#property uk
novyy-technologies · 1 year
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I posted these Victorian island forts when they first went up for sale and were not converted. Well, thanks to anatovrocktail, who sent them all fixed up as hotels and for sale again. (Guess they weren't such a great idea.) They're up for auction and the bidding starts at $1M each.
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The first one is called Spitbank Fort and is located in Solent, Hampshire, UK.
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And, this one is called No Mans Land Fort, in Solent, off Isle of Wight, UK. Which one would you choose?
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Spitbank. You can turn them into homes, or anything else, with approval.
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No Mans Land. Hmmm, 2 very different visions.
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Spitbank game room and a dining room for event dining.
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No Mans Land. Has 2 dining spaces. A bistro and more formal dining.
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Spitbank's restaurant & wedding venue.
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No Mans Land's communal seating area and game room.
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Spitbank's dungeon-like gym and communal sitting area.
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No Mans Land rooms with glass floors and ceilings. Weird.
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Spitbank's outdoor area with a hot tub on the roof.
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No Mans Land's outdoor area.
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Spitbank's nicest bedrooms.
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No Mans Land's bedrooms.
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Or No Mans Land? I wonder how hard it is to get staff for these places. What a pain getting to work.
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abraincellandahalf · 3 months
If I had a nickel for every time David Tennant caused the downfall of a UK prime minister, I'd have 3 nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened thrice, right?
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otto-wood · 11 months
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November 7, 2023
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sometimeslondon · 4 months
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Church Street in Isleworth
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Someone on twitter claiming to be anarchist, claiming to be in favour of private property, claiming that rent and anarchism aren't antithetical, claiming that anarchism isn't necessarily against bosses.
To be clear, I think all of this is nuts, but it does illustrate why anarchism has become a confusing label online.
On this blog we believe property, including intellectual property, to be theft.
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parxarchive · 10 months
waterparks top listener message for spotify wrapped 2023
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eaglesnick · 20 days
“A generation which ignores history has no past -- and no future.”  
The National Centre for Social Research Centre's Social Attitude survey, finding that there has been a sharp decline in British national pride in the last decade has driven the pundits and politicians on the right into displays of righteous indignation. 
Peoples pride in being British has fallen from 83% in 1995 to 64% in 2023. Only 53% think democracy works well in this country, down from 60% in 1995, and only 49% would rather be a British citizen than any other country, a decline of 20% since 1995. What has particularly agitated those on the right is the finding that pride in British history has dropped from 86% in 2013, to 64% in 2023.
Nigel Forage, never one to miss an opportunity for self-promotion, went on a “blistering rant" concerning the decline of national pride in British history, claiming he has been “railing against" an education establishment that is constantly  "talking down Britain’s past”.
What’s happened claims Forage is there has been a “Marxist take-over, of people that hate the country, hate what it stands for, and they have done their job” Primary school teachers, secondary school teachers and university lectures all “rejoice” in putting Britain down.
Who would have thought it? That seemingly lovely Mrs Jones, who does so much for the infants in her care, a revolutionary Marxist. The dusty secondary school history teacher Mr Smith, also a Marxist, just waiting to advance the communist revolution on the streets of Britain. Unbelievable! And as for all of those university academics…just don’t get me started.
What a load of utter piffle Mr Farage. But he knows that. What he is doing is dog whistling as usual.
Taking the teaching of slavery as an example , Forage condemns the educational establishment for teaching that Britain was “the only country in the history of mankind that had ever conducted slavery.” What’s more says Forage, Britain  "far from being the one nation, actually, that ended it,..lost a lot of money and a lot of lives driving it out."
Lets examine these claims.
First, no one has ever said that Britain was the only slave-trading nation. Portugal, France, Spain, Netherlands, USA and Denmark ALL profited from slaves.
Second, Forage was right in asserting that  Britain was one of the first major European powers to officially abolish slavery. The Abolition of Slavery Act was passed inn 1833 but not all British owned slaves were covered by this act as it specifically excluded many slave colonies owned by the East India Company and British slaves on the islands of Ceylon and St Helena.
Third, British sailors did die fighting the slave trade but nowhere near as many as has been claimed on social media. Fullfact.org, state that the figure of between 17,000 and 20,00 Royal Navy sailors dying fighting illegal slave traders is untrue, the figure being much nearer 2000.
Forth, did driving out slavery cost a lot of money? Yes it did, but none of the money went to the slaves themselves, only to the slave owners as compensation for their losses.
Despite the repugnant and morally corrupt practice of slave ownership that the 1833 Abolition of Slavery Act represented, a mere four years after this law came into being another piece of slavery legislation was enacted: the Slave Compensation Act 1887.
This is something Forage and those other millionaires and billionaires on the right of British politics often neglect to tell us. Despite the repugnant and utterly immoral practice of slave ownership implicit in the Abolition of Slavery Act 1833, this new act ordered the Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt to compensate slave owners in the British colonies to the tune of £20 million pound – around £17billion pounds today. This payout was a massive 40% of total government budget.
What else Forage neglects to say is that the last compensation payment for loss of slaves paid for by the British government was in 2015.
In short, we the British taxpayer, have been paying compensation to slave owners and their dependents for "loss of their property” for the past 182 years!
I only wish we did teach these things in our schools but we don’t. In fact, the Conservative government, in its Education Act of 1996 made the promoting of partisan views by teachers illegal.
So much for Marxist conspiracy theories!
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thelandofbritain · 1 year
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While we have the rich 'King Charles' and his class of parasites in Britain, the ordinary citizen can't even afford to pay the rent anymore.
Profiteering landlords are now raising the rent every time there is an increase in the bank rate... which could be several times a year, instead of an annual rent rise... in a rental market that already makes it hard to afford even a basic roof over your head.
Britain is a corrupt tax shelter for wealthy fatcats, thanks to the Tory (Conservative) Party government since 2010.
Thirteen years of austerity, Brexit, a cost of living crisis, sewage in our rivers and seashores, an underfunded healthcare system, no affordable dentists, no affordable homes, lousy pay... but plenty of tax cuts for the rich Tory cronies, knighthoods and lordships for their pals and donors, and fat paychecks for Tory MPs from their 2nd jobs as 'consultants' to wealthy corporations.
And yet people voted them in...
How stupid can the British people be? Like turkeys voting for Christmas.
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swiftviolets · 4 months
went into build mode for the first time in well over a month to rework lori’s apt cause im starting to not like it even went checking irl apt listings in the french quarter so it could be more realistic and after spending so long on a layout i ended up hating it lol
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novyy-technologies · 1 year
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Beautifully unique home in St. Florence, Tenby, Pembrokeshire, UK has 5bd. 2ba. and is listed for £595K / $741K. 
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Look at the cozy living room. Love the fireplace.
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A conservatory is off the sunny dining room. 
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Isn’t this lovely? Beautiful brck wall and wood burning stove.
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Isn’t this a gorgeous conservatory. 
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And, this is a second sunroom. You can never have enough.
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The kitchen is adorable.
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Nice secondary bd.
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Beautiful home office.
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Look at the view from the stairs going to the main bd.
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The main bd. opens to a terrace.
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It’s so large, it’s a suite with a large sitting area.
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Lovely glass terrace, but I’m too keen of the view of the cemetery.
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Cute vintage bath is spacious.
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Lovely garden with decks.
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Look at that glass room. This home is so special.
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Plenty room for parking in a gated area.
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Judas Priest - Private Property
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acnews · 4 months
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sometimeslondon · 1 year
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Green, white and grey houses in Notting Hill
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what does that even MEAN
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