🔍 Guida Completa al Costo del Corso GDPR per Aziende 🔍 Sei curioso di sapere quanto costa un corso GDPR per la tua azienda? Scopri tutti i dettagli, i benefici e come scegliere il corso giusto per te! 🌐📖 👉 [Link all’articolo] #GDPR #Formazione #Aziende #ProtezioneDati
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infogenesis · 2 months
Gestori di Password: La Chiave per una Sicurezza Online Robusta
Nell'era digitale di oggi, la sicurezza online è una priorità assoluta. Con il crescente numero di minacce informatiche, proteggere le proprie informazioni personali è fondamentale. Ecco perché i gestori di password stanno diventando strumenti indispensabili per chiunque voglia mantenere i propri dati al sicuro. Ma cosa sono esattamente i gestori di password e come funzionano? Scopriamolo insieme!
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Cosa Sono i Gestori di Password?
I gestori di password sono software progettati per aiutarti a creare, memorizzare e gestire tutte le tue password in modo sicuro. Essi utilizzano algoritmi di crittografia avanzata per proteggere le tue credenziali e spesso offrono funzionalità aggiuntive come l'autenticazione a due fattori (2FA). Questi strumenti non solo semplificano la gestione delle password, ma migliorano anche la tua sicurezza online generale.
Perché Usare un Gestore di Password?
1. Sicurezza Potenziata
Un gestore di password genera password forti e uniche per ogni account, riducendo il rischio di violazioni della sicurezza.
2. Convenienza
Con un gestore di password, non dovrai più ricordare decine di password diverse. Basta ricordare una sola password principale.
3. Protezione Avanzata
Molti gestori di password offrono funzionalità aggiuntive come il monitoraggio delle violazioni dei dati e la possibilità di cambiare automaticamente le password compromesse.
Come Funziona un Gestore di Password?
1. Creazione di una Password Principale
Quando imposti un gestore di password, ti verrà chiesto di creare una password principale. Questa è l'unica password che dovrai ricordare.
2. Memorizzazione e Crittografia
Le tue password vengono memorizzate in un "vault" digitale e criptate con chiavi di crittografia avanzata.
3. Accesso Sicuro
Ogni volta che accedi a un sito web o a un'app, il gestore di password inserirà automaticamente le credenziali salvate per te.
FAQ sui Gestori di Password
Sono Sicuri i Gestori di Password?
Sì, i gestori di password sono progettati con elevati standard di sicurezza, utilizzando tecniche di crittografia avanzata. Tuttavia, è essenziale scegliere un gestore di password affidabile e ben recensito.
Quali Sono i Migliori Gestori di Password?
Alcuni dei gestori di password più rinomati includono LastPass, Dashlane, 1Password e Bitwarden. Ognuno di questi offre funzionalità uniche, quindi è importante valutare quale si adatta meglio alle tue esigenze.
Cosa Succede se Perdo la Mia Password Principale?
La maggior parte dei gestori di password offre opzioni di recupero, come la configurazione di contatti di emergenza o l'uso di indizi di sicurezza. Tuttavia, perdere la password principale può essere problematico, quindi è fondamentale conservarla in un luogo sicuro.
Posso Usare un Gestore di Password su Dispositivi Multipli?
Assolutamente sì. I gestori di password moderni offrono sincronizzazione multi-dispositivo, permettendoti di accedere alle tue password da smartphone, tablet e computer.
I Gestori di Password Sono Gratuiti?
Molti gestori di password offrono versioni gratuite con funzionalità di base, ma per funzioni avanzate, come il monitoraggio delle violazioni e il supporto per l'autenticazione a due fattori, potrebbe essere necessario sottoscrivere un abbonamento a pagamento.
Statistiche sulla Sicurezza delle Password
Secondo uno studio di Verizon, l'81% delle violazioni di dati è causato da password deboli o rubate.
Un sondaggio di LastPass ha rilevato che il 59% delle persone utilizza la stessa password per più account.
Dashlane ha calcolato che l'utente medio ha circa 90 account online che richiedono password uniche.
I Migliori Gestori di Password
Il mercato dei gestori di password è molto ampio e offre una vasta gamma di opzioni. Tra i più popolari troviamo:
1Password: Noto per la sua interfaccia intuitiva e le numerose funzionalità.
