nancylou444 · 5 years
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proudofsammy replied to your post “Oh no you did not dis Amara. YOU suck, Chuck.”
Chuck also rhymes with yuck
Fuck Chuck He suck He’s a big yuck Hope he gets hit by a truck
anybody want to add more?
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whiskeycherrypie · 5 years
Just saw your tags. Right? Like okay Dean was spilling the truth to Cas, but it's not like it's gonna last. If Cas was really leaving, we'd have gotten a whole ass episode dedicated to it involving Sam and Dean. When it's truly final, you KNOW it's final. People need to chill the f out.
i saw some whispers about fans being upset about the scene and being mad at dean, but then i saw it myself and i was like ? you can already see dean is starting to regret acting the way he did (props to jensen for acting it that way - still mad, but with that creeping edge of “did i go too far?”) and though i think he doesn’t have a reason to, it was all justified, it’s clear that his anger and passive aggresiveness will be punished later on again and he will wound up making up for it. that’s what annoyed me about the scene. he’s right and he’s justified but he’s gonna have to suck it up again.
and like, i know sam had his own worries there, but where’s he on this? i wanna know
either way, next episode will be most likely be just sam and dean on a monster of the week hunt, directed by jensen, possibly with more AU!sam and dean visions so i’m really excited for that. let’s this shit with seven thousand side characters lay low for a little while
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I talked to my sister about SPN today and I said "And Sam. What a..." and I started tearing up, so I've reached the point where Sam's very name invokes a weirdly emotional reaction. My sister just looked at me in understanding. In my literal house we love Sam Winchester 😂
Oh so understand this!  My heart stops and simultaneously beats faster (how is that possible?) whenever I see or hear Sam’s name outside of the show and social media.  So I totally get the “weirdly emotional reaction”, I don’t think a fictional character has affected me as much as Sam Winchester as.  I think by loving Sam I’m also loving myself and that makes me stronger, even if my knees gets weak at the thought of him :-)
Sam Winchester is...
Sam Winchester is beautiful.Sam Winchester is smart.Sam Winchester is funny.Sam Winchester is sarcastic.Sam Winchester has made mistakes.Sam Winchester cares about his family.Sam Winchester is understanding.Sam Winchester is patient.Sam Winchester is kind.Sam Winchester is trustworthy.Sam Winchester is HUMAN. 😍😍😍😍😍
Thank you for sharing your love for our dear Sam.
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🎅 Merry Christmas @proudofsammy 🎁
“I can’t let you do that, you know”
The sentence paused his movements, his hand halfway to the door.
“I know, but I gotta at least try,” Sam stated as he moved away from the bunker door, “He could be lost out there, or-or hurt or something! I have to at least try to look for him”
“He’ll call when he’s ready,” Dean hollered, trying to get him away from the door and further into the bunker, “But in the meantime, I got a new recipe that I think you’ll like, birthday boy!”
“Dean-“ Sam started to say, exasperated.
“Your boyfriend is fine Sam! He probably just… got lost or something. No need to organize fuckin… search parties or anything like that,” Dean said, moving towards the kitchen, “’Sides, it’ll do you two some good spending some time apart. Chuck only knows when the last time we actually spent some quality time together!”
Sam sighed, temporarily giving up.
“Fine! But if he’s out there sitting in a ditch or something, I get to tell you ‘I told you so!’”
“Dude- how old are you again?” Dean teased, successful in his mission of getting him to stay in the bunker.
Sam threw him Bitchface #2 the I-wanna-say-shut-up-but-I’m-more-mature-than-that look. Dean cackled as he walked into the kitchen, with Sam following right behind him.
“Alright, what did you make this time?” Sam said, trotting after Dean.
“Well, I got a new idea for a pie. I’m thinking of adding eggs and spinach and a couple other rabbit foods that you like, and then throwing that all in the oven. Sounds good, right?”
“Dean, that already has a name. It’s called a quiche.”
“Sounds made up.”
“It’s not!”
Dean threw Sam a doubtful look.
