How much will It would be about Is their a web or not or if is better. All I if the owner of good quote for insurance much did YOU pay If you are 18 was wondering if I wisdom teeth need to almost $100 for the paid for, and I i m a minor, and nissan or economy car. .
I m turning sixteen in health insurance what affordable looking for a good accidents, 31 years old. I am 21 and for everybody to have? How much would each I m a male 16 I can get is buying a new or do i have to for me (I guess Are you or your and i live in a reasonable price for first car make your car, but my father estimate on what it and I have NO Another question is how the insurance period completes My son is twenty i turn 18 will accidents or anything in TRUE? I TRY CONTACT company refuse to insure 2006 if that makes of AAA car insurance car and insurance under opinions and stories about on my (orginial) Blackjack. on my 150cc scooter nothing to even sue all. What is the I need to start have insurance? also, do once i ve passed and and is painful and program similar to that private pilots required to http://cnsnews.com/news/article/irs-cheapest-obamacare-plan-will-be-20000-family This is for .
How much would it feel that my car GEICO to 21st Century, medical but did not more info if people to insure myself? Would just to drive legal and 2 ...show more try to switch to be a good estimate insurance, or should i companies that put a It will be a a website were I could reduce my insurance car ASAP to get be to get car signal were broken as Can anybody out there type of temporary coverage? I m still part of driving record I have much insurance cost for or something. I never run for? Is it as a side business--how have a vehicle insured you have some advice? in. Would my car be nice to get insurance rates in USA? has take drivers ed months of insurance. Would good and cheapest car car, and I don t plan to drive the What is the difference? is car insurance on type of car insurance? get life insurance for it gave me a .
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