Bitwarden: Un'ottima opzione open source, altamente personalizzabile e gratuita.
Dashlane: Offre un'ampia gamma di funzionalità, tra cui il monitoraggio del dark web e la protezione dell'identità.
LastPass: Uno dei gestori di password più diffusi, con un'interfaccia semplice e intuitiva.
KeePass: Un gestore open source gratuito, molto apprezzato dagli utenti più esperti.
I gestori di password sono strumenti potenti che offrono una soluzione semplice ma efficace per migliorare la sicurezza online. Non solo aiutano a generare e memorizzare password forti, ma forniscono anche una protezione avanzata contro le minacce informatiche. Adottando un gestore di password, puoi garantire che le tue informazioni personali rimangano sicure e protette.
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alfonsoselva · 3 years
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Stai proteggendo il tuo sito web e i tuoi preziosi dati dagli Hacker? .. Oggi nella nuova puntata del mio podcast Finanza Semplice n.117, intervisto un super esperto. .. Ogni 30 secondi un sito web viene Hackerato!!! .. .. Ascoltala e poi lascia un commento 😉. .. www.alfonsoselva.it .. https://spoti.fi/3nuxVTq .. #podcast #podcasting #podcastersofinstagram #consulentefinanziario #cybersecurity #protezionedati #alfonsoselva (presso Rome, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWc7ArigF2k/?utm_medium=tumblr
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webinformatica-ch · 3 years
Dieci consigli per smart working e Dad davvero sicuri
1 – Creare sul computer utilizzato in famiglia un’utenza apposita per lo studente, attivando tutti i filtri a disposizione del proprio device. Per esempio è possibile interdire al minore la possibilità di installare nuove applicazioni, così da abilitare soltanto quelle utili e sicure.
2 – Aggiornare costantemente i propri i software, per correggere eventuali bug o falle di sicurezza dei sistemi operativi.
3 – Aggiornare spesso il software del router di rete, per risolvere eventuali falle di sicurezza.
4 – Cambiare la password admin del router di rete o di altri dispositivi connessi. Un accesso al router con le credenziali di default può permettere di avere una conoscenza delle attività svolte in rete.
5 – Diffidare da e-mail e telefonate in cui gli interlocutori dichiarano di possedere informazioni personali specifiche. Potrebbero averle ottenute tracciando l’attività o le informazioni condivise sui social.
6 – Usare un password manager che generi password casualmente. Ad esempio, quello messo a disposizione da Google Chrome è uno strumento ideale, ma è opportuno proteggere al massimo l’accesso di Google con Sistema Biometrico (come impronta digitale o Face Id) o 2FA, ossia autenticazione a due fattori.
7 – Impostare l’autenticazione a due fattori (2FA), richiedendo l’invio di un messaggio SMS di sicurezza quando si accede a determinati account, oppure utilizzando app specifiche disponibili su smartphone.
8 – Attivare la funzione “trova il mio device” sui dispositivi mobile e sui computer, desktop incluso, che consentono di “resettare” e azzerare anche a distanza i dati di un dispositivo rubato o perso.
9 – Essere prudenti quando si utilizzano reti Wi-Fi pubbliche: è più alto il rischio di subire attacchi hacker. Per questo può essere importante attivare un servizio VPN che aiuti a mantenere una cifratura costante e completa delle informazioni.
10 – Prestare attenzione ai software installati sul computer: alcuni servono soltanto a rubare informazioni mentre altri possono essere un veicolo per i famigerati Ramsonware, ossia software per il “sequestro” informatico dei dati
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Libertà o sicurezza?
In qualità di studentessa nativa digitale, frequentante il Politecnico di Torino, ritengo sia importante comprendere i rischi della rete, e in particolare imparare qualcosa in più su come mettersi in guardia da questi pericoli. Perciò, in questo post vorrei concentrarmi sulla sicurezza e sulla privacy dell’utente sul web.
Vorrei iniziare trattando un argomento noto a chiunque abbia mai provato ad installare un’app sul proprio smartphone, o dispositivo mobile: il trattamento dei dati personali.