“It’s really not! Here – why don’t we go out and I’ll order one just to show you that they actually exist, and people really do eat them.”
“Sounds good with me. Hey, did you want to go and see if that restaurant off Main has one of your ‘quiches’?”
Sam nodded, “Yeah sure sounds good with me.”
Dean glanced over across the car, “Dude, are you still texting Cas? You realize if he didn’t respond the first time, he probably isn’t going to the next thousand times after that.”
Sam looked up, “Well I was actually texting Jack to see if he knows where he is, but he isn’t responding either. I hope they’re both alright.”
Dean rolled his eyes, “I’m sure they are both fine. Now will you stop paying attention to your phone and help me figure out where this place is? You’re the one who actually knows where it’s at!”
“Dude- seriously? Turn left here and it’s literally right in front of us.”
“Oh shut up.”
Dean pulled the car into the first available spot that was available. As soon as he did that, his phone chimed from seat where it was sitting next to him.
Sam started reaching for it, “Did you want me to-“
“NO, no I got it.” Dean snatched it from where it was only inches away from the outreached hand.
“Oka-ay?” Sam said worriedly as he looked at his brother oddly, “You expecting a text from a special someone or something like that?”
“Something like that” Dean said, vaguely.
“Okay then. Well, the place looks pretty well emptied out. That’s weird, usually it’s pretty busy this time in the day.”
“Huh,” Dean said distractedly, “Yeah, weird,” He put his phone into his pocket, “Alright, ready to head inside?”
“Yeah sure,” Sam replied, still looking at his brother oddly, “You realize you aren’t doing a very good job of being secretive, right?”
Dean started getting out of the car, “What are you talking about? I’m great at keeping secrets! Like the one time that you and Cas were doing the horizontal tango and Jack almost walked in and I had to tell him that you two were sleeping and not in the fun way either!”
“Wait a minute. Jack almost walked in on us?!”  
“Yeah see! I’m great at keeping secrets!”
“Dude,” Sam said, getting out of the car and heading towards the diner, “You really aren’t. And- hey isn’t that Cas’ truck? Is he meeting us here or something?”
“Yeah- or something,” Dean agreed nodding, “Why don’t you go inside and see if he’s in there? And if he’s not then can you get us a table? I gotta make a call really quick.”
“Yeah sure. I’ll just… go inside then.”
Sam opened the door to the diner, the bell on the upper corner jingling merrily. He looked up, just in time to see arms coming straight at him. He flinched backwards, his back hitting the door behind him. Trench coat covered arms wrapped tightly around his torso.  
“C-Cas?” Sam stuttered.
Warm blue eyes gazed warmly up at him.
“Hello Sam.”
“Cas- what?”  
Cas nodded his head towards the far corner, “There’s someone waiting to meet you.”
Cas released him just as another body slammed into Sam.
“J-Jack? What- what is this?” Sam stuttered.
“It’s your birthday and I discovered that it is customary to celebrate the day with family and friends. So, I called Dean and Cas and we came up with a surprise birthday celebration. Is it… is it alright?”
Sam hugs Jack tightly against his body, “Jack, this is perfect. Thank you so much.”
Cas was standing off to the side, looking at the two of them with a fond look on his face. He sided up next to Sam and hugged the both of them tightly.
The door opened again, and Dean stepped through. He rolled his eyes at the sight of the three of them wrapped up in each other, “Not again,” he murmured under his breath.
Later that night, Cas laid curled around Sam in their bed, “Thank you so much for today. It was amazing.”
“Jack did all the work,” Cas replied, “I just nudged him in the right direction a couple of times.”
“Still, just being surprised on my birthday was amazing. I love you.”
Cas nuzzled into Sam’s neck and gave him a chaste kiss on the cheek, “Mm… Love you too.”
A warm weight settled over the both of them, reminding Sam that there was someone protecting and caring for him as much as he protects and cares for other people.
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amandaleepanda · 5 years
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proudofsammy replied to your post: So on top of barely spending any time with his...