Nel momento in cui l’utente decide di voler scaricare un’applicazione, e clicca sull’icona “installa”, appare subito un lunghissimo contratto, che mette in guardia i fruitori sui dati personali che si stanno cedendo agli sviluppatori. Trovandosi di fronte a tutte queste parole a volte non chiare, si accettano i termini senza nemmeno aver preso visione di questi ultimi. Infatti, siamo così abituati a questa “prassi”, che non ci curiamo più di sapere che fine facciano le nostre informazioni personali.
D’altronde non si viene messi in condizione di scegliere del tutto liberamente. Tant’è che quando si vuole usufruire di un’applicazione si devono necessariamente accettare le condizioni di utilizzo, e talvolta questa è indispensabile a fini lavorativi o scolastici. Dunque, ogni volta ci troviamo di fronte allo stesso problema: accettare e lasciare che i nostri dati non siano più tali, o rinunciare ad utilizzare l’app, con tutti i suoi benefici, ma essere più protetti, almeno virtualmente.
Spostando l’attenzione su un altro problema di sicurezza, non si può non parlare dei cookie. I cookie, presenti su qualsiasi sito web, servono ad acquisire informazioni sulla navigazione in rete dell’utente. In questo modo gli sviluppatori riescono a creare un quadro più completo di ciò che interessa o meno al potenziale cliente. E fin qui sembra andare tutto bene, anche perché grazie ai cookie è possibile trovare con più facilità ciò di cui si ha bisogno.
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Foto acquisita tramite screenshot.
Tuttavia, è anche vero che vengono raccolti molti dati riguardo alle nostre abitudini di acquisto online, a cosa siamo interessati a leggere o a vedere. Non considerando il lato prettamente più “fastidioso”, di vedere saltar fuori continui pop-up di prodotti che potrebbero interessarci, il problema è che viene stilato un rapporto completo sulle nostre consuetudini, che potrebbe ritorcerci contro. Per questo sarebbe consigliabile disattivare i cookie, anche se questo vorrebbe dire rinunciare alla comodità di avere suggerimenti utili per i nostri acquisti e non solo.
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Protezione dati, modernizzata con Protocollo la Convenzione 108 del 1981 Protezione dati, modernizzata con Protocollo la Convenzione 108 del 1981. http://bit.ly/2rZDWdT #protezionedati #diritto
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Scuola: tra Privacy, DPO e Titolari del trattamento piomba sulla scuola la nuova complessa normativa
Scuola: tra Privacy, DPO e Titolari del trattamento piomba sulla scuola la nuova complessa normativa
Roma, 14 maggio 2018 – È una ennesima beffa per il mondo della scuola il nuovo codice della privacy, che abolisce in toto la vecchia normativa contenuta nelle disposizioni del DLGS 196 del 2003.
Siamo di fronte ad una svolta epocale in materia di protezione dei dati personali in quanto sono talmente significative le nuove indicazioni contenute nel regolamento europeo 679/2016che la vecchia norma…
View On WordPress
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telodogratis · 2 years
Garante Privacy, stop uso Google Analytics senza garanzie
Garante Privacy, stop uso Google Analytics senza garanzie
Read MoreDati trasferiti negli Usa senza adeguato livello di protezioneDati trasferiti negli Usa senza adeguato livello di protezioneRSS di – ANSA.it
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ingegner-abbattista · 5 years
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#gpdp #gdpr #privacy #garanteprivacy #protezionedati #protezionedatipersonali #datipersonali #fbi #fake — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/34QyoD2
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fabitalydesign-blog · 5 years
Privacy Policy
New Post has been published on https://www.fabitalydesign.com/en/privacy-policy/
Privacy Policy
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INFORMATION – Art.13 EU Regulation 2016/679
Fab Italy Design is committed to protecting and safeguarding the privacy of users of its site https://www.fabitalydesign.com; in fact, our technology is constantly evolving to ensure adequate levels of privacy, security and transparency.
This information explains how our company, in synergy with its Partners, is committed to protecting the information collected for the use of our products and services: this information confirms the commitment of Fab Italy Design to be transparent towards the User about the data he collects, how he uses them and how he shares them.
The purpose of this document is to provide the interested party with the necessary information so that he can express, if he deems it appropriate, explicit and informed consent to the treatments carried out. We hope to explain it in a clear and understandable way, but we will provide the contact details below to contact us in case of questions.
In general, any information or personal data that will be provided to Fab Italy Design through the Site, or that is collected in another way in the use of the services offered by Fab Italy Design (“services”), as better defined later, will be treated according to internationally recognized principles of lawfulness, correctness, transparency, purpose limitation and conservation, data minimization, accuracy, integrity and confidentiality.
This information was drafted on 10 February 2019; occasionally we may need to change it, also due to changes in the applicable legislation. To stay updated, we invite the interested party to regularly visit this section to gain knowledge of the most recent and updated version of the Information, in any case every registered user will be regularly informed of the changes made.
By using our services, you consent to the use of your data by us pursuant to this Privacy Policy.
A necessary note: if the interested party does not agree with this Privacy Policy, it is necessary to stop using our services.
Data Controller and Data Protection Officer
The data being processed
2.a. Name, contacts and other personal data
2.b. Data provided voluntarily by the interested party
2.c. Third-party data provided by the interested party
2.d. Navigation data
2.e. Cookie
Legal basis and mandatory or optional nature of the processing
Purpose of the processing
Recipients of personal data
Transfers of personal data
Treatment modalities
Storage of personal data
Social Media
Rights of the interested party
Data Controller and Data Protection Officer.
The data controller in relation to all personal data that is processed through the Site is Fab Italy Design, Corso Garibaldi, 267 / A – 98121 Messina, Italy (“Fab Italy Design”), which can be contacted at the following address:
The Data Protection Officer (DPO) can be contacted at the following address:
The data being processed.
The personal data processed through the Site are the following:
a. Name, contact details and other personal data
In the sections of the “Contact Us” or “Request Information” section, you will be asked to enter information such as the name of the contact person, the company name, telephone number, address and e-mail address. Furthermore, whenever the interested party participates in events whose registration takes place through the Site or communicates with Fab Italy Design through the contacts found on the Site, Fab Italy Design may collect the additional information that the interested party decides to provide.
b. Nominations
By registering to the section of the Website concerning the applications in Fab Italy Design, at https://www.fabitalydesign.com/en/contacts/work-with-us (“Work with us”), you will be asked to provide your personal data ( such as Name, Surname, Date of Birth, Address, telephone), and some professional or work details (training, educational qualifications, professional qualifications and desired workplace). The personal data provided for this purpose will be processed by Fab Italy Design as described in the specific information provided there.
c. Third-party data provided by the interested party
As already mentioned above, in some parts of the Site, it is allowed to insert text messages, visible to Fab Italy Design, which may contain (voluntarily or not) personal data of other people.
With respect to these hypotheses, the interested party must consider himself as the independent data controller, assuming all the legal obligations and responsibilities towards the “interested third parties”.
d. Navigation data
The computer systems and software procedures used to operate the Site acquire, by default, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This information is not collected to be associated with identified interested parties, but by their very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified. This category includes IP addresses, domain names of computers used by users who connect to the Site, addresses in URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) ​​notation, time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numeric code indicating the status of the response given by the server (success, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the operating system and the IT environment of the interested party. This data is used only to obtain anonymous statistical information on the use of the Site, to check its correct functioning, to provide the User with targeted advertising (for a complete explanation of these forms of use, see the cookie policy ), and to identify anomalies and / or abuses. To collect information, in aggregate form, on the number of users and on how they visit the site, Fab Italy Design uses, among others, the Google Analytics service, whose cookie policy can be viewed at:
and Google AdWords, whose Privacy policy is available at the following address:
e. Cookies
Information on the use of cookies is available in the Information:
Legal basis and mandatory or optional nature of the processing
The legal bases used by Fab Italy Design to process personal data, according to the purposes indicated in the following Article 4, are the following:
Service provision/fulfillment of contractual obligations: processing for this purpose is necessary for the execution of the contract signed between Fab Italy Design and the interested party and, therefore, to be able to provide the contractually agreed services. The provision of personal data for this purpose is not mandatory, but in the absence of this it will not be possible to provide any Service.