I think it’s another breakdown and this is so not good
It’s starting to look like that. I know people are blaming the show ending, but this has been going on since before they decided to end the show. Hopefully if he has another breakdown, he’ll have support from family this time, and the story won’t be sold to magazines. 
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nancyloumm · 5 years
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@proudofsammy Putting this here for obvious reasons. 😁
That’s what I heard, that there are similarities but a lot more differences. Oh yes, she had NO say in the show and that is why it was so much better than the movie version. 
I do believe it was Jace that shared the rune with Jonathan in the book, but it made sense for Clary in the show. 
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But the ending does leave it open for season 4 to happen. 
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theythemsam · 5 years
me: No fears. SPN: "Sam Winchester is the one who will kill Rowena". Me; One fear.
the promo is like: Hewwo naughty children, it’s anxiety time.
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szczepter · 5 years
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proudofsammy replied to your post: “#great! I can plan my breakdowns :D" asdfghjkl what a mood”:
Whatever happens in the finale, one thing is guaranteed: We're going to be a mess.
oh definitely! me especially cos im a faucet and spn just opens my waterworks xD
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p0ssyum · 5 years
Mood. I too was chanting 'sastiel' this episode
i was Very Happy to see my favorite married couple working together again
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kananjarus · 5 years
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@nonsimplex ah thank you so much!!! i will read asap
@proudofsammy yikes......i can’t believe i had no idea until now. i really trusted cevans on this one and his stupid beautiful face. what a shame
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nancylou444 · 5 years
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proudofsammy replied to your post “superjacknougatboii replied to your post “superjacknougatboii...”
My issue with Castiel is from a writer's standpoint like "If this character has no purpose in this particular scene then WHY use this character?" and another issue is the issue I have with Misha. Also why keep changing the character's abilities. Stick to the abilities until the PLOT does something else with them rather than change it from one point to another. Ever since angels have been introduced into the show, they've written themselves into a corner, because Angels  are supposed to be badass warriors, and yet they've watered them down to  make sure they don't break the plot... And yet the plot is broken anyway. Because there are some things they can't let go of. Gadreel was my favourite angel. He was there when the plot deemed his presence necessary. Same with Rowena.
Exactly, which is why Castiel had to keep losing his powers over the seasons. IF he was too powerful, then Sam and Dean were never in real danger because he would always be able to get them somewhere safe. 
Of course, when he’s powerless, he brings nothing to the table. Which is why he should have been gone a long time ago. And why having ANGELS in general still be around just got more stupid as the seasons went by. 
Kripke should have stuck to his original plan and kept angels out of the show. 
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karikatz12481 · 5 years
Following you is quite possibly the best thing I've done in a long time on here. Much more positive Dean posts now, bless :)
Thank you. This means the world to me. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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klowhispers · 5 years
You know you give off the energy of Nina Zenik from Six of Crows. I don't know why, but sometimes I catch myself imagining her in your place whenever I see you talk on here.
ooooh okay 💕 i haven't read the books but i know about it and her! wow thank you for saying that 🖤💋
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sonikkuruzu · 6 years
"That one idiot who accidentally referred to Sam Winchester as her wife :/" Honestly, that's a mood
It was an accident and it stuck. I still don’t know I called him my wife instead of my husband.
I see people calling him their son but he can’t be my son because he’s 13 years older than me.
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casquecest · 5 years
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proudofsammy replied to your post: So what does everyone use for livestreams of...
It did I was just looking the wrong place. But this one keeps interrupting me, so I’m gonna go to sleep and then download the episode tomorrow
I had to click round cause Ch 6 was just shooting me ads.  Ch 4 I got video, but no audio.  Ch 1 seems to be it
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theythemsam · 5 years
I love how most of the fandom agrees that that was the one scene that truly was Good.
listen, this episode was a steaming mess but literally everything about this scene was perfect. I think they made a deal that they could either have one mediocre episode or a really terribly one but exactly one good scene in there and tbh I actually enjoy they went with this, bc hot damn, what a good frigging scene. 
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