Legitimate main interest of the owner: the treatment is necessary to make checks and assessments on the results and on the progress of the contractual relationship, as well as on the risks connected to it (such as: truthfulness of the data provided, solvency even in the course of reporting and correct use of product and services).
Legal obligations: processing for this purpose is necessary for Fab Italy Design to fulfill any legal obligations. The personal data provided to Fab Italy Design, will be processed according to the applicable legislation, which could lead to their storage and communication to the Authorities in charge.
Promotional communications to its customers: the processing for this purpose is based on the legitimate interest of Fab Italy Design to transmit marketing communications regarding the integration of products and services already purchased by our customers or the promotion of similar products and services. The interested party may, at any time and free of charge, stop receiving these communications by writing to [email protected] and without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing in the period of validity of the same consent.
Legitimate main interest of the owner: the processing of our customers’ data, in this case, is necessary to improve the efficiency of products and services offered by Fab Italy Design. To this end, Fab Italy Design will be able to transmit questionnaires regarding the level of satisfaction and market surveys, make telephone calls or chat sessions; these questionnaires/market surveys in general will be designed to minimize the use of personal data.
Marketing: processing for this purpose is based solely on the consent of the interested party, which can be revoked at any time; The interested party may, at any time and free of charge, stop receiving these communications by writing to [email protected] and without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing in the period of validity of the same consent. In case of revocation Fab Italy Design will not proceed to make any further communication.
Purpose of the processing
Fab Italy Design will process the personal data provided by the Users only in the ways established in this Privacy Statement and in compliance with the laws in force. Personal data collected through the Site will be used for the following purposes:
Supply of the service/fulfillment of contractual obligations: for purposes concerning the execution of the obligations envisaged by the General Contract Conditions (www.fabitalydesign.com/en/contracts).
Legitimate main interest of the owner: for verifications and assessments on the results and on the progress of the relationship, as well as on the risks connected to it (such as: truthfulness of the data provided, solvency even during the relationship), to draw up statistics, in anonymous form, on services rendered and about access to sites and commercial information and participation in fairs, events, seminars and any other initiative aimed at promoting Fab Italy Design products and services; to prevent or detect any abuse of the Site or any fraudulent activity; to improve the quality of services rendered, by sending questionnaires, feedback on participation in events, recording of calls and chats.
Legal obligations to which the data controller is subject: for the fulfillment of the law and/or provisions of public bodies, which impose on Fab Italy Design the collection and/or further processing of certain types of personal data.
Sending promotional offers to its customers: to send, via e-mail, SMS, by phone, via banner, instant messaging, through an operator, via paper mail and through the official social pages of Fab Italy Design (RSS, Twitter, Facebook , LinkedIn and YouTube), marketing communications, promotions and personalized content, providing targeted advertising, concerning products and services similar to those that the Customer has already purchased.
Marketing: to send marketing communications, promotions and advertising to anyone who has previously expressed their consent, via e-mail, SMS, telephone, banner, instant messaging, through an operator, via paper mail and through social pages Fab Italy Design officers (RSS, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube), relating to the products and services of Systems and third parties.
In the cases referred to in points a), b), c), d) of this article, Fab Italy Design is authorized to process personal data pursuant to the applicable data protection regulations, without the need to collect a specific consent individual concerned. The processing for the purposes referred to in points a), b) and c) is necessary in order to provide the services and, therefore, for the execution of the contract itself. The provision of Data to Fab Italy Design for this purpose is not mandatory, but otherwise it will not be possible to provide any Service.
In relation to the purposes referred to in point d) the interested party may object to their processing at any time and free of charge: in the event of revocation, the interested party may not use the services specified above.
In the cases referred to in the previous point e) of the present article, Fab Italy Design will treat the data only after obtaining the consent from the interested party. The granting of consent, as better specified in the previous art. 3 “Legal basis and mandatory or optional nature of the processing”, is not mandatory, and where provided, the interested party is free to revoke it at any time without any consequence (except that of not being able to receive marketing communications). More information on the withdrawal of consent previously given is provided in Article 10 of this Notice.
Recipients of personal data
The personal data of the interested party may be destined to the subjects indicated below (“Recipients“):
Subjects that act as Partners: we work with our Partners throughout the Italian territory, who distribute or promote our products and services. This means that, according to defined criteria, these Partners have been enabled to view some lists of personal data necessary to render the service or to inform the Interested Party about Fab Italy Design initiatives; the names and contacts of these subjects are available by sending a specific request to the email address: [email protected]
Subjects that typically act as data controllers, that is: individuals, companies or professional offices that provide assistance and consulting to Fab Italy Design in accounting, administrative, legal, tax, financial, debt collection related to the provision of Services , of mailing advertising material or contractual communications, companies organizing training events, subjects providing services for web meetings and training web seminars; a complete list of all those responsible can be requested by contacting the email address: [email protected]
Subjects providing e-mail services (platforms for sending e-mails), delegated to manage also requests for cancellation submitted by users for processing purposes referred to in point 4, letters (d, (e;
Subjects delegated to carry out technical maintenance activities (including maintenance of network equipment and electronic communication networks);
Persons authorized by Fab Italy Design to process personal data necessary to carry out activities strictly related to the supply of products/services; a legal obligation of confidentiality applies to these persons;
Associated companies of the Group for administrative purposes;
Factoring companies, credit institutions, debt collection companies, credit insurance companies;
Professional orders or Training Institutions accredited with these Orders;
Competent subjects, bodies or Authorities to which it is mandatory to communicate personal data to fulfill legal obligations, to prevent abuse or fraud.
Transfers of personal data
For purposes related to the execution of the contract, some data could be communicated to recipients located outside the EU Economic Area.
Systems ensures that the processing of personal data by these recipients takes place in compliance with the applicable legislation. Indeed, transfers are made through adequate guarantees, such as adequacy decisions, Standard Contractual Clauses approved by the European Commission or other guarantees considered adequate. More information is available at Fab Italy Design by writing to the following address: [email protected]
The subjects to whom the data will be communicated will be appointed as Data Processors. A complete list of managers can be requested by contacting the e-mail address: [email protected]
Treatment modalities
The processing of personal data is carried out by means of the following operations: collection, registration, organization, storage, consultation, processing, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, blocking, communication, cancellation and destruction of data.
Personal data is processed both on paper and electronic and/or automated, using a cloud-hosted website managed by our company and located in Italy.
The data will be processed in such a way as to guarantee continuous security and confidentiality.
In accordance with European regulations and national data protection laws, Fab Italy Design has put in place specific procedures to prevent unauthorized access to data, their improper or illegal use, as well as to prevent destruction or loss even accidental data.
Only authorized personnel can access the data during the course of their work.
Storage of personal data
The personal data processed for the purpose of “Service Delivery/Contractual Fulfillment” will be kept for the time strictly necessary to achieve the aforementioned purpose. In any case, since these personal data are processed to provide the products/services, Fab Italy Design may retain them for a longer period, in particular as may be necessary in order to protect the interests of Fab Italy Design from possible responsibilities related to the supply .
Personal data processed for Marketing purposes will be kept by Fab Italy Design until the consent given by the interested party is revoked. Once the consent has been revoked, it will cease to use the data for these purposes, but may retain them in order to protect the interests of Fab Italy Design from the possible responsibilities based on such treatments.
Personal data processed for the purpose of sending promotional offers to customers will be kept by Fab Italy Design until the interested party does not object to the treatment by writing to [email protected]
The personal data processed for the purpose of fulfilling legal obligations will be kept by Fab Italy Design for the period provided for by specific legal obligations or by the applicable legislation.
The personal data processed in order to prevent abuse/fraud will be kept by Fab Italy Design for the time strictly necessary for the aforementioned purpose.
Social Media
Fab Italy Design uses social media for the purpose of communicating content relating to its products and services.
The sites of third parties which can be accessed through this website are not covered by this information. To consult the privacy policies of these social media, please visit the pages:
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/it/privacy
FACEBOOK: https://it-it.facebook.com/policy.php
LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policy?_l=it_IT
YOUTUBE: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=it&gl=it
Rights of the interested party
The interested party has the right to ask Fab Italy Design, at any time:
Access to their personal data, (and/or a copy of such personal data), as well as further information on the treatments in progress on them;
Correction or updating of personal data;
The cancellation of your personal data from the Fab Italy Design databases;
The limitation of the processing of personal data by Fab Italy Design;
The portability of data, ie to obtain in a structured format, commonly used and readable by an automatic device, a copy of your personal data provided to Fab Italy Design, or to request its transmission to another Owner;
Opposition to the processing of personal data;
Revocation of your consent for the intended purposes.
Fab Italy Design will provide the interested party with information relating to one or more of the actions taken as per the previous list without undue delay and, in any case, at the latest within one month of the request itself. This deadline may be extended by two months, taking into account the complexity and the number of requests, with consequent information to the interested party of this extension and the reasons for the delay, to be provided within one month of receipt of the request.
The interested party also has the right to lodge a complaint with the competent Control Authority (for Italy, the Privacy Guarantor, http://www.garanteprivacy.it), if it considers that the processing of your personal data is contrary to the legislation in force.
The exercise of the rights referred to in this article may be exercised by the interested party at the following email address: [email protected].
This Notice is effective as of May 22, 2018 Fab Italy Design reserves the right to modify or update it also due to possible regulatory changes or practices coming from the National Control Authority or from the European Data Protection Committee.
1) Personal information: any information concerning an identified or identifiable natural person (Interested); the identifiable natural person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, with particular reference to an identifier such as the name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or one or more characteristic elements of his physical identity, physiological, genetic, psychic, economic, cultural or social;
2) Treatment: any operation or set of operations, carried out with or without the aid of automated processes and applied to personal data or sets of personal data, such as the collection, registration, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or modification, extraction, consultation, use, communication by transmission, dissemination or any other form of provision, comparison or interconnection, limitation, cancellation or destruction;
3) Data controller:the natural or legal person, public authority, service or other body which, individually or together with others, determines the purposes and means of processing personal data; where the purposes and means of such processing are determined by Union or Member State law, the controller or the specific criteria applicable to his designation may be established by Union or Member State law;
4) Data processor: the natural or legal person, public authority, service or other body that processes personal data on behalf of the data controller;
5) Recipient: the natural or legal person, the public authority, the service or another body that receives communication of personal data, whether or not they are third parties. However, public authorities that can receive communication of personal data in the context of a specific investigation in accordance with Union or Member State law are not considered as recipients; the processing of such data by said public authorities is in compliance with the applicable data protection laws according to the purposes of the processing;
6) Third: the natural or legal person, the public authority, the service or other body that is not the interested party, the data controller, the data processor and the persons authorized to process personal data under the direct authority of the data controller or Responsible;
7) Consent of the interested party: any manifestation of free will, specific, informed and unambiguous of the interested party, with which the same expresses his/her assent, through unequivocal positive declaration or action, that the personal data concerning him/her are treated;
8) Violation of personal data: the security breach that accidentally or illegally involves the destruction, loss, modification, unauthorized disclosure or access to personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed;
9) Binding company rules: the policies regarding the protection of personal data applied by a data controller or Data Processor established in the territory of a Member State to the transfer or transfer of personal data to a controller or data processor in one or more countries third parties, in the context of an entrepreneurial group or group of companies which carries out a common economic activity;
10) Supervisory authority: the independent public authority established by a Member State pursuant to Article 51;
11) Control authority concerned: a Control Authority concerned with the processing of personal data as:
the data controller or data processor is established in the territory of the Member State of this supervisory authority;
the data subjects who reside in the Member State of the Control Authority are or are probably substantially influenced by the treatment; or
a complaint has been proposed to this supervisory authority.
12) Cross-border treatment:
a) processing of personal data that takes place in the context of the activities of establishments in more than one Member State of a data controller or Data Processor in the Union where the data controller or data processor is established in more than one Member State; or
b) processing of personal data that takes place in the context of the activities of a single establishment of a data controller or Data Processor in the Union, but which affects or is likely to substantially affect interested parties in more than one Member State.
13) Partner: the subject to which Fab Italy Design, on the basis of a signed contract, confers the quality and assignment of Fab Italy Design Dealer, and as such authorized to distribute, install and service Fab Italy Design products.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row]
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